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Physics Lab Moving Man Simulation

Answer the following in your lab book. !lick here to run the simulation or ty"e in this address: htt":##"het$colorado$edu#sims#moving%man#moving%man&en$'nl"

Name:Tom Jessessky and Alec Szaleski Period:2

($ )nvestigate Moving Man by having the man move using the sliders$ *se the "layback +eatures to look at the gra"hs$ ,hile you make observations talk about the reasons the gra"hs look the -ay they do$ 2$ Make a chart like the one belo- on your o-n "a"er$ ,ithout using Moving Man. sketch -hat you think the gra"hs -ould look like +or the +ollo-ing scenario and e/"lain your reasoning$ Scenario: The man starts at the tree and moves to-ard the house -ith constant velocity Position % time gra"h 0/"lain your reasoning +or the gra"h1s a""earance red te/t At a constant velocity the "osition o+ the man -ill start at negative and consistently become more "ositive 2elocity % time gra"h 0/"lain your reasoning +or the gra"h1s a""earance The velocity o+ the man stayed constant and he -as moving in a "ositive direction

Acceleration % time gra"h

0/"lain your reasoning +or the gra"h1s a""earance 3e does not accelerate because his velocity remains constant

4$ No-. use the Moving man simulation to veri+y or correct your "redicted gra"hs and reasoning -ith a di++erent color "en$ 5$ Make ne- charts +or each o+ the +ollo-ing scenarios$ Predict -hat you think the gra"hs -ill look like. and then use Moving man to veri+y or correct your "redicted gra"hs and reasoning -ith a di++erent color "en$ a$ The man starts three meters +rom the house and accelerates to-ards the tree$

2#26#26(5 Loeblein about (66 minutes

Physics Lab Moving Man Simulation

Name:Tom Jessessky and Alec Szaleski Period:2

7easoning: ecause he is accelerating the "osition change is slo- at +irst but as he accelerates the "osition change is +aster and the line curves because o+ the changing slo"e o+ the line$

Though his s"eed is increasing. the direction is negative -hich makes his velocity negative causing the do-n-ard slo"e o+ the line$

ecause his velocity is negative his acceleration is also negative and he accelerates at a constant rate -hich makes the line +lat

b$ The man stands still -hile he talks on his cell "hone at the middle o+ the side-alk. then -alks to-ard the house at a constant rate trying to get better cell rece"tion$ 3e comes to a sudden sto" -hen the coverage is good 8about a meter be+ore the house9 and stands still to +inish his conversation$ Scenario: Position % time gra"h 0/"lain your reasoning +or the gra"h1s a""earance red te/t At a sto" his "osition stays the same then his "osition increases constantly then his "osition stays the same -hen he sto"s again 2elocity % time gra"h 0/"lain your reasoning +or the gra"h1s a""earance 3is velocity is zero -hile he is standing then his velocity is a constant "ositive value -hile he moves then goes back to zero

2#26#26(5 Loeblein about (66 minutes

Physics Lab Moving Man Simulation

Acceleration % time gra"h

Name:Tom Jessessky and Alec Szaleski Period:2

0/"lain your reasoning +or the gra"h1s a""earance The man is not accelerating -hile standing still but accelerates +or a moment -hile be+ore he starts moving +or-ard then goes back to zero acceleration then -hen he sto"s he negatively accelerates and goes back to zero$

c$$ The man starts close to the house. stands still +or a little -hile. then -alks to-ard the tree at a constant rate +or a -hile. then the slo-s to a sto"$

Position % time gra"h

0/"lain your reasoning +or the gra"h1s a""earance red te/t At a sto" his "osition is the value o+ -here he is standing then his "osition becomes more negative as he moves to-ard the tree and as he slo-s his "osition curves then his "osition remains constant at the sto"$ 0/"lain your reasoning +or the gra"h1s a""earance The velocity is zero as he is standing still then is constantly negative as he moves to-ard the tree then curves as he slo-s do-n and comes to a sto"

2elocity % time gra"h

Acceleration % time gra"h

0/"lain your reasoning +or the gra"h1s a""earance

The acceleration is negative a+ter the man begins -alking -ith a negative velocity$ )t increases to a constant value as he slo-s do-n then goes back do-n to zero -hen he sto"s$
:$ Look at your gra"hs. reasonings and the corrections +rom ;uestions 2 and 4$ Talk about -hy some o+ your "redictions -ere -rong and ho- your ideas about motion have changed$ Some o+ our "redictions -ere -rong because -e got con+used about -hich values -ould be negative and "ositive because o+ the "osition values o+ the simulation$ <ur ideas about motion have changed because -e have started to understand the di++erent looks o+ each o+ the "osition. velocity. and acceleration gra"hs and their relationshi"s$

2#26#26(5 Loeblein about (66 minutes

Physics Lab Moving Man Simulation

Name:Tom Jessessky and Alec Szaleski Period:2

=$ Sketch the "osition. velocity and acceleration gra"hs +or the +ollo-ing scenario: A man -akes u" +rom his na" under the tree and s"eeds u" to-ard the house$ 3e sto"s because he is -orried that he dro""ed his keys$ 3e stands still as he searches his "ockets +or his keys$ <nce he +inds them. he continues calmly to -alk to-ard the house and then slo-s to a sto" as he nears the door$ Position 2elocity


>$ ,ith your lab "artners. -rite a motion scenario that you could test$ Test it. and then -rite a descri"tion o+ ho- you used the "rogram to generate the gra"hs$ Sketch the gra"hs$ A man is con+used about directions to the house but is too a+raid to ask +or hel"$ 3e -alks to-ard the tree at a steady rate then turns around and accelerates all the -ay to the house and sto"s$ 3o- to use the "rogram: 3ave the man at "osition 6 and set velocity to %2m#s$ Let him get to the tree then set the velocity to 2m#s and the acceleration to (m#s#s$ 3ave him reach the house then set the velocity and acceleration to 6 and have him sto" at house$ Position: 2elocity

2#26#26(5 Loeblein about (66 minutes

Physics Lab Moving Man Simulation


Name:Tom Jessessky and Alec Szaleski Period:2

?$ )ndividually -rite a "ossible scenario +or the +ollo-ing gra"h$ Then com"are your scenario -ith your lab "artners to check i+ its reasonable$

time The man starts at the -all and moves to-ard the house -hile slightly accelerating then slo-s do-n and sto"s +or a +e- seconds. turns around accelerates back to-ard the -all and begins to slo- do-n again$

2#26#26(5 Loeblein about (66 minutes

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