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1. HARMONIC ANALYSIS Harmonic analysis looks at dynamic problems w ere t e !

orces or displacements actin" on t e pipin" system take sin#soidal !orms. $ e dynamic motion e%#ation co#ld be sol&ed directly t #s ob&iatin" t e need !or response spectr#m. 1.1. CA'S(S O) HARMONIC )ORC(S

Loads wit armonic !orce*time pro!iles are best sol&ed #sin" t e armonic met od. Ma+or types o! loads wit armonic time pro!iles are, Equipment vibration, I! rotatin" e%#ipment attac ed to a pipe is sli" tly o#t o! tolerance- it may impose a small cyclic displacement onto t e pipe at t e point o! attac ment- w ere t e displacement cycle wo#ld most likely correspond to t e e%#ipment.s operatin" cycle. $ e displacement at t e pipe connection may be so small as to not e&en be noticeable- b#t dynamically it co#ld ca#se si"ni!icant problems. $ e loadin" &s. time can be easily predicted once t e e%#ipment.s operatin" cycle and &ariation !rom tolerance is known. Acoustic vibration, I! !l#id !low c aracteristics are c an"ed wit in a pipe /!or e0ample i! !low conditions c an"e !rom laminar to t#rb#lent as t e !l#id "oes t ro#" an ori!ice1- sli" t lateral &ibrations may be set #p wit in t e pipe. O!ten t ese &ibrations !it armonic patterns- wit predominant !re%#encies somew at predictable based #pon t e !low conditions. )or e0ample- Stro# al.s e%#ation predicts t at t e de&eloped !re%#ency /H21 o! &ibration ca#sed by !low t ro#" an ori!ice will be somew ere between 3.4 5*6 and 3.7 5*6- w ere 5 is t e !l#id &elocity and 6 is t e diameter o! t e ori!ice. 8ind !low aro#nd a pipe sets #p lateral displacements as well /a p enomenon known as &orte0 s eddin"1- wit an e0citin" !re%#ency in t e area o! 3.19 5*6- w ere 5 is t e wind &elocity and 6 is t e o#ter diameter o! t e pipe. Pulsation, 6#rin" t e operation o! a reciprocatin" p#mp or a compressor- t e !l#id is compressed by pistons dri&en by a rotatin" s a!t. $ is ca#ses a cyclic c an"e /&s. time1 in t e !l#id press#re at any speci!ied location in t e system. I! t e !l#id press#res at opposin" elbow pairs or clos#res are #ne%#al- t is creates an #nbalanced press#re load in t e system. Since t e press#re balance c an"es wit t e cycle o! t e compressor- t e #nbalanced !orce c an"es as well. /Note t at t e !re%#ency o! t e !orce cycle will most likely be some m#ltiple o! t at o! t e e%#ipment operatin" cycle- since m#ltiple pistons will ca#se a correspondin" n#mber o! !orce &ariations d#rin" eac s a!t rotation.1 $ e press#re &ariations will contin#e to mo&e alon" t ro#" t e !l#id- so in a steady state !low condition#nbalanced !orces may be present sim#ltaneo#sly at all elbow pairs in t e system. $ e load ma"nit#des may &ary- and t e load cycles may or may not be in p ase wit eac ot er- dependin" #pon t e p#lse &elocity- t e distance o! eac elbow

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pair !rom t e compressor- and t e len"t o! t e pipin" le"s between t e elbow pairs. 1.4. ANALYSIS A::ROACH

$ e bi""est #se by !ar o! t e armonic sol&er is in analy2in" low !re%#ency !ield &ibrations. $ e approac typically taken towards sol&in" t is type o! problem /especially i! t e problem in&esti"ated is !or an act#al e0istin" pipeline w ere lar"e &ibrations are noticed in operation1 is described brie!ly below, 1. A potential dynamic problem is !irst identi!ied in t e !ield eit er in terms o! lar"e cycle &ibrations or i" stresses /!ati"#e !ail#re1 bein" present in an e0istin" pipin" system- raisin" %#estions o! w et er t is represents a dan"ero#s sit#ation. As many symptoms o! t e problem /%#anti!iable displacements- o&erstress pointsetc.1 are identi!ied as possible- !or !#t#re #se in re!inin" t e dynamic model. 4. A model o! t e pipin" system is b#ilt #sin" CA(SAR II. $ is s o#ld be done as acc#rately as possible- since t e system as well as load c aracteristics a!!ect t e ma"nit#de o! t e de&eloped response. 7. :ost#late t e ca#se o! t e load and !rom t at- estimate t e !re%#ency- ma"nit#depoint- and direction o! t e load. $ is is somew at di!!ic#lt beca#se t e dynamic loads can come !rom many so#rces. 6ynamic loads may be d#e to internal press#re p#lses- e0ternal &ibration- !low s eddin" at intersections- two p ase !lowetc.- b#t in almost all cases- t ere is some !re%#ency content o! t e e0citation t at corresponds to /and t ere!ore e0cites1 a system mec anical nat#ral !re%#ency. I! t e load is ca#sed by e%#ipment- t en t e !orcin" !re%#ency is probably some m#ltiple o! t e operatin" !re%#ency< i! t e load is d#e to aco#stic !low problemst en t e !orcin" !re%#ency can be estimated t ro#" t e #se o! !l#id dynamics e%#ations. 'sin" t e best ass#mptions a&ailable- t e #ser s o#ld estimate t e ma"nit#des and points o! application o! t e dynamic load. Note t at t e point o! application is not necessarily a point o! i" system response. =. $ e loadin" is t en modeled #sin" armonic !orces or displacements /normally dependin" #pon w et er t e ca#se is ass#med to be p#lsation or &ibration1 and se&eral armonic analyses are done sweepin" t e !re%#encies t ro#" a ran"e centered abo#t t e tar"et !re%#ency /in order to acco#nt !or #ncertainty1. $ e res#lts o! eac o! t e analyses are e0amined !or si"ns o! lar"e displacementsindicatin" armonic resonance. I! t e resonance is present- t e res#lts o! t e analyses are compared to known symptoms !rom t e !ield. I! t ey are not similart is indicates t at t e dynamic model m#st be impro&ed- eit er in terms o! a more acc#rate system /static1 model- a better estimate o! t e load- or a !iner sweep t ro#" t e !re%#ency ran"e. Once t e model as been re!ined- t is step is repeated #ntil t e mat ematical model be a&es +#st like t e act#al pipin" system in t e !ield.

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>. I! t e sit#ation is deemed to be a problem- its ca#se m#st be identi!ied- w ere t e ca#se is normally t e e0citation o! a sin"le mode o! &ibration. A model e0traction o! t e system is done< one /or more1 o! t ese modes s o#ld a&e a nat#ral !re%#ency close to t e !orcin" !re%#ency o! t e applied load. $ e "#ilty mode can be !#rt er identi!ied as t e one a&in" a s ape &ery similar to t e s ape o! t e total system &ibration- since t is mode s ape as been dynamically ma"ni!ied !ar beyond t e ot er modes and t #s predominates in t e !inal &ibrated s ape. ?. Once t e "#ilty mode as been identi!ied- it m#st be eliminated. $ is is done most easily by addin" a restraint at a i" point o! t e mode s ape. I! t is cannot be done- t e mode may also be altered by c an"in" t e mass distrib#tion o! t e system /!or e0ample- by addin" operators to &al&es1. I! no modi!ication o! t e system is possible- it may be possible to alter t e !orcin" !re%#ency o! t e load. I! t e dynamic load was post#lated to be d#e to internal aco#stics- it is recommended t at t e pipe not be rero#ted at t is point- as rero#tin" t e pipe will c an"e t e internal !low conditions. A!ter modi!yin" t e system- t e armonic problem /#sin" t e sin"le !orcin" !re%#ency determined as a "ood model1 is t en re@r#n- and t e stresses- displacements- etc. are re@e&al#ated. ;. I! t e dynamic problem as been ade%#ately sol&ed- t e system is now reanaly2ed statically to determine t e e!!ects o! any modi!ications on t e static loadin" cases. /Remember t at addin" restraint normally increases e0pansion stresses- w ile addin" mass increases s#stained stresses1. 1.7. (S$IMA$INA $H( HARMONIC )ORC(*6IS:LAC(M(N$

8it t is type o! pro!ile- t e load*displacement c an"es direction and*or ma"nit#de !ollowin" a armonic pro!ile- ran"in" !rom its minim#m to its ma0im#m o&er a !i0ed time period. Aenerally- t e load may be described by a !#nction o! t e !orm, F (t) = A cos (B t - Q) 8 ere, F (t) C !orce ma"nit#de as a !#nction o! time. A C Ma"nit#de o! t e !orce. C an"#lar !re%#ency /radian*sec1. Q C p ase an"le /radians1. t C time /sec1. )or t e p#lsatin" e%#ipment- t e ma"nit#de o! t e press#re load /Fh1 at eac elbow is, Fh = 0.5 (Pressure variation) (C.S.Area) 1.=. (S$IMA$INA $H( :HAS( ANAL(

$ e armonic loadin" can start wit its ma0im#m load at time e%#al to 2ero- or t e armonic load can start wit its ma0im#m at any time between 2ero and t = ! "

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seconds. $ e p ase an"le is t e met od #sed to speci!y t is time s i!t in t e dynamic load wa&e!orm. $ e p ase an"le can be calc#lated !rom t e time s i!t #sin" t e e%#ation, Phase (#e$rees) = %&0 t " ! 8 ere- t is "i&en in seconds and is "i&en in radians per second. Most !re%#ently t e p ase an"le is entered as eit er 2ero or D3. $ e p ase speci!ication is most #se!#l w en de!inin" eccentric loads on rotatin" e%#ipment. : asin" can be important i! more t an one !orce or displacement is incl#ded. $ e p ase an"le relates t e timin" o! one load to anot er. )or e0ample- i! two armonic loads are actin" alon" t e same line b#t at di!!erent nodes- t e loads can be directed towards eac ot er- w ic wo#ld prod#ce no net dynamic imbalance on t e system- or t e loads co#ld be directed in t e same direction- w ic wo#ld prod#ce a net dynamic imbalance in t e system e%#al to t e s#m o! t e two !orces. It is t e p ase an"le w ic primarily determines t is relations ip. )or e0ample- t e armonic load data /1>33- E- 3- 131- and /1>33- E- 3- 13>1 prod#ces an Fin p ase-G or same direction dynamic load in t e system /1>33 in t e E direction and 2ero p ase at nodes 13 and 13>1- w ile /1>33- E- 3- 131- and /1>33- E- 193- 13>1 prod#ces an Fo#t o! p ase-G or opposite direction dynamic load on t e system w ic will tend to p#ll t e system apart. $ e two most common p ased loadin"s are t ose d#e to rotatin" e%#ipment and reciprocatin" p#mps. 1.4.1. Rotating Equipment

Rotatin" e%#ipment may a&e an eccentricity- a speed- and a mass. $ ese items m#st be con&erted into a armonic load t at acts on t e rotor at t e t eoretical mass centerline. $ e ma"nit#de o! t e armonic load /Fh1 is comp#ted !rom, Fh = (mass) (s'ee#) (eccentricity) 8 ereS'ee#, is t e an"#lar &elocity o! t e s a!t in cycles per second. $ is load is applied alon" bot a0es perpendic#lar to t e s a!t a0is and at a D3H p ase s i!t. 1.4.2. Reciprocating Equipment

In t e case o! a reciprocatin" p#mp- t e p#mp introd#ces a press#re wa&e into t e line at some re"#lar inter&al t at is related to t e &al&in" inside t e p#mp and t e p#mp speed. $ is press#re wa&e mo&es away !rom t e p#mp at t e speed o! so#nd in t e !l#id. $ ese press#re wa&es will ca#se loads at eac bend in t e pipin" system. $ e load on eac s#bse%#ent elbow in t e system startin" !rom t e !irst elbow will be p ase s i!ted by an amo#nt t at is a !#nction o! t e distance between t e elbows- !rom t e !irst elbow to t e c#rrent elbow. It is t e amo#nt o! p ase s i!t between elbow@elbow pairs t at prod#ces t e net #nbalanced dynamic load in t e pipin". $ e p ase s i!t- in de"rees !rom t e !irst elbow- is calc#lated !rom, Phase = (()re*uency)(len$th) " (s'ee# o) soun#)+,-0. 8 ere-

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Fre*uency/ is t e !re%#ency o! wa&e introd#ction at t e p#mp. 0en$th/ is t e distance !rom t e !irst elbow to t e c#rrent elbow #nder st#dy. 1.>. MO6(LINA $IM( HIS$ORY ANALYSIS ON CII

)or armonic analysis- CA(SAR II models t e e0citation !re%#ency dynamically. $ e steps !or modelin" armonic analysis #sin" CA(SAR II dynamic processor are as !ollows, 1. R#n t e static analysis !or t e di!!erent load cases speci!ied !or t e problem. 4. Open t e dynamic inp#t processor and select t e type o! analysis to be Harmonic. 7. $ e !irst tab in t e armonic mod#le is t e Excitation Frequencies tab. In t is tab- t e startin" !re%#ency /H2.1 is entered. Any n#mber o! indi&id#al !re%#encies- or !re%#ency ran"es /indicated by a startin"- endin"- and incremental !re%#ency1 may be speci!ied- one to a line. CA(SAR II per!orms a separate analysis !or eac !re%#ency re%#ested. I! t e endin" !re%#ency is not speci!ied- it de!a#lts to t e startin" !re%#ency. I! t e !re%#ency increment is not speci!ied t en it de!a#lts to 1 H2. $ e n#mber o! anticipated load cycles may be entered !or eac !re%#ency ran"e. I! t e n#mber is entered- t e load cases are calc#lated wit a !ati"#e stress type. Ot erwise- t e load cases are calc#lated wit an occasional stress type.

=. (it er armonic !orces or t e displacements m#st be entered in addition to t e e0citation !re%#ency data. >. )orces are described in Harmonic Force tab. Amplit#de is speci!ied in t e !orce cell. $ e direction o! t e !orce is speci!ied to be eit er E- Y- I !rom t e p#ll down men#. 6irection co#ld be entered as direction cosines /cs- cy- c21or direction &ectors /&0- &y- &21 as well. : ase an"le is de!ined in de"reesowe&er- w en t ere is no p ase an"le- it s o#ld be speci!ied as 2ero. $ e start node is also speci!ied in t e cell. I! a ran"e o! nodes are speci!ied- t en a stop node wit node increment is speci!ied.

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?. In case o! describin" displacement instead o! !orces- Harmonic Displacement tab is #sed w ere same parameters described !or !orces are applied !or displacement.

;. Se&eral sim#ltaneo#s !orces or displacements at di!!erent directions or p ases co#ld be applied by addin" a new row to t e !orce*displacement table. 9. Control Parameters tab pro&ides inp#ts controllin" t e dynamic sol#tion. )or t e armonic analysis- t ere are t ree parameter disc#ssed as !ollows, a. tatic !oa" Case #or $onlinear Restraint tatus% is de!ined as per t e static case t at transient loadin" will probably occ#r and it is le!t !or t e analyst decision /pre!erably- t e operatin" case1. ti##ness Factor #or Friction%


c. Damping% $ypical &al#es !or system dampin" are 3.31 J 3.3>- a de!a#lt &al#e o! 3.37 is #s#ally #sed in time istory analysis. Howe&erred#cin" t is &al#e yields more conser&ati&e res#lts b#t wit lower acc#racy. C an"in" t is &al#e a!!ects t e res#lts directly- t #s it s o#ld be dealt wit care!#lly.

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R()(R(NC(S @ CA(SAR II @ tec nical re!erence man#al- c apter !i&e, controllin" t e dynamic sol#tion. @ CA(SAR II @ applications "#ide. @ COA6( disc#ssion !or#ms. @ CA(SAR II @ #ser "#ide @ 5ario#s internet so#rces.

Harmonic Analysis

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