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John Burgess Phil 11 - 33110 Assignment #1 02/04/2014

"Capturing an Argument"

The argument presented ! the "riter is auspi#ious in the eginning$ and anti#lima#ti#$ though still getting the point a#ross %irml!& 't seems the "riter is attempting to use ethos on the reader ! stating "'t is a %undamental in(usti#e %or one person or group impose his moralit! on another person& That is "h! it is so "rong %or the go)ernment to an ga! marriages*" and ultimatel! ! using the term "%as#ist" in the opening argument sets a pre#edent that the reader a##epts as a %a#t& The ultimate goal ho"e)er o% the argument is not to #hampion ga! rights$ ut rather use ga! rights as a solid starting ground %or the reader+s moral #ompass to rein%or#e the "riter+s )ie"$ "hi#h is, minimum "age is "rong$ though no options are set %orth$ or other opinions other than sel%-%ul%illing logi# that i% a go)ernment imposes +-+ ased on moralit! that go)ernment is %as#ist . ad/& 0sing that model the "riter inputs minimum "age$ and #hooses to ma1e it a moralit! issue and thus ma1ing the go)ernment+s en%or#ement o% su#h a program is morall! reprehensi le and a1in to 2itler+s Third 3ei#h& The #hoi#es o% "ords the "riter uses is a ta#ti#al mo)e$ gi)en that the reader pro a l! a##epts the %ormer statement a out ga! marriage as truth$ that e)en in the latter argument the reader ma! #hange sides& '% the

"riter has #on)in#ed the reader to see through the loo1ing-glass o% the "riter+s logi# and a##ept it as their o"n the reader has no #hoi#e ut to see the minimum "age la" as an a#t o% %as#ism& The "riter has a strong starting point$ al eit some"hat ris1! due to the %a#t that not e)er!one "ill a##ept the an on ga! marriage as "rong$ there are 4uite a %e" human eings that elie)e ga! marriage should e illegal$ and in %a#t is morall! "rong& 0sing the "ord %as#ism is 1e! to this argument5 %as#ism is something that is tangi le to pro a l! most readers& 't is not some long-lost term li1e t!rann!$ "here 1ings reigned supreme and dungeons e-isted& 6o$ %as#ism #an e seen$ %elt$ heard and is still )er! %resh "ithin our minds$ and the most prominent %igure o% %as#ism, 2itler$ and the 6a7i regime& 8i1ening an! go)ernment to %as#ism is to paint an a"%ul pi#ture$ and using this term in the "riter+s %irst argument reall! sets it in stone& 6o go)ernment should e allo"ed to in%li#t its o"n moral ideals upon an! popula#e$ "hether it+s ta1ing a"a! peoples asi# rights$ or in the "riter+s #ase, minimum "age& This is "here the argument e#omes anti#lima#ti# and "ea1$ %i77ling out "ith something that is not in the same realm as human rights& Though setting the pre#edent "ith ga! rights and oiling do"n "hat that means to %it the minimum "age issue is "ell done$ e#ause !ou #an get the reader riled up and on the "riter+s side& 't is not strong enough to sa! minimum "age is a moralit! issue5 it+s more o% a so#io-e#onomi# issue -- and not a1in to 2itler+s #on#entration #amps&

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