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Code of Ethics

Society for Human Resource Management - Code Provisions

Core Principle As HR professionals, we are responsible for adding value to the organizations we serve and contributing to the ethical success of those organizations. We accept professional responsibility for our individual decisions and actions. We are also advocates for the profession by engaging in activities that enhance its credibility and value.

To build respect, credibility and strategic i portance for the HR profession within our organizations, the business co unity, and the co unities in which we wor!. To assist the organizations we serve in achieving their ob"ectives and goals. To infor and educate current and future practitioners, the organizations we serve, and the general public about principles and practices that help the profession. To positively influence wor!place and recruit ent practices. To encourage professional decision# a!ing and responsibility. To encourage social responsibility.

Adhere to the highest standards of ethical and professional behavior. $easure the effectiveness of HR in contributing to or achieving organizational goals. Co ply with the law. Wor! consistent with the values of the profession. %trive to achieve the highest levels of service, perfor ance and social responsibility. Advocate for the appropriate use and appreciation of hu an beings as e ployees. Advocate openly and within the established foru s for debate in order to influence decision# a!ing and results.


Core Principle As professionals we ust strive to eet the highest standards of co petence and co strengthen our co petencies on a continuous basis. it to

To e&pand our !nowledge of hu an resource organizations function. anage ent to further our understanding of how our

To advance our understanding of how organizations wor! '(the business of the business().

Pursue for al acade ic opportunities. Co it to continuous learning, s!ills develop ent and application of new !nowledge related to both hu an resource anage ent and the organizations we serve. Contribute to the body of !nowledge, the evolution of the profession and the growth of individuals through teaching, research and disse ination of !nowledge. Pursue certification such as CCP, C*+%, PHR, %PHR, etc. where available, or co parable easures of co petencies and !nowledge.


odel for aintaining

Core Principle HR professionals are e&pected to e&hibit individual leadership as a role the highest standards of ethical conduct.

To set the standard and be an e&a ple for others. To earn individual respect and increase our credibility with those we serve.

+e ethical, act ethically in every professional interaction. -uestion pending individual and group actions when necessary to ensure that decisions are ethical and are i ple ented in an ethical anner. %ee! e&pert guidance if ever in doubt about the ethical propriety of a situation. Through teaching and entoring, cha pion the develop ent of others as ethical leaders in the profession and in organizations.


Core Principle As hu an resource professionals, we are ethically responsible for pro oting and fostering fairness and "ustice for all e ployees and their organizations.

To create and sustain an environ ent that encourages all individuals and the organization to reach their fullest potential in a positive and productive anner.

Respect the uni.ueness and intrinsic worth of every individual.

Treat people with dignity, respect and co passion to foster a trusting wor! environ ent free of harass ent, inti idation, and unlawful discri ination. *nsure that everyone has the opportunity to develop their s!ills and new co petencies. Assure an environ ent of inclusiveness and a co it ent to diversity in the organizations we serve. /evelop, ad inister and advocate policies and procedures that foster fair, consistent and e.uitable treat ent for all. Regardless of personal interests, support decisions ade by our organizations that are both ethical and legal. Act in a responsible anner and practice sound anage ent in the country'ies) in which the organizations we serve operate.


Core Principle As HR professionals, we ust aintain a high level of trust with our sta!eholders. We ust protect the interests of our sta!eholders as well as our professional integrity and should not engage in activities that create actual, apparent, or potential conflicts of interest.

To avoid activities that are in conflict or ay appear to be in conflict with any of the provisions of this Code of *thical and Professional %tandards in Hu an Resource $anage ent or with one0s responsibilities and duties as a e ber of the hu an resource profession and1or as an e ployee of any organization.

Adhere to and advocate the use of published policies on conflicts of interest within your organization. Refrain fro using your position for personal, aterial or financial gain or the appearance of such. Refrain fro giving or see!ing preferential treat ent in the hu an resources processes. Prioritize your obligations to identify conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof, when conflicts arise, disclose the to relevant sta!eholders.

Core Principle HR professionals consider and protect the rights of individuals, especially in the ac.uisition and disse ination of infor ation while ensuring truthful co unications and facilitating infor ed decision# a!ing.

To build trust a ong all organization constituents by a&i izing the open e&change of infor ation, while eli inating an&ieties about inappropriate and1or inaccurate ac.uisition and sharing of infor ation.

Ac.uire and disse inate infor ation through ethical and responsible eans.

*nsure only appropriate infor ation is used in decisions affecting the e ploy ent relationship. 2nvestigate the accuracy and source of infor ation before allowing it to be used in e ploy ent related decisions. $aintain current and accurate HR infor ation. %afeguard restricted or confidential infor ation. Ta!e appropriate steps to ensure the accuracy and co pleteness of all co unicated infor ation about HR policies and practices. Ta!e appropriate steps to ensure the accuracy and co pleteness of all co unicated infor ation used in HR#related training.

As an HR $anage ent 2nstitute certificant, you are responsible for adding value to the organizations you serve and contributing to the ethical success of those organizations. 3ou accept professional responsibility for your individual decisions and actions. 3ou are also an advocate for the HR profession by engaging in activities that enhance its credibility and value. 3ou will4 5. Adhere to the highest standards of ethical and professional behavior. 6. $easure the effectiveness of HR in contributing to or achieving organizational goals. 7. Co ply with the law. 8. Wor! consistently within the values of the profession. 9. %trive to achieve the highest levels of service, perfor ance and social responsibility. :. Advocate for the appropriate use and appreciation of hu an beings as e ployees. ;. Advocate openly and within the established foru s for debate in order to influence decision a!ing and results.

As an HR $anage ent 2nstitute certificant you ust strive to eet the highest standards of co petence and co it to strengthen your co petencies on a continuous basis. 3ou will4 5. Co it to continuous learning, s!ills develop ent and application of new !nowledge related to both hu an resource anage ent and the organizations you serve. 6. Contribute to the body of !nowledge, the evolution of the profession and the growth of individuals through teaching, research and disse ination of !nowledge.

As an HR $anage ent 2nstitute certificant you are e&pected to e&hibit individual leadership as a role odel for aintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct. 3ou will4 5. +e ethical and act ethically in every professional interaction. 6. -uestion pending individual and group actions when necessary to ensure that decisions are ethical and are i ple ented in an ethical anner. 7. %ee! e&pert guidance if ever in doubt about the ethical propriety of a situation. 8. Through teaching and entoring, cha pion the develop ent of others as ethical leaders in the profession and in organizations.


As an HR $anage ent 2nstitute certificant you are ethically responsible for pro oting and fostering fairness and "ustice for all e ployees and their organizations. 3ou will4 5. Respect the uni.ueness and intrinsic worth of every individual. 6. Treat people with dignity, respect and co passion to foster a trusting wor! environ ent free of harass ent, inti idation and unlawful discri ination. 7. *nsure that everyone has the opportunity to develop their s!ills and new co petencies. 8. Assure an environ ent of inclusiveness and a co it ent to diversity in the organizations you serve. 9. /evelop, ad inister and advocate policies and procedures that foster fair, consistent and e.uitable treat ent for all.

:. Regardless of personal interests, support decisions ade by your organizations that are both ethical and legal. ;. Act in a responsible anner and practice sound anage ent in the country or countries in which the organizations you serve operate.

As an HR $anage ent 2nstitute certificant you ust aintain a high level of trust with our sta!eholders. 3ou ust protect the interests of those sta!eholders as well as your professional integrity and should not engage in activities that create actual, apparent or potential conflicts of interest. 3ou will4 5. Adhere to and advocate the use of published policies on conflicts of interest within your organization. 6. Refrain fro using your position for personal, aterial or financial gain or the appearance of such. 7. Refrain fro giving or see!ing preferential treat ent in the hu an resources processes. 8. Prioritize your obligations to identify conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof. 9. When conflicts arise, you will disclose the to relevant sta!eholders.

As an HR $anage ent 2nstitute certificant you ust consider and protect the rights of individuals, especially in the ac.uisition and disse ination of infor ation while ensuring truthful co unications and facilitating infor ed decision a!ing. 3ou will4 5. Ac.uire and disse inate infor ation through ethical and responsible eans. 6. *nsure only appropriate infor ation is used in decisions affecting the e ploy ent relationship. 7. 2nvestigate the accuracy and source of infor ation before allowing it to be used in e ploy ent#related decisions. 8. $aintain current and accurate HR infor ation. 9. %afeguard restricted or confidential infor ation. :. Ta!e appropriate steps to ensure the accuracy and co pleteness of all co unicated infor ation about HR policies and practices. ;. Ta!e appropriate steps to ensure the accuracy and co pleteness of all co unicated infor ation used in HR#related training.

Disciplinary Proc ss an! Proc !"r s

The HR $anage ent 2nstitute +oard<s disciplinary procedures have been devised to ensure a fair and reasonable process for any professional holding one of the HR $anage ent 2nstitute<s credentials against who allegations of Code of *thical and Personal Responsibility violations are brought.

#$ Proc ss Na%"r & These procedures are the only

eans to resolve all HR $anage ent 2nstitute ethical charges and co plaints. The HR $anage ent 2nstitute has the e&clusive authority to end any ethics in.uiry or case regardless of circu stances. +y applying for certification or recertification, HR professionals agree that they will not challenge the authority of the HR $anage ent 2nstitute to apply the Code of *thical and Personal Responsibility, the /isciplinary Case Procedures or other policies, and will not challenge the results of any HR $anage ent 2nstitute action ta!en under these policies in a legal or govern ent foru . These

disciplinary procedures are not for al legal proceedings, thus any for al rules and practices of a court proceeding are not observed. The rules are intended to afford due process and fairness.

'$ In( s%i)a%ion R *" s% = >pon receipt of written co plaint, the HR Certification 2nstitute
staff will review the allegation to deter ine if further investigation is warranted. ?o investigation will be ade if the individual<s certification has e&pired or the allegation occurred ore than 68 onths prior to the e&piration unless the HR $anage ent 2nstitute deter ines there is "ust cause for the co plaint to be reviewed.

+$ In( s%i)a%ion & 2f staff deter ines to proceed with an investigation, the accused individual
holding one of the HR Certification 2nstitute<s credentials will be given written notice of the investigation. That notice will contain the general nature of the allegations. That individual will be given 7@ days within which to file a written response. 2f no response is received within the allotted 7@ days, the co plaint will be presented to a %taff Review Panel based on the infor ation sub itted. The %taff Review Panel ade up of senior staff is e powered by the +oard of Aovernors to review the co plaint and a!e a final decision. 2f the decision is that no action will be ta!en, then the accused and the party a!ing the co plaint will be notified of the panel<s final decision.

,$ H arin) Pan l & 2f the %taff Review Panel deter ines that discipline is

erited, a hearing will ta!e place before a Hearing Panel. The accused is entitled to appear in person or be represented by counsel at the hearing. After final deliberation by the panel, the accused and the party a!ing the co plaint will be notified of the Hearing Panel<s final decision. The panel will be co prised of a ini u of three individuals. At least one e ber of every Hearing Panel will be a e ber of the HR $anage ent 2nstitute +oard and at least two e bers of the panel will hold at least one of the HR $anage ent 2nstitute<s credentials. The panel will be appointed by the HR $anage ent 2nstitute<s Aovernance Co ittee using the sa e criteria it uses for selection of +oard e bers. The Hearing Panel will sub it its findings and reco endations for action to the full HR $anage ent 2nstitute<s +oard of Aovernors which, after considering all of the facts and reco endations will render a final decision.

-$ R sol"%ion & The accused and the accuser will receive written notification of the panel<s

For.s o/ Disciplin
2f grounds for discipline are dee ed warranted, the HR $anage ent 2nstitute +oard of Aovernors ay i pose any of the for s of discipline below4 5. Private written censure 6. Public letter of ad onition 7. %uspension of the right to use the HR $anage ent 2nstitute ar! for a specified period of ti e 8. Per anent revocation of the right to use the HR $anage ent 2nstitute ar!

Disciplin 0ro"n!s
5. Any act or o ission that violates the cri inal laws of any state or country in which that individual resides or is e ployed. 6. Any act that is the proper basis for suspension of a professional license.

7. Any act or o ission that violates the HR $anage ent 2nstitute<s rules and procedures for obtaining or aintaining certification or is considered a aterial violation of this Code of *thical and Personal Responsibility. 8. Bailure to respond to a re.uest for infor ation concerning an ethics violation allegation by the HR $anage ent 2nstitute<s +oard or the HR $anage ent 2nstitute<s Hearing Panel without "ust cause. 9. Cbstruction of the HR $anage ent 2nstitute Hearing Panel<s perfor ance of its duties. :. Any false or isleading state ent ade to the HR $anage ent 2nstitute +oard or the HR $anage ent 2nstitute Hearing Panel.

This list is not e&clusive and there ay be other acts or o issions a ounting to unprofessional conduct that ay also constitute grounds for discipline

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