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SUBMITTED BY: Pardee G! "a E#r$% N&% ''1(10

S%N& % 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. #. De*+r, ",&# &- ,"e. Title Acknowledgement Press Release News Report eat!re" Article Translation o% news item %rom &nglis' to P!n(a)i +nter,iew o% a Prominent Person .ook Re,iew &diting e/ercise o% Tele-Printer cop0 Ad,ertisement o% prod!ct 1cript %or radio or tele,ision News .!lletin 2!mm0 o% - pages o% .ro!c'er 3Matter4 ------------1 Piece 1Piece 1 Piece 2 Piece Pa/e N&*% 1 2 3 4-5 #-$ 10-15 10 Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks

*. -. $. 10. 11.

1 Piece 1 Piece 2 Piece 2 Piece 1 Piece

1#-1* 1--1$ 20-21 22-23 24-25


1 Piece



2!mm0 1ample o% .roc'er



10 Marks

+ e/press m0 gratit!de to m0 teac'ers in t'e 2epartment o% 5orrespondence 1t!dies6 P.7. diploma in 8o!rnalism 9 Mass

5omm!nication6 P!n(a)i :ni,ersit06 Patiala6 especiall0 Pro%. 8o'al. ;it'o!t t'eir g!idance it wo!ld 'a,e not )een possi)le %or me to complete t'is assignment. + also e/press m0 gratit!de to m0 parents %or t'eir moral s!pport and %inancial 'elp.

Pardee G! "a

E#r$% ''1(10


Pre** Re$ea*e &- a#2 &r/a#,3a",&#

2 Ma0 20106 <!d'iana=- .'arti0a >isan :nion toda0 'eld a %!nction to 'ono!r 1'. A(mer 1ing' <ok'owal6 %ormer President o% :nion on 'is ele,ation as 5'airman o% P!n(a) Mandi .oard. An impressi,e %!nction was 'eld and %armers %rom all o,er P!n(a) gat'ered in lacs. ?owe,er speakers in t'e %!nction reminded 1'. <ak'owal o% 'is d!ties and o)ligations towards t'e %arming comm!nit0. T'e stressed t'at 1'. <ok'owal s'o!ld not %orget t'e P!n(a) %armers w'ile sitting on t'e co@0 c'airs o% o%%ice. 1'. <ok'owal was ,er0 m!c' sentimental on t'e occasion and ass!red t'e %armers 'is w'ole-'eartedl0 s!pport.

Ne1* re &r" &- .a4&r e5e#"

De+rea*,#/ La#d 6&$d,#/ ,# P!#4a7 8 #e1 P&**,7,$,",e*
2nd ma06 2010 A Bn t'e one 'and land 'oldings are decreasing in P!n(a) da0 )0 da0 and on t'e ot'er 'and greed0 propert0 dealers and de,elopers are roaming like '!ngr0 wol%s. T'ese %acts are adding to t'e miseries o% P!n(a) %armers. 2!e to small land 'olding t'e0 are !na)le to earn s!%%icient to repa0 t'e installments o% loans. Position )ecomes worse w'en %armers spend too m!c' on marriages etc. Tra,el agents o% P!n(a) are also responsi)le %or looting P!n(a) %armers. 7o,ernments come and go

)!t no )od0 is concerned wit' t'e lot o% P!n(a) %armers. + t'ink t'ese are ,isi)le reasons %or t'e economic crisis o% %armers and t'eir s!icides. ?owe,er sit!ation is not altoget'er gloom0 and circ!mstances and not )e0ond re%orm. ;'ereas it is rat'er di%%ic!lt to stop t'e pace o% !r)ani@ation )!t t'ere are possi)ilities o% de,eloping )arren lands a,aila)le in P!n(a). T'is correspondent 'ad a c'ance to Tra,el in t'e >andi area o%

7ar' 1'ankar and N!rp!r .edi etc. a %ew da0s ago. T'is correspondent was s!rprised to note t'at a lot o% )arren land is a,aila)le in t'is area w'ic' can )e de,eloped into working agric!lt!re land wit' some e%%orts and wit' t'e 'elp o% 7o,ernment and partic!larl0 %or growing gardens. 2eep t!)e A wells can )e installed )0 7o,t. in t'is area. T'is will go a long wa0 in t'e re'a)ilitation o% P!n(a) %armers i% 7o,t. makes some e%%orts to de,elop t'is land and allot it to %armers at reasona)le rates.

Ar",+$e Y&!"9 a#d Dr!/*

T'e 0o!ng citi@ens o% +ndia constit!te t'e most ,ital '!man reso!rce. +ndia 0o!t' 'as made a make in all t'e walks o% li%e A ed!cation6 sports6 literat!re6 international arena and tec'nolog0. T'e 0o!ng mind is energetic and 'ence can contri)!te towards t'e growt' o% a nation in a most e%%ecti,e manner. T'is energ0 can )e c'anneli@ed %or )!ilding t'e nation and %or s!staining 'er growt'. ?owe,er6 dr!gs and seditions 'a,e taken t'e toll o% o!r 0o!t' in an ad,erse manner. T'e 0o!ng )o0 and girls take smack6 )rown s!gar6 'eroin and ot'er contra)and dr!gs w'ic' are spoiling t'eir li,es. 2r!gs a%%ect t'e minds and ner,o!s s0stem permanentl0. A person w'o take dr!gs6 e,en once6 cannot escape %rom it %or li%e. !rt'er some 0o!ng )o0s and girls take medicines w'ic' contain dr!gs or alco'ol. T'eir parents and teac'ers are !naware t'at t'eir c'ildren or wards 'a,e o%%ered t'emsel,es to complete anni'ilation !nder t'e disg!ise o% medical treatment.

2r!gs a%%ect mind and )od0 eC!all0. T'e 0o!ng mind stops t'inking positi,el0. ?is )od0 )ecomes let'argic and 'e tries to remain !nder t'e e%%ect o% dr!g t'ro!g'o!t da0 and nig't. ?is ps0c'e )ecomes sick and 'is )e'a,ior )ecomes a)normal. ?e resorts to %ig'ting6 stealing and 'is mannerism )ecomes 'ig'l0 ,olatile. T'is p'enomenon is ,er0 common in e,er0 neig')or'ood t'ese da0s. .!t alas + most o% t'e people in t'e 7o,ernments responsi)le %or eradication t'is menace onl0 talk lo!dl0 and do paper work onl0 and onl0 some ,ol!ntar0 organi@ations are doing practical e%%orts in t'is )e'al%. To wake to t'is pro)lems is t'e need o% t'e 'o!r.

:ea"!re &# Y&!"9 a#d Dr!/* Pr,de &- "9e Na",&# -a$$,#/ ,#"& d,"+9e* a#d De*"r&2,#/ "9e,r +areer*
Do!t' is pride )!ilder o% +ndia. T'e0 are energetic and are t'ere%ore 'ope o% %!t!re +ndia. T'e0 are s!pposed to make in all t'e walks o% li%e. +n %act role o% 0o!t' in ed!cation6 prod!cti,it0 and ot'er %ields cannot )e !nder A estimated. T'ere is most important %or )!ilding t'e nation. ?owe,er6 it is ,er0 pain%!l to note t'at t'e 0o!t' o% to A da0 'as taken to dr!gs and seditions. Do!ng )o0s and girls take e,en t0pe o% dr!gs and contra)ands and t'is menace is o%ten reported in t'e newspapers. Reports w'ic' appear in t'e newspapers are not a mere e/aggeration o% t'e sit!ation )!t are in %act simpl0 a glimpse o% a ,er0 )ig pro)lem w'ic' is rampant in e,er0 neig')or'ood. +% not taken serio!sl06 t'is pro)lem can pla0 'a,oc wit' o!r ci,ili@ation and mar t'e ,er0 e/istence o% o!r ci,ili@ation.

2r!gs a%%ect mind and )od0 eC!all0. T'e 0o!ng mind o% dr!g addicts stops t'inking positi,el0. T'eir )od0 )ecomes let'argic and t'e0 tr0 to remain !nder t'e e%%ect o% dr!gs t'ro!g'o!t t'e da0 nig't. &d!cation6 prod!cti,it0 and social interaction are )eing deepl0 a%%ected )0 t'is menace. 1ome )o0s are t'e onl0 wage earners o% t'e %amil0 and t'e0 too %all t'e dr!g net. 1ome girls w'o ca!g't in t'is we) lose t'eir ed!cation6 c'astit0 and career. T'e sol!tion %or t'e dr!g pro)lem lies in t'e willpower o% t'e 0o!ng mind. T'e re'a)ilitation o% t'e 0o!t' a%ter treatment is a m!stE ot'erwise t'e0 wo!ld )e tempted to t'eir earlier li%est0le. 1incere e%%orts )0 7o,ernment6 ,ol!ntar0 organi@ations and societ0 at large are t'e need o% t'e 'o!r ot'erwise it co!ld spoil t'e %!t!re o% o!r nation.

Tra#*$a",&# &- P!#4a7, Ne1* ,"e. ,#"& E#/$,*9 Or,/,#a$ P!#4a7, Ne1* ,"e.
vYlPyAr AYsosIeySn vI LvygI, sI.tI.XU coxW c ih`sW KyqrI p qIin! c"#Ig$% &' Ap Yl sI.tI.XU ie"pl(eI) *AYs.sI.,AyYs.tI qy +I.sI., vYlPyAr

AYsosiIeySn ny vI ies v(r sI.tI.XU -IA( ./l(). coxW -y ip$ iv`c inqr. -( PYsl( 0Iq( hY1 AYsosIeySn -y +/l(vy )siv"-r is"2 An/s(r h(ly hor i!rW )o$ 3 qo$ hI 0r rhIAW hn1 pr 4/n%W -I )5y-rI ny A(pxy 4/.I-v(rW -( AYl(n 0r0y cox p c(r 6K( i-`q( hY1 4/n%W -`isA( i0 0r.)Iq is"2 p !(n, )siv"-r is"2 )nrl s0`qr, crn is"2 4/p p !(n Aqy l`)( r(. K7(ncI -y Ah/i-A( leI cox l$ngy1 g8rql+ hY i0 sI.tI.XU 0(i.AW -I XUnIAn -I 9: qy 9; .eI nU" cox ho rhI hY1

E#/$,*9 Tra#*$a",&# ;e$-are A**&+,a",&# "& ar",+, a"e ,# CTU e. $&2ee* U#,&# e$e+",&# Re/,&#a$ C&rre* &#de#" C9a#d,/ar9 <0 A r,$
T'is time 5T: &mplo0ees 3156 1T and ..54 wel%are association 'as also decided to contest t'e election o% 5T: emplo0ees. As per 8aswinder 1ing' a spokesman o% t'e association ot'er gro!ps are 0et in mane!,ering )!t t'eir association 'as anno!nced t'e names o% t'eir candidate and started election campaign. ?e told t'at >aram(it 1ing' contest election %or t'e post o% President6 8aswinder 1ing' %or t'e post o% general secretar06 c'aran 1ing' %or t'e post o% Fice President and <a((a Ram %or t'e post o% 5as'ler. +t ma0 )e recalled t'at election to t'e 5T: workerGs :nion is going to )e 'eld on 1- t' and 1$t' Ma0.

Tra#*$a",&# &- #e1* ,"e. E#/$,*9 "& P!#4a7, Ne1* ,"e. ,# E#/$,*9

Meal scheme struck mid way

T'o!g' t'e idea o% s!ppl0ing pack %ood to st!dents so!nds l!crati,e w'en compared to t'at o% cooked meal plan wit' contamination possi)ilit0 minimal in t'e %ormal6 'owe,er t'e %ear o% pil%erage and t'at too H)0 sc'oolteac'ersI is 'olding )ack t'e :T ed!cation 2epartment in introd!cing t'e plan6 it is learnt. 1o!rces sa0 t'e ed!cation 2epartment was in %act considering t'e %easi)ilit0 o% introd!cing t'e s0stem %ollowing t'e allegations regarding s!ppl0ing o% worm in%ested cooked %ood to st!dents. Anot'er reason s!pporting o% packed %ood s!ppl06 a senior o%%icer in t'e &d!cation 2epartment asserted6 was t'at cooked %ood was more prone to contamination d!ring peak s!mmers and raln0 season. ?owe,er6 senior a!t'orities are skeptical a)o!t t'e s!ccess o% t'e plan.

+nitiall0 t'e o%%icer6 said6 t'e s0stem o% s!ppl0ing raw material to st!dents was adopted )!t se,eral complaints regarding pil%erage were made to t'e department. ?e said t'e sc'eme o% s!ppl0ing JMat'isG too did not pro,e to )e pil%erage proo% as %ew o% t'e teac'ers contin!ed wit' t'eir 'a)it o% taking awa0 more and s!ppl0 less to st!dents. :T 2irector o% P!)ic +nstr!ctions 31c'ools4 1.>. setia said t'e department was now considering t'e %easi)ilit0 o% +n,ol,ing N7B1 and anganwaris in t'e (o). Bnce t'e modalities were c'alked o!t t'ese ,ol!ntar0 )odles s!per,ise not onl0 t'e preparation and packing o% t'e %oodst!%% )!t also t'e distri)!tion to st!dents. or s!ppl0ing packed %ood6 t'e department is alread0 in to!c' wit' renowned caterers and 'ostellers in t'e cit0. Talks are on e,en wit' ?ot Millions to s!ppl0 good C!alit0 packed %ood to t'e st!dents at reasona)le tares. A committee wo!ld also )e %ormed to c'eck t'e pil%erage o% %oodst!%% at all stages o% preparation and distri)!tion.

ypo dk gzikph nB[tkd Gkt/A ftfdnkoEhnK B{z ykDk fsnko eoe/ w[jZJhnk eotkT[D Bkb'A vZpk pzd fsnko G' D! T["bGd eotkT[D dk ft#ko f$nkdk bkGekoh k"dk j% feT[Afe fJ& ftZ# ykD/ d/ d{f's j'D dh &zGktkBk (Z) s'A (Z) j't/*h+ b/feB "sk #Zfbnk j% fe fJ& ykD/ dh #'oh j'D d/ vo B/ ,{- )h d/ f&Zfynk ftGk* B{z fJ& &ehw bk*{ eoB &zpz.h d[f#Zsh ftZ# "k oZfynk j%/ &{soK s'A kDekoh fwbh j% fe f&Zfynk ftGk* B/ n&b ftZ# fsnko eoe/ fdZs/ kD tkb/ ykD/ ftZ# eh0/ j'D d/ d'' bZ*D s'A pknd fJj BthA "1Dkbh bk*{ eoB dh &zGktBk pko/ ft#ko ehsh &h/ fJZe &hBhno nf.ekoh nB[&ko vZpk pzd fsnko G' B! w[jZJhnk eotkT[D d/ jZe ftZ# fJZe ekoD fJj dZf&nk k fojk j% fe fsnko eoe/ fdZs/ kD tkb/ G' D d/ *owhnK ns/ po&ks d2okB d{f's j'D dh f nkdk &zGktBk jz[dh j%/ b/feB &3Bhno nf.ekohnK B{z fJ& &ehw d/ ekw,kp j'D &zpz.h 'Ze j%/ nf.ekoh B/ dZf&nk fe '[o{ ftZ# eZ#h &wZ*oh w[jZJhnk eotkT[D dh ft.h n"DkJh &h "ozs{ fJ& dh #'oh &zpz.h nB/eK f'ekfJsK ftGk* e'b "1k"s j'JhnK/ wZ4hnK! &"bkJh eoB dh &ehw th ekw,kop BjhA j'Jh feT[Afe pj[s &ke/ nf.nk"eK B/ ftfdnkoEhnK B{z (Z) &"bkJh eoB ns/ f$nkdk #'oh eoB dh nk"Dh nkds koh oZyh/

,{-)h d/ vkfJo%e)o f&Zfynk ftGk* n%&- e/- &/shnk B/ dZf&nk j% fe ftGk* j[D fJ& ezw ftZ# *%o5&oekoh &z&EktK ns/ nK*Btk0hnK Bz {'kwb eoB pko/ ft#ko eo fojk j%/ d'A fJZe tko fJ& &ehw dk 6K#k fsnko j' f*nk sK fJj &t%5&/th &z&EktK Bk e/tb ykD/ dh fsnkoh ns/ vZpk pzd eoB dh ft.h dh fB*okBh eoB*hnK pbfe ftfdnkoEhnK B{z fJ& dh tzv th nk"Dh d/y5o/y j/4 eotkT[D*hnK/ vZpk pzd G' B! &"bkJh eoB d/ &zpz7 ftZ# ftGk* "fjbK jh G' B dk "1pz. eoB tkb/ "1f&Z. ndkfonk ns/ j')bK Bkb &z"oe ekfJw eo #Z[ek j// ftfdnkoEhnK B{z tk p ehws s/ &k85 &[Eok G' D &"bkJh eoB d/ &zpz. ftZ# jk) fwbhnB! Bkb th *Zb #Zb ojh j%/ &/shnK B/ dZf&nk fe fJZe ew/)h dk *4B ehsk kt/*k f j0h G' B dh fsnkoh ns/ tzv dh jo &)/ s/ #'oh o'eD bJh fB*okBh eo/*h/

I#"er5,e1 &- a r&.,#e#" er*&#

+ +nter,iewed Mr. Norits!g! iwata6 Managing 2irector6 5iti@en +ndia and asked %ew C!estions +ndian market %or wrist watc'es w'ic' are gi,en )elow=-

=%1% I# 2&!r & ,#,&# 19a" ,* "9e &*,",&# &- I#d,a# .ar0e" -&r 1r,*"1a"+9e*% A#*% T'e +ndian market %or wrist-watc'es is not like an0 ot'er. T'e ,ol!mes6 at 45 million !nits per ann!m 3+ncl!ding :norgani@ed sector4 are good. =%2% Ca# C,",3e# U*9er ,# a "9,rd 9a*e 72 7r,#/,#/ "9e .ar0e" !#der "9e D&.,#a#+e &- ,. &r"ed /$&7a$ 7ra#d*% A#*% +t is and +nteresting C!estion6 gi,en t'at t'e )rand 'as ne,er %rond mass 1!ccess in +ndia. 5iti@en as a top (apenes )rand 'as )een a,aila)le since T'e mid 1$-0 s t'ro!g' ,ario!s c'annels. =%<% I#d,a# +&#*!.er * e+,a$$2 $ad2 +&#*!.er ,* +9a#/,#/ 5er2 -a*"% D& 2&! C,",3e# 1a"+9e* are e>!,5a$e#" "& ,#"er#a",&#a$ +&$$e+",&#*% A#*% Des it is correct. 1o6 w'at co!ld 5iti@en do6 mo,e two or t'ree steps a'ead B% t'e c'ange. 1mart segmentation can take care o% t'is. =%?% 19e# C,",3e# e#"ered ," 1a* ;9a" er+e,5ed a* a# &5er r,+e 7ra#d%

D,--,+!$",e* C,",3e# -a+ed &# "9,* a++&!#"% A#*% ;e !nder estimated 'ow ,al!e conscio!s t'e +ndian market was. T'e .rand can not )e )igger t'an t'e ,al!e perceptions. And t'is was (!st Aro!nd wit' its new 1onata. 1onata made t'e market e,en c'eeper. T'e +mport polic0 o% t'e time did not 'elp eit'er.

B&&0 re5,e1
Tendenc0 o% reading )ooks is decreasing da0 )0 da0. +t is a general gro!se o% writers and poets t'at P!n(a)is do not 'a,e interest in reading )ooks. Modern means o% entertainment and comm!nication in t'e %orm o% ca)le TF and internet 'a,e added to t'is pro)lem. .!t + am personall0 o% t'e opinion t'at t'ere is ne,er a deart' o% readers %or good )ooks. Recentl0 + came across a P!n(a)i )ook titled H1ansar 2a 2'armik iti'asI written )0 <ate 7lanl partap sing6 ormer

8at'edar o% Akal Tak'at and one time &ditor o% P!n(a)i Maga@ine J70an AmritG. .ooks wit' its latest re,ised edition are a,aila)le in t'e market in ,er0 attracti,e )inding in ro0al )l!e colo!r. +t contains t'e 'istor0 o% de,elopment o% almost all t'e religion3s4 o% di%%erent co!ntrles o% t'e world and )rie% description i% it is said t'at t'e )ooks is an enc0clopedia o% comparati,e st!d0 o% religionsG6 a %irst e,er )ook written in P!n(a)i. + was astonis'ed to note t'at s!c' ,al!a)le in%ormation 'as )een made a,alla)le in P!n(a)i <ang!age. +t is pleasant to note t'at )ookGs price 'as )een kept at (!st Rs. 200"-.

Ed,",#/ E@er+,*e Te$e- r,#"er +& 2

<arge scale riots 'a,e )een reported in some parts o% >anp!r cit0 o% :.P. +mmediate ca!se o% riots 'as )een reported t'at some antisocial elements desecrated a mas(id6 w'ic' led to large scale protest and riots )0 m!sillms. Mo'allas in'a)ited )0 ?ind!s are t'e worst 'it. 5!r%ew 'as )een in posed in t'e walled cit0 and milltar0 and Para milltar0 %orces are patrolling t'e riot 'it areas. Religio!s leaders o% )ot' t'e comm!nities 'a,e appealed to t'e people to maintain peace and good-will at all costs.

Ed,"ed #e1* -&r #e1* a er

1ome tro!)le 'as )een reported %rom >anp!r cit0 o% :P on acco!nt o% some mis!nderstanding )etween two comm!nities. 1it!ation is tense )!t !nder control. Respecta)le o% )ot' comm!nities 'a,e appealed to t'e people to maintain peac' and )rot'er'ood. Administration is keeping ,igil all t'e time.

Ad5er",*e.e#" &- r&d!+"* I 1a"+9ed a# ad5er",*e.e#" I# P!#4a7, &# TA &- a B!$$der 19,+9 ,* a* -&$$&1*%Hnk"D/ &["fBnK d/ (o B{z &keko eoB bJh ,kd oZy' &zBh fJBeb/t yo0/ y[Zb9hnK "koeK+ y[Zb9hnK &0eK+ "kDh ns/ &hto/ dk nZ:k "1pz.+ fJ""'of)v &)oh) bkJh)K / &[oZfynk d/ w p{s "1pz./ tk p fe&sK s/ 8kJhBK& dh &j{bs/ ;

Ad5er",*e.e#" I# .2 & ,#,&# a7&5e ad5er",*e.e#" ,* r,d 1,"9 .a#2 Err&r* a#d ," *9&!$d 9a5e 7ee# $,0e "9,*:-

H nk"D/ (o d/ &["B/ B{z &keko eoB bJI ".ko' &zBh fJBeb/t yo0/ #zvh*09 5 b[f.nkDk w/B &0e d/ T[Zs/ &k8 &[Eo/ ns/ "1d{&s ofjs tksktoD ftZ# nk"Dh ftsh "j[z# nB[&ko "bk)<wekB y1hdD bJh fwb'/ jtkdko ns/ o''Bhdko wekB< "bk)+ y[Zb9hnK "koeK+ y[b9hnK &0eK+ "kDh ns/ &hto/ dk nZ:k "1pz.+ ie.poit# strIt l(eItW1 0(lonI iv`c s/r`iKA( -y p/Kq( p +"! 1 s[jkvh o{os nB[&ko tk p ftnk doK ns/ tk p fe&sK s/ 8kJhBK& dk "1pz. eoB ftZ# th ez"Bh tZb'A nk"dh &jkfJsk ehsh kt/*h/ w[ezwb t/ot/ bJh fwb'/

S+r, " -&r 1B .,#!"e* rad,& "e$e5,*,&# #e1* 7!$$e",# 6ead$,#e*

1. P!n(a) Assem)l0 .!dget 1ession starts. 2. <imited loss o% crops d!e to 'ailstorm.

3. Two )!sed collide A 4 dead 1* in(!red. 4. More ,ocational 5o!rsed to )e started in P!n(a) :ni,ersit0. 5. &d!cation Minister calls !pon st!dents to ad'ere to moral ,al!es. .!dget 1ession o% P!n(a) Assem)l0 started toda0 wit' P!n(a) inance Minister 1. Manpreet 1ing' .adal introd!cing P!n(a) .!dget %or t'e 0ear 200*- 0-. +t ma0 )e recalled t'at earlier t'e new P!n(a) 7o,t. led )0 1. Parkas' 1ing' .adal 'ad onl0 got cond!cted ,ote on acco!nt %or releasing grants %or 3 mont' so t'at 7o,ernment work is not str!ck !p. T'r!st o% .!dget o% new 7o,t. is on agric!lt!re. Fario!s sc'emes o% s!)sid0 %or %armers and ot'er weaker sections in t'e r!ral areas 'a,e )een proposed in )!dget. ;'ile t'e r!ling part0 is terming t'e )!dget as de,elopment oriented 6 t'e opposition in its !s!al tone 'as termed t'e )!dget as (!ggler0 o% %ig!res. 2etailed on t'e )!dget is likel0 to )e res!med in a da0 or two.

?ailstorm 'as )een reported %rom some areas o% P!n(a)6 partic!larl0 areas aro!nd 1amrala and >'anna. ?owe,er6 it 'as )een reported t'at t'e e/tent o% loss o% crops is not s'ocking.

Two )!ses 'ad a 'ead on collision last near M!kerian. Bne )!s was on its wa0 to 8amm! %rom 5'andigar' w'ereas anot'er )!s coming %orm ot'er direction was going to 8aland'ar %orm Pat'ankot. ?owe,er6 d!e to t'e presence o% mind o% dri,ers o% )!ses an0 ma(or loss o% li%e was a,erted e/cept %or minor )r!ises to some passengers. P!n(a) :ni,ersit0 is going to start some more ,ocational co!rses %rom t'e ne/t academic session. T'is was disclosed )0 t'e ,ice c'anceller o% :ni,ersit0 w'ile speaking on t'e Ann!al 5on,ocation %!nction o% 2AF college6 5'andigar'. &d!cation Minister P!n(a) called !pon t'e st!dents to ad'ere to moral ,al!es. &d!cation Minister was speaking on t'e occasion o% +nter!ni,ersit0 %esti,al o% 7!r! Nanak 2e, :ni,ersit0 Amritsar. ?e said t'e pre,alence o% dr!g addiction among t'e college and !ni,ersit0 st!dents is a serio!s pro)lem w'ic' needs to )e tackled )0 t'e (oint and s!stained e%%orts o% parents6 teac'ers and wards6 o,er all wit' t'e will o% st!dents.

D!..2 &- C a/e* &- 7r&!+9er

T,"$e a/e

Promise Fulfilled

P!#4a7 G&5er#.e#" La!#+9e* A""a Da$ S+9e.e

(Br&!+9er +&#"a,#,#/ de"a,$ed .&da$,",e* &- "9e S+9e.e)

Cr,"er,a -&r Ide#",-2,#/ BPL -a.,$,e*

E5er2 -a.,$2 19,+9 -!$-,$$* "9e -&$$&1,#/ +&#d,",&#* I* e$,/,7$e "& /e" ,"* #a.e ,#+$!ded ,# "9e BPL

-a.,$,e* -&r /e"",#/ A""a Da$ a" *!7*,d,3ed ra"e*:-


amil0Gs ann!al income %rom all so!rces s'o!ld not e/ceed R1. 306000"-.

++4 +++4 +F4

amil0 s'o!ld not own a p!cca 'o!se. amil0 s'o!ld not own more t'at t'ree acres o% agric!lt!ral land. amil0 s'o!ld not own a tractor or two w'eeler.

F4 T'ere s'o!ld not )e more t'an one electric point in t'e 'o!se. F+4 T'ere s'o!ld not )e an0 calling %an in t'e %amil0.

Pr&+ed!re -&r ,**!,#/ BPL Ra",&# Card

Bnce t'e name o% an0 %amil0 'as )een incl!ded in T'e <ist .P< %amilies6 .P< ration card will )e iss!ed

.0 t'e competent a!t'orit0 o% ood and s!pplies 2epartment.

S+a$e(Ra"e &- A""a Da$ er -a.,$2 er .&#"9

&,er0 .P< %amil0 will )e entitled to 25 >g Atta K Rs 4.00 Per >g. and 2>g o% 2al K Rs. 20"- per >g.

Na.e* &- Da$* "& 7e /,5e# "& BPL -a.,$,e*

1. 2al c'ana 2. Moong Masar ki 2al &it'er on >g. eac' or 2 >g an0 2al.

De$,5er2 &,#"* -&r S!7*,d,3ed A""a(Da$

Atta 2al at s!)sidi@ed rates will )e a,aila)le At all air Price s'ops !nder t'e 5ontrol o% ood and s!pplies 2epartment or Apna .a@ars B% p!ns !p on t'e prod!ction o% .P< ration card.

I# +a*e &- a#2 /r,e5a#+e "& 19&. +&#"a+"

14 5omplaint a)o!t non-incl!sion o% name in .P< list 5an )e made to concerned 12M"A25 or 25. 24 5omplaint a)o!t non iss!ing o% .P< ration card 5an )e made to concerned 2istrict ood and 1!pplies 5ontrolled.

Please )e aware o% 0o!r rig'ts. +n case o% non +ss!e o% Atta 2al on .P< ration card6 report t'e Matter immediatel0 to 2irector ood 1!pplies6 A!t'orit0.

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