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My final night I spend it alone life flashes before me my pain I am shown I reflect on my memories that have made me me they

torment my mind but no one can see I think of the worst that ill never forget and sit and acknowledge I cant live with the regret The what ifs and whys if I did this or did that the 100s of questions but answers dont change facts Silence surrounds me apart from the voice that utters to live or to die that is the choice The world is sleeping at peace with the night when they wake up ill be starved of the light My mind in darkness no heartache or pain no more memories that drove me insane nothing but stillness and nothing but calm no more flashbacks when woken by the alarm no more surviving because you cant live a sub standard life people take but dont give history repeating itself

year after year there is no respite just a river of tears I can not swim the rivers to deep it gets deeper and deeper the more that I weep So in the stillness of the night I sleep with the dead finally at home safe in my bed Away from the war I fought all alone finally I lost and I am free to roam To look for my daughter in the dark of the night alone in her cradle not out of mind but out of sight never forgotten although all alone but knowing one day her mother would come home the final night my mind is set free to start a new life with just my daughter and me In a distant world away from the pain if there is a heaven we wont be hurt again we have suffered enough but together at last nothing else matters silence drowns out the past.

A continuing tragedy is all my life will be I will never be free because of what my parents did to me. A life sentence for simply being born a life that was worthless and one that no one will mourn. tortured from cradle and forced to a early grave all because her parents used her as a sex slave. no forgiveness given I hope they burn in hell and finally be punished for the daughter they would sell. a product of bad breeding so sold as a reject used and abused as her parents pet project. A grade A awarded a golden medal given for destroying their daughters life but they will never be forgiven. Raped and abused she finally gave in to be with her loved ones who were conceived through sin. The devils spawn is what my baby was named that's 2 lives destroyed and my parents are to be blamed. A baby stolen from its mother two lives destroyed in just one day both received the death penalty because a daughter disobeyed.

A Mother refused to abuse her baby so the gran parents did it instead it is my parents fault that my baby is dead. so 2 lives destroyed but at least finally at peace the life sentence over they finally got released. Two of gods children starved of any love will today find out if there is a heaven up above

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