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Contribution for workshop The modes of economies, CBS Copenhagen, 24-26 Februar 2!


(Dis-)economizing / (re-)politicizing AIME? The case of carbon markets in the Global o!th
Anders Blok, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen (abl@soc k! dk"

#olitici$ing is to economi$ing %hat heating !p is to cooling do%n (&!niesa '(1() **+" ,hese markets of a ne% kind, %hich seem more open and civili$ed than those to %hich %e are acc!stomed, combine devices that %e previo!sly attrib!ted either to the economy or to e.pression and political action (Callon '((/) 011" Understandably, it is not easy to find habitats capable of sheltering all these discoveries at once 2 and to do 3!stice at last to the etymology that economics has to share from no% on %ith ecology (4ato!r '(1*) 156"

Intro"!ction# the no-mans-lan" of the t$o %oikoses&? 7hile it may be tr!e, as o!r 8thnographer claims (4ato!r '(1*) 1+'", that %e 9never manage to fi. o!r ga$e: on the ;tools of economi$ation< =!ite long eno!gh to dispel the metaphysics of ,he 8conomy, the case of carbon markets in-the-making nevertheless provide a clear e.ample to the contrary >ere, every tiny e.tension of organi$ing scripts in the shape of scale-changing carbon pro3ects ?@ABCD any ne% config!ration of passionate interests and attachments across diverse Eorth-So!th conte.ts ?A,,CD and all (im"possible attempts to calc!late the global optim!m of bads (e g ;global %arming<" and goods (e g ;s!stainable development<" ?&@AC, are s!b3ect to caref!l monitoring and scr!tiny among %orld%ide gro!ps of market critics For once, the artificiality of the %ork of the acco!nting disciplines have become easy to grasp 2 thanks also to the skillf!l %ork of science st!dies scholars (&acken$ie '((/D 4ohmann '((0" ,ake for instance the case of Carbon ,rade 7atch, an activist environmental 3!stice gro!p formed aro!nd '((' and head=!artered !ntil recently in the Amsterdam-based ,ransnational Gnstit!te As part of attempts to bring p!blic attention to the in3!stices of carbon trading across Eorth-So!th divides, the gro!p has prod!ced a n!mber of photo e.hibitions and doc!mentary films (a case of ?#@4HFGCCI" 1 ,hese incl!de The Carbon Connection ('((+", a film foc!sing on t%o comm!nities in Scotland and Bra$il, respectively, both adversely affected by carbon trading >ere is ho% the gro!p frames this ne% predicament on their %ebsite)'

#art of my interest in this te.t is to interrogate the diffic!lties of %hat %e might call, in AG&8 lang!age, vario!s ;political crossings< (i e of the #@4HJJJ form" ,he most general of these crossings is kno%n collo=!ially, of co!rse, as ;political economy< For the time being, G add =!estion marks (I" to signal the hesitation, on my o%n part, on 3!st ho% to deal %ith these crossings from %ithin the AG&8 in=!iry ' Kisit http)LL%%% carbontrade%atch orgLcarbon-connectionLinde. html for more on this doc!ment(ary"

As part of the deal to red!ce greenho!se gases that ca!se dangero!s climate change, ma3or poll!ters can no% b!y carbon credits that allo% them to pay someone else to red!ce emissions instead of c!tting their o%n poll!tion 7hat this means for those living ne.t to the oil ind!stry in Scotland is the contin!ation of poll!tion ca!sed by their to.ic neighbors &ean%hile in Bra$il the schemes that generate carbon credits gives an in3ection of cash for more planting of the damaging e!calypt!s tree ,he t%o comm!nities are no% connected by bearing the br!nt of the ne% trade in carbon credits Eo%, o!r 8thnographer might ask, %hat is going on hereI 7hat contrasts, if any, are in need of detection in order to !nderstand the nat!re of this partic!lar crossing, instantiated at the intersection of carbon market b!ilders and their criticsI At first glance, the ans%er seems straightfor%ard eno!gh) clearly, Carbon ,rade 7atch and their activist allies are speaking politically abo!t carbon markets ?#@4C, !sing fairly standard inventories at that (e g ;poll!ters< vs ;comm!nities<" 7ith only a tiny mistake, it seems, %e %ill find o!rselves thr!st, f!ll speed, into one of the most hopeless crossings of &odernism, that of #olitical 8conomy >ere, ho%ever, is the con!ndr!m that G %ish to disc!ss) %hereas o!r AG&8 ethnographer provides !s %ith sophisticated tools for follo%ing carbon market b!ilders and their %ork of economi$ation ?@ABHA,,H&@AC 2 and %hile she %o!ld also be nimble eno!gh to !nderstand their critics as %orking to foster ne% concerned phantom p!blics ?#@4C 2 the in=!iry seems strangely ill-e=!ipped to tackle the #er crossing$s% of these two engagements Gndeed, the only s!ch crossing afforded attention in the in=!iry so far is that of organi$ing and politici$ing modes ?#@4H@ABC 2 and then only negatively) this contrast m!st be intensified, %e are told, lest %e cling to the composite notion of Society, making the very phenomenon of political composition incomprehensible A dire predicament indeedD b!t is this really a foregone concl!sionI Gn order to cond!ct this e.periment, in the follo%ing, G cast environmental EB@s engaged in opposing the spread of carbon markets as performing a kind of in #i#o %ork of ;dis8conomi$ing< 2 not too dissimilar to the %ork !ndertaken, in #itro, by the AG&8 ethnographer * 8nvironmental EB@s, G s!ggest, are b!sy ind!cing ;!nacco!nted-for scr!ples< ?#@4H&@AC into carbon market pro3ects, thereby ;re-scripting< ?#@4H@ABC or indeed ;re-attaching< ?#@4HA,,C their modalities of assembling vast scathes of people, goods and bads #art of the e.periment, then, is to modify the tools of the AG&8 in=!iry) not only do %e visit t%o crossings 2 ?#@4H&@AC and ?#@4HA,,C 2 %hich remain so far in the dark &ore importantly, %e are also forced to ponder %ays of taking these crossings producti#e& , as opposed to %anting to disentangle them, beca!se they form part of the same thread of e'perience, that of carbon market activists ,hese modifications, G s!ggest in concl!sion, are more than coincidental Gf o!r 8thnographer (4ato!r '(1*) '*" is indeed right to s!ggest that %e c!rrently find o!rselves ca!ght in the no-mans-land bet%een t%o forms of familiar habitats or ;oikoses< 2 that of ;,he 8conomy< and that of ;ecology< 2 then it %ill be necessary, G arg!e, to consider tra3ectories of (dis-"economi$ing and (re-"politici$ing in stronger pro.imity than afforded by any sorting into modes of e.istence (perhaps %e need ?#@4HE8,CI" >o% else %o!ld one kno% that %e %ere indeed leaving &odernism behind and facing !p to Baia, that %hich is coming at !s (4ato!r '(1*) 165"I

G borro% the lang!age of in #i#o and in #itro economic e.periments from Callon ('((/"


The political crossings of carbon economizing She even dreams 2 a %aking dream 2 that the abandoned agora is filling !p again %ith all those %ho are called to take !p the calc!lation of optimi$ation ane% She envisions an assembly that %o!ld at last have the e=!ipment, the technology, the politics, and the morality to proclaim, %ithin any Bod intervening to misdirect its immanence) ;And no%, let<s calc!late< Gn short, a civili$ation (4ato!r '(1*) 1+*f" Gt %o!ld not be too far-fetched to describe the third Conference of #arties (C@#*" to the United Eations Frame%ork Convention on Climate Change (UEFCCC" convening in Myoto in 1//+ as the veritable coming tr!e of o!r 8thnographer<s dream At this latter-day climate agora, tho!sands of diplomats and their attendant scientists, activists and b!siness leaders agreed to the gro!nd-r!les of organi$ational scripting ?@ABC, legitimate attachments ?A,,C and preferred forms of calc!lating the optim!m ?&@AC that %as to become the Clean Development &echanism (CD&" carbon market From no% on, ne% carbon e=!ivalents (;credits<" %o!ld circ!late from ;So!th< to ;Eorth<, %ith money flo%ing the other %ay, all set inside gro%ing n!mbers of ;s!stainable< and ;carbon-saving< pro3ects ?@ABC ,he Myoto #rotocol declared) ;And no%, let<s calc!late< 7ith tho!sands of CD& pro3ects m!shrooming in places like China, Gndia, Bra$il and So!th Africa, ho%ever, this large-scale collective endeavor of market-b!ilding =!ickly ran into serio!s controversies, many of %hich centre on the tools of economi$ation (Blok '(11" From the point of vie% of the AG&8 in=!iry, this state of affairs arg!ably t!rn carbon market e.tensions and their critical enco!nters into val!able sites of in #i#o e.perimentation on the modes of economi$ation >ere, the %ork of disentanglement !ndertaken in #itro by o!r 8thnographer 2 highlighting the other%ise often-hidden contrasts bet%een modes of organi$ing ?@ABC, attaching ?A,,C and morality ?&@AC 2 proves helpf!l, as a tool, to disting!ish different types of ;!ncertain sit!ations< emerging at the 3!nct!re of carbon economi$ation and its activist critics Gn schematic form, then, the modes of carbon economi$ation may be said to correspond to three different ;political crossings< 2 those of ?#@4H@ABC, ?#@4H&@AC and ?#@4HA,,C, respectively 4et !s revert, for a moment, to the indiscriminate %ork of tracing the net%ork ?E8,C, this time of carbon market activists %orking across heterogeneo!s market conte.ts (Blok '(11" Bro%sing the %eb-site of Carbon ,rade 7atch, %e come across 8d%ard >anrahan, e.ec!tive director of the UM offsetting firm Climate Care, advising his cons!mers to b!y offsets %hich adhere to the vol!ntary Bold Standard certification scheme, invented by the 7orld 7ildlife F!nd for Eat!re (77F" 1 Set !p in parallel to the official UE-led CD& 8.ec!tive Board, the Bold Standard promises to 9ens!re gen!ine =!ality: in carbon credits, to ma.imi$e s!stainable development, and to bring 9peace of mind: to investors on the carbon market 0 Someho%, then, the standard marks o!t a room for ;scr!ples< ?&@AC abo!t the CD& script ?@ABC

See http)LL%%% carbontrade%atch orgLin-the-mediaLcarbon-trade-%atch-in-cnn-' html ,he article in =!estion erroneo!sly list Breenpeace as backing the Bold Standard 0 See http)LL%%% cdmgoldstandard orgLabo!t-!sL%hy-gs

Gndeed, in the lang!age of AG&8, the Bold Standard may be said to ;re-script< carbon pro3ects according to political concerns on the part of investors ?#@4H@ABC ,his is done, for instance, thro!gh %hat is kno%n as the S!stainable Development &atri., set !p to ens!re 9environmental co-benefits: for local comm!nities in the Blobal So!th Alongside tools of economi$ation, then, the Bold Standard adds another set of tools, tied to %ork of ;ecologi$ation< @n top of cascades of monetary acco!nting, statistics and vis!ali$ation, another layer of calc!lation is added, this time via the lang!age of ecology, ;Eat!re<s 8conomy< 5 Calc!lation t!rns into calc!lation s=!ared, oikos on top of oikos) one form of general e=!ivalence (money" nested into another, even larger e=!ivalence (;environmental =!ality<" + N!alc!lation indeedD and yet, the Bold Standard, too, allo%s for bads and goods to change hands on the market ,he market re-scripting ?#@4H@ABC !ndertaken by the Bold Standard has proven a s!ccess in political re-config!ration, no% en3oying s!pport from more than 60 environmental EB@s and n!mero!s ;eco-conscio!s< b!sinesses Oet, even this ne% gro!ping %ill not escape the contin!o!s movements of the political circle ?#@4C 8.tending the net%ork, %e find Climate Care entangled in yet more controversy, this time more omino!s >aving tied !p %ith a local EB@ to ind!ce Gndian farmers to replace their dirty diesel p!mps %ith h!man-po%ered treadle %ater p!mps, Climate Care find themselves acc!sed of playing a ;poor 3oke on carbon credits< on the pages of the ,imes of Gndia According to S!nita Earain, director of the Centre for Science and 8nvironment (CS8" in Delhi, the story is symptomatic of 9rich co!ntries sho%ing their garbage on developing co!ntries to clean cheaply: via carbon markets 6 &ore scr!ples ?&@AC Gn fact, the CS8 has made it their specialty to ind!ce !nacco!nted-for scr!ples into established tools of carbon acco!nting, th!s practicing a hybrid engagement of sim!ltaneo!s morality and politici$ing ?#@4H&@AC Already in 1//1, long before the advent of carbon economi$ation, the CS8 introd!ced a distinction bet%een ;l!.!ry< and ;s!rvival< carbon emissions, in a report entitled C&imate Change in an (ne)ua& *or&d &eant to interfere %ith dominant (;7estern<" forms of calc!lation, premised on the notion of the global standardi$ation of carbon, this distinction introd!ced a different %ay of calc!lating the optim!m ?&@AC, based on the notion of !ne=!al ;ecological space< &ore n!mbers, more calc!lationsD only this time, the CS8 %o!ld not arrive at any market e.changes at all 8cological space calc!lations rep&ace carbon market calc!lations >as the metaphysics of ,he 8conomy m!tated into a ne% metaphysics of 8cologyI Strangely, o!r 8thnographer seems lost at this key 3!nction) %hile it may be tr!e, at least in the mode of organi$ing ?@ABC, that %itho!t scripts e=!ipped %ith =!antification devices there %o!ld be 9too many =!asi ob3ects and =!asi s!b3ects to p!t in series: (4ato!r '(1*) 1(6", %hat tools do %e need %hen it is o!r very ;e=!ipped scripts< that are too man and too contradictor I >o% to characteri$e a sit!ation in %hich only some of these scripts lead in the direction of markets and economi$ation in the first placeI S!re, organi$ation and morality ?@ABH&@AC resonate in ru&es (ibid ) 10/", b!t %hat if it is the very ;r!les of economi$ation< that are no% at stakeI Gf

,o =!ote the title of Donald 7orster<s (1/++" classic st!dy on the history of ecological ideas @f co!rse, the very idea of carbon markets depends on s!ch layering of =!antitative e=!ivalences, as ;carbon< has to be calibrated vis-P-vis ;money< ,his is %hat G else%here d!b ;homo carbonomic!s< (Blok '(11" 6 See http)LLarticles timesofindia indiatimes comL'((+-(/-16LindiaL'+//15*1Q1Qcarbon-credits-p!mpscarbon-market

%e are c!rrently moving bet%een ;oikoses< 2 from ,he 8conomy to ;the ecology< 2 then %hat are the tools of ecologi$ation needed to aid this processI/ Since o!r AG&8 in=!iry leaves !s %ith little direct assistance at this 3!nction, let !s ret!rn to the activists in Carbon ,rade 7atch to listen once again to their grievances 7hat the front of carbon economi$ation is doing, these activists s!ggest, is to ind!ce a sit!ation %hich threaten certain ;attachments< deeply held by the Scottish and Bra$ilian gro!pings in =!estion @nly these attachments look some%hat different from the ;passionate interests< ?A,,C animating their market-b!ilding co!nterparts ,hey incl!de the val!e of clean air in Scotland, and the val!e of healthy rivers in Bra$il Someho%, the activists imply, these attachments are not part of the e=!ipped scripts circ!lating as carbon market pro3ects Eo%, the activists attempt to bring p!blic attention to this other%ise !nacco!nted-for state of affairs ?#@4C 7hat to make of this m!ndane drama in the controversial life of a carbon market pro3ectI Gf, as &!niesa s!ggests ('(1(", 9politici$ing is to economi$ing %hat heating !p is to cooling do%n:, then ho% to describe the heating achieved by o!r carbon market activists !sing the tools of the AG&8 in=!iryI @ne s!ggestion %o!ld be to say that %e have st!mbled into a ;politics of passionate attachments< ?#@4HA,,CD an antagonistic state of affairs %hich, according to a pragmatist version of ob3ect-oriented politics, sho!ld almost be seen as co-e.tensive %ith democratic politics tout court (&arres '((+" B!t if this is the case, %hy does o!r 8thnographer make so little (in fact, nothing" of the ?#@4HA,,C crossingI 7hy, indeed, is attachment described as a mode of economi+ing, if it is e=!ally central as a mode of po&itici+ingI S!rely, if o!r ne% home of ;ecology< is to hold !p, it has to involve some pretty solid attachments, tooI

'o$ to e(plore attachments for the ne$ oikos? 7e ask again the d!al =!estion of freedom) ho% can market organi$ations f!nction freely to e.plore %hat %as once merged in ,he 8conomy b!t %hich no% becomes the free movement of ?#@4C, ?A,,C, ?@ABC, ?4A7C, ?&@AC and ?FGCCI >o% can %e give back a semblance of tr!th to the State<s incredible claim of embodying the common good %itho!t trial, %itho!t e.perience, %itho!t instr!ments, %itho!t reprising the movement of politics liberated from the StateI (>ence the importance of the De%ey4ipmann pragmatic tradition for politics " (AG&8 platform ," ,he arg!ment so far may be s!mmari$ed as follo%s) in the face of global %arming 2 ;the biggest market fail!re the %orld has ever seen<1( 2 collective endeavors has been set in motion, trying to co!nter the iss!e by %ay of yet more market-b!ilding ,he %ork of carbon market-making, s!ch as in the Clean Development &echanism (CD&", involves large-scale mobili$ations of the tools of economi$ation, incl!ding ne% organi$ational scripts ?@ABC, ne% config!rations of passionate interests ?A,,C and ne% =!estions abo!t the (im"possible optim!m of ;bads< (carbon" and ;goods< (money" ?&@AC All of this, in t!rn, depends on ne% machineries of %riting and acco!nting, mak-

7hat makes the lack of g!idance on this =!estion in the AG&8 in=!iry so strange is that, in other embodiments, o!r 8thnographer has previo!sly provided !s %ith ample s!ggestions (e g 4ato!r '((1" 1( ,o =!ote the famo!s =!ip by Sir Eicolas Stern, the British climate economist

ing carbon pro3ects circ!late from ;So!th< to ;Eorth< across h!ge divergences in living conditions, introd!cing ne% differences of scaling in its %ake (4ato!r '(1*) 1(1" Oet, carbon economi$ation, G arg!e, not only set ne% %orlds of goods and bads into motion ,hey also sp!r ne% phantom p!blics into being ?#@4C, in the shape of environmental EB@s s!mmoned by a shared concern %ith attachments ?A,,C not %ell acco!nted for by the e=!ipped scripts of carbon markets At this point, ho%ever, the AG&8 8thnographer 2 preocc!pied %ith the val!able %ork of disentangling the three modes of economi$ation from their amalgamation into the metaphysics of ,he 8conomy 2 r!ns into some diffic!lty ,he tools of the in=!iry so far, G s!ggest, prove ins!fficiently nimble to deal %ith the crossings instantiated at the intersection of carbon market b!ilders and their ecological critics Gn a n!tshell, it th!s fails to grasp %hat, according to Callon ('((/" and others (Blok '(11", is distinctive abo!t carbon markets) the simu&taneit of tools and practices of economi$ation and politici$ation ,o co!nter this shortcoming, G have s!ggested the follo%ing modifications to the in=!iry, in ascending order of generality First, follo%ing in the footsteps of carbon market activists (itself a bit of ?E8,C %ork", %e are forced to (re"visit t%o ;political crossings< 2 those of ?#@4H&@AC and ?#@4HA,,C 2 %hich have not yet received s!fficient attention Doing so, G s!ggests, amo!nts to a t%in ;de-economi$ing< and ;re-politici$ing< of the AG&8 tool-bo. >ere, at the ?#@4H&@AC crossing, %e are faced %ith the m!ltiplicity and politics of ;val!e meters<) meas!ring, acco!nting, calc!lating, s!re 2 b!t what to count in the first placeI 7hat co!nts) planting e!calypt!s trees in Bra$il to generate lo%-carbon bio-f!elsD or sec!ring healthy rivers in the Ama$on forestI11 @!r e=!ipped scripts of calc!lation are themselves too many and too contradictory ,he key =!estion raised by global %arming is indeed) ho% are %e to allocate, distrib!te, share, coordinate in a %arming %orldI (4ato!r '(1*) 1(6" Small %onder, then, that different ;allocation keys<, different ;val!e meters<, are being proposed by the ho!r) are %e to follo% the bl!eprint of the Myoto #rotocol, %ith its principle of ;shared b!t differentiated responsibilities<, !nderlying the e.changes, the =!ittances, on the CD& market in places like China and GndiaI @r are %e to follo% the Center for Science and 8nvironment (CS8" in disting!ishing ;l!.!ry< from ;s!rvival< emissions, thereby f!ndamentally altering the r!les of planetary acco!nting, creating a different cosmos altogetherI 7e are in fact lost in a no-mans-land Oet, ho% to mandate o!r diplomats for this, the most cr!cial of f!t!re negotiationsI &oving on to the ?#@4HA,,C crossing, this brings !s to the heart, G s!ggest, of ob3ectoriented politics 2 only this heart seems strangely removed from the mode of political e.istence as presented in the AG&8 in=!iry ,he entire meeting of carbon market b!ilders and their activist critics in the Bra$ilian Ama$on might %ell be re-described, G believe, as the m!t!al entanglement and the m!t!al irreconcilability of diverse passionate attachments to the same matter of concern (cf &arres '((+" Doing so, ho%ever, demands a do!ble re-tooling of the AG&8 in=!iry) first, disembedding the mode of attachment from its too-strong association %ith the %ork of economi$ationD and second, allo%ing o!r 8thnographer to take the ;politics of passionate attachments< in an affirmati#e sense, rather than a call for intensifying contrasts

,his paraphrases, of co!rse, the CD& pro3ect at the center of critical attention in the Carbon ,rade 7atch doc!ment(ary" %hich sp!rred these reflections in the first place


7hich brings me to my second proposed modification to the AG&8 in=!iry) confronted %ith a sit!ation of simu&taneous economi$ation and politici$ation (i e the making of carbon markets", perhaps the contrast bet%een in=!iries in the mode of indiscriminate net%orks ?E8,C and the mode of interpretive prepositions ?#A8C %eighs do%n on !s too heavilyI Gf %e follo% carbon market activists for a %hile ?E8,C, one and the same thread of e.perience %ill %eave together, as a matter of habits ?>ABC, an intersection %ith ne% market scripts ?@ABC %hich in t!rn ind!ces s!fficient scr!ples ?&@AC to sp!r p!blic regro!pings ?#@4C based on shared senses of threatened, passionate attachments ?A,,C Oet, ho% are %e to e.press this %eaving together 2 this ;free movement< 2 %ithin the parameters of the AG&8 in=!iryI #repositions ?#A8C %ill not do, as this does not prepare !s for the stitching together of modesD yet, net%orks ?E8,C %ill not do either, as they resol!tely ignore the vario!s ;interpretive keys< at stake #erhaps the right term for this affirmative and e.perimental %eaving together of modes of e.istence into ne% threads of e.periences and ne% trials of shared attachments, in %hich carbon market activists are f!lly engaged, is act!ally 2 ;ecologi$ation<I ,his, at least, %o!ld help flesh o!t the master-narrative of o!r AG&8 8thnographer)1' 7e are no% being asked to move s!ddenly %ith o!r %eapons and o!r baggage into the ne% d%elling place called 9ecology,: %hich %as sold to !s as being more habitable and more s!stainable b!t %hich for the moment has no more form or s!bstance than ,he 8conomy, %hich %e are in s!ch a h!rry to leave behind (4ato!r '(1*) '*" Gf this is the case, then s!rely %e need to define 2 alongside and in-bet%een the very modes of e.istence defined d!ring &odernism 2 a set of new trials, new e.periences, new instr!ments, new %ays of embodying the common good beyond the StateI Ultimately, %hat else %o!ld ;ecology< mean if not the rearrangement of those very divides, those very contrasts, bet%een modes of e.istence secreted by the &odernsI ,he in #itro %ork of dis-economi$ation !ndertaken by o!r AG&8 8thnographer has gone in the right direction, helping !s o!t of ,he 8conomy B!t she has not gone far eno!gh to help !s into o!r ne% home, o!r ne% oikos or ecology #erhaps a ne% in=!iry is called forI

)eferences Blok, Anders ('(11") ;Clash of the eco-sciences) carbon marketi$ation, environmental EB@s and performativity as politics<, 8conomy and Society 1((*") 101-1+5 Callon, &ichel ('((/") ;Civili$ing markets) Carbon trading bet%een in #itro and in #i#o e.periments<, ,ccounting, -rgani+ation and Societ *1(*-1") 0*0-016 4ato!r, Br!no (1//6") ;,o &oderni$e or to 8cologi$e, that is the N!estion<, pp ''1-'1' in E Castree R B Bra!n (eds" .emaking .ea&it / 0ature at the 1i&&ennium 4ondon and Ee% Oork) Ao!tledge

Eot to mention help re-connect the ne% AG&8 vocab!lary more solidly %ith previo!s !ses of this very term by o!r 8thnographer (4ato!r 1//6"


4ato!r, Br!no ('((1") 2o&itics of 0ature Cambridge, &A) >arvard University #ress 4ato!r, Br!no ('(1*") ,n 3n)uir into 1odes of 4'istence Cambridge, &A) >arvard University #ress 4ohmann, 4arry ('((0") ;&arketing and making carbon d!mps) Commodification, calc!lation and co!nterfact!als in climate change mitigation<, Science as Cu&ture 11(*") '(*-'*0 &acMen$ie, Donald ('((/") ;&aking things the same) Bases, emission rights and the politics of carbon markets<, ,ccounting, -rgani+ation and Societ *1(*-1") 11(-100 &arres, Eoort3e ('((+") ;,he Gss!es Deserve &ore Credit) #ragmatist Contrib!tions to the St!dy of #!blic Gnvolvement in Controversy<, Socia& Studies of Science *+(0") +0/-+6( &!niesa, Fabian ('(1(") ;Cooling do%n and heating !p) a stress test on politics and economics<, pp **0-*11 in & Akrich, O Barthe, F &!niesa R # &!star (eds" 56bordements/ 16&anges offerts 7 1iche& Ca&&on #aris) #resses des &ines 7orster, Donald (1/++") 0atures 4conom / , 8istor of 4co&ogica& 3deas Cambridge) Cambridge University #ress

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