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Partner Cards 1 and 2 1 What type of function? Find the quadrant for 2 (-1, 5) y 2x 3
Is this a function? Find the domain and range.

Partner Cards 1 and 2 2 What type of function? Is the point 1, 2 on the line 2 y 2x 3 with an equation y 3x 5 Is this a function? Find the domain and range.

What type of function? Find the domain and range. 4 3

Slope = x-intercept = y-intercept =

Discuss the slope of this graph.

What type of function?

x y 21 17 13 9 5 1

Discuss the slope of this graph.

What type of function? Find the domain and range. 6

What type of function?

x y 0.1 0.5 1.2 3.1 6.9 11.5

What type of function?

x y -20 -14 -11 -11 -14 -20

Is this a function?
x 2 4 6 4 2 0 y 11 13 15 13 13 12

Slope = x-intercept = y-intercept =

Solutions for partner card 2 1 3 Yes

Slope = 3/4 x-intercept = -0.8 y-intercept = 0.6 Check with your partner or your teacher.

Solutions for partner card 1

2 4

Linear function. Yes; Domain = all numbers. Range = all numbers between -1 and 5. Exponential function; Domain = all numbers. Range = all numbers below 4 Not a function.

1 3

Exponential function. Yes; Domain = all numbers except 2.5 Range = all numbers except 4 Check with your partner or your teacher.

2 4

Quadrant 2 Linear function; Domain = all numbers. Range = all numbers. Linear function. Slope = -2/3 x-intercept = 3 y-intercept = 2
ReviewPartnerCards AlgebraicReasoning1

5 7

6 8

5 7

6 8

Quadratic function.

Exponential function

Partner Cards 3 and 4

Is the point 2,3 on the line with an equation 2y 2 4x

Partner Cards 3 and 4


What type of function? 2

What type of function? 1

y 3x 1
What type of function? Find the domain and range.

y 3x 2 1
Is this a function?
x 2 4 6 4 2 0 y 7 7 7 7 7 7

Find the quadrant for (11, -35)

What type of function? Find the domain and range.

What type of function?

x y -4 -2 0 2 4 6

What type of function?

x y -21 -17 -16 -17 -21 -29

Is this a function? Find the domain and range.

Discuss the slope of this graph.

5 Slope = x-intercept = y-intercept =

Is this a function? Find the domain and range.

Discuss the slope of this graph.

What type of function?

x y 5 4 1 -8 -35 -82

Slope = x-intercept = y-intercept =

Solutions for partner card 4

Solutions for partner card 3

1 3

Quadratic function Yes No; Domain = numbers -3 and above. Range = all numbers. Slope = -1/3 x-intercept = 8 y-intercept = 2.6

2 4

Quadrant 4 Exponential function; Domain = all numbers. Range = all numbers above -2 Check with your partner or your teacher. Exponential function

1 3

Yes Linear function Slope = 3/2 x-intercept = 2 y-intercept = -3 No; Domain = all numbers. Range = all numbers

2 4

Exponential function Quadratic function; Domain = all numbers. Range = numbers -5 and above Quadratic function; Check with your partner or your teacher.
ReviewPartnerCards AlgebraicReasoning1

Partner Cards 5 & 6 5 Fill in the data table and draw a graph. Tip money received. ($) 10 20 30 89 110 Total daily pay. ($)

Jean works as a waitress during the summer. The restaurant pays her $40 a day plus she keeps 70% of the tip money she receives.

Partner Cards 5 & 6 6 Fill in the data table and draw a graph. Amount of babysitting. (hours) 10 15 20 1000 1200 Total money in the bank. ($)

Nidhi wants to buy a $1200 laptop next year, so she wants to start saving money to buy it. She received $600 for Christmas and saved all her money in the bank. In addition, she gets paid $10 per hour babysitting.

Partner Cards 7 & 8 7 Fill in the data table and draw a graph. Distance travelled. (km) 0 40 100 20 0 Amount of gasoline in the tank. (L)

Your car uses 0.5 liters for every 10 km you drive it. The tank holds 40 liters of gasoline when you leave home.

Partner Cards 7 & 8 8 . A car company charges a flat rate of $25 and gives 100 km for free. It then charges $2 per km above the 100 free ones. You plan on travelling only 50 km per day. Complete the table on the right. Days travelled 1 2 4 9 12 1425 Total cost ($)

Partner Cards 9 & 10 9

Time (mins) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Distance (km)

Partner Cards 9 & 10 10 Draw a graph from this data table. Time (days) 5 10 15 20 25 30 Height of Plants (cm) 4.9 8.7 12.4 16.1 19.6 23.7

Answer these questions using the graph. 1. What is the height of the plant after 12 days? 2. What is the height of the plant after 40 days? 3. How long will it take for the plant to reach a height of 28cm?

Solutions Partner Card 6

Amount of babysitting. (hours) 10 15 20 40 60

Total money in the bank. ($) 700 750 800 1000 1200

Solutions Partner Card 5

Tip money received. ($) 10 20 30 70 100

Total daily pay. ($) 47 54 61 89 110

Solutions Partner Card 8

A car company charges a flat rate of $25 and gives 100 km for free. It then charges $2 per km above the 100 free ones. You plan on travelling only 50 km per day.

Days travelled 1 2 4 9 12 16

Total cost ($) 25 25 225 725 1025 1425

Solutions Partner Card 7 Amount of gasoline in the tank. (L) 40 38 35 20 0

Distance travelled. (km) 0 40 100 400 800

Solutions Partner Card 10

Answer these questions using the graph. 1. The height of the plant after 12 days is 10 cm. 2. The height of the plant after 40 days is 30.5cm. 3. It will take the plant 36.5 days to reach a height of 28cm?

Solutions Partner Card 9 Time (mins) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Distance (km) 2 2 4.4 6.8 9.2 11.6 14

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