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NITHIN KRISHNA SIRIGIRI E-mail Id: sirigirinithinkrishna@live.

in Mobile No: +91-9581464581 CARRIER OBJECTIVE To work efficiently and effectively as well as growth with a prestigio s organi!ation in field of prod ction" #aintenance" and designing. $o" as to achieve self reali!ation and acco#plish#ent of organi!ational goals. SUMMARY OF QUA IFICATIONS % co#pleted #y Bachelor of Technology in Com!"#e$ S%ie&%e a&d E&'i&ee$i&' at $iddharth %nstit te of &ngineering and Technology" ' tt r in ()11 with 65.51%( % co#pleted #y Boa$d o) I&#e$media#e Ed"%a#io& in ())* at $ri +haitanya ,harathi -rts and $cience . nior +ollege" Tir pathi with 85.5%. % co#pleted #y Boa$d o) Se%o&da$* Ed"%a#io& in ())5 at +haitanya /igh school" Tir pathi with 71.33%.


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ACHIEVEMENTS 'articipated in Te%+&i%al Q"i, at REVAM-./0 cond cted 3y 4eva %nstit te of Technology and 2anage#ent" ,angalore. 'articipated in 1#+ Na#io&al IT A!#i#"de Te2# cond cted 3y 5ational %nstit te for %nfor#ation Technology.

-A-ER -RESENTATION SUBMITTE3 S"$)a%e Com!"#i&' 6 'resented at ACUMEN./0 cond cted 3y 1asavi +ollege of &ngineering" /ydera3ad.

ACA3EMIC -ROJECTS A( Ti#le Ab2#$a%# : : Si'F$ee: A Si'&a#"$e-)$ee B"))e$ O4e$)lo5 A##a%6 Blo%6e$ 7e se $ig 8ree" a real ti#e" signat re free" o t-of-the-3o9" application layer 3locker for preventing 3 ffer overflow attacks" one of the #ost serio s cy3er sec rity threats. , ffer overflow v lnera3ility is a root ca se for #ost of the cy3er attacks s ch as server 3reaking-in" !o#3ies and 3ot-nets. 7e have i#ple#ented a $ig8ree prototype as a pro9y to protect we3 servers. $ig8ree is a generic approach which doesn:t re; ire any pre-known patterns. Then" it ses the fo nd patterns and a data flow analysis techni; e called progra# slicing to analy!e the packets payload. F$o&# 7 E&d Ba%6 7 E&d B( Ti#le Ab2#$a%# : : : : -$'.5&T $<0 $erver A%%e22i&' Remo#e 3a#aba2e "2i&' Sim!le Ob8e%# A%%e22 -$o#o%ol 9SOA-: = r pro>ect gives a client interface for the data3ase tool to the ser. F$o&# 7 E&d Ba%6 7 E&d -ERSONA SKI S : : -$'.5&T $<0 $erver sers 3y providing all the data3ase syste# f nctions and data3ase #igration

$#art working and ; ick leaner. ' nct ality and co##it#ent to perfor#. &agerness to learn and ac; ire new skills.

-ERSONA -ROFI E Name Fa#+e$.2 Name Mo#+e$.2 Name Ge&de$ 3a#e o) Bi$#+ Na#io&ali#* Ma$i#al S#a#"2 a&'"a'e2 K&o5& : : : : : : : : 5ithin ?rishna $irigiri $ ?rishna 2 rthy $ 2adh #athi 2ale )* 6 -pril 6 199) %ndian $ingle &nglish" Tel g 5-(-19)-" -nantha $treet" Tir pathi 6 51*5)1. Hobbie2 : $inging" travelling" cooking

-e$ma&e&# Add$e22 :

3EC ARATION % here3y declare that all the a3ove #entioned details are gen ine to the 3est of #y knowledge and % will s 3#it the originals at the ti#e of interview. NITHIN KRISHNA S

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