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Creativity and the Act of Teaching Strategy:Assess students need, monitor progress, adapting, communication, and deliver content;

assistant students to excel in knowledge, provide an environment to master complex learning, engage and produce a new or original thought.

Beyond Originality Strategy: Teaching consistently in creative manner works hard to consider all aspects of creative learning.

Considering development of Everyday and Eminent Creativity. Strategy: New thinking and acting that influences a society.

Modeling Creative Behavior and Delivering Creative Learning Strategy: Deepen the learning; inspire the production of new thought, action and planning for outcome in teaching creatively; Inspiring, bringing love of learning to the classroom through their sense of curiosity, and enthusiasm for new learning; Creatively by looking at old lesson in new ways, assessing gap in student learning, being willing to try new methods, and by continuous reflection and improvements of their craft.

Setting up the conditions for Diverse Creative Personalities to Thrive Strategy:Tolerance and understanding in managing creative trait the classroom; providing a challenging environment, holding to standards while providing freedom of choice, encouraging trust and respect, providing time to think and play with ideas, and supporting new thinking by allowing students to take risks in creative learning.

Teaching creativity as the content of the Learning Strategy:deliberate approaches to creative learning and teaching by theoretical foundation and framework; Made connections to use in various contexts and areas of learning regarding creativity methods and processes.

Teaching Aspects of the Creative Personality and Dimensions of the Environment Strategy:Identify creative strengths, potential deficits and the way to engage with the diversity of problem solving and learning preferences.

Deliberate Methods, Processes, and Programs for Creativity -Strategy:Creative problem solving and synaptic; Program for teaching creativity. =Example of Program for teaching creativity: Productive Thinking Program, the Future Problem Solving Program, Cort Thinking Program, Invention Convention, Odyssey of Example of Program for teaching creativity:Productive Thinking Program, the Future Problem Solving Program, Cort Thinking Program, Invention Convention, Odyssey of the mind and Destination Imagination. -Model: Torrance's incubation model of teaching and learning. Donald Treffinger Creative Learning Model

. Creativity as Content and Subject Area Content in One Lesson -Strategy: Putting ideas into context, glimpses of the future, letting humour flow, and highlighting the Essence; Learner can be taught strategies to take a mental shift to many, varied, and unusual perspectives; engage in playful thinking; tolerate ambiguity to explore deeper ; and synthesizeStrategy: Putting ideas into context, glimpses of the future, letting humour flow, and highlighting the Essence; Learner can be taught strategies to take a mental shift to many, varied, and unusual perspectives; engage in playful thinking; tolerate ambiguity to explore deeper ; and synthesize complex aspects of learning to extracts the essence. -Model:Torrance's incubation model of teaching and learning

Bringing More Creative Trend to Education Strategy: Understanding and appreciating of the worth of creativity to society and its essential connection to learning; allow great use of talents and abilities of diverse learners beyond the traditional focus of education; support creative behavior and productivity.

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