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I. Objectives a. Identify adverb/ adverb phrases in a sentence b. Disp ays !inds "f adverbs c"rrect y c. #"r! c""perative y in a earnin$ tea%


S&bject 'atter Identifyin$ Adverbs "f 'anner( Adverbs "f P ace and Adverbs "f )i%e *eferences+ ,&n in En$ ish VI p. -./ 'ateria s + pict&re( te0t "n cart" inas( bas!et Va &e ,"c&s+ P" iteness III. Pr"ced&re )eacher1s Activity A. Preparat"ry Activity 2. *evie3 G""d %"rnin$ c ass4 H"3 are y"& this %"rnin$5 6 ass( as 3hat y"& have disc&ssed yesterday 3ith teacher Li ybeth( 3hat are the three de$rees "f c"%paris"n "f adjectives5 7es( 8harren5 Very $""d4 #h" can $ive %e e0a%p es "f an adjective in a p"sitive de$ree5 9ind y raise y"&1re ri$ht hand. ( Teacher calls a student to give examples of adjectives) E0ce ent4 H"3 ab"&t e0a%p es "f an adjective in a c"%parative de$ree5 7es 9enneth L "yd5 )hat1s ri$ht4 N"3( raise y"&r ri$ht hand and $ive y"&r e0a%p e "f an adjective in the s&per ative de$ree. G""d %"rnin$ 'a1a%4 #e1re $reat 'a1a% and s" are y"&. P&pi s1 Activities

)he three de$rees "f c"%paris"n "f adjectives are p"sitive( c"%parative and s&per ative.

(Pupil gives example of an adjective in a positive degree. Example: tall, young, expensive, intelligent )

(Pupil gives example of an adjective in a positive degree. Example: taller, younger, more expensive, more intelligent)

(Pupil gives example of an adjective in a positive degree. Example: tallest, youngest, most expensive, most intelligent)

)eacher1s Activity -. '"tivati"n

P&pi s1 Activities

(Teacher shows a picture to the class) #hat d" y"& see in this pict&re5 D" y"& $reet y"&r teachers every ti%e y"& %eet the% in sch"" 5

(Pupils o serve the picture.) I see t3" p&pi s $reetin$ a teacher.

7es( 'a1a%4 D" y"& say :G""d %"rnin$ 'a1a%; "r :G""d %"rnin$ Sir even "&tside the sch"" ca%p&s( '"nica 'abe 5 H"3 d" y"& say it5 I fee s" happy t" hear that a "f y"& are p" ite chi dren. Let &s $ive "&rse ves a baran$ay c ap. (Pupils do the arangay clap.) 7es( 'a1a%4 I say it p" ite y 'a1a%.

<. Less"n Pr"per I have prepared sentences "n a chart. Let &s read t"$ether the sentences. 2. )he p&pi s $reet the teacher p" ite y. -. 'an$ 8"se drives his car caref& y. =. Peter ""!ed f"r the !ey every3here. >. )he cat sat "n the tab e. ?. Li@a1s %"ther b"&$ht a ne3 pair "f sh"es yesterday. /. Vic and 'i a is 3atchin$ the ne3s rep"rt n"3.

(Pupils read the sentences together)

6. Disc&ssi"n and Ana ysis In Sentence N". 2( 3hat did the p&pi s d"5 7es( share y"&r idea 'icha 6hris. H"3 d" the p&pi s $reet the teacher5 )he p&pi s $reet the teacher 'a1a%.

)he p&pi s $reet the teacher p" ite y. 6 ass( d"es the 3"rd :p" ite y; te s &s the %anner "r h"3 the acti"n is d"ne5 )eacher1s Activity Abs" &te y c"rrect4 )he 3"rd :p" ite y; te s &s )he %anner "r h"3 the acti"n is d"ne. In Sentence N". -( 3hat is 'an$ 8"se d"in$5 H"3 d"es 'an$ 8"se drive his car5 N"3( 3hat 3"rd te s &s the %anner "r h"3 the acti"n is d"ne5 7"&1re ri$ht4 )he 3"rd :caref& y; in the sentence te s &s the %anner and h"3 the acti"n "r drivin$ is d"ne. Let &s e0a%ine Sentence N". =. Everyb"dy read. Peter ""!ed f"r the !ey every3here. )his ti%e( I1% n"t $"in$ t" as! y"& h"3 the acti"n is d"ne. *ather( I 3i as! y"& where the acti"n ta!e p ace5 S"( 3here did Peter ""! the !ey5 (Teacher calls a pupil to answer) Very $""d4 In Sentence N". >( 3here did the cat sit5 7es( "n the tab e. )his is the p ace 3here the cat sit. N"3( in sentence N". ?( 3hen did Li@a1s %"ther b&y a ne3 pair "f sh"es5 D"es( the 3"rd :yesterday; te &s ab"&t the ti%e5 H"3 ab"&t in sentence n". /( 3hen d" Vic and 'i a 3atch the ne3s rep"rt5 #hat 3"rd that te s &s ab"&t the ti%e5 (Teacher opens a new strip) N"3( et1s read t"$ether. p" ite y caref& y p" ite y caref& y Li@a1s %"ther b"&$ht a ne3 pair "f sh"es yesterday. 7es( 'a1a%. N"3( 'a1a%. N"3( 'a1a%. )he cat sat "n the tab e. Every3here( 'a1a%. (Pupils read the sentence) 'an$ 8"se is drivin$ a car 'a1a%. 'an$ 8"se drives his car caref& y. )he 3"rd :caref& y; te s &s the %anner and h"3 the acti"n is d"ne. 7es( 'a1a%. P&pi s1 Activities

)eacher1s Activity

P&pi s1 Activities

)he 3"rds :p" ite y; and :caref& y; are adverbs. )hey are ca ed adverbs "f %anner. (Teacher reveals the phrase !"dver s of #anner$) Let1s read. every3here "n the tab e )hese 3"rds are a s" adverbs. )hey are ca ed adverbs "f p ace. (Teacher reveals the phrase !"dver s of Place$) every3here "n the tab e

yesterday N"3 yesterday n"3 :7esterday; and :n"3; are a s" adverbs and they are ca ed adverbs "f ti%e. ATeacher reveals the phrase !"dver s of Time$) D. Genera i@ati"n N"3( 3hat is an adverb5 An adverb is a 3"rd "r phrase that either te s y"& the manner "r how an acti"n is d"neB where the acti"n ta!es p aceB and when the acti"n "cc&rred. In "ther 3"rds( adverbs describe the manner( place "r time "f an acti"n.

E. App icati"n Gr"&p Activity A %um ered &eads TogetherC )"day( 3e are $"in$ t" have a $a%e. I1% $"in$ t" divide y"& int" t3" earnin$ tea%s. )he < &e )ea% and the *ed )ea%. ,"r% a circ e 3ith y"&r $r"&p. (Teacher allows each mem er of the two groups

to get their assigned num er.) *e%e%ber the n&%ber y"& $et. )eacher1s Activity N"3( 3h" $"t n&%ber 25 9ind y raise y"&r hand. ()alling of num ers continues) I have prepared t3" bas!ets here. It c"ntains adverb 3"rd strips. I 3i ca n&%bers and the "ne 3h" $"t the n&%ber is resp"nsib e "f d"in$ the tas!. Of c"&rse( y"& can c"ns& t y"&r $r"&p t" c"%e &p 3ith the ri$ht ans3er. Are y"& ready5 L""! f"r the adverb :s "3 y; inside the bas!et and p"st in "n the c"rresp"ndin$ c" &%n "n the chart. G"4 ( )alling of num er continues.) (Teacher gives the same instruction) Adverbs "f 'anner Adverbs "f P ace Adverbs "f )i%e

(Pupils do as told) P&pi s1 Activities (Pupil no. ' raises his(her hand)

7es( 3e are4

Adverbs "f 'anner s "3 y neat y heavi y

Adverbs "f P ace &pstairs "&tside any3here here

Adverbs "f )i%e "n S&nday ater n"3

s "3 y

neat y

heavi y




here "n S&nday ater n"3

)eacher1s Activity (Teacher facilitates in chec*ing the pupils wor*) Let &s $ive a :Let1s G" 6 ap; t" the 3inner4 IV. Eva &ati"n

P&pi s1 Activities

(Pupils do the !+et,s -o )lap$)

Direction: *ead the f" "3in$ sentences caref& y. #rite M "n the b an! if the &nder ined 3"rd te s an adverb "f manner( P if it is adverb "f place( and T if it is an adverb "f time.

Direction: *ead the f" "3in$ sentences caref& y. #rite M "n the b an! if the &nder ined 3"rd te s an adverb "f manner( P if it is adverb "f place( and T if it is an adverb "f time. ' 2. )he hiph"p dancers %"ve $racef& y.

DDDDD2. )he hiph"p dancers %"ve $racef& y. DDDDD-. )he Grade VI 6att eya p&pi s read the the st"ry si ent y. DDDDD=. P&b ic st"r% si$na N".2 3as raised this %"rnin$. DDDDD>. He p ays the pian" bea&tif& y. DDDDD?. )he P)A %eetin$ 3as he d at the Ari"sa <&i din$. DDDDD/. )he chi dren 3ere p ayin$ "&tside.

D 'DD -. )he Grade VI 6att eya p&pi s read st"ry si ent y. DDD)DD=. P&b ic st"r% si$na N".2 3as raised this %"rnin$. DDD'D >. He p ays the pian" bea&tif& y. DDDPDD?. )he P)A %eetin$ 3as he d at the Ari"sa <&i din$. DDDPDD/. )he chi dren 3ere p ayin$ "&tside.

DDDDDE. I sa3 a fa in$ star ast ni$ht. DDDDDF. #e had "&r Divisi"n Achieve%ent )est ast 3ee!. DDDDDG. )he bas!etba 3as he d at the '" ave Gy%nasi&%. DDDDD2.. #e 3i %eet Oscar at the airp"rt.

DDD)DDE. I sa3 a fa in$ star ast ni$ht. DDD)DDF. #e had "&r Divisi"n Achieve%ent )est ast 3ee!. DDDPDD G. )he bas!etba 3as he d at the '" ave Gy%nasi&%. DDDPDD2.. #e 3i %eet Oscar at the airp"rt.



*ead an e0a%p e "f an ann"&nce%ent in y"&r ,&n in En$ ish b""!( "n pa$e 2GF and ans3er the f" "3in$ H&esti"ns. 2. -. =. >. ?. #hat activities are $"in$ t" happen5 #here 3i the %eetin$ be he d5 #hen 3i the %eetin$/ re&ni"n be he d5 )" 3h"% is the ann"&nce%ent addressed5 #h" are %a!in$ the ann"&nce%ent

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