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Date Feb 13 Review Date Feb 14 Coordinator R. Flander Nominated Governor !. Gilfoyle ". #cNeil

This policy is based on policy and proced re ! idance "ro# Cheshire $es% & Ches%er Co ncil' $i ion Statement Par(lands is) a place *here all children are sa"e a place *here e+ery person is +al ed and respec%ed a place *here resilience, aspira%ion and achie+e#en%s are celebra%ed a place *here *e enco ra!e e+eryone %o #a(e heal%hy li"e choices a place *here e+eryone is enco ra!ed %o #a(e a posi%i+e con%rib %ion a place *here e+eryone is enco ra!ed %o ai# hi!h a place *here *e s%ri+e %o s ppor% and co-opera%e *i%h "a#ilies %o de+elop %he *hole child #i ion Statement Par(lands school is a co## ni%y *here posi%i+e rela%ionships be%*een paren%s, p pils and s%a"" enable children %o !ro* bo%h in independence and sel" con"idence' I% is a place *here all are e. ally +al ed and reco!nise %he con%rib %ion %hey can #a(e %o each o%hers/ learnin!' In an a%#osphere o" enco ra!e#en%, %r s% and respec%, and %hro !h as *ide a +arie%y o" ed ca%ional e0periences as possible, all p pils ha+e %he oppor% ni%y %o de+elop %heir s(ills, %alen%s and in%ellec% %o %he " ll'


C%N&'N&S Section 1 ( )ntroduction 1.1 ( Sc*ool Commitment 1.+ ( Dutie + ( Sc*ool Re ,on ibilitie +.1 ( Role and Re ,on ibilitie of Senior and De,uty De ignated ,er on +.1.1 ( Referral +.1.+ ( Rai ing -warene +.1.3 ( &raining 3 ( Role and Re ,on ibilitie of !ead &eac*er 4 ( Role and Re ,on ibilitie of Governing .ody / ( )dentifying Concern 0 ( Confidentiality 1 ( Record and #onitoring 2 ( Su,,orting C*ildren 3 ( 'arly u,,ort 14 ( Recruitment 11 ( $olunteer 1+ ( Safe Staff 13 ( Conduct of Staff 14 ( Su,,orting Staff 1/ ( P*otogra,*ing C*ildren 10 ( .efore and -fter Sc*ool -ctivitie and Contracted Service


"in5 to ot*er Sc*ool Policie -,,endi6 1 )ntroduction

7*at i t*e difference between Safeguarding and C*ild Protection8 Sa"e! ardin! and pro#o%in! %he *el"are o" children is de"ined as)

pro%ec%in! children "ro# #al%rea%#en% pre+en%in! i#pair#en% o" children/s and learners/ heal%h or de+elop#en% ens rin! children are !ro*in! p in circ #s%ances consis%en% *i%h %he pro+ision o" sa"e and e""ec%i+e care

Child Pro%ec%ion is a par% o" Sa"e! ardin! and pro#o%in! *el"are' I% re"ers %o %he ac%i+i%y %ha% is nder%a(en %o pro%ec% speci"ic children *ho are s ""erin!, or are li(ely %o s ""er, si!ni"ican% har#' 1""ec%i+e child pro%ec%ion is essen%ial as par% o" *ider *or( %o sa"e! ard and pro#o%e %he *el"are o" children' Ho*e+er, all a!encies and indi+id als sho ld ai# %o proac%i+ely sa"e! ard and pro#o%e %he *el"are o" children so %ha% %he need "or ac%ion %o pro%ec% children "ro# har# is red ced' There are "i+e #ain ele#en%s %o o r policy) 1.1 1ns rin! *e prac%ise sa"e recr i%#en% in chec(in! %he s i%abili%y o" s%a"" and +ol n%eers %o *or( *i%h children2 Raisin! a*areness o" sa"e! ardin! children and child pro%ec%ion 1. ippin! children *i%h %he s(ills needed %o (eep %he# sa"e2 De+elopin! and i#ple#en%in! proced res "or iden%i"yin! and repor%in! cases, or s spec%ed cases o" ab se2 S ppor%in! p pils *ho ha+e been ab sed in accordance *i%h his3her child pro%ec%ion plan2 1s%ablishin! a sa"e en+iron#en% in *hich children can learn and de+elop' Sc*ool Commitment The school is co##i%%ed %o crea%in! and #ain%ainin! a sa"e learnin! en+iron#en% "or children and yo n! people, iden%i"yin! *here %here are child *el"are concerns and %a(in! ac%ion %o address %he#, in par%nership *i%h "a#ilies and o%her a!encies' This policy re"lec%s %he policies o" Cheshire $es% Local Sa"e! ardin! Children/s 4oard h%%p)33***'cheshire*es%lscb'or!' (3 and is in line *i%h 5$or(in! To!e%her %o Sa"e! ard Children6 789:9; h%%p)33***'*or(in!%o!e%heronline'co' (3


The school *ill also con%rib %e %hro !h %he c rric l # by de+elopin! children/s nders%andin!, a*areness and pro#o%in! %heir resilience by pro+idin! a sa"e en+iron#en% *i%hin schools' To crea%e %his sa"e en+iron#en% %he school has cer%ain s%a% %ory d %ies and responsibili%ies se% o % *i%hin) The 1d ca%ion Ac%, 8998, HM < idance2 Sa"e! ardin! Children and Sa"er Recr i%#en% in 1d ca%ion, 899=2 $or(in! To!e%her %o Sa"e! ard Children, 89:9 The S%a% %ory >ra#e*or( "or %he 1arly Years >o nda%ion S%a!e

These d %ies are lis%ed belo*) 1.+ Dutie

To pro+ide a sa"e en+iron#en% %he <o+ernin! 4ody, Head Teacher and %he Senior Leadership Tea# o" %he school *ill) 1ns re %ha% e+eryone "ro# %he Desi!na%ed Sa"e! ardin! <o+ernor %o %he Desi!na%ed Senior Person "or Sa"e! ardin! and all #e#bers o" %he school co## ni%y ha+e appropria%e sa"e! ards and s ppor%s in place sho ld %hey choose %o raise sa"e! ardin! iss es, ho*e+er n s al or sensi%i+e %hese #ay be2 C l%i+a%e an e%hos *i%hin %he school co## ni%y *here all ad l%s "eel co#"or%able and s ppor%ed %o dra* sa"e! ardin! iss es %o %he a%%en%ion o" %he Head Teacher and3or %he Desi!na%ed Senior Person "or Sa"e! ardin! and are able %o pose sa"e! ardin! . es%ions *i%h 5respec%" l ncer%ain%y6 as par% o" %heir shared responsibili%y %o sa"e! ard children2 1s%ablish and #ain%ain an en+iron#en% *here children "eel sec re, are enco ra!ed %o %al( *i%ho % coercion and are lis%ened %o2 1ns re children (no* %ha% i" %hey are *orried %hey can %al( %o ad l%s in %he school2 1ns re %ha% e+ery e""or% is #ade %o es%ablish e""ec%i+e *or(in! rela%ionships *i%h paren%s and collea! es "ro# o%her a!encies and are " lly co##i%%ed %o %he pro+ision o" 1arly Help2 1ns re all ad l%s *or(in! *i%h children are a*are o" %he role o" Cheshire $es% Local Sa"e! ardin! Children/s 4oard Incl de oppor% ni%ies in %he Personal, Social and Heal%h 1d ca%ion 7PSH1; c rric l # "or children %o de+elop %he s(ills %hey need %o reco!nise and s%ay sa"e "ro# ab se and %o assess and #ana!e ris( as is appropria%e %o %heir a!e, s%a!e o" de+elop#en% and le+el o" nders%andin!2 Ta(e all reasonable #eas res %o ens re ris(s o" har# %o children/s *el"are are #ini#ised2


Ta(e all appropria%e ac%ions %o address concerns abo % %he *el"are o" a child, *or(in! %o local policies and proced res in " ll *or(in! par%nership *i%h "a#ilies and a!encies as "ar as possible2 1ns re rob s% sa"e! ardin! arran!e#en%s are in place and e#bedded in %he daily li"e and prac%ice o" %he school2 Pro#o%e p pil heal%h and sa"e%y2 Pro#o%e sa"e prac%ice and challen!e nsa"e prac%ice in line *i%h proced re2 1ns re %ha% proced res are in place %o deal *i%h alle!a%ions o" ab se a!ains% s%a"" and +ol n%eers HM Government Guidance Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education, 2006, Chapter 5: ealing !ith "llegation# of "$u#e "gain#t %eacher# and &ther Staff 'al#o #et out !ithin the (ocal )nteragenc* +rocedure#, ealing !ith allegation# of a$u#e again#t teacher# and other #taff ' fE "ugu#t 20--, h%%p)33#edia'ed ca%ion'!o+' (3asse%s3"iles3pd"3d3dealin!?89*i%h ?89alle!a%ions?89o"?89ab se?89a ! s%?8989::'pd" P % in place and pro#o%e rob s% an%i-b llyin!, incl din! cyber b llyin!, s%ra%e!ies2 Mee% %he heal%h needs o" children *i%h #edical condi%ions2 Pro+ide "irs% aid2 Ma0i#ise school sec ri%y2 Tac(le dr !s and s bs%ance #is se2 +rovide #upport and planning for *oung people in cu#tod* and their re#ettlement $ac. into the communit*/ $or( *i%h all a!encies *i%h re!ard %o #issin! children, an%i social beha+io r3!an! ac%i+i%y and +iolence3(ni"e cri#e in %he co## ni%y' Re ,on ibilitie

The school *ill iden%i"y har# and #ain%ain sa"e%y by) 1+erybody ha+in! a d %y %o sa"e! ard children inside and o %side %he school en+iron#en% incl din! school %rips, e0%ended schools, ac%i+i%ies and +oca%ional place#en%s2 In+ol+in! paren%s and pro+idin! ad+ice3! idance re!ardin! sa"e! ardin!2 Main%ainin! a child "oc s and lis%enin! %o children2 Reco!nisin! si!ns o" concern, especially *i%h children *ho #ay be + lnerable2 Doc #en%in! and colla%in! in"or#a%ion on indi+id al children %o s ppor% early iden%i"ica%ion, re"erral and ac%ions %o sa"e! ard2 Ta(in! appropria%e ac%ions %o address concerns abo % a child/s *el"are in par%nership *i%h o%her or!anisa%ions and sa"e! ardin! a!encies2 In"or#in! all s%a"" and +ol n%eers *ho %he Senior and Dep %y Desi!na%ed Sa"e! ardin! O""icers are in school'


Pro+idin! PSH1 incl din! raisin! a*areness *i%h children in *ha% are and are no% accep%able beha+io rs'

PSH1 inp % *ill pro+ide oppor% ni%ies "or children and yo n! people %o learn ho* %o (eep %he#sel+es sa"e, "or e0a#ple, by) The a+ailabili%y o" ad+ice and s ppor% in %heir local area and online2 Reco!nisin! and #ana!in! ris(s in di""eren% si% a%ions, incl din! on %he in%erne%2 @ d!in! *ha% (ind o" physical con%ac% is accep%able and naccep%able2 Reco!nisin! *hen press re "ro# o%hers, incl din! people %hey (no*, %hrea%ens %heir personal sa"e%y and *ell-bein! De+elopin! e""ec%i+e *ays o" resis%in! press re2 De+elopin! heal%hy rela%ionships, incl din! a*areness o" nheal%hy rela%ionships *here do#es%ic +iolence, b llyin! and ab se occ r2 O r school/s arran!e#en%s "or cons l%in! *i%h and lis%enin! %o p pils are %he School Co ncil, Play!ro nd 4 ddies, Peer #en%orin! sys%e#s, . es%ionnaires and p pil +oice #ee%in!s' $e #a(e p pils a*are o" %hese arran!e#en%s +ia Learnin! Men%ors, PSH1 sessions, *hole school asse#blies and p pil "or #s s ch as School Co ncil, Heal%h & Sa"e%y Co##i%%ee & Play!ro nd 4 ddies' +.1 &*e role and re ,on ibilitie of t*e De ignated Senior Per on and t*e De,uty De ignated Per on An appropria%e #e#ber o" %he school/s leadership %ea# has been assi!ned %o %he role o" Desi!na%ed Senior Person' They ha+e recei+ed appropria%e %rainin! and are s ppor%ed in %heir role) Desi!na%ed Senior Person ) Rosalind >landers A Dep %y Desi!na%e has been appoin%ed and *ill pro+ide addi%ional s ppor% %o ens re %he responsibili%ies "or Sa"e! ardin! children are " lly e#bedded *i%hin %he school e%hos and %ha% speci"ic d %ies are dischar!ed' This *ill en%ail s ppor%in! %he Senior Desi!na%ed Person in dealin! *i%h re"errals, a%%endin! Case Con"erences and s ppor%in! %he child3children' They ha+e recei+ed appropria%e %rainin! and are s ppor%ed in %heir role) Dep %y Desi!na%e) Michael Rober%s S per+ised by) Rosalind >landers $e ac(no*led!e %he need "or e""ec%i+e and appropria%e co## nica%ion be%*een all #e#bers o" s%a"" in rela%ion %o sa"e! ardin! p pils' The Desi!na%ed Senior Person *ill ens re a s%r c% red proced re *i%hin %he school, *hich *ill be "ollo*ed in cases o" s spec%ed ab se'


&*e Senior De ignated Per on and t*e De,uty De ignated Per on are re ,on ible for t*e following9 +.1.1 Referral Re"errin! cases o" s spec%ed ab se or alle!a%ions %o %he rele+an% in+es%i!a%in! a!encies2 The Senior Desi!na%ed Person is no% responsible "or dealin! *i%h alle!a%ions #ade a!ains% #e#bers o" s%a""' This is %he responsibili%y o" %he Head Teacher *ho *ill in"or# %he Local A %hori%y Desi!na%ed O""icer 7LADO;' Ac%in! as a so rce o" s ppor%, ad+ice and e0per%ise *i%hin %he school *hen decidin! on %he #os% appropria%e co rse o" ac%ion by liaisin! *i%h rele+an% a!encies2 Liaisin! *i%h %he Head Teacher3Principal 7*here %he Desi!na%ed Senior Person role is no% carried o % by %he Head Teacher; %o in"or# hi#3her o" any iss es and on!oin! in+es%i!a%ions' The Desi!na%ed Senior Person *ill ens re %here is al*ays co+er "or %his role on %he school si%e in %he e+en% o" %heir absence2 1ns rin! %ha% a sys%e#a%ic #eans o" #oni%orin! children (no*n or %ho !h% %o be a% ris( o" har#, is in place and %ha% %he school con%rib %es %o assess#en%s o" need and ac%i+ely s ppor%s # l%i a!ency plannin! "or %hose children2

>ollo*in! any in"or#a%ion raisin! concern, %he Desi!na%ed Senior Person *ill consider) any r!en% #edical needs o" %he child %he i##edia%e sa"e%y and *ellbein! o" %he child disc ssin! %he #a%%er *i%h o%her a!encies c rren%ly (no*n %o be in+ol+ed *i%h %he child and "a#ily %he childAs *ishes and "eelin!s

Then decide) *here+er possible, %o %al( %o paren%s, nless %o do so #ay place a child a% ris( o" si!ni"ican% har#, i#pede any police in+es%i!a%ion and3or place %he #e#ber o" s%a"" or o%hers a% ris( *he%her %o #a(e a child pro%ec%ion re"erral %o Con%ac% and Re"erral Tea# beca se a child is s ""erin! or is li(ely %o s ""er si!ni"ican% har# and i" %his needs %o be nder%a(en i##edia%ely OR no% %o #a(e a re"erral a% %his s%a!e i" " r%her #oni%orin! is necessary


i" i% *o ld be appropria%e %o in+i%e %he paren% or carer %o en!a!e *i%h a Tea# Aro nd %he >a#ily assess#en% and3or #a(e a re"erral "or o%her ser+ices'

All in"or#a%ion and ac%ions %a(en, incl din! %he reasons "or any decisions #ade, *ill be " lly doc #en%ed' +.1.+ -ction following a c*ild ,rotection referral The Desi!na%ed Senior Person or o%her appropria%e #e#ber o" s%a"" *ill) #a(e re! lar con%ac% *i%h %he alloca%ed social *or(er or %ea# #ana!er in %he e+en% o" absence *here+er possible, con%rib %e %o %he s%ra%e!y disc ssion pro+ide a repor% "or, a%%end and con%rib %e %o any s bse. en% child pro%ec%ion con"erence i" %he child or children are #ade %he s bBec% o" a child pro%ec%ion plan, con%rib %e %o %he child pro%ec%ion plan and a%%end core !ro p #ee%in!s and re+ie* con"erences endea+o r %o share all repor%s *i%h paren%s prior %o #ee%in!s *here in disa!ree#en% *i%h a decision #ade by Children/s Social Care e'!' no% %o apply child pro%ec%ion proced res or no% %o con+ene a child pro%ec%ion con"erence: "ollo* %he "or#al 1scala%ion Process in respec% o" resol+in! pro"essional disa!ree#en%s3escala%ion process *tt,9;;www.c*e *irewe tl cb.org.u5;8,age<id=+10 *here a child s bBec% %o a child pro%ec%ion plan #o+es "ro# %he school or !oes #issin!, i##edia%ely in"or# %he Con%ac% and Re"erral Tea#'

+.1.+ Rai ing -warene $or(in! *i%h %he !o+ernin! body %o ens re %ha% %he School/s Sa"e! ardin! Policy is pda%ed and re+ie*ed ann ally2 1ns rin! %ha%, in order %o a+oid con"lic% and #is%r s%, paren%s are a*are %ha% re"errals #ay be #ade and o" %he role o" %he School2 1ns rin! %ha% *hen children lea+e %he school, %heir Child Pro%ec%ion >ile is disc ssed as soon as possible *i%h %he Senior Desi!na%ed Person a% %he ne* school2 Ma(in! s re %ha% %he Child Pro%ec%ion >ile is %rans"erred separa%ely "ro# %he #ain p pil "ile *i%hin :C days o" %rans"er2 I% sho ld be pos%ed recorded deli+ery %o %he Senior Desi!na%ed Person a% %he ne* school or deli+ered direc%ly by hand and a si!na% re recei+ed, nless %he child is lea+in! year :: %o !o %o a " r%her ed ca%ion se%%in!, in *hich case %he "ile sho ld be re%ained by %he c rren% school "or a period s%ip la%ed in c rren% s%a% %ory ! idance'


$here %he ne* school is no% (no*n, aler%in! %he 1d ca%ion $el"are Ser+ice a% Cheshire $es% and Ches%er Co ncil so %ha% %he child/s na#e can be incl ded on %he da%a base "or #issin! p pils and appropria%e ac%ion %a(en %o ascer%ain %he sa"e%y o" %he child2 Cascadin! sa"e! ardin! ad+ice and ! idance iss ed by Cheshire $es% Local Sa"e! ardin! 4oard

+.1.3 &raining The Desi!na%ed Senior Person and %he Dep %y Desi!na%e *ill a%%end Le+el 8 # l%i-a!ency %rainin! e+ery 8 years in order %o) Reco!nise ho* %o iden%i"y si!ns o" ab se and *hen i% is appropria%e %o #a(e a re"erral2 Ha+e a *or(in! (no*led!e o" ho* %o s ppor% %he Tea# Aro nd %he >a#ily, ho* Cheshire $es% LSC4 opera%es, ho* a child pro%ec%ion case con"erence is cond c%ed, and be able %o a%%end and con%rib %e e""ec%i+ely %o all plannin! #ee%in!s *hen re. ired %o do so2 4e able %o (eep de%ailed, acc ra%e and sec re *ri%%en records o" re"errals3concerns'

The Senior and Dep %y Desi!na%ed Persons *ill ens re all s%a"" recei+e appropria%e Sa"e! ardin! %rainin!, i" necessary "ro# an e0%ernal pro+ider' All s%a"" *ill be e0pec%ed %o nder!o endorsed 4asic A*areness in Sa"e! ardin! %rainin! *i%hin %he "irs% %er# o" %heir e#ploy#en%3place#en% *hich *ill be re"reshed e+ery D years, %o enable %he# %o nders%and and " l"il %heir sa"e! ardin! responsibili%ies e""ec%i+ely) All s%a"" and +ol n%eers, especially ne* or par%-%i#e s%a"" *ho #ay *or( *i%h di""eren% ed ca%ional se%%in!s, *ill recei+e) a copy o" %he Sa"e! ardin! Policy a s%a"" handboo( *hich o %lines responsibili%ies re!ardin! child pro%ec%ion and sa"e! ardin! ind c%ion %rainin! %o ens re %ha% s%a"" o ha+e an o+er+ie* o" %he or!anisa%ion o nders%and i%s p rpose, +al es, ser+ices and s%r c% re o are able %o reco!nise3iden%i"y si!ns o" ab se *hich #ay incl de) si!ni"ican% chan!es in childrenEs beha+io r2 de%eriora%ion in children/s !eneral *ell-bein!2 ne0plained br isin!, #ar(s or si!ns o" possible ab se or ne!lec%2 children/s co##en%s *hich !i+e ca se "or concern2


any reasons %o s spec% ne!lec% or ab se o %side %he se%%in!, "or e0a#ple in %he child/s ho#e2 and3or inappropria%e beha+io r displayed by o%her #e#bers o" s%a"", or any o%her person *or(in! *i%h %he children' >or e0a#ple, inappropria%e se0 al co##en%s2 e0cessi+e one-%o-one a%%en%ion beyond %he re. ire#en%s o" %heir s al role and responsibili%ies2 or inappropria%e sharin! o" personal in"or#a%ion 7e! phone n #bers, e#ail, social ne%*or(in!; or i#a!es'

o (no* %ha% %hey # s% repor% any concerns i##edia%ely %hey arise and %o *ho# o nders%and con"iden%iali%y iss es' 3 Role and Re ,on ibilitie of t*e !ead &eac*er

The Head Teacher *ill ens re %ha%) The policies and proced res adop%ed by %he <o+ernin! 4ody are " lly i#ple#en%ed, and "ollo*ed by all s%a"" so %ha% e+eryone (no*s *ha% %o do i" concerned abo % a child2 S ""icien% reso rces and %i#e are alloca%ed %o enable %he Senior and Dep %y Desi!na%ed Persons and o%her s%a"" %o dischar!e %heir responsibili%ies, incl din! nder%a(in! %he Lead Pro"essional role in %he Tea# Aro nd %he >a#ily, %a(in! par% in s%ra%e!y disc ssions and o%her in%er-a!ency #ee%in!s, and con%rib %in! %o %he assess#en% o" children2 All s%a"" and +ol n%eers "eel able %o raise concerns abo % poor or nsa"e prac%ice in re!ard %o children, and s ch concerns are addressed sensi%i+ely and e""ec%i+ely in a %i#ely #anner in accordance *i%h a!reed *his%le-blo*in! policies2 They personally, alon! *i%h o%her senior leaders nder%a(e sa"er recr i%#en% %rainin! in order %o co#ply *i%h %he s%a% %ory re. ire#en% %o ha+e a %rained person on e+ery recr i%#en% panel' Alle!a%ions a!ains% a #e#ber o" s%a"" are re"erred in a %i#ely #anner %o %he Local A %hori%y Desi!na%ed O""icer 7LADO; i" appropria%e

Role and Re ,on ibilitie of t*e Governing .ody

The <o+ernin! body is collec%i+ely responsible "or %he school/s sa"e! ardin! arran!e#en%s' The Desi!na%ed Sa"e! ardin! <o+ernor *ill nder%a(e ini%ial Sa"e! ardin! %rainin! %o nders%and %heir Role and Responsibili%ies' Ideally, all !o+ernors *ill nder%a(e %he 4asic A*areness Sa"e! ardin! %rainin! *i%h %heir school'


Alle!a%ions o" ab se #ade a!ains% %he Head Teacher are repor%ed %o %he Chair o" <o+ernors, and re"erred %o %he Local A %hori%y Desi!na%ed O""icer 7LADO;' The <o+ernin! 4ody *ill ens re %ha%) Sa"e! ardin! arran!e#en%s are " lly e#bedded *i%hin %he school/s e%hos and re"lec%ed in %he school/s day %o day sa"e! ardin! prac%ices2 S ""icien% !o+ernors are %rained in sa"er recr i%#en% prac%ices %ha% appoin%#en%s %o %he senior leadership %ea# can be ade. a%ely s ppor%ed2 The school has e""ec%i+e policies and proced res in place in accordance *i%h %his policy, and school/s co#pliance *i%h %he# is #oni%ored2 There are policies and proced res in place "or dealin! *i%h co#plain%s and3or alle!a%ions a!ains% s%a"", incl din! %he Head Teacher and any s bse. en% s%a"" disciplinary hearin!s' There is a Desi!na%ed Sa"e! ardin! <o+ernor %o cha#pion sa"e! ardin! iss es *i%hin %he school, %o liaise *i%h %he Head Teacher3Desi!na%ed Senior Person, and %o pro+ide in"or#a%ion and repor%s %o %he <o+ernin! 4ody' The Desi!na%ed Sa"e! ardin! <o+ernor sho ld be s ppor%ed by %he Chair o" <o+ernors2 The Head Teacher, and all s%a"" *ho *or( *i%h children, *ill nder%a(e a " ll and endorsed 4asic A*areness Sa"e! ardin! %rainin! e+ery %hree years and ha+e access %o a re"resher session e+ery year' The Senior and Dep %y Desi!na%ed Persons a%%end a% leas% a #ini# # o" Le+el 83In%er#edia%e # l%i-a!ency co rse e+ery %*o years Te#porary s%a"", +ol n%eers and o%her re! lar +isi%ors %o %he school *ho *or( *i%h children are #ade a*are o" %he school/s arran!e#en%s "or sa"e! ardin! and %heir responsibili%ies'

)dentifying Concern

Early identification and provision of help is in the childs best interest and results services which deliver and support families are vital in promoting childrens wellbeing. All who come into contact with families have a part to play in identifying these children whose needs are not being adequately met.
The Munro Review of Child Protection Part 1 : A systems analysis Professor Eileen Munro.

Teachers and o%her ad l%s in school are *ell placed %o obser+e any physical, e#o%ional or beha+io ral si!ns *hich indica%e %ha% a child #ay be s ""erin! si!ni"ican% har#' The rela%ionships be%*een s%a"", p pils, paren%s and %he p blic *hich "os%er respec%, con"idence and %r s% can lead %o disclos res o" ab se, and3or school s%a"" bein! aler%ed %o concerns'


/.1 Definition 9

- c*ild) As in %he Children Ac% o" :FGF and 899H, a child is anyone *ho has no% ye% reached his3her :G%h bir%hday or in %he case o" disabled children 8C years' !arm #eans ill-%rea%#en% or i#pair#en% o" heal%h and de+elop#en%, incl din!, "or e0a#ple, i#pair#en% s ""ered "ro# seein! or hearin! %he ill%rea%#en% o" ano%her2 Develo,ment #eans physical, in%ellec% al, e#o%ional, social or beha+io ral de+elop#en%2 !ealt* incl des physical and #en%al heal%h2 )ll(treatment incl des se0 al ab se and o%her "or#s o" ill-%rea%#en% *hich are no% physical' -bu e and Neglect are "or#s o" #al%rea%#en%' So#ebody #ay ab se or ne!lec% a child by in"lic%in! har# or "ailin! %o ac% %o pre+en% har#' Children #ay be ab sed in a "a#ily or in an ins%i% %ional or co## ni%y se%%in!2 by %hose (no*n %o %he#, or, #ore rarely, by a s%ran!er' They #ay be ab sed by an ad l% or ad l%s or ano%her child or children' P*y ical -bu e Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces, illness in a child. Se6ual -bu e Se0 al ab se in+ol+es "orcin! or en%icin! a child or yo n! person %o %a(e par% inse0 al ac%i+i%ies, no% necessarily in+ol+in! a hi!h le+el o" +iolence, *he%her or no% %he child is a*are o" *ha% is happenin!' The ac%i+i%ies #ay in+ol+e physical con%ac%,incl din! assa l% by pene%ra%ion 7"or e0a#ple, rape or oral se0; or non-pene%ra%i+eac%s s ch as #as% rba%ion, (issin!, r bbin! and %o chin! o %side o" clo%hin!' They#ay also incl de non-con%ac% ac%i+i%ies, s ch as in+ol+in! children in loo(in! a%, or in %he prod c%ion o", se0 al i#a!es, *a%chin! se0 al ac%i+i%ies, enco ra!in! children %o beha+e in se0 ally inappropria%e *ays, or !roo#in! a child in prepara%ion "or ab se 7incl din! +ia %he in%erne%;' Se0 al ab se is no% solely perpe%ra%ed by ad l% #ales' $o#en can also co##i% ac%s o" se0 al ab se, as can o%her children' 'motional -bu e 1#o%ional ab se is %he persis%en% e#o%ional #al%rea%#en% o" a child s ch as %o ca se se+ere and persis%en% ad+erse e""ec%s on %he child/s e#o%ional de+elop#en%' I% #ay in+ol+e con+eyin! %o children %ha% %hey are *or%hless or nlo+ed, inade. a%e, or +al ed only inso"ar as %hey #ee% %he needs o" ano%her person' I% #ay incl de no% !i+in! %he child oppor% ni%ies %o e0press %heir +ie*s, delibera%ely silencin! %he# or A#a(in! " n/ o" *ha% %hey say or ho* %hey co## nica%e' I% #ay "ea% re a!e or de+elop#en%ally inappropria%e


e0pec%a%ions bein! i#posed on children' These #ay incl de in%erac%ions %ha% are beyond %he child/s de+elop#en%al capabili%y, as *ell as o+erpro%ec%ion and li#i%a%ion o" e0plora%ion and learnin!, or pre+en%in! %he child par%icipa%in! in nor#al social in%erac%ion' I% #ay in+ol+e seein! or hearin! %he ill-%rea%#en% o" ano%her' I% #ay in+ol+e serio s b llyin! 7incl din! cyberb llyin!;, ca sin! children "re. en%ly %o "eel "ri!h%ened or in dan!er, or %he e0ploi%a%ion or corr p%ion o" children' So#e le+el o" e#o%ional ab se is in+ol+ed in all %ypes o" #al%rea%#en% o" a child, %ho !h i% #ay occ r alone' Neglect Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a childs basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the childs health or development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance abuse. Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to: provide ade uate food, clothing and shelter !including e"clusion from home or abandonment#$ protect a child from physical and emotional harm or danger$ ensure ade uate supervision !including the use of inade uate care%givers#$ or ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. &t may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a childs basic emotional needs. 0or.ing %ogether to Safeguard Children, 20-01 http:11!!!2!or.ingtogetheronline2co2u.1 /.+ Di clo ure

All #e#bers o" s%a"", +ol n%eers and !o+ernors # s% (no* ho* %o respond %o a p pil *ho discloses ab se, and %hey # s% be "a#iliar *i%h proced res %o be "ollo*ed' Staff across frontline services need appropriate support and training to ensure that as far as possible they put themselves in the place of the child or young person and consider first and foremost how that situation must fell for them. Lord Laming 2009 I% %a(es a lo% o" co ra!e "or a child %o disclose %ha% %hey are bein! ab sed' They #ay "eel disloyal, asha#ed, par%ic larly i" %he ab se is se0 al, %heir ab ser #ay ha+e %hrea%ened *ha% *ill happen i" %hey %ell, %hey #ay ha+e los% all %r s% in ad l%s, or %hey #ay belie+e, or ha+e been %old, %ha% %he ab se is %heir o*n "a l%' I" a p pil %al(s %o yo abo % any ris(s %o %heir sa"e%y or *ellbein! yo *ill need %o le% %he# (no* %ha% yo # s% pass %he in"or#a%ion on I yo are no% allo*ed %o (eep secre%s' The poin% a% *hich yo do %his is a #a%%er "or pro"essional B d!e#en%' I" yo B #p in i##edia%ely %he p pil #ay %hin( %ha% yo do no%


*an% %o lis%en, i" yo lea+e i% %ill %he +ery end o" %he con+ersa%ion, %he p pil #ay "eel %ha% yo ha+e #isled %he# in%o re+ealin! #ore %han %hey *o ld ha+e o%her*ise' D rin! yo r con+ersa%ion *i%h %he p pil) Allo* %he# %o spea( "reely' Re#ain cal# and do no% o+er reac% I %he p pil #ay s%op %al(in! i" %hey "eel %hey are pse%%in! yo ' <i+e reass rin! nods or *ords o" co#"or% I AI/# so sorry %his has happened/, AI *an% %o help/, AThis isn/% yo r "a l%/, AYo are doin! %he ri!h% %hin! in %al(in! %o #e/' Do no% be a"raid o" silences I re#e#ber ho* hard %his # s% be "or %he p pil' Under no circ #s%ances as( in+es%i!a%i+e . es%ions I s ch as ho* #any %i#es %his has happened, *he%her i% happens %o siblin!s %oo, or *ha% does %he p pil/s #o%her %hin(s abo % all %his' A% an appropria%e %i#e %ell %he p pil %ha% in order %o help %he# yo # s% pass %he in"or#a%ion on' Respec% %he child/s personal space' Do no% a %o#a%ically o""er any physical %o ch as co#"or%' I% #ay be any%hin! b % co#"or%in! %o a child *ho has been ab sed' A+oid ad#onishin! %he child "or no% disclosin! earlier' Sayin! AI do *ish yo had %old #e abo % %his *hen i% s%ar%ed/ or AI can/% belie+e *ha% I/# hearin!/ #ay be yo r *ay o" bein! s ppor%i+e b % %he child #ay in%erpre% i% %ha% %hey ha+e done so#e%hin! *ron!' Tell %he p pil *ha% *ill happen ne0%' Repor% +erbally %o %he Desi!na%ed Senior Person' $ri%e p yo r con+ersa%ion as soon as possible on %he record o" concern "or# and hand i% %o %he desi!na%ed person' 7ADD AS AN APP1NDIJ; See( s ppor% i" yo "eel dis%ressed' Confidentiality

$hile i% is reco!nised %ha% all #a%%ers rela%in! %o sa"e! ardin! indi+id al children are con"iden%ial, a #e#ber o" s%a"", !o+ernor or +ol n%eer, i" con"ided in by a p pil, # s% ne+er ! aran%ee con"iden%iali%y %o %ha% p pil' $here %here is a Child Pro%ec%ion concern i% *ill be passed i##edia%ely %o %he Senior Desi!na%ed Person *ho *ill consider %he #os% appropria%e response, cons l%in! *i%h rele+an% par%ners i" appropria%e' The paren%s o" %he child sho ld be in"or#ed i##edia%ely nless i% is "el% %ha% %his *o ld no% be in %he bes% in%eres%s o" %he child'


The Head Teacher or Senior or Dep %y Desi!na%ed Person *ill disclose personal in"or#a%ion abo % a p pil, incl din! %he le+el o" in+ol+e#en% o" o%her a!encies, %o o%her #e#bers o" s%a"" only on a Aneed %o (no*/ basis' All s%a"" # s% be a*are %ha% %hey ha+e a pro"essional responsibili%y %o share in"or#a%ion *i%h o%her a!encies in order %o sa"e! ard children' 1 Record and #onitoring

Child pro%ec%ion in"or#a%ion *ill be s%ored and handled in line *i%h %he principles o" %he Da%a Pro%ec%ion Ac% :FFG %o ens re %ha% in"or#a%ion is) processed "or li#i%ed p rposes ade. a%e, rele+an% and no% e0cessi+e acc ra%e (ep% no lon!er %han necessary processed in accordance *i%h %he da%a s bBec%/s ri!h%s sec re'

Child pro%ec%ion records are nor#ally e0e#p% "ro# %he disclos re pro+isions o" %he Da%a Pro%ec%ion Ac%, *hich #eans %ha% children and paren%s do no% ha+e an a %o#a%ic ri!h% %o see %he#' I" any #e#ber o" s%a"" recei+es a re. es% "ro# a p pil or paren% %o see child pro%ec%ion records, %hey sho ld re"er %he re. es% %o %he Head%eacher' The Da%a Pro%ec%ion Ac% does no% pre+en% school s%a"" "ro# sharin! in"or#a%ion *i%h rele+an% a!encies, *here %ha% in"or#a%ion #ay help %o pro%ec% a child' Any concerns abo % a child *ill be recorded in *ri%in! *i%hin 8H ho rs' All records # s% pro+ide a "ac% al, e+idence-based acco n%' Acc ra%e recordin! o" ac%ions sho ld be #ade' Records *ill be si!ned, da%ed and *here appropria%e *i%nessed' Hard copies o" records or repor%s rela%in! %o Child Pro%ec%ion concerns *ill be (ep% in a separa%e, con"iden%ial "ile, sec rely s%ored a*ay "ro# %he #ain p pil "ile' Schools #ay hold so#e elec%ronic records, "or e0a#ple, a record o" concern lo! or %he # l%i a!ency re"erral "or# or a cen%ral lis% o" %hose p pils *ho ha+e a child pro%ec%ion plan in place' A %horisa%ion %o access %hese elec%ronic records *ill be con%rolled by %he Senior Desi!na%ed O""icer' The school *ill (eep *ri%%en records o" concerns abo % children, e+en *here %here is no need %o ac%ion %he #a%%er i##edia%ely' These records *ill be (ep% *i%hin %he separa%e con"iden%ial "ile' Records *ill be (ep% p %o da%e and re+ie*ed re! larly' Ori!inal no%es *ill be re%ained as e+idence i" %here are cri#inal proceedin!s arisin! "ro# c rren% or his%orical alle!a%ions o" ab se or ne!lec% or ci+il ac%ions'


Ti#ely and acc ra%e recordin! *ill %a(e place *hen %here are any iss es re!ardin! a child' A record o" each and e+ery episode3inciden%3concern3ac%i+i%y re!ardin! %ha% child, incl din! %elephone calls %o o%her pro"essionals, needs %o be recorded in chronolo!ical order and (ep% *i%hin %he con"iden%ial "ile "or %ha% child' S ppor% and ad+ice *ill be so !h% "ro# Children/s Social Care or %he Local Area Desi!na%ed O""icer, *hene+er necessary and recorded' I" %he child #o+es %o ano%her se%%in! %he Child Pro%ec%ion "ile sho ld be sen%, by re!is%ered pos% i##edia%ely %o %he Senior Desi!na%ed Person a% %he ne* se%%in!, #a(in! s re %ha% %he Child Pro%ec%ion "ile is %rans"erred separa%ely "ro# %he #ain p pil "ile' There # s% be liaison be%*een %he %*o Senior Desi!na%ed Persons in order %o ens re a s#oo%h and sa"e %ransi%ion "or %he child' $here %he ne* school is no% (no*n %he 1d ca%ional $el"are Ser+ice a% Cheshire $es% and Ches%er sho ld be in"or#ed so %ha% %he child can be incl ded on %he da%a base "or #issin! p pils and ac%ion %a(en %o ascer%ain %he sa"e%y and *ellbein! o" %he child and %ha% %he child is recei+in! %heir ri!h% %o ed ca%ion' 2 Su,,orting c*ildren

The damage inflicted by bullying can frequently be underestimated. It can cause considerable distress to children, to the extent it affects their health and development or, at the extreme, causes them significant harm (including self harm . !ll settings in which children are provided with services or are living away from home should have in place rigorously enforced anti bullying strategies." Working Together to Safeguard Children 2010 The effect of domestic violence on children is such that it must be considered as abuse" Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education 2007 So#e children #ay ha+e an increased ris( o" har#' Many "ac%ors can con%rib %e %o an increase in ris(, incl din! preB dice and discri#ina%ion, isola%ion, social e0cl sion, co## nica%ion iss es and a rel c%ance on %he par% o" so#e ad l%s %o accep% %ha% ab se can occ r' To ens re %ha% all o" o r p pils recei+e e. al pro%ec%ion, *e *ill !i+e special considera%ion %o children *ho are) disabled or ha+e special ed ca%ional needs children in %he care o" %he Local A %hori%y li+in! in a do#es%ic ab se si% a%ion a""ec%ed by paren%al s bs%ance #is se asyl # see(ers li+in! a*ay "ro# ho#e


+ lnerable %o bein! b llied, or en!a!in! in b llyin! li+in! in %e#porary acco##oda%ion li+e %ransien% li"es%yles li+in! in chao%ic and ns ppor%i+e ho#e si% a%ions + lnerable %o discri#ina%ion and #al%rea%#en% on %he !ro nds o" race, e%hnici%y, reli!ion, se0 ali%y or !ender iden%i%y disorder in+ol+ed direc%ly or indirec%ly in pros%i% %ion or child %ra""ic(in! do no% ha+e 1n!lish as a "irs% lan! a!e'

Special con#ideration include# the provi#ion of #afeguarding information and re#ource# in communit* language# and acce##i$le format#2 $e reco!nise %ha% children *ho are ab sed or *i%ness +iolence #ay "ind i% di""ic l% %o de+elop a sense o" sel" *or%h' They #ay "eel helplessness, h #ilia%ion and so#e sense o" bla#e' The school #ay be %he only s%able, sec re and predic%able ele#en% in %he li+es o" children a% ris(' $hen a% school %heir beha+io r #ay be challen!in! and de"ian% or %hey #ay be *i%hdra*n' The school *ill endea+o r %o s ppor% %he p pil %hro !h) The con%en% o" %he c rric l #2 A school e%hos *hich pro#o%es a posi%i+e, s ppor%i+e and sec re en+iron#en% and !i+es p pils a sense o" bein! +al ed2 I#ple#en%a%ion o" %he school 4eha+io r Policy *hich is ai#ed a% s ppor%in! + lnerable p pils' The school *ill ens re %ha% %he p pil (no*s %ha% so#e beha+io r is naccep%able b % %hey are none%heless +al ed and are no% %o be bla#ed "or any ab se *hich has occ rred2 Liaison *i%h o%her a!encies %ha% s ppor% %he p pil, s ch as Children/s Social Care, 4eha+io r I#pro+e#en% Tea# and 1d ca%ion Psycholo!y Ser+ice2 1ns rin! %ha%, *here a p pil s bBec% %o a child pro%ec%ion plan lea+es, %heir in"or#a%ion is %rans"erred %o %he ne* school i##edia%ely and %ha% %he child/s social *or(er is in"or#ed' 'arly )ntervention and Prevention wit*in Safeguarding All school s%a"" need %o be a*are o" %heir responsibili%y %o raise any concerns %hey ha+e abo % a child as early as possible in order %o pre+en% %he si% a%ion *orsenin!' This #ay presen% as a chan!e in a child/s beha+io r, appearance or "ro# a con+ersa%ion *i%h %he "a#ily abo % ho#e condi%ions, "inancial di""ic l%ies, speech and lan! a!e, %oile%in! iss es e%c' $here %his concern does no% iden%i"y a sa"e! ardin! iss e b % co ld lead %o #ore serio s concerns i" le"%, s%a"" need %o "ollo* %he proced res se% o % in %he &eam around t*e Family >&-F? ! idance %o " l"il %heir d %ies a% le+el 8 and D on %he Continuum of Need' This #ay in+ol+e si!npos%in! %o or in+ol+in! #ore appropria%e a!encies "or s ppor% and #ay in+ol+e %he school ac%in! as Lead Person on a child/s plan'


@oung Carer In #any "a#ilies, children con%rib %e %o "a#ily care and *ell-bein! as a par% o" nor#al "a#ily li"e' A yo n! carer is a child *ho is responsible "or carin! on a re! lar basis "or a rela%i+e 7 s ally a paren%, !randparen%, so#e%i#es a siblin! or +ery occasionally a "riend; *ho has an illness or disabili%y' Many yo n! carers #ay e0perience) Social isola%ion2 A lo* le+el o" school a%%endance2 So#e ed ca%ional di""ic l%ies2 I#paired de+elop#en% o" %heir iden%i%y and po%en%ial2 Lo* sel"-es%ee#2 1#o%ional and physical ne!lec%2 Con"lic% be%*een loyal%y %o %heir "a#ily and %heir *ish %o ha+e %heir o*n needs #e%'

$here a yo n! carer is iden%i"ied, %he child/s needs *ill be considered, sin! %he Tea# aro nd %he >a#ily process'

14 Recruitment The school pays " ll re!ard %o D"1 ! idance ASa"e! ardin! Children and Sa"er Recr i%#en% in 1d ca%ion/ @an 899K' $e ens re %ha% all appropria%e #eas res are applied in rela%ion %o e+eryone *ho *or(s in %he school *ho is li(ely %o be percei+ed by %he children as a sa"e and %r s%*or%hy ad l% incl din! e'!' +ol n%eers and s%a"" e#ployed by con%rac%ors' Sa"er recr i%#en% prac%ice incl des scr %inisin! applican%s, +eri"yin! iden%i%y acade#ic and +oca%ional . ali"ica%ions, ob%ainin! pro"essional re"erences, chec(in! pre+io s e#ploy#en% his%ory and ens rin! %ha% a candida%e has %he heal%h and physical capaci%y "or %he Bob' I% also incl des nder%a(in! in%er+ie*s and chec(in! %he Children/s Lis% and Cri#inal Records 4 rea chec(s and ri!h% %o *or( in 1n!land chec(s'

In line *i%h s%a% %ory chan!es, nderpinned by re! la%ions, %he "ollo*in! *ill apply) CR4 1nhanced Disclos re is ob%ained "or all ne* appoin%#en%s *here an indi+id al *ill Ain%ensi+ely and "re. en%ly/ ha+e con%ac% *i%h o r p pils' >ro# Oc%ober 899F i% is a cri#inal o""ence "or e#ployers %o %a(e on an indi+id al in Independen% Sa"e! ardin! A %hori%y re! la%ed ac%i+i%y *ho# %hey (no* %o ha+e been barred and3or no% re"er %o %he ISA de%ails o" anyone *ho is per#anen%ly re#o+ed "ro# re! la%ed ac%i+i%y or *ho lea+es *hile nder in+es%i!a%ion "or alle!edly ca sin! har# or posin! a ris( o" har#


%his school is co##i%%ed %o (eep an p %o da%e sin!le cen%ral record de%ailin! a ran!e o" chec(s carried o % on o r s%a"" all ne* appoin%#en%s %o o r school *or("orce *ho ha+e li+ed o %side %he UK *ill be s bBec% %o addi%ional chec(s as appropria%e o r school ens res %ha% s pply s%a"" ha+e nder!one %he necessary chec(s and *ill be #ade a*are o" %his policy iden%i%y chec(s # s% be carried o % on all appoin%#en%s %o o r school *or("orce be"ore %he appoin%#en% is #ade, in par%nership *i%h %he LA

11 $olunteer $e nders%and %ha% so#e people o%her*ise ns i%able "or *or(in! *i%h children #ay se +ol n%eerin! %o !ain access %o children2 "or %his reason, any +ol n%eers in %he school, in *ha%e+er capaci%y, are e0pec%ed %o "ollo* %he policies and proced res in %he sa#e *ay a# paid #taff' $here a paren% or o%her +ol n%eer helps on a one-o"" basis, he3she *ill only *or( nder %he direc% s per+ision o" a #e#ber o" s%a"", and a% no %i#e ha+e one %o one con%ac% *i%h children' Ho*e+er, i" a paren% or o%her +ol n%eer is %o be in school re! larly or o+er a lon!er period %hen %hey *ill be chec(ed %o ens re %heir s i%abili%y %o *or( *i%h children' $e *ill ens re all +ol n%eers recei+e ! idance on %he para#e%ers o" %heir role and *ha% %o do i" %hey ha+e concerns be"ore %hey s%ar% %heir *or( *i%h %he school'


Safe Staff

Chec(s *ill be nder%a(en correspondin! %o Sa"er Recr i%#en% proced res on all ad l%s *or(in! in %he school %o es%ablish %heir s i%abili%y %o *or( *i%h children' Records o" %hese chec(s *ill be (ep% in accordance *i%h Sec%ion H'C o" 3Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education4 fE, 20062 All school s%a"" *ill %a(e care no% %o place %he#sel+es in a + lnerable posi%ion *i%h a child' I% is al*ays ad+isable "or in%er+ie*s or *or( *i%h indi+id al children or paren%s %o be cond c%ed *i%h or in +ie* o" o%her ad l%s' I" an alle!a%ion is #ade a!ains% ano%her #e#ber o" s%a"", %he #e#ber o" s%a"" recei+in! %he alle!a%ion *ill i##edia%ely in"or# %he Head Teacher or %he #os% senior %eacher i" %he Head Teacher is no% presen%' The Head Teacher or #os% senior %eacher *ill %hen cons l% *i%h %he Local A %hori%y Desi!na%ed O""icer' Alle!a%ions a!ains% %he Head Teacher are repor%ed %o %he Chair and re"erred %o %he Local A %hori%y Desi!na%ed O""icer 7LADO;


13 Conduct of Staff
"Absolutely without fail- challenge poor practice or performance. If you ignore or collude with poor practice it makes it harder to sound the alarm when things go wrong"
Sounding the Alarm Barnardos)

The school has a d %y %o ens re %ha% pro"essional beha+io r applies %o rela%ionships be%*een s%a"" and children, and %ha% all #e#bers o" s%a"" are clear abo % *ha% cons%i% %es appropria%e beha+io r and pro"essional bo ndaries' S%a"" *ill ha+e access %o The < idance "or Sa"er $or(in! Prac%ices "or Ad l%s *ho *or( *i%h Children and Yo n! People on appoin%#en%3ind c%ion' h%%p)33***'cheshire*es%lscb'or!' (3*pcon%en%3 ploads389::39F3< idanceL"orLsa"erL*or(in!Lprac%iceL"orLad l%sL*hoL*or(L*i%hLchildrenLandLyo n!Lpeople:'pd"

All s%a"" sho ld be a*are o" %he dan!ers inheren% in) $or(in! alone *i%h a child2 Physical in%er+en%ions2 C l% ral and !ender s%ereo%ypin!2 Dealin! *i%h sensi%i+e in"or#a%ion2 <i+in! %o, and recei+in! !i"%s "ro#, children and paren%s2 Con%ac%in! children %hro !h pri+a%e %elephones 7incl din! %e0%in!;, e#ail, MSN, or social ne%*or(in! *ebsi%es2 Disclosin! personal de%ails inappropria%ely2 Mee%in! p pils o %side school ho rs or school d %ies2 Ma(in! inappropria%e se0 al co##en%s2 e0cessi+e one %o one a%%en%ion beyond %he nor#al re. ire#en%s o" %he role2 or inappropria%e sharin! o" i#a!es )f an* mem$er of #taff ha# rea#ona$le #u#picion that a child i# #uffering harm, and fail# to act in accordance !ith thi# polic* and Che#hire 0e#t (ocal Safeguarding 5oard procedure#, thi# !ill $e vie!ed a# mi#conduct, and appropriate action !ill $e ta.en2 13.1 -llegation

$here an alle!a%ion is #ade a!ains% any person *or(in! in or on behal" o" %he school %ha% he or she has)


a' 4eha+ed in a *ay %ha% has har#ed a child or #ay ha+e har#ed a child b' Possibly co##i%%ed a cri#inal o""ence a!ains% or rela%ed %o a child or c' Has beha+ed %o*ards a child or children in a *ay %ha% indica%es s3he is ns i%able %o *or( *i%h children' $e *ill apply %he sa#e principles as in %he res% o" %his doc #en% and *ill al*ays "ollo* %he Cheshire $es% Sa"e! ardin! Children Proced res' De%ailed records *ill be #ade %o incl de decisions, ac%ions %a(en, and reasons "or %hese' All records *ill be re%ained sec rely in a loc(ed c pboard in Head%eacher/s o""ice' $hils% *e ac(no*led!e s ch alle!a%ions, 7as all o%hers;, #ay be "alse, #alicio s or #isplaced, *e also ac(no*led!e %hey #ay be *i%h "o nda%ion' I% is, %here"ore, essen%ial %ha% all alle!a%ions are in+es%i!a%ed properly and in line *i%h a!reed proced res' Ini%ial ac%ion %o be %a(en) The person *ho has recei+ed an alle!a%ion or *i%nessed an e+en% *ill i##edia%ely in"or# %he Head %eacher and #a(e a record In %he e+en% %ha% an alle!a%ion is #ade a!ains% %he head %eacher %he #a%%er *ill be repor%ed %o %he Chair o" <o+ernors *ho *ill proceed as %he AHead %eacher/ The Head %eacher *ill %a(e s%eps, *here necessary, %o sec re %he i##edia%e sa"e%y o" children and any r!en% #edical needs The #e#ber o" s%a"" *ill no% be approached a% %his s%a!e nless i% is necessary %o address %he i##edia%e sa"e%y o" children The head %eacher #ay need %o clari"y any in"or#a%ion re!ardin! %he alle!a%ion, ho*e+er no person *ill be in%er+ie*ed a% %his s%a!e The head %eacher *ill cons l% *i%h %he Local A %hori%y Desi!na%ed O""icer 7 see Con%ac%s Lis%; in order %o de%er#ine i" i% is appropria%e "or %he alle!a%ion %o be deal% *i%h by school or i" %here needs %o be a re"erral %o Con%ac% and Re"erral and3or %he police "or in+es%i!a%ion Considera%ion *ill be !i+en %hro !ho % %o %he s ppor% and in"or#a%ion needs o" p pils, paren%s and s%a"" The head %eacher *ill in"or# %he Chair o" <o+ernors o" any alle!a%ion' I" considera%ion needs %o be !i+en %o %he indi+id als e#ploy#en%, ad+ice *ill be so !h% "ro# HR 7see con%ac% shee%;


It is important not to underestimate the difficulty for both staff and managers in confronting what appear to be poor professional standards or unacceptable conduct by a colleague in an environment, which of necessity is dependent on close working relationships. It must also be recognised that it is very rare for a teacher to commit offences in the manner of Teacher A. However some of the allegations were of such a serious nature, particularly those from children themselves that they constituted matters that should have been investigated under the child protection procedures. North Somerset SCR The Sexual Abuse of Children in a First School February 2012

Su,,orting taff


$e reco!nise %ha% s%a"" *or(in! in %he school *ho ha+e beco#e in+ol+ed *i%h a child *ho has s ""ered har#, or *ho appears li(ely %o s ""er har#, #ay "ind %his si% a%ion s%ress" l and pse%%in!' $e *ill s ppor% s ch s%a"" by pro+idin! an oppor% ni%y %o %al( %hro !h an0ie%ies *i%h %he Senior Desi!na%ed Person or Head Teacher and %o see( " r%her s ppor%, i" necessary' The Senior and Dep %y Desi!na%ed Person and %he Head %eacher can see( personal s ppor% %hro !h SCi1 Tea# 9:C: DC= =GHD or C$APH Chair or o%her appropria%e ser+ices' This pro+ides ad+ice on %he bo ndaries o" appropria%e beha+io r and %he circ #s%ances %ha% sho ld be a+oided in order %o li#i% co#plain%s a!ains% s%a"" o" %he ab se o" %r s% and3or alle!a%ions o" ab se' 1/ P*otogra,*ing C*ildren The +as% #aBori%y o" people *ho %a(e or +ie* pho%o!raphs or +ideos o" children do so "or en%irely innocen%, nders%andable and accep%able reasons' $e ac(no*led!e ho*e+er %ha% so#e people ab se children %hro !h %a(in!, sin! or circ la%in! i#a!es' Staff and $olunteer Paren%al consen% *ill be so !h% *hen children co##ence a% Par(lands School and per#issions no%ed' S%a"" and +ol n%eers # s% see( %he a %horisa%ion o" %he Head Teacher prior %o %a(in! pho%o!raphs3 +ideos o" children and # s% only se school e. ip#en% nless !i+en speci"ic a %horisa%ion by %he Head Teacher' The se o" ca#eras on #obile phones or %he do*nloadin! o" i#a!es on%o any in%erne% si%e is "orbidden Only %he p pil/s "irs% na#e *ill be sed *i%h an i#a!e I% *ill be ens red %ha% p pils are appropria%ely dressed be"ore i#a!es are %a(en p pils are enco ra!ed %o %ell s i" %hey are *orried or ns re abo % any pho%o!raphs %ha% are %a(en o" %he#'


The < idance "or Sa"er *or(in! Prac%ices "or Ad l%s *ho *or( *i%h Children and Yo n! People pro+ides de%ailed ! idance on %he %a(in! o" pho%o!raphs and s%ora!e o" i#a!es' Parent or #ember of t*e Public $e nders%and %ha% paren%s li(e %o %a(e pho%os o" or +ideo record %heir children in %he school prod c%ion, or a% spor%s day, or school presen%a%ions' This is a nor#al par% o" "a#ily li"e, and *e *ill no% disco ra!e paren%s "ro# celebra%in! %heir child/s s ccesses' Ho*e+er, i" %here are Heal%h and Sa"e%y iss es associa%ed *i%h %his 7e'!' %he se o" a "lash *hen %a(in! pho%os co ld dis%rac% or daMMle %he child, ca sin! an acciden%;, *e *ill enco ra!e paren%s %o se "il# or se%%in!s on %heir ca#era %ha% do no% re. ire "lash' $e *ill no% allo* o%her people incl din! s%a"" %o pho%o!raph or "il# p pils d rin! a school ac%i+i%y *i%ho % paren%al per#ission' This incl des %he se o" ca#eras on #obile phones or any o%her de+ice' $e *ill no% allo* i#a!es o" p pils %o be sed on school *ebsi%es, p blici%y, or press releases, incl din! social ne%*or(in! si%es, *i%ho % e0press per#ission "ro# %he paren%, and i" *e do ob%ain s ch per#ission, *e *ill no% iden%i"y indi+id al children by na#e' The school canno% ho*e+er be held acco n%able "or %he se o" pho%o!raphs or +ideo "oo%a!e %a(en by paren%s or #e#bers o" %he p blic a% school " nc%ions *here paren%al per#ission has been !i+en'

10 .efore and -fter Sc*ool -ctivitie and Contracted Service $here %he <o+ernin! 4ody %rans"ers con%rol or o%her*ise allo*s %he se o" school pre#ises %o e0%ernal bodies 7s ch as spor%s cl bs; or ser+ice pro+iders d rin! or o % o" school ho rs, *e *ill ens re %ha% %hese bodies or pro+iders ha+e appropria%e sa"e! ardin! policies and proced res, and %ha% %here are arran!e#en%s in place %o co-ordina%e *i%h %he school on s ch #a%%ers' S ch considera%ions *ill be #ade e0plici% in any con%rac% or ser+ice le+el a!ree#en% *i%h %he bodies or pro+iders' Com,laint and Com,liment O r co#plain%s proced re *ill be "ollo*ed *here a p pil or paren% raises a concern abo % poor prac%ice %o*ards a p pil %ha% ini%ially does no% reach %he %hreshold "or child pro%ec%ion ac%ion' Poor prac%ice e0a#ples incl de n"airly sin!lin! o % a p pil, sin! sarcas# or h #ilia%ion as a "or# o" con%rol, b llyin! or beli%%lin! a p pil or discri#ina%in! a!ains% %he# in so#e *ay' Co#plain%s


are #ana!ed by senior s%a"" ie %he Head%eacher and <o+ernors' An e0plana%ion o" %he co#plain%s proced re is incl ded in %he Sa"e! ardin! In"or#a%ion 4oo(le% "or Paren%s and %he Sa"e! ardin! In"or#a%ion 4oo(le% "or P pils' Co#plain%s "ro# s%a"" are deal% *i%h nder %he school/s Co#plain%s, Disciplinary and <rie+ance proced res'

"in5 to ot*er Sc*ool ,olicie This Policy *ill be read in conB nc%ion *i%h o%her policies re!ardin! %he sa"e%y and *el"are o" children' These %o!e%her #a(e p %he s i%e o" policies %o sa"e! ard and pro#o%e %he *el"are o" children in %his school' An%i 4 llyin! policy 4eha+io r Policy Chan!in! Policy Children #issin! in ed ca%ion policy Model 1. al Oppor% ni%ies Policy ICT Accep%able Use Policy $his%leblo*in! Policy < idance on 4eha+io r and A%%endance < idance on Dr ! and S bs%ance Mis se Cheshire $es% and Ches%er Child Pro%ec%ion Proced res

-,,endi6 + Safeguarding C*ildren A Bey Point All ad l%s in char!e o" or in con%ac% *i%h children or yo n! people sho ld (no* *ha% %o do i" %hey s spec% %ha% so#eone is bein! physically, e#o%ionally or se0 ally ab sed, or i" so#eone %ells %he# %ha% %his is happenin!' 1ns re %ha% yo are "a#iliar *i%h %he Sa"e! ardin! policy2 copies o" *hich are loca%ed in


class bases and in %he s%a""roo#' On re. es% yo prin%ed copy' *ill be pro+ided *i%h a

In addi%ion, %he "ollo*in! (ey poin%s !i+e a ! ide on *ha% %o do and no% %o do' :' 8' -lway s%op and lis%en s%rai!h% a*ay %o so#eone *ho *an%s %o %ell yo abo % inciden%s or s spicions o" ab se' Ma(e a no%e o" *ha% *as said or obser+ed as soon as possible and pass %o %he Desi!na%ed Senior Person 7Rosalind >landers I Head%eacher3Michael Rober%s I Dep %y Head%eacher; a% yo r earlies% oppor% ni%y' Ne+er #a(e a pro#ise %ha% yo *ill (eep *ha% is said con"iden%ial or secre%' I" yo are %old abo % ab se yo ha+e a responsibili%y %o %ell %he ri!h% people %o !e% so#e%hin! done abo % i%' Yo sho ld e0plain %ha% i" yo are !oin! %o be %old so#e%hin! +ery i#por%an% %ha% needs %o be sor%ed o %, yo *ill need %o %ell %he people *ho can sor% i% o %, b % %ha% yo *ill only %ell %he people *ho absol %ely ha+e %o (no*' Do no% as( leadin! . es%ions %ha% #i!h% !i+e yo r o*n ideas o" *ha% #i!h% ha+e happened, e'!' Ndid he do J %o yo O6 @ s% as(, N*ha% do yo *an% %o %ell #eO6 or 5Is %here any%hin! else yo *an% %o sayO6 I##edia%ely %ell %he Desi!na%ed Senior Person "or sa"e! ardin! nless %hey are %he s bBec% o" %he acc sa%ion' Don/% %ell o%her ad l%s or yo n! people *ha% yo ha+e been %old' I" so#eone has #ade an acc sa%ion %o yo or yo ha+e concerns abo % %he Head Teacher, yo sho ld repor% yo r concerns %o %he Chair o" <o+ernors 7Michael Darby;' Disc ss *i%h %he Desi!na%ed Senior Person "or sa"e! ardin! *he%her any s%eps need %o be %a(en %o pro%ec% %he person *ho has %old yo abo % %he ab se' Never a%%e#p% %o carry o % an in+es%i!a%ion o" s spec%ed or alle!ed ab se by in%er+ie*in! people e%c' The Local A %hori%y Desi!na%ed O""icer 7LADO; or Children/s Social Care O""icers and police o""icers are %he people %rained %o do %his' Yo co ld ca se #ore da#a!e and endan!er possible cri#inal proceedin!s' )t i your duty to refer concern on: not inve tigate. As soon as possible 7and cer%ainly %he sa#e day; %he Desi!na%ed Senior Person "or sa"e! ardin! or %he Chair o" <o+ernors *here %he alle!a%ion is a!ains% %he Head Teacher, sho ld re"er %he #a%%er %o The Local A %hori%y Desi!na%ed O""icer 7LADO; or %he Con%ac% and Re"erral Tea# 7helped by yo r no%es;' >ollo* %heir ins%r c%ions abo % *ha% %o do ne0%' They *ill se% p any necessary in+es%i!a%ions' Tha% is %heir s%a% %ory Bob'








F' Never %hin( ab se is i#possible in yo r or!anisa%ion or ass #e %ha% an acc sa%ion a!ains% so#eone yo (no* *ell and %r s% is bo nd %o be *ron!' Children and yo n! people o"%en %ell o%her yo n! people, ra%her %han s%a"" or o%her ad l%s abo % ab se' There"ore yo #ay hear an alle!a%ion "ro# ano%her child' This sho ld be ac%ed pon in e0ac%ly %he sa#e #anner as o %lined abo+e'


-,,endi6 1 ( '

ential contact Contact Detail Rosalind >landers 9KG9D9:CF::

Desi!na%ed Senior Person


Rosalind >landers 9KG9D9:CF::

No#ina%ed <o+ernor "or Sa"e! ardin! Chair o" <o+ernors

Hea%her <il"oyle 9KC8D999889 L cy McNeil 9KFK:D9:H88 Michael Darby 9KK9FD=:HC

Dep %y Desi!na%ed Person

Michael Rober%s 9KFGFG8KK9

Local A %hori%y Desi!na%ed Vicki Thomason afeguarding !hildren in "ducation #fficer O""icer afeguarding and $uality Assurance %nit Cheshire West and Chester Council Tel: 0151 356 6566 Fax: 0151 355 4692 Email:Victoria.thomason@cheshirewestandchester. o!.uk Location: "loor 4# Ci!ic $%%ices# 4 Ci!ic Wa&# 'llesmere (ort# Cheshire# C)65 0*' Visit: www.cheshirewestandchester. o!.uk www.cheshirewestlsc+.or .uk


Local A %hori%y Sa"e! ardin! Children in 1d ca%ion Mana!er

1laine M rray 9:C: DC= =GHD Children/s Sa"e! ardin! and P ali%y Ass rance Uni% H%h >loor, Ci+ic $ay, 1lles#ere Por%, CH=C 941 Elaine2murra*6che#hire!e#tandche#ter2gov2u.

Local A %hori%y H #an Reso rces Children/s Social Care Con%ac% and Re"erral Tea# G'D9-Cp# Mon-Th rs G'D9-H'D9 >ri 1#er!ency D %y Tea# 7O % o" ho rs; H'D9p#-Ga# Mon-Th rs >ro# Hp# >riday 8Hho rs *ee(ends and ban( holidays TA> Co Ordina%or "amil& Cha#pion Local Sa"e! ardin! Children/s 4oard

@ean @ones3@ill <ri""i%hs KK8CK http:11!!!2che#hire!e#tandche#ter2gov2u.1re#ident#1he alth7and7#ocial7care1children7and7*oung7people1repor t7a7concern7a$out7a7child2a#p8 9:=9= 8KC9FF 9:8HH FKK 8KK

Sandra Presco%% L cy McNeil !!!2che#hire!e#tl#$2org2u. 9:C: DC= =HFH 9:8HH FKK8KK

School Heal%h Ad+isor

Ann Da+is 9:C:DDF8:GD

Cheshire Police

9GHC HCG 9999 or :9: "or non e#er!encies FFF in case o" e#er!ency

Sa"er Schools O""icer



9:=9= D=HC=C

Appendi0 D Assess#en% Trian!le


-,,endi6 4 Continuum of Need http:11!!!2che#hire!e#tandche#ter2gov2u.1re#ident#1health7and7#ocial7care1 children7and7*oung7people1information7for7practioner#1continuum7of7need2 a#p8

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