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‘la Tamil Judgement! Lo 4 ATOWL ING. 2 c vt sd Wherein is deinonfirated mo! Incomparable Secrets according to the beft Rules in Art, Firft how to find out or diftover Theft | or Theeves, tob much ufed in this Nati onsto the great damage of many People: ‘Secondly to diftover Fugitives and Beafis Lott or Straved &e, ' Comperidioufty-f-t forth for the goad} people efpecially to thole that nemics to this Noble Art. emai before Extant. 1, Stuckin Attrology pees ae His much Honoured Friend Mr. CHARLES. CHIP, The Author wisheth all happi- nef in this world, and Eternal fe- licity in the world to come. Made bold to Dedicate M thisfmall piece to you, though fomewhat a - ftranger to you at: pres fent, yet being deftred H bya ‘Bichfall Friend of yours : who informed meof the great refpe you owe to Art; could do A 2 no The Epifile. no lef3 therefore good Sir, let me Crave your pardon in this my prefum- ption, and let me defire you to pafs by my ‘imbecilities, which I donot fear but that you will, when you have feri- oufly confider my Minority, and how harda matter it isto comprehend the Fiofundity of this moft fublime Sci- ence: and now tolet youunderftand what moved me here to make my felf publique, isthe true love that I owe ; tomy Countrey, and 1 hope moft will receive benefit by thofe my weak indeavours, and upon this account one- ty, Ehave prefunied to make known to the world this little tract of Aftrology touching Theft, knowing it mutt pais the: Cenfure of various capacities, and from the unskilful 1 expect blots, but “feom the Judiciousa friendly Correcti- on; ‘and if at ‘laft it may’be crown- cd with: your ‘Protection, my ¢x- pediation is fully anfivered: who faithfully The Epifile. i faithfully defires to fubfcribe him- felf, Sir, your devoted fervant for ever to Command, Anthony Griffin.

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