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Spilled Blood Split the Veil

April 22, 2009

P. John Love

Ephesians chapter two uses strong language describing our condition

before salvation. We were darkness. How's that? Someone asks you,
how are you? darkness. We were one time darkness, but now are light
in the Lord. Col. 1:13, God has translated us from the kingdom of
darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son.

Eph 2:1 - you hath he quickened, who were dead in your trespasses
and sins.
Eph 2:5 - we who were FAR OFF have been brought near by the blood
of Jesus Christ.

Now, there is nothing between us and God. All barriers have been
removed. It was the once and for all sacrifice.

Turn to Hebrews 10:19,20 - having boldness brethren, to enter into

the holiest. Where have we entered? The holiest. By the blood of
Jesus...the new and living way...

Think about this: We are to have boldness. This word often speaks of
freedom of speech. There is nothing restraining us bec. of confidence
in our hearts. Its the absence if fear. We are to have no fear when we
come into the holiest of holies.

What was the holiest? Notice the veil. It is said to be his flesh, the
body of Jesus Christ. In the OT, there was an actual and literal veil. It
separated the holy place from the holy of holies. It was a huge curtain,
60 ft. tall, and 30 ft. wide. It was carefully put together. God gave the
blueprint himself. It was placed between the holy place and holy of
holies. In the holy of holies was where the glory of God was. You don't
go in there unless you were high priest, and then only once a year.
When you go in there, you better go in accord. to the law. They used
to tie a rope around the high priest. If he didn't come out, the other
priests would say, I'm not going in to get him. Just pull him out. If he
was lifeless, then clearly, he was struck down by God. Imagine that!

Imagine these words falling on the ears of the Hebrews. The veil was
Christ's body. Teh veil = Jesus. Whatever happened to the veil
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happened to the flesh of Jesus.

A couple of weeks ago...our young people watched the passion of the

Christ. As he was being beaten...there came a point when I couldn't
look. I had to turn away. What was happening to him...his flesh was
being torn apart. I noticed the young people just drop their heads.
They couldn't look either. Even God the father couldn't look. During
that time on the cross, Christ became sin for us. He bore the sins of
the whole world on that tree. His flesh was torn by the whips, the
metal, the nails, the thorns, the cross itself. The Bible says, this new
and living way, through the veil...his flesh.

Matt. 27:50-51. While Christ was crucified on the cross...and He said 7

sayings on the cross. Then, he gave up His spirit to the father. In the
temple, the veil, that 60 ft. high, 30ft. wide curtain was torn in two,
from top to bottom, at the very moment Christ died. God's msg to
people everywhere, You can come in. You can draw near. You who
were once far off, have now been brought near.

The holy place, where the priests could come, and the holy of holies,
only the high priest could come once a year. Jesus, our forerunner =
Heb. 6. = pioneer. The priests would go in and out and in and out.
When Jesus finished the work on the cross, he went in and said, come
and join me in the presence of God.

When this country was founded, Lewis and Clark. They went out and
found this new land and then told us all to join them. Jesus did the
same thing. As our forerunner, He said, you don't need to bring any
more sacrifices. There is no need for any more bloodshed. That was
sufficient. The only sacrifice now is praise and thanksgiving. That's the

Imagine the Jewish worshipper realizing that veil was torn in two. To
enter the presence of God without invitation meant death. Two of
Aarons sons, Nadab and Abihu...they went in and they were killed
instantly. Moses said, Ex. 33:20, He asked God to show him his glory.
God says, Alright! When you see Jesus, you see my glory.
But, Moses said, I want to see your glory. God said, no one can see
me and live to tell about it. God hid him in the cleft of the rock...and
passed by.

The veil said, this is as far as you can come and you can't come any
further. Don't step over that line, or you won't live to tell about it. For
1500 hundred years the veil separated God from man and said, God is
HOLY separate from sinner. God is perfectly holy and therefore he is
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unapproachable. We are not good. God is good.

We see this all the time. You get around people and they discover you
are religious...or a Christian. All the sudden, sometimes they even
apologize. They say, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were religious.
What are they saying? When they get near God, around the presence
of God, they sense there is danger bec. they know what they are. The
story of the veil is God is on one side, He is holy, and we are unholy on
the other side. WE feel far from God.

God came to us. He knew we couldn't approach him, so He came to

us. He would come and live among us. He is the veil. His glory was
veiled by his humanity. He is the veil. The curtain makes us want to
cry out like Job did, if there was a go between me and God. Jesus is
the one mediator. When he allowed his hands to be nailed to that
cross, he took the hand of man in one hand and the hand of God in the
other and said, be reconciled. But, it took the tearing of the veil of his
body. WE needed a mediator. Christ was that mediator.

Matt. 27:50,51. The hands of heaven, of God himself, were on that

veil. When Christ gave up himself on the cross, all of heaven held their
breath. The father had his hands on that veil, and with his hands, he
took that veil and tore it in half.

When God takes this veil and with his hands, he grips it and tears it
apart, the way is now made clear to come into the presence of God.
We come into his presence and learn to live in His presence. God was
saying, no more barrier. No more priests necessary. We don't need a
priest. WE are now priests unto Him. That's the grace of God. No more
animal sacrifices. Think of all the blood of animals that was shed.
When Jesus made atonement for us, in the pres. of God in heaven, he
present his blood.

I John 2:1,2; and I John 1:9 is all about this. The devil, in Rev. 12:10,
accuses us day and night. He says, well Lord, looks like I have the
goods on one of your children. Then, in walks the LJC. He comes and,
do you think he approaches the father and says, could you have a little
mercy...No? He turns to the father and reminds the father of the
sufficiency of His sacrifice and the devil slithers out of that courtroom
of heaven.

Imagine these Hebrew Christians when this fell upon their ears. No
more sacrifices. Just come into the presence of God. The barrier of sin
is gone. The barrier of guilt, shame, gone forever. The consciousness
of sin has been removed forever.
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The problem is: we have the tendency to put the veil back up. We are
by nature curtain hangers. We und. that God tore apart the veil. WE
say, well, we must go back and put up another curtain. Maybe, not in
the temple, but certainly in our hearts. The devil is all for it. He is out
there trying to employ curtain hangers all over the world. WE allow our
mistakes to keep us from God. We allow a guilty conscious to keep us
from him.

Don't put back up that curtain. When you do, you will hide from God.
Why? We are cons. of our sin. When the veil is gone, there is no cons.
of sin. Behind the veil, we fellowship with the blood of Jesus. Only in
the presence of God do we find the pure motive to say no to sin, and
the lust of the flesh, bec. we live in the presence of God.

WE are so good CURTAIN HANGERS. But, we are to boldly come into

the presence of God. WE take a step in that direction, and our
conscious says, you know what you did just before church began. But,
we go by faith and confidently and boldly. Don't get caught up in your
sins and mistakes allowing a veil to go up...Move out and move on and
fellowship within the veil.

The msg of his torn flesh is that you can draw near. Come boldly. You
are welcome in God's presence. We who were far off, have been
brought near bec. of Christ. The curtain is down. The door is open.
Don't trust your conscience. Trust the Cross. The Sp. of God says to
our Cons, nice job, but I'm here calling the shots from now on. What
we need is the Sp. of life in Christ. If we sin, the Sp. will convict us
and draw us back to the place where they fellowship with God again.
The blood has been spilt. The veil has been rent.

Let's come boldly to God. WE have access. This is where we belong.

WE may never be invited to some places in this world where only
dignitaries get invited...the White House...People say, come on, who
are you kidding? We say, why not? I spend all my time in the presence
of God...what's the White House? We may not get an invitation to the
White House, the State house...the outhouse...but we are right now in
the presence of God. The blood has been spilt. The veil has been rent.
We are in the holy of holies. We come boldly.

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