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Lean manufacturing Lean manufacturing is a production of system. It has his origin in Japon.

It was created by Taiichi Ohno, director and consultant of the Toyoya company in 1937. This methodology was born owing to the need to organize the production, to reduce wastes and operations that do not add value to the product and of course to improve the quality. This system consists of goods production in a minor posible time, a good quality and a low cost. This method is applied nowadays by many companies worldwide, especially in companies of assembly and of food, where they look for the total quality. Later was explained the strategy based on them 5S, his application, advantages, and examples of some companies that applied this methodology since it is the case of Toyota and Zenu. Provided that it is a methodology, lean manufacturing there applies as strategy them 5S, which looks for lasting improvements in the level of the organization, order, cleanliness in addition personal motivation. First we have the term "SEIRI" (to subordinate, to classify, to reject), it consists of rejecting what is not in use both in the offices and in the factory. Secondly this one the term "SEITON" (To systematize, to arrange), that is to say what I do not withdraw from him is organized in the working spaces. Thirdly one finds the "SEISO" (sanear and to clean) consists of a constant maintenance of machines and facilities. In fourth place this the term "SEIKETSU" (to simplify, to standardize and to return coherent), it is to apply of way orders and correct three previous steps. In last place this "SHITSUKE" (to support the process, discipline), this step consists of making fulfill all the procedures of a constant and transverse way in the company. Lean manufacturing it is applied in constant improvements, already be in: management, inventories, processes, reduction of activities without added value, planning and execution, transport of goods, between others. Some companies like Toyota applied this system of production to improve the productivity and to be mas competitive on the market. In the national area Zenu and Nacional de chocolates they are pioneering in implements this methodology, which has benefited them economically. In conclusion this method allows a clean production, avoids wastes, controls the process of a transverse way, facilitates the management in a company, motivates to the personnel, optimizes spaces and resources, but especially it offers a qualit product to the company. In the Colombian case this system has been adapted to the needs of the company, in order which these are to the forefront of methodologies used worldwide, be competitive on the market, and give example to the small and medium domestic enterprises.

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