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) How to set out the cards: (Questioner does all this, with left hand if possible) -> Shuffle cards by mi in! or cuttin! dec" -> #ut bac" into a pile. -> $andomly pullin! cards from the dec" one by one, arran!e li"e this (if you are doin! a readin! for another as the %i&iner, you do this.)

'.) How to use the cards: (f you are feelin! flowery, :% use the incantation) Say: Ancient cards of Clow, show me vision now Show me if you maywhere leads my winding way (if not *ust as" the +uestioner to infuse the cards with their ener!y, or cha"ra, their feelin!s, hopes, dreams, fears, etc.the stuff of them. :) ,i"e in -arot cards, the .low .ards ha&e a ma*or arcana set, which are represented by the most powerful/oldest cards, a"a the cards from the man!a0 .lows ori!inal nineteen. -he top of that list bein! the

,i!ht and %ar" cards, and the four element cards (1indy, 1atery, 2irey, and 3arthy). -hirty-three were added to flesh out the anime series and to complete a 4'-card dec". -hese cards are *ust as important, and all ha&e uni+ue personalities too, but are considered lesser (li"e the suits of -arot cards, the cups, swords, coins, and wands.) -hey are arran!ed in alphabetical order otherwise in their separate !roups. :) (f you as the di&iner feel any other thin!s that need to be said other than what ( ha&e written, say them because that is the cards spea"in! to you, and e tras ( ha&e not put must be said to help the +uestioner. Last but not least The unique personality/ability of each card has meaning besides what is written, so, for e ample, the -hunder card.is an impulsi&e, testy, sli!htly &iolent, and feisty card, that doesnt always !et alon! with to hers or do as it is told. 1hate&er is their personality, that is said to ha&e stron! influence if the card is upri!ht (facin! the di&iner) or wea" influence if the card is re&ered (upside down from the di&iners position). 5.) .ard 6eanin!s:

Major Arcana: The Light: The most powerful and influential of the cards, but also mysterious. Loyal and a bit aloof, and very kind. Intelligent. Couples with her opposite The Dark. 7pri!ht: #ower and passion, blindin! li!ht and beauty, a sense of self pride, but with inner fears no one "nows. $e&erse: (nner powers, and inner desire. (nner creati&ity and abilities.

The Dar : Not an evil card by any means, but indeed has a love of the darkness. disappear, swallowing then, blanketing, smothering them. with her opposite The Light.

he likes to make things

he is complicated and intelligent, and couples

7pri!ht: %eep desires, and a mi ed personality, you didnt "now what you wanted, %ar" powers. Secrets. $e&erse: 8ou made yourself appear odd to attract and repel others, ( see dancin!. 6any talents. Hope. The !lemental cards: The most complicated and powerful with the ability to control elements. They are never static as they are as fluid and ever!changing"moving as the elements they represent. The "indy: The most loyal of the cards. #ree and laid!back, and $uite gentle, but also has the ability to bind and constrict, mostly in a manner of protection. 7pri!ht: .hannels of connection0 word spread, information tra&eled. #rotection, loyalty. $e&erse: -here were thin!s that needed to be said. 9othin! !ood arose from this silence. :indin!, constriction. The "atery: %ver changing, ever flowing. master once put in her place. %arthy, The &ood, and The #lower. 7pri!ht: ; lo&e of animals/nature, a lo&e of life. <reat thin!s, and an ability to become any situation. ; force of nature. 8ou always did wear it well;. $e&erse: 2lowin! throu!h life effortlessly0 perhaps too blast. -ra!edy pre&ented !reatness, let it !o, li&e on. ,o&e lost, truth. The #irey: 'ischievous and confrontational. (uite obviously a )yro *). but also aloof and with good timing. +ery powerful. 7pri!ht: 2lamin! an!er, acceptance and li"in! of constructi&e criticism, thin!s lie ahead, many chan!es. $e&erse: (nner fire and desire, inner power, !reat "nowled!e0 but dont burn brid!es to !et them. The !arthy: ;lso an aloof card and $uite powerful. Doesnt care about pushing others, especially those smaller to get what she wants. Can turn into a monster when confronted, but has the ability to foster growth when calm. ,er enemy is The &ood ,who binds her. howy and hates to be defeated, he is a bit testy and can be rather mean, but is loyal to her

he hates to be confined and the cold. %nemy to The #irey and friend to The

7pri!ht: 9ose in a situation. 2osterin! !rowth. Hidin!, lo&e, friendship, flowers, motherly. $e&erse: -ra&el, lo&ed ones. 8ou !ot/!et yourself into ti!ht spots. .arefulness. The !rase: Trust. 'ysterious, fashionable, $uiet. Talented, ma-or changes coming soon. .e ready. $e&erse: -rust, miss-lead thin!s. :e open, try a new lo&e. 2or!et past !rie&ances, lose that !rud!e. The #lower* .eauty, love, kindness, truth. Love of dance, love of love. ,atred of hate. / long road to victory. $e&erse: Show your true inner passions, they are stron! passions. :eauty, lo&e, fear to lo&e too close. <et out there. Sweet. The #ly: The need to keep moving, stationary things you keep. Love, caring. / distant fear, be careful. $e&erse: .onfusion, carefulness, carin!. ,oo" out abo&e. The $low: Lovely personality, bubbling laugh. Too happy at times, look out for life ahead. 0lee. $e&erse: Hurt lessened *oy, let it come once a!ain. .arin! will heal the wounds. -urns in the road lie ahead. The %llusion: 1ou were blinded, see your true self. Truth, caring, hope. $e&erse: .oc"y, dont assume li"e you do. %ont !et carried away. The &ump: This is the time, you feel things. Dont rush in, but prepare. 1ou have this certain tendency to do this. $e&erse: .ute, lo&e. -hose you "now care, remember sportsmanship. -he way of thin!s. The Ma'e: Confusion. / need to end a bad, negative thing. tart your things anew, you know you do. %ndlessness. $e&erse: 8ou *umped o&er bounds and bro"e the rules. 8ou li"e to the %(223$39- thin!, dont !et carried away. The Mirror: 1ou dont always tend to be yourself. .e your own person.

top this bad habit, start a new love. /new.

2ebirth. $e&erse* %ont shut yourself out, be heard. :eauty isnt e&erythin!, e&en thou!h you are so. ,o&e. The (hadow: Never letting go, a distant fear. $e&erse: 2ear and loathin!, distant

Caring loved ones, and a need to succeed. hope, ne&er !i&e up. ; sense of leadership.

The (hield: 1ou blocked too much, it didnt help. #eel life. Desolation, old loved ones. / favorite place. $e&erse: 8ou li"e to let it all out. %ont !i&e away all your secrets. #eople lo&e your secreti&eness, but don't be too secreti&e. The (word: .ound power, great talent. 1ou can fight but fighting and not talking wont help you. $e&erse: -oo much a!!ression dro&e people away, "eep your true friends. See" after those new friends bein! "ind to you. %on=t be shut away, don=t be decei&ed. The Thunder: )ower, aggression, but caring for those close. Look forward, see the answer. Completion, Competition, contest, love of the hunt. $e&erse: #ower shut away, let it out. 8ou want to show e&eryone what you can do, you ha&e fears. The "ood: Love, great love. Those who care most will be there for you, you know it. 1ou feel entwined. $e&erse: ; barrier of un"nowin!, refusal, !reat lo&e, see it there.

Minor Arcana:

The Arrow: 1ou are straightforward, and honest. Lies will hurt you. .e true to your heart. 0o for it. $e&erse: ,ittle lies you tell, and no one reali>es it. (tll hurt you when they do find out) Stren!th, lo&e, flowers. -he :i!: 8ou feel o&erpowered, dont. Qualities, !ood, lo&e, friends. ;rt. $e&erse: %ont !et shut away. 2ashion, truth, fear. :e yourself. -he :ubbles: ;dorable smile, charmin! ways. ,o&e of the ocean or animals, connections with special thin!s. See" your fortune, see" it stron!.

$e&erse: ;lways e plodin! in some sort of way, stren!th, discipline, for your eyes alone. -radition. -he .han!e: 8ou are e&er chan!in! your ways, it confuses others. :e yourself, dont let the pressure !et to you. ; new lo&e ( see. $e&erse: Static lifestyle, add some spice) ,ea&e all your !rud!es and troubles behind you. 8ou cute thin! you. -he .loud: ,o&e of plush, lo&e of sleep. 3n*oyment of pleasure, see" the creati&eness in you bloom. $e&erse: -a"e thin!s slower, you mo&e too fast. -rite, strai!ht-forward. -he .reate: ( see a child in your future, yours or anothers. 8ou want to be lo&ed, you also want to ha&e a little lo&e of your own. 2eel your power. See your lo&e. $e&erse: 8ou need to be more carin!. Stop worryin!. -ry a!ain, third times a charm. -he %ash: .uteness, lo&e, playfulness. #ets, friends. .onnection to childhood, see the answers behind you. $e&erse: Sly and tric"ery. Quic"ness, *oy. %ont !et carried away. -he %ream: 8ou ha&e &isions, you should follow them. ; lo&ed one is chan!in! your life somehow, see" to how it affects your future. $e&erse: 1isdom, truth, "nowin!, let it all come out. ?ictory. -he 2i!ht: ;!!ressi&e, careful, deliberate. ,oo" out for wron! paths, @&erpowerin! in con&ersation, funny. $e&erse: #assi&e, dont let people wal" on you. Stron! in opinion. <reat chan!e often, you will be ready.

-he 2loat: :las attitude. 2ear of hei!hts. ,o&e of ad&enture. :e careful, thin!s lie ahead. $e&erse: :i! influence, !reat passion. Aindness, luc"y. -he 2ree>e: %ont feel bo!!ed down. Help is comin!. %ont be afraid to call for help. 8ou li"e to !et your nose in thin!s. $e&erse: -rial and error, be sure of your steps. ,o&e for!otten, lo&e !ained. -he ,ibra: 6a!ical aura, see" !uidance in the stars. Stren!th, wisdom, foresi!ht. $e&erse: (nterest in the ma!i"s, see" your future in the stars. 2riends are close, enemies closer. -he ,ittle: :eauty and small sentiments. ,oo" at what matters. $ushin! isnt the best way. $e&erse: 8ou are comin! into your profession. Show your talent, be it small. #ush out hard and lon!.

-he ,oc": Secrets "ept which should be told. -rusty. $e&erse: Secrets told that should ha&e been "ept. 2luffy. -he ,oop: -he rut of life is not as deep as most thin", you li"e routine. 8ou want attention, you !et it when you show your creati&ity. Show your power, feel its reward. $e&erse: Aeep your ways tied, dont o&erdo it. .arin!, apprehensi&e, mysterious. -he 6ist: (n the shadows you feel a presence. ; dead or lost or !one lo&ed one. %eep connection, deep lo&e. $e&erse: Shut up inside, withdrawal. %ont let it !et worse. 2eel your friends. .arin!, 1ater. -he 6o&e: #owerful spea"er, !reat influence. ; new lo&er ( see, a new sense of well-bein!) -hin!s will chan!e for you. $e&erse: <reat tal"er, !ossip. .han!es come forth +uic"ly, wa&es of water crash down. -he #ower: <reat influence, !reat stren!th. %ont !et carried away, people will !et hurt. #assion for lo&e, passion for life. 2ell your inner power. #owerful &ibes, youre deeply stron!, be proud. $e&erse: ,et your powers out. 8ou lo&e to lo&e and lo&e to be friendly. Ha&e it !uide you to a common le&el of life. @pen your eyes. -he $ain: .ute, carin!, creati&ity. .ulti&ate your powers. $e&erse: Show your true self, lo&e. -he $eturn: ; for!otten friend or lo&ed one will come bac" into your life. %ont push them away. 8our lo&e of your current state will bind you. ; new technolo!y. $e&erse: Aeep a loo"out, you dont always thin". Hardship, thin"in!, !oodness. -he Sand: <raceful and li!ht-footed, hard loser, bi! winner. ,o&e of the race. $e&erse: Hard and un-for!i&in!, but &ery wistful. ,i"es to listen, whispers thin!s. -he Shot: Speed, lo&e, and fluidness. Stren!th. 2ollow your instincts. $e&erse: :uild your fortune, build your stren!th. 2eel it inside you. 8ou li"e to ha&e free time. -he Silent: ; soft touch, a cloc" tic"in!. See thin!s how they are, dont turn them around li"e you do. (nfluence. $e&erse: ,et others spea" their mind. -al"ati&e. 2riendship andthat thin! you doB -he Sleep: %ont assume always that you are a bore. 8our stars !uide you, see your path. %ance, lo&e, claim of your ri!ht. $e&erse: @&erpowerment. ; fear. -he stars will !uide you, see" your fortune.

-he Snow: :eauty and lo&e surrounds you. ; solemn attitude, a drowsy manner. $e&erse: 3lusi&e, hidden feelin!s, hidden feelin!s of lo&e, +uestionable se uality. ; battlefield lies ahead. -he Son!: ,o&e of life, lo&e of company. ; creati&e *uice left untapped. -ap your power, your -$73 power. $e&erse: :e heard, you wish to be heard) Spea" yourself, you want to spea" your mind. ,o&e is around you, feed on it and succeed. -he Storm: 1ild and darin!, but "ind to those you trust. -hey trust you too. .ra>y) $e&erse: #ent up ener!y, carin!, trustin!. 1ild, cra>y) 2uture influence. -he Sweet: :eauty, lo&e, niceness, cuteness. .andy candy candy. 8ummy. See your path, you can smell it. $e&erse: ; de&ious little cute bitch. -hats you. 8ou lo&e to play, see it for its real meanin!. -he -hrou!h: 3lusi&e and carin!. ,ithe and limber. -rain hard and reap the rewards. $e&erse: .reati&e, hard-wor" pays off in all cases. :e loyal to those who are so to you. -he -ime: ; lon! road to a de&eloped life and relationship. Slow learnin!, hard hardships. :eautiful lo&e, passion. $e&erse: $ushin! is not !ood for you. 8ou procrastinate too much, stop it at once) <o after your lo&e of the thrill of the ride. -he -win: ; scared lo&ed one, a special bond. 9othin! tears you from your friends. ,oyal and carin!. $e&erse: .onfused way of mind, circle of friends. Happy ways and lo&in! parents. -he ?oice: <reat talents, wea"ness of childhood. :rea" the bad habit. <o on to your full potential. ; beautiful soul. $e&erse: ,et out that beauty, let out the hate. .ome forth and confess your sins, your heart bleeds with sorrow and brims with lo&e. -he 1a&e: <o with the flow, at the top of your profession and of what you do, Aeep up the thin!s that wor". $e&erse: ;!!ression at resistance, ne!ati&e feelin!s !one. 6o&e on to better thin!s, you ha&e to, to mo&e on.

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