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Hasan Mahmud
08042337 ham0480@londonmet.ac.uk 1st Supervisor: ro!. "#or Scha#aev i.scha#aev@londonmet.ac.uk $r. %icholas "aonnides n.iaonnides@londonmet.ac.uk

2nd Supervisor:

& $issertation su'mitted in partial !ul!ilment o! the re(uirements o! )ondon Metropolitan *niversit+ !or the de#ree o! Master o! Science ,MSc- in .omputer %et/orkin#

Faculty of Com ut!"#

Ma+ 2010

0he ma1or !ocus on this paper is a'out call admission control ,.&.- in mo'ile or /ireless net/ork. 2ith the purpose to limit the num'er o! call connections into the /ireless net/ork to control net/ork con#estion3 in order to provide the di!!erent (ualit+ o! Service ,4oS- a re(uirement !or ne/l+ incomin# and e5istin# calls. "n this paper3 /e developed a model to investi#ate the net/ork load and throu#hput to identi!+ the purpose and importance o! .&.3 and evaluate the relevant /ork done '+ other researchers to identi!+ the pro'lem areas3 and to/ards solvin# the speci!ic pro'lem3 as /ell as evaluate the !urther research opportunities.

Summa&y 6ver the last decade3 /ireless communication technolo#ies are rapidl+ developin# and in!luence our dail+ mode o! li!e and /ireless7mo'ile net/orks are 'ecomin# one o! the si#ni!icant elements o! contemporar+ telecommunications. 0here!ore3 /ireless net/ork is a'le to provide a certain level o! (ualit+ o! service ,4oS- /ith the increasin# num'er o! /ireless users !or di!!erent service o! applications such as 8oice and multimedia application /ith maintainin# the hi#h level o! per!ormance. .all admission control ,.&.- is also used to provide 4oS #uarantees !or individual connections !or utili9in# net/ork resources !or reservin# 'and/idth !or admitted connection3 in order to control net/ork con#estion to decide /hether to admit or re1ect the connection re(uest /ith its re(uested 4oS satis!ied and /ithout violatin# the 4oS #uarantees made to the e5istin# connection. 0his admission control scheme makes sure that the /ireless net/ork /ill not 'e overloaded3 the throu#hput is #ood3 connectivit+ is relia'le and the resource /ill 'e availa'le to other users also. 0his pro1ect /ork involved investi#ates the tra!!ic pattern3 net/ork throu#hput and impact o! tra!!ic load in a /ireless net/ork. 0o identi!+ the need o! call admission control ,.&. in a /ireless net/ork3 /e develop a net/ork model that consists o! three scenarios. Scenario 1 is done !or real:time application ,video-3 Scenario 2 is done !or real:time ,video- and non real: time application ,e:mail- and Scenario 3 is done !or voice3 video and e:mail applications to identi!+ and anal+9e the net/ork load in di!!erent simulation scenarios. 0his report also includes on speci!ic chapter3 /hich presents an anal+tical revie/ o! the related /orks done '+ other researchers3 and evaluates one approach called d+namic call &dmission control ,$.&.- to/ards solvin# this pro'lem area. ;urthermore this report3 also presents some recommendations !or !uture /ork3 /hich is possi'le to complete.

Ac'"o(l)*#)m)"t " /ould like to e5tend m+ sincere thanks to the mem'ers o! )ondon Metropolitan *niversit+ research committee3 m+ !riends and mem'ers o! m+ !amil+3 /ho has #reat e!!orts and supported me a lot to achieve the 'i##est milestone o! m+ li!e. ;irstl+3 " am #rate!ul to ro!. "#or Scha#aev3 !or his priceless support3 advice3 and

encoura#ement that have contri'uted durin# m+ research. His in!inite e5perience and #uidance on researchin#3 !ormali9in#3 documentin# and pu'lishin# ne/ ideas has pla+ed a note/orth+ role in achievement o! m+ dissertation in a timel+ manner /ith re(uired (ualit+. " /as ver+ !ortunate to have him as m+ advisor. Secondl+3 " /ould like to e5press m+ #ratitude to $r. %icholas "aonnides3 !or his insi#hts #uideline and su##estions3 time3 support and e5pertise to 'rin# m+ dissertation into the !inal !orm. <speciall+3 " am thank!ul !or his #uidance on the statistical anal+sis o! m+ e5periment results /ith 6 %<0 simulation tools. )ast 'ut not least3 " /ould like to m+ special thanks to ro!. Hassan =a9manian3 /ho

introduce the techni(ue o! research and report /ritin# method durin# the course o! >esearch and $evelopment Skills. )astl+3 " /ould like to thank m+ roommates and !riends /ho support me a lot to do m+ /hole Masters pro#ram3 !or their invalua'le and endless support to keep m+ sanit+ intact in tou#h times durin# m+ stud+. " dedicate this dissertation to m+ one and onl+ sister 0akrima &!rine )opa.

Ta$l) of Co"t)"t A$%t&act++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, Summa&y+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Ac'"o(l)*#)m)"t+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++. L!%t of Ta$l)%++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/0 L!%t of A$$&)1!at!o"%++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++// C2APTER /+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/, PRO3ECT OVERVIEW4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444/, /4/I"t&o*uct!o"44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444/, /4,Mot!1at!o"44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444/. /4-P&o5)ct R)%ou&c)%44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444/. /4.L!m!tat!o" of t6) Stu*y44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444/. /47Ma5o& Qu)%t!o" to $) I"1)%t!#at!o"444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444/. /48O$5)ct!1)% of t6) R)%)a&c644444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444/7 1.?.1$issertation &ims......................................................................................................1? /49R)%)a&c6 M)t6o*olo#y44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444/8 1.7.10ools and 0echnolo#+ *sed.....................................................................................17 /4:St&uctu&) ; O&#a"!<at!o" of T6)%!%4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444/9 C2APTER ,+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,0 REVIEWS OF QUALITY OF SERVICE IN WIRELESS NETWORKS+++++++++++++,0 ,4/I"t&o*uct!o"44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444,0 ,4, P&o$l)m D)%c&! t!o"44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444,0 ,4- QoS !" W!&)l)%% N)t(o&'444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444,, 2.3.1 %e/ .all @lockin# ro'a'ilit+ ,%.@ -..................................................................24 2.3.2 Handover .all $roppin# ro'a'ilit+ ,H.$ -.........................................................24 2.3.3 @and/idth *tili9ation..............................................................................................2A ,4. Call A*m!%%!o" Co"t&ol =CAC>444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444,7 2.4.1 "mportance o! .&. in 2ireless %et/ork................................................................27 2.4.2 urpose o! .&. in 2ireless %et/ork.....................................................................27 2.4.3 .omponent o! .&..................................................................................................28 2.4.4 .&. &l#orithm........................................................................................................2B ,47?a"*(!*t6 R)%)&1at!o"4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444-0 ,48Summa&y4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444-/ C2APTER -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-, DYNAMIC CALL ADMISSION CONTROL44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444-, -4/ I"t&o*uct!o" to t6) R)l)1a"t Pa )&%444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444-, -4, A!m% a"* O$5)ct!1)%44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444-, -4- A &oac6)% a"* M)t6o*olo#y4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444-A

-4. DCAC A&c6!t)ctu&) a"* !t% Com o")"t%4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444--47 E@ la"at!o" of t6) P&oc)%%4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444-7 3.A.1 @and/idth artitionin#............................................................................................3A 3.A.2 $+namic .all &dmission .ontrol &l#orithm ,$.&.-...........................................3A 3.A.3 0he <5perimental Set:up.........................................................................................38 -48 R)%ult% O$ta!")* $y t6) Aut6o&%444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444-A 3.?.1 0hrou#hput...............................................................................................................40 3.?.2 .all @lockin# and $roppin# ro'a'ilit+.................................................................40 -49 Co"clu%!o" S)t $y t6) Aut6o&%4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444./ -4: Lo#!cal Val!*at!o" a"* Co"clu%!o"44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444./ -4A Summa&y444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444., C2APTER .+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++., APPROAC2 TOWARDS PRO?LEM SOLUTION USING OPNET++++++++++++++++., .4/ D)%c&! t!o" of P&o$l)m4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444..4, A &oac6)% a"* M)t6o*olo#!)%44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444..4- A!m% a"* O$5)ct!1)%44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444.. .4. O1)&1!)( of OPNET44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444.. 4.4.1 ro1ect <ditor...........................................................................................................4A 4.4.2 %ode <ditor..............................................................................................................4? 4.4.3 rocess <ditor..........................................................................................................4? 4.4.4 )ink <ditor...............................................................................................................47 .47 S!mulat!o" M)t6o*olo#!)% a"* Im l)m)"tat!o"44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444.9 4.A.1 Simulation arameter...............................................................................................47 4.A.2 Simulation7%et/ork Model......................................................................................48 4.A.3 &pplication $e!inition.............................................................................................A0 4.A.4 ro!ile $e!inition.....................................................................................................A0 .48 E@ )&!m)"t S)tBu 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444447/ .49 Coll)ct!o" of R)%ult%4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444447, 4.7.1 8ideo acket <nd 0o <nd $ela+.............................................................................A3 4.7.2 %et/ork )oad..........................................................................................................A4 4.7.4 %et/ork 0hrou#hput................................................................................................A7 .4: R)%ult Com a&!%o"% a"* A"aly%!%44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444447A 4.8.1 %et/ork )oad..........................................................................................................AB 4.8.2 %et/ork Media &ccess $ela+..................................................................................?2 .4A Lo#!cal Val!*at!o" a"* Co"clu%!o"4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444487 .4/0 Summa&y444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444487 C2APTER 7+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++88 CRITICAL APPRAISALC RECOMMENDATION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE WORK444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444488 74/ A"alyt!cal R)1!)(; C&!t!cal A &a!%al444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444488 74, R)comm)"*at!o" fo& Futu&) Wo&'444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444448A

C2APTER 8+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++9/ CONCLUSION++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++9/ R)f)&)"c) l!%t++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++9-

L!%t of F!#u&)% F!#u&) /D P)&%o"al Commu"!cat!o" S)&1!c) =PCS> W!&)l)%% N)t(o&'%4+++++++++++++++,/ F!#u&) ,D W!&)l)%% QoS D) loym)"t E@am l) E:F++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,. F!#u&) -D Ra*!o R)%ou&c) Ma"a#)m)"t Mo*)l E/:F4++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,8 F!#u&) .D Call A*m!%%!o" Co"t&ol+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,9 F!#u&) 7D Com o")"t% of A*m!%%!o" Co"t&ol E,-F4++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,A F!#u&) 8D Pa&t!t!o"!"# of t6) A1a!la$l) ?a"*(!*t6 at ?S E,8F4++++++++++++++++++++++-/ F!#u&) 9D DCAC A&c6!t)ctu&) E,9F+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-. F!#u&) :D T6) E@ )&!m)"tal S)tBu $y t6) Aut6o&% E,9F+++++++++++++++++++++++++++-A F!#u&) AD T6&ou#6 ut G Au*!oC M)*!a a"* FTP =fo& m!@)* "um$)& of call%> E,9F++++++.0 F!#u&) /0D Call D&o !"# a"* Call ?loc'!"# P&o$a$!l!ty E,9F+++++++++++++++++++++++./ F!#u&) ///D T6) Doma!"% !" OPNET a&) O&#a"!<)* 2!)&a&c6!cally+++++++++++++++++.7 F!#u&) /,,D OPNET P&o5)ct E*!to&++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.8 F!#u&) /--D OPNET No*) E*!to&++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.8 F!#u&) /.D Sc)"a&!o% (!t6 V!*)o A l!cat!o" o"ly++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.: l!cat!o"%+++++++++++++++++++++++++.A l!cat!o"%++++++++++++++++++++.A F!#u&) /7D Sc)"a&!o% (!t6 V!*)o a"* EBma!l A F!#u&) /9D E@am l) of A

F!#u&) /8D Sc)"a&!o% (!t6 V!*)oC Vo!c) a"* EBma!l A

l!cat!o" D)f!"!t!o" fo& t6!% P&o5)ct !" OPNET++++++++++++70 l!cat!o"+++++++++++7/

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L!%t of A$$&)1!at!o"% WPAN WLAN WWAN GSM QoS ?S MAC RRM CAC C?P CDP PCS RAM ?SC RSS ?ER .G NC?P 2CDP NGWN SNMP SIR CIR RT NRT C?R FTP ToC RR GC DCAC TSPEC MU AP GUI FSM PCM LAN V!*Vo!EBma!l 2ireless ersonal &rea %et/orkin# 2ireless )ocal &rea %et/orkin# 2ireless 2ide &rea %et/orkin# Clo'al S+stem !or Mo'ile .ommunications 4ualit+ o! Service @ase Station Media &ccess .ontrol >adio >esource Mana#ement .all &dmission .ontrol .all @lockin# ro'a'ilit+ .all $roppin# ro'a'ilit+ ersonal .ommunication %et/ork >andom &ccess Memor+ @ase Station .ontroller >eall+ Simple S+ndication @it <rror >ate ;orth Ceneration %et/ork %e/ .all @lockin# ro'a'ilit+ Hando!! $roppin# ro'a'ilit+ %e5t Ceneration 2ireless %et/ork Simple %et/ork Mana#ement rotocol Si#nal:to:"nter!erence >atio .arrier:to:"nter!erence >atio >eal 0ime %on:>eal 0ime .onnection @lockin# >ate ;ile 0rans!er rotocol 0+pe o! .all >esource >eservation Cuard .hannel $+namic .all &dmission .ontrol 0ra!!ic Speci!ication Mo'ile *nit &ccess oint Craphical *ser "nter!ace ;inite State Machine ulse .ode Modulation )ocal &rea %et/ork 8idDo3 8oice and <:mail


C2APTER / PRO3ECT OVERVIEW /4/ I"t&o*uct!o" 0he term /ireless re!ers to an+ t+pe o! computer net/orkin# technolo#+ that is /ireless3 and is commonl+ associated /ith a telecommunications net/ork /hose interconnections 'et/een the nodes that ena'les t/o or more computers to communicate usin# standard net/ork protocols. 0he computers /ill 'e connectin# to the net/ork usin# radio si#nals. 0here are three primar+ usa#e application cate#ories o! /ireless net/orks are 2ireless ersonal &rea %et/orkin# ,2 &%-3 2ireless )ocal &rea %et/orkin# ,2)&%- and 2ireless 2ide &rea %et/orkin# ,22&%- are standardi9ed '+ @lue tooth3 802.11' and .ellular 0echnolo#ies ,CSM- respectivel+ E1F. 6ver the last decade3 there has 'een a rapid advancement o! /ireless communications technolo#+3 /ith the envelopin# e5istence o! mo'ile personal /ireless computin# polic+. 2ireless communication technolo#ies are rapidl+ developin# in!luences our dail+ mode o! li!e and /ireless7mo'ile net/orks are 'ecomin# one o! the si#ni!icant elements o! contemporar+ telecommunications E2F. 0here!ore it is o'vious that the /ireless net/ork is a'le to provide a certain level o! (ualit+ o! service ,4oS- /ith the increasin# num'er o! /ireless users !or di!!erent service applications as /ell as it /ill 'e a'le to maintain the hi#h level o! per!ormance. "n /ireless net/orks3 audio3 voice3 video and multimedia application have made essential the accumulation o! (ualit+ o! service ,4oS- !acilities to the "<<< 802.11 M&. la+er standard. &!ter a num'er o! +ears o! /ork3 the 802.11 standards committee E3F has 1ust completed /ork on 802.11eG an e5tension to the ori#inal standard and 802.11e adds 4oS !acilities plus a set o! per!ormance enhancements parameter. 0o deal /ith the challen#es associated /ith supportin# the e5istin# and the ever:increasin# ne/ services3 ne5t #eneration /ireless technolo#+ ,%C2%- /ill


re(uire addin# ne/ sets o! tra!!ic control procedures. "n order to cope /ith these crucial challen#es3 the ne5t #eneration o! /ireless technolo#ies /ill have to incorporate radio resource mana#ement ,>>M- mechanisms3 /hich e!!icientl+ operate and mana#e the e5istin# resources. >>M pla+s a si#ni!icant role in the provisionin# o! 4oS in /ireless s+stems E4F. &dmission control ,to control the tra!!ic enterin# the net/ork-3 is one o! the radio resource mana#ement techni(ues3 /hich pla+s !oremost role in e!!ectivel+ mana#in# the resources E4F. .all &dmission .ontrol ,.&.- is a polic+ used to limit the num'er o! call connections into the net/ork in order to control net/ork con#estion to decide /hether to admit or re1ect the connection re(uest3 there!ore the s+stem /ill allo/in# to provide the estimated di!!erent 4oS re(uirements to e5istin# and ne/l+ incomin# calls EAF. .all admission control is also used !or reservin# 'and/idth !or admitted connection and thus sinkin# the contention rate. 0here!ore3 .&. has 'ecome an interest !or man+ researchers. 0he desi#n o! call admission control al#orithm must take into concern packet level 4oS parameters like 1itter3 least dela+ /ith session level 4oS parameters like call 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+ ,.@ - and call droppin# pro'a'ilit+ ,.$ - E?F. 0he .@ is the pro'a'ilit+ o! denial o! acceptin# the ne/ call and .$ is the likelihood o! droppin# the call '+ a ne/ access net/ork due to re1ect o! the net/ork resources to an unaccepta'le level in other /ords the net/orks is e5hausted /ith the e5istin# resources at /hich it drops the handover calls. 0he admission control tra!!ic mana#ement mechanism3 in mo'ile net/orks is re(uired to remain the call 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+ at a minimal level and another >>M strate#+ vertical handovers pla+s important task !or reducin# the call droppin# pro'a'ilit+ in an hetero#eneous /ireless net/orks E4F.


/4, Mot!1at!o" 0he motivation 'ehind this /ork is to present a techni(ue to incorporate radio resource mana#ement ,>>M- mechanisms called3 call admission control ,.&.- in /ireless net/ork3 /hich carr+in# multimedia tra!!ic that minimi9es call droppin# and call 'lockin# pro'a'ilities3 /hile ma5imi9in# 'and/idth utili9ation to deliver desired level o! 4oS in order to control net/ork con#estions. /4- P&o5)ct R)%ou&c)% 0his pro1ect /as researched via "<<< 1ournal and pu'lications3 Science $irect 1ournal and pu'lications and )ondon Metropolitan *niversit+ li'rar+ 'ooks on /ireless net/ork 46S and usin# o! call admission control scheme. /4. L!m!tat!o" of t6) Stu*y 0here /as no actual re(uired vision simulation tool used !or this pro1ect3 as " am usin# 6 %<0 Modeler B.1,&cademic version-. "t has also some limitation o/n3 so " cannot implement an+ call admission control al#orithms. ;urthermore3 there /as no proper introduction to operate the simulation tool use3 so " have to spend lots o! time on learnin# the simulation tools. /47 Ma5o& Qu)%t!o" to $) I"1)%t!#at!o" 0he !ollo/in# are the ma1or (uestions3 /hich /ill 'e ans/ered in this thesis: Ho/ can call admission control scheme improve (ualit+ o! service to minimi9e the call 'lockin# and droppin# pro'a'ilit+ in /ireless net/ork H


/48 O$5)ct!1)% of t6) R)%)a&c6 "n this research3 /e revie/ and o'serve e5istin# .&. schemes3 the anal+tical methods emplo+ed /ith these schemes !or !i#urin# ne/ and7or hando!! call 'lockin# and droppin# pro'a'ilities. 0he normali9ed approach !or determinin# the 4oS in /ireless net/ork3 important (ualit+ o! service parameters are the call 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+ and the call droppin# pro'a'ilit+ !or ne/ and7or handover call packets in sta'le state in the s+stem to achieve the !ollo/in# o'1ectives in /ireless net/orks: 1. &ssure the di!!erent 4oS re(uirements !or all admitted calls 2. )imit the call:'lockin# pro'a'ilit+ in /ireless net/orks 3. rioriti9e handover calls more than the ne/ calls

$roppin# a handover call or cell overload are conse(uences o! con#estion in /ireless net/orks is more anno+in# to users than 'lockin# a ne/ call. ;or that reason3 handover calls are usuall+ prioriti9e then the ne/ calls. $ue to unavaila'ilit+ o! /ireless channels in personal communication , .S- net/orks the droppin# pro'a'ilit+ o! handover calls and the 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+ o! ne/ calls have 'een used !or 4oS measures. 2hen an uncompleted connection ,.all- !rom a mo'ile su'scri'er leaves the e5istin# cell and trans!er to another cell3 is called handover occurs3 then the uncompleted connection ma+ 'e dropped due to inade(uate 'and/idth to support it. 2e can shrink the handover call droppin# pro'a'ilit+ '+ decline the ne/ call connection re(uest3 sinkin# the handover call droppin# pro'a'ilit+ some times ma+ result in 'oost the ne/ call 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+. 0here!ore3 there is a su'stitution 'et/een the pro'a'ilities o! ne/ call 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+ and handover droppin# pro'a'ilit+. .&. al#orithms address the su'stitution 'et/een handover7ne/ call droppin# pro'a'ilit+ and 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+. .&. schemes use to !ormulate call acceptation or re1ection decisions3 /ith a purpose to reduce ne/ call the 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+ and the handover call droppin# pro'a'ilit+3 in order to control net/ork con#estion in /ireless net/ork.



$issertation &ims

0his dissertation aims is to investi#ate .&. scheme /ith the #oal to satis!+ 4oS constraints in terms o! 'lockin# and droppin# pro'a'ilit+3 'ut also to take advanta#e o! s+stem 'and/idth utili9ation3 in terms o! special multimedia applications as /ell as to !ull !ill the o'1ectives are: 0o understand and present the needs o! .&. in /ireless net/ork 0o identi!+ relevant research approach o! to/ards .&. al#orithm 0o identi!ication and classi!ications o! .&. scheme to o'tain 'etter 4oS 0o identi!+ the main reasons !or usin# .&. scheme in /ireless net/ork to maintain desired 4oS in identi!ied pro'lem areas 0o compare di!!erent call admission control al#orithms proposed '+ authors and evaluate the net/ork per!ormance the+ provide 0o recommend .&. scheme !or !uture /ireless application !or real:time applications

/49 R)%)a&c6 M)t6o*olo#y 0his thesis paper is 'ased on lo#ical anal+sis o! the pro'lem area and it also anal+se di!!erent research approaches to/ards call admission control ,.&.- to maintain the desired level o! (ualit+ o! service ,4oS- in 2ireless net/ork. &lthou#h it is e5pected that a thesis paper /ould 'e 'ased on numerical and simulation approach 'ut "t /as not possi'le in real time 'ased 'ecause o! limitation o! simulation tools ,6 %<0 B.1 &cademic 8ersion- as /ell as due to time constrains and m+ limitation o! doin# simulation. %evertheless3 " am tried to identi!+ the importance o! call admission control ,.&.- in /ireless net/ork and discussed the outcome achieved '+ researchers in their research.



0ools and 0echnolo#+ *sed

0o prepare this report3 " am usin# latest tools and technolo#ies that " have3 /hich are mentions 'elo/: Hard/are: &cer entiumI $ual:core <A200 @2.A0CH93Memor+ ,>&M- 3.00C@ 6peratin# s+stem: 2indo/s 8ista 200B )a': )ondon Metropolitan *niversit+ )a' and )a' .omputers >eport preparation tools: Microso!t 6!!ice 2007

/4: St&uctu&) ; O&#a"!<at!o" of T6)%!% 0his section represents ho/ the chapters o! this report are 'uilt up and /hat is discussed in each and ever+ chapter. C6a t)& /D 0his chapter includes the introduction o! the pro1ect area3 /here " am /orkin# on. 0his chapter consists o! ei#ht sections /ith su'section /ith some speci!ic issues and this chapter delivers a overvie/ o! the pro1ect3 /here " am !ocused durin# the pro1ect3 is call admission control ,.&.- !or improvin# (ualit+ o! service ,4oS- in /ireless net/orks /ith m+ aims3 o'1ectives3 and challen#es as /ell as limitations o! stud+. C6a t)& ,D 0he purpose o! this chapter is to present an overvie/ o! /ireless net/ork and its desire 4oS to maintain net/ork con#estion. 0his chapter includes introduction o! m+ plat!orm3 /here " am /orkin# on and the pro'lem description3 /hich " am deal /ith. 0his chapter presents a literature revie/ o! 4oS in /ireless net/orkG call admission control ,.&.-3 its importance3 purpose and mechanisms o! admission control. C6a t)& -D 0he purpose o! this chapter is to introduce the relevant /orks that is done '+ others researchers to identi!+ the pro'lem area and to/ards solvin# the speci!ic pro'lem. Here " am discussed their aim and o'1ectives3 approach and methodolo#+3 e5planation o! their 17

processes3 and results o'tained '+ authors and as /ell as their conclusion. )o#ical validation !ollo/ed '+ summar+. C6a t)& .D "n this chapter " introduce m+ o/n kno/led#e to descri'e the pro'lem area and necessit+ o! call admission control ,.&.- in /ireless net/ork to control the net/ork con#estion. Here " developed a net/ork simulation model to identi!+ the importance o! .&.3 /hich is consistin# o! three scenarios !or real:time ,video- and non real:time application ,e: mail- and !or voice and video and e:mail applications. "n m+ simulation e5periment3 " have !ocused on the net/ork load and throu#hput measurement. &!ter runnin# the simulation !or three di!!erent scenarios independentl+3 " have composed the collective results to depict a comparison and tried to re:present the !acts that the importance o! .&. to improve 4oS in /ireless net/ork. C6a t)& 7D 0his chapter criticall+ comments and anal+ses the approaches and methodolo#ies to/ards the solution o! the pro'lem. 0his chapter presents an anal+tical revie/ o! the /orks done '+ others researcher3 '+ comparin# the simulation results and outcome o! their proposed solution. 0his chapter also presents some recommendations !or !uture /ork that is possi'le to complete. C6a t)& 8D 0his chapter is the conclusion o! this pro1ectG m+ personal and academic achievement that " have #ained /hile doin# this pro1ect is 'een discussed here. "n this chapter3 " have tried to present m+ personal opinion and recommendations. &ppendi5 & is 'een presented as it is recommended in this dissertation #uideline. & scienti!ic article /ritten in the !orm and !ormat o! a scienti!ic 1ournal is 'een presented in appendi5 &. &ppendi5 @ contains the dissertation proposal report that /as su'mitted to the tutors as a !orm o! .ourse /ork 2 o! .. 1AA% >esearch and $evelopment Skills module prior to


startin# the .0

02% .ommunications $issertation. &ll the re!erence used in this report is

valid and the+ are presented '+ !ollo/ the 8ancouver s+stem.


C2APTER , REVIEWS OF QUALITY OF SERVICE IN WIRELESS NETWORKS ,4/ I"t&o*uct!o" 0here has an attractiveness o! mo'ile7/ireless net/ork devices like mo'ile phones3 laptops3 hand:held devices3 etc. has considera'l+ increased da+:'+:da+s. 0his has intended at supportin# various (ualit+ o! service ,4oS- and tra!!ic characteristics re(uirements !or di!!erent services provided to its mo'ile users '+ personal communication service , .S/ireless net/orks. 2ireless net/orks stru##le not onl+ supportin# a #ro/in# num'er o! customers3 'ut also una'le to deliver ade(uate 4oS !or hi#h 'and/idth re(uired multimedia application. 0here!ore3 it is necessar+ to anal+sis the 4oS in /ireless net/ork3 !or providin# 4oS #uarantees in the connection and application level. ,4, P&o$l)m D)%c&! t!o" *se o! /ireless devices has increased da+ '+ da+3 so3 more users are #ettin# connected throu#h the net/ork3 as a result3 the net/ork /ill 'e overloaded3 and thus /ill lead drop the net/ork per!ormance level. 0here!ore3 in order to prevent channel overload3 admitted tra!!ic in net/ork needs to 'e controlled into the /ireless net/ork3 /hen there is a lar#e num'er o! multimedia services re(uire. ;i#ure 1 sho/s an e5ample /ireless net/ork3 /ith seven ad1acent cells 'ased on a he5a#onal re:presentation o! a personal communication service , .S- in /ireless net/ork. "n ever+ cell3 /hich covered '+ a 'ase station3 #enerall+ a mo'ile unit connected throu#h the /ireless net/ork via the 'ase station ,@S- and each 'ase station ena'le net/ork services to su'scri'ers in its cell3 /here3 all the 'ase stations are controlled throu#h 'ase station controller ,@S.-.


F!#u&) /D P)&%o"al Commu"!cat!o" S)&1!c) =PCS> W!&)l)%% N)t(o&'%4 Where, Base stations (BS) generate radio signals to connect mobile unit in the network [7], enabling to receive and send calls, emails, texts etc. he Base Station !ontroller (BS!) makes available control "unctions in a B S (Base ransceiver Station). %ormall+ a 'ase station provides restricted num'ers o! communication channel !or its cell and all mo'ile su'scri'ers share it. 0here!ore3 risin# demands !rom mo'ile su'scri'ers /ith di!!erent service re(uests re(uire ad1ustin# the user needs and demands3 and the /ireless net/ork has some limitations in terms o! availa'le resources. 0hese limitations come into action /hen there are a hu#e num'er o! users in a sin#le cell3 tr+in# to make call simultaneousl+. &s di!!erent user uses di!!erent application simultaneousl+3 the /ireless net/ork needs to ad1ust accordin# to the application re(uirement. "! the net/ork is admittin# 21

all the tra!!ic as lon# it has the availa'le 'and/idth no matter /hat the net/ork load7throu#hput. @ut as /ireless net/ork has to use the availa'le resources more e!!ectivel+3 it should make sure a'out the 4oS also. & decrease in throu#hput or increase in net/ork load means the net/ork is compromisin# in terms o! relia'ilit+ and (ualit+ o! service ,4oS-. "! the num'ers o! calls 'oost the use o! availa'le 'and/idth decreases3 /hich means the remainin# 'and/idth3 mi#ht not 'e enou#h !or the ne5t callers or users3 /hich has adverse e!!ect on 4oS constraints in /ireless net/ork. 0/o metrics have 'een used in .S /ireless net/orks3 !or 4oS measures3 that is3 the ne/ calls 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+ and the handover call droppin# pro'a'ilit+ due to unavaila'ilit+ o! /ireless communication channels. 2hen a mo'ile su'scri'er /ith a continuin# connection leaves the e5istin# cell and trans!er to others cell3 a handover occurs. 0here!ore3 a continuin# connection ma+ 'e dropped durin# the period o! a handover call3 i! there is insu!!icient 'and/idth to support it3 and it is happened /hen the net/ork resources is e5hausted /ith the availa'le resources. @+ re1ectin# ne/ call connection re(uests3 /e can minimi9e the handover call droppin# pro'a'ilit+. Minimi9in# the handover call:droppin# pro'a'ilit+ ma+ result in a 'oost o! the ne/ call 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+. 0here!ore3 there is a su'stitution 'et/een the ne/7handover call 'lockin# pro'a'ilities and droppin# pro'a'ilit+. .&. al#orithms address the su'stitution 'et/een handover7ne/ call droppin# and 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+. .&. schemes use to !ormulate call acceptation or re1ection decisions /ith a purpose to shrink the ne/ call 'lockin# and the handover call droppin# pro'a'ilit+3 in order to control net/ork con#estion in /ireless net/ork. ,4- QoS !" W!&)l)%% N)t(o&' 2ith the innovations in radio technolo#+ and risin# demand o! /ireless services !or mo'ile and real:time /ireless applications3 4oS re(uirements provisionin# !or /ireless access 22

technolo#ies is one o! the vital demandin# issues !or ne5t #eneration /ireless net/ork ,%C2%-. 0he ne5t #eneration /ireless net/orks desi#n !or di!!erent applications are an essential o'1ective in order to #et the ma5imum #uaranteein# 4oS constraints accordin# to the chan#in# situations. 4oS re!ers to the capacit+ o! a net/orkG de!ined as the measure o! per!ormance !or a transmission s+stem that re!lects its transmission (ualit+ and availa'ilit+ o! services3 in a net/ork service E8F. 4oS can 'e predicta'le '+ the !ollo/in# /a+s: minimi9in# and mana#in# net/ork con#estion3 settin# priorities o! net/ork tra!!ic and smoothin# the tra!!ic !lo/ E8F. 4oS also can 'e measured in numerous /a+s: dela+3 1itter and error rate are /ell:kno/n set o! parameters /hich appl+ in 'oth /ireless and /ired net/orks and the 4oS in /ireless net/ork is considered at t/o levels3 i.e. the connection level and application level EBFE10F. 6ne approach !or application level 4oS provisionin# is associated /ith the arran#ement o! converters and description s+nta5 /hich identi!+ 4oS at the end:user net/ork and application level and is commonl+ considered in packet:s/itched net/orks such as dela+ or dela+ 1itter3 error or loss etc are used to descri'e application level 4oS EBF. 0o solve these 4oS pro'lem3 schedulin# schemes and e!!icient packet access protocol pla+s ke+ role. .onnection level 4oS is associated /ith connection esta'lishment and mana#ement that are desi#ned usuall+ '+ t/o parameters such as handover droppin# pro'a'ilit+ ,H.$ - and ne/ call 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+ ,%.@ - EBFE11F.


F!#u&) ,D W!&)l)%% QoS D) loym)"t E@am l) E:F Where, !isco #ni"ied !ommunications $anager (!#!$), "ormerl% !isco #ni"ied !all$anager and !isco !all$anager (!!$), tracks all active &o'( network com)onents* include with )hones, gatewa%s, con"erence bridges, voicemail boxes and transcoding resources. +or signaling the hardware end)oints o" the s%stem, !all$anager o"ten utili,es the Skinn% !lient !ontrol (rotocol (S!!() as a communications )rotocol [-.]. 2.3.1 %e/ .all @lockin# ro'a'ilit+ ,%.@ %e/ call 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+ ,%.@ - measures the service connectivit+ EBF. %e/ call 'lockin# occurs3 /hen a call arrives in the net/ork and it is denied #ettin# admission '+ the net/orkG i! there is no su!!icient 'and/idth availa'le to satis!+ the ne/ call re(uest and its service.

2.3.2 Handover .all $roppin# ro'a'ilit+ ,H.$ .all droppin# pro'a'ilit+ ,.$ - is the pro'a'ilit+ o! droppin# a call due to unavaila'ilit+ o! net/ork resources3 it is happened /hen net/ork resources is e5hausted /ith the availa'le resources at /hich it drops the handover call E4F. Handover call droppin# pro'a'ilit+ ,H.$ is a measure o! continuit+ durin# handover. Handover call droppin# pro'a'ilit+ is the pro'a'ilit+3 /here an admitted call is ended 'e!ore the end E13F o! its service is e(uals the ratio o! the num'er o! dropped handover calls to the total num'er o! handover attempts. 24

2.3.3 @and/idth *tili9ation 2ith the variet+ in multimedia applications in %C2%3 the resource utili9ation and 4oS per!ormance can 'e enhanced '+ !le5i'le 'and/idth allocation3 /here3 more resources can 'e allocated /hen the there is less tra!!ic and the allocated 'and/idth can 'e revoked3 /hen3 there is con#estion E14F. $urin# the call3 the 'and/idth is sta'le3 so that the e!!ect on 4oS can 'e predicta'le. ;or the selected protocols3 'and/idth is de!ined as the a##re#ated data3 /hich is trans!erred !rom one side o! the 'and/idth link to the others. 0o measure 'and/idth utili9ation is 'ased on the calculation o! data that is passed !rom one side to the other side o! the link and 'and/idth monitor tool provides the 'and/idth usa#e details 'oth on at the device level and a inter!ace level !or the real time net/ork tra!!ic o! an+ S%M device and a comparison o! the individual tra!!ic o! its inter!aces displa+ '+ the 'and/idth utili9ation device E1AF. ,4. Call A*m!%%!o" Co"t&ol =CAC> 2hen a call arrives in a cell in /ireless net/orks3 it can 'e divided into t/o #roups such as handover calls and ne/ calls. 0hen3 the s+stem must have decided /hether that calls to 'e 'lock or admit3 to prevent net/ork con#estion. .all admission control ,.&.- can 'e de!ined as a process !or mana#in# the arrivin# tra!!ic ,at the call3 session3 or connection level- 'ased on some prede!ined criteria. .on#estion control procedures in /ireless net/ork can 'e cate#ori9ed into reactive con#estion control and preventive con#estion control. 0/o procedures !ollo/in# to control preventive con#estion in net/ork: 'and/idth en!orcement and call admission control ,.&.- E1?F. .&. is an e!!ective mechanism to #uarantee e!!icient3 !le5i'le3 and relia'le (ualit+ o! service ,4oS- in /ireless net/orks. .all admission control can also 'e used to limit the num'er o! terminals that limits the num'er o! calls and 'and/idth to each site and ensure or maintain assured level o! audio (ualit+ and per!ormance E17F in voice


communications net/orks or internet nodes and servers /here 8o" tra!!ic e5ists. .&. is used to optimi9e the s+stem per!ormance and #uarantee the 4oS provisionin#3 in terms o! call 'lockin#7droppin# pro'a'ilit+3 si#nal (ualit+3 packet dela+ and loss rate3 and transmission rate E18F in /ireless net/orks. "n area o! /ireless net/orkin#3 keepin# 4oS parameters like call droppin# pro'a'ilities and call 'lockin# lo/ /hile at the same time ma5imi9in# 'and/idth utili9ation is a challen#in# task E1BF.

F!#u&) -D Ra*!o R)%ou&c) Ma"a#)m)"t Mo*)l E/:F4 &ccordin# to ;i#. 13 the call admission scheme ,.&.- takin# the net/ork loadin# conditions into consideration /hen an arrival call access to the net/ork 'ased on prede!ined criteria to make a decision /hether the incomin# call /ill 'e 2?

admit 7 re1ect to #et a connection re(uest E18F. 2.4.1 "mportance o! .&. in 2ireless %et/ork ersonal communication s+stem , .S- in ne5t #eneration /ireless net/ork ,%C2%- /ill 'e a'le to provide multimedia services to users an+time and an+/here /ith 4oS #arneted. .all admission control is essential due to limited radio spectrum3 user mo'ilit+3 and the nature o! multimedia tra!!ic to deal /ith the limited resource pro'lem in /ireless net/ork E20FE21F. call admission methods !or admittin# ne/ and7or handover calls into a /ireless net/ork havin# a pluralit+ o! communications channels and the decision process o! .&. 'ased on maintainin# certain level o! 4oS to the user3 can 'e !ormulated 'ased on .&. polic+3 takes call re(uests as input3 and !ormulate the decision 'ased on the e5istin# tra!!ic conditions o! the s+stem. 2hen a user makes re(uests !or a ne/ connection3 the .&. polic+ is to estimate the amount o! resources re(uired '+ ,a- the users alread+ e5ist in the s+stem3 and ,'- the a/aitin# user3 and /hen the sum o! the estimated re(uired resources E20F is not #rater than the total s+stem resources3 then the user /ill 'e admitted in the s+stemG other/ise3 the re(uest /ill 'e re1ected. New/Handoff call




Call Admission control

Service F!#u&) .D Call A*m!%%!o" Co"t&ol 2.4.2 urpose o! .&. in 2ireless %et/ork



.&. pla+s an important role in /ireless communication !or resource sharin# s+stem. "t is an important component o! these s+stems. &n access link in a circuit s/itch net/ork re(uires certain amount o! 'and/idth to accommodate several service t+pes includin# video3 voice audio3 data3 and other risin# multimedia applications each /ith certain amount o! 'and/idth necessities and tra!!ic statistics E22F. "n order to make 'est use o! the throu#hput o! that links3 .&. is used. ;urthermore3 in the mo'ile cellular s+stems3 a 'ase station /ith its restricted num'ers o! channel each cell desires to hold 'oth handover calls !rom nei#h'orin# cells and ne/ calls ori#inatin# at this cell E22F. "t is e5pected that handover calls /ill have hi#her priorit+ then the ne/ calls !rom customersJ point o! vie/. 0here!ore3 the o'1ectives o! .&. are to decrease the ne/ and7or handover call 'lockin# pro'a'ilities as /ell as #ivin# priorit+ to handover calls. Some others o'1ectives E18F o! .&. are: Cuarantee the si#nal (ualit+ Civin# priorit+ to some classes. Ma5imi9e revenue. >e#ulate the ne/ connections to control net/ork con#estion. ;air resource sharin#. Cuarantee the minimum data transmission rate.

Cuarantee packet:level 4oS.

2.4.3 .omponent o! .&. urpose o! .&. is to provide (ualit+ o! service #uarantee !or individual connection '+ its availa'le resources. 2hen a ne/ call arrivin# to a net/ork3 admission control unit make decision !or arrivin# call3 /ith it is re(uested 4oS satis!ied and /ithout violatin# the 4oS #uarantees made to the e5istin# connection and the decision is made '+ admission criteria 28

'ased on the availa'ilit+ o! net/ork resources as /ell as tra!!ic speci!ications and 4oS re(uirements o! the users: K*pon a ne/ call arrival3 admission control unit /ill make admission decision 'ased on admission criteria3 net/ork 4oS state and !lo/ in!ormationJ E23F. 0here!ore3 .&. is associated /ith channel allocation3 'ase station assi#nment3 'and/idth reservation3 and schedulin#.

Admission Control Module

Admission Criteria Network QoS State and Flow nformation

"raffic profile or QoS re#uirement

Admission Control !nit

Admission decision

F!#u&) 7D Com o")"t% of A*m!%%!o" Co"t&ol E,-F4 2.4.4 .&. &l#orithm 2hen there is a handover7 ne/ call arrival3 the .&. al#orithm !irst checks /hether i! the s+stem presentl+ has ade(uate 'and/idth and resources to handle the call3 it is 'ein# accepted or i! it violates an+ 4oS constraints3 in this case call is 'ein# re1ected. .&. si#ni!+ the process o! makin# a decision !or ever+ ne/7handover call admission accordin# to the amount o! availa'le resource versus users 4oS re(uirements re(uest E31F3 and the e!!ect upon the 4oS o! the e5istin# calls imposed '+ each ne/ call. .all admission control , 2B

.&.- can 'e divided into t/o E18F #roups: user 'ased and inter!erence 'ased3 /here3 user 'ased al#orithms are dependent on the num'er o! channels availa'le and in inter!erence 'ased al#orithm3 admission control is 'ased on the ."> parameter. ,47 ?a"*(!*t6 R)%)&1at!o" 2ireless net/orks are e5pected to 'e a'le to support multimedia tra!!ic such as voice3 data3 ima#e3 videocon!erence3 !ile trans!er3 and video on demand3 etc. "n order to provide necessar+ (ualit+ o! service ,4oS- #uarantee makes a #reat demand !or 'and/idth reservation in /ireless net/orks !or multimedia tra!!ic and thus3 the availa'le 'and/idth o! /ireless net/orks should 'e mana#ed in the most e!!icient manner. "n order to maintain lo/er handover call droppin# pro'a'ilit+ then ne/ call 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+3 a !i5ed amount o! 'and/idth /ill 'e reserved and the 'and/idth reservation scheme keeps !e/ channels reserved permanentl+3 e5clusivel+ !or handover calls3 to keep handover droppin# pro'a'ilit+ lo/er than the ne/ call 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+ E24F. 6ne o! the most vital 4oS issues is ho/ to decrease handover drops due to lack o! availa'le 'and/idth and this leads to hi#her connection droppin# rate ,.$>- and makes (ualit+ o! service ,4oS- #uarantees di!!icult E2AF. 0here!ore3 to reduction o! connection 'lockin# rate ,.@>-3 and connection droppin# rate ,.$>-3 ne/ and e!!icient 'and/idth reservation schemes should 'e developed in the multimedia /ireless net/orks. <stimated the 'and/idth reservation /ould 'e 'ased on the histor+ o! the nei#h'orin# cells and nominal cells. @+ ade(uate 'and/idth allocation3 the resource utili9ation and 4oS per!ormance can 'e improved in /ireless net/ork to !ul!ill the diversit+ o! multimedia application re(uirements. 2e can use the #uard channel scheme to reserve allocated 'and/idth in a cell to !ul!ill the 4oS re(uirement accordin# to various services classes such as E2?F voice call3 >0 tra!!ic3 and %>0 tra!!ic and handover calls.


Circuit switc$ calls % A N D & D " H Real "ime traffic Non Real "ime "raffic Handoff calls





F!#u&) 8D Pa&t!t!o"!"# of t6) A1a!la$l) ?a"*(!*t6 at ?S E,8F4 0o make 'and/idth reservation !or !uture calls !or ma5imi9es the total 'and/idth utili9ation results in /aste o! availa'le 'and/idth. "n the cellular s+stem the tra!!ic is assumed to 'elon# to t/o E1BF classes3 real:time multimedia tra!!ic ,voice3 video- and non:real:time data tra!!ic ,e:mail-.

,48 Summa&y 0his chapter is an overvie/ o! 4oS in /ireless net/ork. " have presented here a short aspect o! 4oS re(uirement that needed in /ireless net/ork to control net/ork con#estion. &lso one o! the schemes !or improvin# 4oS in /ireless net/ork3 call admission control ,.&.- is !or individual connections !or utili9in# net/ork resources discussed here.


C2APTER DYNAMIC CALL ADMISSION CONTROL 0he purpose o! this chapter is to introduce some /ork that has 'een done '+ other researchers so !ar on call admission control to maintain desire level 4oS in /ireless net/orks. &t the 'e#innin# o! the chapter relevant paper is 'een introduced. " /ill !ocus on the /orkin# process o! the authors o! the relevant papers and the results o'tained '+ them. -4/ I"t&o*uct!o" to t6) R)l)1a"t Pa )&% 6ne o! the important proposed call admission control al#orithm3 to maintain 4oS in /ireless net/ork is d+namic call admission control ,$&.&-. "n E27F the authors proposed a d+namic admission control architecture that provides #uaranteed (ualit+ o! service !or 'oth real:time and non:real time tra!!ic. &ccordin# to their proposed architecture d+namic call admission control is implemented in /ireless net/ork 'ased on the di!!erent t+pes o! call ,0o.-. "n E28F the author proposed a d+namic call admission control that is associated /ith the resource reservation ,>>- schemes. 0heir research is 'ased on the #uard channel ,C.- concept !or /ireless net/ork to support 'etter (ualit+ o! service. &ccordin# to Huan .hen3 Sunil =umar and .... La+ =uo3 the+ have su##ested that the amount o! resources to 'e reserved d+namicall+ ad1usted '+ considerin# nei#h'orin#:cell hi#her:priorit+ calls. Here the authorsJ means handover calls as hi#her:priorit+ calls. -4, A!m% a"* O$5)ct!1)% 0he aims and o'1ectives o! the paper3 /hich has 'een discussed in this chapter3 is to provide and maintain 'etter (ualit+ o! service !or 'oth real:time and non:real time application in /ireless net/orks. 0o overcome static resource reservation and conservation mechanism 32

&nal+9in# the amount o! tra!!ic !or ever+ call &nal+9in# the resources that is re(uired !or each t+pes o! call ,0o.&nal+9in# the t+pes o! call to deliver re(uired 'and/idth

-4- A

&oac6)% a"* M)t6o*olo#y

0he approaches and methodolo#+ used in the research that has 'een discussed is e5perimental 'ased and provides numerical and anal+tical results. &ccordin# to their research3 C. =ousal+a3 . %ara+anasam+3 Lon# H+uk ark3 Moon:Ho =im3 Heai:Lo =an# has proposed a d+namic call admission control ,$.&.- architecture that provides #uaranteed (ualit+ o! service !or 'oth real:time and non real:time tra!!ic in /ireless net/orks. 0heir proposed architecture tries to accomplish minimum call 'lockin# and handover droppin# rates 'ased on the capacit+ o! the nei#h'orin# 'ase stations3 current 'ase stations and t+pes o! call ,0o.-. "n their research3 the+ have proposed a 'and/idth:provisionin# model that provides 'and/idth reallocation and 'and/idth reservation !or di!!erent t+pes o! call. 0he authors have assi#ned a minimal 'and/idth !or the li!etime o! hi#h priorit+ calls. 0he main components that are 'ein# considered in their approach is tra!!ic speci!ication ,0S <.-3 call admission control ,.&.and resource reservation ,>>-. -4. DCAC A&c6!t)ctu&) a"* !t% Com o")"t% &s stated earlier in the approaches and methodolo#+ section the author has mainl+ considered three 'asic components. ;i#ure E27F presents the architecture o! the proposed call admission control method.


Application profile Mo'ile Client (ocation QoS



Resource Allocation

%andwidt$ )roviaionin*

Network Resource
F!#u&) 9D DCAC A&c6!t)ctu&) E,9F &ccordin# to the proposed model3 the 4oS part alon# /ith the 'and/idth provision part provides the re(uired resources !or di!!erent 0o. E27F. 0he 'and/idth provision model pla+s an important role as it decides /hen and ho/ much 'and/idth has to 'e provided !or di!!erent 0o.. 0he parameter !or the 4oS is #athered !rom the mo'ile unit ,M*- and 'ase stations ,@S'+ the 'and/idth provision part as /ell as the current 'and/idth over a period o! time. 0he application pro!ile holds the in!ormation o! 0o.3 the re(uired 'and/idth and the duration o! connection. 0he application pro!ile #athers its inputs !rom 'oth @S and M*. &ccordin# to the proposed model3 the total 'and/idth is partitioned to cell to meet the 4oS re(uirements. 0he 'and/idth is partitioned accordin# to the 0o. such as real:time calls3 non: real time calls3 handover calls. 0o prevent the con#estion in net/ork !or real:time calls and handover calls are #iven hi#hest priorit+. 0he $.&. up#rade or de#rade al#orithm is used in the case o! prioriti9in#.


-47 E@ la"at!o" of t6) P&oc)%% &ccordin# to the authors E27F3 at each node o! the net/ork the $.&. takes the decision /hether a connection re(uest /ill 'e accepted or re1ected. 0he decision is made 'ased on the re(uested 4oS and availa'le 'and/idth. ;or ever+ sin#le connection that is 'een accepted3 the resource reservation ,>>- scheme at each node allots resources !or that re(uest.

3.A.1 @and/idth artitionin# "n E27F3 the authors have proposed a model /here the total 'and/idth is partitioned into cells to meet 4oS re(uirements !or each t+pes o! call. >ather then #ivin# priorit+ to all the calls the propose scheme #ives hi#her priorit+ to real:time calls and handover calls /hich leads to less net/ork con#estion and less handovers. 0otal availa'le 'and/idth in the net/ork is partitioned d+namicall+ into three di!!erent t+pes. 0here are some prede!ined values o! allocated 'and/idth !or each t+pes o! call ,0o.-. 10 N o! the availa'le 'and/idth !or handover calls3 ?0N o! the availa'le 'and/idth !or real:time calls and the remainin# part o! the availa'le 'and/idth is !or other calls.

3.A.2 $+namic .all &dmission .ontrol &l#orithm ,$.&.0he al#orithm that is 'een proposed in E27F is 'een desi#ned in a /a+ that can support multi: class services /ith 'etter 4oS. 0he access point ,& - and the 'ase station ,@S- monitors the tra!!ic condition as /ell as tra!!ic arrival pattern !or di!!erent t+pes o! call. 0o maintain the re(uired level o! (ualit+ o! service each t+pes o! call has its o/n lo/er and upper 'ound o! re(uired 'and/idth. 0he lo/er 'ound and upper 'ound re(uired 'and/idth is de!ined as Bmin and Bmax respectivel+. ;or each mo'ile unit ,M*- the data rate is assi#ned d+namicall+ and this is per!ormed in terms o! packet arrival rate. 0otal availa'le 'and/idth o! the @S is d+namicall+ allocated to each node. &llocation o! 'and/idth to each node depends on the


tra!!ic load and tra!!ic t+pe. 0he initial 'and/idth is same as o! the total 'and/idth ,@/ O 0@a/-. & threshold value is prede!ined !or real time and nor:real time tra!!ics and the prede!ined value !or real time tra!!ic is 0hr O 0.070 and !or non:real time tra!!ic is 0hnr O 0.0?A.0here is a provision o! 'and/idth ad1ustment that ma+ 'e re(uired in terms o! 'etter 4oS deliver+. 0his 'and/idth ad1ustment scheme is used3 i! a hi#her priorit+ service needs to 'e accepted /here there is a shorta#e o! availa'le 'and/idth. "n this case the previousl+ assi#ned 'and/idth o! a lo/er priorit+ service is decreased to an accepta'le ran#e to provide more 'and/idth !or a hi#her priorit+ call. 0his !acilit+ helps to reduce the num'er o! drop o!! calls or call 'lockin#.
Ta$l) /D Va&!ou% Pa&am)t)&% co"%!*)&)* !" t6) P&o o%)* Al#o&!t6m $y G4 Kou%6alya

arameters 0@a/7@/ @ho!! @>t @%rt 0hr 0hnr P' @av# @min @ma5 @ct

$escription 0otal @and/idth availa'le in a @S @and/idth reserved !or handover calls ,10N o! 0@a/@and/idth reserved !or real:time calls ,?0N o! 0@a/@and/idth reserved !or non:real time calls ,20N o! 0@a/0hreshold value !or real:time calls 0hreshold value !or non:real time calls Step value !or up#radin# and de#radin# the 'and/idth &vera#e 'and/idth !or a call Minimum 'and/idth !or a call Ma5imum 'and/idth !or a call .urrent 'and/idth assi#ned !or various calls in each @S7&


0he al#orithm proposed '+ the authors is presented E27F 'elo/: .&. ,@min3@ma530o.3 0Spec;or ," O 1 to %- 77% :Q %o o! calls. R ;or ,0ocO0..2- 77 6nl+ three t+pes are considered R @Ho!!O0@a/S0.13 @>tO0@a/S0.?3 @%rtO0@a/S0.30G 0@a/O@Ho!!T@>tT@%rtG .ase 0: 0o. O0 R "!,@minQ@Ho!!R 77 &ssi#n @min !or hando!! call U <lse R "! ,.all de#rade,@min3thr-0@a/O0@a/:@min <lse "! ,@>tQ @minR 77>eallocate >eal:time unused @and/idth 777 0o hando!! call 0@a/O0@a/:@min UUU .ase 1: 0o.O1 R "! ,@minQ@>tR 77 &ssi#n @min !or real:time call U <lse R "!,.all de#rade,@min3thr0@a/O0@a/:@min <lse "! ,@>tQ @minR 77$rop an+one o! the %rt 77.heck !or availa'le 'and/idth U U U i! ,0@a/Q,@minS%o o! >ealtime callR *p#rade,@min3thr- U .ase :2 "! ,@minQ@%rtR 37

77 &ssi#n @min !or real time cal U "! ,@minV0hnr- ,$ropelse *p#rade 0he *p#rade and de#rade al#orithm is sho/n E27F 'elo/: *p#rade,@min3@ma53@ct3@av-R S'O@av7% 2hile,@avQ@ctR @ct O@ctTS' "! ,@ctV@ma5 WW @ctV@av@ctO&llocate ,@ct3@avU <nd o! *p#rade $e#rade ,,@min3 @ma53 @ct3 @avS'O@av7% 2hile ,@avQ@ctR @ct O@ct:X' "! ,@ctQ@min@ctO&llocate ,@ct3@avU <nd o! $e#rade 3.A.3 0he <5perimental Set:up 0he authorsJ e5perimental set:up /as 'ased on usin# three computers and t/o /ireless access point ,& -. &ll the three mo'ile stations /ere located /ithin 9one to ensure that the /ireless link (ualit+ is #ood enou#h. 0he si#nal stren#th in this 9one /as less than or e(ual to :42 d@m. 0he authors o'served the ma5imum3 avera#e and ma5imum 'and/idth !or all the tra!!ics accordin# to the proposed al#orithm.


F!#u&) :D T6) E@ )&!m)"tal S)tBu $y t6) Aut6o&% E,9F

Ta$l) ,D Summa&y of I"fo&mat!o" fo& Va&!ou% TSPEC (!t6 P&!o&!ty E,9F .hannel condition Si#nal stren#th ,:d@m&vera#e throu#hput 0 ,Mp'sCood &vera#e oor :1B :42 Q:72 4.?00 3.7?0 0.0?A

0he authors classi!+ their /ireless channel (ualit+ into three (ualitative cate#ories3 /hich areG #ood3 avera#e and poor so that it is easier to measure on. 0he simple lo#ic used in this t+pe o! set:up is Ythe /eaker the si#nal is the lo/er the throu#hput isZ
Ta$l) -D Qual!tat!1) C6a&act)&!<at!o" of W!&)l)%% C6a"")l E,9F

0S <. &udio ,031Media ,031%et mertin# ;0 ,2-

@min ,M'ps@av ,M'ps0.0B3 0.741 0.07A 0.743 0.077 0.482 0.020 0.13A -48 R)%ult% O$ta!")* $y t6) Aut6o&%

@ma5 ,M'ps3.4AA 3.24A 0.B80 0.200

0he results o'tained '+ the authors in E27F are 'ased on mathematical anal+sis and /as o'tained '+ e5periment. 0he authors o'served that the ma5imum throu#hput o! 4.? M'ps !or


a #ood channel is /ell 'elo/ the nominal rate o! 11M'ps3 /hich indicates that is 10 M'ps. <thernet connections 'et/een the server and the & is not a 'ottleneck o! their e5periment.

3.?.1 0hrou#hput @+ usin# the streamin# !rom the real audio server3 the data /as trans!erred !rom the server to the client. &s the call admission control al#orithm su##est puttin# more priorit+ to/ards real time tra!!ic than o! non real:time tra!!ic. "t is o'served that real:time tra!!ic is #iven hi#her priorit+ than the non:real:time tra!!ic. &s the distance increases the throu#hput decreases 'ut !or non:real:time tra!!ic3 the data trans!er is dropped /hen the throu#hput is 'elo/ the threshold value.

F!#u&) AD T6&ou#6 ut G Au*!oC M)*!a a"* FTP =fo& m!@)* "um$)& of call%> E,9F

3.?.2 .all @lockin# and $roppin# ro'a'ilit+ ;i#ure sho/s the call 'lockin# and droppin# pro'a'ilit+ at tra!!ic arrival rate [ o! poison process. 0he li!etime o! each connection /as distri'uted e5ponentiall+ /ith a mean o! 17\. 0he call residence time is distri'uted e5ponentiall+ /ith a mean o! 17]. 0he !i#ure sho/s that 40

the priorit+ o! the calls is taken care '+ the s+stem /hen there is a hu#e volume o! calls and more tra!!ic is #enerated. 0he !i#ure also sho/s that the termination o! non:real:time tra!!ic is #reater than the real:time calls. 0he !i#ure is presented as .$ ,.all droppin# pro'a'ilit+and .@ ,.all 'lockin# pro'a'ilit+-.

F!#u&) /0D Call D&o

!"# a"* Call ?loc'!"# P&o$a$!l!ty E,9F

-49 Co"clu%!o" S)t $y t6) Aut6o&% 0he author E27F presented an e!!icient $.&. al#orithm that can support 'etter 4oS !or most o! the applications in /ireless net/orks. 0he author is convinced that the o'1ectives o! call admission control ,.&.- can 'e achieved /ith this al#orithm. 0he authors implemented a $.&. model that is 'ased on service model desi#ned !or 'oth real:time and non:real:time tra!!ics. 0he tra!!ics /ere cate#ori9ed 'ased on t+pe o! calls to implement the call admission control al#orithm. -4: Lo#!cal Val!*at!o" a"* Co"clu%!o"


&ll the approaches 'ased on $.&. that are discussed in this chapter !ocuses to/ards d+namic call admission control. 0he !indin#s o! the research that is 'een discussed in this chapter /as /ell discussed3 'ased on e5periments and mathematicall+ proven. $+namic call admission control ,$&.&- is 'ased on a simple scheme that /orks '+ allocatin# 'and/idth to di!!erent applications. Means all the ne/ re(uests are allocated their re(uired 'and/idth on demand3 i! the net/ork has enou#h availa'le resources to meet the desired level o! 4oS !or that application. &ll the research papers that is 'een discussed in this chapter addresses the issue o! 4oS in /ireless net/ork '+ considerin# the limitation o! resources and ho/ to use these limited resources more e!!ectivel+. 0here /as no si#n on connection re1ection until and unless the net/ork load is hi#h enou#h that is una'le to support the ne/ connection. 0he tra!!ic arrival process /as not discussed here in the research papers in depth. 0he arrival rate o! tra!!ics /as assumed as poison process. Ho/ever in each research paper there is a lot more scope !or more improvements. -4A Summa&y 0his chapter discusses the !irst approach to/ard $.&. in /ireless net/orks to achieve 'etter 4oS. 0/o:call admission control scheme 'ased on d+namic allocation o! resources ,$.&.has 'een e5plained here in short. & short discussion on the proposed al#orithm has 'een presented in this chapter. " have also discussed and lo#icall+ validated the !indin#s that are 'een mathematicall+ proven the authors.

C2APTER . APPROAC2 TOWARDS PRO?LEM SOLUTION USING OPNET "n this chapter3 " have presented m+ e5perimental !indin#s and discussed in 'rie!. " am usin# 6 %<0 modeler B.1 ,&cademic 8ersion- to do m+ simulation /ork. 42

.4/ D)%c&! t!o" of P&o$l)m 2ireless net/orks are a phenomenon. "t has #ot its #rip all over the /orld and /ide variet+ o! users. @ut unlike the /ired net/ork3 it is not !ull o! resources. 0he /ireless net/ork has some limitation in terms o! availa'le resources. 0hese limitations come into action /hen there are a hu#e num'er o! users in a sin#le cell tr+in# to make a call simultaneousl+. &s di!!erent user uses di!!erent application simultaneousl+3 the /ireless net/ork needs to ad1ust accordin# to the application re(uirement. &s the num'er o! calls increases3 use o! availa'le 'and/idth increases3 /hich means the remainin# 'and/idth mi#ht not 'e enou#h !or the ne5t callers or users. "n order to maintain the re(uired (ualit+ o! service o! multimedia applications in /ireless net/orks need to implement some schemes /hich /e called admission control schemes. 0his admission control schemes make sure that the /ireless net/ork is not

overloaded3 the throu#hput is #ood3 connectivit+ is relia'le and the resource is availa'le to other user also. .4, A &oac6)% a"* M)t6o*olo#!)%

"n this chapter3 " have discussed m+ approaches to/ards the need the o! admission control. " have desi#ned a simulation topolo#+ usin# 6 %<0 modeler version B.1 ,&cademic 8ersionand tried to prove that /e need call admission control in /ireless net/ork. &s 6 %<0 modeler B.1 has some limitation its o/n. So3 " could not implement an+ call admission control al#orithm. "n m+ simulation e5periment3 " have !ocused on the net/ork load and throu#hput measurement as " am plannin# to sho/ that ho/ the num'er o! calls e!!ects the /ireless net/ork load and throu#hput /here it is possi'le to keep the net/ork load lo/ and throu#hput hi#h3 i! call admission control /ould have 'een used. "t is lo#ical that i! the num'er o! users increases3 it /ill a!!ect the /ireless net/ork '+ increasin# the net/ork load3 /hich /ill leads


to/ards drop o! throu#hput. "n other /ords /e are compromisin# /ith (ualit+ o! service o! the applications7 calls. .4- A!m% a"* O$5)ct!1)% 0he aims and o'1ectives o! this approach are to prove the need o! admission control in /ireless net/orks. 0he 'asic aims and o'1ectives o! this research is as !ollo/s: 0o anal+9e the tra!!ic pattern in a /ireless net/ork 0o anal+9e the impact o! tra!!ic load in a /ireless net/ork 0o anal+9e the e!!ect o! di!!erent application in a /ireless net/ork in di!!erent condition 0o identi!+ the need o! call admission control in a /ireless net/ork 0o identi!+ and anal+9e the net/ork load in di!!erent simulation scenarios 0o identi!+ and anal+9e the net/ork throu#hput in di!!erent scenarios 0o discuss the simulation outcome

.4. O1)&1!)( of OPNET


6 %<0 is the most d+namic market leadin# simulation tool !or net/orkin# environment3 /hich provides an e5cellent C*" inter!ace !acilit+ to user. 0his so!t/are suit is mainl+ developed !or

modelin# and anal+sis purpose. &s to e5ecute similar to actual s+stem3 6 %<0 represents the models throu#h several hierarchical phases. "n 6 %<0 terminolo#+3 these phases are denoted as Y<ditorZ. 0he !ollo/in# !i#ure represents an e5ample o! hierarchical description /here a computer is create '+ several nodes and each node consists o! several process node /ith transactions and states /here inside each state the 'ehavior is de!ined.

F!#u&) ///D T6) Doma!"% !" OPNET a&) O&#a"!<)* 2!)&a&c6!cally 4.4.1 ro1ect <ditor ro1ect editor is the main /indo/ /here a simulation scenario modeled to run usin# standard li'rar+. 0hrou#h this editor the results statistics selection3 simulation run and !inall+ output is also represented.


F!#u&) /,,D OPNET P&o5)ct E*!to& 4.4.2 %ode <ditor 0o create a net/ork scenario the ke+ elements are node models. %ode editor lets user to de!ine the 'ehavior o! each nodes usin# modules /here modules are connected /ith each other via either static /ire or packet steam.

F!#u&) /--D OPNET No*) E*!to&

4.4.3 rocess <ditor rocess editor helps to de!ine the process model runnin# under each node that is created !rom node editor. 0his process model is represented '+ !inite state machine ,;SM-. rocess editor 4?

creates process model /ith help o! icons that lines s+m'oli9e represents state and transaction in 'et/een states. 4.4.4 )ink <ditor
&!ter success!ull+ creatin# a node the ma1or component is to connect those nodes /ith a communication channel /hich kno/n as link. "n net/ork environment there a num'er o! cate#ories o! links are e5ist. )ink editor !acilitates to create di!!erent t+pes o! link o'1ect.

.47 S!mulat!o" M)t6o*olo#!)% a"* Im l)m)"tat!o"

4.A.1 Simulation arameter M)*!a Acc)%% D)layD Media access dela+ is the amount o! time one data packet needs to /ait in M&. (ueue to 'e transmitted into the medium. M&. dela+ is studied here to see the e!!ect o! contention /indo/ si9e. Pac')t E"*BtoBE"* D)layD acket end:to:end dela+ is the avera#e time a data packet needs to reach !rom one end to other end over the net/ork. ;or video application packet end:to:end dela+ needs to 'e as lo/ as possi'le to #et a natural !ellin# video con!erencin#. "n m+ pro1ect3 " /ant to keep packet end:to:end dela+ as lo/ as possi'le. Pac')t D)layD acket dela+ variation acket dela+ variation or Litter is the variation o! end: to:end dela+ o! packet. Some times 'ulk+ 1itter value create data packets to reach the destination in /ron# se(uence3 creatin# 1erk+ video E2BF. R)% o"%) t!m)D >esponse time represent ho/ and application /orkin# over the net/ork. )o/ response time sho/ a 'etter per!ormance o! application. $o/nload response and upload response time is considered to anal+9e per!ormance o! e:mail application. <:mail applications are in this pro1ect mapped into 'est e!!ort access cate#or+. T6&ou#6 ut o& ")t(o&' t6&ou#6 utD 0hrou#hput or net/ork throu#hput is the avera#e rate o! success!ul messa#e deliver+ over a communication channel. 0his data ma+ 'e delivered 47

over a ph+sical or lo#ical link3 or pass throu#h a certain net/ork node. 0he throu#hput is usuall+ measured in 'its per second ,'it7s or 'ps-3 and sometimes in data packets per second or data packets per time slot.

4.A.2 Simulation7%et/ork Model 0o conduct this pro1ect3 " did one simulation pro1ect that consists o! 3 scenarios. Scenario 1 is done !or real:time application ,video-3 Scenario 2 is done !or real:time ,video- and non: real: time application ,e:mail- and Scenario 3 is done !or voice3 video and e:mail applications. "n this simulation model3 all the clients are set up in a /a+ that the+ /ill support onl+ those applications that are prede!ined means video clients /ill onl+ supports video applications3 e: mail clients /ill onl+ support e:mail application and voice clients /ill support voice applications.

F!#u&) /.D Sc)"a&!o% (!t6 V!*)o A

l!cat!o" o"ly


F!#u&) /7D Sc)"a&!o% (!t6 V!*)o a"* EBma!l A


F!#u&) /8D Sc)"a&!o% (!t6 V!*)oC Vo!c) a"* EBma!l A



4.A.3 &pplication $e!inition &pplication de!ined in the net/ork usin# application de!inition utilit+. 0hree t+pes o! applications /ere de!ined !or this simulation model3 video application3 e:mail application and voice applications. 8ideo application is o! hi#h:resolution video dataG e:mail application /as de!ined as 'est e!!ort and voice application is de!ined as .M (ualit+ voice.

F!#u&) /9D E@am l) of A

l!cat!o" D)f!"!t!o" fo& t6!% P&o5)ct !" OPNET 4.A.4 ro!ile $e!inition

ro!ile de!ines hi#her la+er tra!!ic #eneration pattern '+ /ireless node. 0hree pro!ile /ere created usin# three application de!ined to anal+9e per!ormance /ireless )&% on this pro1ect. 8ideo application pro!ile is used '+ video client node3 8oice application pro!ile is used '+ voice client node and e:mail application pro!ile is used '+ e:mail application usin# node.


F!#u&) /:D G)")&al P&of!l) Co"f!#u&at!o" Att&!$ut) Ta$l)

F!#u&) /AD P&of!l) Co"f!#u&at!o" fo& V!*)oC Vo!c) a"* EBma!l A .48 E@ )&!m)"t S)tBu


M+ total e5perimental pro1ect consists o! three di!!erent scenarios. <ach scenario has di!!erent num'er o! clients and di!!erent application users. "t means in each scenario3 " have increased the num'er o! clients o! di!!erent applications to !ollo/ up the load and throu#hput speciall+. A1

"n these three di!!erent scenarios3 " have collected the medium access dela+3 net/ork load3 and throu#hput. 0hree scenarios /ere named as 8ideo3 8ideo <mail and 8id8oi<mail. &ll these clients share the same /ireless parameters3 /hich are as !ollo/s: Ta$l) .D W!&)l)%% LAN Pa&am)t)&% arameter $ata rate @and/idth >ts threshold Ma5imum 'u!!er si9e h+sical characteristics acket reception po/er )ar#e packet processin# 8alue 11 M'ps 1000 =H9 2A? 2A?000 'its and 1024000 'its ;re(uenc+ Hoppin# 7.33S<:14 $rop

Sc)"a&!o / B V!*)oD this scenario has ?:client node that are a'le to use video applications onl+. 0he clients are !i5ed and the+ are not movin# around the cell area. <ach o! the client nodes has the same attri'utes and these attri'ute /ere de!ined 'e!ore runnin# the simulation. &ll the clients are usin# the net/ork !or video con!erencin# or some video applications. 0o reduce the num'er o! packet the 'u!!er si9e !or the clients o! this scenario /as set to 130243000 'its. Sc)"a&!o , B V!*)o Ema!lD this scenario consists o! 11:client node3 ? o! the client use video application and A o! the client use e:mail application. %one o! the clients are movin# !rom their e5istin# position. 0he 'u!!er si9es o! video clients are as same as scenario 1 'ut the 'u!!er si9e o! e:mail clients are set to 2A?3000 'its. Sc)"a&!o - B V!*Vo!EBma!lD this scenario has 17 client nodes3 ? o! the clients usin# video application3 ? o! the client usin# voice application and A o! the client usin# e:mail applications. "n this scenario the 'u!!er si9e !or video and voice application /ere set to 1024000 'its and !or e:mail applications the 'u!!er si9e is set to 2A?3000 'its. .49 Coll)ct!o" of R)%ult%


0he simulation /as run !or 3 minutes and /ith a seed value o! 88A !or all o! the scenarios. 0he seed value can 'e !le5i'le. 4.7.1 8ideo acket <nd 0o <nd $ela+

F!#u&) ,0D V!*)o Pac')t E"*BtoBE"* D)lay% fo& Sc)"a&!o /

8ideo packet end:to:end dela+ has not that much e!!ect on this scenario as there is ver+ less num'er o! clients and all o! them usin# the total availa'le 'and/idth o! the net/ork.

F!#u&) ,/D V!*)o Pac')t E"*BtoBE"* D)lay% fo& Sc)"a&!o ,


F!#u&) ,,D V!*)o Pac')t E"*BtoBE"* D)lay fo& Sc)"a&!o 8ideo packet end to end dela+ in this scenario increase a 'it. &s /e #ot here some more clients3 /ho is usin# the availa'le 'and/idth that /as used '+ the video clients onl+3 in the previous scenario. &s /e can see the packet dela+ #oes hi#her than .7A in this case. 4.7.2 %et/ork )oad %et/ork load is 'een discussed in three:di!!erent scenario. %et/ork load appears di!!erent in di!!erent scenarios.

F!#u&) ,-D N)t(o&' Loa* fo& Sc)"a&!o / %et/ork load in Scenario 1 is relativel+ lo/. 0he value o! net/ork load in scenario is 730003000 'its7sec. %et/ork loads !or this scenario keeps stead+ at some certain sta#e. "n A4

'et/een the time period 1 minute and 2 minute net/ork load #ets a sharp peak up to the sho/n value and a!ter/ards it 'ecame stead+.

F!#u&) ,.D N)t(o&' Loa* fo& Sc)"a&!o , %et/ork load !or Scenario 2 is 'it hi#her than that o! Scenario 1. @ut here also the net/ork load sho/s stead+ condition a!ter some certain period time. "n this case /e can see that the net/ork load #oes hi#h up to 830003000 'its7sec and !alls 'it do/n ver+ sharpl+ then 'ecome stead+.


F!#u&) ,7D N)t(o&' Loa* fo& Sc)"a&!o %et/ork load !or Scenario 33 /here " am usin# all the three t+pes o! clients sho/s similarit+ /ith the outcome o! Scenario 2. "t mi#ht 'e 'ecause e:mail applications and the voice applications are not usin# that much o! 'and/idth as video applications are usin#. 4.7.3 Media &ccess $ela+ Media access dela+ !or video access cate#or+ is ver+ important parameter to provide 4oS over /ireless )&%. "ncrease in media access dela+ can result increased dela+ over packet end:to:end dela+. Media access dela+ !or three di!!erent scenarios is presented in !i#ure 2?3 27 and 28. ;rom the !i#ure it is visi'le that " #et some di!!erent media access dela+ !or three di!!erent scenarios. & sharp rise in the media access dela+ is o'served in Scenario 3.

F!#u&) ,8D M)*!a Acc)%% D)lay fo& Sc)"a&!o /


F!#u&) ,9D M)*!a Acc)%% D)lay fo& Sc)"a&!o ,

F!#u&) ,:D M)*!a Acc)%% D)lay fo& Sc)"a&!o 4.7.4 %et/ork 0hrou#hput "n order to have a 'etter 4oS it is must to have 'etter net/ork throu#hput. " have !i#ured out the net/ork throu#hput in three di!!erent scenarios to !ind out the necessit+ o! call admission control. "n three di!!erent scenarios num'er o! users7 clients increases that e!!ect the net/ork A7

load and net/ork throu#hput. ;i#ure 2B3 30 and 31 presents the outcome !or net/ork throu#hput in three di!!erent scenarios.

F!#u&) ,AD N)t(o&' T6&ou#6 ut fo& Sc)"a&!o /

F!#u&) -0D N)t(o&' T6&ou#6 ut fo& Sc)"a&!o ,


F!#u&) -/D N)t(o&' T6&ou#6 ut fo& Sc)"a&!o -

.4: R)%ult Com a&!%o"% a"* A"aly%!% 0his section discusses the com'ined outcomes o! the simulation and presents a comparison o! the outcomes. 0he results are compared in terms o! net/ork load3 media access dela+ and net/ork throu#hput. &!ter runnin# the simulation !or three di!!erent scenarios individuall+3 " have collected the com'ined results to dra/ a comparison and tried to dra/ the !acts that mi#ht help to !ind out the necessit+ o! call admission control ,.&.- in /ireless net/ork.

4.8.1 %et/ork )oad 0hree di!!erent scenarios /ere simulated /ith three di!!erent topolo#ies. Scenario 1 has ? video clients /ho are sharin# all o! the availa'le 'and/idth. "n Scenario 2 and Scenario 3 the availa'le 'and/idth /as shared amon# 11 and 17 clients /ho are usin# di!!erent applications simultaneousl+. ;i#ure 32 sho/s the net/ork load comparison !or the three scenarios in


'its7sec. Scenario 1 has ver+ less amount o! tra!!ic #enerated that cause a ver+ less amount o! data drop. "n case o! Scenario 1 net/ork load is ver+ hi#h than that o! other t/o scenarios. 0heoreticall+ Scenario 3 should have more net/ork load than the other t/o 'ut here " can see somethin# unusual. 0his ma+ 'e 'ecause there is ver+ less amount o! data dropped and the t+pes o! tra!!ic. Scenario 3 has three di!!erent t+pes o! tra!!ic and it is prioriti9in# the real:time tra!!ic than the non:real:time tra!!ic. 0he overall result sho/s that " am #ettin# hi#h load on Scenario 13 /hich is onl+ video tra!!ic. 0his ma+ lead to a conclusion that video tra!!ic /hich is o! 'ust+ nature causin# the net/ork load to 'e hi#h. 0he avera#e net/ork load !or Scenario 1 is 230003000 'its7sec3 /hich increase in Scenario 23 'ut dramaticall+ decreases in Scenario 33 /hich is 137003000 'its7sec.

F!#u&) -,D Com a&!%o" of N)t(o&' Loa* !" $!t%;%)c fo& T6&)) D!ff)&)"t Sc)"a&!o%


F!#u&) --D Amou"t of D&o

)* Data !" $!t%;%)c


F!#u&) -.D A1)&a#) N)t(o&' Loa* !" $!t%;%)c 4.8.2 %et/ork Media &ccess $ela+ ;i#ure 3A sho/s the outcome o! the media access dela+ !or the simulation. Scenario 33 /hich consists o! all three t+pes o! tra!!ic3 has the hi#hest media access dela+. & dela+ in data arrival leads to the relia'ilit+ (uestion o! the net/ork. &s " have ver+ less amount o! client and ver+ less amount o! tra!!ic in 'oth Scenario 1 and 2 the media access dela+ is ver+ lo/ than that o! Scenario 33 /hich has more clients and di!!erent t+pes o! tra!!ics.

F!#u&) -7D Com a&!%o" of M)*!a Acc)%% D)lay fo& T6&)) D!ff)&)"t Sc)"a&!o%


F!#u&) -8D Com a&!%o" of A1)&a#) M)*!a Acc)%% D)lay !" m% 0he avera#e media access dela+ !or Scenario 1 and 2 is ver+ less than Scenario 3. 8ideo and voice tra!!ic applications /ere used in Scenario 3 that leads to a hi#her avera#e media access dela+ as video and voice applications are o! 'ust+ tra!!ic nature. 0he avera#e media access dela+ !or Scenario 3 is 10 ms /here as !or Scenario 1 and 2 it is /ell 'elo/ 1 ms. 4.8.3 0hrou#hput 0he throu#hput !or Scenario 3 is ver+ less /hich is not a ver+ #ood outcome !or an+ /ireless net/ork. ;or Scenario 33 the throu#hput o! the /ireless net/ork is 'elo/ A30003000 'its7sec /hereas !or Scenario 1 and 2 it is /ithin a ran#e o! A3A003000 to ?3A003000 'its7sec. so it is clear that /e are #ettin# hi#her throu#hput !or less tra!!ic and less users in the net/ork area.


F!#u&) -9D W!&)l)%% N)t(o&' T6&ou#6 ut Com a&!%o" !" $!t%;%)c fo& T6&)) Sc)"a&!o

F!#u&) -:D A1)&a#) T6&ou#6 ut of t6) N)t(o&' !" $!t%;%)c


.4A Lo#!cal Val!*at!o" a"* Co"clu%!o" Simulation is not done in real li!e environments as it is out o! scope o! the pro1ect3 as a result it is not possi'le to measure the accurac+ o! the result !ound !rom simulations done in 6 %<0 modeler B.1. Cenerall+ speakin#3 result #ot !or di!!erent per!ormance metrics considered in the pro1ect /ork are o! small value to notice an+ di!!erence in real li!e e5periences !or video con!erencin#3 e:mail and voice applications. >esults #ot in this pro1ect /ork are measured to identi!+ the need o! call admission control ,.&.- in a /ireless net/ork. >esult o'tained !rom simulation has sho/ed hi#her net/ork load3 throu#hput and media access dela+ has an adverse e!!ect on per!ormance o! applications. %et/ork load3 throu#hput and media access dela+ /as measured in this pro1ect !or a ver+ small amount o! data. <ven thou#h /e #ot some limitation /ith the 6 %<0 modeler B.1 it has supported me to !inali9e this pro1ect to come to a lo#ical decision point. ;rom the result that is o'tained '+ this pro1ect3 it is o'vious that /e should implement call admission control ,.&.- in a /ireless net/ork in order to make sure the 4oS in the net/ork. 0his pro1ect sho/s that /ithout an+ call admission control ,.&.- the net/ork is admittin# all the tra!!ic as lon# it has the availa'le 'and/idth no matter /hat the net/ork load is no matter /hat is the throu#hput. @ut as /ireless net/ork has to use the availa'le resources more e!!ectivel+ it should make sure a'out the 4oS also. & decrease in throu#hput or increase in net/ork load means the net/ork is compromisin# in terms o! relia'ilit+ and (ualit+ o! service ,4oS-. So it is 'een !undamentall+ proved that /e need to implement call admission control ,.&.- in /ireless net/ork. .4/0 Summa&y 0his chapter presents the simulated outcome o! this pro1ect. Ho/ the simulation is done3 /hat simulation tools /ere used /as discussed in this chapter. 0his chapter also presents the


characteristics o! the simulation tools that /ere 'een used. 0he simulated outcome /ere also presented and discussed in this chapter. 0his chapter concludes /ith a lo#ical validation o! the simulation results.


&s a technolo#+ o! toda+ and tomorro/ an+ /ireless net/ork must provide the desired level o! 4oS !or ever+ sin#le application. )imited amount o! resources is a ma1or dra/'ack o! ever+ /ireless technolo#+. <ven thou#h /ireless technolo#+ has proven itsel! as the technolo#+ !or toda+ and tomorro/ usin# o! limited resources more e!!ectivel+ remains as a 'i# challen#in# issue. 2hatever the availa'le resources are it must 'e ensured that desired level o! 4oS is achieved !or ever+ applications. "n order to make sure that the applications


that are accepted #ets the 4oS #uarantee. Some researcher proposed call admission control ,.&.- al#orithm to ensure the 4oS in /ireless net/orks. .hapter 2 has discussed the di!!erent aspects and characteristics o! 4oS in /ireless net/ork and call admission control ,.&.-3 its importance3 purpose and mechanisms o! admission control. .hapter 3 discusses one approach proposed .&. al#orithms namel+ Y$+namic .all &dmission .ontrolZ proposed '+ some researcher. 0he researcher has tried to ensure the 4oS as /ell as utili9in# the net/ork resources properl+ and e!!ectivel+. 0he pro'lem area that has 'een identi!ied and introduced in this pro1ect /as to ensure 4oS in /ireless net/ork. "n the research paper that /as discussed in chapter 3 the researcher proposed d+namic call admission control al#orithm as the solution. 0he approaches made to the solution have its o/n methodolo#+ and lo#ical values and /as proven '+ mathematical solution. &ccordin# to the proposed model the total 'and/idth is partitioned to cell to meet the 4oS re(uirements. 0he 'and/idth is partitioned accordin# to the t+pes o! call ,0o.- such as real: time calls3 non:real:time calls3 handover calls. 0o prevent the con#estion in the net/ork real: time calls and handover calls are #iven hi#hest priorit+. 0he $.&. up#rade7de#rade al#orithm is used in the case o! prioriti9in#. &ccordin# to the authors E27F3 at each node o! the net/ork the $.&. takes the decision /hether a connection re(uest /ill 'e accepted or re1ected. 0he decision is made 'ased on the re(uested 4oS and availa'le 'and/idth. ;or ever+ sin#le connection that is 'een accepted3 the resource reservation ,>>- scheme at each node allots resources !or that re(uest. 0otal availa'le 'and/idth /as allocated on the 'asis o! the t+pes o! call. >eal:time calls /ere allocated the hi#hest 'and/idth and other t+pes /ere allocated the 'and/idth accordin# to their /ei#ht. 0his is a dra/'ack !or this proposed al#orithm. 2hile providin# hi#hest priorit+ to one kind o! tra!!ic /e are compromisin# /ith the 4oS o! other kind o! tra!!ic. 0his !actor /as not discussed at all in this proposed al#orithm.


F!#u&) -AD A1)&a#) T6&ou#6 ut !" DCAC E,9F

F!#u&) .0D Call $loc'!"# a"* *&o

!"# &o$a$!l!ty !" &o o%)* DCAC E,9F


"n chapter 43 " have not proposed an+ speci!ic al#orithm 'ut present the need o! call admission control in /ireless net/orks. " have tried to prove it '+ doin# simulation !or three di!!erent scenarios that comprise o! real:time tra!!ic and non:real:time tra!!ic. 0he results o'tained '+ the simulation /ere discussed 'rie!l+. 0he simulation results /ere discussed in terms o! net/ork load3 net/ork throu#hput and media access dela+. 0he simulation outcomes /ere compared to !ind out the 'ehaviors o! the net/ork. "t /as o'served that as the amount o! tra!!ic #oes hi#h the net/ork load #oes hi#h /hile decreasin# the net/ork throu#hput. 0hou#h the simulation /as per!ormed !or a ver+ small amount o! tra!!ic 'ut /e can take them into account !or an+ decision3 /hich need !urther /orks and improvements.

F!#u&) ./D Com a&!%o" of t6&ou#6 ut of t6) (!&)l)%% ")t(o&' 74, R)comm)"*at!o" fo& Futu&) Wo&' .all admission control ,.&.- is a reasona'le solution to ensure the (ualit+ o! service ,4oSin /ireless net/orks. 0hou#h the proposed al#orithms are mathematicall+ proven '+ simulation and numerical anal+sis 'ut still there is lot o! scope le!t !or !uture /ork. ?B

0he call admission mechanism presented here in this pro1ect either ensurin# 4oS !or real:time tra!!ics '+ 'lockin# ne/ connection re(uest /hile there is shorta#e o! 'and/idth in the s+stem or '+ prioriti9in# the real:time calls over other non:real time calls or prioriti9in# the hand o!! calls. .all admission control 'ased on d+namic .&. al#orithm addresses the issue o! handover connection. 0he 'and/idth is allocated d+namicall+ and to make sure the 4oS level o! real: time tra!!ic remains onto the desired level this al#orithm #ives priorit+ to real:time tra!!ic over other tra!!ics. @ut this kind o! al#orithm has the dra/'ack o! net/ork utili9ation issue and the arrival pattern o! the tra!!ic /as not discussed or taken into account. 0his is /here /e need some more !uture /ork. $+namic call admission control ,$.&.- mechanism is #ood !or 4oS assurance in /ireless net/ork 'ut still there is plent+ o! !uture /ork le!t and man+ researchers are currentl+ /orkin# on it. 0o m+ kno/led#e a com'ined al#orithm o! d+namic and !u99+ 'ased admission al#orithm /ill 'e more e!!ective in provisionin# 4oS !or real:time tra!!ic in /ireless net/ork. @ut to make m+ personal recommendation on the pro'lem area more lo#ical and valid3 " need more in depth kno/led#e and to implement m+ kno/led#e. " need some po/er!ul simulation tools that m+ universit+ una'le to provide. " have used 6 %<0 modeler B.1 ,&cademic 8ersion- to per!orm m+ simulation. @ut this version o! 6 %<0 has some limitation as it is an academic edition and some important issues /ere a'sent in this version. %ot onl+ is the a'sence o! an+ po/er!ul simulation tools 'ut also the shorta#e o! time is an important !act. 74- Summa&y 0his chapter criticall+ comments and anal+9es the approaches and methodolo#ies to/ards the solution o! the pro'lem. 0his chapter presents an anal+tical revie/ o! the /orks done '+ di!!erent researcher '+ comparin# the simulation results and outcome o! their proposed 70

solution. 0his chapter also presents some recommendations !or !uture /ork3 /hich is possi'le to complete.


CONCLUSION .all admission control ,.&.- is a mechanism that maintains radio resources e!!ectivel+ in a /a+ that helps to keep the 4oS level !or an+ application in the desired ran#e. &s the /ireless net/ork comes /ith a dra/'ack o! limited resources it is o'vious to have some mechanism to keep up /ith the #ro/in# demand. 0o !ul!ill their da+:to:da+ communication needs3 users !rom all over the /orld usin# the /ireless net/orks. %um'er o! real:time application like 8o" 3 video con!erencin#3 online #amin# needs a certain level o! (ualit+ o! service ,4oS-. 0o maintain the desired level o! (ualit+ o! services !or this kind o! application3 call admission control ,.&.- is one o! the proposed methods. @+ mana#in# the /ireless resources more e!!ectivel+ .&. assure the 4oS !or di!!erent applications in /ireless net/orks. 0his ma+ 'e an issue to deplo+ .&. in /ireless net/ork and man+ researchers have proved this alread+. $i!!erent .&. al#orithms have 'een proposed '+ the researchers and have alread+ 'een implemented. 0his research pro1ect /as an anal+tical and lo#ical approach to attain the suita'le call admission control al#orithm !or the /ireless net/orks. 0his research has also presented the need o! call admission control ,.&.- in /ireless net/orks throu#h simulation anal+sis. 0he


#eneric area o! /ireless net/orks /as discussed !ollo/ed '+ the identi!ication o! pro'lem in chapter 2. 6ne approach to/ards the call admission control ,.&.- /as discussed in .hapter 3. 0his approach /as 'ased on Y$+namic .all &dmission .ontrol ,$.&.-Z. Ho/ the al#orithm /as implemented and /hat /ere the outcome o! their implementation /ere e5plained in this report in .hapter 3 !ollo/ed '+ lo#ical validation and conclusions. .hapter 4 /as 'ased on simulation method that sho/s the importance o! call admission control ,.&.in /ireless net/orks. 0hou#h no speci!ic al#orithm /as proposed in this pro1ect 'ut m+ simulation /ork has de!initel+ proven3 it is a 'etter option to have call admission control ,.&.- in /ireless net/orks. 0his pro1ect report is completed in a /a+3 /hich !ul!ill m+ aims3 and o'1ectives that are stated in chapter 1. @+ discussin# the approaches o! .&. to/ards 4oS improvement in chapter 33 " have #ained some e5tra kno/led#e3 /hich !ul!ills m+ dissertation o'1ectives. 0he simulation /ork done in chapter 4 has #iven me some e5tra con!idence on m+ research o'1ectives and driven me to do some more /ork on this area in !uture. 0he critical anal+sis and recommendation !or !uture /ork section presents an idea o! the kno/led#e and e5perience3 " have learnt throu#hout the pro1ect. 2hile doin# m+ research /ork on .&. !or improvin# 4oS in /ireless net/ork3 " have !ound some interestin# !indin#s3 /hich is motivatin# me to do more /ork on this area. 0his research paper has also provided some theoretical and technolo#ical 'ack#round have the standard and .&.. $oin# !uture research on .&. to !ul!ill 4oS constraints is more /ide open. 2ireless technolo#ies are one o! the !astest #ro/in# technolo#ies in this decade. eople all over the /orld are #ettin# more and more dependent on this technolo#+ !or their da+:to:da+ li!e. 0his research pro1ect /as started /ith a vie/ to contri'ute somethin# to the on#oin# researches. "!3 m+ research does contri'ute a 'it3 " /ill consider this as a success!ul approach.


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