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This chapter statement, objective, significance, A. Background English language has a social, and emotional competence to





and scope of the research.

central role in developing intellectual, students. It is also an important tool anguage learning is

in learning and developing sciences, technology, and art. e!pected to help students to recogni"e culture. #esides, it also helps students

themselves, their culture and another to e!press their idea, thought, and

feeling. In addition, they are able to participate in society and even to find and also use their analectic and imaginative ability. 1 In the competence based curriculum, the students are e!pected to be able to communicate. The ability to communicate is the ability to understand and produce discourse of which it can be reali"ed in four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. $oreover those four skills should be applied in real life. %ence, English subject needs to develop those skills. In order that, the students are able to communicate and make discourse in English language in certain literacy level.


'riting is one of the language skills that play an important role in human communication. The important of writing is coming to be more and more recogni"ed. It is through the written mark that links with the outside word are formed. There is no doubt that English writing is important as the other three(language skill. The ability to write is fre)uently demanded in many occasions in our life. *or many reasons writing skill is crucial to most people. Adelstein and +ipal ,1-./0 e!press that in all subjects in our life or in all profession, the ability to write or e!press oneself clearly is essential basic for success. 'riting is crucial meaning of human communication. It is used to communicate with other people in society and to e!press our feeling and opinions. 'riting means of both communication and self e!pression. %eaton in 1oni ,1-.231&40 states that many students still encounter difficulties in writing because it is comple! and difficult. In studying English, many students who study in the tertiary level still often make errors in writing through they have learned it for many times, even years. In writing we need a good idea in order to produce a composition or written material. If students have no good ideas they will get boring and not interesting in it. *or writing subject, students must have idea about what will they write and how far they know about the topic, sometimes they have to choose one theme and then decide one topic, finding the appropriate word to e!press an idea. 'riting through process helps students become aware of their skills. 5ulit"er 5ric"e 'inner, 6onal $urray in 7upriadi ,&//.0 say that creative writing is not only

to communicate information, but also to make the reader care about that in formation, makes his felling, e!periences, gets under his skin must be developed by encouraging students to discover who they are and what they have to say. After that, they put words into sentences, into paragraph and paragraps into free of composition. #ecause of the difficulties of writing, teacher should give more attention to teach writing skill to increase the students9 ability to write. :ne of the way of increasing the students9 attention in writing is to provide media, which are interesting to them. :ne kind of useful media in teaching process is visual aids like ficture, flowchart, etc. In relation to the importance of meaningful material, the researcher has an alternative to use flowchart. Especially flowchart to help the students to e!press their idea or opinion in to written form, but sometimes they have a limited idea and make their writing dead. *lowchart using fictures symboli"es or signs for kinds of work and certain function. It fictures only essential commands and is effective to design structured programs. The use of flowchart can be used as on alternative media in writing because it serves both visual aids and minds mapping. ;efering to the e!planation above, the writer is interested to conduct a research at 7$5 1egeri 2 $akassar. 7o through flowchart, it tends help the students to e!press their ideas easier. E!perienced writers often return to flowchart whenever they are stuck for ideas or words. It gives them writing power.

#ased on the e!planation above, the writer carries out the research under the title Improving the tudent!" A#i$it% to &rite Paragraph #% U!ing '$o(chart o) the econd *ear tudent! at +P Negeri , +aka!!ar#. Pro#$em tatement #ased on the previous background, the writer formulates a research )uestion as follows3 1. Is the flowchart effective to improve the students9 ability of the second year students at 7$5 1egeri 2 $akassar to write paragraph< &. Are the students interested in using flowchart to write paragraph< =. O#.ective o) the Re!earch To find out whether or not of the using of flowchart can improve the ability of the second year students of 7$5 1egeri 2 $akassar to write paragraph. $oreover, it is to find out the students9 interest to write paragraph by using flowchart. 6. igni)icance o) the Re!earch The result of this research is e!pected to be a piece of useful information for teaching in general, in particular for those who teach English in 7$5 1egeri 2 $akassar. In addition, it is intended to find out the ability of the second year students to write paragraph and apply flowchart as one alternative media in teaching writing. E. cope o) the Re!earch This research is under applied linguistics and restricted to the use of flowchart in improving the ability of the second year students of 7$5 1egeri 2 $akassar to write paragraph.


*. De)inition o) the Term! 1. &riting 'alha in #ram ,1-->3?0 defines that writing means to produce or to reproduce a message or messages into written language. It involves an active process to organi"e and formulate the ideas on the paper so that the reader can follow the writer9s message. &. Paragraph 'hoter in Indrayani ,&//?0 describes that a paragraph is a group or related sentences about a single topic. It has four essential parts3 topic, idea, details, and transition. 1. '$o(chart *lowchart is pictures in flow diagram form from algoritma in one program that says the role of at that program. *lowchart is one alternative media in teaching writing. A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation that illustrates the se)uence of operations to be performed to get the solution of problem. ,http3@@www.nos(org@htm@basic&.htm0. *lowchart server visual or pictorial representation which is completed arrows and essential words to describe a process. The flowchart is means of usually presenting the flow of data through an information processing systems, the operations performed within the system and the se)uence in which they are performed. ,http3@@www.nos(org@htm@basic&.htm0.

#ased on the definition above, the writer reveals that in writing paragraph by using flowchart means that in teaching writing process, we use an effective way where students can overcome the barriers to learn for getting result in developing their ability.


This chapter presents the literature review, which deals with the previous related research findings and some pertinent ideas. A. Previou! Re$ated Re!earch 'inding! $any studies on teacher profile or characteristics of a good teacher together with learning writing in or outside the classroom had been done to reach certain objectives in learning and teaching process. There are some researchers who have conducted some studies relating to the students9 writing ability. They are as follows3 1. 'ishonand #urks ,1-./31&.(-0 says that a good description ,in a paragraph form0 usually has three important )ualities it has a dominant impression supported by specific details clearly recogni"able and logical development. &. 6arwis ,1-->0 concludes that the student of $adrasah Aliyah 1egeri 1 Ajung 5andang have not mastered English composition, which has been proved in the writing composition test is >.&. Thus, this indicates that they have not reached the test as we hope. 8. Arida ,1--/0 find that the seventh semester students of English department of IBI5 Ajung 5andang have low ability to write effective sentence. They have low proficiency. ? >

2. Indrayani ,&//?0 concludes that photograph is effective to be used to improve students9 writing ability because there is a significant difference between the progresses in writing of the students who were though by using photographs. It can be seen in the mean sore of pre(test was 4-.-? and post(test was .4.8. The result of t(test was 18.2-. >. ;asdianah ,&//40 concludes that there is significant influence of using =ollaborative writing to increase students9 writing skill. It can be seen from the differences between students9 writing skill before and after applying =ollaborative writing and the result of t(test. The mean score of pre(test was &.-& for e!perimental class and &.8. for control class. The mean score in post( test was 2.&8 for e!perimental class and 8.1> for control class. The value of t( test was 2.2?2. 4. Alam ,&//40 concludes that the ability of the second year students in English writing has improved after applying writing materials based on =ommunity anguage earning. It can stimulate the students in learning writing skill. The result can be seen in the mean score of pre(test was 2.428 and post test was 4.?/8, with the t(test was ..4.. ?. Amin ,&//?0 concludes that using the student9s error in teaching the language use aspect of writing is an effective way. The students interested in learning writing through the student9s error usage in teaching. The mean score of students9 pre(test was 4..8 and post(test was ?.>>. The result of t(test indicates that the value 2.18.

All research findings above discuss about writing ability with different methods and the other problems in the students9 writing ability. #ased on the research findings above, the researcher concludes that the students9 writing ability still low. Therefore, the researcher considers that the students need many e!ercise and interesting techni)ue to improve writing ability. :n the other side, the writer would like to present her research about the flowchart strategy in developing the students9 ability in writing. #. ome Pertinent Idea!

1. The Concept o) &riting a. Definition of Writing Broma ,1--.0 argues that writing is kind of activity where the writer e!presses all ideas in his mind in the paper ,print0 from words to sentences, sentences to paragraph to essay. In relation about it, annon ,1--&0 describes that writing is process of transforming the material you discover by research, accident, trial and error, or whatever into message which has a meaning. In short, writing is deliberated process. 'riting is transpiring data or feeling to another as the reader. In another word, it is a communication process by undirected speech or reported speech. In addition, 69 Angelo in Indrayani ,&//?0 considers that writing is a form of thinking for a particular audience, and for a particular occasion. According to this concept that one of the most important tasks as a writer is to master the principles of writing and thinking that will help to achieve his goal. The most important of


these principles are those of invention arrangement, and style invention is the process of discovering ideas for speaking or writing arrangement. The definition of writing is how to e!press our mind as the writer on the paper and let another people read it as the reader. *urthermore, indbolm in

7upriandi ,&//20 states that writing is a way of learning to focus our mind on important matters and of learning of them. #y writing activity a person can find solution of difficult problem. This process of writing needs a greater attention on the problem. According to Trimmer and 7ummer ,1-.831/0 that writing is one way to convey something about ourselves or to communicate ideas to people beyond our immediate to learn something you did not know. *urthermore, 'est in Ammi ,&//10 states that reason for learning to write well is to transunit idea for people specially those who are distance in time and space. 'riting can be a process of self(discovery about who we are what we think. #ased on some definitions presented, writing could be defined as a comple! process where by looks at and understands what has been written, the combination of some components that result of one active attempt the part of the reader to understand writer9s message. 'riting is a part of language skill which re)uires and elliptical ability in order to construct a brief and good order of sentence. As one of the language skill in English, writing is used to e!press the student ideas, opinion or comments which are conveyed in the written form. b. Characteristics of Good Writing


Carber in $urniati ,&//40 says that an effective writer agrees that good writing has several important characteristics, they are3 10 Dood writing is not boringE it keeps your interest by what is says and how to say. &0 Dood writing is easy to follow because it follows a plan. 80 Dood writing presents ideas that are fresh. 20 Dood writing is free of serious mistake in grammar, spelling, and punctuation because those errors get in the way of the writers idea and distract the reader. >0 Dood writing uses language that is right for the job formal when re)uired and informal when appropriate. $aimah ,&//&3 40 writes four characteristics of a good writing, namely3 significance, clarity, unity and organi"ation, and ade)uate development. Those are described as follow3 1. 7ignificance 'riting is significance if the readers enjoy it reading and learn something from it. In order to produce a significance writing, the author has to under estimate his own resources. %e has to have valuable information about some activities interest that someone would like to read about it. &. =larity :ne thing is very important in writing is clarity. A piece of writing that lacks clarity will annoy the reader.


8. Anity and organi"ation A piece of writing is called unity if each sentence in paragraph develops or supports the main idea of the paragraph and connects in same ways with any sentences that same before and after it. 2. Ade)uate development In writing, the author establishes a contract with the reader that contract can take various from such as a title that predicts and opening )uestion that must be answered, a thesis statement to be developed, or an anecdote. c. Component of Writing There are five significant components of writing according to Facob in Indrayani ,&//?0 they are content, organi"ation, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic. They are as follows3 10 =ontent =ontent of writing should be clear for the readers so that the readers can understand the message conveyed and get information from it. In order to have a good content of writing, the content should be well unified and completed. This term is usually known as unity and completeness which become the characteristics of the good writing. &0 :rgani"ation In organi"ation, the writing concerns with the ways the writer to arrange and organi"e the ideas or the messages in the writing. :rgani"ing the material in writing involves coherence, order of importance, and general to


specific, specific to general, chronological order that happened from the beginning to the end. 80 +ocabulary The effective use of words will always result good writing both specific and technical writing, the dictionary is very considerable vocabulary is one in writing. To e!press ideas we always deal with vocabulary. The lack of vocabulary makes it difficult to e!press ideas. 20 anguage use anguage use in writing description and other form of writing involves correct language and point of grammar. An ade)uate grammar should be one that is capable of producing grammar. 'e should not able to do anything more than utter separate items of language function and also grammar can help the students to improve the use of formal language. >0 $echanics There are at least two parts of mechanic in writing, namely punctuation and capitali"ation. 5unctuation is important as the way to clarify meaning in English writing capital letters have to participles. *irst they are used to distinguish between particular and proper things. 7econd, it is used as first word in )uotations, a formal statement and proper adjective. d. Writing Forms 7tudents often write personal narratives about e!periences in their own lives. They may write about a vacation whatever they want to go. 7ometimes they


may choose to report information about dinosaurs, making candles, or other topics they are knowledgeable about. According to Temple, et. al. ,1-.&38-0, many other forms of writing are available to the students, in the following3 10 Fournal writing 7tudents write in personal journals about events in their lives, in dialogue journals to converse with classmates and the teacher, in learning logs to document learning in content area classes, in reading logs to reflect on literature, and in simulated journals in the role of a historical personality or literary character. &0 6escriptive writing 7tudents use observation, sensory words, and comparisons to write descriptions of objects, people and events. 80 etter writing 7tudents write friendly letters to pen pals and authors, courtesy letters, and business letters to re)uest and share information. 20 #iographical writing 7tudents write biographies of well(known contemporary and historical personalities, personal narratives about e!periences in their own lives, and autobiographies to document their own lives. >0 E!pository writing 7tudents write reports and other forms of e!pository writing to share information about social studies, science, and familiar topics.


40 1arrative writing 7tudents retell familiar stories, write stories a well(developed structure, and rewrite stories from different points of view. ?0 5oetic writing 7tudents play with words, create word pictures, and write poems. .0 5ersuasive writing 7tudents use persuasion techni)ues and propaganda devices to write persuasive essays and letters and create advertisements and commercials. e. Kinds of Composition 'riting in many ford varieties the classical rhetoricians classify writing and speech in four forms of the discourse, those are3 1. 1arration 1arration is writing which tells a story. 'hen a writer uses this method of development of writing, he intends to tell readers something that happened and how it happened. The story or ideas in narration are ordered chronologically, starting from the beginning up to the end. &. 6escription 6escription is writing which attempts to create a picture in the readers mind. 'hen a writer uses this method to write, he intends to make the readers vividly aware of what something look like, sounded like, smelled like, field like, or started like. 'hen the writer uses description mode, he is trying to recreate in words something he perceived trough his five senses or created in


his imagination. 6escriptive is common way to present details, but it often appears with others forms or pattern of development. 8. E!position E!position is writing which informs or e!plains. 'hen a writer uses e!position, he intends that readers will understand the something informed or e!plained more clearly when they have finished reading the writing. E!position or e!pository writing, which is informative writing, designed to e!plain or clarify facts and ideas. It is the kind of writing most often re)uired of college students and people holding job that re)uired a college education. 2. Argumentation Argumentation is writing which are attempts to convince someone else about something. 'hen a writer uses argument to write, he intends to convince readers to believe something, or to have a certain attitude about an issue, or to fell a certain way about a situation, or to do something. g. Writing Process The writing is a way of looking at writing instruction in which the emphasis is shifted from students9 finished products to what students think and do as they write. *urthermore, Temple, et. al. ,1-.&3-(&20 state that writing activity generally re)uires several processes namely prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. To make it clearer, the e!planation is as follows3


10 5rewriting 5rewriting is the getting(ready(to(write stage. The traditional notion that writers have thought out their topic completely is ridiculous. If writers wait for the ideas to be fully developed, they may wait forever. Instead, writers begin tentatively talking, reading, and writing to see what they know and direction they want to go. 5rewriting has probably been the most neglected stage in the writing processE however, it is as crucial to writers as a warm up is to athletes. 6uring the prewriting stage, the activities are3 ,10 choosing a topic, ,&0 considering purpose, form, and audience, and ,80 generating and organi"ing ideas for writing. &0 6rafting In the process approach to writing, students write and refine their compositions through a series of drafts. 6uring the drafting stage, students focus on getting their ideas down on paper. #ecause writers do not begin writing with their compositions already composed in their minds, they begin with tentative ideas developed through prewriting activities. The drafting stage is the time to pour out ideas, with little concern about spelling, punctuation, and other mechanical errors. The activities in this stage are3 ,10 writing a rough draft, ,&0 writing leads, and ,80 emphasi"ing content, not mechanics.


80 ;evising 6uring the revising stage, writers correct their ideas in their compositions. :ften students terminate the writing process as soon as they complete a rough draft, believing that once their ideas are jotted down the writing task is complete. E!perienced writers, however, know they must turn to others for reactions and revise on the basis of these comments. ;evising is not just polishing writingE it is meeting the needs of readers by adding, substituting, deleting, and rearranging material. The word revision means Gseeing againH, and in this stage writers see their compositions again with their classmates and the teacher helping them. ;evising is the e!amination of the draft to find mistakes, deficiencies or irrelevant points and after that improving the te!t. ;evising should be better done after the completion of the first draft, so that it will not interrupt the flow of writing. The activities in the revising stage are3 ,10 rereading the rough draft, ,&0 sharing the rough draft in writing group, and ,80 revising on the basis of feedback received from the writing group. 20 Editing Editing is putting the piece of writing into its final form. Antil this stage, the focus has been primarily on the content of students9 writing. :nce the focus, changes to mechanics, students polish their writing by correcting spelling and other mechanical errors. The goal here is to make writing Goptimally readableH.


'riters who write for readers understand that if their compositions are not readable, they have written in vain because their ideas will never be read. 7tudents move through three activities in the editing stage3 ,10 getting distance from the composition, ,&0 proofreading to locate errors, and ,80 correcting errors. Editing means that how to correct the organi"ation of writing and seeing the wrong words. *urthermore, *lower and %ayes in Indrayani ,&//?0 say that there are four types of editing3 a. Editing for standard language conventions3 spelling, grammar, repetitions. b. Editing for accuracy of meeting3 wrong words, ambiguities. c. Editing for reader understanding3 unusual words, missing conte!ts. d. Editing for reader reacceptance3 offensive tone and consistency. >0 5ublishing In the final stage of the writing process, students publish their writing and share it with an appropriate audience. As they share their writing with real audiences of their classmates, other students, parents, and the community, students come to think of themselves as authors. The ways to share writing are students read their writing to classmates, or share it with larger audiences through hardcover that are placed in the class or school library, class anthologies, letters, newspaper articles, plays, filmstrips and videotapes, or puppet shows.


&. Concept o) Paragraph a. Definition of Paragraph indbolm in Indrayani ,&//?0 describes that a paragraph is a group of sentences. It is composed by e!pressing one central idea, complete itself, and also subdivision or a part of something larger such as a composition or a chapter in a book. 5aragraph is a group of sentences. It means there are some sentences are grouped with one central idea. In addition, #arnett ,1-?23 ?.0 defines that a paragraph is a group or related sentences about a single topic. It has four essential parts3 topic, idea, details, and transition. According to =rimon in Irwan ,&//40 a paragraph is a group related sentence which presents one idea or aspect of on idea. A good paragraph not only just state the idea, but also each sentence in it support or e!tend the central idea. In spite of the paragraph is short but it is complete composition. The basic rule of follow the length of the paragraph you write is making the paragraph long enough to develop its central idea clearly and completely. 6o not make a paragraph so long that you do not relate to the central idea becomes repetition and boring. b. Characteristics of Good Paragraph 7awaka ,1-..3 410 e!plains that a good paragraph should have four characteristics, they are3


10 Anity, a paragraph has a unity if every sentence in it develops one central idea. 'hen a paragraph a unity, it sticks to the topic. It develops without getting of track. This means that all developments support the topic sentence. &0 =ompleteness, a complete paragraph provides information well enough and it develops the truth for the reader. In complete paragraph, the writers provide the readers with restricted topic sentences and sufficient information to clarify analy"e and support the main idea that which is stated in the topic. 80 :rder, in paragraph can be achieved by presenting the information of paragraph in a desirable se)uence. The order of information is a paragraph depends on the subject mater, the purpose of the writing, and the writer9s preference. 20 =oherence means sticking together and in paragraph can be achieved by connecting one sentence to other. Each sentence in a paragraph is closely related to the ne!t. It takes the reader logically and smoothly from one sentence to the ne!t so that ideas stick one another. c. Main Parts of Paragraph :shima et. el. in 7araka ,1-..0 classifies paragraph into three major structural parts namely topic sentence, supporting and concluding sentence. Those are described as follow3 1. Topic sentence The topic sentence states the main idea of paragraph it briefly indicates what the paragraph is going to discuss. It contains both a topic and a


controlling idea. It names the topic and them limits the topic to a specific area to be discussed in the space of single paragraph. A topic sentence is a complete sentence, that it contains a subject, a verb, and usually complement. The topic sentence gives only the main idea, therefore it is the most general statement in the paragraph. It does not give any specific details. &. 7upporting sentence The supporting sentence develops the topic sentence. It e!plains the topic sentence by giving reasons ,e!emplifications0, statistics and )uotations. 8. =oncluding sentence The concluding sentence signals the end of the paragraph and leaves the readers with important points to remember. It serves three purposes namely, ,10 it signals the end of the paragraph, ,&0 it summari"es the main points of the paragraph, and ,80 it gives a final comment on the topic and leaves the reader with the most important ideas to think about. 8. Concept o) '$o(chart As a whole, flow(charting has been around for a very long time. In fact, flowchart has been used for so long that no one individual specified as the father of the flowchart. The reason for this is obvious. A flow this reason, flowcharts can be recogni"ed as a uni)ue )uality improvement method.


a. Definition of Flowchart A flowchart is defined as a pictorial representation describing a process being studied or even used to plan stages of a project. The flowchart is a visual representation of the s)uare of the content of your plan. 5rogrammers use flowchart to plan their programs before write them. A flowchart is a picture to show how to do something. It shows all the necessary steps. 'hen a programmer writes a computer program, it must be very specific. It must include all the steps of a process. A flowchart helps programmers to organi"e their thinking. b. Types of Flowchart *our particular types of flowchart have proved useful when dealing with a process analysis3 top(down flowchart, detailed flowchart, work flow diagrams, and a deployment chart. Each of the different types of flowchart tends to provide a different aspect4 to a process or a task. *lowcharts provide an e!cellent from of documentation foe process, and )uite often are useful when e!amining how various steps in a process work together. c. Characteristics of Flowchart *lowchart is specifically used for a process. *lowchart tends to provide people with a common language or reference point with dealing with a project or process. It shows what comes first, second, third, etc. as well as what your reader will do, if anything, and what will happen when they9ve done it. 7 completed flowchart organi"es your topic, strategies, treatments,


and options into a plan from which you can work out the details of what each screen, page, frame, or shot will look like. *lowchart use pictures to symboli"e or sign for kinds of work and certain function. It pictures only essential commands and it is effective to design structured programs. d. The Use of Flowchart in Teaching Writing #ase on some research findings, students9 ability to write paragraph still can not achieve into very good or e!cellent category. It indicates that teacher help them by writing, like diagram, photograph and pictures, flowchart also be used as one alternative media in writing. *lowchart is specially used to describe chronological order or even and to make planning. It is visual or pictorial representation that is completed by arrows. e. Advantages of Using Flowcharts The benefits of flowcharts are as follows3 1. =ommunication3 *lowcharts are better way of communicating the logic of a system to all concerned. &. Effective analysis3 with the help of flowchart, problem can be analy"ed in more effective way. 8. 5roper documentation3 program flowcharts serve as a good program documentation, which is needed for various purposes. 2. Efficient coding3 the flowcharts act as a guide or blueprint during the system analysis and program development phase.


>. 5roper debugging3 the flowchart helps in debugging process. 4. Efficient program maintenance3 the maintenance of operating program becomes easy with the help of flowchart. It helps the programmer to put efforts more efficiently on that part. ,http3@@www.nos(org@htm@basic&.htm0. It seems that, students will be more interested and more stimulated to write about something which is related to students9 lives. 'riting about students9 e!perience will be very interesting, however, the flowchart e!perience is valuable because students are developing writing fluency, learning a strategy to use when they do not know how to start a writing assignment, and learning that they usually do have something to say on almost any topic. $oreover the students will be more interested in writing when they are given certain topics. #y using flowchart they will be able to e!press their ideas, vocabulary and sentences easily to write. *lowchart can help students overcome the sense of block. It gives them writing power. =. Theoretica$ 'rame(ork The theoretical framework in this research is show in the following diagram3 'igure 12 Theoretica$ 'rame(ork



This chapter presents the research design, variable, population and sample, research instrument, procedure of collecting data, and techni)ue of data analysis. A. Re!earch De!ign The method used in this research was pre(e!perimental with one group pretest(posttest design. This design involved one group which is pre(tested , O10, e!posed to a treatment ,40, and post(tested ,O50. The design can be presented as follows3 'igure 52 Re!earch De!ign

,Day, 1-.1,&&>0 #. Re!earch /aria#$e! a. Independent variable of the research was using flowchart in writing a paragraph. b. 6ependent variable was the ability of students to write a paragraph.



=. Popu$ation and amp$e 1. Popu$ation The population of the research was taken from the students at the second year students of 7$5 1egeri 2 $akassar in &//.@&//- academic year. This population consists of 1&/ students in three classes &. amp$e This research used cluster random sampling techni)ue. It means that the writer chose only one class, namely the students of class II with 8. students from some classes, was taken as the sample of the research. It is e!pected to be more accurate. 6. In!trument! o) the Re!earch To collect data, the writer used writing test. The test consisted of pre(test and post(test. E. Procedure o) Co$$ecting Data The procedure in collection data is present in chronological order as follows3 a. 7ociali"ation3 the writer sociali"ed the way of the research that would be conducted to the students. b. 5re(test3 the students write a paragraph according to the topic that the researcher given. c. Treatment3 after giving the pre(test, the students would give a treatment for eight meetings. In each meeting the students would give materials.


*or detail information, the writer e!plained the treatment in every meeting in the following3 10 The first meeting3 the researcher introduced and e!plained about paragraph. &0 The second meeting3 the researcher introduced and e!plained the flowchart. 80 The third meeting until the eight meeting3 make a paragraph according to material that the writer given for students. d. 5ost(test3 after the treatment, the post(test conduct to find out the students9 achievement and their progress. The test was similar to the pre(test. *. Techni6ue o) Data Ana$%!i! The data collected through the test were analy"ed by using pre(e!perimental method. The writer observed only one aspect in writing. The aspect observed was content. This is adapted from Indrayani in 7upriadi ,&//.03


1. =ontent Ta#$e212 Content C$a!!i)ication C$a!!i)ication E!cellent to very good core Criteria 1//(.2 Bnowledge, e!perience, suitable substance, fluent e!pression, ideas clearly stated. Dood to average .8(4. 7ome knowledge and e!perience of subject, advantage range. *air to poor 4?(>1 imited knowledge and e!perience of subject, little substance. +ery 5oor >/(82 6oes not show knowledge and e!perience of subject, no substance. ,%eaton, F. #3 1-.20 &. The classification of the students score is as follows3 Ta#$e252 coring Rank No 1. &. 8. 2. C$a!!i)ication E!cellent to very good Dood to average *air to poor +ery 5oor Range o) core 1//(.2 .8(4. 4?(>1 >/(82


,%eaton, F. #3 1-.20

8. To find out the mean score, the following formula was applied3

I ! 'here3


3 $ean score

3 The sum of all scores 3 The number of students ,Day, 1-.?3 8410

2. To find out standard deviation of the students9 score in pre(test and post(test by applying formula below3

#D I 'here3 #D


( ")


! 1

3 7tandard deviation 3 The sum of all score


" "

3 The sum s)uare of all sore


3 Total number of students ,Day, 1-.?38410

>. To find out the significant differences between the score of pre(test and post(test by using the formula3 D

tI 'here3 t D


! ! ( ! 1)

( D)


3 Test of significance 3 The mean of the differences score 3 The sum of total score of difference 3 The 7)uare of the sum score of different 3 The total number of students ,Day3 1-.?0

6 !

4. To find out the mean score differences by using the formula3



3 The mean of the differences score 3 The sum of the differences score


3 The total number of students ,Day3 1-.?0


This chapter presents findings and discussion. The result of data analysis is presented in finding part, and further e!planation is presented in discussion part. A. The 'inding! 1. Tota$ core o) tudent!" Pre7te!t and Po!t7te!t The scores of the students were observed on the one component of writing. The data is presented in the following table3 Ta#$e282 're6uenc% and Rate Percentage o) the tudent!" core in the Pre7Te!t No 1. &. 8. 2. C$a!!i)ication E!cellent to very good Dood to average *air to poor +ery 5oor Range 1//(.2 .8(4. 4?(>1 >/(82 Pre7te!t 're6uenc% Percentage ( 1 4 81 ( &.48J 1>.?-J .1.4.J





8& The table 8 above indicates that, in the pre(test there were only 1 ,&.48J0 students9 score classified as good to average, 4 ,1>.?-J0 students9 score classified as fair to poor and 81 ,41.4.J0 students9 score classified as very poor. $ean score of the students9 ability in writing paragraph for pre(test was 28.2?. In this case, the researcher concluded that, students still low and can not be able to write. It means that, the ability of writing still low. Therefore, the researcher considered that the students need many e!ercise and interesting techni)ue to develop writing ability. After applying the strategy ,$%ic&writing0, the ability of the students can develop significance. The data is presented in the following table3 Ta#$e2,2 're6uenc% and Rate Percentage o) the tudent!" core in the Po!t7Te!t No 1. &. 8. 2. C$a!!i)ication E!cellent to very good Dood to average *air to poor +ery 5oor Total Range 1//(.2 .8(4. 4?(>1 >/(82 Po!t7te!t 're6uenc% Percentage 8 7.89J ? 1. 1/ 8. 1..2&J 2?.8?J &4.8&J 1//J

The table 2 above indicates that, in the post(test there were 8 ,?..-J0 students9 score classified as e!cellent to very good, ? ,1..&2J0 students9 score


classified as good to average, 1. ,2?.8?J0 students9 score classified as fair to poor, and 1/ ,&4.8&J0 students9 score classified as very poor. $ean score in the post(test was >-.?2 #ased on the data above, the writer can conclude that before treatment, the students9 writing ability was 28.28, which is classified as very poor. After the treatment was given, the students9 ability increased to >-.?2, which is as fair classification. It was proved that there was a significant difference between the result of pre(test and post(test. &. +ean core and tandard Deviation After calculating the result of the students9 pre(test and post(test, the writer then calculated the mean score and standard deviation. The result also showed that students9 writing ability was increased. The result can be seen in the following table3 Ta#$e292 +ean core and tandard Deviation Te!t 5re(test 5ost(test +ean core 28.2? >-.?2 tandard Deviation &.1> &./2

Table > above shows the statistical summary of the students9 mean score and standard deviation both in pre(test and post(test. The mean score of the students9 pre(test was 28.2? which is classified as poor with standard deviation


&.1> and the mean score of the students9 post(test was >-.?2 which categori"ed as fair with standard deviation &./2. 8. Te!t igni)icance In this case, the researcher taken test significance in order to know whether or not the mean score is statistically different from two variables ,pre(test and post(test0 at the level of significant difference ,/./>0 with degree of freedom ,df0 I 1(1, where 1I the total of the students ,8.0. The following table shows the result of t(test calculation3 Ta#$e2:2 T7Te!t Ca$cu$ation /aria#$e K1 L K& T7te!t va$ue -.?/ T7ta#$e va$ue 8./>8

Table 4 above indicates the value of t(test is greater than the value of t( table ,T(test value M T(table value0. It shows that there is a significant difference between the results of students9 pre(test and post(test. #. Di!cu!!ion! The description of data collected through the writing test as e!plained in the previous section shows that the students9 ability in writing developed. It was supported by the fre)uency and rate percentage of the result of the students9 pre(test and post(test. In pre(test there is no student in e!cellent score and the post(test the writer finds 8 ,?..-J0 students in e!cellent to very good and ? ,1..2&J0 students in good to average. In pre(test there are 1. ,2/J0 students in fair to poor score and there are &? ,4/J0 students in very poor score. In the post(test there is 1 ,&.48J0 student in


good to average and there are 4 ,1>.?-J0 students in fair to poor and 81 ,.1.4.J0 students in very poor. *rom the result, it can be concluded that the students9 writing ability was increased during the treatment. It means that the students ac)uired the materials. ooking at the comparison of the students9 pre(test and post(test in fre)uency and rate percentage, the researcher can conclude that there is an improvement of the students9 ability in writing after giving the treatment materials.



This chapter consists of two parts. The first part is conclusions that are based on the research finding and discussion. The second part is suggestion that based on the conclusion. A. Conc$u!ion! #ased on the discussion and e!planation in the previous chapter and looking at the result of this research, the researcher put forward some conclusions as follows3 *lowchart was effective to be used to improved students9 ability in writing because there was a significant difference between the progresses in writing of the students who were studying through flowchart and those are not. #y flowchart strategy, the students can e!press their ideas easily without stopping and rushing. It gave them writing power and easy to understand. It was proved that there was significant difference between the result of students9 pre(test and post(test by the value of t(test is greater than the value of t(table,Ttest value ,-.?/0 M Ttable value ,8./>800. #. ugge!tion!


In relation to the conclusion above, the researcher formulates some suggestion in the following points3 8? 1. Teacher should motivate and give e!planation about the important of writing as well as other language skills. &. The teacher should be more creative to enrich their teaching material. They can use flowchart strategy to motivate the students in learning English especially in writing. 8. The teacher should give more chance and guidance practice to write as the one way to develop the students9 writing ability in the class.


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URIANI; was born on April 1&th, 1-.> in 5anasa, #ulukumba regency. %is father is %. $uh. Camin and his mother is %j. %awiah. 7he is the oldest of two young brothers. 7he began her education at elementary school at 76 1egeri .2 5angi(pangi and graduated in 1--.. And then she continued her study at 7 T5 1egeri 1 5alampang and finished in &//1. 7he continued her study at 7$A 1egeri 1

#ulukumba and finished in &//2. In the same year, she was registered as a student of English Education 6epartment of Tarbiyah and Teaching 7cience *aculty, Alauddin 7tate Islamic Aniversity of $akassar on strata one program. 6uring her study she was active in %$I, E7;1 $akassar. The writer has been active in 5$II $etro $akassar.


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