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The American Revolution The American Revolution or also known as the US War of Independence, started in 1775 and ended

formally in 1783. According to the History Channel web page, this conflict originate from the growing tensions between the Great Britain American colonies and the colonial residents. It started in April 1775 with an engagement between British troops and the colonial militia in Lexington and Concord. The attempts by the British government to raise the revenue by taxing the colonies, headed to a huge wave of protests among many colonies that demanded the same rights as the other British people. This resistance led to a series of violent episodes like the Boston Massacre; this led the Parliament to pass some measures known as the intolerable. Britain had just fought the French and the Indians, and because of this they were in debt. So, because this wars were fought in American soil, Britain decided to make the colonist pay their debt, causing this a revolution from the colonist in America. They started to felt that this taxation was unfair and was not to helping them, taking away resources and money for no reason. So this made, the Americans to demand their independence because there was taxation without representation. Americans wanted to run their own land without King George taxing them. Leading this to the American Revolution on April 19, where local militiamen fought with British soldiers in Lexington and Concord. This gave a reason to a group of colonial delegates in 1774, like George Washington, to create the first Continental Congress that demanded a series of things that struggle every colonial resident life; some of those where the taxation without representation, and the declaration of rights due to every citizen. This Continental Congress declares its opposition to the Coercive Acts, saying they are "not to be obeyed," and also promotes the formation of local militia units. Therefore, the Congress adopted a Declaration and Resolves in October of 1774 that opposed all measures taken by Britain like the Quebec Act and the Coercive Acts. In this Declaration and Resolves, the First Continental Congress, declares for example That our ancestors, who first settled these colonies, were at the time of their emigration from the mother country, entitled to all the rights, liberties, and immunities of free and natural born subjects within the realm of England. This was the beginnings of their declaration of independence against Britain. In 1776, with the American war at its full, the majority of Americans were in favor of the independence from Britain. According to the History Channel web page, on July 4, the Continental Congress voted to adopt the Declaration of Independence, drafted by a five-man committee including Franklin and John Adams but written mainly by Jefferson. Finally, we can conclude that the Americans felt a repression from Britain since they started to implement taxes without representation, so they decided to rebel against the Britains and demand their independence. Concluding this with their independence war, leaded finally by Washington.

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