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Cannon 1 Reily Cannon Ms. Gardner English 10 Honors 2 2 December 2013 Backgro nd Behind !he Brilliance" an anno!a!

ed bibliogra#hy $%mericans Reac! !o !he Grea! De#ression.$ Library of Congress. &.'. Go(ernmen!) n.d. *eb. 1+ ,o(. 2013. -his ar!icle !ells o. !he Grea! De#ression and !he grea! #hysical and men!al !oll i! !ook on ci!i/ens o. !he &ni!ed '!a!es. -he a !hor also re.lec!s #on !he scramble o. ci!i/ens !o rio! agains! *all '!ree!. 0n addi!ion) i! men!ions !he shock !ha! o(ercame !he co n!ry) as i! 1as a land o. bo n!i. l reso rces !ha! no one e2#ec!ed !o be s!r ck 1i!h s ch a large 1a(e o. #o(er!y. 3ro(iding !he .eelings and reac!ions o. !hese ci!i/ens in #anic) !his ar!icle can be se. l !o any scholar s! dying !he 1+30s. 0! highligh!s 1hy money became o. s ch (al e) #eo#le 1ere 1illing !o risk !heir li(es .or i!. 0! sho1s 1hy !hey 1ere 1illing !o chea! each o!her) lie) and s!eal4 ill mina!ing !he mo!i(es behind charac!ers 1illing !o do any!hing .or money in 1+30 no(els s ch as The Maltese Falcon.

Marling) *illiam. $-he Mal!ese 5alcon 61+307 by Dashiell Hamme!!.$ History of American Detective Novel. Case *es!ern Reser(e &ni(ersi!y) 2012. *eb. 13 ,o(. 2013. Marling8s ar!icle on The Maltese Falcon #ro(ides insigh! in!o many !ho gh!s o. cri!ics reading !he no(el) !he backgro nd on 1hich i! 1as 1ri!!en) and las!ly) a brie. s mmary o. !he no(el .or con!e2! in each o. !he re(ie1s. -he ar!icle #ro(ides li!erary #erce#!ion on

Cannon 2 di..eren! as#ec!s o. !he no(el !ha! make i! so in!rig ing. -he ar!icle admires Hamme!!8s 1i!!y) cle(er) and 1ell9de(elo#ed charac!ers as 1ell as !he $ob:ec!i(e s!yle$ 1i!h 1hich i! 1as 1ri!!en. % s!yle !ha! allo1s !he reader !o .an!asi/e each charac!er8s o#inions. 0! !akes a #osi!i(e s!and) s!a!ing i! !o be $#robably %merica8s grea!es! de!ec!i(e no(el.$ By #ro(iding e(idence o. li!erary cri!ics8 !ho gh!s) i! o#ens !he door .or a reader !o dee#en !heir nders!anding o. !he ar!is!ic .lair o. !he li!era! re. *i!h #recise dic!ion) i! im#ro(es !he reader8s nders!anding o. !he grea! ar! # ! in!o !he li!era! re ra!her !han sim#ly saying) $i! 1as a grea! book.$ -ho gh no! necessarily ins!r c!i(e .or children nder !he high school age) Marling8s ar!icle is a !ho gh!. l and !horo gh read) . ll o. se. l cri!icism on !he no(el and o(er.lo1ing 1i!h in!eres!ing conce#!s .or yo ng scholars (en! ring !hro gh The Maltese Falcon.

$;rgani/ed Crime.$ United States History. ,.#.) n.d. *eb. 1< ,o(. 2013. -his ar!icle #ro(ides his!oric in.orma!ion abo ! !he rise o. organi/ed crime in !he &ni!ed '!a!es. 0! !o ches on labor racke!eering) !he origins o. !he ma.ia incl ding ho1 i! rose !o #o1er) and co(ers ra!her !horo ghly !he rise o. gangs!ers. Con!aining backgro nd on crime .rom !he early 1+00s !o !oday) !his ar!icle o !lines !he gro1!h o. organi/ed crime and ho1 i! came !o be. % #rac!ical) in.orma!ional !ake on organi/ed crime) !his ar!icle #ro(ides e(idence se. l !o anyone in!eres!ed !o !he his!ory o. crime and ho1 i! #er!ains !o !oday. By e2em#li.ying many o. !he !ac!ics and !echni= es o. #as! crooks4 i! co ld assis! de!ec!i(es or #olice o..icers !o #a!rol more !horo ghly and s1i.!ly. 'imilarly) !he ar!icle con!ains his!oric

Cannon 3 backgro nd !ha! co ld assis! li!erary scholars scr !ini/ing any no(el se! in !he 1+00s) . ll o. crime and charac!ers 1i!h = es!ionable morals.

'er(er) >ee. $Hamme!!) Dashiell.$ loom!s Literat"re. 5ac!s ;n 5ile) 0nc. *eb. 1? ,o(. 2013. -his ar!icle .oc ses on Dashiell Hamme!!8s li.e be.ore he began 1ri!ing) #rimarily 1ha! dro(e him !o 1ri!e. %s a res l! i! does no! men!ion m ch o. his li.e a.!er he s!ar!ed 1ri!ing o!her !han a bi! o. a s mmary o. each o. his books. 0! !ac!. lly men!ions ho1 he began his career as a de!ec!i(e a! age 20) b ! con!rac!ed ! berc losis in !he army !h s allo1ing him !o # rs e his dreams o. becoming a 1ri!er. D ring !he !ime he 1ro!e) he changed !he .ace o. !he mys!ery no(el gi(ing i! more de#!h !han e(er be.ore !hro gh !hrilling ye! realis!ic ad(en! res. -aking e(en!s .rom his early li.e) !his ar!icle o !lines 1ha! sha#ed Hamme!! !o be !he 1ri!er he 1as. *ri!!en in an academic) ne !ral !one) !he #recise dic!ion 'er(er ses ill s!ra!es Hamme!!8s li.e .la1lessly. -hro gh sho1ing ho1 he reno(a!ed li!era! re a! his !ime) !he reader can #ic! re 1ha! an idol he became. 3er.ec! .or a s! den! 1an!ing !o kno1 a li!!le more abo ! !he a !hor8s his!ory) !his ar!icle gi(es readers a##licable insigh! on 1ha! e2ac!ly dro(e Hamme!! !o 1ri!e) and ho1 he bro gh! his li.e e2#eriences .rom memories !o #rin!.

@an Do(er) A. B. $The Maltese Falcon.$ loom!s Literat"re. 5ac!s ;n 5ile) 0nc. *eb. 20 ,o(. 2013. @an Do(er8s ar!icle o..ers li!erary cri!icism and a brie. s mmary o. !he no(el. -he cri!icism !akes an ni= e a##roach and .oc ses #rimarily on !he charac!er o. 'am '#ade.

Cannon C 0! men!ions he 1as no! !he .irs! hard9boiled de!ec!i(e o. his !ime b ! ra!her !he .irs! o. a !y#e. He #ro(ed !o be $cynical) 1isecracking$ and sed $s!ree! smar!s$ in!erroga!ing !he ac! al criminal ra!her !han sing # rely s!eal!h and a(oiding !he criminal en!irely n!il he 1as ready !o ! rn in !he criminal. 5 ll o. insigh!. l a##raisals on !he de(elo#men! o. !he charac!ers) !he ar!icle ligh!s a !orch .or readers on !he dee#er bea !y behind Hamme!8s 1ork. -he dic!ion is #recise) and care. lly chosen) describing !he charac!ers and !heir ac!ions immac la!ely. *ri!!en .or anyone in!eres!ed in reading or 1ri!ing de!ec!i(e .ic!ion) i! #ro(ides in!rig ing insigh! on ho1 Hamme!8s 1ri!ing changed !he .ace o. de!ec!i(e .ic!ion) and ho1 his charac!ers o#ened ne1 doors !o e2#lore in li!era! re.

*erlock) %bby H. 3.) ed. $Hamme!!) Dashiell.$ loom!s Literat"re. 5ac!s ;n 5ile) 0nc. *eb. 1? ,o(. 2013. *erlock8s ar!icle ill s!ra!ing Dashiell Hamme!!8s li.e #ro(ides in.orma!ion .rom his bir!h !o his dea!h. 0! co(ers many as#ec!s o. his li.e and dra1s #arallels be!1een e#isodes in his #ersonal li.e and inciden!s in his 1ri!ings) sho1ing !he im#ac! o. !hose e(en!s on each o. his no(els. -his ar!icle men!ions many cha#!ers in his li.e" .rom #a!rio!ically enlis!ing in **0 !o ending his li.e) !ragically 1i!h a se(ere drinking #roblem. 5or anyone 1ho is reading one o. Hamme!!8s no(els) !his ar!icle !akes an academic a##roach in gi(ing hel#. l his!orical backgro nd rela!ing !o each indi(id al no(el. ,o! : s! a mere s mmary o. Hamme!!8s li.e) i! o !lines connec!ions .rom his li.e !o !he no(els. %n insigh!. l) non bias read) !his ar!icle #ro(ides #ers#ec!i(e) se. l in nders!anding Hamme!!8s li.e e2#eriences !ha! in.l enced his a1ard91inning s!ories.

Cannon D

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