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Sri Brahma Samhita Narrated by Amal Bhakta dsa (64kbps) The Brahma Samhita is a Sanskrit Pancaratra text, composed

of verses of prayer spoken by Brahma glorifying the supreme Lord Krishna or Govinda at the beginning of creation !t is revered "ithin Gaudiya #aishnavism, "hose founder, $haitanya %ahaprabhu &'()*'+,(-, re.discovered a part of the "ork, the */ verses of $hapter +, at the 0dikeshav Temple in Thiruvattur, Kerala, Southern !ndia in the '*th $entury "hich had previously been lost for a fe" centuries The text contains a highly esoteric description, "ith the Kama.Gayatri, of Krishna in 1is abode Goloka The text "as first translated from Sanskrit into 2nglish by Bhaktisiddhanta Saras"ati Thakur in '3,/ and is often sung or recited as a both devotional and philosophical text 41ymns of Brahma5 "ere recited or sung countless millennia ago by the first created being in the universe, 6ust prior to the act of creation The text surfaced and entered calculable history early in the sixteenth century, "hen it "as discovered by a pilgrim exploring the manuscript library of an ancient temple in "hat is no" Kerala State in south !ndia Prior to the introduction of the printing press, texts like Brahma.samhita existed only in manuscript form, painstakingly hand"ritten by scribes and kept under brahminical custodianship in temples, "here often they "ere "orshiped as shastra . 7eity, or God incarnate in holy scripture Sri $haitanya found 4one chapter of the Brahma.samhita 5 &8hat "e no" have as Brahma.samhita is, according to tradition, only one of a hundred chapters composing an epic "ork lost to humanity - 9pon discovering the manuscript, Sri $haitanya felt great ecstasy and fell into an intense mystic rapture that overflo"ed onto the physical realm, producing a profusion of tears, trembling, and perspiration The Brahma.samhita:s account of Lord Brahma:s enlightenment is ;uite interesting and can be summari<ed here 8hen Lord Garbhodakashayi #ishnu desires to recreate the universe, a divine golden lotus flo"er gro"s from his navel, and Brahma is born from the lotus 0s he is not born from parents, Brahma is kno"n as Svayambhu, 4self.existent5 or 4unoriginated 5 9pon his emergence from the lotus, Lord Brahma beginsin preparation for his role as secondary creatorto contemplate the act of cosmic creation but, seeing only darkness about, is be"ildered in the performance of his duty Sarasvati, the goddess of learning, appears before him and instructs him to meditate upon the kama.bi6a mantra, promising that this mantra 4"ill assuredly fulfill your hearts desire 5

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