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Suggested Research Projects for BIT

Dr. Gordon Pickett Visiting Research Professor, BIT July 9th, 2 ! Carbon Capture and Sequestration Methods ". #$uatic #lgae a. %sta&lish a 'yste(s %ngineering #))roach for #lgae *ar&on *a)ture and Bio+,uel -ar.esting i. 'ee the acco()anying attach(ent for a (ore co()lete descri)tion &. Identify ro&ust, high oil content algae strains i. %/)lore i()ro.e(ents through Genetic 0odification ii. Deter(ine 1&est2 co(&ination of nutrients for enhancing gro3th ". %/a()les4 3ater che(istry, *52, iron, etc. c. Generate design technologies for a))lication to effecti.e &io+ reactors i. 1#rea2 fi&er o)tics syste(s 3ith Glo3 Plates d. De.elo) effecti.e har.esting )rocesses i. %/)lore ro&otic techni$ues e. *onduct scala&ility studies 3ith goal to retro fit Po3er Generation ,acilities i. ,or e/a()le, )aralleli6ation of self contained &io+ reactors f. Bio+,uel7-ydrogen )rocessing fro( #lgae i. De.elo) )re+)rocessing syste(s ii. De.elo) oil e/traction (ethods iii. De.elo) effecti.e oil )rocessing and storage (ethods 2. 8and Based 9atural #))roaches a. Generate science+&ased nu(erical (odels and conduct critical e/)eri(ents for se$uestration using4 i. Peat lands ii. 'edi(ents in 3etlands, ri.ers and lakes iii. Vigorously gro3ing forests i.. Dis)osal of )lant )roduce in o/ygen+)oor en.iron(ents :. *52 #&sor&ing 0aterials

a. 0etal organic fra(e3orks &. ;eolites c. *he(ically reacting (aterials Direct combustion of Biomass ". ,orced air con.ection &io(ass incineration a. De.elo) syste(s that co(&ust at high te()eratures and tra) )articulates i. 0odifies )roducts that can &e .ie3ed at 333.clearsky&urners.co( &. De.elo) e/tensions of the syste( that reco.ers 3aste heat for use as4 i. %lectric )o3er generator ii. <ater )urification such as (e(&rane distillation 2. *onduct a study to deter(ine $uantitati.ely the relati.e )ros and cons for &urning &io(ass directly to generate )o3er relati.e to con.erting &io(ass into a li$uid fuel 3hich is then used for )o3er generation. a. 5.erall efficiency &. %cono(ics c. %ase of use i. 0aintaina&ility ii. 5)era&ility iii. 'ocial factors :. %.aluate the .arious ty)es of e/isting and de.elo)ing &io(ass o)tions a. Re.ie3 literature and rank suita&ility of &io(ass ty)es for .arious regions of India &. *lassify these &io(ass ty)es to generate 1fuel )ro)erty2 data suita&le for use in furnace7&oiler design c. Re.ie3 )otential for genetic (odification to de.elo) i()ro.ed &io(ass characteristics i. Generate research )rogra(s using (ulti+disci)linary a))roaches =Bio tech, 0ech %ng, Physics De)ts. %tc.> ?. In.estigate .arious (ethods for &urning &io(ass for )o3er generation a. *o()are co(&ustion efficiency and )olluting characteristics for the e/isting a))roaches i. Particularly re.ie3 the a))roach used &y the 0ala.alli Plant at @arnataka

&. *onstruct s(all scale de(onstrator (odels of the (ost efficient and least )olluting a))roaches i. *onduct e/)eri(ents to understand the )hysics ii. Generate research )roAects to i()ro.e co(&ustion effecti.eness Water resource management ". Generate a .irtual )rototy)e co()utational (odel of -ydrological *ycles c. Joint B@7India study has created a regional (odel for India =see &elo3> i. Based on a cli(ate change (odel d. Bse results to de.elo) 1local (odels2 for Bihar and other northern states i. Goal to esta&lish i()ro.ed control, storage and distri&ution of 3ater resources C. 0icro+-ydro Po3er a. Re.ie3 a.aila&le conce)ts for generating hydroelectric )o3er using lo3 1head of 3ater2 i. 'elect a conce)t and esta&lish a )rototy)e ii. *onduct tests to identify i()ro.e(ent areas iii. De(onstrate i()ro.e(ents Water purification and desalination ". *onduct a &road re.ie3 of current a))roaches and docu(ent )ro and con co()arisons a. Technical and econo(ic &. Identify )ro(ising a))roaches that (eet India s)ecific needs. *onsider4 i. Regional re$uire(ents ". #ccess to 3aste heat 2. 9eed to generate )o3er in conAunction 3ith 3ater )urification =re(ote rural areas> :. 5ther c. 'elect a))roaches to )ursue for detailed research )roAects 2. Re.ie3 co(&inations of filtration and (e(&rane (ethods a. *onsider 1tailored2 a))roaches to (eet (ini(al health standards for .arious locations. %/a()les include re(o.al of4 i. #rsenic

ii. 5ther che(ical ha6ards iii. Biological ha6ards i.. 'alt content &. %.aluate e/isting syste( a))roaches i. %cos)here, etc. c. Deter(ine )ractical a))roaches to lo3er syste( costs i. 8o3er cost (aterials ii. Reduce (anufacturing costs ". Processes 2. 5.erheads :. #uto(ation d. *onstruct s(all scale e/)eri(ental de(onstrators i. *onduct e/)eri(ents to train faculty and students ii. *onduct ad.anced research )roAects iii. Deter(ine ho3 to increase flo3 rates :. Re.ie3 8o3 Te()erature Ther(al Desalination =8TTD> a))roaches a. *olla&orate 3ith scientists at the @a.aratti )ilot )lant &. *o()are technology and econo(ics 3ith other a))roaches i. Re.erse os(osis ii. -igh te()erature ther(al desalination iii. 0e(&rane distri&ution i.. 5ther c. In.estigate use of 13aste heat2 to dri.e 8TTD i. 8and &ased gas tur&ine and reci)rocating engine e/haust ii. 0anufacturing )lants ". ce(ent 2. steel d. Deter(ine ho3 to increase flo3 rates ?. Generate Aoint research )rogra(s 3ith BTR* on (e(&rane distri&ution (ethods a. *onstruct )ilot )roAects at BIT &. %.aluate .arious (e(&rane ty)es c. Deter(ine ho3 to increase flo3 rates Concentrated Solar Po er ". Identify and e.aluate current state+of+the+art (ethods for generating electric )o3er and )o3er storage conce)ts using concentrated solar )o3er =*'P>

a. 'ee notes &elo3 originally generated for a 0asdar )ro)osal. 2. Re.ie3 the '5# for dri.ing ther(o+che(ical )rocesses using *'P to )roduce gaseous and solid fuels a. 'olar ther(o+che(ical cycle in conAunction 3ith ;n5+;n redo/ )air i. Re.ie3 'teinfeld and %)stein research 3ork, %T-+'3iss ,ederal Institute of Technology ". *'P se)arates ;n5 into 52 and ;n .a)or 2. interact ;n .a)or 3ith stea( to )roduce -2 and ;n5 :. *ollect -2 for fuel and re+cycle the ;n5 &. %.aluate 1closed loo) che(ical heat )i)e2 a))roaches using *'P i. %ndother(ic *52+refor(ing of (ethane to generate syngas =*-? D *52 EF 2-2 D 2*5> ii. %/other(ic reaction to generate )o3er through a tur&ine =2-2 D 2*5 EF *-? D *52 D Po3er> c. Re.ie3 '5# solar reactor configurations :. *onstruct s(all scale de(onstrator (odels of *'P syste(s a. *onduct e/)eri(ents to understand )hysics &. Generate research )roAects to e/)lore other inno.ati.e a))roaches ?. *onduct a study to deter(ine reasons for the high costs associated 3ith the de.elo)(ent of *'P for co((ercial a))lications a. Generate cost esti(ates for a *'P syste( assu(ing design and (anufacture in India

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