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: MARIA SALIN (911228-13-6340) : ROSNIRAH BINTI ROSLAN (930726-12-5082) : VOO FUI SHUEN (920207-12-5284)



DECLARATION We swear that this course work is we own, except the information and references which we already mention their sources.


Writers Name : Maria Salin Date : 04 March 2013


Writers Name : Rosnirah Binti Roslan Date : 04 March 2013


Writers Name : Voo Fui Shuen Date : 04 March 2013


First of all, we are very thankful to the god for HIS permission and blessing as we had completed this short coursework for English Language Proficiency 1 with success. Without HIS permission and blessing we believe that we will not complete this task.

In the process of completing this task, we had been troubling some people. So we want to give my highest appreciation and thank you very much to Mr Carl who give a lot of advices and instructions to our group.

Besides that, we are also want to dedicate our appreciation to our parents because always give moral support to us while our doing this short coursework.

We are give our thanks to our friends, seniors and other lecturers that help our group in a lot of things like material, ideas, and useful information. Thats all and once again thank you very much. Hope that GOD will bless you all.

INTRODUCTION The English language for Communication Course is a course to enable students to use English in Various real life context and takes into account the linguistic needs of the teachers and thus the teaching sessions are developed in response to their needs. One activity of the speaking component which gives the students the exposure to be focuses on correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. In public speaking, we need to take into consideration the aspect of the language such as pronunciation, texts and the rules and regulations of public speaking. In order to complete this task, we must prepare a folio that contains features of spoken language. This is a grouping task. So, we must find about relevant materials on pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation. we must present the information in the form of graphic organizers. But, we must highlight the important points before present it in the form graphic organizers. Besides, we must prepare a speech of not less than five minutes on given subject matter in written form. After that, we should present the speech in the class. Lastly, we should prepare an overall reflection on our task experience.


Difficult Consonants are Th, F and V, R & S. Consonant s made by blocking the flow of air through the mouth

14 Vowel Sounds

Thr Ele ven Vowels ee Complex Vowels

[iy] beat

[ey] bait

[aw] how

[I] bit [] bet

[ay] high

[oy] boy [] hot

[] sun

[uw] boot

[] bat [] put

[ow] boat

[] bought

Level of Stress

Primary Stress

Secondary Stress


Full of vowel Have longest of vowel The loudest vowel High pitch E.g: polte

Full vowel Long vowel Loud vowel Low pitch Written ` Occurs: On the second noun of a compound 2 syllables back from primary stress in some words On some suffixes: -ize & ate

Reduced vowel to [] / [I] Short vowel Not loud Low pitch

Kind of Stress

Sentence stress

Word Stress

Point to new and unknown information in the sentence

The emphasis can fall on the first, middle or end syllables


The timing and grouping of words

Patterning of strong syllables and weak syllables in phrases and sentences.

Rhythm (personal pronouns)


Subject pronouns (unstressed) Object pronouns (ending on the preceding verb)

Melody of language

Patterning of high and low notes over sentences and phrases

Pitch range (3-toned (note))

Starts on a mid level

Intonation Rises to a high pitch (note)

Falls to a low pitch


Heavy stress

An extra-long vowel High pitch



Falling Intonation

Rising Intonation

The way our voice goes up and down in speech.

A question asking for new information.

A question asking for confirmation of something that has already been said.


Dated : 2 March 2013

Top ten tips for incredibly successful public speaking

I've been to something like one hundred conferences and corporate events in the past several years as I travel the world delivering keynotes and running seminars. I've seen a few great speeches. Sadly, most speeches I see are not very good. Some are downright terrible. I've been collecting some observations on what makes a good presentation and also drawing from my own experience. Most of us have an opportunity to speak, perhaps at your industry event, or your company's sales conference, or to a local club. Make the most of your opportunity. 1. Take it seriously. If 200 people are in a room and you speak for a half hour, you are taking up 100 hours of peoples time. I see many speakers "wing it" and it makes me feel sorry for the audience. Don't look bad. 2. Know the conference organizer's goals. When I speak, I work with organizers to deliver three goals in equal proportion: Education, entertainment, and motivation. Since I am a paid speaker, I must deliver on all three so the conference organizer is happy they invited me. You need to know the goals for being on the podium too. Why were you invited? How would the organizer define success? 3. Tell stories. When someone says: "Let me tell you a story...," you're interested, right? When someone says: "Let me tell you about my company...," is your reaction the same? It doesn't sound like a way you want to spend your valuable time, does it? Stories are exciting. Most presentations are dry. Open with a story. Tell stories to illustrate your point. It's fascinating to see an audience sit up and pay attention when you start to tell a story on the stage. 4. Nobody cares about your products (except you). Yes, it's just like what I say about Web marketing. What people do care about are themselves and ways to

solve their problems. A speech is not about you; it is about your audience. You must resist the urge to hype your products and services. Even if youre asked to speak about your company or your products, make it about your customers or the problem you solve instead. 5. Prepare and practice. Run through your presentation as many times as required so that you are completely comfortable with the material. You should know the presentation so well that you could do it without PowerPoint and without notes.

6. Don't use PowerPoint as a TelePrompTer. Slides are great for showing images, charts, and the like. Consider showing a short video. But definitely don't use slides to show bulleted lists of text. Yawn! Way too many people just read off their slides. Don't! PowerPoint is not a speaker's crutch; it is a way to illustrate your spoken point. By the way, some of the best speakers don't use slides at all. 7. Arrive early. There is nothing worse than a presenter fumbling with technology on a stage. Everyone becomes uncomfortable and it is nearly impossible to make up that bad first impression. You should plan to arrive at the venue with plenty of time to spare and go to the room at least one hour prior to when you go on. You may need to arrive much earlier if there are sessions before yours because you will want to set up and test your equipment and stand on the stage to get a feel of the room. Use the microphone to hear your voice. Get as comfortable as possible with the venue before people arrive (or when they are on a break). The conference organizer and the A/V people will love you for arriving early! And when you are comfortable with logistics, you will deliver a better speech. 8. Bring an electronic copy of your presentation. I always carry my presentation on a memory stick and wear it around my neck from the moment I step out of my house until after I have presented. I wear it on the plane and in the hotel. I wear it out to dinner. You never know what may happen to your computer (I spilled water on my computer in Brussels once and fried it), so having that backup is comforting. 9. Don't go long. When you build a speech and deliver it for the first time, it almost always runs long. Don't go over time! It's okay to end short because you can

take a few questions, but running long makes the entire event schedule get out of whack. Worse, they may pull you off the stage, which looks awful. 10. Be aware of body language. My friend Nick Morgan, author of Trust Me: Four Steps to Authenticity and Charisma says: "When words and body language are in conflict, body language wins every time." If you are nervous, it shows. If you don't believe what you're saying, it shows. If you aren't having fun, it shows. And your audience will always react to your body language instead of your words.

Graphic Organizer : 10 Tips for successful Public Speaking

Take it seriously Be aware of body language

- audience will always react to your body language instead of your words - many speakers "wing it" and it makes me feel sorry for the audience.

Know the conference organizer's goals

-deliver three goals in equal proportion

Don't go long
-Don't go over time! -Long makes the entire event schedule get out of whackshort

Tell stories

Bring an electronic copy of your presentation

-You never know what will happen to your computer -have a backup

10 Tips for Sucessful Public Speaking

- Most presentations are dry. - Open with a story. -Tell stories to illustrate your point . - audience will sit up and pay attention when you start to tell a story

Nobody cares about your products (except you).

- What people do care about are themselves and ways to solve their problems.

Arrive early
-when you are comfortable with logistics, you will deliver a better speech.

Don't use Power Point as a TelePrompTer

- don't use slides to show bulleted lists of text. - dont just read the slide

Prepare and practice

-Read through your presentation as many times as required - so that you are completely comfortable with the material





To push or force along; impel with force or vigor: to urge the cause along.


Any of various devices resembling this in shape or use.

Anything that serves as a temporary and often inappropriate support, supplement, or substitute; prop

A forked support or part.


The planning, implementation, and coordination of the details of a business or other operation.


The quality of being authentic; genuineness.


To feel or grope about clumsily

http://top7business.com/?Top-7-Characteristics-of-Great-Speakers&id=10761 Dated 3 March 2012

Top 7 Characteristics of Great Speakers

Have you admired speakers who seem to captivate the audience instantly, hold attention throughout, change the tone from humorous to intensely serious with a seamless transition, overcome distractions, generate frequent applause, and by the end of the presentation have the listeners change their beliefs, even their actions? Have you wanted to become that speaker? I have good news for you. You can progress to that stage. How? By recognizing the top seven characteristics of great speakers. 1. AUTHORITATIVE Top-caliber speakers strike you as authoritative. You consider them experts. Clearly, they have mastered their topic.Through long hours of preparation,possibly even years, they have earned the right to speak with credibility. Mastery may or may not include academic degrees in that area. Primarily, mastery results from wide reading, research, interviewing experts, and learning through professional associations, not because you have to but because you have an overwhelming urge to learn all you can on this theme. Keep this in mind: Great speakers don't settle for reading articles in popular magazines, watching TV specials, or coffee shop conversations. No amount of showmanship could compensate for lack of expertise. 2. ATTITUDE Outstanding speakers avoid saying they are going to deliver a speech. That sounds too bland and routine, like delivering a package. Instead, they visualize having a dinner conversation with friends, when you'd share your ideas naturally, with no pretense. In fact,the finest speech coaches suggest that a speech should become a lively conversation with your audience. Roger Ailes, who served as a speech coach for Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, said: "The best communicators I've ever known never changed their style of delivery from one situation to another." Ailes observed that they were the same whether they

are "delivering a speech, having an intimate conversation, or being interviewed on a TV talk show."

3. AUDIENCE The audience becomes the centerpiece of attention. If the speaker focuses too much on herself and the impression she is making, she will become unnerved by a simple mispronunciation, and will lose confidence and poise. If the speaker focuses too much on the message, the event turns into a lifeless recitation. Note: Terrific speakers focus mostly on the audience.They find ways to involve audiences, creating interactive sessions, involving attendees in discussion, and directing meaningful small group activities. 4. ANIMATION Listeners don't want to wonder if the speaker has a pulse. So start by selecting a topic that mesmerizes you, demands your total commitment. Then you won't have to simulate enthusiasm. Seek what actors call "the illusion of the first time." Although you have thought these thoughts hundreds of times, your listeners want spontaneity, as though you had just discovered these ideas and words. Vary your voice in pitch, rate, and volume, just as you do in casual chit chat. Gesture freely, naturally, without rehearsed motions. 5. ANECDOTES Think back to your childhood days. When a parent or other relative sat by your bed at night and said, "Once upon a time," a magical world opened for you. As long as you can remember, stories grabbed you, and wouldn't let go until you had heard all of the fables. As adults, we still respond to intriguing stories. People learn from and remember the anecdotes, not your statistics. Paint word pictures. Create a "you are there" sensation. 6. APPEARANCE Yes, "casual dress" has permeated the work place. The trend started with Casual Fridays, with more days added eventually. Even so, speakers need to look like professionals when they face audiences. Your audience wants you to dress a level above their garb, just to indicate

respect for them and the situation. Check with your club or convention host to determine the appropriate dress style. Fifteen years ago, a coat and tie were mandatory for male speakers. Now a mock turtle neck and classy blazer are likely to match expectations. As casual as society has become, good grooming still matters. 7. ATYPICAL You don't have to fit a mold that seems right for most other presenters. Other presenters may cling tightly to a podium, while you choose to wander among the audience, even getting comments from those in the back of the auditorium. Other speakers may never quote poetry, yet you can do that if you select a poem that illustrates your point compellingly. Other speakers may avoid magic, acrobatics, singing, props, or impersonation. But if any of those work well for you, be atypical. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "To be great is to be a nonconformist."

Graphic organizer : Characteristic Of A Good Speaker ATYPICAL - don't have to fit a mold for most other presenters. -To be great is to be a non conformist ATTITUDE -avoid saying they are going to deliver a speech - a speech should become a lively conversation with your audience

AUTHORITATIVE - have mastered the topic. - earned the right to speak with credibility

APPEARANCE - need to look like professionals when face audiences. - audience wants you to dress a level above their garb, to indicate respect for them and the situation. - Check with convention host to determine the appropriate dress style

Characteristic Of A Good Speaker

AUDIENCE - focus mostly on the audience -find ways to involve audiences, creating interactive sessions, involving attendees in discussion, and directing meaningful small group activities

ANECDOTES -Think back to your childhood days - "Once upon a time," a magical world opened - People learn from and remember the anecdotes, not your statistics. -Paint word pictures. Create a "you are there"

ANIMATION -start by selecting a topic that mesmerizes you, -Vary your voice in pitch, rate, and volume, - Gesture freely, naturally, without rehearsed motions.

http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/Evans24.html Dated 3 March 2013

5 Elements of Great Public Speaking

The difference in a powerful and pitiful presentation is usually a few essential basics. The following seven reminders must be part of every speech. 1. Audience Awareness. The better you know the people in the seat, the better your presentation will be. Too many speakers are selfcentered. They design a message that sounds good to them. The audience-centered speaker provides what the people need. Information to help them grow. Motivation to aid the desire to apply. 2. Positive Preparation Do not prepare in fear. Forget worrying about the possibilities of what can go wrong. Instead, think about the positives. Note everything you cant wait to share. Pinpoint the most powerful aspects of the speech and look forward to releasing them. 3. Confident Content. Too often we draw our confidence from our delivery style. Listen, thats overrated. Who cares if an audience is wowed by delivery if no content comes with it? The less confident you are with your delivery the more critical it is that you are confident with your content. Know exactly the benefit the audience will receive from the information you share. 4. Test Technology. Check the microphones, laptop, etc. before the event. Inspect it with enough time to repair it if needed. Last Wednesday I spoke at a meeting and we were not sure if my laptop would be compatible with the projection system. In the end we switched cables and all went well. But if I hadnt been there forty -five minutes early it might not have went as well. 5. Validate Value This ties the previous four points together. Value the audience. Remember that you are talking to people with fears and also withdreams. Value preparation. Dont try to wing-it and dont over prepare thinking it will make you perfect. Value content. Have a clear message that cannot me missed. Also, make it practical so it can be immediately applied. Value technology. If PowerPoint strengthens the message use it; if it doesnt then dont. Only use technology that will enhance the message. If you know those four areas the fifth - validate value - will be guaranteed. You will know what you are going to say, who you are saying it to, and why you are sharing it.

Audience Awareness.

The better you know the people in the seat, the better your presentation will be. The audience-centered speaker provides what the people need. Information to help them grow. Do not prepare in fear. Forget worrying about the possibilities of what can go wrong. Instead, think about the positives.

Positive Preparation

Pinpoint the most powerful aspects of the speech and look forward to releasing them Too often we draw our confidence from our delivery style.

5 Elements of Great Public Speaking

Confident Content
The less confident you are with your delivery the more critical it is that you are confident with your content.

Test Technology

Check the microphones, laptop, etc. before the event. Inspect it with enough time to repair it if needed.

Value the audience. Remember that you are talking to people wit fears and also with dreams.

Value preparation. Dont try to wing-it and dont over prepare thinking it will make you perfect.

Validate Value

Value content. Have a clear message that cannot me missed Also, make it practical so it can be immediately applied.
-Value technology. If PowerPoint strengthens the message use it -Only use technology that will enhance the message

Characteristics of Great Speakers





Good Organization






SPEECH Love (Maria Salin)

Good Morning to our lecture, Mr. Carl Martin Albert and fellow friends. Today I would present about Love And Hate. Love and hate are one of the strongest opposites in our dichotomous thinking. Why then unhappy love often turns into deep hate and ruined relationships? A person in love loves everyone. This overwhelmingly positive feeling can change the world drastically. A person in hate becomes an enormous destructive force. It drives to an abyss of violence. Have you ever experienced real light of love and real darkness of hate? Ladies and gentlemen, Love may be more powerful than hate because, as it was in the song, love can lead to hate, whereas hate never, even metaphorically, produces love. Love is more powerful because it gives birth to new positive challenges. Love changes a person, enriches the world, extends the horizons, enhances opportunities, brightens friendships, and deepens emotions. A person in love has a specific aura, a peculiar kind of energy that is given off, scattered in all directions, like the light of the myriads of stars, sliding through ages, celebrating Juliet, Laura, Natasha, Ophelia, Desdemona, all those love stories, powerful in their complexity of feelings and emotions, all about eternal love. But love can go away. It simply disappears, vanishes. So powerful to disappear, or love never goes away. Love's components are intimacy, passion, and commitment, with all their variations. Consummate love that balances them all is rare. If Romeo and Juliet had lived longer, would they have loved each other with the same intimacy, passion, and commitment? I have doubts. Love is powerful because it can transform. It is, in fact, a transforming process of flexible relationships, in which intimacy remains stable. Who ever lived to hate? Love is powerful because it drives, navigates, directs, and makes our existence meaningful. Hate invites loneliness, whereas love denies it. Hate ruins personality, whereas love builds ego identity. Hate results in acts of violence, whereas love leads to amazing acts of kindness. Hate destroys, whereas love creates. Hate is war, whereas love is peace. Hate is bad, whereas love is good. Hate is revenge, whereas love is construction. Hate is meaningless, whereas love is meaningful. It is impossible "to love to hate". It is always "love" that gives birth to "love". That's why love is more powerful than hate, if you follow me. My fellow classmates, Discover your powers. Discover love in yourselves. Be sure you're more powerful to love than to hate. Keep love inside, and all will be always fine. http://www.speech-guru.com/sample_persuasive_speech_love.php

The Importance of Studying English (Rosnirah Binti Roslan) A very good morning to Mr. Carl and my fellow friends. Today I want to talk about The Importance of Studying English. It is a big concerned for teenagers nowadays as they are unaware of the importance of English language as they tend to ignore to learn the language. Students attitude towards the language is also crucial to make sure that th ese teenagers can face the future world better by learning English language as it is an international language. Although the government has repeatedly told us of the importance of English, many students are still not bothered about studying it seriously. There is also a campaign that still on to make all the Malaysian becomes a better English learner, which is Enhance Proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia, Strengthen the English. English is the most important and the most useful language in the world today. There are many reasons why you should study the language properly. First and foremost, English will definitely help you a lot when you want to further studies. Almost all books at university are written in English in all subjects. Plus, it is a compulsory for any candidate to pass English with credit before entering any universities. So, if you are poor in English, you will blow you chance for better education or worse, you are going to have a big problem studying at university. The second reason why you have to study English well is that it will help you to get a job. When you go for a job interview, the interviewer will surely talk to you in English. The first impression you should give in order to success and have the job is, to respond in English fluently. Your chances of getting the job are very slim if you stutter while interviewing. A good command in of English will also help you greatly in your job. If the company you work is actively involved in international trade, you have to speak to prospective customers in English. Miscommunication might occur if your English is bad. And this will put your company at risk and you will likely be dismissed if this happen. Based from all the above elaboration, I hope that students will see the importance and realise how importance the language is for their own future. Although it is a second language in our country, it is now a main language all over the world. Thank you.

Teks of Speech 6 Keys to Reducing Stress in Your Life VOO FUI SHUEN 2013 http://www.thechangeblog.com/reducing-stress-in-your-life/ A very good morning to our respected lecturer, follow classmates and friends. Today in next few minutes I shall be delibrating upon a speech on 6 Keys to Reducing Stress in Your Life Deadlines. Speaking in public. Peak hour traffic. An unsatisfying job. Financial problems. Relationship woes. These are just a few examples of things that cause stress in our lives. Before I go any further, it should be pointed out that stress can be a positive. Often, as in the example of a student sitting an exam, it will increase our performance. Also stressful events such as a wedding, a new baby, or a new house , these can change our lives for the better. Despite these potential positives, stress can harm your health, emotional wellbeing, and relationships with others. The signs and symptoms of stress will vary depending on the person, but some examples are: headache, fatigue,muscle tension and pain, depression, anger, worry, impatience, memory loss, poor sense of humour, fidgeting, over-eating, smoking, drinking and drug abuse. So what can we do to reduce stress in our lives? The following are 6 helpful stress relief strategies: Firstly , we should have realistic expectation .This is because many of us set unrealistic expectations for ourselves and others. Setting high expectations may in some instances increase performance, but if these expectations are set too high they become unrealistic and will cause unnecessary stress. Secondly , please get active. Exercise can reduce stress through its release of endorphins, the bodys natural antidepressant hormone. Jogging, swimming and other aerobic activities help us to dissipate excess energy that would otherwise be bottled up inside. Thirdly , be prepared. Stress is often caused by a particular situation we are in. Many people, for example, have a fear of public speaking. An effective strategy is to prepare well in advance. Ways to do this may include visiting the location ahead of time to familiarise yourself with it and rehearsing your speech in front of a family Dated : 2 March

member or friend. In the longer term you may want to join a Toastmasters group to overcome the fear of public speaking. Furthermore , we have to take breaks each day. This is due to many of us work in a fast-paced environment and its easy not to notice the signs that its time to rest. We can pace ourselves throughout the day by monitoring our levels of stress and energy, and taking breaks when we need them. Think of the way in which children need their naps in order to behave well. Whenever possible I like to go outside to the park on my lunchbreak to clear my head. The next point is we need to get enough sleep. Many people do not get a good nights sleep on a regular basis. Seven to eight hours each night is the amount of sleep generally recommended, although it varies from person to person. You will know when you are getting enough sleep when you start waking refreshed each morning (often naturally before the alarm goes off) and notice more energy throughout the day. The last and the most vital point is balancing work and play. People who never allow themselves leisure time will experience greater levels of stress. Dont feel guilty about having some personal time we each need time for exercise, relaxation, entertainment, and hobbies. Well there you go. If you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of negative stress I suggest giving the above tips a go. Hopefully you will start to feel as free and easy as this person to the right . Thank You for your attention!

616 words


First of all, I am really grateful to God for helping me from the beginning I work on this so called short coursework until I finished this assignment. I also thanks to Mr. Carl for her guidance during doing this assignment. I was paired with Rosnirah Bt Roslan and Voo Fui Shuen for this assignment. After we received and discuss the assignment, together we do the work schedule to divide our task. The English Language for Communication Coursework is contains of features of spoken language and practices it into a speech. After finished this assignment, I realize this course is to enable me to use English in my various real life context. Especially, in account the linguistic needs of the teachers. Thus, the teaching sessions are in response to my needs. The features of spoken language are pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation. The public speaking have skills which is every speaker must have. So, to get a nice speech in front of public, we should learn how to be a good speaker. After finish this assignment, I realize that I should be a good speaker also. This coursework also give me an opportunity to know my partner in group. This is because we doing things together like finds the information and classification the information in the fail altogether. From that we know that cooperation and tolerance is important in teamwork. As the conclusion, this coursework is a way for me to gain experience and knowledge. As for me as a teacher, I should gain more knowledge so that I could teach my student in various skills soon. Thus, this assignment very help me in my way to be a good and awesome teacher.


Thankful to God for giving me a chance to complete this coursework. First is that it seems that I didnt understand what the question wants me to do. I already finish the folio a bit early but when I read back the question, there is a lot of missing things in my folio that was asked by the question. I have to input back and go through all hard work to make it back although I have other short coursework to do. As an early action, I went to the IPGM Keningaus library to find information on the related topics of this coursework. Besides that, I also asked the lecturer and my senior too to get more explanation on how to make this coursework better. Besides that, I was lucky too because this coursework is done in a group. So, I have taken this chance by making collaboration with my friends and also with the lecturer.

After finishing doing this coursework, I have enable to use English in various real life context and takes into account the linguistic needs of the teachers and thus the teaching sessions are develop in response to our needs. For example, public speaking is the one activity of the speaking component which gives the trainer teacher the exposure to be competent speakers of the language. Thus, this coursework also enables me to practice the speaking skill which focuses on correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. In recorded speech, we also need to take into consideration the aspect of the language such as pronunciation, texts and the rules and regulations of speech. Lastly, I hope that everything that I have learned during doing this coursework, I can apply it in my daily life and will be helping me in my study in the future.


I am very glad and happy because I can complete this English assignment on time on 4 March 2013 . When first I was given this coursework, I was worry because my mind blank and I was unsure how to present a speech . I felt frustrated because I was making little progress. Besides that , there are still have the four another assignments that I have to finish . Due to I have determination and patient , I accept this task as a challenge as a future teacher . My worry toward this course work decreased when my lecturer Mr Cal as well as my group members , Rosnirah and Maria gave me a a lot of advices and courage to me , thus I can finish this course work in the right path.

During I doing this course work , I endured some problems such as time management . This is because I have to complete my other assignments and also this assignments at the same week .Thank God , I can finish both assignments and sent on time due to I follow the time table . Even though I faced this problem but I had finish all the task with my responsibility . After I started to make this assignment , I found that even though I had given a lot of course work, but if I have

determination in myself , I really can complete in a proper way with proper time management.

To find the information for this coursework , I had go to the library to borrow some reference books such as Focus On Pronunciation 3 , Effective Speaking , The Art of Public Speaking , and Oxford Dictionary according to on this topic needed in this coursework. Furthermore , I also use nowadays most

convenient way to get information which was surfing the internet to find the related article like 6 Keys to Reduce Stress in Your Life , 5 Elements of Great Public

Speaking, 10 TIPS FOR PUBLIC SPEAKING, and sample speech . Not only that , I also had seeking for seniors sisters to discussed about the right method to change the article I got for both 5 Elements of Great Public Speaking and 10 TIPS FOR PUBLIC SPEAKING into graphic form as well as the better way to do the graphic organizers.

I think this coursework have given me many advantages . For example , I can improve my English language and learn many different thesaurus based on the article that I had selected . I also had learnt on how to develop dictionary skill , a student really need to always refer to dictionary to find the meanings of vocabulary . On the other hand, I also learn how to elaborate the main point in the article in the graphic organizers form and I find that my English language have improved. I also know how to do short notes and pick the important point beside the material that I found .

In addition , due to this coursework , my relationship between me and my group members had become more closer because we always meet to discuss on how to do our coursework together. We found the material from the library and also internet and then we grouped up all the material we got from different sources and chose which article or material is suitable and easier for us to do our graphic organisers together . We had learned the moral value of co-operation and be tolerance to each other in order to complete our coursework. Although we had some small argument during choosing the material , but finally we can cope it well and become more closer until we finished it . Moreover , firstly I thought I cant present the speech well as I lack of confidence. This speech was the second time I choose the text of speech , the first speech I chosen is shorter .Then I finally can find a speech that suitable for me and full field the length of time durance that is between 5 until 7 minutes. I convinced myself as I can present my speech better if I do more practice in front of the mirror as we know that practice make prefect . Although I know i cant speak very fluent in English , but I will try my best to present my speech in title 6 Keys To Reduce Stress In Your Life.

In the nutshell, this is another brand new experience for me to do this English assignment in group . I realize that not only discipline our time , but also the

management really essential as old saying that time is gold

importance of the English language itself to me as the future teacher as well as it was the most essential international language .

BIBLIOGRAPHY S. Sivagnanachelvi, & Chong Poh Wan. (2008) . English for Oral Communication. Selangor : Open University Malaysia. http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/intonation http://www.thefreedictionary.com/intonation http://top7business.com/?Top-7-Characteristics-of-Great-Speakers&id=10761 http://www.swgc.mun.ca/learning-centre/Documents/factsheets/good.pdf http://englishforallsmkbenut.blogspot.com/p/spm-sample-of-essays-directedwriting.html http://www.toastmasters.org/tips.asp

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