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What'sBest! (Nov 22, 2011) - Library 7.0.1.

380 - 32-bit - Status Report DATE GENERATED: Sep 08, 2012 08:30 AM

MODEL INFORMATION: CLASSIFICATION DATA Total Cells Numerics Adjustables Continuous Free Integers/Binaries Constants Formulas Strings Constraints Nonlinears Coefficients Minimum coefficient value: Minimum coefficient in formula: Maximum coefficient value: Maximum coefficient in formula: MODEL TYPE: SOLUTION STATUS: OBJECTIVE VALUE: DIRECTION: SOLVER TYPE: TRIES: INFEASIBILITY: BEST OBJECTIVE BOUND: STEPS: ACTIVE: 1 Current 151 148 2 2 0 0/0 142 4 0 3 0 18 on Sheet2!C21 on <RHS> Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Capacity Limits


Sheet2!C21 100 Sheet2!D26

Linear (Linear Program) GLOBALLY OPTIMAL 625 Minimize . . . 2 0 . . . . . . . . .


0 Hours

0 Minutes

0 Seconds

ERROR / WARNING MESSAGES: ***WARNING*** Unsupported external value or range in the Name list (Help Reference: NAME): Check name, value, or the validity of the link. Name will be taken as a 0 number. Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: BALANCE_1 BALANCE_2 ITEM_1_COST ITEM_2_COST REQUIRED_PRODUCTION SOLVER_LHS1 SOLVER_LHS2

End of Report

Microsoft Excel 14.0 Answer Report Worksheet: [LP Example.xlsx]Sheet2 Report Created: 9/8/2012 8:34:59 AM Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied. Solver Engine Engine: Simplex LP Solution Time: 0.063 Seconds. Iterations: 3 Subproblems: 0 Solver Options Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001, Use Automatic Scaling Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Min) Cell $C$21 WBMIN


Original Value 75

Final Value 625

Variable Cells Cell Name $C$17 Production Quantities Process 1 $D$17 Production Quantities Process 2

Original Value 5 5

Final Value Integer 75 Contin 25 Contin

Constraints Cell Name $C$26 Amt. produced $C$28 Balance Amt. produced $C$29 Amt. produced

Cell Value Formula Status 100 $C$26>=$E$26 Binding -1.42109E-14 $C$28>=$E$28 Binding 125 $C$29>=$E$29 Not Binding

Slack 0 0 125


The s Worksheet: [LP Example.xlsx]Sheet2 Report Created: 9/8/2012 8:34:59 AM

Variable Cells Cell Name $C$17 Production Quantities Process 1 $D$17 Production Quantities Process 2 Constraints Cell Name $C$26 Amt. produced $C$28 Balance Amt. produced $C$29 Amt. produced Shadow Constraint Allowable Price R.H. Side Increase 100 6.25 100 1E+30 -1.42109E-14 1.25 0 166.6666667 125 0 0 125 Final Value Final Value Reduced Objective Cost Coefficient 75 0 5 25 0 10 Allowable Increase 5 1E+30

Allowable Decrease 8.333333333 5

Allowable Decrease 100 100 1E+30

Microsoft Excel 14.0 Limits Report Worksheet: [LP Example.xlsx]Sheet2 Report Created: 9/8/2012 8:34:59 AM

Cell $C$21 WBMIN

Objective Name

Value 625

Variable Cell Name $C$17 Production Quantities Process 1 $D$17 Production Quantities Process 2

Value 75 25

Lower Objective Limit Result 75 625 25 625

Upper Objective Limit Result 75 625 150 1875

B 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Process 1 Process 2 5 10 100 Process 1 Process 2 -1 3 2 -1

Production Costs Required Production Balance Requirements

Process 1 Process 2 75 25

Production Quantities

Minimize total cost 625


25 Total Production 26 27 28 Balance 29

Amt. produced 100 0 125

=>= =>= >=

Rquired Amount 100 0 0

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