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13 August 2013

Version 3.14

14680 AT&T Performance Requirements for GSM and UMTS Terminals

Author(s) ohn !ulger un- ie "uang #i$he %hang Group &u's(ri'er Produ(t Engineering ) *e+i(e *e+elopment ,adio - -et.or/ ,ead0 1a' Phone # 21-312-342-3544 21-312-342-3546 21-312-733-3037 E-mail Address
8ohn.'ulger9att.(om 8un-8ie.huang9att.(om


: 2013 A;<; =ntelle(tual Propert0. All rights reser+ed. A;<;> A;<; logo and all other mar/s (ontained herein are trademar/s o? A;<; =ntelle(tual Propert0 and@or A;<; a??iliated (ompanies.

A stract
;his do(ument (ontains the reAuirements and la'orator0 test pro(edures ?or all A;<; G&B> CB;& and 1;E produ(ts that support G&B@CB;&@1;E Voi(e and@or data.

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%ireless Performance S!ecification

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1 =ntrodu(tion.................................................................................................................................. 3 2 ,e+ision "istor0........................................................................................................................... 3 3 ,e?eren(es................................................................................................................................... 4 4 ;est Eases .................................................................................................................................. 7 4.1 Eir(uit &.it(hed Voi(e Parametri( Per?orman(e...................................................................7 4.2 GP,& Parametri( Per?orman(e............................................................................................ 6 4.3 EGP,& Parametri( Per?orman(e........................................................................................ 11 4.4 *A,P@Vendor &A=E Per?orman(e.......................................................................................12 4.3 Enhan(ed Beasurement ,eport (EB,)..............................................................................13 4.7 CB;& Parametri( Per?orman(e..........................................................................................13 4.4 AGP& Per?orman(e (Eontrol Plane)....................................................................................16 4.5 G&B !atter0 1i?e................................................................................................................. 24 4.6 CB;& !atter0 1i?e............................................................................................................... 24 4.6.1 CB;& !atter0 1i?e ) F=G= spe(i?i(................................................................................40 4.6.2 CB;& !atter0 1i?e ) -ear Gield Eommuni(ations spe(i?i(............................................32 4.10 ,adio =nter?a(e Gailure (,=G) Predi(tion............................................................................35 4.11 ,adiated Per?orman(e....................................................................................................... 36 4.12 &tandardi$ation o? the num'er o? signal 'ars....................................................................50 4.13 BaHimum GreAuen(0 error o??set testing...........................................................................57 4.14 1a' ;ests ?or 1;E *e+i(es Dperating in 3GPP !and =V and IV==.....................................55 4.13 -ear Gield Eommuni(ations ,G Per?orman(e ..................................................................62 4.17 1a' ;ests ?or ,elease 4 *e+i(es Dperating in 3GPP !and 2 and 3.................................63 4.14 1;E !atter0 li?e.................................................................................................................. 64 4.15 Gield !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e ;ests..............................................................................104 4.15.1 *es(ription o? !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e Gield ;est ) &treaming Video....................103 4.15.2 *es(ription o? !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e Gield ;est ) &B& EH(hange......................104 4.15.3 *es(ription o? !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e Gield ;est ) Fe' !ro.se...........................106 4.15.4 *es(ription o? !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e Gield ;est ) &imultaneous Voi(e < *ata Eall ............................................................................................................................................. 111 4.15.3 *es(ription o? !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e Gield ;est ) =dle Bode &tand'0 .ith !luetooth ............................................................................................................................................. 113 4.15.7 *es(ription o? !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e Gield ;est ) =dle Bode &leep .ith !luetooth ............................................................................................................................................. 113 4.15.4 *es(ription o? !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e Gield ;est ) =dle Bode &leep .ith !luetooth and appli(ations running...................................................................................................... 114 4.16 Vo1;E !atter0 1i?e.......................................................................................................... 120 4.20 Earrier Aggregation ,G Eon?orman(e ............................................................................122 4.21 Earrier Aggregation ,,B Eon?orman(e .........................................................................125 4.22 ,G parametri( per?orman(e ............................................................................................131 3 &ignaling Veri?i(ation................................................................................................................ 137 7 ;est Ease Eoding.................................................................................................................... 136 4 ;est =nstru(tions....................................................................................................................... 140 4.1 ,ohde < &(h.ar$ =nstru(tions..........................................................................................140 4.2 Anritsu B*5440 =nstru(tions.............................................................................................140 5 ;est ,esults............................................................................................................................. 141

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%ireless Performance S!ecification

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;his do(ument (ontains the reAuirements and test spe(i?i(ations ?or terminals (on?orming to G&B@CB;& and 1;E. ;he tests (o+er a +ariet0 o? parametri( test points ?or ea(h 'and supported '0 the terminal under e+aluation. ;his do(ument is intended to (o+er the ?ollo.ing parametri( test areasJ 1. Eondu(ted parametri( ?or G&B> GP,&> and E*GE (EGP,&)> CB;& and 1;E 2. !atter0 li?e 3. ,adiated per?orman(e Ea(h area (ontains the 3GPP and A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirements and the la'orator0 test pro(edures ?or ea(h test area.


Re+ision ,istor"

7@16@06 6@14@10 2@15@11

3.0 3.4 3.3


*o(ument updates Cpdated !;,-0200> 0202 test Cpdated 4.11 ,adiated Per?orman(e Added ne. se(tion 4.14J 1a' ;ests ?or 1;E *e+i(es Dperating in 3GPP !and =V and IV== ;o align .ith 10447> G&B-!;,-1-0030 .as deleted> se(tion 4.1 ;o align .ith 10447> G&B-!;,-1-0047 .as deleted in 14750 se(tion 4.2 ;o align .ith 10447> G&B-!;,-1-0072 .as deleted in 14750 se(tion 4.3 ,e+ised ;,P@;=& reAuirements and teHt> se(tion 4.11 Added 1;E signal 'ar reAuirements> se(tion 4.12 Added -ear Gield Eommuni(ations> se(tion 4.13 Eleaned up pre+ious editorial (hanges Added se(tion to detail ,elease 4 test (ases -Added details to -GE test (ase se(tion 4.6.2

(2an&e affects3 Test Test P(4M Plan Scri!t


0200> 0202



12@13@11 3@12@12

3.5 3.6

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%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 4 of 14'





-,emo+ed re?eren(es to 2G test (ases .hi(h ha+e 'een remo+ed ?rom 10447 (se(tions 4.1> 4.2> 4.3) -Cpdated se(tion 4.12 1;E signal 'ar test details to mat(h latest 13340 -Added tests to detail BaHimum po.er redu(tion to 4.3> 4.7 and 4.14 -Cpdated teHt ?or *A,P de+i(e reAuirements in se(tions 4.4 and 3 -Cpdated 10447 test (ase identi?iers ?or se(tion 4.14 -Added ne. test se(tion 4.14 ?or 1;E 'atter0 li?e Added ne. tests to 4.14 ?or G;P and C*P upload Added ?ield tests ?or 'atter0 li?e Added antenna en+elope (orrelation test (ases ?or DEB to deli+er data sets Added noti(e that VD1;E 'atter0 li?e tests .ill 'e de+eloped Cpdated some o? the 1;E ;,P < ;=& test (ase num'ers -Eleaned up header> ta'le o? (ontents -Added pass@?ail (riteria ?or 1;E 'atter0 li?e se(tion 4.14 tests per 13340 V3.2 se(tion 5.4.3 -Cpdated ;,P@;=& tests in se(tion 4.11 to align .ith ne. 13340 Ehapter 77 -*eleted old test (ases ?rom G&B@GP,&@EGP,& parametri( se(tions 4.1>4.2>4.3 -*eleted old tests ?rom CB;& parametri( se(tion 4.7 -Added ne. test (ase in &e(tion 4.6 to detail CB;& stand'0 time test .ith 10 appli(ations loaded on to the *C; -Cpdated 4.17 ?or "&PA2 tests -1isted ne. test plat?orm ?or 4.12 1;E signal 'ar test )EBF300 in 10447 -1isted ne. plat?orm- EBF300 plus EBF,C- so?t.are ?or CB;& parametri( inner loop po.er (ontrol test G&B-!;,-13504 -Added ;H po.er pro?ile to Vo1;E 'atter0 test se(tion 4.16 -Added !atter0 li?e test to ?ield se(tion 4.15 ?or stand'0 mode testing .ith appli(ations loaded onto *C; 14750 additional ?iles updatesJ -Cpdated signal 'ar template ?ile to add 1;E 'ands 2 and 3 -Cpdated template ?ile .hi(h details testing .hi(h is reAuired ?or ;,P@;=& testing ?or 'aseline and +ariant de+i(es -Pro+ided EBF,C- test s(ript in 14750 additional ?iles ?or inner loop po.er test !;,-1-3504J KFE*BAL3GPPP;estL'andL2L3Linnerlooppo.er(ontrol.rstpM



-Added details to maHimum po.er redu(tion test (ases ?or se(tions 4.3> 4.7 and 4.14 -Added pass@?ail (riteria to Volte tal/ time test se(tion 4.16 -Added Earrier =N reAuirements to 1;E 'atter0 test (ases se(tion 4.14 -Added ne. se(tion 4.20 Earrier aggregation ,G (on?orman(e -Added ne. se(tion 4.21 Earrier aggregation ,,B (on?orman(e -Added ne. se(tion 4.22 ,G parametri( per?orman(e tests -,e+ised (ontent in se(tion 4.6 to (lari?0 'atter0 li?e testing .ith 10 appli(ations - 1;E-!;,-1-2303


3GPP ;& 03.03 3GPP 31.010-1 3GPP 11.10 s21 ,adio ;ransmission < ,e(eption Eon?orman(e spe(i?i(ation &ignal &trength

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%ireless Performance S!ecification

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E;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(e> ,e+ision 2.1 3GPP 34.121 3GPP ;& 34.141 3GPP 37.101 3GPP 37.321-1

Eellular ;ele(ommuni(ations < =nternet Asso(iation Bethod o? Beasurement ?or ,adiated ,G Po.er and ,e(ei+er Per?orman(e. 1a0er 1 CB;& Per?orman(e AGP&

;e(hni(al &pe(i?i(ation E+ol+ed Cni+ersal ;errestrial ,adio A((ess (E-C;,A) ) ,adio ;ransmission and ,e(eption ;e(hni(al &pe(i?i(ation E+ol+ed Cni+ersal ;errestrial ,adio A((ess (E-C;,A) ,adio ;ransmission and ,e(eption ) Eon?orman(e ;esting

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%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 6 of 14'

Test (ases

All test (ases reAuire the +endor to suppl0 materials to A;<; Bo'ilit0 .ith the terminal in order to per?orm the tests. ;hese materials areJ ,G adapterJ ;his should 'e a lo. loss (less than 1.0 d! loss ?or 'oth G&B530 and G&B1600 'ands is pre?erred) and terminated .ith either an &BA (m) or - (m). Dther terminations are a((epta'le> 'ut reAuire more adapters to (onne(t to the !& simulator. ;he (a'le loss ?or G&B530 and G&B1600 shall 'e pro+ided '0 la' entr0> along .ith the (a'le. !atter0 adapter @ *umm0 'atter0J ;his adapter shall allo. (onne(tion to a po.er suppl0 and allo. the po.er suppl0 to sense the (urrent drain o? the de+i(e under test. ;he leads (oming ?rom the 'atter0 adapter should 'e no greater than a ?oot in length and shall 'e mar/ed either '0 (olor or la'els as to the negati+e and positi+e polarit0. ;he a(tual 'atter0 (apa(it0 ?or the 'atter0 to 'e pro+ided in the (ustomer pa(/age shall 'e pro+ided '0 la' entr0.

*6 t2e de+ice su!!orts t2e 76( feature8 t2en 76( s2ould e al9a"s on durin& all !arametric !erformance testin&: T2is includes 76( o!en8 TAG reader mode and emulation mode:
4:1 (ircuit S9itc2ed .oice Parametric Performance
;he ?ollo.ing tests are per?ormed on ea(h terminal ?or A;<; Bo'ilit0 te(hni(al appro+als. ;hese tests pro+ide A;<; Bo'ilit0 .ith a 'asi( (hara(teri$ation o? the terminal ,G per?orman(e. Additionall0> the sta'ilit0 o? the terminal is +eri?ied> sin(e the terminal undergoes se+eral (hannel transitions and po.er le+el (hanges. All tests are run at the lo.> mid> and upper (hannels ?or ea(h 'and under e+aluation. ;hose (hannels areJ 0and ;o9 Middle ,i&2 530 125 160 231 600 1 73 124 1500 312 766 553 1600 312 771 510 !ase station po.er is maintained at -53d!m unless other.ise stated. ;he Voi(e (oder utili$ed ?or these tests is EG,.

;he ?ollo.ing tests shall 'e per?ormed on la' test eAuipment. Test 1 10<<6 Ta& 1 Materials Required Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

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%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e < of 14'


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

Po.er +ersus Po.er Eontrol 1e+el (PE1) Driginate @ (ontinue (all at the 1o. (hannel at highest po.er (PE1) supported '0 !;& (+eri?0 that B& maintains maHimum nominal po.er at highest setting a+aila'le> e+en i? PE1 is greater than that supported '0 the B& ?or that po.er (lass) Beasure single or multiple samples Beasure the po.er and (ompensate ?or the (a'le loss. ,edu(e PE1 '0 1 ,epeat until at lo.est PE1 ,epeat ?or Biddle and "igh (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands ;he B& shall meet the 31.010 se(tion 13.1 le+els ?or ea(h PE1 ?or G&B1600 B& supporting Po.er Elass 1 and ?or G&B530 B& supporting Po.er Elass 4. ,e(ei+e &ignal &trength A((ura(0 and linearit0 Driginate @ (ontinue (all at the 1o. (hannel at -44d!m at maHimum po.er supported '0 terminal Beasure single or multiple samples Pro+ide the ,I1EV ,edu(e PE1 '0 1 d! ,epeat until measurement (ompleted ?or -110d!m ,epeat ?or Biddle and "igh (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the minimum limits o? 31.010 se(tion 21.1 ,e(ei+e Ehannel Nualit0 ,eporting Driginate @ (ontinue (all at the 1o. (hannel at -44d!m at maHimum po.er supported '0 terminal Beasure single or multiple samples Pro+ide the ,INCA1 ,edu(e PE1 '0 1 d! ,epeat until measurement (ompleted ?or -110d!m ,epeat ?or Biddle and "igh (hannels

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%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 8 of 14'

,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands ;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the minimum limits o? 31.010 se(tion 21.3

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AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e ? of 14'


GPRS Parametric Performance

;he ?ollo.ing tests are per?ormed on ea(h terminal ?or A;<; Bo'ilit0 te(hni(al appro+als. ;hese tests pro+ide A;<; Bo'ilit0 .ith a 'asi( (hara(teri$ation o? the terminal ,G per?orman(e. Additionall0> the sta'ilit0 o? the terminal is +eri?ied> sin(e the terminal undergoes se+eral (hannel transitions and po.er le+el (hanges. All tests shall 'e (ondu(ted using the maHimum num'er o? C1 slots permitted ?or the Bulti-&lot Elass (B&E) o? the terminal.

;he ?ollo.ing tests are to 'e per?ormed using la' test eAuipment unless other.ise stated. Test 1 1 10<<6 Ta& 1 G&B-!;,-1-0121 Materials Required !& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result Po.er +ersus Gamma> Pa(/et &.it(hed (GB&Q) Driginate @ (ontinue data session at the 1o. (hannel at highest po.er (gamma) supported '0 !;& (+eri?0 that B& maintains maHimum nominal po.er at highest setting a+aila'le> e+en i? gamma is greater than that supported '0 the B& ?or that po.er (lass) Beasure single or multiple samples Beasure the po.er and (ompensate ?or the (a'le loss. ,edu(e gamma '0 1 ,epeat until at lo.est gamma ,epeat ?or Biddle and "igh (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands ;he B& shall meet the 31.010 se(tion 13.17.2 le+els ?or ea(h gamma ?or G&B1600 B& supporting Po.er Elass 1 and ?or G&B530 B& supporting Po.er Elass 4. ,e(ei+er d0nami( ,ange> Pa(/et-&.it(hed Dperation> GB&Q modulation Driginate @ (ontinue data session at the 1o. (hannel at -20d!m> using !1E, loop 'a(/ or similar and E&1 Beasure 2000 samples ,e(ord the !1E, +alue. ,epeat ?or Biddle and "igh (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

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%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 10 of 14'

;here is no reAuirement ?or this test. ;he test is ?or +eri?i(ation purposes onl0.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

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AT&T Pro!rietar"
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%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 11 of 14'


=GPRS Parametric Performance

;he ?ollo.ing tests are per?ormed on ea(h terminal ?or A;<; Bo'ilit0 te(hni(al appro+als. ;hese tests pro+ide A;<; Bo'ilit0 .ith a 'asi( (hara(teri$ation o? the terminal ,G per?orman(e. Additionall0> the sta'ilit0 o? the terminal is +eri?ied> sin(e the terminal undergoes se+eral (hannel transitions and po.er le+el (hanges.

All tests shall 'e (ondu(ted using the maHimum num'er o? C1 slots permitted ?or the Bulti-&lot Elass (B&E) o? the terminal. Test 1 1 10<<6 Ta& 1 G&B-!;,-1-0121 Materials Required !& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result Po.er +ersus Gamma > Pa(/et &.it(hed (5P&Q) Driginate @ (ontinue data session at the 1o. (hannel at highest po.er (gamma) supported '0 !;& (+eri?0 that B& maintains maHimum nominal po.er at highest setting a+aila'le> e+en i? gamma is greater than that supported '0 the B& ?or that po.er (lass) Beasure single or multiple samples Beasure the po.er and (ompensate ?or the (a'le loss. ,edu(e gamma '0 1 ,epeat until at lo.est gamma ,epeat ?or Biddle and "igh (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands ;he B& shall meet the 31.010 se(tion 13.17.2 le+els ?or ea(h gamma ?or G&B1600 B& supporting Po.er Elass E2 and ?or G&B530 B& supporting Po.er Elass E2. ,e(ei+er *0nami( ,ange> Pa(/et-&.it(hed Dperation> 5P&Q modulation Driginate @ (ontinue data session at the 1o. (hannel at -20d!m> using !1E, loop 'a(/ or similar and BE&3 Beasure 2000 samples ,e(ord the !1E, +alue. ,epeat ?or Biddle and "igh (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands ;here is no reAuirement ?or this test. ;he test is ?or +eri?i(ation purposes onl0 EGP,&@GP,& BaHimum Po.er ,edu(tion (BP,)


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)


!& simulator supporting

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1' of 14'

G&B530 @ G&B1600 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

;his test (ase is onl0 appli(a'le ?or ta'let de+i(es .hi(h implement d0nami( po.er redu(tion. Beasure and do(ument the CERs maHimum output po.er redu(tion .hen CE is in maHimum output po.er as spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 31.010 se(tion 13.17.2

DEB de(lares the maHimum output po.er due to proHimit0 sensor and toleran(e .ith supporting in?ormation. Beasure maHimum output po.er '0 dire(t (onne(tion to CE ?rom the test 2G 'ase station simulator .hen the proHimit0 is sensor disa'led Beasure maHimum output po.er '0 dire(t (onne(tion to CE ?rom the test 2G 'ase station simulator .hen the po.er redu(tion is manuall0 set to maHimum po.er redu(tion(BP,) Eompares the results o? the measurements in step 2 and 3 =? the result ?rom step 4 is .ithin the toleran(e o? the limit de(lared in the manu?a(ture do(umentation ?or BP, then test (ase is Pass> other.ise Gail.


-ARP@.endor SA*( Performance

Vendors shall indi(ate support ?or 3GPP *A,P signaling. A;<; no. pre?ers this signal 'it to 'e set to K1M @ ena'led. A;<; Bo'ilit0 (urrentl0 reAuests that de+i(es supporting *A,P@&A=E *D in?orm the net.or/ o? this (apa'ilit0. *e+i(es that ha+e the (apa'ilit0 to ena'le the *A,P signal 'it should ena'le it < (on?irm this entr0 .ith the proper 13256 line item #233. ;he (omplete *A,P (apa'ilities o? the de+i(e need to 'e detailed in line items 230>231>232 and 233J SE*,-,!P-230T &A=E@*A,P &pe(i?i(ation SE*,-,!P-231T Vendor-spe(i?i( *A,P@&A=E =mplementation SE*,-,!P-232T 3GPP *A,P ,adio &tandard SE*,-,!P-233T 3GPP *A,P &ignaling

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AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1) of 14'


=n2anced Measurement Re!ort #=MR$

Enhan(ed Beasurement ,eport reAuirements .ere remo+ed ?rom 13340> +ersion 4.3> e??e(ti+e 12@2010.


UMTS Parametric Performance

;he ?ollo.ing tests are per?ormed on ea(h terminal ?or A;<; Bo'ilit0 te(hni(al appro+als. ;hese tests pro+ide A;<; Bo'ilit0 .ith a 'asi( (hara(teri$ation o? the terminal ,G per?orman(e. ;he +endor must per?orm those tests appli(a'le to the ?eatures supported on the terminal. A;<; Bo'ilit0 (urrentl0 utili$es the Agilent 5500 ?or the per?orman(e o? these tests. Test 1 10<<6 Ta& 1 Materials Required Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result 1 G&B-!;,-1-0175 3GPP ;E ) BaHimum Dutput Po.er !& simulator supporting G&B530 @ &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 G&B1600@CB;& 'ands 2 Eon?igure test s0stem ?or parti(ular test (ase. and 3 Po.er on de+i(e under test Po.er &uppl0 =nitiate (all or data session ,G adapter or (a'led ;est ?or appropriate pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on 3GPP spe(i?i(ation terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) ,elease (all or data session a?ter (ompletion o? test ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the lo.> middle> and upper (hannels A; (ommands to reset ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands terminal (pre?erred).


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;& 'ands 2 and 3Po.er &uppl0 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) A; (ommands to reset

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on the 3GPP spe(i?i(ation. 3GPP ;E ) GreAuen(0 Error

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure test s0stem ?or parti(ular test (ase. Po.er on de+i(e under test =nitiate (all or data session ;est ?or appropriate pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on 3GPP spe(i?i(ation ,elease (all or data session a?ter (ompletion o? test ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the lo.> middle> and upper (hannels AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$ AT&T Pro!rietar"

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution ;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 14 of 14'

terminal (pre?erred).

,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;& 'ands 2 and 3 Po.er &uppl0 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) A; (ommands to reset terminal (pre?erred).

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on the 3GPP spe(i?i(ation. 3GPP ;E ) Dpen 1oop Po.er Eontrol in the uplin/

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure test s0stem ?or parti(ular test (ase. Po.er on de+i(e under test =nitiate (all or data session ;est ?or appropriate pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on 3GPP spe(i?i(ation ,elease (all or data session a?ter (ompletion o? test ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the lo.> middle> and upper (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;& 'ands 2 and 3 Po.er &uppl0 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) A; (ommands to reset terminal (pre?erred).

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on the 3GPP spe(i?i(ation. 3GPP ;E ) =nner 1oop Po.er Eontrol in the uplin/

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure test s0stem ?or parti(ular test (ase. Po.er on de+i(e under test =nitiate (all or data session ;est ?or appropriate pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on 3GPP spe(i?i(ation ,elease (all or data session a?ter (ompletion o? test ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the lo.> middle> and upper (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;& 'ands 2 and 3

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on the 3GPP spe(i?i(ation. 3GPP ;E ) Binimum Dutput Po.er

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure test s0stem ?or parti(ular test (ase.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 15 of 14'

Po.er &uppl0 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) A; (ommands to reset terminal (pre?erred).

Po.er on de+i(e under test =nitiate (all or data session ;est ?or appropriate pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on 3GPP spe(i?i(ation ,elease (all or data session a?ter (ompletion o? test ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the lo.> middle> and upper (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;& 'ands 2 and 3 Po.er &uppl0 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) A; (ommands to reset terminal (pre?erred).

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on the 3GPP spe(i?i(ation. 3GPP ;E ) ;ransmit D-@DGG ;ime mas/

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure test s0stem ?or parti(ular test (ase. Po.er on de+i(e under test =nitiate (all or data session ;est ?or appropriate pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on 3GPP spe(i?i(ation ,elease (all or data session a?ter (ompletion o? test ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the lo.> middle> and upper (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;& 'ands 2 and 3 Po.er &uppl0 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) A; (ommands to reset terminal (pre?erred).

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on the 3GPP spe(i?i(ation. 3GPP ;E ) Po.er setting in uplin/ (ompressed mode

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure test s0stem ?or parti(ular test (ase. Po.er on de+i(e under test =nitiate (all or data session ;est ?or appropriate pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on 3GPP spe(i?i(ation ,elease (all or data session a?ter (ompletion o? test ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the lo.> middle> and upper (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on the 3GPP AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 16 of 14'


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;& 'ands 2 and 3 Po.er &uppl0 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) A; (ommands to reset terminal (pre?erred).

spe(i?i(ation. 3GPP ;E ) D((upied !and.idth (D!F)

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure test s0stem ?or parti(ular test (ase. Po.er on de+i(e under test =nitiate (all or data session ;est ?or appropriate pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on 3GPP spe(i?i(ation ,elease (all or data session a?ter (ompletion o? test ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the lo.> middle> and upper (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;& 'ands 2 and 3 Po.er &uppl0 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) A; (ommands to reset terminal (pre?erred).

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on the 3GPP spe(i?i(ation. 3GPP ;E ) &pe(trum emission mas/

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure test s0stem ?or parti(ular test (ase. Po.er on de+i(e under test =nitiate (all or data session ;est ?or appropriate pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on 3GPP spe(i?i(ation ,elease (all or data session a?ter (ompletion o? test ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the lo.> middle> and upper (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands



!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;& 'ands 2 and 3 Po.er &uppl0 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on the 3GPP spe(i?i(ation. 3GPP ;E ) Ad8a(ent Ehannel 1ea/age Po.er ,atio (AE1,)

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure test s0stem ?or parti(ular test (ase. Po.er on de+i(e under test =nitiate (all or data session ;est ?or appropriate pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on 3GPP spe(i?i(ation

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1< of 14'

!atter0 adapter (pre?erred) A; (ommands to reset terminal (pre?erred).

,elease (all or data session a?ter (ompletion o? test ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the lo.> middle> and upper (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands



!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;& 'ands 2 and 3 Po.er &uppl0 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) A; (ommands to reset terminal (pre?erred).

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on the 3GPP spe(i?i(ation. 3GPP ;E ) Error Ve(tor Bagnitude (EVB)

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure test s0stem ?or parti(ular test (ase. Po.er on de+i(e under test =nitiate (all or data session ;est ?or appropriate pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on 3GPP spe(i?i(ation ,elease (all or data session a?ter (ompletion o? test ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the lo.> middle> and upper (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands



!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;& 'ands 2 and 3 Po.er &uppl0 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) A; (ommands to reset terminal (pre?erred).

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on the 3GPP spe(i?i(ation. ,e?eren(e &ensiti+it0 1e+el Ehara(teri$ation

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure test s0stem ?or same as ?or Po.er on de+i(e under test =nitiate (all. ,edu(e =or until 1V!E, target is a(hie+ed. ,elease (all or data session a?ter (ompletion o? test ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the lo.> middle> and upper (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands



!& simulator supporting

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on the 3GPP spe(i?i(ation. ,esults ?or ea(h (hannel and 'and shall 'e deli+ered to A;<; Bo'ilit0. 3GPP ;E ) *ete(tion o? A(Auisition =ndi(ator (A=)

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 18 of 14'

G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;& 'ands 2 and 3 Po.er &uppl0 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) A; (ommands to reset terminal (pre?erred).

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure test s0stem ?or parti(ular test (ase. Po.er on de+i(e under test =nitiate (all or data session ;est ?or appropriate pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on 3GPP spe(i?i(ation ,elease (all or data session a?ter (ompletion o? test ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the lo.> middle> and upper (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands



!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;& 'ands 2 and 3 Po.er &uppl0 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) A; (ommands to reset terminal (pre?erred).

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on the 3GPP spe(i?i(ation. 3GPP ;E ) =nter-s0stem "ando+er ?rom C;,A- G** to G&B

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure test s0stem ?or parti(ular test (ase. "o.e+er> ensure that the G&B (ells are on the opposite 'and as the CB;& (ells (i.e. ) CB;&1600@G&B530 or CB;&530@G&B1600). Po.er on de+i(e under test =nitiate (all or data session ;est ?or appropriate pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on 3GPP spe(i?i(ation ,elease (all or data session a?ter (ompletion o? test ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the lo.> middle> and upper (hannels ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands



!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;& 'and 2 and 3 Po.er &uppl0 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed the pass@?ail (riteria 'ased on the 3GPP spe(i?i(ation. CB;& BaHimum Po.er ,edu(tion (BP,) ;his test (ase is onl0 appli(a'le ?or ta'let de+i(es .hi(h implement d0nami( po.er redu(tion. Beasure and do(ument the CERs maHimum output po.er redu(tion .hen CE is in maHimum output po.er as &pe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 34.121 &e(tion 3.2

DEB de(lares the maHimum output po.er due to proHimit0 sensor and AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1? of 14'

!atter0 adapter (pre?erred) A; (ommands to reset terminal (pre?erred).

toleran(e .ith supporting in?ormation. Beasure maHimum output po.er '0 dire(t (onne(tion to CE ?rom the test 3G 'ase station simulator .hen the proHimit0 is sensor disa'led Beasure maHimum output po.er '0 dire(t (onne(tion to CE ?rom the test 3G 'ase station simulator .hen the po.er redu(tion is manuall0 set to maHimum po.er redu(tion(BP,) Eompares the results o? the measurements in step 2 and 3 =? step 4 result is .ithin the toleran(e o? the limit de(lared in the manu?a(ture do(umentation ?or BP, then Pass> else Gail.


AGPS Performance #(ontrol Plane$

A;<; Bo'ilit0 is (urrentl0 implementing AGP& (apa'ilit0 .ithin its 2G and 3G net.or/s> .ith s(hedules pro+ided and updated '0 the &u'8e(t Batter EHpert (&BE)> Virgilio Eorral. Eon?orman(e tests are (urrentl0 per?ormed ?or (ontrol plane mode onl0> .ith &e(ure Cser Plane (&CP1) tests to 'e proposed at a later date. All ?ield test reAuirements are dis(ussed in another do(ument. Eurrentl0> A;; Bo'ilit0 is utili$ing the &pirent C1;& s0stem ?or AGP& testing in the la'. Test 1 10<<6 Ta& 1 Materials Required Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result 1 G&B-!;,-1-5300 AGP& &ensiti+it0> Eourse ;ime Assistan(e !& simulator supporting S"stem setu! G&B530@1600 @ *es(riptionJ CB;& 530@1600 CB;&530@1600 &u((ess ,ate (V)J63.00 Po.er &uppl0 ?or BaHimum 2-* Position error (m)J101.3 BaH ,esponse ;ime 1imit (se()J20.3 maintaining po.er to &B1E ;0peJ &pirent &B1E Emulator (&&E) de+i(e o+er duration o? &&E Eon?iguration Gile (W.sse)JEJXProgram GilesX&pirent Eommuni(ationsX;est*ri+e C1;&X&&E testing Eon?igurationsX*e?ault34141.sse ,G adapter or (a'led ;ransportJ Eontrol Plane Eontrol Plane Proto(olJ ,,E terminal .ith separate Eonne(tion ;0peJ ;erminating "igh Priorit0 &ignaling ports ?or GP& and (ellular Eall ;0peJ Bo'ile ;erminated !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) 1!& &ession ;0peJ E& - Bo'ile ;erminated 1o(ation ,eAuest 1!& Bethod JB&-!ased Ea'led headset (?or auto,esponse ;ime (s)J20 ans.er (apa'ilit0) Beasurement A((ura(0J16
Verti(al Beasurement A((ura(0J45 &end ,E&E; CE PD&=;=D-=-G &;D,E* =-GD BessageJ #es

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e '0 of 14'

Amount D? ,eporting (Periodi()J1 Air-=nter?a(e ;e(hnolog0J F-E*BA Dperating !andJ FE*BA ,egion 3@2 *o.nlin/ A,GE-J4334@6772 1ogi(al EhannelJ *E" !;& BaH Antenna ,ange (/m)J4.00 -et.or/ Eolor Eode (-EE)J1 !ase &tation Eolor Eode (!EE)J3 ;ime &lotJ4

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Po.er D- de+i(e and allo. lo(ation Cpdate. (?or &pirent automation> ensure (a'led headset is (onne(ted and auto-ans.er is set) Page de+i(e and ans.er (all Per?orm lo(ation measurements at the spe(i?ied GP& le+els until 63V (on?iden(e o? Pass or Gail is esta'lished. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands. ,epeat ?or ea(h supported mode (i.e. ) G&B> CB;&)


!& simulator supporting G&B530@1600 @ CB;&530@1600 Po.er &uppl0 ?or maintaining po.er to de+i(e o+er duration o? testing ,G adapter or (a'led terminal .ith separate ports ?or GP& and (ellular !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) Ea'led headset (?or autoans.er (apa'ilit0)

;he B& shall 'e 'elo. 101.3 meters and 20.3 se(onds .ith a 63V (on?iden(e in a((ordan(e .ith 34.141> se(tion 3.2.1 AGP& -ominal A((ura(0 S"stem setu!
*es(riptionJ CB;& 530@1600 &u((ess ,ate (V)J63.00 BaHimum 2-* Position error (m)J101.3 BaH ,esponse ;ime 1imit (se()J20.3 &B1E ;0peJ &pirent &B1E Emulator (&&E) &&E Eon?iguration Gile (W.sse)JEJXProgram GilesX&pirent Eommuni(ationsX;est*ri+e C1;&X&&E Eon?igurationsX*e?ault34141.sse ;ransportJ Eontrol Plane Eontrol Plane Proto(olJ ,,E Eonne(tion ;0peJ ;erminating "igh Priorit0 &ignaling Eall ;0peJ Bo'ile ;erminated 1!& &ession ;0peJ E& - Bo'ile ;erminated 1o(ation ,eAuest 1!& Bethod JB&-!ased ,esponse ;ime (s)J20 Beasurement A((ura(0J16 Verti(al Beasurement A((ura(0J45 &end ,E&E; CE PD&=;=D-=-G &;D,E* =-GD BessageJ #es Amount D? ,eporting (Periodi()J1

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e '1 of 14'

Air-=nter?a(e ;e(hnolog0J F-E*BA Dperating !andJ FE*BA ,egion 3@2 *o.nlin/ A,GE-J4334@6772 1ogi(al EhannelJ *E" !;& BaH Antenna ,ange (/m)J4.00 -et.or/ Eolor Eode (-EE)J1 !ase &tation Eolor Eode (!EE)J3 ;ime &lotJ4

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Po.er D- de+i(e and allo. lo(ation Cpdate. (?or &pirent automation> ensure (a'led headset is (onne(ted and auto-ans.er is set) Page de+i(e and ans.er (all Per?orm lo(ation measurements at the spe(i?ied GP& le+els until 63V (on?iden(e o? Pass or Gail is esta'lished. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands. ,epeat ?or ea(h supported mode (i.e. ) G&B> CB;&)


!& simulator supporting G&B530@1600 @ CB;&530@1600 Po.er &uppl0 ?or maintaining po.er to de+i(e o+er duration o? testing ,G adapter or (a'led terminal .ith separate ports ?or GP& and (ellular !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) Ea'led headset (?or autoans.er (apa'ilit0)

;he B& shall 'e 'elo. 101.3 meters and 20.3 se(onds .ith a 63V (on?iden(e in a((ordan(e .ith 34.141> se(tion 3.3 AGP& *0nami( ,ange S"stem setu!
*es(riptionJ CB;& 530@1600 &u((ess ,ate (V)J63.00 BaHimum 2-* Position error (m)J101.3 BaH ,esponse ;ime 1imit (se()J20.3 &B1E ;0peJ &pirent &B1E Emulator (&&E) &&E Eon?iguration Gile (W.sse)JEJXProgram GilesX&pirent Eommuni(ationsX;est*ri+e C1;&X&&E Eon?igurationsX*e?ault34141.sse ;ransportJ Eontrol Plane Eontrol Plane Proto(olJ ,,E Eonne(tion ;0peJ ;erminating "igh Priorit0 &ignaling Eall ;0peJ Bo'ile ;erminated 1!& &ession ;0peJ E& - Bo'ile ;erminated 1o(ation ,eAuest 1!& Bethod JB&-!ased ,esponse ;ime (s)J20 Beasurement A((ura(0J16 Verti(al Beasurement A((ura(0J45 &end ,E&E; CE PD&=;=D-=-G &;D,E* =-GD BessageJ #es Amount D? ,eporting (Periodi()J1 Air-=nter?a(e ;e(hnolog0J F-E*BA

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e '' of 14'

Dperating !andJ FE*BA ,egion 3@2 *o.nlin/ A,GE-J4334@6772 1ogi(al EhannelJ *E" !;& BaH Antenna ,ange (/m)J4.00 -et.or/ Eolor Eode (-EE)J1 !ase &tation Eolor Eode (!EE)J3 ;ime &lotJ4

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Po.er D- de+i(e and allo. lo(ation Cpdate. (?or &pirent automation> ensure (a'led headset is (onne(ted and auto-ans.er is set) Page de+i(e and ans.er (all Per?orm lo(ation measurements at the spe(i?ied GP& le+els until 63V (on?iden(e o? Pass or Gail is esta'lished. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands. ,epeat ?or ea(h supported mode (i.e. ) G&B> CB;&)


!& simulator supporting G&B530@1600 @ CB;&530@1600 Po.er &uppl0 ?or maintaining po.er to de+i(e o+er duration o? testing ,G adapter or (a'led terminal .ith separate ports ?or GP& and (ellular !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) Ea'led headset (?or autoans.er (apa'ilit0)

;he B& shall 'e 'elo. 101.3 meters and 20.3 se(onds .ith a 63V (on?iden(e in a((ordan(e .ith 34.141> se(tion 3.4 AGP& Bulti-Path Per?orman(e S"stem setu!
*es(riptionJ CB;& 530@1600 &u((ess ,ate (V)J63.00 BaHimum 2-* Position error (m)J101.3 BaH ,esponse ;ime 1imit (se()J20.3 &B1E ;0peJ &pirent &B1E Emulator (&&E) &&E Eon?iguration Gile (W.sse)JEJXProgram GilesX&pirent Eommuni(ationsX;est*ri+e C1;&X&&E Eon?igurationsX*e?ault34141.sse ;ransportJ Eontrol Plane Eontrol Plane Proto(olJ ,,E Eonne(tion ;0peJ ;erminating "igh Priorit0 &ignaling Eall ;0peJ Bo'ile ;erminated 1!& &ession ;0peJ E& - Bo'ile ;erminated 1o(ation ,eAuest 1!& Bethod JB&-!ased ,esponse ;ime (s)J20 Beasurement A((ura(0J16 Verti(al Beasurement A((ura(0J45 &end ,E&E; CE PD&=;=D-=-G &;D,E* =-GD BessageJ #es Amount D? ,eporting (Periodi()J1 Air-=nter?a(e ;e(hnolog0J F-E*BA Dperating !andJ FE*BA ,egion 3@2

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e ') of 14'

*o.nlin/ A,GE-J4334@6772 1ogi(al EhannelJ *E" !;& BaH Antenna ,ange (/m)J4.00 -et.or/ Eolor Eode (-EE)J1 !ase &tation Eolor Eode (!EE)J3 ;ime &lotJ4

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Po.er D- de+i(e and allo. lo(ation Cpdate. (?or &pirent automation> ensure (a'led headset is (onne(ted and auto-ans.er is set) Page de+i(e and ans.er (all Per?orm lo(ation measurements at the spe(i?ied GP& le+els until 63V (on?iden(e o? Pass or Gail is esta'lished. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands. ,epeat ?or ea(h supported mode (i.e. ) G&B> CB;&)


!& simulator supporting G&B530@1600 @ CB;&530@1600 Po.er &uppl0 ?or maintaining po.er to de+i(e o+er duration o? testing ,G adapter or (a'led terminal .ith separate ports ?or GP& and (ellular !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) Ea'led headset (?or autoans.er (apa'ilit0)

;he B& shall 'e 'elo. 101.3 meters and 20.3 se(onds .ith a 63V (on?iden(e in a((ordan(e .ith 34.141> se(tion 3.3 AGP& Bo+ing &(enario and Periodi( Cpdate Per?orman(e S"stem setu!
*es(riptionJ CB;& 530@1600 &u((ess ,ate (V)J63.00 BaHimum 2-* Position error (m)J101.3 BaH ,esponse ;ime 1imit (se()J20.3 &B1E ;0peJ &pirent &B1E Emulator (&&E) &&E Eon?iguration Gile (W.sse)JEJXProgram GilesX&pirent Eommuni(ationsX;est*ri+e C1;&X&&E Eon?igurationsX*e?ault34141.sse ;ransportJ Eontrol Plane Eontrol Plane Proto(olJ ,,E Eonne(tion ;0peJ ;erminating "igh Priorit0 &ignaling Eall ;0peJ Bo'ile ;erminated 1!& &ession ;0peJ E& - Bo'ile ;erminated 1o(ation ,eAuest 1!& Bethod JB&-!ased ,esponse ;ime (s)J20 Beasurement A((ura(0J16 Verti(al Beasurement A((ura(0J45 &end ,E&E; CE PD&=;=D-=-G &;D,E* =-GD BessageJ #es Amount D? ,eporting (Periodi()J1 Air-=nter?a(e ;e(hnolog0J F-E*BA Dperating !andJ FE*BA ,egion 3@2 *o.nlin/ A,GE-J4334@6772

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e '4 of 14'

1ogi(al EhannelJ *E" !;& BaH Antenna ,ange (/m)J4.00 -et.or/ Eolor Eode (-EE)J1 !ase &tation Eolor Eode (!EE)J3 ;ime &lotJ4

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Po.er D- de+i(e and allo. lo(ation Cpdate. (?or &pirent automation> ensure (a'led headset is (onne(ted and auto-ans.er is set) Page de+i(e and ans.er (all Per?orm lo(ation measurements at the spe(i?ied GP& le+els until 63V (on?iden(e o? Pass or Gail is esta'lished. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands. ,epeat ?or ea(h supported mode (i.e. ) G&B> CB;&)

;he B& shall 'e 'elo. 101.3 meters and 20.3 se(onds .ith a 63V (on?iden(e in a((ordan(e .ith 34.141> se(tion 3.7


GSM 0atter" ;ife

A;<; Bo'ilit0 Fireless> 11E (ontinues to reAuest higher 'atter0 li?e per?orman(e ?rom the terminals .e pur(hase. As ne. ?eatures are added to the terminals that reAuire more 'atter0 (onsumption .hen not in an a(ti+e (all> A;<; Bo'ilit0 ma0 reAuire higher stand'0 'atter0 per?orman(e in order to meet the (ustomer eHpe(tations. ;he ?ollo.ing tests reAuire a produ(tion 74/ AHalto &=B homed to 310 410 to 'e used EG K&(an Eontrol *ataM Y empt0 EG KA(ting "P1B-M Y empt0 EG KPre? 1ast ,eg -et.or/M Y empt0 EG KAppli(ation Eontrol *ataM Y 01 01 00 01 EG KAppli(ations &er+i(e ;a'leM Y GG GG GG GG GG GG EG KPre?erred P1B- 1istM Y 310-410> 310-130 (all others are not important) EG KGor'idden P1B- 1istM Y empt0 EG K"P1B- &ear(h ;imerM Y 01 ;hese tests are to 'e per?ormed using la' test eAuipment unless other.ise stated All ;al/-;ime and &tand'0 tests are per?ormed .ith Glip @ &lider in the open position All &tand'0 tests shall ha+e 17 neigh'ors (on?igured in the ser+ing s0stem AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e '5 of 14'

Test 1 1

10<<6 Ta& 1 G&B-!;,-1-0005

Materials Required !& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result Eir(uit &.it(hed Voi(e ;al/-;ime !atter0 1i?e

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Driginate @ (ontinue (all at the 1o. (hannel at maHimum po.er supported '0 terminal> .ith no ?reAuen(0 hopping and no *;I Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. &top measurement a?ter 10 minutes elapsed time. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed 2.3 hours until -o+em'er 2003 A?ter 2003> the B& shall meet or eH(eed 3 hours. Eir(uit &.it(hed &tand'0 !atter0 1i?e

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the ser+ing s0stem ?or normal paging> paging multi?rame Y 7> BEEY310> B-EY410> and 30 minute periodi( registration Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update. Fait 1 minute ?or an0 'a(/light to 'e turned o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. &top measurement a?ter 40 minutes elapsed time. A registration 'urst must 'e part o? the (urrent drain measurement. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$ AT&T Pro!rietar"

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution ;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e '6 of 14'

,epeat ?or paging multi?rame Y 2 and ?or 7 (roaming). Gor the roaming (ase> the B-E shall 'e 130. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands ;he B& shall meet or eH(eed 200 hours ('ased on measurements at PABG,Y7) until -o+em'er 2003 A?ter 2003> the B& shall meet or eH(eed 230 hours.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e '< of 14'


UMTS 0atter" ;ife

A;<; Bo'ilit0 Fireless> 11E> .ith the laun(h o? CB;& terminals is learning a'out 'oth the net.or/ and the terminal (on?igurations that a??e(t stand'0 and tal/ time 'atter0 li?e. As ne. ?eatures are added to the terminals that reAuire more 'atter0 (onsumption .hen not in an a(ti+e (all> A;<; Bo'ilit0 ma0 reAuire higher stand'0 'atter0 per?orman(e in order to meet the (ustomer eHpe(tations. ;he ?ollo.ing tests reAuire a produ(tion D'erthur (DE&) 74/ C=EE homed to 310 410. ;he PEDB s(ript is en(losed in a separate %=P ?ile to pro+ision the C=EE.

Gor the (ustomer pro?ile tests> the output ?ile is en(losed in a separate %=P ?ile. ;his (an 'e used> unless an alternati+e spreadsheet is pro+ided .hi(h is agreed upon '0 the &BE. ;hese tests are to 'e per?ormed using la' test eAuipment unless other.ise stated All ;al/-;ime and &tand'0 tests are per?ormed .ith Glip @ &lider in the open position All CB;& &tand'0 tests shall ha+e 17 CB;& intra-,A; neigh'ors (on?igured in the ser+ing s0stem &tudies are ongoing (on(erning use o? G&B neigh'ors> .hi(h (ould ha+e an a??e(t to the 'atter0 (onsumption. ;he +endors are en(ouraged to pro+ide data .ith up to 5 G&B neigh'ors> to 'etter understand the additional (urrent (onsumption. Test 1 1 10<<6 Ta& 1 G&B-!;,-1-2430 Materials Required -ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result Eir(uit &.it(hed Voi(e ;al/-;ime !atter0 1i?e

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure -ode ! to (ontrol CE po.er using the Pro'a'ilit0 *istri'ution Gun(tion ?or su'ur'an> as des(ri'ed '0 the E*BA *e+elopers Group (E*G). Driginate @ (ontinue (all at the 1o. (hannel Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. &top measurement a?ter ea(h po.er le+el .ithin the po.er distri'ution has 'een (ompleted. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e '8 of 14'

pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed 3 hours. Eir(uit &.it(hed &tand'0 !atter0 1i?e

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> periodi( registration set to 30 minutes (or an0 +alue to impart a single registration .ithin the measurement. -eigh'or list in(ludes 13 CB;& intra-(ell neigh'ors and 3 G&B neigh'ors ((hannels 125> 771> 506) &et the 'ase station po.er le+el EP=E"L,&EP (E() to -64d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. &top measurement a?ter 40 minutes elapsed time. A single registration 'urst must 'e part o? the (urrent drain measurement. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0. ,epeat ?or roaming on BEEY310> B-EY270. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600@CB;&@1;E Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed 230 hours. 1;E or CB;& &tand'0 !atter0 1i?e .ith 10 appli(ations loaded onto *C; &etupJ

;est operator .ill per?orm initial setup o? phone Ga(tor0 reset .ill 'e per?ormed on de+i(e under test ;est operator .ill open Kpla0 store or other mar/etpla(eM appli(ation AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$ AT&T Pro!rietar"

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution ;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e '? of 14'

meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

and log into a test Google (or other) a((ount in order to do.nload the 10 appli(ations> i? ne(essar0 ;est operator .ill do.nload the 10 appli(ations ;est operator .ill log in to the appli(ations> .hen it is possi'le to log in to the appli(ation. -o (ost is to 'e in(urred '0 the test la' to log in to the appli(ations. !e?ore test (ase is per?ormed> the test operator .ill install < (on?igure the appli(ations .hi(h .ill 'e loaded onto the de+i(e. ;est operator .ill install the 10 appli(ations listed 'elo. onto the *C;. ;he 10 appli(ations areJ 1. Ga(e'oo/ 2. Pandora 3. =nstagram 4. &/0pe 3. ;.itter 7. -et?liH 4. Feather (hannel 5. i"eart ,adio 6. #ahoo mail 10. #outu'e =? these appli(ations are not a+aila'le> a su'stitute must 'e used. A;<; must 'e in?ormed o? .hat appli(ations are used during the testing.

Pro(edureJ ;est .ill 'e per?ormed on highest ,A; .hi(h the de+i(e supports. =.E. i? de+i(e supports 1;E> 1;E stand'0 time is to 'e tested. =? de+i(e onl0 supports CB;&> CB;& stand'0 time is to 'e tested. ;est operator .ill (on?igure and run ea(h o? the appli(ations one time. ;est operator .ill minimi$e or (lose ea(h appli(ation su(h that it is running in the 'a(/ground> and then start stand'0 time 'atter0 testing. Fhen minimi$ing@(losing appli(ations> the test operator .ill push the KhomeM /e0 to return the de+i(e to the de?ault s(reen@home page. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e )0 of 14'

*e+i(e .ill -D; per?orm a(ti+e audio do.nload (?rom Pandora) or +ideo stream (?rom -et?liH@Pinterest) during testing. ;his means that ?or streaming appli(ations li/e Pandora>i"eart ,adio> #ou;u'e)> it is a((epta'le to pause the musi(@+ideo stream 'e?ore minimi$ing the appli(ation. ;est operator .ill .ait 2 minutes a?ter the displa0 turns o?? 'e?ore starting the (urrent drain measurements.

;est eHe(ution &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> periodi( registration set to 30 minutes (or an0 +alue to impart a single registration .ithin the measurement. -eigh'or list in(ludes 13 CB;& intra-(ell neigh'ors and 3 G&B neigh'ors ((hannels 125> 771> 506) &et the 'ase station po.er le+el EP=E"L,&EP (E() to -64d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update and .ait ?or the de+i(e under test to get Zin ser+i(e@(onne(ted to the net.or/U ;est operator .ill run ea(h o? the 10 appli(ations < minimi$e@(lose ea(h appli(ation so that it is running in the 'a(/ground> per the details in the Zpro(edureU se(tion o? this test (ase. Phone .ill remain in stand'0 mode .ith no intera(tion ?rom the test operator (no tou(hing> mo+ing> nudging the de+i(e under test during the entire length o? the test) Allo. 2 minutes ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. &top measurement a?ter 70 minutes elapsed time. A single registration 'urst must 'e part o? the (urrent drain measurement. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0. ,epeat ?or roaming on BEEY310> B-EY270. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e )1 of 14'

G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440 G&B-!;,-1-2435

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) BP3 ?ile ?or (ontinuous pla0. =? repeat pla0 not a+aila'le> must suppl0 enough songs to (omplete test

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed 230 hours. !atter0 1i?e .hile pla0ing musi( ?rom BP3 ?ile(s)

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410 Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Eon?igure handset to pla0 BP3 ?ile (ontinuousl0> or pro+ide enough ?iles ?or (ontinuous musi( ?or the duration o? the test. Pla0 musi( through atta(hed headset at highest le+el. Allo. 'a(/light to dim or go out> i? supported '0 the de?ault (on?iguration. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update &top measurement a?ter 40 minutes elapsed time. A registration 'urst must 'e part o? the (urrent drain measurement. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0. ,epeat ?or roaming on BEEY310> B-EY270. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands

G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440 G&B-!;,-1-2470

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed 10 hours. Eir(uit &.it(hed Voi(e ;al/-;ime !atter0 1i?e .ith !lue ;ooth (!;) headset

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure -ode ! to (ontrol CE po.er using the Pro'a'ilit0 *istri'ution Gun(tion ?or su'ur'an> as des(ri'ed '0 the E*BA *e+elopers Group (E*G). Po.er D- CE and KpairM the !; headset .ith the CE. Driginate @ (ontinue (all at the 1o. (hannel using !; headset at mid range +olume. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$ AT&T Pro!rietar"

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution ;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e )' of 14'

!lue ;ooth "eadset (Botorola "&530 is (urrentl0 used '0 A;<; Bo'ilit0. "o.e+er> an0 !; headset appro+ed '0 A;<; Bo'ilit0 (an 'e used)

Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. &top measurement a?ter 10 minutes elapsed time. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands

G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440 G&B-!;,-1-2472

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) !lue ;ooth "eadset (Botorola "&530 is (urrentl0 used '0 A;<; Bo'ilit0. "o.e+er> an0 !; headset appro+ed '0 A;<; Bo'ilit0 (an 'e used)

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed 3 hours. Eir(uit &.it(hed Voi(e stand'0-;ime !atter0 1i?e .ith !lue ;ooth (!;) headset

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> periodi( registration set to 30 minutes (or an0 +alue to impart a single registration .ithin the measurement. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. &top measurement a?ter 40 minutes elapsed time. A registration 'urst must 'e part o? the (urrent drain measurement. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0. ,epeat ?or roaming on BEEY310> B-EY270. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands ;he B& shall meet or eH(eed 130 hours. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J ;a/e pi(ture ?rom (amera

G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$ AT&T Pro!rietar"

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution ;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e )) of 14'

meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. -a+igate to (amera ?un(tion using a spe(i?i( /e0pad ?or (amera> so?t /e0> or normal menu na+igation. ;a/e pi(ture in normal light .ithout ?lash. =? pi(ture is auto-sa+ed> eHit to main s(reen o? de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. =? pi(ture is not auto-sa+ed> sa+e pi(ture .ith de?ault name and eHit to main s(reen o? de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to (amera to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to (amera to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J Vie. pi(ture ?rom (amera

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. -a+igate to (amera photo galler0 or pi(ture storage ?un(tion using a spe(i?i( /e0pad ?or (amera> so?t /e0> or normal menu na+igation. Vie. pi(ture ?or 2 se(onds. EHit to main s(reen o? de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to +ie. pi(ture to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to +ie. pi(ture to 'a(/light o??

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e )4 of 14'


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J ;a/e +ideo ?rom (amera


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. -a+igate to (amera ?un(tion using a spe(i?i( /e0pad ?or (amera> so?t /e0> or normal menu na+igation (i? appli(a'le> set up (amera to (apture +ideo mode prior to test). ,e(ord +ideo ?or 10 se(onds duration in normal light .ith 'a(/ground audio. =? +ideo is auto-sa+ed> eHit to main s(reen o? de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. =? +ideo is not auto-sa+ed> sa+e +ideo .ith de?ault name and eHit to main s(reen o? de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to (amera to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to (amera to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J Vie. +ideo ?rom (amera

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. -a+igate to +ie. the 10 se(ond duration +ideo using a spe(i?i( /e0pad ?or (amera> so?t /e0> or normal menu na+igation. Vie. the +ideo .ith audio ported to eHternal spea/er at maHimum +olume. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$ AT&T Pro!rietar"

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution ;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e )5 of 14'


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

Dn(e +ideo is (omplete> eHit to main s(reen o? de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to +ideo to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to +ideo to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J &end &B&


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. -a+igate to (reate the &B& using a spe(i?i( /e0pad ?or &B&> so?t /e0> or normal menu na+igation. EnterJ Are 0ou going to the part0 tonight[ (Cse ;egi( (;6) ?or teHt entr0) and send to a 10 digit pre-populated phone num'er. EHit KmessagesM to the main s(reen o? the terminal de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to KmessagesM to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to MmessagesM to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J ,e(ei+e and read &B&

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e )6 of 14'


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. &end message to the terminal. Bessage (onsists o? the ?ollo.ing> \= do not plan to go to the part0\ Dn(e terminal alerts the user that a message has 'een re(ei+ed on the *C;> na+igate to the message or +ie. the message ?rom alert popup. Fait 3 se(onds> then eHit KmessagesM to the main s(reen o? the terminal de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom ?irst a(ti+it0 asso(iated .ith the re(ei+ed &B& to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom ?irst a(ti+it0 asso(iated .ith the re(ei+ed &B& to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J &end BB&


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477

-ode ! simulator

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. -a+igate to (reate the BB& using a spe(i?i( /e0pad ?or BB&> so?t /e0> or normal menu na+igation. Atta(h .8pg ?ile to the BB& message. Enter teHtJ Fhat do 0ou thin/ o? this pi(ture[ (Cse ;egi( (;6) ?or teHt entr0) and send to a 10 digit pre-populated phone num'er. EHit KmessagesM to the main s(reen o? the terminal de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to KmessagesM to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to MmessagesM to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J ,e(ei+e and read BB&

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e )< of 14'

G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. &end message to the terminal. Bessage (onsists o? a 8pg ?ile atta(hment and the teHt> \= thin/ that pi(ture is 'eauti?ul.\ Dn(e terminal alerts the user that a message has 'een re(ei+ed on the *C;> na+igate to the message or +ie. the message ?rom alert popup. Fait 3 se(onds> then eHit KmessagesM to the main s(reen o? the terminal de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom ?irst a(ti+it0 asso(iated .ith the re(ei+ed BB& to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom ?irst a(ti+it0 asso(iated .ith the re(ei+ed BB& to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J !ro.se the .e'

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. =nitiate !ro.sing session using a spe(i?i( /e0pad ?or 'ro.sing> so?t /e0> or normal menu na+igation. Go to the .eather ?or a lo(al lo(ation (pre-populate that lo(ation> su(h as Austin> ;I) &ele(t the 4 da0 ?ore(ast. Vie. ?ore(ast ?or ea(h da0 (ta/e 30 se(onds to +ie.) '0 depressing the AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$ AT&T Pro!rietar"

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution ;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e )8 of 14'

na+igation /e0 or s(rolling do.n the page. EHit 'ro.ser to the main s(reen o? the terminal de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to 'ro.ser to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to 'ro.ser to 'a(/light o??.


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

-oteJ Eurrent method o? 'ro.ser tas/ is handled in either li+e s0stem or (apti+e net.or/. E??orts ongoing to pro+ide (omplete (ontrol o? B& po.er and pa(/et data rate setting in neHt release. Vendor ?eed'a(/ on methods to reprodu(e in a (ontrolled ?ashion is highl0 appre(iated. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J Game pla0


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. -a+igate to game (pre-populated '0 +endor or do.nloaded) .ith sound ena'led. Ensure game reAuires depressing /e0s to pla0. =nitiate game and pla0 ?or 1 minute. EHit game to the main s(reen o? the terminal de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to game to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to game to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J Push email < push email /eep ali+e e+ent

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$ AT&T Pro!rietar"

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution ;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e )? of 14'

meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update =nitiate (orporate email (lient and allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. ;est #1J &end the message KAre 0ou going to the part0 tonight[M to the email address asso(iated .ith the de+i(e. Dn(e audi'le or +isi'le alert o? message is re(ei+ed> na+igate to and open the message> .ait 3 se(onds> then eHit to main s(reen o? terminal. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ;est #2J A?ter the last message is re(ei+ed> re(ord duration until a /eep ali+e message is sent. Additionall0> (apture the (urrent drain ?or the /eep ali+e a(ti+it0. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom a(ti+it0 o? the in(oming email to 'a(/light o??. Additionall0> (apture the duration ?rom the last email to the /eep ali+e and the duration o? the /eep ali+e. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom the a(ti+it0 leading to the email alert to 'a(/light o??. Additionall0> re(ord the (urrent drain a+eraged a(ross the /eep ali+e e+ent.

-oteJ Eurrent method o? push email tas/ is handled in either li+e s0stem or (apti+e net.or/. 16 G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440 Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J Eonsumer @ PDP email -ode ! simulator =? CE does not support Push email> then a Eonsumer @ PDP email test (ase supporting 530 @ 1600 should 'e used. Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 meter (or separate (urrent Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> meter) pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. ,G adapter or (a'led Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. terminal AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 40 of 14'

!atter0 adapter (pre?erred)


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

B& EH(el spreadsheet (pro+ided) or eAui+alent

Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update &etup an email test a((ount .hi(h is to 'e used as the (onsumer email (lient ?or the CE@*e+i(e under test. Enter the email test a((ount in?ormation into the *C; 'e?ore (urrent drain measurements are started. =nitiate (onsumer email (lient and allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. ;est #1J &end the message KAre 0ou going to the part0 tonight[M to the 0ahoo email address asso(iated .ith the de+i(e. -a+igate to and open the message> .ait 3 se(onds> then eHit to main s(reen o? terminal. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J Populate spreadsheet ?or all (ustomer pro?iles

Gor ea(h tas/> multiple runs (an 'e per?ormed and a+eraged to pro+ide the (urrent drain ?or a parti(ular tas/. Populate ea(h o? the ta's o? the pro+ided spreadsheet .ith the output o? the tas/. Ea(h duration and a+erage (urrent drain o+er the per?orman(e o? the tas/ must 'e (hanged .ithin the spreadsheet. Pro+ide the 'atter0 (apa(it0 o? the de+i(e in ta'> K;al/L&td'0LPush emailM. Su!!l" t2e s!reads2eet at la entr" /' timeframe .


CB;& !atter0 1i?e ) F=G= spe(i?i(

Test 1 21

10<<6 Ta& 1 G&B-!;,--

Materials Required -ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent

Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result Eir(uit &.it(hed Voi(e ;al/-;ime !atter0 1i?e

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 41 of 14'

meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure -ode ! to (ontrol CE po.er using the Pro'a'ilit0 *istri'ution Gun(tion ?or su'ur'an> as des(ri'ed '0 the E*BA *e+elopers Group (E*G). Driginate @ (ontinue (all at the 1o. (hannel Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. &top measurement a?ter ea(h po.er le+el .ithin the po.er distri'ution has 'een (ompleted. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !and



!& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed 3 hours. Eir(uit &.it(hed &tand'0 !atter0 1i?e

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> periodi( registration set to 30 minutes (or an0 +alue to impart a single registration .ithin the measurement. -eigh'or list in(ludes 13 CB;& intra-(ell neigh'ors and 3 G&B neigh'ors ((hannels 125> 771> 506) &et the 'ase station po.er le+el EP=E"L,&EP (E() to -64d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. &top measurement a?ter 40 minutes elapsed time. A single registration 'urst must 'e part o? the (urrent drain measurement. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$ AT&T Pro!rietar"

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution ;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 4' of 14'

A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0. ,epeat ?or roaming on BEEY310> B-EY270. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440 G&B-!;,-1-

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) BP3 ?ile ?or (ontinuous pla0. =? repeat pla0 not a+aila'le> must suppl0 enough songs to (omplete test

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed 230 hours. !atter0 1i?e .hile pla0ing musi( ?rom BP3 ?ile(s)

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410 Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Eon?igure handset to pla0 BP3 ?ile (ontinuousl0> or pro+ide enough ?iles ?or (ontinuous musi( ?or the duration o? the test. Pla0 musi( through atta(hed headset at highest le+el. Allo. 'a(/light to dim or go out> i? supported '0 the de?ault (on?iguration. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update &top measurement a?ter 40 minutes elapsed time. A registration 'urst must 'e part o? the (urrent drain measurement. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0. ,epeat ?or roaming on BEEY310> B-EY270. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed 10 hours. Eir(uit &.it(hed Voi(e ;al/-;ime !atter0 1i?e .ith !lue ;ooth (!;) headset

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o?

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 4) of 14'


meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) !lue ;ooth "eadset (Botorola "&530 is (urrentl0 used '0 A;<; Bo'ilit0. "o.e+er> an0 !; headset appro+ed '0 A;<; Bo'ilit0 (an 'e used)

the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure -ode ! to (ontrol CE po.er using the Pro'a'ilit0 *istri'ution Gun(tion ?or su'ur'an> as des(ri'ed '0 the E*BA *e+elopers Group (E*G). Po.er D- CE and KpairM the !; headset .ith the CE. Driginate @ (ontinue (all at the 1o. (hannel using !; headset at mid range +olume. Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. &top measurement a?ter 10 minutes elapsed time. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440 G&B-!;,-1-

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) !lue ;ooth "eadset (Botorola "&530 is (urrentl0 used '0 A;<; Bo'ilit0. "o.e+er> an0 !; headset appro+ed '0 A;<; Bo'ilit0 (an 'e used)

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed 3 hours. Eir(uit &.it(hed Voi(e stand'0-;ime !atter0 1i?e .ith !lue ;ooth (!;) headset

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> periodi( registration set to 30 minutes (or an0 +alue to impart a single registration .ithin the measurement. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. &top measurement a?ter 40 minutes elapsed time. A registration 'urst must 'e part o? the (urrent drain measurement. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate .ith the gi+en 'atter0 AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$ AT&T Pro!rietar"

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution ;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 44 of 14'

(apa(it0. ,epeat ?or roaming on BEEY310> B-EY270. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

;he B& shall meet or eH(eed 130 hours. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J ;a/e pi(ture ?rom (amera


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. -a+igate to (amera ?un(tion using a spe(i?i( /e0pad ?or (amera> so?t /e0> or normal menu na+igation. ;a/e pi(ture in normal light .ithout ?lash. =? pi(ture is auto-sa+ed> eHit to main s(reen o? de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. =? pi(ture is not auto-sa+ed> sa+e pi(ture .ith de?ault name and eHit to main s(reen o? de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to (amera to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to (amera to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J Vie. pi(ture ?rom (amera

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$ AT&T Pro!rietar"

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution ;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 45 of 14'

!atter0 adapter (pre?erred)


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. -a+igate to (amera photo galler0 or pi(ture storage ?un(tion using a spe(i?i( /e0pad ?or (amera> so?t /e0> or normal menu na+igation. Vie. pi(ture ?or 2 se(onds. EHit to main s(reen o? de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to +ie. pi(ture to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to +ie. pi(ture to 'a(/light o?? Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J ;a/e +ideo ?rom (amera

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. -a+igate to (amera ?un(tion using a spe(i?i( /e0pad ?or (amera> so?t /e0> or normal menu na+igation (i? appli(a'le> set up (amera to (apture +ideo mode prior to test). ,e(ord +ideo ?or 10 se(onds duration in normal light .ith 'a(/ground audio. =? +ideo is auto-sa+ed> eHit to main s(reen o? de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. =? +ideo is not auto-sa+ed> sa+e +ideo .ith de?ault name and eHit to main s(reen o? de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to (amera to 'a(/light o??.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 46 of 14'


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to (amera to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J Vie. +ideo ?rom (amera


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. -a+igate to +ie. the 10 se(ond duration +ideo using a spe(i?i( /e0pad ?or (amera> so?t /e0> or normal menu na+igation. Vie. the +ideo .ith audio ported to eHternal spea/er at maHimum +olume. Dn(e +ideo is (omplete> eHit to main s(reen o? de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to +ideo to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to +ideo to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J &end &B&

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 4< of 14'


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. -a+igate to (reate the &B& using a spe(i?i( /e0pad ?or &B&> so?t /e0> or normal menu na+igation. EnterJ Are 0ou going to the part0 tonight[ (Cse ;egi( (;6) ?or teHt entr0) and send to a 10 digit pre-populated phone num'er. EHit KmessagesM to the main s(reen o? the terminal de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to KmessagesM to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to messages appli(ation to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J ,e(ei+e and read &B&

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. &end message to the terminal. Bessage (onsists o? the ?ollo.ing> \= do not plan to go to the part0\ Dn(e terminal alerts the user that a message has 'een re(ei+ed on the *C;> na+igate to the message or +ie. the message ?rom alert popup. Fait 3 se(onds> then eHit KmessagesM to the main s(reen o? the terminal de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish] then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom ?irst a(ti+it0 asso(iated .ith the re(ei+ed &B& to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom ?irst a(ti+it0 asso(iated .ith the re(ei+ed &B& to 'a(/light o??.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 48 of 14'


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J &end BB&


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. -a+igate to (reate the BB& using a spe(i?i( /e0pad ?or BB&> so?t /e0> or normal menu na+igation. Atta(h .8pg ?ile to the BB& message. Enter teHtJ Fhat do 0ou thin/ o? this pi(ture[ (Cse ;egi( (;6) ?or teHt entr0) and send to a 10 digit pre-populated phone num'er. EHit KmessagesM to the main s(reen o? the terminal de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to KmessagesM to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to the messages appli(ation to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J ,e(ei+e and read BB&

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$ AT&T Pro!rietar"

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution ;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 4? of 14'


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

&end message to the terminal. Bessage (onsists o? a 8pg ?ile atta(hment and the teHt> \= thin/ that pi(ture is 'eauti?ul.\ Dn(e terminal alerts the user that a message has 'een re(ei+ed on the *C;> na+igate to the message or +ie. the message ?rom alert popup. Fait 3 se(onds> then eHit KmessagesM to the main s(reen o? the terminal de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish] then stop the measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom ?irst a(ti+it0 asso(iated .ith the re(ei+ed BB& to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom ?irst a(ti+it0 asso(iated .ith the re(ei+ed BB& to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J !ro.se the .e'

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. =nitiate !ro.sing session using a spe(i?i( /e0pad ?or 'ro.sing> so?t /e0> or normal menu na+igation. Go to the .eather ?or a lo(al lo(ation (pre-populate that lo(ation> su(h as Austin> ;I) &ele(t the 4 da0 ?ore(ast. Vie. ?ore(ast ?or ea(h da0 (ta/e 30 se(onds to +ie.) '0 depressing the na+igation /e0 or s(rolling do.n the page. EHit 'ro.ser to the main s(reen o? the terminal de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to 'ro.ser to 'a(/light o??.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 50 of 14'

,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to 'ro.ser to 'a(/light o??.


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

-oteJ Eurrent method o? 'ro.ser tas/ is handled in either li+e s0stem or (apti+e net.or/. E??orts ongoing to pro+ide (omplete (ontrol o? B& po.er and pa(/et data rate setting in neHt release. Vendor ?eed'a(/ on methods to reprodu(e in a (ontrolled ?ashion is highl0 appre(iated. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J Game pla0


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. -a+igate to game (pre-populated '0 +endor or do.nloaded) .ith sound ena'led. Ensure game reAuires depressing /e0s to pla0. =nitiate game and pla0 ?or 1 minute. EHit game to the main s(reen o? the terminal de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to game to 'a(/light o??. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom na+igation to game to 'a(/light o??. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J Push email < push email /eep ali+e e+ent

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$ AT&T Pro!rietar"

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution ;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 51 of 14'

!atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update =nitiate (orporate email (lient and allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. ;est #1J &end the message KAre 0ou going to the part0 tonight[M to the email address asso(iated .ith the de+i(e. Dn(e audi'le or +isi'le alert o? message is re(ei+ed> na+igate to and open the message> .ait 3 se(onds> then eHit to main s(reen o? terminal. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. ;est #2J A?ter the last message is re(ei+ed> re(ord the duration o? time until a /eep ali+e message is sent. Additionall0> (apture the (urrent drain ?or the /eep ali+e a(ti+it0. ,e(ord duration o? tas/ ?rom a(ti+it0 o? the in(oming email to 'a(/light o??. Additionall0> (apture the duration ?rom the last email to the /eep ali+e and the duration o? the /eep ali+e. ,e(ord a+erage (urrent drain o? tas/ ?rom the a(ti+it0 leading to the email alert to 'a(/light o??. Additionall0> re(ord the (urrent drain a+eraged a(ross the /eep ali+e e+ent. -oteJ Eurrent method o? push email tas/ is handled in either li+e s0stem or (apti+e net.or/.


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

-ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J Eonsumer @ PDP email =? CE does not support Push email> then a Eonsumer @ PDP email test (ase should 'e used. Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0 Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> pa(/et s.it(hYDGG> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 5' of 14'


G&B-!;,-1-2474 G&B-!;,-1-2477 G&B-!;,-1-2475 G&B-!;,-1-2440

B& EH(el spreadsheet (pro+ided) or eAui+alent

Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update &etup an email test a((ount .hi(h is to 'e used as the (onsumer email (lient ?or the CE@*e+i(e under test. Enter the email test a((ount in?ormation into the *C; 'e?ore (urrent drain measurements are started. =nitiate (onsumer email (lient and allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. ;est #1J &end the message KAre 0ou going to the part0 tonight[M to the 0ahoo email address asso(iated .ith the de+i(e. -a+igate to and open the message> .ait 3 se(onds> then eHit to main s(reen o? terminal. Fait ?or 'a(/ light to (ompletel0 eHtinguish> and then stop measurement. Eustomer pro?ile 'atter0 li?e tas/J Populate spreadsheet ?or all (ustomer pro?iles

Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. Gor ea(h tas/> multiple runs (an 'e per?ormed and a+eraged to pro+ide the (urrent drain ?or a parti(ular tas/. Populate ea(h o? the ta's o? the pro+ided spreadsheet .ith the output o? the tas/. Ea(h duration and a+erage (urrent drain o+er the per?orman(e o? the tas/ must 'e (hanged .ithin the spreadsheet. Pro+ide the 'atter0 (apa(it0 o? the de+i(e in ta'> K;al/L&td'0LPush emailM.

Su!!l" t2e s!reads2eet at la entr" /' timeframe:


CB;& !atter0 1i?e ) -ear Gield Eommuni(ations spe(i?i(

A;<; Bo'ilit0 Fireless> 11E> has added reAuirements into the A;<; do(ument K13340M ?or -ear Gield Eommuni(ation (-GE) ser+i(es. Fith the introdu(tion o? -GE ser+i(es> an in+estigation o? -GE ena'led terminals is 'eing per?ormed to understand the impa(t to 'atter0 li?e. A measurement o? the (urrent drain due to -GE a(ti+it0 shall 'e per?ormed on all de+i(es .hi(h support -GE. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 5) of 14'

T2e 76( test cases must e !erformed ot2 in UMTS and ;T= if t2e U= su!!orts ot2:
1 G&B-!;,-IIIII -ode ! simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent meter) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) !lue ;ooth "eadset (Botorola "&530 is (urrentl0 used '0 A;<; Bo'ilit0. "o.e+er> an0 !; headset appro+ed '0 A;<; Bo'ilit0 (an 'e used) !atter0 li?e tas/J -ear Gield Eommuni(ations E+ent

6or t2e 76( feature test case8 t2e test o!erator 9ill !erform a 4 !art test: (urrent drain measurements must e !erformed for 1$ *dle mode current drain '$ 76( ATAG@card readerB mode )$ 76( AemulatorB modes 4$ Measurements for 1 com!lete 76( o!erational c"cle: T2is 9ill ca!ture t2e current drain for 04T, 76( ATa&@cardB reader mode and AemulatorB mode8 t2e idle mode current drain ot2 0=64R= and A6T=R t2e 76( e+ents8 and t2e current drain for 1 com!lete 76( o!eration3

1) Per?orm an idle mode (urrent drain measurement .ith -GE D- in order to determine the 'aseline o? the de+i(eUs (urrent drain. W(!EGD,E an0 -GE a(ti+ities ha+e 'een per?ormed .ith the test de+i(e) 2) (&tep 2A K;AG@(ard reader modeM) Per?orm (urrent drain measurement o? test de+i(e .ith -GE D- ?or K;AG@(ard readerM mode D, (&tep 2! KEmulator modeM) Per?orm (urrent drain measurement o? test de+i(e .ith -GE D- ?or Kemulator mode.M (Beasurements must 'e per?ormed ?or all supported modes.) 3) Per?orm an idle mode (urrent drain measurement .ith -GE D- W(AG;E, the -GE ;AG reader or emulator mode (urrent drain measurement has 'een made)W. ;his is in order to (he(/ that the de+i(e has the same idle AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 54 of 14'

mode (urrent drain a?ter an0 -GE a(ti+ities ((urrent drain must mat(h the 'aseline idle mode (urrent drain ?rom step (1). 4) Per?orm a measurement .ith the test so?t.are in K?ree runM mode in order to (apture the a+erage (urrent (onsumption o? the -GE operation. Beasure the time period ?or the reading phase duration in mse(> the (urrent drain o? the -GE reading phase> and the time period ?or 1 -GE operation. Per?orm a (al(ulation to determine the a+erage po.er (onsumption ?or -GE < report that to A;<;. A sample (al(ulation is detailed 'elo.. ;here are 2 possi'le test seAuen(es < t.o (omplete sets o? data must 'e (olle(ted ?or -GE. ;he test steps ?or this areJ &tep 1> &tep 2A> &tep3> &tep 4J =dle mode> ;AG@(ard reader mode> idle mode> 1 -GE operational period A-* &tep 1> &tep 2!> &tep 3> &tep 4J =dle mode> emulator mode> idle mode>1 -GE operational period

76( de+ice confi&uration3

;he -GE ?eature is to 'e set to KD-M in the mo'ile de+i(eUs operating so?t.are menus. -GE polling needs to 'e (on?igured to KD-M during -GE (urrent drain measurements. -GE test (ases are to 'e per?ormed .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is to 'e ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point> 'ut not (onne(ted to an a((ess point@router.. !luetooth .ill 'e ena'led in the de+i(e. ;he !luetooth o? the CE is to 'e (onne(ted and paired to a !luetooth headset. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0> (t0pi(all0 3.6V) Eon?igure the -ode ! ?or *,IEY1.23 se(onds> BEEY310> B-EY410> no periodi( registration> po.erY-73d!m.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 55 of 14'

76( current drain measurements3 -GE K;AG@Eard reader modeM measurementJ

Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??@or turn the 'a(/light o?? manuall0. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. (&;EP 1) ,e(ord the (urrent drain o? the de+i(e in idle @ Kdeep sleepM mode ?or 70 se(onds> (W.ith -GE D- in the phoneUs menuW) (&;EP 2A) ,e(ord the (urrent drain o? the de+i(e ?or -GE K;AG@(ard readerM modeJ ;AG@(ard reader measurement test stepJ Position the -GE ena'led mo'ile de+i(e .ithin 4(m o? -GE reader de+i(e (appli(ation reader@sensor) su(h that -GE transa(tions (an o((ur 'et.een the initiator and target. Ensure that -GE transa(tions are o((urring 'eing initiator and target de+i(eJA;<; reAuirements indi(ate that mo'ile de+i(es shall pro+ide a (lear indi(ation ) 'oth audi'le and +isual- to the user .hen an appli(ation (ompletes an -GE transa(tion. Eontinue to ma/e measurements until -GE K;AG@(ard readerM a(ti+ities are (ompleted. EHit to the main s(reen o? the terminal de+i(e and (lose ?lip> i? appli(a'le. Beasurement o? (urrent drain .ill (ontinue until de+i(e 'a(/ light (ompletel0 eHtinguishes '0 itsel?. EHpe(tation is that the -GE ;AG@(ard reader mode .ould 'e o?? .hen 'a(/ light is o??. ;his should 'e demonstrated in the measurement data .hi(h is pro+ided '0 the DEB. ,e(ord time duration o? tas/ ?or -GE ;AG@(ard reader (urrent drain measurements until -GE a(ti+ities are (omplete and the de+i(e 'a(/light is o??. ,e(ord and report a+erage (urrent drain o? -GE ;AG@(ard reader tas/ ?rom -GE transa(tions to 'a(/light o??. A snapshot@s(reenshot o? the test PE is to 'e pro+ided ?or the -GE ;AG@(ard reader e+ent in order to help understand and stud0 the CEUs

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 56 of 14'

(urrent drain Vs time pro?ile due to -GE a(ti+ities.

,eport the -GE ;ag@(ard reader (urrent drain measurement in the Kuser pro?ile o? e+entsM spreadsheet in the appropriate spreadsheet (ells. (&;EP 3 ) W;D !E PE,GD,BE* AG;E, !D;" &;EP 2A A-* &;EP 2!WWWWW) ,e(ord the (urrent drain o? the de+i(e in idle @ Kdeep sleepM mode ?or 70 se(onds> (W.ith -GE D- in the phoneUs menuW) to (ompare the idle mode (urrent drain a?ter -GE e+ents .ith the initial 'aseline (urrent drain measurement.

-GE KEmulator modeM measurementJ

Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to per?orm a lo(ation update Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??@or turn the 'a(/light o?? manuall0. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 measurement de+i(e. (&;EP 1) ,e(ord the (urrent drain o? the de+i(e in idle @ Kdeep sleepM mode ?or 70 se(onds> (W.ith -GE D- in the phoneUs menuW) (&;EP 2!) ,e(ord the (urrent drain o? the de+i(e ?or -GE KemulatorM mode Emulator mode measurement test stepJ Eon?irm that test de+i(e is in Kemulator modeM- -GE is ena'led in the de+i(e so?t.are menus and de+i(e is in Kemulator modeM@ s(anning ?or an0 mo'ile .allet a(ti+ities. ,e(ord the (urrent drain o? the de+i(e Us Kemulator modeM a(ti+ities < plot the (urrent response Vs time Eontinue to ma/e measurements until -GE emulator mode measurements are (ompleted. EHpe(tation is that the -GE emulator mode .ould 'e on .hen 'a(/ light is o??. ,e(ord time duration o? tas/ ?or -GE emulator mode (urrent drain

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 5< of 14'

measurements until -GE a(ti+ities are (omplete. ,e(ord and report a+erage (urrent drain o? -GE emulator mode tas/. A snapshot@s(reenshot o? the test PE is to 'e pro+ided ?or the -GE emulator mode e+ent in order to help understand and stud0 the CEUs (urrent drain Vs time pro?ile due to -GE a(ti+ities. ,eport the -GE emulator mode (urrent drain measurement in the Kuser pro?ile o? e+entsM spreadsheet in the appropriate spreadsheet (ells. (&;EP 3 ) W;D !E PE,GD,BE* AG;E, !D;" &;EP 2A A-* &;EP 2!WWWWW) ,e(ord the (urrent drain o? the de+i(e in idle @ Kdeep sleepM mode ?or 70 se(onds> (W.ith -GE D- in the phoneUs menuW) to (ompare the idle mode (urrent drain a?ter -GE e+ents .ith the initial 'aseline (urrent drain measurement.

(&;EP 4 ) ;D !E PE,GD,BE* &;A-* A1D-E AG;E, &;EP& 1-3) =n order to (al(ulate the (urrent drain ?or a+erage po.er (onsumption o? -GE a(ti+it0J Fith the (urrent drain measurement so?t.are> (apture and plot the (urrent response Vs time o? 1 -GE operation < pro+ide that to A;<;J ;his means (apture 1 (omplete -GE li?e (0(le> measuring the a) time period and (urrent drain o? 1 read (0(le and ') time period and (urrent drain o? 1 emulation phase Elearl0 mar/ the (urrent drain and time period ?or the Kread phaseM> the Kemulation phaseM> and the (omplete time period o? 1 -GE operation. Pro+ide this plot to A;<;. Eal(ulate the a+erage (urrent drain ?or 1 -GE operation '0 multipl0ing the reader phase time '0 the (urrent drain o? the reader phase> and di+iding that ?igure '0 the -GE time periodJ ((;ime duration o? reader phase (mse()W((urrent drain o? reader phase (mA))@ (-GE period o? time ?or 1 operation (mse()) &ample (al(ulationJ ;ime duration o? reader phase (mse() Y 30mse( AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 58 of 14'

Eurrent drain o? reader phase (mA) Y 200 mA -GE period o? time ?or 1 operation (mse() Y 1000mse( (30mse(W200mA)@1000mse()Y 10mA DEB .ould report 'a(/ that a+erage (urrent drain o? -GE e+ent is 10mA

;est results .hi(h are to 'e pro+ided ?or -GE test (aseJ 1) =dle mode measurement 'e?ore -GE a(ti+it0 2) Eurrent drain ?or ;AG@(ard reader e+ent 3) Eurrent drain ?or emulator mode 4) =dle mode measurement a?ter -GE a(ti+it0 3) D+erall (urrent drain measurement o? 1 -GE li?e (0(le> .hi(h in(ludes 'oth reader and emulator mode

=nitial pass@?ail (riteria ?or -GE e+ent (this is to 'e used to mar/ the test (ase pass@?ail)J

T2e 76( test cases must e !erformed ot2 in UMTS and ;T= if t2e U= su!!orts ot2:
;he B& shall ha+e a+erage (urrent drain less than 10mA due to -GE a(ti+it0


Radio *nterface 6ailure #R*6$ Prediction

A;<; utili$es ,=GV ?rom the net.or/ statisti(s to determine the per?orman(e o? the de+i(es .ithin our net.or/s. ;hese statisti(s are pro+ided to ea(h de+i(e +endor on a periodi( 'asis. ;hose de+i(es .hose ,=GV is a'o+e 0.5V are as/ed to in+estigate the de+i(e(s) to impro+e the ,=GV. ;hose de+i(es .hose ,=GV is a'o+e 1.0V are strongl0 en(ouraged to resol+e the high ,=GV or the de+i(e(s) might 'e remo+ed ?rom A;<;Us stores until a resolution is pro+ided. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 5? of 14'

=n order to generate a predi(ted ,=GV> the ,=G predi(tion tool utili$es the (urrent and past ,=GV ?rom those de+i(es .ith 300/ (alls or greater> along .ith the in?ormation ?rom the de+i(e to 'e predi(ted. ;his in?ormation in(ludes the ;,P@;=& ?rom the head e??e(t data pro+ided '0 the +endor> the +olume (in ((Us)> the 'ase 'and and ,G (hipset +endor@num'er@+ersion (the +endor should 'e as (omplete in their detail a'out the (hipsets in order to ensure a((ura(0 in (omparison .ith similar (hipsets)> and de+i(e t0pe (i.e. ) (lamshell> (and0 'ar> slider> et(.). ;he ,=G predi(tion tool is updated Auarterl0 .ith the latest ,=GV> .ith re+isions to the model 'ased on the ne. in?ormation. Gor more in?ormation a'out the tool> (onta(t 1aurie !igler. Test 1 1 10<<6 Ta& 1 G&B-G1*-2-6000 Materials Required EH(el spreadsheet .ith ,=G tool en(losed ;,P@;=& ?or head e??e(t (re+ised tool utili$ing head 2 hand e??e(t shall 'e pro+ided on ;!*) Volume o? de+i(e (?rom 13256> ;a'> KAppendiH "M ;0pe o? de+i(e (i.e. ) (lamshell> (and0 'ar> slider> et(.) !ase 'and and ,G (hipset +endor> produ(t name@num'er> +ersion> et(. (more detail is pre?erred) ?rom 13256> ;a'> KEomplian(eM> Ehapter 2 Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result ,adio =nter?a(e Gailure (,=G) Predi(tion

Dpen the spreadsheet and populate all +alues> as stated in the KBaterials reAuiredM (olumn. Eop0 the ,=G predi(tion ?ormula ?or the (urrent Auarter ?rom a ro. a'o+e the (urrent de+i(e. &a+e the spreadsheet and (op0 the ne. ro. ?or the de+i(e to another spreadsheet to ensure that data is /ept se(ure ?rom ?uture ?ormula modi?i(ations. =? the predi(ted ,=GV is 'elo. 0.5V> no ?urther a(tion reAuired =? the predi(ted ,=GV is a'o+e 0.5V> populate a se+erit0 2 de?e(t in Nualit0 Eenter. =? the predi(ted ,=GV is a'o+e 1.0V> populate a se+erit0 1 de?e(t in Nualit0 Eenter. An0 de+i(e results at or a'o+e 0.5V should 'e pro+ided to 1aurie !igler ?or re+ie. prior to populating a de?e(t. Pro+ide the ,=G Predi(tion &preadsheet to 1aurie !igler ea(h Auarter ?or updates to the eHisting produ(ts in the mar/et> as .ell as modi?i(ations to the predi(tion ?ormula and (hipsets 'ased on ne. produ(ts entering the mar/ets.


Radiated Performance

Good antenna per?orman(e is (riti(al to the e??e(ti+e operation o? a (ellular or PE& terminal in toda0Rs net.or/s. As terminals 'e(ome smaller> antenna per?orman(e is o?ten (ompromised. A(hie+ing an e??i(ient antenna in a small si$e and o+er 'oth (ellular and PE& ?reAuen(0 'ands is a AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 60 of 14'

di??i(ult tas/. A (omprehensi+e and a((urate (hara(teri$ation o? antenna per?orman(e .ill ena'le (ellular@PE& (arriers and phone manu?a(turers to determine ho. .ell phones .ill .or/ .ithin the (onstraints o? a spe(i?i( (ellular net.or/ design.

All su'missions o? radiated per?orman(e data ?or a ne. produ(t .ith an integrated antenna must 'e ?rom a E;=A Appro+ed ;est 1a' (EA;1)> using the latest appro+ed +ersion o? KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM o All 7e9 Su missions reAuireJ ;otal ,adiated Po.er (;,P) (in(ludes 1;E) ;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0 (;=&) (in(ludes 1;E) AGP& ;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0 (AGP& ;=&) =ntermediate Ehannel ,elati+e &ensiti+it0

Antenna En+elope Eorrelation ;,P@;=& "and onl0 position ;,P@;=& "ead and "and (!""1 and !"",)

Per 1))40 +ersion 4:?8 data for t2e follo9in& test !ositions is due for de+ice AGPS T*S3
AGP& ;=&> Gree &pa(eJ -140 d!m ^ AGP& ;=&> ,ight "and (,")J -135 d!m ^ AGP& ;=&> !eside "ead> "ead ,ight (!"",)J -137 d!m ^ AGP& P=G&> Gree &pa(eJ -135 d!m ^ AGP& P=G&> ,"J -137 d!m ^ AGP& P=G&> !"",J -134 d!m ^ AGP& C"=&> Gree &pa(eJ -137 d!m ^ AGP& C"=&> ,"J -134 d!m ^ AGP& C"=&> !"",J -132 d!m o o All ,ard9are Modifications reAuire resu'mission o? 'oth ;,P and ;=& ?or right phantom head (a/a Kredu(ed set> 'eside right side head positionM) ?or (ir(uit s.it(hed in all te(hnologies and ?reAuen(0 'ands .hi(h are supported (i.e. ) G&B and CB;&)> unless determined '0 A;<; Bo'ilit0 that resu'mission is not ne(essar0. AGP& ;=& measurements are also reAuired ?or "ard.are modi?i(ations. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 61 of 14'

o o o o o

=G the redu(ed set o? data sho.s signi?i(ant deltas ?rom the initial test results> A;<; Bo'ilit0 ma0 reAuest additional or a (omplete set o? testing. W =? the measurement delta 'et.een Eon?iguration n (-T1) and Eon?iguration 1 is greater than 1.3d!> .e .ill dis(uss .ith the +endor and dis(uss neHt steps. Eonta(t the 1a0er 1 &u'8e(t Batter EHpert (&BE)> ohn !ulger or un- ie "uang ?or (lari?i(ation. All (olor (2an&es to terminals reAuire resu'mission o? 'oth ;,P and ;=& ?or right phantom head (a/a Kredu(ed set> 'eside right side head positionM) ?or (ir(uit s.it(hed in all te(hnologies and ?reAuen(0 'ands supported (i.e. ) G&B and CB;&)> unless determined '0 A;<; Bo'ilit0 that resu'mission is not ne(essar0. AGP& ;=& measurements are also reAuired ?or (olor (hange modi?i(ations. =G the redu(ed set o? data sho.s signi?i(ant deltas ?rom the initial test results> A;<; Bo'ilit0 ma0 reAuest additional or a (omplete set o? testing. W =? the measurement delta 'et.een Eon?iguration n (-T1) and Eon?iguration 1 is greater than 1.3d!> .e .ill dis(uss .ith the +endor and dis(uss neHt steps.

o 76( s!ecific confi&uration for 4TA testin&3

*f t2e 4=M de+ice su!!orts 76(8 t2is MUST e turned on durin& all (T*A la 4TA ATRP@T*S and AGPS T*SB testin&: T2is needs to e !erformed for de+ices t2at su!!ort eit2er TAG reader@4!en 76( or emulation mode:
o o Eonta(t the 1a0er 1 &u'8e(t Batter EHpert (&BE)> ohn !ulger or un- ie "uang ?or (lari?i(ation. =? the su'mission (onsists o? multiple terminals o? the same model> the +endor must a+erage the terminals together using the ?ollo.ing methodJ d!m +alues must ?irst 'e (on+erted to mF> then a+eraged and (on+erted 'a(/ to d!m Ea(h (hannel +alue ?or Gree-spa(e and head@phantom e??e(t must 'e su'mitted as a separate +alue. Additionall0> the a+eraged +alues ?or all (hannels (lo.er> middle> upper) .ithin a 'and (an 'e su'mitted. o Gor head@phantom e??e(t measurements> 'oth the le?t and right ear measurements are reAuired. o Gor terminals that .ould not 'e pla(ed against the head ?or an0 use (ase> onl0 ?ree spa(e measurements are reAuired. o Gor terminals pla(ed against the 'od0 ?or normal usage> 'ut not against the head> the +endor must pro+ide data pro+ing the terminalUs radiated per?orman(e against the 'od0. ;he E;=A test plan does not (urrentl0 pro+ide assistan(e to the EA;1 in support o? the 'od0 model. ;he +endor must gain A;<; Bo'ilit0Us appro+al o? the method ?or .hi(h the0 test and su'mit the data. An0 eH(eptions to the a'o+e> (onta(t the 1a0er 1 &u'8e(t Batter EHpert (&BE)> ohn !ulger or un- ie "uang ?or (lari?i(ation. Gor terminals that do not support an integrated antenna> the ?ollo.ing options are a+aila'leJ AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 6' of 14'

Dption 1J Gull ;,P@;=& data as reAuired ?or integrated antenna solutions. ;his is the pre?erred option. Dption 2J Antenna and (a'le data E and " plane (uts o? the antenna pattern ?or ea(h 'and o? operation. ;hese patterns must 'e essentiall0 Dmni-dire(tional. V&F, plot ?or ea(h 'and o? operation. -o point .ithin ea(h 'and o? operation (an 'e a'o+e 2.0J1. An a+erage o? the V&F, in ea(h 'and is not a((epta'le. =? an0 point ?ails to meet this reAuirement> re?er to Dption 1. Ea'le t0pe and length shall 'e pro+ided 'et.een the trans(ei+er output and the antenna. ;he data .ill 'e used to estimate the loss and (al(ulate e??e(ti+e ;,P@;=& using the (ondu(ted po.er and sensiti+it0. =? the e??e(ti+e ;,P@;=& are 'elo. the A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirements> re?er to Dption 1. As o? 4N03> A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuires head 2 hand e??e(t data ?or all terminals entering the la'. As o? une 2007> all terminals entering Phase 2 e+aluations .ithout this data .ill re(ei+e a Priorit0 1 issue. ;he la(/ o? this data .ill 'e (ommuni(ated to the A;<; Bo'ilit0 eHe(uti+es ?or their de(ision to allo. te(hni(al appro+al o? the terminal. o -o A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirement has 'een (reated ?or the head 2 hand e??e(t results. ;he data .ill 'e used to determine a ?uture limit. "o.e+er> i? there is a great disparit0 'et.een the head e??e(t and the head 2 hand e??e(t data> the +endor and A;<; Bo'ilit0 eHe(uti+es .ill 'e noti?ied> .ith the potential ?or an issue to 'e (reated. "and position(s) are not de?ined at this time. "o.e+er> the +endor should use those positions .hi(h .ould 'e the highest pro'a'ilit0 'ased on the +endor e+aluations should 'e used. ;he +endor must suppl0 detail o? the hand position> and@or a photo o? the de+i(e under test .ith the hand position(s). "and phantoms are readil0 a+aila'le. ;he +endor must suppl0 the hand phantom t0pe .ith the data. =? EGP,& 5P&Q ?ree spa(e data is su'mitted to A;<; Bo'ilit0 ?or a terminal> no E& ?ree spa(e data is reAuired> unless the single point measurement option is ta/en> as des(ri'ed in the E;=A test spe(i?i(ation. =? single point measurements are used> all ?ree spa(e data ?or (ir(uit s.it(hed must 'e su'mitted in support o? this method o? testing. =? the terminal de+i(e does not support Eir(uit &.it(hed (E&) +oi(e as a mode o? operation> a ?ull e+aluation o? GP,& ;,P and ;=& must 'e per?ormed> .ith intermediate (hannel relati+e sensiti+it0 also per?ormed .ith GP,&. o o

Test 1 1

10<<6 Ta& 1 G&B-!;,-1-0103

Material Requirements ,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result ;otal ,adiated Po.er> Eir(uit &.it(hed Voi(e

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ,eAuire ?ree spa(e measurements ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. ,eAuire "ead@Phantom e??e(t measurements ?or ea(h ear position (1e?t and

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 6) of 14'

,ight) ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. ,eAuire "ead@Phantom .ith anthropomorphi( hand e??e(t measurements ?or ea(h ear position (1e?t and ,ight pre?erred> right position reAuired) ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. ;he hand t0pe and a pi(ture o? the head 2 hand@?inger position must 'e pro+ided. ;o determine i? the measurement meets the A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirement> ea(h measurement (hannel and ear position (d!m +alue) shall 'e (al(ulated '0 (on+erting to milli.atts> then a+eraged> then (on+erted to d!m.


,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

"ead@Phantom e??e(t result shall 'e at or greater than 227d!m (G&B530) and 224.3d!m (G&B1600) -o reAuirement ?or "ead and "and e??e(t result. ;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0 (;=&)> Eir(uit &.it(hed Voi(e

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ,eAuire ?ree spa(e measurements ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. ,eAuire "ead@Phantom e??e(t measurements ?or ea(h ear position (1e?t and ,ight) ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. ,eAuire "ead@Phantom .ith anthropomorphi( hand e??e(t measurements ?or ea(h ear position (1e?t and ,ight pre?erred> right position reAuired) ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. ;he hand t0pe and a pi(ture o? the head 2 hand@?inger position must 'e pro+ided. ;o determine i? the measurement meets the A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirement> ea(h measurement (hannel and ear position (d!m +alue) shall 'e (al(ulated '0 (on+erting to milli.atts> then a+eraged> then (on+erted to d!m.


,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

"ead@Phantom e??e(t result shall 'e at or greater than -66d!m (G&B530) and -101.3d!m (G&B1600). -o reAuirement ?or "ead and "and e??e(t result. ;otal ,adiated Po.er> Pa(/et-s.it(hed> GB&Q modulation

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 64 of 14'

Per?orman(eM ,eAuire ?ree spa(e measurements ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. "ead phantom e??e(t measurements .ould onl0 'e reAuired i? supported ?or VD=P or P;; (using GP,&) (apa'ilit0. ;o determine i? the measurement meets the A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirement> ea(h measurement (hannel and ear position (d!m +alue) shall 'e (al(ulated '0 (on+erting to milli.atts> then a+eraged> then (on+erted to d!m.


,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

Gree &pa(e result shall 'e at or greater than 227d!m (G&B530) and 224.3d!m (G&B1600) ;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0 (;=&)> Pa(/et-s.it(hed> GB&Q modulation

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ,eAuire ?ree spa(e measurements ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. "ead phantom e??e(t measurements .ould onl0 'e reAuired i? supported ?or VD=P or P;; (using GP,&) (apa'ilit0. ;o determine i? the measurement meets the A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirement> ea(h measurement (hannel and ear position (d!m +alue) shall 'e (al(ulated '0 (on+erting to milli.atts> then a+eraged> then (on+erted to d!m.


,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

Gree &pa(e result shall 'e at or greater than -66d!m (G&B530) and -101.3d!m (G&B1600) ;otal ,adiated Po.er> Pa(/et-s.it(hed> 5P&Q modulation

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ,eAuire ?ree spa(e measurements ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. "ead phantom e??e(t measurements .ould onl0 'e reAuired i? supported ?or VD=P or P;; (using EGP,&) (apa'ilit0. ;o determine i? the measurement meets the A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirement> ea(h measurement (hannel (d!m +alue) shall 'e (al(ulated '0 (on+erting to milli.atts> then a+eraged> then (on+erted to d!m.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 65 of 14'


,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

Gree &pa(e result shall 'e at or greater than 220.3d!m (G&B530) and 22016.3d!m (G&B1600) ;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0 (;=&)> Pa(/et-s.it(hed> 5P&Q modulation

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ,eAuire ?ree spa(e measurements ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. "ead phantom e??e(t measurements .ould onl0 'e reAuired i? supported ?or VD=P or P;; (using EGP,&) (apa'ilit0. ;o determine i? the measurement meets the A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirement> ea(h measurement (hannel (d!m +alue) shall 'e (al(ulated '0 (on+erting to milli.atts> then a+eraged> then (on+erted to d!m.


,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

Gree &pa(e result shall 'e at or greater than -642.3d!m (G&B530) and -643.3d!m (G&B1600) ;otal ,adiated Po.er> CB;& E& Voi(e

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ,eAuire ?ree spa(e and head e??e(t measurements ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. ,eAuire "ead@Phantom .ith anthropomorphi( hand e??e(t measurements ?or ea(h ear position (1e?t and ,ight pre?erred> right position reAuired) ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. ;he hand t0pe and a pi(ture o? the head 2 hand@?inger position must 'e pro+ided. ;o determine i? the measurement meets the A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirement> ea(h measurement (hannel (d!m +alue) shall 'e (al(ulated '0 (on+erting to milli.atts> then a+eraged> then (on+erted to d!m.

"ead@PhantomGree spa(e e??e(t result shall 'e at or greater than 2143d!m (G&B530) and 215.3d!m (G&B1600). -o reAuirement ?or "ead and "and e??e(t result. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 66 of 14'


,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0 (;=&)> CB;& E& Voi(e

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ,eAuire ?ree spa(e and head e??e(t measurements ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. ,eAuire "ead@Phantom .ith anthropomorphi( hand e??e(t measurements ?or ea(h ear position (1e?t and ,ight pre?erred> right position reAuired) ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. ;he hand t0pe and a pi(ture o? the head 2 hand@?inger position must 'e pro+ided. ;o determine i? the measurement meets the A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirement> ea(h measurement (hannel (d!m +alue) shall 'e (al(ulated '0 (on+erting to milli.atts> then a+eraged> then (on+erted to d!m.


,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

Gree spa(e e??e(t result shall 'e at or greater than -10067.4d!m (G&B530) and -1020.4d!m (G&B1600). -o reAuirement ?or "ead and "and e??e(t result. =ntermediate Ehannel ,elati+e &ensiti+it0 ?or G&B E& Voi(e

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ,eAuire ?ree spa(e and head e??e(t measurements ?or ea(h (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. =? the terminal does not support E& as part o? the appro+al (i.e. - data onl0 produ(t) intermediate (hannel relati+e sensiti+it0 (an 'e per?ormed using GP,& and@or EGP,&. "o.e+er> the ;=& tests must also 'e per?ormed in GP,&@EGP,& mode in order to re?le(t the a(tual ;=& ?or that mode o? operation.



,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

All intermediate (hannels must 'e less than 2.44V ?or E&. =ntermediate Ehannel ,elati+e &ensiti+it0 ?or CB;& E& Voi(e

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ,eAuire ?ree spa(e and head e??e(t measurements ?or ea(h (hannel ?or ea(h 'and.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 6< of 14'

All intermediate (hannels must 'e less than 1V ?or E&. 11 12 13 G&B-!;,-1-0102 G&B-!;,-10114G&B-!;,-10103 ;!* ,e?er to 17043> se(tion 4.3.1 ,e?er to 17043> se(tion 4.3.1 ,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM Beasure the ;C to esta'lish the le+el o? per?orman(e ?or ;=& ?or Autonomous GP&> as stipulated in 17043 se(tion 4.3.1 Beasure the ;C to esta'lish the le+el o? per?orman(e ?or ;=& ?or Assisted GP&> (AGP&) as stipulated in 17043 se(tion 4.3.1 ;otal ,adiated Po.er> "&PA@"&PA2 !and 2 ,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ,eAuire ?ree spa(e measurements ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. ;o determine i? the measurement meets the A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirement> ea(h measurement (hannel and position d!m +alue shall 'e (al(ulated '0 (on+erting to milli.atts> then a+eraging> then (on+erting to d!m. Po.er (lass 3 "&PA@"&PA2 de+i(es shall displa0 a ?ree spa(e ;,P o? 'etter than or eAual to 215.3d!m .hile operating at ?ull output po.er on !and 2 using the E;=A F-E*BA ;,P measurement methodolog0. 14 ;!* ,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0 (;=&)> Primar0 ,e(ei+er> "&PA@"&PA2 !and 2

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ,eAuire ?ree spa(e measurements ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. ;o determine i? the measurement meets the A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirement> ea(h measurement (hannel and position d!m +alue shall 'e (al(ulated '0 (on+erting to milli.atts> then a+eraging> then (on+erting to d!m.

;he per?orman(e o? the primar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0) AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 68 of 14'

'etter than or eAual to -102d!m as measured in ?ree spa(e .hile using the E;=A test methodolog0 ?or F-E*BA ;=& measurement. 13 ;!* ,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0 (;=&)> &e(ondar0 ,e(ei+er> "&PA@"&PA2 !and 2 Gor all &=BD-(apa'le de+i(es> the per?orman(e o? the se(ondar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -66d!m as measured in ?ree spa(e .hile using the E;=A test methodolog0 ?or F-E*BA ;=& measurement. ;otal ,adiated Po.er> "&PA@"&PA2 !and 3



,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ,eAuire ?ree spa(e measurements ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. ;o determine i? the measurement meets the A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirement> ea(h measurement (hannel and position d!m +alue shall 'e (al(ulated '0 (on+erting to milli.atts> then a+eraging> then (on+erting to d!m.



,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

Po.er Elass 3 "&PA@"&PA2 de+i(es shall displa0 a ?ree spa(e ;,P o? 'etter than or eAual to 2 13d!m .hile operating at ?ull output po.er on !and 3 using the E;=A F-E*BA ;,P measurement methodolog0. ;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0 (;=&)> Primar0 ,e(ei+er> "&PA@"&PA2 !and 3

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM ,eAuire ?ree spa(e measurements ?or ea(h 1o.> Bedium> and "igh (hannel ?or ea(h 'and. ;o determine i? the measurement meets the A;<; Bo'ilit0 reAuirement> ea(h measurement (hannel and position d!m +alue shall 'e (al(ulated '0 (on+erting to milli.atts> then a+eraging> then (on+erting to d!m.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 6? of 14'



,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

;he per?orman(e o? the primar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -66d!m as measured in ?ree spa(e .hile using the E;=A test methodolog0 ?or F-E*BA ;=& measurement. ;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0 (;=&)> &e(ondar0 ,e(ei+er> "&PA@"&PA2 !and 3 Gor all &=BD-(apa'le de+i(es> the per?orman(e o? the se(ondar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -67d!m as measured in ?ree spa(e .hile using the E;=A test methodolog0 ?or F-E*BA ;=& measurement. ;otal ,adiated Po.er> 1;E !ands 2> 4> 3> 14 Po.er Elass 3 1;E de+i(es operating in !and 14 shall displa0 a ?ree-spa(e ;,P o? 'etter than or eAual to 215.0 d!m .hile operating in NP&Q mode at ?ull output po.er on !and 14 using the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;,P po.er +alues measured on these three test C1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;,P +alue. Po.er Elass 3 1;E de+i(es operating in !and 3 shall displa0 a ?ree-spa(e ;,P o? 'etter than or eAual to 215.0 d!m .hile operating in NP&Q mode at ?ull output po.er on !and 3 using the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG-111203-1. ;he linear ;,P po.er +alues measured on these three test C1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;,P +alue. Po.er Elass 3 1;E de+i(es operating in !and 4 shall displa0 a ?ree-spa(e ;,P o? 'etter than or eAual to 2 20.0 d!m .hile operating in NP&Q mode at ?ull output po.er on !and 4using the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed in E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;,P po.er +alues measured on these three test C1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;,P +alue. Po.er Elass 3 1;E de+i(es operating in !and 2 shall displa0


1;E-!;,-1-0120 1;E-!;,-1-0100 1;E-!;,-1-0122 1;E-!;,-1-0102

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e <0 of 14'

a ?ree-spa(e ;,P o? 'etter than or eAual to 220.0 d!m .hile operating in NP&Q mode at ?ull output po.er on !and 2 using the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG-111203-1. ;he linear ;,P po.er +alues measured on these three test C1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;,P +alue. 20 1;E-!;,-1-0105 1;E-!;,-1-0125 1;E-!;,-1-0104 1;E-!;,-1-0124 ,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM &=&D &ingle !ran(h Per?orman(e ?or Primar0 ,e(ei+er !ands 2> 4> 3> and 14 ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 14 primar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -55 d!m measured in ?ree spa(e .hen utili$ing a 10 B"$ (hannel 'and.idth and NP&Q modulation in a((ordan(e .ith the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;=& po.er +alues measured on these three *1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;=& +alue. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 3 primar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -56 d!m measured in ?ree spa(e .hen utili$ing a 10 B"$ (hannel 'and.idth and NP&Q modulation in a((ordan(e .ith the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;=& po.er +alues measured on these three *1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;=& +alue. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 4 primar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -63 d!m measured in ?ree spa(e .hen utili$ing a 10 B"$ (hannel 'and.idth and NP&Q modulation in a((ordan(e .ith the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;=& po.er +alues measured on these three *1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;=& +alue. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 2 primar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -61 d!m measured in ?ree spa(e AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e <1 of 14'


1;E-!;,-1-0110 1;E-!;,-1-0130 1;E-!;,-1-0107 1;E-!;,-1-0127

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

.hen utili$ing a 10 B"$ (hannel 'and.idth and NP&Q modulation in a((ordan(e .ith the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;=& po.er +alues measured on these three *1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;=& +alue. &=&D &ingle !ran(h Per?orman(e ?or &e(ondar0 ,e(ei+er !ands 2> 4> 3> and 14 ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 14 se(ondar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must displa0 a ?ree-spa(e ;=& +alue that is .ithin 7 d! o? the primar0 re(ei+er in ?ree-spa(e. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 3 se(ondar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must displa0 a ?ree-spa(e ;=& +alue that is .ithin 7 d! o? the primar0 re(ei+er in ?ree-spa(e. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 4 se(ondar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must displa0 a ?ree-spa(e ;=& that is .ithin 7 d! o? that measured ?or the primar0 re(ei+er in ?reespa(e. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 2 se(ondar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must displa0 a ?ree-spa(e ;=& that is .ithin 7 d! o? the primar0 re(ei+er in ?ree-spa(e. ;otal ,adiated Po.er (;,P)> "and-Dnl0 (",@"1) 1;E !ands 2> 4> 3> and 14 Po.er Elass 3 1;E de+i(es operating in !and 3 shall displa0 a hand-onl0 right (",) and hand-onl0 le?t ("1) ;,P o? 'etter than or eAual to 214 d!m .hile operating in NP&Q mode at ?ull output po.er on !and 3 using the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;,P po.er +alues measured on these three test C1 ,! allo(ations a(ross the le?t and right hand shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;,P +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting hand-held data appli(ations (e.g. smartphones .ith no +oi(e support) meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. Po.er Elass 3 1;E de+i(es operating in !and 14 shall displa0



,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e <' of 14'

a hand-onl0 right (",) and hand-onl0 le?t ("1) ;,P o? 'etter than or eAual to 213 d!m .hile operating in NP&Q mode at ?ull output po.er on !and 14 using the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;,P po.er +alues measured on these three test C1 ,! allo(ations a(ross the le?t and right hand shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;,P +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting hand-held data appli(ations (e.g. smartphones .ith no +oi(e support) meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. Po.er Elass 3 1;E de+i(es operating in !and 4 shall displa0 a hand-onl0 right (",) and hand-onl0 le?t ("1) ;,P o? 'etter than or eAual to 213 d!m .hile operating in NP&Q mode at ?ull output po.er on !and 4 using the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;,P po.er +alues measured on these three test C1 ,! allo(ations a(ross the le?t and right hand shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;,P +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting hand-held data appli(ations (e.g. smartphones .ith no +oi(e support) meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. Po.er Elass 3 1;E de+i(es operating in !and 2 shall displa0 a hand-onl0 right (",) and hand-onl0 le?t ("1) ;,P o? 'etter than or eAual to 213 d!m .hile operating in NP&Q mode at ?ull output po.er on !and 2 using the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;,P po.er +alues measured on these three test C1 ,! allo(ations a(ross the le?t and right hand shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;,P +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting hand-held data appli(ations (e.g. smartphones .ith no +oi(e support) meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. ;otal ,adiated Po.er (;,P)> "ead < "and (!"",@!""1) !ands 2> 4> 3> and 14 Po.er Elass 3 1;E de+i(es operating in !and 3 shall displa0 a head < hand right (!"",) and head < hand le?t (!""1) ;,P o? 'etter than or eAual to 210 d!m .hile operating in NP&Q mode at ?ull output po.er on !and 3 using the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution



,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e <) of 14'

do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;,P po.er +alues measured on these three test C1 ,! allo(ations a(ross the le?t and right head < hand shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;,P +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting appli(ations .hi(h reAuire the user to hold the de+i(e to the head (e.g. Vo=P). =n addition> this test onl0 applies to de+i(es meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. Po.er Elass 3 1;E de+i(es operating in !and 14 shall displa0 a head < hand right (!"",) and head < hand le?t (!""1) ;,P o? 'etter than or eAual to 210 d!m .hile operating in NP&Q mode at ?ull output po.er on !and 14 using the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;,P po.er +alues measured on these three test C1 ,! allo(ations a(ross the le?t and right head < hand shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;,P +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting appli(ations .hi(h reAuire the user to hold the de+i(e to the head (e.g. Vo=P). =n addition> this test onl0 applies to de+i(es meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum.idth (riteria. Po.er Elass 3 1;E de+i(es operating in !and 4 shall displa0 a head < hand right (!"",) and head < hand le?t (!""1) ;,P o? 'etter than or eAual to 212 d!m .hile operating in NP&Q mode at ?ull output po.er on !and 4 using the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;,P po.er +alues measured on these three test C1 ,! allo(ations a(ross the le?t and right head < hand shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;,P +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting appli(ations .hi(h reAuire the user to hold the de+i(e to the head (e.g. Vo=P). =n addition> this test onl0 applies to de+i(es meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. Po.er Elass 3 1;E de+i(es operating in !and 2 shall displa0 a head < hand right (!"",) and head < hand le?t (!""1) ;,P o? 'etter than or eAual to 212 d!m .hile operating in NP&Q mode at ?ull output po.er on !and 2 using the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;,P po.er +alues measured on AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e <4 of 14'

these three test C1 ,! allo(ations a(ross the le?t and right head < hand shall 'e a+eraged to arri+e at a single ;,P +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting appli(ations .hi(h reAuire the user to hold the de+i(e to the head (e.g. Vo=P). =n addition> this test onl0 applies to de+i(es meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. 24 1;E-!;,-1-IIII ,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM &=&D@&ingle !ran(h Per?orman(e ?or Primar0 ,e(ei+er> "and-Dnl0 (",@"1) !ands 2> 4> 3 and 14 ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 14 primar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -53 d!m measured .ith the *C; in the right-hand (",) and le?t hand ("1) positions .hen utili$ing a 10 B"$ (hannel 'and.idth and NP&Q modulation in a((ordan(e .ith the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;=& po.er +alues measured on these three *1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged a(ross 'oth hand positions to arri+e at a single ;=& +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting hand-held data appli(ations (smartphones .ith no +oi(e support) meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 3 primar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -53 d!m measured .ith the *C; in the right-hand (",) and le?t hand ("1) positions .hen utili$ing a 10 B"$ (hannel 'and.idth and NP&Q modulation in a((ordan(e .ith the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;=& po.er +alues measured on these three *1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged a(ross 'oth hand positions to arri+e at a single ;=& +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting hand-held data appli(ations (e.g. smartphones .ith no +oi(e support) meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 4 primar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e <5 of 14'

&ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -55 d!m measured .ith the *C; in the right-hand (",) and le?t hand ("1) positions .hen utili$ing a 10 B"$ (hannel 'and.idth and NP&Q modulation in a((ordan(e .ith the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;=& po.er +alues measured on these three *1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged a(ross 'oth hand positions to arri+e at a single ;=& +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting hand-held data appli(ations (e.g. smartphones .ith no +oi(e support) meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 2 primar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -57 d!m measured .ith the *C; in the right-hand (",) and le?t hand ("1) positions .hen utili$ing a 10 B"$ (hannel 'and.idth and NP&Q modulation in a((ordan(e .ith the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;=& po.er +alues measured on these three *1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged a(ross 'oth hand positions to arri+e at a single ;=& +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting hand-held data appli(ations (e.g. smartphones .ith no +oi(e support) meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. Antenna En+elope Eoe??i(ient ?or 'ands 2> 4> 3 and 14 Gor "&*PA and 1;E de+i(es .ith t.o re(ei+e antennas> DEB is to pro+ide the 3* antenna (ompleH response ?or 'oth the +erti(al and hori$ontal polari$ation (omponents ?or 'oth antennas> per the do(ument K,eAuest ?or antenna en+elope (orrelation data V3.do(M. ;his do(ument is released .ith the 10447 test do(uments in the 14750 additional ?iles ?older.
What needs to be done is to calculate the envelope correlation between antennas. That data is expected going forward, for ALL devices which support RX diversity. The vendors should be able to process the measured antenna data to provide !" Average #$ antenna gain for both antennas


1;E-!;,-1-0112 1;E-!;,-1-0114 1;E-!;,-1-0132 1;E-!;,-1-0134

,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e <6 of 14'

%" The envelope correlation

OEMs are to please provide the envelope correlation data, in a summary excel file report file format. The data should be post processed data which shows 13 values per band. ! summary result at a minimum is re"uired to be provided#. !ntenna envelope correlation re"uirements$
When operating in &and %, the envelope correlation coefficient for all '()*+capable devices shall be less than ,.-. When operating in &and -, the envelope correlation coefficient for all '()*+capable devices shall be less than ,.-. When operating in &and ., the envelope correlation coefficient for all '()*+capable devices shall be less than ,... When operating in &and !/, the envelope correlation coefficient for all '()*+capable devices shall be less than ,...



,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

&=&D@&ingle !ran(h Per?orman(e ?or &e(ondar0 ,e(ei+er> "and-Dnl0 (",@"1) 'ands 2> 4> 3> and 14 ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 14 se(ondar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must displa0 a ;=& +alue that is .ithin 7 d! o? the primar0 re(ei+er as measured .ith the *C; in the right-hand (",) and le?t hand ("1) positions. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting hand-held data appli(ations (e.g. smartphones .ith no +oi(e support) meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 3 se(ondar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must displa0 a ;=& +alue that is .ithin 7 d! o? the primar0 re(ei+er as measured .ith the *C; in the right-hand (",) and le?t hand ("1) positions. ;his test shall onl0 appl0

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e << of 14'

to de+i(es supporting hand-held data appli(ations (e.g. smartphones .ith no +oi(e support) meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 4 se(ondar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must displa0 a ;=& +alue that is .ithin 7 d! o? the primar0 re(ei+er as measured .ith the *C; in the right-hand (",) and le?t hand ("1) positions. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting hand-held data appli(ations (e.g. smartphones .ith no +oi(e support) meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 2 se(ondar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must displa0 a ;=& +alue that is .ithin 7 d! o? the primar0 re(ei+er as measured .ith the *C; in the right-hand (",) and le?t hand ("1) positions. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting hand-held data appli(ations (e.g. smartphones .ith no +oi(e support) meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. &=&D@&ingle !ran(h Per?orman(e ?or Primar0 ,e(ei+er> "ead < "and (!"",@!""1) !ands 2> 4> 3> and 14 ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 14 primar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -50 d!m measured .ith the *C; in the head < hand right (!"",) and head < hand le?t (!""1) positions .hen utili$ing a 10 B"$ (hannel 'and.idth and NP&Q modulation in a((ordan(e .ith the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;=& po.er +alues measured on these three *1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged a(ross 'oth hand positions to arri+e at a single ;=& +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting appli(ations .hi(h reAuire the user to hold the de+i(e to the head (e.g. Vo=P). =n addition> this test onl0 applies to de+i(es meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 3 primar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution



,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e <8 of 14'

&ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -51 d!m measured .ith the *C; in the head < hand right (!"",) and head < hand le?t (!""1) positions .hen utili$ing a 10 B"$ (hannel 'and.idth and NP&Q modulation in a((ordan(e .ith the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;=& po.er +alues measured on these three *1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged a(ross 'oth hand positions to arri+e at a single ;=& +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting appli(ations .hi(h reAuire the user to hold the de+i(e to the head (e.g. Vo=P). =n addition> this test onl0 applies to de+i(es meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 4 primar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -53 d!m measured .ith the *C; in the head < hand right (!"",) and head < hand le?t (!""1) positions .hen utili$ing a 10 B"$ (hannel 'and.idth and NP&Q modulation in a((ordan(e .ith the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;=& po.er +alues measured on these three *1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged a(ross 'oth hand positions to arri+e at a single ;=& +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting appli(ations .hi(h reAuire the user to hold the de+i(e to the head (e.g. Vo=P). =n addition> this test onl0 applies to de+i(es meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 2 primar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must ha+e a ;=& (;otal =sotropi( &ensiti+it0) 'etter than or eAual to -53 d!m measured .ith the *C; in the head < hand right (!"",) and head < hand le?t (!""1) positions .hen utili$ing a 10 B"$ (hannel 'and.idth and NP&Q modulation in a((ordan(e .ith the test methodolog0 des(ri'ed '0 E;=A do(ument EPFG111203-1. ;he linear ;=& po.er +alues measured on these three *1 ,! allo(ations shall 'e a+eraged a(ross 'oth hand positions to arri+e at a single ;=& +alue. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting appli(ations .hi(h reAuire the user to hold the de+i(e to the head (e.g. Vo=P). =n addition> this test onl0 applies to de+i(es meeting AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e <? of 14'

the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. 25 1;E-!;,-1-IIII ,e?er to KE;=A Eerti?i(ation Program> ;est Plan Gor Bo'ile &tation ,adiated Per?orman(eM &=&D@&ingle !ran(h Per?orman(e ?or &e(ondar0 ,e(ei+er> "ead < "and (!"",@!""1) !ands 2> 4> 3> and 14 ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 14 se(ondar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must displa0 a ;=& +alue that is .ithin 7 d! o? the primar0 re(ei+er as measured .ith the *C; in the right-hand (",) and le?t hand ("1) positions. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting appli(ations .hi(h reAuire the user to hold the de+i(e to the head (e.g. Vo=P). =n addition> this test onl0 applies to de+i(es meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 3 se(ondar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must displa0 a ;=& +alue that is .ithin 7 d! o? the primar0 re(ei+er as measured .ith the *C; in the right-hand (",) and le?t hand ("1) positions. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting appli(ations .hi(h reAuire the user to hold the de+i(e to the head (e.g. Vo=P). =n addition> this test onl0 applies to de+i(es meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 4 se(ondar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must displa0 a ;=& +alue that is .ithin 7 d! o? the primar0 re(ei+er as measured .ith the *C; in the right-hand (",) and le?t hand ("1) positions. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting appli(ations .hi(h reAuire the user to hold the de+i(e to the head (e.g. Vo=P). =n addition> this test onl0 applies to de+i(es meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria. ;he per?orman(e o? the !and 2 se(ondar0 re(ei+er (.hen operated as a single 'ran(h &=&D lin/) must displa0 a ;=& +alue that is .ithin 7 d! o? the primar0 re(ei+er as measured .ith the *C; in the right-hand (",) and le?t hand ("1) positions. ;his test shall onl0 appl0 to de+i(es supporting appli(ations .hi(h reAuire the user to hold the de+i(e to the head (e.g. Vo=P). =n addition> this test onl0 applies to AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 80 of 14'

de+i(es meeting the E;=A 42 mm maHimum-.idth (riteria.


StandardiCation of t2e num er of si&nal ars

A;<; mo'ilit0 .ishes to 'etter (hara(teri$e and standardi$e ,&&= and ,&EP in order to standardi$e the num'er o? 'ars o? ser+i(e .hi(h are displa0ed on de+i(es> and .e de+eloped a standard. ;he reAuirement is de?ined in se(tion 5.7 o? the 13340 do(ument and the test pro(edure is de?ined 'elo.. 2G < 3G ^ ;he mo'ile de+i(eRs antenna (onne(tor .ill 'e (onne(ted to a radio (ommuni(ations test set .ith an ,G (a'le ^ &ignal le+els ?rom -36d!m to -113d!m in 1d! steps .ill 'e presented to the mo'ile de+i(e as measured at the de+i(eUs antenna (onne(tor. ^ ;he mo'ile de+i(e under test .ill 'e pla(ed into a (all. ^ ;he ,&&=> EP=E"-,&EP and E(@-o +alues .hi(h are reported ?rom the mo'ile de+i(e to the radio (ommuni(ations test eAuipment shall 'e re(orded in an EH(el spreadsheet. ^ ;he (orresponding num'er o? signal 'ars displa0ed on the mo'ile de+i(eRs user inter?a(e shall 'e re(orded into the EH(el spreadsheet. ^ ;he CERs ina'ilit0 to de(ode an0 !EE"@,&EP shall result in a Kno ser+i(eM indi(ation regardless o? the input po.er le+el. 4G ^ ;he mo'ile de+i(eRs antenna (onne(tor .ill 'e (onne(ted to a radio (ommuni(ations test set .ith an ,G (a'le ^ &ignal le+els ?rom -3676d!m to -12001d!m in 1d! steps .ill 'e presented to the mo'ile de+i(e as measured at the de+i(eUs antenna (onne(tor. ^ ;he mo'ile de+i(e under test .ill 'e pla(ed into a (all. ^ ;he ,&,P +alues .hi(h are reported ?rom the mo'ile de+i(e to the radio (ommuni(ations test eAuipment shall 'e re(orded in an EH(el spreadsheet. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 81 of 14'

^ ^

;he (orresponding num'er o? signal 'ars displa0ed on the mo'ile de+i(eRs user inter?a(e shall 'e re(orded into the EH(el spreadsheet. ;he CERs ina'ilit0 to de(ode an0 ,&,P@,&,N shall result in a Kno ser+i(eM indi(ation regardless o? the input po.er le+el.

An EH(el spreadsheet template is a+aila'le in the K14750 additional ?ilesM supporting do(umentation. ;he template ?ile name is K14750 additional ?iles 2G 3G 4G signal 'ar mapping templateM. ;he template ?ile is released .ith the 10447 test s(ripts ?or ea(h Auarterl0 update o? A;<; reAuirements and test s(ripts. ;he eH(el spreadsheet template .ill 'e used '0 all DEB and AV1 test la's .hen (on?irming signal 'ar (omplian(e .ith A;<; reAuirements. ;he DEBs are reAuired to pro+ide data sets to the A;<; &BE ?or the 2G> 3G and 4G signal 'ar de+i(e per?orman(e> at 1E-2 time?rame.

;est # 1

10447 ;ag # G&B-!;,-1-0200

Baterial ,eAuirements &tandardi$ation o? signal 'ars ?or 2G@G&B !& simulator supporting G&B530 @ G&B1600 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

;est *es(ription and EHpe(ted ,esult Driginate @ (ontinue a (all on the middle (hannel. &ignal 'ar data needs to 'e (olle(ted ?or 'oth G&B 530 < G&B 1600 'ands. *e+i(e should 'e tested at maHimum po.er le+el (3 ?or G&B 530 < 0 ?or G&B 1600). Beasure the mo'ile de+i(e to determine the reported ,&&= ?or gi+en ;E" (!EE") signal le+els. =? the mo'ile de+i(e uses !EE" ?or (al(ulation o? the signal 'ar> this signal must 'e +aried (instead o? ;E") and> this note must 'e re(orded in the data (olle(tion spreadsheet. ;est operator .ill +ar0 the ;E" (!EE") signal ?rom the ,adio (ommuni(ations test eAuipment ?rom -36d!m do.n to -113d!m. ;he ;E" (!EE") signal .ill 'e lo.ered in 1d! in(rements. ;est operator .ill re(ord the ,eported ,H 1e+el (reported ?rom the de+i(e to the radio (ommuni(ations tester) ) K,H 1e+el GullM> ?or ea(h o? the signal le+els ?rom -36d!m to -113d!m in the signal 'ar template spreadsheet pro+ided. ;he lo.er +alue o? ,H 1e+el .ill 'e re(orded into the template spreadsheet. ;he # o? signal 'ars listed on the mo'ile de+i(eUs displa0 .ill 'e reported.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 8' of 14'

;est operator .ill note the ;E" (!EE") signal le+el i?@.hen the phone goes into a Kno ser+i(eM mode. ;esting .ill 'e per?ormed in a (ondu(ted manner> .ith an ,G (a'le atta(hed to the antenna terminal. ;he antenna terminal o? the ;C .ill 'e the re?eren(e point ?or the signal le+els. ;he de+i(e must displa0 the reAuired signal 'ar le+el ?or the CE reported ,&&=. ;he signal 'ar le+el .hi(h is displa0ed on the CE must mat(h the reAuired signal 'ar le+els de?ined '0 A;<; ?or 2G.


;his test is to +eri?0 the per?orman(e o? the CE .hen a (om'ination o? .anted signal (E() and noise (-o) are re(ei+ed '0 the CE. =n this test> the .anted signal (E() is the Dutput po.er (hannel (=or). !& simulator supporting ;he noise signal (-o) is pro+ided '0 +ar0ing the AFG- -oise po.er. CB;& 530 @ CB;& 1600 Driginate @ (ontinue a (all on the middle (hannel. ,G adapter or (a'led &ignal 'ar data needs to 'e (olle(ted ?or 'oth 'and 2 < 'and 3. *e+i(e terminal should 'e tested at maHimum po.er le+el. !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) Beasure the mo'ile de+i(e to determine the reported EP=E" ,&EP ?or gi+en (om'inations o? EP=E" ,&EP and EP=E" E(@-o signal le+els. Beasure the mo'ile de+i(e in order to determine the # o? signal 'ars .hi(h are displa0ed> gi+en the possi'le (om'inations o? EP=E" ,&EP and E(@-o. ;he test operator .ill de?ine the P-EP=E" o??set le+el ('et.een =or < ,&EP) ?or the setup in the test eAuipment. A;<; sets the P-EP=E" o??set le+el to 4d! ?or this test. ;his means that ?or an =or o? -36d!m> the EP=E" ,&EP .ill 'e -73d!m. &ee note 1 'elo.. ;est operator .ill +ar0 the =or signal ?rom the ,adio (ommuni(ations test eAuipment 'et.een -36d!m do.n to -113 d!m. ;he =or signal .ill 'e lo.ered in 1d! in(rements. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

&tandardi$ation o? signal 'ars ?or 3G@CB;&

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 8) of 14'

;est operator .ill re(ord the reported EP=E" ,&EP 1e+el (reported ?rom the de+i(e to the radio (ommuni(ations test eAuipment) ?or ea(h o? the =or signal le+els ?rom -36d!m to -113d!m into the signal 'ar template spreadsheet pro+ided. ;he Klo.erM +alue o? EP=E" ,&EP .ill 'e re(orded into the template spreadsheet. ;he data point .ill 'e re(orded into the template spreadsheet (olumn .ith the header KB& reported EP=E" ,&EP (d!m)M. &ee note 3 'elo.. ;he test operator .ill +ar0 the =or and AFG- (-o) signal le+els in order to (hange the E(@-o le+el .hi(h is pro+ided to the CE. ;he EP=E" E(@-o le+els .hi(h .ill 'e pro+ided to the CE (see note 2 'elo.) .ill 'e 'et.een the ranges de?ined in the reAuirementJ T-10 -10 _ E(@-o T -12 -12 _ E(@-o T -14 -14 _ E(@-o T - 17 E(@-o ` -17 ;he test operator .ill re(ord the EP=E" E(@-o signal le+el (reported ?rom the de+i(e to the radio (ommuni(ations test eAuipment) in the template spreadsheet. ;he data point .ill 'e re(orded into the template spreadsheet (olumn .ith the header KEP=E" E(@-o (d!) reported '0 CEM. &ee note 3 'elo.. ;he # o? signal 'ars listed on the mo'ile de+i(eUs displa0 .ill 'e reported. ;he data point .ill 'e re(orded into the template spreadsheet (olumn .ith the header K# o? !ars (3G)M ;est operator .ill note the po.er le+el i?@.hen the phone goes into a Kno ser+i(eM mode. ;esting .ill 'e per?ormed in a (ondu(ted manner> .ith an ,G (a'le atta(hed to the antenna terminal. ;he antenna terminal o? the ;C .ill 'e the re?eren(e point ?or the signal le+els. ;he de+i(e must displa0 the reAuired signal 'ar le+el ?or the CE reported EP=E" ,&EP and EP=E" E(@-o (om'inations.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 84 of 14'

;he signal 'ar le+el .hi(h is displa0ed on the CE must mat(h the reAuired signal 'ar le+els de?ined '0 A;<; ?or 3G. 7otes for users of test !latform 1)0 onl"3 1) ;o (hange the delta +alues ('et.een =or < EP=E" ,&EP) to something other than the de?ault o? 3.3 d!> here are the steps. =n 3G mode> under !& &ignal ;a'> go to -ode ! settings-T1e+el re?eren(e. ;he de?ault setting is PEP=E". Ehange that to read KDutput (hannel po.erM. &e(ond> s(roll do.n to *o.nlin/ Ph0si(al (hannels> and sele(t PEP=E". ;he de?ault delta ('et.een =or < EP=E" ,&EP) is set to -3.3. Ehange this parameter to -4. Dn(e 0ou (hoose and enter the +alue o? -4> go 'a(/ to -ode ! settings and (hange the le+el re?eren(e KDutput (hannel po.erM 'a(/ to KPEP=E"M. ;his .ill set the delta to -4. 2) ;o set the E(@-o le+elJ =n \!& &ignal\ ta'> under K-ode ! settingsM it is possi'le to set AFG(-o). ;he test operator .ill +ar0 the signal le+el o? the parameter KAFE- -oise Po.er (93.54 B"$). ;his parameter .ill 'e in(reased or de(reased until the desired E(@-o le+el is reported '0 the CE. 3) =n order to re(ord the CE reported EP=E" ,&EP < EP=E" E(@-o le+elsJ Go to the Kre(ei+er Aualit0M then Kappli(ationM then KCE reportM. ;he EP=E" ,&EP and EP=E" E(@-o listed on the test eAuipment displa0 is .hat EP=E" ,&EP and EP=E" E(@-o the de+i(e is reporting.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 85 of 14'


&tandardi$ation o? signal 'ars ?or 4G@1;E !& simulator supporting 1;E !and 4 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

;his test is to +eri?0 the per?orman(e o? the CE .hen a (om'ination o? ,&,P and ,&,N are signal le+els are re(ei+ed '0 the CE. =n this test> .e need to measure the CE reported signal strength (,&,P) and the signal Aualit0 (,&,N). Driginate @ (ontinue a (all on the middle (hannel. &ignal 'ar data needs to 'e (olle(ted ?or 'oth 'and 4 < 'and 14. *e+i(e should 'e tested at maHimum po.er le+el. Beasure the mo'ile de+i(e to determine the reported ,&,P and ,&,N ?or gi+en (om'inations o? signal le+els. Beasure the mo'ile de+i(e in order to determine the # o? 4G signal 'ars .hi(h are displa0ed> gi+en the possi'le signal le+els (om'inations o? ,&,P and ,&,N. ;est operator .ill +ar0 the signal ?rom the radio (ommuni(ations test eAuipment 'et.een -3676d!m do.n to -120103d!m. ;he test signals .ill 'e lo.ered in 1d! in(rements. ;est operator .ill re(ord the reported ,&,P and ,&,N le+els (reported ?rom the de+i(e to the radio (ommuni(ations test eAuipment) ?or ea(h o? the signal le+els ?rom -3676d!m to -120103d!m. ;he data points ?or the CE reported ,&,P> ,&,N and the # o? 4G signal 'ars .hi(h are displa0ed on the CEUs displa0 .ill 'e re(orded into the A;<; pro+ided (in the 14750 Kadditional ?ilesM template spreadsheet (olumns .ith the headers KCE reported ,&,P(d!m)M> K,&,N(d!) reported '0 the CEM and the K# o? !ars (4G)M. ;he test operator .ill +ar0 the ,G signal le+els in order to test all possi'le (om'inations o? ,&,P and ,&,N .hi(h are pro+ided to the CE. ;he ,&,N le+els .hi(h .ill 'e pro+ided to the CE .ill 'e 'et.een the

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 86 of 14'

ranges de?ined in the reAuirementJ ,&,N T-4 -4 _ ,&,N T -10 -10 _ ,&,N T -13 -13 _ ,&,N T - 17 ,&,N ` -17

;est operator .ill note the po.er le+el i?@.hen the phone goes into a Kno ser+i(eM mode. ;esting .ill 'e per?ormed in a (ondu(ted manner> .ith an ,G (a'le atta(hed to the antenna terminal. ;he antenna terminal o? the ;C .ill 'e the re?eren(e point ?or the signal le+els. ;he de+i(e must displa0 the reAuired signal 'ar le+el ?or the CE reported ,&,P and ,&,N (om'inations. ;he signal 'ar le+el .hi(h is displa0ed on the CE must mat(h the reAuired signal 'ar le+els de?ined '0 A;<; ?or 4G.


Ma>imum 6requenc" error offset testin&

A;<; mo'ilit0 .ishes to 'etter understand the per?orman(e and a'ilit0 ?or a CE to (ompensate ?or ?reAuen(0 o??sets. An EH(el spreadsheet template is a+aila'le in the K14750 additional ?ilesM supporting do(umentation. ;he template ?ile name is KGreAuen(0 o??set template.HlsM. ;he template ?ile is released .ith the 10447 test s(ripts ?or ea(h Auarterl0 update o? A;<; reAuirements and test s(ripts. ;he eH(el spreadsheet template .ill 'e used '0 all DEB and AV1 test la's .hen su'mitting data ?or the ?reAuen(0 o??set test (ase. ;he DEBs are reAuired to pro+ide data sets to the A;<; &BE ?or the de+i(e per?orman(e> at 1E-2 time?rame. ;est pro(ess is as detailed 'elo.J 1. Csing test eAuipment> ma/e CE (amp on and tra(/ a (ell .ith 0 ?reAuen(0 o??set. Veri?0 that the de+i(e .ill ma/e a B; phone (all. 2. =ntrodu(e a ?reAuen(0 o??set o? 10 /"$ ?or G&B 530 'and. Gor 1600 'and> introdu(e a ?reAuen(0 o??set o? 20/"$. 3. Veri?0 i? the CE is a'le to (amp and tra(/ .ith the ?reAuen(0 o??set o? 10/"$ ?or G&B 530 @ 20/"$ ?or G&B 1600 'and. AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 8< of 14'

4. Generate a BD (all to the radio (ommuni(ations tester. =? the CE holds the (all ?or 3 se(onds> re(ord the ?reAuen(0 o??set +alue into the spreadsheet. =? the (all does not (onne(t> or drops ?aster than 3 se(onds> lo.er the ?reAuen(0 error '0 1/"$ ((hange ?reAuen(0 o??set to 6/"$ ?or G&B 530> and 16/"$ ?or G&B 1600) and repeat the test step #3 <4. 3. ;he test operator .ill re(ord the ?reAuen(0 o??set +alue .here the CE is a'le to (amp and tra(/ a (ell and su((ess?ull0 generate the BD (all> &tep 2J A?ter determining the highest ?reAuen(0 o??set in step 3 (.here the CE is a'le to (amp < tra(/ < ma/e BD phone (all)J 7. ;he test operator .ill po.er the CE o??. 4. ;he test operator .ill then set the ?reAuen(0 o??set +alue 'a(/ to 0"$ ?or G&B 530 < G&B 1600 'ands. 5. ;he test operator .ill po.er the CE on and determine .hether the CE is a'le to (amp on and tra(/ a (ell .ith 0 ?reAuen(0 o??set. 6. ;he test operator .ill re(ord K#es@-oM .hether the CE .ill (amp on and tra(/ the (ell .ith 0 ?reAuen(0 o??set.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 88 of 14'


;a Tests for ;T= -e+ices 4!eratin& in )GPP 0and *. and D.**

;he ?ollo.ing tests are per?ormed on ea(h terminal ?or A;<; Bo'ilit0 te(hni(al appro+als. ;hese tests pro+ide A;<; Bo'ilit0 .ith a 'asi( (hara(teri$ation o? the terminal 1;E ,G per?orman(e. ;hese test (ases ma/e up the 1;E spe(i?i( test (ases ?or the ,1 se(tion o? the 10447 do(ument. Test 1 1 10<<6 Ta& 1 O,1P 1;E-!;,1-0002 Materials Required !& simulator supporting 1;E !and 4 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result Dut o? !and !lo(/ing and =nter Bodulation re8e(tionJ C"G !road(ast ;ele+ision !and IV== 3 B"$ 1;E Earrier 434-440 B"$ 'and &egment

Fith the CE operating in !and IV== using a single 3 B"$ (arrier in the 434-440 B"$ segment at a do.nlin/ po.er le+el o? -61d!m (&=BD NP&Q ,e?eren(e &ensiti+it0 per 3GPP ;& 37.101> ;a'le 4.3.1-1 plus 7 d!)> (on?irm that throughput is una??e(ted .hen a *;V modulated inter?erer o? -30d!m@7 B"$ is present on C"G (hannel 31 (762-765 B"$).

O,1P 1;E-!;,1-0004

!& simulator supporting 1;E !and 4 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)

Dut o? !and !lo(/ing and =nter Bodulation ,e8e(tionJ C"G !road(ast ;ele+ision !and IV== 3 B"$ 1;E Earrier 440-447 B"$ !and &egment

Fith the CE operating in !and IV== using a single 3 B"$ (arrier in the 440-447 B"$ segment at a do.nlin/ po.er le+el o? -61d!m (&=BD NP&Q ,e?eren(e &ensiti+it0 per 3GPP ;& 37.101> ;a'le 4.3.1-1 plus 7 d!)> (on?irm that throughput is una??e(ted .hen a *;V modulated inter?erer o? -30d!m@7 B"$ is present on C"G (hannel 31 (762-765 B"$).

O,1P 1;E-!;,-

Dut o? !and !lo(/ing and =nter Bodulation ,e8e(tionJ !& simulator supporting AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 8? of 14'


1;E !and 4 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)

C"G !road(ast ;ele+ision !and IV== 10B"$ 1;E Earrier

Fith the CE operating in !and IV== using a 10 B"$ (arrier at a do.nlin/ po.er le+el o? -55d!m (&=BD NP&Q ,e?eren(e &ensiti+it0 per 3GPP ;& 37.101> ;a'le 4.3.1-1 plus 7 d!)> (on?irm that throughput is una??e(ted .hen a *;V modulated inter?erer o? -30d!m@7 B"$ is present on C"G (hannel 31 (762-765 B"$).


!& simulator supporting 1;E !and 4 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)

Earrier 1ea/ageJ !and IV== 3 B"$ 1;E Ehannel !F at Cplin/ Earrier GreAuen(0 o? 407.3 B"$ 5 ,! Allo(ation All Cp ;H Po.er Eontrol Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (arrier lea/age (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion> ;a'le> .hen transmitting at maHimum output po.er rather than the 3GPP-spe(i?ied output po.er o? 23.2d!m. Earrier 1ea/ageJ !and IV== 3 B"$ 1;E Ehannel !F at Cplin/ Earrier GreAuen(0 o? 413.3 B"$ 5 ,! Allo(ation All Cp ;H Po.er Eontrol Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (arrier lea/age (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion> ;a'le> .hen transmitting at maHimum output po.er rather than the 3GPP-spe(i?ied output po.er o? 23.2d!m. Earrier 1ea/ageJ !and IV== 10 B"$ 1;E


!& simulator supporting 1;E !and 4 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)


!& simulator supporting 1;E !and 4 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e ?0 of 14'

terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)

Ehannel !F at Cplin/ Earrier GreAuen(0 o? 410 B"$ 12 ,! Allo(ation All Cp ;H Po.er Eontrol Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (arrier lea/age (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion> ;a'le> .hen transmitting at maHimum output po.er rather than the 3GPP-spe(i?ied output po.er o? 23.2d!m. =N =mage Per?orman(e ?or =n-!and Emissions ?or -on-Allo(ated ,!J !and IV== 3 B"$ 1;E Ehannel !F at Cplin/ Earrier GreAuen(0 o? 407.3 B"$ All Cp ;H Po.er Eontrol Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the =N =mage (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion> ;a'le .hen transmitting at maHimum output po.er rather than the 3GPP-spe(i?ied output po.er o? 23.2d!m. =N =mage Per?orman(e ?or =n-!and Emissions ?or -on-Allo(ated ,!J !and IV== 3 B"$ 1;E Ehannel !F at Cplin/ Earrier GreAuen(0 o? 413.3 B"$ All Cp ;H Po.er Eontrol Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the =N =mage (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion> ;a'le .hen transmitting at maHimum output po.er rather than the 3GPP-spe(i?ied output po.er o? 23.2d!m. =N =mage Per?orman(e ?or =n-!and Emissions ?or -on-Allo(ated ,!J !and IV== 10 B"$ 1;E Ehannel !F at Cplin/ Earrier GreAuen(0 o? 410 B"$ All Cp ;H Po.er Eontrol


!& simulator supporting 1;E !and 4 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)


!& simulator supporting 1;E !and 4 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) !& simulator supporting 1;E !and 4 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)


Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the =N =mage (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion> ;a'le .hen transmitting at maHimum output po.er rather than the 3GPP-spe(i?ied

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e ?1 of 14'



!& simulator supporting 1;E !and 4 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)

output po.er o? 23.2d!m. ,e?eren(e &ensiti+it0 1e+elJ !and IV== 3 B"$ 1;E Ehannel !F at Cplin/ Earrier GreAuen(0 o? 407.3 B"$ 7 ,! .ith ,!startY0 in *o.nlin/ 7 ,! .ith ,!startY0 in Cplin/ Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion 4.3.3> ;a'le 4.3.3-1 .hen using partial do.nlin/ and uplin/ resour(e 'lo(/ allo(ations. ,e?eren(e &ensiti+it0 1e+elJ !and IV== 3 B"$ 1;E Ehannel !F at Cplin/ Earrier GreAuen(0 o? 413.3 B"$ 7 ,! .ith ,!startY0 in *o.nlin/ 7 ,! .ith ,!startY0 in Cplin/ Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion 4.3.3> ;a'le 4.3.3-1 .hen using partial do.nlin/ and uplin/ resour(e 'lo(/ allo(ations. ,e?eren(e &ensiti+it0 1e+elJ !and IV== 10 B"$ 1;E Ehannel !F at Cplin/ Earrier GreAuen(0 o? 410 B"$ 7 ,! .ith ,!startY0 in *o.nlin/ 7 ,! .ith ,!startY0 in Cplin/ Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion 4.3.3> ;a'le 4.3.3-1 .hen using partial do.nlin/ and uplin/ resour(e 'lo(/ allo(ations. 1;E BaHimum Po.er ,edu(tion (BP,) ;his test (ase is onl0 appli(a'le ?or ta'let de+i(es .hi(h implement d0nami( po.er redu(tion.



!& simulator supporting 1;E !and 4 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)



!& simulator supporting 1;E !and 4 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) !& simulator supporting 1;E !and 4 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter



AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e ?' of 14'

(pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)

Beasure and do(ument the CERs maHimum output po.er redu(tion .hen CE is in maHimum output po.er as spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1 &e(tion

DEB de(lares the maHimum output po.er due to proHimit0 sensor and toleran(e .ith supporting in?ormation. Beasure maHimum output po.er '0 dire(t (onne(tion to CE ?rom the test 1;E 'ase station simulator .hen the proHimit0 is sensor disa'led Beasure maHimum output po.er '0 dire(t (onne(tion to CE ?rom the test 1;E 'ase station simulator .hen the po.er redu(tion is manuall0 set to maHimum po.er redu(tion(BP,) Eompares the results o? the measurements in step 2 and 3 =? step 4 result is .ithin the toleran(e o? the limit de(lared in the manu?a(ture do(umentation ?or BP, then Pass> else Gail.


7ear 6ield (ommunications R6 Performance

A;<; Bo'ilit0 Fireless> 11E> has added reAuirements into the A;<; do(ument K13340M ?or -ear Gield Eommuni(ation (-GE) ser+i(es. Fith the introdu(tion o? -GE ser+i(es> an assessment o? -GE ena'led terminals needs to 'e per?ormed in order to (on?irm e??e(ti+e ,G per?orman(e. A set o? radiated measurements .ill 'e per?ormed on -GE ena'led de+i(es. ;hese tests .ill (on?irm that the CE .ill 'e a'le to per?orm -GE transa(tions at predetermined distan(es ?rom the appli(ation reader. ;he -GE (apa'le CE must 'e a'le to per?orm -GE transa(tions at all distan(es and de+i(e polari$ations 'et.een 0 and 2(m ?rom the -GE reader.

=? the DEB de+i(e supports -GE> this BC&; 'e turned on during all E;=A la' D;A K;,P@;=& and AGP& ;=&M testing. T2is includes 76( o!en8 TAG reader mode and emulation mode:

All su'missions o? -GE ,G per?orman(e data ?or a ne. produ(t .ith an integrated antenna must 'e ?rom =&=&. KFor NFC capable devices supporting card emulation> all submissions of NFC RF performance data for a new product with an integrated antenna must be from FIME. An alternati+e test la' .hi(h is 8ointl0 appro+ed '0 =&=& and A;<; ma0 also 'e used. ;he latest +ersion o? the K V1L=&=&LEard Emulation AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e ?) of 14'

Bode ;est PlanM must 'e used ?or the e+aluation. A test report .ith a determination o? pass@?ail ?or -GE ,G per?orman(e must 'e pro+ided to A;<; ?or re+ie..

Test 1 1

10<<6 Ta& 1 G&B-!;,-IIIII1;E-!;,-10116

Material Requirements ,e?er to K V1L=&=&LEard Emulation Bode ;est PlanM

Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result -ear Gield Eommuni(ations ,G Per?orman(e Gun(tionalit0 Veri?i(ation

,e?er to K V1L=&=&LEard Emulation Bode ;est PlanM ,eAuire measurements ?or positions .here the distan(e 'et.een the CE and the -GE reader isJ 0> 1> 2> 3> 4 (m ;he CE must 'e tested in 'oth "ori$ontal and Verti(al orientations in order to +eri?0 that -GE transa(tions (an o((ur in all possi'le CE positions

=? the DEB de+i(e supports -GE> this BC&; 'e turned on during all E;=A la' D;A K;,P@;=& and AGP& ;=&M testing. T2is includes 76( o!en8 TAG reader mode and emulation mode:


;a Tests for Release < -e+ices 4!eratin& in )GPP 0and ' and 5

;he ?ollo.ing tests are per?ormed on ea(h terminal ?or A;<; Bo'ilit0 te(hni(al appro+als. ;hese tests pro+ide A;<; Bo'ilit0 .ith a 'asi( (hara(teri$ation o? the terminalUs ,elease 4@"&PA2 ,G per?orman(e. ;hese test (ases ma/e up the ,elease 4 portion o? the ,1 se(tion o? the 10447 do(ument. Test 1 10<<6 Ta& 1 Materials Required Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e ?4 of 14'


!& simulator supporting "&PA2 'and 2 and 3 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

CE ,elati+e Eode *omain Po.er A((ura(0 ?or "&-*PEE" and E-*E" .ith 17NAB Driginate @ esta'lish an "&PA2 'and 2 or 'and 3 (onne(tion to the !& simulator on the middle (hannel and per?orm the measurement ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !ands Validate that the ;C .ill meet the per?orman(e reAuirements ?or "&PA de+i(es> as spe(i?ied in 3GPP 3.2E.


;T= 0atter" life

;he ?ollo.ing tests are per?ormed on ea(h terminal ?or A;<; Bo'ilit0 te(hni(al appro+als. ;hese tests pro+ide A;<; Bo'ilit0 .ith a 'asi( (hara(teri$ation o? the terminal 1;E 'atter0 li?e per?orman(e. ;hese test (ases ma/e up the 1;E spe(i?i( test (ases ?or the ,2 se(tion o? the 10447 do(ument. At this time> the de?ault set o? parameters ?or (reating the s(enario ?iles ?or 1;E 'atter0 li?e are per the G&BA test standards ?or 1;E 'atter0 drain. Test 1 1 10<<6 Ta& 1 1;E-!;,-12462 Materials Required !& simulator supporting 1;E !ands 2> 4> 3 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result 1;E =dle Bode !atter0 1i?e

*e+i(e (on?igurationJ F=G= is to 'e ena'led < s(anning ?or an a((ess point> 'ut not in (onne(ted state &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Eon?igure the test de+i(e AP- < sa+e the AP- to the de+i(e. =? the de+i(e supports E=N> then the E=N produ(tion pro?ile must 'e manuall0 installed on the de+i(e '0 the tester a?ter the test eAuipment &=B (ard has 'een inserted in the de+i(e. ;he appli(a'le E=N produ(tion pro?ile =* num'er is listed in the 14420 ;a' 3. ;he E=N produ(tion pro?ile (an 'e manuall0 installed on the de+i(e using the EA*E; PE tool.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e ?5 of 14'

;he tester .ill need to enter the unlo(/ (ode and E=N (ode #W=N200# to (on?irm that the manuall0 installed E=N produ(tion pro?ile =* mat(hes that listed in the 14420 ;a' 3 ?or the de+i(e. ;his must 'e done prior to starting the 'atter0 test.

BeasurementJ Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to esta'lish an 1;E (onne(tion ?or 'and 2@'and 4@'and 3@'and 14. Csing the 1;E radio (ommuni(ation simulator@ (all 'oH> (on?irm that the de+i(e does go to idle mode and remains in idle mode (not (onne(ted mode)@de+i(e does ,,E release - or ?or(e the de+i(e to go to idle mode. Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??> or turn o?? the displa0 manuall0. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 test s0stem measurement de+i(e. &top measurement a?ter 70 minutes o? elapsed time A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate in idle mode .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported !andsJ

Perform t2is measurement for ot2 and 4 and and 1< and su mit results to AT&T: *f "our de+ice su!!orts and ' and 58 "ou must !ro+ide results for t2ose ands:
;he B& shall meet or eH(eed 230 hours.


!& simulator supporting 1;E !ands 2> 4> 3 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal

Validate that the ;C meets the idle mode 'atter0 li?e reAuirements stipulated '0 this test (ase during 1;E operation. 1;E !atter0 li?e .hile do.nloading using G;P *e+i(e (on?igurationJ F=G= is to 'e ena'led < s(anning ?or an a((ess point> 'ut not in (onne(ted state

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e ?6 of 14'

!atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

&et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. =nstall an G;P appli(ation (KandG;PM is pre?erred ?or Android D&) onto the test de+i(e i? it does not (ome pre-populated on the de+i(e. Eon?igure the G;P in?ormation on the test de+i(e so that it (an (onne(t to the test s0stemUs ?ile ser+er < per?orm the G;P do.nload. Ba/e sure that the ?ile(s) .hi(h are do.nloaded '0 G;P are large enough that the test (an 'e run su(h that the de+i(e (ontinuousl0 do.nloads data +ia G;P. Eon?igure the test de+i(e AP- < sa+e the AP- to the de+i(e. =? the de+i(e supports E=N> then the E=N produ(tion pro?ile must 'e manuall0 installed on the de+i(e '0 the tester a?ter the test eAuipment &=B (ard has 'een inserted in the de+i(e. ;he appli(a'le E=N produ(tion pro?ile =* num'er is listed in the 14420 ;a' 3. ;he E=N produ(tion pro?ile (an 'e manuall0 installed on the de+i(e using the EA*E; PE tool.

;he tester .ill need to enter the unlo(/ (ode and E=N (ode #W=N200# to (on?irm that the manuall0 installed E=N produ(tion pro?ile =* mat(hes that listed in the 14420 ;a' 3 ?or the de+i(e. ;his must 'e done prior to starting the 'atter0 test.

BeasurementJ Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to esta'lish an 1;E (onne(tion ?or 'and 2@'and 4@'and 3@'and 14. Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??> or turn o?? the displa0 manuall0. Eonne(t the test de+i(e to the G;P ?ile ser+er and 'egin G;P data trans?er. ;he (urrent drain measurements need to 'egin AG;E, the G;P data trans?er has 'egun. =nitiate the GP; do.nload> then 'egin the measurement. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 test s0stem measurement de+i(e. Per?orm measurement o? G;P do.nload ?or a total o? 10 minutes.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e ?< of 14'

A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate in G;P mode .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0 i? ?iles .ere (ontinuousl0 do.nloaded using G;P. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported 'ands-

Perform t2is measurement for ot2 and 4 and and 1< and su mit results to AT&T: *f "our de+ice su!!orts and ' and 58 "ou must !ro+ide results for t2ose ands:

Validate that the ;C meets the G;P mode 'atter0 li?e reAuirements stipulated '0 this test (ase during 1;E operation. ;he A;<; 'atter0 standard ?or 1;E .hile the de+i(e is do.nloading data +ia G;P is a minimum o? 4 hours o? operation. 1;E !atter0 li?e .hile do.nloading using C*P *e+i(e (on?igurationJ F=G= is to 'e ena'led < s(anning ?or an a((ess point> 'ut not in (onne(ted state &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. =nstall a C*P appli(ation (Kiper?M) onto the test de+i(e i? it does not (ome prepopulated on the de+i(e Eon?igure the iper? in?ormation on the test de+i(e so that it (an (onne(t to the test s0stemUs ?ile ser+er < per?orm the C*P do.nload. Ba/e sure that the ?ile(s) .hi(h are do.nloaded '0 C*P are large enough that the test (an 'e run su(h that the de+i(e (ontinuousl0 do.nloads data +ia C*P. Eon?igure the test de+i(e AP- < sa+e the AP- to the de+i(e. =? the de+i(e supports E=N> then the E=N produ(tion pro?ile must 'e manuall0 installed on the de+i(e '0 the tester a?ter the test eAuipment &=B (ard has 'een inserted in the de+i(e. ;he appli(a'le E=N produ(tion pro?ile =* num'er is listed in the 14420 ;a' 3. ;he E=N produ(tion pro?ile (an 'e manuall0 installed on the de+i(e using the EA*E; PE tool.


!& simulator supporting 1;E !ands 2> 4> 3 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e ?8 of 14'

;he tester .ill need to enter the unlo(/ (ode and E=N (ode #W=N200# to (on?irm that the manuall0 installed E=N produ(tion pro?ile =* mat(hes that listed in the 14420 ;a' 3 ?or the de+i(e. ;his must 'e done prior to starting the 'atter0 test.

BeasurementJ Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to esta'lish an 1;E (onne(tion ?or 'and 2@'and 4@'and 3@'and 14. Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??> or turn o?? the displa0 manuall0. Enter the proper (ommands in iper? and ena'le the iper? appli(ation Per?orm the C*P data trans?er. ;he (urrent drain measurements need to 'egin AG;E, the C*P data trans?er has 'egun. =nitiate the C*P do.nload> then 'egin the measurement. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 test s0stem measurement de+i(e. Per?orm measurement o? C*P do.nload ?or a total o? 2 minutes. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate in C*P mode .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0 i? ?iles .ere (ontinuousl0 do.nloaded using C*P. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported 'ands-

Perform t2is measurement for ot2 and 4 and and 1< and su mit results to AT&T: *f "our de+ice su!!orts and ' and 58 "ou must !ro+ide results for t2ose ands:

Validate that the ;C meets the C*P mode 'atter0 li?e reAuirements stipulated '0 this test (ase during 1;E operation. ;he A;<; 'atter0 standard ?or 1;E .hile the de+i(e is do.nloading data +ia C*P is a minimum o? 4 hours o? operation. 1;E !atter0 li?e .hile 1;E +ideo streaming


!& simulator supporting

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e ?? of 14'


1;E !ands 2> 4> 3 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

*e+i(e (on?igurationJ F=G= is to 'e ena'led < s(anning ?or an a((ess point> 'ut not in (onne(ted state &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. Eon?igure the test de+i(e AP- < sa+e the AP- to the de+i(e. &et de+i(e displa0 'rightness@'a(/light to maHimum setting &et de+i(e +olume to maHimum setting Eon?igure the test de+i(e su(h that the +ideo is displa0ed using the ?ull s(reen and the landsca!e displa0 position. =? the de+i(e supports E=N> then the E=N produ(tion pro?ile must 'e manuall0 installed on the de+i(e '0 the tester a?ter the test eAuipment &=B (ard has 'een inserted in the de+i(e. ;he appli(a'le E=N produ(tion pro?ile =* num'er is listed in the 14420 ;a' 3. ;he E=N produ(tion pro?ile (an 'e manuall0 installed on the de+i(e using the EA*E; PE tool.

;he tester .ill need to enter the unlo(/ (ode and E=N (ode #W=N200# to (on?irm that the manuall0 installed E=N produ(tion pro?ile =* mat(hes that listed in the 14420 ;a' 3 ?or the de+i(e. ;his must 'e done prior to starting the 'atter0 test.

BeasurementJ Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to esta'lish an 1;E (onne(tion ?or 'and 2@'and 4@'and 3@'and 14. Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??> or turn o?? the displa0 manuall0. Per?orm the 1;E +ideo streaming measurement '0 Eonne(ting to the +ideo streaming ?ile ser+er using an 1;E (onne(tion &tream the +ideo ?ile .hi(h is hosted to the test de+i(e < (apture the (urrent drain !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 test s0stem measurement de+i(e. Per?orm measurement o? 1;E +ideo streaming ?or a total o? 10 minutes.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 100 of 14'

;he (urrent drain measurements need to 'egin AG;E, the 1;E +ideo streaming has 'egun. =nitiate the +ideo streaming e+ent> then 'egin the measurement. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate in a 1;E +ideo streaming mode .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0 i? ?iles .ere (ontinuousl0 streamed using an 1;E (onne(tion. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported 'ands-

Perform t2is measurement for ot2 and 4 and and 1< and su mit results to AT&T: *f "our de+ice su!!orts and ' and 58 "ou must !ro+ide results for t2ose ands:

Validate that the ;C meets the 1;E Video streaming 'atter0 li?e reAuirements stipulated '0 this test (ase during 1;E operation. ;he A;<; 'atter0 standard ?or 1;E .hile the de+i(e is +ideo streaming o+er an 1;E (onne(tion is a minimum o? 4 hours o? operation. 1;E !atter0 li?e .hile uploading using G;P *e+i(e (on?igurationJ F=G= is to 'e ena'led < s(anning ?or an a((ess point> 'ut not in (onne(ted state &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. =nstall an G;P appli(ation (KandG;PM is pre?erred) onto the test de+i(e i? it does not (ome pre-populated on the de+i(e. Eon?igure the G;P in?ormation on the test de+i(e so that it (an (onne(t to the test s0stemUs ?ile ser+er < per?orm the G;P upload. Ba/e sure that the ?ile(s) .hi(h are uploaded '0 G;P are large enough that the test (an 'e run su(h that the de+i(e (ontinuousl0 uploads data +ia G;P. Eon?igure the test de+i(e AP- < sa+e the AP- to the de+i(e. =? the de+i(e supports E=N> then the E=N produ(tion pro?ile must 'e


!& simulator supporting 1;E !ands 2> 4> 3 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 101 of 14'

manuall0 installed on the de+i(e '0 the tester a?ter the test eAuipment &=B (ard has 'een inserted in the de+i(e. ;he appli(a'le E=N produ(tion pro?ile =* num'er is listed in the 14420 ;a' 3. ;he E=N produ(tion pro?ile (an 'e manuall0 installed on the de+i(e using the EA*E; PE tool. ;he tester .ill need to enter the unlo(/ (ode and E=N (ode #W=N200# to (on?irm that the manuall0 installed E=N produ(tion pro?ile =* mat(hes that listed in the 14420 ;a' 3 ?or the de+i(e. ;his must 'e done prior to starting the 'atter0 test.

BeasurementJ Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to esta'lish an 1;E (onne(tion ?or 'and 2@'and 4@'and 3@'and 14. Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??> or turn o?? the displa0 manuall0. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 test s0stem measurement de+i(e. Eonne(t the test de+i(e to the G;P ?ile ser+er and 'egin G;P data trans?er. A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate in G;P mode .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0 i? ?iles .ere (ontinuousl0 uploaded using G;P. ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported 'ands-

Perform t2is measurement for ot2 and 4 and and 1< and su mit results to AT&T: *f "our de+ice su!!orts and ' and 58 "ou must !ro+ide results for t2ose ands:

Validate that the ;C meets the G;P mode 'atter0 li?e reAuirements stipulated '0 this test (ase during 1;E operation. ;he A;<; 'atter0 standard ?or 1;E .hile the de+i(e is uploading data +ia G;P is a minimum o? 4 hours o? operation. 1;E !atter0 li?e .hile uploading using C*P


!& simulator supporting

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 10' of 14'


1;E !ands 2> 4> 3 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred)

*e+i(e (on?igurationJ F=G= is to 'e ena'led < s(anning ?or an a((ess point> 'ut not in (onne(ted state &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the de+i(eUs 'atter0. Po.er D- the terminal and lea+e ?lip@slide in open position. =nstall a C*P appli(ation (Kiper?M) onto the test de+i(e i? it does not (ome pre-populated on the de+i(e Eon?igure the iper? in?ormation on the test de+i(e so that it (an (onne(t to the test s0stemUs ?ile ser+er < per?orm the C*P upload. Ba/e sure that the ?ile(s) .hi(h are uploaded '0 C*P are large enough that the test (an 'e run su(h that the de+i(e (ontinuousl0 uploads data +ia C*P. Eon?igure the test de+i(e AP- < sa+e the AP- to the de+i(e. =? the de+i(e supports E=N> then the E=N produ(tion pro?ile must 'e manuall0 installed on the de+i(e '0 the tester a?ter the test eAuipment &=B (ard has 'een inserted in the de+i(e. ;he appli(a'le E=N produ(tion pro?ile =* num'er is listed in the 14420 ;a' 3. ;he E=N produ(tion pro?ile (an 'e manuall0 installed on the de+i(e using the EA*E; PE tool.

;he tester .ill need to enter the unlo(/ (ode and E=N (ode #W=N200# to (on?irm that the manuall0 installed E=N produ(tion pro?ile =* mat(hes that listed in the 14420 ;a' 3 ?or the de+i(e. ;his must 'e done prior to starting the 'atter0 test.

BeasurementJ Ena'le the ser+ing s0stem and allo. the terminal to esta'lish an 1;E (onne(tion ?or 'and 2@'and 4@'and 3@'and 14. Allo. 1 minute ?or 'a(/light to turn o??> or turn o?? the displa0 manuall0. !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at highest rate allo.ed '0 test s0stem measurement de+i(e. Enter the proper (ommands in iper? and ena'le the iper? appli(ation Per?orm the C*P data trans?er.

A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 10) of 14'

pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate in C*P mode .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0 i? ?iles .ere (ontinuousl0 uploaded using C*P.

,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported 'ands-

Perform t2is measurement for ot2 and 4 and and 1< and su mit results to AT&T: *f "our de+ice su!!orts and ' and 58 "ou must !ro+ide results for t2ose ands:

Validate that the ;C meets the C*P mode 'atter0 li?e reAuirements stipulated '0 this test (ase during 1;E operation. ;he A;<; 'atter0 standard ?or 1;E .hile the de+i(e is uploading data +ia C*P is a minimum o? 4 hours o? operation.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 104 of 14'


6ield 0atter" ;ife Performance Tests

!atter0 li?e per?orman(e tests .ill 'e (ondu(ted on ea(h de+i(e ?or multiple end-user appli(ations in(luding multi-ser+i(e +oi(e < data> .e' 'ro.se> streaming +ideo> &B& eH(hange and stand'0 .ith !luetooth. Beasurements ?or ea(h appli(ation and the de+i(e de?ault 'atter0 (apa(it0 .ill 'e used to (al(ulate eHpe(ted 'atter0 li?e +alues. -ote that the test (ases .ill 'e eHe(uted 'ased on the maHimum data (apa'ilit0 o? the de+i(e (EHJ an 1;E de+i(e .ill onl0 'e tested in an 1;E area----it .ill not 'e tested again in "&PA). Eurrent drain measurements made on the de+i(es .ill 'e done using a po.er monitor in the (on?iguration sho.n 'elo.J

6i&ure 1/ 0atter" measurement confi&uration

,esults reported as part o? the tests des(ri'ed 'elo. .ill 'e presented alongside se+eral (ommer(iall0 a+aila'le de+i(es on A;<;Us net.or/ tested in the same ?ashion. *e+i(es shall meet minimum per?orman(e (riteria ?or measured (urrent drain and estimated 'atter0 li?e in minutes (a ?un(tion o? (urrent drain and 'atter0 (apa(it0) ?or ea(h test (ase des(ri'ed 'elo..

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 105 of 14'

4.15.1 *es(ription o? !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e Gield ;est ) &treaming Video

Test Name Objectives Applicable Device Test Pac age !uidelines 0atter" ;ife Performance Streamin& .ideo Beasure (urrent drain> po.er (onsumption and (al(ulate eHpe(ted 'atter0 li?e +alues 'ased on de+i(esU 'atter0 (apa(it0. 3G@4G *e+i(es Gull ;est Test (onditions 1i+e -et.or/ ;est> Bultiple &tationar0 1o(ations Test (ase &treaming Video -e+ice (onfi&uration Ea(h *C; .ill 'e set to ?a(tor0 de?ault> then (on?igured .ith the ?ollo.ing parametersJ o *ispla0 !rightnessJ BAI o *ispla0 ;imeoutJ -e+er@BAI o *ispla0 Auto-'rightnessJ DGG o Bedia VolumeJ BAI o Alerts VolumeJ BAI o Fi-Gi ,adioJ D- 'ut not (onne(ted o GP&J DGG o !luetoothJ DGG o Video pla0'a(/ done in 1ands(ape mode -ata (ollection o 10 Binute Video &tream o 1 &ample per 1o(ation o 3 &tationar0 1o(ations

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 106 of 14'

"e# Per$ormance Indicators

Appli(ation 1e+el QP=Us A+erage Eurrent *rain A+erage Po.er Eonsumption Estimated !atter0 1i?e ?or &treaming Video

*e+i(e 1e+el QP=Us Po.er E??i(ien(0 ,ating Estimated !atter0 1i?e '0 Cser Pro?ile Performance (riteria o BaHimum Eurrent *rain to not eH(eed 734mA Estimated !atter0 1i?e to meet or eH(eed 131 minutes

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 10< of 14'

4.15.2 *es(ription o? !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e Gield ;est ) &B& EH(hange

Test Name Objectives Applicable Device Test Pac age 0atter" ;ife Performance SMS =>c2an&e Beasure (urrent drain> po.er (onsumption and (al(ulate eHpe(ted 'atter0 li?e +alues 'ased on de+i(esU 'atter0 (apa(it0. 3G@4G *e+i(es Gull ;est

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 108 of 14'


Test (onditions3 1i+e -et.or/ ;est> Bultiple &tationar0 1o(ations Test (ase3 &B& EH(hange -e+ice (onfi&uration Ea(h *C; .ill 'e set to ?a(tor0 de?ault> then (on?igured .ith the ?ollo.ing parametersJ o *ispla0 !rightnessJ BAI o *ispla0 ;imeoutJ -e+er@BAI o *ispla0 Auto-'rightnessJ DGG o Bedia VolumeJ BAI o Alerts VolumeJ BAI o Fi-Gi ,adioJ D- 'ut not (onne(ted o GP&J DGG o !luetoothJ DGG -ata (ollection o A+erage (urrent drain and po.er (onsumption ?or 30 &B& (13 &ent@13 ,e(ei+e) in 30 se(ond inter+als. o 3 &amples per 1o(ation o 3 &tationar0 1o(ations

"e# Per$ormance Indicators

A!!lication ;e+el EP*Fs A+erage Eurrent *rain A+erage Po.er Eonsumption Estimated !atter0 1i?e ?or &treaming Video -e+ice ;e+el EP*Fs Po.er E??i(ien(0 ,ating Estimated !atter0 1i?e '0 Cser Pro?ile Performance (riteria o BaHimum Eurrent *rain to not eH(eed 324 mA AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 10? of 14'

Estimated !atter0 1i?e to meet or eH(eed 200 minutes

4.15.3 *es(ription o? !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e Gield ;est ) Fe' !ro.se

Test Name Objectives Applicable Device Test Pac age 0atter" ;ife Performance %e 0ro9se Beasure (urrent drain> po.er (onsumption and (al(ulate eHpe(ted 'atter0 li?e +alues 'ased on de+i(esU 'atter0 (apa(it0. 3G@4G *e+i(es Gull ;est

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 110 of 14'


Test (onditions3 1i+e -et.or/ ;est> Bultiple &tationar0 1o(ations Test (ase3 Fe' !ro.se -e+ice (onfi&uration Ea(h *C; .ill 'e set to ?a(tor0 de?ault> then (on?igured .ith the ?ollo.ing parametersJ o *ispla0 !rightnessJ BAI o *ispla0 ;imeoutJ -e+er@BAI o *ispla0 Auto-'rightnessJ DGG o Bedia VolumeJ BAI o Alerts VolumeJ BAI o Fi-Gi ,adioJ D- 'ut not (onne(ted o GP&J DGG o !luetoothJ DGG

"e# Per$ormance Indicators

-ata (ollection o !ro.se to and do.nload the (ontent o? 13 .e' pages> ,epeat do.nload pro(ess three times ?or a total o? 43 pages. o 3 &amples per 1o(ation o 3 &tationar0 1o(ations A!!lication ;e+el EP*Fs A+erage Eurrent *rain A+erage Po.er Eonsumption Estimated !atter0 1i?e ?or &treaming Video -e+ice ;e+el EP*Fs Po.er E??i(ien(0 ,ating Estimated !atter0 1i?e '0 Cser Pro?ile Performance (riteria o BaHimum Eurrent *rain to not eH(eed 775 mA o Estimated !atter0 1i?e to meet or eH(eed 17 4 minutes AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 111 of 14'

4.15.4 *es(ription o? !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e Gield ;est ) &imultaneous Voi(e < *ata Eall
Test Name Objectives Applicable Device Test Pac age 0atter" ;ife Performance Simultaneous .oice & -ata (all Beasure (urrent drain> po.er (onsumption and (al(ulate eHpe(ted 'atter0 li?e +alues 'ased on de+i(esU 'atter0 (apa(it0. 3G@4G *e+i(es Gull ;est

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 11' of 14'


Test (onditions3 1i+e -et.or/ ;est> Bultiple &tationar0 1o(ations Test (ase3 &imultaneous Voi(e < *ata Eall -e+ice (onfi&uration Ea(h *C; .ill 'e set to ?a(tor0 de?ault> then (on?igured .ith the ?ollo.ing parametersJ o *ispla0 !rightnessJ BAI o *ispla0 ;imeoutJ -e+er@BAI o *ispla0 Auto-'rightnessJ DGG o Bedia VolumeJ BAI o Alerts VolumeJ BAI o Fi-Gi ,adioJ D- 'ut not (onne(ted o GP&J DGG o !luetoothJ DGG

"e# Per$ormance Indicators

-ata (ollection o Voi(e (all and data do.nload simultaneousl0 in progress ?or a 20-minute sample duration. o ;.ent0-minute sample> one per lo(ation o 3 &tationar0 1o(ations A!!lication ;e+el EP*Fs A+erage Eurrent *rain A+erage Po.er Eonsumption Estimated !atter0 1i?e ?or &treaming Video -e+ice ;e+el EP*Fs Po.er E??i(ien(0 ,ating Estimated !atter0 1i?e '0 Cser Pro?ile Performance (riteria o BaHimum Eurrent *rain to not eH(eed 442 mA AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 11) of 14'

Estimated !atter0 1i?e to meet or eH(eed 136 minutes

4.15.3 *es(ription o? !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e Gield ;est ) =dle Mode %tandb# &it' (luetoot'
Test Name Objectives Applicable Device Test Pac age 0atter" ;ife Performance *dle Mode Stand " 9it2 0luetoot2 Beasure (urrent drain> po.er (onsumption and (al(ulate eHpe(ted 'atter0 li?e +alues 'ased on de+i(esU 'atter0 (apa(it0. 3G@4G *e+i(es Gull ;est

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 114 of 14'


Test (onditions3 1i+e -et.or/ ;est> Bultiple &tationar0 1o(ations Test (ase3 =dle Bode &tand'0 .ith !luetooth

"e# Per$ormance Indicators

-e+ice (onfi&uration Ea(h *C; .ill 'e set to ?a(tor0 de?ault> then (on?igured .ith the ?ollo.ing parametersJ o *ispla0 !rightnessJ BAI o *ispla0 ;imeoutJ B=o *ispla0 Auto-'rightnessJ DGG o Bedia VolumeJ BAI o Alerts VolumeJ BAI o Fi-Gi ,adioJ D- 'ut not (onne(ted o GP&J DGG o !luetoothJ D -ata (ollection o Eonne(t *C; +ia !luetooth> testing is per?ormed ?or a ?ort0-minute duration to o'tain a sample. o 40 minute idle sample> one per 1o(ation (?irst 0-20 minutes (ounted as stand'0 metri() o 3 &tationar0 1o(ations A!!lication ;e+el EP*Fs A+erage Eurrent *rain A+erage Po.er Eonsumption Estimated !atter0 1i?e ?or &treaming Video -e+ice ;e+el EP*Fs Po.er E??i(ien(0 ,ating Estimated !atter0 1i?e '0 Cser Pro?ile Performance (riteria o BaHimum Eurrent *rain to not eH(eed 44mA AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 115 of 14'

o o

Estimated !atter0 1i?e to meet or eH(eed 2343 minutes

4.15.7 *es(ription o? !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e Gield ;est ) =dle Bode &leep .ith !luetooth

;est -ame D'8e(ti+es Appli(a'le *e+i(e ;est Pa(/age Bar/ets ;ested

0atter" ;ife Performance *dle Mode Slee! 9it2 0luetoot2 Beasure (urrent drain> po.er (onsumption and (al(ulate eHpe(ted 'atter0 li?e +alues 'ased on de+i(esU 'atter0 (apa(it0. 3G@4G *e+i(es Gull ;est Fashington@!altimore

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 116 of 14'

Test (onditions3 1i+e -et.or/ ;est> Bultiple &tationar0 1o(ations Test (ase3 =dle Bode &tand'0 .ith !luetooth -e+ice (onfi&uration Ea(h *C; .ill 'e set to ?a(tor0 de?ault> then (on?igured .ith the ?ollo.ing parametersJ o *ispla0 !rightnessJ BAI o *ispla0 ;imeoutJ B=o *ispla0 Auto-'rightnessJ DGG o Bedia VolumeJ BAI o Alerts VolumeJ BAI o Fi-Gi ,adioJ D- 'ut not (onne(ted o GP&J DGG o !luetoothJ D-ata (ollection o Csing +ol -omad to (onne(t *C; +ia !luetooth> testing is per?ormed ?or a ?ort0minute duration to o'tain a sample. o 40minute idle sample> one per 1o(ation (20-40 minutes o? (olle(tion time (ounted as sleep metri() o 3 &tationar0 1o(ations A!!lication ;e+el EP*Fs A+erage Eurrent *rain A+erage Po.er Eonsumption Estimated !atter0 1i?e ?or &treaming Video -e+ice ;e+el EP*Fs Po.er E??i(ien(0 ,ating Estimated !atter0 1i?e Performance (riteria o BaHimum Eurrent *rain to not eH(eed 33mA o Estimated !atter0 1i?e to meet or eH(eed 4040 minutes AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution


Qe0 Per?orman(e =ndi(ators

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 11< of 14'

4.15.4 *es(ription o? !atter0 1i?e Per?orman(e Gield ;est ) =dle Bode &leep .ith !luetooth and appli(ations running
Test 7ame 4 Gecti+es A!!lica le -e+ice Test PacHa&e MarHets Tested 0atter" ;ife Performance *dle Mode Slee! 9it2 0luetoot2 and A!!lications Runnin& Beasure (urrent drain> po.er (onsumption and (al(ulate eHpe(ted 'atter0 li?e +alues 'ased on de+i(esU 'atter0 (apa(it0 .hile a (ommon set o? appli(ations are running in the 'a(/ground. 3G@4G *e+i(es Gull ;est Fashington@!altimore

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 118 of 14'

Test 7ame Guidelines

0atter" ;ife Performance *dle Mode Slee! 9it2 0luetoot2 and A!!lications Runnin& Test (onditions3 1i+e -et.or/ ;est> Bultiple &tationar0 1o(ations Test (ase3 =dle Bode &leep .ith !luetooth and Appli(ations ,unning -e+ice (onfi&uration Ea(h *C; .ill 'e set to ?a(tor0 de?ault> then (on?igured .ith the ?ollo.ing parametersJ *ispla0 !rightnessJ BAI *ispla0 ;imeoutJ B= *ispla0 Auto-'rightnessJ DGG Bedia VolumeJ BAI Alerts VolumeJ BAI Fi-Gi ,adioJ D- 'ut not (onne(ted GP&J DGG !luetoothJ D=n addition> the ?ollo.ing appli(ations .ill 'e loaded onto the de+i(e and set to run (on(urrentl0 in the 'a(/groundJ 1. Ga(e'oo/ 2. Pandora 3. =nstagram 4. &/0pe 3. ;.itter 7. -et?liH 4. Feather (hannel 5. i"eart ,adio 6. #ahoo mail 10. #outu'e -ata (ollection Csing &pirent -omad to (onne(t *C; +ia !luetooth> testing is per?ormed ?or a ?ort0minute duration to o'tain a sample. Beasurement is ended at the 40 minute mar/> one per 1o(ation AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 11? of 14'

Test 7ame

0atter" ;ife Performance *dle Mode Slee! 9it2 0luetoot2 and A!!lications Runnin&

3 &tationar0 1o(ations

Ee" Performance *ndicators

A!!lication ;e+el EP*Fs A+erage Eurrent *rain A+erage Po.er Eonsumption Estimated !atter0 1i?e ?or &treaming Video

-e+ice ;e+el EP*Fs Po.er E??i(ien(0 ,ating Estimated !atter0 1i?e '0 Cser Pro?ile AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1'0 of 14'

Test 7ame

0atter" ;ife Performance *dle Mode Slee! 9it2 0luetoot2 and A!!lications Runnin&

Performance (riteria ;he in?ormation (olle(ted .ill 'e presented ?or in?ormation onl0


Vo1;E !atter0 1i?e

;he ?ollo.ing tests are per?ormed on ea(h Vo1;E terminal ?or A;<; Bo'ilit0 te(hni(al appro+als. ;hese tests pro+ide A;<; Bo'ilit0 .ith a 'asi( (hara(teri$ation o? the terminal Vo1;E 'atter0 li?e per?orman(e. ;hese test (ases ma/e up the Vo1;E spe(i?i( test (ases ?or the ,2 se(tion o? the 10447 do(ument. At this time> the de?ault set o? parameters ?or (reating the s(enario ?iles ?or Vo1;E 'atter0 li?e are under in+estigation. Test 1 1 10<<6 Ta& 1 G&B-!;,-Materials Required !& simulator supporting 1;E !and 2> 4> 3 and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred) Po.er &uppl0 .ith (urrent meter (or separate (urrent Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result Voi(e o+er 1;E tal/-time !atter0 1i?e

Per?orm this test using the Vo1;E ;H po.er distri'ution pro?ile Per?orm this test (ase .ith F=G= ena'led on the de+i(e. ;he F=G= portion o? the radio is ena'led and s(anning ?or an a((ess point. &et the po.er suppl0 to the nominal +oltage o? the CERs 'atter0 Fait ?or =B& ser+er to 'e read0 Po.er D- the CE. 1ea+e ?lip@slide in open position i? itRs a handset de+i(e

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1'1 of 14'


Eonne(t CE to =B& ser+er Eon?igure e-ode ! to (ontrol CE po.er using the Pro'a'ilit0 *istri'ution Gun(tion ?ile Esta'lish +oi(e (all at the mid (hannel o? the testing 'and ;est .ill 'e per?ormed '0 using the American =n&lis2 ?emale 1> ?emale 2> male 1 and male 2 +ersions o? the standardi$ed audio ?ile ?ound at the ?ollo.ing lin/. ;he audio ?iles .ill 'e pla0ed repeatedl0 during the entire 'atter0 li?e test. http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-P.501-200912-S/en Allo. 1 minute ?or CE 'a(/light to turn o?? !egin (urrent drain measurement and re(ord at the highest rate allo.ed '0 the measurement de+i(e &top measurement a?ter ea(h po.er le+el .ithin the po.er distri'ution has 'een (ompleted A+erage the measurement results and di+ide ?rom the 'atter0 (apa(it0 to pro+ide the num'er o? hours the de+i(e .ill operate .ith the gi+en 'atter0 (apa(it0 ,epeat ?or ea(h o? the supported 'ands ;he B& shall meet or eH(eed ;!* ?our hours.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1'' of 14'


(arrier A&&re&ation R6 (onformance

;hese test (ases are +alidated test (ases ?or the 37.321-1 ,G (arrier aggregation spe(i?i( se(tion o? the 3GPP. ;hese test (ases are appli(a'le to the 'ands .hi(h are supported '0 the CE.

;est # 1

10<<6 Ta& 1 1;E-!;,-1-0400

Baterials ,eAuired !& simulator supporting 1;E EA !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) !& simulator supporting 1;E EA !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or

;est *es(ription and EHpe(ted ,esult 7.2.3A.2 - Eon?igured CE transmitted Dutput Po.er ?or EA (inter-'and *1 EA .ithout C1 EA) Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion 7.2.3A.2


4.3A.3 - ,e?eren(e sensiti+it0 le+el ?or EA (inter-'and *1 EA .ithout C1 EA) Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion 4.3A.3

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1') of 14'

(a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)


!& simulator supporting 1;E EA !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) - G** P*&E" &ingle Antenna Port Per?orman(e ?or EA (inter-'and *1 EA) Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1'4 of 14'



!& simulator supporting 1;E EA !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) !& simulator supporting 1;E EA !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) - G** P*&E" Dpen 1oop &patial BultipleHing 2H2 ?or EA (inter-'and *1 EA) Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion

4.3A.3 - Ad8a(ent Ehannel &ele(ti+it0 (AE&) ?or EA (inter-'and *1 EA .ithout C1 EA) Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion 4.3A.3

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1'5 of 14'



!& simulator supporting 1;E EA !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) !& simulator supporting 1;E EA !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)

4.7.1A.3 - =n-!and 'lo(/ing ?or EA (inter-'and *1 EA .ithout C1 EA) Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion 4.7.1A.3

4.7.2A.3 - Dut-o?-'and 'lo(/ing ?or EA (inter-'and *1 EA .ithout C1 EA) Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion 4.7.2A.3

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1'6 of 14'



!& simulator supporting 1;E EA !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) !& simulator supporting 1;E EA !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)

4.7.3A.3 - -arro. 'and 'lo(/ing ?or EA (inter-'and *1 EA .ithout C1 EA) Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion 4.7.3A.3

4.4A.3 - &purious response ?or EA (inter-'and *1 EA .ithout C1 EA) Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion 4.4A.3

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1'< of 14'





!& simulator supporting 1;E EA !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) !& simulator supporting 1;E EA !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)

4.5.1A.3 - Fide 'and =ntermodulation ?or EA (inter-'and *1 EA .ithout C1 EA) Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion 4.5.1A.3

4.4A.3 BaHimum input le+el ?or EA (inter-'and *1 EA .ithout C1 EA) Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion 4.4A.3

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1'8 of 14'


(arrier A&&re&ation RRM (onformance

;hese test (ases are +alidated test (ases ?or the 37.321-3 ,,B (arrier aggregation spe(i?i( se(tion o? the 3GPP. ;hese test (ases are appli(a'le to the 'ands .hi(h are supported '0 the CE. ;est # 10447 ;ag # 1;E-!;,-1-0700 Baterials ,eAuired !& simulator supporting 1;E EA !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) !& simulator supporting 1;E EA !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) ;est *es(ription and EHpe(ted ,esult 5.17.1 E-C;,A- G** e+ent triggered reporting under dea(ti+ated &Eell in non-*,I Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-3> &e(tion 5.17.1


5.17.3 E-C;,A- G**-G** E+ent triggered reporting on dea(ti+ated &Eell .ith PEell interruption in non-*,I Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-3> &e(tion 5.17.3

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1'? of 14'



1;E-!;,-1-0712 G** A'solute ,&,P A((ura(0 ?or E-C;,A Earrier Aggregation !& simulator supporting 1;E EA Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 3GPP ;& 37.321-3> &e(tion optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) G** ,elati+e ,&,P A((ura(0 ?or E-C;,A Earrier Aggregation !& simulator supporting 1;E EA Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 3GPP ;& 37.321-3> &e(tion optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) G** A'solute ,&,N A((ura(0 ?or E-C;,A Earrier Aggregation !& simulator supporting 1;E EA Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 3GPP ;& 37.321-3> &e(tion optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1)0 of 14'



!& simulator supporting 1;E EA !and pairs 4214> 2214> (1424 optional) (other 'and (om'inations ma0 also 'e supported) ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) G** ,elati+e ,&,N A((ura(0 E-C;,A ?or Earrier Aggregation Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-3> &e(tion

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1)1 of 14'


R6 !arametric !erformance
;hese test (ases are designed in order to test the 1;E transmitter and re(ei+er per?orman(e 'e0ond the 1;E 3GPP spe(i?i(ations. ;est # 10447 ;ag # 1;E-!;,-1-0072 Baterials ,eAuired !& simulator supporting 1;E !and 14> CB;&> E*BA 2000 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) ;est *es(ription and EHpe(ted ,esult Dut o? 'and 'lo(/ing and =nter-modulation in presen(e o? inter?eren(eJ E*BA2000 !E0@!E1 CB;& !and 2@3 1;E !and IV== 10 B"$ 1;E Earrier *o.nlin/ GreAuen(0 o? 440 B"$ Cplin/ GreAuen(0 o? 410 B"$

Fith the CE operating in !and IV== using a single 10 B"$ (arrier at a do.nlin/ po.er le+el o? -61d!m> test the CERs a'ilit0 to re(ei+e data .ith a gi+en a+erage throughput ?or a spe(i?ied re?eren(e measurement (hannel> in the presen(e o? inter?ering modulated signals o? -44d!m allo(ated out o? 'and> under (onditions o? ideal propagation and no added noise.


!& simulator supporting 1;E !and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)

,e(ei+er sensiti+it0 ?or resour(e 'lo(/s s.eepJ 1;E !and IV== 3@10 B"$ 1;E *o.nlin/ GreAuen(0 o? 440 B"$ Gor 3 B"$> 3 ,!&tart +alues (0-20) .ith ,!Y3 in *o.nlin/ Gor 10 B"$> 10 ,!&tart +alues (0-43) .ith ,!Y3 in *o.nlin/

Veri?0 the CE is in (on?orman(e .ith the (riteria spe(i?ied in 3GPP ;& 37.321-1> &e(tion 4.3.3> ;a'le 4.3.3-1 .hen using di??erent num'er o? resour(e 'lo(/s allo(ated in the P*&E". ;he measured throughput at sensiti+it0 le+el is 'etter than or eAual to 63 V.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1)' of 14'


!& simulator supporting 1;E !and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) !& simulator supporting 1;E !and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)

,e(ei+er sensiti+it0 sear(h ?or resour(e 'lo(/s s.eepJ 1;E !and IV== 3@10 B"$ 1;E *o.nlin/ GreAuen(0 o? 440 B"$ Gor 3 B"$> 3 ,! +alues (3-23) .ith ,!&tartY0 in *o.nlin/ Gor 10 B"$> 10 ,! +alues (3-30) .ith ,!&tartY0 in *o.nlin/

Gind the sensiti+it0 o? the CE .hen using di??erent num'er o? resour(e 'lo(/s allo(ated in the P*&E".


,e(ei+er sensiti+it0 ?or independent antenna portsJ 1;E !and IV== 3@10 B"$ 1;E *o.nlin/ GreAuen(0 o? 440 B"$ Gor 3 B"$> *o.nlin/ Po.er 1e+el o? -67.3d!m. Gor 10 B"$> *o.nlin/ Po.er 1e+el o? -63.3d!m.

;o +eri?0 the CERs a'ilit0 to re(ei+e data .ith a gi+en a+erage throughput ?or a spe(i?ied re?eren(e measurement (hannel> under (onditions o? lo. signal le+el> ideal propagation> no added noise and using one antenna port. ;he throughput shall 'e _ 63V o? the maHimum throughput o? the re?eren(e measurement (hannels.


!& simulator supporting 1;E !and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)

PCEE" re(ei+er per?orman(e Fide'and EN= (1 (ode.ord)J 1;E !and IV== 3@10 B"$ 1;E *o.nlin/ GreAuen(0 o? 440 B"$

;o +eri?0 the +arian(e o? the simultaneous "A,N and .ide'and EN= reports is .ithin the limits de?ined and a P*&E" !1E, o? 10V ?alls 'et.een the transport ?ormat 'ased median EN=-1 and median EN= or the transport ?ormat 'ased median EN= and median EN= 21.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1)) of 14'


!& simulator supporting 1;E !and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)

PCEE" re(ei+er per?orman(e Fide'and EN= (2 (ode.ords)J 1;E !and IV== 3@10 B"$ 1;E *o.nlin/ GreAuen(0 o? 440 B"$

;o +eri?0 the +arian(e o? the simultaneous "A,N and .ide'and spatial di??erential EN= 'et.een (ode.ord #0 and (ode.ord #1 are .ithin the limits de?ined and ?or 'oth (ode.ord #0 and (ode.ord #1> the P*&E" !1E, using the transport ?ormat indi(ated '0 the respe(ti+e median EN=0 ) 1 and median EN=1 ) 1 shall 'e less than or eAual to 0.1 and the P*&E" !1E, using the transport ?ormat indi(ated '0 the respe(ti+e median EN= 0 2 1 and median EN=1 2 1 shall 'e greater than or eAual to 0.1.


!& simulator supporting 1;E !and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) !& simulator supporting 1;E !and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le)

PCEE" ?ormats re(ei+er per?orman(e (,=)J 1;E !and IV== 3@10 B"$ 1;E *o.nlin/ GreAuen(0 o? 440 B"$

;o +eri?0 that the reported ran/ indi(ator a((uratel0 represents the (hannel ran/ .hen simultaneous "A,N and .ide'and EN= reporting are allo.ed.


Po.er ?latnessJ 1;E !and IV== 3@10 B"$ 1;E *o.nlin/ GreAuen(0 o? 440 B"$ Cplin/ GreAuen(0 o? 410 B"$ Gor 3 B"$> 3 ,! +alues in Cplin/ Gor 10 B"$> 10 ,! +alues in Cplin/

;est the CE does not eH(eed the minimum 'et.een the P EBAI (maHimum allo.ed C1 ;ransmission po.er) signaled '0 the EC;,A- and the PCBAI (maHimum CE po.er ?or the CE po.er

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1)4 of 14'

(lass) and this reAuirement is also ?ul?illed .hen the ,!s are allo(ated in di??erent positions along the C1 (hannel 'and.idth. 6 1;E-!;,-1-0045 !& simulator supporting 1;E !and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) !& simulator supporting 1;E !and 14 ,G adapter or (a'led terminal !atter0 adapter (pre?erred> .hen appli(a'le) Bodulation and (oding rate per?orman(eJ 1;E !and IV== 3@10 B"$ 1;E *o.nlin/ GreAuen(0 o? 440 B"$ Cplin/ GreAuen(0 o? 410 B"$

Gind the sensiti+it0 po.er o? the CE .ith di??erent modulations and (oding rates in the P*&E".



PCEE" D-@DGG ;ime mas/J 1;E !and IV== 3@10 B"$ 1;E *o.nlin/ GreAuen(0 o? 440 B"$

Veri?0 the PCEE" D-@DGG time mas/ (omplies .ith the de?ined reAuirements.

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

Si&nalin& .erification

Ea(h +endor> prior to entering the la' .ith a de+i(e> must su'mit the (omplian(e matriH (13256). ;he su'8e(t matter eHpert (&BE) re+ie.s this do(ument to o'tain the 3GPP release reported '0 the de+i(e in 2G and 3G net.or/s> i? supported. Additionall0> the &BE re+ie.s the 13256 ?or Enhan(ed Beasurement ,eport and *o.nlin/ Ad+an(ed ,e(ei+er Per?orman(e (*A,P) support. Ea(h o? these items must then 'e +eri?ied on(e the de+i(e enters the la'. Eurrentl0> A;<; utili$es the Anite C&A&2@4 .ith one s(ript ?or 2G and one s(ript ?or 3G to gather this in?ormation. An0 in(onsisten(ies 'et.een the a(tual CE report and .hat is reported in the 13256 are reported as de?e(ts to the +endor. ;he test s(ripts ?or G&B!;,-1-0123 and 0127 are a+aila'le .ith the 'ul/ Anite test s(ript release pa(/age. Test 1 10<<6 Ta& 1 Materials Required Test -escri!tion and =>!ected Result 1 G&B-!;,-1-0123 G&B 3GPP ,elease Version ,eport and *A,P@*A,P signaling support -ode ! @ !;& simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 (.ith 'atter0 Eon?igure node !@!;& simulator to allo. registration o? the handset in 2G mode and per?orm a (lassmar/ (hange ?or mo'ile station (lassmar/ 3. adapter) or ?ull0 (harged Po.er D- the de+i(e and (apture the (lassmar/ (hange report ?rom the 'atter0 de+i(e. ,G adapter> (a'led Go to the Elassmar/ Ehange Bessage ?rom the terminal> or isolation 'oH de+i(e@additionalBo'ile&tationElassmar/=n?ormation@Ehoi(e .ith indu(ti+e (oupler (oLGE,A-GeaturePa(/age1 and re(ord +alue (1 or 0) Anite s(ript Go to the Elassmar/ Ehange Bessage ?rom the de+i(e@additionalBo'ile&tationElassmar/=n?ormation@Ehoi(e (oLGE,A-GeaturePa(/age2 and re(ord +alue (1 or 0) Go to the Elassmar/ Ehange Bessage ?rom the de+i(e@additionalBo'ile&tationElassmar/=n?ormation@Ehoi(e (oL*o.nlin/Ad+an(ed,e(ei+erPer?orman(e and re(ord +alue (1 or 0) Go to the Elassmar/ Ehange Bessage ?rom the de+i(e@additionalBo'ile&tationElassmar/=n?ormation@Ehoi(e (oL,epeatedA((hEapa'ilit0 and re(ord +alue (1 or 0) Go to the Elassmar/ Ehange Bessage ?rom the de+i(e@additionalBo'ile&tationElassmar/=n?ormation@Ehoi(e (oL(L003@BsPositioningBethodEapa'ilit0@BsPositioningBethod and re(ord +alue

G=RA7 6eature PacHa&e 1J =? GP1Y0> de+i(e is ,66 or earlier. =? GP1Y1> de+i(e is (onsidered ,4 and must support E&-EB, per 13340> E*,-,!P350.

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1)< of 14'

G=RA7 6eature PacHa&e 'J GP1Y0 is the onl0 a((epted +alue at this time unless the de+i(e supports Enhan(ed Po.er Eontrol (EPE). -ARPJ *A,PY0> de+i(e either does not support *A,P@&A=E per?orman(e (apa'ilit0 or the de+i(e has not (ompleted *A,P signaling tests .ith t.o 2G net.or/ =D; la's and must disa'le *A,P signaling. =? *A,P per?orman(e (apa'ilit0 is ena'led> the de+i(e must ha+e all P;E,! *A,P test (ases per?ormed and passing .ith the eH(eption o? the *A,P signaling tests> 'ut those tests are (ategor0 E> and A;<; .ill .ai+e those ?ailures. =? *A,PY1> the de+i(e has (ompleted *A,P signaling tests .ith t.o 2G net.or/ =D; la's and the de+i(e must ha+e all P;E,! *A,P test (ases per?ormed and passing. =? *A,P Y 2> the de+i(e supports Phase 2 o? *A,P implementation per 24.005 and 43.003 ('elo.). DEB is to pro+ide appropriate P;E,! test results i? *A,P Phase 2 is supported.

Vendors shall indi(ate support ?or 3GPP *A,P signaling. A;<; no. pre?ers this signal 'it to 'e set to K1M @ ena'led. A;<; Bo'ilit0 (urrentl0 reAuests that de+i(es supporting *A,P@&A=E *D in?orm the net.or/ o? this (apa'ilit0. *e+i(es that ha+e the (apa'ilit0 to ena'le the *A,P signal 'it should ena'le it < (on?irm this entr0 .ith the proper 13256 line item #233. ;he (omplete *A,P (apa'ilities o? the de+i(e need to 'e detailed in line items 230>231>232 and 233J SE*,-,!P-230T &A=E@*A,P &pe(i?i(ation SE*,-,!P-231T Vendor-spe(i?i( *A,P@&A=E =mplementation SE*,-,!P-232T 3GPP *A,P ,adio &tandard SE*,-,!P-233T 3GPP *A,P &ignaling 3GPP ;& 24.005 de?ines the Elassmar/ *A,P +alues in this .a0J *o.nlin/ Ad+an(ed ,e(ei+er Per?orman(e (2 'it ?ield) ;his ?ield indi(ates *o.nlin/ Ad+an(ed ,e(ei+er Per?orman(e (apa'ilities o? the B& (see 3GPP ;& 43.003 O33P). !its 21 0 0 *o.nlin/ Ad+an(ed ,e(ei+er Per?orman(e not supported AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1)8 of 14'

0 1 *o.nlin/ Ad+an(ed ,e(ei+er Per?orman(e - phase = supported 1 0 *o.nlin/ Ad+an(ed ,e(ei+er Per?orman(e - phase == supported *A,P phase 2 (a/a B&,* - Bo'ile &tation ,e(ei+e *i+ersit0) is an impro+ement o? *A,P Phase 1 (a/a &A=E - &ingle Antenna =nter?eren(e Ean(ellation). ;he impro+ement is o'ser+ed in the implementation o? ,e(ei+e *i+ersit0 also in 2G (G&B@GP,&@E*GE).\

Re!eated 6A((, and SA((,3 ,epeatedA((hEapa'ilit0Y0J ,epeated GAEE" is supported> repeated &AEE" is not supported. =? ,epeatedA((hEapa'ilit0Y1J !oth Ga((h < &a((h are supported. MS Positionin& Met2od (a!a ilit"3 B& Eon+entional GP& 0 1 (on+entional GP& not supported (on+entional GP& supported

!it 1

!it 2

B& 'ased GP& 0 1 B& 'ased GP& not supported B& 'ased GP& supported


-ode ! @ !;& simulator supporting 530 @ 1600 Po.er &uppl0 (.ith 'atter0 adapter) or ?ull0 (harged 'atter0 ,G adapter> (a'led

Gor the A;<; net.or/> onl0 'it 2 and@or 'it 1 should 'e set. =? +alue is 3> CE supports 'oth autonomous GP& < AGP& (mo'ile 'ased). =? +alue is 1> CE supports onl0 autonomous GP&. CB;& 3GPP ,elease Version ,eport

Eon?igure node !@!;& simulator to allo. registration o? the handset in 3G mode. Po.er D- the de+i(e and (apture the registration attempt. Go to the ,,E Eonne(tion ,eAuest ?rom the de+i(e@ C1-EEE"-Bessage@ Bessage @rr(Eonne(tion,eAuest @+3d0-onEriti(alEHtensions AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$ AT&T Pro!rietar"

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution ;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 1)? of 14'

terminal> or isolation 'oH .ith indu(ti+e (oupler Anite s(ript

@+4'0-onEriti(alEHtensions @rr(Eonne(tion,eAuest-+4'0eHt @A((ess&tratum,elease=ndi(ator ,e(ord the release in?ormation

;he CE reported 3GPP ,elease Version shall mat(h the +ersion reported on the 13256.


Test (ase (odin&

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 140 of 14'


Test *nstructions

;he non-radiated test (ases (an 'e per?ormed '0 running the test s(ripts on the ,ohde < &(h.ar$ test eAuipment.


Ro2de & Sc29arC *nstructions

;he ?ile> KEBCG&BtestsL3.6.$ipM (ontains the ;est (ases ?or ea(h test des(ri'ed a'o+e. ;he reAuired eAuipment to run su(h tests isJ ,<& EBC200 +4.3I !A&E @ G&B @ FE*BA ?irm.are or later. A;<; is (urrentl0 using +3.11 Agilent 77311! Po.er &uppl0 or eAui+alent GP=! (a'les (onne(ted to a GP=! (ard@(ontroller


Anritsu M-84<0 *nstructions

;he ?ile> KAnritsu B*5440 Giles.$ipM (ontains parameter ?iles ?or E;& and F-& ?or the B*5440 plat?orm. ;hese parameter ?iles are needed ?or CEUs to per?orm the supported test (ases des(ri'ed a'o+e. ;he reAuired eAuipment in(ludesJ -B*5440A .ithJ FE*BA@G&B@"&PA ,G 'oards BI544013A E;& so?t.are BI544017A B-& so?t.are BI544010A EGP,&@"&CPA@"&*PA so?t.are BI457000A and BI457000A-011 so?t.are Agilent 77311! po.er suppl0 or eAui+alent GP=! (ontroller .ith (a'le Ethernet hu'

AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$

Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 141 of 14'

Test Results

6or AT&T Mo ilit" use onl"3 Ctili$e the Ba(ros en(losed in ?ile> K14750 additional ?iles.$ip.M and templates as ?ollo.sJ Pla(e ra. data ?iles ?rom K&tart EBC200 All &hortrunM and@or K&tart G&B !atter0 1i?eM into the same dire(tor0 as ;he EH(el ?iles ?or the templates and BAE,D&.Hls Dpen the BAE,D&.Hls do(ument and> using A1;2G5> sele(t a Ba(ro to populate the template spreadsheet(s) &a+e ea(h ;emplate &preadsheet .ith the produ(t name> so?t.are +ersion or test date. ,e+ie. the spreadsheet results. =? all aspe(ts o? the KEHpe(ted ,esultsM ha+e 'een satis?ied then in?orm the ;est Banager and Vendor Eoordinator.

=? an0 aspe(ts o? the KEHpe(ted ,esultsM ha+e not 'een satis?ied then update ;est *ire(tor and noti?0 the ;est Banager and Vendor Eoordinator.

6or .endor use onl"3 Eomplete the tests and update the 10447 a((ompan0ing results spreadsheet and pro+ide all supporting data. Additionall0> 0ou ma0 use an0 ma(ros (reated and distri'uted '0 A;<; Bo'ilit0 to present the data.

Per 14<8' -e+ice Acce!tance Process document8 +ersion 6:5/ effecti+e Iune8 '011/ .endor@4=M 9ill deli+er t2ese results at ;=/' timeframe to a!!ro!riate SM= for re+ie93 1) Parametri( test results- 10447> &e(tion ,1> ,G. Vendor must demonstrate that the produ(t meets all ,G@ph0si(al la0er reAuirements. At a minimum> +endor-run test results .ill 'e deli+ered to VE ?or A11 ,1 test (ases .hi(h are supported '0 the produ(t. =G the produ(t undergoes testing at an A;<; Appro+ed Vendor 1a'> test data ?or all test (ases .hi(h are supported '0 the produ(t are reAuired. ,a. data ?iles are to 'e pro+ided to the VE ?or all supported ,1 test (ases. ;his in(ludesJ .dat and .Hls data ?iles .hi(h result ?rom the A;<; "PVEE@ EBCG&Btests test s(ript and ma(ro.Hls post pro(essed ?iles
AT&T Pro!rietar" #Restricted$
Dnl0 ?or use '0 authori$ed indi+iduals .ithin the A;<; (ompanies and not ?or general distri'ution

AT&T Pro!rietar"
;he in?ormation (ontained here is ?or use '0 authori$ed persons onl0 and is not ?or general distri'ution

%ireless Performance S!ecification

Pa&e 14' of 14'

) .pd?> .Hls> .(s+ ?ile ?ormat test results ?or 3G test (ases. 2) Parametri( test results- 10447> &e(tion ,2> !atter0 li?e. Vendor must demonstrate that the produ(t meets all 'atter0 li?e reAuirements. At a minimum> +endor-run test results .ill 'e deli+ered to VE ?or A11 ,2 test (ases .hi(h are supported '0 the produ(t. =G the produ(t undergoes testing at an A;<; Appro+ed Vendor 1a'> test data ?or all test (ases .hi(h are supported '0 the produ(t are reAuired. ,a. data ?iles are to 'e pro+ided to the VE ?or all supported ,2 test (ases. ;his in(ludesJ ) .dat and .Hls data ?iles .hi(h result ?rom the A;<; "PVEE@ EBCG&Btests test s(ript and ma(ro.Hls post pro(essed ?iles ) .Hls> .(s+> .Hml> or .html ?ile ?ormat test results ?or 2G@3G test (ases and user pro?ile 'atter0 li?e s(enarios 3) AGP& test results ) 10447> &e(tion ,24> AGP&. Vendor must demonstrate that the produ(t meets all appli(a'le AGP& reAuirements. At a minimum> +endor-run test results .ill 'e deli+ered to VE ?or A11 ,24 test (ases .hi(h are supported '0 the produ(t. =G the produ(t undergoes testing at an A;<; Appro+ed Vendor 1a'> test data ?or all test (ases .hi(h are supported '0 the produ(t are reAuired. ,a. data ?iles are to 'e pro+ided to the VE ?or all supported ,24 test (ases. ;his in(ludes (ontrol plane> E611> and &CP1 test resultsJ .pd?> .Hls> .(s+ ?ile ?ormat test results

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