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Grand Valley

State University
Padnos School of Engineering

EGR 365: Fluid Mechanics

a!": Measure#ent of Viscosity

$ale Slot#an

Partner: %an Rudni&

$r' Fleisch#ann


,he -ur-ose of this la!oratory e.-eri#ent /as to e.-eri#entally deter#ine the viscosity of a fluid using a Stor#er visco#eter and to deter#ine /hether the fluid is 0e/tonian or non)0e/tonian'

1 Stor#er visco#eter #easures the viscosity of a fluid' ,o understand ho/ a Stor#er visco#eter /or&s2 one #ust first understand viscosity' Viscosity is a -ro-erty of a fluid that allo/s #o#entu# transfer through the fluid' 1 high viscosity fluid transfers #o#entu# /ell !et/een #olecules' 1 fluid of high viscosity2 therefore2 is not 3runny4' Fluid directly in contact /ith a #oving surface #oves at the sa#e velocity as the #oving surface' Fluid directly in contact /ith a static surface re#ains static' ,his is called the 3no)sli- !oundary condition4' 5ecause of the no)sli- !oundary condition2 fluid !et/een t/o o!6ects #oving at different s-eeds has a sheer stress a--lied' ,he velocity -rofile of the fluid !et/een a #oving o!6ect and a static one is sho/n in Figure *'

du dy F = dA

,he shear stress a--lied to the fluid is e7ual to /here du is the change in velocity !et/een surfaces and dy is the distance !et/een surfaces' ,he total force a--lied !y the fluid to either surface is /here 1 is the area over /hich the fluid is in shear'

Figure : Velocity Profile %n a Stor#er visco#eter2 a cylinder rotates /ithin a static2 hollo/ cylinder /ith internal dia#eter slightly larger than the rotating cylinder8s outer dia#eter' ,he rotating cylinder is driven !y a falling #ass' ,his is sho/n in Figure "' Since the viscous tor7ue of the fluid a--lied to the cylinder is -ro-ortional to the velocity of the falling #ass2 the falling #ass /ill reach a ter#inal velocity' ,he viscosity of the fluid can !e calculated fro# that velocity'

d = TDriving TViscous dt d TDriving = s m g 2 I

,he general governing e7uation of #otion for the rotation of the inner cylinder is: /here for a frictionless -ulley syste#' %f the -ulley /as not frictionless2 the -ulley8s resisting tor7ue /ould !e -ro-ortional to the velocity of the falling #ass' ,his /ould co#-licate the e7uation of #otion to too great a degree for the accuracy desired in this case'

Figure : Stor#er Visco#eter

,he tor7ue a--lied to the inner cylinder is a--lied in t/o -laces: the sides of the cylinder and the !otto# of the cylinder' E7uations for !oth tor7ues can !e derived fro# the -lanar tor7ue e7uation' Sides:


d d d d du d d 2 d 2 = r F = FViscous = dA = dA = dA = L d 2 2 2 dy 2 hs 4 hb 2


d 3 L = 4 hs

2 R 2 du r R4 TBottom = r dF = r dF = r dA = r dA = r r dr d = d dy hb 4 hb 0 0 0

TBottom =

R4 d 4 = 2 hb 32 hb

%f the tor7ue a--lied to the !otto# of the cylinder is significantly less than the tor7ue a--lied to the sides of the cylinder2 the tor7ue a--lied to the !otto# can !e ignored' ,he general driving e7uation then !eco#es:

ds d d 3 L I = TDriving TViscous = m g dt 2 4 hs
%f the !otto# tor7ue cannot !e ignored2 the driving e7uation !eco#es:

ds d d 3 L d 4 d s d 3 L d I = TDriving TViscous = m g = m g ( + ) dt 2 4 hs 32 hb 2 4 hs 8hb

d 3 8 L hb + h s d d d s I = m g ( ) dt 2 4 8 hb h s
1ssu#ing that the !otto# tor7ue can !e neglected2 if enough ti#e is allo/ed to let the syste# reach dyna#ic e7uili!riu#2 the e7uation !eco#es:

ds d 3 L 0= m g 2 4 hs or 3 ds d L m g = 2 4 hs
Solving for viscosity2

d s m g 2 hs d 3 L

Measure#ents of the Stor#er visco#eter /ere ta&en' ,hese are sho/n in ,a!le *' Refer to Figure 3 for #easure#ent definitions'

,a!le *: $i#ensions $ **9':+## d **5'39## ;"## h! *(## hs "'"*## # Varied< 5+g to (++g ds 6+'"(##

Figure : Stor#er Visco#eter ,o ensure that the tor7ue due to the fluid along the !otto# of the cylinder could !e ignored2 the actual tor7ues /ere calculated'

TSides =

d 3 L (0.11539m) 3 (0.072m) = = 0.0393m 3 4 hs 4 (0.00221m) d 4 (0.11539m) 4 = = 0.00124m 3 32 hb 32 (0.014m)

TBottom =

TSides = 31.69 TBottom

,he tor7ue due to the sides is over 3+ ti#es larger than the tor7ue due to the !otto#' ,herefore2 the tor7ue due to the !otto# of the cylinder #ay !e neglected' 0e.t2 a starting -oint for #easuring the velocity /as chosen' 5ecause the e7uation for viscosity de-ends on the syste# !eing in dyna#ic e7uili!riu#2 the starting -oint #ust !e far enough do/n that the #ass /ill have reached at least 9+ -ercent of its ter#inal velocity' ,o ensure that this is true2 the original governing e7uation is used'

d d s d 3 L = m g dt 2 4 hs

I 2 the #o#ent of inertia of a hollo/ cylinder2 is calculated using 1 2 I = Mass (d 2 + d i ) 8

/here Mass is the #ass of the cylinder and di is the internal dia#eter of the hollo/ cylinder' ,he internal dia#eter of the hollo/ cylinder for the Stor#er visco#eter used is :('99##' ,he #ass is +'9(;9&g' ,herefore2 the #o#ent of inertia is

1 I = 0.9479kg ((0.11539m) 2 + (0.08499m) 2 ) = 0.00243kg m 2 8

,he general governing e7uation for this case !eco#es

0.00243kg m 2

d (0.06024m) m (0.11539m) 3 (0.072m) = mass 9.81 2 dt 2 4 (0.00221m) s

d dt d dt

3 (0.06024m) m (0.11539m) (0.072 m) mass 9.81 2 4 (0.00221m) 2 s = 2 0.00243kg m 0.00243kg m 2 1 m = 121.596 mass 16.178 2 kg kg s


d m 1 + 16.178 = 121.596 mass dt kg kg s 2

1fter solving the differential e7uation2

(t ) =

121.596 mass 16.178 t 121.596 mass e + 16.178 16.178

ds 0.06024 = (t ) 2 2 5ecause 2 121.596 mass 0.06024 16.178 t 121.596 mass 0.06024 v (t ) = e + 2 16.178 2 16.178 v (t ) = (t )
%ntegrating yields -osition as a function of ti#e'

x(t ) = v(t ) dt =

121.596 mass 0.06024 16.178 t 121.596 mass 0.06024 e + t 2 16.178 2 (16.178 ) 2

For the range of #asses used =5+ and (++g>2 and assu#ing the viscosity of glycerin =*'5 0s?#">2 the velocity res-onse is gra-hed in figure ('

v ( ) = 0 +

121.596 mass 0.06024 2 16.178 m v(,0.05kg ) = 0.007546 s m v (,0.40kg ) = 0.06037 s m 0.9 v(,0.05kg ) = 0.006791 s m 0.9 v(,0.40kg ) = 0.05433 s

,he ter#inal velocity of the falling #ass is Su!stituting values in for #ass and viscosity as !efore2

0inety -ercent of velocities:

Figure :Velocity Res-onse ,he ti#e at /hich 9+ -ercent of the ter#inal velocity is reached is:

t 0.9 (0.05kg ) = 0.095 sec t 0.9 (0.40kg ) = 0.093 sec

,a&ing the longer ti#e and su!stituting it into the -osition e7uation2

x(0.095 sec,0.05kg ) = 0.0007479m

,he #ass ta&es less than *## to co#e to ter#inal velocity for an ideal setu-' 1 -osition #ore than * ## a/ay fro# the rest -osition /as chosen to !egin #easure#ent' ,he #ass /as released fro# rest2 and allo/ed to fall over 6 inches =+'+*5"(#> !efore #easure#ents /ere ta&en' ,he #ass /as then ti#ed as it fell another (: inches =*'"*9"#>' ,his /as -erfor#ed si. ti#es using si. different #asses'

,he ti#e #easure#ents2 and the corres-onding velocity to each are sho/n in ,a!le "2 and gra-hed in figure 5' ,a!le ": E.-eri#ental Results Mass Time Velocity +'+5+ &g 59'*+ sec +'+"+63 #?s +'*++ &g ":'(; sec +'+(":" #?s +'"++ &g *"'9; sec +'+9(++ #?s +'"5+ &g **'65 sec +'*+(65 #?s +'3++ &g :':( sec +'*3;9" #?s +'(++ &g 6'6; sec +'*:";9 #?s
Experimental Results

;+ 6+ 5+ (+ 3+ "+ *+ + + +'" +'( +'6

Mass (kg)

+'" +'*5 +'* +'+5 +

Velocity (m/sec)

Time (sec)

Figure :E.-eri#ental Results @hile the ti#e readings do not -resent a linear relationshi-2 the ter#inal velocity results do a--ear to follo/ a linear regression' ,he relationshi- !et/een ter#inal velocity and viscosity is found in the derived e7uation for steady state viscosity:

2 d s m g 2 hs = velterm. ds d 3 L /here d s m g hs velterm d 3 L


/hich yields

,a!le 3 sho/s the viscosity calculated fro# each #ass value' ,a!le 3: Viscosity Values Mass Velocity +'+5+ &g +'+"+63 #?s +'*++ &g +'+(":" #?s +'"++ &g +'+9(++ #?s +'"5+ &g +'*+(65 #?s +'3++ &g +'*3;9" #?s +'(++ &g +'*:";9 #?s Viscosity "'*9(; "'**(; *'9"66 "'*63" *'969; *'9:*6

,he average viscosity #easure#ent is "'+5:( 0s?#"'

Interpretation and Conclusions

,he fluid !eing tested is 0e/tonian for the range of shear stresses a--lied in the la!oratory e.ercise' ,his is evidenced !y the a--ro.i#ately constant viscosity values #easured !y the e.-eri#ent' %t can also !e seen !y the linear nature of the ter#inal velocity gra-h' ,he average viscosity /as "'+5:( 0s?#A"' ,he viscosity of glycerin is *'5 0s?#A"' @hile these values are close2 they are far enough a/ay to #erit an uncertainty analysis' ,his uncertainty analysis /ill deter#ine /hether the discre-ancy in viscosity is due to uncertainties in the e.-eri#entally o!tained #easure#ents'

Error nalysis
,he viscosity is calculated using #ostly e.-eri#entally o!tained #easure#ents' ,hese #easure#ents are su!6ect to error2 and therefore2 so are the #easure#ents of viscosity' Bo/ #uch these uncertainties in the #easure#ents cause uncertainty in the viscosity #easure#ent is sho/n in the e7uation

u =

1 ( u ds + um + u hs + ut + u dist + ud + uL d s m hs t d d L
uds ds )2 + ( uh um 2 u u u u ) + ( s ) 2 + ( t ) 2 + ( d ) 2 + 9 ( d ) 2 + ( L ) 2 m hs t d d L

/here u. is the uncertainty in .' ,his e7uation si#-lifies to

= (

,he uncertainties for each #easure#ent are given in ,a!le (' ,a!le (: Measure#ent Uncertainties Measuremen !ncertainty t ds +'+*## # +'+&g hs +'+"## Ct +'5sec Cd "## d +'+*## +'5##

,he uncertainty e7uation !eco#es

0.01 2 0 0.02 2 0.5 2 0.002 2 0.01 2 0.5 2 ) + ( )2 + ( ) +( ) +( ) + 9( ) +( ) 2.0584 60.24 m 2.21 6.67 1.2192 115.39 72 ! s u = 0.1561 2 m = (
,his uncertainty is fairly large /hen co#-ared to the #easure#ent itself' ,he uncertainty is al#ost solely due to the ti#e #easure#ent8s uncertainty' % assu#ed the shortest ti#e interval /hen calculating uncertainty2 /hich #a&es the uncertainty?value ratio largest' ,a&ing into account the difference in ti#e #easure#ents /ith the calculated uncertainties a #ore accurate gra-h of viscosity can !e dra/n'

Viscosity %/ Error &ars

,a!le 5: Viscosity and Uncertainty Time Viscosity !ncertainty (sec) ("s/m#$) ("s/m#$) 59'* "'*9(; +'+(3:695 ":'(; "'**(; +'+6*5*:6" *"'9; *'9"66 +'+96(:"( **'65 "'*63" +'**;;;9:; :':( *'969; +'*3(**6"5 6'6; *'9:*6 +'*;*39+:
Viscosity ("s/m#$)

"'5 " *'5 * + "+ (+

'all Time (sec)



Figure :Viscosity Dhart %t is clear fro# the gra-h that the viscosity range does not include *'5 0s?#A"' ,he a#ount of uncertainty does not #erit the assu#-tion that the discre-ancy !et/een the assu#ed actual viscosity and the #easured viscosity is due to e.-eri#ental uncertainty alone' ,here #ust !e another cause of the discre-ancy' % offer u- t/o -ossi!le causes: *' ,he fluid !eing tested is not -ure glycerin' "' Unaccounted for factors =friction of -ulley2 viscous tor7ue of the !otto# of the cylinder2 etc> influenced the e.-eri#ent #ore than assu#ed'

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