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The return of National Character Through the Use of Language In the development of the nation's culture and character

education made by the ministry of education and culture , there are 18 values , ie religious , honest , tolerance , discipline , hard work , creative, independent , democratic , curiosity , the spirit of nationalism , patriotism , respect for achievement , friends / communicative , love peace , love reading , environmental care , social care , and responsibility . Education nation's character is indeed a matter of priority the government and it is in accordance with the duties and the main core of national education goals is to build the nation's character . nfortunately the character development of this nation often is theoretical only when included in the educational curriculum . In civics lesson ! "#$ % alone , for e&ample , the character of the nation's education is often turned into rote ' memori(ation is boring , a class full of students who are sleepy , and )ust be a theory on paper that is not reflected in real life . *here is nothing wrong in our education . *his coupled with the rampant commerciali(ation of education , the school's physical condition is not feasible , and a variety of other issues in education . It makes difficult the development of the nation's character becomes unattainable . +part from the various educational problems that hinder the process of building a national character , the character values in the degraded nation already begun in the life of the nation so as to emphasi(e the importance of building national character . ,iolence committed young rife , corruption rate increasing, and we will often see a group or individual interests take precedence in this country . *he character of this nation began to disappear to be rebuilt in ways appropriate . -inister for .omen Empowerment and /hild "rotection 0inda +malia 1ari 2umelar , even appealed to the nation's character education to the younger generation not merely theoretical . 0anguage has a very important role in building the nation's character . *he use of language in a variety of creative ways and in accordance with the conditions of the

nation can restore the values of national character is missing . Events youths vow to remind us of this . 3ath youth who happened to 3ctober 48, 1548 contains three important sections , including a pledge to uphold the national language , Indonesian . 0anguage , becomes very important in the Indonesian independence . *he presence of Indonesian as the national language of Indonesia is able to unite in the struggle to achieve independence . 1o very worthy of our calling is the language of national identity . 6y doing so , develop Indonesian also meant to build the nation's character . +s the national language , Indonesian able to foster a sense of patriotism , national spirit , responsibility , caring for others , that is all that we know as the character of the nation . Indonesian youths oath confirmed as the national language . +ct of 1578 states that the state language is Indonesian . Indonesian evolved from the -alay +rchipelago easily accepted by society as a lingua franca between islands , tribal , antarpedagang , between nations , and antarkera)aan for lack of speech level . *he development of the -alay language in Indonesia is encouraging the growth of a sense of brotherhood and unity of the nation . *he youths also agreed to lift the -alay language into Indonesian . 9apid development of Indonesian and is now used by various levels of Indonesian society . Indonesian to unite the various tribes in Indonesia, which has a different mother tongue . 6ahasa Indonesian unity as successful as very hard to find in other countries . *he role of language in building our nation's character can also browse from the use of language in social life . .ithout the language and its use , social life is not going to happen . 1ociety uses language in building culture. In the :ava language , for e&ample , the language is divided into tiers use speech that is used in accordance with the speaker . .e know the language level ngoko , language manners , and manners inggil language in the :ava language . *he use of the word variety of older people will vary with use against peers or younger . In the Indonesian language , although there is no level of speech , but the use of language in social life will vary . ;ow to talk to his teacher will

be different in a way to speak to a member of the leader . ;ere , the use of language can properly build the nation's culture and character . 0iterature is etymologically means a tool to educate , to teach the tools , and the tools to provide guidance . *)okrowinoto old literature describes five benefits that strengthen the religious and moral education , increase the sense of patriotism , sacrifice our national heroes understand , gain knowledge of history , -awan and entertain themselves . 6ased on these benefits , the use of language in literature to build the nation's character . *he character of this nation has been widely available in the literature , as in poetry *aufik Ismail about divinity and morality , 6uya ;amka novel , or folklore . 0anguage as a tool for ideas and effective communication tools we can find in books , whether or not containing literature . *hese books contain a variety of ideas that can make people think and the increase in knowledge that will ultimately help build the nation's character . nfortunately , the role of language in building the character of the nation would not be optimal if proficiency in Indonesia is still low . In the $ational E&am , based on data from the -inistry of Education , the ma)ority of high school students in the failure of the $ational E&am is in Indonesian and -athematics sub)ects . 1atria <arma , chairman of the Indonesian *eachers +ssociation Indonesian declared low value in the $ caused by low reading skills . /ultural literacy in Indonesia has not been considered as an important thing . *he nation's interest in reading is very worrying , but from reading , other language skills such as writing and speaking will increase . 9eading is a window to the world that makes men close to the literature , the book , the character of the nation , and civili(ation . *he use E=< in writing is also often overlooked . 1imilarly, the use of language in communication that often ignores the standard language is good and true , even this can be met from state officials or figures who became a role model . *he low language

skills must be addressed in order to build the nation's character can be achieved through language . reference > http>//www.antaranews.com/berita/??88?1/menko'kesra'pendidikan'karakter'bangsa' suatu'keharusan http>//dikmen.kemdiknas.go.id/html/inde&.php@idAberitaBkodeA4C4 http>//edukasi.kompasiana.com/4C14/1C/18/pendidikan'karakter'salah'kaprah' 8C1?45.html http>//www.balikpapanpos.co.id/inde&.php@mibAberita.detailBidA8471C http>//badanbahasa.kemdikbud.go.id/lamanbahasa/petun)ukDpraktis/E4F/1ekilas G4C*entangG4C1e)arahG4C6ahasaG4CIndonesia http>//eprints.unsri.ac.id/778/1/H $21ID6+;+1+D1E6+2+ID"E$2E-6+$2D6 <+=+D6+$21+D=+$2D6E9#+9+#*E9D<+0+-D#+I*+$$=+D<E$2+$DH $21ID"E$<I<I#.pdf http>//publiksastra.net/peran'sastra'dalam'pembentukan'karakter'bangsa'4/

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