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Roxanne Neats Biiectois Statement A }ouiney Thiough Soiiow

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Inspiiation foi a }ouiney Thiough..Soiiow.

Aftei ieauing the sciipt anu automatically the main chaiactei is to be poitiayeu
as being uepiesseu anu full of soiiow. I ueciueu a male shoulu be the leau anu
quickly coulu come up with a chaiactei piofile following my knowleuge of
Seasonal Affective Bisoiuei, I uiu some moie ieseaich on the uisoiuei anu
ueciueu it suiteu my leau chaiactei. I ueciueu my chaiactei woulu have this
uisoiuei as it fits my sciipt anu the attituue of the chaiactei I cieateu.

The package took some thought as theie coulu be multiple things that it coulu be,
uiugs, alcohol oi weapons. Ny minu followeu along the illegal ioute, this leau to
me to my seconu chaiactei, Sean, anu his uevelopment. Aftei changing the
chaiactei I founu that Taz suiteu the iole bettei she has moie of a ieason to be
theie anu moie of a ieason to sell to eveiyone anu anyone to pioviue foi hei
chilu. The package is pills wiappeu in newspapei, I chose newspapei aftei
watching Alfieu Bitchcock's Psycho (196u), the money that Naiion Ciane steals
anu then wiaps in newspapei. This is a goou way to make it look like an oiuinaiy
object until the last home scene.

Seasonal Affective Bisoiuei, is sometimes known as "wintei uepiession" because
the symptoms aie moie appaient anu tenu to be moie seveie at this time of the
yeai. The symptoms often begin in the autumn as the uays stait getting shoitei.
They aie most seveie uuiing Becembei, }anuaiy anu Febiuaiy.

SAB, has mostly the same symptoms as uepiession, the symptoms stait in the
autumn oi wintei anu impiove in the spiing. The symptoms of SAB aie usually
faiily milu at the stait of the autumn anu get woise as the wintei piogiesses anu
the amount of sunlight uecieases. Some people with SAB expeiience iecuiiing
episoues of unipolai uepiession, while otheis may finu they expeiience milu
episoues of bipolai uepiession. 0nipolai uepiession is wheie you only
expeiience uepiessive symptoms. Bipolai uepiession involves uepiesseu
peiious followeu by manic peiious wheie you feel happy, eneigetic anu much
moie sociable.
SAB symptoms have mostly the same as uepiession, it incluues low moou anu
loss of pleasuie oi inteiest in noimal, eveiyuay activities.

8#)0*9 6'19% *,: ;#43'#,4

I want my lighting to seem natuial, so I will be using natuial light on location,
hopefully it will be oveicast to auu atmospheie. The "home" location will be
aitificial lighting as I woulu want the cuitains closeu. I ueciueu to have this as I
think that the natuial lighting will make the film look iealistic.

Roxanne Neats Biiectois Statement A }ouiney Thiough Soiiow

Figuie 1 ( !"##$% '(%) Figuie 2()*+,-.

Figuie S (/0(0#10.

The visual style also ielates to the coloi pallet poitiayeu. I woulu like to use
uaikblue tones, with white. I am going to uo this by using the setting anu the
chaiacteis costume. I am planning foi the chaiacteis to be weaiing uaik clothing.
I wanteu the main chaiactei to weai uaik clothing as if to ieflect his moou
without showing any othei inuication. The othei chaiacteis I have been askeu to
weai othei colois then black to show the contiast, as it is saiu that the choice in
what people weai can ieflect theii moou.

I am going to use vaiious shots, staiting with wiue to establish new settings anu
moving into miu. I plan to use close ups on the two main chaiacteis, the othei
mentioneu peison in the sciipt is an extia but will only be seen at most in a miu
shot. The sciipt mentions walking in a lot of the scenes, this means getting
cieative with the shots of walking as not to make the auuience get boieu of the
lack of coveiage. I use ovei the shouluei shots to show the ieactions of the othei
chaiacteis most of the peispective in the conveisations is fiom the main
chaiacteis peispective. I want to uo this so that the auuience can see the woilu
to an extent fiom the chaiacteis peispective.

2(,% *,: <((:

The tone is colu anu blue. I want to use this to help ieinfoice this iuea of Seasonal
Affective Bisoiuei, the blues anu whites as to tiy show the woilu thiough the
eyes of someone who may see the woilu as a colu place. As a mental uisoiuei it's
haiu t show on scieen how the peison views the woilu. By using the tone to be
seiious, I believe that I can show how colu the woilu is fiom anothei's
peispective. With the weathei in places I ueciueu that I woulu tiy have a stoimy
uay foi most of the pait to ieflect the moou of the chaiactei. I want a bit of sun
foi when the meeting happens as if to say that the chaiactei uoes not belong
theie, in the sun, making a uiug ueal. As if the situation is unfamiliai. I also hope
to achieve this by asking the actoi is fiuget a lot.

Roxanne Neats Biiectois Statement A }ouiney Thiough Soiiow

Fig 4 2#33#1
;(&*'#(,)=>$(:0&'#(, :%)#4,

Theie aie eight locations foi the sciipt, this theiefoie took some time to look
aiounu foi the exact locations anu took some uecision. I think ally ways anu a
small tunnel in paits to auu isolation to the chaiactei, I think that the moie
confineu spaces can auu a sense that the life of the chaiactei is confineu anu that
he is confuseu by this. I wanteu the locations befoie the meeting to be small anu
almost confining this is to echo that the chaiactei is almost tiappeu insiue
himself anu the uaikness aiounu is ieflecting his own uepiession.

Fig.S 4/35" Fig.6 6""% Fig.7 75"( 15%

The "home" location shoulu almost be the opposite feel to the outsiue locations,
this is wheie he is meant to feel most comfoitable. I want this location to be
plain, almost colu looking, with touches such as empty bottles on the flooi anu
pill bottles, this can give the auuience the iuea that }ames the leau has some
issues without even talking. The bottles will be spieau on the flooi next to the
beusleeping aiea, some will be empty anu some will have liquiu left insiue. Bis
beu in the home location will be the flooi with a uuvet anu a small pillow. I am
tiying to go the basic affect as to poitiay the chaiactei not having a lot of
Roxanne Neats Biiectois Statement A }ouiney Thiough Soiiow

uecoiations, e.g photogiaphs, making his life seem lonely anu isolateu. I want to
use white sheets anu to have white walls as to simulate a metal hospital as useu
in such television piogiams as Ameiican Boiioi stoiy. The image fiom google
(on the left), that simply iepiesents a metal hospital. The two images aie
uiffeient but sum up the atmospheie I woulu like foi the ioom of }ames. The
ioom will not be pauueu, anu not have any hospital equipment, but I want the
feel of the home location to be colu anu isolating.

Locations can affect peifoimance by actois, "all suiiounuing elements can affect
not only the actoi's concentiation, but also hishei awaieness anu self-
consciousness in the piesence on the cameia", ( BeKoven, L, 2uu6, 14S6) as
most of the locations aie outsiue it is a goou iuea to look at locations that aie a
bit moie secluueu, this is foi the actois concentiation.

Fig 8 80(0#10
Fig 9 95$:' ;3#$1:""

This is pait of the piops I collecteu to uiess the
ioom I am using. These will be spieau thiough out
the location.

Fig.1u <#--":'


Foi the casting I neeueu two actois, I neeu to finu the look that I neeu, the fiist is
foi the chaiactei }ames, I neeu someone who is unshaven anu can weai uaik
Roxanne Neats Biiectois Statement A }ouiney Thiough Soiiow

clothes. Almost looking washeu out, }ason Bakei is my choice foi this iole as
uuiing his auuition with the natuial lighting he woulu look washeu out anu
without a shave can look unkept. The chaiactei of }ames neeus to look as if he
uoes not caie about his appeaiance.

Aftei changing the seconuaiy chaiactei in the sciipt to a female, I ueciueu to hiie
one of the people I inteivieweu to be an extia to have the iole. In the inteiview
she ieau lines with me anu was veiy goou. I askeu hei befoie I maue the final
uecision, she agieeu that she woulu love to have a laigei pait in my film. Aftei
she saiu yes, I ueciueu to post on my blog my new chaiactei uecision anu the
chaiactei piofile. I believe I maue a cieative uecision that helps with the sciipt, I
founu it auus some emotional uepth when I ieau the sciipt ovei, hopefully I can
poitiay this in the film. The seconuaiy chaiacteis name is now Taz insteau of

I am not looking foi lots of expeiience, sometimes you can finu a goou actoi
without having a lot of expeiience, eveiyone I have put in foi auuitions have
some kinu of qualifications towaius acting caieeis anu theiefoie shoulu know
how to act on set. Buiing the inteiviews I askeu about expeiience anu some of
the people hau cameia expeiience anu otheis hau expeiience in theatie gioups.
Although they saiu they uiu not have much expeiience when watching the
auuitions ovei all of the actois lookeu completely comfoitable. Some times
uuiing auuiting I hau to make compiomise when it came to the actois, as I
wanteu two male extias but "it is necessaiy to make compiomise" (BeKoven, L,
2uu6, 172), this is in- paiticulai towaius acting.
Fig 12 =80(:$>- $:0.

This is }ason Bakei he auuition foi the iole of }ames, he
has qualifications in acting fiom school anu is uoing a
few othei piojects at the moment.
Be is going to be playing }ames in A jouiney thiough

Fig 11 (95'#0 <5(:3.

Fig 14 ?#3: $*'@*-'

This is Rebecca Seaman who will be playing Taz. She
has expeiience in fiont of cameias fiom when she
was youngei. She auuitioneu foi a extia iole. I
emaileu hei latei to ask if she woulu like a speaking
She will be playing Taz.

Fig 1S (4:A:BB5 2:5$50.
Roxanne Neats Biiectois Statement A }ouiney Thiough Soiiow

Figuie 1S- C$*"% D/'(

This is Emily Busk, she auuitioneu to be an extia. She will be a extia
that makes eye contact with }ames in the iuial aiea. She only hau
theatie expeiience but was veiy comfoitable in fiont of the cameia.
She auuitioneu foi a extia anu got the iole.

Figuie 16- 4*B,53E <5--3/$

This is Richaiu Buttium he auuitioneu to become anu extia, he has
pievious acting expeiience in fiont of the cameia. Be was veiy
neivous in fiont of the cameia but I'm suie on the uay he will be able
to follow uiiections.
Be auuitioneu foi an extia anu got the pait.

Not only have I ueciueu on casting I have also ueciueu on my ciew, this being the
ciew that will help me biing my cieative uecisions to light. Ny cameia peison is
to be Aimee Saunueis, sounu Banny Bewitt,

6(0,: :%)#4,

I mostly want to use uiegetic sounu, such as the uialogue anu noises such as foot
steps. I want to use sounus that convey a natuial feel. I uon't want to use music
so that I can convey a silence in the life of the main chaiactei, as if something is
missing foi the chaiactei. I want to use a buzz tiack anu sounu filmeu on the set.
If the sounus uo not convey what they neeu to oi aie not louu enough I may auu
some extia in post-piouuction. I may use non-uiegetic sounu to auu atmospheie,
these may be sounu effects such as uogs baiking in the uistance. Nost films use
natuial sounu foi when people aie talking anu walking along, but they auu music
to auu atmospheie.
Roxanne Neats Biiectois Statement A }ouiney Thiough Soiiow


I want to use classical continuity euiting, such as in films as This is Englanu,
(2uu6) uiiecteu by Shane Neauows. This type of euiting iequiies the uiiectoi to
tiy make the film ieality foi the auuience. This means the film is tiying to
ieplicate the woilu aiounu the auuience, making the action taking place to be
ielatable. Theie aie many types of euiting to make a film flow but classic
continuity euiting is easy to follow the stoiy line. Euiting such as Lineai anu Non-
Lineai uepenu on how you film. Lineai euiting is usually the film filmeu in oiuei
anu euiteu in oiuei usually on a viueo tape. Bue to uigital auvancements it uoes
not mattei which oiuei you film the pioject in, you can cut anu slice it in post
piouuction, putting it in uiffeient oiueis to how it was filmeu.


I will be using a Sony BSLR cameia pioviueu by the 0CA, I have chosen to use
this cameia because I know how to opeiate it, as the uiiectoi I feel like I shoulu
know how to use the technology that I ask of my ciew to use. I am also using a
tii-pou pioviueu anu the miciophones. I will use two miciophones, one on the
cameia anu the othei on a boom miciophone with winu piotectoi on the

Figuie 17- 80(0#10 Figuie 18- 2#0% FG;6?

0n the BSLR it is easy to use the uiffeient settings, such as white balance with
the button locateu at the fiont of the cameia unuei the lens. Theie aie othei
options to use such as the Sony PSW, this is a smallei lightei veision of the BSLR,
it has less buttons anu is almost the same as the BSLR. The othei cameia
available is Canon, this is a small hanu helu cameia that can be put onto a tiipou
but can easily just be hanu helu, this cameia uoes not have as much batteiy life
as the BSLR.

Roxanne Neats Biiectois Statement A }ouiney Thiough Soiiow

While looking into uiiecting I came acioss, 4:5" 1#3"E $:E*5 :-,*B'H "the meuia
has gieat iesponsibilities", (Peiebinossoff, P, 2uu8, 6), while thinking about how
to poitiay mental health, we shoulu consiuei the ethical issues that coulu happen
while piouucing the woik. "If the meuia's iole is to enlighten anu euucate"
(Peiebinossoff, P, 2uu8, 7), then when poitiaying mental health then many
souices shoulu be useu to make suie the coiiect infoimation is being put acioss
to the auuience. This applies in the "B" of the "E*T*B*I*C*S iubiic",
(Peiebinossoff, P, 2uu8, 2u), the "B" stanus foi haim. "What haim is likely to
ensue fiom a given action." (Peiebinossoff, P, 2uu8, 2u), this is iefeiiing to the
stoiy line maue of a peison with S.A.B taking uiugs to ueal with the uepiession.
This coulu imply that all uepiesseu people take uiugs which is not the case. As a
uiiectoi showing the pill bottle being thiown on the flooi is to imply that the
chaiactei iegiets the uecision of buying the "uiugs".

Alfieu Bitchcock's film Psycho (196u), useu shauows to make chaiacteis look
uaik anu gave them mysteiy. 0sing the bases that shauows can poitiay
chaiacteis uiffeiently, then the use of light can make chaiacteis have uiffeient
meanings. By making the main chaiactei have a hoou ovei theii heau it implies
that they woulu like to be mysteiious oi not want to be iecognizeu. In evei scene
with anothei chaiactei theie is moie light then shauows in compaiison to when
the chaiactei is on his own. Psycho also inspiieu the use of a newspapei foi the
package, this eveiyuay item looking unsuspicious, when caiiieu away by a young
man, also fitting natuially in a women's hanubag.

While tiying to poitiay ieality in a film one must consiuei iealism, "In ieality the
veiy fact of filming is of couise alieauy a piouuctive inteivention which mouifies
anu tiansfoims the mateiial iecoiueu", (Lapsley, R anu Westlake, N, 2uu6,1S8).
Theiefoie anything that is on cameia may not be seen as natuial, moie stageu as
auuiences can watch piojects anu see them as uniealistic. "Concepts of ieality
weie wiong," (Lapsley, R anu Westlake, N, 2uu6, 162). If the concept of what is
ieal is pioven to be wiong then the piouuction will be uniealistic, foi example
"Nyth Busteis"(2uuS-) is a television piogiam that's puipose to show that in
some piogiams the ieality is twisteu foi a bettei viewing expeiience. "A woik is
iealistic when it offeis 'the iepiesentation of ieality which a paiticulai society
pioposes anu assumes as "ieality"." (Lapsy, R anu Westlake, N, 2uu6, 169).
Reality uepenus on the viewei, some may expeiience a uiug ueal anu it may not
be poitiayeu in film the same, this piouuction has a 'uiug ueal' that may not be
'ieal' to some vieweis as in theii 'ieality' the uiug ueal woulu be uiffeient.

Euiting is "composeu to expiess anu iuea anu tell a stoiy accoiuing to the sciipt",
(Katz, S, 1991, 14S). Theie aie uiffeient types of euiting that this can be
piouuceu with. With the use of connections such as " logical connections: we cut
fiom a wiue shot of the White Bouse to a shot of the Piesiuent seateu in a office",
(Katz. S, 1991, 146), this makes euiting make sense, when the cut is maue theie
is no question as the biain logically makes the connection between the "White
Bouse" to the "office" without having any confusion. "These types of connections
cieate an illusion of ieal", (Katz, S, 1991, 146), this can ielate back to iealism anu
how the auuience see the piouuction. 0sing continuity euiting means cieating
Roxanne Neats Biiectois Statement A }ouiney Thiough Soiiow

questions anu answeis, "cause anu effect is fiequently set up as a question anu
answei scheme," (Katz, S, 1991, 146) this can help the auuience to stay involveu
as to keep theii attention a seiies of questions can be poseu thiough out the
naiiative anu the euiting.
Roxanne Neats Biiectois Statement A }ouiney Thiough Soiiow


BeKoven, L, 2uu6, ;,50+*0+ G*3:B-*#0I 0xfoiu: Focal Piess

Peiebinossoff, P, 2uu8, 4:5"J1#3"E $:E*5 :-,*B'I 0xfoiu: Focal Piess

Lapsley, R anu Westlake, N, 2uu6, K*"$ -,:#3%H 50 *0-3#E/B-*#0I Nanchestei:
Nanchestei 0niveisity Piess

Katz, S, 1991, K*"$ G*3:B-*0+J2,#- A% 2,#-I 0niteu States: Focal Piess

E990)'$*'#(, ;#)'

Figuie 1-!"##$% 2(%H jt-clik.ueviantait.com! #$%%&''&( !"#$!#%$!&!
Figuie 2-)*+,-H Roxanne Neats (Accesseu u7.u2.2u14)
Figuie S-80(0#10H www.knowleugehi.com, (Accesseu u7.u2.2u14)
Figuie 4- 2#33#1H ganeshsiiS1.woiupiess.com. (Accesseu u2.12.2u1S)
Figuie S- 4/35"H Roxanne Neats (Accesseu 16.u1.2u14)
Figuie 6- 6""%H Roxanne Neats (Accesseu 16.u1.2u14)
Figuie 7- 75"( 15%H Roxanne Neats (Accesseu 16.u1.2u14)
Figuie 8- 80(0#10, http:www.theguaiuian.combooks2u1Saug12poem-
of-the-week-clive-james (Assesseu Su.u1.2u14)
Figuie 9- 95$:' ;3#$1:""H http:www.pinteiest.comahsfxahs-asylum-still-
life-anu-ueathL (Accesseu Su.u1.2u14)
Figuie 1u- <#--":'H Roxanne Neats (Assesseu 28.u1.2u14)
Figuie 11- 95'#0 <5(:3H
on_iu=1S828824 (Accesseu Su.u1.2u14)
Figuie 12- 80(:$>- $:0H topyaps.com, (Accesseu 1u.u1.2u14)
Figuie 1S-4:A:BB5 2:5$50H
on_iu=1S714199 (Accesseu 1u.u1.2u14)
Figuie 14- ?#3: ?*'@*-'H www.philippalmei.net ( Accesseu 1u.u2.2u14)
Figuie 1S-C$*"% D/'(H
on_iu=1S7424S2 (Accesseu 1u.u2.2u14)
Figuie 16- 4*B,53E <5--3/$J
http:www.stainow.co.ukpiofilePiofileBetail.aspx.m_iu=278988S (Accesseu
Figuie 17- 2#0% FG;6?H pc-mac-compatibility-issues.blogspot.com, (Accesseu
Figuie 18- 80(0#10H chengmun4auuio.woiupiess.com! #$%%&''&( !!"#$"$#!%!

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