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Application to the Geometry of CuRVE-LINES
J By the I N v E N T o R


------ ----
Late Prefident of the Royal Society.
'franjlatedfiom the AUTHOR's LATIN ORIGINAL
not yet made publick.

To which is fubjoin'd,
A PERPETUAL e o M M E N T upon tlle whole Work,
Confifting of
In order to make this Treatife
A comp!eat In t'tution for the u fe of LEARNERS.
By J O H N C O L S O N, M. A. and F. R. S.
Mafier of Sir 'Jofeph Wlliamfo's free Mathematical-School at Roche.fter.
Printed by HENRY WooDFALL;
And Sold by Jo H N N o u R sE, at the Lamb without 'femple-Bar.


zam 011CS
T was a laudable cufl:om among the ancient
Geometers, and very worthy to be imitated by
their Succefors, to addrefs their Mathematical
labours, not fo much to Men of eminent rank
and. fl:ation in the world, as to Perfons of diftinguih' d
merit and profi.cience in the fame Studies. For they knew
very well, that fuch only could be competent Judges of
their Works, and would receive them with the efteem
they might deferve. So far at leaft I can copy after thofe
great Originals, as to chufe a Patron for thefe Speculations,
whofe known skill and abilities in fuch matters will enable
him to judge, and whofe known candor will incline him
to judge favourably, of the hare I have had in the prefent
performance. For as to the fundamental part of the
Work, of which I am only the Interpreter, I know it
cannot but pleafe you ; it will need no protel:ion, nor
can it receive a greater recommendation, than to bear the
name of its illuftrious A11thor. However
it 'i'ery naturally
applies itfelf to you, who had the honour (for 1 am fure
you tlnk it fo) of the Author's friendhip and hlmilia.rity
in his life-time; who had his own confent to publil1 a n
elegant edition of fome of his pieces, of a nature not very
different from this; and who have fo juil an eftccn fr,
as well as knowledge of, his other moft fublime, moil
admirable, and jufl:ly celebrated Works.
A 2 But

I3ut befides thefe mot\'es of a publick 1,1ature, I had .
others that more nearly concern The many per-
fonal obligations I have recei\red from yau, and yaur ge-
nerous manner of canferring them} require all the tefl:i-
monies of in my pmver. Among the reft; give
me bwe to mentan one, (tho' it he a privilege I have
enjay'd in comman with many others, who.have the hap:-
pinels of your acquaintance,) which is, the free accefs you
ha\'e always allow'd me, to your CO?ous Colletion,of
whaten:r is choice and- excdlent in the
Your judgment and induftry, in collel:ing thaft! valuable
ZE:,u..n"r.:ct, are not more confpicuous, than the freedom
and readinefs with which you communicate them; to all
fuch who yau know will apply them to their proper u(e;
that is, to the general improvement of Science.
Befare I take m y leave, permit me, good Sir, tojoin my
wiilies to thofe of the oublick, that your own ufeful Lu-
mbrations may fee the light, with all convenient fpeed ;
which, if I rightly conceive of them, will be an excellent:
methodical Introdution, not only to the mathematical'
Sciences in general, but alfo to thefe, as well as to the other
curious and abfl:rufe Speculations of our great Authar. You
are very well apprized, as all other good Judges mufl: be,
to illu.fl:rate him is to cultivate real Science, and to
make his Difcoveries eafy and familiar, will be no fmall
1 mprovement in Mathematicks and Philofophy.
That you will receive this addrefs with your ufual can-
dor, and with that favour and friendiliip 1 have fo long
and often experienced, is the earnef}: requell: of,
. , J9
S I R . ;:l.
rour mofl obedient humble ServmJt,


. (i.x)


Capnot but very much congratulare with my Mathe--
matical Readers, and think it one of the moft for-
tunate circumftances of m y Life, that I ha ve it in my
power to prefent the publick with a moft valuable
A!lecdote, of the greateft Mafter in Mathematical and
Knowledge, that ever appear'd in the World. And
fo the more, becaufe ~ i s Anecdote is of an elementay nature,
preparatory and introdul:ory to his other moft arduous and fuhlime
Speculations, and in tended by himfelf for the inftrul:ion of Novices
and Learners. I therefore gladly embraccd the opportunity that
was put into m y hands, of publilhing this pofthumous W ork, be-
caufe I found it had been compofed with that view and defign.
And that my own Country-men might firft enjoy the benefit of
this publication, 1 refolved upon giving it in an Englijh Tranflation,
with fome additional Remarks of my own. I thought it highly
injurious to the memory a.nd reputation of the great Author, as
well as invidious to the glory of our own Nation, that fo curious
and ufeful a pece hould be any longer fupprefs'd, and confined to
a few prvate hands, which ought to be communicated to al! the
learned W orld for general Inftrution. And more efpecially at a
time when the Principies of the Method here taught have been
fcrupuloufly .tifted and examin'd, have been vigoroully oppofed and
(we may f.1y) ignominioufly rejel:ed as infufficient, by fome Mathe-
maticaf Gentlemen, who feem not to have derived their knowledge
of them from their only true Source, that is, from our Author's
own Treatife wrote exprefsly to explain them. And on the other
hand, the Principies of this Method have b::en zealoufiy and com-
mendably defended by other Mathematical Gcntlemen, who yet
a feem

1'/ie P R E F A e E;
frem to have been as little acquaintelf with this Work, (ilr at leaft'
to ha>e over-look'd it,) the only- genuine and' original Fountain of
this kind of knowledge.. For what has been elfewhere deliver'd by
our Anthor, concerning this Method, was only accidental and oc
caonal, and far from tbat copioufnefs with which he treats of it
hee; and illuil:rates it with a great variety of choice Examples.
The learned and ingeniou Dt; Peihberton, as he acquaints us in.
bis View of Sir lfoac NF"wfo!l's Philofophy, had once a defign of
publihglg this_ W ork, witb . cpnfent and under . the infpel:ion'
of the Author himlelf; which ifhe had.theniccomplih'd, he would
ha ve i:lefer ved nd received the thanks of alllovei's of Science.
The \Vork would have then appear'd with a double adVantage, as
receiving the laft Emendations of its great Author, and likewife in
paffing through tbe hands .of fo able an Editor. And among the
otber good eifefu of tliis publication, poffibly il: might llave preveiit
ed all or a great part: of thofe Difputs; whih ha ve fince oeh r:aiid, ..
and which have been fo fuenuoully and wai'mly purfued on both
fides, concerning the validity of the Principies ofthis Method. They
would doubtlefs have been placed in fo good a light, as would have.
cleared them from any imputation of being in any wife defetive, or
not fnfficiently: demonftrated; But fince the Anthor's Death, as the
Dolor informs us, prevented the execution of that defign, and fiilce
he has not thonght fit to refume it bitherto, it became needful that
this pnblication fhould be undertook by another, tho' a much ip:-

For it was now become highly necdliry, that.at laft tbe great
Sir !fiiac himfelf fhould interpofe, fhould produce his genuin Me-
tbod of Flu:Xions, and bring it to the teft of all impartial a;{d con-
fiderate Mathematicians; to fhew its evidence and fimplicity, to
maintain and defend it in bis own way, to convince his Opponents,.
and to teach his Difciples and Followers upon what grounds they
ihould proceed in vindication of the Truth and Himfelf. And that
this might be done the more eafily and readily, 1 refolved to accom-
pany it with an ample Commentary, according to tbe beft of my
ikill, and (1 believe) according to the mind and intention of the A u:..
thor, where'.'tr I thought it needful; and particularly with an Eve
to the fore-mention'd Controved)r. In v.hich 1 have endeavour'd to
obviate the difficulties that have been raifed, and to explain every
thing in Jo fui! a manner, as to remo>e all the of any
force, that have been anv where mude, at leaft fuch as have occur'd
to my obfervation. If 'vhat is here advanced, as there is good rea-


Jan to hope, 0Jall prove to the fatisfa!ion of thofe G,entlemen, who
Jirl: fl:arted thefe objel:ions, and who (l ani willing to fuppbfe) had
only Jhe caufe of Truth at heart; I ha:ll be very glad to have cor.-
tributed any thing, towards the removing of their Scruples. But if
it hall happen otherwife, andwhat is here offer'd hould not appear
to be fufficient convitl:ion, and demonftration to' them;
yet I am perfuaded it will be fuch to mofl: other thinking Reders,
who hall apply themfelves to it with unprejudiced and impartial
.minds; and then I hall not think my labour ill beftow'd. lt hould
however be well confider'd by thofe Gentlemen, that the great num:.
(ber ofExamples they willfind here, to which theMethcid of Fluxi?ns
js fuccefsfully apply'd, are fo many vouchers for the truth qf the
Principies, on which that Method is founded. For the Dedulions
,are always conformable to what has been derived from other uncon-
troverted Principies, and therefore muft be acknowledg'd as true,
This argument .hould have its due weight, even with fuch as can:.
not, as well as with fuch as will not, en ter into th:e proof of. the
Principies themfelves. And the hypothtjis that has been advanced t
evade this conclufion, of one error in reafoning being ftill corretl:ed
by another equal and contrary to it, and that (o regularly, conftantly,
and frequently, as it muft be fuppos'd to do l1ere; this hypothtjis, 1
fay, ought not to be ferioufly refuted, becaufe 1 can hardly think it
is ferioufly propofed.
The chief Principie, upon which the Method of Fluxions is here
built, is this very fimple one, taken from the Rational Mechanicks ;
which is, ThatMathematical particularly Exteniion, may
beconceived as generateq by continued local Motion; and that all
tities whatever, at leaft by analogy and accommodation, may be cn-
ceived as generated after a like manner. Confeqmmtly there mufi: be
compara ti ve V elocities of increafe and decreafe, during fu eh generations
whofe Relations are fixt and determinable, and may therefore (pro-
blematically) be propofd to be found This Problem our Author
here folves by the help of another Principie, not lefs evident; which
fuppofes that is infinitely divifible, or that it may (men-
tally at leafl:) fo tar continually diminih, as at hft, befare it is totally
extinguih'd, to arrive at that m:. be cali'd vanihing
or which are infinitely Iittle, and lefs than any affign-
able Or it fuppofes that we may forma Notion, not
indeed of abfoiute, but of relative and comparative infinity. 'Tis a
very jufl: exception to the Method of Indivifibles, as alfo to the
foreign infinitefimal Method, . that they have recourfe at once to
a 2 infinitely

Tbe P R E F A C E .
- .
i.nlinitely little Quntities, and infinite orders.and gradations of thefe,
not relatively but abfolutely fuch. They aifume thefe <l!!antities
jimd & Jeme!, without any <:eremony, as that al:ually and
obvioufly exill, and make Computations with them accordingly;
the refult of which mufr needs be as precarious, as the abfolute
jftence of the Qu?ntities they affi1me. And fome late Geometricians
bave cauy'd thee Speculations, about real and abfolute Infinity, ftitl
much furthtr, and have raifed imaginary Syftems of infinitely great
and infinitely little and their feveral orders and properties;
which, to all fober Inquirers nto mathematical Truths,. muft cer-
tainly appear very notional and vionary.
Thefe will be the inconveniencies that will arife, if we do not
rightly diftinguh between abfolute and relative lnfinity. Abfolute
Iniinity, as fuch, can hardly be thc objel: either of our Concepons
or Calculations, but relative Infi.nity may, mder a proper regulation.
Our Author obferves this diftinl:ion very ftril:ly, and introduces
none but infi.nitely little Qpntities that :are relatively fo ; which he
arrives at by beginning with .finite Quantities, and proceeding by a
gradual and neceililry progrefs of diminution. His Computations
always coro menee by finite and intelligible Q1antities ; and then 'at
laft be inquires wbatwill be the refult in certain circumfl:ances, when
fuch or fuch are diminib'd in i1!finitum. This is a
ftant rrattice even in common Algebra and Geometry, and is no
more than defcending from a general Propoition, toa particular Cafe
which is certainly included in it, And from theie eafy Principies,
managed with a vaft deal of fkill and fugacity, he deduces bis
tbod of Fluxions ; which if we confider only fo far as he himfelf
has amy'd it, together with the application he made of it, either
here or elfewbere, diretly or indiretly, exprefiy or tacitely, to the
moft curious Difcoveries in Art and Nature, and to the fublimeft
Theories: We may detervedly eftcem it as the greateft Work of
Genius, and as the nobleft EI+.Jrt that ever was made by the Hurr an
Mir.d. Indeed it muft be o .vh' d, that many ufeful ImprovementF,
and new l1ave been unce made by others, and proba-
bly wiil be iEll madc evcry dy. For 't is no mean excellcnce of
tbis 1\-Iethod, that it is doubtlefs ftill capable of a greater degree of
perfel:ion; 2.nd will always aftord an inexhauftible fund of curious
matter, to reward. the pains of the ingcnious and indul:rious Analyft.
As I am derous to make this as fatistatory as poilible, efptcially
to thc very learned and ingenious Author of the Difcourfe call'd 1he
Jrza{rj, whofe cminent Talents I acknowledge myfelf to have a

great I

'I'/;e P R E F A C E.
.. .
great veneration for; 1 hall here endeavour to obviate fome of his
principal Objefrions to the L\1ethod of Fluxions, particularly ft1ch as
1 have not touch'd upon in my Comment, which is foon to follow.
He thinks our Author has not proceeded In a demonftrative and
fcientifical matter, in his Princip. lib. 2. lem. 2. where he deduces
the Moment of a Retangle, whofe Sides are fuppofed to be variable
Lines. 1 hall reprefent the matter Analytically thus, agreeablv (1
think) to the mind of the Author.
Let X and Y be two variable Lines, or which at dif-
ferent periods of time acquire different values, by flowing or increa-
fing continually, either equably oralike inequably. For inftance, let
there be three periods of time, at which X becomes A "!-a, A,
and A+ -;a ; and Y becomes B fb, B, and B + f:b fucceilive\y
and refpel:ively; where A, a, B, b, are any quantities that may be
afumed at pleafure. Then at the fame perods of time the variable
Produt or Rel:angle XY will become A a x B 7-b; AB, and
A+ fax B + {"b, that is, AB f7B -i;bA + ah, AB, and
AB + faB +-i-bA+'!;ab. Now in the interval from the fidl: period
IJ time to the fecond, in which X from l::eing A fa is A,
and in which Y from being B -;5 is bccome B, the Produl: XY
from being AB . -;:aB !pA + ab becomes AB; that is, by' Sub-
tralion, its whole Increment during that interval is f:aB + fvA-
ab. And in the interval from the fecond period of time to the
third, in which X from being A becomes A+ f:a, and in which Y
frcm being B B' + f:b, the Produt XY from being AB
b::comes AB + faB + f:bA + ab; that is, by Subtration,. its whole
lccrement during that interval is {aB + f:bA + ._ab. Add thefe two
lncrements together, and we hall ha ve aB + bA for the complcat
lncrement of the Produl: XY, during the whole interval of time,
whik X flow'd from the value A a toA +f:a, or Y flow'd
from the value B 'i'h to B +h. Or it might have been found
by one Operation, thus: While X f.ows from A fa to A, and
thencc to A + -;a, or Y flows from B to B, and thence to
"B + b, the Produl: XY will flow from AB ft?B . -;-M+ .:;ab
to AB, and thence ta AB + 'i'aB + + .J_ab; theefore by Sub-
tration the whole Incrcment during that interval of time will be
aB + bA. Q__ E. D.
This may eafily be illufl:rated by Numbers thus: Make A,a,B,b,
equal to g, 4, 15, 6, refpetively; (or nny other Numbers to be af-
fumed at pleafure.) Then the three fucceffive values of X will be
7 9, u, and the three fucce11ive values of Y will be 12, 15, 18,

7'/;e P R E F A. C -E .
refpecri\ely. Alfo the three fuccefiive of the Produt XY
will be 8.., 135, 198. But aB+hA ..x IS+ 6xg IIf=
198 84. Q E. O.
Thus the Lemma will be true of any conceivable finite Incre-
ments whateYer; and by way of Corollary, it will be true
of infinitely little Increments, which are call'd Moments, and which
"\>as the thing the Author principally intended here .to demonl:rate.
But in the cafe of Moments it is to be conider'd, that X, or
nitely A -;-a, A, and A+ a, are to be taken indifferently for
the &me as alfo Y, and definitely B '!"b, B, B +h.
And the want of this Conideration has occaion'd not a few per-
plexities. .
Now from hence the refi of our Author's Concluions, in the
ftme Lemma, maybe thus derived fomething more explicitely. The
Moment of the Retangle AB being found to be .Ab + aB, when
the contemporary Moments of A and B are reprefented by a and b
refpetively; make B A, and therefore b a, and then the
Moment of A x A, or A, will be Aa + aA, or zaA. Again,
make B A,, and -therefore h zaA, and then the Moment of
AxA,, orA;, will bezaA,+a.A,, or 3aA'". Again, makeB =
A;, and therefore h 3aA,, and then the Moment of A xA;, or
A4, will be 3aA; + aA;, or 40A;. Again, make B A4, and
therefore h 40A;, and then the Moment of A x At, orN, will
be ..aA4 l a.-\
, or saA4. And fo on in ilifinitum. Therefore in
general, aJfuming m to reprefent any integer affirmative Number, the
Moment of A will be maAe .
Now becaufe A x A- I, (where mis any integer affirmative
Number,) and becaufe the Moment ofUnity, or any other conftant
quantity, is .o; we hall have Ax Mom. A-'"+A-x Mom
. A o, or Mom. A- A-> x Mom. A. But Mom. A
= maA-, as found befare; therefore Mom. A-'" A -: x
maA maA- '. Thet:efore the Moment of A'" will be
maA-, when m is any integer Number, whether affirmative or

. ,.
And uni>erfally, if we put A;; B, or A- B , where m and
n may be any integer Numbers, affirmative or negative ; then we
' .
maA '!.aA; . I, whkh

is the Moment of B, or.of A;. So tbat the Moment of A will

The p- E E F A C E.
be fiillmaA'"-
, whether m be affirmative or negative
integer or
The Moment of AB being bA + aB, and the Moment of CD
being dC + cD'; fuppofe D AB; and therefore d bA + aB;
and then by Subfiitution the Moment of ABC will be bA + aB- X e
+ cAB bAC + aBC + cAB. And likewife the Moment of
AB will be nbB-A'" + maA"'-B. And fo of any others. .
Now there is fo near a connexion between the Method of Mo-
ments and the Method of Fluxions, that it will be very eafy to pafs
from the one to the other. For the Fluxions or Velocities of in-
creafe, are always proportional to the contemporary Moments. Thus
if for A, B, C, &c. we write x, y, z, &c. for a, b, e, &c. we may
write x, j, .i, &c. Then the Fluxion of xy will be xy + xj, the
Fluxion of X'" will be mxxm-I, whether 111 be integer or fration,.
affirmative or negative ; the Fluxion of xyz will be xyz + xjz +
xyi, and: the Fluxion of X"'J" will be mxx"'-'J" + 11X'"jy"-' And
fo of the refi.
Or the forrner Inquiry may be placed in another view, thus:
Let A andA+ a be two fucceffive values of the variable ~ ~ n t t y
X, as alfo B and B + b be two fucceffive and contemporary values
of Y ; then will AB and AB + tlB + bA + ab be two futceffive and
contemporary values of the variable Produt XY. And while X, ..
by increafing perpetually, flows from its value A to A+ a, or Y
flows from B to B + b; XY at the fame time will flow from AB
to AB + aB + bA + ab; during which time its whole Increment,
as appears by Subtral:ion, will become aB + bA + ab. Or in
Numbers thus: Let A, a, B, b, be equal to 7,4, 12, 6, refpetively;
then will the two fucceffive val u es of X be 7, II, and the two fuc-
ceffive values of Y will be 12, 18. Alfo the two fucceffive values of
the Produt XY will be 84, 198. But the Increment aB + bA +
ab 48 + 42 + 24 Ir4 198 84, as befare.
And thus it will be as to al! finite Increments :. But when the In-
crements become Moments, that is, when a and b are fo far dimi-
nifh'd, as to become infinitely lefs than A and B; at the fume time
ab will become infinitely lefs than either aB or bA, (for aB. ab ::
B. b, and bA. ab :: A. a,) and therefore it will vanifh in refpet of
them. In which cafe the Moment of the Produt: or Retangle
will be aB + bA, as befare. This perhaps is the more obvious and
dirct way of proceeding, in the prefent Inquiry; but, as there was
room for choiceJ our Author thought fit to chufe the former way,

XVl The P R E F A C E .
as the more elegant, and in which he was under no neceffity of hav-
ing recourfe to that Prnciple, that quantities arifing in an Equation,
which are infinitely lefs than the others, may be negleted or
punged in. comparifon of thofe others. Now to avoid the ufe of
this Pfmciple, tho' othenvife a true one, was all the Artifice ufed on
this occafion, which certainly was a very fair and jul:ifiable one.
I .lhall conclude my Obfenations with confidering and obviating
the Objetions that have been made, to the ufual Method of finding
the Inerement, Moment, or Fluxion of any indefinite power x of
the \':l.fable quantity x, by giving that lnvel:igation in fuch a man-
ner, as to leave (1 think) no room for any jul: exceptions to it.
And the rather becaufe this is a leading point, and has been l:rangely
per verted and mifreprefented.
In order to find the Increment of the variable quantity or power
,. .. , (or rather its relation to the Increment of x, confider'd as given ;
becaufe Increments and Moments <;an be known only by comparifon
with other Ir.crements and Moreents, as alfo Fluxions by comparifon
with other Fluxions ) let us make x y, and let X and Y be any
fynchronous Augments of x and y. Then by the hypothefis we
hall ha ve the Equation x + X )' + Y ; for in any Equation
the Yariabie may always be increafed by their fynchronous
ad yet the Equ2.tio.n wi:l l:ill hold good. Then by
our Author's famous Binomial Theorem we Jhall have y+ Y. x
, - 1 X ,_ 1 n- z X
, l 1IX",_, . ! n x x : ' + n x : -x .x-;
, &c. or re.
- 2 3
moving the equal Qpantities )' and x, it will .be Y nx X +
_nx ,_z 'x + n x ":' x ": 'x ;X
_, &c. So that when X de-
- l
notes the given Increment of the :variable quantity x, Y will here denote
Increment of the indefinite power )' or 8"; whofe
value tberefore, in all caff:s, may be had from this Series. Now
that we may be fure we proceed regularly, we will verify this thus
far, by a particular and familiar inftance or two. Suppofe n z,
then Y zxX+X'. Thatis, whilex f!ows orincreafes to x+X,
x' in the fame time, by its Increment Y zxX.+ X', will increafe
to .--.:' + 2xX + which we otherwife know to be true. Ao-ain
Jppofe n 3, then Y 3x X+ 3:tX + X
Or %in!
creafes to x .1 X, x; by its Increment Y 3xX ' 3xX + X3
_>vill increafe to x; + 3rX + 3xX' +X
.And fo in all other
parular caies, whereby we may plainly rerceive, that this general
Concluiion mul: be certain and ind!lbitable.

Tbe P R E F A C E.

This Series therefore will bo alwavs true, let tl1c Augments X and
y be ever fo great, or ever fo little ;. for the truth does not at all de-
pend on the circuml:ance of their magnitude. N ay, when they are
infintely little, or when they become Moments,. it mul: be true alfo,
by virtue of the general Conclufion. But whcn X and Y are di-
minih'd in i;ifinitum, io as to become at lal: infinitely little, the
greater powers of X mufl: needs var.ih firfl:, as being relatively of an
infintely lefs vah:e than thc finaller powers. So that when they are
all expunged, we hallneceiEriy obtain the Equation Y 11x-X;
where the remaining Terms are likewife infinitely little, and confe-
quently would vanifl1, if there were other Terms in the Equadon,
which were (relatively) infinitely greater than themfelves. But as
there are not, we may fecurely retain this Equation, as having an
undoubted right fo to do ; and efpecially as it gives us an ufeful piccc
of information, that X and Y, tho' themfelves infinitely little, or
vanihing quantities, yet they vanifh in proportion to each other as
1 to nx"-' We ha.ve therefore learn'd at lafl:, that the Moment by
which x increafes, or X, is to the contemporary Moment by which
increafes, or Y, as I is to nxn-. And their Fluxions, or Velo-
cities of increafe, being in the fame proportion as their fynchronous
Moments, we !hall have ?zx-'x for the Fluxion of X", when the
Fluxion of x is denoted by x.
I cannot conceive there can be any pretence to infinuate here,
that any unfair artfices, any leger-de-main tricks, or any fl1ifting of
the hypothefis, that have been fo feverely complain'd of, are at all
made ufe of in this lnvefiigation. W e ha ve legitimately derived
this general Conclufion in finite that in ail cafes the re-
lation of the In cremen ts will be Y nx- X + n x "- 'x"-' X' , &c.
of which one particular cafe is, when X and Y are fuppofed conti-
nually to decreafe, till they finally termnate in nothing. But by
thus continually decreafing, they approach nearer and nearer to the
Ratio of 1 to nx"-', which they attain to at the very infrant of the'r
vanihing, and not befare. This therefore is their ultimatc Rat',
the Ratio of their Moments, Fluxions, or Velocities, by which "'
and X" continually increafe or dccreafe. Now to argue from a
general Theorem to a particular cafe contain'd under it, is certainly
one of the mofl: legitima te and logical, as well as one of the mol: u fu al
and ufeful ways of arguing, in the whole compafs of the Mathema-
ti.cks. To objet here, that after wehave made X and Y to l:and
for fome quantity, we are not at liberty to make them nothing, or no
quantity, or vanihing quantities, is not an Objetion againfl: the
b Mcthod

1be P RE FA CE .
l\ethod of Fluxions, againft the conunon Analyticks. This
1\Iethod only adopts this way of arguing, as a conftant prace in
the yulg:,r Aigebra, and refers us thither for the proof of it. If we
;m Eqtetion any how compos'd of the general Numbers a, b, e,
&c. it h::s d\':;lys been t:mght, that we may interpret thefe by any
pr-ubr ?\ umbers at pieafure, or even by o, provided that the
Equ::tion, or the Conditions of the do not exprefsly re-
quire the contrary. For general Numbers, as itch, may ftand for
an\ ddinite .Numbers in the whole Numerical Scale ; which Scale
(I' think) may be thus commodioufly reprefentcd, &c. 3, 2,
- I, o, r, 2, 3, 4, &c. where all poffible ti-al:ional Numbers, inter-
mediare to thefe here exprefs'd, are to be concei,ed as interpolated,
But in this Scale the Term o is as much a Term or Number as any
other, and has its analogous properties in common with the reft.
\Ve are likewife told, that we may not give fuch values to general
Symbo1s a...Lterwards, as they could not receive at fidl:; which if ad-
mitted is, I think, nothing to the prefent purpofe. It is always
mofr eafy and natural, as well as moft regular, inftrul:ive, and .ele-
gant, to make our Inquiries as much in general Terms as may be,
and to ddcend to particular caes by degrees, when the Problem is
nearly brcught to a concluon. But this is a point of convenience
only, :1r.d not a point of necefiity. Thus in the prefent cafe, in-
ile:.d of defcend.ing from finite Increments to infinitely little Mo-
or yanihing we might begin our Computation
with thoie 1Ioments themfelves, and yet we hould arrive at the
f,.me Conclufions. As a proof of which we may confult our Au-
tt'l.or's cwn Dt:monftrat!on of bis Method, in pag. 24. of this Treatife.
In fhort, to reqnire this is juft the fame thing as to infifi, that a
Prcblem, which naturally belongs to Algebra, hould be folved by
common Arithmetick ; which tho' poilible to be done, by purfuing
oockwards :JI the fieps of the general procefs, yet would be very
troub!eicme and operofe, and not fo infirul:ive, or according to the
true Rules of Art.
But I am apt to fufpel:, that all our doubts and fcruples about
Mathematical Inferences and Argumentations, efpecially when we are
fltisfied that they have been juftly and legitmately condul:ed, may
l-e ultirr:c.tely reiohed into a fpecies of infidelity and difrrufi. Not
in rc1pet of any implicite ith we ought to repofe on meer human
authority, tho' eYer fo great, (for that, in Mathematicks, we hould
utterly dicbim,) but in refpel: of the Science itfelf. We are hardly
brougk to teiiere, thr.t the Sciencc is fo perfel:ly regular and uni-

The P R E F A C E.
- .
. form, fo-infinitely confiftent, conftant, and accurate, as we 11all
find it to be, when after long experience and reflexion we ha ve
overcome this prejudice, and 111alllearn to purfue it rightly. W e
do not readily admit, or eafily comprehend, that have an
infinite number of curious and fubtile properties, fome near and ob-
vious, others remote and abftrufe, which are all link'd together by
a neceifary connexion, or by a perpetua! chain, and are then only
when regularly and clofely purfued ; and require our
. truft and confidence in the Science, as well as our induftry, appli-
cation, and obftinate perfeverance, our fagacity and penetration, in
Qfder to their bcing brought into fillllight. Tl1at Nature is ever
confifteut with l1erfelf, and never proceeds in thefe Speculations per
Jaltum, or at random, but is infinitely fcrupulous and folicitous, as
we may fa y, in adhering to Rule and Analogy. That whenever we
make any regular Pofitions, and purfue them through ever fo great
a variety of Operations, according to the ftrit Rules of Art; we
1hall always proceed through a feries of regular and well-conneted
tranfmutations, (if we would but attend to 'em,) till at laft we arrire
at regular and juft Conclufions. That no properties of
are intirely deftrutible, or are totally 1oft and abolih'd, even tho'
profecuted to infinity itfelf; for if we fi.1ppofe fome to b.e-
come infinitely great, or infinitely little, or nothing, or lefs than
nothing, yet other that have a certain relation to them
will only undergo proportional, and often finite alterations, will fym-
pathize with them, and conform to 'em in all their changes; ami
will always prefervc analogical nature, form, or magnitude,
which will be faithfully exhib.ited and difcover'd by the refult. This
we may collet from a great variety of Mathematical Speculations,
and more particularly when we udapt Geometry to Analyticks, and
Curve-lines to Algebraica! Equations. That when we purfue gene-
ral Inquiries, Nature is infinitely prolifick in particulars that will
refult fromthem, whether in a dirct fubordination, or whether they
branch out collaterally; or evcn in particular Problems, we may often
perceive that thefe are only ccrtain ca{i:s of fomethi1'g more general,
and may afrord good hints and a11l:ances to a fagaciouo Analyl:, for
afcending gradual!y to higher and higher Difquifitions, which may
be profecuted m,ore univerlly than was at fidt expel:ed or in tended.
Thefe are fome of thofe IVbthematical Principies, of a higher order,
which we fmd a difficulty to adn1it, and which we {hall ncver be
fully convinced of, or know the whole uf e of, hut frmn much pac-
tice and attentive confideraton; but more efpecially by a diligcnt
b 2 p..:ruJJ,
The P R E F A C E.
perutal, and cloie examination, of this and the other Works of our
illuftricus Aut.lJ.or. He abounded in thefe fublime views and
quiries, h::;.d acquired an accurate and habitual knowledge of all thefe,
and of mmy more general Laws, or Mathematical Principies of a
fuperior kind, which may not improperly be call'd The Philofophy qf
and which, affifted by his great Genius and Sagacity, to-
gether with his great natural application, enabled hirn to become fo
compleat a Mafi:er in the higher Geometry, and particularly in the
Art of Invention. This Art, which be poleft in the greateft per-
feaion imaginable, is indeed the fublimeft, as well as the moft diffi-
cult of all Arts, if it properly may be call'd fuch ; as not being redu-
cible to any certain Rules, nor can be defrver'd by any Precepts, but
is wholly owing toa happy ilgacity, or rather to a lnd of divine
Enthufiafin. To improve Inventions already made, to carry them
on, when begun, to farther perfel:ion, is certainly a very ufeful and
excellent Talent; but however is far inferior to the Art of Difcovery,
as having a o;ri t"M, or certain dota to proceed upon, and where juft
method, clofe reafoning, fl:ril: attention, and the Rules of Analogy,
may do very much. But to fl:rike out new lights, to adventure where
no foott1eps had ever been fet befare, nullus ante frita ftlu; this is
the nobleft Endowment that a human Mind is capable of, is referved
for the chafen few quos Jupiter a:quus amavit, and was the peculiar
and difl:inguihing Charal:er of our great Philofopher.
He had acquired a compleat knowledge of the Philofophy of
tity, or of its moft eJTential and moft general Laws; had confider'd it
in all views, had purfued it through all its difguifes, and had traced it
tbrough all its Labyrinths and ReceJTes; in a word, it may be faid
of bim not improperly, tbat he tortured and tormented Q.\!_antities
all poiiible ways, to rnake tbem confefs their Secrets, and difcover
tbeir Properties.
The Method of Fluxions, as it is here deliver'd in tl1is Treatife,
is a very pregnant and remarkable inftance of all thefe particulars. To
a curiory view of which, we may conveniently enciugh divide
it into tbefe tbree parts. The firft will be the Introdul:ion,
or the Method of infinite Series. The fecond is the Method of
Fluxior:s, properly fo call'd. The third is the application of both
thefe l\Iethods to fome very general and curious Speculations, chicfly
in the Geometry of Curve-lines.
As to the firft, which is the Metbod of infinite Series, in this
the Autbor opens a new kind of Arithmctick, (new at leaft at the
time of bis wricing this,) or rather he vaftly improves the old, For
Tbe P R E F A C E.


he extends the received Notation, making it compleatly univerfal,
and lhews, that as our common Arithmetick of lntegers received a
great Improvenient by the introdution of decimal Fratl:ions ; fo the
common Algebra or Analyticks, as an univerfal Arithmetick, will
receive a Iike Improvement by the admifion of bis Dotrine of in-
finite Series, by which the fame analogy will be fi:ill carry'd on, and
farther advanced towards perfel:ion, The'l he fhews how all com-
plicate Algebraical Expreffions may be reduced to fuch Series, as will
continually converge to the true values of thofe complex quantties,
or their Roots, and may thereforc be ufed in their -fi:ead :
thofe quantities areFral:ions having multinomial Denominators, which
are therefore to be refolved into fimple Terms by a perpetua! Divi-
fion ; or whether they are Roots of pure Powers, or of affel:ed Equa-
tions, which are therefore to be refolved by a perpetua! Extral:ion.
And by the way, he teaches us a very general and commodious Me
thod for extrating the Roots of affel:ed Equations in Numbers.
And this is chiefly the fubftance of bis Method of infinite Series.
The Method of Fluxions comes next to be deliver'd, which in-
deed is principally in tended, and to which the other is only preparatory
and fubf.::rvient. Here the Author difplays his whole kill, and lhews
the great extent of bis Genius. The chief difficulties of this he re-
duces to the Solution of two Problems, belonging to the abfi:rat or
Rational Mechanicks. For the direl: Method of Fluxions, as it is
now calrd, amounts to this Mechanical Problem, '!'he lmgth o/ the
Space dejeribed being continually given, to jind the Velocity of the Mo-
tio!l at any time propqjed. Alfo the inverfe Method of Fluxions has,
for a foundation, the Reverfe of this Problem, which is, The Velocity
( the Motioll being contillually given, !o jinJ the S pace defcribed at any
time propojd. So that upon the compleat Analytical or Geometri-
cal Solution of thefe two Problems, in all their varieties, he builds
his whole Method,
His firft Problem, which is, 'fhe relation if tbe jlowing
being givm, to determine the relation qf their Fluxions, he difpatches
very generally. He does not propofe this, as is ufually done, A jw;-
ing f?!.Jtantity being givm, to jind its Fluxion; for this gives us too
bx and vague an Idea of the thing, ami does not ftfficiently fl1ew
that Comparifon, which is here always to be underftood. Fluents
and Fluxions are things of a relative nature, and' fuppofe two at lcafi:
whofe relation or relations hould always be exprefs'd by Equations. He
requires therefore that all hould be reduced to Equations, by which
the relation of the fiowing will be exhibited, and their
compara ti ve

The P R E F A C .. E .
- -
comparati.-e magnitudes v.ill be_more eafily el:imated; as alfo the
comparative magnitrides of their F!uxions. And befides, by this
means he has an opportunity of refolving the Problem much more
generally tban is commonly done. F?r in the ufual way of. taking
Fluxions, we are confined to the lndices of the Powers, whtch are
to be made Coefiicients; whereas the Problem in its full extent will
allow us to take any Aritbmetical Progreffions whatever. By this
means we may ha ve an infinite variety of Solutions, which tho' dif-
ferent in form, will yet all agree in the main; and we may always
chuie the fimpieft, 01 tbat which will beft ferve the prefent purpofe.
He hews alfo how the given Equation may comprehend feveral va-
riable Q!!_antities, and by that means the Fluxional Equation may be
found, notwithl:anding any furd quantities that may occur, or even
:my other quantities that are irreducible, or Geometrically irrational.
And all this is derived and demonl:rated from the properties of Mo-
ments. He does not here proceed to fecond, or higher Orders of
Fluxions, for a reafon whicb will be affign'd in another place.
His next Problem is, An Equation heing propqfed exhi6iting the re-
of tl:e Fluxions qf {tmztities, to .find the relation oJ thoje ff<!an-
titics, or Fluents, to one another; which is the diret Converfe of the
foregoing Pioblem. This indeed is an operofe and difiicult Problem,
t:!king it in its full extent, and requires all our Author's kill and ad-
drefs; which yet hefolves very generally, chiefly by the affil:apce of bis
l\1ethod of infinite Series. He firft teaches how we may return from
the Flu...::ional Equation ghen, to its correfponding finite Fluential or
Equarion, when that can be done. But when it cannot be
done, or when there is no fuch finite Algebraica! Equation, as is moft
commonly the cafe, yet however he finds the Root of that Equation
by an infinite converging Series, which anfwers the fame purpofe.
And often he hews how to find the Root, or Fluent required, by
an in.inite number of fuch Series. His procelfes for extrating thefe
Roots are peculiar to himfelf, and always contrived with much fub-
tilty and ingenuity.
The reft of bis Pmblems are an application or an exemplification
of t."l)e foref;oing. As when he determines the lvlaxima and Mini m a
of quantities in all c.-&s. When he hews the Method of drawing
Tangents to Cunes, whether Geometrical or Mechanical; or how-
eYer the nature of thc Curve may be defined, or refer'd to right
Lines or other Cur.es. Then he hews how to find the Center or
R:ldius of CurTature, of any Curve whatever, and that in a iimple
but gened manner; which he illufuates by many curious Examples,

' .
The P R E F A C E.

and purfues many other ingenious Problems, that offer themfelves by
the way. After which he difcu!fes .another very _fubtile and intirely
new Problem about Curves, wh1ch 1s, to determme the quality of
rhe Curvity of any Curve, or how its Curvature vares in its progrefs
through the different parts, in refP.el: of equability or inequability.
He then applies himfelf to con:lider the Are1s of Curves, and hews
us how we may find as many Quadrable Curves as we pleafe, or fu eh
whofe Arcas may be compared with thofe of right-lined Figures.
Then he teaches us to find as many Curves as we pleafe, whofe
Areas may be compared with that of the or of the Hyper-
bola, or of any other Curve that hall be affign:d; which he extends
to Mechanical as well as Geometrical Curves. He then determines
the Arca in general of any .Curve that m\ly. be protJofed, chiefly by
the help f infinite Series; and gives many ufefui Rules for afcer-
taining the Limits of fuch Ar.eas. And by the. :way he fquares: the
Circle and Hyperbola, and applies the ofthis to the con-
ftruting of a Can oh of Logarithms. But chiefly he collets vei-y
general and ufeful Tables of for 'readily finding the
Arcas of Curves, or for comparing them the Areas of the
Sel:ions; which Tab!es are the fame as thofe he has publifil'd him-
felf,.in his Treatife The ufe and tpplication of.thefc;:
he hews in an ample manner, and derives fiom them many curious
Geometrical Conftrutions, with their Demonftrations.
Laftly, he applies l1imfelf to the Retification of Curves, and fhews
us how we may find as many Curves as. we pleafe, . w!Jofe
lines are capable of Rel:ifiction; or whofe Curve-lines; as to leilgth,
may be compared with the Curve-lines of any that ihall be
affign'd. And concludes in general, with retifying any
that may be propofed, either by the affiftance of bis Tables' of
tures, when that can--Be-done, or however by _intinite Series. And
this is chiefly the fitbftance of the prefent W ork ... As. to the awmnt
that perhaps niy be expeted, of wht l nave added. in tl1J
tations; l hall refer the inqnifitive Reader to the PrefiKe, which
will go before that part of the W ork.

. .
( xxiv )

E Introdalion, or the Method if refolving complex
into injinite Series if jimple 'lrms. pag. 1
Prob. 1. .From the given Fluents to .find the Fluxions. p. 2 1
Prob. 2. From-thegiven Fluxiom to jind the Fluents. p. 2 5
Prob. 3 '!o determine the Maxima andMinima ifffzyantities. p. 44
Prob. 4 7 drtrw 'Iangents to Curves. p. 46
Prob. S 2 find the ff<!antity of Curvature in any Curvt. p. 59
Prob. 6. '1 jind the ff<gality oJ Curvature in any Curve. p. 7 5
Prob. 7 'lo jind any number if S<!Jadrable Curves. p. So
Prob. 8. '1 jin Curves whoft Areas may be compared to thoft if the
Conic &liom. p. 8 1
Prob. 9 'ljind the gzyadrature if any Curve aJ!ign'd. p. 86
Prob. 10. '1 jind any number if relijiable Curves.
p. 124
Prob. z I. 2 Jind Curves whqfo Lines may be compared with any Curve-
/ines aJ!igtld. . p. 129
Prob. 'lo relify any Cuf"'.Je-lines alftgll'. -- p. 134
... -...- """!"'\


. '


. . .

S E R I E S .


IN T Ro D u e T 1 o N : Or, the Rifolution of Equatins
by lnfinite Series.

' "
. -
1. A V 1 N G obferved tha:t m o!: of our modern Geome. .
tricians, neglel:ing the Synthetical Method of the
Ancients, have apply'd themfelves . chiefly to the
cultivating of the Analytical Art ; by the ailiftance
of which they have been able to overcome fo many
and fo great difficulties, that they feem to have :exhaufted all the
Speculations of Geometry, excepting the of CurveG, and
fome other matters of a like nature, not yet intirely difeufs'd:
I thought it not amifs, for the fake of young Students in this Science,
to compofe the following Treatife, in which I havc endeavour'd
to enlarge the Boundaries of Analyticks, and to improve the Dol:rine
of Curve-lines.
2. Since there is a great conformity between the Operations in
an_d the fame in common nor do thcy
ieem to differ, except m the Charal:ers by wh1eh they are re-
The Method ifFLUXIONs,
prefented, the firft being general and indefinite, and the other d"e-
nite and particular: I cannot but wonder that no body has thought
of accornmodating the lately-difcover'd Dofuine of Decimal Frac-
tions in Iike manner to Species, (unle.IS you will except the Qa-
drature of the Hyberbola by Mr. Nico/as Mercator ;} cpecially fince
' it might ha ve open'd- a way-- to- more abfhufe Difcoveries. But
fince this Dofuine of Species, has the fame relation to Algebra,
as the Dofuine of Decimal Nnmbers has to common Arithme-
tick ; the Operations of Addition, Subtraaion, Multiplication, Di-
vilion, and Extration of Roots, may eafily be learned from
if the Learner be but fkill'd in Decimal Arithmetick, and the
Vulgar Algebra, and obferves the correjJOndence that obtains be-
tween Decimal Frations and Algebraick Terms infinitely continued:.
For as in Nurnbers, the Places towards the right-hand continually
decreafe in a Decimal or Subdecuple Proportion ; fa it is in Species-
refpetively, when the Terms are difpofed, (as is often enjoin'd in
what follows,) in an unifonn Progreffion infinitely continued, ac-
cording to the Order of the Dimenfions of any Numerator' or De-
nominator. And as the convenience of Decimals is this, that all:
vulgar Frations and Radicals, being reduced to thern, in fome mea ..
iure acquire the nature of Integers,_ and may be managed as fuc ;
fo it is a convenience attending infinite Series in Species, that all
kindS of complicate_Terms, ( fuch as Fraaions whofe Denomina-
tors are compound the Roots of compound uantities,
or of affeted Equations, and the like,) may be reduced to t e
of fimple that is, to an infinite Series of Frations, whofe
_ Numerators and Denominators re fimple Terms ; whch will no
longer labour under thofe difficulties, that in the other form feem'd:
almoft infuperable. Firft therefore 1 ball hew how thefe Re-
dotions are to be perform'd, or how any compound may
be to fuch fimple Terms,. efpecially when the Methods of
computing are not obvious. Then 1 ball apply this Analyfis to the
Solution of Problems.
3 Redulion by Divion and Extration of Roots will be plain
from the following Examples, when you compare like Methods.
of Operation in Decimal and in Specious Arithmetick.
Exampks if RedttfiOIJ by Divifio11;
4. The Fral:ion ba_;x being propofed, divide aa by b + x in the
following manner :
nax aaxs. aaxJ aax+ &
b .+ b J . - b4 + b r ' c.
- . .
b +o
aar aax"
+ b + p

o- hl +o
as a&x+
- b S h4

, .... e aa a:.x.t. asxc as)..,.
The 1s
+ li
-:- h-+ +
, &e;
which Series, being infinitely continued, will be equivalent to

Or making x the firft Term of the Divifor, in this manner,

aa aab a6s
x+b)aa+o x+ x'- x-t' &c.
found as by the foregoing Procefs.
In like manner the Fral:ion ' will be reduced to
1 x + x+

+ x
, &c. or to x-.. x-+- + x' xS &c.
- .1 .. - - ,
" z
6. And the Fral:ion .-x will be reduced to 2x
r+x'-3x '
+ 7Xt 13X' + 34Xt, &c. '
7 Here it will be proper to obferve, that 1 make ufe of x,
,!.lll J: ':\
. x-.; .v 4 e o:r _, _, _, &e f !. 1. a J. .......... &
X , , "" , "'' _. .. ,,l x
. O X, X, ..... , ..,,, ... ,, c.
for ..x, ..xs, vx
, !;x, :,-x, &c. and of x7, &c. for
J 1. t . . .
.. ; .,.'.&c. And this by the Rule of Analogy, as may be
npprehended from fuch Geometrical Progreffions as thefe ; x', 0,
i, x, Xo (or 1,) x, x\ &c.
B 2 .


T/J /vfcthod ifFL UXION s;
'"' oh &
8. In the fame manner or - . , c.
;: X ,_
mny bewrote
ax' abx- + abx;, &c.
. And thus inl:ead of
may be wrote aa xxli ;
a.nd aa xx inftead of the Square
abb -; l'j
of aa an
hy +JJ
inl:ead of : And the like of others.
"+J; 1 dift. a P Affi
So that we may not 1mproper y . I!1gut 1 owers mto
w.atie and Kegative, Integral and Frahonal. ...
Examplr:s if Redulion by Extralion oJ Roots.
1 1
'fhe aa + xx beip_g. p.ropofed, you may thus e:,;.
traft its Square-Root .
-r!. x4 x' ).,.s xtl) :nxu, &e
.-.: (a+ - + - , + - .
"' ::a llai tba.l zSa1 z;6a9 oz..aU
a a
+XX+. a

' ..
' o
> r. d b x1 X 4 X 6
So that the Root IS iOUU to e a+ za -Sal + 6a'&c . Where
it may be obferved, that towards the end of the Operation I neg-
Iel: all thofe Terms, whofe Dimenfions would exceed the Dimenfions
of the Iaft Term, to whkh I intend only to continue the Root,
fuppofe to ,.:
tmd 1 N F 1 N r T E SERIE s.
t2. Alfo the Order of the Terms may be in this man-
ner xx + aa, in which cafe the Root wJII be found to be
aa a4 a6
X+ - S + . " 1 &c.
2X x3 I.\::. 12oX
xx x4 x6 &
3. Thus the Root of aa xx is a
, '""r c.
1 4 The Root of x X.'{ is xi {-x{ -.-'.-x}, &c.
, hx xx bx
15. Of aa + b.'( xx JS a+
,-, &c.
2a za t.
6 A
d ,. +axx 1 +fax-.!.ax++,',a!x6, &c. and more-
! n V t - h X x lS 1 - -i- b - i b :X X ,
Qver by al:ually dividing, it becomes
1 + !,bx + {-b ,?(+ + x6, &c.
+ -ia + ;.ab + .f.-al
4 -/r:at.b
7. But thefe Operations, by dne preparation, may very often
be abbreviated; as in the foregoing Example to find .: :
if the Form of the Numerator and Denominator had not been the
fame, I might have multiply'd each by . 1 bxx, which would
Y' +ax-abx+
have produced -b , and the reft of the work might
1-hxx .
have been performed by extral:ing the Root of the Numerator only,
and then dividing by the Denominator.
18. From hence I imagine it will fufficiently appear, by what
means any other Roots may be extral:ed, and how any compound
however entangled with Radicals or Denominators, (fuch

Y X- y 1 - XX V X ! + 2 X J -xi \
as x + , may be reduced to
\1 a u + x l .
infinite Series confil:ing of fimple Terms.
Of tbe Redulio1z if qfj'eled EqttatiollS.
19. As to affel:ed Equations, we muft be fomething more par-
ticular in explaining how their Roots are to be reduced to fuch Se-
ries as thefe ; becaufe their Dol:rine in N umbers, as hitherto de-
Iiver'd by Mathematicians,. is very perplexed, and _ incumber'd with
fuperfluous Operations, fo as not to afford proper Specimens for per-
forming the Work in Species. I fi1all therefore rl: hew how the

Re(Qluton of affe{led ma be compendiouay perform'd
in Numbers, and then I thall apply fame to Species,
29. Let this Equation )'' zy 5 . o be propofed to be re-
let 2 be a Number (any how found) which differs from
th\! true Root le[ than by a tenth part of itfelf. Then I make
;?. + p . y, and fubftitute z ..... p for y in the given Equation, by
which is produced a new Equation p; + 6p + 10p I o.
whofe Root is to be fought for, that it may be added to the
Thus rejeting p; + 6p becaufe of its finallneS, the remaining
Equation Jop _ o, or f o, I, will approach very near to
the truth, I wnte this in the and fuppofe
t;., 1 ,... q e. p, and fubftitute this fititious Value of p as before,
produce$ qs + 6,39
+ 11,23q + o,o61 o, And fince
3q + o,o6 I __ o is near the truth, .or q o,oo 54 nearly,
(th!l.t: is, dividing o,o61 by u,z3, till io ma.ny Figures arife as
there are placeil between the fuft Figures of this, and of the prin-
cipal uote as here there are two placei; between 2 and
o,oo 5) '"Tite o,9>' 54 in the lower part of the uote, as being
pegative ; and fuppofing """ o,oo 54+ r q, I fub itute this as
\>efore, And thus 1 continue the Operation as far as 1 pleafe, in the
of the following Diagram :

o +2, lOOQOOOO
- O,C)O<+ot8<;2
+ Z,09455+lS, &c.""' y
. - .
... ' ,_r
- o
.,.. J i +S+r;p +Gp$+pl
r-,.J 2p
. .
Tne Sum -r+ rop+Gp+p;
- - --
9, l +1 =.?
+; +c,oor+
.,.. 6 P'
+o,o6 + r,z +6,

+, +o, 1
-- - - .

Tne :-uro o, 061 + H,23 q + 6, 3'J, + q>
"" ,...._- ' r '1
o,oo:>oooxf1#i+ 0,0t:&t +n -- "'1 ... ... )-:- .,.. ;;.
... 6, +o,
:t lh2;q
- + n,23
o,o!lr +o,o6I
Tne Su m + o, oooq.r-6
+s =T.
- -

21. But the Work may be much abbreviated towards the end by
this Method, efpecially in Equations of many Dimenfions. Having
firft determin'd how far you intend to extrat the Root, count fo
many places after the firft Figure of the Coefficient of the laft Term
but one, of the Equations that refult on the right fide of the Dia-
gram, as there remain places to be fill'd up in the ~ t e and rejet
the Decimals that follow. But in the Iaft Term the Decimals mav

be negleted, after fo many more places as are the decimal places
that are fill'd up in the ~ o t e . And in the antepenultimate Tenn
reje.l: all that are after fa many fewer places. And fo on, by pro-
ceeding Arithmetically, according to that Interval of places: Or.
which is the fame thing, you may cut off every where fa many :
Figures as in the penultimate Term, fo that their loweft places may
be in Arithmetical Progreffion, according to the Series of the Terms,
or are to be fuppos'd to be fupply'd with Cyphers, when it happens:
otherwife. Thus in the prefent Example, if I deftred to continue
the ~ t e no farther than to the eighth place of Decimals, when
1 fubftituted o,oo 54 + r for q, where four decimal places are
compleated in the Q!_ote, and as many remain to be compleated, I
might have omitted the Figures in the five inferior places, which
therefore 1 have mark'd or cancell'd by little Lines drawn through
them; and indeed 1 might alfo ha ve omitted the firft Term r-,
although its Coefficient be 0,99999 Thofe Figures therefore
being expunged, for the following Operation there arifes the Sum
o,ooo 5416 + II, r62r, which by Diviiion, continued as far as.
the Term prefcribed, gives o,oooo48 52 for r, which compleats
the <l.!!9te to the Period required. Then fubtrating the negative
part of the ~ t e from the affirmative part, there arifes 2, 094 55 I 41}
for the Root of the propofed Equation.
22. lt may likewife be obferved, that at the beginning of the
Work, if 1 had doubted whether o,I + p was a fufficient Ap-
proximation to the Root, inftead of rop 1 o, 1 might have
fuppos'd that 6p + rop r o, and fo have wrote the firft
Figure of its Root in the ~ o t e as being nearer to nothing. And
in this manner it may be convenient to find the fecond, or even.
the third Figure of the ~ . o t e when in the fecondary Equation,
about which you are converfunt, the Square of the Coefficient of
the penultimate Term is not ten times greater than the Produt o{
the laft Term multiply'd into the Coeffii:ient of the antepenulti-
xnate Term. And indeed you will often fave fome pains,. efpecially
in Equations of many Dimenfions, if you feek for all the Figures.
to .

8 ne Metbod of
. anc/ J N FIN I TE S lE s.

by moltiplying into y' there would arife xy1
And fo of others.
27. Thirdly, when the Equation is thus prepared, the work be-
gins by finding the firl: Term of the Ql:ote ; concerning which, as
alfo for finding the following Terms, we have this general Rule,
when the indefinite Species (x or z) is fuppofed to be finall; to
which Cafe the other two Cafes are reducible.
28. Of all the Terms, in which the Radical Species (y,p, q, or
r, &c.) is not found, chufe the lowel: in refpel: of the Dimenions
of the indefinite Species (x or z, &c.) then chufe another Term in
which that Radical Species is found, fuch as that the Progrefiion of
the Dimenions of each of the fore-mentioned Species, being con-
tinued from the Term firl: afumed to this Term, n1ay defcend as
much as may be, or afcend as little as may be. And if there
are any other Terms, whofe Dimenfions may fall in with this
Progreffion continued at pleafure, they mul: be taken in Iike-
wife. Lal:ly, from thefe Terms thus feleted, and made equal to
nothing, find the Value of the faid Radical Species, and write it in
29. But that this Rule may be more clearly apprehended, 1 fl1al1
explain it farther by help of the following Diagram. Making a
right Angle BAC, divide its fides AB, AC, into equal parts, and
raifing Perpendiculars, dil:ribute the Angular S pace into cqual Squares
or Parallelograms, which you may conceive to be denominated from
x4 x'!>
x! x3r x3 3

4 .\'
:\;:2, wJ :(:,,,

x:2. 3 ) :.. 4
"''"')''"' . . '
" '
X X)'
,t' ::.
X ;.

1 y

the Dimenfions of the Sp::cies x and y,
as they are here infcribed. Then, when
any Equation is propofed, mark fuch of
the Parallelograms as correfpond to all
its Terms, and let a Ruler be apply'd
to two, or perhaps more, of the Paralle-
lograms fo mark'd, of which let one
be the lowel: in the left-hand Column at AB, the other touching
the Ruler towards the right-hand ; and let all the reft, not touching
the Ruler, lie above it. Then felel: thofe Terms of the Equation
which are reprefented by the Parallelograms that touch the Ruler
and from them find the to be put in the '
30. Thus to extral: the Root y out of the Equation y6 sxy'+

o, I mark the Parallelograms belong-


'lbe Method oJ Ft ux ro N s,
ing to the TeLIDs of this Equation
with the Mar k .. , as you fee here
done. Then I apply the Ruler .
DE to the lower of the Parallelo- D
grams mark'd in the left-hand
Column, and I make it turn round
towards the right-hand from the
lower to the upper, till it begins
in like manner to touch another,
*' . ,







or perbaps more, of the Parallelograms that are mark'd ; and 1 fee
that the places fo touch'd belong to xy, and y
from the Terms J
, as if equal to nothing, (and
moreover, if you pleafe, reduced to 'V& 7'V'+ 6 o, by making
y v . ax,) I feek the Value of )', and find it to be four-fold,
! ./ ax, ./ ax, +./ 2ax, and . 2ax, of which I may take
any one for the initial Term of the Q!!pte, according as I defign to
n'tracr this or that Root of the given Equation.
31. Thus having the Equation ys b)'"+gbx x
O; I chufe
the Terms and thence l obtain + 3x for the initial
Term of the
32. And having J
+axy+aay X
o, I make choice of
y;+a')' za;, and its Root +a I write in the O!Iote.
33 Alfo ha>ing X')'' 3c4.'9'' o, I felet
which gives for the fuft Term of the And the
like of others.
34 But when this Terru is found, if its Power hould happen
to be negati\'e, I deprefs the Equation by the fume Power of the
indefinite Species, that there may be no need of deprefmg it in the
Refolution; and befides, that the Rule hereafter deliver'd,. for the
fuppreffion of fuperfiuous Terms, may be conveniently apply'd.
Thus the Equation 8z
y 27a' o being propofed, whofe
Root is to begin by the Term ;:: I deprefs by z, that it may be-
come Sz4y'+az4f 27a
z o, befare I attempt the Refolu-

35 The fubfequent Terms of the are derived by the fame
Method, in the Progrefs of the W ork, from their feveral fecondary
Equations, but commonly with lefs trouble. For the whole affair
is perfotm'd by dividing the loweft of the Terms affel:ed with the
indefinitely final! Species, (x, x, x', &c.) without the Radical Spe-
cies, (p, q, r, &c.) by the with which that radical Species
I of


-of one Dimenfion only is affel:ed, without the other indefinite Spe-
cies, and by writing the Refult in the So in the following
1 h T
. x x 13Ix3 & d d b d' 'd'
Examp e, -t e erms-'
' ' c. are pro uce y 1v1 mg
4 4a 51za
aox, &c. by 4aa.
3 6. Thefe things being premifed, it remains now to exhibit the
Praxis of Refolution. Therefore let the Equation ys+a'y+ax;-
2a' xs o be propofed to be refolved. And from its Terms
yl+ay zas o, being a fil:itious Equation, by the third of the
foregoing Premifes, I obtain and therefore 1 write +a in
the Then becaufe +a is not the compleat Value of y, I put
a+p :)', and inftead of y, in the Terms of the Equation written
in the Margin, 1 fubftitute a+p, and the Terms refulting (p
sap+axp, &c.) 1 again write in the Margin; from which again,
according to the third of the Premifes, 1 felel: the Terms +4ap
+a for a fil:itious Equation, which giving p -:i-X, I
write iX in the Then becaufe is uot the accurate
Value of p, 1 put ' and in the marginal Terms for p
I fubftitute ix+q, and Terms (qs ixq+3aq, &c.)
1 again write in the Margin, out which, according to the fore-
going Rule, I again felel: the Terms 4aq ..Jo-ax o for a fil:i-
tious Equation, wliich giving q I write :; in the
Again, :lince ::a is not the accurate Value of q, I make ::a +r :r,
inftead of q I fubftitute ;: +1 in the marginal Terms. And
thus I continue the Procefs at
pleafure, as the following Diagram
exhibits to view. .

Tbe Method oJ


X x" +131:<; 509X+

' x
+ 3 x,q
10 !xq+t.
-f-axp ' ax'+axq
+ox -f-a"x

1 -+r
.. x+
* +
+ 4096a
; -x:.r
+ * + ;_\'r


" : vX=-

+ --ax

6 s X;
3 x=-
... 6 ...-
r axr.
' .
'_ 6-

1 ax+..l'- )+ 1 ; , :>:;
15X4 ( 131xS 5c9x4
4C95a + 5tza + 1638.-al
- -- .t-"S""
- :t .... ...
37 If it were required to continue the only to a certain
Period, that :.:, for infr.mce, in the laft Term hould not afcend.
beyond a given Dimenfion; as I fubftitute 1 omit fuch as
1 forefee will be of no ufe. For which this is the Rule, that after-
the firfi: Term reilting in the collateral Margin from every
tity, fo rn:my Terms are to be added to the right-hand, as the In-
dex of the higheH: Power required in the exceeds the Index
of that firfl: refulting Term.
38. As in the prefent Example, if I deired that the Quote, (or
the Species .\' in the hould afcend no higher than to four
Dimenfiom, I omit all the Tcrms after and put only one after x>,
. Thereore

Therefore the Terms after the Mark " are to be conceived to be
expunged. And thus the W ork being continued till at laft we come
h T
. 11;x4 t;txl 1 h" h &
to t e erms
+4a r li axr,.m w 1c p, q, r, or s, c.
reprefenting the Supplement of the Root to be extrated, are only
of one Dimenfion ; we may fi.nd fo many Terms by Divifion,
+ 13

as we hall fee wanting to compleat the nuote,

512a 1 3 .fa3-
XX 131 xl )09X4
.io that at laft we hall ave)' a
+ . +
6 8
4" 512a 1 3 4"'
39 For the fake of farther Illuftration, 1 hall propofe another
Example to be refolved. From the Equation +Y' -;f_r4+]-Y'
+Y z o, let the be found only to the fifth Dimenfion,
and the fuperfluous- Terms be rejeted after the Mar k, &c.

.. &c.
+-3-z', &c.
1 ....
z!p, &c .


+ ]-z

!.)' 'z zp p
. "

T "
+y +z

z z

.. '

!.zq &c.

. '

. '

. , z3.p



+ 1 "' ..



. I
.,. .. +'z'('.,.;+' "+, ,
S M -;::-- ?...... --Z ---Z
..o :l4 120
40. And thus if we propofe the Equation
2.ol6 lt5:r..,..

z o, to be refolved only to the ninth Di-

menfion of the befare the Work begins we may r:"jet the

" ti . 11 1 .
1 erm >YroY ; 1en as we operate we may reJet a t 1c 1 :nns
beyond z
, beyond we may admit but one, and two only after


. '

The Met'bod oJ Ft UXION s,
z'; becaufe we may obferve, that the ought always to afcend
by the Interval of two Units, in this manner, z,.z;, z
, &c. Then
atlafl: wehallhave) z Tz; 1_, . o'.. "z'+-
.. .,. oz9, &c.
41. And hence im Arcifice- is diii:over'd, by which Equations,
tho' affeded in iifinitum, and confifting of an infi.Dite number of
Terms, may however be refolved. And that is, befare the Work
begins all the Terms are to be rejel:ed, in which the Dimenion of
the indefinitely .nall Species, not affel:ed by the radical Species,
exceeds the greatefl: Dimenon Tequired in the ; or from
which, by fubftituting infi:ead of the radical Species, the fidl: Term
of the found by the Parallelogram as befare, none but fuch
exceeding Terms can arife. Thus in the lafl: Example 1 hould ha ve
omitted all the Terms beyond )'', though they went on ad itfini,._
tum. And fo in this Equation
- - . -

, &c. .
+y in . 2z''+3z
in z z-t+ z
, &c.
+)';in z.-


that the Cubick Root may be extral:d only to four Dimenfions of z,
omit all the Terms in i'!finitum beyond +Y in z 1.z"+.!.z
and all beyond r in z4+z
' and all bey:ond +y in
and beyond 8+z 42-+. And therefore 1 afume this Equation
only to be refolved, ]-z
f z6r+z-ty> zy& 2zty
' l z) ; z 1 z 8 o. Becaufe2z-i, (the firfl: Term of the
being ibftituted inftead of y in the refl: of the Equation deprefs'd
by z\ gives every where more than four Dimenfions .
42. What l bave faid of higher Equations may alfo be apply'd to
As if I defired tbe Root of this Equation
. '
as far as the Period x', I omit all the Terms in ilifi7Zitum, beyond
-'] in and aifume only this Equation, y ay xy-
This 1 refolve either in tbe ufual manner, by making

:: or more expeditioufiy by
the Method of affeted Equations deliver'd befare, by which we l1all
have )' :. *' where the laft Term required vanihes, or
becomes equal to nothing.
43 Now after that Roots are extrated toa convenient Period,
they may fometimes be continued at pleafure, only by obferving the
Analogy of the Series. So you may for ever continue this
&c. (which is the Root of the infinite Equa-
tion z :r+{-y>+ft+-;fy+, &c.) by dividing the lal: Term by thefe
Numbers in arder 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. And this, z

.3 o\oZ
+3 , o'z9, &c.may be continued by dividing by thefe Num-
, h . x x4
ers 2x3, 4x5, 6x7, 8xg, &c. Agam, t e Senes a+z;. Sal+
S . .
&c. may be continued at pleafure, by multiplying the Terms
refpetively by thefe Frtions,. f, , }, f, -lO', &c. And
fo of others.
44 But in difcovering the firfl: Term of the and fome-
times of the fecond or third, there may l:ill remain a difficulty
to be overcome. For its Value, fought for as befare, may happen
to be furd, or the inextricable Root of an high affeted Equation.
Which when it happens, provided it be not alfo impoffible, you
may reprefent it by fome Letter, and then proceed as if it were
known. As in the Example y;+axy+a"y x1 za; o : If the
Root of this Equation yl+ay zal o, had been furd, or un-
known, I hould have put any Letter b for it, and then have per-
form'd the Refolution as follows, fuppofe the found only to
the third Dimenfion .


1'/,e of FLux ro N s,

b+J==J 1 y; + b; +3bp+3bP+P'.
axy + abx+axp
+ay +ab+ap
-za; za;


:P +P;
. X;

6alx &
- q c. ,_

45 Here writing b in the I fuppofe b+p ;, and then
for )' I fubftitute as you fee. Whence proceeds p;+3bP\ &c. re-
jeting the Terrns b'+ab za;, as being equal to nothing: For b
.i:s uppos'd to be a Root of this Equation )''+a')' za; o. Then
the Terms 3bp+a'P+abx give to be fet in the and
: q to be fubfi:ituted for p.
46. But for brevity's fake I write ce for aa+3bb, yet with this
caution, that aa+3bb may be refi:ored, whenever I perceive that
the Terms may be abbreviated by it. When the Work is finih'd,
I a!Tume fome Number for a, and refolve this Equation y+ay-
za; o, as is hewn above concerning Numeral Equations; and I
fubil:itute for b any one of its Roots, if it has three Roots. Or
rather, I deliver fuch Equations from Species, as far as 1 can, efpe-
cially from the indefinite Species, and that after the manner befare
infinuated. And for the refi: only, if any remain that cannot be
e:..:punged, 1 put Numbers. Thus f+ay 2a' o will be freed
from a, by dividing the Root by a, and it will become P+J 2 o,
whofe Root being found, and multiply'd by a, mufi: be fubfi:ituted
1. d cb
rnhea 01 47

and IN P 1 N 1 TE S 1 Es.
47 Hitherto 1 have fuppos'd the indefinite Species to be little.
But if it be fuppos'd to approach nearly to a given for
that indefinitely fmall difference I put fome Species, and that being
fubil:ituted, I folve the Equation as befre. Thus in the Equation
TY' !.J' + !.y! +y + a x o, it being known or fup-
pos'd that x ; nearly of the fame as a, I fuppofe z to be
their difference; and then writing a +z or a z for x, there will
arife +Y! .fr + iY
})"+y+ z o, which is to be folved
as befare.
48. ut if that Species be fuppos'd to. be indefinitely great, for
its Reciproca!, which will therefore be indefinitely little, I put fome
Species, which being fublituted, I proceed in the Refolution as
befare. 'fhus having y; + y +y x; o, where x is known
or fuppos'd to be very great, for the reciprocally little
I put z, and fublituting .; for x, there will arife )'; + ys +y-
.!. o, whofe Root is y ;. ;z + Lz + z; &e where
zl "' 3 9 81 81 ' '
!J7_ing reftored, if you pleafe, it will be y x + 'fx +
'+:' s .
, \,r 1f1r'"' .--. .
: llt9. lf Jt hould happen that non e of thefe Expedients hould
f4cceed to your defire, you may have recourfe to another. Thus
the Equation y+ xy +X)''+ 2f zy + 1 o, whereas
the firft Term ought to be obtain'd from the Suppofition that
y<+ zy zy + 1 o, which yet admits of no poffible Root;
you may try what can be done another way. As you may fuppofe
that x is but little different from + 2, or that 2 + z x. Then
fi.bfrituting 2 + z inftead of .v, there will arife y+ zy 3ZJ"
- zy + 1 o, :.nd the will begin from + 1. Or if you
fuppofe X to be indefinitely great, Or ; .z, you will have y+-
+-;; + z; 2J + 1 o, and + z for the initial Term of
the Q!9te.
so. And thus by proceeding according to feveral Suppofitions,
you may extrat :ind exprefs Roots after various ways.
51. If you hould defire to find after how many ways this
may qe done, you muft try what when fubftituted for
the indefinite Species in the propofed Equation, will make it divifible
by y, + or or by y alone. Which, for Example
f<lke, will happen in the Equation y
+ axy + ay x 2a1 o,
D by

Te Method of FL uxroN.s,
by fubftituting +a, or a, or za, or za; &c. inl:eact
of :17. And thus you may conveniently fuppofe the x to
difer little from +a, or a, or za, or zal[-1, and thence
you may ext1 at the Root of the Equation propofed after fry
many ways. And perhaps alfo after fo many other ways, by fup
poling thofe differences to be indefinitely great. Befides, if you take
for the indefinite this or that of the Species which expreS
the Root, you may perhaps obtain your delire after other ways.
And farther ilill, by fubfiituting any fititious Values for the inde-.
S fuch
a a+cz & d th di
m te pec1es, as az + oz, t+z' h+:::, c. an !i!n procee ng
as before in the Equations that will refult.
52. But now tbat the truth of thefe Conclufions may be mani:...
feft; tbat is, that the thus. extrated, and produced ad lihi-
tum, approach fo near to the Root of the Equation, ?S at laft to
differ from it by lefs than any affignable and therefore:
when infinitely continued, do not.at all dfer from it:: You are to--
confider, U1at the in the left-hand Column of the right-
band f!de of the Diagrams, are the lafi: Terms of the Equations-
whofe Roots are p, r, r, s, &.:= and that as they vanih,
p, q, r, s, &c. tbat IS, tbe differences betwee!l the te- a!d' the
Root vanih at the fume time. So that the will
then differ from the true Root. Wherefore at the begmmng of die
Work, if yon fee tbat the Terms in the fuid Column wili all de-;
fuoy one another, you may conclude, that the fo far ex-
traled is the perfet Root of the Eq_uation. But if if be -other-
wife, you will fee however, that the Terms in which the indefi-
nitely JinaU:Species is of few Dimenons, that is, the greatefi Terms, ..
re continuallv taken out of tbat Column, and that at lafi none
will remain there, unlefs fuch as are Iefs than any given Q&.ntity,.
and not greater than nothing when the Work is continued:
ad ilifinitum. So that the when infinitely extrateq, will at
!:l: be the true Root.
53 Lafily, altho' the Species, which for the fake of perfpicuity L
have hitherto fuppos'd to be indefinitely little, however be
fuppos'd to be as great as you pleafe, yet the will ilill be.
trne, though they may not converge fo faft to the true -Root. This
is manifeft from the Analogy of the thing. But here the Limits
of the Roots, or the greateft and leafi come to be
confider'd. For thefe Properties are in common both to finite :md
intinite Equations. The Root in thefe is then greateft or. leaft;.

when there is the greateft or leaft difference between the Sums cf
the affirmative Terms, and of the negative Terms; and is limited
when the indefinite (which therefore not improperly I
fuppos'd to be fmall,) cannot be tak.en greater, but that the Mag-
nitude of the Root will immediately become infinite, that is, will
become impoffible. .
54 To illuftrate this, let ACD be a Semicircle defcribed on the
Diameter AD, and BC be an Ordinate.
Make AB x, BC y, AD a. Then
y v' ax X V ax ;;. vax-
sas v IP.(
1 6
as .v ax, &c .. as befare.
. -
Therefore BC, or y, then becomes greateft
'\vhen v ax moft exceeds all the Terms
e e

X ,xl & h h b
- /ax+
.- /ax+
.- /ax, c.t at 1s, w en X -ut
2a V a V I V
it will-be terminated when x a. For if we take x greater than
- - x x xl
a, .the Sum of all the Terms ;;; .v ax sa v ax ,
as .vax,
&c. wUl .be infinite. There is another Limit alfo, when X o,
by reafon of the impoffibility of the Radical v ax; to which
Te1ms or Limits, the'Limits of the Semicircle A, B, and D, are cor-
refpQndent .
Cf'rat!Jiti01z to the M E T 11 o n o-F FLux IoN s.
55 Andthus much for the Methods of -Computation, of which
1 hall m*e frequent ufe in what follows. N ow it remains, -that
for an -IIlu'ftration of the Anal y tick Art, - 1hould :-give &pe<;i.
mens of 'Problems, efpecially fuch as the nature of Curves will .fup-
ply. But firft it may be obferved, that all the difficulties of- thefe
may be reduced to thefe two Problems only, which L1hall p:opofe
concerning. a S pace defcribed by local Motion, any how accelerated
or retarded.
- -
56. L- <fhe Length of the S pace dcjribed being contiJZually ( that
is, at al/ 'I1nes) gi<oen; _to ji1!d the Vdlocity of-the Motio1l at any
'I'ime propqfd.
57. II. <fhe Velocity of the Motion behzg continually given ; to jiud
the Length qf the Space dejcribed at any 'fime
s8. Thus in the Equation XX y, if y reprcfents the Length of
the Space -at any time defcribed, which (time) another Space x,

bv increafing with an uniform Celerity x, meafilres and exhibits as
D 2 defcribed :
The Method oJ FLUXIONS,

defcried: Then zxx will reprefent the Celerity by whidr the Space
y, at the me rnornent of Time, proceeds to be defcribed ; and
contrarv-wiie. And hence it is, that in what follows, 1 coniider
Qu:mtities as if they were generated by continual Increafe, after the
manner of a Space, which a Body or Thing in Motion defcribes.
59 But whereas we need not confider the Time here, any
farther th:m as it is expounded and rneafured by an equable local
Motion ; and befides, whereas only of the fame kind
can be compared together, and alfo their Vdocities of Increafe and
Decreafe : Therefore in what follows I fhall ha ve no regard to Time
f01rnally confider'd, but I hall_fuppofe fon;e one of the
propofed, being of the Carne kind, to be mcreafed by an equable
Fluxion, to which the reft may be referr'd, as it were to Time ;
and therefore, by way of Analogy, it may not improperly receive
the name of Time. Whenever therefore. the word 'lime occurs in
what follows, (which for the fake of perfpicuity and diftintion I
nave fometimes ufed,) by that Word I would not have it under-
ftood as if 1 meant Time in its formal Acceptation, but only-tbat
other by the equable lncreafe or Flu:rion whereof, Time
is expounded and meafured.
: o. Now thote which I confider as gradua!Iy and
indefinitely increafmg, 1 hall hereafter call Flumts, or
and ball reprefent them by the final Letters of the
Alphabet 'V, x, y, and z; that I may diftinguih them from other
which in Equations are to be confider'd as known and
determnate, and which therefore are reprefented bf>\:he initial
Letters a, b, e, &c. And the Velocities by which every Fluent
is increafed by its generating Motion, (which I may call Fluxions
or funply V elocities or Celerities) I hall reprefent by the
Letters pointed thus ;, j, and ;;, That is, for the Celerity of
the I fball put and fo for the Celerities of the other
x, y, and z, I hall put ;, j, and ;; refpetively.
r. Thefe things beingpremifed, I hall now forthwith proceed
to the matter in hand; and firft 1 hall give the Solution of the
two Problems juft now propofed.

a11d J N}' I NI T E S E R I E S,
P R O B. l .

. The Relatiott oJ the Flowing fl<!antities to one another beirrg
givm, to determi11e the RelatioJZ oJ their Flttxions.

S O L U TI O N .
1. Difpofe the Equation, by which the given Relation is ex-
prefs'd, according to the Dimenfions of fome one of its flowing
fuppofe x, and_ multiply its Terms by any Arithmetical
Progreffion, and then by ; . And perform this Operation feparately
for every one of the flowing Then make the Sum of
all the Produl:s equal to nothing, and you will have the Equation
required. .
2. ExAMPL E 1. If the Relation of the flowing. x and
y be xs ax+ axy ys o ; fidl: difpofe the Term.s_, according
to x, and then according to y, and multiply in the .follow-

mg manner.

Mult. x

+.axy-f 1

-a.\ a
+ a>.y + xl

- .
- .

- .
o by
X. . y
. . .. . .
makes 3xx zaxx + axy * 3YY' + ayx *

The Sum of the Produts is 3xx zaxx + axy. JYJ"'7: a;: :e o,

which Equation gives the Reltion between the Fluxions x and j.
For if you take x at the Equation xs ni +.axy . )s
=o will give y. Which being determined, it will be : j : :
3Y' ax : 3x 2ax +ay. .
3 Ex. 2. If the Relation of the >.:,y, and z, be. ex-
preis'd by the Equation 2ys + xy zcyz + 3yz z; 6,
Mult. 2 y
+ xx x y zi


o .

y y

+ o'

+ zy;

- . o.

zxxy *

-.zs + 3yz - zcp; + xy
. + 2')'3


- -

. o.


2czy *

rJ;e. Met!Jod oJ F LtJ x 1 o N s,
Wherefore the Relation of the Celerities of Flowing,

or of the
. . . rz; . . . .
Flu.;;:ions x, y, aud z, is.i.))' + J + zxxy- 3zz + 6.zzy-:2czy

4 But lince there are here three. flo\ving x, y, and
z, another Equation onght alfu to be given, by which the Relation
among them, as alfo among their Fluxions, may be intirely deter-
mined. As if it were fuppofeii iliat x +y z o. From whence
2Ilother Rel;ition -among the Fluxions x + j z E> would be
foond by:this Rule. Now compare thefe with the foregoing Equa-
titms, J?y one -of the three and alfo afW
one of the Fluxions, .and then you will ohtain an."Equation wlich
-will mtirly ikternilnhe Relation of the reft. . ..
5 In the Equation propos'd, .whenever there -are complex Frac-
tions, put fo .inany Letters for each, and fup-
. pofing t?em Q_uantities, I work as before. Af-
ter wards;l fup.prdS .and exterounate the.affumed-Letters, as you fee
done her.
-6. -Ex: 3 If :the Relation of :the y be :yy aa
-x . aa xx o; for x . aa x:f: I write z, and thence :
have the two .Equatians )'J _ ..aa z o, and X4 z_
=o, or" firft \Vill 2)Y z o, as befo re, for the
Relation of the Celerities j and z, and .the Iatter will giv zaxx
. - . - .

z, for -the Relation nf the
-4-XX; 2zz- Q, 1:lr =
- _ -x o .:Nuw.z it wilt:be zjy

= o, and. then rdl:oring x . aa xx for z, we fhall have 2yy
-- - ... .
. . o, for the Relation between x and j, as was
. "/'.rm-xz ,
the Relation _ that is betw;een x and J : l make", a :Y _ z, a11d
. ay+xx 11, trom whence Ihall have the three E.quations x
+ z 'V o, az + )'Z bJ' o, and ax
)' + X
vv . o.
The firft gi\es 3XX
zajy + z v o, the gives az +
1 jz- _ Q, and the third _gives 4axx;y+6xxr+a)x1
Velocities ... j,and z. .But

- and' FN FIN FT E S:e RrE s

. '
die Vaiues of z and' v, found by the fecOI;d and third Eqilations,
(that is,. for ;;, and

. +Y . . . . . - .
" 1h\o' 1.

nrl:Equation, and therearifes 3x,yz 2fl):Y+: "+Y ;"' .. __ . ,
xx. ./ay +xx,: thC!re wi!L arife the Equation fought 3x.x _ 2ayy
. . . .
+ zhr3-4axxy-6.n,3-arxx b h' li th R. ] , f h
.. o y w 'fC e e atiOil o t e-
aa+ zay+JY zV ay+>x ) . . . . . .
V elocities x and y will be exprefs' d.
8. After what manner the OperatiOn .is to be.perform'd in other
Cafes, I beTieve is. manifefi from hence ; as when in the .Equation'
propos'd there. are found- furd Denominators, Cubick Radicals;
dicals within Radicals, as ./ ax + v',aa. xx,__ or apy other com-
plicate Terrrs of' the !ike kind. . . . _ _ .
9 Furthermore, altho' in the Eqution propofed thereo hould
oe <li!_antities involved, which cannot be determined or exptefs'd'
by any Geometrical Method; fttch as Curvili'near Areas or the. Lengths'
of G:urve-Jines ;. yet the Relations of their Fluxions may< be
a_ppear from following'Example; : ..
. . . '
. . Preparationfor Ex-A-MPL E S .
ro. Suppofe BD to be an Ordinate at right-.Nngls to AB, and:
that AD:H be any Curve,. which is defined by
the: Relation between AB: and BH exhibited '
by an. Eq!Jation .. Let AB be. called x, and: ' , Ir?.
the Area of the Curve ADB,. apply'd. to Unity, Cf .. ----:, ........ -........... ,.
be caltd z. Then eret the Perpendicuhir AC
equal to Unity,. and thro' C draw CE parallel
to AB; and meeting in E. Then conceiving .A B.
two Supe;fittes .ADB and .. .to be generated by the
Mouon of the nght Lme BED; It IS, mamfefi that their Fluxions,,
(that is, the Fluxions of the <l!!gntities 1 x z, and 1 x or of the
z and x;) .. a.re to .each other anhe generating Lines BD:
and BE. Therefore z. : .-c :: BD : BE or. 1, and therefore
. . .
1 J. _And hence is, that z may be in volved i1i my Equation,
exprefimg the between x; and fl.owing )'; _
:md yet the Relauon of the FluXlons x. and y. may- however be dif-
'J'ke Method of-FL-UXION,s,
- -
12. Ex. 5 As if the Equation zz +a.'t'z r o were pro-
pos'd to c:xprefs the Relation between x and y, as alfo ..! ax xx
BD, for determining a Curve, which therefore will be a Circle.
The - _ zz_ r- a_xz y o, as befare, will give 2zz +
;;x-f.- aXz 4:'
o, for the Reltion of the Celerities x, j,
and z.. -And therefore firice it is z X X BD or - X .. a.'t' xx,
fubfritute this Va!ue inil:ead of it, and there will arifc the Equation
z+axx../ax xx+ axz 4):;; o, whichdetermines the

Rdation of the Celerities x and y,

- - .
- - -
D i M o N s T R A T 1 o N oJ the Solution.
13. The Moments of flowing is, their indefi-
nitelv P<ltts, by: the acceffion. of wluch, m mdefinitely fmall
portions of are continual!y increafed,) are as the Ve .
locities of the!f Flowmg or lncreafing. . . .
u. if the Monient of any .one, as x, -be reprefented

by the Produt its Celerity x into an indefinitely fmall
(that is, by X!l,) the Moments of the others v, y, z, will be
-;:o, ?o ; becaufe -bo,. xo, ;;o, and zo, are to ech
other as v, x, y, and z. _ . __
- . .
15. Now fince the as and yo; arethe indefinitely
little acceffions of the flowmg Qgantltles x and y, by which
ar_e incrc;afed through the feveral little in..:
ten<lls of T1me; 1t follows, that thofe x and y, after
any indefinitely finall interval of Time, become x +.\-o and y+ ):O.
And therefore the Equation, whichat all times indifferently expre1fes
the Relation of the ftowing will as well exprefs the
Relation between x + xo and )' +;:o, as between x and y : So
that x + xo and )' + ):!J may be fubftituted in the fame Equation
for thofe inil:ead of ."( :md )'
6. Therefore let any Equaon .\'l _ ax +O.\)' )'; o be
given, and fubil:itute x + xo for ,"(, and y+ ):O for y, and there
will arife

x! + 3XOX' + 3X'09X ! ,'(lo;
. -
- ax zaxo."( axoo
1 axy +a :coy + ayox + OX)'OO

-y; 3)'0f 3J'OOJ -yo;

. Now by Suppofition x
a.:- axy f . o, there-
fore being expunged, _and the. Terms. bemg _divided _by o,
there will remain 3xx + 3xox + X
00 zaxx axo 1 axy +
a);x + axjo 3YJ'" 3joy ):
oo o. But whereas o is fuppofcd
to be infinitely little, that it may reprefent the Moments of
tities; the Terms that are multiply'd by it will be nothing in refpel:
of the reil:. Therefore I rejel: them, and there remains
2axx + axy + ajx 3);Y. o, as above in Examp. r.
18. He1e we may obferve, that the Terms that are not multiply'd
by o will always vanih, as alfo thofe Terms that are multiply'd by o
of more than one Dimenion. And that the reft of the Terms
being divided by o, will always acquire the form that they ought
to ha ve by the foregoing Rule: Which was the thing to be proved.
19. And this being now hewn, the other things included in the
will eafily follow. As that in the propos'd Equation feveral
flowing may be involved ; and that the Terms may be
multiply'd, not only by the Number of the Dimenfions of the flow-
ing but alfo by any other Arithmetical Progrefiions; [o
that in the Operation there may be the fame difference of the Terms
according to any of the flowing and the Progreffion be
difpos'd according to the fame order of the Dimenfions of each of
them. And th& things beiog allow'd, what is taught belides in
Examp. 3, 4, and 5, will be plain enough of itfelf.
P R O B. II .

An Equation beitzg propofed, including tbe Fluxiom of
ff<.!fantities, to jind tbe Relations of tbofe to
. one anotber.
. .
I. As this Problem is the Converfe of the foregoing, it muil: be
folved by proceeding in a contrary manner, That is, the Terms

multiply'd by x being difpofed according to the Dimenfions of x .
. '
they muil: be divided by , and then by the number of their Di-
menfions, or perhaps by forrie other Arithmetical Progreffion. Then
The Method of F L uxro N s,
or ;, and the Sum refulting mufr be made equal to nothing,
iel:iz the Tem1s that are redundant.
' -
- 2. Lct the Equation propofed be J. zaxx + axy-
- -
- 3))', : ayx o. The Operation will be after this manner :

zaxx axy Divide
+ ayx

.., x3
, ar ..
1 r .....
Divide by

2 I. Divide
2 r.
' a'"X
O l r 1 0
Therefore the Sum x' a."( + axy y; o, will be the required
R:lation of the x and y. Where it is to be obferved,
th:2t tho' the Term occurs twice, yet I do not put it twice in
the Sum x' as , axy )" o, but I rejel: the reduridant
And io whenever any Term recurs twice, (or oftener whcn
therc are ie,eral flmYing concern'd,) it mufr be wrote
only once in the Sum of the Terms.
3 There are other Circumfrances to be obferved, which 1 hall
kwe to the Sagacity of the Artifr ; for it would be needlefs to dwell
too long upon this matter, becauie the Problem cannot always be
foh-ed by this Artifice. I hall add however, that after the Rela-
tion of the Fluents is obtain'd by this Method, if we can return,
by Prob. I. to the propofed Equation involving the Fluxions, then
the work is right, otherwife not. Thus in the Example propofed,
after I ha ve found the Equation x; ax + a:r:y f o, if from
thence I feek the Relation of the Fluxions x and ); by the fidl:
Problem, I 11mll arrive at the propofed Equation 3xx zaxx +
. . -
axy 3_1)" ! ay.-: o. \Vhence it is plain, that the Equation
x; ax, ! axy o is rightly found. But if the Equation
- - .
xx xy +ay =o were propoied, by the prefcribed Method I
1hcmld obtain this X)' : ay o, for the Relation between
:>: and y; which Concluiion would be erroneous: Since Ly Prob. r.
:: Equ:tcion xx X)' jx . aj o would be produced, which
is dmerent from the former Equation.
4- Having therefore premited this in a perfunl:ory _ manner, I
no\7 undert:J.ke th:: general Solution.

A .

S Firft it muft be obferved, that in the propofed Equation
the Symbols of the Fluxions, (lince tbey are of a diffe-
rent kind from the of which they are the Fluxions,)
ought to afcend in every Tcrm to the me number of Dimenfions:
And when it happens otherwife, another Fluxion of fome fiowing
muft be underftood to be Unity, by which the lower
Terms are fo often to be multiply'd, till the Symbols of the Flxions
arife to the [ame number of Dimenfions in all the Terms. As if
the Equation X+ x)x axx o were propofed, the Fluxion z
of fome third fiowing z muft be underftood to be Unity,
by which the fidl: Tenn :x mul: be multiply'd once, and tbe lal:
axx twice, that the Fluxions in t_h_em may afccnd to as many Di-
menfions as in the fecond Tenn X)'X: As if thc propofed Equation
had been derivcd from this xz a.z.zx o, by putting
z 1. And thus in the Equation .Y'IC )')', you ought to ima-
gine x to be Unity, by which the Tenn J:l' is multiply'd.
6. Now Equations, in which thcre are only two flowing
tities; whith every where to the famc number of Dimenlions,
may always be reduced to fuch a form, as that on one .!ide may be

had the Ratio of the Fluxions, (as 1 , or , or ; , &c.) and on the
other .!ide the Value of that Ratio, exprefs'd by fimple Algebraic

. "
Terms ; as you may fee here, = z + zx y. And whn thc
foregoing particular Solution will not take place, it is required that
you hould bring tbe Equations to this form.
7 Wherefore when in the Value of that Ratio any Term is de-
nonlinated by a Compound quantity, or is Radical, or if that Ratio
be the Root of an affeled Equation ; the Redulion mul be per-
form'd either by Divifion, or by Extralion of Roots, or by the
Refolution of an affeled Equatin, as has been before hewn.
8. As if the Equation )a )x ;.a+ ;.x .vy o were pro-

pofed ; firft by Redulion this becomcs I + .v , or :. =
'= a-x y
a- .'1:
a-.v+y. And in the firl: Cafe, if I reduce the Term a!_x, deno-
minated by the compound a x, to an infinite Series of
E 2 imple

1'he Method of FLUXIONs,
fimple Terms !... + :; + "? + "': &c. by dividing the
a a- a, o

)' by the Denominator a- x, I hzll Iia;,e
)' xy
t+ =-+ ---+
:: + &c. by the help of which the Relation between x and
)' is to be determined.

9 So the Equation )J'=Xj + xxxx
being given, or {;
-. ' .

l xx, and l:y a farther Redul:ion ? xx: 1 extrat
the fquare Root out of the Tenns - + xx, and obtain the infinite
Series 7 -! x + zx
S''s + I{o\'
, &c. which if 1 fubfti-

tute for V+ ;:x, I hall ha ve = I + ,"(- X" + zx6 sxB

&c. or ? x +x-t zx
+ sxS. &c. according as
is eiilier added to or fubtral:ed from it.
10. And thus if the Equation ) + + axj -xx;-

,; J V
zxa =o were propofed, or -: + ax- + a-:-- .'C' - za

X, X X
1 extra\: the Root of the affel:ed Cubick Equation,
and there

arifes !
x x:r t"tx3 -og.r+
a - - +
+ ' . + '
&c. as may be feen
4 +' 51 z.. 13 +'
1 1. But here it m ay be obferved, that I, loo k u pon thofe Terms ..
only as compounded, which are compounded in refpel: of flowing
For I efteem thofe as fimple which are com-
pounded only in repel: of given For they may be re-
duced to fimple by iuppofing them equal to other given
. . Th I fid h . . ax+hx x bcc
anuues. us con er t e nuanuues + h' +h
e a ax XJ
, v' a:..+ bx, &c. as fimple becaufe they may.
d th
, , fX X be b4 . /
ma"'J ail be reduce to e fimple nuantities -, -, , _, v ex (or
e e tx ex
&c. by fuppofing a + b e.
12. Moreover, that the flowing may the more eafily
be diftinguih'd from one another, the Fluxion that is put in the
Numerator of the Ratio, or the Antecedent of the Ratio,. may not
improperly be call'd the Re/,7tr! and the other in the De-
nominator, to whkh it is compared, the CQrrelate : Alfo the

flowing OJ!_antities may be difl:inguifh'd by the fame Names refpec-
tively. And for the better underfl:anding of what follows, you may
conceive, that the Correlate is Time, or rather any other
Quantity that flows equably, by which Time is expounded and
meafured. And that the other, or the Relate is Space,
which the moving Thing, or Point, any how accelerated or retarded,
defcribes in that Time. And that it is the Intention of the Problem,
that from the Velocity of the Motion, being given at every Inl:ant
of Time, the Space defcribed in the whole Time may be deter-
1 3 But in refpel: of this Problem Equations m ay be difl:inguilid
into three Orders.
14. Firl:: In which two Fluxions of and only one
of their flowing are involved.
1 5 Second: In which the two flowing are in volved,
together with their Fluxions.
16. Third: In which the Fluxions of more than two
are involved.
17 With thefe Premifes I hall attempt the Solution of the
Problem, according to thefe three Cafes .

S o L u T I o N o F CA S E I.
18. Suppofe the flowing which alone is contain'd in
the Equation, to be the Correlate, and the Equation being accord-
ingly difpos'd, . (that is,- by making -on one fide to be only the
Ratio of the Fluxion of the other to the Fluxion of this, and on
the other fide to be the Value of this Ratio in fimple Terms,) mul-
tiply the Value of the Ratio of the Fluxions by the Correlate
tity, then divide each of its Terms by the number of Dimenfions
with which that is there affel:ed, and what arifes will be
equivalent to the other flowing
19-. , So propofing the Equation jj xj + ; I fuppofe .-.:
to be the Correlate and the Equation being accordingly

reduced; we hall ha ve ? I + x xt + z.\:
, &c. N ow I mul.

tiply Value of L into .r, and there arifes + x' ,-.;s + 2X',
r ' X
&c. which Terms I divide feverally by their nnmber of Dimen1ions,
and the Refi]t x + .x1_ fx + &c. 1 pu t )'. Ami by
- tl1is

The Method oJ FLUXlONs,
this Equation v.-ill be defined the Relation between x and y, as was
required. .
b J X XX 131Xl & h
20. Let the Equatron e -:- a - +
+ c. t ere
:< + 51Za
.. x:. x5 t;tx4
will anie r ax -;;- : + b &c. for determining the
u 192a ZOf a .
Relation between x and 1

21. And thus the Equation ?-=
I 1 _a '
- -
-:: - + '

For multiply the

Value of:::
or ;..-: xr
the number
. -
into ,,:, and it becomes .!.. :. + ax{- x;,; + xf
XX X ,
: a: + x1:, which Terms being divided by
of Din1enfions, the Value of y will arife as be-

_ . x z.l:.c 3 )':.
22. After the fame manner the Equat10n -; + +-
)' V n}'; a
'. .
V br ' cr o-i,es :.. + ,' b + V bt; + ')'; . F or the
_, ' "' Y aj' a,- J ./
\';1lue of being multiply'd by y, there arifes + V -f-
- Ya)' a+h
V br; ! e\; or +
)';+V b + ex,.} And thence
_, a.,- _,
the Value of x refults, by dividing by the number of the Dimen-
iions of each Term.

2 3 And fo { =- zi, gives y """
- -

< ..
{-z'. And -.;. =

_ .!. , gtves )'
:. . . . .
oah' B t th E u'on
a a F a n lt' 1 'd
J u e qua -: -: , :,t - or - m m v
x X 0 x J. .,..
into x makes a, which being divided by the number of Dimen-
ions, which is o, there arifes;, an infinite for the Va!ne
ofy. _
u. \Vherefore, whenever a Iike Tenn hall occur in the Value

of , whoie Denominator involves the Correlate of one

bimenilon only; inl:ead of the Correlate Q!!_antity, fubl:itute the
Snm or. the Difference between the fame and fome other given
Ouantitv to be afumed at pleafure. For there will be the fame
Rektio of Flowing, of tbe Fluents in the Equation fo produced,
:;s of the Equation at firft propofed; and the infinite Relate



and lNFINIT S.tEs.
tity by this means will be diminifh'd by an infinite part of itfelf,
and will become finite, but yet confifiing of Terms infinite in
. ,
2 5 Therefore the Equation . ; being propofed, . if for x I
write b + x, alfuming the b at pleafure, there will arife

n ax ax'.l. ax3
? b a ; and by Diviion 'b ;; + M 7.+ &c. And
,_. +x x
nowtheRuleaforegoingwillgivey= '- ::: + ;;:
the Relation between x and )'

26. So if you have the Equation !
; + 3 xx; becaufe

of the Term ;, if you write I + x for x, there will arift:

2x -.>.-x. Theli reducing the Term
into an jll-
1+x 1+x

:finite Series + 2 - zx + zx zx; + zx-f, &c. you will ha ve ,
4X + x zx
+ &c. And then according to the Rule
y 4X zx + -iX
+ .%-xJ, &c. for the Relation of M
and y. . . . .
. . y J r
27. And thus if the Equation ;: x + x" were pro-
.. . -
pofed; becaufe I here obferve the Term (or ;) to be found,

1 tranfinute x, by fubl:ituting 1 x for it, and there arifes ?
. X
. .
. v 1 x. Now the Tenn
:_,. produces
Y1-x I-:--'' -
1 + x + x + x', &c. and the Term v 1 .v is equivalent to
. {-.\' -/o-X', and therefore Y
'" . or I-f._:ix, &c. is
the. fame. as r + {-x + .ij-x + fx
, &c. So :that .when thefe Values
are fubftituted, 1 hall
have =-I + zx + -tx++:J.x
, &e; And
then by the Rule y x + + -}xl + . x+, &c. And fo of
others. . , . . . .
zS. Alfo in other Cafes the Equation may fometin1es be con-
veniently reduced,by ,it.ch Tninflnuration ofthe fiowing Qmtity .

As if this Equation were propofed ?
. .
.. --f
,., _ . .,
1be Met!Jod oJ FLUXIONs,

. .

of x I write e-x, and then I hall ha-re ?


-. Butthe ufe of fuch Tranf-
mutations will appear more plainly in what follows.


29. PREPARATION. And fo much for Equations that involve
only one Fluent. But when each of them are found in the
Equation, firft it mufr be reduced to the Form prefcribed, by
that on one iide may be had the Ratio of the Fluxions,
equal to an aggregate of iimple Terms on the other iide.
30. And belides, if in the Equations fo reduced there be any
Fr.1aions denominated by the flowing they muil: be freed
from thofe Denominators, by the above-mentioned Tranfmutation
of the flowing
3 r. So the Equation ;;ax :Xx; aa"x o being propofed, or

? -!. + .:'; becaufe of the Term I afume b at pleafure, and
X a X ;::
for "' I either w!ite b + x, or h x, or x b. As if I fhould

write b 1 x, it will become i = + h.f.x. And then the Term
beino- con verted byDivillon into an infinite Series, we fhall ha ve
1 X .
T .


y a ar ax &
;; + b - h' 1 hl - h+ ' c.

3 z. And after the fa me manner the Equation ?
:! - being propofed ; if, by reafon of the Terms ! and ,
J . . J XX

1 write 1 -y for y, and I x for x, there will arife ?-=
1 - " zy- z B th .,.. nn 1 - x b
1 3J+2X l
+ t-zx+x' ut e J.erm
infinite Divillon gives I x 1 y xy 1 )'' xp + y
, &c.
and the Term
xx by a like Diviiion gives 2:J 2 + 4XY
- 4X + 6xy + Sx;y Sx; + IOX4_ rox+, &c. There-

fore 3X: 3XY+f xr+J X'j;,&c, +6xy-. -6x
1 8x;y Sx; + rox+y- IOX4, &c.


33 RutE. The Equation being thus prepared, when nced re-
quires, diq1ofe the Terms according to the Dimenfions of the flow-
ing by fetting clown fidl: thofe that are not affel:ed by
the Relate tl1en tho{e that are affel:ed by its leal: Dimen-
fion, and fo on. In like manner alfo difpofe the Terms in each of
thefe C:laffes according to the Dimenfions of the other Conelate
and thofe in the firfi Clafs, (or fuch as are not affel:ed
by the Relate writc in a collatcral arder, procceding to-
wards the right hand, and the refi in a defccnding Series in the Jeft-
hand Column, as the following Diagrams. indicate. work be-
ing thus prepared, multiply the firil or the lowefi of the Terms in
the firfi Clafs by the Correlate and divide by the nnmber
of Dimenions, and put this in the for the inital Tenn of
the Value of thc Relate Then fubfiitute this into the
Terms of the Equation that are difP.ofcd in the left-hand Column
infiead of thc Relate

and fi-om the next lowefi Terms
y:ou will obtain 'the fecond Term of the after the [ame man-
ner as you obtain'd the firfi. And by repeating the yon
may continue tl1e as far as you pleafe. But this will appear
plainer by an Ex-ample & twO;

34 ExAMP .. J. Let the Equation ? I 3x+ y+ x+xy
be propofed, whofe Tenns I 3x + x, wl1ich are not affelcd
by the Relate )'
, you fec difpos'd: collaterally in the up-

+I 3\"+XX
+y- +X

+X.Y +xx

' '
g )
The Su m

I zx+xx
+ ,.;s &e
30" , .


xx +' xl .
. 3' - . so
.! x
4 5 1
permofi Row, and thc refi y and xy in the left.:.nand Colromn. And.
i.ifiI multiply the initial Term 1 into the Correlte Qiwntity ):,
and it makes x! ':'hich being d1vided by the number of Dirnen-
fions I, I place 1t m the Q:.ote under-wri.tten. Then fub'flituting;.
this Term infiead of y in the marginal' Tenns +y and + xy, f
have +X and + :'!'.:x, ,hich I' write over againl thcm to the rght
hand. Then from tht:: rd I take the lowefi Terms }\' and + x,
whofe aggregate zx multiply'd into x becomc:s zxx, anct
" 1
Tbe Method oJ FLuxroNs,
bcir,::: diridd by the number of Dimenfions z, gives ,'(X for the
Term of the Value of ; in the Then t11is Term
being Ekewie ailumed to comp!eat the Value of the Marginals +Y
;;nd 1 .\";', there will arife alfo xx and >:;., to be added to
tbe Terms : x :md that were befare inferted. Which being
clone, I ::rg:!in dlme the next }0\,efl: Tenns + :>.::>:, xx, and + xx,
wbch I co!let into one Sum :o.:, aDd thence I derive (as before)
the third Term : -j-x;, to be put in the Value of y. Again, taking
tbis Term .;,.;.;; imo the Va\ues of the marginal Terms, from the
next lowefr" -j-x; and x; added together, I obtain for
L'1e fourth Term of the Value of y. And fo on ill il!fiuitum.
35 Ex.-u.rP. z. In like manner if it were required to determine

the Rehtion of x and y in this Equation,
:e, &c. which Series is fuppofed to proceed ad in.finitum ; I put 1
in the beginning, and the other Terms in the left-hand Column,
and then purfue the work according to the following .



- X;

+ + + +
&c. -
1 - -
Zlc; ' a
:a- za,

x> ,XI
* *
+ + + &c.
Zf ;;- zc., 2.. 4
xf x<
+ +
. '
laS'' a>
. "4



+ &c.
,. ...


Gf d 2aJ' '


* *
... ...
+=- &c. 1
"' "'

&c .

. .
3"'' "
"X- 2d x4

Su m
&c .

+ +
+ + - -
a Zt..-
. . ..

x:. - ,6

X> x
. '
1 1 . 1




,., ' ;
:::.c.4 24I


3 6. As I here propofed to extra a the V alue of y as far as fix:
Di!Deni.ons of x only ; for that rea[on I omit all the Terms in
the which I forefee will contribute nothing to my pur-
pofe, as is intimated by the Mark, &c. which I have fubjoin'd to
' S . ' ff.
:nes tnat are cut o .
37 .



a11d IN F 1 N r TE S ERrEs.
37 ExAMP. 3 In like manner if this Equation were propofed
- 3X' + ]''t'J + ;- xr +)'
+ r -.\}\ &c.+6:t;
- 6x> + 8x
y 8xl + roxr &c. and it is intended to
extral: the Value of y as far as feven Dimenfions of x. I place the
Terms in arder, according to the following Diagram, and I work
as befare, only with this exception, that lince in the left-hand Ca-
lumn y is not only of one, but alfo of two :md three Dimenfions;
(or of more than three, if 1 intended to produce thc Value of y
beyond the degree of x' ,) I fubjoin the fecond and third Pcwers of the
Value of y, [o far gradually produced, that when they are fubftitu-
ted by degrees to the right-hand, in the Values of the Marginals
y: 6.'t'" 8x
J 0,\'i rzxr 14x
9 .
i3 &

zo ,\'6 '"" c.
8 2
+ 6:>;>y
gx4 12xr
4 .'t'6 ,&c.
+ Sx;y
* *
rzxr r6x
* * '*' * *
r y-<
* *
!5'7 6 &
X , C.
* *

7.6 &

+ )';
* *
* s'" , c.

2' x-
cr Xi 331xr
,s, &
- ' X , C

- 5
1 Ir 6
167 7 &

6 X :.. ' c.
2 20

q 4 6 r I07 6 &
+ X + .'< +
X , c.
y; sx6, &c.

to the left, Terms may arife of {o many Dimenfions 2s 1. obrerve
to be required for the following Operation. And by this Methotl
there arifes at length y 6x
x+, &c. which is the
F 2. Equation.
Tbe Method of
Equation required. But whereas this Valuc is it appears
that one of the ,.,. or y w the other in-
crcafcs. And the tame tning is al!o to be concluded, when one of
the Fluxions is affinnathe, and the other negative.
38. Ex.:'.:.IP. 4 You may proceed in like manner to refolve the
Equation, when the Rel .. lt: is affeted with frational Di-
menfions. As if it were propoJ<:d to extral: the V alue of ,"( from

this Equation, + z;-x!- ...\ + 7Yt + zi, 'in

1 }y
4J: + 7Y' + 2J
2 ,-x

zy1+4Y' zr,

+ x:.

Su m

v , c.

y;+ 2]'

-(r;;'u.Y', &c.

+-TY r+zf
y;, x
x=- v+
1 a...... ,
which x in the (or zyv>.:) is affel:ed with the Frac-
tional Dimenfion f. From the Value of x I derive by degrees the
Value of {that is, by extral:ing its fquare-Root,) as may be
ob!er\ed in the lower part of this Diagram ; that it may be in-
1;,;rted and transfer'd gradually into the Value of the marginal Term
zy ..... And fo at laft I hall have the Equaton x T)'' )' +
zi : .;._,} . ,
, &c. by which :t is exprefs'd indefinitely in re-
ipe..'t oi )'. And thus you may opera te in any other ca fe

39 I !2.id befare, that thefe Soluti0ns mly be perform'd by an
infinite varicty of ways. This be done if you afli.tme at
pleafure not only the initial quantity ot thc upper Serit:s, but any
other given quantity for the firft Tem1 of the and then you
m1y proceed as before. Thus in the firft of the preceding Exam-
if you a!Tume 1 fcr the firl: Tcrm of the Value of y, and
:li.Ibilitute it for )' in the marginal Terms +y and + .'<)', and
1ue thc; rdl of the Operation as befOie, ( of whch I ha ve here given a

. .
JX +.\'X

+ 1 + 2x * + x + '{-x+, &c.
+X "' &c.

+ +i; +fX4, &c.
Su m +Z

y 1 +

+ x; + -;fx4 + {:x', &c.
Specirnen,) another Value of y will arife, I + zx + x1 + ;fx4, &c.
And thus another and another Value rnay be produced, by a!Ium-
ing z, or 3 or any other nurnber for its firl: Term. 01 if you
make ufe of any Symbol, as w, to reprefent the tidl: Term inde-
finitely, by the fame method of Operation, (which 1 hall here fet
clown,) you will findy a+X+a.\' xx+a,\'x+fx;+tax',
&c. whichbeing found, for a you may fubl:itute _1, z, o,,., or any
other Number, and thereby obtain the Relation between and y
an infinitc: variety of ways.

' '
-..- .
. .

, &c.
+ ax + + fa.'(;, &c.
+xy + ax + XI &"
+ +axs , &c.
+ 1 zx + x .xs &c.
+a+ zax+ zax+ fax;, &e.
+ x;

&c .
y a+x x

+ax +ax + ..ax1 +
\-a,\'+, .&c.
. ' '
' '

40. it is to obferved, . that wJlen the to be. ex-
tral:ed IS affetl:ed wlth a Frabonal D1menfion, (as you fec in the
fourth of the pre;ceding Exarnples,} then it is convcnicnt to takc
Unitv, or fome other proper Number, for its firft Term. And in-
deed' ths s necefary, when to obtain the Value of that fi-ational
Dimenfion, the . Root cannot otherwiie be extral:ed, . becaufc of
the negative Sign ; as alfo when there are no Tenns to be diipofed
in the firfi or capital Clafs, from which that initial Term may be
deduced. 4 r.
1'he Metbod oJ FL uxtoNs,
4-1. And thus at laft I have compleated this moft troubleiome
and of all others moft difficult Problem, when only two flowing
together with their Fluxions, are comprehended in an
Equaon. But bedes this general Method, in which I have taken,
in all the Difficulties, there are others which are generally horter, by
which the \Vork may often be eafed; to give fome Specimens of which,
ex ahundanti, perhaps will not be ditagreeable to the Reader .
. p. l. If it happen that the to be refolved has in fome
places negative Dimenons, it is not of abf9lute neceffity that there-
fore the Equation ihould be reduced to another forro. For thus .

the Equation ;; ; xx being propofed, where y is of one ne-
gative Dimenon, i might indeed reduce it to another Form, as
by writing r 1 y for y ; but the Refolution will be more expe-
dite as you have it in the following Diagr.m .
- .

. . .


Su m



,., .

'"+ .}xx,
&c .

T1-X- + }x;, . &c.
. .

&c l. x+ fx . ...:,
4 ffere mruming i: fgr the Tn:itial Ter1 of tne V a:lue of y,
I extr2.l: the rdt of the Terms as befare, and in the mean time
I deduce frcm thence, by degrees, the Value of : by Divifion, and
. y
'infert it in the Value <i thc marginal Term.
. 4+ ll .. Neither is it neceifary- that the Dimenions of the other
rlowing hould always affirmative. For from the Equa-
tion ;: 3 ! 2)' ; , \Vithout the prefcribed Redution of the
Term there will arife )' 3X {-xx + zx, &c ..
45 And from the Equation ) y 1 .; the Value
of y will be found y ; , if the Operation be perform'd after
the of the following Specimen.

. --
- . - . -

. .
- .

- - -


. .
. '

... l .

Su m

- o
. . . .
- ..

. .. .


)' -


.. .
. .
46. Here we may ob[erve by the way, that among thelnfinite
manners by which any Equation may be refolved, t often happens
that there are fome, that .. termnate a ,6:nite Value of tbe
tity be extrated, as m the for.egong . And thef. -re
not. difficult to find, if fome Symbol be afu1ed for the fidl: Tefm;
Fot when'the Refolution is then fome proper m.y
be given to that Symbol, wh1ch may render the whole fi.nite.
4 7. JII, Again, if .the V al u e of y is be extrated from tbis
Equation j . + r 2X + {xx, it 111ay, beAoJ?e.convenient)y
. . . . )' .
enough, withqut ,any Redutbon of the Tenn byfuppofing
(after the manner _of Analyits,) that to be given w11ich is required.
Thus for the fin1: Term of the Value of y I put u.-.:, taking u for
the numeral Coefficient which is yet unknown. And fubftituting
ux inftead of y, in the marginal Term, there <\rifes. e, 'I
write on the right-hand ;, and the Sum I + e will give x + ex for
the fame firft Ter1n of the Value. of y, which I had firil: repre-
fented by the Tefm zex. Thcrefore 1 make ux . x +ex, and
thence 1 deduce e . 1. So that the .firft Ter m ze.-.: of the Val u e
of )' is zx. After the farne manner 1 make ufe of the fititious
Term zj"A: to .. of the V:ilue of )', :md
thence at Jal: I denve 1- for the Value of J, and thereforc that fe-
cond Term is i;.;',\', And Jo the fil:itious Coefficient g in the
third Tenn will give Te and h in thc fourth Tenn will be o.
Wherefore iince there are no other Terms remaining, I condude
the work is finiJ11'd, and that the Valu(( of y is exal:ly 2x "'""''
+ tx. See the Operation in the following Diagram.

7De Met!Jod if. FLUX!ONB,

__ _______________
Su m
-t-I. _ zx_ +. -}xx. ,
+e +fx +.gxs + hx1
. - - . -
zex+ zfx+. zgx* + zh."(+
O D. 11 11
Hypotheuailly- y

+x x + }xl + !-.bx"
. . +
+ex + fgxl

Real Value

2X tx + }XI
. -.
48; Much after the fame manner, ir-it were j fuppofe
4-"- .
)' ex', where e. denotes the unknown Coefficient, and s the.
lJer of Dimenfions, which is alfo unknown. And ex being fub-
ftituted for y, there will arife j
': ... , and thence again y
;u. Compare thefe_ two Values of-y, and you-will find -.: e,
therefore s i and e will be indefinite. Therefore a1Tuming.
e at pleafure, you will ha ve y .
49 IV. Sometimes alfo the Operation may be begun from the
higheft Dimenfion o the. equ_able arul. continuallr,.pro-
q:ed to th.e _lower Powers. As if this _ giyen, _j
+ 2. + l + 2x _! , and. would begin from the higheft
rr XX - x .
Te1m by difpofing the in_ an contrary to the
foregoing ; tb::re will _arife atlafi: )' xx + 4-X- .; , &c. as may
be feen in the fqrm of w,or_!Un_g_ }J,.ere fet.down._

-- -
. .

' z;le
3 +
' .

. . . '
- - -
.. .

&. l l
1 +

* '

"" .

. . .
Su m
l 1 1
+. 2,\' +

- r:r
.. - ..
. .
&c. )'

- 2x.

- -
-- -
. . .

and lNFr-NITE SERrEs.
50. And here it may be obferved by the way, that as the Opcra-
ti.on proceeded, I might, have inferted any given Q!5tntity betwecn
the Terms 4x and ; , for the intermediate Term that is deficient,
and fo the Value of y might have been exhibited an infinite variety
5 I. V. If there are befides any fra\:ional Indices of the Dimen-
fions of the Relate they may be reduced to Integers by
fuppofing that which is affeted by its frational n:.
menon, to be equal to any third Fluent ; and then by fibfiituting
that Quf_lntity, as alfo its Fluxion, arifing from that fititious
Equation, inl:ead of the Relate and its Fluxion.
_52. As if the Equation y 3xj +y were propofed, where the
Relate is affel:ed with the fral:ional Index -f of its Dimen-
fion.; a Fluent z being affumed at pleafure, fuppofe y'= z, or
y z
; the Relation of the Fluxions, by Prob. I. will be
j 3-zz. Therefore fubl:ituting for j, as alfo z
for y,
and z for y-I, there will arife 3;;z 3xz + z
, or z x +iz,
where z performs the office of the Relate But after the.
V 1 f
, xl x+ x '& .
a ue o z 1s extral:ed, as z :!..x + -
+ -
- + , c.
O 1 21 3Zf0
ftead of z rel:ore y!, and you will ha ve the defired Relation
tween x and y; that is, yt + ,'gx;+ .:.x+, &c. and by
Cubing each fide, y -f-;rx' + -.h-x
, &c.
53- In like manner if the Equation j .,' 4Y + .,' xy were
given, or j + I make z or _zz y, and
Prob. I. y, and by confequence zzz zz +xz, or
z 1 + -}x". Therefore by the firl: Cafe of this 'tis z x +
or x + ]-x\ then by fquaring each fide, y xx +
+ i-X'. But if you fhould delire to ha ve the Value of y exhibited
an infinite number of ways, make z e+ x + fxl, afuming any
initial Tenri e, and it will be that is y, e + zex + fex{;
+ x + + But perhaps I may feem too minute, in treat-
ing of filch things as will but feldom come into pralice.

S o L u T I o N o F CA S E III.

54 The Refolution of the Problem will foon be difpatch'd, when
the Equation involvcs tlme or more Fluxions of Q!!antities. For
G between


Tbe }rfethod of FLux I o N s,
between any two of thofe any Relation may be afi"umed,
when it is not determined by the S tate of the and the Re-
b.tion of their Fluxions may be found from thence; {o that either
of them, together with its Fluxion, may be exterminated. For which
reafon if there are found the Fluxions of three only one
Equation need to be afumed, two if there. be tour, and fo on;
that the Equation propos'd may finally be transform'd into another
Equation, in which only two Fluxions may be found. And then.
this Equation being refolved as before, the Relations of the other
may be difcover'd.
55 Let the Equation propofed be 2x ;; + )x o ; that I
may obtain the Relation of the x, y, and z, whofe Fluxions
x, ), and :i; are contained in the Equation ; 1 form a Relation at
pleafure between any two of them, as x and )', fuppofing that y,
or 2)' a+ z, or x yy, &c. But fuppofe at prefent x yy,
and thence 2J)' Therefore writing 2jy for and yy for x.,_

the Equation propofed will be transform'd into this: 4))' z+JY".
=o. And thence the Relation between y and z will arife, 2J)'+
.p; z. In which if x be written for )')', and for p, we hall
have zx+..:.xt z. So that among the infinite ways 'in which
x, y, and ;; may be related to each other, ne of them is here
found, which is reprefented by thefe Equations, x )'J, +

z, and 2X + i-X" z.
56. And' thus we ha ve folved the but the Demonfira-
tion is fiill behind. And in fo great a vanety of matters; that we.
may not derive it fynthetically, and with too great perplexity, from
its <renuine foundations, it may be fufficient to point it out thus in
iliort, by way of Analyfis. That is, when any Equation is propos'd,.
:ter you have finih' d the work, you may try whether from the
derived Equation you can return back to the Equation propos'd,. by
Prob. 1. And therefore, the Relation of the in the de-
rived Equation requires the Relation of the Fluxions in the propofed.
Equation, and contrary-wife: which was be hewn .
57 S.o if the Equation propofed were y X; the derived Equa-
tion will be y and on the contrary, by Prob. 1. we have
j that is, y x, becaufe x is fuppofed And thus..
from .


from y r 3X +y + xx + xy is derived y X . x + ix
- .;;x4 +
'. xr
, &c. And thence by Prob. r. y r 2X
+ x !..xs + ,
xr, &c. vVhich two Values of y agree
with each other, as appears by fubl:ituting x xx +

' . xs, &c. inl:ead of y in the firJl Val u e
But in the Redul:ion of Equations I made ufe of an Opt;ra-
tion, of which alfo it wl be convenient to give fome account. And
that is, the Tranfmutation of a flowing by its connexion
with a given Lct AE and ae be two Lines indefinitely
extended each way, along which two moving Things or Points may
pafs from afar, and at the fame time
may reach the places A and a, B and
h, e and e, D and d, &c. and let B
be thc Point, by itsdil:ance from w hich,
the Motion of the moving thing or
A :B C:.__,;D :E::___
point in AE is eJlimated; fo that BA, Be, BD, BE, fucceilively,
may be the flowing when the moving thing is in the
places A, e, D, E. Likewifeletb be a like point in the other.Line.
Then will BA and ba be contemporaneous Fluents, as alfo
Be and he, BD and bd, BE and be, &c. Now if inl:ead of the points
B aml.,h,. be fubl:ituted A and e, to which, as at reJl, the Motions
are r'efer'd; then o and ca, AB and cb, Ae and o, AD and
cd, AE and ce, will be contemporaneous flowing There-
fore the il.owing are changed by the Addition and Sub-
tral:ic;n of the given AB and a e ; but they are not changed
as tb: the elerity of their Motions, and the mutual refpel: of their
Fluxion. For the contemporaneous parts AB and ab, Be and be,
en and cd, DE and de, are of the fame length in both cafes. And
thus in Equations in which thefe are reprefented, the
contemporaneous parts of are not therefore changed, not-
withl:anding their abfolute magnitude may be increafed or diminihed
by fome given Hence the thing propofed is manifel::
For the only Scope of this Problem is, to determine the contempo-
raneous Parts, or the contemporary Differences of the abfolute
tities :v, x, y, or z, defcribed with a given Rate of Flowing. And
it all one of what abfolute magnitude thofe are, fo that
their contemporary or correfpondent Differences may agree with the
propofed Relation of the Fluxions.
59 The reafon of this matter may alfo be thus explain'd Al-
gebraically. Let the Equation ) .y be propofed, and fup-
G 2 rofc
'Je Method of FLux ro N s,
pofe X I +_ z. :rhen _by Prob. l. So. that for j xxy'
rnav be wrote J xy. 1 xzy. N ow fin ce .v :;:;, it is plain, tbat
the x and z be not of the fame lengtb, yet that
they flow alike in refpel: of y, and that they have equal contem-
poraneous parts. Why therefore may I not reprefent by the fame
Symbols that agree in their Rate of Flowing ; and to
tellnine their contemporaneous Differences, why may not 1 ufe
j X\' 1 xx)' inftead of ;;
6o." Laftly it appears phinly in what manner the contemporary
parts may be found, from an Equation involving fiowing
Thus if ; -i + x be the Equation, when x z, then y 2-i-.
Bnt when x 3, then )' Ji- Therefore while x flows from
2 to 3, y will flow from 2-i- to 3-i- So that the parts defcribed in
- d' 'S
15 t1me are 3 2 r, an 3
2.- -o
6r. This Foundation being thus laid for what follows 1 lhall
now proceed to more particular Problems. '
'T<J. determine the Maxima and Mnima of
1. When a is the greatefr or the leafr that it can be;
at that moment it neither fiows hackwards or forwards. For if it
flows forwards, or increafes, that proves it was lefs, and will pre-
fently be greater than it is. And the contrary if it flows backwards;.
or decreafes. Wherefore find its Fluxion, by Prob. 1.. and fuppofe
it to be nothing.
2. ExA:'>1P. 1. If in the Equation x; ax + axy y o the
greateft Value of .\' be req_uired; find the Relation of the Fluxions
of X and )', and you will ha ve 3.\::<' 20XX + axy 3J)'" + ajx
o. Then ma king o, there will remain 3J)'' + ayx o,.
or 3J' a."<. By the help of this you may exterminate either x
or )' out of the primary Equation, and by the refulting Equation you
may determine the other, and then both of them by 3y_. +
3 This Operation is the fame, as if you had multiply'd the
Terms of the propofed Equation by the number of the Dimenfions
of the other flowing Q!_antity y. From whence we may. derive the

famous Rule of Huddenius, that, in order to obtain the greate:fl: or
lea:fl: Relate the Equation mu:fl: be difpofed according to.
the Dimenfions of the Correlate and then the Terms. are
tq be multiply'd by any Arithmetica[ Progreilion. But fince neither
this Rule, nor any other that I know yet publihed, extends to Equa--
tions affel:ed with furd without a previous Redul:ion ;
I lhall give the following Example for that purpofe.
4 ExAMP. 2. If the greate:fl: y in the Equation >;l-
a}'+ XX V ay+ xx o be to be determin'd, feek the
Fluxions of x and y, and there will arife the Equation 3xx
sah+zbj;; A dfi b fi ii. ===
o. n mee y uppo 1t10n )' o,
a+zay+; zyay+xx .
omit the Terms multiply'd by y, (which, to horten the labour,
might ha ve been done befo re, in the Operation,) and divide the te:fl:
. "11 .

Wh 1
by xx,.and there WI remam 3x _; +- - o. en t 1e Re-
v U)' XX
dul:ion is made, there will arife 4ay J1- 3xx o, by help of which
you may exterminate either of the qu'hntities x or y out of the pro-
pos'd Equation, and then from the refulting Equation,. which will
be Cubica!, you may extral: the Value of the other.
5 From this Problem may be had the Solution of thefe fol-
l. In a given 'friangle, or in a Scgmmt rf any givm. Curve, fo,
t"ifhibe the greatejl Relang!e.
IL '1o draw the greateJl or the leqfl right Line, which can lie
betwrm a givm Point, anda Curve givm in pqjition. Or, to draw
a Perpendicular to a Curve from a givnz-Point.
III. r'o draw the greatefl or the leqfl right LinN, which pqjjing.
throttgh a givm Point, can le betwem two others, eitber right Lines.
or Cttrves.-
IV. From a givm Point within a Parabo!a, to draqo a rigbt
Line, 1ohich Jhall cut the P arabo/a more obliquely tbmz mzy other.
And to do the j(nm in other Curves.
V. To determine the Vertices rf Curves, their greattjl or leqfl
Breadths, .the Points in 1obicb revolving parts cut eacb other, &c.
VI. 'lfind the Poi?zts. in Curves, q;;here they barue the greatcjl"
or le4J Curva/un:.
VII. 'o find the lrajl Angle in. a gh;en Ellipjis,. in qo!Jic!J the.
t7Jrdillates can cut thelr Diameters.

17.Je Methoci oJ FtuxroNs,
YIII. Of EllipJs tbat pafs tbrougb four Points, to deter-
mil;, tl,: gr<at,jl, or that 'iibicb approaches neareft to a Circle.
IX. % hmni1ze jucb a par! qf a Spherical Superficies, which
ca.'l be ilJuminated, i11 its fartber par!, hy Light coming Jrom a
gr:at dija1ice, and '\t:bicb is rifralcd hy the marer Hemijphere.
And many other Problems of a like nature may more eafily be
propofi:d than refoked, becaufe of the labour of Computation,
P R O B. IV.
To draw Ta11gwts to Curves.
Firjl Manner.

I. Tangents may be varioufiy drawn, according to tbe various
Relations of Curres to right Lines. And firfi: let BD be a right
Line, or Ordinate, in a given Angle to
another rigbt Line AB, as a Bafe or Ab-
.fcifs, and terminated at the Curve ED.
Let this Ordin;::te move through an inde-
finitely {innl! Sp:1ce to the place hd, [o
that it rnay be increafed by the Moment
ed, while AB is increaied by the Moment
Bb, to which De is equal and parallel.
'!' A Ej

Let Dd be produced till it meets with AB in T, and this Line will
touch the Curve in D or d ; the Triangles dcD, DBT will be
t1mihr. So that it is TB : BD :: De (or Bb) : ed.
z. Since therefore the Relation of BD to AB is exhibited by the
Equation, by which tbe nature of the Curve is determined; feek for
the Relation of the Flmcions, by Prob. 1. Then take TB to BD
in Ratio of the Fluxion of AB to the Fluxion of BD, and TD
v;ill touch the Curve in the Point D.
Ex. 1. Calling AB x, and BD y, let their Relation be
'' ex ax; )" o. And the Relation of the Fluxions will
be + ax; l a)x o. So that j : X :: 3XX
- zax : a;- : lY' ax : : BD ()') : BT. Therefore BT =

Therefore the Point D being given, and thence DB

2-nd AB, cr )' ar.d x, the ler:gth BT will be given, by which the Tan-
gent TD is determined.
4 But this Method of Operation may be thus concinnated. Makc
the Terms of the propofed Equation equal to nothing: multiply by
the proper number of the Dimenfions of the Ordinate, and put the
Refult in the Numerator : Then multiply the Tcrms of the fune
Equation by the proper number of the Dimenfions of the Abfcifs, and
put the Produt divided by the Abfcifs, in theDcnominator of the
Value of BT. Then take BT towards A, if its Value be aflirmative,
but the contrary way if that Value be negative.
O O I 3
5 Thus the Equation X
+ axy y; o, being multi-
3 I O
ply'd by the upper Numbers, gives axy 3t for the Numerator;
and multiply'd by the lower Numbers, and then divided by x, gives
3x ux +ay for the Denominator of the Value of BT.
6. Thus the Equation ys by cdy + bcd +dxy o, (which
denotes a .Para bola of the fecond kind, by help of which Des Cmtes
confiruted Equations of fix Dimenfions; fee bis Geometry, p. 42.
Amjterd. Ed. An. 1659) by Infpetion gives J;s-zh"--tdy+Jx, or
1\'l' z/y == BT
d J e+ x .
7. And thus a - r
whofe Center is A,)- gives - ,
o, (which denotes an Ellipfis
BT; And fo in others.
8. And you notice, that it matters not of what
the Angle of Ordmat10n ABD may be.
9 But as this Rule does not extend to Equations affel:ed by furd,
or to mechanical Curves; in thefe Cafcs we muft have
recourfe to the fundamental Method.
IO. Ex. 2. Let X' ay> y XX v' a;+ XX o be the
Equation expreffing the Relation between AB and BD; and by Prob. r.

the Relation of the Fluxions will be 3xx 2a;11 + 3nh, + zh;;
/.1 . aa+ zny+_y

xxl-'!)'x o. Therefore it will be 3XX -

2 ay+xx zya)' + xi
- 3ab''1 + zb; a>:r D
UI'J J. + . . . :: ( ' : x : :) B : BT.
aa + zay +JY z<iqy +xx J
I f,

The Method oJ FtUXlONs,
1 1. Ex. 3 Let ED be the Conchoid of Ni comedes, defcribed with
the Pole G, the Afymptote AT, and the Diftance LD ; and let

,_ F.
... -.. . .. -.
- ::--
. _ _;
.- ;') ',.r
#. ..
- 1 .L
. i

-e--. d
GA b, LD e, AB x, and BD y. And becaufe of im1-
lar Triangles DBL and DMG, it will be LB : BD :: DM : MG;
tbat is, v' ce ))' : y :: x : b ! )', and therefore b + )' v' ce yy
=)'x. Having got tD..is Equaon, 1 fuppofe v' ce )')' z, and
thus 1 ihall. have two Equations bz+yz JI', andz;Z; ce yy.
By the help of thefe 1 find the Fluxions of the x, )', and
z, by Prob. 1. F rom the firft arifes bz + yz + jz jx + xy,
and from the fecond zzz zy), or zz + jy o. Out of
. ,;,'Y j.s . .
thefe if we exterminate z, there will arife ',:; + yz yx
+ xy, which being refolved it will be y : z

x : :
- -
{)- : x ::) BD : BT. But as BD is y, therefore BT z x
-h-r. h BT AL BDxGM h h
-_ -- . T at 1s, + BL ; w ere t e S1gn _
prefixt to BT denotes, that the Point T muft be taken contrary to
the Point A.
12. ScHOLIU.M. And hence it appears by the bye, how that
point of the Conchoid may be found, which feparates the concave
from the convex part. For when AT is the leaft poffible, D will
be that point. Therefore make AT ru; and fince BT z
1 x : h + -"' , then 'V z + 2;1. + by "' Here to l1orten
- -
the work, for x fubftitute b+.r::, which Value is derived from what
c. d . "11 b :: 0- + v Wh
i,s -be!Ore, an lt Wl e l' + Z ( ::; . ru. ence the

Fluxions y:, and ;:; being found by Prob. 1. and fuppofing v o,

by Prob. 3. there will a rife

+;; + hy

Lal:ly, fubfl:ituting in this for z, arid ce )'J for zz, (which
values of z and zz are had from what goes befare,) and making a
due Reduttion, you will have y; + 3by zhc o. By the Con-
il:ruB:ion of which Equation y or AM, will be given. Then thro' .
M drawing MD parallel to AB, it will fall upon the Point D of
contrary Flexure. .
1 3 Now if the Curve be Mechanical whofe Tangent is to be
drawn, the Fluxions of the Qgntities are to be found, as in Examp. 5
of Prob. I. and then the re!: is to be perform' d as befare.
14. Ex. 4 Let AC and AD be two Curves, which are cut in
the Points C and D by the right Line
BCD, apply'd to the Abfcifs AB in a
given Angle. Let AB x, BD y,
Area ACB h b
and z. T en ( y Prob. I.
Preparat. to Examp. S) it will be z

xBC. . .

'l' t; A B
15. Now let AC be a Circle, or any known Curve; and to deter-
mine the other Curve AD, let any Equation be propofed, in which
z is involved, as zz + axz Y" Then by Prob. 1. zzz + a>:z
. . . . . . . .
+ axz 4Yi. And wntmg x x BC for z, it will be zxz x BC
+ axx X BC + axz 4JY
Therefore 2Z X BC + ax X BC +
az : 4Y :: (y : x ::) BD : .BT. So that if the nature of the
Curve AC be given, the Ordmate BC, and the Arca ACB cir z ;
the Point T will be given, through which the Tangent PT: will
pafs. .
16. Mter the fame manner, if 3z zy be the Equation to the

Curve AD; 'twill be (3z) 3X x BG zy. So that 3BC : 2 ::
(y : x : :) BD : BT. And [o in others.
17. Ex. 5 Let AB x, BD y, as befare, and let the length
of any Curve AC be z. And drawing a Tangent to it, as Ct, 'twill

Xl< Ct
be Bt : Ct :: x : z, or z
18. Now for determining the other Curve AD, whofe Tangent
is to be drawn, let there be given any Equation in which z is in-
volved, fuppofe z . y. Then it will be z y, [o that .Ct : Bt ::
() : x : :) : BD : BT. But the Point T bcing the Tan.;.
gent DT may be drawn.
The Method oJ FLux i o N s-,
19. T-hus fuppofing xz yy, 'twill be icz + zx - 2yj; and
- -
for z wiiting ::- ;tct, there will arife xz + xx Ct zjy. There ..
::- x Ct
fore z+ Bt : zy :: BD: DT.
20. Ex. 6. Let AC be a Circle, or any other known Curve,
whofe Tangent is and let AD be any
other Curve whofe Tangent DT is to be
drawn, and let it be defin'd by affi1ming
AB to the Arch AC ; and (CE, BD
being Ordinates to AB in a given Angle,)
Iet the Relation of BD to CE or AE be
t ']1
exprds'd by any Equation.
21. Therefore call AB or AC x, BD y, AE z, and
CE 'V. And it is plain that v, x, and z, the Fluxions of CE,
AC, and AE, are to each other as CE, Ct, and Et. Therefore xx
CE - Et
Ct 'V, and X X O z.
22. Now let any Equation be given to define the Curve AD,
as y :<:;. Then j z; and therefore Et : Ct :: (y : x ::)
23. Or let the Equation be y z +'V x, and it will be
. CE+Et-Ct '
J (-u+ z xx cr And therefore CE + Et

-Ct : Ct :: (j : x ::) BD : BT.
2f Or finally, let the Equation be ayy and it will be
2ay)' (3w ) 3xv x ci. So. that 3v x CE : zay x Ct ::

BD : BT.
2 5 Ex. 7. Let FC be a Circle, which is touched by CS in C ;
and let FD be a Curve,. which is de-
tined by a1fuming any Relation of the
Ordinate DB to the Arch FC, which is
intercepted by DA drawn to the Center.
Then letting fall CE, the Ordinate in
the Circle, call AC or AF 1, AB
:x, DB y, AE z, CE 'U,
CF t; and it will be tz (i x ____.A::..__ __ --;<;-
.V, and (t x -e:; ) z. Here I put z negatively, becaufe
AE is diminiili'd while EC is increafed. And befides AE : EC ::

AB : BD, fo that .zy 'VX, and thence by Prob. I. zy
. vx -:1- xv. Then exterminating v, .z, and 'ZJ, 'tis P' ty-
tx xy.
26. Now let the Curve DF be defined by any Equation, from.
which the Value of t may be derived, to be fubftituted here. Sup-
pofe let t y, (an Equation to the firft and by Prob. r.

it will be t y, fo that yx yy yx xy. Whence )' : X."t
+ yy x :: (j : x : :) BD (y) : BT. Therefore BT x
+Y' x; and AT xx+yy AF'
27. After the fame manner, if it is tt by, there will arife
. h ADq
2ft y; and thence AT 2i x AF And fo of others.
28. Ex. 8. Now if AD be taken equal to the Arch FC, the
Curve ADH being then the Spiral of Archimedes; the fame names
of the Lines ftill remaining as were put
afore : Becaufe of the right Angle ABD
.'tis xx + yy tt, and therefore (by Prob. 1.)
xx + J'Y !t. 'Tis alfo AD : AC ::
DB ! CE, fo that tv y,and thence (by 1'
Prob.I.) tv+vt j. Laftly, the Fluxion
of the Arch FC is to the Fluxion of the
right Line CE, as AC to AE, or as AD

to AB, that is, t : v :: t : :(' and thence A Il
ix vt. Compare the Equations now found, and you will fee

'tis tv + ix j, and thence xx + yy (tt ) ., : x And there-
fore compleating the Parallelogram ABDQ..j. if you make Q!? :
Qt :: (BD : BT :: y : x : :) x : y ; that is, if you
take AP ., x , PD will be perpendicular to the S piral.
29. And from hence (1 imagine) it will be fufficiently manifeft,
by what methods the Tangents of all forts of Curves are to be
drawn. However it may not be foreign from the purpofe, if I alfo
fhew how the Problem may be perform'd, when the Curves are re-
fer'd to right Lines, after any other manner whatever : So that hav-
ing the choice of feveral Methods, the eafieft and moft fimple may
always be ufed.
H2 Seco m!
Tbe Method of FtuXIONs,

.. -
Second Manner.
30. Let D be a point in the Curve, from which the Subtenfe
DG is dniwn toa given Poini: G, and let DB be an Ordinate in any given
Angle to the AbfcilS AB. Now let the -
Poiot D flow for an infinitely frnall fpace l- .
Dd in the Curve, and in GD let Gk be J::. ...
taken equal to Gd, aod let the Parallelo- G _};.:.: ........ "' \
gram dcBh be cornpleated. Then Dk < \ \
and De will be the contemporary Mo. ' . .. \ \.e;--_
ments of GD and BD, by which they A T "' t "'
are diminih'd while D is transfer'd to d. Now let the right Line
DJ be produced, till it meets with AB in T, and from the Point T to
the Subtenfe GD let fall the perpendicular TF, and then the Trapezia
Dedk and DBTF will be like; and therefore DB : DF :: De : Dk.
3 1. Since then the Relation of BD to GD is exhibited by the
Equation for determining the Curve; find the Relation of the Fluxions,
and FD "to DB in the Ratio of the Fluxion of GD to the
Fluxion of BD. Then. from F raife the perpendicular FT, which
meet with AB in .T, and DT being drawn will touch the
Curre in D. But DT muft be taken towards G, if it be affirmative,
and the contrary way if negative.
32. Ex. 1. C:.lll GD x, and BD )', and let their Relation
be x; a:o:: + axy y; o. Then the Relation of the Fluxions
will be + axy : ajx . o. Therefore 3XX
-zax: ay: 3YY ax :: (j: x ::) DB (y): DF. So that
DF ;x:::::: .. ,. Thenany Point D in the Curve being given,
and theoce BD aod GD or )' and x, the Point F will be given
alfo. From wbence if the Perpendicular FT be railed, frdm its
concourfe T with the Abfcifs AB, the Tangent DT may be
33 And 1ence itappears; that a Rulemight be derived here, as well
as in the former Cafe. For having difpofeJ all the Terms of the given
Equation on one fide, nmltiply by the Dimenons of the Ordinate y,
and place the refult in the Numerator of a Fral:ion. Then multiply
its Terrns feverally by the Dimenfions of the Subtenfe x, and dividing
the rdult by that Subtenfe x, place the in the Deno-
minator of the Yalue of DF. And take the tame Line DF to-
wards G if it be affi1mative, otherwie the contrary way. Where

yo u

and IN F r N r T E S E R rEs.
you may obferve, that it is no matter how far diftant the G
is from the Abfcifs AB, or if it be at all diftant, nor what IS the
Angle of Ordination ABD.
34 Let the Equation be as befare x ax + axy ; o ;
it gives immediately axy 3)'' for the Numerator, and 3x zax
+ay for the Denominator of the Valuc of DF.
35 Let alfo a+ y o, (which Equation is to a Conick
Sel:ion,) it gives y for the Numerator, and for the Denomi-
nator of the Value of DF, which therefore will be i .
36. And thus in the Conchoid, :wherein thefe things will be
perform'd more expeditioufly than befare,) putting GA b,

. .. .. ., .

. .-


" ...
G .

c. .. d
LD e, GD x, and BD y, it will be BD (y) : DL (e) ::
GA (b) : GL (x e). Therefore xy cy cb, or xy cy-
cb o. This Equation according to the Rule gives xy - ry , that
is, x e DF. Therefore prolong GD to F, [o that DF
LG, and at F raife the perpendicular FT meeting the Aiymptote
AB in T, and DT being drawn will touch the Conchoid.
37 But when compound or furd are found in the
Equation, you muft ha ve recourfe to the general Method, except you
:lhould chue rather to reduce the Equation.
38. Ex. 2 .. If the Equation +y yx, were given
for the Relation between GD and BD; (fee the foregoing Figure,
p. 52.) find the Relation of the Fluxions by Prob. I. As fuppofing
.ce )'Y z, you will have the Equations bz + yz yx, and
ce yy. zz, and thence the Relation of the Fluxions bi<. + yz
)'Z )'X+ ;w, and z):y zzz. And now z and z bcing
1 extcr-

1he Method oJ FLux 1 o N s,

r. _ /--:-:::_\1)''\'' _,h.:!+<s _ ;'x
cxterrninated, there will arhe )' v ce _,

Thcreforey: h,'+'l' X:: (j :X::) BD (y): DF.
t" -:IJ
'I'hird Manner.
39 Moreover, if the Curve be refer'd to two Subtenfes AD and
BD, which being drawn from two given Points A and B, may
meet at the Curve: Conceive that Point
D to flow on through an infinitely little
Space Dd in the Curve; and in AD and
BD take Ak Ad, and Be BJ; and
then kD and cD -will be contempora-
neous Moments of the Lines AD and
BD. Take therefore DF to BD in

the Ratio of the Moment Dk to the T
Moment De, (that is, in the Ratio of the Fluxion of the Line
AD to the Fluxion of the LineBD,) and draw BT, FT perpendicu-
lar to BD, AD, meeting in T. Then the Trapezia DFTB and Dkdc
will be -funilar, and therefore the Diagonal DT \Vill touch the
40. Therefore from the Equation, by which the Relation is
defined between AD and BD, find the Relation of the Fluxions by
Prob. 1. and take FD to BD in the fame Ratio.
41. ExAMP. Suppofing AD x, and BD y, let their Rela-
t:ion be a + )' o. This Equation is to the Ellipfes of
the fecond Order, whofe Properties for Refraling ofLight are fhewn
by DesCartes, in the fecond Book of his Geometry. Then the

Relation of the Fluxions will be '5 j o. 'Tis therefore e :
d :: Cj : x ::} 'BD : DF. .
42 .And for the fame reafon if a ] y o, ''twill be
: d :: BD : 'DF. In the firfr Cafe tike DF towards A, and
contrary,wife in the other cafe.
43 CoRaL. 1. Hence if d e, (in W'hich cafe the Curve be-
.comes a Conick Setion,) 'twill be F
DF DB. And therefore the Tri- ./ .. )J

angles DFT and D.BT being equal, /
the Angle FDB will be bifeted by / "
the Tangent.

44 CoROL. 2. And hcnce alfo thofe things will be manifeft of
themfelves, which are demonl:rated, in a very prolix manner, by
Des Cartes concerning the Refration of thefe Curves. For as much
as DF and DB, (which are in the given Ratio of d toe,) in refpet
of the Radius DT, are the Sines of the Angles DTF and DTB,
that is, of the Ray of Incidence AD u pon the Surface of the Curve,
and of its Reflexion or Refration DB. And there is a like reafon-
ing concerning the Refrations of the Conick Setions, fuppofing
that either of the Points A or B be conceived to be at an infinite
45 It would be eafy to modify this Rule in the manner of the
foregoing, and to give more Examples of it : As alfo when Curves
are refer'd to Right lines after any other manner, and cannot com-
modioufly be reduced to the foregoing, it will be very eafy to find
out other Methods in imitation of thefe, as occafion hall require.
Fourth Manner.
46 .. As if the right Line BCD hould revolve about a given Point
B, and one of its Points D hould defcribe a Curve, and another
.... '
' .

Point e hould be the
interfetion of the right
Line BCD, with another
right Line AC given in
pofition. Then the Re- ...... ...- ... ...-
lation of BC and BD be- .... ...- ... ...-

ing exprefs'd by any E- F\ ....
quation ; draw BF pa- <};;
ralle! to AC, fo asto meet DF; perpendicular to BD, in F. Alfo
eret FT perpendicular to DF; and take FT in the fame Ratio to
BC, that the Fluxion of BD has to the Fluxion of BC. Then DT
being drawn will touch the Curve.
Fifth Manzer.
47 But if the Point A being given, the Equation a10uld exprefs
the Relation between AC and BD; draw CG parallel to DF, and
take FT in the fameRatio to BG, that the Fluxion of BD has to
the Fluxion of AC.
Sixth Mmmer .
..8. Or again, if the Equation expreffes the Relation between AC
and CD; let AC and FT meet in H ; and take HT in the flme
Ratio to BG, that the Fluxion of CD has to the Fluxion of AC. A.1d
the like in others.

T'be Method
Se<"Jentb Mmmer: For Spirals.
?9 The Problem is not otherwife perform'd, when the Curves
are rdi:r'd, not to right Lines, bnt to other Curve-lines, as is ufual
in !viechanick Curves. Let BG be the Circumference of a Citcle,
in "hofe Semidiameter AG, while it revolves
about the Center A, let the Point D be con-
ceived to move any how, fo as to deicribe the
Spiral ADE. And fuppofe Dd to be an in-
finitely little part of the Curve thro' which
D fiows, and in AD take Ac Ad, then
cD and Gg will be contemporaneous Moments
of the right Line AD and of the Periphery
BG. Tberefore draw At parallel to cd, that
is, perpendicular to AD, and let the Tangent
DT meet it in T; then it will be cD : cd ::

AD : AT. Alfo let Gt be parallel to the Tangent DT, and it
will be cd : Gg :: (AJ orAD : AG : :) AT : At.
50. Therefore any Equation being propofed, by which the Re-
lation is exprefs'd between BG and AD ; find the Relation of their
Flnxions by Prob. 1. and takeAt in the fame Ratio toAD: And then
Gt "ill be parallel to the Tangent.
51. Ex. 1. Calling BG :.:, and AD y, let their Relation be
. ...:; axo + OXJ y; o, and by Prob. 1. 3X
zax + ay : 3r
-a:.;:: (j : ;. ::) AD : At. ThePointtbeing thus found, draw
Gt, and DT parallel to it, which will touch the Curve.
52. E.....:. 2. If 'tis T )', (which is the Equation to the Spiral
of Arcbimedcs,) 'twill be ; )', and therefore a : b :: (y : x ::)
AD : At. 'Wherefore by the way, if T A be produced to P,
that it may be AP : AB :: a : b, PD will be perpendicular to
the Curve.
53 Ex. 3 If xx b;, then zxx bj, and zx : b :: AD :
~ l _ t And thus Tangents may be eafily drawn to any Spirals what-
mzd lNFINITE SiRrEs.
Eighth Mmmcr : For
4- Now if the Curve be fuch, that any Line AGD, being dmm
from theCenter A,may meet theCircular Arch inG, and thcCurvc in
D and if the Relation between the
A;ch BG, and the right Line DH,
which is an Ordinate to the Bafe
or Abfcifs AH in a given Angle,
be determin'd by any Equation
whatever: Conceive the Point D to
m ove in the Curve for an infinite-
ly fmall Interval to d, and the Pa-
rallelogram dhHk being compleat-
ed, produce Ad to e, fo


' .
. :

/ :




l[ ,,
Ae AD ; then Gg and Dk wlll be contemporaneous Moments of
the Arch BG and of the Ordinate DH. Now produce Dd l:rait
on to T, where it may meet with AB, and from thence let h1ll
the Perpendicular TF on De F. Then the Trapezia Dkdc and DHTF
will be fimilar; and therefore Dk : De :: DH : DF. And befides
if Gf be raifed perpendicular to AG, and meets AF in f; becallfe
of the Parallels DF and GJ, it will be De : Gg :: DF : Gf. There-
fore ex aquo, 'tis Dk : Gg :: DH : Gf, that is
as the Moments or
Fluxions of the Lines DH and BG.
55.: Therefore by the Equation which expreJTes the Relation of
BG to DH, find the Relation of the Fluxions (by Prob. I.) and in
that Ratio take GJ, the Tangent of the Circle BG, to DH. Draw
DF parallel to e,: which may meet Af produced in F. And at
F erel: the perpendicular FT, meeting AB in T; and the right
Line DT being drawn, will touch the
56. Ex. I. BG. x, and DH y, let be :<x __ by;
then(byProb.r.)zxx by. Therefore zx : b :: (y : ::)'bH:
G_f; and the Point f being found, the rel: will be determin' d as abov
But _per.haps this Rule may be thus made foniething ncater:
Make x :y:: AB: AL. Then AL: AD :: AD: AT, and then
DT will.touch the Curve. For becaufe of cqual Trianglcs AFD and
ATD, 'us AD x DF AT x DH, and therefore AT: AD :: (DF or
x Gf: DH Gf::) AD: AG or) AL. .
\.j X X
57 Ex. 2. Let x !. is the Equation to the Quadratrix
of the Ancients,) then x y. Thercfore AB : AD :: AD : A T.
I sS.

sS 'Ibe Method oJ FL UXI o N s,
5S. Ex. 3 Let axx p, then zaxx 3J)'. Therefore makc

35' : :.ax :: (.'1:: )' ::) AB: AL. Then AL: AD :: AD: AT. And
tl::.Is you may determine expeditioufiy the Tangents of any other
howfoever compounded.
l'liiz!J.\ 1'v1'111111e1".
59 Lafily, if ABF be any given Curve, which is touch'd by the
right Line Bt; anda part BD of
the right Line BC, (being an Or-
dinate in any given Angle to the
Abfcifs AC,) intercepted between
this and another Curve DE, has a
Rehtion to the portian of the
CILve 2-B, wbich is exprefs'd by
any Eqm.ticn: Y cu may draw a
Tangent DT to the other Curve,

Cunc,) BT m the _farne Rat1o to
BD. as tne Flu..xicn of the Curve AB hath to tlie Fluxi"an of the

right Line BD. . . ...
. . '
o. Ex. r. Callirig AB x, and-BD y; let itbe ax j:y; and
thereforeax 2):). Then 11: zy :: c.Y: X::) BD: BT. . '
6 r. Ex. 2. Let )', (the Equation to the Trochoid, if ABF
. .
be a Circk,) then . ...v, ami a ; b :: Bb : _BT: . . :
62. And with the fame ;afe1)1ay Tangents he drawn, when the
Rehtion ofBD to AC, 'orto BC, is exprefs'd by any Equation; or
when the Cunes are refer'd to right Lines, or to any other Curves,
after anY other manner whatever.
63. There are alfo many other Problems, whofe Solutions are
to be derived from fume Principies ; fuch as th_efe follo,ving.
I. <tij Ji!:d a Poinl qf 11 Cur':-'<, 'i.i-'J.\ere the 'Jmzgent is para/le! to the
Al:jd.JI, cr t9 any otber right Li11e gz-,.,'t'1l in pojition; or is perpendicular
t,-, it, or indine.! to i't in given Angle. . . .
ll. 'TJ fnd t!-c P(jiiJt dxre the Tal!gent is mofi or leofl inclined to
tL ..,-ii'i::ii, ar to othr ight Lhze in pr?fiiion. <!hat is, to .find
' ,, - F' or thi I h 1 d .
;:.:r: of ccilira)" :cxure. r s. avea rea y gtven a Spe-
c;nxr: in the Conchoid.
III. Fro::z cny gi'Ccz Point <;;;itha!d the Perimeter qf a Curve, to
.. ,LJ. rv Al,
... - ,.:.
P" r Hr1 --fr, f ' 1 ,,ec "}1(!\' /}J(! e '}/ /./I!J" J rj
<.:,t" .. ! ';:;,:.; '''> .... ,.; of- w: , / f, , {, O LV
and IN F r N r T E S E R r :E s.

Co!ltaEJ, or a n'gbt Angle, or any otber gi'Je/1 Angle. '!Lzt is, .fiom
a givm Point, to draw rfangents, or Perpmdiculars, or rigbt
tbat jbalf htvJe any other Inclination to a CzwJe-line.
IV. From any givm Point within a Paraba/a, to drma a rigbt
Line, 'wbich may make with the Perimeter the greatefl or leofl Angle
j'qjjible. And Jo of al/ Cur'ves whatever.
V. 'To drmv a right Line wbich may toucb Curves givm in
pqfition, or the fome Curve in two Points, whm tbat can be done.
VI. 'To draw any Curve givm Conditions, ma)' touch
mzother Curve given in pqfitio1z, in a given Point.
VII. 'To determine tbe Rejrafion oJ any Ray oJ Ligbt, tbat jalls
upon any Curve Superficies.
The Refolution of thefe, or of any other the like Ptoblems, will
not be fo difficult, abating the tedioufi1efs of Computation, as that
there is any occalion to dwell upon them here : And 1 imagine it
may be more agreeable to Geometricians barely to have mention'd
P R O B. V.

At mry given Point oJ a given Cttrve, to ji11d tbe
; . ff<.!mztity oJ Curvdtttre.
. ..

1. There are few Problems concerning Curves more elegant than
this, or that give a greater Inight into their naturc. In ordcr to its
Refolution, I muft premife thefe following general Conderations.
2. 1. The fame has every where the fame Curvature, and
in different Circles itis reciprocally proportional to their Diameters.
If the Diameter of any Cirde is as little again as the Diameter of
another, the Curvature of its Periphery will be as great again. If
the Diameter be one-third of the other, the Curvature will be thricc
as much, &c.
3 II. If a Circle touches any Curve on its concave fiJe, in any
given Point, and if it be of fuch magnitude, that no other tangent
Circle can be interfcribed in the Angles of Contat near that Point;
that Circle will be of the fame Curvature as the Curve is of, in that
Point of Contat. For the Circle that comes between the Curve

and another Circle at the Point of Contat, vares lefs from the
Curve, and makes a nearer approach to its Curvature, than that
other Circle does. And therefore that Circle approaches neareil: to its
I 2 Curvaturc,
6o T'he Method of FLuxroNs,
Cun.1:urc, between which and the Curve no other Circle can in-
+ III. Therefore the Center of Curvature to any Pont of a
CurYe, is the Center of a Circle equally curved. And thus the Ra-
Ji;;s or Scmidiameter of Curvature is part of the Perpendicular
to tl:e Cune, which is terminated at that Center.
5 IV. And the proportion of Curvature at different Points will
Pe known from the proportion of Curvature of requi-curve Cir.cles,
or from the reciproca! proportion of the Rad of Curvatnre.
6. Therefore the Problem is reduced to this, that the Radius, or.
Center of Curvature may be found.
7 Imagine therefore that at three Points of the Curve d', D, and d,
Perpendiculars are drawn, of which thofe that are . .f
at D and JI meet in H, and thofe that are at D

and J meet in h : And the Point D being in the /
middle, if there is a greater Curvity at the part DJ'
than at DJ, then DH will be lefs than db. But
by hm\- much the Perpendiculars J'H and dh are
nearer the intermediate Perpendicular, fo much the
les will the diftance be of the Points H and h :
And at lail when the Perpendiculars meet, thofe
Points will coincide. Let them coincide in the Point
C, then "ill C be the Center of Curvature, at the
Point D of the Curve, on which the Perpendicu-
hrs ftand; which is manifeft of itfelf.
S. But there are feverai Symptoms or Properties of this Point C
which may be of ufe to its determination. '
9 l. That it is the Concourfe of Perpendiculars that are on each
fiJe at an. infinitely little diftance from DC. .
1 o. II. That the lnterfelions of Perpendiculars, at any little finite
diftance on each fide, are feparated and divided by it ; fo that thofe
which are on the more curved fide DJ' fooner ineet at H, and thofe
which are on the other leS curved fide Dd meet more remotely
at h.
. .
11. III. If DC be concei:ed to . while it infifts perpendi-
cuhrly on the CurYe, that pomt of It C, (if you except the motion
of approaching to or receding from the Point of Infifience C,) will
be leat mmed, but will be as it were the Center of Motion.
12. IV. If a Circle be defcribed with the Center C, and the di-
france DC, no other Circle can be defcribed, that can lie between
at the Contal:.
I 3
13. V. Lafl:ly, if the Center H or h of any other touching Circlc
a.)proaches by degrees to e the Center of this, till a t lafi: it CO-
incides with it ; then any of the points in which that Circlc f1ull
cut the Curve, will coincide with the point of Contat D.
14. And cach of thcfe Propcrties may fupply the means of folving
the Problcm different ways: Eut we {hall herc make choice of thc
firl:, as being the mol: fimple.
r 5 At any Point D of the Curve let DT be a Tangent, DC a
Perpendicular, and C the Center of Curvature, as befare. And let
AE be the Abfcifs, to which let DE be apply'd at right Angles,
and which DC meets in P. Draw
DG parallel to AE, and CG per-
pendicular to it, in which take
Cg of any given Magnitude, and
draw gJI perpendicular to it, which
meets D C in ,r.. Then it will be
Cg: gJ':: (TE: BD: :) the Fluxion
of the Abfcifs, to the Fluxion of
the Ordinate. Likewife imagine
the Point D to move in the Curve
an infinitely little dil:ance Dd, and
drawing de to DC:, and Cd perpendicular to the Curve,
Iet Cd meet DG 111 F, and tf'g lll f Then will De be the Momen-
tum of the Abfcifs, de the Momentum of the Ordinate, and JI/ thc
contemporaneous Momentum of the right Line gto. Therefore DF
De+ dc,de . Having therefore the Ratio's of thefe Moments, or,
which is the fame thing, of their generating Fluxions, you will ha ve
the Ratio of CG to the given Line Cg, (which is the [ame as that of.
DF to l'j,) and thence the Point C will be determined.
16. Therefore let AB x, BD )', Cg 1, and gri' =

then it will be 1 : z :: x : )', or z . Now let the Mo-

mentum i'/ of z be z xo, (that s, the Produt of the Velocity
and of an infinitely fmall Q!.l_a_ntity o,) and therefore the Moments

De x x o, de y x o, and thence DF xo + -'
' Therefore
'tis Cg (1) : CG :: (J!f: DF ::) zo
:xo+-:. That is, CGC=

. -rx+ .n'

a!td 1 N F 1 NI TE 8 E R I E S.
cular DC before drawn; or, which is the fame thing, make HD :
HC :: (r : z ::) 1 : f. Then draw DC the Radius of Curva-
ture. -
2 r. When.you think the Computation will not be too perplex, you
may fubftitute the indefinite Values of z and z into
, the
Value of CG. Thus in tlie prefent Example, by a due Redul:ion
. l H 41'+4br'
you Wlll 1ave D y+ aa Yet the Value of DH by
Calculation comes out negative, as may be feen in the numerai Ex-
ample, But this only hews, that DH muft be taken towards B ;
for if it had come out affirmative, it ought to ha ve been dr::twn the
contrary way.
22. CoROL. Hence let the Sign prefixt to the Symbol + b be
changed, that it may be a.-: bxx )'Y o, (an Equation to the
Ellipfis,) then DH . +
J;:, .
i3. But fuppofing b o, that the Equation may become a.'l:-
o, (an Equation to t e Parabola,) then DH y + ; and
a a
thence DG ia + 2x.
24. From thefe feveral Expre11ions it may eafily be concluded,
that the Radius of Curvature of any Conick Selion is always
4DPI; ,
a a
2-5. Ex. 2. If X' a)'" xp be propofed, (which is the Equa-
tion to the Cifioid of Diocles,) by Prob. J. it will be firft 3x 2azy

-2X.'Z)' y>; and then 6x 2azy + 2azz 2Z)' 2XZ-J 2.\'.'<S:::.
jxx+1J' F-a--.L'"1+x-
-2z11: So t 1at z , and z --
-- -. .There-
:; . 2t!t'- 2.\:V GJ-
fore any Point of the Cilfoid being given, and thence ,"( and y,
there will be given alfo z and z; which being known, make

26. Ex. 3 If b +y. ce yy xy wcre given, (which is the
Equation to the Conchoid, in pag. 48 ;) make v ce ))" ru, and
there will arife D'u +)'V x.Y Now thc fidl: of thcfc, (ce }}
= CjCJ,) will gi\'e (by Prob. r.) zyz zv-c', (writing z for. )' ;)
anu the latter will give bv + i" + zv y : .-:.z. And from thefc
Equations rightly difpofed -U and z will be detcrmined. But that z
may alfo be found; out of the kfr Equatian cxcermina\e the Fluxion
. ,....... , .. ._ .. ''""'
r.-, hy fubfiituting :; l and thcrc will arifc . :.' ' zv


7'be Method of FLuxioNs,
=y : xz, an Equation that comprebends the flowing
without :mv of their Fluxions, as the Refolution of the firft Pro-
blem requiies. Hence therefore by Prob. 1, we hall have -
- . . .
":} r:J ' ":,'? 'V '1)-7)

This Equation being reduced, and difpofed in arder, will give z.
. I +=
But when :::; and z are known, make . = CG.
27. If we had divided tbe laft Equation but onc by z, then
bv Prob. 1. we hould ha,e had + b;;, 1o" + )J.; + .V
J 'VV rv

2 -:=:.; which would have been a more limpie Equation than the
former, for determining z.
28. I h:lve gi:en this Example, that it. may appear, how the ope-
ration is to be perform'd in furd Equations: But the Curvature of
the Conchoid may be thus found a horter \vay. The parts of the
Equation b j-)' .,ce_ )J :.)' being fquared, and divided 'by yy,
.1. r ,_ J- ..!... d h b b
tuere __ -1 _; zby )" .\,an t ence yPro .r .
-.::: ... !, ..:.... [:.,:. he=- X
- --=-- -- - zbz 2 rz zx, or b )' -
., .. :. ,. ;3 ;=- z
J -' 1 - .. .
And hencc again h);Prob. r-.
'"'":.:: +- z By
'-' .... -- .
the firft reilt z is detCimined, and z by the latter.
29. Ex . ... Let ADF be a Trochoid [ or Cycloid] belonging to
the Circle ALE, whofe Diameter is AE; and making the Ordina:te
BD to cut the
K _ .. -:
Circle in L, ;:. ___ _...
call AE .., \ .'
AB x, BI} / \ \ :
"r : :
=' B T - ,' ,,, :-.-. : . . ................ B
,. . -----............. , ..
-' /1 : .........._ :. . .
and the .A.rch / _.-- / l ; , <:-..
.AL t, and r ,,,: : - . . ... ;P
the Fluxion of ' .- _.--
T::.::-> : ]\ ;
- 1\- h \ . . ' 1 . - ,: :
eiame.-uc \ -- ' ", -- :,, . r.!.... ____ _
\ / ' .J.) l ff:'
= t. And 1 r \..- :_..-" ' .. :
firft (drawing \ ' _. _/ :
the Semidia- - \ 1 _..-/ / _.....- \
.tl.e ..__ _.- _ _. 'a
..... .... : .... ...... '
Fluxionofthe A - ...... ... .. .. T
Bate or Abicifs AB will be to the Fluxion of the Arch AL, as BL

t ~ n d IN.FINITE SiRIEs.
' . o.
:to PL , that is, ,_. or 1 : t :: v : {.a. And therefore -
. zv
from the nature of the Cirde ax xx zv, and therefore by
Prob. 1. a- 2x zvv, Or v.
30. Moreover from the nature of the Trochoid, 'tis L ~ . Arch
AL, and therefore 'V+ t y. And thence(by Prob. I ) v +t z.
Lafily, inil:ead of the Fluxions v and i let their Values be fubil:i-
tuted, . and there will arife R:"' z. Whenc(by Prob. 1.) is' de-
. . + 1 ~ ~
rived - ~ + xv !.. z. And thefe being found, make . ~
qJt'lJ <VV tZJ . .t.
- DH, and raife the perpendicular HC.
31. CoR. 1. Now it follows from hence, that DH zBL, and
CH zBE, or that EF bifels the radius of Curv::ture CD in N .

'And this will appear by fubil:ituting the valuts of z and z now
found, in the Equation
-t: "'"' DH, and by a proper reducrion f
the refult.
3 2. CoR. 2. Henee the Curve FCK, defcribed indefinitely by the
Center of Cur-..ature of ADF, is .another Trochoid equal to this.
whofe Vertices at I and F adjoin to the Cufpids of this. For let
the Circle F.i\, equal and alike pofited to ALE, be defcribed, and
let C ~ be drawn parallel to EF, meeting the Circle in i\: Then
will Arch F.i\ ( Arch EL NF ) Ci\.
33 CoR. 3 The right Line CD, which is at right Angles to the
Trochoid IAF, will touch the Trochoid IKF in the point C.
34 CoR. 4 Hence (in the invertedTrochoids,) if at the Cufpid K
fJf the upper Tro.choid, a Weight be hung by a Thread at the di-
.fiance KA or zEA, and while. the Weight vibrates, the Thread be
fuppos'd to apply itfelf to the parts of the Trochoid KF and KI,
which refifl: it on each fide, that it may not be extended into a
right Line, but compel it (as it departs from the Perpendicular) to
be by degrees inflefud above, into the Figure of the Trochoid,
while the lower part CD, from the loweil: Point of Contat, fi:il{
remains a right Line : The Weight will move in the Perimeter of
the lower Trochoid, becaufe the Thread CD will always be perpen-
picular to it.
35 CoR. S Therefore the whol Length of the Thread KA is
equal to the Perimeter of the Trochoid KCF, and its part CD is
cqual to the part of the Perimeter CF.

The Method of FLUXIONs,

36. CoR. 6. Since the Thread by its ofcillating Motion revolves
the moveable Point C, as a Center; the Superficies through
which the whole Line CD continually paifes, will be to the Super-
ficies through which the part CN above the right Line IF patfes at
the fame time, as CD' to CN', that is, as 4 to r. Therefore the
Area CFN is a fourth part of the Area CFD ; and the Area KCNE
is a fourth part of the Area AKCD.
37 CoR. 7 Alfo fince the fubtenfe EL is equal and parallel to
CN, and is converted about the immoveable Center E, jufi: as CN
moves about the moveable Center C; the Supedicies will be equal'
through which they pafs in the fame time, that is, the Area CFN,
:md the Segment of the Circle EL. And thence the Area NFD
will be the triple of that Segment, and the whole area EADF wilr
be the triple of the Semicircle.
38. CoR. 8. When the Weight D arrives at the point the
whole Thread will be wound about the Perimeter of the Trochoid.
KCF, and the Radius of Curvature will there be nothing; Where-
fore the Trochoid IAF is more curved, at its Cufpid F, than any
Circle; and makes:m Angle of Contal:,. with the Tangent produ-
ced, infinitely greater than a Circle can make with right Line.
39 But there are Angles of Contal: that are infinitely greater
than Trochoidal ones, and others infinitely greater than thefe, and
fo on in infinitun;; and yet the greatefr of them al! are infinitely
Iefs than right-lined Angles. Thus xx ay, x; x4 cy;,
xr d)+, &c. denote a Series of Curves, of which every fucceeding.
one ma.4.es an Angle of Contal: with its Abfcifs, which is infinitely
greater than the preceding can make with the fame Abfcifs. And the
Angle of Canta l: w hich the firfi: xx ay makes, is of the fa me kind
with Circular ones; and that which the fecond x; bJ= makes, is of
the fame kind with TrocboidaJs. And tho' theAngles of the fucceed-
ing Curves do always infinitely exceed the Angles of the preceding, yet
they can never arrive at the magnitude of a right-lined Angle.
40. After the famemanner x y, xx ay, x; b=y, x4 c'y,
&c. denote a Series of Lines, of which the Angles of the fubfequents,.
made with their Abfcifs's at the Vertices, are always infinitely lefs
thar! the of the preceding. Moreover, between the Angles
of Cont::.t1 of any two of thefe kinds, other Angles of Contal:_ may
be found aj injinitum, that !hali infinitely exceed each other.
4-1. Now it appears, that Angles of Contat of one kind are in-
finitdy greater than thofe of another kind ; fince a Curve of one
kind) howe;er great it may be, cannot, at the Point of Contal:,
1 - Iie

lie between the Tangent and i Curve of another kind, however finaU
that Curve may be. Or an Angle of Contal: of one kind cannot
necefarily contain an Angle of Contat of another kind, as the whole
-qmtains a p,art. Thus the Angle of Contal: of the Curve x<f cy;,
or the Angle which it makes with its Abfcifs, necefarily includes the
Angle of Contal: of.the Curve X' by, and can never be contain'd
by it. For Angles that can mutually exceed each other are of the
fame kind, as it happens with the aforefaid Angles of the Trochoid
. and of this Curve X' by-.
42. And hence it appears, that Curves, in fome Points, may be
1nfinitely more ftraight, or infinitely more curved, than any Circle, and
yet not, on that account, lofe the . form of Curve-lines. But all
this by the way only.
43 Ex. 5 Let ED be the to the Circle, dei:ribed
from Center A; and letting fall DB '
-perpendicular to AE, make AB x,
BD y, and AE 1. Then 'twill
be jx jr jx xy, as before.


A :S
Then writing 1 for x, and z for j, the
Equation becomes zx Z)'"
. '
y ; and thence, by Prob. r. zx o n

-zy zx + zx zzxx . 2Z))' y. Then reducing, and
-again writing I for and z for j, there a rifes z l
But z and z being found, make
1:' xz. DH, and draw HC as
abo ve.
44 If you defire a Conftrul:ion of the Problem, you will find it
very hort. Thus draw DP perpendicular to DT, meetingAT in P,
.andmake zAP: AE :: PT: CH._ Forz (x-;x-Jy
.and zy BP; and zy + x AP, and x-:.:_n
2BD ..
mto_.zy+x into AP z. Moreover 1t IS I.+zz=
PT BDq DT q ) d h e 1 + "'"'
T, (becl!ufe 1 + llT JH , an t ere1ore -==
- zBD" A'
. q q %.
. . H CH PT "AE H
D . Lal:ly, It IS BT : BD :: :0 : .:_ zAl:' ere
the negative Value only hews, that CH mul: be taken the fame
way as AB from DR
-45 In the fame manner the C_urvature of Spirals, or of other
.Curves may be determmed by a very fhort Calculatwn.
K 2 46.

71ie Meiho o[
46. Furthermore, to determine the Curvature witbout any
vious redution, wben the Curves are refer'd to rigbt Lines in any
other manner, tbis Method might have been apply'd, as has been
done a1ready for drawing Tangents. But as all Geometrical Curves;
as alfo Mechanical, (efpecially when the defining conditions are re-
duced to infinite Equations, as I fhall hew hereafter,) may be re-
:'er'd to rel:angu\ar Ordinates, I think I have done' enough in this
matter. He that defires more, may eafily fupply it by bis own in-
duil:ry ; efpecially if for a farther illuftration I hall add the Method
for Spirals.
47 Let BK be a Circle, A its Center, and B a given Point ll'
its Circumference. LetADd
be a Spiral, DC its Perpen-
dicular, and C the Center of
C=ture at the Point D.
Then drawing the right Line
ADK, and CG parallel and
equal to AK, as alfo the Per-
pendicular GF meeting CD
in F: Make AB or AK=
1 CG,BK x,AD :y,

aud GF z. Then con- .
ceive the Point D to move in, the SpiTal for an infinitely little Sprce
Dd, and tben through d draw the Semidiameter Ak, and Cg parallet
and equal to it, draw gf perpendicular to gC, fo that- Cd cuts gf
nj, am:f GF in P; produce GF to fo that gf, and draw
de perpendicular to AK, and produce it till it meets CD at I. Then
the contemporaneous Mom;!nts of BK, AD, and will be Kk, De
and F q, wbich therefore may be call' d xo, )o, and zo.
48. Now it is AK : Ae (AD) :: kK : de yo, where I affume
x I, as above . Alfo CG : GF :: de : eD oyz, and there-
fore JZ j. Befides CG : CF :: de : dD oy x CF :: dD :.
di oy x CFg. Moreover, becaufe ( LGCg) LDAd',
CP9 ( 1 Cdi L edD + Rel:.) L ADd, the Triangles-
CP<p and ADd are fimilar, and tbence AD : Dd :: CP (CF) :
P<p oxCFq. From whence take Fp, and there will remain PF
=oxCFq oxz. Laftly, letting fall CH perpendicular toAD,
'tis PF : di :: CG: eH or DH Y xCF?. Or fubftituting I+zz
" CF ' ill be DH == J' +
"'"' b br.
.or q, tw
+:::: Here 1t may e o 1erved,
and IN F 1 N 1 T E S E u E s.
tat in this kind of Computations, 1 take thofe (AD and
Ae) for equal, the Ratio of which differs but infinitely little from
the Ratio of Equality. . .
49 Now froni hence arifes the following Ru1t<. The Re1ation
of x and y being exhibited _by any Equation, find the Rehition of
the Fluxions x and ), (by Prob. t.) and fubftitute I x, . and yz
for y. Then from the refulting Equation find again, (by Prob. 1.)
the Relation between j, and ;;, and again fubftitute I for x.'

The firft refult by due redution will give )' and z, and the latter
will give z; which being known, make Y+ _y.t.t DH, and raife
:. . . : J+.t.t-.t
the Perpendicular HC, meeting the Perpendicular to the Spiral DC
before drawn in e, and e will be the Center of Curvature. Or
which. comes. to the fame thing, take CH :. HD :: z : 1, and.
draw CD. ' .

. so. Ex. I. If _the Equ.ation, be ."< y, (which .will belong to
the ofArchif!ledes,) then (by Prob. I.) ax y, or (writing I.
for x, and yz for y,ra yz. And hence again (by Prob 1.) o=
jz + yz. Wherefore any Point D of the Spiral being given, and
thence the length AD- or y, there will be given z , and
,r. ' :J , .
-!! or) Which being known, niake 1 + zz z :
J J .
I+zz :: DA (y) :. DH. And 1 : z :: DH: CH:
And hence you will eafily deduce the following 'Conil:rution .
Produce AB to Q, fo that AB : Arch :: Arch BK : _BQ,.
and make AB + AQ._: DA : DH :':- a : HC. . ..
51. Ex. z. If ax y be the Equation that determines the Re-.
lation between BK andAD; (by Prob. 1.) you will haye zaxx .
jy, or zax 3ZJ
Thence agilin zax 3Zf + 9zjy. "'is.
h fi
za>: d . za-g:t>:j3 Th 1'. b ' k
t ere ore z 3J.
, an z 3>
e1e emg nown, make
I + zz R: : 1 + zz :: DA : DH. Or, the work bdng redu:d
toa better form, make 9xx + 10: gxx+ 4 :: DA : DH.
52. Ex. 3 After the fame manner, if ax bxy y
the Relation of BK to AD; there will arife b
ax+-hv. z, and:
. . .9 3)
za - zh.:y- bzxv- From which D H . and thence
bxy + 3;! . '
Poinr C, is deter:mined as before..


53 And. thus you will ealily determine the Curvature of any
other Spirals ; or invent Rules for any other kinds of Curves, in
imitation of thefe already gi\en. .
54 And now lhave.finih'd the Problem; but having made ufe
of a Methqd .which is pretty different from the common ways of
operation, and as the Problem itfelf is of the number of thofe
wpich are not very frequent amortg Geometricians: For the illuftra-
tion and confiimation of the Solution here given, 1 hall not think
much to give a hint of another, which is more obvious, and has a
nearer relation to- the ufu;U Methods of drawing Tangents; . Thus if
from any and with any Radius, a Cirde be conceived to
be defcribed, which may cut any Curve in feveral Points; if that
Circle be fuppos'd to be contrated, or enlarged, till two of the.
Points of inter!el:ion coincide, it will there touch the Curve. And
befides; if its Center be fnppos'd to approach towards, or recede
from, the Point of Contat, till the third Point of interfetion hall
meet with the for'111er in the .Point 6f Contat f tlen will' that .Circle
be :Equicnrved with the Curve in that Point ofContat: In like man-
ner as 1 infinuated befare, in the laft of the five Properties of the
Center by the help of each of whichl affirm'd the
Problem mightQe_folved- in a different manner. .
55 Therfore with Center C, and Radius CD, let a Circle be
defc - thatcuts the Curve .
. - - . .
in the P-oints J, D, and .fl.;
and !etting fall the Perpendi-
mlars DB, db, and CF,
to the AbfciJS AB ; cal1. AB
= X, BD J, AF 'V,
FC t,andDC s. Then
BF 'V x, and DB+FC
y t. The fum of the
Sqnares of thefe is equal to the

.B J'


Square of De-; that is,
2'VX + + )"" + Z.)'f + t"'
=Sj. If you would a_b_brevi- e

' .

ate this, make + . q, ( any Symbol. at, pleafure,) and it
becomes l-
2vx + ) ... + 2!)' + t o. After you have found
t, 'V, and you will ha ve s v' -v -1-
56. Now let any Equation be fo.r defining the Curve,.
the quantity of whofe Curvatnre is to be fonnd. By the help of
this Eqnation you may exterminate either of the x or y,

and lNFHTn SERns.
and' there will arife an the Roots of whiCh, (d, DB, J(3,
&c. if you exterminate x; or Ab, AB, A(3, &c. if you extermina te
y,) are at the Points of interfel:ion d, D, Jo, &c. Wherefore fince
three of them become equal, the Circle both touches the Curve,
and will alfo be of the fame degree of Curvature as the Curve, in.
the point of Contal:. But they will become equal by comparing
the Equation with anothr .fil:itious Equation of the fame number
of Dimenfions, which has three equal Roots; as Des Cartes has
hew'd. Or more expeditioufly by multiplying its Terms twice by
an Arithmetica:l Progreffion.
57 ExAMPLE. Let the Equation be ax (which is an
Equation to the Parabola,) and exterminating x, (that is, fubftitu-
ting its Value in the forego-
ing Equation,) there will arife * .

+ zty + q
Three of whofe Roots y are to be + Y".
made equal. And for this purpofe
I multiply theTerms twice by an
1 0
I o
Arithmetical Progreflion, as yo u :::
fee done here ; and there arifes aa -;;r + 2)' o.
Or v

+ .}a: Whence it is eafily infer'd, that BF

.}a, as befare.
58. Wherefore any Point D of the Parabola being given, draw the
Perpendicular DP to the Curve, and in the Axis take PF 2AB,
and ere<'l FC Perpendicular to FA, meeting DP in C; then will C
be the Center of Curvity defired.
59 The fame may be perfoi:m'd in the Ellipfis and Hyperbola,
but the Calculation will be troublefome enough, and in other Curves
generally very tedious.
OJ f?<.!feflions that havefome A.ffinity
to the preceding
6o, From the Re(olutior of the preceding Problei fome others
may be perform'd; fuch are, .
I. <ro jind the Point where the Curve has a given degree if Czw ..

6r. Thus in the Parabola, ax yy, if the Paint be required
whafe Radius of Curvature is of a given lengthf: Fwm the Cen-
ter af Curvature, found as befare) yau wiU determine the Radius
te .


Tbe Met!Jod oJ FJ.UXIONs,

to be .p: ../ aa + 40x, which muft be made equal to f. Then
by redution there arifes X
II. :Lo .find tbe Point oJ Relitude.
62. I call that the Point o/ Reiitude, in which the Radius of
"Flexure becomes infinite, or its Center atan infinite diftance: Such
it is at the V ertex: of the Parabola a; x y+. And this fame Point
is commonly the Limit of contrary Flexure, whofe Determination
I have exhibited befare. But another Determination, and that not
inelegant, may be derived from this Problem. Which is, the
longer the Radius ofFlexure is, fa much the lefS the Angle DCd
.(Fig.pag.6I.) becomes, and alfo the Moment 1'/; !o that the
Flu::cion of the z is diminh'd along with it, and by the
Infinitude of that Radius, vanilhes. Therefore find the
Fluxion z, and fuppofe i-t to become nothing.
63. As if we would aetermine the Limit of contrary Flexure in
theParabolaof the fecond kind, by the help of which con-
ftmted Equations of fi.x Dimenfions; the Equation to that Curve
is x; bx cdx + bcd + d:ry o. And hence (by Prob. I.) atifes
3xx 2bxx + ixy + dxj o. Now writing 1 x,
and z for ), it becomes 3x 2bx cd + dy + dxz o;. whence
.again (by P.rob. 1. )6xx + d;: + dxz +.dx;; o. Here again
writing 1 for x, z fur .Y, and o for z, it becomes 6x 2b + zdz
o. ,;t\nd exteuainating z, by putting b 3x for dz in the
Equation 3xx 2bx- cd + dy + dxz o, there will arife bx
-cd + dy o, .or )' e+
5; this being fubftituted in the room
of y in the Equation of the Curve, we hall have x; + bcd o)
which will determine the Confine of contrary Flexure.
64. By a like Method you may determine
the Points of Retitude, which do ncit come
between parts of contrary Flexure. As if the
Equation x+ . 4DX; + 6a.'r: b;y o. ex-
prefS'd the riature of a Curve; you have firfr,
(byProb.I.)4X; 12axa+ 12ax b;z o,

and hence again IZX' 240X + 12a b;z
Here fuppofe z o, and by Reduc-
tion there will arife x a. Wherefore take
:E .. D

AB . a, and erel: the perpendicular BD; this will meet the
.Curve in the Point of Reffitude D, as was required.

III. 'l jind the Point qf i11ji1zite Flexure.
6 5 Find the Radius of Curvature, and fuppofe it to be nothing.
Thus to the Parabola of the fecond kind, whofe Equation is =
ay, that Radius will be CD 4"-:qx v 4ax+9X.'I:'; which be-
comes nothing when x o.
IV. 'JO determine the Point of the greatejl or letifl Fltxure.
66. At thefe Points the Radius of Curvature becomes either the
greateft or 'Yherefore the Ceriter of at that mo-
ment af T1me, netther moves towards the pomt of Contal:, nor
the contrary way, but s intirely at reft. Therefore let the Fluxion
of the Radius CD be found; or more ex-
peditioufly, Iet the Fluxion of either of the
Lines BH or AK be found, and Iet it be
made equal to nothing.
67. As if the Q!el:ion were propofed con-
cerning the Parabola of the fecond kind
X' a y; fi.rft to determine the Center of
find DH aa + 9XY,
. urvature you bx
e JI
d therefore BH aa+ ;xy, make BH V then +..E.y 'V.
6x ' ' 6x

Hence (by Prob. z.) + V; v. But now fuppofe v, or the
Fluxion of BH, to be nothing ; and befides, fince by Hypothefis
A:' ay, and thence (by Prob. r.) 3x . ..; a');, putting x r, fub-

for ), and there will arife 45X4 at. Take thereforc

-. 4
AB a

a x 4 si , and raiiing the perpendicular BD, it will

meet the Curve in the Point of the greateft Curvature. Or, which
is the fame thing, make .AB : BD :: 3v' 5 : I.
68. After the fame manner the Hyperbola of the fecond kind
reprefented by the Equation .-.:)'" a', will be
moft infleled in the points D and d, which you
may determine by taking in the Abfcifs r,
and ereling the Perpendicular Qt v 5, and
Q...p equal to it on the other fide. Then draw-
jng AP and Ap, they will meet the Curve in the
points D and d required.
. '
. '
\ '.
The Method of FLoxroNs,

V. 1o determine tbe Locus oJ the Center rf Cttr'Vatrtre, or to de-
fcribe tbe Cur.:e, in wbicb that Cmter is always found.
6g. We have already fhewn, that the Center of Curvature of the
Trochoid is always found in another Trochoid. And thus the Cen-
...ter of Curvature of the Parabola is found in another Parabola of
the fecond kind, reprefented by the Equation axx ya, as will
eafily appear from Calculation.
VI. Light folling upon any Cur'Ve, to .find its Focus, or the Colz-
ca>.trft of tbe Ra)'S that are rifrafed at any rf its Points.
o. Find the Curvature at that Point of the Curve, and defcribe
a Circle from the Center, and with the Radius of Curvature. Then
fmd the Concourfe of the Rays, wben they are refral:ed by a Cir-
cle about that Point: F or the fame is the Concourfe of the refrac-
ted Rays in the propofed Curve. .
71. To thefe may be added a particular Invention of the Curva-
tare at the V ertices of Curves, where they cut their Abfcifes at right
Angles. For the Point in which the Perpendicular to the Curve,
meeting with the Abfcifs, cuts it ultimately, is the Center of its
Curvature. So that having the relation between the Abfcifs x,
and the refungular Ordinate y, and thence (by Prob. 1.) the rela-
tion between the Fluxions x and j; the Value jy, if you fubftitute
r for x into it, and make )' o, will be the Radius of Curva-

72. Thus in the Ellipfis ax xx yy, it is o:x = jy;

which V alue of yy, if we fuppofe y o, and confequently x b,
"riung; 1 for x, becomes {-a for the Radius of Curvature. And [o
:1t the -Vertices of the Hyperbola and Parabola, the Radius of Cur-
rature will be always half of the Latus retum.
. .
and 1 N FIN I T E S E R IE s.
73 And in like manner for the Conchoid, defined by the Equation
6, 26u + ce b h 1 f . r: b
, + -hb 2 x xx yy, t e Va ue o yy, (1ound y
bc be
xl - x - b x, Now fuppofing y
Prob. 1.) will be .
bb b bb
e or e, we a ave - 2 e, or - -
e e
and thence x
2b + e, for the Radius of Curvature. Therefore make AE : EG ::
EG : EC, and Ae : eG :: eG : ee, and you will ha ve the Centers
of Curvature Cande, at the Vertices E and e of the Conjugate
P R O B. VI.
To determine the fil.ality of the Curvature, at a given
. P oint of any Curve.
I. By the fzyality if' Curvature 1 mean its Form, as it is more
or lefs inequable, or as it is varied more or lefs, in its progrefs thro'
different parts of the Curve. So if it were demanded, what is thc
of the Curvature of the Circle? it might be anfwer'd, that
it is uniform, or invariable. k K
And ihus if it were
ed, what is the of the
Curvature of the S piral, which
is defcribed by the motion of
the point D, proceedingfrom
A in AD with an accelerated
velocity, while the right
Line AK moves with an
form rotation about the Cen-
ter A ; the acceleration of
L 2 which

The Method of FLUXIONS,

which V elccity is fuch, that the right Line AD has the fame ratio
to the Arch BK, dekribed from a given point B, as a Number has
to its Logarithm: I fa y, if it be afk' d, What is the of th(i<
Cur\ature of this Spiral? It may be anfwer'd, that it is uniformly
varied, or that it is equably inequable. And thus other Curves, in
their feveral Points, may be denominated inequably inequable, ac-
cording to the variation of their Curvature.
2. Therefore the Inequability or Variation of Curvature is re-
quired at any Point of a Curve. Concerning which it may be ob-
3 I. That at Points placed alike in like Curves, there is a like
l;:equability or V ariation of Curvature.
4 II. And that the Moments of the Radii of Curvature, at thofe
Points, are proportional to the contcmporaneous Moments of the
Curres, and the Fluxions to the Fluxions.
5 III. And therefore, that where thofe rluxions are not propor-
tional, the lnequahility of the will be unlike. For
there will be a greater Inequability, where the Ratio of the .Fluxion
of the Radius of Curvature to. tbe fluxion of the Curve is
greater. And therefore that ratio of tbe Fluxions may not impro-
perly be call'd the Index of the Inequability or of the Variation
of Curvature. . .

6. At the points D and d, infinitely near to each other, in the
Clli\e ADd, let there be drawn the
Radii of Curvature DC and de; and DJ J
being the Moment of the Curve, Ce D \\
will be the contemporaneous Moment i '\
of the Radius of Curvature, and \ \
will be the Index of the lnequability of \ F_
Curvature. For the lnequability may A .s b .1' \
b<: cali' d fu eh and fo great, as the quan- \
tity of that ratio hews it to be : \., ..

Or the Curvature may be faid to be fo \ ..
much the more unlike to tbe uniform O
Curvature of a Cirde. H "'

7 Now letting fall the perpen,tlicular Ordinates DB and db,
to any Ene .AB meeting DC in P; make AB x, BD y,
DP t, DC ':!, and thence Bb xo, it will be Ce w; and

x:t Ce -tv --y
BD : DP :: Bb : Dd= y , and Di -; . makingx
, Wherefore


Wherefore th relation between x and y being exhibited by any
Equation, and thence, (according to Prob. + and S) the Perpendicu-
lar DP or t, being found, and the Radius of v, and the
Fluxion v of that Radius, (by Prob. J.) the Index '!f of the Inequabi-
lity of Curvature will be given alfo.
8. Ex. J. Let the Equation to the Parabola 1.ax ):J' be given;
then (by Prob. 4.) BP a, and therefore DP ..!aa+)J t.
Alfo (by Prob. 5) BF a + 2x, and BP : DP :: BF : DC
at + 21X N h E d
v. ow t e quatwns 2ax yy, aa +)'Y tt, an

(by Prob. 1.) give x 2j:J' and 2j:J' = t, and
= v. Which being reduced to order, and putting
. . .

a a
x = r, there will arife y =; t . 'and v

And thus )', t, and v being found, there \\'ill be had -;- the Index
of the Inequability of Curvature.
9 As if'in Numbers it were tl1at a
1, or zx )'J,
and x -i ; then y ( v :) r, j
=:; =r,t .aa+J'Y

r'+:,+u=) 3vf2. Sothat
3, which therefore is the Index of Inequability.
10. But if it were determin'd, that x 2, then y

'7 ;
t 4/'5, i v'h andv 3v5 Sothat t 6willbehere
the Index of Inequability.
I r. Wherefore the Inequability of Curvature at thc Point of the
Curve, from whence an Ordinate, equal to the Latus rel:um of thc
Para bola, . being drawn perpendicular to the Axis, will be double to thc
Inequability. at that Point, from whence the Ordinate fo drawn is half
theLatus rel:um; that is the Curvattre at the lirft Point is as unlike a-
' . .
gain to the Curvature of the Circle, as the Curvature at thc fccond Point.
12. Ex. 2. Let the Equation be zo.v bxx and tby Prob-4-)
it will be a bx BP, and thencc tt (a a zab.v +bbx,\'+ )}'
. . 1 .
::::=::) aa__.;byy+yy. Alfo (by Prob.5.) it is l)H y+.l::.''
_. '
where, if for )'J you fubfiitute tt a a, there arifes DH =
'a!!.a 'Tis alfo BD : DP :: DH : DC = =v. N ow (by Prob.z.)
,, .
The Methorl oJ FLux t o l'fs,

give a hx ir, and J)" hjy it, and
:; .V. And thus;

being found, the Index '7- of the Inequability of Curvature, will
be known.
13. Thus in the Ellipfis zx- 3xx
=)")', where it is a 1, and b 3 ;
if we make x then y = )'
- .
- r, t= vh t vz, 'i)

.>V 'i">
and therefore -}, which is the In-
dex of the Inequability of Curvature.
Hence it appears, that the Curvature of
this Ellipfis, at the Point D here af-
fign'd, is by two times lefs inequable,
( or by two times more like to the Cur-
vature of the Circle,) than the Curva-
ture of the Parabola, at that Point of
D .

- .

- -

- .
- .

- .

.B b F '.



H o
its Curve, from whence an Ordinate let fall upon the Axis is equa
to half the Latus reanm.
14-. If we have a mind to compare the Conclufions derived in
"'"' y
thefe Examples, in the Parabola zax )')' arifes "t for the
Index of Inequability ; ani in the Ellipfis zax bxx Y)' arifes

1r- 3& x BP; and fo in the Hyperbola zax + hxx
t =

the analogy being obferved, there arifes the Index ':Z
- t aa
x BP. Whence it is evident, that at the different Points of any
Conic Seaion confider'd apart, the Inequability of Curvature is as
the Rruangle BD x BP. And that, at the feveral Points of the Pa-
rabola, it is as the Ordinate BD.
r 5 Kow as the Parabola is the moft fimple Figure of thofe that
are curred "oith inequable Curvature, and as the Inequability of its
r. fil d . d (fi . 1 d . 6 Ordinate ) th
CUITature 1S 10 ea y etermme , or Its n ex IS x Lar. rea. , ere-
fore the Curratnres of other Curves may not improperly be compared
to the Curvature of this. _
16. As if it were inquired, what may be the Curvature of the
Ellipfis 2X 3xx at that Point of the Perimeter which is
determined by aliuming x : Becaufe its Index is -}, as before,
it might be ani\ver'd, that it is like the Curvature of the Parabola

6.'< yy, at that Point of the Curve, between which and the Axis
the perpendicular Ordinate is equal to ~ .
17. Thus, as the Fluxion of the S piral ADE is to the Flu:xion
of the Subtenfe AD, in a certain gien Ratio,
fuppofe as d to e; on its concave fide erel:
AP - e X AD perpendicular to AD,
and P will be the Center of Curvature, and
ADP or ' e , will be the Index oflnequa-
Y dd-ee
bility. So that this Spiral has every where
its Curvature alike inequable, as the Parabola
6x yy has in that Point of its Curve, from
whence to its Abfcifs a perpendicular Ordi-
nate is let fall, which is equal to the



quanuty . ::=_=,
x8. And thus the Index of lnequability at any Point D of the
Trochoid, (fee Fig. inArt. 29. pag.64.) is found to be ~ . Where-
fore its Curvature at the fame Point D is as inequable, or as unlike
to that of a Circle, as the <:urvature of any Parabola ax )'J is at
the Point where the Ordinate is }a x ~ ~ .
rg. And from thefe Confiderations the Senfe of the Problem, as
1 conceive, muft be plain enough; which being well underftood, it
will not be difficult for any one, who obferves the Series of the
things above deliver'd, to furnih himfelf with more Examples and
to t:ontrive many other Methods of operation, as occafion m ~ y re-
quire. So that he will be able to manage Problems of a like nature
(where he is not difcouraged by tedious and perplex Calculations,)
with little or no difficulty. Su eh are thefe following ;
l. 'I find the Point oJ any Curve, whcre thcre is either no Inequr.bi-
lity oJ Curvature, or itifinite, or the greatejl, or the leajl. .
20. Thus at the Verdees of the Conic Setions, there is no In-
cquability of Curvature ; at the Cufpid of the Trochoid it is infi-
nite ; and it is greateft at thofe Points of the Ellipfis, where the
Retangle BD x BP is greateft, that is, where the Diagonal-Lines
of the circumfcribed Parallelogram cut the EllipJis, whofe Sides
touch it in their principal V ertices.
11. 'l'o determine a Cun.Je qf fome dffinite Specics, jitppofe a Conic
St'Efion, wlo(e Curvature at mzy Point may be equal and Jimilar to tl'e
Cur"ature of any other Cur;c, at (l ghmr PJint of it,
. '
. . .

IU, 'Ib t r:rini!zi: .z (i;nic Seflion, at 01l)' Point qf <hicb, the Cur-
-:,;tzm: and Pqjithn if the 'fangmt, (il of the Axis,) m ay he like
!3 tle Cur1.:ature and Pojitfon qf the 'fangmt, at a Pont ajjign'd qf
7'''' rflr- . ' .
'-t J.,_ .. , l. "'
- J
2 r. The ufe of whic_h ProbleP'l is that infl:ead of Ellipfes of
the fecond kind, whofe Properties. of refral:ing Light are explain'd
by Dts Cartes in his Georrietry, Conic Sel:ions may be fubfi:tuted,
which hall perform the fame thing, \'ery rtearly, as to their Re-
fraftions. And the fame rnay be underfrood of other Curves .

7 jin as many Curves as yozt pleafe, wbofe Areas may
be exh;bited 6y fizite Equations.
r. Let AB be the Abfcifs of a Curve, at whofe Vertex A let the
- . . . , .
perpendicular A e ' . I be raifed, : and let CE be
drawn parallcl to AB. Let alfo DB be a rel:an-
gular Ordinate, meeting the right Line CE in E,
and the Curve AD in D. And conceive thefe
Areas ACEB and ADB to be generated by the A x h
right Lines BE and BD, as they move along the
Line AB. Then their Increments or Fluxions will F.
be always as the defcribing Lines BE and BD; Wherefore make
the Paralldogram ACEB, or AB x 1, x, and the Area the
Curve ADB call z. And the Fluxions and z will be as BE and
BD; fo that making x I BE, then z BD.
2. Kow if any Equation be affiuned at pleaftire, for determining
the rehtion of z and x, from thence, (by Prob. 1.) may z be de-
rived. And thus there will be two Equations, the latter of which
will detennine the Curve, and the forrner its Area,
3 Affi1me .'(X
becaufe x 1.
=z, and thence (by Prob. 1.)
4-- Aili1me :_: z, and thence will arife
a a
to the Parabola.

. ' .
z, or 2x .z,

z, an Equation
- ' d h u r.
5 u me ax; zz, or a"'x;: z, an t ere Wl arl!e .z,

or -;fax= zz, an Equation again to the Parabola.
6. Afii.1111C a
x zz,or ax' z, and there arifes a':. z,'
or al + ixx o. Here the negative Value of i only infinuates,
that BD is to be taken the contrary way from BE.
7 Again if you aifume e a + cx z, you will ha ve u.'t:
=zzz; and z being eliminated, there will arife ' ex z.
. y=+=
aa+xx .
8. Or 1f you aifume b v aa + x:" z, make v' aa + )';,"(

= v, and it will be and then (by Prob. 1.) 3"1!:"' =z. Alfo

the Equation aa + xx vv gives zx zvv, by the help of which
if you exterminate v, it will become

i J- v aa+xx.
9 LaHy, if you affume 8 3xz + zz, you will obtain
- 3z 3xz + zzz. Wherefore by the afiumed Equation
firft feek the Area z, and then the Ordinate i by the reftllting Equa-

10. And thus from the Areas, however they may be feign'd, you
may always determine the Ordinates to which they belong.
'1'o jind as many Curves as you pleafe, whofe Areas jhall
have a relation to the Arca of mry gven Curve, ajjign-
able by finite Equations.
1. Let FDH be a given Curve, and GEl the Curve required, and
conceive their Ordinates DB and EC to move at right Angles upon
A .B
1l JI
A 1l .A G ;\ B A C
their Abfciifes or Bafes AB :md AC. Then the Increments or Fluxions
of the Areas which they defcribe, will be as thofe Ordinates drawn
M hlto

1be Method oJ FLUXIONS,
into their V elocities of moving, that is, into the. Fluxions of their
Abfciff'es. Therefore make AB x, BD v, AC z, and
CE )', the Area AFDB s, and the Area AGEC t, and let
the Fluxions of the Areas be and i: And it wili be XV : zy :: S.: i.
Therefore if we fuppofe x _ I, and ___ as befare; it will be

z:r = t, and thence -: = ''
2. Thercfore let any two Equations be aiTumed ; one of which
may exDreis the relation of thc Areas s and t, and the otl1er the
. "
rehtion of their Abtl:ies x and z, and (by Prob. 1.) let the

Fluxions t and z be found, and then make - - y.
3 Ex. t. Let the given Cune FDH be a Circle, exprefs'd by the
Equation ax _ .-.:x 'V'V, and let other Curves be fought, whofe
Area.s may be equal to that of the Circle. Therefore hy the Hy-

pothefis s t, and thence ; __ i, and y !.. . It remains
to determine by ai1i1ming fome relation between the Abfcifes
x and z.
4 As if you iuppofe ax zz ; then (by Prob. 1.} a = zzz: So
that iubf..ituting ;._ for ;;, then y - - ::; :"'"'. But it is v
-- ::: a:
(./a:.. .\.-.: ) :./a a z.z, therefore = ..;-aa--z-z y is the
a aa
Equation to the Curve, whofe Area is equal to that of the Circle.
5 After the !ame manner if you fuppofe xx z, the;e will
arile 2x z, and thence y ) whence and x being
exterrninated, it wiU be y=. a::."-;-"'


e r.
6. Or 11 you fuppme ce
:o:z, tbere arifes o= z + xz,

J= -:
,j az ce.
. Again, fuppofing ax + z, (by Prob. I .) it is a + s = z,
:md thence "'" _ y "' , which denotes a mechanical Curve.
a+; a+rJ
S. Ex. 2. Let the Circle ax xx l:e given again, and let
CuFes be fought, whofe Areas may have any other aiTumed relation
to the Area of the Circle. As if you affume ex+ s t, and fu p-

pofe alfo ax zz. (By Prob. 1 .) 'tis e+ s t, and a 2zz.
r Therefore
a11d 1 N F I N I T E 8 ER lE S,

t uz+uz . .
T erefore y - -: = a ; and fubJhtutmg
,._ ...... - .
V ax - xx for s,
and ::::_: for X, 'tis )' z"cz + zo:z / aa zz.
a = na V

9 But if you afutne s-


t, and 1
;;, Therefore y


S or

v Now for exterminating v, the Equation ax-x."C
v'l{, (by Prob. 1.) gives a 2x

and therefore 'tis y

zvx. Where .. if you expnge v and .v by fubftituting their values
. ax xx and z, there will arife y=:."' ./ az zz.


there will arife
= 4ssz. And for
s and x fubftituting v ax xx and zz, it will becotile )' 4szz
./a zz, which is an Equation to a mechanical Curve.
I I. Ex. 3 After the fame manner Figures may be found, which
have an afumed relation to any otber given Figure. Lct the Hyper-
bola ce + xx vv be given; then if you aHume s t, and
xx cz, you wili have t and 2X cz; and thence y=-=

tes / :' ''
. :- -. Then fubl:ituting v ce+ xx 10r s, and c"z" for x, it
z :Z.\"
will be y f: ./ cz + zz.
12. And thus if yon afume xv-s=t, and xx cz, yoti
will ha ve v + t; and 2x cz .

Therefore r "',..,',"(

and 'tis y
JV crves X



Then fnbl:ituting v H.
' . ' '

for v, and for x, it becomes )' == '"
z , ,.... ' _,....
--,- ....,,..,
I 3 Ex. 4- Moreover if the Cilio id ,; ";_:_;x CJ were given, to
which other related Figures are to be found, and for that pilrpnfl:
you afume ./ a."C xx + -
s t; fuppofe :;: ./ ax x'x
; ,
and its Fluxion b; therefore h + :. ; t: But the Equation axl-.
3 9
M 2 '

Tbe Method of FL u xro N s,

zhh, where if you exterminate h, it will be
befides fince it is .: ; = .: v = J..n _
3 3 ./ ax-xxJ
' be a:::
tWl .... ., . =t. Now to determine z and ;;, affume
- tzx-xr
..! aa ax

z; then (by Prob. l.) - a ::::: zzz, or z

\V neretore It 1s y
, .. =(:'--
- Z..'\"
..'ax )

./ aa zz. And as this Equation belongs to the Circle, we hall
ha\"e the relation of the Areas of the Circle and of the Ciffoid.
u. And thus if you had affumed v' a)!. - xx + 1- s
= t,
and ,"C z, there would have been derived y v az zz, an
Equation again to the Circle.
1 5 In like manner if any mechanical Curve were given, other
mechanical Curves related to it might be found. But to derive
geometrical Curves, it will be convenient, that of right Lines de-
pending Gcometrically on each other, fome one may be taken for
the Bafe or Abfcifs; and that the Area which compleats the Paralle-
logtam be fought, by fuppofing its Fluxion to be equivalent to the
Abfcifs, drawn into the Fluxion of the Ordinate.
16. Ex. 5 Thus the Trochoid ADF being propofed, I refer it
to the Abfcits K ..
AB ; and the ...- l

parallelogram / l
ABDG being e ,.\ j
compleated, 1 .. ..

1eek for the _....... ...
1' . ' . . .
complemen- .. - ... ; T P
tal Superficies ...... ...- ... : :
.J. f
ADG,by {up- . ...- .B -""'.u.;,.a,, '!....----' n
pofing t to be r _: . ...- }
defcribed by /

theMotion of .:

. 'J'

the n
ght Lm' e A .. ........ ... L .......... ; e;,
GD, and therefore its Fluxion to be equivalent to the Line GD
drawn into the Velocity of the Motion; that is, xxv. Now where-
as AL is p:rraiiel to the Tangent DT, therefore AB will be to BL
as the Flux10n of the f.une AB to the Fluxion of the Ordinate BD

that is, as I to v. So that v
, and therefore xv = BL.
Therefore the Arca ADG is defcribed by the Fluxion BL; fince
therefore the circular Arca ALB is defcribed by the fame Fluxion,
they will be equal.
17- In like manner if you conceive ADF to be a Figure of
Arches, or of verfed Sines, that is, whofe Ordinate BD is equal to
the Arch AL; fin ce the Fluxion of the Arch AL is to the Fluxion
of the Abfcifs AB, as PL to BL, that is, ru : I :: : . ax xx,
then v z.1 a Then vx, the Fluxion of the Arca ADG,
ax- "'X
will be
.tx' Wherefore if a right Line equal to zv ,:,x_.<x
be conceived to be apply'd as a rel:angular Ordinate at B, a point of
the Line AB, it will be terminated at a certain geometrical Curve,
whofe Arca, adjoining to the Abfcifs AB, is equal to the Area
z8. And thus geometrical Figures may be found eqnal to other
Figures, made by the application (in any Angle) of Arches of a
Circle, of an Hyperbola, or of any other Curve, to the Sines right
or verfed of thofe Arches, or to any other right Lines that may be
Geometrically determin'd,
19. As to Spirals, the matter will be very hort. For from the
Center of Rotation A, the Arch DG being defcribed, with any
Radius AG, cutting the right Line AF in G, and the Spiral in D .
fince that Arch, as a Line moving upon the '
Abfcifs AG, defcribes the Arca of the Spiral -...j_ L
to the Fluxion of the Retangle 1 x AG, as
the Arch GD to I; if you raiie thc perpen-
dicular right Line GL cqual to that Arch,
by moving in like m;,nner upon the fame
Line AG, it will defcribe the Arca A/LG
equal to the Arca of the Spiral .-\HDG:
The Curve A/L being a geomerrical Curve. A G .E'
And further, if the Subrulit: AL be dr:1wn, then 6. ALG
x GL x GD Se.ttor. AGD; therefore the complementa!
Segments. AL! and WJll.alJo b? cqual. And this r.ot only agrees
to the Sp1ral of Arclmnedes, (m wh1ch A/L bccomes theParabola
of Apollo11ius,) but to any other whatever; fo that all of them may
be convertcd into equal gevmetrical Curves with the f:une eafe.
86 'lbe A-fethod oJ FLux IoN s,
:o. I might ha,e produced more Specimens of the Conhutl:ion
cf this Problem, but t,l-efe may fuffice; as being fo general, that
whatewr ::s yet has been found out concerning the Areas of Curves,
or (I bdieve) can be found cut, is in fome manner contain'd herein,
and is here determined fcr tl:.e moil part with lefs trouble, and wilh-
out the uiual perplexities.
21. But the chief u fe of this and the foregoing Problem is, that
atluming the Conic Se'-..ions, or any other Curves of a known mag-
nitude, other Curves may be found out that may be compared with
thete, and that their defining Equations may be difpofed orderly in
a Catalogue or Table. And when fuch a Table is conl:rutted,
when tht: Area of any Cune is to be found, if its defining Equation
be cither immediately found in the Table, or may be transformed
into a,;other that is contain'd in the Table, then its Area may be
known. :Moreover fucha Catalogue or Table may be apply'd to
ti1e detennining of the Lengths of Curves, to the fi.nding of their
Cene1s of Gravity; their Solids generated by their rotation, the Su-
pcrrrcies of thofe Solids, and to the finding of any othcr flowing
quantity produced by a Fluxion analogous to it.
To determine the Area of any Curve propofed.
1. TI:e refolution of the Problem depends upon this, that from
tl:e rekLion of the Fluxions being given, the relation of the Fluents
be found, (as in Prob. 2.) And firfr, if the right Line BD,
by the motion of which the Area required AFDB
is mon: umi"ht upon an Abfcifs AB
g:,en in pofition, concei,e (as befare) the
1\BEC to be cefcribcd in the mean time
c:J the other iide AB, a line equal to unity.
And BE hing the Fh:xion of the Pa-
d!dogr:J.m, BD will be the Fluxion of the Area
z. Therefore make AB =x, and then alfo ABEC
I y.;,.' . X,
it will be :md BE .v. Call alfo the Area AFDB - z, and

BD = z, as :!lo =
tion expreiling BD,

; , l::ecaufe x = I. Therefore by the Equa-

at the me time the ratio of the Fluions .:

is exprefs'd, and thence (by Prob. 2. Cafe r.) may be found the
relation of the flowing quantities x and z.
3.Ex.I. When BD, or z, is equal to fome fimple quantity .

4 Let there be given ::
= z, or "i, (the Equation to the Pa-
rabola,) and (Prob. z.) there will arife z.
or ]- AB x BD, Area of the Parabola AFDB.
Therefore -
5 Let there be given z, (an Equation to a Parabola of
the fecond kind,) and there will arife ': z, that is, AB x BD
=Area AFDB.
6. Let there be given ==
XX z,

or a'x- z, (a1 Equation to
an Hyperbola of the fecond kind,)
and there wiU arife a x-' z
. ,




or - -;; = z. That is, AB x BD A b e ll
= Area HDBH, of an infinite length, lying on the other fide of
the Ordinate BD, as its negative value infinuates.
7. And thus if there were given z, there would arife
8. Moreover, Jet ax zz, or ixi = z, (an Equation again
to the Parabola,) and there will arife z, that is, ]-AB.
x BD Area AFDB.

19 Let = zz; then- zatxi
af . s
ro. Let :; zz; then = z, or 2 AB x BD =HDBH.
1 I. Let ax Z
; then -}a:xt = z, or f AB xBD =AFDH.
And fo in others.
12. Ex. 2. Where z is equal toan Aggregate of fuch
13. Let x + z; then '2: + z.
n z
al ,
et a + ;;, z ; then a.\'
I 5 Let 3xi- then zxi + z.
16. Ex. 3. Where a pr-evious reduCtion by l)iviG.on is required.
na h A r
17- Let he givcn ! .L x' z ( an Equatwn to t1 e ,aman
Hypc' bula,) and the bting performed in injinitum, it will be

Tbe Method oJ FLUXIONs,
And thence, (by Prob. 2.) as

aa a:u: &
::; = b + ; L" ' C,

l2 x a-x ...
in the fccond Set of Examples, you will obtain z =b-zL

criven t = z, and by divifion it will be
1:> 1 +xx
18. Let there be

&c. or elfe z== + .!..., &c. And

..v x=- x4 x
thence (by Prob. 2.) +-:fx --fx', &c. AFDB;
= + '.- 1 & or z - ::,, c.
x ;x , ...
!_ 1.
Let there be given '"",-:- x, ;;, and by divifion it will
1 --x,- 3x
be = - + 7'='" r 3x + &c. And thence (by
. ' -
4 . : r '.Jx; +
.3 . t &e
Prob. z.) z
20. Ex. 4
of Roots.
-=-..-'\t .;, ' 5 3 7 ..... '
\Vhere a previous redution is required by E:._tration

2 r. Let there be given z va a + xx, { an Equation to the
Hyperbola,) and the Root being extral:ed to an infinite multitude
. _.: .ti x6 sx8
of teuns, it will be z =a+ -
, &c. whence
za 1 a 112a
as in the foregoing z ax+

x. + x',- 'x
....., a 4-aa:. 1 IZa too8a7'
22. In the fame manner if the Equation ;; v aa xx were
given, (which is to the Circle,) there would be produced z ax-
x; .1'"i 'x9 &
;:- . ,, c .
.... a .10 ... I I:Z.a ICOcc7

2 3 And fo _if there were given z v x xx, (an Equation
alfo to the Crrcle,) by extral:ing the Root there would arife
1 l !i - 1
z = x" {-x'" -/o-x\ &c. And therefore z -jx
S 7 o
- ;/:x=:, &c.
24. Thus z vaa+bx xx,
(an Equation again to the Cir-
. b:t: XX
de,) by extration of the Root it gives z a+ z; ;;, w, &c.
w hence z fx _..; l=--.; .
= ax + .;.a 6.. - 4"''
A d th

25. n us v
6 1- XX

:;:; = 1 + + -}5bx+, &c.
+!a +:ab
z, by a due redution gives
then z X+i-bx; +
+i-a +-.'oab

and IN F 1 N 1 T E
' --
26. Thus finally z a
+ x
, by the extration of the Cubic
Root, gives z a+ '

, &c. and then (by Prob. 2.)
3" ga a
,ro & AFDB O 11i .
z ax+
". (i3:J +
, c. . re e z= x+
al '' + ;a
& And thence z :: al + a6
3XX 81x
> C. Z 3-'" 36x-t
sa' & HDBH.
6 7> c.
5 7
.. h . d . . . d b h r.
27. Ex. 5 W ere a prevwus re ut10n 1s reqUJre , y t e reJo-
lution of an affeted Equation.

28. If a Curve be defined by this Equation z; + az + axz

o, extral: the Root, and there will arife z
:.:". + '
'x\ &c. whence will be obtain'd as befare z=a:>:-
4a 512aa
XX Xl J31X4 &
-+ + 1 c.
8 192a 2048a
29. But if zl cz 2xz cz+ 2x1 +e; o were the
Equation to the Curve, the refolution will afford a three-fold Root;
' h . XX X; 1 t;X;
eit er z e+ x - + ., &c. or z e ,\" + - ,
.e 3z,- .e 3"'
xl .\S
- - + , &c. And hence wilt arife the
zc 2tc 4< 4
values of the three correfponding Areas, z ex + {-x -
x4 &
+ >
sx-t & d
C. Z ex ,x
zSc' c. an Z
"'3 . x+ .\.6
6:, s. + z+<+ &c.
30. I add nothing here concerning mechanical Curves, becaufc
their redul:ion to the form of geometrical Curves will be taught af-
3 J. But whereas the values of z thus found belong to Areas
which are iituate, {ometimes lo a finitc part AB of the Abfcifs,
fometimes to a part BH produced infinitely towards H, and fome-
times to both parts, according to their diflhent terms: That thc
due value of the Area may be allign'd, adjaccnt to any portian of
the Abfcifs, that Area is always to be made equal to the differencc
of the values of z, which belong to thc parts of the that
are terminated at the beginning and end of the Arca.
32. For Inftance; to the Curve exprefs'd by tbe Equation
N =z,
7be Method of FLUXIONS,
z, it is fcund tbat z X - .F el n
: -rx, E;::;c. N 0\: that 1 may de-
termir.e the quanuty of the Area \
dDB :diacent to the part of the
Abfcifs LB; from th val u e of z ? l H

wbich :ui1es -by putting;_ AB x, a. h
1 tlke the v<llue of z which arifes by puttlllg Ab x, and there
remains x &c. x + -i-X; -fx, &c. the 0f
that Area bdB. Whence if Ah, or x, be put equal to nothmg,
qere .will be had the whole Atea AFDB x 1-x> + i-x, &c.
1 1
,.. .., To the fa me Curve there is alfo found z - - +
j.) X 3X
, &c. \Vhence again, according to what is before, the Area
.. bdDB
1 1 + 1 &c. +
' , &c. Therefore
; ... -xf, X 3XJ 5XI
if AB, or x, be, fuppofed infinite, the adjoining Area bdH toward
1 1
H, wbich is alfo infi.nitely long, will be equivalent to ;,

. - &c. For the Iatter Series + .:
- s:n &c. will
vadih, becaufe of its infinite denorninators. ,
34 To the Curve reprefented by the Equation a+

z, lt

iS found, that z ax whence it is that ax ; - ax

+ :: Area bdDB. :But this becornes infinite, whether x be fup-
pofed nothing, or x infinite ; and therefore each Area .AFDB and
dH is infinitely great, and the intermediate parts alone, fuch as
hdDB, can be exhibited. And this always happens when the Ab-
{cifs x is found as well in the numerators of fome of the terms, as
in the denominators of others, of the value of z. But when x is
only found in the numerators, as in the firfi: Example, the value of
z belongs to the Area fituate at AB, on this fide the Ordinate. And
when it is only in the denominators, as in the fecond Example, that
value, when the figns of all the terms are changed, belongs to the
whole Area infinitely produced beyond the Ordinate.
35 If at any time the Curve-line cuts the Abfcifs, between the
points b and B, fuppofe in E, inftead d
of the Area will be bad the diference F ;
btfE. BDE of. the Areas at the diffe-
r 11
rent parts of the Abfcifs; to which if A '
there be added the Re&.ngle BDGb, i \ 1
he Area dEDG will be obtain' d. G. ............



36. But it is chiefly to be regarded, that when in the value of z
any term is divided by x of only one dimenfion ; the Area corre-
fponding to that term belongs to the Conical Hyperbola; and there-
fore is to be exhibited by it felf, in an infinite Series : As is done in
what follows.
. Let al-ax z be an Equation toa Curve; and by divifion-
it becomes z - za + zx + &c. and thence
a aa,
zx' x+
a + &c. And the Area bdDB
aa 1
zax + x
a a
a a
2aX +x --
a, &c.-
+ zax -xx +
Where by the Marks ':a and ;= I denote the little Areas belonging
aa aa
to the Terms - and -
X x
38. Now that ;: and may be found, I make Ab, or x, to
be definite, and bB indefinite, or a flowing Line, which therefore I
call )' ; fo that it w J to that Hyperbolical Area adjoin:..
ill be
'' ,,
- -

ing to bB, that is,
But by Divifion it will be x+y
a'!y "::.f; 1
- x + xl - l &c. and therefore, X:) Q[ -
a a
a l a':+
;. +
_,, +"., &c. and therefore the whole Area required
a'J..' a'J.).t a'J.r5 . zx; &
bdDE = ..:._:,, __ .::., + . &c. zax + x c. + zax.
x 3.:<, J 3a'
- XX + z.
, &c.
39 After the fame manner, AE, or x, might have been ufed for
t1 'J. 1 2.
a definite Line, and then it would ha ve been x +

+ ;x> + .p-4 , &c.
Moreover, if bE be bifeled in C, and AC be afumed to be
of a definite length, and Cb and CB indefinite; then making AC
e and or CE )', 'twill be bd na + r.: + a'{
' c--:v e , .. '
+ ' &c.
and therefore the Hyperbolical Area adjacent
N 2 to

T6e Method of FLUXIoNs,

ay tr:r
to the Part of the Abfcifs b2 will be ( + u' +
na o a trtlf tUl'\',. a 1 3 + aa4
&c. 'Twill be alfo DB -tJ - + ,, ,4 ,, '
&c. And thereforethe Area adjacent to the other part of the Abfcifs CB
": "::,o l &c. And the Sum of thefe
2.7!:-:o 2a:.,J
+ .,-
t j.
will be equivalent to
, __ ,

41. Thus in the Equation zl + z" + z- x; =o, denotingthe
na tu re of a Curve, its Root will be ;; x +- _: + 7 -1- S ,
qx Sux 81x!
&c. '\Vhence there arifes z
2 l_ 7 - _5
81x 16Zx>.
-- '
- 7
&c. And the .Area bdDB
. 7x-
9X Bx>
+ , &c. that is,
..!.x' ..!.x
7 ,
- 2
3 Su:
- 4'' 4.1
&c. + !..x ' ' ' &e -- &c.
:... 5
9e 2c
4-2 But this terr1_1, for the m?ft _part, may be very
commodioufiy avmded, by altenng the begmnmo- of the Abfci{s
tbat is, by increafing or diminihing i_t by fome quantity.
al -a-x
in the former Example, where a . + x., z was tl1e Equation to
the Curre, if I iliould make b to be beginning of the Abfcifs
tppofing Ab be of any length for the re-
mainder of the AbfCifs bB, I {hall now wnte X: That is if I dimi-
o '
nilh the Ablcifs by by wntmg ,_. + Jn/1ead of x, it will
o o
-ax z, and (by Divifion) z !.a
1 8
b-"Come !a+ zax+ x' . 3 9'
....... ,...,_ :. 200.:\.'1
1 --" &c. whence arifes z J.ax '-
x + , &c. ==
=-a , 9 S1a

Area bdDB.
43 And thus by affuming :mother and another point for the be-
ginning of the Abfcifs, the Area of any Curve may be exprefs'd an
infinite Yariety of ways.
- o o
44 Alfo the Equation a:x: + :rx z might have been refolved
. al a4 as
into the nvo infinite Series z = ;;: - x' + x
, &c. -

:; ! ;, &c. where there is found no Term divided by the fidl:

and IN F 1 N 1 T B S E R 1 E s.
Power of x. But fuch kind ofSeries, where the Powers of ,. afcend
infinitely in the numerators of the one, and in the denominators
of the other, are not [o proper to derive the value of z from, by
Arithmetical computation, when the Species are to be changed in-
45 Hardly any thing difficult can occur to any one, who is to un-
dertake fucha computation in Numbers, after the value of the Area
is obtain' d in Species. Yet for the more compleat illul:ration of the
foregoing Dol:rine, I hall add an Example or two.
46. Let the Hyperbola AD be propofed,

whofe Equation is v x+xx z; its Vertex be-
ing atA, and each of its Axes is equal to Unity. .
From what goes before, its Area ADB .:..x}
' 7 3
' s'i& h
X o-rX + ,,.x ?o
x , c. t at
is x-l: into + .;.x

+ -E.-xs,
;J l) ?':o. '704
A .ll


&c. which Senes may be infinitely produced by
multiplying thelal: term continually by the fucceeding terms of this
Progreffion ..
A. -1.
-n -

&c. That is
5 + 7x. 6.9x. s.ux. r0.13x. '
the firl: term ..:.xi x
x makes the fecond term Txf : Which
3 " -

multip1y' d by -- ; x makes t11e tl1ird term - : Which mul-
tiply' d by - ,'JC makes .,.,:/?: the fourth ter m ; and [o ad il!filli-
tum. N ow let AB be affi1med of any lcngt1l, fuppofe :f, and writing
this Number for x, and its Root for xi, and the firl: term .;.:
or J. x .;., being reduced to a decimal Fration, it
o.o83333333, &c. This into q makeso.oo6zsthefecond term.
2 5+
This into- makes o.ooo2790178, &c. the third term. And
4 t+
fo on for ever. But the terms, which I thus deduce by degrees, 1
difpofe in two Tables; the affirmative terms in one, and the nega-
tive in another, and I add them up as you fee he re.
' .. -
9+ Tbe Method oJ FLuxroNs,
+ o.oS3333333-3333333 o.ooo27901J8571429'
62 jOOCOOOCOOOO 346790660 5 I
271267361111 834465027
5135169396 z6z85354
1+4628917 96129-
49j458r 38676
190948 r663
7963 - 75
352 4
- o.oooz825719389575
+ 0.0396I0988564-6518
o.o89 32841662 5704 3
Then from the fum of the Affirmatives I take the fum of the ne--
gatives, and there remains o.o893284r6257043 for the quantity,
of the Hyperbolic Area ADB; which was to be found.
47. Now let the Circle AdF be propofed, /
isexprefid by the equation v x xx z;
that is, whofe Diameter is unity,. and from what (r.r:i._cl,--.......__,_
gces befare its Area AdB will be -rx-t ;/ \\
' &c. In which Series ince \
.!:' .,_S.' ' . l
the terms do not dfer from the terms of the Se- e 1'
ries, which abme exprefs'd the Hyperbolical Area, unlefs in the
Si!ms and ; nothihg elfe remains to be done, than to
the fame numeral terms with other figns; that is, by
iubtrating the conneted ft1ms of both the afore-mention'd tables,
0.08989 3560 so36 19 3 fromthefirft term doubledo. r666666666666,
&c. and the remainder 0.076773 ro61630473 will be the portian
A:dB of the circular Area, fuppofing AB to be a fourth part of the
diameter. And hence we may obferve, that tho' the Areas of the
Circle and Hyperbola are not compared in a Geometrical confidera-
tion, yet eacb of them is di.tcover' d by the :fume Arithmetical com-

48. The portien of the circle AdB being found, from thence the
whole Area may be derived. For the Radius dC being drawn,
multiply Bd, or -:i:v 3, into BC, or -:ic, and half of the produt'
'.v3, or o.os4rz6s877365275 will be the value of the Triangle
l.'dB; which added to the Area AdB, there will be had the
Secror ACd o.I3o8996938995747, the fextuph! of which
c.7S 5398 163397+482 is the whole Area. _
49 And

rmd lNFINITE S.urEs.
49 And hence by the way the length of the Circumference will
;be 31415926S3S897928, by dividing the Area by a fourth part of
the Diameter.
so. To thefe we hall add the calculation of the Area compre-
hended between the Hyperbola dFD and its Afymptote CA. Let
C be the Center of the Hyperbola, and putting
CA a, AF 6, and AB A6 x;
' "11 b ah BD ah d h
tw1 e , and 6 ; w ence
a+x a-x
the Area AFDB 6x hxx hxl hxf
::::::: - za +
a 4al>
&c. and the Area AF d6 6 hx' bxl
.'1: + za + 3a'
bx-1 zbx'
+ ,, &c. and the fum bdDB z6x+
40 3a


. . rr
! ;I():_Q
. . . . ,___ __
. . . - ~
'=-'"-',--'r<---;;- ...., ,.-----.,
e b--\ B /';3 l'
zhx' zbx7
a6, &c. Now let us fuppofe CA AF r, .and Ab
or AB /o, C6 being o.g, and CB J. 1; and fubftituting thefe
numbers for a, 6, and x, the firft term of the Series becomes 0.2,
the fecond o.ooo6666666, &c. the third .o.ooooo.. ; and fo on, as
_you fee in this Table.
. .

The fum o.zoo67o69 s462 I S u Area bdDB.
51. If the parts of this Area Ad and AD be defired feparately;
fubtral: the lefi"er BA from the greater dA, and there will remain
bx' bx+ h 6 bx
b r d l.
-+ +. + , &c. Where 1f 1 e wrote 10r a an o,
a za' 3"' 4"'
and . ,'o for x, the terms being reduced to decimals will fiand

The fum

~ O I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

Ad-A D.

Tbe Method oJ FtuxroNs,
_52. Now if this diffi:rence of the Areas be added to, and fubtra'ted
from,their um befare found, half the aggregate o. lO 5360 51 s6 578263
will be the greater Area Ad, and ha\f of the remainder
0.0953101798o+3248 will be the le!Ter Area AD.
53 By the fame tables thofe Arcas AD and "\d will be obtain'd"
alfo, when AB and Ab are fuppos'd or CB 1.01, and
Ch o.gg, i the numbers are but duly tramferr'd to lower places,
as may be here feen.
6G666666G.6 . s:o_o::>oooo
Sum Ad-AD.
Sum o o::oooo666o66695 = bD.
i-Aggr.o.oioo 503358 535014=Ad,andiRefid.o.oog9 503308 53 r68 i
AD. _ .
H And fa putting A.B and Ah o'o o; or e B I.OO 1' and
Cb o.999, there will be obtain'd Ad o.oorooo5003335835
andAD o.ooo999500333o835
55 In the fame manner {if CA and AF 1) putting AB and
Ab o.z, or o.o2, or o.oo2, thefe Areas will arife,
Ad 0.2231435513142097, andAD . o. 182 3215567939 546,
orAd o.o202027073 17 5194, andAD o.o 198o:a627296 1797,
or AJ o.oozooz andAD o.oo 1
56. From thefe Areas thus found it wiU be eafy to derive others,
by addition and fubtration alone. For as it is !..:..
into 1.
c. o.g
the fum of the Areas o.693 147180 55994-53 belonging to the Ratio's
and (that is, infifting upon the parts of the Abfcifs 1.2 o 8
o.S o.g
and 1.2 o:9,)will ee the Area AF C(3 being 2, as ls known.
Again, fince :; into 2 3, thefum 1.0986I?.288668Io97 ofthe
Area's belonging to and 2, will be the Area being 3
Again, as it is
"; 5, and 2 x 5 10, by a due addition of
Areas wiU be obtain'd I.60933791243410o4 AFJ'/3, when
ca 5; and 2.302 s8 509299+0457 AF J'(3, when IO.
And fince IO X 10 100
and lO X lOO 1000, and . 5
x IOxo.9S 7, and !Ox 1.1 11, and
13, and
7 )( 11
too x c.qifS
= 499 ; it is plain, that the Area AF J'{3 may be found by
the compofition of the Areas found befare, when C3 100; 1ooo;

7; or any other of the above-mention'd numbers, AB BF being
ftill unity. This 1 was willing to infinuate, that a method might
be derived from hence, very proper for the conftrution of a Canon
of Logarithms, which determines the Hyperbolical Areas, (from
which the Logarithms may eafily be derived,) correfponding to fo
many Prime numbers, as it were by two operations only, whch are
not very ttoublefome. But whereas that Canon fecms to be deriva-
ble from this fountain more commodioufly than from any other,
wha:t if I ihould point out its conftrution here, to compleat the
whole? .
57 Firft therefore having affumed o for the Logarithm of the
number 1, and 1 for the Logarithm of the number 10, as is gene-
rally done, the Logarithms of the Prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 1 r,
13, 17, 37, are to be invel:igated, by dividing the Hyperbolical
Areas now found by 2.30258 which is the Area cor-
refponding to the number ro: Or which is the fame thing, by inul-
tiplying by its reciproca! 0.434294481903 2 5 r8. Thus for Inftance,.
if o.69314718, &c. the Area correfponding to the number 2, were
tnultiply'd by 0.43429, &c. it makes 0.3010299956639812 the Lo-
garithm of the 2.
58. Then the Logarithms of all the numbers in t11e Canon,
which are made by the multiplication of thefe, are to be found
by the addition of their Logarithms, as is ufual. And the void
places are to be interpolated afterwards, by the help of this
Theorem. ,
59 Let 1z be a Number to which a Logarithm is to be adapted, x
the diffi:rence between that and the two nearel: numbers equally
dil:ant on each fide, whofe Logarithms are already found, and let J
be half the difference f the Logarithms. Then the required Loga-
rithm of the Number 11 '\Vi!l be obtain'd by adding d+ + Jx:,
211 t2n
&c. to the Logarithm of the lefer number. Vor if the numbers
ate expounded by Cp, C(6, and CP, the rel:angle CBD or C,8d' r,
as befare, and the Ordinates pq and PQ_being raifed; if 1z be wrote
d fi
21< 2x! 2XS
for C(3, an x or {3p or the Area pqQ.E or - + + ,
. . " 3 sns
&c. wll be to the Area pqd'(& or : + x + X', &e as the difFe-
71 21J2. 3113
rence between the Logarithms of the extream numbers or zd to
the difference between the Logarithms of the lefer and of the middle

The Method oJ FLUXION.s,
dx dxl &
- + . + C;
one. which therefore will be "
' that is, when the
' X xf &
- + + c.
n ;r.3
. d
. . . r. 'd d + ax + x &
1\'JllOll lS penorm , . ;;;;
1 20
; C.
6o. The two firil: terms of this Series d + I think to be accu-
rate enough for the confirution of a Canon of Logarithms, even
tho' they were to be produced to fourteen or fifteen figures ; pro-
vided the nnmber, whofe Logarithm is to be found, be not lefs.
than 1000. And this can give little trouble in the calculation, be-
caufe x is generally an unit, or the number 2. Y et it is not necef-
fuy to interpolate all the places by the help of this Rule. For the
Logarithms of numbers. which are prodced. by the multiplication or
divifion of the number lafi found, may be obtain'd by the numbers
whofe Logarithms were had befare,. by the addition or fubtral:ion
of their Logarithms. Moreover by the differences of the Loga-
thms, and by their fecond and third differences, if there be occa-
fion, the void places may be more exp_editioully fupply'd; the fore-
O'oing Rule being to be apply'd only, wen the continuation of fome
full places is wanted, in order to thofe differences.
61. By the fame method rules may be found for the intercalation
of Logariilims, when of three numbers the Logarithms of the leffer
and of the middle number are given, or of the middle number and
of the greater; and this although the numbers hould not be in
Arithmetical progreffion.
6z. Alfo by purfuing the fieps of this method, rules might be
eafily difcover' d, for the confirul:ion of the tables of artificial Sin es
and Tangents, without the affiftance of the natural Tables. But of
thefe things only by the bye
. 63 Hitherto we han! treated of the ofCurves, which
are exprefs'd by Equations confifiing of complicate terms ; and that
by. means of their redution to Equations,. which confifi of an infi.-
nite number of fimple terms. But whereas fuch Curves may fome-
times be fquared by finite Eqnations alfo, or however may be com-
pred with other Curves, whofe Areas in a manner may be confi-
der'd as known; of which kind are the Conic Setions: For this
reafon I thought fit to adjoin the two following catalogues or tables
of Theorems, according to m y promife, confiruted by the help of
the tb and 8tb aforegoing Propofi.tions.

and J N F IN I T E S E R I E S.
64. The firft of thefe exhibits the Areas of fuch Curves as can be
fquared; and the fecond contains fi.1ch Curves, whofe Areas may be
compared with the Areas of the Conic Setions. In each of thefe,
the letters d, e, ,f, g, and h, denote any given quantities, x and z
the Abfciffes of Curves, 'V and y parallel Ordinates, and s and t
Areas, as before. The letters , and 9, annex'd to the quantity .z,
denote the number of the dimenfions of the fame z, whether it be
integer or frational, affirmative or negative. As if 12 3, then
z ~ zl z ~ z
z - ~ z-; or 2 ~ ~ z+ and z ~ - z ~ .
' ' z3' '
65. Moreover in the values of the Areas, for the fake of brevity,
is written R inftead of this Radical ve+ jz\ or ve+ z ~ + gz'"
and p inftead of v h+ iz"
by which the value Bf the Ordinate )' is
. affeted.

66. tfbe jit:fl Ta(Jic, if' .fome Curvilit1ear .llreas relatcd to Relilinear Figtlres, conftruled by Pro/J. 7.
Ordct of Curves.
IV. -<
tl.Z ,
Valucs of thcit Arcas.
- z" t.
+ 3C?ffx
" dRt t.
q6t' + tSoif' .. + :uor'

nf t.
' + :if"'" dR


1 2eez
zeeze-x +
a, .. e-l + z9


l -:ZJIX
" + tf"'1 + .ff.E:'.!f
- z9- '1.,..,
e-=- 2rfz."1
IX. 2
+ +311
+ ze & 'r- ef
2 eehz + ze + 3'!
+29 11 xei

z9 .;_
zn ,...., .
. - ' .



Values of Areas .

,e (or o:&
"' ( or

t .
1 '
. ...:... 1

. -
17M o/ FLtix'roNs,
Other things-ftlie1auehlnd might liav beeri added; out I
hall-now pafs on to another fort of Olrves, which may be coro-
pared -with the Conic . And :in thi& Table or Gatalogue
you :have the propofed Curve reprefented by the Line E R, the
begiooing AbfciS is A, the Ai.ifcifs AC; the Ordmate"CE,
the beginning ofthe Area .::, and the Area .
defcn'bed c:t;:tEC.. But the beginning of this Q
Area. or the initial term, (which com-
morily either commences at the beginning Q :
of the Abfcifs A, or recedes to an infinite E '
ilifhnce,) is found by feekingthe-iength of 1\.
the AbfcilS Aa., when the value of the Q. 11.
Area is nothing, and by ereling the per- 1 R
pendicular:a.% . A cJ:. e :r.t
68. After the fame manner you have the Conic Sel:ion repre-
fented by the Line PDG, whofe Center is A, V ertex a, rel:angular

1 !2 ..3 4

1 G.

A a. :s N
Aa and A:P, the beginniitg of the Abfcifs A, or a;
or a., the Abfcifs AB. or aB, or cr.B, the Ordinate BD, the Tangent
DT meeting AB in T, the Subtenfe aD, andthe Retangle infcribed
or adfcribed ABDO. . .
69. Therefore the letters befare de.fined, it will be
AC z, CE y, . t, AB or aB x, BD v, and
ABDP or aGDB t. And bedes, when two Conic Setlions are
required, for the detenitination of any Area, Area of the latter
!hall be call'd the Abfcill and the Ordrnate T. Put p for


. .

70. '7he flcond <.rabie,
' .
Forms of Curves.

. . ...
or tlJ us

if .fome Curvililzear Areas, related to the Conic Se!ions, co'!flru1ed by the help if Prob. 8.

. . -


Abfcifs .

Values of the Areas.

' . . ..

Fig. '
Fig. 3 4,
. .
. -.-...
__ ...;"'::..."-----
t fv
- =x 1./r-+ex'::::<V xs-!ixv- =t= .ro intoaGDA+
:;;'1 ' if' 4-' X '!f
l -:;; zd zd .... ...
-=x 1-Y.;+exz=v -s=I=-APDBor-aGDB. Fig.z,3,4
or -!.. --x . ' rv
1-t/1 = v J..:;_ = t =
rJ' ze
Fig. 3 4

d .
" . .,
-aGDB or BDPK.
Fig. 4

1 1

Conic Scl:ions.
Fotms of Curves.


2- =J
'+ + g:t"
V11lucs uf thc
Fig, 3o
Fig. 2, 3 +
. .
. . .
Forms of Curves.
Conic Setions.
Values of the
Abfcifs. Ordinate.
z'11 = x
v+fx+gx =<V
1 4-de'l'.T + zdifT
uff"gx<V- zffd_ <V


vg+JI;+ee =y

d.,.,-s Yc+f<" +.c-z'" =.Y lv+Jx--gx =v
Id d
%.'1 =X -s = t = -x .:tGDB. Fig. z, 3
n n
3/d::.-' Ve+
z.YI =x /vc+fx+gx'=<t

tlf J =t.
l l/,,.3'1-J Y+fz" .,=.JI
lv+Jx+gx = <}
.)1 -x
r;dl r;1f'
'<V'+ s-t
r a'z. ..-' ,
r 6ng
J.-, -=y
.... -x
. z1fv ' . 8d; '
v+fx+gx =<V
V,. + :::."' -'-- o z. ::. :. --
=1= z X .:tGDB :!: ,ADBA.
!/"' 41l<g- ! [ Fi;. z, 4
dz :.11-l

- 4dfr + ztlfx<V+ 4de<V
- ....'1- X =y
v+fx+gx' =<V
VIII.<_ ve+.z"+gz'"
. =t.
4neg -n./
1 3 ' ,_3>1 J Jtijj' - ztijf
=y -)f-x
s +.4de;"'"'
- v+fz"+gz
4t1eg:r. - nf::.g
dz4'1-' J
36dejg +Sdegg + 104]' + Jodif
4 - =y
%.11 =X
/V+fx +gx =v
S zdf'g X V z8dt/J! X'V -{Jdc'g '1J
L y e +fz" + gz""

r d,-"-' '1! -::fr.,
../t(( eh-Jk

1 - (' .....
. =y =x
- + x'l.-v e ze x
b b - J: tfb
j d .,_,v .,
.,./ ({}' eb -l.t; 4egh zegh + db v' t/h "'
v z =y =x
l g +In" g + ""-"'
T + i . . x =<V -4./kg s + ifkg x<V -:r ;; - z g -
'.J . x_t



- --


Vttlucs uf thc Atcns.

71. Befare I go on to illufirate by Examples the Theorems that
are deliver'd in thefe clafes of Curves, I think it proper to obferve,
.72 I. That whereas in the Equations reprefenting Curves, I have
all along fuppofed all the figns of the quantities d, e, f, g, h, and i
to be affirmative; whenever it lla!l happen that they are negative,
they muft be changed in the fubfequent values of the Abfcifs and Or-
ninate of the Conic Selion, and alfo of the Area required.
73; Il. Alfo the figns of the ?umeral Symbols aml 9, when they
are negative, muft be changed 111 the values of the Areas. More-
over their Signs being changed, the Theorems themfelves may ac-
quire a new forrn. Thus in the 4th Form of Table 2, the Sign of 11
."<:,&c. that.is, ,,
)', ..

into 2xv 3s t. Ami the fame is. to be obferved in others.
74 III. The feries of each arder, excepting the 2d of the 1l: Ta-
ble, may be continued each way ad i1!}initum. For in the Series of
the 3d 4th Order of Table 1, the numeral co-efficients of thc
initial terms, (2, 4, 16, 96, 768, &c.) are form'd by multi-
plying the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, ro, &c. continually
into each other; and the co-eflicients of the fubfequent terms are de-
rived from the initials in the 3d Order, by multiplying gradually by
-{, f. }, {, &c. or in the 4th Order by multi-
. b ' . s ' & B 1 ffi'
p ymg y .,, ..,
, Y ,
, c. ut t 1e co-e c1ents
of the denominators 1, 3, I 5, lo 5, &c. arife by multiplying the
numbers I; 3, 5, 7, 9, &c. gradually into each other.
7 5 But in the zd Table, the Series of the Ir', 2d, 3'', 4'\ gt\ and
JO'h Orders are produccd in injinitum by diviion alone. Thus having
" =y, in the 1l: Order, if you perform the diviion to a con-
d ..... -r de ':.'1-I de,_
venient period, there will arife
"0' .z'' - - z + - z 1 __.
.!/ f'
- "'
y. The firft three tcrms belong to the 1 l: Order of
Table r, and the fourth term belongs to the Il: Species of this Ordcr.
d de d' "
Whence it appears, that the Area is -
z znff z + ,j-; z
e' s; putting s for the Area of thc Conic Sel:ion, who[e

. ifl
is x .z", and Ordinate cu ,-{._;;'
p 2

I o 8 'I'he Method oJ F J x 1 o N s,
76. But the Series of the 5th and 6th Orders may be infinitely
ccntinued, by the help of the two Theorems in the 5th Order of
Table r. by a due addition or fubtration : As alfo the 7th and 8th
Serie:;, bv means of the Theorems in the th Order of Table 1. and
the Series of the I Ith, by the Theorem in the 1oth Order of Table 1.
For inl:ance, if the Series of the 3d Order of Table 2. beta befar-
ther continued, fuppofe 9 4H, and the dl: Theorem of the
sth Order of Table I. wi l become s,ez -4'!- into
t+ y. t. But according to the 4th Theorem of
t jS
fi tf. . 5H -r
to be produced, writing- '-; or , It 1s--; Jz
1 d !O{v' -lifs
..je+fz' )", )..', v'f."<+eXX v, an m -
z .
So that iubtrafting the former values of J and t, there Wlll remain
fi '1 !Of: ;_, ffs R! t h
4-11:z .e 1 z J, w

T efe being mul-

d R' . . h .
tiplied by,_.; and, (ifyou pleafe) for wntmgxv
, t erewdl arife

d . 1
a 5th Theorem of the Seriesto be produced, >r+-' . e+}z" :,r, z.''
1 oJf;!- t;df's x--::
..!fx + exx and .;.Sne' 4-n' = t.
77 IV. Sorne of thefe Orders may alfo be othcrwife derived from
others. As in the zd Table, the sth, 6th, 7th, and I Ith, from the
8th; and the 9th from the roth: So tbat 1 might have omitted them
but tbat they may be of iome ufe, tho' not altogether necet1ry. Y
I llave omitted fomeOrders, which 1 might have derivedfrom the Iil:,
and 2d, as alfo from the 9th and I oth, becaufe they Were affeted by
Denominators that were more complicate, and therefore can hardly be
cf any ufe.
78. V. If the defining Equation of any Curve is compounded of
fcvmJ Equations of different Orders, or of different Species of the
fame Order, its Area muft be compounded of the correfponding A-
rcas; taking care however, that thcy may be rightly conneted with
their proper Signs. For we muft not always add or fubtrat at the
fame time Ordinates to or from Ordinates, or correfponding Areas
to or from correfponding Arcas ; but fometimes the fum of thefe,
and the ditterence of thofe, is to be taken for a new Ordinate, or to
conftimte a correfponding Area. And this muft be done, when the
conftitnent A.reas are pofited on the contrary fide of the Ordinate.
But that the cautious Geometrician may the more readily avoid this

and IN B r N r T E S n. rE. s.
. . - ' . . ' '
inconveniency, 1 have prefix'd their proper Signs to thc feyeral Va-
lues of the Areas, tho' fometimes negative, as is done in the 5th
and 7th Order of Table 2.
79 VI. It is farther to be obferved, about the Signs of the Areas,
that + s denotes, ehher that the Area of the Conic Setion, adjoin-
ing to the Abfcifs, is to be added to the other quantities in the value
of t; ( iee the dl: Example following ; ) or that the Area on the other
fide of the Ordinate is to be fubtral:ed. And on the contrary, s
denotes ambiguouily, either that the Area adjacent to the Abfcifs is
to be fubtral:ed, or that the Area on the other fide of the Ordinate
is to be added, as it may feem convenient. Alfo the Value of t, if
it comes out affirmative, denotes the Area of the Curve propofed ad-
joining to its Abfcifs : And contrariwife, if it be negative, it repre-
fents the Area on the other fide of the Ordinate.
So. VII. But that this Area may be more certainly defined, we
mufl: enquire after its Limits. Andas to its Limit at the Abfcifs, at
the Ordinate, and at the Perimeter of the Curve, tl1ere can be no un-
certainty: But its initial Limit, or the beginning from whence its de-
fcription commences, may obtain various pofitions. In the following
Examples it is either at the beginning of the Abfcifs, or at an infinite
difl:ance, or in the concourfe of the Curve with its Abfcifs. But it
may be placed elfewhere. And wherever it is, it may be found, by
feeking that length of the Abfcifs, at which the value of t becomes
nothing, and there erel:ing an Ordinate. For the Ordinate fo raifed
will be the Limit required,
8 1. VIII. If any part of the Area is pofited below the Abfcifs,
t will denote the difference of that, and of the part above the Ab-
8z. IX. Whenever the dimenfions of the terms in the values of
x, v, and t, hall afcend too high, or defcend too low, they may be
reduced to a jufl: degree, by dividing or multiplying fo often by any
given quantity, whch may be fuppos'd to perform the office of Uni-
ty, as often as thofe dimenfions hall be either too high or too low.
8 3 X. Befides the foregoing Catalogues, or Tables, we might alfo
-conftrul: Tables of Curves related to other Curves, which may be the
moftfimpleintheirkind; astovfa+jxJ v,ortoxvfe+fx' v,
or to ve+ fx+. v, &c. So that we might at all times derive the
Area of any propofed Curve fimn thc fimplefl: original, and know
to what Curves it fl:ands rclatcd. But now let us illufl:rate by Ex-
amples, what has been already delivcrcd.

IIO Tbe Method of FLUXIONs,
84. ExA!I1PLE l. Let be a
Conchoidal of fuch a kind, that the
SemicircleQtL\ being defcribed, and
AC being ere.led perpendicular to
the Diameter A Q.._ if the Parallelo-
gram QACI be compleated, the Dia- F
gonal AI be drawn, meeting the Se-
micircle in H, and from H the"oer-

pe;:dicular HE be let fall to IC; then the Point E will defcribc a
Curve, whofeArea ACEQE fought.
S j.The;cfore make AQ.::: a, AC z, CE y; and becaufe of the
ccnSTiual Al, AO, AH EC 'twill be EC Of)' ";
.1 """"" ' ' a ... + ;:::;2.
S. Kow thatth:s may acquirc the Form of the Equations in the
Tables, m:1ke 2, and for z in the dt::nominator write Z", and
' fvr al or as z:- in the nume:ator, and there will arife )' =
..,. -P-I
'": , an Equation of the I 11: Species of the zd Order of Table z,
h -

and the Terms being compared, it will be d=as, e= a, and
f I ; fo that .,' x, ..,as ax = ru, and XV - 25
S. Now that the vJ.!ues found of .\ and ru may be reduced to a
jufr number of dimen om:, choole :m y gi,en quantity, as a, by
\dh, as unity, may be mt:ltiplied once in the value of .>:, and
ia th:: yJ.lue of :, a-, mr.y be di\ided once, and a x" twice. And by
' . ' . r.4 = /
........... ... ,. ......... ;::: .,,.... ... , \'-' O'"'<L., ...., ._/-..,...,-"-7 \
!.o.!!,...,!. .. ... 'v... . J.l .......... 1lJ :. 1 :. 'V ,.. "'
- {( .-:::
zs, t: oi which the con!huftion is thus.
"'1 ,,, ".'r'
v, u .. . u
SS. A, :1r.d AQ_ deicribe the A:ch
Q.DP ; in AC t:.ke AB .lB; rall the p::rpendicular BD mcctmg
tbt Arch ir. D, ::.nd draw AD. Then the double of the Selor
' r. 1 F d
ADP ,.,_.;! eJual to the "oug 1t A ... or Va , .2
, 1 'D- 'B- 'PD. o"

, .. -, 2-' zl\ ADB zABDn.
\v .,.
1 ) 1 c... :u _
e:- ADB : ::.DDP, that is, eithcr zQb._D, or __ zDAP:
Of which ,aluc:s the ,dirrnative zDAP bclongs to the Area ACEQ_.
e:-: this tde EC, and the neg:1tiYc belongs to the Arca
- R . . .. " . ' d E"
H - .... r.rf .... ,,. .. 1
.t.... .... i..\..io\.l ... ll l n.,,; [!11. ... ._..
89. Th iolt:<.:ic:::s- of Problms thus found may fcmetimes be
",1, ,... ,e, .o
'cc::'t TI', u< in t"11e n<ef;nt ca[e dr'\Yino- RH the c-
.. ____ ------- \.._ ..... _ ...... ,... - w .. - ..... ' ..,, ;:,
midiameter of the. Circle QBA, becaufe of equal Arches@ and DP,
the Sel:or Q!H Js half the Sel:or DAP, and therefore a fourth part
of the Surface
go. ExAMPLE II. Let AGE be a Curve, which is defcribed by the
E of the AEF, whiHl: one of the Legs AE,
bemg mtermmate, palfes contmually through the o-iven point A
and the other CE, of a given length, Q 1:> '
f1ides upon the right Line AF gi-
ven in polition. Let fall EH per-
pendicular to AF, and compleat
the Parallelogram AHEC ; and
calling AC z, CE y, and
EF a, becaufe of HF, HE, HA
continua! Proportionals, it will be

HA or y _,. -=
1 l' li

9 I. Now that the Arca AGEC may be known, fuppofez:::
Z"' ,

or 2=n, and thence it will =)' Here lince z in the
Y a -:::;'1
numerator is of a fral:ed dimenlion, deprefs the value of y by di-

viding by and it will be .1: _.
'V a :::
y, an Equation of the
_ zd Species of the 7th Order of Table 2. And the terms being com-
. pared, it is d I, e 1, and f a. So that z =
x, / a ,-.: v, and s .">:v t. Thereforc lince
-1 V
x and z are equal, and fin ce . a x v is an Equation to a
Circle, whofe Diametcr is a : with the Center A, and diftance a or
EF, let the Circle PDQ.Ee defcribed, which CE meets i.n D, and let
the Parallelogram ACDI be compleated ; then vnll AC z,
CD v, and the Area fought AGEC s xv ACDP
92. Ex-

II2 Tbe Method oJ FLuXlONs,
92. ExAMPLE DI. Let AGE be
"Circle .iefciibed 'with
the diameter AQ:_. Let DCE
be drawn perpendicular to the
diameter, and meeting the
Curves in D andE. And na-
ming AC z, CE y, and
AQ a; becaufe of CD,
CA, CE continual Proportio-
nals, it will be CE or J =
- -
_.:; :;:;' and dividing by .::;, 'tis
e::. -1
Therefore :c-"
=z", or 1 11,and thence
- ::rt . . . .
- - , an Equation of
v =
Ciffoid belonging to





e ..
- + -
the 3d Species of the 4th Order cf Table 2.. The Terms therefore
-being compared, 'tis d I, 1, and J a. Therefore
.::; =.
x, ../a:.: xx . and 3s zxv t. Wherefore
it is AC x, CD v, and thence ACDH s; fo that
3ACDH 4-AADC 3s zxv t Area of tlie Cifl'oid
ACEGA. Or, which is the (une thig, 3 Segmets ADHA Ara
ADEGA, or 4 Segments ADHA Area AHDEGA.
93 ExAMPLE IV. Let PE _ .
be the firit Conchoid f the E

Ancients; defcribed from Ceriter .
G, with the Afymptote AL, ;/
Axis GAP, and 'let'fall the Or- p /
1 . .,--....
dinate EC. Then calling AC . :;/ ''.:::; .... ......_
z, CE y, GA , and e, ............. ,_- .. '-':,_E
portionals A C: CE AL: : ,....-
GC : CE, it will be CE or y :\ L 1\..

IJ-- ('t/
= v' e' z'. '
.J...- Now that its Area PEC may be found from. hence, the
part; of the Ordi?ate are t? be feparately. And if
the O:dinate CE li fo d1v1ded 111 D, that 1t lS CD v' e' z,

anrJ 1 N P I N I TE S E lU ES .
. .
and DE CD will be the Ordinate of a Circle de-
' "
fcribed from Center A, and with the Radius AP. Therefore the
part of the Arca PDC is known, and there wi!l remain the other
part DPED to be found. Therefore fince DE, the part of the
dinate by which it is defcribed, is equivalent to e z ; fup-
pofe 2 n, and it becomes Z'l DE, an Equation of
the dl: Species of the 3d Order of Table 2. The terms therefore
being compared, it is d h, e e, and f r ; and therefore
1 . / d
_ bvl
.! . /- x, v 1 + ex v, an 2oes t.
z V z'l "
9 5 Thefe things I;>einp found, reduce them to a juft of
(]imenfions, by multiplymg the terms that are too depres d, and
. dividing thofe that are too high, by fome given If this
be done by e, there will arife x, ./ e + x v, and
" .
bvt t: The Conl:rulion of which is in this manner.
e ex
96. With the Center A, principal Verte:x P, and Parameter :zAP,
defcribe the Hyperbola PK. Then froln the point C draw the right
Line CK, that may touch the Parabola in K : And it will be, as
AP to :zAG, fo is the Area CKPC to the Arca required DPED.
97 ExAMPLE S Let the Norma GFE fo revolve about the Pole
G, as that its angular point F may continually flide upon the right
Line AF given in pofition; then qmceive the Curve PE to be de-
fcribed by any Point E in the
other Leg EF. Now that thc
Area of this Curve may be
found, let fall GA and EH per-
pendicular to the right Line
AF,' and compleating the Pa-
rallelogram AHEC, call AC
. z, CE y, AG b,and
EF e ; and becaufe of the
Proportionals HF : EH :: -AG :
AF, we hall have AF

" Therefore CE or y


. ,.s V e . za. But whereas ..1 ce zz is the Ordinatc
f'Jf a Circle defc:ibed with the Semidiameter e; about the Center A
<l.. let


TDe Method of FLUXIONS,

let fuch a Circe PDQ_ be defcribed, which CE produced meets in
D . then it will be DE h: : By the help of which
, .. c.- %.&
tion there remains the Area PDEP or DERQ..!o be
Suppofe therefore
2, and 9 b, and it will be DE=-:"' =::
an Equation of the xft Species of the 4th Order of Table 1. And'
the Terms being compared, it will be d, ce and 1 :f
fo that bv' ce zz bR t.
98. Now as the ,-alue of t is negative, and therefore the Area'
reprefented -by t lies beyond the Line DE ; its initial Limit
may be found, feek for that length of z, at wh1ch t becomes no-:
tbing, and you will find it to be c. continue AC to
that it may beAQ:; e, and erefr the Ordmate and
will be the Area whofe value now found is . bv' ce ZZ;
99 If y01i" J:hould delire to know the quantity of the Area,
PDE, pofited at the Abfci1S AC, and ca-extended with it, without
knowing I.imit QB.., you may thus determine it.
100. From the Value which t obtains at the length. of the Ab:..
{ciiS fubtrat its value at the beginning of the Abfcifs ;- that is;
from bv ce zz fubtrat be, and there wm arife the defired'
quantity be 6./ a zz. Therefore compleat the Parallelogram.
PAGK, and let fall DM perpendicular to AP, which meets GK
in M ; and . the Parallelogram PKML will be equal to the Area
101. \Vhenever tbe Equation defining the nature of the Curve
cannot be found in the Tables, nor can be reduced to fimpler terms.
by diviiion, nor by any other means; it muft be transform'd iilto.
otber Eq_uaons of Curves related to it, in the manner hewn. in
Prob. 8. at laft one is produced, whofe Area may be known by
the Tables. And when all endeavours are ufed, amf yet no fuch:
am be found, it may be certajnly conduded, that the Curve pro-
pofed cannct be ccmpared, either with rel:ilinear Figures, or with
the Conic Seticns.
102. In the fame manner when mechanical Curves are
they muft fuft be transform'd into equal Geometrical Fizures, asis
fhewn in the fame Prob. 8. and then the Areas of
cal Curves are to be fGund from the Tables, Of. this matter take-
the following Example.
and J N P' IN I T E SER. lE S, Ilj
103. EXAMPLE 6. Let it be propofed to determine the Area o
-the Figure of the Arches of any Conic Sel:ion, when they are
made Ordinates on their Right Sines. As let A be the Center of
the Conic .., '
. .- .Kc,, A
AQ..... and AR the : .
Semiaxes, CD the ...... ...-
Ordinate to the Axis ........
. '
AR, and PD a Per- e <-.... ;.,/ .............
pendicular at the }' / __, 1!'
. point D. Alfo let i/
AE be the faid l
' .
mechanical Curve /
meeting CD in E; / \
.and from its nature K ... :

before defined, CE '
. will be equal to the
,Arch Q2. There- :'
fore the Area AEC /

is fought, or com- '
pleating the parallelogram ACEF, the excefs AEF is required. To
which .purpofe let a be the Latus rel:um of the Conic Setion, and
. b its Latus tranfverfum, Alfo let AC z, and CD y;
then it will be . ibb + y, an Equation to a Conic Sel:ion,

as isknown. Alfo PC tz, and thence PD . -
' bh+ hb+ahz;,
u aa
104. Now fince the fiuxion of the .A.rcb QQ is to the fluxion of
: the Abfdfs AC, as PD to CD; if the fluxion of the Abfcifs be fup ..
pos'd 1, the Fluxion .of the Arch QQ, or of the Ordinate CE,
zz .
will be." aa Draw this into FE, or z, and there
!Jlb + hh + ah ZZ .
will arife z ... b aa for the fluxion of the Area AEF.
!..hh + zz
4 . a
If therefore in the Ordinate C D you take C G
1 bb hh +ah
"i + zz .
., b aa the ':A.rea AGC, . which is defcribed by CG
hb+ -zz

movmg upon AC, will be equal to the Area AEF, and the Curve
Q.,2 . AG

- -
. -
AG will he .a Geornettical Curve. Therefore the Area AGC is-
fought. T o this purpofe let be fubftituted for zs in the laft
- - . + hh+ah Z'l
Eqnation, and it becomes Z" ..,1 ! +
aa CG, an Equa.;
tion of the 2d Species of the I 1th Order of Table 2. And from a
comparifon of terms it is d 1, e .;j;h g, J M+ab , and
--r.--:-:-7""- "'!
h fo that ..lib+ b .. +

'V, and
;s t. That is, CD x, DP 'V, and s t. And this is
the Conftrntion of what is now found.
10 5 At Q.. eret Q.! perpendicular and equal to and thro'
the point D dfaw HI parallel to it, but equal to DP. And the
Line KI, at which Hl is terminated, will be a Conic Seon, and
the comprehended Area will be te> the Area fought AEF),
as h to a, or as l'C to AC.
106. Here obferve, that if you change the fign of h,. the Conic
Setion, to whofe Arch the right Line CE is equal, will become an
Ellipfis; and befides, if you make . a, the Ellipfis becomes
a Circle. And in this cafe the line Kl becomes a right line parallel
107. After the Area of any Curve has been thus found and cori--
firuled, we hould confider about the demonftration of the con-
ftrution ; that laying afide all Algebraica! calculation,. as much as.
may be, the Theorem may be adorn'd, and made elegant,, fo asto
beccme fit for publick view. And there is a general method of de-
monftrating, which I fball endcavour to illuftrate by the follow-
ing Examples.
Demmflration of tbe Conjlrulion- t'n E:4ample 5
oS. In the Arch PQ..,take a point d indefinitely near to D;
(Figure pr 1 13.) and draw de and dm parallel to DK and DM.
meeting DM and AP in p and- /. Then will DEed be the
-ment of the .Area PDEP, and LMm/ will be the moment of the
Area Ll\1KP. Draw the femidiameter AD, and conceive the inde-
nitely fmall arch Dd to be as it were a right line, and the tri-
angles Dpd and ALD will be like, and therefore Dp : pd :: AL : LD;
But it is HF: EH:! AG: AF; thatis, AL: LD :: ML: DE; and.
therefore Dp: pd :: ML: DE. Wherefore Dp x DE pd x ML.
_ That

anrl INFnTE SER'is.

That is, the moment DEed is equal to the moment LMml And
flne this is demonftra:ted indeterminately of any contemporaneous
moments. whatever, it is plain, that all the moments. of the Area
PDEP are equal to all the contemporaneous n'l.oments cif the Area
PLMK, and therefore the whole Areas compofed of thofe moments
are equal to each other. <t._ E. D.
Demonflration ( the Conj}ru'lion in Example 3
I09 Let DEed be the momentum of the fupedicies AHDE, and
AdDA be the contemporary
moment oftheSegmentADR ,
Draw the femidiameter DK,. !
and let de meet AK in e; and '
ii: is- Ce : DJ :: CD : DK.
.Belides itis DC : ( zDK) : :.
AC : DE. And therefore
Ce : zDd :: DC : zDK ::
AC: DE, and Ce x DE=
zDdx AC. Now to the mo-
ment of the periphery Dd
produced, that is, to the tan-
' gent of the Circle, let fall the
perpendicular Al, and Al will
be equal to AC. So that
2Ddx AC 2Dd x Al 4
. Triangles ADJ. So that 4 Triangles ADJ CcxDE moment.
DEed. Therefore every moment of the fpace AHDE is quadruple
of the contemporary moment of the Segment ADH, and therefore
that whole fpace is q\ladruple of the whole Segment. <lE. D.


u8 _flDe oJ FLUXIONs,

Demanftration if the in Exampk 4:
t ro. Draw ce parallel l9 CE, and at an indefinitely iinall diftarn:e
-om it, and the tangent of the

A J(
e ck, and let fall KM
' pc.rpendirolar to AP. Now
from the nature -of the Hyper-
bola it will be AC : AP ::
AP: AM, and AGq :
GLq :: AO: Lq (or APq) ::
AP1: AMq; and dP1Jijim, AG:
ALq (Dq) :: APq: AMq-
APq(MKq); And zir.;erse, AG:
AP .: : DE : MK. But the
little Area DEed s to the Tri- F

angle CKc, as the altitude DEis to J:alf the altitude KM; that is.
as AG to {-AP. Wherefore all the moments of the Space PDE
are to all the contemporaneous moments of the Space PKC, as AG
to }AP. And therefore thofe whole Spaces are in the fume ratio.

Demonjlration qf the Conjlrulion in Example 6.
II I. Dravud parallel and infinitely near to CD, (Fig. in p. l_lS-)
.meeting the Curve AE in :md draw hi and ft meet_ing DC in p
and '1 Then by the Hypothefis Eq, and from the 'fimi-
litnde of the Triangles Ddp and Dcp, t will he Dp : ( Dd)
Eq :: CP : (PD) HI, fo that Dp x HI Eq xCP; and thence
Dp x HI (the moment Hlib): Eq x AC ( the moment EFje) ::
Eq x CP : Eq x AC :: CP : AC. Wherefore fince PC and AC
are in the given ratio of the latus tranfverfum to the fatus rel:um
-of Conic Sel:ion Q.D, and fince the moments Hlih and EF{e
of tbe Areas HIKQ_ and AEF are in that ratio, the Areas them-
fehes will be in the fume ratio. Q_,E. D.
J 12. In this kind of demonfi:rations it is to be obferved, that 1
afime fuch quantities for equal, whofe ratio is that of equality :
And that is to be elleem'd a ratio of equality, wh1ch differs le!S
from equality than by any unequal -ratio that can be ailign'd. Thos
in the laft demonftration 1 fuppos'd the refungle Eq x. AC, or FE9f,
.to be equal to the FEej; becaufe (by reafon of the differcnce
qe infinitely le1S than cr nothing in comparifon of them,}

IN, iNITit
' '

they nave not a ratio of inequality. And for the {ame rtafon I
made DP x HI Hlih ; and fo in others.
I 13. 1 have here made ufe of this method of proving thc Arcas
''cf Curves to be equal, or to have a given ratio, by the equality, or
by the given ratio, of their moments ; becaufe it has an affinity to
the uffial methods in thefe matters, But that feems more natural
which depends u.pon the generat_ion _of Superficies, by Motion or
Fluxion, Thus 1f the Conftruhon m Example 2. was to be de-
monftrated: From the nature of the Circle, the ftuxion of the right
fine ID (Fig. p.II 1 .) is to the fluxion of the right line IP, as Al to
ID ; and it is Al : ID : : ID : CE, from the nature of the Curve

. -:- ...
AGE ; and therefore l4 ID ID x IP. But CE x ID to
the fiuxion of the Area PDI. And therefore thofe Areas, being ge-
nerated by equal fluxion, muft be equal. .:..,E. D. .
1 14 .. For the fak.e of farther I lliall add the demon ..
ftration of the Conihution, by which the Area of the CiJfoid is
determin'd, in Example 3 Let the lines mark'd with points in the
-fcheme be expnnged; draw the Chord and the Mymptote
of the Ciffoid. Then, from the nature of the Circle,. it ii.
DQ..q AQ__x CQ.._, and
thence (by Prob. 1.) 2DQJ<

Fluxion of DQ..: AQ CQ.
And therefore AQ_: DQ, ::

- ..,..
2DQ_; C<t:, Al{o from tne
'nature of the Cifoid it is ED :
AD :: DQ;_ There-
fore ED : AD :.: 2DQ_;
and EDxC'Qi: ADx2DQ_,

or Nowfince
DQ__is perpendicular at the
end of AD, revolving about.



A ; and x QQ to the fluxion generating the Area ADO

its quadruple alfo ED x CQ fiuxion generating the Cifi"oidal' Area
Wherefore that .Area infinitely long, is gene..
rated q,uadruple of the other D .

S-e Jl 01, I u M,


120 M.et!Jor! of FLOXtoNs,
' . '
11 5 By the foregoing Tables not only the Areas of Curves, but
quantities of any ilther kind, that are generated by an analogous
way of tlowing, may be derived from their Fluxions, and that by
the affiftance of this Theorem: That a quantity of any kind is to an
nnit of the &me kind, as the Area of a Curve is to a fuperficial
unity ; if fo be that the B.uxion generating that quantity be to an
nnit of its kind, as the ftnxion generating the Area is to an unit of
its kind alfo ; that is, as tbe right Line moving perpendicular! y u pon
the Abtern ( or the Ordinate) by which the Area is defcribed, to a
linear Unit. Wherefore if any ftuxion whatever is expounded by
fuch a moving Ordinate, the quantity generated by that ftuxion will
be Hpuunded by the Area defcribed by fuch Ordinate ; or if the
Flnxion be expounded by fame Algebraic terms as the Ordinate,
the generated quantity will be expounded by the &me as the de-
fcriroi Area. Therefore the Equation, which exhibits a Fluxion of
any kind, is to be fonght for in the firft C'olumn of the Tables, and
the value of t in the laft Column will how the generated

tlty. .
I 16. As if v' 1 + exhibited a Fluxion of any kind, make it
equal to ;, and that it may be reduced to the form of the Equations
in the Tables, fubftitute for z, and it will be v' 1 + ..2.z,.
y, an Equation of the Species of the 3d Order of Tabl: 1.
And comparing the t<:tms, it will be d 1, e 1, j ! ,
d th
S.Z+tB:: -, 9Z %11 R Th fi .
an ence v 1 + -
t. ere ore 1t is the
:. 44 3nf
S..+tS: - / 9!:. hich
uuanuty v 1 + - w lS generated by the Fluxion
:l :: .a


117. And thus if V r + '
"-: reprefents a Fiuxion, by a due re-
. 94'
duilion, (or .by extraffing out -of the -radical, and writing
forz. i,)therewillbehad .:r. v'ZS+.:; y, an of
z gaT . ..
the 2d Spccies of the _sth Order of Table 2. Then comparing the


r. So that zT
_, t6xx -2J
v 1 + , v, and {s = n
- 9aT
t. Which being found, the
quantity generated by the fluxion V 1 +

will be known, by
making it to be to an Unit of its own kind, as the Area js is to
fuperficial unity; or which comes to the fame, by fuppofing the
quantity t no longer to reprefent a Superficies, but a quantity of an-
other kind, which is to an unit of its own kind, as that fuperficies
is to fu perficial u ni ty.
1 x8. Thus fuppofing V 1 + '
"'! to reprefent a linear Fluxion, 1
imagine t no longer to fignify a Superficies, but a Line; that Line,
for inftance, which is to a linear unit, as theArea which (accord-
ing to the Tables) is reprefented by t, is to a fuperficial unit, or
that which is produced by applying that Area to a linear unit, On
which account, if that linear unit be made e, the length generated
by the foregoing fluxion will be t . And upon this foundation
thofe Tables may be apply'd to the determining the Lengths of
Curve-lines, the Contents of their Solids, and any other quantities
whatever, as well as the Areas of Curves.
o that are related hereto.
I. 'I apjroximate to the ./lreas qf Curves mechanically.
1 I 9 The method is this, that the values of two or more right-
'lineo Figures may be fo compounded together, that they may very
nearly confritute the value of the Curvilinear Area required.
120. Thus for .. the Circle AFD which is denoted by the Equa-
tion x xx zz, having found the value of
the Area AFDB, viz. 1-xt ]-x{ ..,.xt F
..xi>,;;&c. the values of fome Rel:angles are to
be fought, fuch is the value x./ x xx, or xt
1 2 EB
- -;,z -}x . . ,'
, &c. of the rel:angle
BD xAB, and x..;x, or x\ the valne of AD x

AB. Then thefe values are to be multiply'd by
any different letters, that il:and for numbers indefinitely, and then
122 1'he Method qf FLUXIONS,
to be added together, and the terms of the furo are to be compared
vvith the correfponding terms of the value of the Area AFDB, that
:;.s far as is poffible they may become equal. As if thofe Parallelo-
grams were multiply'd by e and J, the fum would be
- ..exi, &c. the terms of which being compared, with thefe terms
r 1. r 7_ &e th ; +J s d r 1
. ere arl!es e
, an ,e T>
or e and f i- e !
So that fBD x AB + ;;,AD x
AB AreaAFDB very nearly. For fBDx AB + ,
AD xAB is
equivalent to .!...J r
x't &c. which beincr fub-
3 S 4 o J t)
trated from the Area AFDB, leaves the error only
X! + y'oxfl,
121. Thus if AB were bifeted in E, the value of the rel:angle
ABxDE will be x.'x xx, or ..xi
x!i, &c. And this compared with F
)2.:) 102f .
th 1 AB
e retang e AD x , gves
AB Area AFDB, the error being only
i &c. which is always lefs than
::aa eventho' AFDB
were a quadrant of a But this may be thus pro-
ponnded. As 3 t 2, fo IS the retangle AB mto DE, added to a
fifth part of the diference between AD and DE, to the Area AFDB,
very nearly.
122. And thus by compounding two rel:angles AB x ED and
AB x BD, or all the three rel:angles together, or by taking in ftill
more retangles, other Rules may be invented, which will be fo
much the more exat, as there are more Rel:angles made ufe of.
And the fame is to be underftood of the Area of the Hyperbola, or
of any other Curves. by only the Area may
often be very commodioufly exhib1ted, as m the foregoing Circle,
by taking BE to AB as .' 10 to 5, the rel:angle AB x ED will be
to the Area AFDB, as 3 to 2, the error being only Tfsxt +
"i"i"' ox-, .
IL 'fbe Area heing given, to determine tbe Ab.fcifs and Ordinate.
12 3 When the Area is exprefs'd by a finite Equation, there can
be no difficulty : But when it is exprefs'd by an infinite Series the
affetl:ed root is to be extral:ed, which denotes the Abfcifs. for
ti?Jd 1 NFI N ITB SiR IE s.
the Hyperbola, defined by the Equation a+x z, after we have
bx bx3 bx4 & h ,. h .
found z = x -!-' , c. t at rrom t e giVen Area
?.ll sa 4"'
the Abfcifs x may be known, extral: the affel:ed Root, and there
z z zl z4 zS
will arife X = b + zab + 6ab; + z..alb4 + 96ai)l ' &c. And
moreover, if the Ordinate z were required, divide ab by a + x,
at is by a + b: + ,.: + .. , &c. and there will arife z b-
' zao 6abJ
z z zl z4 &
zab 6a3b 24aib3 , e,
124. Thus as to the Ellipfis which is exprefs'd by the Equation
.. l;t
ax- ;:,z, after the Area is found z ax -
' 5' .
r 7 .! 2 e ;x. fi 1 d ' b
ax _ a'x', &c. wnte v
wr _._, and t or x, an It ecomes
zBc!&. 72e3 2a
31r 317 P & , h
t - - ..,
, c. and extralmg t e root -t
lOe 5 e ..Se!
.,; 81 .,r 1171 'll' & h fc { .,4 zz"'6 Sz;ot S
oc + ..ooc + zpooc3' c. W
e v + 5c" + 175<" + 7875'' '
&c. is equal to x. And this value being fubftituted inftead of x in
the Equation ax zz, and the root being extratted, there

arifes z
_ 38a""'' 47"'"'' , &c. So that from
175'' 2250<3 se
z, the given Area, and thence v or ', -'-. , the Abfcifs x will be
V 2a't'
given, and the Ordinate z. All which things may be accommo-
dated to the Hyperbola, if only the fign of the quantity e be changed,
wherever :t is found of odd dimenfions .

R 2 PRO B .

The Method of FL.UXIONs,
P R O B. X .

T ji11d as many Curves as 'ice pleafe, whOJe . Lmgths
may be exprejs'd by finite Equations.
1. The following politions prepare the way for the folution: of
this Problem.
2. I. If the right Line DC, ftanding perpendieularly upon any
- Curve AD, be conceived thus to move,
all its points G, g; r, &c. will defcribe
other which an: equidiftant, and '
perpendicular to that line : As GK, gk,
rs, &c.
3' II. lf that right Line is continued
indefinitely each way, its extremities wilL
move contrary ways, and therefore there
will be a Point between, which will ha ve
no motion, but may therefore be call'd
the Center of Motion. This Point will
be the tune as the Center of Curvature,
which the Curve AD hath at the point D,
as is mention' d befare. Let that point
be c.


4- III. If we fuppofe the line AD not
to be circular, but unequably curved, fup-
pofe more curved_ towards 8', and lefstoward .6.; that Center will
continually change its place, approaching nearer to the parts more
curved, as in K, and going farther off at the parts lefs curvea, as in
k, and by that mems will defcribe fome line, as KCk.
5 IV. The right Line DC will continually touch the line de-
fcribed by the Center of Curvature. For if the Point D of this
Iine moves towards JI, its point G, which in the mean time pafes
to K, and is fituate on the fame fide of the Center C, will move
the fame way, by polition 2. Again, if the tune point D moves
towards the point g, which in the mean time pafes to k, and
is tuate on the contrary lide of the Center C, will move the con-
trary way, that is, the tune way that G moved in the former cafe,
while it pafs'd to K. Wherefore K and k lie on the fame fide of
the right Line DC. But as K and k are taken indefiilitely for any

and lNF1NITI!. SintiE.s;
points, it is plain that the whole Curve lies oh the fame fide of the
right line DC, and therefore is not cut, but only touch'd by it.
6. Here it is fuppos'd, that the line is continually more
curved towards JI, and lefs towards for if its greateft. or leaft
Curvature is in D, then the right line DC will cut the Curve KC;
but yet in an angle that is lefs than right-lined angle, which is
the fame thing as if it were faid'to fouch it. Nay, the point C in
this cafe is the Limit, or Cufpid, at, two parts of the
Curve, finihing in the moft oblique concoutfe, touch each other ;
and therefore may more juftly be faid to be touch'd, than to !ie cut,
by the right DC,. which the Angle of contat. .
7 V. The nght Lme CG IS equal to the Curve CK. For con:.
ceive all the points r, 2r, 3r, 4r, &c. of that right Line to defcribe
arches of Curves rs, 2r2s, 3r3s, &c. in the mean tiine that they
approach to the Curve CK, by the motion of that right line; and
fince thofe arches, (by pofition L) are perpendicular to the right
lines that touch the Curve CK, (by pofition 4.) it follows that they
will be alfo perpendicular to that Curve. Wherefore the parts of
tbe line CK, intercepted between thofe arches; which by reafon of
tlieir infinite fmallnefs maybe confider'd as right lines, are equal to
the intervals of the fame arches ; that is, (by pofition 1.) are equal
to {o many parts of the right line CG. And equals being added
to equals, the whole Line CK will be equal to the whole Line
8. The fame. thing would appear byconceiving,. that every part
of the right Line CG, as it moves along, will apply itfelf fuccef-
fively to every part of the. Curve CK, and thereby will meafure
them; juft as the Circumference of a wheel, as it moves forward by
revolving upon a Plain, will meafure the diftance that the point of
Contat continually defcribes.
9 And hence it appears, that the Problm may be refolved, by
nfiuming any Curve at pleafure and thence by determining
the other Curve KCk, in whih the Center of Curvature of the
afumed Curve is always found. Therefore letting fall the perpen-
diculars DB and CL, to a right Line AB given in pofition, and in
AB taking any point A, and calling AB x and BD y; to
define the Curve AD let any relation be alfumed between x and

and then by Prob. 5 the point C may be found, by which may b;
dctennined both the Curve KC, and its Length GC.

The Meihod Dj F,tUXIONs,

ro. ExAMPLE. Let ax yy be the Equation to tbe Curve,
which therefore will be the Apollanian Para bola. And, by Prob. S
will be found ' + 3x, CL
andDC a+4X ..f!,.aa + ax.
aa' a-+
Which being obtain'd, the Curve KC
is determin'd by AL and LC, andits
Length by DC. For as we are at
liberty to affi1me the points K and C
any where in the Curve KC, let us
fuppofe K to be the Center of Cur-
vature of the Parabola at its V ertex ;
and putting therefore AB and BD, or
x and y, to be nothing, it will be
DC ..a. And this is the Length
AK, or DG, which being fubtrated
from the fmmer indefinite value of


. .


DC, leaves GC or KC a+4X v
1 r. Now if you defire to know wbat Curve this is, and what is
its Length, without any relation to the Parabola ; call KL z,
and LC 'V, and it will be z AL {-a 3x, or .z x, and
""' Th e z
4); 16zl
- ax yy. ere1ore 4..! CL 'V, or ;..__ =
3 za aa 27a
which hews the Curve KC to be a Parabola of the fecond kind.
And for its Length there arifes ;a+<!Z ..! .!.aa + {-a, by
"a +
wtiting .z for x in the value of CG.'
12. The Problem alfo may be refolved by taking an Equation,
which fhall exprefs the relation be-
tween AP and PD, fuppofing P to
be the interfetion of the Abfcifs and
Perpendicular. For calling AP x,
and PD y, conceive CPD to move
an infinitely fmall fpace, fuppofe to
the place Cpd, and in CD and Cd ta-
king C.6. and Ci' both of the fame
given length, fuppofe 1, and to
CL let fall tbe perpendiculars and
J'-, of wbich (which call z
may meet Cd in f. Tben compleat
tbe Parallelogram g'i';,, and making


. '
. ,
.. - \


..... 1' \p :r,
*. --:;:...-
-\. l'>. e
.......... )>
' ;:;. '. y

. i, v, and z the fiuxions of the quantities x 1 and .z, as before :
"" , "" '


. 01
it will be Ae : Aj :: Ae \" : A.r-l' :: Cg 1' : CAl' :: fll : CA.
(.' 1
And t:J.f: Pp ::CA: CP. Then ex t2quo, Ae: Pp :: cg : CP.
. fl
But Pp is the moment of the Abfcifs AP, by the acceffion of which
it becomes Ap; and Ae is the moment of the per-
pendicular Ag, by the of wh1ch becomes J,. There-
fore Ae and Pp are as the flux10ns of the lmes Ag (z) and AP (x),
. . . . Gl
that is, as z and x. Wherefore z : x :: Cfl : CP. And fince .it
is Lg l' CAl' Ag 1' I zz, and CA r ; it will be

CP x-.xz Moreover fince we may any one of the
three x,j, and ;; for an uniform fluxion, to which the reft are to be
referr'd, if x be that fluxion, and its value is unity, then CP =
J -zz

13. Befides it is CA (1): Ag (z) :: CP: PL; alfo CA (1): Cg
(vi zz) :: CP: CL; therefore it is PL z-z', and CL
. 1 zz. Laftly, drawingpq parallel to the in.finitely fmall
"' .
Arch Dd, or perpendicular. tope, Pq will be the momentum of
DP, by the acceffion of wh1ch 1t becomes dp, at the fame time that
AP becomes Ap. Therefore Pp and Pq are as the fluxions of AP
(x) and PD (y), that is, as 1 and j. Therefore becaufe of fimilar
triangles Ppq and C6g, fince CA and Ag, or 1 and z, are in the
fame ratio, it will be j z. Whence we have this folution of
the Problem.
14. From the propofed Equation, which exprefes the relation
between x and y, find the relation of the fluxions x and j, (by Prob. 1 .)
and putting. x 1, there will be had the value of j, to which z
is equal. Then fubl:ituting z for j, by the help of the laft Equa-
tion find the n;lation of the Fluxipns x,j, and z, (by Prob. 1.) and
again fubftituting 1 for x, there will be had the value of z. Thefe

being foundmake
-:-xv CP, z x CP PL, and CP x . 1 jj
CL.; and C will be a Point in the Curve, any part of which
KC is equal to the right Line CG, which is the difference of the
tangents, drawn perpendicularly to the Curve Dd from the points
C and K.
"1'28 'l'he Method of FLUXIONS,
r . Ex. Let a."C )'Y be the Equation which .exprefi"es the rela-
tion- between AP and -PD; and (by
Prob. 1.) it wU be firft ax ZJ);, or
- -
a 2yz. Then 2JZ 2JZ=
o, or
z. Thence it is CP

. -
r: dCL. / .
!..a-:2 an v '1)" aa.
::. a ' .zca 1".1
And from CP and PL taking away y
arid th . CD == --
, x, ere reir.atns

/"';;_ _ ....
\.>: -
.. - \_
. '

A '.l'.. . r \"
-- 'P_

and AL
!..a-TI!. Now 1 take \

a e
away y and x, beraufe when CP and
PL have affirmave values, they fall on the fide of the point P to-
wards D andA, ougbt to be diminihed, by taking away
the affirmave.quantitie5 PD and AP. "But when they have negative
Yalues, they will faH on the contrary fide of the point 1', and then
they mufi: be encreafed, .which is alfo done by taking away the affir-
quantities PD andAP.
16. Now to know the.Length of the Curve, in whichthe point
C is found, between any two of its points K and e ; we muft feek
the length of the Tangent at the-point K, and fubtral: it from CD.
As if K were the point, at which the Tangent is terminated, when
CA and 4g, or .I and .z, are made equal, which therefore is fituate
in the Abfcifs itfelf AP; write 1 for z in the Equation a 2yz,
whence a 2)'. Therefore for y write in the value of CD,
that is in !! , and it comes out And this is the length
of the Tangent at the point K, or of DG ; the difference between
which and the foreglling indefinite value of CD, is !;.; ..a, that
is GC, to which the part of the Curve KC is equal.
17. Now that it may appear what Curve this is, from AL (hav-
ing fuft changed its fign, that it may become affirmative,) take AK,
:which will be -i4, and there will remain KL !a, which
call t, and in the value of the line CL, which call v, write 4"1 for
. 3
d th ill
_..:r. %1 t6JJ hich
4)J' aa, an ere w ame - 'V; or 'V'V, w
3a za
is an Equation to a Parabola of the fecond kind, as was found befote.

tznd 1 N F IN I T E S E 1t I E s. 129
x8. When the relation between t and v cannot conveniently be
reduced to an Equation, it may be fufficient only to find the lengths
PC and PL. As if for the relation between AP and PO the Equa-
tion 3a'x+3ay i o were afumed; 1.)
firfi there arifes a +az y-z o, then aaz 2JJZ ysz o,

and therefore it is z aa , and
.t. Whence are
yy-aa aa-JJ

given PC .
-;:->Y ' and PL z X PC, by which the point e is

determined, which is in the Curve. And the length of the Curve,
between two fuch points, will be known by the diference of the
two correfponding Tangents, DC or PC y.
:rg. For Example, if we make a I, and in order to determine
fome poipt e of the Curve, we take )' 2 ; then AP or X becomes
y'- 3a"J 1 ' 4 PC d PL 1
, z
, z 9" 2, an .,...
3aa a
Then to determine another point, if we take y 3, it will be
AP 6, z .}, z ,}o, PC 84, and PL 10..,
Which being had, if y be taken from PC, there will remain 4
in the firfi cafe, and S7 in the fecond, for the lengths DC ; the
d'ference of which 83 is the length of the Curve, between the two
points foond e and c . .
2o. Thefe are to be thus underfiood, when the Curve is conti-
imed between the two points e and e, or between K and e, with-
out that Term or Limit, which we call'd its Cufpid. For when
one or more {nch terms come between thofe points, (which terms
are found by the determination of the greatefi or leafi: PC or DC,)
the lengths of each of the parts of the:Curve, bet\veen them and the
points C _or K,. mufi be feparately found, and then added together.
P R O B. XI.

2 find as mmty Curves as you pleafe, whofe Lengths 1nay
6e compared with the Length of any Curve propofed,
()r with its Arca applied t? a givenLine, the belp of
finite Eruations. .
' ' . .

!. It is performed by involving the Length, or. the Area of the
propofed Curve, the Equation whih is afumed 'in the foregoino-
Pr:oblem, to determine the relation between AP and PD.
Art. !2. pag. 126.) Eut that z and z may be thence derired, (by
S J'rob.

Prob. r.} t:he fiuxion of the Lengtb, or gf the AreaJ mui\ be tirft
diii::over' d.
2. The fluxion of the Length is determin'd by putting it equal to
the of the fum of tbe fquares ef the luxion of the Ah
fcifs and of the Ordinate. For let RN be the perpendkular Ordi-
nate, movin u pon. the AbfciiS. MN, and .,
Itt _e propofed Curve, which .R.is
RN is termmated. Then calhng MN i
s,_ NR t, and Qg v, and their i
Fluxio;s s, t, and .i, refpe:tively ; con-
Q: .
(Cive the Line NR to move into the place : i
nr infinitely near the fmmer, and letting i l
&U Rs prpendicular to nr, then Rs, sr, ll-.r v l'f:r-:,_:----
and Rr will be the contemporaneous moments of the lines. MN
arui by the acceffion of whicluhey bccome MTf, nr-, :ind
And as thefe are to each other as the fluxions of the fame
Iines, and. becaufe of the right Anglc it will be '-'B:/ +ir'
= Rr, or -vis' + t' .V.
3 But to determine the fl.uxions s an<J t there are two Equatiorls
required; one ofwhich is to define therelationbetweenMN andNR,
or s and t, from whence the relation between the fiuxions .i. and t
is to be derived; and another which may define the relation be-
tween MN or NR in the given Figure, and of AP or x in that re-
quired, from whence the relation of the fiuxion .i or i to the fl.uxion
x or 1 mav be difcover'd.

4 Then ;J being found, the fluxions j and z are to be fought
by a third aff"umed Equation., by which the length PD or y may be

defined. Then we are to take PC .
-_;y ,. PL =Y x PC; and.
DC PC y, as in the foregoing Problem. ,
5 Er. 1. Let as ss tt be an Equation to the given Curve
which wili be a Circle; xx as the relation between the
Enes AP and MN, and -i"' J, the relation between the length of
the Curve and the right Line PD. By the firl: it wiU
be ni -2ti, or a:
s i. And. tlience V;.+ i
By the fecond it is 2X as, and therefore ; v. And by the

y, that is, 31

z, and' hence -
- 2.Jll

= .

being found, you mufl: take PC '""":JY , PL =y x PC, and DC
=PC y, or PC ..Q.R. Where it appears, that the length of
the .given Curve Q! cannot be found, but at the fame time the
length af the right Line DC mufl: be known, -and from .thence the
length of the Curve, in which the po.int .C .is found ; and .fo on the
6. Ex. 2. The Equation as ss tt remaiuing, make .\' s,

and 'VV 4ax 4ay. And by the firfl: there will be found ; v,
a . . .
as above. But by the fecond I = s, and therefore ;: 'l!, Arid

by the third 2VV 4a 4ay, or (eliminating v) f, - I .=

'U tl)/
T;hen from hence - - z.
. 7 .E.x. S Let there fuppos'd three Equations, st, a+
3s x, and x + v y. Then the firfi:, wh1ch an
Hyperbola, it is o or =f t, and therefore ;vss+tt
= ./ .i.i +.tt v. By the fecond it is 3;' I, and therefore
). v' ss + tt v. And hy the third it is I + .V j, or I
_ \o/ ss + tt z ; .then it is from hence

, that is, putting w
for .the :Fluxion of the radical .!. v' ss + tt, which if iit be made

.ectua:l to . or :;. + !!.. there will arife from the!Jce
tt -
'l.: .
9' . . . . 9"
:tts : . st
,; 2ww. And firfi: "; Jor t, then :F for s, and
dividing by zw, there will arife -
: w z. Now j and z
-z ws
being faund, the refl: is perforni' d as in the firfi:'Example.
8. Now if from any point :<__of \a Curve, a perpendicular QY:is
let fall on MN, anda Curve is to"b found whofe length may pe
known .frorn the length :Which. r.ifes by applying the QgN,V
to m1y Line; let that given Lii1e be call'd E, the length

which is produced by fuch applieation be call'd v, and its fl.uxion ,;"
fince- the flux.ion of the is to the Fluxion of thc
Arca of a rel:angular paralllogriun made-upon'VN, <with the lle:o ht
E,. as thc Ordinate or m?ving .Jine NR t, by which thls is
fcnbed, to the moving Lme E, by which the other is defcribcd in
. S 2 . thc

Tbe Methad oJ FLux 1 o N s,
the !une time ;- and the fluxions ., and s of the lines v and MN;
(or s,} or of the lengths which arife by applying thofe Areai to the
given Line E, are in the fame ratio ; it will be .V E Therefore
by this Rule the value of ., is to. be inquired, and the reft to be
perfmm'd as in tbe Examples aforegoing.
9 Ex. + Let Q! be an Hyperbola which is defined by this

Equation, aa + 7 tt; and thence arifes (by Prob. 1.) '7 tt,

or i. Then if for the other two Equations are a[umed s

:md- )' 'V ; the firfr will give 1
st t
whence v E ;; ; and

f t
E, then from hence z E ,

the latter will give y

v, or z
. -
and fubffitutfug or for itbecomes z Nowy and z
.. '
being found, make '? CP, andj x CP PL, as before,,and

thence the Point C will be determin'd,. and the Curve in which all
fuch points are fituated: The length of which Curve will be known
from the Iength DC, which is equivalent to CP v; as is fuffi-
ciently hewn
10. There is alfo another method, by which die Problem may
be refolved; and that is by finding Curves whofe fluxions-are either
equal to the fluxion of the propofr.d. Curve, or are compounded of
tbe flnxion of that, and of other Lines. And this may fometimes
be of ufr, in converting mechanical Curves into equable Geometd-
cal Curves; of which thing there is a remarkable Example in fpiral
11. Let AB be a right Line given in- pofition, BD an Arch mov-
ing upon AB as an Abfcifs, and yet- re- \
taining A as its Center,_ ADd a Spiral; at el ... Q.
which that arch is continually, . v / :<. . /,;
hd an arch indefinitely near it, or the place / ... .... ..ix.
into which the arch BDby its motion next / ' 1
:mives, DC a perpendicular to the arch hd,. .'/a \, \.
dG the difference of the arches,. AH an- :' \,
cther Curve equal to the Spiral. AD, BH a / \[
right Line moving perpendicularly upon.
AB, and teuninated at theCurveAH, hbthe A Ji, 6
place into which that right Line moves, andHK perpendicular to
bb ..
611tl lNFINl.TE Su.uis .

And in the infinitely Iittle triangles DCd and HKb, fince DC
and HK are equal to the fame third Line Bb, and therefore equal
to each other, and Dd and Hh (by hypothefis) are correfpondent
parts of equal Curves,. and therefore equal, as alfo the angles .at C
and K are right angles ; the third fides' dC and hK will be equal
alfo. Moreover fince it is AB : BD :: A :. C :: A AB (Bb).:
BDxBb ' .
bC BD (CG); therefore AB CG. lf th1s be taken away
.zG h '11 . -lG BD x Bh .t.C hK. Call
,rom u , t ere WJ remam u . AB u ,

therefore AB z, BD and BH y, and . their fluxions
z, .V, ahd j refpel:ively, fince B, dG; and hK are the contempora-
neous moments of the. fame, by the acceffion of which they becop1e
A, bd, and h, and therefore are to each other as the fluxions.
Therefore for the moments in the laft 'Equation Jet the fluxions be
fubftituted; as alf the ll!tters for the- Lines, there will ar!fe .V

j. Now of thefe fluxions, if z be fuppos'd equaole, or. tli.e
unit to which the i:he Eqtiation will be ; j.
12. Wherefore tl: relation between between z:
and being given by any Equation, by which the Spiral is defined,
thefl*ion -i will be givn; (.by P.rob. alfo:tbe fiuxion

j, by puttihg it equal' to .V ;: And' (bj' 2:) this will-give
the.line y, or BH,. ofwhich itis the ,. .
. . . . ' . . '
. . 13.' Ex, ,I. If the iEquation 17'--''V welie given,. whichis to the
' ., ' ' . ' ' .
. . ' ' ' . . . . ' '
' > '.
' ..... ''2$:: ..
S piral of Archimedes, H>J, Prob . I ): -; , . 'Vr From. hence
take , or and there\vilrremain ; ), and therice (!:iyProb. z.)

:y; . Whih he\vs the-Curve AH,: to..whih tlie :Spiral AD is
equal . to be :the Rirabola o f. :Apollonius, ::w.hofe -Latds rel:urp. is za.
or whofe Ordinate BH e,qqal to Arcq )?D: , . '
14- Ex. z. If the Sp1ral be
propqfed. wh1ch is. defined hy thc
...; 1
Equation Z
av; or. 'V=;, ther.e arifes (by 3":
a"f . za'"i:
, T 'f. ,,
- . . . .
from which if yo u take ; , or wl ":, . }; and
a- . 24 "'i'
thence' (by Prob.2.) will be produced y.
BB, AH.be1ng a Para.bola of the fecond kind.

oj f'L'lf'!UONs,
1 5 Ex. 3 f the Eqlliition tc the Spir:il be i.a+o: 'V,'"ctheitoe
. '
Prb. 1.) ; + ;= _ .V:; from \Vhence if you take er
2 +- ..:
IU e- .
. . . .
v'""!""' -, there_ _'"V:
; j. _ the
ger,erntcii -by 'this j :a'lin'ot be found by Prob. 2. tirilefs it :be
refolved into an iilfinite Series ; accOrding to the tener of the Scho-
linm to Prob. 9 1 reduce it to the form of the Equations in the firft
co1nmn of the T ab1es, by fubftituting for z ; then ,it becomes
. , . . _.- - . : .
OtderofTable 1. And by comparing the terms, it is il },-e ac,
andf e, fo that ;:,'." vac +cz t .Y Which
belongs to a Geoinetrical.Curve which is equal in length to the
L\D. . . . . . - . . . . -
-- . - .... - !. l -- .
' . -

. P R O B. XII .
. :ro ./etsY.mine the L'engths oJ Curves. -
, ... . . . .
. .. . - -- '

. ..... : -,.
- -r. 1n'theJoregoing:Problem.we -have-hewn, that
a Curve-line is -to the fquare-ro()t of the fum of the fqu.ares of
the Fluxions of the Abfcifs and of the perpendicular Ordinate.
Wherefore if we take'theFlnxion of the Abfcifs forari uniforin-and
determin:i.te meafure, or for.mt.Unit to .which othf;r Flu:xons
are to be refer'd, and -if from the Equation w4idt gefines the
-we find ihe Fluxiori of "the :ordinat, we , lliall :ha ve :the
Fluxion of the Curve-line_, from whence (by Problem 2.) its Leng.tb
may be rleduced. - . - - ,
2. Ex. 1. 1..et the. Curve,FDH.-b.:prpofed,:whidds defirwd-by
the Equation :: t IZa y ; riiaking the AB and :ihe
_ . aa . IZ.: . . ...
moving y: Theri. - ..
from the Equation will h ]uid,



'the .
.. -::z. tlll
. {bv-P-rob. I .) , :- . ---
J aa
nnxion of Z I, and j being
the fluxin ofy. T-hen -il.ddirig the A
iquares of the fiuxions, the fum
will be
:o" + -1- "" -: ti, and


. .




. . .

. . . . .

. . . '. . ' ' . . : = !,

t, and thenee (by Prob. 2.) a.a t. Here t .for the
aa .
fluxon of the Curve, and t for its Len gth. . . . . : i .
. 3. Therefore if length dD of any p.OJtio.a 9f:th_is Cl!Ive wcre
reqmred, from the and D let fall. the perpendtc?l.ars db and
DBl to AB, and the. value :of t:fubhtute. the:quantities Ab and
AB feverally for z, and the difference of the refults will be dD t[le
Length required; As'.if Ao {:4,_ and AB a,_ writing -}a hr .g:;,
it _becomes t . ; then a for Z: . it (. . ',
; ,
froll1, whencc: if _fid\ _value there will renlain
a for the Ingth dD. Or if only Ab be dj!ter,min'd to be fa, and
. .
AB be look'd upon as there will remain "'' aa +
. . . aa Zf.
for the value. of dD .. . . . . . ,
;_. If you would know the portian of the Curve which is repre.:.
fented by t, fuppfe the v'alue of -t to be eq1,1\ll t) and tbere
arifes z+ , or :; a .. Therefore if you AB
a ,
. 12 yrz y12
and erea: the perpendtcular bd,_ of the Arch dD will be
t "'' .. aa . .A\nd the- :fame is to be umlerftood of a:U Curves
' aa 1 IJI:
.i: general. . r .. ' . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Mter the fame manner by which we have determm'd the
length of thisCurve, if the Eqution ;: + _
;:. . y be propofed,
f<?r defining the nature of Curve ; there . will be deduced
. 3 . :
. ' ' . , . '
- . .

- - - J .
will arife ,:; t. Olr in. general, if it is cza +
'i' . .-
a . - . .
. ..
:. wllere G: is Ufed for repreHtig ariy numbei', either.
. . ' .. . . . ..
'T "" ( . &- ...
. - -- . . . " ... - . ---- '
1 . -- .. \ -
Integer or Fra!::9:ion, we hall cz
+&:e- HUc J; . . .
6: :}:_x. 2. Let the Curve be propofed wliich is' 'defined by this
Equatlori. zao. t}%.:f .. ila + .- .. j ; (by Prob. I.) will had
j . f'"!f.. + + ' . r . termirtating y, j . . ;; ..a a+ zz.
,1 .. 3 ' . --- ., .. ., - .
To the fllllare of which add 1, and the fum: willi;>e 1 +
"'"' +
(l {f .f

. .
7De Methotl oJ F L u x ioN s,
and its Root 1 + =
t. Hence (by Prob. 2.) will be oh-
. 'd tr.l ==
tam z + .... t. . . '
7 Ex. 3 'Let a Parabola of thefecond kind 'be propofed,
, ' J
Equation is z ; or :'; =Y and thence by Prob. t. is derived

:;: j. Therefore V 1 + '!:. V 1 + jj i. Now'fin:ce the
4'" . . .
length of the Curve generated by the i cartnot be found by
Prob. 2. without a reduon toan infinite Series of fimple'Terms, I
c<Jnfult the Tables in Prob. 9 and according to the Scholium belong-
ing to it, I have t Sa+ rB:;; VI + 2: And thus you may find
%7 ..,. .
the Iengths of thefe Paraba las zr ay, Z' ay'. zt . ay&'
&c. .
:8. Ex. 4 Let the Parabola be propofed; whofe Equation is z+.
. 1
ay, or y; and thence (by Prob. 1 .) will arife

. ' -
Therefore V 1 + '
:-r v;y +.I (,' This being .:found, J:
confult the Tables according to the aforefaid Scho.lium, and by com-
paring witb the 2d Theorem of the sth Order of Table 2, 1 ha ve

x, ...1 I + '
:"' v, and :}s t. Where x denoteS the Ab-
-r . . . .
9'Z . .. ' : '.
fcifi:, )' the Ordinate, and s the Area. of .the Hyperbola, and t the
length which arifes by applying the Aria to linear uity.
9 After the fame manner the lengths of the Parabolas z' ayr,
z! a)", z' o a;"i, &c. may alfo :be redced to the Area of the
Hyperbola. .
10. Ex. 5 Let the Ciifoid of the Ancients be propofed, .whofe
Equation is .)', and thence (by Prob: """':_:: 2&
,/az ZZ j, and Va+
" + I .. t';'
2%. . %. ,/
which by writing z'1 for or becomes v'.az'l + 3 i,
an Equation _ of the 1ft .. Jd o
comparing the Terms, it is d, 3 e, .and a f; fo that
-. z - .
. d6
a+JXX 'V,an s--
' .
Al1ll taking a for U nity, by the Multiplication or Divifion of
which, thefe <2.2antitics may be reduced to a jufl: number of Di-
menfions, it bccomes a.z :ex, ./a a + 3X.\' v, and
::::::: t : Which are thus conl:rul:cd.
1 r. The Cifloid being VD, A V the Diameler of thc Circle to
which it is adaptcd, AF its Afymptotc, and DB perpendicuhr to
A V, cutting the Cnrve in D; with rhe
Semiaxis AF A V, and the Semi para-
meter AG Jet the HypcdJOla

FkK be defcribed; and taking AC a mean
Proportional between AB and A V, at C
V let Ck and VK drawn perpendi-
cular to A V, cut the Hyperbola in k,
and K, and let r.ight Lines kt and KT
touch it in thofe poi-nts, and cut A V in
t and T; and at A V Jet the Rel:;tngle
A VNM be defcribed, equal to the S pace
TK.kt. Then the length of tbe Ciloid
VD will'be fextuple of the Alritude VN. t rr A
<i O V
12. Ex. 6. Suppofing Ad to be an Ellipis, which the Equation
.; az 2zz )' reprefents ; Jet the mechani- /
cal Curve AD be propofed of fuch a nature, that J1/
if Bd, or y, be produced till it meets this (. urve /..L'. ---..____
at D, let BD be equal to the Elliptical Arch Ad. / : ...

Now that the length of tbis may be deter- \ .

min'd, the Equation ./ az 2zz J will give ,, 1:
" ), to the fquare of which if r be addcd, there arifcs
zyaz- zzz
na- 4'"' +
"'", the fquare of the fluxion of the arch Ad.
4az- 8:<::<:
To which
if r be addcd again, there will arife
""' :_ "''"', whofe fquare-rcot
_a __ 'is the fltxion of the Curve-line AD. vVhere if z be rx-
tral:ed out of the radical, and for .:::1-' be written z\ time will be
had _'! , a Fluxion of the dl S pecies of the 4Lh O;-der of
2t. v' a::}1- z
Table z. Therefore the terms being coilatcd, there wiil
e=- 2, and f a; fo that z ;ji :.._, ./ ax- 2xx = v,
.. }'(
Sdc Jv
nnd -- + 'J = - .. mto s --}X"J- -

IJ8 ne Methcd oJ FLUXIONS,
1 3 The Conftrulion of which is thus; that the right line de
being drawn to tbe center of tbe Ellipfis, a parallelogram may be
m:de upon AC, equal to tbe felor ACd, and tbe double of its
height will be tbe length of tbe -curve AD.
q .. Ex. 7 1\'faking A[j tp, (Fig. r.) and rr.l- being an Hyper-
bola, whofe Equation is ./ a+ and its tangent JIT
being dcnm ; let the Curve
YdD be propofed, whofe
Abcifs is !.., and its per-

pendicular Ordinate is the
length BD, which arifes by
applying the Arca rr."i'T rr. to
linear unity. Now that the
length of this Curve VD
may be determin'd, 1 feek
the t1uxion of theArea rr.JIT e,
when AB ftows uniformly,
A. .B "b

VT o< /J


and I find it to be ;"' 2,. J _
b az, putting AB z, x=--
and its ftuxion unity. For .E F I
'tis AT t ./ z, and its ftuxion is

whofe half drawn

into the altitude (3!, or V , is the fluxion of the Area
ctcf'T, deicribed by the Tangent JT. Therefore that fiuxion is
v' b az, and this apply'd to unity becomes the fluxion of the
Ordinate BD. To the fquare of tbis aa;;:.;= add I, the fquare of
the fluxion BD, and there arifes

whofe root
v' ab a
z+ r6bz is the fluxion of the Curve VD. But this
is a ftuxion of the rft Species of the 7th Order of Table 2 : and
the terrns being collated, there will be .:. d, aah e, a; f.
-42 - - --
t6lr g, and therefore z x, and v' ab a;x+ t6bx v,
(m to one Conic fuppofe HG, (Fig. 2.) whofe
Arca EFGH is s, where EF x, and FG v ;) alfo ;
V 1 66 a
s + TJ ( an Equation to another Conic

Sel:ion, fuppofe ML (Fig. 3.) whofe Area IKLM is rr, wl1ere IK
1: d KL T) L ftl 2aahbEt-alhy-a+v-.aahhrr-3zahf,
.,, an , . a y
h4-a+ t.
I 5 Wherefore that the length of any portian Dd of the Curve
VD may be known, Jet fall db perpendicular to AB, and make Ab
z; and thence, by what is now found, feek the value of t.
Then make AB z, and thence alfo feek for t. And the diffe-
rence of thefe two values of t will be the length Dd required.
16. Ex. 8. Let the Hyperbola be propos'd, whofe Equation is
. aa+bzz y, and thence, (by Prob. 1.) will be hady. 0 Or
y '

" h To the fquare of this add I, and the root of the fum
y aa + zz
aa + h:t:. + hl:;.:, N h" fl
wlll be . +
t. ow as t IS uxwn JS not to be found
in the Tables, I reduce it to an infinite Series ; and fidl: by diviion
. . h> b4 h'
it becomes t . 1 +- z' -z++ --zt> -z
&c. and extral:ing
a' a+ ad aU '
the root t I + h z

+ Bl++ .h'

&c. And
' za:. 8+ t 6a6 '
hence (by Prob. 2.) may be had the length of the Hyperbolical Arch,
h -4tJ + t+ 86+ + {l + [6 &
or t z + - zs z + z e
6a:O 4oa4 nzt,6 '
17. If the Ellipfis . aa hzz .Y were propofc:d,. tl1e Sign of
/; ought to be every where changed, and there will be had z +
h z! + 4
-l+z + Sh+- -f
z', &c. for the length of its
6a .oai 1124
Arch. And Jikewife putting Unity for b, it will be z + :: .. +
"'' +
, &c. for the Iength of the Circular A;ch. Now t!1e
{0114 112C.
numeral coefficients of this feries may be found ad ilifinitum, by mul-
tiplying con tinually the terms of this Progreffion


b x
Zl'3 X7
7X7 &
8 X 9 ' 1 O X 1 1
18. Ex. 9 Laftly, Jet the VDE be propofed, whofe
Vertex is V, A being the Center, andA V e
the femidiameter of the interior Circle, to f"" ......... .
which it is adapted, and the Angle V AE
being a right Angle. Now any right Line
AKD being drawn through A, cutting the
Circle in K, and the in D, and
the perpendiculars KG, DB being let fall
1to AE; call A V a, AG z, VK x, and BD
T 2
y,. and it

1he Metod oJ F L uxr ON s
fi . E I %
"'' .
w1ll be as m the oregomg xamp e, x z +
+ + +

a 40t.. 1 IZa
&c. Extrat the root z, and there will arife z :!( ;
+ xr-
a 1zoa+
, &c. whofe Sn1.1are fubtrat from AKq, or a\ and the-
;o40A 'l.i .
root of the remainder a + -"'\ x' S, &c. will be GK.
2a z4a zcct _
Now whereas by the nature of the 'tis AB VR x,
2nd fince it is AG : GK :: AB : BD ()'), divide AB x GK by
d h
:ex xi z_, 6 & A d h
an t ere wu arue; a - _ -
, c. n -t ence,
a 9.1"" , ) ,, ...
2x 4x;: 4,-s
(by Prob. 1.) )' ;
"r, &c. to. the fquare of
'\\hich add r, and the root of the fum will be 1 +
"" + '4"
t;aa 405a+

; &c. t. Whence (by Prob. 2.) t may be obtain'd,
or theArch of the Ouadratrix; "Jiz. VD =x + +

B!J;o!;a&> &e;
HE Reader is defired to corre! the following Errors, which I hope will be thought
but few, and fuch as in works of this kind are hardly to be avoided. 'Tis here ne-
celfary to take notice of even literal l\1ifiakes, which in fubje& of this nature are often very
material. That the Errors are fo few, is owing to the kind affiftance of a fkilful Friead or
two, who fupply'd m y frequentabfence from the Prefs; as alfo to the c.are of a diliger.t Printer.
/IJ tbe Priface, pag. xiii. fin. 3 read which 1 +-
is here fubjoin'd. Jbid. l. S for matter iad rtad Hyperbola. P. 119. l. 1 z. read CE X ID
manner. Pag. xxiiL l. u/t. for Preface, &c. = to the, Fluxion of the Area. ACEG; an\l
readConcluflonofihisWork. P.. l.31.fir +- a;
+ read = P .1-5. !.9. read y -i; + 'Y3- :ID X IP :::;: to. P .IJI.l. S. read + . . !bid.
z '
:b'+, &c. P,17-l.I7. read- P.)Zllg. read Ab, P.
. 9!S
!.21. read!.. 3-for IOXJ+ rtad 'IJS.I. 9 readAbfcifs AB. P.l451.penu/t.
x ' ,read P. 149 l. zo. rea whlch in .
lO.t'!J. P.6z. 1+ read z+z'. P.6
1. 'P.IS7 l.13.read ax. P.168. 1:5. r!adf,;ax.
o: : P.171- l.L7for Bl read 13s. P.177. l.z5. rea
Jory readj. Ibid-l.ult.for-"0.

:z'n+z. P.l89.1.30-forthelajiF-lrtadF-+.
"' "' I'. 204,. l. 16. read to zm. P. ZIJ l. 7 for
P 6
9 fi
eadN r
eadt" SpeciesreadSeries. P.zzg.l.zt.forx-lread
. . . . or r N o1 3 . r -
lb "d 1 , fi -+ d -r p
P. Sz. l. 17. read zzz. P. 87. l. zz. ead "'
d+ 'p'"'
"' d 34-
_,1 .! . z. or JY rea y. . 23 . . z . rca genera-
+za>x>. !bid. l.zz,z4. e.ad ApDB. P.88.
ting. P. 243. l. 29.read-axJ;-. P.z84-.
l. 27. ,ead z. P 92. L 5. ead + za":, s_ lb id. L ult. read l'. 28<). l. 17. for right read
5'J ' : . X
l.z1.j0r z readz. P.104. 1.8. rmd 6
,. left. P.295 l. 1, z. read -!;x4+-f,ax+.
P. 109. !. 33 dele as often. P. 110.!. zg. read P. 297. l.19.for jx- read y>-r. l'.zgS.l.lf .
. / .! H> A read-j. 1'.304.l.zo,zt.d.l;+bc. l'.3cg.
v-.,-- =y ti'-Z_X JO.'-= . = B:::: X m 3
a>+::. 'i.t8.rmda-. P.3t7.l.11lt.readaj.
and ya-x=. P. 113. 117-forParabola
A D V E R T 1 S E M E N T.
Late!J pulijh'd by the .Author,
HE BRITISH HEMISPHERE, ora Map of a new contrivance;
for initiating young Minds in the firft Rudiments of
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( 143 ]

C O N T E N T S of the following Comment.
J. on the lntrodutlio?t ; or the Rejo!tttion of
Equations by Infinite Series. pag.143
Set:. I. Of the uature and coJ!/}ntSioll if i1ifinite or converg-
ing Series. p. 14 3
Sel:. II. '!he R'!folution oJ jimple Equatiom, or of pure Po7oers,
by i1ifinite Series. p.r59
Sel:. III. '!'be R'!folution oJ Numeral 41fled Equatiom. p. r 8 6
Sel:. IV. '!he oJ Specious Equatiom by i'!fim'te Se-
ies ; and Jirfl jbr determining the forms of the Series, aJUI
their ilzitial Approximations. p. 19 r
Sel:. V. '!'he R'!folution oJ Affe!ed /}ecious proje-
cuted by various Methods of Analyjis. p.zo9
Set. VI. Trm!fitioll to the Method oj Fluxions. p.235

II. Amzotations on Pro. I. or, the RelatioJt of the }low-
i?Jg heing given, to determine the RelatioJt
of their Fluxions. p.24-1

Set. I. Concerning Fluxiom of the firj} Order, and lo ji11tl
their Equatiom. p.24 I
Sel:. II. Concenzing Fluxions if jitperior Orders, and tbt!
methad of derving their Equatiom. p.z 57
Sea. Ill. rhe Geometrical and Mechanical Elements qf'
Fluxiom. . p.2 66


m. Annotations fin Prob. 2. or, t!Je Relation of t!Je Fluxions
being given, to determine the Relation of the Fluents.
Sed:. I. A particular Solution ; with a preparation to the
general Solution, by which it is diflributed into three
Gafes. p.z77
SeB:.II. Solution of tbe fir_1 Gafe of Equations. p.282
Sea. ID. of the JecoiUi Cajk oJ Egu_ajip_ns, .. _
. Set. IV. Solution of tbe tbird Gafe qf Equations, 'leith fome
necef!ary Dcmol!flrations. p. 300
Sea V. 1'be Refoll!tion of Equations, A{gehr.aical
r;r Fluxional, by the qjjf/{lnce tf foperipr Orders of
F!uxiom. . p.3o8
St;..."l. VL ll Appmdix, explabzi?zg fome 'Ierms
. and E>.:prdfirms in the foregoing Work. p.32 1
Sea VII. 'Ibe Conclzifion ; containing a jlo,rt
or re-;Jie-;;; oJ tbe wbr;/e. . P330



O R,
the foregoing T R E A T I sE


I N F 1 N 1 T E S E R I E S.
A N N o T A T I o N s on the Introdution :
O R,

The Refolution of Equations by IN F r N r T E SERIES

S E e T. l. o tbe Nature and ConflruEiio?Z of Infinita
or Con'Qerging Series.
, HE great Author of the foregoing Work begins
it with a ihort Preface, in which he lays clown
bis main defign very concifely. He is not to be
here underftood, as if he would reproach the mo-
dern Geometricians with deferting the Ancients,
or with abandoning their Synthetical Method of
Demonftration, much Iefs that he intended to difparage the Analy-
t"ical Art; for <>n the contrary he has very rouch improved both
Methods, and particularly in this Treatife he wholly applies himfelf
to cultivate Ana1yticks, in which he has fucceeded to univerfal ap-
plaufe and admiration. Not but that we ihall find here fome ex-
amples of the Synthetical Method likewife, which are very mafterly
and elegant. Almoft al! that remains of the ancient Geometry is
indeed Synthetical, and proceeds by way of demonftrating truths
l r e ~ d y known, by .hewing their de_pendence u pon the Axioms, and


1be J..fethcd oJ FLux IoN :s,
other f.dl: either !:Jediately or immediately. But tl1e
bufir.eCs of Analytlcks is to ii.11:!1 l\hthematical Truths as
rc-.1ily ::re, or may be ka1: to be unknown. It afimes
oi as grar;ted, a;Jd argues from them in a general man-
uer,. t:).l a.-'ter a .ieries of argumentation, in which the ieveral l:eps
.b:.Ye a neceifarv connexion with each other, it at the know-
- - -..' -
kcgc of the prupoiition required, by co:nparir.g it with fomething
rtd.lly known or giYc:n. This therefore b::ing the Art of Invention,
it certainly dderYts to be cultivated with the utmol: indul:ry. Many
of our,mdern Geometricians have been perfuaded, by confidering
the intricate and l:ibour'd Demonfirations of the Ancicnts, that they
y;ee 1\hilers of an Analyfis purely Geometrical, which thty ftudi-
oufly conceal'd, and by the help of which they deduced, in a direl:
and _ii:.ientifical rnanner, thoie abl:ruie Propofitions we o much ad-
mire in {ome of their writings, and which they afterwards demon-
ftr::ted Svntheticallv. But howe\u this mav be, the lofs of that
J - -
Analyfis, if any fuch there were, is amply compenfated, I think,
by our prefent Arithmetical or Algeb; :lical Aralyfis, efpecially as it
is no\'.' impto,ed, I might fay perfeted, by cur fagaeious Author in
the Ivlethod before us. It is nct only render'd vaftly more univerfal
;nd ext:::nlive tbn tbat other in ali probability could ever be, but is
likewife a mcft compendious Analyiis for the more abl:rue Geome.
tricd Speculations, and for deriving Conftrul:ions and Synthetical'
Demonilr:!tions from thence ; :;.s may abundantly appear from the
eniuing Treatiie.
2. The conformity or correfpcndence, which .our Autho.r takes
r,otice of htre, between his new-irwented Dol:rine of infinite Series,
r,r.d IT.c commodv rcceived Decimal Arithmetick, is a rnatter of con-
J2dtr:!ble importance, a!ld well deferves, I think, to be fet in a fuller
Light, for the mutual illuftration of borh ; which therefore I lJall
here to perform. For l\o1ices in this Dol:rine, tho' they
m::.y a1;-eady be well acquainted w.ith the Vulgar Arithmetick, and
with the Rudiments of the common Algeba, yet are apt to appre-
hend iomething abfirufe and diilicult in infinite Series ; in-
deed they ha1e rhe me general fcundation as Decimal
eiix:ciallv Decimal Fml:ionF, and the fame No:ion or Nowion is only
. . -
carr;'d l:ill farrher, and renGer'd mor-e univerfal. But to lhew this
in fome kind of arder, I mul: inquire inro thefe fdlowing particulars.
Firi1 I muil: hew what is the t:ue and what are the genuine
Principies, cf our common Scale of Decimal Arithmetick.
:what is the nature of other particular Scales, which have been, or
mtd IN FIN IT E SE Rrs.
may be, occafionally introrluced. Thirdly, what is the nature of a
general Scale, which lays the foundation for the Dotrinc of infinitc
Series. Lafi:ly, I !hall add a word or two concerning that Scale of
Arithmetick in which the Root is unknown, and thcrefore propofl!d
to be found; which gives occafion to the Dotrine of Afteted Eqna-

Firl: then as to the common Scale of Decimal Arithmetick, it is
that ingenious Artifice of exprefiing, in a regular manner, all con-
ceivable Numbers, whether Intcgers or Fral:ions, Rational or Surd,
by the feveral Powers of thc number 'fcn, and their Reciprocals;
with the affil:ance of other iinall Integer Numbcrs, no.t cxcceding
Nine, which are the Coefficients of thoie Powers. So that Ten is
here the Root of the Scale, which if we denote by the C:1arater X,
as in the Roman Notation, and its feveral Powcrs by the help of this
Rbot and Numeral Indexes, (X' 1 o, X' 1 e o, X
X+ wooo, &c.) as is ufual; then by afiuming th:
o, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, as occafion hall require, we may fonn or
exprefs any N umber in this Scale. Thus for inl:ance sX + 7 X
4X' + 8X' + 3Xo will he a p:trticular Number exprefs'd by this
Scale, and ]s the fame as 57483 in the common way of Notation.
Where we may .obferve, that this Ja.l: diJfers fiom the other way of
Notation only in this, that here the feveral Powers of X (or Ten)
are fupprefs'd, together with the Sign of Addition +, and are lcft
to be f:1pply'd by the Underl:anding. For as thofe Powcrs aiccnd
regularly frorn the place of Units, (in which is alw.ays X o, or r,
multiply'd b:y its Coefficient, which here is 3,) the feveral Powers
w'i11 eafily be underl:ood, and may thcrefore be omitted, and the
Coefficients only need to be fet down in thcir proper order. Thus
the Number 7906538 will l:and for 7X
+ 9X
+ oX
+6X: +
sX + 3X' + SXo, when you ilpply all that is underl:ood. And
the Number 17 3 6 (by fupprefling what m ay be calily !Jilderil:ood,)
will be equvalent to X
+ 7X' + 3X + 6; and the like of al! othcr
Intcger Numbers whatcver, expreis'd by this Scalc, or with this
Root X, or Ten.
Thc mc Artfice is uniforrnly carry'd on, for the exprening of
all Decimal Fral:ions, by means of the Reciprocals of the Jcveral
Powers of Ten, fuch as X!.. o, r; o, o r ; o,oo r; &c.
\Vhich Reciprocals may be intimated by ncgatil'e Indices. Tlms thc
Decimal Fration 0,] 172 fl:ands for 3x-I + IX-:+ 7x ! zx-l;
and the mixt Number sz6,384 (by fi.pplying wlut !s unclerftoDd)
U tccornes
1be Method oJ FLUXION s,
becomes 5X' + .2X + 6X
+ 3X-' + SX + and thc
infinite or interminate Decimal FraB:ion 0,9999999, &c. fiands for
9x-I 1 9x- + 9X-
+ 9X-
+ 9x-s + 9X-6 > &c. which infi-
nite Secs is equivalent to Unity. So that by this Decimal Scale, (or
by the !everal Powers of Ten and their Reciprocals, together with
their Cctfficients, which are all tbe whole Numbers below Ten,) aU
concei..-able Numbers may be exprefs'd, whether they are integer or
fr:>.B:ed, rational or irrational ; at leaft by admitting of a continual
progrefs or approximation ad iiifinitum.
And the like may be done by any other Scale, as well as the Deci-
mal Scak, or by admitting any other Number, befides Ten, to be
the Root of our Arithmetick. For the Root Ten was an arbitrary
Number, and was at firft afumed by chance, without any previous
confideration of the nature of the thing. Other Numbers perhaps
may \:e affign'd, which wculd have been more convenient, and which
have a better claim for being the Root of the Vulgar Scale of Arith-
metick. But however this may prevail in comnon affairs, Mathe-
maticians make frequent ufe of other Scales ; and therefore in the
feccnd place I hall mention fome other particular Scales, which
have been occafionally introduced into Computations.
The mofi remarkable of thefe is the Sexagenary or Sexagefimal Scale
of Arithmetick, of frequent ufe among Aftronomers, which exprefes
all poffible Nnmbers, Integers or FraB:ions, Rational or Surd, by the
Powers of Sixty, and certain numeral Coefficients not exceeding fifty-
nine. Thefe Coefficients, for want of peculiar Charaters to repre-
fent them, muft be exprefs'd in the ordinary Decimal Scale. Thus
if lands for 6o, as in the Gnek Notation, then one of thefe Num-
be(s will be +

or in the Sexagenary Scale 53", g',

34-o, which is equivalent to 1 9 r 374 o in the Decimal Scale. Again,
the Sexagefimal Fration 53, 9', 34-'', will be the fame as
34f"'. which in Decimal Numbers will be 53,159444, &c.
ad inji;;itum. 'Vhcnce it appears by the way, that fome Numbers
may be exprefs'd by a finite number of Terms in one Scale, which
in ancih.::r cannot be cxprefs'd but by approximation, or by a pro-
greiiion of Terms in J!finit:mz.
Another p1rt:cular Scale that has been confider'd, and in fome
meafure l:as been admitted into praB:ice, is the Dt:odecimal Scale,
which exr-rdl.es aU Numbers by the Powers of 'f.-,a/w. So in com.
' .
mon afr:;irs-we fa y a Dozen, a Dozen of Dozens ora Grofs, a Dozen
c.f Gro !fes ora great Grofs, &c. And this perhaps would ha ve l.Jeen
tlie mol: comenient Root of aH others, by the Powers of which
and IN F IN I T E S E R I E s.
to conl:rut the popular Scale of Arithmetick ; as not reing fo big
but that its Multiples, and all below it, might be eafily committed
to memory ; and it admits of a greater variety of Divifors than any
Number not much greater than itfelf. Befides, it is not {o finall,
but that Numbers exprefs'd hereby would fufficiently converge, or
by a few figures would arrive near enough to the Number rcquired;
the contrary of which is an inconvenience, that mufi: necdlarily
attend the taking too fmall a Number for the Root. And to admit
this Scale into pradicc, only two fingle Charal:ers would be wanting,
to denote the Coefficients Ten and Eleven.
Sorne have confider'd the Binary Arithmetick, or that Scale in
which 'fwo is the Root, and have pretended to make Computations
by it, and to find confiderable advantages in it. But this can never
be a convenient Scale to manage and exprefs large Numbers by, be-
caufe the Root, and confequently its Powers, are fo very fi11all, that
they make no difpatch in Computations, or converge exceeding lowly.
The only Coefficients that are here riecefary are o and 1. Thus
IX 2r + IX 24 +O X 2
+ 1 X 2 + IX 2
+O X 2 S one of thefe
Numbers, (or compendioufly I Ior 10,) which in the common No-
tation is no more than H Mr. Leib11its imc:gin'd he had found
great M yfi:eries in this Sea le. See the Memoirs of the Royal Acaderny
of An11o 1703.
In common affairs we have frequent recourfe, though tacitly, to
Millenary Arithmetick, and other Scales, whofe Roots are certain
Powers of Ten. As when a large Number, for the convenience of read-
ing, is difi:inguiili'd into Periods of three figures: As 3 82,73 5,628,490.
Here 382, and 735, &c. may be confider'd as Coefficients, and the
Root of the Scale is IOoo. So when we reckon by Millions, Bi!lions,
Trillions, &c. a Million may be conceived as the Root of our Arith-
metick. Alfo when we divide a Number into pairs of figures, for
the Extration of the Square-root; into ternaries of figures for the
Extralion of the Cube-root; &c. we take new Scales in effel:, whofe
Roots are roo, rooo, &c.
Any Number whatever, whether lnteger or Fral:ion, may be made
the Root of a particular Scale, and all cGJceivable Numbers may be
exprefs'd or computed by th.lt Scale, admitting only of integral and
.affirmative Coefficients, whofe number (including the Cypher o)
need not be greater than the Root. Thus in Arithmetick,
in which the Scale is compofed of the Powers of the Root 5, the
Coefficients need be only the five Numbers o, r, z, 3, 4, and yet all
Numbers whatever arr. expreffi.ble by this Scale, at leal: by approxi-
U 2 mation,

.... 8

The Method oJ Fr.uxroNs,
m:ttion, to '.':hat accuracy we pleafe. Thus the common Number
:23z,92 in this \VOu!d be 4 X + 2 X 5; + 3 X s +
O X j' , 2 X j' ! +X)
+ 3 X s-:; Of jf We may fupp\y the feveral
Powers of 5 by the Imagination only, as we do thofe of Ten in the
comn:cn Scale, this Number will be 42302,43 Arithme-
L a.
All \"ulgar Frations and mixt Numbers are, in fome meafure, the
expreitng of Numbers by a particular Scale, or making the Deno,
minator of the Fradion to be the Root of a new Scale. Thus is
in effct o X. 3 o ! 2 )(. 3_, ; and S{ is the fame as 8 X 5+ 3 X s-';
and 2 s-} reduced to this N otation will be 2 5 )(. 9 o + 4 X 9-', or ra-
ther 2x9' +?x9+4x9-' And fo. of all other Frations and
mixt Kumbers.
A Number computed by any one of thefe Scales is eafily reduced
to any other Scale a11ign'd, by f:.bftituting infiead of the Root in one
Scale, what is equivalent to it exprefs'd by the Root of the other
Scale. Thus to reduce Sexagenary Numbers to Decimals, becaufe
6o 6x 10, or 6X, and therefore 36X>, 216X;,
&c. by the fubilitution of thefe you will eafily find the equivalent
Decimal Number. And the like in all other Scales.
The Coefficients in thefe Scales are not neceffarily confin'd to be
affirrnati\e integer Numbers les than the Root, (tho' they hould be
iuch if we wou!d ha,e the Scale to be regular,) but as occafion may
require they may be any Numbers whatever, affirmative or negative,
integers or frations. And indeed they generally come out promif-
cuou11y in the Solution of Problems. Nor is it neceiary that the
Indices of the Powers hould be always integral Numbers, but may
be anv regular Arithmetical Progre11ion whatever, and the Powers
themieh-es either rational or irrational. And thus ( thirdly) we are
ccme by egrees to the Notion of what is call'd an univeriill Series,
cr an indefinite or ininite Series. f'or fuppofing the Root of the
::e-Je to be inddinite, or a general Number, which may therefore
b:o: by x, or y, &c. and affuming the general Coefficients
,,, b, e, d, &c. which are Integers or Frations, affirmative or nega-
ti,-e, as it may happen ; W<' may form fuch a Series as this, ax4 +
bx' , d.>:' , ex
, which will reprefent fome certain Number,
t'xrrefs'd bv the Scale whofe Root is x. If fuch a Number pro-
' .
cceds iz irJhitum, then it is truly and properly call'd an Infinite
Series, cr a Comerging Series, .-.: being then fuppos'd greatcr than
lcnity. Such for example is x+

, +x-o+

&c. where
c rcil of the Terms are underfiood ad zjinitum, and are ininuated
by, &c. And it may have any defcending Arithmetical Progrefiion
for its Indices, as X"' +x"'-' + {:x"'-' + fxm-;, &c .
. And thus we have been led by proper gradations, (that is, by
arguing from what is well knowri and commonly received, to what
befare appear'd to be difficult and obfcure,) to the knowledge of
infinite Series, of which the Learner will find frequent Examples
in the fequd of this Treatife. And fiom hence it will be eafy to
make the following general Inferences, and others of a like nature,
which will be of good ufe in the farther knowledge and pral:ice of
thefe Series; viz. That the fidl Term of every regular Series is a!-
ways the moil: confiderable, or that which approaches nearer to the
Number intended, (denoted by the Aggregate of the Series,) than
any other ingle Term : That the fecond is next in value, and fo on :
That therefore the Terms of the Series ought always to be difpofed
in this regular defcending order, as is often inculcated by our Author :
That when there is a Progrefiion of ii1ch Terms in itifinitum, a few of
the firil: Terms, or thofe at the beginning of the Series, are or hould
be a fufficient Approximtion to the whole; and that thefe may
come as near to the truth as you pleafe, by taking in ftill more
Trms: That the fame Number in which one Scale may be exprefs'd
by a finite number of Terms, in another cannot be exprefs'd but by
an infinite Series, or by approximation only, and vice vers: That
the bigger the Root of the Scale is, by [o much the fafter, cateris
paribus, the Series will converge; for then the Reciprocals of the
Powers will be fo much the lefs, and therefore may the more fafely
be negleted : That if a Series converges by increafing Powers, ilch
as ax + bx + ex; + dx4, &c. the Root :li: of the Scale muil: be ua-
dedl:ood to be a proper Fration, the lefer the better. Yet when
ever a Series can be made to converge by the Reciprocals of Ten,
or its Compounds, it will be more convenient than a Series that
converges flfter; becaufc it will more eaily acquire the form of the
Decimal Scale, to which, in particular Cafes, all Series are to be ul-
timately reduced. LaHy, iiom fuch general Series as thefe, which
are commonly the rel!lt in the highcr Problems, we muil: pafs (by
ftJbil:itution) to p:IrtituLu Scaks or Series, and thofe are finally to be
reduced to the Decimal Scale. And the Art of finding fuch general
Series, and then their to particular Scalc::s, and lail: of all
to the common Scak of Decimal umbti s, is almoft thc whole of
tLe-abihufer parts of Am:lyticks, as may be ieen in a good meafilre by
thc prefent Treati:.


The Method oJ F L u,x IoN s,
1 took notice in the fourth place, that this Dofuine of Scalcs, and
Series, giYes us an eafy notion of the nature of affeled Equations,
or hews us how they ftand related to fuch Scales of Numb:!rs. In
the other lnfiances of pa11icular Scales, and eve.n of general ones,
the Root of the Scale, th Coefficients, and the Indices, are all fup-
pos'd to be given, or known, in order to find the Ar1;re:gate of the
Series, which is here the thing required. Eut in affeted Equations, on
the contrary, the Aggregate and the reft are k.nown, and the Rcot of
the Scale, by which the Number is computed, is unknown and re-
quired. Thus in the affeted Equation sxi + 3x; + ox + 7x
53070, the Aggregate of the Series is given, 'IJiz. the Nurr,bcr
53070, to find x the Root of the Sde. This is eafily difcern'd to
be re, orto be a Number exprefs'd by the common Decimal Scale,
efpecially if we fupply the feveral Powers of ro, where they are un-
den1ood in the Aggregate, tbus sX + 3X
+ oX' +7 X + oX
53070. Whence by comparifon 'tis x X ro. But this
will not be fo eafily perceived in other inftances. As if 1 had the

1 ihould not fo eafily perceive that the Root x was 5, or that this is
a ::Sumber expre1s'd by Arithmetick, except 1 could reduce
t tO this f01m, 4 X. j
+ 2 X. 5; + 3 X. s +O X5' + 2 X 5+ 4X s-
. l- j X s-= 2827,92, when by Comparifon it WOU}d prefendy ap-
pf'2, that the Root fought muft be 5 So that finding the Root of
an affeled Equation is nothing elfe, but finding what Scale in Arith-
metick. that Number is computed by, whofe Refult or Aggregate is
gi\en in the common Scale ; which is a Problem of great ufe and
extent in a1l parts of the Mathematicks. How this is to be done,
either in Numeral, Algebraica!, orFluxional Equations, our Author
will inftru:t us in its due place. _
Befare 1 difinifs this copious and ufeful Subjel of Arithmetical
Scales, 1 hall here make this farther Obfervation ; that as all con-
ceivable Numbers -whatever rnay 'be exprefs'd by any one of thefe
Sedes, or by help of an Aggregate or Series of Powers derived frcm
:my Root; fo likewii"e any Number whatever may be exprefs'd by
iome ii.ngle Power -of the fame Root, by afuming a proper Index,
integer or fraled, affirmative or negative, as occafion hall require.
Thus in the Decimal Scale, the Root of which is I<O, or X, not
only the Numbers 1, 10, 100, Iooo, &c. or I, o.J, o.or, o.oo1, &c.
that is, the feveral integral Powers of 10 and their Reciprocals, may
be exprefs'd by the fingle Powers of X or IO, nJiz. xo, X'' x, x'
&c. or xa, X.,..', x-, X-;, &c. refpelively, but alfo all the nter-
. mediate

mediate Numbers, as 2, 3, 4, &c. II, J2, 13, &c. may be exprefs'd
by fuch fingle Powers of X or JO, if we affume proper lndices.
X o,3oro3, &c. , 3 X o,477 &c. + X o,6o:o6, &c. &c. or
1 1
39&c. 12 X79'
&'. 456 X
,&. And the like of
all other Numbers. Thefe Indices are ufually call'd the Logarithms of
the Numbers (or Powers) to which they belong, and are fo many
Ordinal Numbers, declaring what Power (in order or fuccelion) any
given Number is, of any Root affign'd: And different Scales of Lo-
garithms will be form' d, by affi.1ming different Roots of thofe S cales.
But how thefe Indices, Logarithms, or Ordinal Numbers may be
conveniently found, our Author will likewife inform us hereafter.
All that 1 intended here was to give a general Notion of them, and
to hew their dependance on, and connexion with, the feveral Arith-
metical Scales befare defcribed.
It is eafy to obferve from the Arenarius of Archimedes, that he
had fully confider'd and difcufs'd this Subjet of Arithmetical Scales,
in a particular Treatife which he there quotes, by the name of his
or Principies; in which (as it there appears) he had laid the
foundation of an Arithmetick of a like nature, and of as lar e an
extent, as any of the Scales now in ufe, even the mol: univerfa . It
appears likewife, that he had acquired a very general notion of the
Dotrine and Ufe of Indices alfo. But how far he had accommo-
dated an Algorithm, or Method of Operation, to thofe his Princi-
pies, mul: remain uncertain till that Buok can be recover'd, which
is a thing more to be wih'd than expel:ed. However it may be
fairly concluded from his great Genius and Capacity, that fince he
thought fit to treat on this Subjel:, the progrefs he bad made in it
was very confiderable. .
But befare we proceed to explain our Author's methods of Ope-
ration with infinite Series, it may be expedient to enlarge a little
farther upon their nature and formation, and to make fome general
Reflexior.s on "their Convergency, and other circuml:ances. Now
their formation will be bel: explain'd by continua! Multiplication
after the following manner.
Let the quantity a+ b,'"( +ex + dxl +ex", &c. be afiumed as
a Multiplier, confil:ing either of a finite an infinite number of
Terms; and Jet 'alfo + x o be [uch a Multiplier, as will give

the Root x e . If thefe two are multiply'd together, they
will produce '!} + bp+ aq X + cp+bq X' + dp + cq xs + 'f + tlq X4 &c.
r r r-- 1'
1'he Method af FLUXIONs,
=o ; and if infiead of x we here fubfiitute its value t , the Series
- q
"]j b hp+al p
cp+hq p- dp+cq p3 + ep+dq f4
-..n ecome """ x - . x -: x - x -
q q q o q 9- q q> q
&c. o ; or we divide by and tranfpofe, -it will be hp aq -
'l + x t.. + dp + ''i x 'P + x &c. a.: which Series
1 q q 9- q 9' ' '
t.lms deriYed, may give us a good infight into the-nature of in.finite
Berics in general. For it is plain that this Series, ( even though it
"ere continued to infinity,) mufi: ahvays be equal to a, whatever
m::.y be fuppofed to be the values of p, q, a, b, e, d, &c. For
, the firll: part cf the firfi: Term, will always be r.emoved or deftroy' d
by its equal with a contrary Sign, in the fecond part of the fecond
Te1m. Ar.d '1. x t.. , the firil part of the fecond Term, will be re-
moved by its equal with a contrary Sign, in the fecond part of the
third Term, and fo on : So as finally to lea ve or a, for the
Aggregate of the whole Series. And here it is likewiie to be .obferv'd,
.tklt \\e may fi:op whenever we pleafe, and yet the Equation wili be
good, provided we take in the Sztpplement, or a due _part of the next
Term. And this will always obtain, whatever the nature of the
..Series may be, .or whether it be converging or diverging. If the
Series be di\erging, or if the Terms continually increafe in value,
then therc is a neceffity of taking in that Supplement, to preferve
the integrity of the Equation. But if the Series be converging, or
if the Terms continually decreafe in any compound Ratio, and there-
fore fi.mlly vani1h cr to nothing; the Supplement may be
i2Idy r:cglel:ed, as Y;mi1hing alfo, .:nd :my number of may
be uke:1, the more the better, as an Arproximation to the Q!!_an-
titY a. And thus from a due conderation of this fil:itious Series
. '
the n::ture of all comerging or diverging Series may eafily be appre-
hended. Di\erging Series indeed, unlefs when the afore-mention'd
Supplement c-.m be affign'd and taken in, will be of no
ilcnice. And this Supplcment, in Series that commonly occur, will
. t:c ;er;erdly io entangled and complicated with the Coefficients of
tl:e T erms of the Series, that altho' it is always to be underl;ood,
r:eyertheldi:, it is often impoilible to be extricated and affign'd.
Eut hm\eYer, comerging Series will always be of excellent ufe, as
.:n'Tording a comeniem .. \pproximation to the quantity required, .when
it .cz.nnct be othemiic exhibited. In thefe the Supplement aforefaid,
. th6'
tmd IN F IN 1 T E S E R I E s. 1
tho' generally inextricable and unaffignable, yet continually decreafcs
along with the Terms of the Series, and finally becomes lefs than
The fame may often be exhibited or exprcfs'd by feveral
converging Series; but that Series is to be mofi efl:eem'd that has thc
greatefl: Rate of Convergency. The forcgoing Series will converge
{o much thc fafl:er, cceteris paribus, as p is lefs than q, or as thc
Fral:ion is lefs than Unity. For if it be equal tn, or grcater than
Unity, it may becomc a diverging Series, and will diverge fo much
the hfter, as p is greater than q. The Coefficients will contribute
little or nothing to this Convergency or Divergency, if they are
fuppos'd to increafe or decreafe (as is generally the cale) rather in a
fimple and Arithmetical, than a compound and Geometrical Propor-
tion. To make fome Efiimate of the Rate of Convergency in this
Series, and by analogy in any other of this kind, Jet k and 1 re-
prefent two Terms indefinite!y, which immediately fi.ccced each
other in the progreffion .of the Coefficients of the Multiplier a+
bx + ex + dx;, &c. and let the number 11 rcprefent the order or
place of k. Then any Term of the Series indefinitely may be repre-
fented by + lp + kqP"_'; where the Sign mufl: be + or , accor-
q 1 '
n is an odd or an evcn N umber. T ms f n r, then
l b, and the firft Term will be + hp + aq. If n =z,
then k b, l e, and the fecond Term wi!l be <P bql' And
{o of the reft. Alfo if m be the next Term in the aforefaid pro-
reffion after 1 then + lp+kqp"-' + mp+!q'" will be any two fue-
' , 11+1 r
q q
ceffive Terms in the fame Series. Now in arder to a duc Conver-
gency, the forn1er Term abfolutely conidcr'J, that is,. fetting afide
the Signs, hould be as much greater than the fucceeamg Term, as
conveniently may be. Let us ft1ppofe therefore that Jp: k
p"-' is
rcater than mp+lq {"', or ( divicling all by the common h1tor L. , )
,+' t
that lp + kq is greater than mp + lq, or ( multiplying both by pq, )
p q k. h
that !pq + kq' is than mr + lpq, or (ta mg_ away t .e. com-
mon lpq,) that kq' lS greatcr than mr, or (by a arthcr DlVIfion,)
that r iS O'fCater than Ullity ; and as 11lUCh greater aS may be,
/ll o
X This
154- rhe Method oJ FtuxroNs,
This will take effct on a double account; firft, the greater k is in
reipet of m, and fecondly, the greater q is in refpel: of p. Now
in the l'vlultiplier a hx + ex + dx
, &c. if the Coefficients a, b,
e, &c. are in any decreafing Progreffion, then k will be greater than
1, which is greater than m; fo that J jortio1i k will be greater than
m. Alo if q be than p, and therefore (in a duplica te ratio)
g will be gre:tter than p. So that (cateris paribus) the degree of
ConYergency is here to be eil:imated, from the Rate according to
which the Coefficients a, b, e, &c. continually decreafe, compounded
with the Ratio, (or rather its duplicate,) according to which q !hall
be fuppos'd to be greater than p.
- "
The me things obtaining as befare, the Term + -.t; will be
what was call'd the Supplement of the Series. For if the Series be
continued to a number of Terms denominated by 11, then inftead of
all the reft of the Terms i11 injinitum, we may introduce this Sup-
plement, and then we hall have the accurate value of a, inftead of
an approximation to that value. Here the firft Sign is to be taken
if 11 is an odd number, and the other when it is even. Thus if
11 r, and confequently k a, and l b, we hall have hp+aq
- fJ_ a. Or if 11 2, and l e, then hp+aq cp+hq xt+
q q q q
a. Or if 1Z l d, then bp+a cp+bq X e. 1 dp+cq
i q q ' q 1 q
;= r"'
x ";
' = a. And fo on. Here the taking in of the Supple-
ment al\\avs comuleats the value of a, and makes it perfet
- 1 '
whether the Series_ be com:erging or diverging ; which will always
be the beft way o proceedmg, when that Supplement can readily
be known. But as this rarely happens, in fuch infinite Series as ge-
neraliy occur, we muil: have recourfe to infinite converging Series,
wherein this Supplement, as well as the Terms of the Series, are
intinitely diminifh'd; and therefore after a compctent number .
them are colleted, the reil: may be all neglel:ed ' il!finitum.
From this general Series, the better to aiiiil: the Imagination, we
will deicend to a ew particular Infrances of converging Series in
pure Numbers. Let the Coetlicients a, b, e, d, &c. be expounded by
h _1_-.,...!...q }_;_!_!_ p I._J_tq
1 &c. reipel:Ive \- ; t en o, ' ' o. x -- + ' ' x
''3'-T' , q q q q
: -- P+ :1 :p..L.q P '.l..lq '' JP+ 1 J'
,-;, L\:c. I, or __ '). x- : "
xt.. '- ' x--.;, &c.
, "f 2 X o7 q J X fl f X )7 '
I. That the Series hence :rriling may conYerge, make p !efs

than q in any given ratio, fuppofe ; = or p =
' ' + " '
' & TI t . ti s S . r
-;r -a x ,
>o x 1f c. I. 1a IS, u cues o
Frations, which is computed by Binary Arithmetick, or by thc
Reciprocals of the Powers of Two, if infinitely continued will
finally be equal to Unity. Or if we deire to l:op at thefe four
Tcrms, and inl:ead of the reft ad ilifiiiitill!l if we would introduce
the Supplement which is equivalent to them, and which is here
known to be-} x ..;., or -./
, we hall have t i + TJo +
-rf-o r, as is caiy to prove. Or let the [ame Coefficients be ex-
ounded by I !. ..!.., I &c. then it will be zq-p +
l l 3 > 4 5> zq z x 39
x + 41-
P x E..+
p x &c. r. This Series may eithcr
1 3 X {1 q 4 X 51 l
be continucd infinitely, or may be fum'd after any number of Terms
exprefs'd by 11, by introducing the Supplement P inl:ead of all
the re.ft. Or more particuhrly, if we make q 5p, then

6 x
+ -'
r, &c. - r, which is a Number
12X 5l 20 X;+ 30X 5
exprefs'd by Arithmetick. And this is eaily reduced to the
Decimal Scale, by writing .'o for -}, and reducing the Coefficients ;
for then it will become 0,99999, &c. r. Now if we take thefe
five Terms, together with the Supplement, we hall have exatly
9 13 '7 21 z, 1 A . 'f
2X5 + 6xs + 12X)l + 20XS4 + 30x5r + 6x5r !, gam, l
we make here 3q roo", we hall have the Series
'.r JXZ 100
goo-6 3 400-9 9 500-12 27 &
x 1ocoo +
"+ x 1oooooo +
x c. r,
which converges Yery faft. And if we would reduce this to the re-
gular Decimal Scale of Arithmetick, (which is always fuppos'd to be
done, befare any particular Problem can be faid to be compkatly
folved,) we muft :t the Terms, when decimally reduced, orderly
under one another, that thcir Amount or Aggregate may be difco-
ver'd; and then they will l:and as in the Margin. Here the Ag-
gregate of the firl: five Terms is 0,99999999 59 5, o,9s5
which is a near Approximation to the Amount of the
whole infinite Series, or to Unity. Ami if, for proof-

+p" p1
fake, we add to this the Supplement -==- 0,99999799595
- n of
1 ' 4)
=o,oooooooo4o 5, the whole will be Unity exaHy. 1 ,oooooc.ooooo
X z
The Method oJ FtUXIONs,
Therc ;:7e alfo other of forming converging Series, whe-
th:' general or particuh:, which hall approximate toa known quan-
i;t;-, ancl therdore '':ill be very proper to explain the nature of Con-
\tr;cn>:}', ar:d to 1ew how the Supplcment is to be introduced
it can be do:-:.e, in ordcr to make the Series finite ; which of late
h:1s !:ecn call'd L1c Summing of a Series. Let A, B, C, D, E, &c.
;:id a, b, e, d, 2, &.::. be any two Progreilions of Terms, of which
.-\ is to be exprd5'd by a Series, either finite or infinite, compos'd
of it!;;lf and the other Terms. Suppofe therefore the firfi: Term of
the S::es to be a, und that p is the fupplement to the va1ue of a.
Then is A a 1 p, or p .-\:a. As this is the whole Supple-
ment, in order to form a Series, I l1all on1y takc fuch a of it
as is denominated by the Fralion t , and put q for the fccond Sup-
I .
1 1'1: A-a A-a b
p ement. T at IS, Wl auume
(p )
x] + r, or
.-\-a 6 ) A -a B-6 A . J h h
q = , x 1 B x , . gam, as t 11s IS t e w ole
va1ue of the Supp1ement q, I ha11 on1y aliume fuch a part ofitas is de-
nominated by theFralion and for the next Supplement put r.
_:_a ( ) A-n B-b (A-a
That is, B x
r B x e e + r, or r B x
'!l-b e ) A-a B -h C-e NT J h h J
X 1 C B X e X
OW as t llS lS t e W O e
val u e of theSupplementr, 1 only afTume uch a part ofitas is denominated
by the FraEtion andfor the next Supplement put s. That is, A;a
B- C-e ( ) A-a B-b C-cd A-a
1' B X L X lJ + S, Or S B X
B-b C-e d A-rr B-1, C-r D-i d
..: x , x r Ii B x e x u x
An fo on as far
:::.s \Ve pleaie. So that at lafi: ""e ha ve the Yalue of A a+ p,
where the Supplem.ent p A;ab + ], where the fecond Supple-
A-a B- J A-a B-h C-e
ment 7 = B x e e ! r, '" 1ere r B :< e x D d + s,
.4.-a B-b C-e D-J
, ... herc s = B x e x
x 1:. e + t. A:1d {o on ad injinitum.
" 11 A A-nb A-a ll-h A-a B-b C-e
nat 1s una y a -! ti . l: x e e +
x e x lJ t
A- r.-; C-' D-'
! -X -e- X D- X E ':, &c. where A, B, e, D, E, &c. and a,
b, e, d, e, &c. may be any two ProgreiTions of Numbers whatever,
whether re;;ular or afcending or dcicending. And when

it happens in there Progreffions, that either A a, or B /J, or
e e, &c. the Series termina tes of itfclf, ami exhibits the
value of A in a finite number of Terms: But in othcr caes it a o-
to the . value of A. Bnt in the c::tfe of <lll
infimte Approxtmatwn, the fatd Progrcffions onght to procecd re-
gularly, according to fome ftated Law. Here it will be eafy to ob-
ferve, that if K and k are put to reprefent any two Terms indcfi-
nitely in the afm:eFlid Progreffions, whofc m:e denoted by the
number 11, and Ji L and l are thc Tenns umnedtately followino- ;
then the Term in the Series dcnotcd by 11 + 1 will be form'd
the preceding Term, by multiplying it by \:.k l. As if n r,
then K A, k a, L B, 1 b, and the fecond Term will
be a+ A;;-;; a b A;;-b. If 71 2, then K B, k b, L e,
1 1
. d T . A- ab B-h A-a B-h
e, and t 1c t m enn wtll be x be e
x e e ;
and fo of thc reft. And whenever it !hall happen that L !, then the
Series will ftop at this Term, and proceed no farther. And the
Series approximates fo mnch the fafter, cceteris paribus, as the
Numbers A, B, e, D, &c. and a, b, e, d, &c. approach nearcr to
each other rcfpetively. .
Now to give fome Examples in. pure Numbers. Let A, B, e, D,
&c. 2, z, z, 2, &c. anda, b, e, d, &c. r, r, 1, 1, &c. then we
{hall ha ve 2 I + i 1 f +-} + .', &c. And fo always, when
the given Progreffions are Ranks of equals, the Series will be a
Geometrical Progreffion. If we would have this Progreffion ftop at
the next Term, we may either fuppofe the firft given Progreffion
to be 2, 2, 2, z, 2, 1, or the fecond to be 1, 1, r, 1, 1, z, 'tis all
one which. For in either cafe we !hall have L /, that is F j,
and therefore thelaftTerm muft be multiply'dby K-;;-k, or F-; r.
Then the Progreffion or Series becomes z 1 + {- +..!.. + + -/
+ T'o Again, if A, B, e, D, &c. 5 5. s .), &c. a, b, e, d,
&c. 4,f,f,4,&c. then 5 4+f+,",+Tts+;,, &c.
or f -!- + i
+ Th +

&c. Or if A, B, C, D, &c. 4,
4, 4, 4, &c. anJ a, b, e, d, &c. 5, 5, 5, 5, &c. then 4 5-
t + 1" r!-;; + ,{", &c. If A, B, C, D, &c. '' 5, 5, 5, &c.
and a, b, e, d, &c. 6, 7, 8, g, &c. thcn 5 _ -i-7 + .'.. x .:.8
5 5
- -!- x -K- x t9 + 1- x -i- x + x-} I o, &c. H we woul,! h:, \'C the Series
ftop here, or if we would find one more T;.; m, or St:nplcrr:cnt,
which 110uld be equivalent to al! the reft ad il:fi?zitzoll, in-
The Method rf FLUXIONs,
deed might be ddirable here, and in fuch cafes as this, becaufe of the
!low Comergency, or rather Di\"ergency of the Series,) fuppofe F .f.
and therefore E-:-e + mufi: be multiply'd by the lafi:
Tcrm. So that the becomes S 6 7 + -3-8 f
";9 'x'"""+i.,.., 'x'v
IfA Be D &e 2
---s- t s 5""'5"'5..... S S""S S.) ' ' ' ' ,
_:;, h .5, &c. and a, b, e, d, &c. I, 2, 3, 4, &c. thcn 2 1 +
l &c. If A,B,e,D,&c.
= 1, z, ,;, 4, &c. and a, b, e, d, &c. 2, 3,4, 5, &c. then 1
, , , ,
1 1 1 _ , 1 1 x 1 1 6 &, And fi
- :j ,

x:rJ , z-Xs
, rom
this general Series may infinite other particular Series be eafily de-
r!\ed, which pepetually converge to given the chief
uie of which Speculation, 1 think, will be, to hew us the nature
of Con\'ergency in general.
There are many other iuch like general Series that may be readily
fmm'd, wh!ch hall converge to a given Number. As if I would
conil:rul: a Series that hall comerge to Unity, I fet down 1, toge-
ther \\ith a Rank of Frations, both negative and affirmative, as
here follows.
a h e J e
- .A B D E' &c.

a h e J e
:A + ii + e + i5 + E' &c .
Ab-Ba B:-Cb Cd-D: De-Ed &
1 AB + BC + CV + DE > C.= 1.
Then proceeding obliquely, I collel: the Terms of each Series toge-
adding the two firft, then the two fecond, and fo on. So
th:J.t th whole Series thus conftru'ted muft necefarily be equal to
Cnitv; which alfo is manifeft by a bare Infpel:ion of the Series.
Fro:1 this Series it is eafy to defcend to any number of particular
C:11es. As if we make A, B, e, D, &c. 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. and a, b,
e, d, &c. = I, I, 1, I, &c. then f-
: + - +
5 5
'"' 1 1 1 1
O:c.==I. Or-i- '"'
+3X+ + +"') 1 p' &c. Andfoinall
other Gfes. The Series will ftop at a finite number of TernE,
wh.:I;ioeYer you omit to take in the firft part of the Numerator o'f
anY Term. As here .}
1 1 1 1
1 ==
""3 3"'4 +"5 ;x 7i' l.
Ldl:ly, to conftrul: one more Series of this kind, which i1Jall
comerge to Unity; I iet down I, with a Rank of Frations along
and IN FIN 1 TE SE.RI Es.
with it, both affirmative and negative, fuch as are feen here below ;
which being added together obliquely as before, will produce the
fo1lowing Series.
a ab abe aba/
abc.fe &
+ + + ,\BCDE' c.
a ab abe nbcd abe de
ABCDE' &c.
A-a !l-b C-e b D-d b E-e b d
A + AB a+ ABC
+ AB-D.
e +

e >&c.
This Series may be made to fl:op at any finite number of Terms,
if you omit to take in the latter part of the Binomial in any Term.
Or you may derive particular Series from it, which fhall have any
Rate of Convergency.
For an Example of this Series, make A, B, C, D, &c. 3, 3,
3, 3, &c. anda, b, e, d, &c. r, r, r, r, &c. then 1- +.;.+,',-

&c. r, or 1- + + ,',- + .,, &c. And w henever A, B,
e, &c. and a, b, e, &c. are Ranks of Equals, the Series wll be a
Geometrical Progreffion.
Again, make A, B, e, D, &c. z, 3, 4, 5, &c. and a, b, e, d, &c.
= I I I I &c. then !. +
+ 3 + 4- + 5 ,
> >
> 2XJ :!X3XfX) 2XJXfXpc6
&c. r. Or in a finite number of Terms + + ' +
:J 2X+ 2X3X5
= r. And the like may be obferved of others in an
+ zxpps
infinite variety.
And thus having prepared the way for what follows, by explnin-
ing the nature of infinite Series in general, by difcovering thcir origin
and manner of convergency, and by hewing their connexion with
our common Arithmetick; 1 hall now return to our Author's Me-
thods of Operation, or to the Redution of compound
to fuch infinite Series.
S E e T. II. The Rifolution oJ Jimple EqtJatiom, or pure.
Powers, by lnfiite Series.
3, 4 HE Author begins his Redution of ccmpound
tities, to an equivalent infinite Series of limpie Te::; ms,
firft by ng how thc Procefs may be perform'd in DiviJion.
Now in his Example the manner of the Orcration is thus, in imi-

7'/:Je Met!Jod of FLux IoN s,
tation of the ufual praxis of Divifion in Numbers. In arder to ob.
tain the of aa divided by b + x, or to refolve the com-
pound Fration h:x into a Series of imple Terms, firft find the

of aa divided by b, the firft Term of the Divifor. This
is =, which write in the Then multiply the Divifor by
this Ter m, and fet the Produt aa + under the Dividend, from
"hence it muft be fubtraB:ed, and willleave the Remainder ":x .
Then to find the next Term (or Figure) of the divide
the Remainder by the -firft Term of the Divior, or by b, and put
the ":: for the fecond Term of the Multiply
the Divifor by this fecond Term, and the Produt a::x
fet orderly under the laft Remainder ; from whence it muft be fub-
trated, to find :the new .Remainder + a:;x . Then to find the
next Term of the you are to proceed with this new
Remainder as with the former; and fo on in iJifiitum. The
.. .. .. . .. ., . ..
.. a ax r..x- a .. a..
tlent therefore 1s -; : bl b
, &c. (or ; mto I-
z + ;;, &c.) So that by this Operation the Number or
-Qgantiry b:x ,_(ora xb+xl-') is reduced from that Scale in
Arithmetick whofe Root is b + x, toan equivalent Number, the
Root of whofe Scale, (or whofe converging quantity) is . And
this Kumber, or infinite Series thus found, will converge fo much
the falter to the truth, as b is greater than ."(.
To apply this, by way of illuftration, to an infiance ortwo in
common Numbers. Suppofe we had the Fratl:ion -f, and wotild
reduce it from the feptenary Scale, in which it now appears, to an
equi\alent Series, that hall converge by the Powers of 6. Then
we hall have f
: ; and therefore in the foregoing general
Fration . : , make .a I, b ,6, and x I, and the Series
O , X
will become f f; + i; &c. which will be equivalent to
. Or if we would reduce it to a Series converging by the Powers
of S, becaufe -,' , ' , make a I, .b 8, and ,"( 1,
Oitd 'SE'RIES..

'then f .. -} + + h + i+ , &c. which Series will converge fafter
than the former. Or if we would reduce it to the common Denary.( or
Decimal) Scale, becaufe -f , make a r, b ro, and

. _ ti e ' + 3 + + 1 + s , &
X= ;- 3; l 117 70 100 1000 oooo TOOooO, C.
o;1428, &c. as 'may be eafily colleted. And hence we may
obferve, that this or any other Fral:ion may be reduced a great va-
riety of ways to infinite Series ; but that Series will converge fafteft
. to the truth, in which b hall be greatcft in rcfpet of x. But that
Series will be mot eafily reduced to the common Arithmetick,
which converges by the Powers of ro, or its Multiples, If we
.!hould here refolve 7 into the parts 3 + 4, or 2 + 5, or I + 6,
&c. inftead of converging we hould have diverging Series, or fuch
as require a Supplement to be taken in.
And we may here f.1rther obferve, that as in Diviion of com-
mon Numbers, we may l:op the procefs of Diviion whenevcr we
yleafe, and inl:ead all the re!: the Figures ( or Terms) ad in-
we may wnte the Remamder as a Numerator, and the
Divifor as the Denominator of a Fracl:ion, which Fral:ion will be
the Supplement to the fo the fame will obtain in the
Divifion of Species. Thus in the prefent Example, if we will l:op
at the firl: Term of the nuotient, we hall have na nax
--....::; b+x b bxb+x'
Or if we will l:op at the fecond Term, then b '; +
Or if we will fiop .at the third Term, then
a+a- :.
a -
aax + aax... , + ... , And fo in the fucceeding Terms, in which
b b3 4 x
thefe Supplements may always be introduw:l, t-o make the
compleat. This Obfervation will be found of good ufe in ome of
the following Speculations, when a complicate Fratl:ion is not to
be intirely refolved, but only to be deprcfs'd, or to be reduced to a
fimpler and more commodious form.
Or we may hence change Divifion into Multiplication. For hav-
ing found the firl: Term of the and its Supplement, or
. the Equation b::.x T ba_;:x ; multiplying it by , we hall
have .::x a;: bla:;;.x , fo that fubftituting this value of
in the fidl: Equation, it will become +
.. x , where the two firl: Terms of the are now known,
Y Multiply

'!'he Mt'Eoi if F i. tr x i o N s,

M f" l th" b d "ll b. ax ,,_xr
, u b.p y 15 y bi, an 1t Wl ecome h;+l.;._ . -f. -fo
. , which being fubftituted in the .laft Equation, it will
- ,... .... - - .
a:: rtz a'"x' a':.3 a'x4 h } I: fi ft
z+:: -; t + ; ;; + M.:.:l+>: ,. w ere t 1e: .our r .
Temis of the are DO\V known. Again, multiply this
x-4- .- - . "Qn-'-4 a'1x4 a!.xJ a'!.x
Equat!OU by b+ , and lt wm become r + lt>: bl' b + iJ
- + which being {ribftituted in the la:ft Equation,
' .
11 b aa il-:. a-:.): a:.x:. a'1_,.; n'!.x4 a'l.XJ
1t Wi ecome t+x -; b' + {;
+ tr ,$ +
a''. a':'+ a'x!s , \vhete 'eigHt of the firft Terti!S are ilow
{;7 [. 9+L :r:
lnown. And o every fucceeding Operation will double tne num-
bei of Terms, that were l:efore found in the
. This method of Redution may be thus very conveniently imi-
tated in Numbers, or we may thus change Divifion into Multipli-
otion. Suppofe (for inftance) I would find the Reciproca! f rhe
Prime Number 2.9, or the value of the Fration -.'-.;: in Decimal
Numbers. 1 divide I,oooo, &c. by 29, in the common way,. fo
far as to find two or of the firft Figures, or till the Rerliainderbe-
comes a ingle Figure, and then I afume the Supplement to-compleat.
the Thus I ball rue ;
-y for the coinpleat
which Equation ifi !llultiply by N umerator 8, it will
b S 86 .
I { b'" .. -
gt'e ,
o,27 5 4-.j, or rat er ,
0,27 5 u m tute
this inrlead of the Fration in the fi.ri1: _Equation, nd 'l lhall ha.ve
. o,o311827 586-/
. Again, I mulriply this Equation by 6,
and itwill give ,;. .. o;:.o6896 5517{
,andthen b)rSubfiituri<Jn .-'-j=
o,o344'827 s8626S965 517]
. . Ag.n, I multiplythisEquatimibyJ,
o,241 379310344827 s86zoH,andthenbySubfii-
tution -.\ 0,0344-S27 s86zo6896 551724 I 379 3I03f4825862a*,
where every Operation will at leaft double the number of Figures
found by the preceding And tls wilL be a1reafy:Expe-
dient for converting Divilion into 1\lltiplication in allCafes, For
the ReeiproCal of the Divifor being thus forind, -it may be ;'nmlti-
ply'd into tbe Di\idend to produce the _, . .
2 'l :: Ji
h e d } tia aa a :x a x a .'\:1
_ ow as 1t lS ere 10011 , t 1at b+x -; . b' +
U+ ,
&.c. which Series will comerge when b is 'greater than 'x; fo ,vhen
it'bafFens to be other\vife, orwhen x is greater than b, thatthe
Powers of x mav be in the Denominators we mul: have recourfe to
tmd 1 z w z r s . pu .

-the other Ca(e of Piviion, in which we hall find .1. b . .. a_; ..
{!'b + n'b; , &c. and where the Divifion is perform'd as
x x
5 (). Jn thefe Examples of our Author, the Procefs of Divifiotl
.(for the exercife of the Learner) may be thus exhibited :
Now in order to a due Convergency, in .each of thefe
we mufi: fuppofe x to be lefs than Unity; and if x be greater than
Unity, we muil: invert the Terms, and then we hall have
' t
&c. and - x'> +
.x1 ' 1 . .
1 1 1
:- ; +
-;x" + t-
14 JI
....:.:':-, , &c
, 81x
7, 8, g, 10. Ths Notation of Powers and Roots by integral and
fralional, affirmative and negative, general and particular Indices,
was (,!ertainly .a very happy Thought, and a<,lmirable Improve-
ment of Analyticks, by which thc pral:ice is render'd eafy, regular,
.and:univ.erfal. It was .chieffy .owing to our Author, at Ieafi: he car-
ried on the ..A.nalogy, and made it mo.re general. A Learper 1hou{d
be well acquainted with this Notation, and the Rules of its feveral
Operacions ,i1:wuld be :very familiar to him, or .otherwi{e he will often
:find himfelf in volved in difficulties. 1 )hall not en ter into any .far-
ther difcuffion of t here, as not proper,ly belonging to this place,
,pr fubjet, but rather to the vulgar Algebra .
. u. The Author proceeds to the Extral:ion of the Roots of pure
,Equations, which he thus perfqrms, in .iJUitation of the ufual
cefs.in Numbers. To extral: the Sqqare-root of aa + xx; firft the
Root of a a is a, which mufi: be put in the Then the Square
of this, or aa, being fubtraled from the given Power, leaves +xx
far a.Refol:vend. Divide this by twice the Root, or za, which is
y 2

1'he Method af F L u s,
tlie firft pan of the Diviior, and the muft be made
k:cond Ter m of the Root, as alfo the fecond Term of the Divifor.
Multiply the Diviior thus compleated, or 2a + , by the fecond
Tew of the Root, and' the Produt xx ... muft be fubtrated
from the Refolvend. This will leave "'"-: for a new Refolvend,
v.liich being divided by the fi.rft Term double Root, or 2a,
will give ;afs for the third Term of the Root. Twice the Root

befare found, with thls Term added to it, or 2a + =; ;: , be.
x+ ,1 ,.s
ing multiply'd by this Term, the Produt - .a .. + +
be fubtrated from the laft Refolvend, and tlie Remainder + "''
s, ..
will be a new Refolvend, to be proceeded with as befare,
for %rung the next Term of the Root; and fo on as fiir as you
J'L _ 11 ha . / .x x+ zl
leafe. So that we wau ve v aa + xx a+ - "-" + --:--:
za o.
. -
, ...
- 1zS..' '&c.
lt is eafy to obferve from.hence, that in the Operation every ne\V
Colnmn will give a new Term in the Qote or Root; and therefore
no more Columns need be form'd than it is intended there hall be
Terms in the Root. Or when any number of Terms are thus ex-
trated, as many mere may be found by Divifion only. Thus hav-
ing found the three fi.rft Terms of the. Root a + :: .x+ , . by
2a 8a3

their double 2a + :_ "':. , dividing the third Remainder or Re-
a ..
folvend + :
, the three fi.rft Terms of the nuotient "'
M 4<' 16uS
-%9 -xto
- ,::ill' + :,
will be tbe three fucceeding Terms of the Root
,.s x4 x'
Tl:.e Senes a + z;

, &c. thus found for the fquare-

root of the irracional quantity a a + xx, is t<> be underftood in the
following manner. In arder to a due convergency a is to be fuppos'd
greater than x, that the Root or converging quantity may be lefs
than Unity, and that a may be a near approximation to the fquare-
root required. But as this is too little, it is encreafed by the finall
qnantity , which now makes it too big. Then by the next

Operation it is diminih'd by the il:ill fmaller quantity ;;,; which
diminution being too much, it is again encreas'd by the very fmall
quantity x
r , which makes it too great, in arder to be farther di-
. Jba . ..
minifh'd by the next Term. And thus it proceeds in ilifinitum, the
Augmentations and Diminutions continually correl:ing one another,
till at lail: they beco me inconfiderable, and till the Series ( fo far con-
tinued) is a fufficiently near Approximation to the Root required.
12. When a is lefs than x, the order of the Terms muft be in-
verted, or the fquare-root of xx + aa muil: be extral:ed as before;
in which cafe it will be x + , &e, Anc\ in this Series
tlie con.verging quantity, or the Root of the Scale, will be ;. Thefe
two. Series are by no means to be underftood as the two different Roots
of the quan tity aa + xx; for ea eh of the two Series will exhibit thofe
two Roots, by only changing the Signs. Bunhey are accommodated
to the two Cafts.of Convergency, according as a or x may happen to
be the greater quantity.
1 hall here refol've the foregoing Quantity after another manner
the better to prepare the way for what is to follow. Suppofe
yy aa + xx, where we may fiJ!d the value of the Root y by the
following Procefs: yy aa + xx_ (if y a+ p) aa + 2ap + pp;
or 2ap + pp xx (if p :2 + q) xx + 2aq + : + :rf
. 2a 4 a
+ qq; or 2aq +

+ qq :"
, (if q +r)-
"' x6 x-:.r x8 x4r xxr
x + 2ar + -- +
+ r ; or 2ar + +
"" 8a4 a 64,.6 4 R 4"
., x6 xs ('f . 6
rr Sa+
_, t r . + s) &c. which Procefs may
be thus explain'd in words.
In order to find v aa + or the Root y of this Equation
yy aa + xx, fuppofe y a + p, where a is to be underfiood as
a pretty near Approximation to the value of y, (the nearer the bet-
ter,) and p is the fmall"Supplement to that, or the quantity wh_ich
makes it compleat. Then by Subfiitution is derived the firfi Sup-
plemental Equation 2ap + f!P XX, whofe Roct p is to be found.
Now as is much bigger than fj', (for 211 is bigger than the Sup-
plement p,) we fhall have nearly p ; , or at leal: we have

. exatly p + q, fuppofing q to reprefent the {econd Spple-


Tbe Method oJ F LUXION s,
icilt ot the Root. Then by Subftitution 2aq + ';q + qq
wiil be the fecund Supplemental Equation, whofe Root q is the
fecond Supplenient. Therefore =;q will be a little quantity, and qq
.much leS, fo we iliall have nearly q - a,:;, or accurately

q 1 r, if r be made tl:e third Supplement to the Root.
%% x-4- "'6 xil .
And therdbte 2ar + r . 1 + u
wtll be the
a oa 4"
third Spp1emettii.l Equatitm, \vhofe Root.is r. And thus we may
go on as far as we. pleafe, -f0rm Reidual or Supplemental Equa-
tions, whofe Roots will continually grow lefs and lefs, and there--
fte will make neater :ild rtear.er A pproachesto theRoot y, to which
they ahw.ys ronvetge. For y a+ p, p is .the Root of this
Equati:iil p + pp - xx. Or y + q, where q is the
lt-oot of- thls Equ.fi<>n u'J + =; q -. n . Or y a +
= .1'4 h . the R f th' 'E . >:X
+ w :ere r iS . oot.o lS quauon .ur + -;r-
., 4 .,);"' ,x"' .

And fo on. The R.efolunon of any one

of tbefe Equations, .in . the ordinary will give the
repelive Supplement, which will compleat the value of y.
I took notit-e hefore, u pon the :Article 'O Divifion, of what may
be call'd a Comparifon of m that .one may be
exbibitei:l by the belp .of another, together with a Series of known
-tlr funple Terws. Here we have an lnftance of a lik-e Comparifon
.of Roots; '!lr that the Root of may be exprefs'd by
the Root of another, together wtth a Senes of known or fimple
Terms, which will hold good in all Equations whatever. And to
E:lrty oo the Analogy, we Jhal.l hereafter find a Jike Comparifon of
-Fluerits-; one Fluent, (fuppofe, for i:nftance, .a Curvilinear
will 'be prefs'd by another Fluent, together with a .Series
of finipk This 1 thought-fit to -infinuate here, by ;w;ay of
antidpa1in, -lbat 1 might 1hew the conftant uniformity .and hai--
mony -f Natute, in -thefe Specnlations, when they are.duly. and:r.e.-
gularly pmftied.
But 1 1hall hete,give, ex a/;unanti, another'Method for .this, and
fuch kind of Extralions, tbo' prhaps it may more properly be-
long -to -the Ref13lution of Affeted Eqoacions, which is ::foon to. fol-
however it may ferve as an lntrodution to their Solution .
1 The

an INFIN7TE S!RJEs. 1.67
The 'firft Re'fidual or Supplemental Equation in the foregoing Pro-
cefs was up + pp xx, which may be refo1ved in this mnner.
p p
Beca u fe p it w.ill be by Diviiion :P. :f :<_.. + :
-za p za 4" oa
xj J x't 4 ,

&c. Divide all the Terms of this Series (except' the

frr.tl) by p, and then multiply them by t:he whole or :by the
value of p, and you will have p :r + x+p 3x-+p' +
>a Sa Sa+ 32ar
, &c. where the two firil Terms are of p. Dvide all the

Terms of this Series, except the two firft, _b;y p, .and multiply them
by the. value of p, or by the firff Series and you will have a Series
for p in which the three firft Terms a:e:clear'd of p. And by re-
peating the Operation, you may clear as .many T.erms of p as you
pleafe. So that at'labvou will ha ve :p, _ ! +_ ;-1- x
. >xs
J 2a ' .1 af' 1 zSt,'T
+ ;
"?' .. which .will,gi.ve the :fume v:alue Qf y as befare.
1 j, 14., >1'5, IQ, I.J, -18. The fcvcr.al Roots_of ;thefe Examples, a11d
of aH other pure 'Powers, whether they rtre 'Binomials, l'rinomials,
or -an.y :other .mayJe ,_purfuill:g the Me-
of foregoing Proeefs, or by imitating Pt:_axes in
Numbers. But they may be perform!d -mueh- m.ore -read1ly. hy. gene-
11al.Theorems computed fodha:ttpur:pofe. And.as there will,befre-
:quent occafio11,. an .the.enfaing Treatie, Jor .certain .general Qpera-
'tronir .. be ,;perfoumTt.Lwith infuiite .fuch .Multiplkatiqp,
Divifion, railing of Powes, and zextratil}g ,of 1 fi)ail
drive fomt Theorems for th
fe purpofes.
. l ;-J:;etA +:B + C +D :&c. P+<t:t'R+.S+T, &c. and'
ct +' + {)1 + Jl-4- e, &c. reprefen t the Tenns df three feveral Series
.. a11!net into:-P+q:I-R+S+J',
&c. - _ + . .$ +.-r+ ,JI +-s,-&c. .Then l:>y the known Rules of
:JV.!JltipliCation, hy.which every Tni of one Fatl:or's tolle multi-
ply'd inw'every Term of the other, it will be a. AP, ,e AQ_ +
BP, ?t AR+BQ_+CP, el' g AT+
'BS +"CR+ DQ_ +'EP; and 'fo on. Then-by-Snb:ft-iwt-ion-it .. will-be
A-t-!!+G f'lT J.Mt-.i;;.C:Jc.:?< r.'+!<...+.K+ :.+J.',"<>,., 0 '

. ...liT

16:8 cDe Method of FLUXIONs,
And thls will be a. readyTheorem for the Multiplication of any
infinitc Series into each as in the following Example.
{A) (B) (C) (D) . -{El (P) (QJ (Rl (S) (T)
- z xl %4 ,x:. X; X4 &
a+.x+ -+ -+ ., &c. mtoa +
, -c.
;a -4"- sa , sa a ga
,.,_-a x4 121xl zSrx4
=axta+fXS+- + .,&c. =a+fa:<+;x'+ .

4A ;a'"' . 1. _. 12 c.
x; x+
-,ax-!x-.- ..
u ga 124-
+fx+ ;3 + x4
S lOa 1-a
- '
_x x+
- ,..-. .....,-_

.a. 14ft':.
-And fo in a1l other cafes
. II: From the Jame Equations abo,e we hall ha ve A F ,
B s-AQ_ c. .,..-BQ:-AR D J'-CQ-BR-As E
= p , p ' !' ,
:T &c. And then bvSubftitution +g+,+J+ &c
. p > J .I'+Q..+R+ +T.&c .
. . (A+B+C+D 1 E, &c. ) +;-tQ..+ "-
J'-CQ:/R-AS+ &c. This. Theorem
will ferve commodioufly for the Divifion of one infinite Series by
another. Here for conveniency-fuke the Capitals A, B,. C, D, &c.
are retained in the Theorem, to denote the firft, fecond, third, fourth,
. &c. Terms -of the Series refpetively. .
ThRS, . for Example, . if we would nivide . the $eries + +
('j') (J') (;) (P) (Q) (R) (S) iTJ
uu:l :Su+ & b th S x xl %-J
nxs+ + . -c. y e enesa+.!.x+-+ &e
3g tzboa I26ca-' -i 3a 441.,.,-

... -: .
the will be a + " - + ; =-A .!.xB
a - 3a .
uul %_A ""'B C
- -- -.!.x
1 :6c-a uz- a , &c. Or reftoting
theValues of
A, B, C, D, &c. which repreent the feveral Terms as they.ftand in
order, the will become a .!.x + ;:: .Y
+ x
S sa a 9"; > '
And after the fume manner in al1 other Examples.

ut In the lal:Theorem make ct.--I, (3 o, 'l' o, J o, &c.
1 1 AQ. BQ_+AR
t en P+Q..+R+<+r,&c. ' p p p -
DQ-1-CR+ BS+AT & 1 . h TI d'l fi d h R .
r , c. w uc 1eorem w1 rea 1 y n t e eclpro-
cal of any infinite Series. Here A, B, e, D, &c. denote the feveral
'ferms of the Series in. arder, as befare.
(P) (QJ
'fhus if we would know the Rec1procal of the Series a+ 7x+
(R) (S) (T)
+ + x+ , &c. we hall have by Subftitution -
3 4"' 5"
a u
.:1 x; x" B , 3 x'"
:_A+-i-xB ,A+ - + -;xC
A + .. _B +-C + -;-.x-D
3fl 4ll 31l \t: 4'l'" '!r. ,
And reftoring the Values of A, B, e, D, .&c. it v,ill .be !. __
x + .,.x-l _
9dr, &c. for the Reciproca\ required.
8 .. 4 720"
Ex. z. , +, , . '"'
x -
CJx:), \,;;C,
fo of otheJ'S.
IV. In the .firl: Theorem if we make P A, Q:: B, R e,
S D, &c. that is, if we make both to be the lime Series; we /hall ha ve
A+B+C+D+E+F+G,Bc.l' =A+ zAB + zAC+ zAD + zAE+zA.F +zAG,&c.
' +B +zBC +zBD+zBE+zBF
+'-' +zCD+zCE
of any infinite


Tbe Method oJ FLUXtONS,
V. In this laft Theorem, if we make A P, 2AB 2AC
+ B R, 2AD + zBC S, 2AE + 2BD + T, &c. we
, Q_ R-B' S-zBC
. ha1l have A p,, B zA ' e zA ' D A , E
T-:BD-c' &c. Or +T+U,
Q_ R-B S-:BC T-:BD-C' U-zBE-zCD &
+ :!.A + zA + :A + zA + zA > C.
By this Theorem the Square-root of any infinite Series may eaily be
Here A, B, C, D, &c. will reprefent the feveral Terms of
the Series as thev are in fuccelion.

Ex.I.x' zax+za-- * 1 , c.
X 4X;
x4 x6 ;xS x'
zu:n ..: x:. x+ x
Ex.2. - + - s+ ,f5c. = -
+ - + ,&r.
-44" -445. iZSa 512a'
za 8a I6af rz8a7 Z\6a9
VL Becaufe it is by the fourth Theorem ce.+{$+.,.+ JI+ e,
:e 21' + 2d'+ 2aE, &c. in thc third Theorem for
+ + 2{3,. +
+ 'i'"
P, R, S, T, &c. write e, 2a{&, 2ay + {3"-, 2ad' + 2{3/', 2t:te
refpelively. Then + +
" ,_.
,_ s+,. +t."'' ,_
:z,.sB+z:;+sxA , &e,
And this will be a Theorem for finding the Reciproca! of the Square
of any infinite Series. Here A, B, e, D, &c. frill denote the Terms
of the Series in their order.
VII. If in the firft Theorem for P, Q_ R, S, &c. we write
A"-, 2AB, 2AC + B, 2AD + 2Be, &c. refpetively, ( that is
A;_+ 3AB + 3AB + 3AD + + &c.


+ 3BD
+ Bs + 6ABD+ 6AeD
- + 3AE + 6ABK
which wiil readily give the Cube of any infinite Series.
+,-T.x+,&c.l s '+,'-X
+.{--u-x', &c.
VIII. In the laft Theorem, if we make N P, 3AB
AB + .3AC R, B
+ 6ABC + 3AD S, &c. then A p.;.,
Q.. R-3AB S - 6ABC - B;
B 3\' , e 3A , D 3A' , &c. that ,
P+O+R+S+T &c.l N+
' 3A 3A A
+ -
- , &c. And by this Theorem the Cube-
root of any infinite Series may be extraled. Here alfo A, B, e, D,
&c. will reprefent the Terms as they ftand in arder.
x9 x
'0 .!.. xJ x6 )Xf

Ex.r. 6 + ,&c. = -+s s ,&c.
2.7a Z1a9 243" 243'' 3 .9' la 243a"

Ex. 2. tx
+ /-:X' +
, &c. 1
=fx + + ..-hX\ &c.
IX. Becaufe it is by the feventh Theorem a.+ (3 + 'JI+ JI, &c.j s
le= a.3 + + 3ctf6 + {J3, &c. in the third Theorem for P,
+ 3cr.'y + 6ct(h
+ 3t:t'JI
Q. R, S, T, &c. write a.l, 3a.[j, + 3a.y, {6
+ 6a.{3,+ 3.'JI,

. 1
3t:tl''+3tS'y + 6ct,SJI + 3a.'e, &c. refpetively; then + + + '"'
ct d . J\vc.
',3A _ 3'BB+,ab'+ 3-. } xA _3"- ''l'xl!+B;+- P2'+;afxA&<.
- a.3 ct,! a,3 .:t,l
This Theorem will give the Reciprocal of the Cube of any infinite
Series; where A, B, e, D, &c. ftand for the Terms in arder.
X. Laftly, in the firft Theorem if we make P A;, Q:
R 3AB + 3AC, S B
+6ABC+3AD, &c. we hall have
A+B+C+D, &c. 1 + A++ 4A
, &c. which
C + 12ABC
will be a Theorem for finding the Biquadrate of any infinite Series.
And thus we might proceed to find particular Theorems for any
other Powers or Roots of any infinite Series, or for their Recipro-
cals, or any frational Powers compounded of thefe; all which will
be found very convenient to have at hand, continued to a competent
number of Terms, in arder to facilitate the following Operations.
Or it may be fuflicient to !ay befare you the elegant and general
Theorem, contri ved for this purpofe, by that :lkilful Mathematician,
and my good Fricnd, the ingenious Mr. A. De which was
firft publih'd in the Philofophical Tranfi<tions, No 230, and which
will readily perform all thefe Operations.

z 2 Or

The Method aJ FLuxroNs,

Or v.e may ha ve recourfe to a kind of Mechanical Artifice, . by
,.,.hich all the foregoing Operations may be perform'd in a very eafy
and general manner, as here follows. .
When two intinite Series are to be multiply'd together, in arder
to find a third which is to be their Produt, call one of them the
XIultiplia.nd, and the other the :Multiplier. Write.down upon youl'
p,,per the Tcrms of theMultiplicand, with their Signs, in a defcend-
ing crder, fo tbt the Terms may be at equal dil:ances, and jul:
1mder another. Thls you may cal! your fixt or right-hand Paper ..
P:ep.1rc :mo;:her Paper, at the right-hand Edge of which write .down
the Te;ms cf the I\Iuhiplicr, with their proper Signs, in an a{cend-
inT Order, io that the Terms may be at the fame equal dil:ances
frgm each other as in the Multiplicand, and jul: over one another,
This you nl.iy call your moveable or.left-hand Paper. Apply
Paper to your fixt Paper, fo that the fidl: Term of your
may l:and over-againft the firft Term of yolir
C'.d. Multiply thde together, and write down the Produt in its
pl<!ce, for the firl: Tmn of the Produt M ove your move-
ab:e Paper a ftep_lo.wer,. [o that two of the firft Terms of the Mul-
tiplier may l:iilld oYtr-againi1: two of the firit Terms of the Multi:..
piicand. Find the two Produts; by multiplying each pair of the
T.erms together,. that l:and one another; abbreviate
them if it nl::y be done, and fet down the Reiult for the fecond
Term of the Produt required: Move your moveable Paper a !l:ep
lower, io th.at three of the fidt Terms of the M:ultiplier may l:and
o>er-aga!nft three of the firft Terms of"the Muh:ip1icand: Findthe
three Prcdul:s, by multiplying each pair ofthe Trms together that
bnd one anotlrer; abbreviate them, and fet down the
Refult the third Term of the Produt. And prcceed in the fame
mar:ner to fi:nd the fomth, and ;-,\\ the following Terms.
I hall illuii:r;;.te this l\lcthod by an Example of two Series, take11
frcm the commGn Sede cf 01 Decimal Arithmetick; which
will equaliy explain the Procefs in al! other infi.nite Series whatcver.
Let thc N"umbers to be multiply'd be 37,52Sg36, &c. and
52S,73041, &c. which, by fupplying X or 10 where it is under-
ll:vcd, ,..-:ll become the Se:!es 3X ; 7X" 1 sX- 1 zX-+ 8X-3
+ gX-.;+ 3X-s+ 6X-s, &c. and sX' zX + 8Xo.+ 7X-'+
3x- 1 oX-
: +X-.; .:.-s, &c. and cali the fid1 thc 1\[ultipli-
cand, and the 1ecc::d the :'-,lul:ipEcr. Thefe bcing difpofd as is
prefcribeJ, wili ibnd follows.

-. ' . .
. &c.
. + 3X-
.. + 7X-
.+ sxo
. + zX
. sX'
and J N F IN I T E S E R I E S,

+ 7X .
+ sx-
+ zx-
+ sx-3

Produt IX+
r sx 3 - - - - - - - - 9x 3
+ 4

- + 63X -- - - - - - - 4X
--- + 97Xo - - - - - - - - zXo
-- + 142X-
-- - - - - - 6X-
-- -+ 1
x- -- - --- sx-=
---+ I38X-3 ----- -SX-3
-- -- ----- IX-4
&c.. &c. :

. .. '
Now the fidl: Term of the moveable Paper, or Mu!tiplie1, being
apply'd to the fidl: Term of the Multiplicand, will give sX' X 3x
I sX
for the fidl: Term of the Produt. Then the . two . .firft
Terms of each being apply'd together, they will give sX' x 7X
+ zX x 3X . 4rX for the (econd Term of the Produt; Then
the time fidt Terms of each being apply'd together, they will give
s:X: X sX-'+zX x7Xo +8X x3X . 63X for the third Term
of the Produt. And fo on: So th;;t the Produt requircd will be
+ 41X' + 63X+ 97Xo + I42X-+I3JX-+ 138X-s
+ zo IX-., &c. Now this will be a Number in the Decirnal Scale
of Arithmetick, becaufe X 10. But in that Scale, when it is re-
g!llar, thi: Coefficients muit' always be aflirmative lntegers-, lefs than
the Root 10; and therefore to thefe to fuch, fet them orderly-
u_nder one another, as is done and beginning at the lE>wefl:, col"
lel them as l:and, by addmg up each Column. The reafon of
which is this. Becaufe 20IX-4 zoX-
+ IX-4, we muft fet
clown IX-4' and add zoX-
to theline abo ve .. TLen becaufe zox-s-

+ I38X-3 Is8X-; Isx-+ SX-
, we mutl fetdown 8X-;,
and add ISX- to the line above. Then be2aufe ISX-+ 133X-
I4X -! + sx-) we mnil: fet clown sx -;) ami :!dd
4X .....:, to tire !in e abo ve. And .fo we muil: proceed throur,h the
whole Number. So that at laft we find thc Produt to b<::

+8X'+4X, zX<t-6X-'+8X-+8X-;,&c:. Or
by {uppreiling X, or ro, and leaving it tL' be Ji.1pply'd by the i!i1a-
gination, the Produt rcquircd wiE be: I9842,688, &c.
Wbe!l one infinite Series is to be divided by anothcr, write down
the Terms of the Dividend, with their proper Signs, i:1 a clcii:end-
ing arder, fo that the Terms may be at equal difbnces, and juit un-

1be Met'bod oJ FtuXIoNs,
der one another. This is your fixt right-hand Paper. Prepare
another Paper, at _the right-hand Edge of which write down the
Teuns of the Divifor in an afcending order, with a1l their Signs
changed except the firfr, fo that the Terms may be at the fame equal
difrances as b..<fore, and juft over one another. This will be your
moveable or left-hand Paper. Apply your moveable Paper to your
fixt Paper, fo that the firft Ter m of the Divifor may be over-againfl:
the firfl: Tem of the Dividend. Divide the firfl: Term of the Di-
vidend by the firft Ter m of tlJ.e Divor, and fet down the
over-againft them to the right-hand, for the firfr Term of the
tient required. Move your moveable Paper a ftep lower, fo that
two of the firfl: Terms of the Divor may be over-againft two of
the firft Terms of the Dividend. Collet the fecond Term of the
Dividend, together with the Produl: of the firft Term of the <l!!o-
tient now fmmd, multiply'd by the Terms over-againft it in the left-
hand Paper ; thefe divided by the firfl: Term of the Divifor will be
the fecond Term of the required. Move your moveable
Paper a ftep lower, fo that three of the firft Terms of-the Divifor
rnay ftand over-againft three of the fir.ft Terms of the Dividend.
Collel: the third Ter m of the Dividend, together with the two Pro-
du& of the two firfl: Ter111s of the <l!!_otient now found, each he-
ing multiply'd into the Ten u over-againft it, in the left-hand Paper.
Thefe divided by the firfl: Term of the Divor will be the third
Ter m of the required. Move your moveable Papera ftep
1ower, fo that four of the firfl: Terms of the Divifor may ftand over-
againft four of the firfl: Terms of the Dividend. Collel: the fourth

'Term of the Dividend, together with the three Produl:s of the three
firfl: Terms of the now found, each being multiply'd by
the Tenn over-againft it in the left-hand Paper. Thefe divided by
the fi.rft Te1111 of the Divor will be the fourth Term of the
tient required. And fo on to find the fifth, and the fucceeding
For an Example let it be propofed to divide the infinite Series
r rr. 121%1 28u:+ & b th S
l -;ax +
X + 6ca +
c. y e enes a+.
12 12 oa
+ Ta + ::. + ;; , &c. Thefe being difpofed as is prefcribed,
will il:and as here follows.



-ax - - - - - - -- -

l l

. ,
+ 1 1 x + .!.x .J.x
+-i-x-- --

+ +s:;

3 o 6.
121xi xl x3
UJX! x3 ,.s x!
+ 1260a +12Oa
3a 4"

28IX4 281x+ x+ x+ x+ x+ x+ x+
+ 126oa'
sa'+l2a' +9a' + gai
a &c. &c.
Here if we apply the firfl: Term of the Divifor a, to the firft
Term of the Dividend a, by Divifion we hall ha ve a for the firfl:
Term of the Then applying the two firfl: Terms of the
Divifor to the two firfl: Terms of the Dividend, we hall have fax
to be collel:ed with the Produl: a x {"x, or fax, which will-
make tax; and this divided by a, the fidl: Term of the Divifor,
will give fx for the fecond Term of the And fo of.
the other Terms ; and in like manner for all other Examples.
When an infinite Series is to be raifed to any Power, or when
any Root of it is to be extral:ed, it may be perform'd in all cafes
by a like Artfice. Prepare your fixt or right-hand Paper, by wri,.
ting down the natural Numbers o, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. jufl: under one
other at equal difl:ances, referving places to the right-hand for the
feveral Terms of the Power or Root, as they hall be found. The
fii"l: Term of which Series may be immediately known from the fidl:.
Term of the given Series,. and from the given Index of the Power
or Root, whether that Index be an lnteger ora Fral:ion,. affirmative
or negative ; and that Term therefore may be fet down in its place,.
over-againl: the firfl: N umber o. Prepare your moveable or left-
band Paper, by writing down, towards the edge of the Paper at the
right-hand, all the Tenns of the given Series, except the firil:, over
one another in arder, at the fame dil:ances as the Numbers in the
othcr Paper. After which, nearer the edge of the Paper, write jufl:
over one another, fitfl: the lndex of the Power or Root to. be found,
then its double, then its triple, and fo the refl: of its multiples,
with the negative Sign after each, as far as the Terms of the Series
extend. And alfo the firfl: Term of the given Series may be wrote
below. Thus will the moveable Paper be prepare& Thefe multi-
ples,, together with the following negative Signs,. and the Numbers

'./he Jvletbocf oFLUX IoN s,
e, r, 2, 3 on the othcr Paper, when they meet togcther, wiU
...compie-t thc numeral Coefficients. Apply therefore the fecond Term
of the mme-bJe Pafer to the upperrnofr Term of the fixt Paper,
a:1d the Prcdul: rnade iJy the cintinual Mutipljcation of the
F::&ors that f..and. in-a.lit1e over-agaipl: one af,other, [ which are the
Term of the_gi,en Series, tl\e numeral Coefficient, (here the
gi,cn Index,) :md the rfr Term of the Series already found,J di-
by the firft J'erm of the given Series, wi!l be .. the fecond Term
of the Series requi:ed, y:Ech is to be fet down .in jts place
againl: r. 1\love the moveable P<lper a ftep lower, and the two
Produl:s made by the mu!tiplication of the Fal:ors that frand over-
againl: one another, (in which, and elfewhere, care mufr be had to
J:;1ke the compleat,) divided by twice the firft
Tci m of the g!yep Series, will be thc third Term of the Series re-
quired, which is to. be fet. clown in its place over-againl: .2. Mqve
_the mveable Paper a 11:ep lower, and the three Produls made by
the multiplicatii). of the Fators that l:and over-aga!,nl: one
di,ided by thrice the firl: Term of the given Series, _will be the
.fourth Term of the required. fo you may _procecd t()
ti.nd the ne..-xt, and the t Terqs.
It may not be amifs to give o pe genr;:ral Ex:upple of this Reduc-
tion, which will compreheud all particular C:._es. .If the Series a?;
1 bz: : cz; + dzi, &c. be gi\en, of which.we .are to find any
Power, or to extral J;!Y Root; Jet the Ind_yx of this or Root
be m. Tl).en prepare the movea?le or Paper s you fee
below, \'there the Terms of the.g1ven Senes are fet ovcr pne anoth!';r
i11 order, at the edge of the Paper, and at equal dil:anq:s. Alfo
2fter eerj Term is put a full-point, as a Mark of Multiplicatiqn,
:md after e\ery one, ( except the firl: or lowefi) are put the
\{ultiples of the Index, as m, zm, 3m, 4m, &c. with the negative
Sign after them. Likewiie a may -pe underl:ood. tp
be placed over them, to them wiill the other paqs .of tD.e
numeral Coefficients, which are on the other Paper, and which
rnake them compleat. Alfo the firl: Term of the given Series is
feparated . from the rel: by a line, to denote its being a Divifor, or
the Denominator of a Fral:ion.. And thus j t}:le
To prepare the fixt or. right:hand Paper, write down the natll.
ral Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. under one another, t the fame equal
dil:ances as the Terms in the other Paper, with a Point after them
as a 1\Iark of Multiplicltion ; and over-againfi the firft Te.rm p

' .
tnite a"'z'" for the fidl: Term of the Series required. Thc rel: of
the Terms are to be wrote clown orderly under this, as they fhall be
found, which will be in this manner, To the firfl: Term o in the
fixt Paper apply the fecond Term of the moveable Paper, and they
will then exhibit this Fral:ion lz. m-o. a"'z"', which being reduccd
a:.. 1
to this mam-bz"'+', mul: be fet clown in its place, for the fecond
Term of the Series required. M ove the moveable Papera l:ep lower,
and you will have this Fration exhibited+cz
2111 o. a"'z"'
+he. m 1. ma"'-hz"'+'
az. z
which being reduced will become ma"'-'c + m x
a"'-b x z"'+=,
1o be put down for the third Tenn of the Series required. Bring
down the moveable Paper a ftep lower, and you will have the
Fration + dz
yn o. a'"Z"'
az. 3
Which red u e' d will be ma"'-
Jtmx m- a'"-bc+mx m-l X m-z am-b; xz"'+3,
1 2 3
for the fourth Term of the Series required. And in the fame man-
ner are .all the reft of the Terms to be found.
Moveable '
Fixt Paper
Paper, &c ..
+bz. m

. az.
N. B. This Operation will produce Mr. De Moivre's Theorem
mentioned before, tbe Invel:igation of which may be feen in the
place there quoted, and fhall be exhibited here in due time and
place, And this therefore will fufficiently prove the truth of the
:Prefent Procefs. In particular Examples this Method will be found
very eafy and praaicable.
A a But

ne Method oJ FLUXIONS,
Eut now to lhew fomething of the ufe of thefe Theorems, and
at the fune time to prepare the way for the Solution of Affeted and
Flnxonal Equaons; we will here make a kind of retrofpel:, and
refume our Author's Examples of fimple Extral:ions, beginning
with Diviiion itielt: which we hall perform after a different and an
eafier manner.
Thus to divide aa by b + x, or to refolve the Fral:ion b aa
into a Series of fimple Terms; make b:;.., y, or by+ xy a a.
Now to find the quantity y difpofe the Terms of this Equation after
this m:u:ner +7, a,, and proceed in the Refolution as you fee:
s done here.
Here by the difpofition of the Terms as is- made the firft Term
of the Series belonging (or equivalent) to by, and therefore dividing
y b, will be the firft Ten u of the Series equivalent to y, as is fet
down below. Then will + a:x be the firll: Term of the Series
.: X)", which i? therefore fet _down it; as alfo it is fet
clown over-agaillft by, but \Vtth a contrary S1gn, to be the fecond
Term of that Series. Then will ::" be the fecond Term of y,
to be fet clown in its place, which will give a;: for the fe-
cond Term of + xy; and this with a contrary Sign muft be fet down

for the third Term of by. Then will + a:: be the thircl T erm of
_,., a..d thercfore + ";:; will be the third Term of -- xy, which
with a contrary Sign muft be made the fourth Term of by, and there-
fore "::J will be the fourth Term of )' And fo on for ever.
Kow the Rationa!e of this Procefs, and of ail that will here fol ..
low of the fame kind, may be manifeft from thefe Confiderations.
The unknown Te1ms of the Equation, or thofe wherein y is found,
ze tby the H_rpotbefs) equal to the known Term aa. And each of

tmd IN FIN IT E SE Ril S.
thofe unknown Terms is refolvecl into its equivalent Series, the Ag
gregate of which mufi: fi:ill be equal to the fame known Term oa ;
( or perhaps Terms.) Therefore all the fubidiary and adventitious
Terms, which are introduced into the Equation to affifi: the Solution,
(or the Supplemental Terms,) muft mutually defi:roy one another.
Or we may refolve the fame Equation in the following manner:
la ''a h.
o a & .
- x + x> - x+ ' C.
Here is made the firfi: Term of + xy, and therefore mufi:
be put down for the firfi: Term of y. This will give + h: for the
firfi: Term of by, which with a contrary Sign mull: be the fecond
Term.of +xy, and therefore muft be put down for the fe-
" .
cond Term of y. Then wtll x be the fecond Term of by,
which with a contrary Sign will be the third Term of + xy, and ,
therefore +
:: will be the third Term of y. And fo on. There-
fore the Fralion propofed is refolved into the fame two Series as
were found above.
If the Fral:ion +
were given to be refolved, make +

1 X l X
=:J, or y+ xy 1, the Refolution of which Equation is little
more than writing down the Terms, in the manner Jollowing:
y r-x+x+-x+xS,&c. y

&c. +.\y
. _ -+x--x-4+x-5-x-a,&c.

Here in the fidl: Paradigm, as 1 is made the firfi: Term of y, fo
will be the firft Term of xy, and therefore x will be the
fecond Term of y, and therefore X
will be the fecond Term of
xy, and therefore +X" will be third Term of y; &c. Alfo in the
fecond Paradigm, as 1 is made the firfi: Term of xy, fo will + x-
be the firfi: Term of y, and therefore x- will be the fecond
Term of xy, or ;r4 will be the fecond Term of y; &:;.
Aa2 To

1'be Met!Jod if FtuxioNs,
To refolve the compound Fraon
' !
u:.-x:. r J. t
make ;. y, or zx x y + xy - 3xy; which E-
quation may be thus refolved :
' 1.
zx x

)' - -- 2X} 2X + 7X',: 1 3Xs + 34xt 73X
, &c.
+x}; ----- + zx zx!-+ 7x 34X', &c.
-3.\)' -------' 6xt+ 6x 2I.+39x;,&c.
Place the Terms of the Equation, in which the unknown quan-
tity )' is found, in a regular defcending order, and the known Terrns
above, as you fee is done here. Then bring down zxi to be the firfi:
Ter m of )', which will give + zx for the firft Term of the Series
+ which rnuft be wrote with a contrary Sign for te fecond
Term of y. Then will the fecond Term of + xiy be zxt, and
the firft Tenn of the Series 3xy will be 6x\ which together
make 8x;_. And this with a contrary Sigo would have been wrote .
for the third Terrn of y, had not the Tenn xt been above, which
reduces it to + 7"''< for the third Term of y. Then will + 7x
be the third Tenn of + x}y, and + 6x will be the fecond Term
of 3ay, which being colleted with a contrary Sign, will make
- 1 JX:. for the fourth Terrn of )'; and fo on, as in the Paradigm.
If we would refolve this Fraaion, or this Equation, fo as to ac-
commodate it to the other cafe of convergency, we-may invert the
Terrns, and proceed thus:
' '
-x +zx"
1 x:.y
Brina down "'1- to be the firft Tenn of 3xy, whence +txi
mll bel:> the fuft Teun of )', to be fet down in its place. Then the
- - -

. ..

firft Term of + will be + -;x, which with a contrary Sign
will be the fecond Term of 3"')' and therefore + f will be the
fecond Term of y. Then the fecond Term of + will be +t,
and the firft Term of y being + thefe two collel:ed with a
contrary Sign would ha ve made ;.x-< for the third Term of 3xy,
had not the Term + zxl been prefent above. Therefore uniting
thefe, we iliall have + :x.;; for the third Term of 3xy, which
will give for the third Term of y. Then will the third
Term of + x{-y be H, and the fecond Term of y being + f,
thefe two collel:ed with a contrary Sign will make + H for the
fourth Term of 3xy, and therefore will be the
Term of y ; and fo on.
And thus much for Divifion; now to go on to the Author's pnre
or fimple Extral:ions.
To fi.nd the Square-root of aa + xx, or to extral: the Root y of
this Equation JY aa + xx; make y a +;p, then we hall ha ve
by Subftitution zap + pp xx, ofwhich affeted Equa-
tion we may thus extral: the Root p. Difpofe the Terms in this
manner zap xx, the unknown Terms in a defcending arder on
one fide, and the known Term or Terms on the other fide of the
Equation, and proceed in the Extral:ion as is here direl:ed.

x6 sx8 "'XIO
<1-" + 8a4
+' &
446 128a8' C. -
+ 6fa6.
t d a' &c.
8a4 12 a
x .x4 6
sx8 7XJO
Sal + t6J
+ 6 9' &c.
uSa' 25 a
By this Difpofition of the Terms, x is macfe the firft Term of
the Series belonging to 2ap; then we hall ha ve ::_: for the firft
Term of the Series p, as here fet down underneath.
x+ will be the fi.rft Term of the Series p", to be put down in its
place over-againft P" Then, by what is obferved befare, it muft
be put clown with a contrary Sign as the fecond Term of zap,
which will make the fecond Term of p to be __ ;,:, . Having diere-
. fore


7be Method oJ FLUXIONs,
forc the two firft Terms of p ;a:' we hall have, (by any
of the foregoing Methods for finding the Square of an infinite Se-
ries,) the two firft Terms of p .\
; which laft Term
muft be wrote with a contrary Sign, as the third Term of zap.
Thcrefore the third Term of pis ,::,, and the third Term of p
(oy the afore&id Methods) will be J;
, which is to be wrote with
a contrary Sign, as the fourth Term of zap. Then the fourth
Term of p will b::: and therefore the fourth Term of P' is
- ;;;;
, which is to be wrote with a contrary Sign for the fifth
Term of zap. This will give

for the fifth Term of p; and fo
we may proceed in the Extral:ion as far as we pleafe.
Or we may difpofe the Tenus of the Supplemental Equation thus:
al af
2ap - - -- + 20X- zas + -; * .fX> , &c.
al af
-zax + za - -; * +
, , &c.
a-:. a4
X- a+ * - g_..; * ' &c.
Here x is made the firll: Term of the Series p-, and therefore x,
{or elfe x,) vll be the firft Term of p. Then 2ax will be the
fi.rft Term of zap, and therefore 2ax will be the fecond Tem1 of
p. So that becaafe p> x: 2ax, &c. by extral:ing the Square-root
of this Series by any of the foregoiug Methods, it will be found
p x a, &c. or a will be the fecond Term of the Root p.
Therefore the fecond Term of zap will be za, which muft be
wrote with a .contrary Sign for .the third Term of p>, and thence (by
Extraon} the .third Term of p will be . This will make the
.third Tenn of -;.ap to which makes the fourth Term of P'.
to be . and therefore (by o will be the fourth Term
of p. This makes the fourth Term of zap to be o, as alfo of p.
'I'hen ;;, will be the fi.fih Tenn of p. Then the fifth Term of
and IN F 1 N IT E S E R 1 E s.
ah will be a'
, which will make the fixth Term of p to be
1' 4-'
as_ ; and therefore o will be the fixth Term of p, &c.
x'Here the Tenns will be alternately deficient; fo that in the given
Equation yy aa + xx, the Root will be y a+ x a+
a'%. a4 a6
&c. that IS y X+ ;;
x, , &c. which is the fame as
f we hould change the order of the Terms, or if we hould change
a into x, and x into a.
If we would extral: the Square-root of aa xx, or find the
Root y of the Equation yy aa xx; make y a+ p, as be-
fore; then zap + r x' which may be refolved as in the fol-
lowing Paradigm:
- - .
x4 x6 rxS 7xro
= - x - 8 - 6 - - 8 ' &c.
44 . 44 1 2 a
x4 x6 sx9 7x'
- - - - - -+ 44' + 8a4 + 64"6 +
sas ' &c.
x" x4 x6 5l:s ... xro
-. Sas - 16a- 128a' - &c.

Here if we hould attempt to make x the firft Term of +P"',
wehouldhavevf x, orxv' I, forthe.fir.ll:Termofp; which
being impoffible, he'_'l's no Series can be form'd from that

tmn. .
To find the Square-root ofx. , xx, or the Root y in this Equa-
tion JJ X XX, make y X"+ p, then X + z::p + r X
- xx, or zxip + P" x, which may be refolved after this
manner : _
zxip x x; tx4, &c.
+ }" - - - - - + '!"X' + fX
, &c.
_tl. 5.. r7&
-::x -
x '' e,:
7Q9 .. '
The Terms being rightly difpofed, make X"' the .firft Term
of then will be thc fidl: Term cf p.
+ x' wilL be the firft Term of p, which is alfo t? be wrote' with
a contrary Sign for the Term of z'xip, which \Vlll give
for the fecond Term of p. Then (by fquaring) the fecond Term of
will be {X4, which will give _ fx4_ for the fecond Term of

The -Mcthod oJ F L u XI .o N s,
and therefore ,'
xi for _the third Term of p ; and fo .on.
Therefore in this Equation it will be )' x'f -;x} txf

- So to extrat the Root y .of this Equation )] a a+ bx xx,
make)' then zap+r x x.'t(, which may be thus
. -
bx the fuft Teuu of zap.; then will be the firfr Ternt
of p. Therefore the firfr Term of P' will be + : , which is
alfo to .be wrote with a contrary Sign, fo that the ferond Term of
zap will-be
';"', which will make the fecond Teon .of
.:r "!. '%. z.:.
p _to be - ;; &:z Then by fquaring, the fecond Term of p:
will be - Saof, which muft-be -wrote-with a .contrary Sign
for the third Ter m of zap. This will give the third Term of p
-as in the Example; and fo on. Therefore the Square-root of tho
z will be 6x :r... 6' ., b:r.J
O'?ntlty + oX XX _ a -:-1- :U ,
a Sao + .a> +;
6a' ,
Alfo if we wold extrat the'Square-root of :: , we may ex.:.
the Roots of the and likewife of the Denomi-
nator, and then divide one Series by the other, as before ; but more
direaly thus. -Make t-bx"' yy, or 1 + yy hxy>.
Suppofe y 1 + p, then ax zp + p> b.'C zbx-p- bxr,
which -SupppleJp.c;ntal Equation may be thus
' . - -

-2bxp - - - --a

+ta, &c.
-rv '
+t; .
-.xp- J- - - - - - - - -ab, &c.

+ .

Make ax + x the firl: 'ferro of 2p, then will fax + -;x.:
be the firl: Terro of p. Therefore abx4 x4 will be the fir.l:
Terro of 2bxp, and ax+ + fax" + fbx
will be the firl:
Terro of y>. Thefe being colleted, and their Signs changed, mu!:
be roade the fecond Terro of zp, which will give fabx" + tbx+-
tax" for the fecond Term of p. Then the fecond Term of zbxp
will be fabx
+ abx\ and the fecond Terro of p
(by fquaring) will be found fabx
+ fax
+ ..b;x6, and
the firl: Terro of bxp will be .J..abx
4 + '
which being tolleted and the Signs changed, will make the third
Term of zp, half which will be the third Terro of p; and fo on as
far as you pleafe.
And thus if we were to extral: the Cube-root of al + xl, or the
Root )' of this Equation ya aa + xa ; make y a + p, then by
Subl:itution a
+ 3a p + 3ap- + P' a> + X
, or 3a p +
+ P' X', which fupplemental Equation may be thus refolved .

' .

86 Tbe Method oJ FLUXIONS)-
The Terms being difpos'd in arder, the firft Term of the Series-
'Jap will be x;, which will mak.e the firft Term of p to be ;:. This-;
willmake the rft Term of r to be ;'.. . And this will make the
firfr Term of 3ar to be .:: , which with a contrary Sign muft be
the fecond Term of and therefore the fecond Term of p will
be "
s . Then (by fquaring) the fecond Term of 3ap will be
_ z..-
and (by cubing) the firft Term -of p; will' be x
beioa colleted make '"
., which with a contrary Sign muft be
the third Term of and therefore the third Term of p will be
+ Then by fqnaring, the third Term of 3ap- will be :;::,
and by cubing, the !fcond Term of p will be which being
tozt:. th fc fc h
collel:ed. will mak.e Sta
; and ere ore the ourt Term of. J(l'P
will be
oxu, and the fourth Term ofp will be And
fo on.
And thus may the Roots of all pure EqJiations be extral:ed, but
in a more dired and fimple manner by the foregoing Theorems.
Al1 that is here intended, is, to prepare the way for the Refolution
of affeted Equations, both in Numbers and Species, as alfo of
Flnxiooal Equatioos, in which this Method will be found to be of
very extenfive ufe. And firft we hall proceed with our Author to
the Solution of numerical affi:ted -
SE e T. III. 7-he Refolution oJ Numeral Ajfeled Equations.
19. O W as to 'the Refolution of affeted Equations,. and firft
in Numbers; our Author very juftly complains, that be-
fare time the exegejs maneroja, or the Dotrine of the Solution
of affel:ed Equations in Numbers, was very intricate, defel:ive, and
inartificil Wb2.t bad been done by Vieta, Harriot, and Oughtred
in this matter, tho' very laudable Attempts for thettime, yet how-
ever v;as extremely perplex'd and operofe. So that he had good rea-
fon to rejel: their Methods, efpecially as he has fubftituted a much
better in their room. They affeted too greataccuracy in purfuing
ex a l:
: '
exs.l: Roots, which led them into tedious perplexities; but he knew
very well, thut legitima te Approximations would proceed much more
. regularly and expeditioufly, and would anfwer the fam:: .iutention
much better.
20, 2 I, 22. His Method may be eafily apprehended from this one
Jnftance, as it is contain'd in bis Diagram, and the Explanation of
it. Y et for farther Illuftration 1 hall venture to give a lhort ratio1zale
of it. When a Numeral Equation is propos'd to be refolved, he
takes as ncar an Approximation to th Root as can be readily and
conveniently obtain'd. And this may always be had, either by the
known Method of Limits, or by a Linear or Mechanical Conftruc-
rion, or by a few eafy trials and fuppofitions. If this be greater or
lefs than the Root, the Excefs or Defel:, indifferently call'd the Sup
plement, may be reprefented by p, and the affumed Approximation,
together with this Supplement, are to be fubl:ituted in the given
Equation inl:ead of the Root. By this means, ( expunging what will
be fuperfluous,) a Supplemental Equation will be form'd, whofe Root
is now p, which will confil: of the Powers of the affumed Approxima-
tion orderly defcending, involved with the Powers of the Supplement
regular! y afcending, on both wbich accounts the Terms will be con-
tinually decreafing, in a decuple ratio or fal:er, if the affumed Ap-
proximation be fuppos'd to be at leal: ten times greater than the
Therefore to find a new Approximation, which 1hall
nearly exhail: the Supplement p, it will be fufficient to retain only
the two firft Terms of this. Equation, and feek Value of p from
the refulting fimp!e Equation. [Or fomet1mes the three firft Terms
may be retain'd, and the Value of p may be more accurately found
from the refulting Equation; &c.J Thisnew 4-pproxi-
mation, together with a new Supplement q, mul: be fubftituted in-
ftead of p in this Iafl: fupplemental Equation, in arder to form a
[econd, whofe Root will be q. And the fame things may be obferyed
of ths fecond fupplemental Equationas of the firft; and its Root, or
an Approximation to it, may be difcover' d after the fame manner. And
thus .the Root of the given Equation may be profecuted as far as
we pleafe, by finding new mpplemental Equations, the Root of every
-one of which will be a correl:ion to the preceding Supplement.
So in the prefent E:xample y; zy S o, 'tis eafy to perceive,
that y 2 ferc; for 2 x 2 x 2 2 x 2 4, which hould make S
Therefore let p be the Supplement of the Root, and it will be y=
2 + p, and therefore by fubftitution I + Iop ..:.. 6p + p; o.
As p is here fuppos'd to be much lefs than the Approximation 2,
B b 2 by
tSS The Method of FLUXIONs,
by this fubfi:itution an Equation will be form'd, in which the Terms:.
will gradually decreafe, and fo much the fafter, c,-;:teris pmibus, as
2 is greater than p. So taking the two firft Terms, I + I op o,
Jere, or p :o Jere; or afuming a iecond Supplement q, 'tis.
+ q accurately. This being fubfiituted for p in the laft
Equation, it becomes- o,6I + II,23q+ 6,3q + q; o, which is
a new Supplemental Equation, in which all the Terms are farther
deprds'd, and in which the Supplement q will be much les than the
former Supplement p. Therefore it is o,6r + 1 1,23q o, fere,
o 61 fi ' ' b fi" .
or q ' ere, or q o,oo 54-+ r accmate, y a ummg
11,23 .
r for the third Supplement. This being fubftituted will give'
0,0005A 155+ 11,.162r, &c. 0
and therefore r
7 Il,I2
-o,oooo48 52, &c. So that at lafi J' 2 + p &c. or y
2,094-5514-8, &c. .
And thus our Author's Method proceeds, for finding the Roots of
affea:ed Equationsin Numbers. Long after this was wrote, Mr. Rapb-
fon publih'd his Analyjis lEquatioTZUm Ulliverjalis, containing a Me-
thod for the Solution of Numeral Equations, not v.ery much diffe-
rent from this of our Author, as may appear by the following Com-.
To find the Root of the f. 2J 5, Mi:. R_apij01Z
would proceed thus. His firft Approx1matron he calls g, whrch he
takes as near the trueRoot as becan, and makes theSupplement x, [o
that he has)' g+x; Then by Subftitution

2g 2.
or if g 2,. 'tis rox + 6.'%:" + x
r, to determine the Supple..:.
ment x. This being fuppofed fmall, its Powers may be rejeted,
and therefore 1ox r, or x o, I This added to g or 2,
makes a new g 2, 1, and x being ftill the SUpplement, 'tis y
2,1 +x, which being fubffituted in the original Equation y; zy
5 produces I 1,23x+ 6,3x+ x; o;6r,. to.determine the
Supple111ent x. He rejefu the Powers of x, and thence derives-.
x -o,o6I o,oo54, and confequently y 2,0946,
11,23 .
not being exat, becaufe the Powers of x wererejeted, he makes
the Supplement again t() be x,. fa that y 2,094-6 + x, which be-
ing fubftituted in the Original.Equation, gives H,r6zx+ &c.=
- o,ooo 54155 Therefore to find the third Supplement x, he has
x - o,ooo
wH o,oooo48sz
fo that y 2,0!.M6+x
Jl,l Z -
2.,094-J5I48, &c. and fo on,
tmd IN FIN IT E SERru.
By this Procefs we may fee how nearly thefe two Methods agree,
and wherein they differ. For the difference is only this, that our
Author conftantly profecutes the Refidual or Supplemental Equations,
to find the firft, fecond, third, &c. Supplements to the Root: But
Mr. Raph on continually correl:s the Root itfelf from the fame fup-
plementa Equations, which are formed by fubftituting the correl:ed
Roots in the Original Equation. And the Rate of Convergency will
be the fame in both.
In imitation of thefe Methods, we may thus profecute this In-
quiry after a very general manner. Let the given Equation to be
refolved be in this form aym + by"'-'+ cy"'- + dym-3, &c. o, in
which fuppofe P to be any near Approximation to the Root )', and
the little Supplement to be p. Then is y P +p. Now from
what is hewn before, concerning the raifing of Powers and extrac-
ting Roots, it will follow that y"' P + p 1"' P"' + mPm-p, &c.
or that thefe will be the two firft Terms of y"'; and all the reft,
being multiply'd into the Powers of p; may be rejel:ed. And for
the fame feafOll ym-I pm-r + 1JZ pm->p, &c, r-: pm-> +
m zpm-3p, &c. a ~ d fo of all the rel:. Therefore thefe being fub-
ftituted into, the Equation, it will be
aP"' + maP"'-' p , &c.l
+ bP"'-'+ 111 rbPm-p, &c.
+ cP"'r'+ tli zcpm-sp, &c.> o; Or dividing by pm ,.
+dP"'-3+ 111 3(/pm-4-p, &c.
&c. &c. J
a+bP-' +cP- +dP-s,&c. +maP-p+m rbP-p+m zcP-sp
+ 111 3dP-4p, &c. o. From whence taking the Value of p,
we hall ha ve p a + hP- + cP- + ,p-s & c. and
confequently y=(P+p=P- a+hP-'+cF +dF-3, &e =),
m-1 a+m-zbP-'+:r.-3<p-+m-4<"f-3, &,.
To reduce this toa more commodious form, make P ~ , .whence
P- A-B, P- A-B, &c. which being fubftituted, and
alfo multiplying the Numerator and Denominator by A"', it will be
B+m-4dAm-;Bl &e h' } 'Jl
. ' . W IC 1 Wl
maA'"-'l+m-lbA"'-B+.'II-><A"'-3B;+m-3dA"'-4B4, &c.
be ~ nearer Approach to the Root )', than ~ or P, and fo much ..
'fhe /vJ.ethod oj fLUXIONS,
the r.earer as % is near the Root. And we may derive a very
mnvenient and _general Theorem for the Extral:ion of the Roots of
Equations, whether pure or affcled, which will be this.
Let the general Equation ay=+ bJ'"- + cym-: + d; m-;. &c.
= o be propofed to be folved ; if the Fration be afumed
as near the Root y as conveniently may be, the Fral:ion
fc. will be fiill a
J,.:Z:l,r:;- ,. t !'1--.. - 3 !"l. TbT.(,:C. ' B+ h'- + ""'-'"" -. d'"'-'"' -
nearcr Approximation to the Root. And this Fral:ion, when com-
puted, may:be.ufed inftead .of the Fral:ion , by which means a
vearer Approxima_tion may again .be had ; and fa on, till we ap-
proach as near the tru.e Root as we .pleafe. _
)"bis .gener.l Theorem rnay be copveniently refolved into as roan y
partiqllar Theqrems as we pleafe. Thus in the Equ'a-
A' +cB' .
tion f . by e, it will be)' zA+hBx B, fire. In theCubick
zA + bll x A= +JB>
E3!1all0ll y + by + CJ d, lt will be J - 3d"+ 2MB+ c.B X B '
fer?. In the Biquadratick Equation y+ +by' + CJ' + d)' e, it
..:n be cJl " A' tB-f fi ' And helik f h" h
lnu xB, ere. t eo 1g er
For an Example of the Solution of a Ouadratick Equation, Jet
it be propofed to extral: the Square-root of 12, or let us find the
>a.lue of )' in this Equation J' " 12. Then by comparing with
th.e general formula, we hall have b o, and e And
taking 3 for the fir{l: approach to the Root, or making j {-,
tbat ii) A 3 and B 1, we hall have by Subfiitution y
for a nearer Approximation. Again, making A 7
:mJ B 2, we hall have )'
++8 H for a nearer Approxi-
'+ X Z
mation. Again, rnaking A 97 and B 28, wc hall have y

'FI- + "x
- '
fiar a nearer
I g.:.. "" -J. ... ..,
. ) .,-
makino- A . 18817 and 54 "2 we hall have J

:, .) > 37634 X 5432
-cSt;&J fo A . . And if .
. zow
r a nearer we f;O on m the
me method, we may find as near an Approximation to the Root as
}>e pleafe.
This Approximation will be exhibited in a vtilgar Fration, which,.
!f it be always kept to its loweft Terms, will give the Root of the
Equation in the fhorteft and Jimpleft manner. That is, it will al-
ways be nearer the true Root than any other Fration whatever;
whofe Numerator and Denominator are not much larger Numbers
than its own. If by Divifion we reduce this lal: Fration to a De-
cimal, we hall have 3,464toi6I5I3775459 for the Square-root
of 12, which exceeds the truth by lefs than an Unitin the lal: place.
For an Example of a Cubkk Equation, we will take that of our
Author y; 4 2J 5, and theref0re by Comparifon b o,
e 2, and d S And taking 2 for the firl: Approach to the
Root, or making i +, that is, A 2 and B' 1, we hall
have by Subl:itution y for a nearer Apprmtch to
the Root. Again, make A 2 I and B ro, and then we
!hall have y
? for a nearer
s-10oo 5 15
Again, make A = II76 1 and B s6 r 5, and we ihall ha ve
Y zxu6tl3+s><s6tsl; 4.t;S744'l2137 for a nearer Ap:..
. pu76tl,xs6ts-zxs6tsl;
proxim!tion.. And fo we might proceed to find as near an Approxi-
mation as we think fit. And when we have computed the Root
near enough in a Vulgar Fration,. we may then we pleafe)' re--
duce it to a Decimal by Divifion. Thus in the prefent Example we
ihall ha ve y 2,09455,148 IJOI,, &c. And after the fame manner
we may find the Roots of all other numeral affeted Eq_uations; of
whatever degree they may be.

SE<;:T. IV; 7be RejoltttioJt of Specious Equatiom infinite
Series ; and fir}J Jor determining the Jorms oJ the
Series, atld their initial Approximatio?J.S,
z 3, 24. RO M the Refoluton of numeral affeted Equations,.
our Author proceeds to find the Roots of Literal, Spe-
cious, or Algebraica! Eqnations alfo, which Roots are to be exhibited
by an infinite converging Series, con11l:ing of mple Terms. ()r
they are to be exprefs'd by Numbers belonging to a g.eneral'Arithme-
tical Scale, as has been explain'd befare, cf which the Root is de-
noted by x or z. The affigning or chufing this Root is what he
means here, by diftinguihing one of the literal Coefficients from thc
reft, if there are feveral. And this is done by ordering or difpo!ing
.. -

ne Method oJ FLUXIONS,
the T erms of the given Equation, according to the Dimenfions of
that Letter or Coefficient. It is therefore convenient to chufe fuch a
Root of the Scale, ("hen choice is allow'd,) as that the Series may
comerge as faft as may be. If it be the leaft, or a Fration lefs
than Unity, its aicending Powers muft be in the Numerators of the
Terms. If it be the greateft quantity, then its afcending Powers
murr be in the Denominators, to rnake the Serit:s duly converge.
If it be very Eear a given quantity, then that quantity may be con-
Yeniently rnade the firfr. Approximation, and that frnall difference,
or Supplernent, nuy be made the Root of the Scale, or the con-
verging quantity. The Examples will make this plain.
2 5, 26. The Equation to be refohed, for conveniency-fake, hould
always be reduced to the fimplefr forrn it can be, befare its Refo-
1ution be attempted; for this will always gi\'C the leaft trouble. But
cll the Redul:ions mention'd by the Author, and of which l1e gives
us Examples, are not always necefary, tho' they may be often con-
Yenient. The 1\!ethod is general, and will find the Roots of Equa-
tions imoh-ing fml:ional or negative Powers, as well as cf other
Equations, as will plainly appear hereafter.
27, 28. \Vhen a literal Equation is given to be refolved, in difiih-
guabing or ailigning a proper quantity, by which its Root is to con-
verge, the Author before has made three cafes or varieties ; all which,
for the Jake of uniformity, he here reduces to one. For becaufe
the Series muft neceffi.rily converge, that quantity muft be as finall
as poiiible, in refpel: of the other quantities, that its afcending
Po,.-ers may continually diminih. lf it be thought proper to chufe
the greatefi: quantity, infread of that its Reciproca! muft be intro-
dt,ccd, ,.-hich v.ill bring it to the foregoing caie. And if it approach
near to a gi;en quantity, then their fma!l difference may be intro-
euced into the Equation, which again ,,ill bring it to the firfr cafe.
~ that we need only purfue that cate, becaufe the Equation is al-
v;;;ys ippos'd to be reduced to it.
Eut befare we can conveniently explain our Author's Rul, for
finding the firfr Term of the Series in any Equation, we muft con-
fider the m.ture of thoit: :!\umbers, or Expreffions, to which thefe
liteml Equations are reduced, who: Roots are required ; and in this
Inquiry we hall be much ailifted by what has been airead y difcourfed
of Arithmetical Scales. In affeted Equations that were purely nume-
r::J, the Solution of which \Vas juft now taught, the feveral Powers
of the Root \':ere orderly difpoli:d, according to a fingle or fimple
i'hithmetic::l Sc-.ll.::, which proceedcd only i:z /ongli!JJ, and wa. there
- fufficien t

fufficient for their S61ution; l3ut we mtift enlarge our. views in thefe
literal affeeted E41,Jations, in which are found, not only the Powers
of the Root to be extrated, but alfo the Powers of the Root of the
Scale, or of the
onverging qtiantity, by which the Series for the
Root of the Equa ion is to be form'd; .0n account of each of which
circumftances the erms of the Equation are to be regularly difpofed,
and .ther-fore are to conftitute a double or combined Arithmetical
Scale, which muft proc<Jed both ways, in latu111 as weJI as ilt /ogf.ltn,
as it were in aTable. For the Powers of the Root to be extrated,
fqppofe y, are to be dipofed in longum, fo as that their lndices may
confritute an Arithmetical Progreffion, and the vacancies,. if any,
may be fupply'd by the Mark Alfo the Indices of the Powers
of the Root, by which the Series is to converge, fuppofe x, are to
be difpofed in Jatum, fo as to conftitute an Arithmetical Progreffion,
and tbe vacancies may likewife be fill'd up by the fame Mark "'
when it hall .be thought necefTary. And both thefe together will
make a-combined tOl' double Arithmetical Scale. . Thus if the Equa-
tion J
+ 7r 7axr + 6a
+ 'x+. o, were given.
to find the Root y, the Terms may be thus difpofed .:
. y
Y' 5
Y' y Y' J"
x y'

.1 .



+hx-+ J .

x+ ..
. Alfo the Equation yr hys + 9hx:_ Xl o 1hould be thus dif-
;pofed, in order to its Solution:
. Y'. b.J.._

.And the Equation ys + axy + a y- x 2a; o thus:
+ ay 2a

. -x; .
.And the Equation xoy1 -csx +e, o thus:
* * +C,
* 3c+xy "
. . xyr . &' x
:Apd the like of all other Equations. -

. . '





The Method. rif FLtTXI o N s,
Whiu the Terms of th .ths regularly difpos'd, it
is theh midy for Solution; to wfcli the. following Speculation wiU
be a farther preparation. .
29. This ingenious contrivance of. our Author, (which we may
call Tabulating the Equation,) for finding the firft Term of the
Root, (which may indeed be extended to the finding all the Terms,
or the furm of the Series, or of all the Series that may be derived
from the giveil Equation,) cannot be too much admired, or too care-
fnlly inquired into: The reafon and foundation of which may be
thus generally explain'd from the following Table, of which the
ConfuUlion is thus.

. -


1 M
"+6b +6b
-:+;b_ +;b
. . ' . - .
. -
--u+p - .. +4-'- +f-b
. . -
. .


-za+zb +2h


. . .

.. -
-:z-h -h

-za-J -:z-i6
. '
-z ..

- -

. .. b



za+6b Ja+h 4'2+6b sa+6b 6a+6b a+6b
_!a+;b 3a+sb 4'Z+sb -sa+sb 6a+sb a+;b
. . . . '



6a++b a+-jb
Za+;b ra+;6 .yz+,b sa+;b 6a+;h.

za+zb 3a+zb
.a+zb -sa+zb 6a+zb
-6tz+b a+b

.a a 6a a




. '

. .
sa-b '6a-b a....:.b
5/z-zb a-zb a-zb
5."-3 ... 6"-:3b

In a Plar.e draw any nuriil:ierof Lines, parallel and equidil:ant, and
at right .t\_ngles to them, fo as to divide the 1.vhole Space, as
'far as is' neceffrut, into little equal Parallelograms. Affume any one
of thefe, which wtite the Term o, and the Terms a, za, 3a, 4c,
&c. m tne' 't, tbe right hand, s alfo the
Terms 2,- &c. to the left han d. O ver the Term
o, _in_ tl.\e !ame Glumn, write the Terms h, zh, 3b, &c. fuc-
ceffi{ely, and the Teuns h, 2b, 3b, &c. underneath. And
theie call primary Terms. Now to its_proper Term
in any: <ijfnef 'Pmlli::ltij;F:'m, -m.Itt'the: tw0 'ptima:r-y: Terms
tHat--!.hmd aver-agaisl: it each way, and write the Sum
. -in <-And thus all the Parallelograms be-
ing is 'e<li!ry way, the w!J.ole
. . . will
' .

and .S.t:RJES

wi!r become a Table, which may be a C011JPiner/ 4.r/thn_etical
PragrdJion in plano, compofcd of the tW9 q ,
of which .thefe following will pe the chief :. . .
Any Row of Terms, paralkl:to the. pr:i!Ipry ,o, .11;
&c. will be an Arihmetical Progreffion, ,w-hofe
is a; and it may be any Iuch :Progfeffion at p.leJlfqn'!. ,Any R,o\y
Column parallel to the primary :S.er:ies 9, b, ;zb, 3P, ;Wi}l pg ilP
Arithmetical.Progreffion, .whofe. com{ll@ .is .b J ,Qd it .O;WY
:be any fuch Progreffion. . If..a :fl:rait R\!Jer be l!l_id tq:;
1:he Edge of which !hall pafs taro' ;the of t\\'9
grams whatever ; all the Terms <i .. whofe O;n-
ters hall at the fa me time touch the Edge of tb!! Ruler,
.an Arithmetical Progreffioo, who.fe. comll}Qp pjffe.rence will wo_(ll qf
two pans, the fidl: ofw hioh will :be- gf (l, ,a!J.d
.a Multiple of b. -If .this ProgreffioiJ tp i?lfe,r/qrz
verjs, or from the,uppfir Tcrm or:P<lra.Uel()gram lqwer;;
. each part of the common :differem:e ma.y: found, .by (ub-
tral:ing the pr.imary Ter m belonging to thel:qw.er, frpi_rqhe
Term belonging to the {f.tqis
. rence, when found, be equal ,t.lle .. Re-
lation of a and b be determined ; . the Pr.ogrllilio.n ipto a
Rank of Equals, or (if yo1.1; .pleil.fe) it an
fion, whofe common difference is infinitely Jittle. In .which ca,fe, .if
. the Ruler be moved by a parallel motion, all the Terms qftlwfarallelo-
-grams, whofe Centers hall at fame time be found tq tquch-the Edge
of the Ruler, hall be equ:i.l to each other. And if the potipn pf
. the Ruler be continued, fuch Terms as at equal diftances from the
Jirft fituation are fucceffively found to touch the Ruler, hall form
an Arithmetical Progreffion. Laftly, to come nearer to the cafe .in
hand, if .any number of thefe Parallelograms be mark'd out and di-
.fi:inguih' d from the reft, or affign' d promifcuoufly a.nd at pleafure,
through whofe Centers, as befare, the Edge of the _Ruler {hall fuc-
ceflively pafs in its parallel motion, beginning from any. i:wo (or more)
initial or external Parallelograms, whofe Terms are made equal; an
Arithmetical Progreffion may be found, which hall comprehend and
take in .all thofe. promifcuous Tcrms, .without any r_egard had_to. the
Terms that.are to be omitted. Thefe are fome .of th.e properties of
.this Table, or of a combined Arithmetical Progreffion in plano, by
which we may eafily underftand our Author's expedient, Qf .Tabu-
lating the given Equation, and may derive the. necefary Coufequen-
:es from it.

Ccz Foc

tg6 '17ie of Ft u xto s,
For when the Root y is to be extral:ed out of a given Equation1-
coafifting of the Powers of y and x any how combined together
promifcuoufly, with other known quantities, of which x is to ba
the Root of the &:ale, (or Series,) as explain'd befare; fucha value
of y is to be as when fubftituted in the Equation inftead of
y; the whole fhall be deftroy'd, and become equal to nothing. And
firft the initial Term of the the firft Approximation, is to be
found, which in all cafes may be Analytically reprefented by Ax"";
or we may always put y Ax, &c. So that we fhall ha ve y"=
A"x.,., &c. y A;x;"', &c. r Ax4"', &c. And fo of other
Powers or Roots. Thefe when fubftituted in the Equation, and by
that means compounded with the feveral Powers of x (or z) already
found there, will form fuch a combined Arithmetical Progreilion itz
plano as is above defcribed; or which may be reduced t(} fuch, hy
making a m and I. Thefe Terms therefore, according tD
the nature ef the Equation, will be promifcuoufiy difperfed in the
Table; but the vacancies-- may always be conceived to be fupply'd,.
and then it will have tbe properties.before mention'd. That.is, the
Ruler being applfd to two (or perhaps more):initiahor externa!
Terms, (for if they were not e:xternal,. they could not be at the.be-
ginning of an Arithmetical Progreffion, as is necelarily required,)
and thofe Terms being m a de equal,. the general Index m will thereby
be determined:, aml' the general Coefficient A will alfo be known.
If the extemal Teans made choice of are the loweft. in the Table,
which is the cafe our Author purfues, the Powers of x will proceed
by increafing. Eut the higheft may be chafen, and then a Series
will be found, ia which the Powers of x will proceed by decreafing.
And there may be other cafes of external Terms, each of which will
commonly affurd a Series-. The initiallndex being thus found, the
other compound Indices belonging to the Equation will be known
alfo, and an Arithmetical Progreffion may be found,, in which they
are all comprehended, and confequently the form of the Series will
be known.
Or inftead of T-abulating the lndice& of the Equation, as above,
it will be the fune thing in dfel:, if we .reduce the Terms themfelves
to the fon u of a combined Arithmetical. Progrefiion, as was ihewn
kfore. But then due care muft be taken,. that the Terms may be
rightly placed at equal diftances ; otherwife the Ruler cannot be ac-
tually apply'd, to difcover the Progreffions of the Indices,. as.- may
be done in the Parallelogram.


For tlie fake of greater perfpicuity, we will reduce our general
Table, or combined Arithmetical Progreffion in pla11o, to the parti-
cular cafe, in which a m and b 1; which will then appear
-zm+b -m+6 +6 m+o lm+6
sm+6 6m+6
-zm+ 5 -n+s
'3m+ 5
sm+ 5 6m+s

+4 4
+4 5
-zm+3 -m+3
m+3 zm+3
311l+ 3
4'"+3 5'"+3

. -211.+2 -m+z +z m+z zm+z
3m+z 4m+z ;m+z 6m+z

-m+l +1 m+l zm+ 1
3'"+1 4'"+1 5"+ 1
6m+ 1

-zm -m o m un
3111 41n
6m ]m

-ur.-1 -111-1 -1 m-1 zm-1
3i'11-1 4m-1 sm-1 6m-r m-r
-m-2 -z m-; zm-z
311l- 2 f11l-2 511l- 2 6m-2 m-4:

6m-3 -zm-3 -m-3 -3 m-3
un- 3
;m- 3 ]m-;

Now the chief properties of this Table, fubfe:rvient to the prefent
purpofe, will be theie. If any Parallelogram be feleted, and an-
other any how below it towards the right hand,. and if their included
Numbers be made equal, by determining the general Number m,
which in thiscafe will always be affinuative; alfo if the Edge of the
Ruler be apply'd to the Centers of thefe two Parallelograms ; all the
Numbers of the other Parallelograms, whofe Centers at the fame time
touch the Ruler, willlikewife be equal to each other. Thus if the
Parallelogram denoted by m + 4- be feleB:ed, as alfo the Parallelo-
gram 3111 + 2; and if we make 111 + 4 'J111 +. 2, we hall ha ve
111 I. Alfo the Parallelograms m+ 6, 111 + 4> 3111 + 2, sm,
7m 2, &c. will at the fame time be found to touch the Edge of
the.Ruler, every one of which will mal{e 5, when 111 r.
And the fame things will obtain if any Parallelogram be felel:ed,
and another any how below it towards the left-hand, if their in-
cluded Numbers be made equal, by determining the general Number
m, which in this cafe will be always negative. Thus if the Paral!elc-
gram denoted by sm + 4 be felel:ed, as alfo the Paralle!ogram 4111 + 2;
and if we make yn+4 4m + 2, we !hall ha ve m 2. Alfo
the 6m + sm + 4, 41ll + 2, yn, 2111 2, &e.
'J1;e MethDd Of F L x ro N s,
will be found at the fame time to touch the Ruler, every ene_ of
\vhich will inake 6, when m - 2.
The fame things remaining as befare, jf from the firft fituation of
the Ruler it hall move towards the right-hand by a parallel motion,
it will continually arrive at greater and greater Numbers, which at
equal difrances will forman afcending Arithmetical Progeffion. Thus
if the two fufi: feleled "Paiallelograms be zm 1 sm. 3 whence
m the Numbers in all the correfponding Parallelograms will
be Then if the Ruler moves towards the right-hand, into the
fi.tuation 3m + I, 6m 1, &c. thefe N umbers tvill each be
3 If it moves forwards to the fame difiance, it will arrive at
4-m + 3 m -! I' &c. which will each be s+ If it m oves forward
again to the fame difrance, it will arrive at yn + 5 8m + 3, &c.
which will each be 8. And fo on. But the Numbers j, 3, 5!..,
&c. a,re in an Arithmetical Progrdlion whofe common
is 2-j-. And the like, mutatis mutandis, in other circum-
And hence it will follow e contra, that if from the firfr fituation
of the Ruler, it moves towards the left-hand by a paralld motion,
it will continually arrive at leffer and leffer Numbers, which at equal
difrances will form a decreafing Arithmetical Progreffion.
But in the otber fi.tuation of the Ruler, in wbicb it inclines down-
wards towards the left-band, if it be moved towards the right-hand
by a parallel motion, it will continually :mive at greater and greater
Nnmbers, which at equal difrances will form an increafing Arith.
rnetical Progreffion. Thus if the two firft feleted Numbers or Pa-
rallelograms be 8m+ I 5m I, whence m ..:., and the
Numbers in all tbe correfponding Parallelograms will be
4..:.. If
the Ruler rnoves upwards into the parallel fituation sm+ z, &c.
thefe Numberswill each be If. Ifit mme on at the fame difrance,
it mlbrrive at 2m+ 3, m ! r, &c. which will each be r..:.. If it
rnove forward again to the fume difrance, it will arrive at
m+ 4,
- -vn + 2, &c. which will each be And fa on. But the Num-
bers &..;., 1.;., &c. or
.;, .t, 4-,
+,&c. are i:1 an ir;-
.., l ., .:) 3
creafing ArithmeticalProgreilion, whofe common differcnce is 1., m 3
And hence it will follow alfo, if in this lafr tuation of Ruler
it rno'\es the contrary way, or twards the left-hand, it will conti-
nually arrive at leiier and ldfer Numbers, which at equal difrances
-will fom1 a decreafing Arithmetical Progreffion.
Now if out of this Table we ihould takepromifcuoufly any num-
l,er of Parallelograms, in their ptoper phices, with- their refpetive
. .
Numbers included, neglel:ing all the reO: ; we hould form fome cer.
tain Figure, fuch as this, of which thefe would be the properties .


2m+I yn+I

The Ruler being apply'd to any two (or perhaps more) of the
Parallelograms which are in the Ambit or Perimeter of the Figure,
that is, to two of the externa! Parallelograms, and their N umbers
being made equal, by determining the Number m; if the
Ruler paffes over all the reft of the Parallelograms by a p;trallel mo-
tion, thofe Numbers which at the fame time come to the Edge of the
Ruler will be equal, and thofe that come to it fucceffively will form
an Arithmetical Progreffion, if the Terms hould lie at equal diftan.
,ces ; or at leaft they may be reduced to fuch, by fupplying any Terms
that may happen to be wanting.
Tb.us if the Ruler hould be apply'd to the two 11ppermoft and
-e;,.ternal -Parallelograms, which indude Numbers 31l1 + 5 !lnd
sm '+ s, and jf they be made equal, we hall haye n o, fo that
-each of thefe Numbers will be 5 The next thatthe
-will arrive at will be m.+ 3, 4111 + 3, 6m + 3, of each
.be 3 The laft are 21/1 + I, sm+ I, of which is I. So tht
here 111 o, and the Numbers arifing are 5,_ 3, ,1, which form a
decreafing Arithmetical Progreilion, the commo!l difference of which
is z. And if there had bcm more Paral!elograms, any how difpofed,
-their Numbers would have been comprehended by this Arithmetical
Progrefiion, or at leaft it might have been interpolated with other
Terms, fa as to comprehend them all, however promifcuouly and
irregularly they might ha ve been taken.
rrhus fecondly, if the Ruler be apply'd to the two externa} Pil-
_rallelograms sm + 5 and 6m + 3, and if thefe Numbers be made
equal, we hall ha ve 111 2, and the th.emfelves will be
-each 15. The tbree . next whjch the R_uler will arrive _c.t
o T
" ..'.!.

Tbe Method of FLux ,o N s,
wm be each II, and the two laft will be each S; But the Num.:
bers 15, 11, 5 will be comprehended in the decreafing Arithmetica.l
Progreffion 15, 13, II, 9, 7, 5, whofe common difference is 2.
Thirdly, if the Ruler be apply'd to the two externalParallelograms
6m + 3 and _sm + .J, and if thefe 1\'umbers be made equal, we fhall
ha ve m 2, and the N umbers will be each 9 The two next
Numbers that the Ruler will arrive at will be each 5, the next
-'Will be ~ the next I, and the laft + I. All which will be
comprehended in the afcending Arithmetical Progreffion 9, 7
-5, 3, 1, + 1, whofe common difference is 2.
Fourthly, -if the Ruler be apply'd to the two loweft and external
Parallelograms 2fll + I and sm + I, and if they be made equal,
we fhall have again m o, fo that each of thefe Numbers will be I.
The next three Numbers that the Ruler will approach to, will each
be 3, and the laft S But the Nuinbers 1, 3, 5, will be com,pre-
hended in an aieending Arithmetical Progreffion, whofe common
difference is 2.
Fifthly, if the Ruler be apply'd to the two externa! Parallelograms
m+ 3 and 2m+ I, and if thefe Numbers be made equal, we fhall
'have m 2, and the Numbers themfelves will be each -5 The
-tbree next Numbers that the Ruler will approach to will.eaoh be u.,
and the two next will be each I 5 But the Numbers 5, IJ, 15, will
be comprehended in the afcending Arithmetical Progreffion 5, 7, 9.,
u, 13, 15, ofwhich the common diilerence is 2.
Laftly, if the Ruler be apply'd to the two external Parallelograms
:;m l 5 and m+ 3, and if thefe Numbers be made equal, we fhall
bave m I, and the Numbers themfelves will each be 2. The
next Number to which the Ruler approaches will be o, the two nex.t
are each I, the ncxt 3, the laft 4 All which Numbers
will be found in the defcending Arithmetical Progreffion 2, 1, o.,
- I, 2, 3, 4, whofe common difference is I. And thefe
fu: are all the poffible cafes of externa! Terms.
Now to find the Arithmetical Progreffion, in which all thefe re.-
fulting Terms ball be comprehended; find their differences, and the
greateft common Divifor of thofe differences hall be the common

-diff'erence of the Progrcffion. Thus in the fifth cafe before., the refulting
Numbers wcrc 5, II, I 5 whofe differences are 6, 4, and thcir greate.ft
common Divifor is 2. Therefore 2 will be the common difference of
the Arithmetical Progreffion, which will include .all the refultin.g
Numbers 5, I 1, 15, without any fupertluous Terms. But the ap-
plicacion of all this will be beft .apprehended frQlU t h ~ Exam_ples th.at
are to follow. 39,

30. We have befare given the fann af this Equatian, J
+ 7a'X')'' + 6a'x' +b&x4 o, when the Terms are dif-
pafed according to a dauble or cambined Arithmetical Scale, in ar-
der to its Solutian. Or obferving the fame difpofitian af the Terms
they may be inferted in their refpelive Parallelograms, as the
requires. Or rather, it may be fufficient to tabulate the feveral In-
dices af x anly, when they are derived as fallows. Let A.\'" repre-
fent the firfr Term af the Series ta be farm'd for y, as befare, ar let
y Axm, &c. Then by fubfl:ituting this far y in the given Equa-
tion, we hall haveA
m sA(xs"'+ + :,.x4"'+3 7aAx"'++
6a;xs + b;.;4, &c. o. Thefe Indices of x, when feleled from
the general Table, with their refpelive Parallelograms, wi!l fl:and
1 1
Here if we would have an afcending Series for the Root y, we
may apply the Ruler to the three externa! Terms 3, zm + z, 6m,
which being made equal to each other, will give 111 and each
of the Numbers will be 3 The Ruler in its parallel motion will
next arrive at 5111 + r, ar 37; then at 4; then at 4m + 3, or 5;
which Numbers will be comprehended in the Arithmetical Progref-
fion 3, 37, 4, 47, 5, who!e common difference is -;-. This there-
fore will be the common difterence of the Progreffion of the Indices,
in the Series t be derived for.7. So that now we intirely know the
form of the Series, which will refult from this Cafe. For if A, B,
C, D, &e be put to reprefent the feveral Coefficients of the Series in
arder, and as the firfl: I ndex m is found to be 7, and the comman
difference af the afcending Series is alfo-;, we {hall have here J=
Axi + Bx + Cx1: + Dx, &c.
As to the Value of the firfl: Coefficient A, this is found by putting
the initial or externa! Terrns af the Parallelogram equal ta nothing.
D d This

The ftfethod oJ F L u x 1 o N s,
Thi5 here will give tbc Equation A
7aA + 6a; o, which
has thcfe fu Roots, A ..a, A ..; 2a, A .. 3a,
of which thc two laft are impoifible, and to be rejel:ed. Of tlie
others any one may be taken for A, according as we would pmfecute
this or that Root of the Equation.
Now that this is a legitimate Method for finding the firft Ap-
proximation A.v.=, may appear fwm confidering, that when the
Terms of the Equation are thus according toa double Arith-
metic:J Scale, the inicial or externa! Term3, (each Cafe in its turn,)
become the moft confiderable of the Series, and the reft continually
decreafe, or become of leiS and lefs value, according as they recede
more and more from thofe initial Terms: Confequently they may
be al! reiel:::d, as leaft coniiderable, wh1ch will make thofe initial
or Terms to be (nearly) equal to nothing; which Suppoli-
tion gives the Value of A, or of fu:."', for the fuft Approximation.
And this Suppoiition is afterwards reguhrly purfued in the fubfi::-
quent Operations, and proper Supplements are fonnd, by means of
which the remaining Terms of the Root are extral:ed.
W e may try here likewife, if we can obtain a defcending Series
for the Root )', by applying the Ruler to the two externa! Terms
41n + 3 and 6111 ; which being made equal to each other, will give
m {-, and hence each of the Numbers will be 9 The Ruler in
its motian will next arrive at sm + I, or 8--. Then at 2.m + 2, or-
5 Then at 4 And laftly at 3 .But 0efe Nurnbers 9, 8--, 5, 4
3, will be comprehended m an Anthmeucal Progreilion, of which
the common difference is So that the form of the Series here
"-ill be y A.X"t + Bx + + D.-:o, &c. But if we put the two
extemal Terms equal to nothing, in order to obtain the fin1: Ap-
proximation, we hall ha-re A
+ o, or A + _: o, which
- a a
will aff'ord none but impoilible Roots. So that we can have no ini-
tial Approximation from this fuppoiition, and confequently no
But laftly, to try the third and laft ca{e of externa! Parallelograms,
;<;e may apply the Ruler to 4 and 411Z + 3, which being made
will giye m and each of the Numbers will be 4 The next
Knmber will be 3; the next 211Z+ 2, or 2i; the next sm + I, or
z; the laft will be 6m,' or 1--. But the Numbers 4, 3, 27, 2f,
17, will al! be found in a decreafing Arithmetical Progreilion, whofe
common diiference will be --. So that Ax'i + Bxo Dx-},
&c. may reprefent the form of this Series, if the circumftances of
- - the
and 1 N F 1 N r TE Si R. r .

the Coefficients will allow of an Approximation from hence. But
if we make the initial Terms equal to nothing, we hall have A4
+ b o, which will give none but impoffible Roots. So that
we can have no initial Approximation from hence, and confequentlv
no Series for the Root in this form.
3 r. The yr bJ" + o, the Terms
are difpofed accordmg to a double Anthmetical Scale, wi!l ha ve the
form as was hewn befare; from whence it may be known, what
cafes of externa! Terms there are to be try'd, and what will be the
circumftances of the feveral Series for the Root y, which may be
derived from hence. Or otherwife more explicitely thns. Putting
Axm for the firft Term of the Series y, this Equation will become
by Subftitution As xs"' bA X'"'+ 9b.'C X
, &c. o. So that
if we take thefe Indices cif x out of the general Table, they will
ftand as in the following Diagram.
N ow in arder to have an afcending
Series for y, we may apply the Ruler to
the two externa! Parallelograms 2 and
zm, which therefore being made equal, will
!!ive m r, and each of the Numbers
be 2. The Ruler then in its parallel
progrefs will firft cometo 3 and then to sm, or 5 But tlie Num-
bers 2, 3, 5 are all. in an afcending Arithmetical Progreffion,
whofe common dJfference Is r. Therefore the form of the Series
will here be y Ax + Bx + Cx
, &c. And to determine the
firl:CoefficientA, we hallhavethe Equation bAx + gbx
or A 9 that is A 3 So that either + 3x, or 3x may
be the initial Approximation, according as we intend to extral: the
affirmative or the negative Root.
We hall have another cafe of externa! Terms, and perhaps an-
otber aiCending Series for )', by applying the Ruler to the Parallelo-
grams zm and sm, which Nnmbers being made equal, will give
m o. (For by the way, when we put 2m sm, we are not at
to argu.e by Divifion, that 2 5, becall;fe this bring
us to an abfurdJty. And t?e laws of Argumentation reqmre, that no
Abfurdities muft be admitted, but when th::y are inevitable, and
when they are of trfe to hew the falilty of fome Suppofition. We
hould therefore here argue by Subtral:ion, thus: Becaufe sm 2
then yn zm o, or 3'il o, and therefore m o. This Cau-
tion I thought the more neceiTary, becaufe I h<we obferred fome,
D d 2 'd1o

TDe Method of FL UXION s,
who ,,ouid hy the bhme of their own Abfurdities upon the Analy-
tical Art. But thefe Abfurdities are not to be impnted to the Art,
but r a t h ~ r to the unfkilfulnefs of the Artift, who thus abfurdly ap-
plies the Principles of bis Art.) Having therefore 111 o, we ihall
alio have the Numbe;-s 2!il sm o. The Ruler in its parallel
moon ,\;u m:xt arrive at 2 ; and then at 3 But the Numbers o,
2, 3, will be comprehended in the Arithmetical Progreffion o, 1, 2, 3,
whoi: common dilference is 1. Therefore " A + Bx + Cx, &c.
v:ill be the form of this Series. Now from the exterior Terms A
-bA o, or _.\; b, orA b'r, we hall have the firft Term
of the Series.
There is another cafe of externa! Terms to be try'd, which poffi-
bly may afford a deicending Series for y. For applying the Ruler to
the Parallelograms 3 and sm, and making thefe equal, we hall ha ve
m -f, and each of thefe Numbers will be 3 Then the Ruler
will come to 2 ; and laftly 2m, or {.. But the Numbers 3, 2, I-h
mil be comprehended in a defcending Progreffion, whofe common
diiTerence is -}. Therefore the form of the Series will be )' Axt
' .
+B.'I:+Cx D,&c. AndtheexternalTermsA;..; x; o
\\;U gi\e A 1 for the firft Coefficient. Now as the two former
cafes will each giye a comerging Series for y in this Equation, when
>..' is le.fS than Unity; fo tb.is cafe will afford us a Series when x is
greater than Unity; which will converge fo much the fafter, the
greater x is fuppofed to be.
32. We ha\'e already feen the form of this Equation y;+ axy +
aay x' 2a' o, when the Terms are difpofed according to
double Arithmetical Scale. And if we take the fil:itious quantity
Ax"' to reprefent the firft Approximation to the Root )', we hall
haY e by iubftitution A' x'"' + aAx"+' + a Ax"' X' 2a;, &c.
o. Theie Terms, or at leaft thefe Indices of .v, being felel:ed
out of the generai Table, will appear thus.
Kow to obtain an afcending Series for the
Root y, we may apply the Ruler to the three
external Tenns o, m, 3m, which being made
equal, will gi\e m o. Therefore thefe
Numbers are each o. In the next place the
Ruler will cometo m+ I, or I ; and laftly
1 3m
to 3 But the Numbers o, 1, 3, are contain'd in the Arithmetical
Progreffion o, 1, 2, 3, whofe common difference is 1. Therefore
the fonn of the Root is )' A+ Bx+Cx + Dx>, &c. Now
if the Equation A:+ ~ 2a' o, (which is derived from the
initial Terms,) is divided by the fal:or A>+ a A -1 za", it will give
the Q:_otient A a o, or A a for the initial Term of the
Root y.
If we would alfo derive a defcending Series for this Equation, we
may apply the Ruler to the externa! Parallelograms 3, 3111, which
being made equal to each other, will give m I ; alio thee N um-
bers will each be 3 Then the Ruler will approach to m+ I, or 2;
then to m, or 1 ; lal:ly to o. But the Numbers 3, 2, r, o, are a de-
creafing Arithmetical Progreffion, of which the common difference
is J. So that the form of the Series will here be)' Ax + B +
Cx- + Dx-, &c. And the Equation fonn'd by the externa! Terms
will be Alx; x; o, or A J.
3 3 The form of the Equation xy1 clx + c7 o,
as exprefs'd by a combined Arithmetical Scale, we have already feen,
which will eafily hew us all the varieties of externa! Terms, with
their other Circumfiances. But for farther illufiration, putting Ax"' for
the firfi Term of the Rcot _y, we hall have by fubfiitution Axs"'+
- 3c4Axm+ c
x' + (', &c. o. Thefe Indices of x being
tabulated, will fiand thus.
Now to have an afcending
Series, we mufi apply the
Ruler to the two externa!
Terms o and sm + 2, which
being made equal, will give
"''+ 1
m -3-, and the two Numbers arifing will be each o. The next
Number that the Ruler arrives at is 2111 + 1, or -}; and the lafi is 2.
But the Numbers o, -3-, 2, will be found in an afcending Arithmeti-
cal Progreffion, whofe common difference is + Therefore y Ax-'i
+ B.x: .. + C + Dx-l-, &c. will be the form of the Root. To deter-
mine the firfi Coef!icient A, we hall have from the exterior Terms
A + c
o, which will give A oc
r). Therefore
the firfi Term or Approximation to the Root will be )'
\Ve may try if we can obtain a defcending Series, by applying
thc Rulcr to the two externa! Parallelograms, whofe Numbers are 2
and 5111 + 2, which being made equal, will give m o, and thefe
Numbers will each be 2. The Ruler will next arrive at 2m+ 1, or
1; and lal:ly at o. llut the Numbers 2, I, o, forma defcending
Progrelion, whofe common difference is I. So that the form of the
Series will here be J A + Bx-' + C.-.:-,, &c. And putting the
Te Method oJ FLUXIoNs,
inicial Terms eq_ual to nothing, as they ftand in the Equati.on, we
fball have Ax ex o, orA e, for the firft Approximati.on
to the Root And this Series will be accommodated to the ca fe of Con-:
ver"encv when x is greater than e; as the other Series is accommo-
z:. '
dated to the other ca fe, when x is lefs than c.
34 If the propoioo be 8z
f .+ az
r 27a
it may be thus refolved w1thout any preparatiOn. When reduced to
our frm, itwill ftand thus, 8z
J 4 4 db
27aP o; an Y
p\ltting)'==M"',&c.itwillbecome 4 &c.
. . 4 27a9
The firfr cafe of externa! Terms will gi\e 8Alz3o:-f-
27a9 o,
whence 3m+ 6 o, or m 2. Thefe In dices or N umbers
therefore will be each o ; and the other 2111 + 6 will be 2. But o,z,
will be in an afcending Arithmeti.cal Progreffion, of which the com-
mon difference is 2. So that the form of the Series will.be y Az-
+B+Cz+Dz+,&c. AndbecaufeSA; 27a9, orzA 3a;,
it will be A ta
Therefore the fidl: Term or Approximation to

the Root will be
- z::.-
But another cafe of externa! Terms will give aAz'"-+
=o, whence-2m+6 o, or m 3 Thefe Indices or Num-
bers therefore will be each o ; and the other 3111 + 6 will be 3
}3ut o, 3, will be found in a deicending Arithmetical Progreffion,
whofe common difference is 3 So tlut the form of the Series will
be " Az-:. 1 Bz-
+ Cz-9, &c. And becaufe aA 27a'
J '
'tis A 3v 3 x a+, for the firfi: Coefficient.
Laftly, there is another cafe of externa! Terms, which may poffi-
bly affilrd usa defcending Series, by making 8A;z"'+6 +

= o; whence m o. And the Numbers will be each equal to 6;
the other Number, or lndex of z, is o. But 6, o, will be in a
defcendingArithmetical Progreffion, of which the common difference
is 6. Therefore the forro of the Series will be y A + Bz-6 +
Cz '\ &c. Al!o becaufe SA! + aA o, it is A -}a for the
firil Coefficicnt. '
I frlllll produce one Example more, in arder to hew what variety
of Series may be derived from the Root in fome Equatio_ns; as alfo
to ihew all the and all_the varieties that can be de1ived, in the
refent ftate of the Eau;;.tion. Let us therefore alfume this Eouation
. " ' .:. ... :. .,.;.:.. .6 a1 ,6 ,.;.:.
. .. .. . . .. . .. ;
J; - a ! x
__.:. + 0 ):.As. + -;; ;2. + aa o, or
rathcry' _a-';-.'l:'+x' a';-:x'+a
)-; a)-.x-+a6x-.3
x-: , ,,; o. \'l.hich if we make y A;;. m, &c. and

difpofe the Terms accrding to
tion, will appear thus :
a combined Arithmetical Progref-

+a6,\ . 3

a a :.;:.m-:.
a7 A - x-m-
Aaxl"' +a; ,.. +a
A- sx-3"',&c. > o .


a-' A X

al A - x-1m+
Nm.v here it is plain by the difpolition of the Terms, that the
Ruler can be apply'd eight times, and no oftner, or that there are
eight cafes of externa! Terms to be try'd, each of which may give
a Series for the Root, if the Coefficients will allow it, of which four
will be afcending, and four defcending. And fidl: for the four cafes
of afcending Series, in which the Root will converge by the afcend-
ing Powers of x; and afterwards for the other four cafes, when the
Series converges by the. defcending Powers of x.
l. Apply the Ruler, or, (which is the fame thing,) aff"ume the
Equation a
A-sx-3"' a
A-x-m- o, which will give 3111
-2m 2, onn 2; alfo A .: . The Number refulting
from thefe Indices is 6. But the Ruler in its parallel motion witl
next come to thc Indcx 3 ; then to 2m+ 2, or 2 ; thep
to o; then to 2111 2, or 2; then to 3; and laftly to 3m and 2m+ 2,
or 6. But the Numbers 6, 3, 2, o, 2, 3, 6, are in an
eending Arithmetical Progrefiion, of which the common difference
is 1 ; and therefore the form of the Series will be )' Ax + Bx
+ Cx4, &c. and its firft Term will be:;:
II. Afume the Equation a
x-s a
A -
,'!C-:m-: o, which wili
give 3 2111 2, or m . .; ; alfo A The NU:m-
ber refulting hence is 3; the next will be yn, or 1.} ; the
next 2m 2, or 1 ; the next o; the next 2m+ 2, or 1;
the next 3m, or 1{; the two lal: 2111 + 2 and 3, are each 3 But
the Numbers 3, 1, o, 1, 1-}, 3, will be found in an
afcending Arithmetical Progrefiion, of which the common diffcrence
is ; and therefore the form of the Series will be )' Axi + Bx . 1-
C.\"t + Dx,, &c. and its firft Term will be J ax.
The Method oJ FLuxroNs,
ill . .AiTume the Equation a&r o, which will
give 3 2111 2, or m -;-; alfo A The
ber reiulting is 3; the next 3m, or r7; the next 2111 2,
or r ; the next o; the next 2171 + 2, or r ; the next ]?ll, or
r-;-; the two lafr 3 and 2171 + 2, which are each 3 But the
Numbers 3, r-;-, r, o, r, r-;-, 3, will be all comprehended
in an aicending Arithmetical Progreffion, of which the common dif-
ference is 7 ; and the;efore the form of the Series will be y
+ B + Dx, &c. and the firfr Term will be a}x -f, or
..!- Va
. a -
- X
IV. Affume the Equation Ax"' aAzxzm-z o, which will
give 3'71 zm z, or m 2; aHo A a. The Number
refulting is 6; Li.e next will be 3 ; the next 2111 + 2, or 2;
the next o ; the next 2m 2, or 2 ; the next 3 ; the two lafr
-3m and zm+ 2, each of which is 6. But the Numbers 6,
- 3, 2, o, 2, 3, 6, belong to an afcending Arithmetical Progref-
fion, of which the cornmon difference is 1. Therefore the form of
the Series will be J + B.'l:-
+ e + Dx, &c. and its firfr

wn will be
Tbe four defcending Series are thus derived.
I. Aifume the Equation Ax
"' o, which will
give 3m zm + 2, or m 2 ; alfo A ; . The Number re-
fulting is 6 ; the next will be 3 ; the next 2m 2, or 2 ; the next
o; the next zm + 2, or 2 ; the next 3 ; the two lafr
-3m and 2m 2, each of which is 6. But the Numbers
6, 3, 2, o, 2, 3, 6, belong toa defcending Arithmetical Pro-
grefiion, of which the common difference is 1. Therefore the form
of the Series will be y Ax + B.x- + e+ D.r', &c. and the firft
Term will
Il Affi1me the Equation x a-'Ax4 o, which will give
zm+ 2 3, or m f; alfo A The Number refu!ting
is 3; the next will be 3Jll, or I"i-; the next 2m+2, or 1; the
next o; the next 2111 2, or r ; the next 3m, or r-i-; the
two lafr 3 and zm 2 are each 3 But the Numbers 3,
rf, r, o, r, r, 3, bdong to a defcending Arithmetical
Progref11on, of which the common difference is Therefore the
fonn of the Series will be y Axf+B."<o+C.\'-f+ D."<-', &c. and
tbe firft Term will be..; ax.
and INPINITE SliRns. 209
1II. Mume the Equation :e; , which will
give 3 2m+ 2, or m 7; alfo A . at. The Nul:ll-
ber refulting from bence is 3 ; the next wi\l be 3m, Of. 1{' ;
next zm + 2, or 1 ; the next o; the next zm 2, or x ;
the next 3m, or 17; the two lafr 3 and 2m 2, each of
whichare 3 ButtheNumbers3, 17, r, o, . r, r-!-, 3, are
comprehended in a defcending Arithmetical Progreffion, of which
the common difference is f. Therefore the form of the wiU
be y Ax-i+ Bx- + Dx-, fcc. and the firft Term will
be '!ix-}, or a ,v; .
IV. LaHy, affume the Equation x-""'+ ,
whicl,l will give _ 3m un+ 2, or m . 2 ; alfo A _ a.

The Number refulting is 6; the next will be 3 ; thenext 2m z,
-or 2 ; the J\eXt o ; the next zm + z, or :z ; .the next 3 ; the
two next 311z anQ. 2m 2, ;tre each 6. But the Numbers 6, 3,
z, o, . . 2, . 3, 6, belong to a defcending Arithmetical Pr.ogref-
.fion, of which-the common difference is 1. Therefore the foim of
.the Serieswill bey &c. and the firft
' .a>
erm1s -
, X
. All.d this may fuffice in al! of this kind, for findipg
ihe -.of the feveral Series, and t4eir N ow
we muft proceed to fart1Jer Refolution, or to the Method of
.findil}g aJl the .reft of the Terms


SEc;T. v. 7'he Refolution of Alfeld Speciou.s Eruations,

profecuted by various Methods of Analyjis.
35 ITHERTO it has been hewn, when an Equation is
propofed, in arder tp_find i.ts Root, how the Terms of the
are to be difpofe.d in .a two-fold regular fucceffion, fo as
:thereby to find the initial !'\pproximations, ani:l. the feveral forms of
the Seric:s i.n al! tbe.ir variqus circumftances. Now the Author pro-
(:eeds in to dj(cover the fubfequent Terms of the Series,
which may be done with much eafe ami certainty, when the fonn
of the Series js Jmown. For th.is end he finds Refidual or St:pple-
mental Equations, H a regular ftJcccffion alfo, the Roots of \rihich
.are a continued Series of Supplements to the Root required. In
every one of which Supplemental Equations the Approximation is
E e founq,

210 The Method of FLUXIoNs,
found, by rejeng the more remate or lefs confiderable Terms, and'
fo reducing it to a fimple Equation, which will give a near Value
of the Root. And thus the whole affair is reduced to a kind of

Comparifon of the Roots of Equations, as has been hinted already.
The Root of an Equation is nearly found, and.itsSupplement, which
fhould make it compleat, is the Root of an inferior Equation, the Sup-
plement of which is again the Root of an inferior Equation ; and fo on
for ever. Or retaining that Supplement, wc may ftop where we pleafe.
36. The Author's Diagram,. or bis Procefs of Refolution, is
eafy to be underftood; yet however it may be thus farther explain'd.
Having inferted the Terms of the given Equation in the left-hand
Colnmn, (which therefore are equal to nothing, as are alfo al! the
fubfequent Columns,) and having already found the firft Approxi"'
mation to the Root to be a ; inftead of the Root y he fubftitutes its
eqnivalent a+ p in the feveral Terms of the Equation, and writes
the. Refult over-a them refpel:ively, in the right-hand Margin.
Thefe he collel:s and abbreviates, writing the Refult below, in the
left-hand Column; of which rejefting all the Terms-of toohigh a
compofition, he retains only the two loweft Terms 4'2'P+ax a,
which give p for the fecond Term of the Root. Then
affuming p -x + q, he fubftitutes this in the defcending Terms
to the left-hand, and writesthe R-efult in the Column to the right-
hand. Thefe he collel:s and abbreviates, writing- the Refult below
in the left-hand Cofnmn. Of which rejel:ingagain all the :igher
Terms, b.e retains only the two loweft 4-tl"q ,'
ax o, which
give q ; for the third Term of the Root. And fo on.
4" .
Or in imitation of a fmmer (which may be feen, pag,
165.) the Refolntion of this, and all fuch like Equations, may be
thus perform'd.
y+a')' za=(if y= a+p) a
+3a'P+3.aP+Ps Or colletling
+.ax;+ x +a

+ax+axp ' ing,
4tl .. ax +44s-q-
+axp +x3 +axq
er colleai.ng and expunging,
+, crax {axq+3aq

-4-'lq + 3aq .. +q; :(if q
=:; + r) &c.
-7axq tx9'- + ;.x
:By which Proce1S the Root will be found
and 1 N .ll I N I T E S E R I l!S.
Or in imitation of the Method before taught, (pag. 178, &c.) we
may thus refolve the firft Equation of this Example ;
'l!iz. 4AP + axp + 3ap ax + x
; where the Term
,muft be difi os'd in the following manner. But to avoid a great deal
of unnece ary prolixity, it may be here obferved, that y a, &c.
briefly denotes, that a is the firft Term of the Series, to be derived
for the Value of y. Alfo y "' fx, &c. infinuates, that fx
js the fecond Term of the fame Series y. Alfo y + x ,
&c. infinuates, that + is the third Term of the Series y, with-
: out any regard to the other Terms. And fo for all the fucceeding
Terms; and the like is to be underftood of all other Series what-

+axp >- ------ --


To explain this Procefs, it may be obferved, that here ax is
-made the firft Term of the Series, into which 4ap is to be re-
folved ; or 40''P ax, &c. and therefore p ..x, &c. which
is fet down below. Then is + axp ..ax, &c. and (by fquaring)
+ 3aps + ax, &c. each of which are fet down in their pra-
per _ Thefe being colleted, will make -.ax,
which wtth a contrary S1,gn muft be fet down for the fecona Term

,of 4ap; or 4ap * + : . ax, &c. and therefore p * +; ,
. 4"
.&c. Then &c. and (by fquarlng) 3aps :::
.&c. and (by cubing) p o'-;.xl, &c. Thefe being collctcd
will make
":, to be wrote down with a contrary Sign ; and
this, together with X
, one of the Terms of. the given Equation,
will make 4ap * * +

&c. and therefore p * * + '

12 51:u.-
'* + '
/zxa , &c. and (by 3ar * *
.&c. Then axp
- ..

. -
69x , &e.- :ind (by cubing) pr + , . &:c. :tD- "W"llich
with coti:i.ry Sigli, will make 4ap * +
. . . sogx .
;e:g.. , &c. and therefore p .- + .. .. , . , &c. Arid by tbe
41")6!: _
fame Method we ntay contiime the E:iftaffion as far s wt: pl(e.
The R4tiORole of this Prot:ets. has been already dlnet'd, but s-
ii will be of freqrlent rife, I flraH bere it agairt, it1 fome-
what ::. dferent mauner. The Terms f the Eq!ition being duly
order'd, fo as that the Terms involving the Root, (which are. to be.
refolved into theit refpiive Series;) being ll in. Coltihlii n iie
fule, and tlie known Terms on the. ot:hr 1ile ; any
Terms may be introduced, fuch as will be neceilluy for farmirig the
k:veral Series, provided they are made mutually to deftroy one llli-
other, that the integrity _of the Equation may be thereby_preferved.
which Will make the worli: fy ano pleafant enoug ; and the ne-
cefuy_ Teru rs of the Pewe:s o_r Roots
of fucli Series as com-
pofe te Equation, nifr be denved one by one, by any. of the.
Or if we are willing to avoid too many, and tob lllgh, Powers.
in thel Extrations, iiiay pfoeeed i tlie follwing manner .
'fhe Example fball be the fame Equation as befare,_
which may- be reAticed to this form, 4-a + ax + 3DP + pp X p =
_ +x;., of which the Refolution may; be tbus :..
+ a:('
+ 3
. ap - - -- J I1X + S X._ +
+ - '+- ' ' a;;c .
+P.s. :...-----:...-- + ,'ax=- &e
128a J
. - .

The Terms ax+ 3ilP + pp I call the aggregare Falor, ot
which 1 place the known part or parts 4JZ + ax. aBove, arrd the
!uknown JOP + pp in a Column to the left-hand, fo as that
their refpeaiVe Series, as they come to_ be known, may be placea
them. Under thefe a Line -is drawn; to,receive

. 2IJ
che. at;gr;git Series, bem:1th it;: which is foi'll'i'd by the Terriis or'the
-:rggtegate Fato'r; as they become kriown. Urider this aggregate Se-:-
.rieg co.mts the fimple Fal:or p, or the fymbol of the Rciot to he
ktramd, as its _alfo:._ Laftly; under ll are
the of. Equatiqn in their .proper places. Now aJ
thefe lafi: Terms (oecallfe 'of the Equation) are eqniV<llent to th Pro-
dut of the two Species above them; from this confideration the.
Terms of the Series p are gradual! y derived, as follows.
Firfi:, the initialTerm. 4a ( of the_ :ggregte S"efies) is brought
down into its'place, as having no other Term to be olleted with
it. Then this .Tefll1r .multiply-'d- by the .firfi: Term of p,
fuppofe q, is eqal to the .firfi: Term of tbe Produa:, that is, 4aq
- ax, it will be q or p . -;.x, &c. to be put down
in its place. thence we hall have 3ap . iax, iScc. which to-
gether with '+ a.v .above,. wiil make ;.j:: idx -foi the fecond Term
cf the aggregate Series. Now )f we r toreprefent the fe-
cond Term of p, and to be wrote in its p ace accordingly ; by crofs--
nmltiplication we hall 4ar . . ,,'
.ax... o, becaufe the fecond
. ,, -
'ferm of the Produi: is aiJ(ent, or o, Therefore r
, which
' . . . . 4D
may :nw be fet down in its Jaee. J\rid hene . * + /+_x,
and r &a. w iiili
hirig colll:ed will iaK ".;x\.
for the thitd Term of the ggi"egate Fator. Nw if -t\re.fuppoe
f to reprefent tle third Temi -ef p, tben. by (or
by our Theotem for Multiplication of infinite Series,) .:ass +
2'56& x;; (for X"' is the third Term o the Produl:.) Tnere-
zs6 . l
. - .-; . ... -
fore s
, to be fet down m .1ts place. Then 3ap * * +
: 51za , _ ... __ ._.- ...
393x; &c. and P' * x
&c. which togethfr iriake
na . --

for the fonrth Term of the aggreg:te Series. 'Theri putting.


the fourth Term f p, by kuttipliciltion w all

: r.x-4 7x+ . : jSgx+ - . .h.-- . , _- t - .. t' ' E
:Art + - + o w ence : . o uv
'T ZOf8f' 4096a ZOf81l l . 16384"! )
fet down in 't'S place; If we would proceed any farther in the Ex-
tration, we- inuft find in like manner the f{)urth Term of the Se--
ries 3ap, and:the third Terin of r, in or.der:t<!l lind the fifth Term
of the aggregate Series. And thus we may eafily and furely carry
on the Root to what degree of accuracy we pleafe, without .any
danger of computing any fuperfloous Terms ;. which wm be' no mean
adv.antage of thefu Method's.
. Or

214- Tbe Methor/_ of FL.VXIONS,
Or we may proceed in the following manner, by which we lholl
avoM the trouble of raifing any fubdiary Power-s at all. The Sup--
plemental Equation of the fa.me Example
+ axp + 3aps +
p; a x + x;, ( and all others in imitation of this,) may be
rednced to this form, 40" + ax + 3a + p x p x p +
wbich may be tiras refolved.

The Tenus being difpofed -as in tbis Paradigm, oring down 40"
for the firft Teuu of the aggregate Series, as it may ftill be call'd,
and fuppofe r to reprefent the rft Term of the Series p. Then will
40"'1 a"x, or r which is to be wrote every where
for the fuft Term of p._ + 3a by {-K for the fuft Term
of 3a+pxp, with which produ8: -tax callea the Term above,
or + ax; the Refult fax will be the fecond Tem1 of the aggregate
Series. Then Iet r reprefent the fecond Term of p, and we hall
hve by Multiplication .yz"r- . -:
ax o, or r r , to be
\uote every where for the fecond Tex m of p. Then as above, by crofs-
multiplication we Lball have 3a x
:: + ., '
x .
xs for the third
Term of the aggregate Series. Again, fuppofing s to reprefent the
third Texm of p, v;e ball have by Multiplication, (fee the Theorem
c. tha r. ) _,; 7-"
th . 131Xi
1or t purpo1e, 40 s +
6 6
x, at 1s, J , to
. zs 25 . . . sua
be wrote every where for the third Teuu of p. And by the fame
way of Multiplication thefourth Term ofthe aggregate Series will be
found to be
"', which will make the fourth Term ofp to be
5I2a .
And {o on.
3 .
Among all variety of Methods for .thefe Extrations, we
jnnft not _omit to fupply the Learner wi.th one more, which is com-
.rnori ahd obvious enough, but which fuppofes the form of the Se-:
ties required to be already known, and only the Coefficients to be
unknown. This we may the better do here, becaufe we have
ready fhewn how to determine the form and number of fuch Se-
ries, in any cafe propofed, This Method confifis in the affumption
of a general Series for the Root, fuch as rpay conveniently repre-
fent it,. by the fubfiitution of which in the given Equation, the ge-
neral Coefficients may be determined. Thus in the prefent Equa-
tion y;+ axy + aay x zal o, having already found (pag.
204.) the form of the Root or Series to be y A+ Bx + Cx, &c.
by the help of any of the Methods" for Cubing an infinite Series,.
we may eafily fubfiitute this Series inftead of y in this Equation,,
which wll then become
As + 3ABx + 3ABs-x'+ Bx1 + &c. 1
+ 3AC + 6ABC+3BC
+3AD -i-6ABD

+ 3AE
+ aA.:c + aBx + aCx + aDx4, &c .
..,..aA+ aBx + aCx + aPx + aEx+,&c,.

N ow beca u fe. x is an indeterminate quantity; and muft continue
fo to be, every Term of this Equation may be feparately put equal to.
nothing, by which tlie general CoeffiCints A,_B; C, D, &c. will be de-
termined to congruous Values; an&by this means the Root! will'be
known. Thus, ( 1.} A
+a"' A zal. o, which will give A a;
as (2.) 3A"'B + aA + a .. B o, or B

3} 3AB + 3AC + aB + aC o, or C

3A+ a fa
.) B
+6ABC+3AD+aC+aD 1 o orD i3t.
-r '
(:5.) 3AC .. + 3BC + M.BD + 3AE+aD+aE o, -orE
so9 And f on, to determine F,.G,H, &c. Then bv fubfii-
163s441 ,
tuting thefe Values of A, B, C, D, &c. m the affumed Root, we
1hallhavetheformerSeriesy a fx+t +

. 4" pza . 1 3 4"3 ,
Or laftly, we may. convemently enough refolve th1s Equation, or
any other of the fame kind, by applying it. to the general Theorem,
pag. 190. f<ir extrating the Roots of any affeted Equations in Num-
bert. For this Equation being reduced to this form. y
+ a +ax
.'4: xy.

1he Met!Jod -oj. FurxroN.s,
x y 2a\ + x yo o, we hall ha ve there m 3 And inftead
of the fuft, fecond, third, fourth, fifth, &c. Coefficients of the Powers
of 1 in tbe 'fheorem, 1f write I,o, aa + ax, 2.al xs,
&c. refpetively; arui if we J,I13ke the rft Apprex'imation .

or A a and B 1 ; we ibal ha. ve ++ x! for a nearer Approxi-
44. ax
mation to the Root. Again, if we make A 4a> + x, and
B + ax, by Subftitution we lhall have the Fralion
:.;&.9+ <;&<Sz+ 2.a..,s+ t + 41!tifxc4 + 12ahl + +u9 fo
. z<t;.,S+ IC>gdl.<;+ 2)trf<4 + 1 zax-' + 3ax' ' r q_
qeard Appr.oximation to the 'Root. And taking this Numerator
for A, and the Denominator far :B, we Iba JI appmach nearer il:ill.
But this lail: Approximation is fo near, that if we only take .the firft
five Terms of the Numerator, and divide them by the firft five
Tetms of th!! Denominator, (whih, if rightly managed, will be no
troublefome Operatibn;) we fhall h:we the fame -five T-erms of the
Series, fo .often found already .. .
And the Theorem will converge fo faft on this, and {uch like oc-
cafions, that if we kte wke the fidl: -A A a, (ma-
king B ' I,)'we n;an. hav '? +::, a "!"-1 &c.
And if again we mke this the econd Approximation, or A a
__ 1_:__ ) 11.-11 ha . zA+2a.+xS . .
_ -x, B 1, -we wou ve ) .
A!+as+ax , &c. =
... -
%,_ 131x1
tar+?;;.o:&- . , a li.a :+
, .&c. And
if agairi we' this A. a. tx+

&c. (making :R 1;} we ihall have tlae Value of the

_ : t to eight Teuns :at:.this' Operation. For every new Oper-
ation will the number of Tern1s, _ that were found true hy the
. To ftilLwith .thdsme found befare,
pg. 20 5, we _ likewife _ h_ave a dekendi:J;g Series in this
form, )' Ax. + B + !i-. for the 'Root )', whic;h we Jhall
extrnfr tv;o or.three \vays, for the more abundant exemplification of
this lt has been.:,ilieady found, that A 1, or that x
is the tb.c:_J3.0Qt.:. 11:ake therefore y _ x T p,
{ubl.htute th1s m thc. given Equation y + axy +na)' . >-:; -
2!!; o, which will then hecome + axp+ ai+ + p
+ 2a; . o. This may be reduced to this form
+ax 3"(P + p x p ax . ax + za;, and n::ay
\-e refohed as followa.

and IN FINIT E SE Rr Es.
3x + ax + a

&c. . --
+ r
- - ---- - + -}a +
3X' +;a +
a 5 ;a> 64a4
+ Stx +
The Terms of the aggregate Factor, as alfo thc known Terms of
the Equation, being clifpofecl as in the Paracligm, bring clown 3x
for the firft Term of the aggregate Series ; and fuppofing q to repre-
fent the fidl: Term of the Series p, it will be 3xq ax, or
q ]-a, for the firft Term of p. Therefore ax will be the
firl: Term of 3xp, to be put clown in its place. This will make the
feconcl Term of the aggregate Series to be nothing ; fo that if r re-
prefent the feconcl Term of p, we hall have by multiplication 3X
- ax, or r a> for the feconcl Term of p, to be put clown
in its place. Then will -a be the feconcl Term of 3xp, as alfo
;a will be the firl: Term of y, to be fet clown each in their places.
The Refult of this Column will be ;a, which is to be made the
thircl Term of the aggregate Series. Then putting s for the third
Term of p, we hall ha ve by Multiplication 3x s -.',a' za',
or s== W' Ancl thus by the next Operation we hall have t
64a1 cl r.
----'---= , an 10 on.
Or if we woulcl refolve this refidual Equation by one of the fore-
going Methods, by which the raiing of Powers was' avoidecl, and
wherein the whole was perform'd by Multiplication alone; we may
reduce it to this form, 3x + ax + a + 3x + p x p x p ax
- a x + zas, the Refolution of which will be thus :
F f
T'be Met'bod of FLUXIONs,
. ' . . . ....
. t 1
' .
3x a *
+ 3x + p - - --- + 3x .a - 3x , &c.
... ssa3 &;
x P -- --- 3 + -:;. + 81x ' c.
The Terms being difpos'd as in the Example, bring down 3.\'' for
the firft Term of the aggregate Series, and fuppofing q to reprefent
the firft Term of the Series p, it will be 3xq ax, or q = --
11. Put down + 3x in its proper place, and under it (as alfo after
it) put down the firft Term of p, or ia, which being multiply'd,
and colleted with + ax above, will make o for the fecond Term
of the aggregate Series. If the fecond Term of p is now reprefented
by r, we 1hall have 3xr ax, or r to be put
down in its feveral places. Then by multiplying and collel:ing we
ball have + ;a for the third Term of the aggregate Series. And
putting s for the third Term of p, we hall have by Multiplication
3xs ,.,as zas, or s . And fo on as far as we pleafe.
Laftly, inftead of the Supplemental Equation, we may refolve the-
given Equation itfelf in the following manner :

-ax- +.!.a; --,--
3 3 81x
+a:<v r- - - - + ax - x + 7'-
/ 3 3 81x
J -
, &c.
) &c.
Here becaufe it is J
, &c. it will be y and therefore
+ axy + ax, &c. which muft be fet down in its place. Then
it muft te wrote again with a contrary fign, that it may be y; *
- a.\, &c. and therefore {extrating the cube-root,) y * fa,
&c. Then +a')' + &c. and + a."(y fax, &c.

which being COlle\:ed Wth a COlltfal)' fign, WiiJ make )'S 'O ;-
::..ax, &c. and (by Extral:ion) y * * , &c. Hence + a y
l 3X
* -as, &c. and + axy * * ta, &c. which being col-
lel:ed with a contrary fign, and united with + zas above, will
& h
make )'' = * * * fal, c. w en ce (by Extral:ion) y x ,
&c. Then + a; * * , &c. and + ax; ., .. + S ;n
3X Slx
&c. which being collel:ed with a contrary fign, will make )'' =
28a4 & d h (h E .n ) 6+l'l
* * * * -
, c. an t en . y )' * * " * + . ,
IX 243X>
&c. And fo on.
37, 38. I think 1 need not trouble the Learner, or myfelf, with
giving any particular Explication (or Application) of the Author's
Rules, for continuing the only to fuch a certain period as hall
be befare determined, and for preventing the computation of fuper-
fluous Terms; becaufe moft of the Methods of Analyfis here deli-
ver'd require no Rules at al!, nor is there the leail: danger of making
any unneceffary Computations.
39 When we are to find the Root y of fuch an Equation as
this, J' fJ" + "i"Y' "!r + -;y, &c. z, this is ufually call'd
tbe Rc'imjion rf a Series. For as here the Aggregate z is exprefs'd by
the Powers of )'; [o when the Series is reverted, the Aggregate _y
will be exprefs'd by the Powers of z. This Equation, as now it
frands, fuppofes z ( or the Aggregate of the Series) to be unknown,
and that we are to approximate to it indefinitely, by means of the
known Number J and its Powers. Or otherwife; the unknown
Number z is equivalent to an infinite Series of decreafing Terms,
exprefs'd by an Arithmetical Scale, of which the known Number )'
is the Root. This Root therefore mul:. be fuppofed to be lefs than
Unity, that the Series may duly converge. And thence it will fol-
low, that z alio will be much lefs than Unity. This is utally cal-
led a Logarithmick Series, becaufe in certain circumil:ances it ex-
preffes the Relation between .the Logarithms and their Numbers, as
will appear hereafter. If we look u pon z as known, and therefore
J' as unknown, the Series muil: be reverted; or the Value of )' muil:
be exprefs'd by a Series of Tenns compos'd of the known Num-
ber z and its Powers. The Author's Method for reverting this Se-
ries will be very obvious from the confidcration of his Diagram;
and we hall meet with another Method hereafter, in another part of
bis W orks. lt will be fufficient therefore in this place, to perform it
after the manncr of fome of the foregoing Extral:ions.
Ffz y

220 The Method of FLUXIoNs,
)' 1 z + + fz; + .
z4 +
-}-oz, &c.
- - ' 4 'z &e
-- -"'JJ"- -z z -
- - - -- 8 ,
_, - 4
; '- - - - - - - - - + .!.z; + .!.z4 + _Lz &c.
r .; :. '
- y4j - - - - - - - - - - - - --z4 7z, &c.
------------------+ &c.
S S >
In this Paradigm tbe unknown parts of the Equation are fet clown
in a ddcending arder to the left-hand, and the known Number z is
iet clown o>er-againft y to the right-hand. Then is y z, &c.
and tberefore 7J
7z, &c. which is to be fet down in its
place, and alfo with a contrary fign, fo that y * + -;z, &c.
And tberefore (iquaring) -;r * -}z3, &c. and (cubing)
+ fJ' + fz;, &c. which Terms colleled with a contrary fign,
make )' ,. ,. + tz;, &c. And therefore (fquaring) -}y =
z4, &c. and (cubing) + ff * + -}z4, &c. and r
=-z\ &c. which Terms collel:ed with a contrary fign, make
,. * ! -;:'. z;4, &c. Therefore

* 10 * tz
, &c,
and + y; " + .,s,z, &c. and --r * -;-z, &c. and
+ fJ' + fz', &c. which Terms collel:ed with a contrary fign,
make y ,. ,. "' + , : -oZ\ &c. And fo of the reft.
40. Thus if we were to revert tbe Series y+ fJ' +
'o)" +
+ , : g ,y : ,
J' ', &c. z, ( where the Aggregate of the Se-
ries, or the unknown Number z, will reprefent the Arch of a Circle,
whoie Radius is 1, if its right Sine is reprefented by tbe known
Number y,) or if we were to find the value of y, confider'd as un-
known, to be exprefsd by tbe Powers of z, now confider'd as known;
we may proceed tbus :
The Terms being difpofed as you fee here, we hall have y z,
&c. and therefore (cubing) ty; tz;, &c. which makes y .,
-fz;, &c. fo that (cubing) we 1hall have +fY * .;,z',
&c. and alo ,.'oJs. ..,'oZ.', &c. aod colleting with a con.trary fign,

y * * + ,,:.-oz', &c. Hence ty; * * .f-lo-Z
, &c. and lo.Y'
* -/o-Z
, &c. and ,-hf ,f.z
, &c. and collel:ing with a
contrary fign, y * * *
.) zt, &c. And fo on:
If we hould defire to perform this Extral:ion by another of tbe
foregoing Methods, that is, by fuppofing the Equation to be reduced
to this form 1 + ,-yo +

+ , : ,y- + , hl, &c. x y z, it

mav be 1i1fficient to fet down the Praxis, as here follows

* *
r + ..,., ,,.. 4 + r z5 zS
6) - - - - 6/{,J D " 1 3 S 1 u 90 '
J/oYf - - - --- - - - - + -;foz+ "i:'oz6 + "i zs'

______________ + s_z6 s_zs,

11:3. l.l:l 112..
_l, S yS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + __s zS
lt3:l 115:1. ,
41. The affel:ed Cubick which the Author here afumes-
to be folved, has infinite Series for the Coefficients of the Powers of
y ; and therefore its Terms being difpofed (as is taught befare) accor-
ding to a double Arithmetical Scale, the Roots of each of which are
y and z, it will il:and as is reprefented here below. Or taking Az"'
for the firil: Approximation to the Root y, and fubftituting it in the
fid1: Table, it will appear as. is here fet clown in the fecond Table.

-S 1
Al."+ -A ,,.:m+:+ Az."'+ + z. '1
m+4+A'z.m+4_zAz."'+4_4%.4 }=o'
+jAlz.;m-t-6 -A,:.m+6 +3Azm+6 +9:tG
&c. &c. &c. &c.J

Now the only cafe of externa! Terms, to be difcover'd by apply-
ing the Ruler, will give the Equation A;z;m+) 8 o, whence
yn + 2 o, or m -i- and the Coefficient A 2. The
next Number or Index, to which the Ruler in its parallel motion
will apply itfelf, will be 2111 + 2, or .:.. ; the next will be 11z + 2,
or 1; and fo on. Which afcending Aiithmetical Progreffion o, -i-
., &c. will have -j for its common difference. Therefore y
+ B +Czr + Dz-1 + Ez, &c. will be theform of theRoot in this
Equation. It may be refolved by any of the foregoing Methods,

222 The Method oJ FLUXloNs,
but perhaps moft readily by fubftituting the Value of y now found
in tbe given Equation, and thence determining the general Coeffi-
cients as By which the Root will be found to be y=
4 S tO

-cr +!... !...z

+ ;
+ '
+ -
' z-,- &e
.<:. 3 9 Vx 145::
42. To refolve this afel:ed Equation, in which one
of the Coefficients is an infinite Series; if we fuppofe y A.'ll:'", &c.
we {hall have (by Subftitution) the Equation as it ftands here below.
Then by applying the Ruler, we hall have aAx"' + :: o,

whence m 4, and A
The next Index, that the Ruler
in its parallel motion will arrive at, is m + r, or 5; the next is
m + 2, or 6 ; &c. fo that the common difference of the Progref-
fion is r, and the Root may be reprefented by y Ax'> + Bxr +
, &c. which-may be extral:ed as here follows.
., "'
A:( -aAx
&c. 1
rl xr
- + *
* - '"e
...... ....,
- %
A e:+:
'* - -x
A <+3
- -::x

A.,...; rl
- ;r + 4"'
- -:J
--4". 4"3 .
6, .
1 a
.T J' ,TIS
---- + *
fa> .n4
x6 x'
------- +--:
fa4 4"'
1 x? xB
&c. J
1 - -- - -- - - - - 4-"s+ 4"''
+;' J
- - --- - - - - -- - + 1 ba6' &c.
x4 xS xB
)' = 4"; fa+ + 16a1' &c.
Therefore - xy
x4 & . illbe x+
-O'!! =- --:, , C. It W y &c.
; 4" 4"' '
- 4"> , &c. which wrote with a contrary Sigo
will make - ay
xS th xS
+ 4"; , and erefore y ,; - 4"+ , &c.
x6 x x6
Then - xv + . , &c. and -;' &c. which
J M,. a 4Ai '
colleted will deftroy each other, and therefore -a)'
&c. and confequently )' * + o, &c. &c.
But there is another cafe of external Terms, which will be dif-
cover'd by the Ruler, and which will give aAxm o,
whence m o, and A a. Here the Progreffion of the Indices
will be o, I, 2, &c. fo that y A+ Bx + Cx\ &c. will be the
foun of the Series. And if this Root be profccuted by any of the
Methods taught befare, it will be found y== a+ x + + +
3"+ &
.a3 ' c.
Now in the given Equation, becaufe the infinite Series a+ x +
x "'
x+ & ' G ' l P fli d h fi '
- + -. + -::- , c. ts a eometnca rogre ton, an t ere ore ts
a a a"

equal to a:_x , as may be proved by Divifion; if we fubil:itute this,
the Equation will become y + "': o. And if we ex-
tral: the fquare-root in the ordinary it will give y
a3+V46-n'x++ztl.,s-x6 r h l: R A d 'f h' R d' 1
- ror t e exa oot. n 1 t IS a 1ca
be refalved, and then divided by this Denaminator, the fame tWO
Series will arife as befare, for the two Raots af this Equation. And
this fnfficiently verifies the whole Pracefs.
43 In Series that are very remarkable, and of general ufe, the
Law of Continuation (if not obvious) hould be always aflign'd, when,
that can be canveniently done; which renders a Series l:ill more ufe-
ful and elegant. This may commonly be difcover'd in the Compu-
tation, by attending to the farmation of the Coefficients, efpecially
if we put Letters to reprefent them, and thereby keep them as general
as may be, defcending to particulars by degrees. In the Logarithmic
Series, far inl:ance, z y iY' + !.yl -i:Ji &c. the Law of
Confecutian is very obviaus, fo tllat any Term, tho' ever fo remate,
m ay eafily be affign'd at pleailre. For if we put T to reprefent any
Tenn indefinitely, whaJe arder in the Series is exprefs'd by the na-
tural Number m, then will T )"", where the Sign muft be
+ar according as m is an odd or an even Number. So that the
hundredth Term is

, the next is +

', &c. In the
Rever fe of this Series, or y z + -;:z + -}zl + -.
z+ +
&c. the Law of Continuatian is thus. Let T reprefent any Tenn
indefinitely, whofe arder in the Series is exprefs'd by m ; then is
T :t. & , which Series in the Denominatar mul: be con-
' X Z X 3 X 4 X (.
tinued to as many Terms as there are Units in m. Oc if e
for the CoeffiCien t af the Term immediately preceding, then is T::: =
.. h S. ' ' ' 7+
gam, m t e enes y z
zl + az ;:.a
,o .z
, &c. (by which the Relation between the Circular Arch
its dght Sine is expref&'d,) the Law of Continuatian will.be thus.

The Metbod oJ FLUXINs,
If T be any Term of the Series, whofe arder is exprefs'd by m, and
if e be the Coefficient immediately befare; then T -e:. .
un-t xzm-2
And in the Reverfe of this Series, or z )' + .;.f + +'of + , : ,J'
+ , ; &c. the Law of Confecution be thus: T
fents any Term, the Index of whofe place m the Senes 1s m, and f
zm-3 x zm-3xc A
e be the preceding Coefficient ; thcn T = _ -- . f"'-'. nd
zm-1 xzm-z
the like of others.
44, 45, 46. lf we would perform thefe Extral:ions after a more
indefinite and general manner, we may proceed thus. Let the given
uacion be ,.; + a\' ' ax, 2a; x; o .
., _, ..1 ' -za:. a"'; + J 3
the Tenns of wbich iliould be difpofed as a>;:. =o.
in the Margin. Suppofe )' b + p, where ._
b is to be conceived as a near Approximation
to the Root y, and p as its finall Supplement. When this is fubfl:i-
tuted, the Equacion will fl:and as it
does here. Now becaue X and p - z + a'H + 3hP' + Pl
+ a'b + 3b'p S" 1
are both fmall quantities, the mofl: -1- b;
confiderable quantities are at the be- + alx + axp >
o-inning of the Equation, from _ :
they proceed gradually di- J
miniiliing, both downwards and towards the right-hand; as ought
alway:. to be 1ppos'd, the. Tenns of an Equation are difpos'd
accordmg to a double Anthmetlcal Scale. And becaufe infl:ead of
one unknown y, we have here introduced two, b and p,
we may determme one of them b, as the neceffity of the Refolution
hall require. To remove therefore the mofl: confiderable
out of the and to leave only a Supplemental Equation,
whofe Root 1s p; we may put /;; + ab za; o, which Equa-
tion will determine b, and which therefore henceforward we are to
look upon as known. And !or fake, if we put a + 3b_
=e, we hall have the Equauon m the Margin.
Now here, becaufe the two initialTerms
eh+ obx are themofl: confiderable of +cp +3P' + P
r +abx +axp =o.
the Equation, which might be removed, if
for the firfl: Approximation to p we hould - "'

affume ah:r: , and the refulting Supplemental Equation would be de-
e .
prefs'dlower ;therefore make p "!.r + q, and by fubfl:itution we
fhall have this Equation following.
Or in this Equation, if

+ cq
+ Jbq' +qll
- ;ah 1
;a'h' h
we make , = d,
' e
e, and .,
+ axq
e N

+ 1 f;
it will afume
this form.
- j
Here becaufe theTerms to be next removed are+ cq+dx>,we may

put q ;x + r, and by Sub- + ,
ftitution we hall ha ve another + exq
Supplemental Equation, which ;a'b'
will be farther deprefs'd, and fo +dx + ,. x'q .. 1
on as far as we pleafe. Therefore - fxl J
we l1all have the Root J b '!!.x &c. where b will be
' '
the Root of this Equation 6
+ ab za; o, e a + 3b
ja'hl a'b 6ab J n>l &
a . , e a , + r, c.
e e e ('
Or by another Method ofSolution, if in this Equation we afume
(as befare) y A + Bx + Cx + Dx
, &c. and fubftitute this in
the Equation, to determine the general Coefficients, we l1all have
aA n4A cB+oaSAl-a'A & h A h
v A - . . -.: +
x + ' . xs, c. w erem IS t e
_, ,.. , c'o
Root of the Equation A
+ a A zas __ o, and e 3A + a.
47 All Equations cannot be thus immediately refolved, or ther
Roots cannot always be exhibited by an Arithmetical Scale, whofe
Root is one of the in the given Equation. But to per-
form the Analyfis it is fometimes required, that a new Symbol or
iliould be introduced into the Equation, by the Powers
of which the Root to be extral:ed may be exprefs'd in a converg-
ing Series. And the Relation between this new Symbol, and the
of the Equation, muft be exhibited by another Equation.
Thus if it were propofed to extral: the Root y of this Equation,
x a+ y + 4-Y
-i-r, &c. it would be in vain to expe):,
that it might be exprefs'd by the fimple Powers of either x or n.
For the Series itfelf fuppofes, in arder to its converging, that y is
fome fmall Number lefs than Unity; but x and a are under no fuch
limitations. And therefore a Series, compofed of the afcending
Powers of x, may be a diverging Series. It is therefore neceffitry to
introduce a new Symbol, which 11all alfo be finall, that a S.:cs
e ''
g lO!"ni
:the }rfet!Jod oJ F L u x IoN s,
form'd of its Powers may converge to y. Now it is plain, that x
and t.J, tho' e>cr io great, muft always be near ec.ch other, becaufe
their ditie:-ence y &c. is a fmall quantity. Atfume therefore
the Equation x a z, and z will be a fmall quantity as required;
and being introduced inftead of x a, will give z )' +
-fJ; &c. v.hofe Root being extral:ed will be )' z +
'-' + ' &e a bQfiore
o.:..o- -: +""" ' e !) ""'
48. Thus if we had the Equation )'
+ ;> + )' .v o, to find
the Root y; we might have a Series for )' compoied of the afcending
Powers of x, which would converge if x were a finall quantity, leis
th:m Unity, but would di\erge in contrary Circumftances. Suppo-
fing then that x was known to be a large ; in this cafe the
Author's Ex-pedient is this. Making z the Reciproca! of x, or fup-
po1ing the Equation x , inftead of ,\' he introduces z into the
Equation, by which means he obtains a converging Series, confifiing
of the Powers of z afcendi,,g in the Numerators, that is in reality,
of the Powers of afcending in the Denominators. This he does,
to keep within the Cafe he propoed to himtelf; but in the Method
here pudued, there is no occaiion to have recourfe to
it being an indifferent matter, whether the Powers of the converg-
ing quantity afr:end in the Numerators or the Denominators.
Thus in the given Equation y> +J ... + y * (
-x; o, or ma-
*' &c.
by applying the Ruler we !hall have the exterior Terms A;x3m x;
=o, or m I, andA 1. AlfotherefultingNumber or Index
is 3 The next Term to which the Ruler approaches will give 2m,
or 2; the lal: m, or 1. But 3, 2, I, make a defcending Progreffion,
of which the common difference is I. Therefore the form of thc
Root will be )' lu: 1 B + Cx-' + Dr:, &c. which we may
thus extral:.
Becaufe J, it will be y x,&c.and therefore y> x, &c.
which will make y x, &c. and (by Extral:ion)y * t,
&c. The_n (by J * -i-t', &c. which with x below,
:md changrng the S1gn, makes J.; * .!.x, &c. and therefore
. 3

:the }rfet!Jod oJ F L u x IoN s,
form'd of its Powers may converge to y. Now it is plain, that x
and t.J, tho' e>cr io great, muft always be near ec.ch other, becaufe
their ditie:-ence y &c. is a fmall quantity. Atfume therefore
the Equation x a z, and z will be a fmall quantity as required;
and being introduced inftead of x a, will give z )' +
-fJ; &c. v.hofe Root being extral:ed will be )' z +
'-' + ' &e a bQfiore
o.:..o- -: +""" ' e !) ""'
48. Thus if we had the Equation )'
+ ;> + )' .v o, to find
the Root y; we might have a Series for )' compoied of the afcending
Powers of x, which would converge if x were a finall quantity, leis
th:m Unity, but would di\erge in contrary Circumftances. Suppo-
fing then that x was known to be a large ; in this cafe the
Author's Ex-pedient is this. Making z the Reciproca! of x, or fup-
po1ing the Equation x , inftead of ,\' he introduces z into the
Equation, by which means he obtains a converging Series, confifiing
of the Powers of z afcendi,,g in the Numerators, that is in reality,
of the Powers of afcending in the Denominators. This he does,
to keep within the Cafe he propoed to himtelf; but in the Method
here pudued, there is no occaiion to have recourfe to
it being an indifferent matter, whether the Powers of the converg-
ing quantity afr:end in the Numerators or the Denominators.
Thus in the given Equation y> +J ... + y * (
-x; o, or ma-
*' &c.
by applying the Ruler we !hall have the exterior Terms A;x3m x;
=o, or m I, andA 1. AlfotherefultingNumber or Index
is 3 The next Term to which the Ruler approaches will give 2m,
or 2; the lal: m, or 1. But 3, 2, I, make a defcending Progreffion,
of which the common difference is I. Therefore the form of thc
Root will be )' lu: 1 B + Cx-' + Dr:, &c. which we may
thus extral:.
Becaufe J, it will be y x,&c.and therefore y> x, &c.
which will make y x, &c. and (by Extral:ion)y * t,
&c. The_n (by J * -i-t', &c. which with x below,
:md changrng the S1gn, makes J.; * .!.x, &c. and therefore
. 3

)' * .. . v\"-
, &c. r * &c. and J * T>
&c. which together, changmg the Stgn, make Y' "' * + h
&c. aad )' "* * + v/,x-, &c. Then )'' * * * +
&c. and Y ,; * VX-
, &c, and therefore J
;H H + ;,x-1,_
&c. and y * * * * + .;,x-
, &c.
Now as this Series is accommodated to the caCe of convergency
when x is a large fo we may derive another Series from
hence, which will be accommodated to the caCe when :" is a finall
quantity. For the Ruler will direl: us to. the externa! Terms Ax"'
o, whence m 3, and 1; and the refi.Jlting Num-
ber is 3 The next Term will give 2m, or 6 ; and the lal: is 3m,
<>r 9 But 3, 6, 9 will fonn an afcending Progrefiion, of which the
common difference is 3 Therefore y Ax' + Bx
+ CX', &c.
will be the form of the Series in this cafe, which may be thus
=X X
+ X
'}X"+ IfX'
2X9 + 3X" 2X'' 7x'
, &c.
-------- + X9 3X,. + 6x 7X'
, &c.
Here becaufe y X', &c. it will be y X
, &c. and therefore
)' * x
, &c. Then )'" * 2x9, &c. and f X9, &c.
and therefore y * * + x
' &c. Then r * * + 3X'.' &c. and
;3 * 3'1:", &c. and therefore J * * * + o, &c.
The Expedient of the Ruler will indicare a third cafe of externa!
Terms, which may be try'd alfo. For we may put A
x3"' + Ax"'
+ Ax"' o, whence m o, and the Number refulting from the
other Term is 3 Therefore 3 will be the common difference of
the Progreffion, and the form of the Root will be y A + Bx
, &c. But the Equation A1 +A'+ A o, will give A o.
which will reduce this to the former Series. And the other two
Roots of the Equation will be impoffible.
If the Equation of this Example y' + )" +y o be
multiply'd by the fal:or y I, we fhall ha ve che Equation r y
-x'y + x' o, or r * * J * .
- . + . o, whiCh when re-
X'J X'
folved, will only afford the ftme Series for the Root y as before.
49 This Equation r x'y' zf z_r + 1 o, when
reduccd to the fonn of a double Arithmetical Scale, will l:and as in
the Margin.

'lbe Method oJ FLUXIONS,
Now the firft Cafe ofexternal
. +
Te1ms, ewn bv the Ruler, in _
order for an afceding Series, will Or making; = Axm, &c.
make A+x= + zAx= zAx"'
+ 1 o, or m o ; where the
refulting Nnmber is alfo o. The.
fecond is zm + 1, or 1 ; the third
zm+ 2, or 2. Therefore the Arithmetical Progreflion will be o,
1, 2, whofe common difference is 1 ; and confequently it will be
J' A+ Bx + Cx + D.t";, &c. But the Equation A++ zA
- zA + 1 o, which hould give the Value of the firft Coeffi-
cient, will fupply us with none but impoffible Roots; [o that y,
the Root of this Equation, cannot be exprefs'd by an Arithmetical
Scale whofe Root is x, or by an afcending Series that converges by
the Powers of x, when x is a fmall quantity. .
As for defcending Series, there are two cafes to be try'd; fidl: the
Rulerwill give usA+x4= o, whence4111 2111 + 2, or
m r, andA 1. The Number arifing is 4; the next will
be 2m+ I, or 3 ; the l!!.CXt 211l, or 2 ; the next m, or 1 ; the Jaft O.
But the Arithmetical Progreffion 4, 3, 2, 1, o, has 1 for its common
difference, and therefore the form of the Series will be y Ax +
B + Cx-, &c. But to extrat this Series by our ufual Method, it
will be beft: to reduce the Equation to this forro, f .'1:' + x + 2
- + y- o, and then to proceed thus:
- 2),-t
+ r
= x 2 + 2x-' {-x-, &c.
- - - - - - - - - - + &c.
--------------- + x-:., &c.
X_, 9 + 7 - 177 &
.1 -;- Sx t6x> t2Sx3 ' C,
Becmfe )" x"- x 2, &c. 'tis therefore (by Extration)
J x } fx-
, &c. Then (by Divifion) zy- zx-,
&c. io that r * * * + 2x-', &c. and (by Extral:ion) y * * *
+ ,
.r:, &c. Then zy- *+-i-r", &c. and y- x-,
&c. which being united with a contrary fign, make y * * * *
and therefore by Extral:ion J * * * *
In the other cafe of a defcending Series we hall ha ve the Equation
1 o, whence 2m+ 2 o, or m 1, and
A I. The Number hence arifing is o; the next will be zm + 1,

and IN FIN 1 T E S E R I Es.
or I ; the next 2111, or 2 ; and the lail: 4111, or 4 But
.the Numbers o, I, 2, 4, will be found in a defcending Arith-
metical Progreffion, the common diiference of which is 1. There-
fore the form of the Root is J Ax- + Bx- + Cx-3, &c. and
the Terms of the Equation muft be thus difpofed for Refolution.
x X 2
x- &e
8 ,
+zx+ r
zy- 2X I +.}X ... '+ fx-o, &c.

+ r --------------- +
x-, &c.
1 1
7 7 t87 &
y -
zx + 8x3 16x++
8 , , c.
X 12 X
Here becaufe it is y- x, &c. it will b by Extral:ion of the
Square-root y- x, &c. and by finding the Reciproca!, y x-,
&c. Then becaufe z;- zx, &c. this with a contrary Sign,
and collected with x above, will make y- * + x, &c. which
(by Extration) makes y- * + ~ &c. and by taking the Reci-
proca!, J * -}x-, &c. Then becaufe zy- * I, &c.
this with a contrary fign, and colleted with 2 above, willmake
y- * * r, &c. and therefore (by Extral:ion) y- . * *-
j-x-, &c. and (by Divifion) y * * + fx-3, &c. Then becau(e
- zy- * * + -}x-, it will be y- * * * .}x-, &c. and
y- * * * fx-, &c. and y * * * -.'. x-3, &c. Then
becaufe zy- * * * + fx-, &c. and r x-, &c. thefe
colletl:ed with a contrary fign will make y- . * * * * .. '
&c. and y- * * * * .S
x-, &c. and j * * * + +H-x-4,
Thefe are the two defcending Series, which may be derived for
the Roor of this Equation, and which will converge by the Powers
of x, when it s a large quantity. But if x hould happen to be
fmall, then in order to obtain a converging Series, we much change
the Root of the Scale. As if it were known that x diifers but little
from 2, we may conveniently put z for that inall diiference, or
we may afume the Equation ,'!( 2 ~ That is, inftead of x
in this Equation fubftitute z + 2, and we hall have a new E q u a ~
tion r z'J" 3ZJ' 2J + l O, which Wll appear as in
the Margin.


The Jlt[ethod af F L u x ro N s,
Here to ruve an afcendirig Se-
. ries, we muft put A 4 z4-::'
+ 1 o, whence m o, and
.. - 25 + 1
- ..

Or mking )" = A:.'", &c.
A The Nutnber hence
,\4}'" ' -:A::. m+'
arifing is o ; the next is zm + I, _
or 1 ; and the lat Zlll + 2, or 2. _ A ..... +
But o, z, are in an aicending
Progre11ion, who1e common ditference is I. Therefore the form of
the Series is ,, . A 1 Bz + Cz 1 Dz', &c. And if the Root v
be extra.l:ed by any f it be f'otind )' _,
1 + %z {-z.', &c. Alfo we may hcnce find two defcending Se-
ries, which would cOnverge by the Root of the Scale z, if it werc
a large quantity.
50, 5 r. Our Author has here opened a Iarge field for the Solution
"of thefe Equations, by ihewing, tnat the indeterminate quantity, or
wbat we call the Root of the Scale, or the converging quantity,
may be changed a great variety of ways, and thence new Series wiU
be derived for the Root of the Equation, which in different circum-
fiances will converge fo that the moft commodious for
the prefent occafion may always be chofe. A.nd when one Series
does not fufficiently converge, we may be able to change it for an-
other that hall con\erge fafter. But that we may not be left to
uncertain interpretations of the indeterminate quantity, or be obliged
to make Suppofitions at random; he gives us. this Rule for finding
initial Approximations, that may come at once pretty near th Root
reguired, and therefore the Series will converge apace to t( hich
Rule amounts to this: \Ve are to find what quantities, when fub-
ftituted for the indetinite Species in the propofed Equation, will
make it divifible by the radical Species, increafed or diminihed by
another quantity, or by the radical Species alone, The fmall diffe-
rence that will be found between any one of thofe quantities, and .
the indeterminate quantity of the Equation, may be introduced
infiead of that indeterminate quantity, as a convenient Root of the
Scale, by wbich the Series is to converge.
Thus if the Equation propofed be y + axy + ay x; za;
:=:o, ana if for X we here fubftitute a, we hall ha ve the Terins
J; l zay 3as, which :tre divifiDle by y. a, the be-
ing ; + a_y + 3a. Therefore we inay by the foregoing
Rule, that a x .z is but a fmall quantity, ,or inftead of x we
_may fubilitute a z in the propofed Equati1n, which will then
hecome J
+ . + 3az 3fiZ' + z; L z o. A
. Series


Series dtrived from hencc, compofed of the afce,u)ing Powers of z,
mufr converge fafr, ca:teris paribm, becaufe the Root of the Scale
z is a fmall quantity.
Or in the fame Equation, if for x we fubl:itute a, we l11all
have the Terms )'
, whco:h are divifible by )'-a, the QJ!o-
tient being )'" +ay+ a=. Therefore we may iuppofe the diffe-
rence between a and x to be but little, or that a x z jj;
a fmall quantity, and therefore inl:ead of .v we may fubl:itute its
equal a z in the given Equation. This will then becom!l .
)" azy + 3az + 3az a' o, where the Root y will con-
verge by the Powers of the I1all quantity z.
Or if for x we fubl:itute za, wc hall have the Terms y' -
tl'J + 6a>, which are divifible by y+ za, the being .t
- Zf!Y + 3a. Whercfore we may fuppofe thcre is but a fmall dif-
ference between za and x, or that 2a x z is a fmall
quantity; and therefore inll-ead of x we may introduce its equal
- 211 z into thc Equation, whch wiU then become y;
azy + 6a> + Izaz + 6az +z o. _
Lal:ly, if for x we fubl:itute 2-}a, we l1all have the Terms
y1 + a.r, which are divifible by)', the Radical Species alone.
Wherefore we may fuppofe there is but a fmall difference between
- z;a and x, or that x z is a fmall quantity; and
therefore initead of x we may i.Jbl:itute its equal z, which
will reduce theEquation to J' + 1 .(z x ay azy + 3..14 x az
+ 3V'2 x az + z; o, wherein the Series for the Root y may
converge by the Powers. of the fmall quantity z. -
But the reaon of this Operation il:ill remains to be inquired into,
which 1 hall endeavour to explain fiom the prefent Example. In
the Equation Y' + axy + ay x
o, the indeterminate
quantity x, of its own nature, mul: be fufceptible of all poffible
Val u es; at leal:, if it had any Iimitations, they would be hew'd by
impofiible Roots. Among other values, it will receive thefe, a, a,
-2a, z-a, &c. in which cafes the Equation would become )"
+ 2ay 3a' o, J' al o, y; ay + 6a; o, )'' -
ziay + ay o, &e, refpel:ively. Now as thefe Equations admjt
of jut Roots, as appears by their being divifible by y+ or an-
?ther quamity, and the Iaft by y alone; {o that in the Refolution,
the whole Equation (in thofe cafes) would be inunediately exhaul:ed:
And in other c-a[es, when x does not much recede from one of thofe

Tbe Method oJ FLUXIONs,
Values, the Equation would be nearly exhauil:ed. -Therefore 'the
introducing of z, which is the iinall diffcrence between ."< and any
one of thofe Values, muft deprefs the Equation; and z itfelf mul:
be a convenient quantity to be made the Root of the Scale, or the
converging -
I ha1l give the Solution of one of the Equations of thefe Exam-
ples, which ihall be this, y azy + 3az + 3az a
o, or

.. ..

)'; .a;
OZ)' + 3a Z
az !-az .iz;, &c.
3 3
azy az+.:..az+J.z;, &e,
3 3
a .;z
S1a:. > C. ... o
Here becaufe p a;, &c. it will be y a, &c. Then - azy
- a z, &c. which muft be wrote again with a contrary fign, and
united with 3az above, to make y * zaz, &c. and
therefore y * +z, &c. Then azy .., + +az, &c. and
'.' az, &c. and )'= *' "--.a , &c. Then azy
, j
* + &c. and y = * * *- fz;, &c. and y

Sc ' C.
The Author hints at many other ways of deriving a variety of
Series from the a.me Equation; as when we fuppofe the afore-men-
tion'd difierence z to be indefinitely gre1t, and from that Suppofition
we find Series, in which the Powers of z hall afcend in the Dc:no-
minators. This Cafe we ha ve all along purfued indifcriminately with
the other Cafe, in which the Powers of the converging quantity
afcend in the Nu.merators, and therefore we need add nothing here
about it. Expedient is, t? aiTume_for the converging quantity
fome other qilanuty of the Equauon, wh1ch then may be confider'd
as indeterminate. So here, for inftance, we may change a into x,
and x into a. Or laftly, to a!Iume any Relation at plealre, (fup-
a a +:z & ) b h .
po e X az z-, :>." h+"', x h+z , c. etween t e m-
detenui_nate o_f the Equation .x. and the. quantity z we
would mto 1ts by wh1ch new eqmvalent Equations
may be formd, and then thetr Roots may be extraaed. And after-
wards the value of z may be exprefs'd by x, by means of the af-
fumed Equation.
52. The
sz. The Author here, in a fummary way, gives us a Rationale of
his whole Method of Extral:ions, proving a priori, that thc Serie'
thus form'd, and continued iJZ injinitum, will then be the juft Roots
of the propofed Equation, And if they are only continucd to a
competent number of Terms, (the more the better,) yet then will
they be a very near Approximation to the ju:ft and cotnp!eat
For, when an Equation is propofed to be refolved, as near an Ap-
proach is made to the Root, fuppofe y, as can be had in a tingle
Term, compofed of the quantities given by the Equation ; and be-
caufe there is a Remainder, a Relidual or Secondary Equation is
thence form'd, whofe Root p is the Supplement to the Root of the
-given Equation, whatever that may be. Then as near an approach
is made to p, as-can be done by a fingle Term, and a new Reidual
Equation is form'd from the Remainder, wherein the Root q is the
Supplement to p. Aud by proceeding thus, the Refidual Equations
re contiaually deprefs'd, and the Supplements grow perpetually lefs
and lefs, till the Terms at Iaft are lefs than any a'ffignable quantities.
We may i)Jtrfl:rate this by a familiar Example, taken from the ufual
Method of Divifion of Decimal Frations. At evcry Operation we
put as large a Figure in the as the Dividend and Divifor
will permit, fo as to leave the leal: Remainder pofiible. Then this
Remainder fupplies the place of a new Dividend, which we are to
exhaul: as far as can be done by one Figure, and therefore we pnt
the greatel: number we can for the next Figure of the
and thereby leave the leal: Remainder we can. And fo go on,
either till the whole Dividend is exhaul:ed, if that can. be done, or
till we .ha ve obtain'd a fufficient Approximation in decimal places or
figures. And the fame way of Argumentation, that proves our Au-
thor's Method of Extration, may eafily be apply'd to the other
ways of Ana:lyfis that are here found.
53, 54 Here it is feafonably obferved, that tho' the indefinite
Qm_mtity houid not be taken fo nall, as to make the Series con-
verge very fa:ft, yet it would however converge to the true Root,
tho' by more l:eps and flower degrees. And this would obtain in
proportion, even if it were taken never fo large, provided we do
not exceed the due Limits of the Roots, which may be difcover'd,
either from the given Equation, or from the Root when exhibited
by a Series, or m!ly be fattber deduced and illul:rated by fome
Geometrical Figure, to which the Equation is accommodated.
So if the given Equation were yy ax xx, it is.eafy to .00-
erve, that neither y nor x can be infinite_, but they are both liable to
H h feveral
The Method oJ FLUXIONs;
ieyeral Limiw.tions. For if x be fuppos'd in:finite, the T-erm a.
,,ould vanhb in refpet of xx, which would give tbe Value .of yy
impoffible on this Suppofition. Nor can x be negathe; for then the:
Villce of )'J would be negative, and therefore the Value of y would
again become impoffible. If x o, then is J o alfo; which is
one Limitation of both quanticies. As JY is the difference between
ax and ,\"X, when that diiference is greateft, then will yy, and con-
fcquently y, be greateft alfo. But this happens when x as
fo J -;a, as may appear from the following Prob. 3 And in.
general, whcn y is exprefs'd by any number of Terms, whether
fmite or infioite, it will then come to its Limit when the diiference.
is greate11 beLwecn the affirmatiYe and negative Terms;, as may ap-.
pear from the &:ne Problem. This laft will be a Limitation or )',
but not for x. Laftly, when x a, then y o; which willlimit
both x and For if we fuppofe x to be greater than a, the ne-
gative Term will prevafr over the affirmative, and give the Value af
Jj' negative, which will make the V alue of y impoffible. So that
u pon the whole'"" the Limitations of x in this Equation will be thefe,
that it cannot be lefs than o, nor greater than a, but.may be of any
intermediare. magnitude between thofe Limits.
Now if we rdolve this Equation, and find the Value of y in an..
infinite Series, we may ilill difcover the fame Limitations from
thence. For from the Equation yy ax xx, by -extrating the
l. 1.
fquare-root, as befare, we 1hall have )' x _

2a': ...
xo. , c. that is, J = ai X J. into I -- =._ - x
, za ta&- t bal , &c. Here
:.. cmnot be negative; for then x! would bean impoffible quantity .
Nor can x be greater than a; for then the converging quantity:: ,.
. a

or the Root of the Si:ale by --whih the Series is exprefs'd, would be
-creater than Unity, and confeqently the Sries woultl diverge, and
comerge as it ought to oo. The Limit betw-een converging and.
diverging will be found, by putting x a, and therefore y o;
in which cafe we hall ha\>e the identical Numeral Series I .!.

+ .. + ,'
, &c. of the fame nature with fome of thofe, which we
ha ve elfe'Yber taken notice of. So that we may take x of any.
intermediate Value anda, in arder to have a
Series. But the nearer it is tak-en to the "Limit o, fo much fafter
the Sc:ries will converge to the true Root; and the nearcr it is takcn
to the Limit a, it will converge fo much the fiower. But it will
. _ however
and 1 N P r N t T E S E R u s.
bowever cofiverge, if x be taken never fo littlc lefs than a. And by
.Analogy, a like Judgment is to be made in all otber cafes.
The Limits and other affetions of y are likewife difcoverable from
this Series. When x o, then y o. When x is a nafcent quan-
tity, or but jufl: beginning to be pofitive, all the Terms but the firft
may be negleted, and y will be a mean proportional between a and x.
Alfo y o, when the affinnative Term is equal to all the negative
" .. x3 h . h
Terms,or w 1en r - +
L + . , &c. t at IS, w en "' a.
:za a
For then r + v + ,., &c. as above. Laftly, y will be a
Mllximum when the diiference between the affirmative Term :md al!
the negative 'Ferms is which by Prob. 3 will be found
when x
Now the Figure or Curve that may be adapted to this Equation,
:;nd to this Series, and which will have the fame Limitations that
they l1ave, is the Circle ACD;. whofe Diameter is AD a, its Ab-
fcifs AB... x, nd its perpendicular Ordinate BC y. For as the
Ordinate BC y is a mean proportional e e
between che Segments of the Diameter

AB x and BD a x, it w:ill be

yy ax xx. And therefore the Ordi-
nte BC y_ will be exprefs'd bythe fore-
going Series. But it is plain from the na-:- l> B D
ture of the Circle,_ that thc Abfcifs AB cimnat be' extended bad'-
wards, fo as to become negative ; neither can it be continued for-
wards bey{)nd the end: ofi the Diameter D. And, that at A and
)Vhere the Diameter begins and ends, the Ordinate is nothing. And
greatef Ordinate is, at the Center,. or when AB
SE e T. VI. Tranjitio?t to tbe Met!Jod of Fluxions.
SS HE learned and fagacious. Author having thus accom-
plih'd one part of his defign, which was, to teach the
MethoLl of converting all kinds of Algebraic into fimple
Terms, by reducing them to infinite Series: He now goes orr to
hew. ufe and- application of this Redution, or of thefe Series;
in. the Methodof Fluxions, which is inded: the principal defign of
this Treatife; For this Method has fo. near a connexion with,. and
deperidence upon the foregoing, that it- would- be very lame and
wi.thout it, He Iays clown the fundamental Principies of
. _ H h 2 this
_ ..
., "6
1'he Method ojFLUXIoNs,
this Mtthod in a. very general and fcientifick manner, deducing
them from t...1.e received and known laws of local Motion. Nor is
this inverting the natural arder of Science, as fome ha\'e pretended,
by introducing the Dofuine of Motion into. pure Geometrical Spe.-
culations. For Geometrical and Analytical are beil con-
ceived as generated by local Motion ; and their properties may as
well be derived from them while they are generating, as when their
generation is fuppos'd to be already accomplih'd, in any other way.
A right line, or a curve line, is defcribed by the motion of a point,
a furface by the motion of a line, a folid by the motion of a fur;..
face, an angle by the rotation of a radius.; all which motions we
may conceive to be perform'd acccrding to any ftated law, as ccca'-
1ion hall reqnire. Thefe generations of quantities we daily fee to
obtain in rerm natur, and is the manner the ancient Geometricians
had often recourie to, i!l confidedng ther pmdution, and then de-
ducing their properties from ftich a&al defcriptions. And by ana-
logy, all other quantities, as well as. thefe g'-'Vmetrical
quantities, may be conceived as generated by a kind ofmotion or
progrefs of the Mind.
The Method of Fluxions then fuppofes quantities to be generated
by local l\'lotion, or fometJ.jng analogous thereto, tho' fuch gene-
rations indeed may not be efientially necefiary to the nature of the
thing fo generated. They might have an exilence independent of
thefe motions, ancl may be conceived as produced many other ways;
and yet will be endued with the ilme properties. But this concep-
tion,. of their being Iiow generated by local Motion, is a very fertile
notion, aild an exceeAing ufeful artifice for difcovering their pro
perties, and a great help to the Mind for a clear, diftinl:, and me"'
thodical perception of them. For local Motion ippofes a notion
of time, and time implies a fucceilion of Ideas. We ealily diftin-
uui.ili it into what was, \vhat is, and what \Vill be, in thefe ge-
of quantiti::s ; and fo we commodioufly conlider thofe
thffigs by parts, which would be too much for our faculties, and ex"'
tream difficult for tbe Mind to take in the whole together, without
fuch artificial partitions and difiributions.
Our Amhor therefore makes this eafy. fuppotion, that a Line
m;;. y be concei,ed as now defcribing by a Point, which moves eitheu
equably or ineqcably, either with an unifonn motion, or elfe accoro.
dir,g to :.my rate of continua! Acceleration or Retardation. Velocity
is a Mathematical <l!!_antity, and like all fuch, it is fufceptible of
infinite gr-adations, may be intended or remitted, may. be increa!ed
mtd INrI N 1 n S E P. ns.-
or diininib'd in different parts of the fpace defcribed, according to
an infinire variety of ftated Laws. N ow it is plain, that the fpace
thus-defcribed, and the law of acceleration or retardation, (that is,
the velocity at every point of time,) muft have a mutual relation
tQ each other, and- mul: mutually determine each other; fo that
one of them being ailign'd, the other by necefary inference may be
derived from it. And therefore this is ftril:ly a Geometricat'Pto.
blem, and capable of a full Determination. And al! Geometrical
Propofitions once demonfhated, or duly inveftigated, may be fafely
made ufe of, to derive other Propofitions froin them. This wil!
divide the prefent Problem into two.Cafes, according as either the
Spaee or Velocity-is affign'd, at any given time,. in order to find-the
other. And this has given occa!ion to th:1.t diftinl:ion which has
fince obtain'd, of the dire8 and inverj Method oJ F!uxions, each of
which we l1all now confider apart.
56. In the direl: Method the Problem is thus abl:ral:edly pro-
pofed. Fro111 the Spa!Je dtji:rihed, beng co1ztimtally givm, or q!Jimzed,
or bei11g kmwn at atzypoiJZt of <fime ajjign'd; to jind the Ve!ocity-of the
Motion at that Time. Now in equable Motions it is well knowrr,
that the S pace defcribed is always as the V elocity and the Time of
defcription conjunHy; or the V elocity is direl:ly as the Space de-
fcribed,. and reciprocally as the Time of defcription. And even in
inequable Motions, or fuch as are continually accelerated or retarded,
according to fome ftated Law, if we take the Spaces and Times very
fmall, they will make a near approach to the nature of equable Mo-
tions; and fti!l the nearer, the fmaller tho: are taken. But if we
may fuppofe the i m ~ s and Spaces to be indefinitely fmall, or if
they are nafcent or evanefcent quantities, then we iliall ha ve the .ve.:.
locity in any infinitcly little Space, as that Space diretly, and as the
tempujcttlum inverfely. This property therefore of all inequable Mo-
tions being thus deduced, will afford us a medium for folving the
prefent Problem, as will be fuewn afterwards. So that the Space
defcribed being thus continually given, and the whole time of its
defcription, the Velocity at the end of that time wiU be thence de-
57 The general abftral: Mechanical Problem, which amounts to
the fame as what is call'd the inverfe Method of Fluxions, will be
t h i s ~ B'rom the Vdocity qf the Motiim being continually given, to de-
termine the Space deji:ribed, at any point of Time q!Jiglld. For the
Solution of which we Ihall have the affiftance of this Mechanical
Theorem, that in inequable Motions, or when. a Point defcri_bes a

1'he MethrJ oJ FtuXION s,
Line according to 21lY rate of -acceleration or retardation. the indefr-
nitely little Space defcn"bed in any indefinitely little Time, will be in
a compound ratio of the Time and the V elocity ; or- thejpatiolum' will
be as the velocity and the tempufculum conjunl:ly. This being the
Law of all equable Motions, when the Space and Time are any finite
quantities, it w.iU obtain alfo in all inequable Motions. when the
Space and Time are diminih'd in injizzitum. For by this means all
ineqnable Motions are reduced, as it were, to equability. .Hence the
Time and the V elocity being continually known, the Space defcribed
may be known alfo; as will more fully appear from what follows.
This Problem, in all its cafes, will be capable of a juft deterrnina-
tion ; tho' taking it in its full extent; we muft acknowledge it to
be a >ery d.ifficult and operofe Problem. So that our Author had
good reafon for calling it mddfijfimum & omnizmr dfflicillimumpro-
58. To fix the Ideas of his Reade!', our Author illull:rates his
general Problems by a particular Example. 1f two Spaces x and y
are defcribed by two points in fuch manner, that the Space X being
unifmmly incr.eafed-, in the nature of Time,. and its equable velocity
heing reprefented by the SymboL x ; and if the Space y increafes: in-
t:qJiably, but after fuch a rate, as that the Equation y. xx. hall
always. dete1mine the relation. between thofe Spaces; (or x. beinO'
gi_ven, )' will be thence known ;) then the velocity o
increai of )' hall always be reprefented by zxx. That is, if the
fymbol j b.e put: to reprefent the velocity of the increafe of y, then
will the:Equacion j zx:i: a.lways obtain, as will be hewn hereafter.
Now from the given Equation y xx, or from the relation of the
Spacesy and x, (tbat is, the Space and Time, or its reprefentative,)
being continually giyen, the: relation of the V elocities j zxit is
fonnd. on the. relation of the V elocity j, by which the S pace increafes,
<o Velocity x, by wbich the reprefi:ntative of the Time increafes.
And.this: is an. inlbnce. of the Solution of the. firft general Problem,
-QI: oi in the diret Methoci of Fluxions. But
.!lic.e ':!ers,. if the lait. Equation j 2x.-::. were given, or. if the V e-
locity j, by which the Space )' is defcribed, were continually known
fi:om:the. Time. x.being.given, and:its Velo.city x; and if from thence.
we fuQuld: derive the Equation )' xx, or. the relation of the Space
and Time : 'fhis would be. an inftance of the Solution of the. fecond
general Problem, or: of. a particular of the inverfe Method
of Fluxions. And in analogy to this defcription of Spaces by mov-
1ng. poiuts, our. Author. confi<krs all other quantities whatever as ge-
ancl INFfNI't'E SiiRTEs.

.nerated' and produced by continua! augmentation, or by the perpe--
tual accefiion and accretion of new particles of the fame kind.
'59 In fettling the Laws of his Calculus of Fluxions, our Author
very kilfully and judicioufiy difengages himfelf from all confidera-
tion of Time, as 'being a thing of too Phyfical or Metaphy.fical a
nature to be admitted here, efpecially when there was no abfolute
necefiity for it. Far tho' al! Motiom, and Velocities of Motion,
when they come to be compared or meafured, may feem neceffarily
to include a notion' of Time; yet Time, like all other quantities,
may be reprefented by Lines and Symbol:s, as in the foregoing ex-
ample, efpecially when we carrceive them ro increafe uniformly.
And tbefe reprefentati\tes or proxies of Time, whicb in fome mea-
fnre may be made the objel:s of Senfe, will anfwei:-the preent pur-
pofe as well as-theth.ing itfelf. So that Time,.ln fome fenfe,. may
be faid to be elim1nated and excluded out of the ioquiry. :By this
means the Problem is no longer Phyjlca:l, but beccmes much more
fimple and Geometrical, as being wholly confined to the defcription
-of Lines and Spaces, with their compara ti ve V elocities of increafe
and decreafe. Now from the equable Flux df Time,. which we
coru:eive to be generated by the continua} acceffion o'f new partic!es,.
or Moments, our Anthor has thought 'fit to call 'bis Ca1culus ihe
Method r!f Fluxirms.
to, 6 r. Here the Authar premifes fome Defi.nitions, and other
necefiiuy preliminaries to his Method. Thus Q&.ntitles, W.hich in.
any Problem or Equation are fuppos'd to be {ufceptible of continua!
increafe or decreafe, he calls F!uents, or jloqving ff<!jantities; which
are {ometimes call'd variable or indeterminate quantities, becaufe they
are capable of receiving an infinite number of particular values, in
a regular order of fucceffion. The Velocities of the increafe or de-
creafe of fuch quantities are call'd their Fluxions; and quantities in
the [ame Problem, not liable to increafe or decreafe, or whofe Fluxions
are nothing, are call'd co!!flant, given, invariable, and determnate
quantities. This difiinl:ion of quantities, when once made, is care-
fully obferved tbrough the whole Problem, and inlinuated by proper
Symbols. For the firft Letters of the Alphabet are generally appro-
priated for denoting conl:ant quantities, and the lafi Letters com-
monly fignif)r variable quantities, and the 1me Letters, being pointed,
reprefent the Fluxions of thofe variable quantities or Fluents repec-
tivcly. This difiinl:ion between thefe quantities is not altogether
arbitrary, but has fome foundation in the nature of the thing, at
leal: during the Solution of the prefent Problem. F or the .flowing
'Ihe Method oJ F-LUXIONS.
or variable quantities may be conceived as mw _ge!lerating by MotioD,
and the confrant or invariable quantities as fome how o other a/-
ready gmerated. Thus in any gi\en Circle or Parabola, the Diame-
ter or Para meter are conftant lines, or already generated; but the
Abfcifs, Ordinate, Area, Curve-line, &c. are fl.owing and variable
qnantities, becaufe they are to be underil:ood as now defcribing by
local Motion, while their properties are derived. Another diil:inc-
tion of thefe quantities may he this. A conil:ant or given lille in any
Problem is linea qutZdam, but .an indeterminate line is linea qutZvis
<;Je/ qutZcunque,_ becaufe it may admit of infinite valties. Or lail:Iy,
conftant qnantities in a Prohlem are thofe, whofe ratio to a common
Unit, of their own kind, is fuppos'd to be known; but in variable
quantities that ratio cannot he known, becanfe it is varying perpe-
tnally. Tliis difiinl:ian ofquantities however, into determnate and
indetelminate, fubfiil:s no longer tban the prefent Calculation requires;
for as it is a difrintion form'd by the Imagination only, for its own
convenieru:y, it has a power of abolhing it, and of converting de-
terwinate qnantities into indeterminate, .and 'Vice 'Vers, as occafion
may require,; of wbich we hall fee Inil:ances in what follows. In
a Problem, or Equation., there may be any number of conil:ant quan-
tities, but t.lu:re mnft be at leail: two that are fl.owing and indeter-
minate; for one cannot increafe or diminih, while all the reft con-
tinue the fiune. If there are more than two variable quantities in
a Problem, their relation ought to be exhibited by more than one


( 24- I )

IONS on Pro .1.
O R,.
The relation of the flowing uantities being given,
to determine the relation. of their Fluxions.
S E e T. I. Concerning Fluxions of the jir.ft order, and to
find their Equations.
1, HE Author having thus propofed bis fundamental
blems, in an aQftrat and general manner, and gradually
brought them down to the form moft convenient for
bis Method ; he now proceeds to deliver the Precepts
of Solution, which he illuftrates by a fufficient variety of Examples;
referving the. Demonftration to be given afterwards; whenhis Rea-
ders will be better prepared to apprehend the force of it, and whe!:l.
their notions will be better fettled and confirm'd. Thefe Precepts
of Solution, or the Rules for finding the Fluxions of any given
Equation, are very lhort, elegant, and comprellenlive ; and app.ear;
to have but little affinity with the Rules ufually given for this pur-
pofe: But that is owing to their great degree of univerfality. V.fe
are toform, as it were, fo many different Tables for the
as there are flowing quantities in it, by difpofing the 'Terms accor-
ding to the Powers of each quantity, fo as that their Indies may
form an Arithmetical Progrefllon. Then the Terms are to be mul-
tiply'd in each cafe, either by the Progreffion of the Indices, or by
the Terms of any other Arithmetical Progreffion, (which .Yet fl1ould
.havethe fame common difference with the Progreffion of the In dices;)
I i as

., " 'lDe ltl,;thocl rj FLux IoN s.
:15 alf.1 by the Fiuxion of tbt Fluent, and then to be divded by
the Fluent it!elf. Latt of all, thete Tenns are to be colle8:ed, accor-
ding to their prorer Signs, and to be made equal to nothing; which
,,i!l be a ncw Equation, exhibiting relation of the Fluxions.
Trus prcceis ind;:::d is not io ihort as rhe Method for taking Fluxions,
(to be give_n pre[erdJ,) which he elfewhere delivers, and which is
commonly folh-,/d ; but it {ufficient amends by the univer-
!Jlity of it, and by the great Yariety of Solutions which it will afford,
For ,,-e may derive as many di.t'1.-erent Fluxional Equations from the
&me gi;cn Equation, as we Oo:J!l thiJlk fit to afume dfferent Arith-
metical Pmgreions. Yet all thele Equations will agree in the main,
:md tho' differing in form, yet each will truly give the relaton of
the Fluxions, :;s will appear from the following Examples.
2. In the firfr Example we are to take the Fluxions of the Equa-
tion x; ax : a.V)' f o, where the Terms are always
brought over to one fide. Thefe Terms being difpoied according
to the powers of the Fluent x, or being conlider'd as a Number ex-
pref;'d by the Scale whofe Root is x, will l:and thus x; ax +
<!)'X' y;xe o; and aliuming the Arithmetical Progreffion 3, 2,
1, o, which is here that of the Indices of x, and multiplying each
Term by each relpel:ivdy, we fuall h:we the Terms JX; 2ax

.. a_r.": * ; which again multiply'd by ; , or -, according to
thc Rule, will make 3xx 2a:(x + ayx. Then in the fame Equa-
tion making the other Fluent J the Root of the Scale, it will ftand
thus, J; + OJ' : aX)'' ax)'" o ; and aliuming the Arith-
+ ,'(;
metical Progreffion 3, 2, I, o, whch alfo is the Progreffion of the
Indices of )', and multiplying as before, "e fhall have the Terms

- 3Y "" which multiply'd by ; , or )"".;,-', will make
- :;j;- +. axj. Then ccllel:ing the Terms, the Equation 3xx-
2a:. ay;; 3.): + a:( o will gi\e t!:e required relation of the
Fluxions. For if \';e reiolve tbis Equation into an Analogy, we ihall
ha\e .-i: : j :: 3Y' ax : jX' 2ax +a)'; w hich, in all the val u es that
x and )' can a!Tume, will give the ratio of their Fluxions, or the
comp:;rative velocity of their ncreafe or decreafe, when they flow
according to the given Equation.
Or to find this ratio of tbe Fluxions more immediately, or the
value of the Fraiion by fewer fteps, we may proceed thus. Write

clown tl:e Fration with the note of equalty after it, and in the

Numerator of the equivalent Fral:ion write thc Terms of thc Equa-
tion, difpos'd according to x, with their refpcl:ive figns; each be-
ing multiply'd by the Index of .-.: in that Term, (increafed or di-
minih'd, if you pleafe, by any common Number,) as alfo divided
by ,'(, In the Denominator do the me by the Terms, when dif-
pofed according to y, only changing the figns. Thus in the pre-
fent Equation x3 ax + axy )'
o, we hall have at once
j 3X1- 2aX+'!'' _.
i: = 3>" 9 -ax '
Let us now apply the Solution another way. The Equation x'
- ax + axy y' o being order' d according to x as befare,
will be x' ax +ay.-.:' )"X
o; and fuppofing the Indices
of x to be increas'd by an unit, or afuming the Arithmetical Pro-
reffion , and multiplying the Terms rdipel:ively,
we l1all have thefe Terms 3axx+ zayx J''xx.-. Then
mdering the Terms according to )', they will become )"+O)"
+ a."l')"+ Xl)'
o; and fuppofing thelndices of)' to be diminilh'd
by' an unit, or afuming the Arithmetical Progreffion 2, 2 -:!,
u yy'y'y
and multiplying the Terms refpel:ively, we hall have thefe Terms
-zjy" *' .v'jy- 1 axjy-. So that colleting tbe Tcrms,
we l1all have 4.\x 3axx + )''>.x- 2jy> . X)J-' +
ax-jy- o, for the Fluxional Equation required. Or the ratio
of the Fluxions will be
:-;a.'-J:- ; which ratio
X ZJ -a.t:,V I _
may be found immediately by applying the foregong Rule.
Or contrary-wife, if we multiply the Equation in the firft fonn

by the ProgreTion ::, ox, wc !hall h:we the Terms Z:.:.x-
.Y x) .\ x
- a:;;x * + yli:x-. And if we multiply the Equation in the fe-
cond form by , +- , we hall have the Terms 4})" * .
+ zaxj + x'fr' ax"):J;-,. Thereforc collel:ing 'tis x a:(.\
+ y'x.c-' 4;,vy> + za.\}. .\';}y- ax'j)'_, o. Or the ratio
of the Fluxions will be f V" ,

-, , which might
have been found at once bv the foteg"ling Rule,
A nd in general, if the Equation .1.:; . a.\'' + a:x_y )' o; in
the form X' ax + t!.\:Y .J
o, ce multiply'd by the Tenns
f h
. A n "" ,,. -L. ' ''' + z ,., -'- , "'
o t 1s nt 1met1ca 1 ro!rcuion ' .{ - --;; .. ' ): ..:.,.( . it will
...., .\" ) X ' :... ) X '
produce the Terms -f- z::;,: -- ' zo:.: ' -f- I { ,\j 1l) 1>:.\-; .
I i 2 and

The !vfethod oJ FLUXIONs,
and if the me Equation, reduced to the form f+ oy<+axy'
+ :v:;_-= o, multiply'd by the Terms of this Arithmetical Pro-
greffion Jj, itwillproducetheTerms
* JZ + ra:.:j' + m.;fy- wx"j_r-. Then collel:ing the Terms,
we .hall have 111 + 3ix< + zai:x + m+ raxy my;xx-.'
- ;z + 3.Jf * + n + 1 axj + tzx; ;r' nax<jJ- o, for the
Fluxional Equation required. Or (he ratio of the Fluxions will be
7 h } h b
- - ; w 11c m1g 1t ave een
:: t+S..l:. -t:+Iax-r.xS.J-I +::ax:_,.-r
found immediately from the gi.-en Equation, by the foregoing Rule.
Here the general Numbers .lll and n may be determined pro lubitu,
by which means we may obtain a,c; many Fluxional Equations as we
pleafe, wbich will all belong to the given Equation. And thus we
may always find the fimpleft Expreffion, or that which is beft ac-
c-ommodated to the pr-efent exigence. Thus if we make m o,
and n o, we hall ha ve i
''-: a.r+ar , as found befare. Or if
x lf ... _ax
j .. ax+2a}-JSx-l ,
m; make m 1, and n 1, we hallhave ., _ +' . , _, ,
- X :;- X'J -GX")
as before. Or if we make m r, and 11 r, we hall have

as befare. Or if we make m 3,
and n
h 11 ha
j ar- zar+3J3x-'
::: -- 3, we a ve .,. -
x - 2c:X + jX3j-1 - 3axsy-1
:_:: _. And fa of others. N ow this variety of Solutions
J ' , :J
will beget no ambiguity in the Conclu.Gon, as poffibly might have
1::-een fuipel:ed; for it is no other than what ought necefarily to
arife, from the diiferent forms the given Equation may acquire, as
will appear after wards. If we confine ourfelves -to the Progreffion of
the Indices, it will bring the Solutiofi to the common Method of
taking Fluxions, which our Author has taught elfewhere, and which,
beamie it is eafy and expeditious, and requires no cenain order of
the Termo, I fball here fubjoin.
For every Tenn of the giycn Equation, io many Terms muft be
iprm'd in the Fluxional Equation, as there an:: flowing in
tbat Ter m. And this muft be done, ( r.) by multiplying the Tenn
by the Index _of each flowing Quantity contain'd in it. (z.) By
dividing it by the quantity itelf; and, (3.) by multiplying by its
Fluxion. Thus in the foregoing Equation x; ax + ayx p
. o, the Fluxion belonging to the Ten11 .\; is
.\-, or



'The Fluxion belonging to - ax is - "'::. x , or - zax;;, The

Fluxion belonging to ayx is a;J' + "'::' , or a:o:f + ayi:. And the
Fluxion belonging to J
Y, or 3)'"}'. So that thc
Fluxion of the whole Equation, or the whole Fluxional Equatioo,
is 3xx 2axx + ajx + ayx 3ff o. Thus the Equation
X"' y, will give mxxm- j; and the Equation x"'z" )', will
give mxx"'-'z" + xmzz- j for its Fluxional Equation. And
the Iike of other Examples.
If we take the Author's fimple Example, in pag. rg, or the Equa-
tion y Kx, or rather ay x o, that is ayxo xyo o,
in order to find its moft general Fluxional Equation; it may be per-
form'd by the Rule befare given, fuppofing the lndex of x to be
encreas'd by m, and the Index of y by 11. For then we !hall have
clire.Hy mar.=' -m++_:x . For the firft Term of thc given
x nx'J.y 1 - 11 1 a
Equation being ayxo, this multiply'd by the Index of x incrcas'd by
m, that is by m, and divided by x, will give may'X-' for the firfl:
Term of the Numerator. Alfo the fecond Term being xyo
multiply'd by the lndex of x increas'd by m, that is by m+ 2, and
divided by x, will give m+. 2x for fecond of the Nu-
merator. Again, the fi.rft Term of the g1ven Equation may be now
-xyo, which multiply'd by the Index J increas'd by n, that
is by 11, and divided by y, will give (changmg the fign) 1zxy- for
the firft Term of the Denominator. Alfo the fecond Term will
thcn be ayx, which multiply'd by the Index of J increas'd by 11,
tlJat is by 11 + r, and divided by y, will give ( changing the Sign)
- 11 + w for the fecond Tenn of the Denominator, as found above.
Now from this general relation of the Fluxions, we may deduce as
many particular ones as we pleafe. Thus if we make m o, and
n _ o, we hall ha ve l , or aj z, agreeable to om"'
x a .
Author's Solution in the place before citcd. Or if we make m z,
and 11 r, we flaJl ha ve i.
ayx-' Or if we make
,_. x'J -x -',

o, and 11 =- 1, we hall ha ve !:

1 d h
r 2a.'t-r
we ma {e 11 o, an 111 2, we fhall ave a
as before. All which, and innumerable other caies, may be eaiih-
proved by a fubfiitution of equivalents. Or we may prO\'e it gend-
Tbe Meihod oJ FLUXIONS,
rally tlms. Becaufe by the given Equation it is y xa-', in the-
value of the ratio r.:a-x-' -m_+tx for y fubftitute its value, and
we fhall ha ve mx - "':== :: ' as above.
r.a- r: Ia a
3 The Equation of the fecond Example is 2f + xy zc;.z
! 3yz z; o, in which there are three flowing quantities y, x,
and z, and therefore there mufr be three operations, or three Tables
muft be form'd. Firfr difpofe the Terms according to y, thus ;
2 J;. : xy z;r o, and multiply by the Terms of the Pro-
.... z:.
greffion 2 xj)'-', r xj')-', oxj)'-', I xjy-', refpel:ively, (where
theCoefficients are form'd by diminifhing thelndicesofybythecom-
mon Number I ,) and the refulting Tenns will be 4:ff + z?jy-'.
Secondly, difpoie theTerms according to x, thus ;yx+ox+z;; xo o,
:md multiply by the Tem1S of the Progreition 2 xxx-', I
o x ::-.e', (where the Coefficients are ilie fame as. ilie Indices of x,)
::nd the only refulting Term here is + Z)'XX Lal:ly, difpofe
the Terms according to z, thus ; z; + 3yz 2C)'Z + x yzo o. .
and multiply by the Progreffion 3 x.iz-', 2 x.Zz-', 1 xzz-\ o xzz-',
(where ilie Ccefficients are alio the fame as the Indices of z,) and
the Terms will be : 6yzz zcyz . Then colleting all
thefe Terms togetber, we hall ha ve the Fluxional Equation 4:fr + ..
! z.\.-.; + 6yzz 2CI'Z o .
Here '"e have a notable inftance of our Auilior's dexterity, at
finding cxpedients for abbreviating. For in every one of thefe Ope- .
r:ctions fuch a Progreffion is chofe, .as by multiplication will make
the grea<eft defuul:ion 9f the Tem1s. By which means he arrives
;lt the ibortefr Expre.ffion, that the nature of the Problem will allow.
If we iliould ieek the Fluxions of this Equation by the ufual me-
thcd, v;hich is taught above, that is, if we always afume the Pro..:
2eiiions of the In dices, we hall ha ve 6j)" + xy + :..:j zcjz
- : :,}z:. ! 6)'zZ 3Zz.:. o; \vhich has tv/o Terms
n:cre thz.::. other form. And if the Progreilions of the Indices
::re incre:s'd, in cz.{e, by any common general Numbers, we
m:;y fvrm mdl: general Expreiiion for the Fluxional Equation,
. tl'e PL-J.1Pn"\ ..... - ..,dmi't orr
-...:.-....... ... -- -- ' - "" .
4 On occaiion of the lafl: Example, in which are threc FJuents
and tbeir Fluxions, our Author makcs an ufeful Obferration, for
the Redution and compleat Determination of il!ch Eqttltions, tho'
it be deiived from the Rules of the \'ulgar Algebra ; which matt
may be confider'd thus. Every Eqnation, conlifl:ing of two flowing
or variable is what correfponds to an indctcrmin'd Pro-
blem, admitting of an infinitc number of Anfwers. Thcrefore one
of thofe quantities being afii.uned at pleai.Jre, or a particular value
being ailign'd to it, the other will alfo be complcatly determined.
And in the Fluxional Equation derived from thence, thofe particular
values being i.Jbfl:ituted, the Ratio of the Fluxions will be given in
Numbers, in any particular cafe. And one of the Fluxions being
taken for Unity, or of any determnate value, the value of the other
may be exhibited by a Number, which will be a compleat Determi-

. natwn.
But if the given Equation involve three flowing or indeterminate
two of them mufl: be afumed to determine the third ;
or, which is the fame thing, fome other Equation mufl: be either
given or afiumed, involving fome or all the Fluents, in arder to a
compleat Determination. For then, by means of the two Equa-
tions, one of the Fluents may be eliminated, which will bring this
to the former cafe. Alfo two Fluxional Equations may be derived,
involving the three Fluxions, by means of which one of them may be
eliminated. And fo if the given Equation hould in vol ve four Fluents,
two other Equations hould be either given or afii.Imed, in order to
a compleat Determination. - Ths will be fufficiently explain'd by the
two following Examples, which will alfo teach us how compli-
cate Terms, fuch as compound Frations and Surds, are to be ma-
naged in this Method,
5, 6. Let the given Equation be y> a xv' a x o,
of which we are to take the Fluxions. To the two Fluents y and
g we may introduce a third .z, if we afume another Eguation.
Let that be z xv' a x, and we 11all have the two Equations
y a z o, and ax :.,1 z o. Then by thc forc-
going Solution their Fluxional Equations (at leaft in ene cafe) will
be zjy i o, and ai:x zix' iz o. Thefe two Fluen-
tial Equations, and their Fluxional Equations, may be reduced
to one Fluential and one Fluxional Equation, by the ufual methods
.of Redution : that is, we may eliminate z and z by fiibl:ituting
ther values J'Y aa and zjy. Then we fhall ha ve)'" a_

The Method oJFLUXIONs,
.. . . ..
. c.-x-
2))';;.... . .. -.- =o. Or by taking away the fras,.
'tis a:.x:. .\'"-t ]
- I 2a:.}:. -ai
o, and then ax.v- 2.\x'
-2jJ'; ! za"jJ' o.
Or if the given Equaon be x; a;+ h'
= o, to fmd its correfponding Fluxional Equation ; to the two.
rlow!ng quantities :e :md y we may introduce two others z and v,
:md thereby remove the Fratiorr and the Radical, if we afume the
t'\YO Equations z, and x"v ay+xx v. Then we hall
have tbe tbree Equations x; af + z v o, az + yz -
b; o, and aJX' + x
o; o, which will give i:he three
Fluxional Equations 3xx zajy + .i iJ o, a.i + )'Z + jz
- 3bj:Y o, and ajx4 + ftlJXX; + 6xxr 2vv o. Thefe by
known Methods of the common Algebra may be reduced to one
Fluential and one Fluxional Equation, involving x. and y) and their
Fhxions, as is required.
8. And by the fame Method- we m ay take the Fluxions of Bino-
mial or other Radicals, of any kind, any how involved or compli-
cated with one another. As for inftance, if we were to find the
Fluxion of V ax : v aa :rx, put it equal to y, or make ax +
v aa ...: yy. Alfo make v aa xx z. Then we l1all
have the two Fluential Equations ax+z y o, and a x,
-z o, from whence we hall have the two Fluxional Equations
a:i: : .i 2jy o, and 2xx 2zz o, or xx + .iz o ..
This lafr Equation, iffor z and .i we fubll:itute their values-yy ax.
and a.':, will become + zjy; zaxjj axy> + axx.
. .. .. . .
o; whence f r.r-"-:; ""' . And here if for y we fubfti-
tute its value vax.+ veza x:,:, we hall have the Fluxion re-
ai: .J a a- .l.x - ix
quired J' .. . - . . And many other Exam-
zy'aa -xx x y' .zx+ y' aa-xx
pies of a like kind will be found in the fequel of this W ork.
g, ro, 11, 12. In Examp. 5 the propofed Equation is zz +'
a:::z Ji o,. in which there are three variable quantities x, y, and
:::;, and therefore the relation ef the Fluxicns will be 2.iz + ax:<:
! axZ. o. But as there wants another Fluential Equa-
tion, and thence another Fluxional Equation, to make a compleat
rletennination ; if only another Fluxional Equation were given or
:U.Tumed, we filDuld ha ve the required relation of the Fluxions :i: and j.

tmd IN r INITE B"E RrE :;
Suppofe this Fluxional Equation vvere 2 .':..!"rx .<x ; then by
fubl:itution we fl10uld have the Equation zz +a;.: x )..\/a."( .r:.v
+ axz 4jY; o, or thc Analogy X : j :: 4Jl : 2Z + (/X X
. ax xx + az, which can be reduced no farther, (or .e: cannot
be elminated,) till we ha ve the Fluential Equation, from which the
Fluxional Equation z x./ X XX is fuppos'd to be derived.
And thus we may have the relation of the Fluxions, evcn in fuch
cafes as we have not, or perhaps cannot have, the relation of the
But tho' this Redul:ion inay not perhaps be conveniently per-
forni'd Analytically, or by Cakulation, yet it may poffibly be per-
form'd Geomefl'ically, as it were, and by the of Curves;
as we may Iea:rn from our Author's preparatory Propofition, and
from the following general Confiderations. Let the right Line AC,
perpendicular to the right Line AB, be conceived to move ahvays
parallel to itfelf, {o as that its extremity A may defcribe the line AB.
Let the point C be fixt, or always at the farne diftance from A, and
let another point move from A towards C, with a. velocity any how
.accelerated or retarded. The parallel motion of the line AC does
not at all affel: the prqgrffive motion of the point moving from
A towards C, but from a .combination of thefe t.wo independent
motions, it will defcribe the Curve ADH ;
while at the fame time the fixt point e will 1)__ ....----
defcribe the right Iine CE, parallel to AB. 1
Let the line AC be conceived to m ove thus, C. F..... ... ........

till it comes into the place BE, or BD. Then

tbe line AC is confl:ant, and remains the fame, .: '.:--
while the indefinite or flowing line becomes A n
BD. Alfo the Areas defcribed at the fame time, ACEB and ADB,
are likewife ftowing quantities, and their velocities of defcription,
or their Fluxions, muff necefarily be as their refpetive defcribing
. Iines, or Ordinates, BE and .BD. Let AC orBE be Linear
.or a conftant knowrt rlght line, to which all the other lines are to
be compared or refer'd; jufl: as in Numbers, all other Numbers
are tacitely refer'd to I, or to Numeral Unity:, as being the fim-
plefl: of .ll Numbers. And Jet the Area ADB be fuppos'd to be
.a ply'd to BE, or Linear Unity, by which it will be reduced from
e of Surfaces to that of Lines; and let the refulting line
be call' d z. That is, make the Area AD B z " BE; and if AB
!?e call'd x, then is the Area ACEB x x BE. Therefore the
K k - Fluxion
'lb e Method of FLux ro N s,

Fh1xions cf Are2s \vill be z x BE and :( x BE, wh:ch are as i;
.: BuL the FJuxio:1s of the Areas were found before to be ao
.: .
ED to BE. So that it is z : :i: :: BD : BE I,. or z x x BD:
Confeouently i'1 any Curve, the Fiuxion of the Area 'Yill be as the
e( the Cune, drawn into the Fluxion of the Abfcifs.
;;O\'.' to :.1.pp1y this to the prefent cafe. In the Flxional Equa-:
t:on bdore aifurned z >.\/a:.: :o.:, if x reprefents the Abfci.ls
Gf a Curve, , ax ;t.;). be tlle Ordinate; . then will. this Curve
h a Circk, and .::; wiil reprefent the correfponding Area. So that
{ce from hence,. whe.ther tl_;e Area o[ a Circle can be exllibited
or r.o, o;-, in general Terms, tho' in the Equation propofed there
fuculd be quantities imolw:d, which cannot be determined or ex.,.
prefs'd by :wy Gecmetrical l\1ethcd, fuch as the Areas or Lengths
Of Curve-lines; yet the rticn of their Fluxions rnay neverthelefs
r d
be 1CUD
1 3 \Ve r.ow cerne to the kuthor's Derncnfifation of his Solution,
or to the pro3f of the Ptinciplcs of the Method of Fluxions, here laid
\Vhich CertainJy deferves tO engage Ollf mcfl: ferOUS attention.
And. more efpecially, becaufe thefe Principles have been la:tely drawu
into debate, without being_wellconfider'd or underl:ood:; poflibly be-
cauie thi.s Treatifc cf our Author's, exprefly wrote on the fubjel:, had
nct yet feen tlie light. As thefe Principies therefcre ha ve been treated
:;._s precaricus at ieafi,, if not wholly infufficient to fupport the
trine derived frorn thern ; I !hall endeavour to examine into everv
the mofl: minute circumfumce of this Demonfuation, and that wit
the utmofi circumfpetion and irnpartiality.
We ha,e here in the fufi place a: Definition and a.Theorern to ...
gether. Mommts are defrned u:i ce the indejihitebjjnall parts
ing ql!GiJ.titiN, o/ tbe acc?f}ioil oj wbich, in jJcjinitely jl;a/1 poi'iOJi:S
q time, q:wntities are continually increajt'd. The word Momaz
(momni!Itm, 1lWJimmtum, a 1/Wi.1CO,j by analogyfeerns tO have been
borrow'd fiom Time. For as Tin:e is conceived to be in continual.
flux, or rnotion, and as a greater and a greater Time is generated
by the acceffion of more and more Mornents, which are conceived
:;s the fn:alleil particles of Time : all other flowing, uantiti(s .
may be underftood as perpetually_ mcreafing, by. the. accel ton of
thcir {mallefr particles, which therefore may not.irnproperly be call'd
their Moments. But what a(e here call'd their jillallifl portie/es,
are to be underilood as if"they were Atorns, or of any definite
aRd determinate magnitude, as in t.} e Method of I ndivifibles; but
l.-e be indeilllitely iinall; or continually decreafing, till they are lefs
nn any afiignable quantities, and yet may then retain all poilible
varieties of proportion to one another. That thefe Moments are
not chimerical, vifionary, or merely imaginary things, but have a11
w.il:ence jiti generis, at leal: Mathematically and in the U nderl:and-
ing, is a nece[ary confequence from the infinite Divifibility of
tity, which I think any body now contefis *'. For all con-
nued quantity. whatever, tho' not indeed atually, yet ment<Jily
may be conceived to be divided in il!finitum. Perhaps this may be
befr illul:rated by a comparative gradation or progrefs of Magnitudes.
Every finite and limited f/Jtantity may be conceived as di vidcd in to
any finite number of fmaller pmts. This Divifion may proceed,
and thofe parts may be conceived to be farther dividcd in very lit-
de, but l:ill .finite parts, or jJarticles, which yet are not Moments.
Eut when thefe particles are farrher conceived to be dividcd, not
atually but mentally, fo far as to become of a magnitude lefs than
any alignable, (and what can ftop the progrcfs of the Mind ?) then
are they properly the Mommts which are to be underftood hcrc. As
this gradation of diminution certainly includes no abiurdity or con-
tradition, the Mind has the privilege of forming a Conception of
thefe Moments, a poilible Notion at leal:, thongh perhaps not an
adequate one; and then !'Jathematicians ha ve a right of applying
them to ufe, and of mak1ng fuch Inferences fi-om them, as by any
il:rit of reafoning may be derived.
It is objel:ed, that we cannot form an intelligible and adequate
Notion of thefc Moments, becaufe fo obfcure and incomprehenfible
an Idea, as that of Infinity is, mul: needs enter that Notion; and
therefore they ought to be excluded from all Geometrical Diiquil-
tions. It may indeed be allowed, that we 'have not an adequate
Notion of thcm on that accunt, fuch as exhaul:s the whole nature
of the thing, neither is it at all necdiuy ; for a partial Notion,
which is that of their Divifibility jine fine, without any regard to
their magnitude, is fufficient in the prefent cafe. There are many
other Speculations in the Mathematicks, in which a Notion of In-
finity is a necdf.uy ingredient, which however are admitted by all
Geomctricians, as ufeful and demonlrablc Truths. Thc Dotrir.c
of commenilrable and incommenil!rable magnitudes includes a N o-
tion of Infinity, and yct is reccived as a very demonl:rablc Dotrinc.
We have a perfet Idea of a Squarc r:nd its and yct wc
K k 2 know
thc ingenious Author of the Difcour!C ralPJ 'fl.1t mafi he cxccptcd,
wl10 is p1ca,'d to ask, in his ftftll Q.!cry, lf/ytf.q i: i;:: 11rf ns 'it'fl! as aljitr.i.
tJ jiltc Extmfl:;n is tliiUiD (' <..t.a:ry 2C:, 21, &e

:l ... 2
'I'he Metbod of
know they will admit of no common meafure, or that their pro-
portian cannot be exhibited in racional Numbers, tho' ever fo finall, .
but may by a feries of decimal or other parts continued ad itifim._
tliln. In common Arithmetick we know, tbat the vulgar Fration
and the decimal Fralion o,666666, &c. continued ad itifinitum, .
one and the f.une thing; and therefore if we ha ve a fcientifick
notion of the one, we have likewife of the other. When I de-
lcribe a right line with my Pen, fuppofe of an Inch long, I defcribe.
fiiil: one half of the line, then one half of the remainder, then one-
half of the next remainder, and fo on. That s, 1 alually run
orer all thofe infinite diviiions and fubdivifions, befare 1 have com-
pleated the Line, tho' 1 do not attend to them, or cannot difrin.,
guiti1 tl1em. And by tllls 1 am indubitably certain, that tllls Series
of Fralions + {- + -}. + ,
, &c. continued ad itifinitum,. is pre-
cifely equal to Unity. Euclid has demonftrated in bis Elements,
that the Circular Angle of Contal: is lefs than any :].ffignable right-
lined Angle, or, which is the [ame thing, .. is an infinitely little Angle
in comparifon with any finite Angle :. And our Author hews us ,
Rill greater Myfteries, about the infinite gradations of Angles of Con-
tat. In Geometry-we know, that Curves may continuallyapproach.
towards their Mymptotes, and yet will not atually meet wiili them,.
till both are continued to an infinite. diftance. W e know likewife, .
that many of their included Areas, or Solids, will be but of a finite.
and determinable magnitude, even tho' their lengthshould be alually
continued d We know that fome Spirals make infinite.
Circumvolutions about a Pole, or Center, and yet the whole Line,
thus infinitely involved, is but of a finite, determinable, and afiign-
able length. The Meiliods of computing Logarithms fuppofe, . that
between any two given Numbers, an infinite number of mean Pro--
portionals may be interpofed; 2nd without fome Notion of Infinity
their nature and properties are haraly intelligible or difcoverable .
And in general, many of the mofr fublime and ufeful parts of
knowledge mu11: be baniib"d. out of the Mathematicks, if we are
!o fcrupulous as to admit of no Speculations, in which a Notion
of Infinity will be necefiarily included. W e may therefore as fafely
admit of Moments, and the Principies upon which the Method
of Flm:ions is here built, as any cf the fore-mention'd Specula-
The and r.otion of Moments being thus eftablih'd, we
m ay Fas on to the afore -menticn'd Theorem, which is this.
tJ?Jcl INFJN?T:c SiRrES.
cfhe (contemporary) Mommts rf jlowing qumztities are as the Pelocities oj
jlowing or increajing; that is, as their Fluxions. Now if this be
proved of Lines, it will equally obtain in all fiowing quantities
wbatever, which may always be adequately reprefented and ex-
pounded by Lines. But in equable Motions, the Times being given,
the Spacesdefcribed will be as the Velocities of Defcription, as is
known in Mchanicks; And if this be true of any finite Spaces
whatever, or of all Spaces in general, it mul: alfo obtain in infi-
nitely little Spaces, which we call-Moments. And even in Mo-
tions continually accelerated or retarded, the Motions in infinite-
ly little Spaces, or Moments, mul: degenerate into equability. So
that the Velocities of increafe or decreafe, or the Fluxions, will be
always as the coritemporary Moments. Therefore the Ratio of
the Fluxions o.f and the Ratio of their contemporary
Moments, will always be the fame, and may be ufed promifcu-
ouily for each other.
14. The next thing to be fettled. is a convenient Notation for-
thefe Moments,- by which they may be dil:inguifh'd, reprefented,
compared, . and readily fuggefted to the Imagination. It has been
appointed already, that when x, y, z, v, &c. ftand for variable or
:ll:owing quantities, then their Velocities of increafe, or their Flu:xions,
1hall be reprefented by x, j, z, nj, &c. which therefore will be pro-.
pprtional to the contempprary Moments.- But as thefe are only
V elocities, or magnitudes of another Species, they cannot be th.e Mo-
ments themfelves, which we conceive as indefinitely little Spaces,.
or other analogous quantities. We may therefore here aptly intro-
duce the Symbol o, not to l:and for abfohite nothing, as in Arith-
metick, but a vanihing Space or which was juft now
but by continually decreafing, in order prefently to termnate
in mere nothing, is now become lefs than any affignable ..
And we have certainly a right fo to do. For if the notion is in-
telligible, and implies no contradil:ion as w::s argued before, -it may
furely be infinuateq by a Charal:er appropriate to it. This is not
afi1gning the quantity, which would be contrary to the hypothljls,
qut is only appointing a mar k to reprefent it. Then multiplying
the Fluxions by- the vanihing quantity o, we 1hall have the feve-
ral quantities xo, jo, io, io, &e; which are vanihing likewife,
and proportional to the Fluxions refpel:ively. Thefe therefore may
hOw reprefent the contemporary Moments of x, y, z, v, &c. And
in general, whatever other flowing quantities, as well as Lines and
1 Spaces,


?.be -Method if FtuxioNs,
Spaces, are reprefented by .-.:, y, z, "'' &c. as o may bnd for 'a
-\"anilhing qn,mtity of the fume kind, and as :(, j, z, v, &c. may
hnd for their V elccities of ir.creafe or decreafe, (or, if you pleafe,
ior Kumbes propor:ior.al to thofe V elocities,) tben may xo, jo,
i-'l, <V?, &c. :ilways denote their refpel:ive fYnchronal Moments,
or momenta.-y acceilions, and may be admittd into Computations
;.ccordingly. Aed this we come now to
Ij. \Ve rnul: r.ow b.ve recourfe to a very notable, ufeful, and
.exteilve propcrry, h::longing to al! Equatior.s that involve .flowing
Which prc::erty is, . rhat in the progrefs of flowing,
the Fluents v.ill cor.:inm!ly acquire new Yalues, by the acceffion of
contemporary p::rts of thole F!uer.ts, and yet the Equation will be
equally true in al! thde e;: fes. This is 2. reilt from the Na-
ture and Definition of nriabie C'or:!equently thefe Fluents
!llay be any how increafed or tEminih'd by their contemporary
Incremer:ts or Decremenrs ; which F:uents, f; increafed or dimi-
nihed, may be-ibftituted for th others in lhe Equation. As if
an Equation 11ould im-oke the Fluents x .:nd y, together with any
giYen quantities, and X and Y a:e uppofed to be any of their con-
temporary Augments refpctivdy. Then in the given Equation we
rnay fubl:itute :-: 1 X for .-.:, ar:d y .1 Y for )', and yet .the Equa-
tion will be good, or the equality of the Terms will be preferved.
So if X and Y were contemporary Decrements, inftead of x and
)' we might ubl:itute .>: X and y Y reipcl:ively. And as this
muft hold good of all contemporary lnGements or Decrements what-
erer, whc:her finitelv great or infinitely little, it will be true like-

wiie of cor:.tem porary .Moments. That ts, inl:ead of ,"( and )' in
:my Equation, we may fubl:itute x 1 :i:o and )' + fo, and yet we
!1ull ftill ha\c a good Equ::tion. The tendency of this will appear
from what immediate!v follows. .

16. The Author's nglc Examplc is a kind of Indulion, and thc
p:-:::of of tbis may :ne for all ca:<:s. Let the Equation xl ax
: a,t:\' ,.. o be gi\en as befare, including the variable quan-
,,. V
ti:ies ,\' and )', inftcad of ,,-hich wc may .ibfiitute thefe quan-
ticies increas'd by their contemporary Tvioments, or ."r: +.\-o and
: j? reipel:ivdy. Thm we hall have the Equation x + .Yo 1'
- tz x x + ::ii'! + a x ,\' ! :i:Q x }' +j-o ,r + fo 1 ; o. Thefe
Terms being expandrd, and reduced to thrce orders or columns,
:ls the vanil11ing quantity o is of nene, ene, or of more
\r!ll iland as in the Lvlargill.
] 7 J

and IN F 1 N 1 rE S ERrEs; 255.
1j, 18. Here the Terms of the fir1: '
+ 3;.,,,. + 3''-.< l
order, orco umn, rcmove or eiLroy one -a.,- :a.\,x -a.\ 1 d
l + :<U 1
another, as being abfolutcly equal tono- +a'J+n.i-,; +a-'J'' }=o.
tbinbcr by thc crbiven Equation. Thc)' be- . + .. . j
- );) - ... -1;,1'
ing therefore expunged, the remaining - )'l.i J
Terms may all be divided by the com-
mon l'viultiplicr o, whatever it is. This being done, all the
of tbe third order will fiill be affeted by o, of one or more dimen;..
fions, and may thereforc be expunged, as infinitely lefs tbn the
others. Lafily, there will only rernain thofe of the fecond order or
column, that is 3-xx za.ix + a:i:y + ajx 3j> o, which
will be the Fluxional Equation required. Q.,: E. D.
Tbe farne Conclufions rnay be. thus derivcd, in fomcthing a dif-
ferent manner. Let X and Y be any. iynchronal Augments of the
variable quantities .'1: and y, as befo:e, tbe relation of which quan-
tities is exhibited by any Equation. Then m ay ,\'+X and y+ Y
be iibfiituted for x and y in that Equation. Suppofe for infiance
that ,\'' ax + a:..y y; o ; then by fubll:itution we !hall
have x+Xs +axx+Xxy+Y y+Y 1'
=o; or in terminis ,\'>+ 3xX + 3xX + X
zaxX aX + axy + axY+ aXy +. aXY )'
3)'"Y 3yY
-y; o. But the Terms x axy ys o will va-
nifh out of the Equation, and leave J.t>'X + 3xX +X
-aX +axY + aXy + aXY 3)"Y 3yY Y> o, for
the relation of the contemporary Augments, Jet their magnitude be
what it wiU. Or refolving this Equation into an Analogy, the ratio
of thefe Augments may. be this, f :; n.
Now to find the ultima/e at.io of thefe Aug,rneniS, or the;r ratio
when they become Moments, fuppoli: X and Y to diminifh till they
become vanihing quantities, and thcn .:1ey may be cxpuncred out
of this, value of. the ratio.. Or in thofe circumfianccs 1t bwi!L be
Y 3x"- zax + ay h' J
x- . , w IC 1 IS now thr.ratiO of the Moments. And .
3) -a:<
this is the fa:me ratio as that of the Flnxions, or it will be
y F'-2ax+av . . .
" , or 3}")' ax1 3s':' -zaxx + a'x, as was
,'1: - - a:t - J .1
found befare.
In this way of arguing thcre is no affinnption inade, but what i;;
jufiifiable by the received l'viethods both of the ancient and modcr'n
Geornetricians. We only defcend from a general Propoition, whid1
is-undeniable, to a particular .cafe which is certainly included in it.
- ,.
. ;'\
... ) V '!be lvldhod oJ
Tl-13.t is, having the relation f the variable Q!:_antities, we thcnce
diretly deduce the relation r ratio of their contemporary Aug-
rnents ; and having this, we diretly deduce the relation or ratio of
tbo{e contemporary Augments when they are nafcent or evanefcent,
jul: beginning or juft ceaiing to be; in a word, when they are Mo-
mcnts, or vanihing To evade this reafoning, it ought
to be preved, that no can be conceived lefs than affign
able that the Mind has not the privilege of conceiving
as perpctually diminihingfine fine; that the Conception of
vanilbing a Moment, an Infinitefimal, &c. includes a
c:mtradition: In 1hort, that is not (even mentally) divifi-
ble ad i!Jillitum; for to that the Controverfy muft be reduced at
hu1. But 1 believe it-will be a very difficult matter to extort this
Principie from the Mathematicians of our days, who have been fo
.long in quiet poffeffion of it, who are indubitably convinced <if the
evidence and certainty of it, who continually and fuccefsful!J ap-
ply it, and who are ready to acknowledge the extreme fertility and
_ ufefulnefs of it, upon fo many important occafions.
19. Notbing remains, 1 think, but to account for thefe two cir-
ces, belonging to the Method of Fluxions, which our Au-
thor briel.y mentions here. Firft that the given Equa:tion, whofe
_Fluxional Equation is to be found, may involve any number of
i!owing. quantities. Thls has been fufliciently proved already, a:nd
we have feen feveral Examples of it. Secondly, that in taking
Fluxions we need not always confine ourfelves to the progreffion of
_the but may aBi1rne infinite other Arithmetical Progreffions,
as convenien;y may require. This will deferve a Iittle farther illu-
fuation, tho' it is no other thn what muft neceffuily rfult from
the dift"erent foi:ms, which any given Equation may affume, in an
-innnite variety. Thus the Equation x; + axy )" o,
being multiply'd by the general quantity will become
_ _ ax 1 ;.: + ax'*;.4 x"';..-f-3 o; which is virtually the fame
Equation as it was befare, tho' it may affume infinite ac<>or-
ding as we pleafe to interpret m and n. And if we take the
Fluxions of this Equation, in the ufual way, we hall have
m + 3Xx i j + m.-hjj' m + 2axx"'+tya naX"'+Jij +
m+ IOXX"'f+ + n + !Ox"' .\ 'jy" mxx-y+3 n +
_ o. Now if we divide this again by xmy, we lhall have m+ 3xx:,
+ nxjy- m+ zaxx + m+ IOXJ + n+ IaXj-
mxx.,..y; n + 3jY: . P, which is the fame general Equation as
was derived befoe. And the like may be undedl:ood of all other
_Examples. S E e T.
- . . .

Sn e T . II. Concenzing Fluxiom oJ Juperior orders, and
the method of deriving their Equatiom .

N this Treatife our Author confiders only fi.rft Fluxions, and has
not thought fit to extend his Method to fuperior orders, as not di-
falling within prefent purpofe. For tho' he here p!Jrfues
Spe:;ulati_ons require u fe of fecond Fluxions, or higher
orders; yet he has very artfully contrived to reduce them to fidb
Fluxions, and to avoid the nec_effity of introducing Fluxions of fu-
perior orders. In his other excellent W orks of this kind, which
have been publih'd by himfelf, he makes exprefs mention of them,
lir dik:overs their nature and properties, and gives Rules fr deriving
their There[ore , that this VYr ork may be. the more [er-
viceable t Learners, and may fulfil the defign of bemg an Inftttu-
1 hall here make foine inquiry into the nature of fuper:ior
Flu::ions, and give fome Rules for finding their Equations. And
in its proper place, 1 hall e,ndeavourto hew fomething
of tlieir _application. and ufe; . . . .
Nw. as the Flmnons oLquanttttes which have been hitherto on-
:or their comparative Velocities of increafe and decreafe, are
themfelves; and 0f their own nature, variable and fl.owing quantities
alfo, andas fuch are themfe1ves capable of perpetua! increafe and de-
creafe, .or of perpetua! acceleration and retardation ; they may be
ireated as c:ither fl.owing quantities, and the relation of Fluxions
maybe nquired arid difcover'd. In arder to which we will adopt
our Author's Notation already publih'd, in which we are to con-
ceive, that as x, y, z, &c. have their Fluxions x, j, z, &c. fo thefe
.. .. ..
]ikewife ha ve their Fluxions x, J, z,&c.which arethe fecondFluxions
.of D(, &c. And thefe again, being ftill variable quantities, have

their Flilxiori.s denoted by x, y,;;;, &c. which are the third Fluxions
of x, y, z, &c. And thefe again, being ftill flowing quantities,

.. .. ..
have their Fluxions x, .r, z, &c. which are the fourth Fluxions of
x, y, z, &c. And fo we may proceed to fuperior orders, as far as
there hall be occafion, Then, when any Equation is propofed, con-
fifting of variable quantities, as the relation of its Fluxions may be
found by what has been taught before; fo by repeating only the fame
.operation., and confidering the Fluxions as flowing the
L 1 relation
relation of the fecond Fluxions may be found. And:the like for alf
higher orders of Fluxions;
Thus if we have the Equation r ax o, in which are the-
two Fluents y and x, we hall have die firft-.Fluxiiil Equation zjy
- ai: o. And here, as we have the three Fluents J', j, and x,
if we take the Fluxions again, we hall have the fecond Fluxional
- u
Equation 2)'J +zf And here, as there are four Fluents-
y, j, ), and x, if we take the Fluxions again, we fhall ha ve the

third Fluxional Eqtiation 2JJ' +2JY+4JY _ o, 2JY,+
... - . .. .. _
ti.'<: o. And here
as-there are fi.veFluents )', j, y, y, and x,
1f we take the Fluxions again, we hall have the fourth Fluxional
- u ..
.. - - .. - - ./, ....

- . .. . ..
- - .. . ....
...... - ex --- o. _ And here, as are fix Flqents y, j, y, y, y, and x;
- ..
- . . .. ..
if we take the Fluxions again, we hall have 2)".y + zjy + Syj. + -
.. - -
. . - - ' . .::.- _.. - .. .... ... ..
8yy + 12))' o, or 2JJ+ IO)j + zoyy- _ ax o, for the
fifth Fluxional Equation. And fo on to the ixth, feventh, &c. . .
Now the DemOnfrration of this will inuch after the roan.:
ner as our Demonftration of fir.ft Fluxions, and . is indeed
virtn'ally included in it. For in the givn Equarion y - ax' o,
if we 1uppofe y and x to Eecome at the fame time y+ jo and x+
(that is, if we fuppofe j'o and denote the fynchronall\4olllents
of tbe y and x,} then by fubftitution we hall have y+ jo 1
-axx+ xo o, or irz fermims e>:pm!fo, ax
- a>."-o o. Where expungirig r ax o,. and and divi-
ding the.reft by o, it will be zyj ox o for the fi.rft fluxional
Equation. Now in tbis Equation; if we fuppofe the fynchronal
Monents of the Fhients >' j,_ ail.d x, to be jo, );11, and xo refpetlively;
for thofe Fluents we may fubfiitute y +jo, j +yo,. and x
the la.ft Equation, and it will become 2 y+ zjo xj + j:o a xx+ xo
.. .. ..
=o, or expanding,. 2)j + zjjo + 2))' + zj)'oo ax axo o.
Here becaufe z;j ai: o by the givn Equation, and becaufe
2}):0 vaniihes ; divide the reft by o, and fhall ha ve + zyy
_;,. o for the fecond fl.uxional Equation. Again in this Equa- .
tion, if we fuppofe the Synchronal Moments of the Fluents y, j,
- - .A :..
)', and .'(,. to be j'!J, yo, and xo refpel:ively ; for thofe Fluents
.and lNFINITE Sns.
1 ' ' ...

.. 1 ..
we may fubftitute y+ jo, j +yo, y+ yo, and ,"( + xo in the laft
Equation, and it will become .2 x j + zy x j +

a x x . o, or expanding and colleting, zj + 6jj;o + zyo.

+ zyy + zyyo + zjyo ax axo o. But here becaufe zj"
jj ax o by the !aft the re!: by o, and
expunging aU the Terms m wh1ch o will bll be found, we hall

6jy + zyy 6 for .the third fluxional Equation, Arid
in like manner for all o_ther orders of Fluxions, and for all other
Examples. Q..:. E. D.
. To illuhate the method of finding fuperior Fluxions by another
Example, let us take our Author's Equation x; + axy y;
. 9, in which he has found the ;fimpleft relat\on of the Fluxions
to .be 2axx + axy + axj . 3YJ' o. JI ere we ha ve the
:fiowing quantities x, y, x, j; and by i:he fame Rules the Fluxion of
,this Equation, when contraC:l:ed, will be 3XX' + 6x."( zaxx -
11 11 "
.2aic + axy + zaxj + ax1 3YY' 6jy o. in this Equa.
tion we have the flwing quantities .X, y, X,j, X,)', fo that taking
.the Flxions again by the faine Rules, we fhall have the Equation,
. ... . .
. t 00
when contrated, 3xx + 18xxx + 6X; 2ax.-.:. 6axx + axy +

.. .. . ' . . ..
3axj + 3axy + axy 3YY' I 8yjy ,6j; o. And as in this
there are found the flowing quantities x, y, i:, j, x, j,

. . . .. .
x, j, we might proceed in like manner to find the relations of the
fourth Fluxions belonging to this Equation, and all the following
orders of Fluxions.
And here it may not be amifs to obfer.ve, that as the propofcd
Equation exprefes the conll:ant relation of the vax:iabie quantities :t:
and y; and as the firft fluxional Equation exprefes the conll:ant re-
lation of the variable.(but finite and aiEgnable) quantities x and j,
which denote the Velocity of increafe or decreafe of x
and y in the propofed Equation : So the fecond fluxional Equation
.will exprefs the C?,nfiant .:elation of the variable (but finite and affig-
nable) quantities x and )', which denote the comparative Velocity of
tbe increafe or decreafe ofX and j in the foregoing Equation. And in
the third fl.uxional Equation we ha ve the conll:ant relation of the variable

. . ' .
{bnt finite and affignable) quantities x and y, which will denote the
L 1 2 com-
: ,. ..
7be Method of FLUXIOs,

comparative V elocity of the inereafe or decreafe of x and y in the
foregoing Equation. And fo on for ever. Here the V elocity of a
Velocity, however uncouth it rna_y found, will be no ibf1:1rd Idea
when rightly conceived,. but on. tbe coutrary be a very rational
and inteitigible N otion. If there be fu eh a thing as Mtion any how
continually accelerated, that continual Acceleration will- be the Ve-
locity of a V elocity ; and as that variation may be continually va-
ried, that is, accelerated or retarded, tbere will be in nature, or at
leaft in the Underfianding, tbe Velocity of a Velocity of a Velocity.
Or in other words, theNotion of fecond, third, and higher Fluxions;
muft be admitted as found and genuine. But to proceed :
We may much abbreviate the Equations now derived, by the
known Laws of Analyticks. From the given Equation x! +
axy ; o there is found a new Equation, wherein, becaufe of
two new Symbols i: and j introduced, we are at liberty to afume
another Equation, befi.des tbis HO\V found, in order to a jufi-De-
termiuation. For fimplicity-fake we may make i: Unity; or any
other confiant qnantity; that is, we may fuppofe x to flow equably,
and therefore its V elocity is uniform. Make therefore i: 1, aml
the .firft fl1Uonal Equation will become zax + av+ axj .
. - -- , .
:rtr o. So in the Equation._ 3XX"' + 6xsx; zaxx zax +
a."0 + zai:j + axj )'"' . . 6fJ. o there are four new Sym-
- ..
bo!s introduced, i:, j, x, and /; and therefore we may fume two
ot..'ler congruous Equatjons,. which together with the two now.found;
wi.ll amount to a compleat Determination. Thus if for. fake .. of
:fimp1icity we m:ike one to be x 1, the other will necefiarily'be
o ; and thefe eing fubfiimted, will reduce the fecond flxiona
Equation to this; 6x 2a + zaj ! ax; 3))" 6jy o. And
thus in the next Equation, wherein there are 1ix new Symbols

- - . . . .
i, ;\ x, y, x, )'; befides the three Equations now found, we may

take x= I, and thence ,\' o, "' o, which will reduce it

- . . . . -
to 6 + 3ay 1 ax1 3))'' I8,1j:J1 6j
o. And the like of
Equations of fucceeding orders.
But all thefe Redul:ions and Abbrevations will be befi made as
the Equations are deri>ed. Thus the propofed Equation being x
-ax + axy J
o, taking the Fluxions, and at the [ame time

m3king i: 1, (and confequently x, x, &c. o,) we hall have
3'<' 2ax + ay ! axj o. And taking the Flnxions


gan, it will be 6x za :- 2aj + ax} 6jy
o o"
And taking the Fluxions again, it will be 6 + 3ay + axy 3)y
- x8yjy 6jl o. And taking the Fluxions again, it will be

4aJ+axy f. 24yjy-I8);y-36}j=o. Andfoon,as
far as there is occafion.
But now for the clearer apprehenfion of thefe everal orders of
Fluxions, I hall endeavour to illul:rate them by a Geometrical
Figure, adapted to a fimple and a particular cafe. Let us affume
the Equation y ax, r y - a4:xi-, which will therefore belong to
the Parabola ABC, whofe Parameter is AP a, Abfcifs AD x,
and Ordinate BD y ; where AP is a Tangent at the Vertex A.
Then taking the Fluxions, we il1all ha ve j And fup-
pofing the Parabola to be defcribed by the equable motion of the
Ordinate u pon the Abfcifs, that equable V elocity may be expounded
by the given Line or Parameter a, that is, we may put x a. Then
1. l..!.
it will be j a, ax } 2 , which will give us

this Confrrul:ion. Make x (AD) : y (BD) :: -}a ({-AP) : DG
'2 y, and the Line . DG will therefore
2X .
:eprefent the Fluxion of y or BD. And if J ... _ ............... S '1'
this be done every where upon AE, (or if
the Ordinate DG be fuppos'd to move u pon
AE with a pa:rallel motion,) a Curve GH
will be confhul:ed or defcribed, whofe Ordi-
nates will every where expound the Fluxions
of the correfponding Ordinates of the Pa-
rabola ABC. This Curve will be one of
the Hyperbola's between the Afymptotes
or yy

' ,
z .................... r...J

.A D E
Again, from the Equation j ;; , or zxj ay, by takii1g
the Fluxions again, and putting x a as befare we hall have
. '
.. .. ay
zay + ZX)' ay, or :Y ;; ; where the negative fign fl1ews only,
that y is to be c?nfider'd rather as a retardation than an r.cceleration,
or an acceleratton the contrary way. Now this will give us the
262 T6e Met!Jod oJ FLUXIONs,
following Confuuaion. Make x (AD) : j (DG) :: _fa ::
DI y, and the Line DI will therefore reprefent the Fluxion of
DG, or of j, and therefore the fecond Fluxion of 'BD, or of y.
And if tbis be done every where upon -AE, a Curve IK will be
conftrucred, whofe Ordinates will always expound the fecond.Fluxions
of the correfponding Ordiaates of the Parabola ABC. This Curve

likewiie will be one of the Hyperbola's, forits Equation is . :J =

a- --

- '- , or J)'
Again, from -the Equation - )'
by taking the Fluxions we flmll have
- 2ay- 2xy or
;t;r , which -Will vive us this Confirution.
., zx o-

' ..
j (DI) .:: {a (tAP) : DL y, and the Line_.DL will therefore
reprefent the Fluxion of DI, or of ;:, the fecond Fluxion of DG,
or of j', and the third Fluxion of BD, or of )' And if this be
done every where upon AE, a Curve_ LM will be conftrutled, whofe
Ordinates will alwa_ys expound the tbird Fluxions pf tbe correfp9n-
ding Ordinates of the Parabola aBC. Tbis Curve will be an Hyper-
" 7 9'7
'" . a
-bola, and its Equation will be . -y -
"v .:a:, or y y 6.xs
2X S -.
And fo we might _ proceed. to confrrul Curves, the Ordinates of
which (in the prefent Example) would expound or reprefent the
fourth, fifth, and other orders of Fluxions.
\Ve might likewiie proceed in a retrograde order, to find the
CUITes whofe Ordinates ihall reprefent the Fluents of any of thefe

--:", or if

Fluxions, when
the Curre GH were given ; by taking the Fluents, (as will be
taught in the next Problem,) it would be y-

r r a
( aox> = ---:-,
7 , which will give us this Conibution. Make ( :

,\' (AD) :: j(DG) : DB :v, and the Line DB will reprefent
the Fluent of DG, or of j. And if this be done every where u pon
the Line AE, a Curve AB will be confiml:ed, whofe Ordinates
will always expound the F1uents of the correfponding Ordinates of
the C-urve GH. -This_Curve will be the common Parabola, whofe
1 Parameter
' '
Parameter is" the Line AP a. For its Equation is y= a"x',
or yy ax.
So if we had the Parabola ABC, we might conceive its Ordinates
ro reprefent Fluxions, of which the correfponding Ordinates DQ_
of fome other Curve, fuppofe would reprefent the Fluents,
1 /1
To find. which Curve,. put y for the Fluent of y, y for the Fluent
1 1111/J ....
of y, &c. is, let, &c. J,, )', y, l j, )', y, .&c. be 11 Series of
Terms proceedmg both ways mdefimtely, of whtch every fucceed.:
ing Term reprefents the Fluxion of the preceding, and vice vers ;
ccording toa Notation of our Author's, deliver'd elfewhere.) Then
' ,
becaure it is y = (xi-'=xt =) xx; ' taking the Fluents it

zx; ; which will give us this Con-
ftrurion. Make f.a Ct.AP): x (AD) :: y (BD) : f; y
and.the Line DQ_will reprefent the Fluent of DB, or of y. And
if the fame be done at every point of the Line AE, a Curve QE.
will be form'd, the Ordinates of which will always expound the
Fluents fthe correfponding Ordinates of the Parabola ABC. This
Curve alfo will be a Parabola, but of a higher order, the Equation
1 l. /1
f h
h . zx 4"1
o w fe 1s y , ,. or yy
3a' 9a
1 ,1. 3..
Again, becaufe J
": >< " =
34;: 3a" >< a
ents it will be y =-,
. '

x: ; taking the F!u-
which will give us this
1 1 /1
Conftruiion .. Make a (AP) : x (AD) ::y (DQJ :
=DS, and the Line DS will reprefent the Fluent of DQ_ or of y.
And if the fame be done at every point of the Line AE, a Curve
ST will thereby be form'd, the Ordinates of which will expound
the Fluents of the correfponding Ordinates of the Curve QR. This
11 /111
Curve will be a Parabola, whofe Equation is y ""-, , or yy =
1 5a
.; And fo we might go on as far as we pleafe.

Tbe !vfethod of FLux r N.s,
Laftlv, if we conceive DB, the common Ordinate of all thefe
Curves; to be any where thus confuuted upon AD, that is, to be
thus divided in the points S, B, G, 1, L, &c. from whence to
AP are drawn Ss, q_g, Gg, Ii, L/, ,&c. parallel to .AE ; and
if this Ordinate be farther conceiyed to move either backwards or

forward; u pon AE, '\Vith an equable V elocity, ( reprefented by
AP a x,) and as it defcribes thefe Curves, td carry the afore-
iJ.id Parallels along with it in its motion: Then the points s, q, b,g,
i, !, &c. will likewife move in fuch a manner, in the Line AP,
that tbe Velocity o_f each p_oint will .be reprefented by the
of the next from the point A. Thus the Velocity -f s will be re:.
prefented by Aq, thc Velocity of q by Ab, of b by Ag, of g by
of i by Al, &c. Or in other words, Aq will be the Fluxion of 1\s.;
Ab will be the Fluxion of Aq, or the fecond Fluxioil of As ; Ag
will be the Fluxion of Ab, or the fecond Fluxion of Aq, _or tpe third
Flu:s:ion of As; Ai will be the Flu..xion of Ag, or the fecnd Fluxion
of Ab, or the third fluxion of.A.q, or the fourth Fluxion 9f As;
and fo on. Now:in this inftance the feveral orders of Fluxioris, or
Velocities, are not only expounded by their Proxies and Reprefen-
tatives, but alfo are themfelves al:ually e;xhibited, as far as may be
done by Geometrical Figures. And the like obtains wherever elfe
we make a beginning; which fufficiently he\VS the relative nature
of all th& orders of Fiuxions and Fluents, and that they difer . from
e-Jch other by mere relation only, and in the manner of conceiving.
And in general, what has been obferved from this Example, may
be eaiily accommodated to any other cafes whatfoever.
Or thefe diferent order.s of Fluents and Fluxions may be thus ex-
plain'd abl:ratedly and Analytically, without the aJliftance of Curve-
lines, by the following general Example. Let. any conl:ant and
known quantity be denoted by a, and let a"' be any given Power
or RQot of the fame. And let x"' be the like Power or Root of
the variable and indefinite quantity x. Make a'" : x"' :: a :y, -or
, .
., .
ax;, =a' "'X"'. Here y alfo will be an indef_inite quantity,

which will become known as foon as the value of x is affign'd,
Then taking the Fluxions, it will be j . ma'-'"xx"'-' ; and fup-
poiing x to flow .or increafe uniformly, and making its conftant
reiocity or Fluxion i: a, it will be j ma--xm'"'".'. Here if
for a'-":k..., we write its value y, it will Qe j m;, that is, x :
m a :: y : j-. So that j will be alfo a known and affignable

tity, whenever x (and therefore , ~ is aflign'd. Then taking the
Fluxions again, we hall have y m x m w-m;.;x"'- m x
Ja3-"',x"'-' ; or for ma:-mx:-r writing its value f, it will be
. ..
.. m - 1 ny ] . . S J .. 11 b
\' , t 1at 1s, ,\" : m 1a :: y : y. o t 1at y Wl e-
X .
come a known quantity, when x (and therefore )' :md ;i) is affign'd .

Then taking the Fluxions again, we hall ha ve y= m x m - 1 x


11J- 2.ay J '
= , t 1at 1s, x : m- za :: )' : y ;
,, .

where alfo y will be known, whcn x is given. And taking the

Fluxions again, we hall ha ve y =m x 111 1 x 111 2 x m 3as-mxm-4
- ,,

m- 3"Y 1 .. S 1 .. "11 Ir. b
x ; t 1at ts, :t' : m 3 a :: y : , o t mt y Wl a 10 e
known, whenever x is given. And from this Indul:ion we may
conclude in general, that if the order of Fluxions be denoted by any
integer number n, or if 11 be put for the number of points over the
n r.+
Letter y, it will always be x : m na :: j : j ; or from the
Fluxion of any arder being given, the Fluxion of the next imme-
diate order may be hence found.
Or we may thus invert the proportion m na : x :: j : j,
and then from the Fluxion given, we hall find its next immedi-
ate Finen t. As if 11 z, 'tis m- za : x :: y : y. If 11

'tis m w. : x :: y : j. If 11 o, 'tis ma : x : : j : y. And
obfervin g the fame analogy, if 11 r, 'tis 111 + 1 a : .-.: : : )' :
1 1
y; where y is put for the Fluent of y, or for y with a negative point.
And here becaufe y a-"'xm, it will be m+ ra : x :: a'-"'x"':
1 1 a'"'-m xm+t xm+I
y, or y m which alfo may thus appear. Be-
m+Ia m+w
caufe y
I-m. m
a XX
next Problem,) it will be y =
1 /1 11
, .
t1s m+ za : x :: )' : y, or y
) XX
taking the Fluents, (fee the

Again, if we make 11
beca u fe
Tbe Method of FL uxioNs,
becaufe )'
. or+r
xr , taking the Fluents it willlie.:
.. ,..,
m la

1 Z!! 1 :

" ,.+
Again, if we make 11 = - 3, 'tis m+ 3a :

r:+l >< m+uz
11 tJJ !,'/ !i or+3
,. y ,. or y XJ x
. . .. , ,
r-:+3a n: + 1 >< r.: + z X m+3a"'-+,
all other fuperior orders of Fluents.
And fo for
And this may fuffice in general, to hew the comparative nature
:md properties of thee feveral orders of Fluxions and and.
to teach the operations by whieh they are produced, or to find their
refpel:ive fluxional Equations. As to the ufes they may be apply'd
to, when found, that will come more properly to be confider'd in
:mother place.
SEcT. 111. '1'he Geometrical mzd Mechmzical Elements
oJ Fluxions .
HE foregoing Principies of the Dol:rine of Fluxicms being
chiefly abitrated and Analytical, 1 hall here endeavour,. af-
ter a general manner, to hew fomething analogous to them in Geo-
metry and Mecbanicks; by which they may become, not only the
objet of the Underfianding, and of the Imagination, (which will only
nrove their poffible exl:ence,) but everr of Senfe too, by making
tbem al:ually to exi.ft in a vifible and fenfible form. Eor it is now
become neceflary to exhibit them all manner of ways,. in order te
give a fatisfatory proof, that they have indeed any real exiftence at
And firft, by way of prepara-
tion, it will be con\"enient to con-
fideruniform and equable motions,
as alfo fuch as are alike inequable.
Let the right Line AB be defcribed
by the equable motion of a point,
which is now at E, and will pre--
fently be at G. Alfo let the Line
CD, p-a.rallel the ormer, be de-
fcribed by the equable motion o a point, which is in H and K, at
the fame times as the former is in E 2nd G. Then will EG and
HK be contemporaneous Lin(s, and therefore will be proportional to

tWd hn I NTr E S :e R I'J:: ~
'the V elocity of each moving point refpel:ively. DrJ.W the indcfi-
nite Lines EH aml GK, meeting in L; then becaufe of like Tri-
angles ELG and HLK, the V elocities of the points E and H, which
-were befare as EG and HK, will be now as EL and HL. Let
the defcribing points G and K be conceived to move back again,
with the fame Velocities, towards A and C, and before they ap
proach to E and H let them be found in g ami k, at any fmall
dil:ance from E and H, and draw gk, which will pafs through L;
then l:ill their V elocities will be in the ratio of Eg and Hk, be thofe
Lines ever fo little, that is, in the ratio of EL and HL. Let
the moving pointsg and k continue to move till they coincide with
E and H ; in which cafe the decreafing Lines Eg and Hk will pafs
through all poilible magnitudes that are lefs and lefs, and will finally
become vanilhing Lines. For they muft intirely vanifh at the fame
moment, when the points g and k hall coincide with E and H.
In all which ftates and circnmftances they will ftill retain the ratio
of EL to HL, with which at laft they will finally vanifh. Let
thofe points l:ill continue to move, after they have coincided with
E and H, and let them be found again at the fame time in '}' and
x., at any dil:ance beyond E and H. Still the Velocitics, which are
now as E'}' and HK, and tnay be efteemed negative, will be as EL
and HL, whether thofe Lines El' and H ~ ~ o are of any finite magni-
tude, or are only nafcent Lines ; that is, if the Line '}'x.L, by its
angular motion, be but juft beginniog to emerge and divaricate from
EHL. And thus it will be when both thee motions are equable
motions, as alfo when they are alike inequable; in both which
'afes the common interfel:ion <>f all the Lines EHL, GKL, gkL, &c.
will be the fixt point L. But when either or both thefe motions
are fuppos'd to be inequable motions, orto be any how continually
accelerated or retarded, thefe Symptoms will be fomething different;
for then the poiilt L, which will ftill be the common interfel:ioa
of thofe Lines when they firft begin to coincide, or to divaricate,
will no longer be a fixt but a moveable point, and an account muft
be had of its motion. For this purpofe we may have recourfe to
the following Lemma.
Let AB be an indefinite and fixt right Line, along which another
indefinite but moveable right Line DE may be conceived to move or
.roll in fuch a manner, as to ha ve both a progreilive motion, as alfo an
angular motion about a moveable Center C. That is, the common
interfel:ion C of the two Lines AB and DE may be fuppofed to
'm ove with any progreffive motion from A towards .B, while at the
M m 2 fame
'lb e l'rfetbod oJ FLux IoN s,
farre time the moveable Line DE re\'olves about
the point e, with any angubr motion. Then
as the Angle ACD continual!y decreafes, and at
lail Y2.ni!l1es when the t\YO Lines AeB and DeE
coincide; yet eyen then the point of interfetion
e, (as ir may be il:ill rall'd,) will not be lol: and
annihilated, but will appear again, as foon as the
Lines be!!;in to divaricate, or to ieparate from each
other. fhat is, if e be rhe point of interfetion
befare the coincid.:nce, and e the point of intedec-
tion ter the coincidence, when the Line dce f11all
::gain emerge out of AB ; there will be fome inter-
medi.lte point L, in which e and e were united in
the me point, at the moment of coincidence. This
point, for b; call'd the Nod:,
or tl'c p5ilzt Qf no dz;.:aneatzon. N ow to apply th1s
to ineq_uable Motions: . . I>
Let the Line AB be defcnbcd by the contmually accelerated mo-
tion of a point, which is now in E, and wiU 'be prefently found in
G. Alfo Jet the Line CD, parallel to the former, be defcribcd by
the equable mo- _ ___.,.,9 \i n
tion of a point, \
in H and K, at E \ /1;.
the me times as \
the other point \
is in E and G.
HK be COrrtei11-
poraneous Lincs;
and producing
EH and GK till
thev n1eet in T.1
contemDD- \

r2.neol!s Lines will be as El ar.d HI rcfDeti,e!y. Let the defcribinrr
' b
uoints G and K be conceived to move b.1ck abrrain towards A and C
. )
cach with the fame degrees of V elocity, in C\'ery point of their mo-
tion, as they h:ld acquired ; and let them arrivc at the fame
time at g and :, at fome ii:nall dil:ance from E and H, and draw
gki meeting EH in i. Then Eg and Hk, being contemporary Lines
a!10, and very little by fuppofition, thty will be nearly as the Ve-
locities at g and k, that is, at E and H; which contemporary
Lines will be now as Ei and Hi. Let the points g and k continue
their motion till they coincide with E and H, or Jet thc Line GKI
or gki continue its progreTive and anguhr motion in this manner,
till it coincides with EHL, and let L be the Node, or point of no
dinrication, as in the foregoing Lemma. Then will the lal: ratio
of the vaniJing Lines Eg and Hk, which is the ratio of the Velo-
"Cities at E and H, be as EL and HL refpetively.
Hence we ha ve this Corolbry. If the point E (in thc forcgoing
figure,) be fuppos'd to m ove from A towards B, with a V elocity
any how accelerated, and at the filme time the point H moves from
C towards D with an equablc Velocity, ( or inequable, if you plcafe ;)
thofe V clocities in E and H will be refpetively as the Lines EL and
HL, which point L is to be found, by fuppofing the contemporary
Lines EG and HK continually to dimini1, and finally to vanJ.
Or by fuppofing the moveable indefinitc Line GKI to move with a
progreffive and angular motion, in fuch manner, as that EG and
HK il1all always be contemporary Lines, till at lail: GKI fl,][ co-
incide with the Line EHL, at which time it will determine the N ode
L, or the point of no divarication. So that if the Lines AE and
CH reprefent two Fluents, any how related, their V elocitics of dc-
fcription at E and H, or their refpetive Fluxi::)J1s, will be in thc
ratio of EL and HL.
And hence it will fol-
low alfo, that the Lo-
cus of the moveable
point or Node L, that
is, of all the poin ts of
no di\arication, will be
fome Curve-line L/, to
which the Lines EHL
and GK/ will always be
Tangents in L and /.
And the natute of this
Curve I ,/ may be deter-
E,__ ______________ G.
C F H = ~
mined by the given re- u

latan of the Fluents or Li11cs AE and CH; and "-'t vmJ. Or
however the relation of its intercepted Tangents EL and HL may
be determined in all cafes; that is, thc ratio of the Fluxions of thc
. given Fluents.
<t -


Tbe J11ethod oJ FLux roN s,
For illufiration-fake, let us apply this to an Example. Make the
Fluents AE )' and C.i:I x, and let.the relation ofthefe be always
exprefs'd by this Equation )' x. Make the contemporary Lines
EG Y and HK X ; and becaufe AE and CH are contempo-
rary by fuppoition, we i1lall have Ll-u: whole Lines AG and CK
contemporary alfo, and thence the Equation )'+Y x +X 1 . This
by our Author's Binomial Theorem will produce y+ Y x +
.nx-'X +nx":'x"-'X', &c. which (becaufe y x) will be-
come Y nx-X+nx "-'.\-'X\ &c. orinan Analogv, X:
. '
y :: 1 : 11.\ r-: + 11 X t:--:-
x-' X, &c. which will be the general re-
lation of the contemporary Lines or Increments EG and HK. Now
let us fuppofe the indefinite Line GKI, which limits thefe contem-
porary Lincs, to return back by a progreffive and angular motion,
> as always to -intercept contemporary Lines EG and HK, and
-finally to coincide with EHL, and by that means to determine the
Nade L; that is, we may fuppofe EG Y and HK X, to di-
minifu in il!J'initum, and to become vanihing Lines, in which cafe
we hall ha.\e X : Y :: I : 1zx ' But then it will be likewife X:
Y :: HK: EG :: HL : EL :: x: j, or 1 : 1zx" ':: x : j, orj=,zxx-'.
And hence we may have an expedient for exhibiting Fluxions
and Fluents Geometrically and Mechanically, in all circumftances,
{o as to make them the objed:s of Senfe and ocular Demonfl:ration.
Thus in the laft figure, let the I:WO parallellines AB and cb be de-
fcribed by the motion of t\vo points E and H, of which E moves
anv how inequably, and (if you pleafe) H may be fuppos'd to move
eq;ably and uniformly; and let the points H and K correfpond to
E and G. Alo let the relation of the Fluents AE y and
CH x be defined by any Equation whatever. Suppofe now the
defi:ribing points E and H to carry along with them the indefinite
Line EHL, in all their motion, by which means the point or Nade
L will defcribe fome Curve LI, to which EL will always be a Tan-
gent in L. Or fuppofe EHL to be the Edge of a Ruler, of an in-
definite length, which moves with a progreffive and angular mo-
tion thus combined together ; the moveable point or N o de L in this
Line, wl th: leaft :notion, and which is always
the pomt of no divancatmn, WIII defcnbe the Curve, and the Line
or Edge itfelf will be a to it in L. will the feg-
ments EL and HL be proporuonal to the V eloclty of the points
E and H refpefrively ; or will exhibit the ratio of the Fluxions j
and :::, belonging to the Fluents AE y and CF x.
r Or

Or if we fuppofe the Curve Ll to be given, or airead y confirul:ed,.
we may conceive the indefinite Line EHIL to revolve or roll about
it, and by continually applying itfelf to it, as a Tangent, to move
from the fituation EHIL to GK/I. Then will AE and CH be the
Fluents, the fenfible velocities of the defcribing points E and H will.
e their Fluxions,. and the intercepted Tangents EL and HL will
be the rel:ilinear meafures of thofe Fluxions or V elocities. Or it
may be repreented thus: If L! be any rigid obfiacle in form of a
eurve, about which a flexible Line, or Thread, is conceived to be
wound, part of which is firetch'd out into a right Line LE, which
will therefore touch the Curve in L ; if the Thread be conceived to
be farther wound about the Curve, till it comes into the fituation
L!KG; by this motion it will exhibit, even to the Eye,. the fame
increafing Fluents as befare, their V elocities of increafe, or their
Fluxions, as alfo the Tangents or rel:ilinear reprefentatives of thofe
Fluxions. And the fame may be done by unwinding the Thread,.
in the manner of an Evolute. Or infiead of the Thread we may
make ufe of a Ruler, by applying its Edge continually to the
curved Obfiacle L/,. and making it any how revolve about the move-
able point of Contat L or /. In all Y>'hich manners the Fluents,
Fluxions, and their retilinear. meafures, will be fenfibly and mecha-
nically exhibited,. and therefore they muil: be allcwed to ha ve a place
in rerum naturA. And if they are in nature, even tho' they wcre but
barely polible and conceiveable, much more if they are feniible
and vible, it is the province of the Mathematicks, by fome me-
thod or other, to inveligate and determine their properties and pro .

Qr as by one Thread EHL, perpetually winding about the curved
obil:acle L/, of a due figure,. we Jhall fee the Fluents AE and CH
continually to increafe or decreafe, at any rate ailign'd, by the mo-
tion of the Thread EHL either backwards or forwards; and as we
hall thereby fee the comparative V elocities of the points E and H,
that is, the Fluxions of the Fluents AE and CH, and alfo the Lines
EL and HL, whofe variable ratio is always the rec1ilinear meafure of
thofe Fluxions :. So by the help of ano.ther Thread GK/L, wind-
ing about the obfiacle in its part /L, and then firetching out into a
right Line or Tangent /KG, and made to move backwards or for-
wards, as befare; if thc firil: Thread be at refi in any given fitua-
tion EHL, we may fee the fecond Thread defcriJc the contempo-
porary Lines or Incrcments EG and HK, by which the Fluents
AE and CH are continually: increafed ; and if GK/ is m:!de to ap-
. .. proach
. '
1 -
The Method oJ FLUXIONs,
pr01ch tcw.J.rds IHL, we may fee thofe Lines conti-
r:mlly to diminih, and their ratio continually approaching towards
ratio of EL to HL; and continuing the motion, we may pre-
ii:ntly fee thofe two Lir.es a1:mlly to coincide, or to unite as one
Lir.e, and then we may fee the contemporary Lines atually to va-
:Jilh at the fame tin1e, and their ultimare ratio al:ually to become
that of EL to HL. And if the motion be fl:ill continued, we hall
tee the Line GKI to emerge again out of EHL, and begin to de-
fcribe other contemporary Lines, whofe naicent proportion will be
th::t of EL to HL. And fo "e may go on till the Fluents are ex-
haufied. All thefe particulars may be thus eafily made the objets
of fi:ht, or of Ocular Dcmonftration.

This may flill be added, that as we have here exhibited and re-
prefented firfl: Fluxions geometricJlly and mechanically, we may do
he fume thing, mutafij mutandis, by any higher orders of Fluxions.
Thus if we conceiYe a fecond figure, in which the Fluential Lines fhall
increafe after the rate of the ratio of the intercepted Tangents ( or the
Fluxiom) of the firfr figure; then its intercepted Tangents will ex-
round the ratio of the fecond Fluxions of the Fluents in the firfr
iigure. Alfo if we conceive a third figure, in which the Fluential
Lines ilull increafe after the rate of the intercepted Tangents of
the fecond figure; then its intercepted Tangents will expound the
Fluxior.s of the Fluents in the firfr figure. And fo on as far
as \\"e pleafe. This is a necefary confequence fr.om the relative na-
ture of thcfe feveral orders of Fluxions, which has been hewn be-
And farther to fhew the univerfality of this Speculation, and how
well it is accommodated to explain and repreient all the circuml:an-
ces of Fluxions and Fluents; we may here take noticc, that it may
be ailo adapted to thofe cafes, in which time are more than two
Fluer,ts, which haYe a mutual relation to each other, exprefs'd by
one or more Equations. For we need but introduce a third parallel
Line, and fuppofc it to be defcribed by a third point any how mov-
ing, and that any two of thefe deicribing points carry aq indefinite
Line along with them, which by revolring as a Tangent, defcribes
the Curre whofe Tangents every where determine the Fluxions. As
al!o that any other t\m of thofe points are conneted by an-
otl:.e" indefinite Line, which by re,olving in like manner defcribes
another fuch Curve. And fo there may be four or more paralld
Lines. All but one of thefe Curves rnay be afurned at pleafure,
when they are not given by the ftate of the Or Analy-
. tically,
and IN F 1 N 1 TE S ERrEs.
tically, fo many Equations may be afl\m1ed, except ene, (i.f not
aiven by the Problem,) as is the number of the Fluents conccrn'd.
But lal:ly, l believe it may not be ditiicult to give a pretty good
notion of Fluents and Fluxions, cven to fuch Perfons as are not
much verfed in .Mathematical Speculations, f they are willing to be
inform'd, and havc but a tolerable of apprchenfion. This
1 f11all here attempt to perform, in a familiar way, by the infbnce
of a Fowler, who is aiming to f1wot two Birds at once, as is re-
prefented in the Frontifpiece. Let us fuppofe the right Line AB
to be pamllel to the Horizon, or leve! with thc Ground, in which
a Bird is now flying at G, which was late! y at F, and a little be-
fare atE. And Jet this Bird be conceived to fly, not with an equablc
or uniform fwiftnefs, but with a f\viftnefs that always increafes, ( or
with a Velocity that is continually accelerated,) according to fome
known rate. Let there alfo be another right Line CD, parallel to
the former, at the f.une or any other convenient dibnce from the
Ground, in which another Bird is now flying at K, which was lately
at I, and a little befare at H; juft at the fame points of time as the
firft Bird was at G, F, E, refpel:ively. But to fix our Ideas, and
to make our Conceptions the more fimple and eafy, let us imagine
this fecond Bird to fly equably, or always to defcribe equal parts of
the Line CD in equal times. Then may the equable Velocity of
this Bird be ufed as a known meafure, or ftandard, to which we
may always compare the inequable V elocity of the firft Bird. Let
us now fuppofe the 'right Line EH to be drawn, and continued to
the point L, fo that the proportion (or ratio) of the two Lines EL
and HL may be the fame as that of the Velocities of the two
Birds, when they were at E and H refpel:ively. And let us f.'lr-
ther fuppofe, that the Eye of a Fowler was at the fame time at the
point L, and that he direl:ed his Gun, or Fowling-piece, according
to the right Line LHE, in hopes to ilioot both the Birds at once.
But not rhinking himfelf then to be fufficiently near, he forbears
to difcharge his Piece, but ftill pointing it at the two Birds, he
continually advances towards them according to the direl:ion of his
Piece, till bis Eye is prefently at M, and the Birds at the fa me time in F
and I, in the fame right Line FIM. And not being yet ncar enough,
we may fuppofc him to advance farther in the me manner, his
Piece being always direted or level'd at the two Birds, while he
himfelf walks forward according to the diretion of his Pcce, till
his Eye is now at N, and thc Birds in the fame right Linc with
bis Eye, at K and G. The P:1th of bis Eyc, defcribcd by this
N n doubk
The Met!Jod oJ FLUXIONs,
double motion, ( or compounded of a progreffive and angular ma-
tion,) will be fome Curve-line LMN, in the fame Plain as the re.l:
of the figure, which will have this property, that the proportion of
the difrances of his Eye from each Bird, be the fame every
where as that of their refpec1ive Velocities. That is, when his Eye
was at L, and the Birds at E and H, their V elocities were then as.
EL and HL, by the Confrrution. And when his Eye was at M,
and the Birds at F and I, their Velocities were in the fame propor-
tion as the Lines FM and IM, by the naturc of the Curve LMN.
And when his Eye is at N, and the Birds at G and K, their Velo-
cities are in the proportion of GN to KN, by the nature of the
iame Curve. And fo univerfallv, of all other ituations. So that
the Ratio of thofe two Lines will always be the fenfible meafure of
the ratio of thofe two fenfible Velocities. Now if thefe Velocities,
or the 1\viftneJfes of .the fligbt of the two Birds in this inl:ance, are
call'd Fluxions; then the Lines defcribed by the Birds in the fame
time, may be call'd their contempora11eous Flumts; and all inl:ances
whatever of Fluents and Fluxions, may be reduced to this Example,
and may be illufuated by it
And thus I would endeavour to give fome notion of Fluents and
Fluxions, to Per[ons not much converfant in the Mathematicks ;
but fuch as had acquired fome fkill in thefe Sciences, I would thus.
-proceed farther to infuul:, and to apply what has been now
The contemporaneous Fluents being EF y, and HI x, and
their rate of flowing or increaing being fuppos'd to be given or
kno\\n ; their relation may ahvays be exprefs'd by an Equation,
which will be compos'd of the variable quantities x and )', together
with any known quantities. And that Equation will have this pro-
perty, becaufe of thofe variable quantities, that as FG and IK, EG
and HK, and infinite others, are alfo contemporaneous Fluents; it
will inditterently exhibit the relation of thofe Lines alfo, as well as
of EF and HI; or they may be fubfi:ituted in the Equation, infi:ead
of x and .'1 And hence we may derive a Method for determining
ilie V elocities themfelves, or for finding Lines proporcional to them,
For ma.lili'lg FG Y, and IK X; in the given Equation I may
fubfi:itute y+ Y infiead of y, and x ! X infi:ead of x, by which
I {hall obtain an Equation, which in all circumfi:ances will exhibit
the relation of or Increments. Now it may be plainly
percei\ed, tbat if the Line MIF is conceived continually to apprcach
nearer and nearer to the Line NKG, (as ju{l: now, in the infiance
l,f the Fowler,) till it finally coincides with it; the Lines FG Y,.
- and.
and IK X, will continually decreafe, and by decreafing will ap-
proach nearer and nearer to the Ratio of the V elocities at G and K,
and will finally vanih at the fame time, and in the proportion of
thofe Velocities, that is, in the Ratio of GN to KN. Confequently
in the Equation now form'd, if we fuppofe Y and X to decreafe
continually, and at lal: to vanih, that we may obtain their ultimate
Ratio; we hall thereby obtain the Ratio of GN to KN. But when
Y and X vanih, or when the point F coincides with G, and I with
H, then it will be EG y, and HK x; fo that we hall have
j : x :: GM : KN. And hence we hall obtain a Fluxional Equa-
tion, which will always exhibit the relation of the Fluxions, or Ve-
locities, belonging to the given Algebraica! or Fluential Equation.
Thus, for Example, if EF y, and HI x, and the indefinite
Lines y and x are fuppofed to increafe at fuch a rate, as that their
relation may always be exprefs'd by this Equation xs ax + axy
-ys o ; then making FG Y, and IK X, by fubl:ituting
y+ Y for )', and x +X for x, and reducing the Equation that will
arife, (fee befare, pag. 255.) we hall have 3xX + 3xX +X;-
zaxX aX + a.vY + aXy + aXY 3_l"Y 3yY y; o,
which may be thus exprefs'd in an Analogy, Y : X :: 3x zax
+ay + 3xX + X a X : 3J" ax a X+ 3yY + Y. This
Analogy, when Y and X are vanihing quantities, or their ultimate
Ratio, will become Y : X :: 3x zax +ay : 3f ax. And
beca u fe it is then Y : X :: GN : KN :: j : x, it will be j : x ::
3 . ~ : zax +ay : y ax. Which gives the proportion of the
Fluxions. And the like in all other cafes. Q.: E. l.
We might alfo laya foundation for thefe Speculations in the fol-
lowing manner. Let cf> _
ABCDEF, &c. be the
Y ~ ~ .
Periphery of a Polygon,
or any part of it, and
let the Sides AB, BC,
CD, DE, &c. be of any
magnitude whatever.
In the fame Plane, and
a t an y difiance, dra w
the two parallel Lines
3 ~ , and ij; to which
continue the right Lines
.ABb(3, BCc y, CDdd',
DEee, &c. meeting the parallels as in the figure, Now if we fi.1pft
N n 2 pofe
n Jl.fethod oJ FLUXIONS,
poie t\\"<J mo\ing roints, or bodies, to be at (3 and b, and to move
in the me time to 'i' and e, with any equable Velocities; thofe
V elocities will be to each other as (3y and be, that is, becau{e of the
prallels, as (3B and bB. Let them {et out again from 'i' and e,
.:md :U!\e at the fame time at JI and d, with any equable V elocities ;
tho1e \' elocities will be as y JI and cd, tkt is, as /'C and cC. Let
o:h::m depat again fi-om ~ ~ and d, and arrive in the fame time at e
.:md e, with any equable V elocities ; thoie V elocities will be as J'e
and &, at i;:, as JD and dD. And it will be the fame thing every
where, how m:my foeYer, and how inall foever, tbe Sides of the
Pol::gan may be. Let their number be increafed, and their magni-
tude be diminih'd in ilifinitum, and then the Periphery of the Poly-
gon will continually approach towards a Curve-line, to which the
Lines A B b ~ BCcy, CDdJI, &c. will become Tangents; as alfo the
lVIotions may be conceived to degenerate into iuch as are accelerated
or retarded continually. Then in any two points, fuppofe JI and d,
where the defcribing points are found at the fame time, their Velo-
cities ( or Fluxions) will be as the Segments of the refpetive Tan-
gents JID and dD ; and tbe Lines {3J' and bd, intercepted by any
two Tangents J'D and {3B, will be the contemporaneous Lines, or
Fluents. Now from the nature of the Curve beng given, or from
the pmperty of its Tangents, the contemporaneous Lines may be
found, or the relation of the Fluents. And vice versa, from the
Rate of tbwing being given, the correfponding Curve may be found.
O R,
The Relation of the Fluxions being given, to
find the Relation of the Fluents.
S E e T. I. A particttlr Soltttion ; with a preparation for
the gemral Solution, hy 'it'hich it is dijlributed i11to
three Gafes.
I, 2, E are now come to the Solution of the Author's fe-
cond fundamental Problem, borrow'd fiom thc Sciencc
of Rational Mechanicks : Which is, from the V clo-
cities of the Motion at all times given, to find the
quantities of the Spaces defcribed; or to find the Fluents from thc
given Fluxions. In difculing which important Problem, therc will
be occafion to expatiate fomething more at largc. And ilril it may
not be amiis to take notice, that in the Scicnce of Computation all
the Operations are of two kinds, either Compofiti1e or Refolutative.
The Compofitive or Synthetic Operations proceed necdfarily and di-
retly, in computing their feveral qucej'td, and not tcntativc:ly or by
way of tryal. Such are Addition, Multiplication, Raifing of Powers,
and taking of Fluxions. But the Refolutative or Analytical Opera-
tions, as Subtral:ion, Divifion, Extral:ion of Roots, and finding of
Fluents, are forced to proc(ed indireU:ly and tcntatively, by long
dedul:ions, to arrive at their feveral and ii1ppofe or
the contrary Synthetic Operatins, to proYe anJ confirm cvery 11cp
of the Procefs. The Compoirive Operations, dw:cys v:hen the
data are finite and tcrminated, and oen whcn tb::y are intcrm!mtc

The Method of FLuxioNs,
or infinte, will produce finite conclufions; whereas very often in
the Refolutatve Operatons, tho' the data are in finite Terms, yet
the rzuejta cannot be obtain'd wthout .an infinite Series of Ter.ms.
Of this we 1hall fee frequent Inftances m the fubfequent Operatwn,
of returning to the Fluents from the Fluxions given.
The Author's particular Solution of this Problem extends to fuch
cales only, wherein the Flnxional Equation propofed either has been,
<Jr at leail: might have been, derived from fome finite Algebraica!
Equation, which is now required. Here all the neceifary Terms
being prefent, and no more than what are neceifary, it will not be
difficult, by a ProceiS jufi: contrary to the former, to return back
again to the original Equation. But it will mofi: commonly happen,
either if we aifume a Flnxional Equation at pleafure, or if we arrive
at one as the refult of fome Calculation, that fuch :m Equation is
to be refolved, as could not be derived from any previous finite Al-
gebraica! Equation, but will haYe Terms either redundant or defi-
cient ; and confequently the Algebraic Equation required, or its
Root, mufi: be had by Approximation only, or by an infinite Series.
In all which cafes we mufi: have recourfe to the general Solution of
this Problem, which we hall find afterwards.
The Precepts for this particular Solution are thefe. (J.) All fu eh
Tenns of the given Equation as are multiply'd (fuppofe) by x, mufi:
be diipofed according to the Powers of x, or mufi: be made a Num-
ber belonging to the Arithmetical Scale whofe Root is x. (2.) Then
they mufi: be divided by :i:, and multiply'd by x; or mufi: be
changed into ,\', by expunging the point. (3.) And lafi:ly, the
Teu11s mufi: be 1eyerally dvided by the Progreffion of the Indices
<Jf the Powers of x, or by fome other Arithmetical Progreffion, as
need hall-require. And the fume things mufi: be repeated for every
one of the .flowing quantities in the given Equation.
Thus in the Equation 3XX
za:i:x + a:i:y 3fr + a}x o,
the Terms 3.\.\" za:i:x+aiy by expunging the points become
3x; zax which divided by the Progreffion of the Indi-
ces 3, 2, I, refpeti\ely, will give x; ax + aX)'. Al[o the Terms
- 3))'' * + a)'.--c by expunging the points become 3)'; " + ayw,
which divided by the Progrei1ion of the Indices 3, 2, 1, refpetively,
wll gi\e J; * ay:..:. The aggregate of the[e, negleting the
redundant Term a_yx, is x; ax + a:xy )'; o, the Eqation
required. Where it mufi: be noted, that every Term, which occurs
more than once, mufi: be accounted a redundant
and hu:rNITE SERrEs.
So if the propofed Equation were m+ m+ zayxx +
m+ ray>xx n 3x;':Yl + n+ w."<jy + tzx4j zax
= o, whatever values the general Numbers m and 11 may acquire;
if thofc Terms in wbich :i.: is found are reduced to the Scale whofc
Root is :r, they will il:and thus: m+ 3yx.'1:
m+ 2ayxx +
m+ Itz_}'"XX 1l?J4X; or expunging the points they will become
711 + 3)'X4 m+ 2ayx
+m+ rarx m)"' X. Thefe being di-
vided refpel:ively by the Arithmetical Progreffion m + 3, m+ 2,
m+ I, m, will give the Terms JX4 ayxl rx. Alfo
the Terms in which j is found ; being reduced to the Scale whofe
Root is y, will il:and thus: n + 3xj)'l * + n + Iaxjy + 11x
or expunging the points they will become n+3xr * +n+ wxf
+ 71X4)', Thefe being divided refpel:ively by theArithmetical
- ?zaX
greffion _71_+_3 n+ 2, 1Z + I, 71, will give the Terms xr +
ax;+ axl-y. But thefe Terms, being the fame as the former,
muil: all be confider'd as redundant, and therefore are to be rejel:ed.
So that )'X
+ arx rx o, or dividing by yx, the
Equation X
a."< + ayx f o will arife as befare,
Thus if we had this Fluxional Equation mayxx-' m +
- nxjy-r + n + wj o, to find the Fluential Equation to which
it belongs ; the Terms mayxx-r * m+ x, by expunging the
points, and diYiding by theTerms of theProgreffion m, m+ 1, m+z,
\Vill give the Terms x. Alfo theTerms nxjy-' + n+wj,
by expunging the points, and dividing by n, 71 + r, will give the
Terms x + ay. Now as thefe are the fame as the former, they
are to be eil:eem'd as redundant, and the Equation required will be
ay x o. And when the given Fluxional Equation is a gene-
ral one, and adapted to all the forms of the Fluential Equation, as
jg the cafe of the two lail: Examples; then all the Terms arifing
from the fecond Operation will be always redundant, fo that it will
be fuffi.cient to make only one Operation.
Thus if the given Equation were 4jy> + z
jy-' + 2yxx
+ 6yzz 2cy.i o, in which there are found three fiowing quan-
tities; the only Term in which x is found is 2)'X.r:, in which ex-
pungiRg the point, and then dividing by the Index 2, it will be-
come yx. Thcn the Terms in which j is found are 4jj" + zlJ'J'-',
which expunging the points become * ,1, + .Z'
and dividing

Tbe Jlllethod oJ FLux IoN s,
h thc Progre!on 2, 1, o, 1, give the Terms zf z;, Lal:ly
the Terms in which z is found are 3zz ! 6yzz 2C)'z, which
cxpunging,the points become _ 3z; + 6)'Z' 2C)'Z, ai1d dividing
by the Prcigre11ion 3, z, I, gne the Terms z; + 3_rz zcyz.
?{m, if we collec1 thefe Terms, and omit the redundant Term z',
we ilull ha ve yx ! 2 )'; z; + 3)'Z' zcyz o for the Equa-
. . ,
uon reqmrea.
3, 4 But thefe dedulions are not to be too much rely'd upon,
till they are verify'd by a proof; and we ha ve here a fure method
of proof, whether we have proceeded rightly or not, in returning
from the relation of thc Fluxions to the relation of the Flucnts. For
en:ry re!olutat\'e Operation hould be proved by its contrary com-
pofitive Operation. So if the Fluxional Equation i:x X)' xj
af o ,,-ere given, to return to the Equation involving the Fluents ;
by the fcregoing Rule we hall fi.rft have the Terms i:x .\)', which
by expunging the points will become ."<= .-.:y, and dividing by the
Progrefiion 2, I, wi!l gi\e the Terms -}x :xy. Alfo the Terms, or
rather Term, >-j + aj, by expunging the points will become xy .
. ay, which are only to be divided by Unity. So that leaving out the
redunda...'lt Tenn x_\', we hall havethe FluentialEquation -};v XJ
: ay o. N ow if we take the Fluxions of this .Equation, we
11ull .find by the foregoing Problem .'1:.\ :Y.:)' :.."j + aj o, which
being the flme as the Equation given, we are to conclude our work is
true. But if either of the Fluxional Equations xx t >-y +ni o,
or x:: :>:) + aj _ o had been propofed, tho' by_ purfuing the
foregoing method we hould arrive at the Equation X)' +ay
=-o, for the relation of the Fluents ; yet as this conclufion would
!!Ot iland the teft of this proof, we muft rejet it as erroneous, and
rcccurfe to the following general Method; which will give the
y;,h:e of y in either of thofe Equations by an infinite Series, and
there.tcre :f.Jr uie and pral:ice wiil be the moft commodious So-
' .
5 As V elocities can be compared only \Vith Velocities, and all
ocher quamities with others of the flme Species only ; therefore in
e\ery Tmn of an Equation, the Fluxions mufi always afcend to the
me number of Dimenfions, that t_}e homogeneity may not be de-
:oy'd. \\'hene\er it happens otherwi:, 'tis becaufe fome Fluxion,
ta!>.en for Ur.ity, is there underftood, and therefore muft be iupply'd
-,\hen requires. The Equation i:z + .\jx aix o, by
m:1king i: 1, may become : :()'.\' ax= o, and likewii
'",:irs.. And this Equation virtually involves tllfCe v.uiab!e
. -

. , .
qu.1ntities, it will require another Equation, either Fluential or
Fluxional, for a compleat determination, as has been ulready ob-
ferved. So as the Equation j."t: :..)')', by putting x 1 becomes
}x )')'; in like manner this Equation requires and fuppofes the
6, 7, 8, g, ro, 11. Here we are taught fome ufeful Redutions, in
order to prepare the Equation for Solution. As when the Equation
contains only two flowing with their Fluxions, the ratio
of the Fluxions may always be reduced to fimple Algebraic Terins.
The Antecedent of the Ratio, or its Fluent, will be the quantity to
be extral:ed; and the Confequent, for the greater fimplicity, may
be made Unity. Thus the Equation z.\ + 2xx yx j o is

reduced to this, -; 2 + 2X y, or making x r, 'tis j 2
+ zx y. So the Equation ja jx i:a + x.'( xy o, ma-
kino- x 1, will become y' (a- x +_y 1 + Y ) +-!.
b a-x a-x a
+ + :: + , &c. by Diviion. But we may apply the par-
ticular Solution to this Example, by which we hall have {x xy
- ax + av o, and thence y ax-.J:x Thus the Equation
;, a-x
jj xj + .i:xxx, making x 1, becomes jj j + and ex-
trating the fquare-root, 'tis j .} v .. + xx .} - the Series
+ x Xi + zx
+ I4X' o, &c. that is, either j 1 +
x x4 + 2x
+ I4X
o, &c. or j x + X4 2.\'
+ sxS 14X
, &c. Again, the Equationj' +axxj+axj-
xl x' z.X! al O, putting X l, beco mes j' + axj + aj xa
-z o. Now an affel:ed Cubic Equation of this form has
been refolved before,.(pag.12.) by which we hall ha ve j a {-x+
XX 131x! . 509X+ &e,
64a + 512a + 1b384a! '
12. For the fake of perfpicuity, and to fix the Imagination, our
Author here introduces a difi:inl:ion of Fluents and Fluxions into
Relate and Corre/ate. The Conelate is that flowing which
he fuppofes to flow equably, which is given, or may be afumed,
at any point of time, as the known meafure or fi:andard, to which
the Relate may be always compard. It may therefore
very properly denote Time ; and its Velocity or Fluxion, being an
uniform and confi:ant quantity, may ,be made the Fluxional Unit,
or the known meafure of the Fluxion ( or of the rate of flowing) of
.the Relate Ouantity. The Relate (or if feve-
1be Methcd oJ F L uxr o.; s,
ral are concern'd,) is that which is fuppos'd to flow nequably, with
::my degrees of acceleration or retardation ; and ts inequablity may
be me-a1red, or reduced as it were to equability, by con11antly com-
p.:ring it with its correiponding Corre!ate or equable This
therefore is the Q:!.antity to b:: found by the Problem, or whofe
Rcot is to be extrac1ed from the giren Equation. And it may be
concei,-ed as a S pace defcribed by the inequable V elocity of a Body
or Point in motion, while the equable or the Correlate,
reprefents or meaiures the time of dcfcription. This may be illu-
firated by our common Marhematical Tables, of Logarithms, Sincs,
Tar.gents, Secants, &c. In the Table of Logaritbms, for inl:ance,
tl:e 1\umbtrs are the Correbtc as proceeding equably, or
by equal dirterences, while their Logarithms, as a Relate
proceed inequably and by unequal differences. And this refemblance
"ould more ne::rly obtain, if we fiwuld fuppofe infinite other Num-
ber:: and th- Logarithms to be interpol.ted, (if that infinite Num-
ber be e\-ery where the me,) {o as that in a manncr they may be-
come continuous. So the Arches or Angles may be confider'd as
the Correlate Q!antity, becaule they proceed by equal differences;
while the Sines, Tangents, &c. are as fa many Relate
tities, whoe rate of iricreafe is exhibited by the Tabls. -
r 3, q., r j, 16, 17. This Dilhibution of Equations into Orders,
or C:a!Es, according to the number of the fiowing and
their fluxions, tho' t be not of abfolute neceffity for the Solution,
may yet ierre to it more expedite and methodical, and may
fupply us with convement phces to reft at. '
. -
S E e T. II. Solutiw of the }i1jl Gafe oJ Equatiom.
HE firl: Cafe of Equations is, when

the , or what fupplies
its place, can ah,-:ys l:e 0und in compofed of the Powers
of . ...:, ar.d knmm Qs:::ntities or I\umkrs. Thefe Tcrms are to bt:
m.ultiply"d by x, and toce d:,-idcd by the Index of ' in each Term,
which \\ill then exhibit tl:e Value_ o(;. Tious in the Equationj ij
. it has been found that :f 1 s + zx
sx6 +
Tl:.erefore =x l .-; -:.' --1,- 2X
- sx9 + 14X"'
and con:quently )' x + }-.\., { :' + f.>;
- -}:t9 + ';
as m.;.y e:dily be pOve,i by the lid IVlethod,
But this, and the like Equations, may be refolvcd more readily
by a Method form'd in imitation of fome of the foregoing Analyfes,
after this manner. In the given Equation make ;i; 1; then it
will be j> j+ s, which is thus rcfolvcd:
j ,, . + x+ zx
+ F
, &c.
-j - - -- - - ,\"+ + 2x

Make x the fidl: Term of}; thcn will x" be the fidl Term
of j, which is to be put with a contrary Sign for the fecond
Term of j. Then by fquaring, + v.;
will be the fecond Term
of j, and zx
will be the third Term of ;i. Tl1crefore
- S:t.'
will be the third Tenn of j, and + sx
will be the
fourth Tenn of j; and fo on. Therefore taking the Fluents, )' =
-iX' + }xJ

+ jx', &c. which will be one Root of the
Equation. And if we fubtral: this from x, we hall ha ve)' x +
ix' }.\'J +

jx', &c. for the other Roo t.
So if j a +
' + '
'x', &c. that is, if
X f'l 51za' X
!.X'+ x3 + 131xf &c. thC1l)' t1X x3 + IJIXi &c,
'lo 64a 51 z ' 192a >
If ? !.
+ a - .\'{- + :l, &c. or
X X; .
.-.:-:- ."t:-' +


X e
then y
dex o, it will be)' ;; , or }' is infinite. That this Exprci1lon,
or value of y, mul be intinitc, is very plain. For as o is a vani0
ing quantity, or lefs than any afiignablc quantity, its Reciproca!
or ': mul
be bi;gcr than any aJgnable quantity, that is, in-

o o 2

The Method oJ
Now that this quantity ought to be infi.nite, may be thus proved:

In the Equation f .; , let AB reprefent the conftant quantity a;
and in CE let a point move equably from C towards E, and de-
fcribe the Line CDE; of which let any indefinite part CD be x,
and its equable Velocity in D, (and every where elfe,) is reprefented,

e F 11
f d

by x. Alfo let a poiilt move from.a dfu.nt point e along the Line
ctk, with an inequable Velocity, and let the Line defcribed in the
tune time,. or the indefinite part of it cd, be call'd y, and let the

Velocity in d be call'd j. 7he Equation f ; muft always
tain, whatever the contemporanecus values of x. and y may be ; or
in the whole Motion the conftant Line AB (a} muft be to the variable
Line CD: (x as the V docity in d (j) is to the V elocity in D (x):
But at the beginning of the. Motion, or when CD (x) was indefi-
nitely litcle, as the ratio of AB to CD was then greater than any

ratio, [o alfo was the ratio 1 of the V elocities, or die
Yelocity j was- infinitely greater th:m the Velocity x. But an infi-'
nite V elocity muil: defcribe an infinite Space in a finite time, or the
point C is at an-infinite di.1ance frDm the point J, that s, J S an
infinite quantity
24-; 2 5- But to avoid fu eh infinite Expreffions, from w hence we
can conclude nothing; we are.at liberty to change the initial points
of the F1uents, by which their Rate of fiowing, (the only thing to
be here regarded,), will not at all be affeB:ed. Thus in the foregoing
Figure, we fuppofed the poiots D and d to be fuch, as limited the
contcmporaneous Fluents, or in which the two defcribing points
were found at the fame time. Let F and f be any other two fuch
points, and then the finite Line CF b will he contemporaneous
to, _or will correfpond with, the Line cf e; a?d FJ?,
which may be made the new will correfpond to fd, wluch wtll

be the new J So that in the given Equation i ; , inftead of

and 1 N F 1 N I TE S I E s

w-e mtty write h + x, and we ihall ha ve f and then by
Multiplication and Divifion it is .!. ) : ot: .,....
m:> ox+ & d } e a.< ox a.<> ax4 &
, M , c. an t 1ererore y b zb +
, c.

26. So if ? : + 3 .'ICX, becaufe of the Tenn ; , which
would give an infinite value. for J, we may write I + x of
V J<
x and we hall then have '::- + 2 2X xx, or
' 1 +x

x + 2X- 2.\' x, or by Divifton JT =
1 X
2x+ + 2xr; &c. and therefore y 4x zx + ]-x
-}x', &c.
; 2
Or the Equation .,.. + + 2 2x - ,'\:;
X 1 X
that is j.+ ,'(j-
=4.- 3x -x, may be thus refolved : .
* 3x x
- 4x + 4x x + zx
, &c .

+ Xj - - - - + 4X 4x + X
2X", &e,
j 4- fX + x 2X
+ 2X'I, &e,
)' 4" 2x + 1-x -}x+ + ]:x', &c.
Make 4 the firft Tenn of j, then 4-x will be the. firft Term of
xj, and confequently 4x will be the fecond Term of j. Then
-4x will be the fecond T-erm of xj, and therefore + 4x 3x";
ar x, will be the third Term of j ; and '[o on .

z7. So if' x-i + x-
xf, becaufe of the T'erm

. h _)' 1 1 ./
change X mto I-x,. t en ...,. - + - - v 1 - x. But
x y,I-X 1-x
by the foregoing Methods of Redution 'tis

1 + x + x"
+ x', &c. and v' 1 ,\' I -}x -J-ox, &c. and
1 1
- - , , ,
1 + + -}x + {-x, &c.
V t -x I - -.:.x- st" - -c;x ,. ..\.c.

Therefore collel:ing thefe accorJing to their Signs, 'tis Z = 1 +
' .
zx + l.x + !.
&c. that is-!:: + 2 x +
x' +
x+ &e
: J o ' X ... t "'i' 70' ' ..
aml therefore y ),; + .'1( + + :x4, &c .

z8. So if the given Equation were . . '""'
;.. - 3c.t; -}- - x3
,, ; chang_e the beginning of that is, inftead. of ,\' write
Tbe Method oJ FLUXIONs,
SE e T. III. Solutioi oJ the fecrmd Gafe of Equations.
- - -
zg, 30 Q.!:ations belonging to this fecond cafe are thofe,
wherein the two Fluents and their Fluxions, fuppofe
x and _r, :0 and j', or any Powers of them, are promifcuouly in-
roh'ed. . As our Am:hor's Analyfes are very intelligible, and {eem to
bu_t little explication, I {hall endeavour to refolve his_ Examples
in forriething an eafier and fimpler ma.!1ner, than s done here; by
applying to them bis own artfice of the Parallelogram, when need-
ful, or the properties of a combined Arithmetical Progreffion in plano,
as explain'd befare: As alfo the Methods before made ufe of, in the
Solution of :dl:eted Equations.
3 1. The Equ:2ticn jax aa.\: o by a due Redution

_; : ; ; in which, becaufe of the Term ; there
.is occa!ion for a Tranfinutation, or to change the beginning of the
Correlate .A_Jlming therefore the confl:ant quantity b,
we m::.) put f . : t:.< , whence by Divifion will be had
. .
..::. , ::.- '2 '
";''' , &c. which Equation is then
:; a. ' h t..- o+
prepareJ for the Author's 2\ethod of Solution.
But without this previous Redution to an infinite Series, and the
of an nfinite Equatien confequent thereon, we may
p::rform J.e Scilution thus, in a general manner. The given Equa-
- - - .
tion is ncv; 2. 2. : . , or putting :: I, it is abj + a:>:j
-;-- yx + e, which llli.)' be thus refolved :
, a=
' .-: ... -:. ' - - ... - + ,. '
.. 1 ' " 1
- V
- br -----
- .\-;' . - - - - - - - - - - -
- J

' 4 1

-\, '
. '
" ' - ' b' 6 " :::-"" .-.,-r; - :)
--.'' ' - _, .
' .
:: .\;'";o '


- . -
- -
. . ' ...,_, ... -_,....
- ---

. . ,
V .
o, , .,
'\" ::: 1
,, -
41 ,. (
t :::- _!_ : -aJ-- J :)
_ _:_ _____ :----.'(4
-, ,-,-r . )
&c .
o .

Difpofing the Terms as you fee is done here, make a the firl:
Term of abj, then 'i; will be the firl: Term of j, and thence j.v
. . .
will be the firl: Tcrm of So that ':..x wll be the firl: Ter m o1
. / .. ,, :' '
. .., . . '
a:;:j, and ax will be the firl: Term of .Yhefe two to-:
gether: or a,'x ax a'-""x, with a contrary Sign, muft be put
down for the fecond Term af a)'. Therefore the fecond Terni. of
j. will be bb-;ax, and the like Term ofy will be b,-,\. Then the
. ...b ' . . 1
i ' '
ab az -
fecond Term of axti WI!l be - and the fecond. Term of
b' ' '
-by will be a:x, and the firl: Term xy willbe . .x< ,

Thefe time together make ab- -f'x, which witq a contrary
Sign mul: be made the third T.erm- of 'J'herefore the third
Term of ) will be' za + a".\, and th third Te'rm 'of y wi!l b

za + h'- ab ,
,; x. And fo on. Here in a particular cafe if we make
, . . - x+
b . .a, we ;hall ha ve the mple y x '* +
: . ba> , &c.
Or if: we would .ha ve a defceding Se'ri<s for the Root y. of this
Equation, we may proceed as follows: , 1:
' ' '
. '
' .

' '
. . .. /
- xyl a"" a + x ax-' + + z'b + {; x ax-, &c .
. . f . . , bx-' . a+ b Y;fl'bx-z, &c.
+axJ. + alx-' . a+xza;x:-z, &c.
albx-:-, &c ..
. ' '
y a>x-'+a+bx ax- zu"+zab+bxax->, &c ..

,; ax-= a +bx zax->, &c .
L .

' . .
Difpclfe the Teni1s as you fec, and make a the firl: Term of the
S . '
Series .\)'; then will :; be the fidl: Term of )', and. tl' ;, -: \<Vill
be the firl: Tenn of y. Then will + abx-' be the firl: Term of
-by, and will be the firl: Tcrm of axf,. which together
make a+ b x a x-' ; ,this therefore with a contrary Sign mu\: -be
the fecond Tenn of :-.:y. Then the fecond Term:of y-will
be a+bxax-:, and the fecond Term of j will be a+ bx zax-_

1lherefore the fecond Tet'm of by will be a+ b x a' b.v:-=,
The 'Method rif FLUXIO"Ns,

and the iecond Ter m of axj will be a+ b x za; .\ -, and tbe
i1ri1 Term of ahj will be abx-:; which three together rnake
- za + za + b xa .\-:. Thiswith a contrarv Sign rnuft be thethird
Tenn of X)', which will give za + zab + b x ax-3 for the
tt\ird Ter m of )'; and -{o on. Here if we make b a, then y=
a:. :.a; ;a+ &e
--;+- .:. ;r;'
And thefe are all the Series, by which the value of y can be ex-
hibited in this Equation, as may he proyed by the Parallelogram.
For that Method rnay be extended to thefe Fluxional Equations, as
well as to Algebraical or Fluential Equations. To reduce thefe
Equations witbin the Limits of that Rule, we are to confider, that
rnay reprefent tbe inicial Tem1 of the Root _y, in both tbefe
kinds of Equations, or becaufe it rnay be y fue'", &c. fo in
Fluxional Equations (rnaking x I, we hall ha ve alfo j
&c. or writing y for Ax=, &c. 'tis j my:r, &c. So that in
crery Tenn of the given Equation, in which j occurs, or the Fluxion
of the Relate we rnay conceive it to take away one Di-
rnenfion from the Correlate fuppofe x, and to add it to
the Relate fuppofe )'; according to which Redution we
may infert the_ Terms in tbe Parallelogram. And we are to make
a like Redution for all the P;nvers of the Fluxion of the Relate
This will bring all Fluxional Equations to the Cafe of
Algebraic Equations, the Refolution of which has been fo amply
tre:ed of _before. .
Thus in the prefent Equation a{;j + a.ry by + yx -+ aa, the
Terms muft be inferted in the Parallelogram, as if ;x-' were fub-
ftituted inftead of j; fo that the Indices will ftand as in the Margin,
and tbe Ruler will give only two Cafes of exter-
nal Tenns. Or rather, if we would reduce this
Equation to the form of a double Arithmetical
Scale, as explain'd befare, we hould have it in this
form. Hei"e the fidl: Column are contain' d thofe
Terms which haYe )' of one Dimenfion, or what
is equivalent to it. In the fecond Column is a,
or y of no Dimenons. Alfo in the firft Line is
. .\-r, or fuch Temts in which x is of one Dimeniion. In the
Line are the Tem:s br
- a, which have no Dimen-
of -':, '_ a:..j is as !f it were aJ. Lall:ly,
m the th1rd lme 1s ab1, or the Term m wluch x is of one necrati\'e
- b
Dimenfi01f, 'becaufe ,+abj is conide:-'d as if it w"cre + abx-')'. And
thefe Terms being thus diipos'd, it is plain there can be but two Cal"t:s
of external Terms, which we have airead y difcufs'd .

3 2. 1f the propofed Equation be 3)' 2x + ; , or
rnaking x 1, 'tis j + 3)' 2x + xy- 2)'X-' o ; thc
Solution of which we fhall attempt without any prcparation, or
without any of the Firfi, the Terms
are to be d1fpos d accordmg to a double Anthmetcal Scale, the Roors
of which are y and x, and then they will fiand as in thc Margin, Thc
Method of doing this \Vith certainty
jn all cafes is as follows. 1 obferve in >' >" ;-_
. x' - zx + x.>-'
the Equation there are ree powers of .,. +
y _ =c.
y which are y', yo, and y-; there- x=' -j
fore I place thefe in orde; at top x. - . .
of i:he Table, 1 obferve hkcw1fe that there are four of x,
whkh are x',

,.-, and x->, which 1 place in qrder in aColumn

at the right hand; or it will be enotigh to conceive this t be d<;me.
Tlien 1 infert every Term of the Equation in its proper plce, a
oi:ding to its Dimenfions of y a:nd x in that Term ; filling up the
vacancies with Afterifms, to denote the abfence of the Terms be-
longing to them. The Terin j 1 infert if it were . yx-,
ass explain'd befare. Then we may erceive, that if we apply the
Ruler to the exterior Terms, we fhall ave thtee cafes that may pro-
due Series ; for the fourth cafe, which is that of direl: afcent or
defcent, is always to be omitted, as never affording any Series. To
bJ!gin with the defcending Series, which will arife from the two
externa! Terms 2x and + xy-'. The Terms are to be difpos'd,
and the Analyfis to be perform'd, as here follows :

x-' '
"- &e
"' T V l?r" >
---- +.!+ x-+ ''x- &e
T "i'"O '
--------- * + -}x-', &c .
-- - ------- -- - x-, &c.
.!. +
x- + 'J ... + '.!. s x- &e
V ''Ir"' 7 V J
Make x.r' 2x, &c. then y-' 2, &c. and by Divifion
y &c. Therefore 3Y -h &c. imd confequently xr' *
- -}, &c. or y-' ,.. {x-, &c. and by Divifion y * +
-}x-', &c. Therefore 3Y * ..x-, &c. and confequently xy-'
** ..x-, &c. So that y- u ..x-, &c. and by Divi-
fion y * * + ;;.x-&c Then 3Y * * + -}}x-, &c. and
Pp j
The Method oJ FLUXIONs,
-j + ix-", &c. and x-, &c. Thefe three
rogether make + : x--, and therefore xy-
* Hx-:-,
&c. io that J .. + : fx-3, &c. And fo on.
Another defcending Series will arife from two externa! Terms
: ;y and zx, which may be thus extral:ed:
.. __ s + 1 7 ... -1 &c.
3>' "' o :::--" .q. fl '
--- - + t + fx-
- &c.
- --- - -1- .. + ; &c.
-2J .. -.:-:. ------- i .. rt + tx a:!, &c.
J ..JT + I /'454J .. -" :, &c.
.-1 i.XO"' + s x- 1 l x-?. &e
T +1 J
== 17...- &e
3 7 ... -,
Make 31 2X, &c. then y ]-x, &c. and (by Diviiion) rT
.f.x-, &c. and >-J-
f, &c. and j ]-, &c. There-
fore 3Y , &c. and y * !s, &c. and (by Diviiion)
* -fx
, &c. and j * o, &c. and
, &c. Therefore 3J + -i-..x-', &c. and y * * +
; !r', &c. &c. .
The afcending Series in this Equation will arife the two ex-
ternal Tetms 2Jr' and xr'; or ihe whole Equa-
tion by 'j, (that one of the extemal Terms may be clear'd from
y,) we ball have jy 3t_ + 2XJ x + o, of which
the Reiolution is thus :

.. .1 -----+!x * -tx
> z
l.- --------+ . z x * ' &c.
3 &
j - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -X;., c.
1 l 3 ' 13" 2 &
x" -'- x --.!:x; + ' i= c.
-'2 "- Sv'z 128./2 '
.. r l" 3
, == --' . .;':,..,_x, -- ' - &
. " T 16yzx-tx ' c.
l\Iake 2)"':.:- x, &c. then ; .}x;, &c. and y ;
xt, &c.
Here becaufe of the fral:ional lndices, and that the firft Term of
+ 2X)', or + J zxt:, roa y be afterwards admitted, we muft take o
for the fecond Term of z;:c, and therefore for the fecond Term
- 1 of
of y. Then jy -}x, &c. and confequently zyx-: * -!x,
&c. and y * " fx
, &c. and by extral:ing the fquare-root,
, ,. * -
, x\ &c. Then jy * + o, &c. and zxy
' . ./ 2
&c. and
2 <
therewre z;:r: = * * - .
x, &c. and y
= * * *
- &c. &c. .
3 3, 34 The Author's Procefs of Refolution, in this and the fol-
lowing Examples, is very natural, fimple, and intelligible; it pro-
ceedsjeriatim & terminatim, by paffing from Series to Series, and
by gathering Term after Term, in a kind of circulating manner, of
which Method we ha ve had frequent infiances before.' By this
means he collel:s into a Series what he calls the Sum, which Sum

is the value of or of the Ratio of the Fluxions of the Relate
- - . X .
. Correlateln the given.Equation ; and then by the former Pro-
blem he.obtains the value of y . When I firfi obferved this Method
of .S.oh1tion, in this Treatife of our Author's, I confefs 1 was not a
little pleafed ; it being nearly the fame, and differing only in a few
circumftances that are not material, from the Method I had hap-
to fall intofevera:l years before, for the Solution of Algebraica!
and Fluxiorial Equations. This Method I have generally purfued in
the courfe of this work, and hall continue to explain it farther by
the following Examples.
The Equation of this Example 1 3x + y+ x + XJ j
= o being reduced to the form of a double Arithmetical Sea! e,
will fiand as here in the Margin i _and the
r ,o
Ruler will difcover two cafes to be try'd, of ..... + x' -
which one may give us an afcending. and the x' + XJ - 3x _
fi h
A x<> +Y+ -o
other a defcending Series or t e Root y. nd x- - j
firft for the afcending Series.

y : I 3X + x + &c.
+ *
- Y
- - - x + x' - !.x; + ' x4
x &e
3 30' '
-.xy - - - - - - - x + x; + &c.
. I zx + x' ::.x; +
x4 ..:_x &e
' 3 ()' I,S )
x x +.!.x;
x4 + ' x
- 3 O .30 ..S J
The Terms being difpofed as you fee, make j 1, &c. then
y x, &c. Therefore y x, &c. the Sign of which Term
being changed, it will be j = * + 3.\', &c. * zx, &c.
P p 2 and
292 The Method of FLUXIoNs,
and therefore )' .. &c. Then y * + x'-, &c. and
-xy &c. thefe deftroying each other, 'tis j * +x,
&c. and therefore y .... + fX:
, &_c. y * * ..x,
&c. and xy ,. + x;, &c. 1t w!ll be y * * * .x;, &c.
and therefore y * ., &c. &c.
The Analvfis in the fecond cafe will be thus :
-).) 3X + I
x +S- 6x-' * + I2x-3, &c.
- )' - - - - + x 4 + 6x-I .6x- * , &c.
: jJ -------- 1 * + 6x- Izx-3, &c.
)' X+ 4 6x-I + 6x- * 12X 4, &c.
Make xy x .. , &c. then )' x, &c. Therefore _ J
x, &c. and changing the Sign, 'tis xy * x 3i, &c.
= 4X, &c. and therefore y * + 4, &e: Then y
- 4. &c. and j r, &c. and changing the Signs, 'tis xy
.. + S+ 1, &c. * + 6, &c. and y * * 6x-,
&c. &c.
6 If th
y" y xv xv
35, 3 . e gven Equation were -; 1 +-;; + + a&
+ "";;, &c . .its Refolution may be thus perform'd:

- 1
" zx; sx+ &
+ ; + za + al + za4 ' C.
_1 x ,. .r> x4 &
- .. :A - - '"""":". - - - - A ) c,
a- za:a. :u. S 2aT
%J ,x:. x3 x'f &
- :: } - - - - .., - - - -- - - ' c.
- 2a; za4
- X:: - - - - - - -- - -- - -"'- ' &c.
2a+ -
------------- _::.! '&c.
'"J .

;\.; x+ .xr .
)' X + %a + za + :za + za+ ' &c.
. '

- j= 1, &c. then )' x, &c. Therefore - !. =
-" h x .
&c. and j = * -l -;;, &c. and t erefore y = + z;;, &c. Then
- . -
* - ;:. , &c. and - = - &c . and therefore


j =u+::, &c. andJ = * + &e: And fo on.
and IN FIN r TE SiR IE s.
Now in this Example, becaufe the Series .-! + .:Z + x'Y +
a a'l. ai
:.:>' &c. is equal to Y , it will be . .r + r, or av xv
a4 ' a-x .1 a -x .._, './
=Y + a x, is, yx + ax xx aj + xj o ; which
Equation, by the particular Solution before deliver'd, will give the
relation of the Fluents )'X ay + ax .x o. Hence y
mi-'"" d b . x' x! x4 & e d
;:::...__:=.." - , an y Dtvifion y x + - + . + . , c. as !O Un
a-x za 2a- za>
above .

3 7. The Equation 1_..;':... _....-;.!:.,.. . .,..-
of this Example being ;; : - + + J; + J+ ,&c.l
tabulated, or reduced x _
, +
xy -xj' -x;l -><J+,&c.
to a double Arithmeti- x' - 6x' + 6x'y
1 S 1
11. d xl - 8x! + 8x!_y 0
ca ca e, Wl nan as xf _
ox4 + rox+y .
here in the Margn. x' - 12X
Where it may be ob- x
- '4x' &c.
ferved, that becaufe of &c. &c.
the.Series proceedng both ways ad it!finitzan, there can be but one
cafe of exterior Terms, of which the Solution here follows:

3x -6x 8x' rox+ 12x
, &c .
- {x' I2fx4 29f"' 59-i-X6, &c.
3XJ ----------+ {x'+ 6x4+ '
, &c.
- 6x'_y --------------+ gx++ rzx'+ \
, &c.
_,... y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *x4 6x ' ;
, &c.
. >
.....;. 8,t'' y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + I 2X
+ l 6x
, &c.
+ xys - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - + fx'+ 6x
, &c.
-r ox:r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - + J 5X
' &c .
7 6 &
ya 1 - - - - .. - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - + s X ' c.
&c. J
== -
--3 x 3
_9 _, , ;";' .!. ... 6
-2X - S X:>- o.. 1 6 ....

Make j 3x, &c. then y {-x, &c. Then j 'lt -
6x, &c. and y * zx
, &c. Then 3xy = + {x;, &c. and
therefore j * * {x' Sx
, &c. * * 2.f x', &c. and y

x-+, &c. And fo of the rel:.
The Author here takes notice, that as the value of j is negative,
and therefore contrary to that of .\:, it fhews that as x increafes, J
mol: decreafe, and on the contrary. For a negative V elocity is a
Velocity backwarks, or whofe diretion is contrary to that which

The Method of FtuxioNs,

was fuppos'd to be :;_n affirmative Velocity. This Remark muft take
place hereafter, as often as there is occaion for it,
38. In this Example the Author puts x to reprefent the Relate
Quantity, or the Root to be extral:ed, and y to reprefent the Cor-
relate. But to prevent the confufion of Ideas, we ihall here change
..... into y, and y into x, fa that y hall denote the Relate, and x the
Correlate as ufual. Let the given Equation therefore be
f 4Xs + zxi -tr + -1: 2;>;;, whofe Root y is to
be extral:ed. Thefe Terms being difpofed in a Table, will frand
thus: And the Refolu tion will be as follows, taking j and +
for the two externa! Terms.
' .


- ;;-


+::x.f" 1

%-t -j J

=i.c _4-",+7x}+zx3
... :. ..,. .. ., , , xt '"e
__ ,. -r-t !o ,., \.;,!'

+ i;'

----- x' ,. +zxl-F'+ z>:4,&c.
---- - .. ---.--- - - -- . --- &C'. _o , .
7 9
J = -xi+zx"i'
+ &t
xS, F$(,

Make j &c. then y {-x', &c. Now becaufe it is j
* o, &c. it will he alfo )' * o, &c. And whereas it is y'< 4x,
&c. it will be zxf} x, &c. and therefore j * * + x,
- 4--., &c. . 3x, &c. then )' .- * x
, &c. Now be-
caufe ir is J * + o, &c. it will be alfo * + o, &c. and
. }.
-zxr * +o, &c. and confequently j * + 7x, &c. and
therefore J * ,., + zx-l-, &c. And fa on. . .
There are two other cafes of externa! Terms, which will fupply
us with two other Series for the Root y, but they will run too much
into Surds. This may be fufficient to 1hew the univerfality of the
Method, and how we are to proceed in like cafes.
39 The Author 1hews here, that the fame Fluxional Equation
may often afford a great variety of Series for the Root, according as
we fuall intrOduce any confrant quantity at pleafure. Thus the
Equation of Art. 34 or j 1 3x +y+ x + xy, may be re-
folved after the following general manner: -


and 1 N F I NI T B SERIE S,

jl = 1-3x + xl
+a+ x +zax' + iax!, &c.
+zax --jxl
- y: -a- x+ x --jxl, &c.
. ' .
- ax- ax-- Jax,
- ax- ,x'2. - axa, & c.
- RX'+ .t1
Here inftead of making j r, &c. we may make j o, &c.
and therefore y a, &c. becaufe then j o, &c. then y
-a, &c. and confequently j *+a+ r, &c. and thereforey
* + ax + x, &c. Then y ax x, &c. and xy
- ax, &c. and therefore j * * + 2ax + x 3x, &c. =
* + 2ax 2x, &c. and then y * * + ax x, &c. There-
fore y * * ax + x, &c. and xy * ax x,
&c. and confequently j * * + 2ax + x, &c. and y
* * * + ..axs + j-X
, &c. &c. Here if we make a o, we hall
have the fame value of y as was extral:ed befare. And by what-
ever Number a is interpreted, fo many different Series we hall
obtain for y.
40. The Author here enumerates three cafes, when an arbitrary
Number hould be afumed, if it can be done, for the fidl: Term of
the Root. Firft, when in the given Equation the Root is affel:ed
with a Fral:ional Dimenfion, or when fome Root of it is to be ex-
tral:ed; for then it is convenient to have Unity for the fidl: Term,
or fome other Numher whofe Root may be extral:ed without a Surd,
if fuch Number does not offer itfelf of its own accord. As in the
fourth Example 'tis x :fy, &c. and therefore we may eafily have
x ~ ?y, &c. Secondly, it muft be done, when by reafon of the
fquare-root of a negative ~ n t i t y we hould otherwife t'lll upon
impoffible Numbers. Laftly, we muft afume fucha Number, when
otherwife there would be no initial ~ n t i t y from whence to begin
the computation of the Root; that is, when the Relate ~ n t i t y
or its Fluxion, affel:s all ihe Terms of the Equation.
41, 42, 43 The Author's Compendiums of Extral:ion are very
curious, and hew the univerfality of his Method. As his feveral
Proceffes want no explanatin, I hall proceed to refolve his Exam-
ples by the foregoing general Method. As if the given Equation
were j ~ x, or j y- x, the Refolution might
be thus :

1Ze ldethad oJ Ft u x 1 o N s,


Make j o, &c. then alTuming any confiant quantity a, it may
be J a, &c. Then by Divifion ;-' a-', &c. and
therefore j * + a-', &c. and confequently y * + a- X, &c.
Then by Divifion J-
* + a-Jx, &c. and therefore j
* * a-Jx, &c. and confequently y * * &c. Then
again by Divifion ,- * * .}a-sx, &c. and therefore j =
* * .\,&c.andconfequentlyy * * * -}a-sx; .rx
&c. And fo of the reft. Here if we make a 1, we ihall
ha ve ,, 1 + x- !.x + .' x; .:.
.. 4 &e
.- a ir a+-"' '
Or the tune Equation may be thus refolved :
= -- x + 2.rJ + + 2 r6x:'3, &c.
------ zx 3 2Ix-'l, &c.
y o\ + 2;&1 + + 28o.r
1, &c .
. Make ;.-' x, &e, or y x -, &c. Then j 2x-3,
&c.and therefore y-' * +z."C-3,&c.andconfequentlybyDivifion
; * +zx-7, &c. Then j * 14x-
,&c. and therefore y-
= * +I{X-
, &c. and by Divifiony *,. +I8x-", &c. Then
j * * 2 IJ;'3, &c. and therefore y-' * * + 2 IX-'3,
&c. and by Divilion J * * + 28ox-'1, &c. And fo on.
Another afcending Series may be had from this Equation, viz.
,.._ S
,. ./ 2x fx; + :r-, +
x , &c. by multipying it by y, and
.1 '+i"::.
7493 .
tben making I the firft Term of Jj.
4+ The Equation j 3 + 2y - x-'y may be thus refolved:
= 3 3X +6x, &c.
- 6x + 3x, &c.
- - - + gx gx>, &c.
- .zx
, &c.
- , .

r Y' yo
* +2J+3

Make j 3,&c. then y JX, &c. Therefore 2)' 6x, &c.
and 9x, &c. and confequently j * 3x, &c. Therefore
.J' * fX", &c. Then 2y * + 3x, &c. and x-'Y"
* 9x, &c. Therefore j * ,. + 6x, &c. and y * * + 2.'1:;,
&c. &c.
Or the Refolution may be perform'd after thefe two following
. manners :
9 - &
1:X .. , c. )'X-
3 x_, &e
S '

fx-: ,&c .

x-' ----
-- l\!
+x-'r +{-x-'
3J-t .fx-'+ix-,&c. --
9 - &e
4x ' .
y zx+-}
V '
Make 2)' 3, &c. or y .}, &c. then j o, &e , ,,J
br'y" + {-x-', &c. Therefore 2)'::-- * {-x-', or J
* + {-x-', &c. and j * .;x-z, &c. and by fquaring x-'J
* 'fx-, &c. and therefore 2y * * + {x-z, &c. and
y * * {-x-z, &c. And fa on.
Again, divide the whole Equation by y, and make x-')' z, &c.
then y 2x, &c. And becaufe j 2, &c. and y-' -}x-', &c.
'tis jy-' x-', &c. and 3J-
{-x-', &c. therefore jx-'
* + {-x-', &c. and y * + i, &c. Then becauie jy-
* + o, &c. and 3Y-' * + -}x-z, &c. 'tis yx-' * * -}x-,,
&c. and y " * -}x-', &c. &c.
4 5, 46. If the propofed Equation be j y+ x-' x-\ its
Solution may be thus :

+x- xo

----- o.
x-' x-:

Make j x-, &c. then y x-, &c. Confequently j =
* o, &c. :md therefore y ,. o, &c. tbat is, y ;:,-.
Again, make y x-', &c. then j x-, &c. and confe-
quently y * +o, &c. that is, y x-'.
That this hould be fo, may appear by the direl: Method. For
if y x-', 'tis j :>:x- ; alfo yx xx-'. Then addin g thefe
two Equations together, 'tis yx + j :<:x- i:x-z, or j :;
+ .'1:-' x-. Thus may we form as many Fluxional Equations
Q._q as
7he Method of Ft uxioNs,
as we pleafe, of which the Fluents may be exprefs'd in finite Terms;
but to return to thefe-again may fometimes require particular Expe-
dient5. Thus if we affume the Equation y 2x .rx .. + -3-x;,
taking the Fluxions, and putting x I, we lhall have j 2-
!3;: : as aHo L I .:.3 .>: + :e x. Subtrat this laft from
_, ZX
the fvregoing Equation, and we hall have;-- =
. '
the Solution of which here follows.
-47 Let the propos'd Equation be j
which the Solution may be thus:

-2x +
=1 -zx
1 IX:.
y 1
+fx +gx' +ex' +fx +g



-tx' -fx - -gx -g
.. : =ux+ifx:.+:gx; y


; = -i"''+zx

1. + 1 -zx+ of


=o .
y .
- }
By tabulating the Terms of this Equation, as ufual, it may be
obferved, that one of the externa! Terms j + is a double
Term, to which the other externa! Term 1 belongs in common.
Therefore to feparate thefe, aff'ume y zex, &c. then !;;
=-e, &c. and confequently j I +e, &c. and therefore y
=x +ex, &c. That is, becaufe ux .x +ex, or 2e I +e,
'tis e I, or y 2x, &c. So if we make y * + ifx, &c.
then ;___ * f.", &c. therefore j * + fi: 2x, &c. and
." + x, &c. that is, zj !,f- 1, or f 1- So
tbat y * jx, &c. So if we make y * * + zgx
, &c. then
- ::_ * "' gx, &c. and therefore j , * + gx + ix, &c.
and )' * * + -i-gx; + .;.x;, &c. or 2g -i-g + ..;., or g -!-o, {0
that )' _.. -3-x
, &c. So if we make J * * * zhx
, &e, then
- * * * bx;, &c. and therefore j * * * + hx;, &c.
and r * * * +

&c. But becaufe here 2h this Eoua-

tion would be abfurd excepth o. And fo all the fubfequent
wiil vaniih in it!ftnitum, and this will be the exat value of y. And
the fune may be done from the other cafe of externa! Terms, as
will appear from the Paradigm
..8. Nothing can be added to illufuate this Invel:igation, unlefs
we would demonfuate it ynthetically. Becaufe )' ex\ as is here

found, therefore j
3'x , Here inl:cad of ext
fubl:itute y, and we {hall have j , as given at firl:.

49, 50. The given Equation j =yx- + x-: + 3 + z:-. 4"-
may be thus refolved after a general manner.
j zx + 3 4.\:- + x- x-3 + -i-x-4 , &c.
+ r + 4x- +ax- ax-3 + -iax-+
-x-y - - - - 1 4x- a>. - + x-3 .,:.x-4 , &c.
+ax- .,:. ax-4
y + 4" +a "-'_, + ;x- , &c.
-.ax- + .,:.ax-: tax-3.
Makej zx, &c. theny x, &c. Therefore x-y r,
&c. confequently j * + r + 3, &c. * 4, &c. and therefore
y * + 4x, &c. Then x-zy * 4x-', &c. and confe-
quently j * * + o, &c. and therefore alfuming any confiant
quantity a, it may be y * * + a, &c. Then x-y * *
-ax-, &c. and therefore * * * + ax-'- + x-, &c. and
J * * * ax- x-, &c. And fo on. Here if we make
,. 2. l [ 1 &
.0, US y X + 4X * - + : .
, C,
X z;t X
51, 52. The Equation of this Example is j 3xyi +y, which
we hall refolve by our ufual Method, without any other prepara-
tion than dividing the whole by}, that one of the Terms may be
clear'd from the Relate ; which wili reduce it jy /
3x, of which the Refolution may be thus :


Make jy-i 3x, :&c. or taking the Fluents, 3i {-x, &e,
or {'x, &c. or )' tx
, &c. And becaufe y1 -;-x,
&c. it will be jy } * + f x, &c. and therefore 3yi- ;' +
;}xS, &c. and yl- * + -!-v:x;, &c. and by cubing y * +
&c. Then becaufe y; *
, &c. 'tis jy * * + .;.,.x;,
&e, and therefore 31; * * + 7f'
x4, &c. and y.J * * + .-h-X.,
&c. and by cubing y , * +

&c. And fo on.

Q...q 2
The Method oJ FLuxroNs,

53 L:lfily, in the Equation j + x}i, or jy ! 2x +
:<, afuming e for a conftant quantity, whofe Fluxion therefore
is o, and taking the Fluents, it will be zi 2c + zx + -fx}, or
e + x + Then by fquaring, )' e + zcx + x +
+ + .;.x;. Here the Root )' may receive as many diffe-
:ent valU'es, while x remains the fame, as e can be interpreted diffe-
rent ways. Make e o, then J x + .;.xl: + -}x;.
The Author is pleas'd here to make an Excufe for his being fo
minute and particular, in difcuffing matters which, as he fays, will
but feldom come into pral:ice; but 1 think any Apology of this
kind is needleS, and we cannot be too minute, when the perfec-
tion of a Method is concern'd. \Ve are rather much obliged to him
for giving us his whole Method, for applying it to a!L the cafes that
may happen, and for obviating every difiiculty that may arife. The
ufe of thefe Extrations is certainly very extenfive; for there are no
Problems in the inverfe Method of Fluxions, and efpecially fuch
as are to be anfwer'd by infinite Series, but what may be reduced to
fuch Fluxional Equations, and may therefore receive their Solutions
from hence. But this will appear more fully hereafter.
SE e T. IV. Solrttio1z if the third Gafe oJ Eruations, with
fome nece.J!ary Demonflrations.
54 O R the more methodical Solution of what our Author
calls a mo/f troublejome a11d di.ffieult Problem, ( and furely
the Inverfe Method of Fluxions, in its full extent, deferves to be
call'd fuch a Problem,) he has befare difuibuted it into three Cafes.
The firft Cafe, in which two Fluxions and only one fl.owing
tity occur in the given Equation, he has difpatch'd without much
difficulty, by the affiftance of his Method of infinite Series. The
fecond Oe, in which two fl.owing and their Fluxions
are any how involved in the given Equation, even with the fame
affiftance is ftill an operofe Problem, but yet is difcufs'd in all its
,-arieties, by a fufficient number of appofite Examples. The thrd
Cafe, in which cccur more than two Fluxions with their Fluents,
is here very artfully managed, and al! the difficulties of it are re-
duced to the other two Cafes. For if the Equation involves (for
i:nilance) three Fluxions, with fome or all of their Fluents, another
Equation ought to be given by the <l.!!.eftion, in order to a full De-

ancl IN F r N 1 TE S E R. I Es.
termination, as has been airead y argucd in another place; or if not,
thc is leti: indetermincd, and then another Equation may
be afiumed ad libitum, fuch as will aftord a proper Solution to the
And the reft of the work will only require the two
former Cafes; with fome common Algebraic Redutions, as we hall
fee in the Author's Example.
55 Now to confider the Author's Example, belonging to this
third CaCe of finding Fluents from their Fluxions given, or when
there are more than two variable Qantities, and their Fluxions, ei-
ther exprefs'd or underftood in the given Equation. This Example
is zx z + jx o, in which becaufe there are three Fluxions
j, and 2:, (and therefore virtually three Fluents x, y, and z,) and
but one Equation given; I may affume (for infiance) .'< y, whence
x j, and by fubilitution 2j z + jy o, and therefore 2)'-
z + o. Now as here are only two Equations x y o
and 2J z + ff o, the x, y, and z are l:ill variable
and fufceptible of infinite values, as they ought to be.
InCfeed a third Equation may be had, as zx z + o; but
as this is only derived from the other two, it brings no new limi-
tation with it, but leaves the quantities l:ill flowing and indetermi-
nate quantities. Thus if I lhould affume 2y a+ z for the fe-
cond Equation, then 2j z, and by fubftitution 2X 2j+jx .o,

x + + &c. and therefore y x +
2-.t' ...... .... '

or y
';;Xl, &c. which two Equations are a compleat Determination.
Again, if we affume with the Author x )", and thence x zyj,
we hall have by fubftitution 4)'j z + jy o, and. thence 2)''
- z + ]-Jl o, which two Equations are a fuffi,;ient Determina-
tion. We may indeed have a third, 2x z +.j-xt o; but as
this is included in the other two, and introduces no new limitation,
the quantities will l:ill remain fluent. And thus an infinite variety
of fecond Equations may be affumed, tho' it is always convenient,
that the affumed Equation hould be as .fimple as may be. Yet fome
caution muft be ufed in the choice, that it may not introduce fuch
a limitation, as hall be inconfiftent with the Solution. Thus if I
hould affume 2x z o for the fecond Equation, I hould have
zx z o to be fubftituted, which would make jx o, and
therefore would afford no Solution of the Equation. .
'Tis eafy to extend this reafoning to Equations, that involve four
or more Fluxions, and: their flowing but it would be
needlefs here to multip!y Examples. And t.hus our Author has com-
pleatly folved this Cafe alfo, which at firft view might appear for-
Tbe Metbod oJ FLuxroNs,
midable enough, by reducing all its difficulties to the two former
56, 57 The Aut.lmr's way of demonftrating the Inverfe Method
of Fluxions is hort, but fatisfadory enough. We have argued elfe-
where, that from the Fluents given to find the Fluxions, is a direl:
and fynthetical Operation; and on the contrary, from the Fluxions
given to find the Fluents, is indiretl and analytiqtl. And in the
arder of nature Synthefis hould always precede Analyfis, or Com-
pofition hould go befare Refolution. But the Tenns Synthefis and
Analyfis are often ufed in a vague fenfe, and taken only relatively,
as in this place. For the diret Method of Fluxions being -airead y
demonfuated fynthetically, the Author declines (for the reafons he
gives) to demonftrate the Inverfe Method fynthetically alfo, that is,
primarily, and independently of the direl: Method. He contents
himfelf to prove it analytically, that is, by fuppofing the direl: Me-
thod, as fufficiently demonftrated already, and hewing the necelfary
connexon between this and the inver{e Method. And this will al-
ways be a full proof of the truth of the conclufions, as Multiplica-
tion is a good proof of Divifion. Thus in the firft Example we
found', that if the given Equacion is y+ xy j 3x x 1,
wehallhavetheRooty x x+tx; fx++
&c. Toprove the truth of which conclufion, we may hence find,
by the direl Method, j I 2x + x 1-x> + fx+ .;
, &c.
and then ibftitute thefe two Series in the given Equation, as follows:
y--- -- +X x + -iX> -}X4 +
, &c.
+xy------ -- + x_ x; + 1-x4 ~ +
, &c.
- j- I + 2X x+ 1-x -}Xi + ,\xs /aX6, &c.
I + 3X x * '* *
N'ow by collel:ing thefe Series, we hall find the refult to pro-
duce the given Equation, and therefore the preceding Operation will
be fufficiently proved.
58. In this and the fubfequent paragraphs, our Author comes to
open and explain fome of the chiefMyfteries of Fluxions and Fluents,
and to give us a Key for the dearer apprehenfion of their nature
and properties. Therefore for the Learners better inftrul:ion, I hall
not think much to inquire fomething more circumftantially into this
matter. In arder to which let us conceive any number of right
Lines, AE, ae, f, &c. indefinitely extended both ways, along which
a Body, or a defcribing Point, may be fuppofed to move in each
Line, from the left-hand towards the right, according to any Law
or Rate of Acceleration or Retardation whatever. Now the Motion
of every one of thefe Points, at all times, is to be efl:imated by its
difl:ance from fome fixt point in the f.1me Line ; and any fuch Poin'ts
may be chofen for this purpofe, in each Line, fuppofc B, b, {3, in
which al! the Bodies have been, are, or will be, in the f.1me Mo-
ment of Time, from whence to compute their contemporaneus
Augmcnts, Differences, or fiowing Thefe Fluents may
be conceived as negative before the Body arrives at that point, as
nothing when in it, and as affirmative when they are got beyond it.
In the firfl: Line AE, whofe Fluent we denominate by x, we may
iuppofe the Body to move uniformly, or with any equable Velocity;
then may the Fluent x, or the Line which is continually defcribed,

--..::.... __ ,_ti':,__-:,----- Cl--

reprefent Time, or fl:and for the Correlate to which the
feveral Relate are to be confl:antly refer'd and compared.
For in the fecond Line ae, whofe Fluent we call y, if we fuppofe
the Body to move with a Motion continually accelerated or retarded,
according to any confl:ant Rate or Law, (which Law is exprefs'd by
any Equation compos'd of x and y and. known quantities ;) then
will there always be contemporaneous parts or augments, defcribed
in the two Lines, which parts will make the whole Fluents to be
contemporaneous alfo, and accommodate themfelves to the Equation
in aJI its Circumfl:ances. So that whatever value is affumed for the
Correlate x, the correfponding or contemporaneous value of the Re-
late y may be known from the Equation, and vice vers. Or from
the Time being given, here reprefented by x, the Space reprefented
by y may always be known. The Origin (as we may caJI it) of the
Fluent x is mark'd by the point B, and the Origin of the Fluent y
by the point b. If the Bodies at the f.1me time are found in A and
a, then will the contemporaneous Fluents be BA and ba. If
at the fame time, as was fuppofed, they are found in their refpec-
tive Origins B and b, then will each Fluent be nothing. If at the
Jame time thcy are found in e and e, then will their Fluents be
+ BC and +be. And the like of all other points, in which the

I movmg

The Method oJ FLuxtoNs,
moring. Bodies either ha ve been, or hall be found, at the fame

As to the Origins of thefe Fluents, or the points from whence we
begin to compute them, (for tho' they muft be conceived to be variable
and indeternned in refpel of one of their Limits, where the de-
fcribing .points are at prefent, yet they are fixt and determined as to
their other Limit, which is their Origin,) tho' befare we appointed
the Origin of each Fluent to be in B and b, yet it is not of abfolute
neceffity that they hould begin together, or at the fame Moment of
Time. All that is neceffary is this, that the Motions may continue
as befare, or that they may obferve the fume rate of fiowing, and
have the fame contemporaneous Increments or Decrements, which
will not be at a1l a1feled by changing the beginnings of the Fluents.
The Origins of the F!uents are intirely arbitrary things, and we
mav remove them to what otber points we pleafe. If we remove
the;,, from B and h to A and e, for inftance, the contemporaneous
Lines. will_ ftill be AB and ah, BC and be, &c. tho' they will change
their names. Inftead of AB we lhall have o, inftead of B or o
we hall ha ve + AB, inftead of + BC we hall have + AC ; &c.
So inftead of ab we hall ha ve ae +be, inftead of b or o we
hall ha ve be, inftead of + bd we hall ha ve + be+ ed, &c. That
is, in the Equation which determines the general Law of flowing
or increafino-, we may always increafe or diminih x, or y, or both
1:> fi . d '
by any given quannty, as occa on may requrre, an yet the Equa-
tion that arifes will ftill exprefs the rate of flowing; which is all that
is neceffary here. Of the ufe and conveniency of which Redulion
we have feen feveral inftances befare.
If there be a third Line a.e, defcribed in like manner, whofe
Fluent may be z, having its parts correfponding with the others, as
$, (&t, ,1, &c. there muft be another Equation, either given or
affi1med, to afcertain the rate of fl.owing, or the relation of z to the
Correlate x. Or it will be the fame thing, if in the two Equations
the Fluents x,_r, z, are any how promifcuoufly involved. For thefe
two Equations will limit and determine the Law of fiowing in each
Line. And we may likewife remove the Origin of the Fluent z
to what point we pleafe of the Line a.e. And fo if there were more
Lines, or more Fluents. .
59 To exemplify what has been faid by an eafy inftance. Thus
infiead of the Equation jr xx_r, we may afume jr ')' + ixy,
where the Origin of x is changed, or x is diminih'd by Unity; for
1 + x is fubfiituted inftead of x. The lawfulnefs of which Re-
and 1 N F 1 N IT 1! S E 1U E S,
dutionli1ay be thus proved from the Principies of Analyticks, Make
x 1 +z, whence x z, which hews, that xandz flow or increafe
alike. Subftitute thefe inftead of:'< and :i: in the Equation j and
it will become j zy + zzy. This differs in nothing from
the afumed Equation j :>.J + xxy, only that the Symbol x is
changed into the Symbol z, which can make no real change n the
argumentation, So that we may as well retain the fame Symbols
as were given at firft, and, becaufe z x 1, we may as well
fuppofe x to be diminih'd by Unity.
6o, 6 r. The Equation expreffing the Relation of the Fluents will
at all times give any of their contemporaneous parts ; for afuming
different values of the Correlate we hall thence have the
correfponding different values of the Relate, and then by fubtral:ion
we hall obtain the contemporary differences of each .. Thus ifthe

given Equation were y x + .;, , where x is fuppos'd to be a quan.;
tity equably increafing or decreafing ; make :>.' o, I; 2, 3, 4, S
&c. fuccefiive!y, then y _ infinite, 2, 2-},
-:r, &c. refpec-
tively. And taking their differences, while x flows from o to r,
from r to 2, from 2 to 3, &c. y will flow froni infinite to z, from
2 to 2-}, from 2-} to 3-f, &c. that is, their contemporaneous parts
will r, r, r, r, '&c. and infinite, -}, f, .;.-:-, &c. refpel:ively.
Likewife, if we go backwards, or if we make x negative, we hall
have x o, r, 2, &c. which will make y infinite, z,
- 2-}
&c. fo that the contemporaneous differences will be as be-
fo re. .
. Perbaps it may make a ftronger imprefiion upon the Imagina-
tion, to reprefent this by a Figure. To the rel:angular Afymptotes
GOH and KOL let ABC and DEF G A
be oppofite Hyperbola's; bifel: the An-
gle GOK by the indefinite right Line
vOR, .perpendicular to which draw the
Diameter BOE, meeting the Hyperbola's
in B and E, from whence draw BQ-r
and EST, as alfo CLR and DKU pa-
rallel to GOH. Now if OL is made
to reprefent the indefinite and equable
, quantity x in the Equation )' x + ;.

then CR may reprefent y. For CL = ; , (fuppofing BQ__
OQ.s r,) and LR OL x; therefore CR . LR CL,
R r

The Method of FtuxioNs,
or y x + ; . Now the Origin of OL, or x, being in O; f
x o, then CR, or y, will coincide with the Afymptote OG, and
therefore will be infinite. If X I then y BP 2.
If x z OL, then )' CR And fo of the reft. Alfo
proceeding the contrary way, if x o, then y may be fuppofed
to coincide with the Mymptote OH, and therefore will be negative
and infinite. If >: OS z, then y ET 2. If x
= OK 2, then y D'V &c. And thus we may
purfue, at Ieaft by Imagination, the correipondent values of the flow-
ing qnantities x and ;, as alfo their contemporary differences, through
all their poffible varieties ; according to their relation to each other,
as exhibited by the Equation y x + .
The Tranfition from hence to Fluxions is fo very eafy, that it
may be worth while to proceed a little farther. As the Equation
expreffing the relation of the Fluets will give (as now obferved)
any of tbeir contemporary parts or differences ; fo if thefe differences
are taken very fmall, they will be nearly as the V elocities of the
moving Bodies, or points, by which they are defcribed. For Mo-
tions continually accelerated or retarded, when perform'd in very
finall fpaces, become neuly equable Motions. But if thofe diffe-
rences are conceived to be diminihed in injinitum, fo as from finite
differences to become Moments, or vanihing the Mo-
tions in them wi!l be perfetly equable, and therefore the V elocities
of their Pefcription, or the Fluxions of the Fluents, will be accu.
rately as thofe Moments. Suppofe then x, y, z, &c. to reprefent
Fluents in any Equation, or Equations, and their Fluxions, or V e-
Iocities of increaie or decreafe, to be reprefented by x, j, z, &c.
and their refpelive contemporary Moments to be op, oq, or, &c.
where p, q, r, &c. will be the Exponents of the Proportions of
the Moments, and o denotes a vanihing quantity, as the nature of
Moments reqnires. Then i:, j, z, &c. will be as op, oq, or, &c.
that is, as p, q, r, &c. So that i:, j, z, &c. may be ufed inftead
of p, q, r, &c. in the defignation of the Moments. That is, the fyn-
chronous Moments of x, y, z, &c. may be reprefented by ox, oj,
llZ, &c. Therefore in any Equation the Fluent x may be fuppofed
to be increafed by its Moment oi:, and the Fluent y by its Moment
cj, &c. or x y + oj, &c. may be fub.ftituted in the Equation
inftead of x, y, &c. and yet the Equation will ftill be true, becaufe
the Moments are fuppofed to be fynchronous. From which Ope-

ration an Equation will be form'd, which, by due Redul:ion, mu!:
neceffarily exhibit the relation of the Fluxions.
Thus, for example, if the Equation )' x + z be given, by
Subl:itution we hall have y+ oj x o . ~ z + oz, which, be-
caufe y x + z, will become r;j ox + oz, or j x + z, which
is the relation of the Fluxions. Here again, if we affume z ; ,
or zx I, by increafing the Fluents by their contemporary Mc-
ments, we hall have z + oz x >." + ox I, or zx + ozx + oxz
+ oozx I. Here becaufe zx I, 'tis ozx + o:i:z + oozx o,
or zx + xz + ozx o. But becaufe ozx is a vanihing Term in

refipel: of the others, 'tis zx + i.:z o, or z x z. ~
x x
Now as the Fluxion of z comes out negative, 'tis an indication that
as x increafes z will decreafe, and the contrary. Therefore in the
Equation y x + z, if z ; , or if the relation of the Fluents
be y x + ; , then the relation of the Fluxions will be j x

X .
And as befare, from the Equation y x + ; we derived the
contemporaneous parts, or differences of the Fluents ; [o from the

Fluxional Equation j x f. now found, we may obferve the
rate of flowing, or the proportion of the Fluxions at different values
of the Fluents,
For becaufe it is x :y :: I : 1 ..!.. :: x : x 1; when
x o, or when the Fluent is but beginning to flow, (confequently
when y is infinite,) it will be x : j :: o : I. That is, the Ve-
locity wherewith,x is defcribed is infinitely little in comparifon of the
velocity wherewith y is defcribed; and moreover it is infinuated, (beca u fe
of 1,) that while x increafes by any finite quantity, tho' never fo
Iittle, y will decd:afe by an infinite quantity at the fame time. This
will appear from the infpel:ion of the foregoing Figure. When
x 1, (and confequently y 2,) then x : j :: I : o. That is,
x will then flow infinitely fafter than y. The reafon of which is,
that y is then at its Limit, or the leaft that it c ~ n poffibly be, and
therefore in that place it is ftationary for a moment, or its Fluxron
is nothing in comparifon of that of x. So in the foregoing Figure,
BP is the leaft of all fuch Lines as are reprefented by CR. When
x 2, (and therefore y 27,) it will be x : j :: 4 : J Or
R r 2 the

The Method of FLUXIoNs,
tbe Velocity of x is there greater tban that of .J, in the ratio of 4
ro 3 When x 3, then x : j :: 9 : 8. And fo on. So that
the Velocities or Fluxions conftantly tend towards equality, which
they do not attain till ( or CL) finally vanihing, x and y become
equaL And the like may be obferved of the negative values of
x and y.
S E e T. V. 'lbe Rifolutio?z of Equations, whether Algebrai-
cal or Fluxional, by the ajjijlance of [uperior orders
of Fluxions.
LL tbe foregoing Extrations (according to a hint of our Au-
thor's,) may be perform'd fomething more expeditioufiy, and
without the help of fubfidiary Operations, if we have recourfe to
fupcrior orders of Fluxions. To lhew this firft by an eafy Inftance,
Let it be required to extral: the Cube-root of the Binomial
a; + x=, or to find the Root y of this Equation f + x> ;
or rather, for fimplicity-fake, let it be)'; a; + z. Then y o,
&c. or the inicial Term of y will be a. Taking the Fluxions of
this Equation, we fhall have 3YY' z 1, or j ir' But
as it is y a, &c. by fubfritution it will be j a , &c. and
taking the Fluents, 'tis )' * + fa-z, &c. Here a vacancy is
left for the firft Term of y, which we already know to be a. For
:mother Operation take the Fluxions of the Equation j t;- ;
whence j; ijy-3 .y-s. Then becaufc:. )' a, &c.
'tis j .;-a-s, &c. and taking the Fluents, 'tis j * -
&c. and taking the Fluents again, 'cis y * * .;-a-sz,
&c. Here two vacancies are to be left for the two firft Terms of
_r, which are already known. For the next Operation take the

Fiuxions of the Equation j: irs, that is, y . + '


Or becaufe j' a, &c.'tis )' Ha-

, &c. Then taking

the Fluents, 'tis )' ,. -Ha &z, &c. j ., " .,
z, &c. and
; ., ., "' .S.a-sz;, &c. Again, for another Operation take the

Flusions of the Equation y= Hy-
; whence .r HJr9
- Or becau[e )' a, &c. 'tis ; = - &c .

.}.;.a-rrz, &c. j * , * ,4,."
a-u zs, &c. and y * * * -

&c, And [o we may go on as far as we pleafe. We

ha ve therefore found at laft, that y a + " "' +
3"' 9"' 8IaB
10:d & fi , > ---'- _,.; x6
, c. or or z . wnung xs, 'tts va' + x; a + - --
Z+3" 3a' 9"'
'.\ 9 rox"'
+ tias 2f3"" ' &c.
Or univerfally, if we would refolve a+ x i"' into an equivalent
infinite Series, make y a+ x 1 "', and we hall have a'" for the
firil; Term of the Series y, or it will be J. a"', &c. Then be-
l .1--J
caufe y'" a+ x, taking the Fluxions we fl1all ha ve ;j/"
= r, or j my "'. But becaufe it is y a"', &c. it will be

j = ma"'-
, &c. and now taking the Fluents, 'tis y ma"' x,
&c. Again, becauie it is j 7Jljl "', taking the Fluxions it will
.. - -- _l - 1-.:.
be Y.. 111 IY)' m 7J1 X IJl ry m ; and becaufe y a'", &c.
'tis J 111 X 111 wm-o, &c. And taking the Fluents, j *
mxm Ia"'-'X, &c, and therefore )' * * m X '"-;
am-zx, &c.
Again, becaufe it is y
=m x M1Jl;-=:-I /-;,, taking the Fluxions it

-- r-l '
will be y = m r x m
2JJ m = m X 1J1 - I X lJl - 2)' m ;

and becaufe J' a"', &c. 'tis y 111 x m 1 x m za"'-, &c .
And taking the Fluents, 'tis y * m x m r x m za"'-Jx, &c.
. * * 1J1 X
X 111 2a"'-3x>, &c. and Y * * * 1JI X m-
y 2 %
x "'- a"' Jx, &c. And fo we might proceed as far as we pleafe,
if Law of Continuation had not already been fufficiently ma-
nifeit. So that we !hall have here a+ x 1 "' am + 1/la"'-'x +
m-I m-I m-2 m-r m-z
m X a"'-
x + 1Jl X X am-;x; + 11l X X X
.2 2 3 z 3
am-4x4, &c.
This is a famous Theorem of our Author's, tho' difcover'd by
him after a very different manher of Inveftigation, or rather by
Indution. It is commonly known by the name of his Binomial
Theorem, becaufe by its affifiance any Binomial, as a+ x, may
be raifed to any Power at pleafure, or any Root of it may be ex-
trated. And it is obvious, that when m is interpreted by any in-
- teger
Tbe Method oJ FtuxioNs;

teger affirnutive Number, the Series will break off, and become
fi.nite, ata number of Terrns denominated by m. But in all other
e2.fes it will be an infinite Series, which will converge when x is
lefs than a.
Indeed it can hardly be faid, that this, or any other that is de-
rived from the Method of Fluxions, is a firil: Inveftigation of this
Theorem. Becaufe that Method itfelf is originally derived from the
.Method of raifing Powers, at Ieafi integral Powers, and previoufly
fuppofes the knowledge of the U11cite, or the numeral Coefficients.
However it rnay anfwer the intention, of being a proper Example
af this .Method of Exnation, which is all that is neceffary here.
There is another Theorem for this purpofe, which I found many
years ago, and then communicated it to my ingenious Friend Mr
.A. de Moivre, who liked it fo well as to infert it in a Mathematical
Treatife he was then publiihing. I 1hall here give the Reader its
Invefiigation, in the fune rnanner it was found.
Let us fuppofe a+ x 1 "' a.:+ p, and that a+ x z, and
therefore z x I. Now becaufe z"' a"'+ p, it will be
ma x
%. + q, lt
m "'
will be p - + q. And comparing thefe two values
p. we fuall have q
T<a"' >: mp h if fi
- + -;; ; w ere or p we wnte 1ts
mue as above, it will be q = + X +
- -

or q mx
m m
a x + mq == m+ 1 X a x
m + 1 x "' --;: ; rnake q m x
+ r; therefore
m m
" a x a x:.
1= m)<. m+ 1 x ::. -m x m + I x ::.
+ r. From which

two values of q we hall have r
m mn
a x + ....!. A d
mxm+Ix . ::.. n

for q fubftituting its value, it will be ;. = m x m + 1 x ; +
Make r
. m+ 1 m+z mr
Or r = m x
x "'
+ --;:
a x3
x + s
.::,3 '
then, &e: So

that we
m+ m+z a"'x> &
--'-X X C,
z 3 a+,.; '
Now this Series will ftop of its own accord, at a finite number
of Terms, when 111 is any integer and negative Number; that is,
.. when the Reciproca! of any Power of a Binomial is to be found.
But in all other cafes we 1hall have an infinite converging Series for
the Power or Root required, which will always converge when a
and x have the [ame Sign ; becaufe the Root 'of the Scale, or the
converging quantity, is which is always lefs than Unity.
By comparing thefe two Series together, or by colleling from
a+x 1 "'-ant
each the common quant1ty m , we f11all have the two
tna x
1 m-t >. m-1 111-2 t
eqmvalent Senes - + x + x x - , &c. +
a z a 2 3 a a 1:
m+ x m+ m+2 x & fi 1
+ x + x x , c. rom w 1ence we
2. a+xi 2 3 a+xP
might derive an infinite number of Numeral Converging Series, not
inelegant, which would be proper to explain and illuJlrate the na-
ture of Convergency in general, as has been attempted in the for-
mer part of this work. For if we aifume fuch a value of m as
will make either of the Series become finite, the other Series will
exhibit the quantity !hat arifes by an Approximation ad inji11itum.
And then a and x may be afterwards determined at pleafure,
As another Example of this Method, we fuall fuew (according
to promife) how to derive Mr. de Moivre's elegant Theorem; for
raifing an Infinitinomial to any indeterminate Power, or for
ing any Root of the fame. The way how it was derived from the
abJlraa: confideration of the nature and genefis of Powers, (which
indeed is the only legitimate method of InveJligation in the prefent
cafe,) and the Law of Continuation, have been long ago commtmi-
cated and demonftrated by the Author, in the Philofophical Tranf-
atl:ions, No 230. Yet for the dignity of the Problem, and the bet-
ter to illuJlrate the prefent Method of Extratl:ion of Roots, I 1hall
deduce t here as follows.
Let us affume the Equation a + /Jz + + dz + ei1, &c. 1
y, where the value of y is to be found by an infinite Series, of
which the firJl Term is already known to be am, or it is y am,
&c. Make v a + bz + cz + dz; + ezf, &c. and putting
z I, and taking the Fluxions, we 1haH ha ve ' b + zcz +

The Method of FLUXIONs,
+ 4-Z;, &c. Then becaufe_y 'V"', it is j miv"' ', w ?ere
if we make 'V a, &c. and '!! b, &c. we !hall have y
ma ', &c. and taking the Fluents, it will be y ma"'-'bz,

For another Operation, becaufe j mvv.,_t, 1t is y mvv"'-t
+ m x m And becaufe 2C + 6dz + 1 zez, &c. for
v, ..i, and .; fubilituting their values a, &c. b, &c. and zc, &c. refpec-

tively, we !hall have )' zmca=-r + m x m Iba=-, &c. and
taking the Fluents j * 2mca"'-
z + m x m Ibam-z, &c. and
. m-lb
taking e Fluents agam, y * * mca"'-
z' + m x 'a"'-z,
For another Operation, becaufe j = mv,.n-r +m xm - Iv'v'-,


And becaufe 6d + 24-tz, &c. for 'V, v, :V, fubftituting a,

&c. b, &c. zc, &c. 6d, &c. we lhall have y 6mda"'-' + 6m x
m ca"'- +m x m 1 x m zb
a' 3, &c. And taking the
FI.uents it will be j * + 6m x m Ibca"'-z +m x
m 1 xm zb
a"'-3z, &c. j * * 3mdam-
z'+ 3mxm Ibca"'-'z"
+m x "'-:-' x m zb'a' 3z, &c. andy * * .mdar.-rz; +m x
-=-rr m-I m-zb & And fc ' '
--oca"' 'z' + m x x
a"'-3z;, c. o on tn m-
I 2 3 .
jinitl/m. We ihall therefore have a+bz+cz+dzl+ez-J, &c.l"'
m-r l m-r m-2
r: )a"'+ma"'-' z+mx tf"-oxz+mx x a"'-3b>xzl &e
z 2 3 '
+ ma"'-
C + 1ll X m
+mam xJ
And if the whole be multiply'd by z"', and continued to a due
length, it wiil have the form of Mr. de l<Joivre's Theorem.
The Roots of a1l Algebraica! or Fluential Equations may be ex-
trated by this Method. For an Example let us take the Cubick
Equationy> +axy+a')' x
o, fo often before refolved,
in which .J . a, &c. Then _taking the Fluxions, and making
x I, we hall have 3j}' +ay+ axyi + aj 3x o. Here
if for y we fubilitute a, &c. we hall have 4a>j + a + axj 3x,
- - + ;x, &c. &
&c. o, or y + -.. , c. -
', &c. And
4" ax, e:; c. 4"
taking the Fiueuts, J :x, &c. Then taking the Fluxions

1 agam

-again of the _lal Eqnatin, we hall ha ve J):y + 6j J + 2aj + axy
+ a y 6x o. Where if we make y a, &c. and j
"-'a+a&c T- -h-
&c, we a 1ave y --,-u" ' , &c. and t erefore
fa , c. 32a

j = * +
:a, &c.and y _ * * + :: , &c. Again, +

+ 6jl + 3ay + axj' + a;;, _ 6 _ o. . Make y a, &c. j

- !., &c. and y"
, &c. then y
4 3za
?-94. + :. - .;-;; + 6 &
4-'"' , c._
393 " -
, &c. and therefore )' *
, ,
zsa zsa
-- 393X'- .,
&c. j = * * . , , &c.
Again, +24yjy+ r8yy+
, &c. andy
&c. then );
zs6a' )

1)27 " t)27X & " 1)27X' , _
= --'--=
.:...,.,. &c. and y .,
, c. y * *
, &c. y * *
204 a 204 a 409 a>
, &c. and y * * * *
"'". , &c. And fo on as far as we pleafe.

Th fi tl R
. - 1 x' qx! sogx4 &
. ere ore 1e_ oot lSJ . a _ _ -;oX+
4" +-
a' _c .
The Series for the Root, when found by .this Method, mufl: al-:-
ways have its Powers afcending ; but if we defire likewife to find
a Series with defcending Powers, it may be done by this eafy arti-
fice. As in the prefent Equation )" + axy + a y . x zal
we may conceive x to ):>e a confia11-.t quantity, anda to. be a flowing
quantity; or rather, to prevent a confufion of Ideas, we my change
a into x, and x into a, and then the Equation will be y1 + axy +
xy a zx o. In this we hall have y a, &c. and ta-
king the Fluxions, 3jy + ay + axj + zxy + xj 6x
. -ay-ZXJ+6x B b r. & , . . -aa &
or y , + + , . u t. ecau1e y a, c. t1s y , c.
3Y ax x 3aa
=-+,&c. and therefore y * +x,&c. Again taking the Fluxions
.. .. ..
'tis 3Yr + 6jy + zaj + axy + zy + + xy rzx
" -6j'y- IZX zy &
Y 3.Y' x' 3.Y' ' C.
o, or
Or ma-
kingy a, &c. andj i- &c. 'tisy &c.
2 2.t' .\'
-- , &r. and j ..
- , &c. and y i * - , &c
3" a 3a

Again it is 3)Y' + 18)jy + 6jl + 3ay + a.\:Y + 6j + 6.-{j + xy
S f 12

Tbe Method oJ FLUXION!i,.
- -
- rz o;or y
....:ISJJr-6'!- tz & . (by ..
3Y' ' c.
-- --
a, "&e}
andy- z
3 3a' 3a
&c.= :;; , &c. taking the Fluents, y_ "' , &c.
_. r . & A d r 1'h"
j - * * , &c. and y "' *
a,_ , c. _ n 10 on. ere--

fore we ilial!:: ha ve y a E+ :'x: , &c. Or now we
3a oJa
may again cbange x into a, imd a into x ; then it will be y x
-fa t + _ , &c. for the Root of the given Equation, as
Wa5 fonnd befo re, pag. 2 I 6, &c.
. Alfo in the Soluuon of Fluxional Equations, we may proceed in
the fune manner. As if tbe given Equation were aj ax + xj
=o,_ (in wh.ich, if tbe Radius of a Circle be reprefented by a, and
if y be any f1rc of tbe faine, the correfponding Tagent will be
;)_let it re.quired. to .extral: the Root y out of
this Equation, or to exprefs 1t by a Senes compofed of the Powers
of a and x. 1\:Iake x I, then the Equation 'vill be aj a +

xjo o. Here becaufe )' I, &c. taking the Fluents
it will be y ,. x, &t. Then taking the Fluxions of this Equa.
tion, .;,.i; + .\j o, or y , z+xj_ o Eut
. . . a x .
are to hve a cuantity for tbe :firil: Term of y,
- o- "'XJ'
we may fuppofe )' _;r, =o, &c. Then taking tbe Fluents
>tis j : * o, &.c.- and J * *o, &c. Then taking the Fluxions
' . . . ..
'tis a;J + 2,; + 4-"; + x); o, or ,: . -?-4XY Here
llo--> " " . a +x'
lf for j- :ind Y we write their values i, &c. ando, &c. we hall ha ve


2X x
- .
&c . &c.j
&c .
. .

* *
a:. '
a= ,

- :ro
&c. Taking the
, .
, .
ano J
* *

agam, tls

forey=.o, &c.;-=**o, &c. J=***"'

- .
.;.. r '
... .,1 5 8 ..
o, .:O+ I2J + 8xy l x'j=o,. or j=

- - - - -- -

- - ..
and IN F .n T E S E R IE. s .
&c. )'
6 4 S 6
+ x' &c. Again, aj+ zoj + Ioxj + x'j
sa4 '
o, whence y
7 S 6 7
******o, &c. Again, a"j+3oj+ Izxj+"j

o, or y=
-30j- IZXj
Then j=
- 24 \( 30X &
* 6 ' c.
12 >'3ox & __ 4 >< 30_,.; :.
* * - a6 ' . e, y = * * * a6 ' &c. y ==
3oxf &e y" == - &c. y
a6 ' ' * * * * * a
' * * * * * * -;;6
* * * *
x' . .
&c. and y _ * * * * * * * -
a, , &c. And fo on. So that we
ha ve here y= * x + ox - + + .xr. , &c. that is, y
- 3a . .
rx:l x> x
X - 3a" + sa4 a' ' &c.
This Example is only to lhew the univerfality of this Method,
and how we are to proceed in other like cafes ; for as to _ the Equa-
tion itfelf, it might have been refolved much more fimply and ex:-

peditioufly, in the following manner. Becaufe j , by
xz. x4 xG .xS .
Divifion it will e j I ;;. + ;;4 ;;6 + ;a , &c. And ta-_
x3 xS x' ,9
king the Fluents, y X 3"' + sa4 7a6 + 9a8 ' &c.
In the fame Equation aj ax + xj o, if it were requir'd
to exprefs x by y, (the Tangent by the Arch,) or if x were made
the Relate, and y the Correlate, we might proceed thus. Make
' . x
1, en a a x + x o, or x 1 + - =- r &e
- a%. ' '


Then x = * y, &c. And taking the Fluxions, 'tis x
':: , &c. o + :; , &c. whence x * o, &c. and >..' * * o,
a n
&c. So that the Tcrms of this Series will be alternately deficient,
and therefore we need not compute them. Taking the Fluxiom1

again, 'tis x=

- - .
_ ... -. ..

. -
agam, x
&c. for x and
Tbe Metliod oJ FLUXIONs,



. -
+ zx_x Subfrituting I,
a a-
2 .
&c. and --;- ,.
and alfo o, &c. for x and it will be =
, &c. whence
* * *
., .
;::;; ;; * "' " * - , ' &c.

. 5 6
;;,.ZO;.,";_"..;,f_;;,:;;ox:;,:x:..., :,...f I:..;Z;::_Xx::,: .:,f,;;ZX:;_X ,
2 r6
Here for

and . .;; writing
&c. &c. and &c. re- x, X I,
- -
a= '
' .

... "'' '

&c. x
So+ ..z x r6

& .
* * * * 6 c. x
1-a "
' 1"'7
. v &c.
* * * * * * * ra6 '
, )
&c . Thenx
'""t .. a'' ._
'For let us the aj xj _
o, (m which, if the Radms of a Cirde be denoted by a,
3Ild if )' be any Arcb of the tune,. then the correfponding right Si"ne
will be denoted by x. ;) from wluch we are to extral: the Root y.
Mke I, theri it \Vill be af xj a, or y
, &c. or j I, &c. therefore )' * .. x, &c. T::king

the FJuxions we ihall have zxf zxjy o, or a y-
:tj_-x'-j o, or o, &c. Andtaking theFluxions


j + 3-'J'
.. ..
1 . , .
&e: agam, us ay
o, or y
a:.-x:. a ,
Therefore J
&e v &c. and )' "'

za:.. ' ***6'
. ..

a ' a

Then and

&c. 4)' SX)'
xy o, agam ay

9J+ jl.)'


o, or y


&c. y

2: &e
. ' .
t t * '

&c. and y
3>' &
* * ,; ,; ,; 40af C.
Taking the

, 6 ::. S 6
F ux1ons again, 'tis a) - 1 6y - 9xj xj o, and
agam, aj
s 6
S 6
- 25j- IIxj- x'j = o, or J =
-';.,,j,.;.+-_,,.;;.X.r =

z; . &
;;;Y , c.
&c. j
. Z5X3 & 2'"3 A
* * 6 ,\''} c. y ' T
2" * * * * X >
&c. y
sx 3 1 & \>
.., 6 x , c. j " * * * * * ,
.., 6 , &c. and y
5.t7 x> 3"'' sx1
, &c. Or y x +
+ . + , , &c.
_ a 1-oa..,. 1 I2tt
If we were required to extrat the Roet x out of the fame Equa-
tion, af xj ax o, (or to exprefs the Sine by the
Arch,) put j I, then a x a:X o, or x I -
y2. .
..:. and therefore x
a:. ' .
&c. Taking the

Fluxions 'tis
Therefore x

. ' .
agam, us x
o, or x=-;. - zxx zaxx=
*o, &c. x = * o, &c. Taking the

.::z.. ' &c.

Jl ,;
andx =.,. * *-
, &c .

o, &c.
&c ..
a '
' 5
and :".:
" -
' &c.
Therefore x
y> yi
6a+ ' &c. X = * ,.. * * 24a+ '

-..;, and x
, &c. x
&c. and x
s .
.... _
r o
. o:c.
I2.Cu4 '
- X
a6 '
. ..
* * j
J"' ..

, &c. x

, &c. x -:::
lZtl -
, &c. And therefore >:

6 '
&c. and x
_;! +
6a .

"' -

If it were required to extrat the Root y out of this
y x')'' + m j' -m o, ( where x 1 ,) we might. pro
- - ceed

The Met!Jod of FLUXIONs,
ceed thus.
Becaufe l

m, &c. 'tis j 111, &c.

and r= ., mx, &c. Taking the Fluxions, we l1all have zajy-
,., - - -
zxj" zxjy + zmj)' o, or tl".J .\j xy + m y o, or

j = ;;. =:; o, &c. Therefore taking the Fluxions again, 'tis

a -y- 3X)' - xy 1 m y
o, that is, a;+ 1mnP'=:ji xj-

' .

"'" ' - .,. &e and
. ' .
r.: x -r.;\.: &c. and )' == m X 1 -m , &
.., """ * * e,
;.:a- '
Taking the

.. ..
FlllXions again, 'tis aJ i m
fXJ 5>-'J
xy o;


5 ..
aj+m' gxJ-xy-

+ 7X\'
o, or y


:: .---,
:X 1 :=; x9- m ) &e, )' == tr. X 1 - m X q- m
d L at

&c. y
.-:e----o- - '
= "'xr-r.:x9-"'.x &c . .Y "'* * mx r-m "Q-"' x;, &e,
* * .zr.+ ' 2 ')( 34
. ---,; --.,..
,., *t:* .... r.!x &c.and;' mxt-m::.x9-m:.
2 x 3 x * * * * * 2 X 3 X .p 5ai X J
&c. And {o on. Therefore we iliall have y mx + 111 x
- .. ..
_-n:- g-m- t-m- g-m- 25-m
---: X
3 1
m X X X' + 1/l X X X );.'
:z X 3a'
2 X 3 4 X Z X 3 4 X) X 7t.6 )
This Series is equivalent to a Theorem of our Authot's, which (in
another place) he gives us for Angular Setions, For if x be the
Sine of any given Arch, to Radius a; then will y be the Sine of an-
other Arch, which is to the firft Arch in the given Ratio of 111 to
Here if m be any odd Number, the Series will become finite;
. and in other cates it will be a converging Series.
And thefe EX2.mples may be fufficient to explain this Method of
Ex:tral:ion of Roots; which, tho' it carries its own Demonftration
along with it, yet for greater evidence may be thus fa.rther illuftrated.
In 'Equatins whofe Roots (for example) may be reprefented by the
general Series y A + Bx l + Dx
, &c. ( which by due Re-
duB:i.on may be all Equations whatever,) the firft Term A of the
.Root will be a given quantity, or perhaps o, which is to be
. known from the circwnfrances of the or from the given
. .Equation_,

and IrtFrNrTE

Equation, by Methods that have been abundantly explain'd already.
Then making x I, we f11all have have j B + zCx + 3Dx,
&c. where B likewife is a conftant quantity, or perhaps o, and
reprefents the firft Term of the Serie j. This therefore is to be
derived from the firft Fluxional Equation, either given or elfe to
be found ; and then, becaufe it is j B, &e, by taking the Fluents
it will be y * Bx, &c. whence the fecond Term of the Root
will be known. Then becaufe it is y zC + 6Dx, &c. or becaufe
the conftant quantity zC will reprefent the firft Term of y ; this is
to be derived from the fecond Fluxiona1 Equation, either given or
to be found. And then, becaufe it is y zC, &e, by taking the
Fluents it will be j ,, zCx, &c. and again y * * Cx, &c. by
which the third Term of the Root will be known. Then becaufe
it is y 6D, &c. or becaufe the conftant quantity 6D will repre- -

.. .
fent the firft Term of the Series y; this is to be derived from the

third Fluxional Equation. And then, becaufe it is y 6D, &c.
by taking the Fluents it will be y * 6Dx, &c. j * * 3Dx"', .
&c. and y * * * Dx;, &c. by which the fourth Term of the
Root will be known. And fo for all the fubfequent Terms. And
l1ence it will not be difficult to obferve the compofition of the Co-
efficients in moft cafes, and thereby difcover the Law of Continua-
tion, in fuch Series as are notable and of general ufe.
If you fhould defire to know how the foregoing Trigonometri-
cal Equations are derived from the Circle, it may be hewn thus : on
the Center A, with Radius AB a, Jet the Arch BC be
defcribed, and draw the Radius AC. Draw the Tangent BK, and
through any point of the Circum-
meeting theTangent in K. At any
other point d of the Circumference, .
but as near to D as may be, draw
the Secant Adk, meeting BK in k; on ...- ;
Center A, with Radius AK, defcribe ...... ...-
the Arch K/, meeting Ak in /. . ..... ...- l
Then fuppofing the point d con- ..-
tinually to approach towards D, till i B
it final! y coincides with it, the Tri- A'. ",:
lineum Klk will continually approach to a right-lined- Triangle, .
aud to fimilitude with the Ti:iangle ABK ; So that when Dd is a
Te Method of IL u x IoN s;
Moment of the Circumference, it will be Dd Ki x Dd AB
:< Atl lVIake AB a, the Tangent BK x, and the Arch
BD )' ; and inftead of the Moments Kk and Dd,. fubftitute the
proporcional Fluxions i: and j, and it will be J x , or aj

l ;;,:y al. x o.
From D to AB and de let fall the DE and Dg,
which Dg meets de, parallel to DE, in g. Then the ultimate
of the Trilineum Ddg will be that of a right-lined Triangle fimi-
1ar to DAE. Whence DJ: dg :: AD : AE v iiUq lJ.Eq.
Ma.l;:e AD a, BD y, and DE x; and for the Moments
Dd, dg, fubftitute their proportional Fluxions j and x, and it will
be j : .-t: : : a : ../a:. x:.. Or y:. : x:. :: a" : a=- x:., or a'}:. ...

- xy a x o.
Hence the Flnxion of an Arch, whofe right Sine is x, being

expre.IS'd by ..a;"_x.; and likewife the FJuxion of an Arch, whofe

right Sine is y, being expre.IS'd by v)! __ y; if thefe Arenes are to
each other as I to m, their Fluxions will be in the fume proportion,

. Thr ax ay mx
an 'L'ersa. ere10re . . : . . . :: I : m, or .
a--x- a-J,.. a .. -x ...
:r . or r::'x'. __Y' __ , or putting x r 'tis a.V -
a--x a -y '
xj ma> + m'f o ; the fume Equation as befare refolved.
"'\Ve might derive other Fluxional Equations, of a like nature with
theie, which would be accommodated to Trigonometrical ufes. As
if y were the Circular Arch, and x its verfed Sine, we hould ha ve
the Equation 2axj' xj ax o. Or if y were the Arch,
and x tbe correfponding Secant, it would be x
f axj aix
o. Or inftead of the natural, we might derive Equations for
the artificial Sines, Tangents, Secants, &c. But I !hall leave thefe
Difquifitions, and many fuch others that might be propofed, to ex-
ercifi: the Induftry and Sagacity of the Learner.


S E e T.
3 21
S E e T. VI. An Analytical Appe11ix, explai11i11g fome
Terms a11d Exprejjiom in the foregoing 'ii.>ork.
Ecaufe mention has been frequently made of givm E'juatiom,
and others affumed ad libitum, and the like ; I hall take oc-
cation from hence, by way of Appendix, to attempt fome kind of
explanation of this Mathematical Language, or of the Terms gi"Jell,
ajjign'd, q!fiuned, and required or Equations, which may
give light to fome things that may otherwife feem obfcure, and
may remo\'e fome doubts and fcruples, which are apt to arife in
the Mind of a Learner. Now the origin of fuch kind of Expreffions
in all probability feems to be this. The whole afr"Jir of pudilng
Mathematical Inquiries, or of refolving Problems, is fuppoied (tho'
tacitely) to be tranfated between two Pe;fons, or Parties, the Pro-
pofer and the Refolver of the Problem, or (if you pleafe) between the
Mafter (or lnftrulor) and his Scholar. Hence this, and fuch like
Phrafes, datam relam, ve/ datum mzgulum, ill imperat ratione Je-
care. As Examples infiru:l: better than Precepts, or perhaps when
. hoth are join'd together they inftrul bel:, the Mal:er is fuppos'd to
:propofe a or Problem to his Scholar, and to chufe fuch
Tenms and Conditions as he thinks .fit; and the Scholar is obliged
to folve the Problem with thofe limitations and reftrilions, with
thofe Terms and Conditons, and no other. Indeed it is required
{)11 the part of the Mal:er, that the Conditions he propofes may be
-confifient with one another ; for if they involve any inconfiftency
{)f contradilion, the Problem will be unfair, or will become ab-
furd and impoffible, as the Solution will afterwards difcover. Now
thefe Conditions, thefe Points, Lines, Angles, Numbers, Equations,
-&c. that at firft enter the fiate of the or are fuppofed to
be chofen or given by the Mafier, are the data of the Problem, and
tl:e Anfwers he expels to receive are the qucejta. As it may fometimes
happen, that the data may be more than are nece!Tary for determining
and fo perhaps may interfere with one another, and the
Problem (as now propofed) may become impof11ble ; fo they may be
fewer than are nece!Tary, and the Problem thence will be indetermin'd,
and may require other Conditions to be given, in arder toa compleat De-
termination, or perfel:ly to fulfil the qucejta. In this cafe the Scholar is
to fupply what is wanting, and at his difcretion may a.fjiune fuch and fo
many otherTerms and Conditions, Equations and Limitations, as he finos
T t will
Tbe Met!Jo of FLUXIoNs,
will be neceifary to his purpofe, and will beft conduce to the fim.,;_
pldl:, the eafieft, and neateft that be had; and yet in
the moft general manner. For It 1s convement the Protllem hould
be propofed as particular as may be,. the better to x the Imagina-
tion; and yet the Solution hould be made as general as poffible,
that it may be the more inftrul:ive, and extend to all cafes of a
like nature.
Indecd word datum is often. ufed in a fenfe which is fome-
thina- different from this, but which ultimately centers in it. As.
that is call'd a datum, when one quantity is not immediately given,.
o:It however is necef,rily infer'd from another, which other perhaps
is neceifuily infer'd from a third, and fo on in: a continued Series,.
till it is nece!Tarily infer'd from a quantity, which is known or given
in the fenfe befare explain'd. This is the Notion of Euclias data;
and other Analytical Argumentations of that kind. Again, that is
often call'd a given. quantity, which always remains conftant and in-
variable, while other quantities or circunl:ances vary ; becaufe fuch
as thefe only can be the given quantities in a .Problem,. when taken
in the foregoing fenfe.
To make all this the more fenfible and intelligible, 1 hall have
recourfe to a few praacal inftances,. by way of Dialogue, (which
was the old di<htic method,) betw:een Mafter and Scholar; and
this only in the common Algebra or Analyticks, in which 1 hall
borrow my Examples from our Author's admirable Treatife of
Univerf.U Arithmetick. The chief artfice of this manner of Solu-
tion will confift in this, that as faft as the Mafter propofes the Con-
ditions of his the Scholar applies thofe Conditions to
ufe, argues from tlem Analytically, makes all the neceililry deduc ..
tions, and derives fuch coniequences from them, in the lame arder
they are propofed, as he will be moft fubfervient to the
Solution. And he that can do th1s 10 all cafes, after the fureft, fim-
pleft, and rea<?eft manner,_ will be the Mathemati-
cian. But this method will be beft explam d from the following
1. M. A Gmt.leman bt'ing willing to dijlribute Alms - - - S. Let
the Sum he intended to diihibute be reprefented by x. M. Among
fime poor pcople. S. Let the number of poor be y, then : would
bave been the hare of each. M. He 'ii:anted 3 jbillings--- Make
3 a, fcr the fake of univerfality, and let the pecuniary Unit he
"ne Shillir.g; then tbe Sum to be diuibuted would ha ve been x + 4,
and the hare of each would have been x+a . M. So that each
ti,ight recei'Ue S jhillings. S. Make S b, then x+a b, whence
x by a. M. 'I'herejo1e he gave every or.e 4 jhilli1zgs. S. Make
4 e, then the Money difi:rihuted will be cy. M. And he has 10
foillings remaini?zg. B. Make ro d, then cy + d was the Money
he intended at firfi: to difi:ribute ; or cy + d (x ) by a, or
y : ~ ~ M. What was the number oJ poor people? S. The
Ilumber was y ~ + d
1 3. M. And how m u eh Alms
o-c S-4
did he at .fir.fl intmd to dijlribute ? . S. He had at firft x by a
= 5 x 13 3 6z hillings. M. How do you prove your Solution?
S. His Money was at firfi: 62 hillings, a11d the number of poor
eople was 13. But if his Money had been 6z + 3 6 5 13 x 5
illings, then each poor perfon might have received 5 hillings. But
ail he gives to each 4 hillings, that will be 13 x 4 52 hillings
difi:ributed in all, which willleave him a Remainder of 62 sz
= 1 o hillings.
II. M. A ;ozmg Merchant, at bis .ftr:ft entrance npo11 bzffinefs, began
tbe World with a certain Su m oJ Money. S. Let that Sum be x, the
pecimiary Unit being one Pound, M. Out oJ which, to maintain
himfe!f the .ftr:ft )'ear, he expended 100 pounds. S. Make the given
number 100 a ; then he had to trade with x a. M. He
traded qvitb tbe refl, and at the end oJ the year bad improved it by a
third part. S. For univerfality-fake I will afume the general num-
ber n, and will make i 11 r, (or 11 t ;) then the Improve-
ment was 11 1 x x a 11x na x + a, and the Trading-
fi:ock and Impro.vement together, at the .end of the firfi: year, was
nx na. M. He did tbe Jame thing the ftcond year. S. That is,
his whole Stock being now nx na, deduting a, bis Expences for
this year, he would have nx na a for a Trading-fi:ock, and
rz 1 x nx na a, or nx na nx + a for this year's Im-
provement, :which together make n'x 11a na for his Efi:ate at
the end af the fecond yeat. M. As aijo tbe tbird year. S. His
whole Stock being now rh.: 1za na, taking out bis Expences
for the third year, hs Trading-fi:ock will be nx na na a,
',: and the Improvement ths year will be 11 1 x n x na na a,
or n;x na a nx +a, and the Stock and Improvement togcther,
or his whole Efl:ate at the end of the third year will be n;x n
-1fa 1/(/, orina better form n;x+ "
na. In like manner
-- 1 -K
T 2 if
r .
f he proceeded thus the fourtli year, bis Efl-.ate being now n;x
;a rfa na, taking out tbis year's Expence, bis Trading-ftock
will be n;." w n,a 11a a, and this year's Improvement is-
n 1 x z;x .;a 1ra na a, or n4x 11+a nsx +a,
which added to rus Trading-ftock will be 1l4X n+a nsa n<>a
-na, or n+x + z+-
na, for bis Eftate at the end of the fourth
=ar. And [o, by Indution, bis Efl:ate will be found n x + n'-
;- t-ll
at the end of fifth year. And univerfally, if I affume the ge-
m .
neral Nnmber m, bis Eftate will be n=x + n -'na at the end oC
1 n .
any number of years denoted by m. M. Bot he made his E.frate
double to 'iiJhat it 'iiJas at jirjl. S. Make 2 b, then n"'x +
"' " -I
z:na hx, or x
S. Then m 3, a
-"- -t
--X.t X IOO
. .,.
3 .. ;
M. At the md rf 3 years..
f, and therefore x
3 7
To X
400 = 1480. M. Wbat 'ii'as bis Ejlate at jirjl? S. lt was
m. M. 'I""'"{) Bodics A and B are at a givm- dijlance .from each:
other. S. As their diftance is fid to be given, though it is not fo
atually, 1 may therefore affume it.. Let the inicial diftance of the
Bodies be 59 e, and let the Linear Unit be one Mile. M, And
equably toward.s one another. S. Let x reprefent the whole
ipace defcribed by A befo re they meet ; . then will e x be the.
whole 1j>ace defcn'bed by B. With givm Velocities. S. 1 will
aiTume the V elocity of A to be fuch, that it will move 7 e Miles
in 2 fHours, the Unit.of Time being one Hour. Then be-
caufe it is e : f :: x : , A will move bis whole fpace x in the
time -'7. Alfo I will aifume the Velocity of B to be fuch, that it.
will move 8 d Miles in 3 g Hours. Then becaufe it is d :
g :: e :.: : -:;rg, B will move bis whole fpace e x in the time.
g. M. But A 1!1[;7Jes a gir.:m time - - S. Let that time be
1 h Hour. M. Bifore B begins to mow. S. Then .A's time is
to B's time added to the time h, or f:. '-;"g + h.

. -

M. Where will they meet, or will be the jpace that cnch will
ha"Je dejcribed? S. From this Equation we hal have x
x'x7 '
'x7 5x7 3sMiles,whichwill
8 X 2 + 7 X 3 . 37
be wl)ole defcribed by A. Thel) e x 59 3 5
24 Miles. will be the whole fpace by B,
IV. M. IJ IZ Oxen cmz be tliti!ltained /:y the Pq/lure of Jf Ams
oJ for 4 weeks, $. Mal\e 12 4, 3-f b, 4 . . e;
then afuming the general Numbers e, J, h, to be determin'd
wards as occafioJl hall requi,re,. we hall ha ve by analogy
If >.
Alfo i5
a e
a e


ace > reqmre
a ce
Alfo 8
. lo., bf
Alfo g ace
J:t:j bhj
Pafture Time
r b 1
' .
Nf, And if, bemuj qf the continua/ growth if' the Graft after the
four weeks, it be fozmd that 2 I' Oxen can be maintin'd by the
pa.flure oJ 10 jitch Acres Jor 9 weeks, S. Make 2 I _ d, e 10,
f 9 ; then becaufe on this fuppofitioo, the Oxen d require the
pafrure e during the time f; and in the former cafe the Oxen
the fame pafture during the fame time :. Therefore the
growth of the Grafs of die quantity of pafture e, (commencing.
after 4 or e weeks, and continuing to the end of the Time J, or
during the whole time J e,) is fuch, as alone was fuffi.cient to-
maintain the difference of the Oxen, . or the number d , for
the whole time f Then reciprocally that growth would be fuffi-
cient to maintain the number of Oxen tfl a_: for the time
or the number of Oxen t 7f for the time h. And becaufe
this growth will be proportional to the time, and will maintain a
grea.ter number of Oxen in proportion as the time is greater; we
fhall have


7'be Metl.Jod oJ FLux I o N s,
. -....
... : ---- '
Time Oxen Time Oxen

df IUI b h-t df tUl
-e. - Tb :: -e . f-e mto b- 6b,
which will be the nwnber of Oxen that may be maintain'd by the
growth only of the pafture e, during the whole time h. But it
was found before, that without this growth of the Grafs, the Oxen
ir might be maintain'd by the pafture e for the time h. There-
L th r_ th au h-e htl/-au 'll be th
~ o r e ele two toge er, or hb + f-e x bb , WI e num-
ber ofOxen that may be maintain'd by the pafture e, and its growth
together, during the time h. M. HrlW many Oxen may be mabz-
tain'd by 24- Acres uf foeh pajlure for 18 weeks? S. Suppofe x to
he that nnmber ofOxen, and make 24 . g, and h x8. Then
by analogy
Oxen Pafture
Then ex

during the time h.
_r_ tl rr aet h--t bdf- au atg h-t
cornequen y g ;; + f-< x bb , or x w, + f-t
.ijg tug IU h < tlf IU g lZX.f. 18-4
X , "Lb T + f X- -
IDtO -
, + X
... o " -< 3:r 9- +
:t "9 12 - ~ into ~ 36.
10 3.;_ 'T =
V. M. ![ I ba'Ve an Amzuity- -- S. Let x be the prefent value
.of 1 pound to be received I year hence, then (by analogy) x will
:be the prefent value of 1 pound to be received 2 years hence, &c.
and in general, r' will be the prefent value of I pound to be re-
ceived m years hence. Therefore, in the cafe of an Annuity, the
-Series x ~ x" + x; +X", &c. to be continued to fo many Terms
as there are Units in m, will be the prefent value of the whole
Annuity of 1 pound, to be continued for m years. But becaufe
:r-r =x + x" + x; + x, &c. continued to fo many Tenm
as there are Units in m, (as may appear by Divifion ;) therefore
:r-r"'+' will reprefent the Amount of an Annuity of 1 pound,
-= -
te be continued for m years. M. Of Pou!lds. S. Make
= d, then the Amount of this Annuity for m years will be
fll 1
m = 5 M. Which I jet! for pormds in ready Money. S. Make
x-xm+l e t
e, t en a e, or xm+' - + 1 x x + - o.
1-x a a
In any particular cafe the value of x may be found by the Refolu-
tion of this affeted Equation. M. What Intmf/ am I allo-w'd per
centum per annum r S. Make lOO b; the'n becaufe X is the
prefent value of 1 pound to be received 1 year hence, or (which
is the fame thiog) becaufe the prefent Money x, if put out to ufe,
in I year will produce 1 pound; the lnterefi: alone of I pound
for I year will be 1 x, and therefore the Interefi: of Jo o ( or b)
pounds for 1 year will be b bx, which will be known when ,-.;
is known.
And this might be fufficient to hew the conveniency of this Me-
thod ;. but I hall farther illufirate it by one Geometrical Problem,
which !hall be onr Author's LVII.
VI. M. In the right Line AB I give you the points A and B.
S. Then their difiance AB m is given alfo. M, As likewife tbe
two points C and D out qf the Line AB. S. Then confeq!lently the
figure ACBD is e . ...-
. ..... e_..
g1ven m mag- ::(.
nitude and fpe- .. ;:--...... .
cie ; and pro- ... ' \ \ ... : ......
ducing CA and / .. .... -...... .
CB towards d \e, A ./ '.. .. ,
and d', I can .... -..... 1-L . .h.K. .............
take Ad AD, l ....... -...... ..: ............. .
and BJI BD. \._ .......... ..
M. Affo 1 give E d. . .L n

# .

. . -
you the indefi-
nite rigbt Line
EF ilz pojition,
pqjfing tbe G . . .
givenpomt D. S. Then theAnglesADEand BDF are gtven, to whtch
(producing AH both ways, if need be, to e and f,) I can make the
Angles Ade and Bd'j equal refpelively, and that will determine the
points e and f, or the Lin_es Ae a, and Bf c. And becaufe
de and if are thereby known,: I can continue de to G, fo that dG
Jlf, and make the given line eG . Likcwife I can draw CH
and CK parallel to ed and fJ- refpetively, meeting AB in H and.
K ; and becaufe the Triangle CHK will be given in magnitude and
fpecie, I will make CK d, CH e, and HK :f. M. Now
let tbe gi-;_en Angles CAD and CBD be conceived to revolve about the
poi12ts or Polcs A and B. S. Then the Lines AD and CAd
will move-into another lituation AL and cAl, fo as that the Angles
DAL, dl, and CAe will be equal. Alfo the Lines BD and CBJI will
obtan a new fituation BL and fo as that the Angles DBL,d'-B.ll.and
CBcwill be equal. M. AndM D, tbe Interfelion rf the Lines AD and
!liif.:e IZ the rigbt Line EF. S. Then the new point of In-
terietl:ion Lis in EF; then the Triangles DAL and dA/, as alfo DBL
and d'B.A, are equal and funilar; then di DL J")t, and therefore
G/ j-.__. M. Wbat wil/ be tbe nature rf the Curve deflribed by the
otbcr pnt if Imerft!ion C? S. From the new point oflnterfetion e
to AB, I _v;ill draw the Lines eh and ek, parallel to CH and CK refpec-
-rirely. Thctt will the Triangle chk be given in fpecie, though not
m magnirude, for it will fimilar to CHK. Alfo the Triangle
.Bck will be fimilar to B:>f. And the indefinite Line Bk x may
-be affi1med for an Abfcifs, and ck )' may be the <:orrefponding
-{)rdina:te to the Curve Ce. Then becaufe it is Bk (x) : ek (y)

:: :f-.__ -- CJ--- Gl. SuotraB: this from Ge b, aJ;ld there
will rema in k= b- :! . Then becaufe of the fimilar Triangles eh k
and CHK, it will be CK (d) : CH (e) :: ck (y) : eh= 'j- And
CK (d) : HK (f) ::
k 1 Ji h . Ah A
)'): hk = ; . T eretore B-
m-x- J. But it isAh
. ( ) l (b :) Therefiore .,. fy b
' aev
a:e _ ,. x .xx .; -;,or
fe) +de ae lj'xx; Jcmy bdx, +hdmx o. In which
Equation, becaufe the indeterminate quantities x and y arife only
to two Dimenfions, it hews that the Cune defcribed by the point
C is a Conic Setion.
1\L 1(;u ba".-'e tberifore {oh'fd-tbe Problmz in general, but )'Oll Jbould
E'".Fii: Solution to tbe feveralJJ;ecies oJ Conic Sefiom in par-
ticular. S. Tht may eafily be done in the following manner :
1\1ake zp, and then the foregoing Equation will be-
.r.ome fcJ' zpcxJ dcm)' _ bdx' + bdmx o, and by

tral:ing the Square - root it will be y

~ 9
tx + dm
f if +
pp ba pdm vd,,t dSm2. N h . } .
+ -; x x + /J ft x x +
ow ere It 1s p am,
that if the Term J} + J x x were abfent, or if + jt o, or
$ J ; that is, if the quantity 1 (changing its fign) 1hould
be equal to 1 , then the Curve would be a Parabola. But if the
fame Term were prefent, and equal to fome affirmative quantity,
that is, if + jt be affirmative, (which will always be when
j is affirmative, or if it be negative and lefs than !1. , ) the Curve
will be an :tJ:yperbola. Laftly, if the fume Term ..fere prefent and
negative, (which can only be when j{ is negative, and greater than
,) the Curve will be an Ellipfis or a Circle.
1 1hould make an apology to the Reader, for this Digreffion
from the Method ofFluxions, if 1 did not hope it might contribute
to his entertainment at leaft, if not to his improvement. And 1 am
fully convinced by experience, that whoever hall go through the
reft of our Author's curious Problems, in the fame mannec, (where,
in, according to bis ufual brevity, he has left many things to be
fupply'd by the fagacity of his Reader,) or fuch other ueftions
and Mathematical Difquifitions, whether Arithmetical, Alge raical,
Geometrical, &c. as may eafily be collered from Books- treating
on thefe Subjel:s; 1 fay, whoever hall do this after the foregoing
manner, will find it a very agreeable as well as profitable exercife ~
As being the proper means to acquire a habit of lnveftigation, or
of arguing furely, methodically, and Analytically, even in other
Sciences as well as fuch as are purely Mathematical ; which is the
great end to be aim'd at by thefe Studies

U u
S E e T.
The Method oJ FtuxtoNs,
Tbe Conclujioz ; containing a jhort
latioJJ or review oJ the who!e .

. E are now arrived ata period, which may properly enough
be call'd tbe concl!ffron qf tbe Metbod of Fluxiom and l!ifiuite
Seriej ; for the defign of this Method is to teach the nature of Series
in general, and of Fluxions and Fluents, what they are, how they
are deved, and what Operations they rnay undergo ; which defign
(I think) rnay now be faid to be accornplih'd. As to the applica-
tion of this and the ufes of thefe Operations, which is all
that now rernains, we hall find thern infifted on at large by the
Author in the curious Geornetrical Problems that follow. For the
"hale that can be done, either by Series or by Fluxions, may eafily
be rcduced to the Reiolution of Equations, either Algebraica! or
Fluxional, as it has been already deliver'd, and will be f.mher ap-
ply'd and purfued in the fequel. I have continued rny Annotations
in a like manner u pon that part of the W ork, and intended to ha ve
addcd them hcre ; but finding the matter to grow fa Lft under my
h:mds, and ff:eing how impoffiblc it was to do it juftice within
iuch narrow limits, and alfo perceiving this work was already-grown
to a competent fize; I refolved to la y it befare the Mathematical
Reader nnfinih'd as it is, referving the completion of it to a future
opportunity, if I hall find my prefent attempts-to prove acceptable.
Thenore all that rcmains to be done here is this, to make a kind
of rc,-i<!w of what has been hitherto deliver'd, and to give a fnm-
mary account of it, in arder to acquit myfelf of a Promie I made
in the Prcface. And having there done this already, asto the Au-
thor's part of the work, I hall now only make a hort recapitula-
tion of what is contain'd in my own Cornment upon it.
And tirft in my Annotations upon what I cal! the Introdnl:ion,
or the Reolu.ion of Equations by infinite Series, I have amply pur-
iued a u:rul hint given us bv the Author, that Arithmetick and
Algebm :1re but one and the fame Science, and be:!r a ftril: analog)r
to e::ch other, both in their N otation and Operations; the firft com-
puting after a detinite and particular manner, the latter after a ge-
nerd ::!d indefinite manner: So that both together compofe but
ene uniform Science of Computation_ For as in common Arith-
metick ;ye reckon bv the Root 1::n, and the {everal Po\vcrs of that
Root ; (o in Algcbr, or ,:. .. nalytick,, \Y he a the Terms are orderl y
difpos'd as is prcfcribed, we reckon by any other Root and its
Powers, or we may take any general Number for the Root of our
Arithmetical Scale, by which to exprefs and compute any Nnmbers
required. Andas in common Arithmetick we approximate continually
to the truth, by admitting Decimal Parts in infinitum, or by thc
ufe of Decimal Fral:ions, which are compoied of the reciproc:1l
Powers of the Root Ten ; fo in our Author's improved Algebra, or in
the Method of infinite . converging Series, we m ay continnally ap-
proximate to the Number or ~ n t t y required, by an orderly fnc-
ceflion of Fral:ions, which are compofed of the reciproca! Powers
of any Root in general. And the known Operations in common
Arithmetick, having a dne regard to Analogy, will generally aftord
us proper patterns and fpecimens, for performing the like Operations
in this U niverf1l Arithmetick.
Hence I proceed to make fome Inquiries into the nature and
formation of infinite Series in general, and particularly into their
two principal circumbnces of Convergency and Divergency; where-
in 1 attempt to fhew, that in all fuch Series, whether converging
or diverging, there is always a Supplement, which if not exprefs'd is
however to be underftood; which Supplement, when it can be af-
certained and admitted, w ill render the Series finite, perfel:, and
accurate. That in diverging Series this Supplement muft indiipen-
fably be admitted and exhibitcd, or otherwife the Conclufion will be
imperfel: and erroneous. But in converging Series this Supplement
may be neglel:ed, becaufe it continually diminifhes with the Terms
of the Series, and finally becomes lefs than any aflignable quantity.
And hence <Wifes the benefit and conveniency of infinite converging
Series; that whereas that Supplement is commonly fo implicated and
entangled with the Tenns of the Series, as often to be impoflible to
be extricated and exhibited; in converging Series it may fafely be neg-
lel:ed, and ye:t we lhall continually approximate to the quantity re-
quired. And of this I produce a variety of Inftances, in numerical
and other Series.
I then go on to hew the Operations, by which infinite Series are
either produced, or which, when produced, they may occafionally
undergo. As firft whcn fimpk fpecious Equations, or purc Powers,
are to be refolved into fuch Series, whether by Divilion, or by Ex-
tral:ion of Roots ; where I take noticc of the ufe of the afore-men-
tion'd Supplement, by which Series may be render'd finite, that is,
may be compared with other quantitics, which are coniider'd as
given. I then deduce ieveral ufeful Theorems, or other Artfices,
Uuz fur

'ne Metbod if FLUXIONs,
for the more expeditious Multiplication, Divifion, Involution, and
Evolution of infinite Series, by which they may be eafily and rea-
dily managed in aii cafes. Then 1 hew the ufe of thefe in pure
Equations, or Extrations; from whence 1 take occaon to intro-
duce a new praxis of Refolution, which I believe will be found
to be very eafy, natural, and general, and which is afterwards ap-
ply'd to all fpecies of Equations.
Then 1 go on with our Author to the Exege.Jis mmzeroja, or to
the Solution of affefred Equations in Numbers; where we hall find
his Method to be the fame that has been publih'd more than once in
other of his pieces, to be very fhort, neat, and elegant, and was a great
Improvement at the time of its firfi publication. This Method is
here farther explain'd, and upon the fame Principies a general Theo-
rem is form'd, and difiributed into feveral fubordinate Cafes, by
which the Root of any Numerical Equation, whether pure or af-
feled, may be computed with great exatnefs and facility.
From Numeral we pafs on to the Refolution of Literal or Speci-
ous alfeted Equations by infinite Series; in which the firft and chief
difficulty to be overcome, confifts in determining the forms of the
ieveral Series that will arife, and in finding their inicial Approxima-
tions. Thefe circumftances will depend upon. fuch Powers of the
Relate and Correlate Q.Jantities, with their Coefficients, as may hap-
pen to be found promifcuoufly in the given Equation. Therefore
the Terms of this Equation are to be difpofed in /ongum & in latum,
or at leaft the Indices of thofe Powers, according to a combined
Arithmetical Progreffion in plano, as is there explain'd; or according
to our Author's ingenious Artfice of the Parallelogram and Ruler,
the reafon and foundation of which are here fully laid open. This
will detetmine all the cafes of exterior Terms, together with the
Progreffions of the Indices ; and therefore aii the fonns of the fe-
vera! Series that may be derived for the Root, as alfo their inicial
Cocfficients, Terms, or Approximations.
\Ve then farther profecute the Refolution of Specious Equations,
by direrfe Methods of Analys; or we give a great variety of Pro-
ceffes, by which the Series for the Roots are eafily produced to any
number of Tetms reqnired. Thefe Procefes are generally very fim-
ple, and depend chiefly upon tbe Tbeorems befare deliver'd, for
finding the Tetms of any Power or Root of an infinite Series. And
the whole is illuftrated and exemplify'd by a great variety of In-
.{hmces, which are chiefly thofe of our Author.
The Method of infinite Series being thus fufficiently difcufs'd,
we make a Tranfition to the Method of FJuxions, wherein the na-
ture and foundation of that Method is explain'd at large. And fome
general Obfcrvations are made, chiefly from the Science of Rational
Mechanicks, by which the whole Method is divided and dil:inguih' d
into its two grand Branches or Problems, which are the Direl:
and Inverfe Methods of Fluxions. And iome preparatory Nota-
tions are deliver'd and explain'd, which equal\y concern both thefc Me-
I then proceed with my Annotations u pon the Author's firl: Pro-
blem, or the Relation of the flowing being given, to de-
termine the Relation of their Fluxions. I treat here concerning
Fluxions of the firft order, and the method of deducing their Equa-
tions in al! cafes. I explain our Author's way of taking the FJuxions
of any given Equation, which is much more general and fcientifick
than that which is ufually follow'd, and extends to all the varieties
of Solutions. This is alfo apply'd to Equations involving feveral
flowing by which means it likewife comprehends thofe
cafes, in which either compound, irrational, or mechanical
tities may be included. But the Demonl:ration of Fluxions, and
of the Method of taking them, is the chief thing to be confider'd
here; which 1 have endeavour'd to make as clear, explicite, and fa-
tisfal:ory as I was able, and to remove the difficulties and objel:ions
that have been raifed againft it : But with what fuccefs I muft leave
to the judgment of others.
I then treat concerning Fluxions of fuperior orders, and give the
Method of deriving their Equations, with its Demonfiration. For
tho' our Author, in this Treatife, does not exprefly mention thee
orders of Fluxions, yet he has fometimes recourfe to them, tho' ta-
citely and indirel:Iy. 1 have here hewn, that they are a necefary
refult from the nature and notion of firl: Fluxions ; and that
all thefe feveral orders differ from each other, not abfolutely
and but only relatively and by way of comparifon.
And this 1 prove as well from Geometry as from Analyticks ;
and I al:ually exhibit and make fenfible thefe feveral orders of
But more efpecially in what 1 cal\ the Geometrical and Mechani-
cal Elements of Fluxions, 1 lay open a Method, by the help
. of Curve-lines and theirTangents, to reprefent and exhibit
and Fluents in all cafes, with all their concomitant Symptoms and
' . .

- ,
'Ibe Method oJ FLUXIOIIlS,
_\.t'tct:o::s, ::.frer a p1ain and familiar m:mner, :md that even to 0cula1
,ies :md ini}'tl:ion. And thus I make them the Objel:s of Senfe,
by which not only their exitl:ence is proved beyond al! poilible con- ,
t:;;diticn, but alfo the Mcthod of deriring them is at the fame time
e\inced, ,eried, and illuftratcd.
Ti:.;;n fciiuw my Annotations u pon our Author's fecond Problem,
cr the ReL:.ticn cf the Fluxions being given, to determine the Re-
ht:,m c,f the HO\Ying or Fluents; which is the f.1me thing
::s tr.e Innrie of Fluxions. And fi.rft I explain (what our
Autl:or c:tll':) a p::trticubr Solution of this Problem, becanfe it cannot
be but takes place only in fuch Fluxional Equa-
tior;s as haYe been, or at leaft might have been, previouly derived
from fome inite Algebraica! or Fluential Equations. "Thereas the
Fluxional Equations that uually occur, and whofe Fluents or Roots
are required, are commonly fuch as, by reafon of Terms either re-
dundant or deficient, cannot be refolved by this particular Solution ;
but muft be refer'd to the following general Solution, which is here
dit1ributed into thde tbree Cafes of Equations.
The firft Cafe of Equations is, when the Ratio of the Fluxions
of the Relate and Correlate Q?antities, (which Terms are here ex-
plain'd,) can be expreiS'd by the Terms of the Correlate
alone; in which Cafe the Root will be obtain'd by an eafy pro-
cefs: In finite Tenm, when it may be done, or at leaft by an
infinite Series. And here a ufeful Rule is explain'd, by which
an infinite Expreilion may be always avoided in the Conclufion,
which otherwife would often occur, and render the Solution inexpli-
The !ccond Cafc of Equations comprehends fuch Fluxional Equa-
tions, '"berein the Powers of the Relate and Correlate
with their Fluxions, are any how involved. Tho' this Cafe is much
more operoie than the former, yet it is folred by a variety of eafy
:;r:d i1mple Analyies, (more fimple and expeditious, I think, than
thc1i:: of our Autbor,) a,nd is illu11:rateiiby a numerous collel:ion of
The third and laft Cafe of Fluxional Equations is, when there are
n:.ore than t\YO Fluents and their Fluxions involved ; which Cafe,
without much trouble, is reduccd to the two former. But here are
alio expbin 'd fome other matters, L'lrther to illuftrate this Dol:rine;
as the Authcr's Demonftration of the Inverfe Method of Fluxions,
the Rationalc of the Tranfmutation of the Origin of Fluents to other
I places


plates at pleafure, the way of finding the contemporaneous Incre-
ments of Fluents, and fuch like.
. Then to conclude the Method of Fluxions, a very convenient and
general Method is propofed and explain'd, for the Refolution of all
kinds of Equations, Algebraica! or Fluxional, by having recourfe
to fuperior orders of Fluxions. This Method indeed is not con-
tain'd in our Author's prefent Vv ork, but is contri ved in purfu-
ance of a notable hint he gives us, in another part of bis Vifritings.
And this Method is exemplify'd by feveral curious and ufeful Pro-
LaJlly, by way of Supplement or Appendix, fome Terms in the
Mathematical Language are farther explain'd, ~ r h i h frequently oc-
cur in the foregoing work, and which it is very nece1:1ry to appre-
hend rightly. And a fort of Analytical Praxis is adjoin'd to this
Explanation, to make it the more plain and intelligible; in which is
exhibited a more diret and methodical way of reiolving fuch Alge-
braica! or Geometrical Problems as are ui.tally propofed ; or an at-
tempt is made, to teach us to argue more do fe! y, dil:intly, andAna-
And this is chiefly the fubl:ance of m y Comment u pon this part
of our Author's work, in which my condut has always been, to
endeavour to digdl: and explain every thing in the moft diret and
natural arder, and to derive it from the moft immediate and gen u in e
Principies. I have always put myfelf in the place of a Learner, and
have endcavour'd to make fuch Explanations, or te form this into i1ch
an lnftitution of Fluxions and infinite Series, as I imagined would
have been ufcful and acceptable to myfelf, at the time when I firfl:
enter'd upon thefe Speculations. Matters of a trite and eafy nature
Ihave pafs'd over with a light animadverfion: But in things of more
noveltv, or greater difficulty, Ihave always thought myfelf ohliged
to be ;llfe copious and explicite; and am confcious to myfelf, tbat
I ha ve every w here proceeded cum jincero animo docmdi. Wherever
I have fallen hort of this defign, it l1ould not be imputed to any
want of care cr good intentions, but rather to the want of {ki!l, or
to tbe abfl:rufe nature of the fubjet. I ihall be gbd to fee m y de-
fets fupply'd by abler hands, and hall always be willing am! thank-
ful to be better initruted.
What perhaps will give the greateft dirl1culty, an.d may furnih
moft matter of objetion, as I apprehend, will be the Explanations
befare given, of Moments, "JanijlJi;;g qumztities, h!Jhitcly l:ttle q;wn-

The Method oJ FLUXIONS,
tities, :md the like, which our Author makes ufe of in this Treatife,
and elfewhere, for deducing and demonftrating hisMethod of Fluxions.
I tball therefore here add a word or two to my foregoing Explana-
tions, in hopes farther to clear up this matter. And this feems to
be the more neceffiuy, becaufe many difficulties have been already
ftarted about the abftrat nature of thefe quantities, and by what
na me they ought to be call'd. It has even been pretended, that they
are utterly impoilible, inconceiveable, and unintelligible, and it may
therefore be thought to follow, that the Conclufions derived by their
means muft be precarious at leaft, if not erroneous and impoffible.
Now to remove this difficulty it hould be obferved, that the only
Symbol made ufe of by our Author to denote thefe quantities, is the
!etter o, either by itfelf, or affeted by fome Coefficient. But this
Symbo1 o at firft reprefents a. finite and ordinary quantity, which
muft be underftood to lkinih continually, and as it were by local
Motion; till after fome certain time it is quite exhaufted, and termi-
na tes in mere nothing. This is furely a very intelligible Notion.
But to go on. In its approach towards nothing, and juft befare it
becomes abfolute nothing, or is quite exhaufted, it muft neceffarily
pafs through vanihing quantities of a1l proportions. F or it cannot
pafS from being an ailignable quantity to nothing at once; that were
to proceed per.faltum, and not continually, which is contrary to the
Suppofition. While it is an affignable quantity, tho' ever fo little,
it is not yet the exal: truth, in geometrical rigor, but only an Ap-
proximation to ir; and to be accurately tme, it muft be Iefs than
any affignable quantity whatfoever, that is, it muft be a vanihing
quantity. Therefore the Conception of a Moment, or vanifhing
quantity, muft be admitted as a rational Notion.
But it has been pretended, that the Mind cannot conceive quan-
tity to be fo far diminih'd, and fuch quantities as thefe are repre-
fented as impofiible. Now I cannot perceive, even if this impoffi-
bility were granted, that the Argumentation would be at all affel:ed
bv it, or that the Conclufions would be the lefs certain. The im-
pofiibility of Conception may arite from the narrownefs and imper-
felion of our Faculties, and not from any inconil:ency in the ~
ture of the thing. So tr...at we need not be very folicitious about
the pofitie nature of thefe quantities, which are fo volatile, f u b ~
tile, and fugitive, as to efcape our Imagination ; nor need we be
much in pain, by what name they are to be call'd; but we may
confine ourfe!ves whol!y to the ufe of them, and to difcover their

propetties. They are not introduced for their own fakes, but only
as fo many intermediate fteps, to bring us to the knowledgc of other
quantities, which are real, intelligible, and required to be known.
It is fufficient that we arrive at them by a regular progrefs of di-
minution, and by a juft and necefary way of reafoning; and that
they are afterwards duly eliminated, and leave us intelligible and
indubitable Conclufions. For this will always be the onfequence,
let the media of ratiocination be what they will, when we argue
according to the ftri.t Rules of Art. And it is a very common
thing in Geometry, to make impoffible and abfurd Suppofitions,
which is the farile thing as to introduce impoffible quantities, and
by their means to difcover truth.
We have an inftance fimilar to this, in another fpecies of
tities, which, though as inconceiveable and as impoffible as thefe
be, yet when they arife in Computations, they do not affe.t
the Conclufion with their impoffibility, except whn they ought
{o to do; but when they are duly elihiinated, by juft Methods of
Redutl:ion, the Conclufion always rerhaihs found and good. l:'hefe
thofe are diftinguilh'd by
the name of 1mpoffible and 1magmary fuch as ..; r,
., 2, v' 3, v' 4, &c. For they iniport, that a quantity or
mitnber is to be found, which multiply'd by itfelf hall produce a
negative quantity ; which is manifel:ly impoffible. And yet thefe
quantities have al! varieties of proportin to ne another, as thofe
afotegoing are proportional to the poffible nd ihtelligible numbers
i, ..; 2, ..; 3, 2, &c. refpe.tively; and when they ai-ife in Compu-
tations, and are regularly eliminated and excluded, they always lea ve
a juft and good Cnclufion.
Thus, for Example, if we had the Cubick Equation x; rzx
+ 4 IX 42 o, from whence we were to extra.t the Root x;
by proceeding accotding to Rule, we lh<:mld have this ftud E.x-
preffion forthe Root, x 4+ ..3 + v' ',?-+f3 ../ .L,_E-f,
in which the impoffible quantity ..; is involved ; and
yet this Expreffion ought not to be rejel:ed as abfurd ancl ufelefs,
becaufe, by a due Redul:ion, we may derive thc true Roots of
the Equation from it. For when the Cubick Root of the firft vin-
culum is rightly extral:cd, it will be found to be the im poffible
Number I +..; .., as m"y appear by cubing; and whcn the
Cubick Root of the rjinculum is rxtra.ted, it will be found
to be 1 v' t Then hy colleltiug thefe Numbers, the
X x im-

,., " 8
1'be Method oJ FtUXIONs,
impofiibic Kumber v !. will be eliminated, and the Root of
the Equatiou will be found" x 4 1 1 2.
Or the Cubick Root of the firft vi11culum will alfo be .f + v -/-;;,
:tS may likewife appear by Involution ; and of the fecond viJJcu-
lam it will be { v ..,. So that another of the Roots of
the given Equation will be x 4 +.} + t 7 Or the Cu-
bitk Root of the fame firfl: :.:inmlum will be v ; ;
and of the 'fecond- w_ill be -i- + v .;.f. So that the third
Root of the given Equation will be x 4 i -} 3. And
in like manner in all other Cubick Equations, when tbe furd vziz-
cula include an impofiible quantity, by extrating the Cubitk
Roots, and then by collel:ing, the impoffible parts will be exclu-
ded, and the three Roots of the Equation will be found, which
will always be pofiible. But when the aforefuid furd vi1zcula do not
include an impofiible quantity, then by Extration one poffible
Root only will be found, and an impoffibility will affel: the other
two Roots, or. will rema in (as it ought) in the Conclufion.
And a like judgment may be made of higher degrees of Equa-

So that thefe impoffible qnantities, in all thefe and many other
infrances that might be produced, are fo far. from infeting Qr: de-
firoying the truth of thefe Conclufions, that they are the necef:u-y
mcins and helps of difcovering it. And why may we not conclude
the fame of that other fpecies of impoffible quantities, if they muft
needs be thought and call'd fo? Surely it may be allow'd, that
if thefe Moments and infinitely little are to be efl:eem'd
a kind of impoffible Q!Jantities, yet nevertheleS they may be made
ufeful, they may affifl: us, by a juft way of Argumentation, in find-
ing the Relations ofVelocities, or Fluxions, or other poffible
tities required. And finally, being themfelves duly eliminated and
excluded, they may leave us finite, poffible, and intelligible Equa-
tions, or Relations of
Therefore the admitting and retainng thefe Q!!_antities, how-
ever impoilible they may feem to be, the inveftigating their Pro-
perties with our utmofl: indufl:ry, and applying thofe Properties to
uie whenever occafion off'ers, is only keeping withln the Rules of
Reafon and Analogy; and is alfo following the Example of our
fug:tcious aud illufuious Author, who of all others has tl:e greateft
ricrht to be ol!r Precedent in thefe matters. 'Tis enlarging the num-
kr of general Principies and Methods, which will greatly
J con
al!d 1 N F l N 1 T 11 S E R 1 Es.
contribute to the Advancement of true Science. In hort, it will
cnable us to make a m u eh greater progreis and proficience, than
we otherwife can do, in cultivating and improving what I llave
where call'd The Philofophy d'
F I N T S.

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