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--Expanded from Books--Delling

AKA: Dellingr (Information on Delling can be found in Scion: Ragnarok, pg. 109 110! Associated Powers: "pic #$ari%ma, "pic Intelligence, "pic &anipulation, "pic 'erception, "pic Stamina, "pic (it%, )ertilit*, +ealt$, ,otunblut, &agic, &*%ter*, Sun, (ar Common Abilities: Academic%, #ommand, In-e%tigation, &elee, .ccult, 'olitic% Rivals: .din, /oki0 Atum Re, 1eb, I%i%, +erme%, Dion*%u%, +uit2ilopoc$tli, Amatera%u, Damballa

(Information on 3onatiu$ can be found in Scion: 1od, pg. 145 146! Associated Powers: "pic Appearance, "pic #$ar%ima, "pic 'erception, "pic Stamina, )ire, 1uardian, It2li, ,u%tice, '%*c$opomp, Sun Common Abilities: A7arene%%, #ommand, "mpat$*, )ortitude, 're%ence, Sur-i-al Rivals: 3e2catlipoca0 Atum Re, 8a%tet, Apollo, 8aldur, Amatera%u, I2anagi, /egba

.nce, 9oc$i:uet2al, t$e godde%% of flo7er%, 7a% a nai-e *oung 7oman among a pant$eon full of bloodt$ir%t* 7arrior%. S$e 7a% married to 3laloc, t$e ancient god of t$e %ea and %torm%, and for a time %$e 7a% $app*. At lea%t until 3e2catlipoca decided t$at %$e 7a% too beautiful to be 7it$ t$e ancient old 3laloc and 7a% more de%er-ing of a *oung, -irile god like $im%elf. 3$en $e %tole $er a7a* and made $er $i% again%t $er 7ill. 3$e rape and abu%e b* t$e 1od of Di%cord %tripped muc$ of $er nai-ete a7a*. And t$e fact t$at %$e 7a% pa%%ed around to ot$er god% 7$en 3e2catlipoca finall* tired of $er fini%$ed t$e proce%%. ;o7 %$e<% married once again to 3laloc, and t$eir relation%$ip i% mo%tl* back on track. S$e<% colder t$an %$e u%ed to be. And 3laloc i% bot$ more protecti-e of $i% 7ife from ot$er men and more paranoid t$at ma*be %$e $er%elf ma* be un%ati%fied b* $er old $u%band once more. )or t$e%e rea%on%, 9oc$i:uet2al rarel* -i%it% t$e (orld. And $er daliance% 7it$ mortal% are e-en more rare and prone to %park t$e ire of $er $u%band upon t$o%e %$e doe% %leep 7it$. S$e tend% to take t$e role of gardener, flo7er %$op o7ner, mu%ician, or ot$er po%ition% 7$ic$ allo7 $er to %pread $er lo-e of mu%ic and beaut*. ($en $er $u%band i% ot$er7i%e occupied, %$e can al%o be found pla*ing t$e part of t$e lonel* pro%titute, tr*ing to find a man 7$o 7ill actuall* care for $er in%tead of %impl* u%e $er and pa* $er. +er Scion%, rare a% t$e* are, actuall* enter t$e 7orld 7it$ t$e %ame nai-ete t$at t$eir mot$er once $ad. 'art of $er 7ant% to tell $er c$ildren t$at t$e (orld i%n<t a% beautiful a% t$e* ma* belei-e it to be rig$t a7a*. Some ot$er god% e-en %peculate t$at %$e arrange% tragedie% to befall $er c$ildren =u%t %o t$at t$e* can learn t$e%e le%%on% t$e $ard 7a* like %$e did. 3$oug$, no one can find proof to t$o%e %peculation%. Regardle%%, nai-e t$oug$ t$e* ma* be at fir%t, man* of $er c$ildren come a7a* from t$eir e>perience% in t$e 3itan (ar 7it$ a ne7found under%tanding t$at t$e (orld i% not all flo7er% and ro%e%. Associated Powers: "pic Appearance, "pic #$ari%ma, "pic Intelligence, Animal (8utterfl*!, )ertilit*, 1uardian, +ealt$, It2li Common Abilities: Art, #raft, "mpat$*, Integrit*, &edicine, 're%ence Rivals: 3e2catlipoca, 3laloc0 I%i%, Ap$rodite, At$ena, )re*a, Sif, "r2ulie, /a Sirene

-La Sirene
AKA: ?emo=a$, &a7a /i%u, &a$u At fir%t %ig$t, t$e 7ife of Ag7e mig$t be mi%taken for &ami (ata, t$e $ead 3itan A-atar of t$e Dro7ned Road. 8ut look% of cour%e are 7$ere t$e %imiliaritie% end. /a Sirene i% a mo%tl* bene-olent godde%%, t$oug$ %$e i% al%o a diet* of pa%%ion and can be a fickle and mi%c$e-iou% deit* 7$en t$e mood %trike% $er. S$e<% far older t$an %$e let% on and t$oug$ %$e i% one of Ag7e<% 7i-e% no7, %$e $a% al%o been lo-er to Damballa$ and man* ot$er god% in t$e pa%t. S$e i% one of t$e mo%t ancient of t$e pant$eon and often e:uate% $er%elf Damballa$<% e:ual, if not in %tature, t$en at lea%t in po7er. ($en in $er natural form, %$e appear% a% a mermaid, 7it$ t$e tail of a fi%$ or %ea %nake (depending on $er mood! and t$e upper bod* of a *oung African 7oman. .ften %$e<% %een to be nude from t$e 7ai%t up a% 7ell. Still, %$e<% perfectl* capable of appearing perfectl* $uman and $a% not$ing again%t 7earing clot$ing, albeit of an often re-ealing nature. A% Ag7e<% 7ife and godde%% of t$e %ea<% m*%terie%, /a Sirene $a% been found in man* role% in t$e mortal 7orld. S$e<% been a deep %ea di-er, a medic in a %mall coa%tal -illage, a marine biologi%t and man* ot$er role%. S$e $a% al%o %er-ed a% a pro%titute, a porn %tar and a fa%$ion model, a% $er beaut* i% ea%il* t$e ri-al of "r2ulie<%. ;ot to mention %$e $a% more c$arm and %educti-e po7er. )inall*, at time% /a Sirene $a% been kno7n to take a more acti-e $and in t$e running of $er follo7er%, %er-ing a% an actual prie%te%% at time%. 3$oug$ %ince t$e 3itan<% relea%e, more and more of $er 7or%$ipper% $a-e been lured o-er to t$e %er-ice of &ami (ata, mi%takenl* t$inking t$at t$e* are 7or%$ipping /a Sirene. S$e $ope% t$at $er acti-e $and 7ill pre-ent t$at. +er Scion% $a-e a $abit of follo7ing in t$eir mot$er% role%, being bot$ %educti-e and m*%teriou%, al7a*% alluring but impo%%ible to full* catc$ and pin do7n. 3$e* %er-e in %imilar profe%%ion% and t$eir c$arm and good look% t*picall* %er-e t$em 7ell a% t$e* deal 7it$ ot$er people a% 7ell a% ot$er Scion%. Associated Powers: "pic Appearance, "pic #$ari%ma, "pic &anipulation, Animal ()i%$, Sea Snake!, #$e-al, +ealt$, &agic, &oon, (ater Common Abilities: Animal Ken, At$letic%, /arcen*, &edicine, 're%ence, Sur-i-al Rivals: Damballa, Kalfu0 I%i%, Sobek, Artemi%, 'o%eidon, 3laloc, Su%ano o

3$oug$ not originall* a member of t$e pant$eon, t$e %pread of 8udd$i%m of #$ina broug$t t$i% *oung god into conflict 7it$ t$e #ele%tial 8ureaucrac*. /ike man* 7$o found t$em%el-e% in a %imilar %ituation, 'ancika 7a% pulled into t$e pant$eon and gi-en a place in t$e $ierarc$*. &an* are %urpri%ed to learn t$at de%pite $i% 8udd$i%t belief%, $e %till maintain% $i% role a% a general. +e i% a %killed 7arrior and a leader of men and demon alike 7$en it i% nece%%ar* to put $i% %kill% to u%e. Additionall*, t$e $and%ome *oung god i% a patron of fertilit* and i% %aid to $a-e fat$ered o-er fi-e $undred c$ildren in $i% time. +e i% a con%ort of t$e 1uan*in at time%, t$oug$ $e doe% not al7a*% %$are $er fa%cination 7it$ peace and merc*. In t$e modern time%, 'ancika i% often found %er-ing a% a militar* leader on t$e battlefield. +i% *oung feature% and %trong bod* %er-e to in%pire $i% troop%, 7$ile $i% %$arp mind lead% $im to man* -ictorie% again%t $i% enemie%. ($ere-er $e goe%, $o7e-er, $e al7a*% lea-e% c$ildren in $i% 7ake. +e i% eager to take %$ore lea-e, al7a*% manage% to find a *oung 7oman to %pend time 7it$, and ine-itabl* lea-e% $er 7it$ a c$ild to take care of.

(it$ t$e abundance of 'ancika<% c$ildren in t$e (orld, one 7ould be %urpri%ed t$at $e $a% %o fe7 Scion%. 3$e trut$ of t$e matter i% t$at 7$ile 'ancika i% eager to fat$er t$e c$ildren and procreate, $e<% not e>actl* an ideal fat$er. +e<% di%tant at be%t, neglectful and ignorant of $i% c$ild<% e>i%tance at 7or%t. ($at fe7 Scion% of $i% are @i%ited often gro7 to re%ent t$eir fat$er for $i% ab%ence%, often latc$ing onto ot$er god% 7$o %er-e a% guide% and fill t$e -oid. .ften, $o7e-er, t$i% neglectful attitude lead% $i% c$ildren to be adopted b* ot$er god% of #ele%tial 8ureaucrac* or e-en of ot$er pant$eon%. Associated Powers: "pic #$ari%ma, "pic Intelligence, +ealt$, 3ai*i, (ar Common Abilities: At$letic%, 8ra7l, #ommand, "mpat$*, &ark%man%$ip, 're%ence Rivals: 1uan*in, ;e2$a, Sun (ukong0 +oru%, I%i%, Ap$rodite, Are%, Artemi%, At$ena, )re*r, Auet2alcoatl, +ac$iman, I2anagi, "r2ulie, .goun

-- riginal !rite-"ps--#athor
AKA: +7t +r, 8at +at$or i% t$e "g*ptian godde%% of feminine lo-e, mot$er$ood and =o*. S$e i% often time% depicted a% a beautiful 7oman, one of t$e fe7 among t$e 'e%ed=et actuall* kno7n for $er beaut*. ($ile ot$er godde%%e% ma* a%%ociate t$em%el-e% 7it$ t$e lu%t or t$e pa%%ion of romance, +at$or i% more attuned to t$e beaut* of lo-e it%elf, a% 7ell a% t$e beaut* and =o* of being a mot$er and $a-ing a famil*. In t$e 7orld, +at$or often appear% a% a *oung mot$er, %till in $er prime of beaut*. ($en not t$e mot$er $er%elf, $o7e-er, %$e often take% on role% t$at aid% mot$er% and familie%. S$e i% t$e nur%e in t$e maternit* 7ard, t$e famil* coun%elor 7$o $elp% couple% t$roug$ t$e $ard time%, t$e entertainer 7$o =u%t 7i%$e% to make people laug$. (it$ $er Scion%, %$e i% a de-oted mot$er. S$e goe% out of $er 7a* to aid $er c$ildren. Some mig$t e-en %a* %$e goe% too far and doe% not allo7 $er Scion% to li-e t$eir o7n li-e%. &an* of +at$or<% c$ildren $a-e gro7n re%entful of $er intru%ion% into t$eir li-e% o-er t$e centurie%. And more t$an a fe7 $a-e actuall* gained $er ire a% t$e* gro7 fru%trated and la%$ out again%t $er. A de-oted mot$er, %$e ma* be, but %$e al%o doe% not ea%il* forgi-e $er c$ildren for for%aking $er. Associated Powers: "pic Appearance, "pic #$ari%ma, "pic, &anipulation, Animal (#o7!, +eku, +ealt$ Common Abilities: Art, #raft, "mpat$*, )ortitude, Integrit*, 're%ence Rivals: 8a%tet, I%i%0 Ap$rodite, +era, )re*a, )rigg, Sif, 3la2olteotl, Amatera%u, I2anagi, I2anami, Damballa

AKA: ;it, ;et, ;eit 1odde%% of $unting and battle, ;eit$ 7a% -ie7ed a% t$e patron of t$e 7arrior and of t$e 7arrior<% 7eapon%. S$e 7a% %aid to craft t$e 7eapon% t$at 7ere u%ed in 7ar and to guard t$e bodie% of t$e %lain %o t$at t$eir remain% 7ould not be defiled and could $a-e proper funeral rite% performed for t$em. S$e i% %killed 7it$ t$e bo7 and carrie% a %$ield to guard t$o%e under $er protection. S$e i% al%o a%%ociated 7it$ 7ea-ing and t$e loom and i% %aid to 7ea-e t$e deat$ %$roud% for t$e fallen.

In modern time%, ;eit$ appear% a% a %tern 7oman. ;ot elderl*, t$oug$ it<% clear t$e *ear% $a-e not been kind to $er. .ften %$e %er-e% in role% t$at allo7 $er to guard t$e dead. S$e %er-e% a% t$e cit* crime %cene in-e%tigator 7$o protect% t$e corp%e of a crime %cene or a% t$e tec$nition at t$e cit* morgue 7$o tend% to t$e remain% until t$e* can be picked up b* famil*. S$e i% t$e mortician 7$o prepare% t$e corp%e for funeral%. S$e i% al7a*% armed and al7a*% read* to protect t$o%e t$e corp%e from de%ecration. Ironicall*, $o7e-er, %$e $a% al%o %pent $er fair %$are of time %er-ing a% an arm% dealer and a gun runner and man* of t$e bodie% %$e 7atc$e% o-er $a-e al%o been killed b* t$e 7eapon% %$e pro-ided. +er c$ildren rarel* recie-e t$e %ame attention t$at t$e corp%e% of $e dead do. ($ile %$e @i%it% t$em and be%to7% pre%ent% and ble%%ing% upon t$em, %$e i% often bu%* tending to t$e dead to trul* offer muc$ el%e. S$ould $er c$ildren die, $o7e-er, %$e 7ill al7a*% be t$e fir%t to appear and defend t$eir bodie% abo-e all el%e. Associated Powers: "pic De>terit*, "pic Intelligence, +eku, (ar, (ater Common Abilities: Art, #ommand, #raft, &ark%man%$ip, &elee, .ccult Rivals: 8a%tet, +oru%, Set0 Apollo, Artemi%, At$ena, +ep$ae%tu%, 3$or, @idar, +uit2ilopoc$tli, Auet2alcoatl, Su%anno o, .goun, S$ango

AKA: ;ebet $et Si%ter to I%i%, t$e t7o mig$t actuall* be mi%taken for t7in% if it 7eren<t for $e fact t$at ;ep$t$*% often appear% garbed in t$e funeral 7rapping% of a mumm*. (it$ $er $ead 7rapped in %acred bandage% and $er bod* robed in t$e %$roud, ;ep$t$*% i% not ea%il* mi%taken for $er more regal %i%ter. 3$e fact t$at ;ep$t$*%, oddl*, $a% t$e better per%onalit* of t$e t7o al%o $elp% in t$at regard. ;ep$t$*% i% al%o %i%ter and 7ife to Set, t$oug$ t$eir% i% not a $app* marriage. 3$oug$ lo*al to eac$ ot$er and 7illing to aid t$e ot$er, ;ep$t$*% %ided again%t Set 7$en $e killed $i% brot$er, .%iri%, and $elped $er %i%ter to gat$er t$e piece% of t$e %lain monarc$ %o $e could be re%urrected. ($en +oru% 7a% born, %$e aided in rai%ing t$e c$ild and t$en tried to pre-ent t$e battle bet7een $e and Set 7$en t$e %on came %eeking re-enge. In t$e 7orld, ;ep$t$*% appear% muc$ t$e %ame a% I%i%, t$oug$ %$e t*picall* 7ear% clot$e% t$at are muc$ more functional and t*picall* of darker color% t$an $er %i%ter. S$e<% %er-ed in po%ition% %uc$ a% nur%e for t$e terminall* ill, $ired a%%a%%in or $o%pice coun%elor. It i% $er =ob to ea%e ot$er% into deat$ and %uc$ role% can take man* form%. Scion% of ;ep$t$*% are t*picall* adopted, $o7e-er. It i% $er %i%ter<% role to gi-e birt$ and u%$er life into t$e 7orld. It i% ;ep$t$*%< role to take life and u%$er it out. ($ile %$e i% capable of $a-ing %e>ual relation% 7it$ mo%t an*one, ;ep$t$*% i% unfortunatel* %terile. Bnlike $er %i%ter, 7$o u%e% $er c$ildren to %uit $er goal%, ;ep$t$*% c$eri%$e% e-er* c$ild %$e i% allo7ed to adopt and 7ill go out of $er 7a* to %ee to t$eir need%. Associated Powers: "pic #$ari%ma, "pic (it%, Deat$, 1uardian, +ealt$, +eku, &agic, &*%ter* Common Abilities: Academic%, A7arene%%, "mpat$*, Integrit*, .ccult, 're%ence Rivals: I%i%, Set0 +era, )rigg, +el, Auet2alcoatl, 3la2olteotl, 9ipe 3otec, I2anami, 8aron Samedi, "r2ulie

AKA: Sa$ket, Sacmi%

De%pite t$e fact t$at %$e i% t$e lione%% to 8a%tet<% $ou%ecat, Sek$met i% often confu%ed for t$e ot$er godde%%. "-en to t$e point t$at t$e m*t$% of t$e t7o godde%%e% are often intert7ined t$ank% to mortal re-erence. Sek$met, $o7e-er, i% a different god from 8a%tet. ($ere 8a%tet %er-e% a% t$e e*e% of Atum Re, %er-e% a% $i% agent of di%pen%ing =u%tice and %peak% prop$ecie%, Sek$met doe% none of t$at. Sek$met i% t$e lione%%. S$e i% in t$e t$ick of battle. It i% %aid %$e protect% t$e p$arao$ in t$e t$ick of 7ar and battle, %er-ing to fig$t $i% battle% for $im and en%ure -ictor*. +er %kill 7it$ a bo7 $a% earned $er muc$ fear from $er enemie%, e%peciall* a% %$e rain% do7n fier* deat$ upon t$em. In t$e mortal 7orld, Sek$met take% t$e form of a %killed bod*guard, a mercenar* or a $ig$l* trained %oldier in t$e field of battle. 3$oug$ %$e often prefer% to fig$t from a di%tance, %$e<% al%o not abo-e =umping into t$e fra* and mi>ing it up 7$en nece%%ar*. +er c$ildren often in$erit t$eir mot$er<% fier* temper, %er-ing 7ell a% front line troop% in -ariou% conflict%. .ften, t$e* come in conflict 7it$ t$e more %c$olarl* member% of t$eir mot$er<% pant$eon. (it$ t$e 3itan (ar 7aging, $o7e-er, t$e 'e%ed=et are often t$ankful to %ee t$e c$ildren of t$e lione%% taking t$e field of battle. Associated Powers: "pic De>terit*, "pic Strengt$, Animal (/ion!, )ire, +eku, (ar Common Abilities: Animal Ken, 8ra7l, )ortitude, Integrit*, &ark%man%$ip, &elee Rivals: 8a%tet, +oru%, Set, 3$ot$0 Are%, Artemi%, /oki, 3*r, @idar, +uit2ilopoc$tli, 3la2olteotl, +ac$iman, .goun, S$ango

AKA: Selc$i%, Selket, Serket $et*t 1odde%% of t$e %corpion, Serket repre%ent% not onl* t$e patron deit* re%pon%ible for $ealing t$e %ting% and bite% of in%ect% and %nake%, but %$e al%o %er-e% to admini%ter %uc$ infliction% upon t$o%e 7$o are de%er-ing of t$em a% puni%$ment. .ften %$e i% depicted eit$er a% a %corpion, or a% a 7oman 7it$ a %corpion coiled upon $er $ead. A dangerou% god to anger, $er %corpion% 7ere t$e mo%t deadl* in ;ort$ern Africa. In t$e modern 7orld, Serket %er-e% often a% a doctor, %peciali2ing in finding and creating ani-enin from t$e -enom% of %corpion%, %pider% and %nake%. +o7e-er, %$e $a% al%o %er-ed a% an a%%a%%in for a =u%t cau%e, u%ing poi%on% and to>in% a% $er %ignature to deli-er let$al do%e% to $er target%. B%uall*, t$o%e killed b* $er are not mi%%ed and people c$eer upon t$eir deat$. +a-ing a %corpion for a mot$er i% not ea%*. 3o call Serket cold and alien mig$t -er* 7ell be an under%tatement. And *et, $er c$ildren do not e>pect ot$er7i%e. 3$e* are often rai%ed to accept t$e animal cunning of a predator a% a common %tate of t$e 7orld. 3$e* are neit$er %urpri%ed, nor in%ulted b* t$eir mot$er<% indifference. 3$e* %impl* go on to do 7$ate-er role )ate $a% in %tore for t$em, =u%t a% t$eir mot$er doe% $er =ob. Associated Powers: "pic Stamina, Animal (Scorpion!, +ealt$, +eku, ,u%tice Common Abilities: 8ra7l, )ortitude, Integrit*, &edicine, 'olitic%, Sur-i-al Rivals: Anubi%, 8a%tet0 Apollo, Artemi%, )re*a, +eimdall, 3*r, I2anagi, I2anami, 8aron Samedi

AKA: Bad=et, Ba Cit, ;ek$bet Si%ter to 8a%tet and fello7 protector of t$e p$arao$ like Sek$met, (ad=et %er-ed to protect Atum

Re a% $i% per%onal bod*guard. 8a%tet ma* $a-e di%pen%ed =u%tice in $i% name and 7atc$ed a% $i% e*e% for %ign% of trouble. Sek$met ma* $a-e kept $im %afe on t$e field of battle and %laug$tered $i% enemie% in time% of 7ar. 8ut it 7a% cobra $eaded (ad=et 7$o %er-ed a% $i% bod*guard at all time% and defended $im during time% of peace. A prop$et of incredible repute a% 7ell a% a $ealer, %$e i% al%o 7ell kno7n for %triking do7n t$e enemie% of t$o%e t$at mig$t $arm $er c$arge before t$e* e-en kno7 t$e*<-e been %lain. A% t$e protector of t$e p$arao$, %$e al%o %er-e% to protect all of "g*pt, rarel* lea-ing $er $omeland for le%% t$an a life or deat$ %ituation. In t$e (orld %$e al7a*% manife%t% in ;ort$ern Africa. S$e %er-e% a% t$e $ired bod*guard of t$e ric$ and po7erful, a cop in a dangerou% neig$bor$ood or a% a %ecurit* guard at a mu%eum full of pricele%% artifact%. +er dedication i% al7a*% an in%piration to ot$er% and 7$en $er %kill% are needed %$e al7a*% deal% 7it$ t$e t$reat fa%t and efficientl*. +er Scion%, 7$en %$e get% time a7a* from $er dutie% to $a-e t$em, are often ta%ked b* (ad=et $er%elf to fig$t again%t t$e 3itan%. 3$e 7orld i% in need of protecting and t$e c$ildren of t$e cobra are going to be t$e fir%t line of defen%e if t$eir mot$er $a% an*t$ing to %a* about it. Associated Powers: "pic De>terit*, "pic 'erception, "pic Stamina, "pic (it%, Animal (#obra, @ulture!, 1uardian, +ealt$, +eku, 'rop$ec*, Sun Common Abilities: At$letic%, A7arene%%, 8ra7l, )ortitude, Integrit*, Sur-i-al Rivals: I%i%, Set0 Are%, At$ena, Ceu%, 8aldur, +el, 3*r, 3e2catlipoca, Amatera%u, Damballa, Kalfu

AKA: Bpuaut, .p$oi% (ep7a7et began life a% a Scion. A %oldier and militar* %cout of great %kill. And t$at legac* li-e% on 7it$ $im e-en toda*. (ep7a7et i% a god of 7ar, %peciali2ing in militar* intelligence. +e i% t$e patron of %cout% and %pie%, %peciali2ing in getting be$ind enem* line%, learning t$eir location% and po%ition% and t$en returning 7it$ t$at information. +e al%o %er-e% to protect 7ar time me%%enger% 7$o ma* carr* -aluable kno7ledge u%eful for t$e field. (olf $eaded (ep7a7et manife%t% in t$e 7orld a% a %7art$*, %$arp e*ed %oldier almo%t al7a*%. +e $a% taken a great fa%cination in t$e modern 7orld 7it$ all of t$e -ariou% 7a*% t$at $uman% can 7atc$ and %p* on t$eir enemie% 7it$out e-er lea-ing t$eir $ome%. )rom t$e mo%t mundane binocular% and long di%tance %cope% to %atellite %ur-eillance and la%er guided mi%%ile %*%tem%, t$e flo7 of militar* information in t$e modern 7orld $a% dra7n t$e full attention of (ep7a7et. +i% Scion% are often t$e be%t at getting information about t$e 3itan% and t$eir %er-ant% acro%% enem* line% and back to t$o%e 7$o can u%e it. 3$e* ma* not all %er-e a% %oldier%, t$oug$ man* of t$eir familie% come from militar* background%. 3$e* %peciali2e in getting into $ard to breac$ place%, getting 7$at t$e* 7ere after and getting out 7it$out rai%ing an alarm. Kno7ledge gained b* t$e Scion% of (ep7a7et $a% alread* 7on more t$an a fe7 battle% in t$e 3itan (ar. Associated Powers: "pic 'erception, "pic (it%, Animal ((olf!, +eku, '%*c$opomp, (ar Common Abilities: A7arene%%, #ommand, &elee, &ark%man%$ip, Stealt$, Sur-i-al Rivals: Anubi%, +oru%, Set0 Are%, +erme%, +eimdall, .din, @idar, +uit2ilopoc$tli, Auet2alcoatl, +ac$iman, /egba, S$ango

AKA: #*bele, &agna &ater, Idaea

/ike man* of t$e god%, R$ea began a% a 3itan. S$e i% t$e daug$ter of 1aia and .urano% and t$e 7ife of #ronu%. &ore t$an t$at, $o7e-er, %$e i% t$e mot$er of t$e Dodekat$eon. )rom $er 7ere born +e%tia, Demeter, +era, +ade%, 'o%eidon and, mo%t importantl*, Ceu%. It i% $er act of deception and bra-er* in order to %pare Ceu% from #ronu%< paranoia t$at bound $er to t$e (orld in t$e form of a godde%% rat$er t$an a 3itan, making $er one of t$e olde%t godde%%e% of t$e Dodekat$eon. R$ea repre%ent% t$e di-ine mot$er. S$e i% t$e patron if mot$er$ood, t$e protector of c$ildren and t$e godde%% 7$ic$ all mot$er% turn to for $elp 7$en parenting become% too muc$ of a c$ore. Rarel* doe% R$ea appear on .l*mpu%, preferring $er %anctuarie% in t$e (orld and continuing to li-e among $umanit* (t$oug$ al7a*% in di%gui%e of cour%e!. S$e i% al%o at $ome re%iding 7it$in t$e ca-e% and deep place% of t$e eart$, $arkening back to $er root% a% a being of t$e ground and %oil. ($et$er it<% in t$e (orld or on $er rare -i%it% to .l*mpu%, R$ea al7a*% look% like t$e epitome of mot$er$ood. .ften matronl*, t$oug$ ne-er old, t$ere i% %till enoug$ beaut* 7it$in $er to dra7 t$e e*e of t$e men 7$o %ee $er. S$e i% al7a*% t$e perfect e>ample of a c$ild bearing potential. If a man i% looking for %omeone 7it$ 7$om to rai%e a famil*, R$ea al7a*% appear% in %uc$ a 7a* a% to make $er%elf t$e perfect c$oice. 3$oug$ R$ea $a% man* c$ildren, and t$u% man* potential Scion%, it<% rare t$at %$e grant a @i%itation to t$em. /ike an* doting mot$er, %$e 7i%$e% to protect t$em from t$e $ar%$ realitie% of t$e (orld and keep t$em %afe from t$e $arm 7$ic$ mig$t befall in t$em in t$e 3itan (ar. ;ot to mention t$e trouble% t$at ma* be cau%ed b* introducing a ne7 member of t$e Dodekat$eon 7$o can call %uc$ luminarie% a% Ceu%, 'o%eidon and +ade% Dbrot$er.D Still, in t$e%e de%parate time%, all a-enue% are being e>plored for 7inning t$e 7ar. And e-en t$e c$ildren of t$e di-ine mot$er $a-e been kno7n to be granted po7er %o t$at t$e* ma* enter t$e fra*. Associated Powers: "pic #$ari%ma, "pic Intelligence, "pic &anipulation, Animal (/ion!, Arete, "art$, 1uardian, +ealt$, &agic Common Abilities: #ommand, #raft, "mpat$*, .ccult, 're%ence, Sur-i-al Rivals: Apollo, +era0 1eb, I%i%, )rigg, 3la2olteotl, I2anagi, I2anami, 8aron Samedi

AKA: &acuil>oc$itl 37in brot$er to 9oc$i:uet2al, 9oc$ipilli i% t$e god of game%, at$lete% and plant%. +e 7a% re%pon%ible for agricultural produce, but $i% produce 7a% u%ed more for recreational purpo%e% t$an actual con%umption. 9oc$ipilli 7a% t$e god of $allucinogenic plant% and t$e -i%ion% and illu%ion% are legendar* among man* of t$e At2lanti and t$eir enemie%. +e i% al%o t$e god of at$lete% and often appear% a% a *oung, -ibrant and at$letic *out$. +i% traditional po%e i% crouc$ed 7it$ $i% $and% rai%ed to t$e $ea-en%, $i% e*e% open and $i% mout$ $alf open. In t$e mortal 7orld $e tend% to focu% on t$e%e %ame $allucinogenic and e-en medical plant%. +e i% a p$armaci%t, drug dealer, a ma%ter of $erbal remedie% and a gardner 7it$ a Dpri-ate %ta%$.D +e lead% a muc$ more public life t$an $i% %i%ter doe% of cour%e, not $eld do7n b* an o-erprotecti-e $u%band and %ocial %tigma% like %$e i%. +e al%o appear% often in t$e gui%e of a mortal at$lete of %ome %ort. 3$oug$ 7$en $e doe% %o, $e al%o freel* partake% of Dperformance en$ancingD %ub%tance% and encourage% ot$er% to do t$e %ame. +i% Scion% tend to perform %imilar role%, getting dra7n man* time% into at$letic competition% and life%t*le%. /ike t$eir fat$er, $o7e-er, t$e* al%o find t$em%el-e% unable to re%i%t t$e allure of $erbal %upplement% and recreational drug%. 3$o%e 7$o don<t follo7 at$letic pur%uit% tend to become drug dealer% and ot$er procurer% of illegal %ub%tance%. .nl* a rare fe7 actuall* go into medical

practice for t$eir drug%, t$oug$ it<% not un$eard of. Associated Powers: "pic Appearance, "pic De>terit*, "pic (it%, #$ao%, )ertilit*, +ealt$, Illu%ion, It2li, (ar Common Abilities: Art, At$letic%, /arcen*, &edicine, Science, 3$ro7n Rivals: 3e2catlipoca, 3laloc0 1eb, +erme%, )re*a, /oki, I2anagi, Damballa, Kalfu

AKA: #ernanu% In ancient 1aul, t$e land became a melting pot of man* fait$% and god%. 3$e Dodekat$eon 7alked along%ide t$e 3uat$a de Dannan and mingled 7it$ t$e Ae%ir and t$e e-en more ancient @anir. ($ile t$ere 7a% no %ingle 1auli%$ pant$eon, not e-en a %ub pant$eon of t$e man* ot$er% t$at mingled t$ere, t$ere 7a% at lea%t one god of t$e 1auli%$ people t$at emerged a% a po7erful entit*. Some belie-e t$at #ernunno% began a% one of t$e @anir. +i% role a% a protector of t$e natural 7orld and t$e greate%t of $unter% i% belie-ed to originate from $i% beginning% a% one of t$e earlie%t of god% to t$e 7andering 1ermanic people. If $e did begin 7it$ t$e @anir, $o7e-er, $e did not tie $im%elf to t$e Ae%ir a% ot$er% did. +e 7ould $a-e been one of t$e @anir 7$o oppo%ed t$e Ae%ir and re%i%ted t$e intermarriage%. ;o giant<% blood run% t$roug$ $i% -ein%. In 1aul, #ernunno% mingled 7it$ t$e 3uat$a de Dannan and ot$er god%, e-entuall* finding $im%elf dra7n to7ard t$e #eltic god%. In time, a% t$e belief% of t$e people merged, #ernunno% became accepted full* into t$e 3uat$a de Dannan, muc$ a% /ir and $i% %on &anannan 7ere bot$ adopted from older, more ancient pant$eon% of Ireland. Since becoming a member of t$e 3uat$a, #ernunno% $a% %er-ed t$em a% t$eir mo%t impre%%i-e of $unter%. ;o foe can e%cape $im once $e %et% $i% %ig$t% upon finding $im. +o7e-er, de%pite $i% %kill% in tracking and t$e $unt, $e i% not a -iolent god. In fact, $e<% more like a pacifi%t. +e protect% $i% c$arge% and defend% $i% territor*, but $e doe% not go out of $i% 7a* to make enemie% or de%tro*. ,u%t a% $e doe% not go out of $i% 7a* to $arm ot$er%, $e al%o $a% a %oft %pot for t$o%e 7$o no longer feel life. +e i% a patron of t$e dead in need and 7ill often go out of $i% 7a* to make =ourne*% to t$e Bnder7orld to bring comfort to t$e dead. And =u%t a% $e protect% and aid% t$e dead, $e al%o en%ure% t$at t$ere i% ne7 life broug$t to t$e 7orld to continue t$e c*cle. ($en &ag &ell 7a% %eparated from t$e re%t of t$e Bnder7orld%, #ernunno% 7a% one of t$e god% %talking t$e -oid to find t$e dead and bring t$em to t$eir ne7 $ome in 3ir na &arb$. ;o7, $e i% 7elcome e:uall* 7it$in bot$ 3ir na &arb$ and Ann7n. #ernunno% appear% a% a %trong, -ibrant older gentleman. +e i% al7a*% bearded and al7a*% dre%%ed in durable $unting clot$e%. Strong deer antler% gro7 from t$e %ide% of $i% $ead. +e en=o*% 7earing =e7elr*, often appearing 7it$ golden torc% around $i% neck, arm% and around $i% antler%. In t$e (orld, $e<% appeared a% a park ranger, a 7ildlife p$otograp$er and an en-ironmental acti-i%t. #ernunno% Scion% often %er-e a% t$e bount* $unter% of t$e 3uat$a de Dannan. .nce t$e* find t$eir pre*, t$e* do not let it go. 8ut nor do t$e* go out of t$eir 7a* to %eek trouble. And naturall*, like an* proper fertilit* god, #ernunno% $a% man* potential Scion% $e could @i%it and grant po7er to. 3$e* are often %ome of t$e mo%t de-oted member% of t$eir 8and% and 7ill fig$t to t$e deat$ (and %ometime% e-en be*ond! for t$eir fello7 Scion%. Associated Powers: "pic De>terit*, "pic 'erception, "pic (it%, Animal (Deer!, Deat$, "nec$, )ertilit*, 1uardian

Common Ability: Animal Ken, At$letic%, A7arene%%, )ortitude, Sur-i-al, 3$ro7n Rivals: /ug$, 3$e &orrigan, .gma0 Set, Artemi%, )re*a, )re*r, .din, +uit2ilopoc$tli, I2anami, 8aron Samedi, .goun

AKA: /l*r, /er, /ear /ike $i% %on, &anannan, /ir come% from a pant$eon t$at i% far more ancient t$an t$e 3uat$a de Dannan. 3$i% ancient #eltic pant$eon fell long ago, 7it$ onl* /ir and $i% %on %ur-i-ing. +o7e-er, t$e* 7ere bot$ 7elcomed among t$e 3uat$a, e%peciall* 7$en &anannan %$o7ed up a% t$e fo%ter fat$er of /ug$, t$eir great c$ampion. Since t$at time, fat$er and %on bot$ $a-e %er-ed a% lo*al member% of t$e Iri%$ pant$eon. /ir i%, :uite ob-iou%l*, a 1od of t$e Sea. +o7e-er, unlike $i% %on 7$o repre%ent% t$e capriciou% and illu%or* po7er% of t$e %ea, /ir i% t$e %ea<% lord. A great king among $i% ancient people, /ir fat$ered man* c$ildren. 8ut almo%t all of t$em met tragic end%. +e $a% %ince %ired more c$ildren, fat$ering member% of t$e (el%$ &abinogi and ot$er c$ildren among t$e ancient 8ritti%$ people. +i% (el%$ c$ildren all met -iolent end% in 7ar and %uicide. And $i% 8ritti%$ c$ildren 7ere turned into %7an%. /ir often appear% a% an aged king, regal %till in $i% appearance, but clearl* tired and 7it$ little patience left for a 7orld t$at<% mo-ed on 7it$out $im. /ike 'o%eidon, $e %ee% 7$at $umanit* $a% done to t$e ocean% and 7i%$e% to put a %top to it. +o7e-er, $e doe% not $a-e muc$ dri-e to do %o $im%elf. In t$e (orld $e $a% appeared a% an aging $ead of t$e oceanograp$* department at a uni-er%it*, t$e ma*or of a %ea%ide to7n and t$e pre%ident of a con%er-ationi%t organi2ation. ($ile $i% age i% beginning to catc$ up 7it$ $im and %lo7 $im do7n, $e i% %till -irile and energetic enoug$ to fat$er a fe7 c$ildren among t$e mortal% 7$en $e make% $i% trip% into t$e (orld. +o7e-er, $e doe% not 7atc$ t$em 7it$ muc$ $ope for t$e future. So far, onl* one of $i% c$ildren $a% made good. 3$e re%t are all remembered in t$e great tragedie%. It<% $ard for $im to $old out muc$ $ope at t$i% point, but per$ap% t$e ne>t generation of $i% c$ildren (7it$ a little $elp from )ate! can pro-e $im 7rong. Associated Powers: "pic #$ari%ma, "pic &anipulation, "nec$, ,u%tice, &agic, (ater Common Abilities: Academic%, #ommand, "mpat$*, Integrit*, 'olitic%, 're%ence Rivals: Danu, ;uada0 Sobek, +era, 'o%eidon, )rigg, Su%ano o, Damballa

--*inor +ods-)or 7$ate-er rea%on, t$e%e god% %till po%%e%% a /egend of le%% t$an 1E. Some of t$e%e, %uc$ a% Inari, 7ere e-en born god% and a% %uc$ po%%e%% /egend %core% of le%% t$an 9 and *et are %till god%. ($ile it<% po%%ible to pla* Scion% of t$e%e god%, do %o at *our o7n ri%k. A% *ou 7ill %ee, man* of t$em pro-ide t$e appropriate 'ant$eon Specific 'ur-ie7, ma*be %ome "pic Attribute%, and t$at<% A//. &an* of t$e c$ildren of t$e%e god% are often adopted b* ot$er god%, but t$at doe%n<t %top t$e%e god% from %ometime% @i%iting t$eir o7n Scion%. Additionall*, man* of t$e%e are too 7eak to po%%e%% true ri-al%. &o%t ma=or god% %impl* don<t care. A% %uc$, I<m not going to li%t ri-al% for t$e%e god%.

(Information on Duamutef can be found in Scion: 1od, pg. E0F! Associated Powers: +eku

Common Abilities: At$letic%, 8ra7l, #ommand, )ortitude, Stealt$, Sur-i-al

8aboon $eaded %on of +oru% and brot$er to Duamutef, +api 7a% protector of t$e lung% of t$e decea%ed and 7a% con%idered to be a %7ift runner and reliable me%%enger. Associated Powers: +eku Common Abilities: At$letic%, #raft, #ommand, )ortitude, &edicine, Stealt$

+uman $eaded %on of +oru% and brot$er to Duamutef, Im%et* 7a% t$e protector of t$e li-er of t$e decea%ed and 7a% con%idered to be a protector of t$e $ou%e$old and a re-i-ifier of t$e dead. Associated Powers: +eku Common Abilities: At$letic%, #ommand, "mpat$*, )ortitude, &edicine, Stealt$

+a7k $eaded %on of +oru% and brot$er to Duamutef, Aebe$%enuef 7a% t$e protector of t$e inte%tine% of t$e decea%ed and 7a% con%idered to be a god of clean%ing and purification. Associated Powers: +eku Common Abilities: At$letic%, #ommand, )ortitude, In-e%tigation, 're%ence, Stealt$

(Information on Se%$at can be found in Scion: Demigod, pg. 1G4! Associated Powers: "pic Intelligence, +eku Common Abilities: Academic%, Art, #raft, "mpat$*, In-e%tigation, .ccult

+ebe, daug$ter of +era, 7a% t$e cupbearer for t$e god% and godde%%e% of &ount .l*mpu%. S$e i% con%idered t$e godde%% of *out$ and beaut* and i% t$e 7ife of +eracle%. Rarel* doe% %$e interact 7it$ t$e (orld and a% a minor godde%% %$e $a% little to offer to t$e ne7 3itan (ar. ;e-ert$ele%%, t$ere<% al7a*% t$e po%%ibilit* %$e ma* $a-e a Scion or t7o of $er o7n. Associated Powers: "pic Appearance, Arete Common Abilities: Art, At$letic%, "mpat$*, &edicine, 'olitic%, 're%ence

&e%%enger of t$e god% long before +erme% came along, %$e ne-er :uite attained t$e nece%%ar* /egend to take $er place a% a c$ief godde%% of t$e pant$eon before +erme% eclip%ed $er and put a $alt to $er ri%ing po7er. S$e $a% remained =u%t %$* of reac$ing $er A-atar% for t$ou%and% of *ear% no7, often re%enting +erme% for taking $er place. Still, %$e i% a de-oted and %killed me%%enger, and unlike mo%t minor god%, po%%e%%e% a number of "pic Attribute% t$at allo7 $er to do $er =ob efficientl*. Associated Powers: "pic Appearance, "pic De>terit*, "pic (it%, Arete Common Abilities: At$letic%, A7arene%%, )ortitude, In-e%tigation, 're%ence, Stealt$

(Information on +od can be found in Scion: Ragnarok, pg. 15F.!

Associated Powers: ,otunblut Common Abilities: Art, A7arene%%, Integrit*, &elee, Stealt$, 3$ro7n

(Information on &agni can be found in Scion: Ragnarok, pg. 55! Associated Powers: "pic Strengt$, ,otunblut Common Abilities: At$letic%, 8ra7l, )ortitude, Integrit*, &elee, 're%ence

(Information on &odi can be found in Scion: Ragnarok, pg. 55 to 56! Associated Powers: "pic Stamina, ,otunblut Common Abilities: At$letic%, 8ra7l, )ortitude, Integrit*, &elee, 're%ence

(Information on ;anna can be found in Scion: Ragnarok, pg. 19H to 195! Associated Powers: ,otunblut Common Abilities: Academic%, A7arene%%, "mpat$*, Integrit*, 're%ence, Stealt$

(Information on 3$rud can be found in Scion: Ragnarok, pg. 60! Associated Powers: ,otunblut Common Abilities: At$letic%, 8ra7l, &elee, 're%ence, 3$ro7n, Sur-i-al

AKA: Ame no B2ume no mikoto /ike Iri%, Ama no B2ume, godde%% of mirt$, dancing and morning lig$t, i% clo%e to ac$ie-ing $er peak. +o7e-er, in t$e ca%e of Ama no B2ume, $er limitation% 7ere c$o%en 7$en %$e c$o%e to %tep do7n from $ea-en and marr* t$e 1od of #ro%%road%, Saruta$iko .kami. Still, t$at doe%n<t %top $er from %iring a Scion or t7o, e-en if t$e* ma* be lacking in po7er. Associated Powers: "pic Appearance, "pic #$ari%ma, 3%ukumo 1ami Common Abilities: Art, At$letic%, #ommand, "mpat$*, Integrit*, 're%ence

(Information on Inari can be found in Scion: Demigod, pg. EG9 to E40! Associated Powers: 3%ukumo 1ami Common Abilities: At$letic%, Integrit*, /arcen*, &elee, .ccult, Stealt$



(Information on Saruta$iko .kami can be found in Scion: Demigod, pg. E44 to E4H! Associated Powers: 3%ukumo 1ami Common Abilities: A7arene%%, #ommand, )ortitude, Integrit*, &elee, 're%ence

-Ti-0ean Petro
A loa of %nake% and t$e $u%band of &arinette, 3i ,ean 'etro $a% man* rea%on% not to interact

7it$ t$e (orld. And %ince $i% unfortunate marriage 7it$ &arinette, $i% legend $a% often been eclip%ed b* $er o7n. 3$i% lea-e% t$e loa of %nake% -er* bitter and angr*, and 7illing to take out $i% anger upon ot$er% t$at $e mig$t run acro%%. Bnfortunatel*, $e $a% -er* little po7er to do %o. Still, $e mig$t $a-e %ome c$ildren running around. Associated Powers: #$e-al Common Abilities: Animal Ken, 8ra7l, )ortitude, /arcen*, &edicine, 'olitic%

-The #erald of Spring and Summer

(Information on t$e +erald of Spring and Summer can be found in t$e Scion #ompanion, pg. 40! Associated Powers: "nec$ Common Abilities: Art, #ommand, #raft, "mpat$*, .ccult, 're%ence

(Information on Da%ra can be found in t$e Scion #ompanion, pg. 156! Associated Powers: Sam%ara Common Abilities: At$letic%, A7arene%%, #ontrol, "mpat$*, &edicine, 're%ence

(Information on ;a%at*a can be found in t$e Scion #ompanion, pg. 156! Associated Powers: Sam%ara Common Abilities: At$letic%, A7arene%%, #ontrol, "mpat$*, In-e%tigation, &edicine

(Information on I%taran can be found in Scion: 1od, pg. E0G to E04! Associated Powers: &elam Common Abilities: Academic%, At$letic%, #ommand, Integrit*, 'olitic%, Sur-i-al

--/ntagonistic +ods-;ote, t$at pla*ing a Scion of an Antagoni%tic 1od ma* end up 7it$ *ou fig$ting *our o7n parent. Al%o, *ou ma* not nece%%aril* be in on t$eir %c$eme% and plot%. Keep in mind group co$e%ion 7$en c$oo%ing to pla* a Scion of t$e%e c$aracter% a% 7ell, becau%e it<% ne-er fun 7$en one of *our part* =u%t plain turn% again%t t$e re%t of t$e group.

(Information on Auirinu% can be found in Scion: #ompanion, pg. E1F! After (orld (ar II, Aurinu% 7a% bani%$ed from .l*mpu%. 8ut all $e $ad 7anted to do 7a% t$e refound t$e Roman "mpire. 3rue, $e<d gotten caug$t up in #aligula<% plot% and %c$eme%. 8ut e-en %o, Auirinu% %till belie-e% t$at $i% cau%e 7a% =u%t and $i% intention% noble. +e %ee% $i% bani%$ment a% a gra-e in=u%tice. ($at<% more, $e belie-e% t$at 7$en t$e re%t of t$e Dei %ub pant$eon refu%ed to %tand up for $im, t$at t$e* betra*ed $im. /ea-ing $im to die in a cold, $ar%$ 7orld. 8ut Auirinu% $ad dealt 7it$ cold, cruel and $ar%$ before. And $e 7ouldn<t let %omet$ing like t$at %lo7 $im do7n. Auirinu% i% %till out t$ere, plotting t$e do7nfall of .l*mpu% and t$e recreation of t$e Roman "mpire. 3$e

3itan% are -ie7ed a% a t$reat to $i% plan, not a% allie%, $o7e-er, $e ma* be kno7n to make a deal or t7o %$ould it benefit $im. +e continue% making Scion%, t$oug$ %uc$ c$ildren of $i% 7ould be u%eful pa7n% in $i% plan%, little more. 3$oug$ %uc$ u%efulne%% ma* in-ol-e infiltrating 7orking band% of ot$er Scion%. Associated Powers: "pic Strengt$, Animal ((olf!, Arete, (ar Common Abilities: Animal Ken, At$letic%, #ommand, &elee, 're%ence, Sur-i-al Rivals: Are%, At$ena, #ere%, +era, Ceu%0 +oru%, Set, )re*r, +uit2ilipoc$tli, +ac$iman, .goun Strengt$ 11, De>terit* 10, Stamina 10 #$ari%ma H, &anipulation 5, Appearance F 'erception 6, Intelligence H, (it% F @irtue%: ">pre%%ion E, Intellect 4, @alor G, @engeance H Academic% G, Animal Ken H, At$letic% H, A7arene%% 4, 8ra7l 4, #ommand H, #ontrol (+or%e! 4, "mpat$* 4, )ortitude H, Integrit* G, In-e%tigation 4, /arcen* E, &ark%man%$ip 4, &edicine E, &elee H, .ccult E, 'olitic% 4, 're%ence H, Stealt$ 4, Sur-i-al H, 3$ro7n 4 8irt$rig$t%: )ollo7er% H (1H Spartoi!, )ollo7er% H (10 &*rmidon%!, Relic H (Spat$a (ar, IE Accurac*, IE Damage!, Relic G ((olf 'elt Armor Animal J(olfK, IE/L8 Soak on top of lamellar! Supernatural 'o7er%: A-atar% 3$e 8ea%t, 3$e 1eneral 8oon% Animal A%pect, Animal #ommand, Animal #ommunication, Animal )eature, Animal )orm, Arete (Animal Ken! 10, Arete (At$letic%! H, Arete (#ommand! 10, Arete (&elee! H, Arete ('re%ence! 10, Arete (Sur-i-al! 10, Arm* of .ne, 8attle #r*, 8attle &ap, 8le%%ing of Ammunition, 8le%%ing of 8ra-er*, #olo%%u% Armor, #reate Animal, "pic "n$ancement, )aunap$agia, )ollo7er Arm*, )ur* of (ar, +*brid #$imera, &orale )ailure, &ortal Stroke, 'rotean Bnder%tanding, Ride Animal, Seige ,uggernaut, Surreal Draft, (arrior Ideal (Roman Soldier! "pic Attribute% "pic Strengt$ 10 (All Knack%!, "pic De>terit* 5 (All Knack%!, "pic Stamina 5 (All Knack%!, "pic #$ari%ma H (In%pirational )igure, Di-ine )igure$ead, 8enefit of t$e Doubt, #$armer, #ro7d #ontrol!, "pic &anipulation G (Ad-antageou% #ircum%tance%, .-ert .rder, +ard Sell!, "pic Appearance 1 (1ame )ace!, "pic 'erception 5 (All Knack%!, "pic Intelligence 4 ()ig$t (it$ ?our +ead, 8lockade of Rea%on, A>iom, 'erfect &emor*!, "pic (it% 4 (&onke* in t$e &iddle, .pening 1ambit, Adapti-e )ig$ting, 8et7een t$e 3ick%, Rabbit Refle>e%, #obra Refle>e%! Bltimate Attribute%: Bltimate Strengt$ ,oin 8attle: 10 Attack%: #linc$ Accurac* 1H, Damage 1E/, 'arr* D@ , Speed F, ' Bnarmed, +ea-* Accurac* 1G, Damage 1H/, 'arr* D@ E6, Speed H Bnarmed, /ig$t Accurac* 1H, Damage 1E/, 'arr* D@ G0, Speed 4 Spat$a Accurac* 16, Damage 16/, 'arr* D@ G1, Speed 4 Soak: 11ALG1/LG68 (I4/LF8 from (olf 'elt Armor! +ealt$ /e-el%: 0>E6LIncap

Dodge D@: GF (illpo7er: 9 /egend: 1E, /egend 'oint%: 144

(Information on "lli can be found in Scion: Ragnarok, pg. 110 to 111! 3$oug$ it<% true t$at "lli<% c$ild bearing *ear% are be$ind $er, %$e %till $a% a great deal of &agic and ma* perform t$e Adoption Rite. S$e doe% not undertake t$i% ta%k lig$tl* and %$ould %$e do %o, $er c$ildren 7ould %er-e mainl* a% $er pa7n% and tool% in 7$ate-er %c$eme% %$e concoct% to %ee t$e ,otun% come out of Ragnarok on top. It %$ould be noted t$at t$oug$ "lli $a% not learned ,otunblut $er%elf, t$e po7er% of )ate 7$ic$ bind t$e @anir to t$e Ae%ir a% 7ell a% $er mingling 7it$ giant% $a-e all en%ured t$at ,otunblut i% t$e po7er 7$ic$ "lli 7ould pa%% do7n to $er adopted c$ildren... muc$ to $er great anno*ance. Associated Powers: "pic Intelligence, "pic 'erception, "pic Stamina, "pic (it%, )ro%t, +ealt$, ,otunblut, &agic, &*%ter* Common Abilities: Academic%, A7arene%%, #raft, Integrit*, &edicine, .ccult Rivals: All of t$e Ae%ir0 +oru%, I%i%, Set, +era, +erme%, Ceu%, 3e2catlipoca, Auet2alcoatl, Amatera%u, I2anagi, I2anami, Damballa$, 8aron Samedi, /egba, Kalfu, man* man* ot$er%

--1eepers of the !orld-An* pla*er %eeking to pla* a Scion of t$e Keeper% of t$e (orld, $ad better pre%ent a @"R? %ufficient rea%on for doing %o. ($ile all of t$em are /egend 1E, all of t$em $a-e A-atar% and %ufficient po7er to %ire full* po7ered Scion%, t$e Keeper% are pre%ented in t$e book% a% antagoni%t%. 3$e*<re t$e bad gu*%, e-en if t$e* don<t belie-e t$em%el-e% to be. ?ou do ;.3 kno7 of t$eir plan. ?ou ma* ;.3 act upon it until *ou learn about it I; #+ARA#3"R. And if *ou can<t deal 7it$ t$e fact t$at *ou mig$t end up fig$ting again%t *our di-ine parent, t$en do not bot$er making a Scion of t$e%e c$aracter%.

(Information on Im$otep can be found in Scion: 1od, pg. EH6 EF0! Associated Powers: "pic Intelligence, "pic (it%, Deat$, +ealt$, +eku, &agic Common Abiliites: Art, #raft, Integrit*, &edicine, .ccult, Science Rivals: 'ta$0 +ep$ae%tu%, (a*land, .goun

(Information on +eracle% can be found in Scion: 1od, pg. EF0 EFE! Associated Powers: "pic #$ari%ma, "pic De>terit*, "pic Stamina, "pic Strengt$, Arete, 1uardian Common Abilities: At$letic%, 8ra7l, )ortitude, &ark%man%$ip, &elee, Sur-i-al Rivals: +era, Are%0 +oru%, 3$or, 8eo7ulf, 3e2catlipoca, +ac$iman, S$ango

-!a%land Smith
(Information on (a*land can be found in Scion: 1od, pg. EFE EF4! Associated Powers: "pic Intelligence, "art$, )ire, ,otunblut

Common Abilities: Art, #ontrol, #raft, &ark%man%$ip, &elee, Science Rivals: .din, /oki0 'ta$, Im$otep, +ep$ae%tu%, +ac$iman, .goun

-#ernan )ortez
(Information on +ernan #orte2 can be found in Scion: 1od, pg. EF4 EFF! Associated Powers: "pic #$ari%ma, "pic De>terit*, "art$, It2li, Sk* Common Abilities: Animal Ken, 8ra7l, #ommand, &ark%man%$ip, &elee, 're%ence Rivals: Auet2alcoatli, 3e2catlipoca0 +oru%, +era, Ceu%, /oki, .din, Amatera%u, Damballa

(Information on +imiko can be found in Scion: 1od, pg. EFF EF6! Associated Powers: "pic Appearance, "pic #$ari%ma, "pic Strengt$, &*%ter*, Sun, 3%ukumo 1ami Common Abilities: #ommand, #raft, Integrit*, &ark%man%$ip, 'olitic%, 're%ence Rivals: Amatera%u, +ac$iman0 Atum Re, +oru%, Apollo, 8aldur, +uit2ilopoc$tli, S$ango

(Information on &arinette can be found in Scion: 1od, pg. EF6 E50! Associated Powers: "pic Appearance, "pic Strengt$, Animal (.7l, (olf!, #$e-al, ,u%tice Common Abilities: #ommand, )ortitude, Integrit*, &edicine, .ccult, 'olitic% Rivals: 8aron Samedi, Damballa, "r2ulie, /egba, .goun0 Atum Re, Set, Apollo, Artemi%, At$ena, +eimdall, /oki, 3*r, Auet2alcoatl, Amatera%u, I2anagi

--Titan )orrupted Scions at +odhood-($ile t$e%e t7o are tec$nicall* god% and could tec$nicall* bear Scion%, t$e* are eac$ firml* de-oted to t$e 3itan% and t$eir cau%e. ($ile it<% po%%ible t$at one of t$eir c$ildren could betra* t$eir $eritage and go to t$e %ide of t$e god%, it i% unlikel*. 3$e%e t7o are mainl* included %impl* for completene%% %ake. +o7e-er, 7it$ t$e Stor*teller<% permi%%ion and a 1..D back%tor*, Scion% of t$e%e t$ree &I1+3 make pla*able c$aracter%. ;ote t$at t$eir Ri-al% are not li%ted. 3$at i% becau%e all god% are con%idered to be t$eir ri-al%.

(Information on Ama no Caku can be found in Scion: 1od, pg. GG9 to G40.! Associated Powers: "pic Appearance, "pic Stamina, "pic Strengt$, "pic (it%, Darkne%%, '%*c$opomp, 3%ukumo 1ami Common Abilities: 8ra7l, #ommand, )ortitude, &ark%man%$ip, &elee, Stealt$

-Sim.i *aka%a
(Information on Simbi &aka*a can be found in Scion: 1od, pg. G11 to G1E.! Associated Powers: Animal (Snake!, #$e-al Common Abilities: 8ra7l, #ommand, )ortitude, &elee, .ccult, 're%ence

--*inor /ntagonistic +ods-3$e follo7ing god% are minor god%, %imilar to t$e minor god% abo-e, 7$o $a-e aligned t$em%el-e% again%t t$e god% for one rea%on or anot$er. ($et$er it be %er-ing t$e 3itan% or %er-ing t$eir o7n intere%t%, t$e%e minor god% do not pla* 7ell 7it$ ot$er%. /ike ot$er antagoni%tic god%, Scion% of t$e%e c$aracter% need a -er* good back %tor* to e>plain 7$* t$e* are 7orking for t$e god% and not for t$e 3itan%. Al%o, again, like t$e minor god% abo-e, Ri-al% are not included %ince mo%t god% %impl* don<t care. 'lu%, t$e%e god% tend to $a-e all god% aligned again%t t$em an*7a*.

(Information on 'an can be found in Scion: Demigod, pg. E4E to E44! Associated Powers: Arete Common Abilities: Animal Ken, Art, 8ra7l, "mpat$*, .ccult, 're%ence

(Information on Si%*p$u% can be found in Scion: Demigod, pg. EHG to EH4. ;ote t$at gi-en t$e fact t$at Si%*p$u% $a% not been out of +ade% for -er* long, an* c$ildren of $i% are likel* adopted, t$u% likel* re:uiring fa-or% from manipulated or %*mpat$etic god% or e-en 3itan%.! Associated Powers: Arete Common Abilities: "mpat$*, In-e%tigation, /arcen*, .ccult, 'olitic%, 're%ence

(Information on It2papalotl can be found in Scion: Demigod, pg. E40 to E41. ;ote t$at becau%e of $er uni:ue condition of killing t$ing% %$e touc$e%, it<% likel* t$at an* c$ild of $er% i% adopted. 3$i% could $a-e been accompli%$ed -ia fa-or% o7ed b* god% or e-en 3itan%.! Associated Powers: It2li Common Abilities: Animal Ken, 8ra7l, #raft, )ortitude, &edicine, .ccult

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