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Wu 1

!"#$%&' )*+, -./012. +3 4 +5 "67

-./012. +3, 89:9;9<=09>? =?@ 907 697/>?0.?07
A>2;@ B.=/., C.27=9;;.7 +D+D
o In }anuaiy 1919, victois of the wai conveneu at veisailles, Fiance to
negotiate peace with anu ueciue the fate of ueimany. This is the most
impoitant of the five peace confeiences (one foi each of the Cential powei)
that weie helu post-wai. (Page 71S)
o Belegates baseu many of theii iueas on the "Fouiteen Points" ueviseu by
Piesiuent Woouiow Wilson, who insisteu that Euiopean boiueis shoulu be
ieuiawn accoiuing to the piinciple of "self-ueteimination of nations" anu
that a League of Nations shoulu be installeu to negotiate futuie conflicts.
(Page 71S; viueo The Wilson-Lenin Noment)
o Woouiow Wilson's iueals weie not implement. At the enu of the negotiation,
the Fiench subjecteu ueimany to a punitive tieaty against the objection of
the Ameiicans anu Biitish. ueimany was maue to pay iepaiations anu its
colonies weie uiviueu up among the Fiench, the Belgians anu the South
Afiicans, eviuently ignoiing the piinciple of self-ueteimination. (Page 71S)
o Iionically, the 0niteu States Senate kept 0.S. out of the League of Nations uue
to a iesuigence of isolationism. (Page 716; viueo The Wilson-Lenin Noment)
o The goal was to uevise a new global system, staiting with the economy (how
to iestoie the golu system.). The costly wai plungeu the woilu into ueficits
anu uebts. The meeting was also inteiesteu in uismantling the olu empiies,
which weie wai-seeking. Bemociacy was the new system of nationhoou that
guaianteeu peace. This goal leu to the cieation of the manuate system
(piotectoiate). (viueo Woilu Peace)
E>F? G=H?=2@ I.H?.7
o A Biitish economist, }ohn Naynaiu Keynes publisheu !"# %#&#'() !"#*'+ *,
-./)*+.#&01 2&0#'#301 (&4 5*&#+, in which he aigueu that state inteivention
was neeueu to iegulate the economy, since the maiket coulu not always
aujust to meet equilibiium. Thus, state stimulation was neeueu to inciease
money supply anu to cieate jobs. The "Keynesian Revolution" is a iesponse to
the uieat Bepiession, uuiing which the piinciples of the laissez-faiie
economic libeialism weie ieevaluateu anu ciiticizeu. (Page 721)
I9J12= I>J=K> L+553 M +D5*N
o An eaily feminist, Komako Kimuia was a piominent }apanese suffiagist who
stuuieu in New Yoik. Following the enu of the wai, many women like
Komako became incieasingly inteiesteu in gaining the vote anu uemanueu
political paiticipation, believing that the piinciples celebiateu by the
libeiatois of the woilu shoulu apply to women as well (if they weie ieally so
univeisal). This phenomenon quickly tuineu into a iesistance movement that
affecteu Ameiica, }apan anu Biitain. (viueo: Biscontents)
"?0.2?=09>?=; 8>1?/9; >O P.2;9?Q +D*R
o The Inteinational Council of Women conveneu in Beilin in 19u4. It was the
fiist inteinational oiganization of women suffiagists, uemonstiating that
Wu 2
such political movement was tianscenuing national boiueis. (viueo:
G=S A.T.2 L+5UR M +D)*N
o A ueiman sociologist, philosophei anu political economist, Nax Web is often
consiueieu to be among the thiee founuing fatheis of sociology (the othei
two being Emile Buikheim anu Kail Naix). Bis iueologies captuieu the
anxieties of moueinism. Be aigueu that moueinism subjecteu human beings
to ubiquitous iule, ioutines, enfoiceu punctuality, minuless toil, anu
uisenchantment with eveiyuay life. Be also believeu that being a consumei in
mass society woulu leau to losing one's soul anu woulu builu a uystopia in
which machines aie uisguiseu as men. (viueo Question Reason)
#9VJ1?@ W2.1@ L+5XU M +DYDN
o A physician in vienna who woulu latei be known as the Fathei of Psychology,
Sigmunu Fieuu publisheu !"# 2&0#'/'#0(06*& *, 7'#(.3, in which he
emphasizeu the powei of sexual uiives in the foimation of inuiviuual
chaiactei. Bis iueology is a significant example of expeiimental thinking
shapeu by tuin-of-centuiy anxietiesthe iise of moueinism. (Page 69u)
o Fieuu aigueu that since human beings aie uiiven by sexual uesiies (uniuly
passion), they aie unable to have tiue ieasoning ability. Be ueviseu a system
in which he analyzeu human behavioi by unueistanuing the unconscious
minu. (viueo Questioning Reason)
8.7=2. ->JT2>7> L+5YX M +D*DN
o An Italian ciiminologist, Cesaie Lombioso chaiacteiizeu women as a thieat
to society, believing that they weie most vulneiable to temptation anu
coiiuption. Be wiote a pamphlet that linkeu uelinquency to women anu sex.
(viueo Questioning Reason)
E>7Z "?V.?9.2>7 L+533 M +D)XN
o Founuei of Aigentine Sociology, }os Ingenieios was conceineu about how
immigiants (especially those fiom Neuiteiianean) to Aigentina weie iuining
the iacial mixtuie of the Aigentine Republic. (viueo Anxieties of Race)
W.2??@> %20[< L+55+ M +DUDN
o Founuei of Cuban Anthiopology, Feinnuo 0itiz was conceineu about the
pioblem of inteiiacial mixtuie in Cuba. Be was ueeply affecteu by iacializeu
ciiminology, which believeu that iacial BNA encoueu behavioi. (viueo
Anxieties of Race)
E=?. \@@=J7 L+5U* M +DYXN
o Leauing a housing movement in Chicago, }ane Auuams aigueu foi impioving
the housing conuitions of the have-nots, auvocating that the impoveiisheu
shoulu be lifteu out of theii squaliu conuitions. (viueo Anxieties of Race)
]1V.?. 6.T7 L+5XX M +D)UN
o An Ameiican 0nion Leauei, Eugene Bebs was one of the founuing membeis
of the Inuustiial Woikeis of the Woilu (IWW oi the Wobblies). (Wikipeuia)
'171O \K^12= L@_ +DYXN
o Yusuf Akuia was a piominent Tatai activist anu iueologue of Tuianism in
the late 0ttoman Empiie. (Wikipeuia)
Wu S
P=;O>12 6./;=2=09>? +D+3
o A lettei penneu by Loiu Aithui }. Balfoui, a Biitish foieign secietaiy, the
Balfoui Beclaiation piomiseu a homelanu foi the }ews in Palestine, which
was a pait of the uismantleu 0ttoman Empiie. The lettei eniageu local
Nuslim anu Chiistian communities, who weie not thiilleu about having a
}ewish piesence foiceu upon them. It leu to the uieat Aiab Revolt of 19S6-9.
(viueo Contesting the Peace, Nuslim Woilu)
G=F=0J= `F=?@9 L+5UD M +DR5N
o uhanui, like Webei, was against the mateiialism of moueinism. Benial of
woiluly possessions was manifesteu by his mouest clothing, which he maue
himself. Be aigueu foi going back to self-sufficiency. (viueo Questioning
o Leauei of passive iesistance against Biitish iule in Inuia. (viueo Woilu
o Leu an epic maich to Aiabia Sea in piotest to salt tax. It became a mouel of
civil uisobeuience anu a sign of self-ueteimination. (viueo Contesting the
Peace, Inuia)
W2>J $>0=; A=2 0> "?@17029=; A=2
o Woilu Wai I Combatants
! Total: 6S million
! Russia: 1S million
! ueimany: 1u.6 million
! Fiance: 8 million
! Biitain: S.2S million
o Woilu Wai I Casualties
! Total: S7 million
! Beau: 9 million
! Wounueu: 2u million
! PiisoneiNissing: 8 million
o Although all nations suffeieu, Russia was most seveiely affecteu, since its
economy was unable to sustain wai effoits. In the enu, Ameiica anu }apan
emeigeu as new global supeipoweis. (viueo Woilu Wais)

-./012. +5, A>2;@7 =0 A=2
A>>@2>a A9;7>?
o Piesiuent of the 0niteu States, Woouiow Wilson was one of the peacemakeis
piesent at the confeience helu at veisailles in 1919. Boping to enu all wais in
a new woilu system, he piesenteu the iuea of "Fouiteen Points" to the
uelegates, but his iuealism was met with many uifficulties in execution. (Page
o Wilson was genius in uiawing inspiiation fiom Lenin's mouel in his
"Fouiteen Points", which emphasizeu self-ueteimination, open tiauetieaty,
anu libeial uemociacy. (viueo The Wilson-Lenin Noment)
o Foimei colonies, which weie ueemeu unfit to self-ueteimination at the
moment, weie maue into piotectoiate manuates of winning nations. This
Wu 4
woulu leau to about Su yeais of waifaie aiounu the woilu. (viueo The
Wilson-Lenin Noment)
C;=@9J92 ";9/F -.?9? L+53* M +D)RN
o Leauei of the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin calleu foi peace, justice anu
fieeuom, visualizing a socialist utopia foi eveiyone to enu all wais. Be aigueu
that theie woulu be peace only if eveiyone was to benefit fiom the new
system. Be suppoiteu self-ueteimination, which he aigueu coulu not be
founu in capitalism anu impeiialism. Thus, to Lenin, the fieeuom of colonies
was a conuition to uuiable woilu peace, so his iueals weie immensely to
colonial people. (viueo The Wilson-Lenin Noment)
o Both Wilson anu Lenin iueals poseu a thieat to the olu system that helu the
woilu togethei befoie the wai.
E>F? G=H?=2@ I.H?.7
o Appalleu by what he saw at the peace uelegation, Keynes wiote 0"# -8*&*.68
9*&3#:;#&8#3 *, <#(8#, in which he aigueu that the winneis pusheu the loseis
too haiu anu weie planting the seeus of futuie conflicts. (viueo Contesting
the Peace, Inuia; Castles on Sanu Economy in Collapse)
o Be ciiticizeu Biitish effoit to iestoie the golu system, which he claimeu was
not sufficient to suppoit the woilu economy aftei wai. This woulu latei cause
the uieat Bepiession. (viueo Castles on Sanu Economy in Collapse)
6=:9@ -;>H@ `.>2V. L+5UY M +DRXN
o Piime Ninistei of Biitain, Baviu Lloyu ueoige was a majoi playei at the
peace confeience at veisailles in 1919 that iestiuctuieu Euiopean aftei
WWI. Be is iegaiueu as the founuei of Biitish welfaie state. (Wikipeuia)
\J2907=2 G=77=/2. L+D+DN
o Biitish ueneial Reginalu Byei oiueieu to attack civilian uemonstiatois in
Inuia, killing Suu anu injuiing 1uuu. Be latei uefenueu his action as
suppiessing militaiy iebellion. This was one of the gieat events of Biitish
oppiession to Inuia. (viueo Contesting the Peace, Inuia)
`.?.2=; &.V9?=;@ 6H.2 L+5UR M +D)3N
o The Biitish ueneial who was iesponsible foi the Amiitsai Nassacie. Be
iefuseu to help the wounueu to the hospital anu claimeu that he was
suppiessing a militaiy iebellion when he was actually attacking civilians.
(viueo Contesting the Peace, Inuia)
I2.@90 \?70=;@0 LC9.??= P=?KN
o The collapse of this ancient vienna Bank leu to the spieau of bank iun acioss
the woilu. The cential Euiopean banking system collapseu. By 19S1, eveiy
nation uefecteu fiom golu stanuaiu anu in 19SS Ameiica uiu as well. The
uieat Bepiession woulu ensue. (viueo Castles on Sanu Economy in Collapse)
#J>>0M!=a;.H $=29OO +DY*
o Beviseu by senatois Reeu Smoot anu Willis Bawley, the Smoot-Bawley taiiff
slappeu tax on ovei 2u,uuu impoiteu goous. 0vei 1uuu economists
piotesteu. Piotectionism only maue things woise anu the woilu economy
eventually collapseu. (viueo Castles on Sanu Economy in Collapse)
%00=a= \V2..J.?07 L+DY)N
Wu S
o Belu in August of 19S2 in 0ttawa, a confeience of Biitish colonies uiscusseu
the uieat Bepiession anu aumitteu the failuie of the golu stanuaiu. The
0ttawa Agieements weie tiaue agieements pioviuing foi mutual taiiff
concessions anu ceitain othei commitments. (Wikipeuia)
+DY)Q 02=@. 9? G=?1b7 >?;H U*c :=;1. >O +D)D
o Biamatic uecline of manufactuieu goous; shiinkage of inuustiial economy;
uisconnect between tiauing nations; collapse of the global economy.
o "?@17029=; %10d10 =7 = 7F=2. >O +D)D %10d10
! 0niteu States: 46%
! ueimany: 42%
! Canaua: 42%
! Fiance: S1%
! Biitain: 17%
o A>2;@ "?0.2?=09>?=; B2>@1/09>? 9?,
! Piouucei uoous - S1%
! Consumei uoous - 71%

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