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Online Shopping

Submitted for partial fulfillment of award of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY Degree In Computer Science & Engineering By (Pradeep Kumar) ( 0722510072) ( Vinay Kumar) ( 0722510110) (Vinaypal Singh) ( 0722510111)

Name of Project Guide ( !"i!" #ain$

ACCURA ! "#S " U ! O$ %A#A&!%!# ' !C(#O)O&* &R!A !R #O"+A

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The Project entitled "ONLINE SHOPPING" is a web-based application Software developed in JAVA LANGUAG !sin" N T # ANS as frontend$ The %ain ai% of "&NL'N S(&PP'NG" is to i%prove the services of )!sto%ers and vendors$ 't also stores the details of invoices "enerated b* c!sto%er and pa*%ents %ade b* the% with all Pa*%ents details li+e credit card$ The pri%ar* feat!res of the project entitled "&NL'N S(&PP'NG" are hi"h acc!rac*, desi"n fle-ibilit* and eas* availabilit*$ And also it !se database tables .epresentin" entities and relationships between entities$ The central concept of the application is to allow the c!sto%er to shop virt!all* !sin" the 'nternet and allow c!sto%ers to b!* the ite%s and articles of their desire fro% the store$


/Project Title0, To develop a web-based application to i%prove the service to the c!sto%ers and %erchant which in t!rn increases the sales and profit in "&NL'N S(&PP'NG0$ Now a da*1s ti%e is ver* precio!s, ever*one is b!s* with one1s wor+, ever*one wants to save their ti%e$ Toda*1s and to%orrow1s world is of internet, people are beco%in" %ore and %ore internet dependent so considerin" these all thin"s this site is planned to develop which will provide facilit* to the c!sto%ers to find a s!itable prod!ct in eas* wa* $

Existin S!ste" #n$ O%jecti&e o' t(e Project

To develop a web-based application to i%prove the service to the c!sto%ers and %erchant which in t!rn increases the sales and profit in /&NL'N S(&PP'NG02 The s*ste% is capable of %aintainin" details of vario!s c!sto%ers, vendors, Prod!cts and storin" all the da* to da* transactions s!ch as "eneration of ship%ent address bills, handlin" c!sto%ers and prod!ct receipts, !pdatin" of stores$

'ncredible convenience$ Price co%parisons$ 'nfinite choice$ as* access to cons!%er reviews$ No press!re sales$

S*S !% A#A)*S"S

'n realit*, the ter% s*ste% anal*sis is often !sed in the software en"ineerin"$ (owever, for the p!rpose of this project, the ter% s*ste% anal*sis is !sed to enco%pass both b!siness process en"ineerin" and prod!ct en"ineerin"$ 3oreover, Software en"ineer creates a representation of all data objects that are i%portant for the s*ste% b* !sin" ntit*-.elationship 4ia"ra%s$ 4ata and control 5low dia"ra%s are !sed as a basis for representin" the transfor%ations of data and control$ At the sa%e ti%e, these %odels are !sed to create a f!nctional %odel of the software$ This f!nctional %odel is f!rther !sed to provide a %echanis% for partitionin" f!nction$ The anal*sis %odel is act!all* a set of %odels, is the first technical representation of the s*ste%$ Two %ost co%%onl* !sed %odelin" %ethods are the str!ct!red anal*sis and the other one is the object-oriented anal*sis$ +Goo$ s!ste" en ineerin -n$erstoo$01 To" $e M#cro establishes the pri%ar* "oals of an anal*sis %ethod that has been widel* !sed all over the world$ ' j!st tried to follow so%e of the anal*sis phase "oals6 The prod!cts of anal*sis %!st be hi"hl* %aintainable$ This applies partic!larl* %e ins ,it( # cle#r -n$erst#n$in o' context.t(e

,orl$ &ie,.#n$ t(en /ro ressi&el! n#rro,s 'oc-s -ntil tec(nic#l $et#ils is

to the tar"eted doc!%ent$ Proble%s of si7e %!st be dealt with !sin" an effective %ethod of partitionin"$ Graphics have to be !sed whenever possible$ New Tools to describe lo"ic and polic*, so%ethin" better than narrative te-t$

The Victorian novel specification is o!t$

So%e %eans of +eepin" trac+ of and eval!atin" interfaces$

A co%plete !nderstandin" of software re8!ire%ents is essential to the s!ccess of a software develop%ent effort$ No %atter how well desi"ned or well coded, a poorl* anal*7ed and specified pro"ra%s will disappoint the !ser and brin" "rief to the developer$ Anal*sis %!st foc!s on the infor%ation, f!nctional and behavioral do%ains of a proble%$ To better !nderstand what is re8!ired, %odels are created9 the proble% is partitioned into %od!les$ ach anal*sis %ethod has a !ni8!e point of view$ All anal*sis %ethods are related b* a set of operational principles6 The infor%ation do%ain of a proble% %!st be represented and !nderstood$ The 5!nctions that the software is to perfor% %!st be defined The behavior of the software %!st be represented$ The %odels that depict infor%ation f!nction and behavior %!st be partitioned in a %anner that !ncovers details in a la*ered fashion$ The anal*sis process sho!ld %ove fro% essential infor%ation toward i%ple%entation detail$

#* appl*in" these principles, the anal*st approaches a proble% s*ste%aticall*$ The infor%ation do%ain is e-a%ined so that f!nction %a* be !nderstood %ore co%pletel*$ 4esi"n is the first step in the develop%ent phase for an* en"ineered prod!ct or s*ste%$ 't can be defined as /the process of appl*in" vario!s techni8!es and principles for the p!rpose of definin" a device, a process or a s*ste% in s!fficient detail to per%it its ph*sical reali7ation0$

I$enti'ic#tion o' Nee$


:ith this chan"in" world we also have to chan"e o!rselves accordin" to the c!rrent re8!ire%ents of the %ar+et$ As we +now that the life of toda*1s people is ver* hectic$ (ere %* "oal is to develop a prod!ct that can be !sed as a %edi!% between c!sto%ers and vendors$ 'T has chan"ed the people;s idea abo!t infor%ation$ People can "et infor%ation abo!t an*thin" within few seconds$ :ith the help of this software the c!sto%ers can re"ister their re8!est online and chec+ the stat!s of their re8!est ti%e to ti%e while j!st sittin" at their ho%e$ As for as vendors part is concern, the* no need to %aintain c!sto%ers1s record %an!all* beca!se c!sto%ers re"ister the%selves online, the* j!st need to service their prod!ct, which al%ost red!ce their paper wor+ as well$ (ere, the software of P.&J )T T'TL acc!rate infor%ation to each other will help the vendors and wo%en to "ive

Preli"in#r! In&esti #tion

#efore desi"nin" an* project we sho!ld +now wh* we are %a+in" it, as we all +now that +NECESSIT* IS THE MOTHER OF E)ER* IN)ENTION1 A +e* part of the s*ste% anal*sis is to "ather infor%ation abo!t the present s*ste%$ The developer %!st +now what infor%ation to "ather, where to find it, how to collect it and what to %a+e of it$ The proper !se of tools to "ather infor%ation is the +e* to s!ccessf!l anal*sis$ The tools !sed in the preli%inar* are <

On site o%ser&#tion
This is done b* observin" the person while he=she is in action so that we "et his=her act!al needs and develop the s*ste% accordin"l*$


The interview is a face to face interpersonal role sit!ation in which a person called the interviewer as+s the person bein" interviewed, 8!estions desi"ned to "ather infor%ation abo!t proble% area and "et the i%a"ined view of the proble% fro% the person$

't is a ter% !sed for al%ost an* tool that has 8!estions to which individ!als respond$ &n site observation and traditional interviews arran"ed with vario!s !sers were !sed for infor%ation "atherin" for the project$ 5!rther infor%ation was "athered !sin" for%s and report for%ats thro!"h personal approach$ Preli%inar* investi"ation of the prod!ct reveals that the s*ste% sho!ld contain broadl* the followin" points6 A !ser friendl* interface$ >nowled"e base$ A perfor%ance %onitor$ Updated infor%ation$

5easibilit* st!d* is the process of deter%inin" of whether or not a project is worth doin"$ 5easibilit* st!dies are !nderta+en within ti"ht ti%e constraints and nor%all* c!l%inate in a written and oral feasibilit* report$ ' have ta+en two wee+s in feasibilit* st!d*$ The contents and reco%%endations of this feasibilit* st!d* helped %e as a so!nd basis for decidin" how to precede the project$ 't helped in ta+in" decisions s!ch as which software to !se, hardware co%binations etc$ The feasibilit* anal*sis starts with the !ser set of re8!ire%ent$ :ith this, the e-istin" s*ste% is also observed$ The ne-t step is to chec+ for the deficiencies in the e-istin" s*ste%$ #* eval!atin" the above points a fresh idea is conceived to define the re8!ired "oals$ The !ser consent is ver* i%portant for the new plan$ A set of alternatives and

their feasibilit* is also considered in case of an* fail!re in the proposed s*ste%$ Th!s, feasibilit* st!d* is an i%portant part in software develop%ent$ ' started %eas!rin" project feasibilit*, which lasted two wee+s$ 4!rin" this period ' have had cons!ltation with %* "!ide MR0ASHISH JAIN $'n this, ' cond!cted three tests for project feasibilit* na%el*, Tec(nic#l3 Econo"ic#l3 #n$ O/er#tion#l 'e#si%ilit!0

Tec(nic#l Fe#si%ilit!
Technical feasibilit* deter%ines whether the wor+ for the project can be done with e-istin" e8!ip%ent, software technolo"* and available personnel$ Technical feasibilit* is concerned with specif*in" e8!ip%ent and software that will satisf* the !ser re8!ire%ent$ This project is feasible on technical re%ar+s also, as the proposed s*ste% is %ore beneficiar* in ter% of havin" a so!nd proof s*ste% with new technical co%ponents installed on the s*ste%$ The proposed s*ste% can r!n on an* %achine s!pportin" :indows and 'nternet services and wor+ on the best software and hardware that had been !sed while desi"nin" the s*ste% so it wo!ld be feasible in all technical ter%s of feasibilit*$

Tec(nic#l Fe#si%ilit! #$$resses t(ree "#jor iss-es4

5#6 Is t(e /ro/ose$ Tec(nolo ! or Sol-tion Pr#ctic#l7 The technolo"ies !sed are %at!red eno!"h so that the* can be applied to o!r Proble%s$ The practicalit* of the sol!tion we have developed is proved with the !ser of the technolo"ies ' have chosen$ The technolo"ies s!ch as JSP, (T3L are so co%patible and (=:s are so fa%iliar with the toda*1s +nowled"e based ind!str* that an*one can easil* be co%patible to the proposed environ%ent$ ?b@ Do ,e c-rrentl! /osses t(e necess#r! tec(nolo !7

:e first %a+e s!re that whether the re8!ired technolo"ies are available to !s or not$ 'f the* are available then we %!st as+ if we have the capacit*$ 5or instance, /will o!r c!rrent printer be able to handle the new reports and for%s re8!ired of a new s*ste%$ 5c6 Do ,e /ossess t(e necess#r! Tec(nic#l Ex/ertise #n$ is t(e sc(e$-le re#son#%le7 This consideration of technical feasibilit* is often for"otten d!rin" feasibilit* anal*sis$ :e %a* have the technolo"*, b!t that doesn1t %ean we have s+ills re8!ired to proper appl* that technolo"*$ As far as this project is concerned we have necessar* e-pertise so that the proposed sol!tion can be %ade feasible$

Econo"ic#l Fe#si%ilit!
cono%ical feasibilit* deter%ines whether there are s!fficient benefits in creatin" to %a+e the cost acceptable, or is the cost of the s*ste% too hi"h$ As this si"nifies costbenefit anal*sis and savin"s$ &n the behalf of the cost-benefit anal*sis, the proposed s*ste% is feasible and is econo%ical re"ardin" its pre-ass!%ed cost for %a+in" a s*ste%$ 4!rin" the econo%ical feasibilit* test we %aintained the balance between the &perational and cono%ical feasibilities, as the two were the conflictin"$ 5or e-a%ple, the sol!tion that provides the best operational i%pact for the end-!sers %a* also be the %ost e-pensive and, therefore, the least econo%icall* feasible$ ' classified the costs accordin" to the phase in which the* occ!r$ As we +now that the s*ste% develop%ent costs are !s!all* one-ti%e costs that will not rec!r after the project has been co%pleted$ The proposed s*ste% is econo%icall* feasible beca!se the cost involved in p!rchasin" the hardware and the software are within approachable$ The personal cost li+e salaries of e%plo*ees hired are also no%inal, beca!se wor+in" in this s*ste% need

not re8!ired a hi"hl* 8!alified professional$ The operatin"-environ%ent costs are %ar"inal$ The less ti%e involved also helped in its econo%ical feasibilit*$

The benefits of this project incl!de fo!r t*pes6 5#6 Cost s#&in s %ene'its This project red!ces the ad%inistrative and operational cost$ #eca!se of the red!ction in the !se of paper, !se of labors the cost also red!ces$ 5%6 I"/ro&e.ser&ice.le&el %ene'its Proposed s*ste% i%proves the s*ste%1s perfor%ance beca!se the c!rrent s*ste% is based on %an!al processin" while the proposed s*ste% is based on co%p!ter processin"$ 5c6 I"/ro&e.in'or"#tion %ene'its 't provides better infor%ation in the stip!lated space and ti%e for decision-%a+in"$ 5$6Ti"e 8 s#&in %ene'its 't saves lots of ti%e and provides the sa%e res!lt in a far lesser period of ti%e$

O/er#tion#l Fe#si%ilit!
&perational feasibilit* criteria %eas!re the !r"enc* of the proble% ?s!rve* and st!d* phases@ or the acceptabilit* of a sol!tion ?selectin", ac8!isition and desi"n phases@$ (ow do *o! %eas!re operational feasibilit*2 There are two aspects of operational feasibilit* to be %eas!red6 5#6 Is t(e /ro%le" ,ort( sol&in or ,ill t(e sol-tion to t(e /ro%le" ,or97


There are certain %eas!res which decide the effectiveness of the s*ste%$These %eas!res an be collectivel* called as PIECES$

P 5Per'or"#nce64
This s*ste% provides ade8!ate thro!"hp!t and response ti%e$

I 5In'or"#tion64
This provides ad%inistrators, %ana"ers, 4octors and to wo%en with ti%el* pertinent, acc!rate and !sef!ll* for%atted infor%ation$

E 5Econo"!64
This s*ste% offer ade8!ate service level and capacit* to red!ce the costs of the b!siness or increase the profit of the b!siness$

C 5Control64
This s*ste% offer ade8!ate controls to protect a"ainst fra!d and e%be77le%ent and to "!arantee the acc!rac* and sec!rit* of the data and infor%ation$

E 5E''icienc!64
This s*ste% %a+es %a-i%!% !se of available reso!rces incl!din" people, ti%e, %ini%!% processin" dela* and the li+e$

S 5Ser&ices64 The above s*ste% provides desirable and reliable service to those
who need it$ And it is fle-ible and e-pandable$ 5%6 Ho, $o t(e en$.-sers #n$ M#n# ers 'eel #%o-t t(e /ro%le" 5Sol-tion67 't is not onl* i%portant to eval!ate whether a s*ste% can wor+$ :e %!st also eval!ate whether a s*ste% will wor+$ A wor+able sol!tion %i"ht fail beca!se of end!ser %ana"e%ent resistance$ 'n case of this project, we have e-a%ined all the concern that can f!rther affect its operational feasibilit*$ The followin" points will e-plore those concerns6


The P.&J )T T'TL

software has co%plete s!pport to the

ad%inistrators, %ana"ers, vendors and c!sto%ers$ As far as or"ani7ational constraints are concerned we have %aintained the path that never infrin"es those constraints$ 5ii6 5iii6 The online shoppin" has %ade the role of end-!sers an easiest one$ The As there is !niversal tendenc* that people tend to resist chan"e$ :e have end-!sers feel co%fortable and !p"raded with the &NL'N S(&PP'NG$ overco%e this proble% with the convincin" effort %ade to aware the end-!sers and %ana"e%ent abo!t the better%ent of the services that the &NL'N S(&PP'NG will provide the V N4&.S and the )UST&3 .S$ 5i&6 As an* new s*ste% re8!ires its own wor+in" environ%ent, so is the case S(&PP'NG$ The new environ%ent that is co%patible with the with the &NL'N

&NL'N S(&PP'NG re8!ires !ser trainin"$ The trainin" will be %ade, so that end!sers and %ana"e%ent adapt to the chan"e$

The objective of project plannin" is to provide a fra%ewor+ that enables the developer to %a+e reasonable esti%ate of reso!rces, cost, and sched!le$ 'n addition, esti%ates sho!ld atte%pt to define best-case, avera"e-case, and worst-case scenarios so that project o!tco%es can be bo!nded$ Therefore, the plan %!st be adapted and !pdated as the project proceeds$ The esti%ation of the reso!rces re8!ired to acco%plish the software develop%ent efforts is the %ajor part of the plannin"$ :hile preparin" project plannin" we %!st re%e%ber6 +T(e "ore ,e 9no,3 t(e %etter ,e esti"#te0 T(ere'ore -/$#te o-r esti"#tes #s t(e /roject /ro resses01

T#s9s 'or Project Pl#nnin

A$ B$ stablish Project scope 4eter%ine feasibilit*

C$ D$ a$ b$ c$

Anal*7e ris+s 4efine re8!ired reso!rces 4eter%ine h!%an reso!rces re8!ired 4efine re!sable software reso!rces 'dentif* environ%ental reso!rces

E$ sti%ate cost and effort a$ b$ c$ a$ b$ c$ d$ 4eco%pose the proble% 4evelop two or %ore esti%ates !sin" si7e, f!nction points, process tas+s .econcile the esti%ates stablish a %eanin"f!l tas+ set 4efine a tas+ networ+ Use sched!le tools 4efine sched!le trac+in" %echanis%s

F$ 4evelop a project sched!le

:hile developin" a project, it is ver* i%portant to define the cate"or* of s!ch project$ As for as this application is concern, this application can be cate"ori7ed in the cate"or* of &racle 4atabase Gi and &&PS beca!se this application is b!ilt to perfor% and deliver the pri%ar* feat!res of &racle 4atabase Gi and &&PS$ Vario!s feat!res of 4atabase are !sed to %aintain the database$ As this application is to be b!ilt !sin" JSP, so all the basic and pri%ar* concepts of &&PS are !sed$ 't is a web application that can be r!n on internet or on an* other networ+$ 'ts front end is JAVA, (T3L, ?N T # ANS@$ 'ts bac+ end is &racle 4atabase Gi$



;0< P-r/ose4
P!rpose of this project to facilitate the "eneral ad%inistration s*ste% to %ana"e the vario!s infor%ation of the c!sto%ers, vendors, services and their stat!s etc$ So that or"ani7ation can access acc!rate infor%ation 8!ic+l* and easil* as and when re8!ired, thereb* i%provin" its operational efficienc* H effectiveness$ The project wo!ld help in effective and s*ste%atic record +eepin" that is storin" and retrievin" of !sef!l data$ Project will be able to "ive the reports, so that the %ana"e%ent can %a+e decisions on the basis of those reports$ 3!lti-User can si%!ltaneo!sl* !se this web site$

;0= Sco/e4
All the infor%ation can be easil* accessed the prod!cts li+e their details, boo+in" stat!s, stoc+, Transaction$ 't can be %odif* and the others details can be easil* provided to vendors$ This software can be easil* !p"raded in the f!t!re$ And also incl!de %an* %ore feat!res for e-istin" s*ste%$


O&er#ll Descri/tion4

This website is bein" developed with the intention of fi-in" all the proble%s c!rrentl* affectin" the %an!al s*ste%$ 't contains all the i%portant lin+s to the vario!s tas+s or cate"ories of topics related to %ana"e inventor*$ 't is a for% of .P=).3 for the

co%pan* who wants to %ana"e prod!cts effectivel*$ The application which is deplo*ed the c!sto%er database, the details of the ite%s are bro!"ht forward fro% the database for the c!sto%er view based on the selection thro!"h the %en! and the database of all the prod!cts are !pdated at the end of each transaction$

Bene'its4 Si"/licit!4
)!rrentl* , the e-istin" applications for IP.&J )T T'TL I are ver* co%pleas it involves several steps and interfaces to retrieve desired infor%ation$ The %ost i%portant benefit of this project will be si%plicit* that it offers to !ses$ There will be %ini%!% learnin" c!rve for new !sers in !sin" this application efficientl*$ The !ser interface will be ver* si%ple and !ser friendl* $

User 'rien$liness4

This project will have !ser-friendl* screens$ The screens desi"ned will have ver* si%ple f!nctionalit* for retrievin"=addin"=!pdatin" the in infor%ation $


The consistenc* in the proposed s*ste% will provide hi"h efficienc* d!e to s%aller learnin" c!rves and increased data inte"rit*$


This project offers "reat co%patibilit*, as it will be desi"ned with proper %ethodolo"*, new tools and technolo"*$


This project is a sec!red s*ste%, which will provide corporate level sec!rit*$ &nl* the a!thori7ed people will be able to access critical infor%ation$ Also that will enable a !ser to view =edit= add the infor%ation, based on roles and privile"e assi"ned to that !ser

Reli#%ilit! ? Ro%-stness4

This project is b!ilt with proper architect!re and desi"n and it will provide a reliable and rob!st application to the !sers$


The perfor%ance of this application will be hi"h beca!se of it1s opti%i7e desi"n and so!nd architect!re$


This project has a %od!lar desi"n and wo!ld provide the fle-ibilit* of addin", f!t!re %od!les to the application$


This project has the fle-ibilit* of addin" new %od!les when needed$ ;0@ S*STEM OPERATION AND SECURIT* RE2UIREMENT The software will be hosted on the web to access it fro% an*where$ The* will be able to access the desired infor%ation to which he=she has been "iven access to$ 't is sec!red as onl* re"istered !sers will be able to access it, based on )id and password$


The application can be hosted an*where dependin" on co%pan*1s preference on vario!s acco!nts$ Preferabl* fro% co%pan*1s perspective it sho!ld be hosted at a place where the* are able to +eep trac+ in case of an* !ndesired f!nctional proble%s ?i$e$, close to co%pan*1s head8!arters@$



The application is platfor% independent as it is desi"ned !sin" Java Server Pa"es$ #ased on the )lient Architect!re, as no process is ta+in" place at client side, all the processin" that is ta+in" place is at the server side$ The client is j!st accessin" the application !sin" a browser and act!al thin"s are done at server side$

The !sers of this application %!st be %ade proficient in accessin" the web application via :eb #rowsers$ The application is descriptive to an e-tent to ta+e care of proper navi"ation thro!"ho!t the !se of entire application$ The labels=b!ttons are ver* descriptive of the tas+ the* are "oin" to perfor%$ All the client side validations are done !sin" JavaScript to avoid an* invalid data bein" fed into the database$

INPUTAOUTPUT The inp!t bein" "iven to the application is in the for% of vario!s val!es$ 5or e$"$ na%e, address, phone, date, prod!ct na%e, e%ail, password etc$ #ased on these inp!t val!es database is !pdated each ti%e$ The o!tp!t that is displa*ed is based on the inp!t val!es and %ost of the ti%es is in tab!lar for%$ PROCESSING The re8!est %ade b* the !ser varies accordin" to different options that he=she has to choose fro%, based on which !ser "ives data val!es which are then processed$ 5or e$"$ if the !ser is re8!estin" to re"ister for first ti%e, he "ives a re"ister for%$ These val!es are processed and entered into the database in respective tables$ Vario!s other processin" that is done is !pdatin" tables, fetchin" re8!ired infor%ation to displa* "raphical co%parisons fro% different tables etc$


All the valid !sers will have a '4 and a password, The !ser will be "iven access to the application onl* after %atchin" these val!es$ Lo"in will be denied if the !ser is not validated after %atchin" '4 and password fro% the database$ Appropriate %essa"e will be "iven to the !ser in s!ch a case$


Li+e an* other prod!ct, a software prod!ct co%pletes a c*cle fro% its inception to obsolescence=replace%ent=wearin" o!t$ The process of software develop%ent not onl* needs writin" the pro"ra% and %aintains it, b!t also a detail st!d* of the s*ste% to identif* c!rrent re8!ire%ents related to software develop%ent as well as to anticipate the f!t!re re8!ire%ents$ 't also needs to %eet the objective of low cost, and "ood 8!alit* alon" with %ini%!% develop%ent ti%e$ To %ana"e the project objectivel* it is i%portant that prod!ct develop%ent phase sho!ld be divided into phases so that project;s pro"ress and chan"e in re8!ire%ent can be controlled alon" with the 8!alit* of the prod!ct$ 5ollowin" are the "eneral phases in the life c*cle of a software prod!ct6 .e8!ire%ent anal*sis and specification for clear !nderstandin" of the proble%$ Software desi"n for plannin" the sol!tion of the proble%$ )odin" ?i%ple%entation@ for writin" pro"ra% as per the s!""ested sol!tion$ Testin" for verif*in" and validatin" the objective of the prod!ct$ &peration and %aintenance for !se and to ens!re its availabilit* to !sers$

This application was also developed in phases for effective o!tp!t$ ach phase was "iven its d!e i%portance with respect to ti%e and cost$ The ti%e sched!lin" is later described in the P .T and Gantt chart$ The s*ste% develop%ent life c*cle of Project 3ana"e%ent 'nfor%ation S*ste%$


A//ro#c( 'or so't,#re $e&elo/"ent

'n "eneral there are three approaches to software develop%ent life c*cle na%el*6 'n this approach j!%pin" to a later phase or co%in" to a previo!s phase is not allowed$

Iter#ti&e A//ro#c(

'n an iterative approach, if there is s!fficient reason to do so, one %a* ret!rn to previo!sl* co%pleted step, introd!ce a chan"e, and then propa"ate the effects of that chan"e forward in the life c*cle$ Rec-rsi&e A//ro#c( A rec!rsive approach is that where the entire approach %a* be reapplied to the end prod!cts of the approach$ This approach is hand* in the protot*pe %odel$ 'n the develop%ent of Project 3ana"e%ent 'nfor%ation S*ste% the approach followed was %ostl* iterative b!t to an e-tent se8!ential approach was also practiced $


So't,#re De&elo/"ent Process Mo$els

A software develop%ent process %odel is a description of the wor+ practices, tools and techni8!es !sed to develop software$ Software %odels serve as standards as well provide "!idelines while developin" software$ 't is beneficial to one or %ore software develop%ent %odel while developin" software$

So"e o' t(e st#n$#r$ so't,#re $e&elo/"ent "o$els #re4

B-il$ #n$ Fix Mo$el 'n this %odel first version of the prod!ct is b!ilt and it is contin!o!sl* %odified till client is satisfied

#!ild prod!ct

5i- Proble%

:#ter F#ll Mo$el

't incl!des a se8!ential approach to software develop%ent$ 't incl!des phases li+e tas+ definition, anal*sis, desi"n, i%ple%entation, testin" and %aintenance$ The phases are alwa*s in order and are never overlapped$ #!t in this %odel, co%plete re8!ire%ents sho!ld be available at the ti%e of co%%ence%ent of the project, b!t in act!al practice, the re8!ire%ents +eep on ori"inatin" d!rin" different phases$ The water fall %odel can acco%%odate the new re8!ire%ents onl* in %aintenance phase$


:#ter'#ll Mo$el







RE2UIREMENT SPECIFICATION4 Specification of application re8!ire%ents is ver* i%portant part towards developin" a perfect application$ The re8!ire%ent anal*sis involves obtainin" a clear and thoro!"h !nderstandin" of the prod!ct to be developed$ Th!s S.S sho!ld be consistent, correct and co%plete doc!%ent$ (ow efficientl* an application can f!lfill o!r re8!ire%ent depends !pon the re8!ire%ent specification phase$ 'n the develop%ent of this project, ' feel the followin" re8!ire%ents$ &n the basis of their f!nctionalit*, the re8!ire%ents are classified in two t*pes$


F-nction#l reB-ire"ents
The* define the factors li+e, '=& for%ats, stora"e str!ct!re, co%p!tational capabilities, ti%in" and s*nchroni7ation$ The pri%ar* and basic objective of the wo%en is that the website the* are !sin" can f!lfill their re8!ire%ent in %ini%!% ti%e and less effort witho!t an* interr!ption$ 5ollowin" f!nctional re8!ire%ents are arran"ed6 The inp!t to the application sho!ld be in s!ch for%at so that an* wo%en

can easil* interact with application$ 'n the sa%e wa* it is tried to ta+e o!tp!t fro% the application in eas* for%at so that wo%en can easil* !nderstand it$ The co%p!tational capabilit* of the application sho!ld be "ood$ 't is tried to cover the ti%in" proble% that is co%%on with the web

application develop%ent so that wo%en can access %a-i%!% infor%ation with respect to %ini%!% response ti%e$


Non.'-nction#l reB-ire"ents
The* define the properties or 8!alities of a prod!ct incl!din" !sabilit*, efficienc*, perfor%ance, space, reliabilit*, portabilit* etc$ These re8!ire%ents are basicall* fro%


!ser1s perspective$ )!sto%ers does not %ean abo!t the internal wor+in" of

application$ 't needs so%e feat!res in the application to be satisfied with the wor+in" of application$ These re8!ire%ents area as follows6 application$ 't sho!ld be efficient that is, it sho!ld "ive %a-i%!% perfor%ance in The application sho!ld be wo%en friendl* that is, it sho!ld be eas* to

!se b* ever*one that is feat!re of !sabilit*$ So that wo%en easil* interacts with

%ini%!% reso!rces$ 't sho!ld f!lfill c!sto%ers re8!ire%ents s!ch as if !sers want to "et print o!ts fro% the application, want to e-tract !sef!l infor%ation, its sec!rit* etc$ The application sho!ld be perfor%ed well witho!t an* interr!ption$ 't The application sho!ld be reliable$ That is, it sho!ld be consistent over a sho!ld co%plete its wor+in" with %ini%!% ti%e$

period of ti%e witho!t "ivin" an* error, so that wo%en can enjo* it$



5or software develop%ent ver* first and essential re8!ire%ent is the availabilit* of software and hardware$ The software JService A!to%ation S*ste%; re8!ires the followin" software and hardware for its s!ccessf!l i%ple%entation$

So't,#re ReB-ire"ent
&peratin" S*ste% 6 5ront- nd Lan"!a"e 6 #ac+- nd 6 :'N4&:S KP =GL=BMMM JAVA, (T3L, ?N T # ANS@$ &racle 4atabase Gi$

H#r$,#re ReB-ire"ent
Processor .A3 (ard 4is+ >e*board 3o!se 6 6 6 6 6 Penti!%-D or above ABL3# EG# or %ore$ An* An*


A Gantt chart is perhaps the si%plest for% of for%al project %ana"e%ent$ The Gantt chart ?also +nown as a Ti%eline )hart and #ar )hart@ is !sed al%ost e-cl!sivel* for sched!lin" p!rposes and therefore controls onl* the ti%e di%ensions of the project$ Gantt charts, developed b* (enr* L$ Gantt, are a project control techni8!es that can be !sed for several p!rposes, incl!din" sched!lin", b!d"etin" and reso!rce plannin"$ A Gantt chart is a bar chart, with each bar representin" an activit*$ The bars are drawn a"ainst a ti%e line$ The len"th of each bar is proportional to the len"th of ti%e planned for the activit*$ A Gantt chart helps in sched!lin" the activities of a project, b!t it does not help in identif*in" the%$ &nce can be"in with the activities of a project, b!t it does not help in identif*in" the%$ &ne can be"in with the activities identified in the wor+ brea+down str!ct!re$ 4!rin" the sched!lin" activit*, and also d!rin" i%ple%entation of the Project, new activities %a* be identified that were not envisioned d!rin" the initial plannin"$ The %ana"er %!st then "o bac+ and revise the brea+down str!ct!re and the sched!les to deal with these new activities$ Th!s helps in c!rvin" o!t the best wa* to %ana"e the project$


A "antt chart is a t*pe of bar chart that ill!strates the project sched!le $



A 4ata 5low 4ia"ra% is a "raphical representation of the flow of data thro!"h an infor%ation s*ste%$ A data flow dia"ra% can also be !sed for the vis!ali7ation of data processin"$

D#t# Store
4ata stores are repositories of data in the s*ste%$ The* are so%eti%es also referred to as files$

4ataflow are pipelines thro!"h which pac+ets of infor%ation flow$ Label the arrows with the na%e of the data that %oves thro!"h it$

-ternal entities are objects o!tside the s*ste%, with which the s*ste% co%%!nicates$ -ternal entities are so!rces and destinations of the s*ste%;s inp!ts and o!tp!ts$




Entit!.Rel#tions(i/ 5ER6 Di# r#"

The .4 was ori"inall* proposed b* Peter )hen N)( OOP for the desi"n of relational database s*ste%s and has been e-tended b* others$ A set of pri%ar* co%ponents are identified for the relationships$ An entit*-relationship %odel is an abstract concept!al representation of str!ct!red data$ ntit*-relationship %odelin" is a relational sche%a database %odelin" %ethod, !sed in software en"ineerin" to prod!ce a t*pe of concept!al data %odel ?or se%antic data %odel@ of a s*ste%, often a relational database, and its re8!ire%ents in a topdown fashion$ There are three basic ele%ents in . %odels6 ntities are the "thin"s" abo!t which we see+ infor%ation$ Attrib!tes are the data we collect abo!t the entities$ .elationships provide the str!ct!re needed to draw infor%ation fro% %!ltiple entities 0 .46 data objects, attrib!tes, relationships, and vario!s t*pe .4 is to represent data objects and their indicators$ The pri%ar* p!rpose of the

An entit* is an object or concept abo!t which *o! want to store infor%ation$

A +e* attrib!te is the !ni8!e, distin"!ishin" characteristic of the entit*$ 5or e-a%ple, an e%plo*ee;s social sec!rit* n!%ber %i"ht be the e%plo*ee;s +e* attrib!te$

.elationships ill!strate how two entities share infor%ation in the database str!ct!re$


1!erNam e



Regi,-ered U,er
Edit Informatio nnnn

5i!i t


Contact 1!

O#)"#! S(OPP"#&


4egi!t er

Store Data

+a-a/a,e #e. U,er

&aintain !


A43'N A43'N


)UST&3 )UST&3 . .

V V N4&. N4&.


3ana"e%ent 3ana"e%ent

A!thenticatio A!thenticatio n n Sec!rit* Sec!rit*

A43'N A43'N

Updatin" Updatin" Validation Validation




Lo"in 3od!le Ad%in 3od!le )!sto%er 3od!le Vendors 3od!le LOGIN MODULE4 The s*ste% have fo!r t*pes of !ser lo"ins ?Ad%in, )!sto%er, Vendor@$A43'N is able to see all the 8!eries and the referred sol!tions or re%edies$ 't %ana"es all the infor%ation !ploaded and p!ts c!rb on it$ Vendor is able to see the 8!eries %ade b* the )!sto%ers and p!ts his s!""estions in the repl*$

't incl!des6 Ad%inistrator desi"nation$ )ontrol over the database Updatin" infor%ation A!thenticatin" )!sto%er

CUSTOMER MODULE4 't incl!des6 Users lo"in and infor%ation "atherin" .etrievin" 8!eries$ Postin" e-periences

)ENDORS MODULE4 't incl!des6 Vendor lo"in and answerin" 8!eries Postin" new treat%ents and preventions$ 'nteractin" with affected !sers$









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Q=trR Q=for%R Q=tableR

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tr* X )lass$forNa%e?"s!n$jdbc$odbc$Jdbc&dbc4river"@9 con S 4river3ana"er$"et)onnection?"jdbc6odbc6data"@9 Strin" str S "select V fro% c!sto%erZdetails" 9 State%ent stScon$createState%ent?@9 .es!ltSet res!ltA S st$e-ec!te[!er*?str@9 int nSM9

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T#%le Str-ct-re

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TABLE NAME4 . C-sto"ers

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Fee$%#c9 T#%le

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CO#S RA"# S P4I& 4' 7E'

() () () () ,)) *) *) N98 N133 N98 N133 ()

&ne of the %ain re8!ire%ents of the software develop%ent is to develop b!" free, reliable s*ste%$ 4!rin" the process of develop%ent of an* application there is alwa*s a possibilit* of so%e errors bein" developed$ And also the software %a* not be as !ser as+ed for$ Th!s, it beco%es i%perative that, the software sho!ld be chec+ed at ever*

step$ This helps in a b!" free reliable s*ste%$ 'f there is an* b!" or alterations that have to be %ade that can be done at the preli%inaril* level as the application "ets %ore co%plicated after ever* step$ The objective of the testin" is to discover b!"s and %alf!nctionin" of the application$ To f!lfill the objective, a series of test steps s!ch as Unit testin", Validation testin", s*ste% testin" were planned and e-ec!ted$ Testin" objective incl!des6 error$ A s!ccessf!l test is one that !ncovers an !ndiscovered error$ Testin" is a process of e-ec!tin" a pro"ra% with the intent of findin" an error$ A "ood test case is one that has a hi"h probabilit* of findin" an !ndiscovered

Vario!s testin" approaches 5ollowin" are %ain t*pes of tests software !nder"oes6

Bl#c9 Box Testin

#lac+ bo- testin" relates to tests that are perfor%ed at the software interface$ Altho!"h the* are desi"ned to identif* errors, blac+ bo- tests are !sed to de%onstrate that software f!nctions are operational9 that inp!ts are correctl* accepted and the o!tp!t is correctl* prod!ced$

:(ite Box Testin

:hite bo- testin" is test case desi"n approach that e%plo*s the control architect!re of the proced!ral desi"n to prod!ce test cases$ Test case can be derived s!ch that the*6 G!arantee that all independent paths within a %od!le have been e-ercised at -ercise all lo"ical decisions on their tr!e and false sides, -ec!te all loops at their bo!ndaries and within their operational bo!nds and

least once

-ercise internal data str!ct!res to ens!re their validit*$

Unit Testin
This test foc!ses verification effort on the s%all !nit of desi"n %od!le$ (ere !sin" test plans prepared in desi"n descriptions as "!ide, i%portant control paths are tested to !ncover errors within bo!ndar* of the %od!le$ #o!ndar* condition are tested to ens!re %od!le operate properl* at bo!ndaries established to li%it or restrict processin"$ All paths in the control str!ct!re are e-ercised to ens!re all state%ents in a %od!le are e-ec!ted at least once and finall* all errors handlin" paths are tested to see %essa"e are intelli"ent$ )orresponds to errors, enco!ntered and provide eno!"h description for the ca!se of error$

Inte r#tion Testin

The foc!s of the test here is on, the desi"n and constr!ction of software architect!re$ This is a s*ste%atic techni8!e for constr!ction the pro"ra% str!ct!re and cond!ctin" tests to !ncover errors associated with interfacin"$ The objective here is to ta+e !nit tested %od!le and b!ild a pro"ra% that is dictated b* si"ns$ All fractions are inte"rated s!ccessf!ll* after s!ccessf!l co%pletion of develop%ent and !nit testin"$

)#li$#tion Testin
At the c!l%ination of inte"ration testin", software is co%pleted asse%bled as a pac+a"e, interfacin" errors have been !ncovered and corrected and a final series of software testin", validation test be"ins$ Validation s!cceeds when the software f!nctions in %anner that can be reasonabl* e-pected b* the wo%an$ Software validation is achieved thro!"h a series of blac+ botests that de%onstrates the confor%it* of the re8!ire%ents$

After validation testin" have been cond!cted one of the two possibilit* e-its$ The perfor%ance characteristic confers to specification and acceptance$ A deviation fro% specification is !ncovered and deficienc* list is created$

4eviation or errors discovered at the step in this s*ste% with the help of the !ser b* ne"otiatin" to establish a %eetin" for resolvin" differences$

O-t/-t Testin
After perfor%in" the validation testin", the ne-t step is o!tp!t testin" of the proposed s*ste%, since s*ste% be !sef!l if it does not prod!ce the re8!ired o!tp!t in the re8!ired for%at$ (ence the o!tp!t for%at is considered in two wa*s6 one is on the screen and another is the printed for%at$ #oth need to be shown to the !ser for his co%%ents$

User Acce/t#nce Testin

User acceptance of a s*ste% is the +e* factor for the s!ccess of an* s*ste%$ This is done with re"ard to followin" points6 'np!t screen desi"n$ &!tp!t screen desi"n$ &n-line "!ide to the !ser$ 3en! driven s*ste%$ 5or%at of o!tp!t, both on the screen and on the hard cop*$

I"/le"ent#tion o' Test C#ses


Test C#se<4 Lo in For"4 Valid User na%e and Password 'np!tSLo"in 'd, Password &!tp!t6 )orrespondin" 5or% Show

I"/le"ent#tion o' Test C#se4

User nters valid User na%e and Password ?ad%inistrator, User@$Lo"in Val!es are

%apped in database table to chec+ lo"in id and password is o+$ 'f entr* e-its then Lo"in process will be s!ccessf!l$

#eca!se :eb applications are available via networ+ access, it is hi"hl* i%portant to provide ti"ht sec!rit* %echanis% to the concern applications$ 'n this application, in order to protect sensitive content, provide sec!rit* to ever* level and provide sec!re %odes of data trans%ission, stron" sec!rit* %eas!res are i%ple%ented thro!"ho!t the infrastr!ct!re that s!pport o!tside and within the application itself$ ver* new wo%an has provided a wo%an '4$ #efore lo"in, each wo%an %!st enter the correct '4 and password, which prevent !na!thori7ed access$ As far as internal sec!rit* is concern, each e%plo*ee has provided an e%plo*ee '4$ 'n order to access data fro% the database, each e%plo*ee %!st enter the correct '4 and password, which prevent !na!thori7ed access of internal data$ Apart fro% the database level sec!rit*, there %!st be an application level sec!rit*$ Therefore, it is envisa"ed to provide application level sec!rit* as per the


reco%%endation$ To serve the p!rpose, the level architect!re of sec!rit* is s!""ested +eepin" in %ind the followin" t*pes of !sers6-

A$"inistr#tion le&el
This t*pe of the !ser will be the s!per !ser of the application The (!%an reso!rce S*ste% can have the power to perfor% ever* t*pe of operation provided in the s*ste%$ She=he will derive the power fro% the application to create new !ser, drop the e-istin" !ser and chan"e the per%ission of a partic!lar !ser$

Inter"e$i#te le&el
This t*pe of !ser will be e-plicitl* created b* s!per !ser of the application and will be provided certain t*pes of per%ission li+e6 Generation of reports ditin" portion of data with the cons!lt of s!per !ser$ Anal*sis of data Printin" report$

O/er#tor le&el
This t*pe of !ser will also be created b* s!per !sers with the per%ission of onl* feedin" data into the s*ste%$ 't has no other per%ission available at their end$ Altho!"h, it is possible that wron" set of records %a* entered b* the operator$ Therefore, to solve this proble%, two t*pes of techni8!es %a* be !sed$ 'f the operator thin+s that so%e of record entered is erroneo!s$ (e %a* pass infor%ation to the s!per !ser abo!t the erroneo!s records and the ad%inistration will ta+e care of those records$

:o"#n Le&el

This t*pe of !ser will be created b* the% b!t the* have the per%ission of onl* feedin" data abo!t their personal infor%ation and re"ardin" their re8!ired service$ 't has no other per%ission available at their end$ 3oreover the* also have the per%ission to chec+ the stat!s of their service$ The* cannot interact with the internal database of the co%pan*$


This software can be easil* !p"raded in the f!t!re$ And also incl!de %an* %ore feat!res for e-istin" s*ste%$ 't is connected with the networ+ for easil* retrieved data and %an* location or %an* districts or cities in different states$ .eport on the different basis will be easil* created on the de%and $

This project does not dit the date of connection or store the date of transfer in case of connection transfer$ S*ste% date for the project is li+e as bac+bone for the h!%an, i$e$ proposed s*ste% is depends on s*ste% date so it %!st be correct$


JavaScript b* :ro- P!blication (T3L in BD (o!rs b* Tech%edia$ )ore Java #* )o%plete .eference -"(erbert Shieldt"$ JB A$C b* )o%plete .eference -"Ji% >eo"h"$

(ead 5irst Java servlet and JSP-"&;.eill*"$ Software n"ineerin" b* ".o"er S$ Press%an"$ 5!nda%ental of database S*ste%s-" l%asrt and Navathe, Pearson d!cation 'nc"$


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