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Combined Convection and Radiation

1. Objective: To determine the combined heat transfer (Qradiation + Qconvection) from a horizontal cylinder in natural convection over a wide range of power inputs and corresponding surface temperatures.To demonstrate the relationship between power input and surface temperature in free convection. To compare the contribution of heat transfer by convection with heat transfer by radiation and from the measurements to show the domination of the convective heat transfer coefficient Hc at low surface temperatures and the domination of the radiation heat transfer coefficient Hr at high surface temperatures. To determine the effect of forced convection on heat transfer from the surface of a cylinder at varying air velocities and surface temperatures.To demonstrate the relationship between air velocity and surface temperature for a cylinder subjected to forced convection. 2. Equipment: The 'Combined Convection and Radiation' accessory A centrifugal fan with a vertical outlet duct at the top of which is mounted a heated, horizontal cylinder. One K type Thermocouple is fitted in the wall of the duct and one K type thermocouple attached to the heated cylinder. HT10X Heat Transfer Service Unit IFD5 PC Interface Console IBM Compatible PC

3. Theory: 3.1 Natural Convection and Radiation If a surface, at a temperature above that of its surroundings, is located in stationary air at the same temperature as the surroundings then heat will be transferred from the surface to the air and surroundings. This transfer of heat will be a combination of natural convection to the air (air heated by contact with the surface becomes less dense and rises) and radiation to the surroundings. A horizontal cylinder is used in this exercise to provide a simple shape from which the heat transfer can be calculated. Note: Heat loss due to conduction is minimised by the design of the equipment and measurements mid way along the heated section of the cylinder can be assumed to be unaffected by conduction at the ends of the cylinder. Heat loss by conduction would normally be included in the analysis of a real application. In the case of natural (free) convection the Nusselt number Nu depends on the Grashof and Prandtl numbers and the heat transfer correlation can be expressed in the form: Nu = f(Gr, Pr) and the Rayleigh number Ra = (Gr Pr) The following theoretical analysis uses an empirical relationship for the heat transfer due to natural convection proposed by VT Morgan in the paper "The Overall Convective Heat Transfer from Smooth Circular Cylinders" published in TF Irvine and JP Hartnett (eds.), Advances in Heat Transfer vol. 16, Academic, New York, 1975, pp 199-269. Ts = Surface temperature of cylinder D = Diameter of cylinder L = Heated length of cylinder Ta = Ambient temperature of air Heat transfer area (surface area) Heat loss due to natural convection Heat loss due to radiation Total heat loss from the cylinder (K) (m) (m) (K) As = (pDL) m Qc = Hcm As (Ts - Ta) W Qr = Hrm As (Ts - Ta) W Qtot = Qc + Qr W

The average heat transfer coefficient for radiation Hrm can be calculated using the following relationship: (T 4 Ta4 ) Hrm = F s (W / m2 K ) (Ts Ta ) s = Stefan Boltzmann constant , = 56.7 *109 (W / m 2 K 4 ) ? = Emmisivity of surface (Dimensionless) F = 1 = View factor (Dimensionless) The average heat transfer coefficient for natural convection Hcm can be calculated using the following relationship:

T film =

(Ts + Ta ) (K) 2 1 = (K-1) T film

g (Ts Ta ) D 3 v2 RaD = (GrD Pr) therefore: GrD = g (Ts Ta ) D 3 Pr V2 Num = c (Ra D)n (From Morgan, where c and n are obtained from the table below:) RaD ==
Hf m = k Num (W / m2 K ) D

where: Ra = Rayleigh number Gr = Grashof number Num = Nusselt number (average) Pr = Prandtl number g = Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 b = Volume expansion coefficient n = Dynamic viscosity of air k = Thermal conductivity of air (Dimensionless) (Dimensionless) (Dimensionless) (Dimensionless) (m / s) (K-1) (m / s) (W / m K)

Note: k, Pr, and n are physical properties of the air taken at the film temperature Tfilm. (These may be obtained from the table in the HT14 Teaching Manual.) The actual power supplied to the heated cylinder Qin = V I (W) Table listing constant c and exponent n for natural convection on a horizontal cylinder (Source Morgan): RaD 10-9 to 10-2 10-2 to 102 102 to 104 104 to 107 107 to 1012 c 0.675 1.02 0.850 0.480 0.125 N 0.058 0.148 0.188 0.250 0.333

Alternatively a simplified equation may be used to calculate the heat transfer coefficient for free convection from the publication "Heat Transmission" WH McAdams, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959 (T T ) Hcm = 1,32 s a ( D)

(W / m 2 K )

The value for Hcm should be calculated using both the original and simplified equations and the values compared. 3.2 Forced convection and Radiation In free/natural convection the heat transfer rate from a surface is limited by the small movements of air which are generated by changes in the density of the air as the air is heated by the surface. In forced convection the air movement can be greatly increased resulting in improved heat transfer rate from a surface. Therefore a surface subjected to forced convection will have a lower surface temperature than the same surface subjected to free convection, for the same power input. If a surface, at a temperature above that of its surroundings, is located in moving air at the same temperature as the surroundings then heat will be transferred from the surface to the air and the surroundings. This transfer of heat will be a combination of forced convection to the air (heat is transferred to the air passing the surface) and radiation to the surroundings. A horizontal cylinder is used in this exercise to provide a simple shape from which the heat transfer can be calculated. Note: Heat loss due to conduction is minimised by the design of the equipment and measurements mid way along the heated section of the cylinder can be assumed to be unaffected by conduction at the ends of the cylinder. Heat loss by conduction would normally be included in the analysis of a real application. Total heat loss from the cylinder Heat loss due to forced convection Heat loss due to radiation Heat transfer area Qtot = Qfm + Qrm Qf = Hfm As (Ts - Ta) Qr = Hrm As (Ts - Ta) As = (p D L)

The heat transfer coefficients Hfm due to forced convection and Hrm due to radiation can be calculated using the following relationships: Hrm = F (Ts4 Ta4 ) (W / m2 K ) (Ts Ta )

s = Stefan Boltzmann constant , = 56.7 *109 (W / m 2 K 4 ) ? = Emmisivity of surface (Dimensionless) Ts = Surface temperature of cylinder (K) Ta = Ambient temperature (K)
Hf m = k Num (W / m2 K ) D

where: k = conductivity of the air D = diameter of the cylinder Num = Average Nusselt numbe (Wm-1K-1) (m) (Dimensionless)

An empirical formula can be used to calculate the value for Num as follows:

(0.62Re0.5 Pr 0.33 ) Re 0.5 (1 + ( ) ) dimensionless 0.4 0.66 0.25 282000 (1 + ( ) ) Pr From SW Churchill and M Bernstein "A Correlating Equation for Forced Convection from Gases and Liquids to a Circular cylinder in crossflow". Journal of Heat Transfer, 99:300-306 (1977). Num = 0.3 + where Re = Reynolds number = Uc D / v (dimensionless) Pr = Prandtl number for air (dimensionless) Uc = Corrected air velocity (m/s) Corrected air velocity Uc = 1.22 Ua (m/s) (The cylinder causes a blockage in the duct resulting in a local increase in the air velocity.) Values for k,v and Pr depend on the temperature of the air and can be found using the table included in the HT14 teaching manual. The actual power supplied to the heated cylinder Qin = V I (W) 4.1 Procedure 1: Natural Convection and Radiation Run the HT14303 software selecting Section A Temperature Distribution and read through any introductory screens needed to gain familiarity with the operation of the software. Make sure the throttle plate is fully open. Switch on the front Mains switch (if the panel meters do not illuminate check the RCD and circuit breakers at the rear of the service unit, all switches at the rear should be up except for the output socket 1). Watch the 'IFD Channel History' window and allow the HT14 to stabilise. When the temperatures are stable, click 'sample now' and the HT14 software will record the following: T9, T10, V, I, Qa. Set the heater voltage to 5 volts. (Adjust the voltage control on the mimic diagram to give a voltage of 5 volts.) Watch the 'IFD Channel History' window and allow the HT14 to stabilise. Watch the IFD Channel History and allow the HT14 to stabilise before taking the next set of experimental readings. Set the heater voltage to 8 volts. (Adjust the voltage control on the mimic diagram to give a voltage of 8 volts.) Watch the IFD Channel History and allow the HT14 to stabilise before taking the next set of experimental readings. Set the heater voltage to 12 volts. (Adjust the voltage control on the mimic diagram to give a voltage of 12 volts.) Watch the IFD Channel History and allow the HT14 to stabilise before taking the next set of experimental readings. Set the heater voltage to 15 volts. (Adjust the voltage control on the mimic diagram to give a voltage of 15 volts.)

Watch the IFD Channel History and allow the HT14 to stabilise before taking the next set of experimental readings. Set the heater voltage to 20 volts. (Adjust the voltage control on the mimic diagram to give a voltage of 20 volts.) Watch the IFD Channel History and allow the HT14 to stabilise before taking the next set of experimental readings. Once experimental procedure is completed set the mimic diagram Voltage Control to zero. Note. Do not set the heater voltage in excess of 20 Volts when operating the cylinder in natural convection (no forced airflow). The life of the heating element will be considerably reduced if operated at excessive temperature. 4.3 Procedure 2: Forced convection and Radiation Run the HT14303 software selecting Section C - Determining the effect of forced convection and read through any introductory screens needed to gain familiarity with the operation of the software. Switch on the front Mains switch (if the panel meters do not illuminate check the RCD and circuit breakers at the rear of the service unit, all switches at the rear should be up). Start the centrifugal fan by pressing the switch on the connection box. Monitor the air velocity in the duct using the 'IFD Channel History' window or mimic diagram. Open the throttle plate on the front of the fan by rotating the adjustment knob to give an air velocity reading of 0.5 m/s displayed on the mimic diagram. Set the heater voltage to 20 volts. (Adjust the voltage control on the mimic diagram to give a voltage of 20 volts.) When the temperatures are stable, click 'sample now' and the HT14 software will record the following: T9, T10, V, I, Qa. Adjust the throttle plate to give a velocity of 1.0 m/s. Watch the IFD Channel History and allow the HT14 to stabilise before taking the next set of experimental readings. Repeat the above procedure changing the air velocity in steps of 1.0 m/s until the air velocity is set to 7.0 m/s.

5. Analysis and Discussion Part I For these parts the following constants are applicable: Diameter of cylinder Heated length of cylinder Emissivity of surface Stefan Boltzmann constant D = 0.01 (m) L = 0.07 (m) ? = 0.95 s = 56.7 x 10-9


Compare the theoretical values for Qtot with the measured values for Qin and explain any differences in values. Compare the calculated heat transferred due to Convection Qc and radiation Qr

Part II

The graph of surface temperature T10 against power input Qin is produced in the 'View Data in Graph Format'. Observe the relationship between surface temperature T10 and power input Qin. Observe that the heat transferred from the cylinder to the surroundings increases with the difference between the surface temperature of the cylinder and the temperature of the surroundings.

For this exercise the following constants are applicable Diameter of cylinder Heated length of cylinder Air velocity correction factor D = 0.01 L = 0.07 1.22 (m) (m)

Compare the theoretical values for Qtot with the measured values for Qin and explain any differences in values. Compare the calculated heat transferred due to Convection Qf and radiation Qr. The graph of surface temperature T10 against corrected air velocity Uc is produced in the 'View Data in Graph Format'. Observe that the surface temperature of the cylinder reduces as the air velocity increases for a fixed heat input Qin. Observe that the surface temperature reduces more rapidly at low air velocities and reduces more slowly at high air velocities.

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