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MAE107 Homework #1 Prof.

MCloskey Due Date

The homework is due by 5PM, Tuesday, October 9, 2012 to the sta desk in the 38-137 foyer (3rd oor, Engineering 4).

Mandatory Reading
Please read the following sections from the course text: 1. All of Chapter 1. This introductory chapter broadly discusses dynamic analysis, block diagrams and linear dierential equations. 2. The introduction to Chapter 2 and the following subsections: 2.1; 2.6 (the rst physical system studied in the lab is an RC circuit so this section provides a good review of EE100 material). 3. The introduction to Part B starting on page 179. 4. The introduction to Chapter 6 and the following subsections: 6.1 through 6.7 (reviews linear, rst-order dierential equations). Note: The unassigned subsections of Chapter 2 are not required reading because this material is the subject of your other engineering courses. This observation also applies to Chapter 3 (heat transfer and uilds) and Chapter 5 (rigid body dynamics). Chapter 4 discusses analogs between simple circuits and mechanical systems -this material is intended to convey intuition to the EE who is not familiar with mechanics and for the ME/AE who is not familiar with circuits.

Objective: Derive the ODE of a rst order circuit and study its properties including the solution to an initial value problem with sinusoidal input voltage, the circuit transfer function, impulse response and frequency response. Consider the circuit shown below:

+ Vin





1. Derive the linear dierential equation relating Vin and Vout assuming no current is ows into the instrument that measures Vout . Write the ODE in the form out + (?)Vout = (?)Vin , V where you ll in (?). 2. Assume R1 = 1000 , R2 = 1000 , and C1 = 100F for the remainder of the questions. Suppose the input Vin (t) = cos(t) is applied for t 0. Find the solution to the initial value problem with this input and with a general initial condition (that you can represent as Vout (0)). First, nd a particular solution of the form Vout,p (t) = cos(t) + sin(t). (1)

In other words, nd and as functions of . Next, add a homogeneous solution to this particular solution in order to compute the complete solution. 3. The solution you computed can be split into the steady-state response and transient response: Vout (t) = Vout,h (t) + Vout,p (t) ,
transient steady-state

where Vout,p is the sinusoidal particular solution you computed in (1), and Vout,h is the homogeneous solution that adjusts for the initial condition. The circuit represents an asymptotically stable system so the transient response satises limt Vout,h (t) = 0 and, thus, the steady state response represents the response of the system to the applied input as t . Note that Vout forgets what initial value it started from as time increases. There is a dierent way to split up the solution, though: a zero state response and the free response Vout (t) = (?)Vout (0) +
free response


zero state response

where the free response is an exponential term multiplying the initial condition Vout (0). Find what terms go in (?) by merely rearranging the solution. Show that the zero state response expression is equal to zero when t = 0 (thats why its called the zero state response). 4. The decomposition of the solution into the free response and zero state response is naturally provided by the convolution representation

Vout (t) = (?)Vout (0) +

0 free response

h(t )Vi n( )d ,
zero state response

t 0,

where h represents the impulse response of the circuit. The impulse response was derived in the notes for a rst order dierential equation. Use the formula to write h as a function of time for t 0. Next, evaluate the integral with Vin = cos(t), t 0. Also ll in the free response piece (?). The nal result should agree with the solution decomposition from the pervious part. The conclusion from this analysis is that while the solution to an initial value problem is unique, it can be split up into dierent pieces depending on what properties we want to study. 2

5. Write the particular solution you found in the following form: Vout,p (t) = A( ) cos(t + ( )), where A and are the amplitude and phase of the sinusoidal particular solution. Note that you need to nd A and as functions of . Plot the amplitude and phase functions (on separate graphs) on the interval [0.1, 1000] rad/sec. For the amplitude-versus-frequency plot, use log-log axes (see the Matlab loglog command) with the ordinate extending from 0.01 to 10. For the phase-versus-frequency plot, use log-versus-linear axes (see the Matlab semilogx) command) and convert the phase unit to degrees, and with the ordinate extending from 100 degrees to 100 degrees. After inspecting the amplitude-versus-frequency plot, describe why this circuit is called a low-pass lter. A vector which represents the individual frequency points at which you will evaluate the amplitude and phase functions can be generated using the Matlab logspace command. In particular, the code w = logspace(-2,3,300); will generate 300 points in the vector w that are evenly spaced on a log axis. 6. Derive the transfer function for this circuit by setting Vout (t) = est , where s C and assuming Vout (t) = Hest . The transfer function is the function H , which depends on the variable s. 7. Derive the frequency response function for the circuit -this is a simple substitution of s = j into the transfer function. You do not need to simplify the expression into real and imaginary parts, or magnitude and phase. 8. Plot the amplitude and phase function of the frequency response function you just calculated. Use the same axes ranges as the previous graphs. Matlab will calculate the magnitude of a complex number (or vector with complex-valued elements) with the abs command. The phase of a complex number can be computed using the angle command (the result is returned in radians, so you will need to scale your result to put it in standard units of degrees). A vector which represents the individual frequency points at which you will evaluate the frequency response function can be generated using the Matlab logspace command. In particular, the code w = logspace(-1,3,300); will generate 300 points in the vector w that are evenly spaced on a log axis. Thus, it is very easy to plot, for example, the amplitude of the frequency response data, denoted in the Matlab workspace asH, using the following command loglog(w,abs(H)); grid on.

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