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IndusIry FacIs and F|gures:
ho||yWood om|naI|on:
AIIendance emograph|c |n 8&0anada:
V|acom18 |s lhe l||sl Slud|o Node| based mol|ou p|clu|es |u lud|a w|lh au ope|al|ou lhal |uvo|ves p|oducl|ou, acqu|s|l|ou,
syud|cal|ou, ma||el|ug aud wo|dw|de d|sl||bul|ou ol lu|| |euglh lealu|e l||ms .
P|ouee|ed lhe Na||el|ug |u Nov|es
Au ave|age s|ale ol 1O l||ms pe| yea|
A|| p|ojecls a|e ca|elu||y se|ecled bas|s |us|ghls aud l|eshuess.
lud|a lhe |a|gesl p|oduce| ol Nov|es
Ave|age l|c|el p||ce Rs. 15O
Rough|y a|ouud 12OO Nov|es pe| yea|
S|/e ol lhe ludusl|y |u 2O11 |s ove| 9O b||||ou
P|ojecl lo be 15O b||||ou |u 2O1G
lud|au c|uema accouuls lo| jusl 7 ol g|oba| |eveuues
GOO mov|es pe| yea|
Ave|age l|c|el p||ce |s 1O-12
Nosl e/peus|ve l||m |s Sp|de| Nau 8 al a cosl ol 258 mu
Avala|s C0P was 287 mu
Bo||ywood made a |eveuue ol $1.75 b||||ou |u 2OOG (esl|maled lo ||se lo $8 -5 B||||ou |u 2O1G) wh|ch |s ou|y ha|l lhe |eveuue
ol whal oue ho||ywood slud|o, wa|l |suey made |u 2OOGaud lhal |s say|ug a |ol.
A|lhough ho||ywood p|oduces ou|y a l|acl|ou ol lhe uumbe| ol l||ms made a|| ove| lhe wo||d, |l ga|ue|s a slagge||ug 75 ol
lola| |eveuues.
lu 2O12, lhe uumbe| ol l|equeul mov|egoe|s who weul lo lhe c|uema ouce a moulh o| mo|e |uc|eased |u uea||y eve|y
age g|oup, |uc|ud|ug lhe |a|gesl l|equeul mov|ego|ug age g|oups (18-24 yea| o|ds aud 25-89 yea| o|ds), bul a|so
lf0M18 f!I !I00T
uolab|y |u lhe 4O-49age g|oup, wh|ch had 5.8m||||ou l|equeul mov|egoe|s |u 2O12, compa|ed lo 8.8m||||ou |u 2O11.
The |uc|ease |u youuge| l|equeul mov|egoe|s (lhose |u lhe 18-24 aud 25-89 calego||es) may be pa|l ol a |ouge| le|m
l|eud, wh||e lhe |uc|ease |u o|de| l|equeul mov|egoe|s seems mo|e d||veu by 2O12bo/ oll|ce l|l|es.
hou-sla| veh|c|es lace cha||euge lo| opeu|ug
h|gh depeudeuce ol lewe| |eveuues domesl|c + sale||le
0ve|seas ma||el ho|ds ve|y ||ll|e poleul|a| lo| uou-sla| mov|es
home V|deo / Nus|c ve|y |ow as sh|ll lo d|g|la| med|um
Compel|l|ou l|om olhe| lo|ms ol eule|la|umeul |||e c||c|el |u lud|a aud Supe| Bow| |u Ame||ca
|oba||y, olhe| lo|ms ol eule|la|umeul p|o||le|ale cho|ce
Nu|l|p|e opl|ous ou TV aud uew couleul has posed a cha||euge lo| aud|euce accumu|al|ou
Budgela|y cousl|a|uls pose a b|g cha||euge
Bo||ywood speuds a|ouud 1O ol lhe Budgels ou Na||el|ug
ho||ywood speuds a|ouud 4O-5O ou Na||el|ug
Lauguage ba|||e|, appea|s lo ou|y lhe lud|au d|aspo|a
Pe|c|eved |ac| ol couleul as compa|ed lo ho||ywood mov|es
Bo||ywood mov|es pe|c|eved as |ess |ule|||geul
Bo||ywood l||ms pe|c|eved as |euglhy
P||acy lhe b|ggesl lh|eal lo |udusl|y |eveuues
R|s|ug med|a |ul|al|ou, w|lh aud|euce l|agmeulal|ou, aud g|ow|ug c|ulle| ol adve|l|se|s, ma||ug |l d|ll|cu|l lo| ma||el|ug
h|ud| l||ms hav|ug a ve|y ||m|led appea| ou|y lhe d|aspo|a, ||m|l|ug lhe |eveuue
Vo|al||e lo|e/ ma||el |ead|ug lo ||s|ug cosl
h|gh|y l|agmeuled aud|euce |u g|oba| ma||els
Tasle be|ug l|/ed, |l's a b|g cha||euge lo peuel|ale
B|g sla| casl mov|es gel lhe besl |eveuue ol 8-5 N||||ou
ho sla| casl mov|es ha|d|y ga|ue| |eveuue ol 1 N||||ou
Bo||ywood's sha|e |u lhe g|oba| mov|e ma||el ve|y |ow
lud|au l||ms |e|eased g|oba||y a|e a|ouud 8O-1OO |uc|ud|ug |eg|oua|
Bo||ywood wou|d cousl|lue a|ouud GO Nov|es
lo| lhe |asl 2 yea|s , lhe|e has beeu a sh|ll sma|| budgel mov|es |||e Kahaau|, V|c|y ouo|, augs ol wasseypu|, elc.
have ga|ued p|om|ueuce |u |oba| Na||els
These l||ms ga|ue|ed 1-2 Nu, wh|ch |s |obusl |oo||ug al lhe sla| casl
Sma|| l||ms |||e above , wh|ch have g|eal couleul have beeu subl|l|ed aud |e|eased |u ma|usl|eam g|oba| ma||els
Sla| casl l||ms usua||y |e|ease |u 8OO-5OO sc|eeus
key 0ha||enges |oba||y Ior 8o||yWood:
Nar|eI|ng 0ha||enges:
0ha||enges |n Nov|e 8us|ness:
InIernaI|ona| 0ha||enges:
|sIr|buI|on 8cenar|o |n |oba| Nar|eIs:
lf0M18 f!I !I00T
lf0M18 f!I !I00T
Sma|| budgel, dev|od ol sla| casl wou|d be 5O-15O sc|eeus
Nouel|sal|ou |s ve|y hea|lhy |u g|oba| ma||els as lhe paymeul |s p|ompl, Slud|os gel lhe Nouey |u GO days
Sl||ugeul Ceuso| |equ||emeuls al l|mes p|ove del||meula| lowa|ds g|oba| co||ecl|ous
|g|l|sal|ou has l|emeudous|y he|ped |u sca||ug cosl dowuwa|ds
P||ma|y objecl|ve |s lo de||ve| a Bus|uess aud Na||el|ug P|au lo| Bo||ywood l||ms g|oba||y .
The P|ojecl a|ms al d||v|ug loolla||s lo sc|eeus aud lhe|eby by |uc|eas|ug Aud|euce s|/e, wh|ch w||| |mpacl |eveuue .
how do we couuecl w|lh cousume|s, ma|e lhem pa|l|c|pal|ve aud eugage lhem
whal lype ol med|a wou|d be lhe mosl ell|c|eul aud whal a|e lhe besl ava||ab|e oppo|luu|les lo hoo| lhe cousume|
Bo||ywood l||ms have ||m|led appea| how cou|d we |uc|ease lh|s base ol aud|euce
we ueed comp|ele uude|slaud|ug ol lhe aud|euce walch|ug Bo||ywood l||ms g|oba||y. ( Secouda|y dala )
how cou|d we |uc|ease lhe|| cousumpl|ou? ( Repeal + hew aud|euce base )
Sludy successlu| l||ms ove|seas aud come oul w|lh |ea|u|ugs l|omlhemaud suggesl lhe way lo|wa|d lo belle| oulcome
Aud|euce cousumpl|ou Ned|a aud lhe |ul|ueuce Ned|a cau have lo p|ope| loolla||s
ludusl|y |esea|ch aud g|owlh p|ed|cl|ous
Couleul |esea|ch, auy spec|l|c couleul wou|d wo|| belle|
Re|ease w|udowcha||euges, |l a N|ss|ou lmposs|b|e c|ashes w|lh dale, lheu cauu|b|||sal|ou wou|d damage |eveuue
Sl|aleg|c p|au lo| |uc|eas|ug aud|euce sha|e lo| bo||ywood l||ms
P|au shou|d cove| lhe who|e gamul ol Na||el|ug N|/
P|au shou|d |ud|cale lhe quaulal|ve laclo|s ol cause aud ellecl ou Na||el|ug aud 0ve|a|| bus|uess
how shou|d lhe g|ow|ug d|g|la| med|a be cap|la||sed aud g|owlh ol lechuo|gy be |eve|aged lo| Adve|l|s|ug?
Sw0T ol bo||ywood l||ms |u g|oba| ma||els
Segmeulal|ou ol lud|au l||ms w|lh ma/|mum |eveuue poleul|a| lh|ough aud|euce agg|ome|al|ou
N|. Ramaswamy Raugalhau, Na||el|ug Nauage| |amaswamy.|augalhau@v|acom18.com
The bjecI|ve oI Ih|s 8Iudy:
esearch NeIhodo|gy:
es|red uIcome:

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