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com 2007-2008



S!"# $% English Mathematics - I Mathematical Methods Applied Physics C Programming and Data tr!ct!res "et#or$ Analysis Electronic De%ices and Circ!its Engineering Dra#ing Comp!ter Programming &a'( I) *or$shop Electronic De%ices and Circ!its &a' English &ang!age Comm!nication $ills &a'( )otal

T 2+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 3+1 2+1 3+1 2+

&'D 3 3 3 3 3 1+

C 4 6 6 4 6 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 +6






www.jntuworld.com 2007-2008
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA. B.TECH. ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING II Y () COURSE STRUCTURE Cod S!"# $% Mathematics - III Pro'a'ility )heory and tochastic Processes En%ironmental t!dies ignals and ystems Electrical )echnology Electronic Circ!it Analysis Electronic Circ!its &a'( Electrical )echnology &a'( II YEAR II S * +% ) Cod S!"# $% P!lse and Digital Circ!its Control ystems /'0ect /riented Programming #itching )heory and &ogic Design EM *a%es and )ransmission &ines Analog Comm!nications Analog Comm!nications &a'( P!lse and Digital Circ!its &a'( T 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 3& 3 3 6 C 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2. I S * +% )




4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 3-

& 3 3 6 C 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2.


www.jntuworld.com 2007-2008
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA. B.TECH. ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING III Y () COURSE STRUCTURE Cod S!"# $% Managerial Economics and 1inancial Analysis Comp!ter /rgani2ation &inear IC Applications Digital IC Applications Antennas and *a%e Propagation Digital Comm!nications Digital Comm!nications &a'( IC Applications and ECAD &a'( T 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 3& 3 3 6 C 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2. I S * +% )


III YEAR Cod S!"# $% Management cience )elecomm!nication #itching ystems Digital ignal Processing 3& I Design Micro#a%e Engineering Microprocessors and Inter4acing Electronic Comp!ter Aided Design &a'( Ad%anced English Comm!nication $ills &a'



T 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 3-

& 3 3 6 C 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2.

II S * +% )


www.jntuworld.com 2007-2008
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA. B.TECH. ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING IV Y () COURSE STRUCTURE Cod S!"# $% Comp!ter "et#or$s Electronic Meas!rements 5 Instr!mentation Cell!lar and Mo'ile Comm!nications 6adar ystems E, $%-. -I Micro Controllers and Applications )ele%ision Engineering /perating ystems E, $%-. -II Digital Image Processing atellite Comm!nications Data 7ase Management ystems Micro#a%e and /ptical Comm!nications &a'( Digital ignal Processing &a' IV Y () Cod S!"# $% /ptical Comm!nications E, $%-. -III Em'edded and 6eal )ime ystems 7io-Medical Instr!mentation Digital Design )hro!gh 3erilog E, $%-. -IV *ireless Comm!nications and "et#or$s D P Processors and Architect!res Arti4icial "e!ral "et#or$s Ind!stry /riented Mini Pro0ect eminar Pro0ect *or$ Comprehensi%e 3i%a T 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, & C 4 4 4 4 4 I S * +% )




No% /

All End E8aminations 9)heory and Practical: are o4 three ho!rs d!ration( 0 - T!%o)-(, T 1 T2 o)3 & 1 &)($%-$(, C 1 C) d-%+ D - D)(4-56



T 4+1, 4+1, 4+1, 1+


II S * +% ) & -

3 3 6 2 2 2. C 4 4 4 2 2 12 2.


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I Y () B.T $2. ECE

& 0

C 9

8. INTRODUCTION / In %ie# o4 the gro#ing importance o4 English as a tool 4or glo'al comm!nication and the conse;!ent emphasis on training st!dents to ac;!ire comm!nicati%e competence< the sylla'!s has 'een designed to de%elop ling!istic and comm!nicati%e competence o4 Engineering st!dents( )he prescri'ed 'oo$s and the e8ercises are meant to ser%e 'roadly as st!dents= hand'oo$s( In the English classes< the 4oc!s sho!ld 'e on the s$ills o4 reading< #riting< listening and spea$ing and 4or this the teachers sho!ld !se the te8t prescri'ed 4or detailed st!dy( 1or e8ample< the st!dents sho!ld 'e enco!raged to read the te8ts>selected paragraphs silently( )he teachers can as$ comprehension ;!estions to stim!late disc!ssion and 'ased on the disc!ssions st!dents can 'e made to #rite short paragraphs>essays etc( )he te8t 4or non-detailed st!dy is 4or e8tensi%e reading>reading 4or pleas!re 'y the st!dents( ?ence< it is s!ggested that they read it on their o#n #ith topics selected 4or disc!ssion in the class( )he time sho!ld 'e !tili2ed 4or #or$ing o!t the e8ercises gi%en a4ter each section < as also 4or s!pplementing the e8ercises #ith a!thentic materials o4 a similar $ind 4or e8ample< 4rom ne#spaper articles< ad%ertisements< promotional material etc(. However, the stress in this syllabus is on skill development and practice of language skills. 2. OBJECTIVES/ a( )o impro%e the lang!age pro4iciency o4 the st!dents in English #ith emphasis on & 6* s$ills( '( )o e;!ip the st!dents to st!dy academic s!'0ects #ith greater 4acility thro!gh the theoretical and practical components o4 the English sylla'!s( c( )o de%elop the st!dy s$ills and comm!nication s$ills in 4ormal and in4ormal sit!ations( :. SYLLABUS / L-+% 5-56 S;-,,+/ /'0ecti%es 1( )o ena'le st!dents to de%elop their listening s$ill so that they may appreciate its role in the & 6* s$ills approach to lang!age and impro%e their pron!nciation 2. )o e;!ip st!dents #ith necessary training in listening so that can comprehend the speech o4 people o4 di44erent 'ac$gro!nds and regions Students should be given practice in listening to the sounds of the language to be able to recognise them, to distinguish between them to mark stress and recognise and use the right intonation in sentences. @ &istening 4or general content @ &istening to 4ill !p in4ormation @ Intensi%e listening @ &istening 4or speci4ic in4ormation S< (;-56 S;-,,+ / /'0ecti%es 1( )o ma$e st!dents a#are o4 the role o4 spea$ing in English and its contri'!tion to their s!ccess( 2( )o ena'le st!dents to e8press themsel%es 4l!ently and appropriately in social and pro4essional conte8ts( @ /ral practice @ Descri'ing o'0ects>sit!ations>people @ 6ole play A Indi%id!al>Bro!p acti%ities 9Csing e8ercises 4rom all the nine !nits o4 the prescri'ed te8tD Learning English : A ommunicative Approach(: @ E!st A Min!te9EAM: essions( R (d-56 S;-,,+/ /'0ecti%es 1( )o de%elop an a#areness in the st!dents a'o!t the signi4icance o4 silent reading and comprehension( 2( )o de%elop the a'ility o4 st!dents to g!ess the meanings o4 #ords 4rom conte8t and grasp the o%erall message o4 the te8t< dra# in4erences etc( @ $imming the te8t @ Cnderstanding the gist o4 an arg!ment @ Identi4ying the topic sentence






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@ In4erring le8ical and conte8t!al meaning @ Cnderstanding disco!rse 4eat!res @ 6ecogni2ing coherence>se;!encing o4 sentences NOTE / !he students will be trained in reading skills using the prescribed te"t for detailed study. !hey will be e"amined in reading and answering #uestions using $unseen% passages which may be taken from the non&detailed te"t or other authentic te"ts, such as maga'ines(newspaper articles. W)-%-56 S;-,,+ / /'0ecti%es 1( )o de%elop an a#areness in the st!dents a'o!t #riting as an e8act and 4ormal s$ill 2( )o e;!ip them #ith the components o4 di44erent 4orms o4 #riting< 'eginning #ith the lo#er order ones( @ *riting sentences @ Cse o4 appropriate %oca'!lary @ Paragraph #riting @ Coherence and cohesi%eness @ "arration > description @ "ote Ma$ing @ 1ormal and in4ormal letter #riting @ Editing a passage


9. TE=TBOOKS &RESCRIBED/ In order to impro%e the pro4iciency o4 the st!dent in the ac;!isition o4 the 4o!r s$ills mentioned a'o%e< the 4ollo#ing te8ts and co!rse content< di%ided into E-62% U5-%+< are prescri'edD For Detailed study 1. LEARNING ENGLISH/ A Communicative Approach< FAFI"ADAD /rient &ongman< 2--6( 9 i8 elected &essons: For Non-detailed study 2. WINGS O> >IRE/ An Autobiography APJ Abdul Kalam< A'ridged %ersion #ith E8ercises< Cni%ersities Press 9India: P%t( &td(< 2--4( A( )CDG MA)E6IA&D Cnit AI 1. Astronomy 4rom &EA6"I"B E"B&I ?D A ommunicative Approach, /rient &ongman< 2--+(

Cnit AII

Chapters 1-4 ?)o* *ings o4 1ire/ An A!to'iography 1 A&J A"d!, K(,(*, (5 (")-d6 d . )+-o5 4-%2 E@ )$-+ +, U5-. )+-%- + &) ++ AI5d-(B &.%. L%d.,2009 In4ormation )echnology ?)o* &EA6"I"B E"B&I ?D A ommunicative Approach, O)- 5% Lo56*(5, 200C. Chapters +-. ?)o* *ings o4 1ire/ An A!to'iography 1 A&J A"d!, K(,(*, (5 (")-d6 d . )+-o5 4-%2 E@ )$-+ +, U5-. )+-%- + &) ++ AI5d-(B &.%. L%d.,2009 ?!mo!r ?)o* &EA6"I"B E"B&I ?D A ommunicative Approach, O)- 5% Lo56*(5, 200C. Chapters H-12 ?)o* *ings o4 1ire/ An A!to'iography 1 A&J A"d!, K(,(*, (5 (")-d6 d . )+-o5 4-%2 E@ )$-+ +., U5-. )+-%- + &) ++ AI5d-(B &.%. L%d.,2009 En%ironment ?)o* &EA6"I"B E"B&I ?D A ommunicative Approach, O)- 5% Lo56*(5, 200C. Chapters 13-16 ?)o* *ings o4 1ire/ An A!to'iography 1 A&J A"d!, K(,(*, (5 (")-d6 d . )+-o5 4-%2 E@ )$-+ +, U5-. )+-%- + &) ++ AI5d-(B &.%. L%d.,2009

3. 4.





5. 6.
Cnit AI3

7. 8.

Cnit A3

9. Inspiration ?)o* &EA6"I"B E"B&I ?D A ommunicative Approach, O)- 5% Lo56*(5, 200C. 10. Chapters 1I-2- ?)o* *ings o4 1ire/ An A!to'iography 1 A&J A"d!, K(,(*, (5 (")-d6 d .
4-%2 E@ )$-+ +, U5-. )+-%- + &) ++ AI5d-(B &.%. L%d.,2009. Cnit A 3I


11. ?!man Interest

?)o* &EA6"I"B E"B&I ?D A ommunicative Approach, O)- 5% Lo56*(5, 200C.


www.jntuworld.com 2007-2008 12. Chapters 21-24 ?)o* *ings o4 1ire/ An A!to'iography 1 A&J A"d!, K(,(*, (5 (")-d6
4-%2 E@ )$-+ +, U5-. )+-%- + &) ++ AI5d-(B &.%. L%d., 2009. , E8ercises 4rom the lessons not prescri'ed shall also 'e !sed 4or classroom tas$s( d . )+-o5


U5-% 1 VII E@ )$-+ + o5 6eading and *riting $ills 6eading Comprehension it!ational dialog!es &etter #riting Essay #riting U5-% 1 VIII &)($%-$ E@ )$-+ + o5 R * d-(, G)(**() $o. )-56 Common errors in English< !'0ect-3er' agreement< Cse o4 Articles and Prepositions< )ense and aspect Vo$("!,()3 d . ,o<* 5% $o. )-56 ynonyms 5 Antonyms< one-#ord s!'stit!tes< pre4i8es 5 s!44i8es< Idioms 5 phrases< #ords o4ten con4!sed( RE>ERENCES / 1. S%) 56%2 5 Yo!) E56,-+2, 7has$aran 5 ?ors'!rgh< /84ord Cni%ersity Press

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

B(+-$ Co**!5-$(%-o5 S;-,,+ ?o) T $25o,o63< Andrea E 6!ther4oord< Pearson Ed!cation Asia( M!)<23D+ E56,-+2 G)(**() 4-%2 CD, M!rphy< Cam'ridge Cni%ersity Press E56,-+2 S;-,,+ ?o) T $25-$(, S%!d 5%+ 'y /rient &ongman

E. )3d(3 D-(,o6! + -5 E56,-+2 'y 6o'ert E( Di8son< Prentice-?all o4 India &td(< 2--6(

E56,-+2 >o) T $25-$(, Co**!5-$(%-o5< 3ol( 1 5 2< 'y F( 6( &a$shmi "arayanan< P!'lications( A H(5d "oo; o? E56,-+2 ?o) E56-5 )+ E T $25o,o6-+%+ 'y Dr( P( Eliah< P!'lications( D . ,o<-56 Co**!5-$(%-o5 S;-,,+ 'y Frishna Mohan 5 Meera 7ener0i 9Macmillan:

S< (;-56 (5d W)-%-56 ?o) E?? $%-. B!+-5 ++ Co**!5-$(%-o5, 1rancis o!ndarara0< MacMillan India &td(< 2--I( T2 O@?o)d G!-d %o W)-%-56 (5d S< (;-56, Eohn eely< /84ord





ci tech( 7( (


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I Y () B.T $2. ECE

& 0


UNIT 1 I Di44erential e;!ations o4 4irst order and 4irst degree A e8act< linear and 7erno!lli( Applications to "e#ton=s &a# o4 cooling< &a# o4 nat!ral gro#th and decay< orthogonal tra0ectories( UNIT 1 II "on-homogeneo!s linear di44erential e;!ations o4 second and higher order #ith constant coe44icients #ith 6? term o4 the type e ax < in a8< cos a8< polynomials in 8< e ax 398:< 8398:< method o4 %ariation o4 parameters( UNIT 1 III 6olle=s )heorem A &agrange=s Mean 3al!e )heorem A Ca!chy=s mean %al!e )heorem A Benerali2ed Mean 3al!e theorem 9all theorems #itho!t proo4: 1!nctions o4 se%eral %aria'les A 1!nctional dependence- Eaco'ianMa8ima and Minima o4 4!nctions o4 t#o %aria'les #ith constraints and #itho!t constraints UNIT 1 IV 6adi!s< Centre and Circle o4 C!r%at!re A E%ol!tes and En%elopes C!r%e tracing A Cartesian < polar and Parametric c!r%es( UNIT 1 V Applications o4 integration to lengths< %ol!mes and s!r4ace areas in Cartesian and polar coordinates m!ltiple integrals - do!'le and triple integrals A change o4 %aria'les A change o4 order o4 integration( UNIT 1 VI e;!ences A series A Con%ergences and di%ergence A 6atio test A Comparison test A Integral test A Ca!chy=s root test A 6aa'e=s test A A'sol!te and conditional con%ergence UNIT 1 VII 3ector Calc!l!sD Bradient- Di%ergence- C!rl and their related properties o4 s!ms- prod!cts- &aplacian and second order operators( 3ector Integration - &ine integral A #or$ done A Potential 4!nction A area- s!r4ace and %ol!me integrals 3ector integral theoremsD Breen=s theorem- to$e=s and Ba!ss=s Di%ergence )heorem 9*ith o!t proo4:( 3eri4ication o4 Breen=s - to$e=s and Ba!ss=s )heorems( UNIT 1 VIII &aplace trans4orm o4 standard 4!nctions A In%erse trans4orm A 4irst shi4ting )heorem< )rans4orms o4 deri%ati%es and integrals A Cnit step 4!nction A second shi4ting theorem A Dirac=s delta 4!nction A Con%ol!tion theorem A Periodic 4!nction - Di44erentiation and integration o4 trans4orms-Application o4 &aplace trans4orms to ordinary di44erential e;!ations Partial 4ractions-?ea%iside=s Partial 4raction e8pansion theorem( T @% Boo;+/ 1( A te8t 7oo$ o4 Engineering Mathematics< 3ol-1 )( F( 3( Iyengar< 7( Frishna Bandhi and /thers< ( Chand 5 Company( 2( A te8t 7oo$ o4 Engineering Mathematics< C( an$araiah< 3( B( ( 7oo$ &in$s( 3( A te8t 7oo$ o4 Engineering Mathematics< hahna2 7ath!l< 6ight P!'lishers( 4( A te8t 7oo$ o4 Engineering Mathematics< P( "agesh#ara 6ao< G( "arasimh!l! 5 "( Pra'ha$ar 6ao< Deepthi P!'lications( R ? ) 5$ +/ 1( A te8t 7oo$ o4 Engineering Mathematics< 7( 3( 6aman< )ata Mc Bra# ?ill( 2( Ad%anced Engineering Mathematics< Ir%in Freys2ig< *iley India P%t( &td( 3( A te8t 7oo$ o4 Engineering Mathematics< )hamson 7oo$ Collection(






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I Y () B.T $2. ECE

& 0


MATHEMATICAL METHODS UNIT 1 I Matrices and &inear systems o4 e;!ationsD Elementary ro# trans4ormations-6an$-Echelon 4orm< "ormal 4orm A ol!tion o4 &inear ystems A Direct Methods- &C Decomposition- &C Decomposition 4rom Ba!ss Elimination A ol!tion o4 )ridiagonal ystems- ol!tion o4 &inear ystems UNIT 1 II Eigen %al!es< eigen %ectors A properties A Cayley-?amilton )heorem - In%erse and po#ers o4 a matri8 'y Cayley-?amilton theorem A Diagonoli2ation o4 matri8( Calc!lation o4 po#ers o4 matri8 A Modal and spectral matrices( UNIT 1 III 6eal matrices A ymmetric< s$e# - symmetric< orthogonal< &inear )rans4ormation A /rthogonal )rans4ormation( Comple8 matricesD ?ermitian< $e#-?ermitian and Cnitary A Eigen %al!es and eigen %ectors o4 comple8 matrices and their properties( J!adratic 4orms- 6ed!ction o4 ;!adratic 4orm to canonical 4orm A 6an$ - Positi%e< negati%e de4inite - semi de4inite - inde8 - signat!re - yl%ester la#( UNIT 1 IV ( ol!tion o4 Alge'raic and )ranscendental E;!ationsD Introd!ction A )he 7isection Method A )he Method o4 1alse Position A )he Iteration Method A "e#ton-6aphson Method( I5% )<o,(%-o5/ Introd!ction- Errors in Polynomial Interpolation A 1inite di44erences- 1or#ard Di44erences7ac$#ard di44erences ACentral di44erences A ym'olic relations and separation o4 sym'ols-Di44erences o4 a polynomial-"e#ton=s 4orm!lae 4or interpolation A Central di44erence interpolation 1orm!lae A Ba!ss Central Di44erence 1orm!lae AInterpolation #ith !ne%enly spaced points-&agrange=s Interpolation 4orm!la( UNIT 1 V C!r%e 4ittingD 1itting a straight line A econd degree c!r%e-e8ponentional c!r%e-po#er c!r%e 'y method o4 least s;!ares( "!merical Di44erentiation and IntegrationA )rape2oidal r!le A impson=s 1>3 6!le A impson=s 3>. 6!le( UNIT 1 VI "!merical sol!tion o4 /rdinary Di44erential e;!ationsD ol!tion 'y )aylor=s series-Picard=s Method o4 s!ccessi%e Appro8imations-E!ler=s Method-6!nge-F!tta Methods APredictor-Corrector Methods- AdamsMo!lton Method AMilne=s Method( UNIT 1 VII 1o!rier eriesD Determination o4 1o!rier coe44icients A 1o!rier series A e%en and odd 4!nctions A 1o!rier series in an ar'itrary inter%al A e%en and odd periodic contin!ation A ?al4-range 1o!rier sine and cosine e8pansions( 1o!rier integral theorem 9only statement:A 1o!rier sine and cosine integrals( 1o!rier trans4orm A 1o!rier sine and cosine trans4orms A properties A in%erse trans4orms A 1inite 1o!rier trans4orms( UNIT 1 VIII 1ormation o4 partial di44erential e;!ations 'y elimination o4 ar'itrary constants and ar'itrary 4!nctions A sol!tions o4 4irst order linear 9&agrange: e;!ation and nonlinear 9standard type: e;!ations( Method o4 separation o4 %aria'les( 2-trans4orm A in%erse 2-trans4orm - properties A Damping r!le A hi4ting r!le A Initial and 4inal %al!e theorems( Con%ol!tion theorem A ol!tion o4 di44erence e;!ation 'y 2-trans4orms( T @% Boo;+/ 1( Mathematical Methods< )( F( 3( Iyengar< 7( Frishna Bandhi and /thers< ( Chand 5 Company( 2( Mathematical Methods< C( an$araiah< 3( B( ( 7oo$ &in$s( 3( A te8t 'oo$ o4 Mathematical Methods< 3( 6a%indranath< A( 3i0ayala8mi< ?imalaya P!'lishers( 4( A te8t 'oo$ o4 Mathematical Methods< hahna2 7ath!l< 6ight P!'lisshers( R ? ) 5$ +/ 1( A te8t 7oo$ o4 Engineering Mathematics< 7( 3( 6aman< )ata Mc Bra# ?ill( 2( Ad%anced Engineering Mathematics< Ir%in Freys2ig< *iley India P%t( &td( 3( "!merical Methods 4or cienti4ic and Engineering Comp!tation< M( F( Eain< ( 6( F( Iyengar 5 6( F( Eain< "e# Age International P!'lishers( 4. Elementary "!merical Analysis< Ait$inson 5 ?an< *iely India< 3rd Edition< 2--6






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I Y () B.T $2. ECE UNIT I

& 0

C 9

BONDING IN SOLIDS / Introd!ction - )ypes o4 'onding in solids - Estimation o4 cohesi%e energy A Madel!ng constant( CRYSTAL STRUCTURES AND =-RAY DI>>RACTION/ Introd!ction - pace lattice - 7asis - Cnit cell - &attice parameter - 7ra%ais lattices A Crystal systems tr!ct!re and pac$ing 4ractions o4 imple c!'ic - 7ody centered c!'ic A 1ace centered c!'ic crystals - Directions and planes in crystals A Miller indices - eparation 'et#een s!ccessi%e Kh $ lL planes - Di44raction o4 M-rays 'y crystal planes - 7ragg=s la# - &a!e method Po#der method( UNIT II &RINCI&LES O> GUANTUM MECHANICS/ *a%es and particles - Planc$=s ;!ant!m theory A de 7roglie hypothesis A Matter #a%es - Da%isson and Bermer e8periment A B( P( )homson e8periment A ?eisen'erg !ncertainty principle - chrNdinger=s time independent #a%e e;!ation - Physical signi4icance o4 the #a%e 4!nction - Particle in one dimensional potential 'o8( UNIT III

ELECTRON THEORY O> METALS/ Classical 4ree electron theory - Mean 4ree path - 6ela8ation time and dri4t %elocity - J!ant!m 4ree electron theory - 1ermi-Dirac distri'!tion 9analytical: and its dependence on temparat!re A 1ermi energy A Electron scattering and resistance( BAND THEORY O> SOLIDS/ 7loch theorem - Fronig-Penney model 9;!alitati%e treatment: - /rigin o4 energy 'and 4ormation in solids A Classi4ication o4 materials into cond!ctors< semi cond!ctors 5 ins!lators - Concept o4 e44ecti%e mass o4 an electron( UNIT IV DIELECTRIC &RO&ERTIES/ Introd!ction - Dielectric constant - Electronic< ionic and orientational polari2ations - Internal 4ields in solids A Cla!si!s - Mossotti e;!ation A Dielectrics in alternating 4ields A 1re;!ency dependence o4 the polari2a'ility - 1erro and Pie2o electricity( MAGNETIC &RO&ERTIES / Permea'ility - Magneti2ation - /rigin o4 magnetic moment A Classi4ication o4 magnetic materials - Dia< para and 4erro magnetism - ?ysteresis c!r%e - o4t and hard magnetic materials( UNIT V SEMICONDUCTORS / Introd!ction - Intrinsic semicond!ctor and carrier concentration A E;!ation 4or cond!cti%ity - E8trinsic semicond!ctor and carrier concentration - Dri4t and di44!sion - Einstein=s e;!ation - ?all e44ect A Direct 5 indirect 'and gap semicond!ctors( SU&ERCONDUCTIVITY/ Beneral properties - Meissner e44ect - Penetration depth - )ype I and )ype II s!percond!ctors - 1l!8 ;!anti2ation A DC and AC Eosephson e44ect A7C )heory - Applications o4 s!percond!ctors( UNIT VI LASERS/ Introd!ction - Characteristics o4 &asers - pontaneo!s and stim!lated emission o4 radiation Einstein=s coe44icients - Pop!lation in%ersion - 6!'y laser - ?eli!m-"eon &aser A C/2 laser - emicond!ctor &aser A Applications o4 lasers( UNIT VII >IBER O&TICS AND HOLOGRA&HY/ Introd!ction - Principle o4 optical 4i'er - Acceptance angle and acceptance cone - "!merical apert!re A )ypes o4 optical 4i'ers and re4racti%e inde8 pro4iles A Atten!ation in optical 4i'ers - Application o4 optical 4i'ers A 7asic principles o4 holography A Constr!ction and reconstr!ction o4 image on hologram A Applications o4 holography(






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UNIT VIII SCIENCE E TECHNOLOGY O> NANOMATERIALS/ Introd!ction to "ano materials - 7asic principles o4 "anoscience 5 )echnology A 1a'rication o4 nano materials A Physical 5 chemical properties o4 nanomaterials A Car'on nanot!'es A Applications o4 nanotechnology( TE=TBOOKS/ 1( Applied Physics 2nd edition 'y Dr( P( Appala "aid! 5 Dr( M( Chandra he$ar< 3(B( ( 7oo$ lin$s( 2( Introd!ction to olid tate Physics 'y C( Fittel O *iley Eastern &td( 3( "anotechnology 'y Mar$ 6atner and Daniel 6atnerO Pearson Ed!cation( RE>ERENCES/ 1( Materials cience and Engineering 'y 3( 6agha%anO Prentice-?all India( 2( Materials cience 'y M( Ar!m!gamO An!radha Agencies( 3( olid tate Physics 'y "(*( Ashcro4t 5 "( Da%id Mer#inO )homson &earning( 4( Materials cience 'y M( (3i0aya 5 B( 6angara0anO )ata McBra# ?ill( +( olid tate Physics 'y P(F( PalanisamyO citech P!'lications 9India: P%t( &td( 6( "ano Materials 'y A(F( 7andyopadhyay< "e# Age International P!'lishers( I( Applied Physics 'y P(F(MittalO I(F( International( .( Applied Physics 'y F( 3i0ay F!mar 5 )( ree$anthO ( Chand 5 Company &td(







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UNIT - I Algorithm > pse!do code< 4lo#chart< program de%elopment steps< str!ct!re o4 C program< A imple C program< identi4iers< 'asic data types and si2es< Constants< %aria'les< arithmetic< relational and logical operators< increment and decrement operators< conditional operator< 'it-#ise operators< assignment operators< e8pressions< type con%ersions< conditional e8pressions< precedence and order o4 e%al!ation( Inp!t-o!tp!t statements< statements and 'loc$s< i4 and s#itch statements< loops- #hile< do-#hile and 4or statements< 'rea$< contin!e< goto and la'els< programming e8amples( UNIT - II Designing str!ct!red programs< 1!nctions< 'asics< parameter passing< storage classes- e8tern< a!to< register< static< scope r!les< 'loc$ str!ct!re< !ser de4ined 4!nctions< standard li'rary 4!nctions< rec!rsi%e 4!nctions< header 4iles< C preprocessor< e8ample c programs( UNIT - III Arrays- concepts< declaration< de4inition< accessing elements< storing elements< arrays and 4!nctions< t#odimensional and m!lti-dimensional arrays< applications o4 arrays( pointers- concepts< initiali2ation o4 pointer %aria'les< pointers and 4!nction arg!ments< address arithmetic< Character pointers and 4!nctions< pointers to pointers< pointers and m!ltidimensional arrays< dynamic memory managements 4!nctions< command line arg!ments< c program e8amples( UNIT - IV Deri%ed types- str!ct!res- declaration< de4inition and initiali2ation o4 str!ct!res< accessing str!ct!res< nested str!ct!res< arrays o4 str!ct!res< str!ct!res and 4!nctions< pointers to str!ct!res< sel4 re4erential str!ct!res< !nions< typede4< 'it4ields< C program e8amples( UNIT - V Inp!t and o!tp!t A concept o4 a 4ile< te8t 4iles and 'inary 4iles< streams< standard I>o< 1ormatted I>o< 4ile I>o operations< error handling< C program e8amples( UNIT - VI earching A &inear and 'inary search methods< sorting A 7!''le sort< selection sort< Insertion sort< J!ic$ sort< merge sort( UNIT 1 VII Introd!ction to data str!ct!res< singly lin$ed lists< do!'ly lin$ed lists< circ!lar list< representing stac$s and ;!e!es in C !sing arrays and lin$ed lists< in4i8 to post 4i8 con%ersion< post4i8 e8pression e%al!ation( UNIT - VIII )rees- 7inary tress< terminology< representation< tra%ersals< graphstra%ersals 9d4s 5 '4s:





terminology< representation< graph

TE=T BOOKS / 1( Comp!ter science< A str!ct!red programming approach !sing C< 7(A( 1oro!2an and 6(1( Bil'erg< )hird edition< )homson( 2( Data tr!ct!res Csing C A A( ()anen'a!m< G( &angsam< and M(E( A!genstein< P?I>Pearson ed!cation( RE>ERENCES / 1( C5 Data str!ct!res A P( Padmana'ham< 7( ( P!'lications( 2( )he C Programming &ang!age< 7(*( Fernighan< Dennis M(6itchie< P?I>Pearson Ed!cation 3( C Programming #ith pro'lem sol%ing< E(A( Eones 5 F( ?arro#< dreamtech Press 4( Programming in C A tephen B( Fochan< III Edition< Pearson Ed!ctaion( +( Data tr!ct!res and Program Design in C< 6(Fr!se< C(&( )ondo< 7P &e!ng< Edition< Pearson Ed!cation(

hashi M<



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UN ! ntroduction to "lectrical Circuits Circ!it Concept A 6-&-C parameters A 3oltage and C!rrent so!rces A Independent and dependent so!rceso!rce trans4ormation A 3oltage A C!rrent relationship 4or passi%e elements A Fircho44=s la#s A net#or$ red!ction techni;!es A series< parallel< series parallel< star-to-delta or delta-to-star trans4ormation( UN ! A#C Circuits 6(M( and A%erage %al!es and 4orm 4actor 4or di44erent periodic #a%e 4orms< teady state analysis o4 6< & and C 9in series< parallel and series parallel com'inations: #ith sin!soidal e8citation A Concept o4 sel4 and m!t!al ind!ctances A co-e44icient o4 co!pling series circ!it analysis #ith m!t!al ind!ctance( UNIT 1 III A.C C-)$!-%+ - II 6esonance A series< parallel circ!its< concept o4 'and #idth and J 4actor( )hree phase circ!itsD Phase se;!ence A tar and delta connection A 6elation 'et#een line and phase %oltages and c!rrents in 'alanced systems A Calc!lations o4 acti%e and reacti%e po#er(

UN ! $ Net%or& topology De4initions A Braph A )ree< 7asic c!tset and 7asic )ieset matrices 4or planar net#or$s A &oop and "odal methods o4 analysis o4 "et#or$s #ith independent and dependent %oltage and c!rrent so!rces - D!ality 5 D!al net#or$s( UNIT 1 V N %4o); T2 o) *+ )ellegens< !perposition< 6eciprocity< )he%inin=s< "orton=s< Ma8 Po#er )rans4er theorem( Milliman=s )heorem A tatement and proo4s pro'lem sol%ing !sing dependent and independent so!rces 4or d(c and a(c e8citation( UNIT 1 VI T4o-<o)% 5 %4o);+ P<G< A7CD< h-parameters A Con%ersion o4 one parameter to another parameter A condition 4or reciprocity and symmetry A 2 port net#or$ connections in series< parallel and cascaded A pro'lem sol%ing( UN ! $ !ransient Analysis )ransient response o4 6-&< 6-C< 6-&-C circ!its 9 eries com'inations only: 4or d(c( and sin!soidal e8citations A Initial conditions - ol!tion !sing di44erential e;!ation approach and &aplace trans4orm methods o4 sol!tions( UNIT 1 VIII >-,% )+ &(P< ?(P< 7(P< 7(E< Prototype 4ilters design A M-deri%ed 4ilters o4 &(P( and ?(P(- Composite 4ilter design o4 &(P( and ?(P design o4 %ario!s symmetrical atten!ators( TE=T BOOKS / 1( "et#or$ Analysis A ME 3an 3al$en'!rg< Prentice ?all o4 India< 3rd Edition< 2---( 2( "et#or$s< &ines and 1ields - ED 6yder< P?I< 2nd Edition< 1HHH( RE>ERENCES / 1( Engineering Circ!it Analysis A *illiam ?ayt and Eac$ E Femmerly< McBra# ?ill< +th Edition< 1HH3( 2( "et#or$ Analysis A "(C(Eagan and C(&a$shminarayana< 7( ( P!'lications< 2--6( 3( Electric Circ!its A E(Edminister and M("ah%i A cha!m=s /!tlines< )M?< 1HHH( 4( Electrical circ!its 'y A(Cha$ar'orthy< Dhanpath 6ai 5 Co(<






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UNIT-I ELECTRON DYNAMICS AND CRO/ Motion o4 charged particles in electric and magnetic 4ields( imple pro'lems in%ol%ing electric and magnetic 4ields only( Electrostatic and magnetic 4oc!sing( Principles o4 C6)< de4lection sensiti%ity 9Electrostatic and magnetic de4lection:< Parallel Electric and Magnetic 4ields< Perpendic!lar Electric and Magnetic 4ields( UNIT- II JUNCTION DIODE CHARACTERISTICS / 6e%ie# o4 semi cond!ctor Physics A n and p Atype semi cond!ctors< Mass Action &a#< Contin!ity E;!ation< ?all E44ect< 1ermi le%el in intrinsic and e8trinsic semicond!ctors< /pen-circ!ited p-n 0!nction< )he p-n 0!nction Energy 'and diagram o4 P" diode< P" diode as as a recti4ier 94or#ard 'ias and re%erse 'ias:< )he c!rrent components in p-n diode< &a# o4 0!nction< Diode e;!ation< 3olt-ampere characteristics o4 p-n diode< )emperat!re dependence o4 3I characteristic< )ransition and Di44!sion capacitances< tep graded 0!nction< 7rea$do#n Mechanisms in emi Cond!ctor 9A%alanche and Pener 'rea$do#n: Diodes< Pener diode characteristics< Characteristics o4 )!nnel Diode #ith the help o4 energy 'and diagrams< 3aractar Diode< &ED< &CD( And photo diode UNIT- III RECTI>IERS, >ILTERS AND REGULATORS / ?al4 #a%e recti4ier< ripple 4actor< 4!ll #a%e recti4ier< ?armonic components in a recti4ier circ!it< Ind!ctor 4ilter< Capacitor 4ilter< &- section 4ilter< - section 4ilter< M!ltiple &section and M!ltiple section 4ilter< and comparison o4 %ario!s 4ilter circ!its in terms o4 ripple 4actors< imple circ!it o4 a reg!lator !sing 2ener diode< eries and h!nt %oltage reg!lators UNIT- IV TRANSISTOR (5d >ET CHARACTERISTICS / E!nction transistor< )ransistor c!rrent components< )ransistor as an ampli4ier< )ransistor constr!ction< Detailed st!dy o4 c!rrents in a transistor< )ransistor alpha< Inp!t and /!tp!t characteristics o4 transistor in Common 7ase< Common Emitter< and Common collector con4ig!rations< 6elation 'et#een Alpha and 7eta< typical transistor 0!nction %oltage %al!es< E1E) characteristics 9J!alitati%e and J!antitati%e disc!ssion:< mall signal model o4 E1E)< M/ 1E) characterisitics 9Enhancement and depletion mode:< ym'ols o4 M/ 1E)< Comparison o4 )ransistors< Introd!ction to C6 and CE)( UNIT-V BIASING AND STABILISATION / 7E) 'iasing< DC e;!i%alent model< criteria 4or 4i8ing operating point< 1i8ed 'ias< Collector to 'ase 'ias< el4 'ias techni;!es 4or sta'ili2ation< ta'ili2ation 4actors< 9 < Q< Q=:< Compensation techni;!es< 9Compensation against %ariation in 37E< Ico<: )hermal r!n a#ay< )hermal sta'ility< UNIT- VI AM&LI>IERS / mall signal lo# 4re;!ency transistor ampli4ier circ!itsD h-parameter representation o4 a transistor< Analysis o4 single stage transistor ampli4ier !sing h-parametersD %oltage gain< c!rrent gain< Inp!t impedance and /!tp!t impedance( Comparison o4 transistor con4ig!rations in terms o4 AI < 6i < A% < 6o< UNIT- VII >EEDBACK AM&LI>IERS / Concept o4 4eed'ac$< Classi4ication o4 4eed'ac$ ampli4iers< Beneral characteristics o4 negati%e 4eed'ac$ ampli4iers< E44ect o4 1eed'ac$ on inp!t and o!tp!t characteristics< 3oltage series< %oltage sh!nt< c!rrent series< and c!rrent sh!nt 4eed'ac$ ampli4iers #ith discrete components and their analysis UNIT-VIII OSCILLATORS / Condition 4or oscillations( 6C-phase shi4t oscillators #ith )ransistor and 1E)< ?artley and Colpitts oscillators< *ein 'ridge oscillator< Crystal oscillators< 1re;!ency and amplit!de sta'ility o4 oscillators< TE=T BOOKS / 1( Electronic De%ices and Circ!its A E(Millman< C(C(?al$ias< and atya'ratha Eit )ata McBra# ?ill< 2nd Ed(< 2--I( 2( Electronic De%ices and Circ!its A 6(&( 7oylestad and &o!is "ashels$y< Pearson>Prentice ?all<Hth Edition<2--6( RE>ERENCES /






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1( Electronic De%ices and Circ!its A )(1( 7ogart Er(< E( (7easley and B(6ico< Pearson Ed!cation< 6th edition< 2--4( 2( Principles o4 Electronic Circ!its A (B(7!rns and P(6(7ond< Balgotia P!'lications< 2nd Edn((< 1HH.( 3( Microelectronics A Millman and Bra'el< )ata McBra# ?ill< 1H..( 4( Electronic De%ices and Circ!its A Dr( F( &al Fishore< 7( ( P!'lications< 2nd Edition< 2--+( +( Electronic De%ices and Circ!its- Pro4 B " 6a0! I F International P!'lishing ?o!se P%t (&td 2--6







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UNIT 1 I Introd!ction to engineering graphics A constr!ction o4 ellipse< para'ola and hyper'ola A cylindrical c!r%es( UNIT 1 II /rthographic pro0ections o4 points< lines and planes A a8is inclined to one planes and inclined to 'oth the planes( UNIT 1 III O)%2o6)(<2-$ <)o# $%-o5+ o? +o,-d+ / Cylinder< cone< prism< pyramid and sphere positions and a8is inclined to 'oth the planes( UNIT 1 IV Isomeric pro0ections o4 lines< planes and simple solids UNIT 1 V Con%ersion o4 orthographic %ie#s into isometric %ie#s and %ice-%ersa( TE=T BOOKS / 1( Engineering dra#ings 7y "(D(7hatt 2 Engineering graphics 7y F(&( "arayana 5 P(Fannayya

6E1E6E"CE D1( Engineering dra#ing and graphicsD 3en!gopal> "e# age 2( Engineering dra#ing D Eohle > )M?






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/'0ecti%esD )o ma$e the st!dent learn a programming lang!age( )o teach the st!dent to #rite programs in C sol%e the pro'lems )o Introd!ce the st!dent to simple linear and non linear data str!ct!res s!ch as lists< stac$s< ;!e!es< trees and graphs( R $o** 5d d S3+% *+'So?%4() R H!-) * 5%+/ Intel 'ased des$top PC A" I C Compiler #ith !pporting Editors

W ; ,( (B *rite a C program to 4ind the s!m o4 indi%id!al digits o4 a positi%e integer( "B A 1i'onacci e;!ence is de4ined as 4ollo#sD the 4irst and second terms in the se;!ence are - and 1( !'se;!ent terms are 4o!nd 'y adding the preceding t#o terms in the se;!ence( *rite a C program to generate the 4irst n terms o4 the se;!ence( $B *rite a C program to generate all the prime n!m'ers 'et#een 1 and n< #here n is a %al!e s!pplied 'y the !ser( W ; 2( (B *rite a C program to calc!late the 4ollo#ing !mD !mR1-82>2S +84>4S-86>6S+8.>.S-81->1-S "B *rite a C program toe 4ind the roots o4 a ;!adratic e;!ation(

W ;: (B *rite C programs that !se 'oth rec!rsi%e and non-rec!rsi%e 4!nctions i: )o 4ind the 4actorial o4 a gi%en integer( ii: )o 4ind the BCD 9greatest common di%isor: o4 t#o gi%en integers( iii: )o sol%e )o#ers o4 ?anoi pro'lem(

W ;9 (B )he total distance tra%elled 'y %ehicle in Tt= seconds is gi%en 'y distance R !t+1>2at2 #here T!= and Ta= are the initial %elocity 9m>sec(: and acceleration 9m>sec2:( *rite C program to 4ind the distance tra%elled at reg!lar inter%als o4 time gi%en the %al!es o4 T!= and Ta=( )he program sho!ld pro%ide the 4le8i'ility to the !ser to select his o#n time inter%als and repeat the calc!lations 4or di44erent %al!es o4 T!= and Ta=( "B *rite a C program< #hich ta$es t#o integer operands and one operator 4orm the !ser< per4orms the operation and then prints the res!lt( 9Consider the operators +<-<,< >< U and !se #itch tatement: W ;C (B *rite a C program to 4ind 'oth the larges and smallest n!m'er in a list o4 integers( "B *rite a C program that !ses 4!nctions to per4orm the 4ollo#ingD i: Addition o4 )#o Matrices ii: M!ltiplication o4 )#o Matrices W ;F (B *rite a C program that !ses 4!nctions to per4orm the 4ollo#ing operationsD i: )o insert a s!'-string in to gi%en main string 4rom a gi%en position( ii: )o delete n Characters 4rom a gi%en position in a gi%en string( "B *rite a C program to determine i4 the gi%en string is a palindrome or not W ;7 (B *rite a C program that displays the position or inde8 in the string #here the string ) 'egins< or A 1 i4 doesn=t contain )( "B *rite a C program to co!nt the lines< #ords and characters in a gi%en te8t(






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W ;8 (B *rite a C program to generate Pascal=s triangle( "B *rite a C program to constr!ct a pyramid o4 n!m'ers( W ;I *rite a C program to read in t#o n!m'ers< 8 and n< and then comp!te the s!m o4 this geometric progressionD 1+8+82+83+VVVV(+8n 1or e8ampleD i4 n is 3 and 8 is +< then the program comp!tes 1+++2++12+( Print 8< n< the s!m Per4orm error chec$ing( 1or e8ample< the 4orm!la does not ma$e sense 4or negati%e e8ponents A i4 n is less than -( ?a%e yo!r program print an error message i4 nW-< then go 'ac$ and read in the ne8t pair o4 n!m'ers o4 #itho!t comp!ting the s!m( Are any %al!es o4 8 also illegal X I4 so< test 4or them too( W ; 80 (B 2=s complement o4 a n!m'er is o'tained 'y scanning it 4rom right to le4t and complementing all the 'its a4ter the 4irst appearance o4 a 1( )h!s 2=s complement o4 111-- is --1--( *rite a C program to 4ind the 2=s complement o4 a 'inary n!m'er( "B *rite a C program to con%ert a 6oman n!meral to its decimal e;!i%alent( W ; 88 *rite a C program that !ses 4!nctions to per4orm the 4ollo#ing operationsD i: 6eading a comple8 n!m'er ii: *riting a comple8 n!m'er iii: Addition o4 t#o comple8 n!m'ers i%: M!ltiplication o4 t#o comple8 n!m'ers 9"oteD represent comple8 n!m'er !sing a str!ct!re(: W ; 82 (B *rite a C program #hich copies one 4ile to another( "B *rite a C program to re%erse the 4irst n characters in a 4ile( 9"oteD )he 4ile name and n are speci4ied on the command line(:


W ; 8: *rite a C program that !ses 4!nctions to per4orm the 4ollo#ing operations on singly lin$ed list(D i: Creation ii: Insertion iii: Deletion i%: )ra%ersal W ; 89 *rite a C program that !ses 4!nctions to per4orm the 4ollo#ing operations on do!'ly lin$ed list(D i: Creation ii: Insertion iii: Deletion i%: )ra%ersal in 'oth #ays W ; 8C *rite C programs that implement stac$ 9its operations: !sing i: Arrays ii: Pointers W ; 8F *rite C programs that implement J!e!e 9its operations: !sing i: Arrays ii: Pointers W ; 87 *rite a C program that !ses tac$ operations to per4orm the 4ollo#ingD i: Con%erting in4i8 e8pression into post4i8 e8pression ii: E%al!ating the post4i8 e8pression W ; 88 *rite a C program that !ses 4!nctions to per4orm the 4ollo#ingD i: Creating a 7inary )ree o4 integers ii: )ra%ersing the a'o%e 'inary tree in preorder< inorder and postorder( W ; 8I *rite C programs that !se 'oth rec!rsi%e and non rec!rsi%e 4!nctions to per4orm the 4ollo#ing searching operations 4or a Fey %al!e in a gi%en list o4 integers D i: &inear search ii: 7inary search W ; 20






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*rite C programs that implement the 4ollo#ing sorting methods to sort a gi%en list o4 integers in ascending orderD i: 7!''le sort ii: J!ic$ sort W ; 28 *rite C programs that implement the 4ollo#ing sorting methods to sort a gi%en list o4 integers in ascending orderD i: Insertion sort ii: Merge sort W ; 22 *rite C programs to implement the &agrange interpolation and "e#ton- Bregory 4or#ard interpolation( W ; 2: *rite C programs to implement the linear regression and polynomial regression algorithms( W ; 29 *rite C programs to implement )rape2oidal and impson methods( T @% Boo;+ 1( C programming and Data tr!ct!res< P( Padmana'ham< )hird Edition< 7 P!'lications 2( Data tr!ct!resD A pse!do code approach #ith C< second edition 6(1( Bil'erg and 7(A( 1oro!2an 3( Programming in C< P(Dey 5 M( Bhosh< /84ord Cni%(Press( 4( C and Data tr!ct!res< E 7alag!r!s#amy< )M? p!'lications(







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O"# $%-. + / )he I) *or$shop 4or engineers is a 6 training la' co!rse spread o%er H- ho!rs( )he mod!les incl!de training on PC ?ard#are< Internet 5 *orld *ide *e' and Prod!cti%ity tools incl!ding *ord< E8cel< Po#er Point and P!'lisher( &C H()d4() introd!ces the st!dents to a personal comp!ter and its 'asic peripherals< the process o4 assem'ling a personal comp!ter< installation o4 system so4t#are li$e M *indo#s < &in!8 and the re;!ired de%ice dri%ers( In addition hard#are and so4t#are le%el tro!'leshooting process< tips and tric$s #o!ld 'e co%ered( I5% )5 % E Wo),d W-d W " mod!le introd!ces the di44erent #ays o4 hoo$ing the PC on to the internet 4rom home and #or$place and e44ecti%ely !sage o4 the internet( Csage o4 #e' 'ro#sers< email< ne#sgro!ps and disc!ssion 4or!ms #o!ld 'e co%ered( In addition< a#areness o4 cy'er hygiene< i(e(< protecting the personal comp!ter 4rom getting in4ected #ith the %ir!ses< #orms and other cy'er attac$s #o!ld 'e introd!ced( &)od!$%-.-%3 %oo,+ mod!le #o!ld ena'le the st!dents in cra4ting pro4essional #ord doc!ments< e8cel spread sheets< po#er point presentations and personal #e' sites !sing the Microso4t s!ite o4 o44ice tools and &a)eM( &C H()d4() W ; 8 1 T(+; 8 / Identi4y the peripherals o4 a comp!ter< components in a CPC and its 4!nctions( Dra# the 'loc$ diagram o4 the CPC along #ith the con4ig!ration o4 each peripheral and s!'mit to yo!r instr!ctor( W ; 2 1 T(+; 2 / E%ery st!dent sho!ld disassem'le and assem'le the PC 'ac$ to #or$ing condition( &a' instr!ctors sho!ld %eri4y the #or$ and 4ollo# it !p #ith a 3i%a( Also st!dents need to go thro!gh the %ideo #hich sho#s the process o4 assem'ling a PC( A %ideo #o!ld 'e gi%en as part o4 the co!rse content( W ; : 1 T(+; : / E%ery st!dent sho!ld indi%id!ally install M instr!ctor sho!ld %eri4y the installation and 4ollo# it !p #ith a 3i%a( #indo#s on the personal comp!ter( &a'

W ; 9 1 T(+; 9 / E%ery st!dent sho!ld install &in!8 on the comp!ter( )his comp!ter sho!ld ha%e #indo#s installed( )he system sho!ld 'e con4ig!red as d!al 'oot #ith 'oth #indo#s and &in!8( &a' instr!ctors sho!ld %eri4y the installation and 4ollo# it !p #ith a 3i%a W ; C 1 T(+; C / e%eral mini tas$s #o!ld 'e that co%ers 7asic commands in &in!8 and 7asic system administration in &in!8 #hich incl!desD 7asic &in!8 commands in 'ash< Create hard and sym'olic lin$s< )e8t processing< Csing #ildcards W ; F 1 T(+; F / H()d4() T)o!", +2oo%-56 / t!dents ha%e to 'e gi%en a PC #hich does not 'oot d!e to improper assem'ly or de4ecti%e peripherals( )hey sho!ld identi4y the pro'lem and 4i8 it to get the comp!ter 'ac$ to #or$ing condition( )he #or$ done sho!ld 'e %eri4ied 'y the instr!ctor and 4ollo#ed !p #ith a 3i%a W ; 7 1 T(+; 7 / So?%4() T)o!", +2oo%-56 / t!dents ha%e to 'e gi%en a mal4!nctioning CPC d!e to system so4t#are pro'lems( )hey sho!ld identi4y the pro'lem and 4i8 it to get the comp!ter 'ac$ to #or$ing condition( )he #or$ done sho!ld 'e %eri4ied 'y the instr!ctor and 4ollo#ed !p #ith a 3i%a( W ; 8 1 T(+; 8 / )he test consists o4 %ario!s systems #ith ?ard#are > o4t#are related tro!'les< 1ormatted dis$s #itho!t operating systems( I5% )5 % E Wo),d W-d W " W ; I - T(+; 8 D O)- 5%(%-o5 E Co55 $%-.-%3 Boo% C(*< / t!dents sho!ld get connected to their &ocal Area "et#or$ and access the Internet( In the process they con4ig!re the )CP>IP setting( 1inally st!dents sho!ld demonstrate< to the instr!ctor< ho# to access the #e'sites and email( I4 there is no internet connecti%ity preparations need to 'e made 'y the instr!ctors to sim!late the *** on the &A"( W ; 80 - T(+; 2 / W " B)o4+ )+, S!)?-56 %2 W " / t!dents c!stomi2e their #e' 'ro#sers #ith the &A" pro8y settings< 'oo$mar$s< search tool'ars and pop !p 'loc$ers( Also< pl!g-ins li$e Macromedia 1lash and E6E 4or applets sho!ld 'e con4ig!red( W ; 88 - T(+; : D S ()$2 E56-5 + E N %-H! %% / t!dents sho!ld $no# #hat search engines are and ho# to !se the search engines( A 4e# topics #o!ld 'e gi%en to the st!dents 4or #hich they need to search on Boogle( )his sho!ld 'e demonstrated to the instr!ctors(






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W ; 82 - T(+; 9 / C3" ) H36- 5 / t!dents #o!ld 'e e8posed to the %ario!s threats on the internet and #o!ld 'e as$ed to con4ig!re their comp!ter to 'e sa4e on the internet( )hey need to 4irst install an anti %ir!s so4t#are< con4ig!re their personal 4ire#all and #indo#s !pdate on their comp!ter( )hen they need to c!stomi2e their 'ro#sers to 'loc$ pop !ps< 'loc$ acti%e 8 do#nloads to a%oid %ir!ses and>or #orms( W ; 8: Mod!, T +% A test #hich sim!lates all o4 the a'o%e tas$s #o!ld 'e cra4ted and gi%en to the st!dents( L(T = (5d Wo)d W ; 89 1 Wo)d O)- 5%(%-o5 D )he mentor needs to gi%e an o%er%ie# o4 &a)eM and Microso4t> e;!i%alent 91/ : tool #ord D Importance o4 &a)eM and M > e;!i%alent 91/ : tool *ord as #ord Processors< Details o4 the 4o!r tas$s and 4eat!res that #o!ld 'e co%ered in each< Csing &a)eM and #ord A Accessing< o%er%ie# o4 tool'ars< sa%ing 4iles< Csing help and reso!rces< r!lers< 4ormat painter in #ord( T(+; 8 / U+-56 L(T = (5d 4o)d to create pro0ect certi4icate( 1eat!res to 'e co%eredD-1ormatting 1onts in #ord< Drop Cap in #ord< Applying )e8t e44ects< Csing Character pacing< 7orders and Colors< Inserting ?eader and 1ooter< Csing Date and )ime option in 'oth &a)eM and *ord( W ; 8C - T(+; 2 / C) (%-56 <)o# $% a'stract 1eat!res to 'e co%eredD-1ormatting tyles< Inserting ta'le< 7!llets and "!m'ering< Changing )e8t Direction< Cell alignment< 1ootnote< ?yperlin$< ym'ols< pell Chec$ < )rac$ Changes( W ; 8F - T(+; : / C) (%-56 ( N 4+, %% ) D 1eat!res to 'e co%eredD- )a'le o4 Content< "e#spaper col!mns< Images 4rom 4iles and clipart< Dra#ing tool'ar and *ord Art< 1ormatting Images< )e8t'o8es and Paragraphs W ; 87 - T(+; 9 / C) (%-56 ( > o'0ects< Mail Merge in *ord( W d"($; ?o)* - 1eat!res to 'e co%ered- 1orms< )e8t 1ields< Inserting


; 88 - L(T = (5d Wo)d Mod!, T +% - 6eplicate the gi%en doc!ment incl!si%e o4 all 4eat!res

E@$ , W ; 8I - E@$ , O)- 5%(%-o5 / )he mentor needs to tell the importance o4 M > e;!i%alent 91/ : tool E8cel as a preadsheet tool< gi%e the details o4 the 4o!r tas$s and 4eat!res that #o!ld 'e co%ered in each( Csing E8cel A Accessing< o%er%ie# o4 tool'ars< sa%ing e8cel 4iles< Csing help and reso!rces T(+; 8 / C) (%-56 ( S$2 d!, ) - 1eat!res to 'e co%eredD- Bridlines< 1ormat Cells< !mmation< a!to 4ill< 1ormatting )e8t W ; 20 - T(+; 2 / C(,$!,(%-56 G&A - (1eat!res to 'e co%eredD- Cell 6e4erencing< 1orm!lae in e8cel A a%erage< std(de%iation< Charts< 6enaming and Inserting #or$sheets< ?yper lin$ing< Co!nt 4!nction< &//FCP>3&//FCP W ; 28 - T(+; : / & )?o)*(5$ A5(,3+-+ - 1eat!res to 'e co%eredDo!tline< orting< 7oolean and logical operators< Conditional 4ormatting

W ; 22 - T(+; 9 / C)-$; % S$o) C()d - 1eat!res to 'e co%eredD-Pi%ot )a'les< Interacti%e 7!ttons< Importing Data< Data Protection< Data 3alidation W ; 2: 1 E@$ , Mod!, T +% - 6eplicate the gi%en doc!ment incl!si%e o4 all 4eat!res





plit cells< 4ree2e panes< gro!p and

L(T = (5d MS' H!-.(, 5% A>OSSB %oo, &o4 ) &o-5% W ; 29 - T(+;8 / t!dents #ill 'e #or$ing on 'asic po#er point !tilities and tools #hich help them create 'asic po#er point presentation( )opic co%ered d!ring this #ee$ incl!des D- PP) /rientation< lide &ayo!ts< Inserting )e8t< *ord Art< 1ormatting )e8t< 7!llets and "!m'ering< A!to hapes< &ines and Arro#s in 'oth &a)eM and Po#erpoint. W ; 2C - T(+; 2 / econd #ee$ helps st!dents in ma$ing their presentations interacti%e()opic co%ered d!ring this #ee$ incl!des D ?yperlin$s< Inserting AImages< Clip Art< A!dio< 3ideo< /'0ects< )a'les and Charts W ; 2F - T(+; : / Concentrating on the in and o!t o4 Microso4t po#er point and presentations in &a)eM( ?elps them learn 'est practices in designing and preparing po#er point presentation( )opic co%ered d!ring this #ee$ incl!des D- Master &ayo!ts 9slide< template< and notes:< )ypes o4 %ie#s 9'asic< presentation< slide slotter< notes etc:< Inserting A 7ac$gro!nd< te8t!res< Design )emplates< ?idden slides(


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W ; 27 - T(+; 9 / Entire #ee$ concentrates on presentation part o4 &a)eM and po#er point( )opic co%ered d!ring this #ee$ incl!des -Csing A!to content #i2ard< lide )ransition< C!stom Animation< A!to 6ehearsing W ; 28 - T(+; C / Po#er point test #o!ld 'e cond!cted( t!dents #ill 'e gi%en model po#er point presentation #hich needs to 'e replicated 9e8actly ho# it=s as$ed:( &!",-+2 ) W ; 2I / ?elp st!dents in preparing their personal #e'site !sing Microso4t> e;!i%alent 91/ : tool p!'lisher( )opic co%ered d!ring this #ee$ incl!des - P!'lisher /rientation< Csing )emplates< &ayo!ts< Inserting te8t o'0ects< Editing te8t o'0ects< Inserting )a'les< *or$ing #ith men! o'0ects< Inserting pages< ?yper lin$ing< 6enaming< deleting< modi4ying pages< ?osting #e'site( RE>ERENCES / 1( Comde8 In4ormation )echnology co!rse tool $it 3i$as B!pta< *I&EG Dreamtech 2( )he Complete Comp!ter !pgrade and repair 'oo$<3rd edition Cheryl A chmidt< *I&EG Dreamtech 3( Introd!ction to In4ormation )echnology< I)& Ed!cation ol!tions limited< Pearson Ed!cation( 4( PC ?ard#are and A+?and'oo$ A Fate E( Chase P?I 9Microso4t: +( &a)eM Companion A &eslie &amport< P?I>Pearson( 6( All &a)eM and others related material is a%aila'le at 9a: ###(sssol!tions(in and 9': ###(sontiso4tsol!tions(org







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I Y () B.T $2. ECE

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&ART A / AO5,3 ?o) .-.( .o$ E@(*-5(%-o5B E&EC)6/"IC */6F ?/P P6AC)ICE 9 in 6 la' sessions: D 1( Identi4ication< peci4ications< )esting o4 6< &< C Components 9Colo!r Codes:< Potentiometers< #itches 9 PD)< DPD)< and DIP:< Coils< Bang Condensers< 6elays< 7read 7oards( 2( Identi4ication< peci4ications and )esting o4 Acti%e De%ices< Diodes< 7E)s< &o#po#er E1E)s< M/ 1E)s< Po#er )ransistors< &EDs< &CDs< /ptoelectronic De%ices< C6< CE)< DIACs< )6IACs< &inear and Digital ICs( 3( oldering practice A imple Circ!its !sing acti%e and passi%e components( 4( ingle layer and M!lti layer PC7s 9Identi4ication and Ctility:( +( t!dy and operation o4 @ M!ltimeters 9Analog and Digital: @ 1!nction Benerator @ 6eg!lated Po#er !pplies 1( t!dy and /peration o4 C6/( &ART B / A>o) L("o)(%o)3 @(*-5(%-o5 1 M-5-*!* o? 8F @< )-* 5%+B 1( P" E!nction diode characteristics A( 1or#ard 'ias 7( 6e%erse 'ias( 2( Pener diode characteristics 3( )ransistor C7 characteristics 9Inp!t and /!tp!t: 4( )ransistor CE characteristics 9Inp!t and /!tp!t: +( 6ecti4ier #itho!t 4ilters 91!ll #a%e 5 ?al4 #a%e: 6( 6ecti4ier #ith 4ilters 91!ll #a%e 5 ?al4 #a%e: I( 1E) characteristics .( Meas!rement o4 h parameters o4 transistor in C7< CE< CC con4ig!rations H( CE Ampli4ier 1-( CC Ampli4ier 9Emitter 1ollo#er:( 11( ingle stage 6-C co!pled Ampli4ier( 12( 1E) ampli4ier 9Common o!rce: 13( *ien 7ridge /scillator 14( 6C Phase hi4t /scillator 1+( 1eed 'ac$ ampli4ier 9C!rrent eries:( 16( 1eed 'ac$ ampli4ier 93oltage eries:( 1I( ?artley /scillator( 1.( Colpitts /scillator( 1H( C6 characteristics(

&ART C/ EH!-<* 5% ) H!-) d ?o) L("o)(%o)- +/ 1( 6eg!lated Po#er s!pplies 96P : --3-% 2( C6/s --2-M ?2( 3( 1!nction Benerators --1 M ?2( 4( M!ltimeters +( Decade 6esitance 7o8es>6heostats 6( Decade Capacitance 7o8es I( Micro Ammeters 9Analog or Digital: --2- YA< --+-YA< --1--YA< --2--YA .( 3oltmeters 9Analog or Digital: --+-3< --1--3< --2+-3 H( Electronic Components - 6esistors< Capacitors< 7E)s< &CDs< C6s< CE)s< 1E)s< &EDs< M/ 1E)s<diodes9ge5sitype:<transistors9npn 5 pnp type:






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)he L(56!(6 L(" 4oc!ses on the prod!ction and practice o4 so!nds o4 lang!age and 4amiliarises the st!dents #ith the !se o4 English in e%eryday sit!ations and conte8ts( O"# $%-. +/ 8. To @<o+ %2 +%!d 5%+ %o ( .()- %3 o? + ,?--5+%)!$%-o5(,, , ()5 )-?)- 5d,3 *od + o? ,(56!(6 , ()5-56. 2. To 2 ,< %2 +%!d 5%+ $!,%-.(% %2 2("-% o? ) (d-56 <(++(6 + ?)o* %2 $o*<!% ) *o5-%o), %2!+ <)o.-d-56 %2 * 4-%2 %2 ) H!-) d ?($-,-%3 %o ?($ $o*<!% )-"(+ d $o*< %-%-. @(*+ +!$2 GRE, TOE>L, GMAT %$. :. To 5(", %2 * %o , ()5 " %% ) <)o5!5$-(%-o5 %2)o!62 +%) ++ o5 4o)d ($$ 5%, -5%o5(%-o5, (5d )23%2*. 9. To %)(-5 %2 * %o !+ ,(56!(6 ?? $%-. ,3 %o ?($ -5% ).- 4+, 6)o!< d-+$!++-o5+, <!",-$ +< (;-56. C. To -5-%-(% %2 * -5%o 6) (% ) !+ o? %2 $o*<!% ) -5 ) +!* <) <()(%-o5, ) <o)% 4)-%-56, ?o)*(%*(;-56 %$. SYLLABUS / )he 4ollo#ing co!rse content is prescri'ed 4or the E56,-+2 L(56!(6 L("o)(%o)3 sessionsD 1( Introd!ction to the o!nds o4 English- 3o#els< Diphthongs 5 Consonants( 2( Introd!ction to tress and Intonation( 3( it!ational Dialog!es > 6ole Play( 4( /ral Presentations- Prepared and E8tempore( +( TE!st A Min!te= essions 9EAM:( 6( Descri'ing /'0ects > it!ations > People( I( In4ormation )rans4er .( De'ate H( )elephoning $ills( 1-( Bi%ing Directions( M-5-*!* R H!-) * 5%/ T2 E56,-+2 L(56!(6 L(" +2(,, 2(. %4o <()%+/ i) T2 Co*<!% ) (-d d L(56!(6 L(" 4or 6- st!dents #ith 6- systems< one master console< &A" 4acility and English lang!age so4t#are 4or sel4- st!dy 'y learners( ii) T2 Co**!5-$(%-o5 S;-,,+ L(" #ith mo%a'le chairs and a!dio-%is!al aids #ith a P(A ystem< a )( 3(< a digital stereo Aa!dio 5 %ideo system and camcorder etc( S3+% * R H!-) * 5% A H()d4() $o*<o5 5%B/ omputer network with Lan with minimum )* multimedia systems with the following specifications: i: P A I3 Processor a: peed A 2(. B?P ': 6AM A +12 M7 Minim!m c: ?ard Dis$ A .- B7 ii: ?eadphones o4 ?igh ;!ality S!66 +% d So?%4() / @ Cam'ridge Ad%anced &earners= English Dictionary #ith CD( @ )he 6osetta tone English &i'rary @ Clarity Pron!nciation Po#er A Part I @ Mastering English in 3oca'!lary< Brammar< pellings< Composition @ Dorling Findersley series o4 Brammar< P!nct!ation< Composition etc( @ &ang!age in Cse< 1o!ndation 7oo$s P%t &td #ith CD(





/84ord Ad%anced &earner=s Compass< Ith Edition @ &earning to pea$ English - 4 CDs @ Microso4t Encarta #ith CD @ M!rphy=s English Brammar< Cam'ridge #ith CD English in Mind< ?er'ert P!chta and Ee44 tran$s #ith Meredith &e%y< Cam'ridge Boo;+ S!66 +% d ?o) E56,-+2 L(56!(6 L(" L-")()3 A%o " ,o$(% d 4-%2-5 %2 ,(" -5 (dd-%-o5 %o %2 CD+ o? %2 % @% "oo; 42-$2 () ,o(d d o5 %2 +3+% *+B/ 1. S<o; 5 E56,-+2 9CIE1&: in 3 %ol!mes #ith 6 cassettes< /CP(


E56,-+2 &)o5o!5$-56 D-$%-o5()3 Daniel Eones C!rrent Edition #ith CD(


www.jntuworld.com 2007-2008 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
S<o; 5 E56,-+2- 6( F( 7ansal and E( 7( ?arrison< /rient &ongman 2--6 Edn( E56,-+2 L(56!(6 Co**!5-$(%-o5 / A R (d ) $!* L(" M(5!(, Dr A 6ama$rishna 6ao< Dr B "atanam 5 Pro4 A an$aranarayanan< An!radha P!'lications< Chennai S< (;-56 E56,-+2 E?? $%-. ,3 'y Frishna Mohan 5 "P ingh 9Macmillan: A &)($%-$(, Co!)+ -5 E56,-+2 &)o5!5$-(%-o5< 9#ith t#o A!dio cassettes: 'y E( ethi< Famlesh adanand 5 D(3( Eindal< Prentice-?all o4 India P%t( &td(< "e# Delhi( A % @% "oo; o? E56,-+2 &2o5 %-$+ ?o) I5d-(5 S%!d 5%+ 'y )(7alas!'ramanian 9Macmillan: E56,-+2 S;-,,+ ?o) T $25-$(, S%!d 5%+, *7 C)E #ith 7ritish Co!ncil< /&


DISTRIBUTION AND WEIGHTAGE O> MARKS "nglish 'anguage 'aboratory Practical Paper( 1( )he practical e8aminations 4or the English &ang!age &a'oratory shall 'e cond!cted as per the Cni%ersity norms prescri'ed 4or the core engineering practical sessions( 2( 1or the &ang!age la' sessions< there shall 'e a contin!o!s e%al!ation d!ring the year 4or 2+ sessional mar$s and +- year-end E8amination mar$s( /4 the 2+ mar$s< 1+ mar$s shall 'e a#arded 4or day-to-day #or$ and 1- mar$s to 'e a#arded 'y cond!cting Internal &a' )est9s:( )he year- end E8amination shall 'e cond!cted 'y the teacher concerned #ith the help o4 another mem'er o4 the sta44 o4 the same department o4 the same instit!tion(






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA II Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 MATHEMATICS 1 III UNIT 1 I S< $-(, ?!5$%-o5+D Bamma and 7eta 1!nctions A )heir properties A e%al!ation o4 improper integrals( 7essel 4!nctions A properties A 6ec!rrence relations A /rthogonality( &egendre polynomials A Properties A 6odrig!e=s 4orm!la A 6ec!rrence relations A /rthogonality( UNIT-II 1!nctions o4 a comple8 %aria'le A Contin!ity A Di44erentia'ility A Analyticity A Properties A Ca!chy-6iemann e;!ations in Cartesian and polar coordinates( ?armonic and con0!gate harmonic 4!nctions A Milne A )hompson method( UNIT-III Elementary 4!nctionsD E8ponential< trigonometric< hyper'olic 4!nctions and their properties A Beneral po#er P C 9c is comple8:< principal %al!e( UNIT-IV Comple8 integrationD &ine integral A e%al!ation along a path and 'y inde4inite integration A Ca!chy=s integral theorem A Ca!chy=s integral 4orm!la A Benerali2ed integral 4orm!la( UNIT-V Comple8 po#er seriesD 6adi!s o4 con%ergence A E8pansion in )aylor=s series< Macla!rin=s series and &a!rent series( ing!lar point AIsolated sing!lar point A pole o4 order m A essential sing!larity( UNIT-VI


6esid!e A E%al!ation o4 resid!e 'y 4orm!la and 'y &a!rent series - 6esid!e theorem( E%al!ation o4 integrals o4 the type 9a: Improper real integrals 9c: UNIT-VII

f ( x)dx

e imx f ( x)dx

Arg!ment principle A 6o!che=s theorem A determination o4 n!m'er o4 2eros o4 comple8 polynomials Ma8im!m Mod!l!s principle - 1!ndamental theorem o4 Alge'ra< &io!%ille=s )heorem( UNIT-VIII Con4ormal mappingD )rans4ormation 'y e z < ln2< 22< 2 n 9n positi%e integer:< in 2< cos 2< 2 + a>2( )ranslation< rotation< in%ersion and 'ilinear trans4ormation A 4i8ed point A cross ratio A properties A in%ariance o4 circles and cross ratio A determination o4 'ilinear trans4ormation mapping 3 gi%en points ( T @% Boo;+/ 1( 2( 3( 4( A te8t 7oo$ o4 Engineering Mathematics< 3ol-III )( F( 3( Iyengar< 7( Frishna Bandhi and /thers< ( Chand 5 Company( A te8t 7oo$ o4 Engineering Mathematics< C( an$araiah< 3( B( ( 7oo$ &in$s( A te8t 7oo$ o4 Engineering Mathematics< hahna2 7ath!l< Prentice ?all o4 India( A te8t 7oo$ o4 Engineering Mathematics< P( "agesh#ara 6ao< G( "arasimh!l! 5 "( Pra'ha$ar 6ao< Deepthi P!'lications(



c + 2

f (cos , sin )d



9d: Integrals 'y identation(

R ? ) 5$ +/ 1( 2( 3( A te8t 7oo$ o4 Engineering Mathematics< 7( 3( 6aman< )ata Mc Bra# ?ill( Ad%anced Engineering Mathematics< Ir%in Freys2ig< *iley India P%t( &td( A te8t 7oo$ o4 Engineering Mathematics< )hamson 7oo$ Collection(


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UNIT I &ROBABILITY D Pro'a'ility introd!ced thro!gh ets and 6elati%e 1re;!encyD E8periments and ample paces< Discrete and Contin!o!s ample paces< E%ents< Pro'a'ility De4initions and A8ioms< Mathematical Model o4 E8periments< Pro'a'ility as a 6elati%e 1re;!ency< Eoint Pro'a'ility< Conditional Pro'a'ility< )otal Pro'a'ility< 7ayes= )heorem< Independent E%entsD UNIT II THE RANDOM VARIABLE / De4inition o4 a 6andom 3aria'le< Conditions 4or a 1!nction to 'e a 6andom 3aria'le< Discrete and Contin!o!s< Mi8ed 6andom 3aria'le< Distri'!tion and Density 4!nctions< Properties< 7inomial< Poisson< Cni4orm< Ba!ssian< E8ponential< 6ayleigh< Conditional Distri'!tion< Methods o4 de4ining Conditioning E%ent< Conditional Density< Properties( UNIT III O&ERATION ON ONE RANDOM VARIABLE 1 E=&ECTATIONS D Introd!ction< E8pected 3al!e o4 a 6andom 3aria'le< 1!nction o4 a 6andom 3aria'le< Moments a'o!t the /rigin< Central Moments< 3ariance and $e#< Che'yche%=s Ine;!ality< Characteristic 1!nction< Moment Benerating 1!nction< )rans4ormations o4 a 6andom 3aria'leD Monotonic )rans4ormations 4or a Contin!o!s 6andom 3aria'le< "onmonotonic )rans4ormations o4 Contin!o!s 6andom 3aria'le< )rans4ormation o4 a Discrete 6andom 3aria'le( UNIT IV MULTI&LE RANDOM VARIABLES D 3ector 6andom 3aria'les< Eoint Distri'!tion 1!nction< Properties o4 Eoint Distri'!tion< Marginal Distri'!tion 1!nctions< Conditional Distri'!tion and Density A Point Conditioning< Conditional Distri'!tion and Density A Inter%al conditioning< tatistical Independence< !m o4 )#o 6andom 3aria'les< !m o4 e%eral 6andom 3aria'les< Central &imit )heorem< 9Proo4 not e8pected:( Cne;!al Distri'!tion< E;!al Distri'!tions( UNIT V O&ERATIONS ON MULTI&LE RANDOM VARIABLES D E8pected 3al!e o4 a 1!nction o4 6andom 3aria'lesD Eoint Moments a'o!t the /rigin< Eoint Central Moments< Eoint Characteristic 1!nctions< Eointly Ba!ssian 6andom 3aria'lesD )#o 6andom 3aria'les case< " 6andom 3aria'le case< Properties< )rans4ormations o4 M!ltiple 6andom 3aria'les< &inear )rans4ormations o4 Ba!ssian 6andom 3aria'les( UNIT VI RANDOM &ROCESSES 1 TEM&ORAL CHARACTERISTICS / )he 6andom Process Concept< Classi4ication o4 Processes< Deterministic and "ondeterministic Processes< Distri'!tion and Density 1!nctions< concept o4 tationarity and tatistical Independence( 1irst-/rder tationary Processes< econd- /rder and *ide- ense tationarity< 9"-/rder: and trict- ense tationarity< )ime A%erages and Ergodicity< Mean-Ergodic Processes< Correlation-Ergodic Processes< A!tocorrelation 1!nction and Its Properties< Cross-Correlation 1!nction and Its Properties< Co%ariance 1!nctions< Ba!ssian 6andom Processes< Poisson 6andom Process( UNIT VII RANDOM &ROCESSES 1 S&ECTRAL CHARACTERISTICS / )he Po#er pectr!mD Properties< 6elationship 'et#een Po#er pectr!m and A!tocorrelation 1!nction< )he Cross-Po#er Density pectr!m< Properties< 6elationship 'et#een Cross-Po#er pectr!m and Cross-Correlation 1!nction( UNIT VIII LINEAR SYSTEMS WITH RANDOM IN&UTS / 6andom ignal 6esponse o4 &inear ystemsD ystem 6esponse A Con%ol!tion< Mean and Mean-s;!ared 3al!e o4 ystem 6esponse< a!tocorrelation 1!nction o4 6esponse< Cross-Correlation 1!nctions o4 Inp!t and /!tp!t< pectral Characteristics o4 ystem 6esponseD Po#er Density pectr!m o4 6esponse< Cross-Po#er Density pectr!ms o4 Inp!t and /!tp!t< 7and pass< 7and-&imited and "arro#'and Processes< Properties< Modeling o4 "oise o!rcesD 6esisti%e 9)hermal: "oise o!rce< Ar'itrary "oise o!rces< E44ecti%e "oise )emperat!re< A%erage "oise 1ig!res< A%erage "oise 1ig!re o4 cascaded net#or$s(






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TE=T BOOKS / 1( Pro'a'ility< 6andom 3aria'les 5 6andom ignal Principles - Peyton P( Pee'les< )M?< 4th Edition< 2--1( 2( Pro'a'ility< 6andom 3aria'les and tochastic Processes A Athanasios Papo!lis and ( Cnni$rishna Pillai< P?I< 4th Edition< 2--2( RE>ERENCES / 1( Comm!nication ystems Analog 5 Digital A 6(P( ingh and (D( apre< )M?< 1HH+( 2( Pro'a'ility and 6andom Processes #ith Application to ignal Processing A ?enry tar$ and Eohn *( *oods< Pearson Ed!cation< 3rd Edition( 3( Pro'a'ility Methods o4 ignal and ystem Analysis( Beorge 6( Cooper< Cla%e D( MC Billem< /84ord< 3rd Edition< 1HHH( 4( tatistical )heory o4 Comm!nication - (P( E!gene Ma%ier< "e# Age P!'lications< 2--3( +( ignals< ystems 5 Comm!nications - 7(P( &athi< 7( ( P!'lications< 2--3(






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UNIT - I M!,%-d-+$-<,-5()3 5(%!) o? E5.-)o5* 5%(, S%!d- +/ De4inition< cope and Importance A "eed 4or P!'lic A#areness( UNIT - II N(%!)(, R +o!)$ + / 6ene#a'le and non-rene#a'le reso!rces A "at!ral reso!rces and associated pro'lems A 1orest reso!rces A Cse and o%er A e8ploitation< de4orestation< case st!dies A )im'er e8traction A Mining< dams and other e44ects on 4orest and tri'al people A *ater reso!rces A Cse and o%er !tili2ation o4 s!r4ace and gro!nd #ater A 1loods< dro!ght< con4licts o%er #ater< dams A 'ene4its and pro'lems - Mineral reso!rcesD Cse and e8ploitation< en%ironmental e44ects o4 e8tracting and !sing mineral reso!rces< case st!dies( - 1ood res o!rcesD *orld 4ood pro'lems< changes ca!sed 'y agric!lt!re and o%ergra2ing< e44ects o4 modern agric!lt!re< 4ertili2er-pesticide pro'lems< #ater logging< salinity< case st!dies( A Energy reso!rcesD Bro#ing energy needs< rene#a'le and non-rene#a'le energy so!rces !se o4 alternate energy so!rces( Case st!dies( &and reso!rcesD &and as a reso!rce< land degradation< man ind!ced landslides< soil erosion and deserti4ication( 6ole o4 an indi%id!al in conser%ation o4 nat!ral reso!rces( E;!ita'le !se o4 reso!rces 4or s!staina'le li4estyles( UNIT - III E$o+3+% *+ / Concept o4 an ecosystem( - tr!ct!re and 4!nction o4 an ecosystem( - Prod!cers< cons!mers and decomposers( - Energy 4lo# in the ecosystem - Ecological s!ccession( - 1ood chains< 4ood #e's and ecological pyramids( - Introd!ction< types< characteristic 4eat!res< str!ct!re and 4!nction o4 the 4ollo#ing ecosystemD a( 1orest ecosystem '( Brassland ecosystem c( Desert ecosystem d( A;!atic ecosystems 9ponds< streams< la$es< ri%ers< oceans< est!aries: UNIT - IV B-od-. )+-%3 (5d -%+ $o5+ ).(%-o5 / Introd!ction - De4initionD genetic< species and ecosystem di%ersity( 7iogeographical classi4ication o4 India - 3al!e o4 'iodi%ersityD cons!mpti%e !se< prod!cti%e !se< social< ethical< aesthetic and option %al!es - ( 7iodi%ersity at glo'al< "ational and local le%els( - ( India as a megadi%ersity nation - ?ot-sports o4 'iodi%ersity - )hreats to 'iodi%ersityD ha'itat loss< poaching o4 #ildli4e< man#ildli4e con4licts( - Endangered and endemic species o4 India - Conser%ation o4 'iodi%ersityD In-sit! and E8sit! conser%ation o4 'iodi%ersity( UNIT - V E5.-)o5* 5%(, &o,,!%-o5 / De4inition< Ca!se< e44ects and control meas!res o4 D a( Air poll!tion '( *ater poll!tion c( oil poll!tion d( Marine poll!tion e( "oise poll!tion 4( )hermal poll!tion g( "!clear ha2ards





So,-d 4(+% M(5(6 * 5% / Ca!ses< e44ects and control meas!res o4 !r'an and ind!strial #astes( A 6ole o4 an indi%id!al in pre%ention o4 poll!tion( - Poll!tion case st!dies( - Disaster managementD 4loods< earth;!a$e< cyclone and landslides( UNIT - VI So$-(, I++! + (5d %2 E5.-)o5* 5% / 1rom Cns!staina'le to !staina'le de%elopment -Cr'an pro'lems related to energy -*ater conser%ation< rain #ater har%esting< #atershed management -6esettlement and reha'ilitation o4 peopleO its pro'lems and concerns( Case t!dies -En%ironmental ethicsD Iss!es and possi'le sol!tions( -Climate change< glo'al #arming< acid rain< o2one layer depletion< n!clear accidents and holoca!st( Case t!dies( -*asteland reclamation( -Cons!merism and #aste prod!cts( AEn%ironment Protection Act( -Air 9Pre%ention and Control o4 Poll!tion: Act( -*ater 9Pre%ention and control o4 Poll!tion: Act -*ildli4e Protection Act -1orest Conser%ation Act -Iss!es in%ol%ed in en4orcement o4 en%ironmental legislation( -P!'lic a#areness( UNIT - VII


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H!*(5 &o<!,(%-o5 (5d %2 E5.-)o5* 5% / Pop!lation gro#th< %ariation among nations( Pop!lation e8plosion - 1amily *el4are Programme( -En%ironment and h!man health( -?!man 6ights( -3al!e Ed!cation( -?I3>AID ( -*omen and Child *el4are( -6ole o4 in4ormation )echnology in En%ironment and h!man health( -Case t!dies( UNIT - VIII >- ,d 4o); / 3isit to a local area to doc!ment en%ironmental assets 6i%er >4orest grassland>hill>mo!ntain -3isit to a local poll!ted site-Cr'an>6!ral>ind!strial> Agric!lt!ral t!dy o4 common plants< insects< 'irds( - t!dy o4 simple ecosystems-pond< ri%er< hill slopes< etc( TE=T BOOK/ 1 )e8t'oo$ o4 En%ironmental t!dies 4or Cndergrad!ate Co!rses 'y Erach 7har!cha 4or Cni%ersity Brants Commission( 2 En%ironmental t!dies 'y 6( 6a0agopalan< /84ord Cni%ersity Press( RE>ERENCE/ 1 )e8t'oo$ o4 En%ironmental ciences and )echnology 'y M( An0i 6eddy< 7 P!'lication(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA II Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS UNIT I SIGNAL ANALYSIS / Analogy 'et#een %ectors and signals< /rthogonal signal space< ignal appro8imation !sing orthogonal 4!nctions< Mean s;!are error< Closed or complete set o4 orthogonal 4!nctions< /rthogonality in comple8 4!nctions< E8ponential and sin!soidal signals< Concepts o4 Imp!lse 4!nction< Cnit step 4!nction< ign!m 4!nction( UNIT II >OURIER SERIES RE&RESENTATION O> &ERIODIC SIGNALS / 6epresentation o4 1o!rier series< Contin!o!s time periodic signals< properties o4 1o!rier series< Dirichlet=s conditions< )rigonometric 1o!rier series and E8ponential 1o!rier series< Comple8 1o!rier spectr!m UNIT III >OURIER TRANS>ORMS / Deri%ing 1o!rier trans4orm 4rom 1o!rier series< 1o!rier trans4orm o4 ar'itrary signal< 1o!rier trans4orm o4 standard signals< 1o!rier trans4orm o4 periodic signals< properties o4 1o!rier trans4orms< 1o!rier trans4orms in%ol%ing imp!lse 4!nction and ign!m 4!nction( Introd!ction to ?il'ert )rans4orm( UNIT IV SIGNAL TRANSMISSION THROUGH LINEAR SYSTEMS / &inear system< imp!lse response< 6esponse o4 a linear system< &inear time in%ariant 9&)I: system< &inear time %ariant 9&)3: system< )rans4er 4!nction o4 a &)I system( 1ilter characteristics o4 linear systems( Distortion less transmission thro!gh a system< ignal 'and#idth< system 'and#idth< Ideal &P1< ?P1 and 7P1 characteristics< Ca!sality and Poly-*iener criterion 4or physical reali2ation< relationship 'et#een 'and#idth and rise time( UNIT V CONVOLUTION AND CORRELATION O> SIGNALS / Concept o4 con%ol!tion in time domain and 4re;!ency domain< Braphical representation o4 con%ol!tion< Con%ol!tion property o4 1o!rier trans4orms( Cross correlation and a!to correlation o4 4!nctions< properties o4 correlation 4!nction< Energy density spectr!m< Parse%al=s theorem< Po#er density spectr!m< 6elation 'et#een a!to correlation 4!nction and energy>po#er spectral density 4!nction(6elation 'et#een con%ol!tion and correlation< Detection o4 periodic signals in the presence o4 noise 'y correlation< E8traction o4 signal 4rom noise 'y 4iltering( UNIT VI SAM&LING / ampling theorem A Braphical and analytical proo4 4or 7and &imited ignals< imp!lse sampling< "at!ral and 1lat top ampling< 6econstr!ction o4 signal 4rom its samples< e44ect o4 !nder sampling A Aliasing< Introd!ction to 7and Pass sampling( UNIT VII LA&LACE TRANS>ORMS /6e%ie# o4 &aplace trans4orms< Partial 4raction e8pansion< In%erse &aplace trans4orm< Concept o4 region o4 con%ergence 96/C: 4or &aplace trans4orms< constraints on 6/C 4or %ario!s classes o4 signals< Properties o4 &()=s relation 'et#een &()=s< and 1()( o4 a signal( &aplace trans4orm o4 certain signals !sing #a%e4orm synthesis( UNIT VIII J1TRANS>ORMS / 1!ndamental di44erence 'et#een contin!o!s and discrete time signals< discrete time signal representation !sing comple8 e8ponential and sin!soidal components< Periodicity o4 discrete time !singcomple8 e8ponential signal< Concept o4 P- )rans4orm o4 a discrete se;!ence( Distinction 'et#een &aplace< 1o!rier and P trans4orms( 6egion o4 con%ergence in P-)rans4orm< constraints on 6/C 4or %ario!s classes o4 signals< In%erse P-trans4orm< properties o4 P-trans4orms( TE=T BOOKS / 1( ignals< ystems 5 Comm!nications - 7(P( &athi< 7 P!'lications< 2--3( 2( ignals and ystems - A(3( /ppenheim< A( ( *ills$y and (?( "a#a'< P?I< 2nd Edn( RE>ERENCES / 1( ignals 5 ystems - imon ?ay$in and 3an 3een<*iley< 2nd Edition( 2( "et#or$ Analysis - M(E( 3an 3al$en'!rg< P?I P!'lications< 3rd Edn(< 2---( 3( 1!ndamentals o4 ignals and ystems Michel E( 6o'ert< MB? International Edition< 2--.( 4( ignals< ystems and )rans4orms - C( &( Philips< E(M(Parr and E%e A(6is$in< Pearson ed!cation(3rd Edition< 2--4(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA II Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY UNIT I DC MACHINES / Principle o4 operation o4 DC Machines- EM1 e;!ation A )ypes o4 generators A Magneti2ation and load characteristics o4 DC generators UNIT II D.C. MOTORS / DC Motors A )ypes o4 DC Motors A Characteristics o4 DC motors A 3-point starters 4or DC sh!nt motor A &osses and e44iciency A #in'!rne=s test A peed control o4 DC sh!nt motor A 1l!8 and Armat!re %oltage control methods( UNIT III TRANS>ORMERS D Principle o4 operation o4 single phase trans4ormer A types A Constr!ctional 4eat!res A Phasor diagram on "o &oad and &oad A E;!i%alent circ!it UNIT IV &ER>ORMANCE O> TRANS>ORMERS / &osses and E44iciency o4 trans4ormer and 6eg!lation A /C and C tests A Predetermination o4 e44iciency and reg!lation 9 imple Pro'lems:( UNIT V THREE &HASE INDUCTION MOTOR D Principle o4 operation o4 three-phase ind!ction motors A lip ring and ;!irrel cage motors A lip-)or;!e characteristics A E44iciency calc!lation A tarting methods( UNIT VI ALTERNATORS / Alternators A Constr!ctional 4eat!res A Principle o4 operation A )ypes - EM1 E;!ation A Distri'!tion and Coil span 4actors A Predetermination o4 reg!lation 'y ynchrono!s Impedance Method A /C and C tests( UNIT VII SINGLE &HASE INDUCTION MOTORS D Principle o4 operation - haded pole motors A Capacitor motors< AC ser%omotor< AC tachometers< ynchros< tepper Motors A Characteristics( UNIT VIII ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS / 7asic Principles o4 indicating instr!ments A Mo%ing Coil and Mo%ing iron Instr!ments 9Ammeters and 3oltmeters: TE=T BOOKS / 1( Introd!ction to Electrical Engineering A M( "aid! and ( Fama$shaiah< )M? P!'l( 2( 7asic Electrical Engineering - )(F( "agasar$ar and M( ( !$hi0a< /84ord Cni%ersity Press< 2--+ RE>ERENCES / 1( Principles o4 Electrical Engineering - 3(F Mehta< (Chand P!'lications( 2( )heory and Pro'lems o4 'asic electrical engineering - I(E( "agarath amd D(P Fothari< P?I P!'lications 3( Essentials o4 Electrical and Comp!ter Engineering - Da%id 3( Ferns< E6( E( Da%id Ir#in







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UNIT I / SINGLE STAGE AM&LI>IERS / 6e%ie#< mall ignal Analysis o4 E!nction )ransistor< 1re;!ency response o4 Common Emitter Ampli4ier< Common 7ase Ampli4ier< Common Collector Ampli4ier< E1E) Ampli4iers< Common Drain 9CD: Ampli4ier< Common Bate Ampli4ier< Bain 7and *idth Prod!ct( UNIT II / MULTI STAGE AM&LI>IERS / M!lti tage Ampli4iers Methods o4 Inter tage Co!pling< n A tage Cascaded Ampli4ier< E;!i%alent Circ!its< Miller=s )heorem< 1re;!ency E44ects< Ampli4ier Analysis< ?igh Inp!t 6esistance )ransistor Circ!its( Cascode A )ransistor Con4ig!ration< CE-CC Ampli4iers< )#o tage 6C Co!pled E1E) ampli4ier 9in Common o!rce 9C : con4ig!ration:< Di44erence Ampli4ier( UNIT III / HIGH >REGUENCY TRANSISTOR CIRCUTS / )ransistor at ?igh 1re;!encies< ?y'rid- Common Emitter )rancond!ctance Model< Determination o4 ?y'ridCond!ctances< 3ariation o4 ?y'rid Parameters #ith ZICZ< Z3CEZ and )emperat!re( )he Parameters [t< e8pression 4or ['< C!rrent Bain #ith 6esistance &oad< CE hort Circ!it C!rrent Bain< ?y'ridA pi: Parameters< Meas!rement o4 [t< 3ariation o4 ?y'rid A Parameters #ith 3oltage< C!rrent and )emperat!re< Design o4 ?igh 4re;!ency Ampli4ier( UNIT IV / &OWER AM&LI>IERS / Class A Po#er Ampli4ier< Ma8im!m 3al!e o4 E44iciency o4 Class A Ampli4ier< )rans4ormer Co!pled Ampli4ier< )rans4ormer Co!pled A!dio Ampli4ier< P!sh P!ll Ampli4ier< Complimentary ymmetry Circ!its 9)rans4ormer &ess Class 7 Po#er Ampli4ier:< Phase In%erters< Class D /peration< Class /peration< ?eat in$s( UNIT V / TUNED AM&LI>IERS - I / ingle )!ned Capaciti%e Co!pled Ampli4ier< )apped ingle )!ned Capacitance Co!pled Ampli4ier< ingle )!ned )rans4ormer Co!pled or Ind!cti%ely Co!pled Ampli4ier< CE Do!'le )!ned Ampli4ier< Application o4 )!ned Ampli4iers( UNIT VI / TUNED AM&LI>IERS - II / tagger )!ning< Ampli4iers< *ide'and Ampli4iers< )!ned Ampli4iers(

UNIT VII / VOLTAGE REGULATORS D )erminology< 7asic 6eg!lator Circ!it< hort Circ!it Protection< C!rrent &imiting< peci4ications o4 3oltage 6eg!lator Circ!its< 3oltage M!ltipliers( UNIT VIII / SWITCHING AND IC VOLTAGE REGULATORS / IC I23 3oltage 6eg!lators and )hree )erminal IC reg!lators< DC to DC Con%erter< #itching 6eg!lators< 3oltage M!ltipliers< CP < MP ( TE=T BOOKS / 1( Integrated Electronics A E( Millman and C(C( ?al$ias< Mc Bra#-?ill< 1HI2( 2( Electronic De%ices and Circ!its< )heodore 1( 7ogart Er(< E( ( 7easley and B( 6ico< Pearson Edition< 6th Edition< 2--4( RE>ERENCES / 1( Electronic De%ices and Circ!its )heory A 6o'ert &( 7oylestad and &o!is "ashels$y< Pearson>Prentice ?all<Hth Edition<2--6( 2( Micro Electronic Circ!its A edra A( ( and F(C( mith< /84ord Cni%ersity Press< +th ed( 3( Micro Electronic Circ!itsD Analysis and Design A M(?( 6ashid< )homson P* P!'l(< 1HHH( 4( Principles o4 Electronic Circ!its A (B(7!rns and P(6(7ond< Balgotia P!'lications< 2nd Edn((< 1HH.( +( Electronic Circ!it Analysis and Design A Donald A( "eaman< Mc Bra# ?ill( 6( Electronic Circ!it Analysis A F( &al Fishore< 7 P!'lications< 2--4(



ta'ility Considerations< )!ned Class 7 and Class C




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L-+% o? E@< )-* 5%+ A T4 ,. @< )-* 5%+ %o " do5 B / IB D +-65 (5d S-*!,(%-o5 -5 S-*!,(%-o5 L("o)(%o)3 !+-56 M!,%-+-* OR &+<-$ OR EH!-.(, 5% S-*!,(%-o5 So?%4() . AA53 S-@B/ 1( Common Emitter and Common o!rce ampli4ier 2( )#o tage 6C Co!pled Ampli4ier 3( C!rrent sh!nt and 1eed'ac$ Ampli4ier 4( Cascade Ampli4ier +( *ien 7ridge /scillator !sing )ransistors 6( 6C Phase hi4t /scillator !sing )ransistors I( Class A Po#er Ampli4ier 9)rans4ormer less: .( Class 7 Complementary ymmetry Ampli4ier H( ?igh 1re;!ency Common 'ase 97E): > Common gate9E1E): Ampli4ier( IIB T +%-56 -5 %2 H()d4() L("o)(%o)3 AS-@ E@< )-* 5%+ / : 7 :B / A: Any )hree circ!its sim!lated in im!lation la'oratory 7: Any )hree o4 the 4ollo#ing 1( Class A Po#er Ampli4ier 9#ith trans4ormer load: 2( Class 7 Po#er Ampli4ier 3( ingle )!ned 3oltage Ampli4ier 4( eries 3oltage 6eg!lator +( h!nt 3oltage 6eg!lator EH!-<* 5%+ ) H!-) d ?o) L("o)(%()- +/ 1( 1or so4t#are sim!ltation o4 Electronic circ!its i: Comp!ter ystems #ith latest speci4ications ii: Connected in &an 9/ptional: iii: /perating system 9*indo#s MP: i%: im!lations so4t#are 9M!ltisim>)I"AP6/: Pac$age 2( 1or ?ard#are sim!lations o4 Electronic Circ!its i: 6P s ii: C6/s iii: 1!nctions Benerators i%: M!ltimeters %: Components






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA II Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 0 : 2 ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY LAB &ART 1 A 1( erial and Parallel 6esonance A )iming< 6esonant 4re;!ency< 7and#idth and J-4actor determination 4or 6&C net#or$( 2( )ime response o4 4irst order 6C>6& net#or$ 4or periodic non-sin!soidal inp!ts A time constant and steady state error determination( 3( )#o port net#or$ parameters A P-G Parameters< chain matri8 and analytical %eri4ication( 4( 3eri4ication o4 !perposition and 6eciprocity theorems( +( 3eri4ication o4 ma8im!m po#er trans4er theorem( 3eri4ication on DC< %eri4ication on AC #ith 6esisti%e and 6eacti%e loads( 6( E8perimental determination o4 )he%enin=s and "orton=s e;!i%alent circ!its and %eri4ication 'y direct test( &ART 1 B 1( Magneti2ation characteristics o4 D(C( h!nt generator( Determination o4 critical 4ield resistance( 2( #in'!rne=s )est on DC sh!nt machine 9Predetermination o4 e44iciency o4 a gi%en DC h!nt machine #or$ing as motor and generator:( 3( 7ra$e test on DC sh!nt motor( Determination o4 per4ormance characteristics( 4( /C 5 C tests on ingle-phase trans4ormer 9Predetermination o4 e44iciency and reg!lation at gi%en po#er 4actors and determination o4 e;!i%alent circ!it:( +( 7ra$e test on 3-phase Ind!ction motor 9per4ormance characteristics:( 6( 6eg!lation o4 alternator 'y synchrono!s impedance method( No% / Any TEN o4 the a'o%e e8periments are to 'e cond!cted







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA II Y () B.T $2. ECE. II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 &ULSE AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS UNIT I LINEAR WAVESHA&ING / ?igh pass< lo# pass 6C circ!its< their response 4or sin!soidal< step< p!lse< s;!are and ramp inp!ts( 6C net#or$ as di44erentiator and integrator< atten!ators< its applications in C6/ pro'e< 6& and 6&C circ!its and their response 4or step inp!t< 6inging circ!it( UNIT II NON-LINEAR WAVE SHA&ING / Diode clippers< )ransistor clippers< clipping at t#o independent le%els< )rans4er characteristics o4 clippers< Emitter co!pled clipper< Comparators< applications o4 %oltage comparators< clamping operation< clamping circ!its !sing diode #ith di44erent inp!ts< Clamping circ!it theorem< practical clamping circ!its< e44ect o4 diode characteristics on clamping %oltage< )rans4er characteristics o4 clampers( UNIT III SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS O> DEVICES / Diode as a s#itch< piece#ise linear diode characteristics< )ransistor as a s#itch< 7rea$ do#n %oltage consideration o4 transistor< sat!ration parameters o4 )ransistor and their %ariation #ith temperat!re< Design o4 transistor s#itch< transistor-s#itching times( UNIT IV MULTIVIBRATORS / Analysis and Design o4 7ista'le< Monosta'le< Asta'le M!lti%i'rators and chmitt trigger !sing transistors( UNIT V TIME BASE GENERATORS / Beneral 4eat!res o4 a time 'ase signal< methods o4 generating time 'ase #a%e4orm< Miller and 7ootstrap time 'ase generators A 'asic principles< )ransistor miller time 'ase generator< )ransistor 7ootstrap time 'ase generator< C!rrent time 'ase generators( UNIT VI SYNCHRONIJATION AND >REGUENCY DIVISION / Principles o4 ynchroni2ation< 1re;!ency di%ision in s#eep circ!it< Asta'le rela8ation circ!its< Monosta'le rela8ation circ!its< ynchroni2ation o4 a s#eep circ!it #ith symmetrical signals< ine #a%e 4re;!ency di%ision #ith a s#eep circ!it( UNIT VII SAM&LING GATES / 7asic operating principles o4 sampling gates< Cnidirectional and 7i-directional sampling gates< 6ed!ction o4 pedestal in gate circ!its< Applications o4 sampling gates( UNIT VIII REALIJATION O> LOGIC GATES USING DIODES E TRANSISTORS / A"D< /6 gates !sing Diodes< 6esistor< )ransistor &ogic< Diode )ransistor &ogic( TE=T BOOKS / 1( P!lse< Digital and #itching *a%e4orms - E( Millman and ?( )a!'< McBra#-?ill< 1HH1( 2( olid tate P!lse circ!its - Da%id A( 7ell< P?I< 4th Edn(< 2--2 ( RE>ERENCES / 1( P!lse and Digital Circ!its A A( Anand F!mar< P?I< 2--+( 2( *a%e Beneration and haping - &( tra!ss( 3( P!lse< Digital Circ!its and Comp!ter 1!ndamentals - 6(3en$ataraman(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA II Y () B.T $2. ECE. II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 CONTROL SYSTEMS )b*ective ( In this co!rse it is aimed to introd!ce to the st!dents the principles and applications o4 control systems in e%ery day li4e( )he 'asic concepts o4 'loc$ diagram red!ction< time domain analysis sol!tions to time in%ariant systems and also deals #ith the di44erent aspects o4 sta'ility analysis o4 systems in 4re;!ency domain and time domain( UN ! N!+)DUC! )N Concepts o4 Control ystems- /pen &oop and closed loop control systems and their di44erences- Di44erent e8amples o4 control systems- Classi4ication o4 control systems< 1eed-7ac$ Characteristics< E44ects o4 4eed'ac$( Mathematical models A Di44erential e;!ations< Imp!lse 6esponse and trans4er 4!nctions - )ranslational and 6otational mechanical systems UNIT II TRANS>ER >UNCTION RE&RESENTATION )rans4er 1!nction o4 DC er%o motor - AC er%o motor- ynchro transmitter and 6ecei%er< 7loc$ diagram representation o4 systems considering electrical systems as e8amples -7loc$ diagram alge'ra A 6epresentation 'y ignal 4lo# graph - 6ed!ction !sing mason=s gain 4orm!la( UNIT-III TIME RES&ONSE ANALYSIS tandard test signals - )ime response o4 4irst order systems A Characteristic E;!ation o4 1eed'ac$ control systems< )ransient response o4 second order systems - )ime domain speci4ications A teady state response teady state errors and error constants A E44ects o4 proportional deri%ati%e< proportional integral systems( UN ! $ ,!A- ' !. ANA'., , N ,-D)/A N )he concept o4 sta'ility A 6o!th=s sta'ility criterion A ;!alitati%e sta'ility and conditional sta'ility A limitations o4 6o!th=s sta'ility Roo% Lo$!+ T $25-H! / )he root loc!s concept - constr!ction o4 root loci-e44ects o4 adding poles and 2eros to B9s:?9s: on the root loci( UN ! $ F+"0U"NC. +",P)N," ANA'., , Introd!ction< 1re;!ency domain speci4ications-7ode diagrams-Determination o4 1re;!ency domain speci4ications and trans4er 4!nction 4rom the 7ode Diagram-Phase margin and Bain margin- ta'ility Analysis 4rom 7ode Plots( UN ! $ ,!A- ' !. ANA'., , N F+"0U"NC. D)/A N Polar Plots< "y;!ist Plots ta'ility Analysis( UN ! $ C'A,, CA' C)N!+)' D", 1N !"C2N 0U", Compensation techni;!es A &ag< &ead< &ead-&ag Controllers design in 4re;!ency Domain< PID Controllers( UN ! $ ,tate ,pace Analysis o3 Continuous ,ystems Concepts o4 state< state %aria'les and state model< deri%ation o4 state models 4rom 'loc$ diagrams< Diagonali2ation- ol%ing the )ime in%ariant state E;!ations- tate )ransition Matri8 and it=s Properties A Concepts o4 Controlla'ility and /'ser%a'ility TE=T BOOKS/ 1( A!tomatic Control ystems .th editionA 'y 7( C( F!o 2--3A Eohn #iley and son=s(< 2( Control ystems Engineering A 'y I( E( "agrath and M( Bopal< "e# Age International 9P: &imited< P!'lishers< 2nd edition( RE>ERENCE BOOKS/ 1. Modern Control Engineering A 'y Fats!hi$o /gata A Prentice ?all o4 India P%t( &td(< 3rd edition< 1HH.(





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Control ystems 'y "(F( inha< "e# Age International 9P: &imited P!'lishers< 3rd Edition< 1HH.( Control ystems Engg( 'y "I E 3rd Edition A Eohn #iley \ Modelling 5 Control /4 Dynamic ystems] 'y "arciso 1( Macia Beorge E( )haler< )homson P!'lishers(


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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA II Y () B.T $2. ECE. II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 OBJECT ORIENTED &ROGRAMMING UNIT-I I5%)od!$%-o5 / Creation o4 Ea%a< importance o4 Ea%a to internet< 'yte code< Ea%a '!22#ords< //P Principles< Encaps!lation< Inheritance and Polymorphism< data types< %aria'les< declaring %aria'les< dynamic initiali2ation< scope and li4e time o4 %aria'les< arrays< operators< control statements< type con%ersion and casting< compiling and r!nning o4 simple Ea%a program( UNIT-II C,(++ + (5d O"# $%+ D Concepts o4 classes and o'0ects< class 4!ndamentals Declaring o'0ects< assigning o'0ect re4erence %aria'les< introd!cing methods<constr!ctors< !sage o4 static #ith data and methods< !sage o4 4inal #ith data< access control< this $ey #ord< gar'age collection< o%erloading methods and constr!ctors< parameter passing A call 'y %al!e< rec!rsion<nested classes and inner classes< e8ploring the tring class( UNIT-III I52 )-%(5$ / 7asic concepts< mem'er access r!les< !sage o4 s!per $ey #ord< 4orms o4 inheritance< method o%erriding< a'stract classes< dynamic method dispatch< !sing 4inal #ith inheritance< the /'0ect class( UNIT-IV &($;(6 + (5d I5% )?($ + D De4ining< Creating and Accessing a Pac$age< Cnderstanding C&A PA)?< importing pac$ages< di44erences 'et#een classes and inter4aces< de4ining an inter4ace< implementing inter4ace< applying inter4aces< %aria'les in inter4ace and e8tending inter4aces( UNIT-V E@$ <%-o5 H(5d,-56 (5d M!,%-%2) (d-56 / Concepts o4 E8ception handling< types o4 e8ceptions< !sage o4 try< catch< thro#< thro#s and 4inally $ey#ords< 7!ilt-in e8ceptions< creating o#n e8ception s!' classes< Concepts o4 M!ltithreading< di44erences 'et#een process and thread< thread li4e cycle<creating m!ltiple threads !sing )hread class< 6!nna'le inter4ace< ynchroni2ation< thread priorities< inter thread comm!nication< daemon threads<deadloc$s< thread gro!ps( UNIT-VI E. 5% H(5d,-56 D E%ents< E%ent so!rces< E%ent classes< E%ent &isteners< Delegation e%ent model< handling mo!se and $ey'oard e%ents< Adapter classes( AWT / Concepts o4 components< container< panel< #indo#< 4rame< can%as< 1ont class< Color class and Braphics( UNIT-VII AWT Co5%)o,+ D 7!ttons< &a'els< )e8t 4ields< )e8t area< Chec$ 'o8es< Chec$ 'o8 gro!ps< &ists< Choice< croll'ars< Men!s< &ayo!t Managers A 1lo#< 7order<Brid< Card and Brid'ag( S4-56 A EApplet< E1rame and EComponent< Icons and &a'els< ?andling threading iss!es< te8t 4ields< '!ttons A )he E7!tton class< Chec$ 'o8es< 6adio '!ttons< Com'o 'o8es< )a''ed Panes< croll Panes< )rees< and )a'les( Applets A Concepts o4 Applets< di44erences 'et#een applets and applications<li4e cycle o4 an applet< types o4 applets< creating applets< passing parameters to applets( UNIT-VIII N %4o);-56 (5d J(.( L-")()3 D 7asics o4 "et#or$ing< Inetaddress< )CP>IP soc$ets< Datagrams< C6&< C6& connection< tring handling< 0a%a(!til< 0a%a(io and 0a%a(net pac$ages( TE=T BOOKS D 1( )he Complete 6e4erence Ea%a E2 E +th Edition< ?er'ert childt< )M? P!'lishing Company &td< "e#Delhi( 2( 7ig Ea%a 2nd Edition< Cay ?orstmann< Eohn *iley and ons( RE>ERENCES / 1( Ea%a ?o# to Program< i8th Edition< ?(M(Dietel and P(E(Dietel< Pearson Ed!cation>P?I 2( Core Ea%a 2< 3ol 1< 1!ndamentals< Cay( (?orstmann and Bary Cornell< e%enth Edition< Pearson Ed!cation( 3( Core Ea%a 2< 3ol 2< Ad%anced 1eat!res< Cay( (?orstmann and Bary Cornell< e%enth Edition< Pearson Ed!cation( 4( 7eginning in Ea%a 2< I%er ?orton< *ro8 P!'lications( +( Ea%a< omas!ndaram< Eaico(






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA II Y () B.T $2. ECE. II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN UNIT I NUMBER SYSTEMS E CODES / Philosophy o4 n!m'er systems A complement representation o4 negati%e n!m'ers-'inary arithmetic-'inary codes-error detecting 5 error correcting codes Ahamming codes( UNIT II BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND SWITCHING >UNCTIONS / 1!ndamental post!lates o4 7oolean Alge'ra - 7asic theorems and properties - s#itching 4!nctionsACanonical and tandard 4orms-Alge'raic simpli4ication digital logic gates< properties o4 M/6 gates A!ni%ersal gates-M!ltile%el "A"D>"/6 reali2ations( UNIT III MINIMIJATION O> SWITCHING >UNCTIONS / Map method< Prime implicants< Don=t care com'inations< Minimal /P and P/ 4orms< )a'!lar Method< Prime AImplicant chart< simpli4ication r!les( UNIT IV COMBINATIONAL LOGIC DESIGN Design !sing con%entional logic gates< Encoder< Decoder< M!ltiple8er< De-M!ltiple8er< Mod!lar design !sing IC chips< MCM 6eali2ation o4 s#itching 4!nctions Parity 'it generator< Code-con%erters< ?a2ards and ha2ard 4ree reali2ations( UNIT V &ROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES, THRESHOLD LOGIC / 7asic P&D=s-6/M< P6/M< P&A< P&D 6eali2ation o4 #itching 4!nctions !sing P&D=s( Capa'ilities and limitations o4 )hreshold gate< ynthesis o4 )hreshold 4!nctions< M!ltigate ynthesis( UNIT VI SEGUENTIAL CIRCUITS - I / Classi4ication o4 se;!ential circ!its 9 ynchrono!s< Asynchrono!s< P!lse mode< &e%el mode #ith e8amples: 7asic 4lip-4lops-)riggering and e8citation ta'les( teps in synchrono!s se;!ential circ!it design( Design o4 mod!lo-" 6ing 5 hi4t co!nters< erial 'inary adder<se;!ence detector( UNIT VII SEGUENTIAL CIRCUITS - II / 1inite state machine-capa'ilities and limitations< Mealy and Moore modelsminimi2ation o4 completely speci4ied and incompletely speci4ied se;!ential machines< Partition techni;!es and Merger chart methods-concept o4 minimal co%er ta'le( UNIT VIII ALGOROTHIMIC STATE MACHINES / alient 4eat!res o4 the A M chart- imple e8amples- ystem design !sing data path and control s!'systems-control implementations-e8amples o4 *eighing machine and 7inary m!ltiplier( TE=TBOOKS / 1( #itching 5 1inite A!tomata theory A P%i Foha%i< )M?<2nd Edition( 2. Digital Design A Morris Mano< P?I< 3rd Edition< 2--6( RE>ERENCES / 1( An Engineering Approach )o Digital Design A 1letcher< P?I( Digital &ogic A Application and Design A Eohn M( Gar'ro!gh< )homson( 2( 1!ndamentals o4 &ogic Design A Charles ?( 6oth< )homson P!'lications< +th Edition< 2--4( 3( Digital &ogic Applications and Design A Eohn M( Gar'ro!gh< )homson P!'lications< 2--6(







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+evie% o3 Coordinate ,ystems4 $ector Calculus ( UNIT I ELECTROSTATICS/ Co!lom'=s &a#< Electric 1ield Intensity A 1ields d!e to Di44erent Charge Distri'!tions< Electric 1l!8 Density< Ba!ss &a# and Applications< Electric Potential< 6elations 7et#een E and 3< Ma8#ell=s )#o E;!ations 4or Electrostatic 1ields< Energy Density< 6elated Pro'lems( Con%ection and Cond!ction C!rrents< Dielectric Constant< Isotropic and ?omogeneo!s Dielectrics< Contin!ity E;!ation< 6ela8ation )ime< Poisson=s and &aplace=s E;!ationsO Capacitance A Parallel Plate< Coa8ial< pherical Capacitors< 6elated Pro'lems( UNIT II M(65 %o S%(%-$+ / 7iot- a%art &a#< Ampere=s Circ!ital &a# and Applications< Magnetic 1l!8 Density< Ma8#ell=s )#o E;!ations 4or Magnetostatic 1ields< Magnetic calar and 3ector Potentials< 1orces d!e to Magnetic 1ields< Ampere=s 1orce &a#< Ind!ctances and Magnetic Energy( 6elated Pro'lems( UNIT III M(@4 ,,D+ EH!(%-o5+ AT-* V()3-56 >- ,d+B/ 1araday=s &a# and )rans4ormer em4< Inconsistency o4 Ampere=s &a# and Displacement C!rrent Density< Ma8#ell=s E;!ations in Di44erent 1inal 1orms and *ord tatements( Conditions at a 7o!ndary !r4ace D Dielectric-Dielectric and Dielectric-Cond!ctor Inter4aces( 6elated Pro'lems ( UNIT IV EM W(. C2()($% )-+%-$+ - I/ *a%e E;!ations 4or Cond!cting and Per4ect Dielectric Media< Cni4orm Plane *a%es A De4inition< All 6elations 7et#een E 5 ?( in!soidal 3ariations( *a%e Propagtion in &ossless and Cond!cting Media( Cond!ctors 5 Dielectrics A Characteri2ation< *a%e Propagation in Bood Cond!ctors and Bood Dielectrics( Polari2ation( 6elated Pro'lems( UNIT V EM W(. C2()($% )-+%-$+ 1 II/ 6e4lection and 6e4raction o4 Plane *a%es A "ormal and /'li;!e Incidences< 4or 'oth Per4ect Cond!ctor and Per4ect Dielectrics< 7re#ster Angle< Critical Angle and )otal Internal 6e4lection< !r4ace Impedance( Poynting 3ector and Poynting )heorem A Applications< Po#er &oss in a Plane Cond!ctor( 6elated Pro'lems( UNIT V G!-d d W(. + D Parallel Plane *a%eg!idesD Introd!ction< )E< )M< )EM Modes - Concepts and Analysis< C!to44 1re;!encies< 3elocities< *a%elengths< *a%e Impedances( Atten!ations 1actor A E8pression 4or )EM Case( 6elated Pro'lems( UNIT VII T)(5+*-++-o5 L-5 + - I D )ypes< Parameters< )ransmission &ine E;!ations< Primary 5 econdary Constants< E8pressions 4or Characteristic Impedance< Propagation Constant< Phase and Bro!p 3elocities< In4inite &ine Concepts< &osslessness>&o# &oss Characteri2ation< Distortion A Condition 4or Distortionlessness and Minim!m Atten!ation< &oading - )ypes o4 &oading( 6elated Pro'lems( UNIT VIII T)(5+*-++-o5 L-5 + 1 II / Inp!t Impedance 6elations< C and /C &ines< 6e4lection Coe44icient< 3 *6( C?1 &ines as Circ!it ElementsO >4< >2< >. &ines A Impedance )rans4ormations( mith Chart A Con4ig!ration and Applications< ingle and Do!'le t!' Matching( 6elated Pro'lems( TE=T BOOKS / 1( Elements o4 Electromagnetic A Matthe# "(/( adi$!< /84ord Cni%( Press< 3rd ed(< 2--1( 2( Electromagnetic *a%es and 6adiating ystems A E(C( Eordan and F(B( 7almain< P?I< 2nd Edition< 2---( RE>ERENCES / 1( Engineering Electromagnetics A "athan Ida< pringer 9India: P%t( &td(< "e# Delhi< 2nd ed(< 2--+( 2( Engineering Electromagnetics A *illiam ?( ?ayt Er( and Eohn A( 7!c$< )M?< Ith ed(< 2--6( 3( "et#or$s< &ines and 1ields A Eohn D( 6yder< P?I< 2nd ed(<1HHH( 4( )ransmission &ines and "et#or$s A Cmesh inha< atya Pra$ashan 9)ech( India P!'lications:< "e# Delhi< 2--1( +(( Electromagnetic 1ield )heory and )ransmission &ines A B( ("( 6a0!< Pearson Edn( Pte( &td(< 2--+(






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA II Y () B.T $2. ECE. II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 ANALOG COMMUNICATIONS UNIT I INTRODUCTION / Introd!ction to comm!nication system< "eed 4or mod!lation< 1re;!ency Di%ision M!ltiple8ing < Amplit!de Mod!lation< De4inition< )ime domain and 4re;!ency domain description< single tone mod!lation< po#er relations in AM #a%es< Beneration o4 AM #a%es< s;!are la# Mod!lator< #itching mod!lator< Detection o4 AM *a%esO ;!are la# detector< En%elope detector( UNIT II DSB MODULATION / Do!'le side 'and s!ppressed carrier mod!lators< time domain and 4re;!ency domain description< Beneration o4 D 7 C *a%es< 7alanced Mod!lators< 6ing Mod!lator< Coherent detection o4 D 7C Mod!lated #a%es< C/ )A &oop( UNIT III SSB MODULATION / 1re;!ency domain description< 1re;!ency discrimination method 4or generation o4 AM 7 Mod!lated *a%e< )ime domain description< Phase discrimination method 4or generating AM 7 Mod!lated #a%es( Demod!lation o4 7 *a%es< 3estigial side 'and mod!lationD 1re;!ency description< Beneration o4 3 7 Mod!lated #a%e< )ime domain description< En%elope detection o4 a 3 7 *a%e p!lse Carrier< Comparison o4 AM )echni;!es< Applications o4 di44erent AM ystems( UNIT IV ANGLE MODULATION D 7asic concepts< 1re;!ency Mod!lationD ingle tone 4re;!ency mod!lation< pectr!m Analysis o4 in!soidal 1M *a%e< "arro# 'and 1M< *ide 'and 1M< Constant A%erage Po#er< )ransmission 'and#idth o4 1M *a%e - Beneration o4 1M *a%es< Direct 1M< Detection o4 1M *a%esD 7alanced 1re;!ency discriminator< Pero crossing detector< Phase loc$ed loop< Comparison o4 1M 5 AM( UNIT V NOISE / "oise in Analog comm!nication ystem< "oise in D 75 7 ystem "oise in AM ystem< "oise in Angle Mod!lation ystem< )hreshold e44ect in Angle Mod!lation ystem< Pre-emphasis 5 de-emphasis UNIT VI TRANSMITTERS / 6adio )ransmitter - Classi4ication o4 )ransmitter< AM )ransmitter< E44ect o4 4eed 'ac$ on per4ormance o4 AM )ransmitter< 1M )ransmitter A 3aria'le reactance type and phase mod!lated 1M )ransmitter< 4re;!ency sta'ility in 1M )ransmitter( UNIT VII RECEIVERS / 6adio 6ecei%er - 6ecei%er )ypes - )!ned radio 4re;!ency recei%er< !perhetrodyne recei%er< 61 section and Characteristics - 1re;!ency changing and trac$ing< Intermediate 4re;!ency< ABC< 1M 6ecei%er< Comparison #ith AM 6ecei%er< Amplit!de limiting( UNIT VIII &ULSE MODULATION / )ime Di%ison M!ltiple8ing< )ypes o4 P!lse mod!lation< PAM 9 ingle polarity< do!'le polarity: P*MD Beneration 5 demod!lation o4 P*M< PPM< Beneration and demod!lation o4 PPM TE=TBOOKS / 1( Principles o4 Comm!nication ystems A ? )a!' 5 D( chilling< Ba!tam ahe< )M?< 2--I 3rd Edition( 2( Comm!nication ystems A 7(P( &athi< 7 P!'lication< 2--6( RE>ERENCES / 1( Principles o4 Comm!nication ystems - imon ?ay$in< Eohn *iley< 2nd Ed(<( 2( Electronics 5 Comm!nication ystem A Beorge Fennedy and 7ernard Da%is< )M? 2--4( 3( Comm!nication ystems econd Edition A 6(P( ingh< P apre< )M?< 2--I( 4( 1!ndamentals o4 Comm!nication ystems - Eohn B( Proa$is< Masond< alehi PEA< 2--6(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA II Y () B.T $2. ECE. II-S * T 0 ANALOG COMMUNICATIONS LAB /inimum 56 e7periments should be conducted ( 1( Amplit!de mod!lation and demod!lation( 2( Diode detector characteristics( 3( 1re;!ency mod!lation and demod!lation( 4( 7alanced mod!lator( +( Pre-emphasis 5 de-emphasis( 6( Characteristics o4 mi8er( I( Digital Phase detector( .( Phase loc$ed loop( H( ynchrono!s detector( 1-( 7 system( 11( pectral analysis o4 AM and 1M signals !sing spectr!m analy2er( 12( ;!elch Circ!it( 13( 1re;!ency ynthesiser( 14( ABC Characteristics( EH!-<* 5% ) H!-) d ?o) L("o)(%o)- +/ 1( 6P - A 3- 3 2( C6/ - A 2- M ?2( 3( 1!nction Benerators - A 1 M ?2 4( 61 Benerators - A 1--- M ?2(>- A 1-- M ?2( +( M!ltimeters 6( &a' E8perimental $its 4or Analog Comm!nication I( Components .( 6adio 6ecei%er>)3 6ecei%er Demo $its or )rainees( H( pectr!m Analy2er 6- M ?2(


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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA II Y () B.T $2. ECE. II-S * T 0 &ULSE AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS LAB M-5-*!* T4 ,. @< )-* 5%+ %o " $o5d!$% d/ 1( &inear #a%e shaping( 2( "on &inear #a%e shaping A Clippers( 3( "on &inear #a%e shaping A Clampers( 4( )ransistor as a s#itch( +( t!dy o4 &ogic Bates 5 ome applications( 6( t!dy o4 1lip-1lops 5 some applications( I( ampling Bates( .( Asta'le M!lti%i'rator( H( Monosta'le M!lti%i'rator( 1-( 7ista'le M!lti%i'rator( 11( chmitt )rigger( 12( CE) 6ela8ation /scillator( 13( 7ootstrap s#eep circ!it( EH!-<* 5% ) H!-) d ?o) L("o)(%o)- +/ 1( 6P - A 3- 3 2( C6/ - A 2- M ?2( 3( 1!nction Benerators - A 1 M ?2 4( Components +( M!lti Meters


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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS AND >INANCIAL ANALYSIS UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS / De4inition< "at!re and cope Managerial EconomicsA Demand AnalysisD Demand Determinants< &a# o4 Demand and its e8ceptions( UNIT II ELASTICITY O> DEMAND / De4inition< )ypes< Meas!rement and igni4icance o4 Elasticity o4 Demand( Demand 1orecasting< 1actors go%erning demand 4orecasting< methods o4 demand 4orecasting 9s!r%ey methods< statistical methods< e8pert opinion method< test mar$eting< controlled e8periments< 0!dgmental approach to demand 4orecastingB. UNIT III THEORY O> &RODUCTION AND COST ANALYSIS / Prod!ction 1!nction A Iso;!ants and Isocosts< M6) < &east Cost Com'ination o4 Inp!ts< Prod!ction 4!nction< &a#s o4 6et!rns< Internal and E8ternal Economies o4 cale( Co+% A5(,3+-+ / Cost concepts< /pport!nity cost< 1i8ed 3s(3aria'le costs< E8plicit costs 3s(Implicit costs< /!t o4 poc$et costs %s( Imp!ted costs( 7rea$-e%en Analysis 97EA:-termination o4 7rea$-E%en Point 9simple pro'lems:-Managerial igni4icance and limitations o4 7EA( UNIT IV INTRODUCTION TO MARKETS E &RICING STRATEGIES / Mar$et str!ct!resD )ypes o4 competition< 1eat!res o4 Per4ect competition< Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition( Price-/!tp!t Determination in case o4 Per4ect Competition and Monopoly( Pricing trategies UNIT V BUSINESS E NEW ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT / Characteristic 4eat!res o4 7!siness< 1eat!res and e%al!ation o4 ole Proprietorship< Partnership< Eoint toc$ Company< P!'lic Enterprises and their types< Changing 7!siness En%ironment in Post-li'erali2ation scenario( UNIT VI CA&ITAL AND CA&ITAL BUDGETING D Capital and its signi4icance< )ypes o4 Capital< Estimation o4 1i8ed and *or$ing capital re;!irements< Methods and so!rces o4 raising 4inance( "at!re and scope o4 capital '!dgeting< 4eat!res o4 capital '!dgeting proposals< Methods o4 Capital 7!dgetingD Pay'ac$ Method< Acco!nting 6ate o4 6et!rn 9A66: and "et Present 3al!e Method 9simple pro'lems:( UNIT VII INTRODUCTION TO >INANCIAL ACCOUNTING / Do!'le-Entry 7oo$ Feeping< Eo!rnal< &edger< )rial 7alance- 1inal Acco!nts 9)rading Acco!nt< Pro4it and &oss Acco!nt and 7alance heet #ith simple ad0!stments:( UNIT VIII >INANCIAL ANALYSIS THROUGH RATIOS / Comp!tation< Analysis and Interpretation o4 &i;!idity 6atios 9C!rrent 6atio and ;!ic$ ratio:< Acti%ity 6atios 9In%entory t!rno%er ratio and De'tor )!rno%er ratio:< Capital str!ct!re 6atios 9De't-E;!ity ratio< Interest Co%erage ratio:< and Pro4ita'ility ratios 9Bross Pro4it 6atio< "et Pro4it ratio< /perating 6atio< P>E 6atio and EP :( TE=TBOOKS / 1( Managerial Economics and 1inancial Analysis A Aryasri< )M?<2>E< 2--+( 2( Managerial Economics - 3arshney 5 Mahes#ari< !ltan Chand< 2--3( RE>ERENCES / 1( 1inancial Acco!nting 4or Management - Am'rish B!pta< Pearson Ed!cation< "e# Delhi< 2--4( 2( 1inancial Acco!nting - cha!m=s /!tlines< him 5 iegel<)M?< 2>E<2--4 3( Prod!ction and /perations Management A Chary< )M?< 3>e< 2--4( 4( Managerial Economics In a Blo'al Economy - Domnic$ al%atore< )homson< 4th Edition 2--3( +( 1inancial Acco!nting^A Managerial Perspecti%e A "arayanas#amy< P?I< 2--+ 6( Managerial Economics - Peterson 5 &e#is< Pearson Ed!cation< 4th Edition< 2--4 I( Managerial Economics5 1inancial Analysis - 6agh!natha 6eddy 5 "arasimhachary< citech< 2--+( .( 1inancial Acco!nting - ("(Mahes#ari 5 (F( Mahes#ari< 3i$as< 2--+( H( Managerial EconomicsDAnalysis< Pro'lems and Cases - )r!et and )r!et< *iley< 2--4( 1-( Managerial Economics A D#i%ed< 3i$as< 6th Ed(<2--2 11( Managerial Economics - Gogesh Mahes#ari< P?I< 2nd Ed(< 2nd Ed( 2--+(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 COM&UTER ORGANIJATION UNIT-I BASIC STRUCTURE O> COM&UTERS/ Comp!ter )ypes< 1!nctional !nits< 7asic operational concepts< 7!s str!ct!res< o4t#are< Per4ormance< m!ltiprocessors and m!lti comp!ters( Data types< Complements< Data 6epresentation( 1i8ed Point 6epresentation( 1loating A Point 6epresentation( Error Detection codes( UNIT-II REGISTER TRANS>ER LANGUAGE AND MICROO&ERATIONS/ 6egister )rans4er lang!age( 6egister )rans4er< 7!s and memory trans4er< Arithmetic Mircro operatiaons< logic micro operations< shi4t micro operations< Arithmetic logic shi4t !nit( Instr!ction codes( Comp!ter 6egisters Comp!ter instr!ctions A Instr!ction cycle( Memory A 6e4erence Instr!ctions( Inp!t A /!tp!t and Interr!pt( CENTRAL &ROCESSING UNIT - tac$ organi2ation( Instr!ction 4ormats( Addressing modes( DA)A )rans4er and manip!lation( Program control( 6ed!ced Instr!ction set comp!ter UNIT-III MICRO &ROGRAMMED CONTROL/ Control memory< Address se;!encing< micro program e8ample< Design o4 control !nit-?ard #ired control( Micro programmed control UNIT-IV COM&UTER ARITHMETIC / Addition and s!'traction< m!ltiplication Algorithms< Di%ision Algorithms< 1loating A point Arithmetic operations( Decimal Arithmetic !nit< Decimal Arithmetic operations( UNIT-V THE MEMORY SYSTEM / Memory ?ierarchy< Main memory< A!8iliary memory< Associati%e memory< Cache memory< 3irt!al memory< Memory management hard#are UNIT-VI IN&UT-OUT&UT ORGANIJATION / Peripheral De%ices< Inp!t-/!tp!t Inter4ace< Asynchrono!s data trans4er Modes o4 )rans4er< Priority Interr!pt< Direct memory Access< Inp!t A/!tp!t Processor 9I/P:< erial comm!nicationO UNIT-VII &I&ELINE AND VECTOR &ROCESSING/ Parallel Processing< Pipelining< Arithmetic Pipeline< Instr!ction Pipeline< 6I C Pipeline 3ector Processing< Array Processors( UNIT-VIII MULTI &ROCESSORS/ Characteristics o4 M!ltiprocessors< Interconnection tr!ct!res< Interprocessor Ar'itration( Interprocessor Comm!nication and ynchroni2ation< Cache Coherance( TE=T BOOKS/ 1( Comp!ter ystem Architect!re A M(Moris Mano< IIIrd Edition< P?I > Pearson< 2--6( 2( Comp!ter /rgani2ation A Car ?amacher< P%on$s 3ranesic< a4#at Pa$y< 3 Edition< McBra# ?ill< 2--2( RE>ERENCE/ 1( Comp!ter /rgani2ation and Architect!re A *illiam tallings e%enth Edition< P?I>Pearson< 2--6( 2( Comp!ter Architect!re and /rgani2ation A Eohn P( ?ayes< Mc Bra# ?ill International editions< 1HH.(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, KAKINADA III Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 LINEAR IC A&&LICATIONS UNIT I INTEGRATED CIRCUITS / Di44erential Ampli4ier- DC and AC analysis o4 D!al inp!t 7alanced o!tp!t Con4ig!ration< Properties o4 other di44erential ampli4ier con4ig!ration 9D!al Inp!t Cn'alanced /!tp!t< ingle Ended Inp!t A 7alanced> Cn'alanced /!tp!t:< DC Co!pling and Cascade Di44erential Ampli4ier tages< &e%el translator( UNIT II Characteristics o4 /P-Amps< Integrated circ!its-)ypes< Classi4ication< Pac$age )ypes and temperat!re ranges< Po#er s!pplies< /p-amp 7loc$ Diagram< ideal and practical /p-amp speci4ications< DC and AC characteristics< I41 op-amp 5 its 4eat!res< 1E) inp!t( /p-Amps</p-Amp parameters 5 Meas!rement< Inp!t 5 /!t p!t /44 set %oltages 5 c!rrents< sle# rates< CM66< P 66< dri4t< 1re;!ency Compensation techni;!e( UNIT III LINEAR A&&LICATIONS O> O&- AM&S / In%erting and "on-in%erting ampli4ier< Integrator and di44erentiator< Di44erence ampli4ier< Instr!mentation ampli4ier< AC ampli4ier< 3 to I< I to 3 con%erters< 7!44ers( UNIT IV NON-LINEAR A&&LICATIONS O> O&- AM&S / "on- &inear 4!nction generation< Comparators< M!lti%i'rators< )riang!lar and ;!are #a%e generators< &og and Anti log ampli4iers< Precision recti4iers( UNIT V OSCILLATORS AND WAVE>ORM GENERAGTORS / Introd!ction< 7!tter #orth 4ilters A 1st order< 2nd order &P1< ?P1 4ilters( 7and pass< 7and re0ect and all pass 4ilters( Applications o4 3C/ 9+66:( UNIT VI TIMERS E &HASE LOCKED LOO&S D Introd!ction to +++ timer< 4!nctional diagram< Monosta'le and Asta'le operations and applications< chmitt )rigger( P&& - introd!ction< 'loc$ schematic< principles and description o4 indi%id!al 'loc$s< +6+ P&&< Applications o4 P&& A 4re;!ency m!ltiplication< 4re;!ency translation< AM< 1M 5 1 F demod!lators( UNIT VII D %o A E A %o D CONVERTERS / Introd!ction< 'asic DAC techni;!es< #eighted resistor DAC< 6-26 ladder DAC< in%erted 6-26 DAC< and IC 14-. DAC< Di44erent types o4 ADCs - parallel comparator type ADC< co!nter type ADC< s!ccessi%e appro8imation ADC and d!al slope ADC( DAC and ADC peci4ications< peci4ications AD +I4 912 'it ADC:( UNIT VIII ANALOG MULTI&LIERS AND MODULATORS / 1o!r J!adrant m!ltiplier< 'alanced mod!lator< IC 14H6< Applications o4 analog s#itches and M!ltiple8ers< ample 5 ?old ampli4iers( TE=T BOOKS / 1( &inear Integrated Circ!its A D( 6oy Cho#dh!ry< "e# Age International 9p: &td< 2nd Edition<2--3( 2( /p-Amps 5 &inear ICs - 6ama$anth A( Baya$#ad< P?I<1H.I( RE>ERENCES / 1( Design #ith /perational Ampli4iers 5 Analog Integrated Circ!its - ergio 1ranco< McBra# ?ill< 1H..( 2( /perational Ampli4iers 5 &inear Integrated Circ!itsA6(1(Co!ghlin 5 1redric$ Driscoll< P?I< 6th Edition( 3( Micro Electronics A Millman< McBra# ?ill<1H..( 4( /perational Ampli4iers A C(B( Clayton< 7!tter#orth 5 Company P!'l( &td(> Else%ier< 1HI1(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 DIGITAL IC A&&LICATIONS UNIT I CMOS LOGIC D Introd!ction to logic 4amilies< CM/ logic< CM/ steady state electrical 'eha%ior< CM/ dynamic electrical 'eha%ior< CM/ logic 4amilies( UNIT II BI&OLAR LOGIC AND INTER>ACING / 7ipolar logic< )ransistor logic< ))& 4amilies< CM/ >))& inter4acing< lo# %oltage CM/ logic and inter4acing< Emitter co!pled logic< Comparison o4 logic 4amilies< 1amiliarity #ith standard I4MM and CM/ 4-MM series-ICs A peci4ications( UNIT III THE VHDL HARDWARE DESCRI&TION LANGUAGE D Design 4lo#< program str!ct!re< types and constants< 4!nctions and proced!res< li'raries and pac$ages( UNIT IV THE VHDL DESIGN ELEMENTS / tr!ct!ral design elements< data 4lo# design elements< 'eha%ioral design elements< time dimension and sim!lation synthesis( UNIT V COMBINATIONAL LOGIC DESIGN / Decoders< encoders< three state de%ices< m!ltiple8ers and dem!ltiple8ers< Code Con%erters< EM-/6 gates and parity circ!its< comparators< adders 5 s!'tractors< A&Cs< Com'inational m!ltipliers( 3?D& modes 4or the a'o%e ICs( UNIT VI DESIGN E=AM&LES AUSING VHDLB / Design e8amples 9!sing 3?D&: - 7arrel shi4ter< comparators< 4loatingpoint encoder< d!al parity encoder( UNIT VII SEGUENTIAL LOGIC DESIGN / &atches and 4lip-4lops< P&Ds< co!nters< shi4t register< and their 3?D& models< synchrono!s design methodology< impediments to synchrono!s design( UNIT VIII MEMORIES / ROM+ / Internal str!ct!re< 2D-decoding commercial types< timing and applications( tatic 6AMD Internal str!ct!re< 6AM timing< standard 6AM < synchrono!s 6AM ( D35(*-$ RAM / Internal str!ct!re< timing< synchrono!s D6AMs( 1amiliarity #ith Component Data heets A Cypress CG6116<CGIC1--6< peci4ications( TE=T BOOKS / 1( Digital Design Principles 5 Practices A Eohn 1( *a$erly< P?I> Pearson Ed!cation Asia< 3rd Ed(< 2--+( 2( 3?D& Primer A E( 7has$er< Pearson Ed!cation> P?I<3rd Edition( RE>ERENCES / 1( Digital ystem Design Csing 3?D& A Charles ?( 6oth Er(< P* P!'lications<1HH.( 2( Introd!ction to &ogic Design A Alan 7( Marco%it2<)M?<2nd Edition<2--+( 3( 1!ndamentals o4 Digital &ogic #ith 3erilog Design A tephen 7ro#n< P%on$o 3ransesic< )M?< 2--3( 4( Cypress emicond!ctors Data 7oo$9Do#nload 4rom #e'site:( +( 1!ndamentals o4 Digital &ogic #ith 3?D& Design A tephen 7or#n and P%on$o 3ramesic< McBra# ?ill<2nd Edition(<2--+( 6( &inear Integrated Circ!it Applications 'y F( &al $ishore< Pearson Ed!cations 2--+







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 ANTENNAS AND WAVE &RO&AGATION UNIT I ANTENNA >UNDAMENTALS / Introd!ction< 6adiation Mechanism A single #ire< 2 #ire< dipoles< C!rrent Distri'!tion on a thin #ire antenna ( Antenna ParametersL - 6adiation Patterns< Patterns in Principal Planes< Main &o'e and ide &o'es< 7eam#idths< 7eam Area< 6adiation Intensity< 7eam E44iciency< Directi%ty< Bain and 6esol!tion< Antenna Apert!res< Apert!re E44iciency< E44ecti%e ?ight( 6elated Pro'lems( UNIT II T2-5 L-5 () W-) A5% 55(+/ 6etarded Potentials< 6adiation 4rom mall Electric Dipole< J!arter#a%e Monopole and ?al4#a%e Dipole A C!rrent Distri'!tions< E%al!ation o4 1ield Components< Po#er 6adiated< 6adiation 6esistance< 7eam#idths< Directi%ity< E44ecti%e Area and E44ecti%e ?ight( "at!ral c!rrent distri'!tions< 4ields and patterns o4 )hin &inear Center-4ed Antennas o4 di44erent lengths< 6adiation 6esistance at a point #hich is not c!rrent ma8im!m( Antenna )heorems A Applica'ility and Proo4s 4or e;!i%alence o4 directional characteristics< &oop Antennas D mall &oops - 1ield Components< Comparison o4 4ar 4ields o4 small loop and short dipole< Concept o4 short magnetic dipole< D and 6r relations 4or small loops( UNIT III ANTENNA ARRAYS / 2 element arrays A di44erent cases< Principle o4 Pattern M!ltiplication< " element Cni4orm &inear Arrays A 7roadside< End4ire Arrays< E1A #ith Increased Directi%ity< Deri%ation o4 their characteristics and comparisonO Concept o4 canning Arrays( Directi%ity 6elations 9no deri%ations:( 6elated Pro'lems( 7inomial Arrays< E44ects o4 Cni4orm and "on-!ni4orm Amplit!de Distri'!tions< Design 6elations( UNIT IV NON-RESONANT RADIATORS D Introd!ction< )ra%elling #a%e radiators A 'asic concepts< &ong#ire antennas A 4ield strength calc!lations and patterns< 3-antennas< 6hom'ic Antennas and Design 6elations< 7road'and AntennasD ?elical Antennas A igni4icance< Beometry< 'asic propertiesO Design considerations 4or mono4ilar helical antennas in A8ial Mode and "ormal Modes 9J!alitati%e )reatment:( UNIT V VH>, UH> AND MICROWAVE ANTENNAS - I / Arrays #ith Parasitic Elements< Gagi - Cda Arrays< 1olded Dipoles 5 their characteristics( 6e4lector Antennas D 1lat heet and Corner 6e4lectors( Para'oloidal 6e4lectors A Beometry< characteristics<types o4 4eeds< 1>D 6atio< pill /%er< 7ac$ &o'es< Apert!re 7loc$ing< /44-set 1eeds< Cassegrainian 1eedsL( UNIT VI VH>, UH> AND MICROWAVE ANTENNAS - II / ?orn Antennas A )ypes< /ptim!m ?orns< Design Characteristics o4 Pyramidal ?ornsO &ens Antennas A Beometry< 1eat!res< Dielectric &enses and Poning< Applications( Antenna Meas!rements A Patterns 6e;!ired< et Cp< Distance Criterion< Directi%ity and Bain Meas!rements 9Comparison< A'sol!te and 3-Antenna Methods:( UNIT VII WAVE &RO&AGATION - I/ Concepts o4 Propagation A 4re;!ency ranges and types o4 propagations( Bro!nd *a%e PropagationACharacteristics< Parameters< *a%e )ilt< 1lat and pherical Earth Considerations( $y *a%e Propagation A 1ormation o4 Ionospheric &ayers and their Characteristics< Mechanism o4 6e4lection and 6e4raction< Critical 1re;!ency< MC1 5 $ip Distance A Calc!lations 4or 4lat and spherical earth cases< /ptim!m 1re;!ency< &C?1< 3irt!al ?eight< Ionospheric A'normalities< Ionospheric A'sorption( UNIT VIII WAVE &RO&AGATION 1 II/ 1!ndamental E;!ation 4or 1ree- pace Propagation< 7asic )ransmission &oss Calc!lations( pace *a%e Propagation A Mechanism< &/ and 6adio ?ori2on( )ropospheric *a%e Propagation A 6adi!s o4 C!r%at!re o4 path< E44ecti%e Earth=s 6adi!s< E44ect o4 Earth=s C!r%at!re< 1ield trength Calc!lations< M-c!r%es and D!ct Propagation< )ropospheric cattering( TE=T BOOKS / 1( Antennas 4or All Applications A Eohn D( Fra!s and 6onald E( Marhe4$a< )M?l< 3rd Edn(< 2--3( 2( Electromagnetic *a%es and 6adiating ystems A E(C( Eordan and F(B( 7almain< P?I< 2nd ed(< 2---(







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RE>ERENCES / 1( Antenna )heory - C(A( 7alanis< Eohn *iley 5 ons< 2nd ed(< 2--1( 2( Antennas and *a%e Propagation A F(D( Prasad< atya Pra$ashan< )ech India P!'lications< "e# Delhi< 2--1( 3( )ransmission and Propagation A E(3(D( Bla2ier and ?(6(&( &amont< )he er%ices )e8t 7oo$ o4 6adio< %ol( +< tandard P!'lishers Distri'!tors< Delhi( 4( Electronic and 6adio Engineering A 1(E( )erman< McBra#-?ill< 4th edition< 1H++( +( Antennas A Eohn D( Fra!s< McBra#-?ill< EC/"D EDI)I/"< 1H..(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT I &ULSE DIGITAL MODULATION / Elements o4 digital comm!nication systems< ad%antages o4 digital comm!nication systems< Elements o4 PCMD ampling< J!anti2ation 5 Coding< J!anti2ation error< Compading in PCM systems( Di44erential PCM systems 9DPCM:( UNIT II DELTA MODULATION / Delta mod!lation< its dra# 'ac$s< adapti%e delta mod!lation< comparison o4 PCM and DM systems< noise in PCM and DM systems( UNIT III DIGITAL MODULATION TECHNIGUES / Introd!ction< A F< 1 F< P F< DP F< DEP F< JP F< M-ary P F< A F< 1 F< similarity o4 71 F and 7P F( UNIT IV DATA TRANSMISSION / 7ase 'and signal recei%er< pro'a'ility o4 error< the optim!m 4ilter< matched 4ilter< pro'a'ility o4 error !sing matched 4ilter< coherent reception< non-coherent detection o4 1 F< calc!lation o4 error pro'a'ility o4 A F< 7P F< 71 F<JP F( UNIT V IN>ORMATION THEORY / Discrete messages< concept o4 amo!nt o4 in4ormation and its properties( A%erage in4ormation< Entropy and its properties( In4ormation rate< M!t!al in4ormation and its properties< UNIT VI SOURCE CODING / Introd!ctions< Ad%antages< hannon=s theorem< hanon-1ano coding< ?!44man coding< e44iciency calc!lations< channel capacity o4 discrete and analog Channels< capacity o4 a Ba!ssian channel< 'and#idth A >" trade o44( UNIT VII LINEAR BLOCK CODES / Introd!ction< Matri8 description o4 &inear 7loc$ codes< Error detection and error correction capa'ilities o4 &inear 'loc$ codes< ?amming codes< 7inary cyclic codes< Alge'raic str!ct!re< encoding< syndrome calc!lation< 7C? Codes( UNIT VIII CONVOLUTION CODES / Introd!ction< encoding o4 con%ol!tion codes< time domain approach< trans4orm domain approach( Braphical approachD state< tree and trellis diagram decoding !sing 3iter'i algorithm( TE=T BOOKS / 1( Digital comm!nications - imon ?ay$in< Eohn *iley< 2--+ 2( Principles o4 Comm!nication ystems A ?( )a!' and D( chilling< )M?< 2--3 RE>ERENCES / 1( Digital and Analog Comm!nication ystems - am hanm!gam< Eohn *iley< 2--+( 2( Digital Comm!nications A Eohn Proa$is< )M?< 1H.3( Comm!nication ystems Analog 5 Digital A ingh 5 apre< )M?< 2--4( 3( Modern Analog and Digital Comm!nication A 7(P(&athi< /84ord reprint< 3rd edition< 2--4(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T 0 DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS LAB 1( P!lse Amplit!de Mod!lation and demod!lation( 2( P!lse *idth Mod!lation and demod!lation( 3( P!lse Position Mod!lation and demod!lation( 4( ampling )heorem A %eri4ication( +( )ime di%ision m!ltiple8ing( 6( P!lse code mod!lation( I( Di44erential p!lse code mod!lation( .( Delta mod!lation( H( 1re;!ency shi4t $eying( 1-( Phase shi4t $eying ( 11( Di44erential phase shi4t $eying( EH!-<* 5% ) H!-) d ?o) L("o)(%o)- +/ 1( 6P - A 3- 3 2( C6/ - A 2- M ?2( 3( 1!nction Benerators - A 1 M ?2 4( 61 Benerators - A 1--- M ?2(>- A 1-- M ?2( +( M!ltimeters 6( &a' E8perimental $its 4or Digital Comm!nication I( Components .( 6adio 6ecei%er>)3 6ecei%er Demo $its or )rainees(

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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T 0 IC A&&LICATIONS AND ECAD LAB M-5-*!* T4 ,. E@< )-* 5%+ %o " $o5d!$% d / AS-@ ?)o* ($2 <()% A E BB &()% A AIC A<<,-$(%-o5 L("B/ 1( /P AMP Applications A Adder< !'tractor< Comparator Circ!its( 2( Acti%e 1ilter Applications A &P1< ?P1 94irst order: 3( 1!nction Benerator !sing /P AMPs( 4( IC +++ )imer A Monosta'le and Asta'le /peration Circ!it( +( IC +66 A 3C/ Applications( 6( 3oltage 6eg!lator !sing IC I23( I( 4 'it DAC !sing /P AMP( &()% B AECAD L("B/ S-*!,(% %2 -5% )5(, +%)!$%!) o? %2 ?o,,o4-56 D-6-%(, ICD+ !+-56 VHDL ' VERILOG (5d . )-?3 %2 o< )(%-o5+ o? %2 D-6-%(, ICD+ AH()d4() B -5 %2 L("o)(%o)3 1( 2( 3( 4( +( 6( I( EH!-<* 1( 2( 3( 4( +( 6( D 1lip-1lop I4I4 Decade co!nter-I4Hshi4t registers-I4H+ I 3-. Decoder -I413. 4 'it Comparator-I4.+ . 8 1 M!ltiple8er -I41+1 and 284 Dem!ltiple8er-I41++ 6AM 91684:-I41.H 96ead and *rite operations:


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5% ) H!-) d ?o) L("o)(%o)- +/ 6P C6/ 1!nction Benerator M!lti Meters IC )rainer Fits 9/ptional: 7read 7oards ComponentsDICI41< IC+++< IC+66< IC14H6< ICI23< I.-+< I.-H< IH12 and other essential components( Analog IC )ester

>o) So?%4() S-*!,(%-o5

1 Comp!ter ystems 2 &A" Connection 9/ptional: 3 /perating ystems 4 3?D&> 3E6I&/B + 1PBA >CP&D 9Do#nload )ools:






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Y () B.T $2. ECE. II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE UNIT I I5%)od!$%-o5 %o M(5(6 * 5% / Concepts o4 Management and organi2ation- nat!re< importance and 1!nctions o4 Management< )aylor=s cienti4ic Management )heory< 1ayol=s Principles o4 Management< Mayo=s ?a#thorne E8periments< Maslo#=s )heory o4 ?!man "eeds< Do!glas McBregor=s )heory M and )heory G< ?er2'erg=s )#o-1actor )heory o4 Moti%ation< ystems Approach to Management< &eadership tyles< ocial responsi'ilities o4 Management( UNIT II D +-65-56 O)6(5-+(%-o5(, S%)!$%!) + / 7asic concepts related to /rganisation - Departmentation and Decentralisation< )ypes o4 mechanistic and organic str!ct!res o4 organisation 9&ine organi2ation< &ine and sta44 organi2ation< 4!nctional organi2ation< Committee organi2ation< matri8 organi2ation< 3irt!al /rganisation< Cell!lar /rganisation< team str!ct!re< 'o!ndaryless organi2ation< in%erted pyramid str!ct!re< lean and 4lat organi2ation str!ct!re: and their merits< demerits and s!ita'ility( UNIT IIII O< )(%-o5+ M(5(6 * 5% / Principles and )ypes o4 Plant &ayo!t-Methods o4 prod!ction 9Eo'< 'atch and Mass Prod!ction:< *or$ t!dy -7asic proced!re in%ol%ed in Method t!dy and *or$ Meas!rement- tatistical J!ality ControlD chart< 6 chart< c chart< p chart< 9simple Pro'lems:< Acceptance ampling< Deming=s contri'!tion to ;!ality( UNIT IV M(% )-(,+ M(5(6 * 5% / /'0ecti%es< "eed 4or In%entory control< E/J< A7C Analysis< P!rchase Proced!re< tores Management and tores 6ecords( /ar&eting / 1!nctions o4 Mar$eting< Mar$eting Mi8< Mar$eting trategies 'ased on Prod!ct &i4e Cycle< Channels o4 distri'!tion UNIT V H!*(5 R +o!)$ + M(5(6 * 5% AHRMB / Concepts o4 ?6M< ?6D and Personnel Management and Ind!strial 6elations 9PMI6:< ?6M %s(PMI6< 7asic 4!nctions o4 ?6 ManagerD Manpo#er planning< 6ecr!itment< election< )raining and De%elopment< Placement< *age and alary Administration< Promotion< )rans4er< eparation< Per4ormance Appraisal< Brie%ance ?andling and *el4are Administration< Eo' E%al!ation and Merit 6ating( UNIT VI &)o# $% M(5(6 * 5% A&ERT'C&MB / "et#or$ Analysis< Programme E%al!ation and 6e%ie# )echni;!e 9PE6):< Critical Path Method 9CPM:< Identi4ying critical path< Pro'a'ility o4 Completing the pro0ect #ithin gi%en time< Pro0ect Cost Analysis< Pro0ect Crashing( 9simple pro'lems: UNIT VII S%)(% 6-$ M(5(6 * 5% / Mission< Boals< /'0ecti%es< Policy< trategy< Programmes< Elements o4 Corporate Planning Process< En%ironmental canning< 3al!e Chain Analysis< */) Analysis< teps in trategy 1orm!lation and Implementation< Beneric trategy alternati%es( UNIT VIII Co5% *<o)()3 M(5(6 * 5% &)($%-$ + / 7asic concepts o4 MI < End Cser Comp!ting< Materials 6e;!irement Planning 9M6P:< E!st-In-)ime 9EI): ystem< )otal J!ality Management 9)JM:< i8 sigma and Capa'ility Mat!rity Model 9CMM: &e%els< !pply Chain Management< Enterprise 6eso!rce Planning 9E6P:< Per4ormance Management< 7!siness Process o!tso!rcing 97P/:< 7!siness Process 6e-engineering and 7ench Mar$ing< 7alanced core Card( TE=T BOOKS / 1( AryasriD +anagement Science< )M?< 2--4( 2( toner< 1reeman< Bil'ert< +anagement< 6th Ed< Pearson Ed!cation< "e# Delhi< 2--4( RE>ERENCES / 1( Fotler Philip 5 Feller Fe%in &aneD Mar$eting Mangement 12>e< P?I< 2--+ 2( Foont2 5 *eihrichD Essentials of +anagement< 6>e< )M?< 2--+ 3( )homas "(D!ening 5 Eohn M(I%ance%ich +anagement,-rinciples and .uidelines, 7i2tantra<2--3( 4( Fanish$a 7edi< -roduction and /perations +anagement< /84ord Cni%ersity Press< 2--4( +( Memoria 5 (3(Ba!$er< -ersonnel +anagement< ?imalaya< 2+>e< 2--+







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6( am!el C(CertoD +odern +anagement< H>e< P?I< 2--+ I( chermerhorn< Capling< Poole 5 *iesnerD +anagement< *iley< 2--2( .( ParnellD trategic Management< 7i2tantra<2--3( H( &a#rence 6 Ea!ch< 6(B!pta 5*illiam 1(Bl!ec$D7!siness Policy and trategic Management< 1ran$ 7ros(2--+( 1-( &( ( rinathD PE6)>CPM<A44iliated East-*est Press< 2--+(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Y () B.T $2. ECE. II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 TELECOMMUNICATION SWITCHING SYSTEMS UNIT I TELECOMMUNICATION SWITCHING SYSTEMS D Introd!ction< Elements o4 s#itching systems< s#itching net#or$ con4ig!ration< principles o4 cross 'ar s#itching( UNIT II Electronic space di%ision s#itching< )ime di%ision s#itching< Com'ination s#itching( UNIT III TELE&HONE NETWORKS / !'scri'er loop systems< s#itching hierarchy and ro!ting< transmission plan< n!m'ering plan< charging plans( UNIT IV SIGNALING TECHNIGUES D In channel signaling< common channel signaling( "et#or$ tra44ic load and parameters< grade o4 ser%ice and 'loc$ing pro'a'ility( UNIT V DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORKS / Introd!ction< net#or$ architect!re< layered net#or$ architect!re< protocols< data comm!nications hard#are< data comm!nication circ!its( UNIT VI P!'lic s#itched data net#or$s< connection oriented 5 connection less ser%ice< Circ!it #itching< pac$et s#itching and %irt!al circ!it s#itching concepts< / I re4erence model< &A"< *A"< MA" 5 Internet( 6epeaters< 7ridges< 6o!ters and gate #ays( UNIT VII INTEGRATED SERVICES DIGITAL NETWORK AISDNB / Introd!ction< moti%ation< I D" architect!re< I D" inter4aces< 4!nctional gro!ping< re4erence points< protocol architect!re< signaling< n!m'ering< addressing< 7I D"( UNIT VIII D & )echnologyD AD &< Ca'le Modem< )raditional Ca'le "et#or$s< ?1C "et#or$s< haring< CM 5 CM) and D/C I ( /"E)D De%ices< 1rame< 1rame )ransmission< ynchrono!s )ransport ignals< ) I< 3irt!al )ri'!taries and ?igher rate o4 ser%ice( TE=T BOOKS / 1( )ele comm!nication s#itching system and net#or$s - )hyagara0an 3is#anath< P?I< 2---( 2( Ad%anced electronic comm!nications systems - *ayne )omasi< P?I< 2--4( RE>ERENCES / 1( Digital telephony - E( 7ellamy< Eohn *iley< 2nd edition< 2--1( 2( Data Comm!nications 5 "et#or$s - Achy!t( (Bod'ole< )M?< 2--4( 3( Principles o4 Comm!nication ystems A ?( )a!' 5 D( chilling < )M?< 2nd Edition< 2--3( 4( Data Comm!nication 5 "et#or$ing - 7(A( 1oro!2an< )M?< 3rd Edition< 2--4( +( )elecomm!nication s#itching< )ra44ic and "et#or$s - E E 1lood< Pearson Ed!cation< 2--2(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Y () B.T $2. ECE. II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 DIGITAL SIGNAL &ROCESSING UNIT I INTRODUCTION/ Introd!ction to Digital ignal ProcessingD Discrete time signals 5 se;!ences< linear shi4t in%ariant systems< sta'ility< and ca!sality( &inear constant coe44icient di44erence e;!ations( 1re;!ency domain representation o4 discrete time signals and systems( UNIT II DISCRETE >OURIER SERIES/ Properties o4 discrete 1o!rier series< D1 representation o4 periodic se;!ences< Discrete 1o!rier trans4ormsD Properties o4 D1)< linear con%ol!tion o4 se;!ences !sing D1)< Comp!tation o4 D1)( 6elation 'et#een P-trans4orm and D1 UNIT III >AST >OURIER TRANS>ORMS/ 1ast 1o!rier trans4orms 911): - 6adi8-2 decimation in time and decimation in 4re;!ency 11) Algorithms< In%erse 11)< and 11) 4or composite " UNIT IV REALIJATION O> DIGITAL >ILTERS/ 6e%ie# o4 P-trans4orms< Applications o4 P A trans4orms< sol!tion o4 di44erence e;!ations o4 digital 4ilters< 7loc$ diagram representation o4 linear constant-coe44icient di44erence e;!ations< 7asic str!ct!res o4 II6 systems< )ransposed 4orms< 7asic str!ct!res o4 1I6 systems< ystem 4!nction< UNIT V IIR DIGITAL >ILTERS/ Analog 4ilter appro8imations A 7!tter #orth and Che'yshe%< Design o4 II6 Digital 4ilters 4rom analog 4ilters< Design E8amplesD Analog-Digital trans4ormations UNIT VI >IR DIGITAL >ILTERS D Characteristics o4 1I6 Digital 1ilters< 4re;!ency response( Design o4 1I6 Digital 1ilters !sing *indo# )echni;!es< 1re;!ency ampling techni;!e< Comparison o4 II6 5 1I6 4ilters( UNIT VII MULTIRATE DIGITAL SIGNAL &ROCESSING/ Decimation< interpolation< sampling rate con%ersion< Implementation o4 sampling rate con%ersion( UNIT VIII INTRODUCTION TO DS& &ROCESSORS/ Introd!ction to programma'le D PsD M!ltiplier and M!ltiplier Acc!m!lator 9MAC:< Modi4ied 7!s tr!ct!res and Memory Access schemes in D Ps M!ltiple access memory< m!ltiport memory< 3& I Architect!re< Pipelining< pecial addressing modes< /n-Chip Peripherals( Architect!re o4 )M 32-C+M- Introd!ction< 7!s tr!ct!re< Central Arithmetic &ogic Cnit< A!8iliary 6egistrar< Inde8 6egistrar< A!8iliary 6egistger Compare 6egister< 7loc$ Mo%e Address 6egister< Parallel &ogic Cnit< Memory mapped registers< program controller< ome 4lags in the stat!s registers< /n- chip registers< /n-chip peripherals TE=T BOOKS/ 1( Digital ignal Processing< Principles< Algorithms< and ApplicationsD Eohn B( Proa$is< Dimitris B( Manola$is< Pearson Ed!cation > P?I< 2--I( 2( Discrete )ime ignal Processing A A(3(/ppenheim and 6(*( cha44er< P?I 3( Digital ignal Processors A Architect!re< Programming and Applications<< 7(3en$ataramani< M( 7has$ar< )A)A McBra# ?ill< 2--2 R ? ) 5$ Boo;+/ 1( Digital ignal ProcessingD Andreas Antonio!< )A)A McBra# ?ill < 2--6 2( Digital ignal ProcessingD M? ?ayes< cha!m=s /!tlines< )A)A Mc-Bra# ?ill< 2--I( 3( D P Primer - C( 7ritton 6ora'a!gh< )ata McBra# ?ill< 2--+( 4( 1!ndamentals o4 Digital ignal Processing !sing Matla' A 6o'ert E( chilling< andra &( ?arris< )homson< 2--I( +( Digital ignal Processing A Alan 3( /ppenheim< 6onald *( cha4er< P?I Ed(< 2--6







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Y () B.T $2. ECE. II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 VLSI DESIGN UNIT I INTRODUCTION / Introd!ction to IC )echnology A M/ < PM/ < "M/ < CM/ 5 7iCM/ technologies/8idation< &ithography< Di44!sion< Ion implantation< Metallisation< Encaps!lation< Pro'e testing< Integrated 6esistors and Capacitors( UNIT II BASIC ELECTRICAL &RO&ERTIES / 7asic Electrical Properties o4 M/ and 7iCM/ Circ!itsD Ids-3ds relationships< M/ transistor threshold 3oltage< gm< gds< 4ig!re o4 merit oO Pass transistor< "M/ In%erter< 3ario!s p!ll !ps< CM/ In%erter analysis and design< 7i-CM/ In%erters( UNIT III VLSI CIRCUIT DESIGN &ROCESSES / 3& I Design 1lo#< M/ &ayers< tic$ Diagrams< Design 6!les and &ayo!t< 2 m CM/ Design r!les 4or #ires< Contacts and )ransistors &ayo!t Diagrams 4or "M/ and CM/ In%erters and Bates< caling o4 M/ circ!its< &imitations o4 caling( UNIT IV GATE LEVEL DESIGN / &ogic Bates and /ther comple8 gates< #itch logic< Alternate gate circ!its< 7asic circ!it concepts< heet 6esistance 6 and its concept to M/ < Area Capacitance Cnits< Calc!lations Delays< Dri%ing large Capaciti%e &oads< *iring Capacitances< 1an-in and 4an-o!t< Choice o4 layers UNIT V SUBSYSTEM DESIGN / !'system Design< hi4ters< Adders< A&Cs< M!ltipliers< Parity generators< Comparators< Pero>/ne Detectors< Co!nters< ?igh Density Memory Elements( UNIT VI SEMICONDUCTOR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DESIGN / P&As< 1PBAs< CP&Ds< Programma'le Array &ogic< Design Approach( UNIT VII VHDL SYNTHESIS / 3?D& ynthesis< Circ!it Design 1lo#< Circ!it capt!re tools< Design 3eri4ication )ools< )est Principles(

UNIT VIII CMOS TESTING / CM/ )esting< "eed 4or testing< )est Principles< Design trategies 4or test< Chiple%el )est )echni;!es< ystem-le%el )est )echni;!es< &ayo!t Design 4or impro%ed )esta'ility( TE=TBOOKS D 1( Essentials o4 3& I circ!its and systems A Famran Eshraghian< Eshraghian Do!gles and A( P!c$nell< P?I< 2--+ Edition( 2( Principles o4 CM/ 3& I Design - *este and Eshraghian< Pearson Ed!cation< 1HHH( RE>ERENCES / 1( Chip Design 4or !'micron 3& ID CM/ &ayo!t 5 im!lation< - Eohn P( Cyem!ra< )homson &earning( 2( Introd!ction to 3& I Circ!its and ystems - Eohn (P( Cyem!ra< Eohn*iley< 2--3( 3( Digital Integrated Circ!its - Eohn M( 6a'aey< P?I< EEE< 1HHI( 4( Modern 3& I Design - *ayne *ol4< Pearson Ed!cation< 3rd Edition< 1HHI( +( 3& I )echnology A (M( PE< 2nd Edition< )M?< 2--3(





tandard Cells<

im!lation< &ayo!t< Design


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JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Y () B.T $2. ECE. II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 MICROWAVE ENGINEERING UNIT I MICROWAVE TRANSMISSION LINES/ Introd!ction< Micro#a%e pectr!m and 7ands< Applications o4 Micro#a%es( 0ectangular 1aveguides 2 !E(!+ mode analysis, E"pressions for 3ields, haracteristic E#uation and ut&off 3re#uencies, 3ilter haracteristics, 4ominant and 4egenerate +odes, Sketches of !E and !+ mode fields in the cross&section, +ode haracteristics 2 -hase and .roup 5elocities, 1avelengths and 6mpedance 0elations7 -ower !ransmission and -ower Losses in 0ectangular .uide. 0elated -roblems. UNIT II CIRCULAR WAVEGUIDESD Introd!ction< "at!re o4 1ields< Characteristic E;!ation< Dominant and Degenerate Modes( Impossi'ility o4 )EM mode( Microstrip &inesA Introd!ction< Po 6elations< E44ecti%e Dielectric Constant< &osses< J 4actor( Ca%ity 6esonatorsA Introd!ction< 6ectang!lar and Cylindrical Ca%ities< Dominant Modes and 6esonant 1re;!encies< J 4actor and Co!pling Coe44icients( 6elated Pro'lems( UNIT III WAVEGUIDE COM&ONENTS AND A&&LICATIONS - I / Co!pling Mechanisms A Pro'e< &oop< Apert!re types( *a%eg!ide Discontin!ities A *a%eg!ide irises< )!ning cre#s and Posts< Matched &oads( *a%eg!ide Atten!ators A 6esisti%e Card< 6otary 3ane typesO *a%eg!ide Phase hi4ters A Dielectric< 6otary 3ane types( *a%eg!ide M!ltiport E!nctions A E plane and ? plane )ees< Magic )ee< ?y'rid 6ingO Directional Co!plers A 2 ?ole< 7ethe ?ole types( UNIT IV WAVEGUIDE COM&ONENTS AND A&&LICATIONS - II / 1erritesA Composition and Characteristics< 1araday 6otationO 1errite Components A Byrator< Isolator< Circ!lator( cattering Matri8A igni4icance< 1orm!lation and Properties( Matri8 Calc!lations 4or A 2 port E!nction< E plane and ? plane )ees< Magic )ee< Directional Co!pler< Circ!lator and Isolator( 6elated Pro'lems( UNIT V MICROWAVE TUBES 1 I/ &imitations and &osses o4 con%entional t!'es at micro#a%e 4re;!encies( Micro#a%e t!'es A / type and M type classi4ications( /-type t!'es D 2 Ca%ity Flystrons A tr!ct!re< 6eentrant Ca%ities< 3elocity Mod!lation Process and Applegate Diagram< 7!nching Process and mall ignal )heory A E8pressions 4or o>p Po#er and E44iciency( 6e4le8 Flystrons A tr!ct!re< Applegate Diagram and Principle o4 #or$ing< Mathematical )heory o4 7!nching< Po#er /!tp!t< E44iciency< Electronic AdmittanceO /scillating Modes and o>p Characteristics< Electronic and Mechanical )!ning( 6elated Pro'lems( UNIT VI HELI= TWTS/ igni4icance< )ypes and Characteristics o4 lo# *a%e tr!ct!resO tr!ct!re o4 )*) and Ampli4ication Process 9;!alitati%e treatment:< !ppression o4 /scillations< "at!re o4 the 4o!r Propagation Constants< Bain Considerations( M-%3< T!" + Introd!ction< Cross-4ield e44ects< Magnetrons A Di44erent )ypes< .-Ca%ity Cylindrical )ra%elling *a%e Magnetron A ?!ll C!t-o44 and ?artree Conditions< Modes o4 6esonance and PI-Mode /peration< eparation o4 PI-Mode< o>p characteristics( UNIT VII MICROWAVE SOLID STATE DEVICES/ Introd!ction< Classi4ication< Applications( )EDs A Introd!ction< B!nn Diode A Principle< 6*? )heory< Characteristics< 7asic Modes o4 /peration< /scillation Modes( A%alanche )ransit )ime De%ices A Introd!ction< IMPA)) and )6APA)) Diodes A Principle o4 /peration and Characteristics( UNIT VIII MICROWAVE MEASUREMENTS/ Description o4 Micro#a%e 7ench A Di44erent 7loc$s and their 1eat!res< Preca!tionsO Micro#a%e Po#er Meas!rement A 7olometer Method( Meas!rement o4 Atten!ation< 1re;!ency< 3 *6< Ca%ity J( Impedance Meas!rements(






TE=T BOOKS / 1( Micro#a%e De%ices and Circ!its A am!el G( &iao< P?I< 3rd Edition<1HH4(


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2( Micro#a%e Principles A ?er'ert E( 6eich< E(B( $alni$< P(1( /rd!ng and ?(&( Fra!ss< C7 P!'lishers and Distri'!tors< "e# Delhi< 2--4( RE>ERENCES / 1( 1o!ndations 4or Micro#a%e Engineering A 6(E( Collin< IEEE Press< Eohn *iley< 2nd Edition< 2--2( 2( Micro#a%e Circ!its and Passi%e De%ices A M(&( isodia and B( (6agh!%anshi< *iley Eastern &td(< "e# Age International P!'lishers &td(< 1HH+( 3( Micro#a%e Engineering Passi%e Circ!its A Peter A( 6i22i< P?I< 1HHH( 4( Electronic and 6adio Engineering A 1(E( )erman< McBra#-?ill< 4th ed(< 1H++( +( Elements o4 Micro#a%e Engineering A 6( Chatter0ee< A44iliated East-*est Press P%t( &td(< "e# Delhi< 1H..( 6( Micro *a%e and 6adar Engineering A M( F!l$arni< Cmesh P!'lications< 1HH.(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA III Y () B.T $2. ECE. II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 MICRO&ROCESSORS AND INTER>ACING UNIT-I An o%er %ie# o4 .-.+< Architect!re o4 .-.6 Microprocessor( pecial 4!nctions o4 Beneral p!rpose registers( .-.6 4lag register and 4!nction o4 .-.6 1lags( Addressing modes o4 .-.6( Instr!ction set o4 .-.6( Assem'ler directi%es< simple programs< proced!res< and macros( UNIT-II Assem'ly lang!age programs in%ol%ing logical< 7ranch 5 Call instr!ctions< sorting< e%al!ation o4 arithmetic e8pressions< string manip!lation( UNIT-III Pin diagram o4 .-.6-Minim!m mode and ma8im!m mode o4 operation( )iming diagram( Memory inter4acing to .-.6 9 tatic 6AM 5 EP6/M:( "eed 4or DMA( DMA data trans4er Method( Inter4acing #ith .23I>.2+I( UNIT-IV .2++ PPI A %ario!s modes o4 operation and inter4acing to .-.6( Inter4acing Fey'oard< Displays< .2IH tepper Motor and act!ators( D>A and A>D con%erter inter4acing( UNIT-V Interr!pt str!ct!re o4 .-.6( 3ector interr!pt ta'le( Interr!pt ser%ice ro!tines( Introd!ction to D/ and 7I/ interr!pts( .2+H PIC Architect!re and inter4acing cascading o4 interr!pt controller and its importance( UNIT-VI erial data trans4er schemes( Asynchrono!s and ynchrono!s data trans4er schemes( .2+1 C A6) architect!re and inter4acing( ))& to 6 232C and 6 232C to ))& con%ersion( ample program o4 serial data trans4er( Introd!ction to ?igh-speed serial comm!nications standards< C 7( UNIT-VII Ad.(5$ d M-$)o &)o$ ++o)+ - Introd!ction to .-2.6< alient 1eat!res o4 .-3.6< 6eal and Protected Mode egmentation 5 Paging< alient 1eat!res o4 Penti!m< 7ranch Prediction< /%er%ie# o4 6I C Processors( UNIT-VIII .-+1 Microcontroller Architect!re< 6egister set o4 .-+1< Modes o4 timer operation< Interr!pt str!ct!re o4 .-+1< Memory and I>/ inter4acing o4 .-+1(


TE=T BOOKS / 1( Ad%anced microprocessor and Peripherals - A(F(6ay and F(M(7h!rchandi< )M?< 2---( 2( Micro Controllers A Deshm!$h< )ata McBra# ?ill Edition( RE>ERENCES / 1( Micro Processors 5 Inter4acing A Do!glas C( ?all< 2--I( 2. )he .-.. and .-.6 Micro Processors A P?I< 4th Edition< 2--3(





erial port operation<


Micro Comp!ter ystem .-.6>.-.. 1amily Architect!re< Programming and Design - 7y &i! and BA Bi'son< P?I< 2nd Ed(<


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& :

C 2

I. M-$)o<)o$ ++o) 808F / 1( Introd!ction to MA M>)A M( 2( Arithmetic operation A M!lti 'yte Addition and !'traction< M!ltiplication and Di%ision A igned and !nsigned Arithmetic operation< A CII A arithmetic operation( 3( &ogic operations A hi4t and rotate A Con%erting pac$ed 7CD to !npac$ed 7CD< 7CD to A CII con%ersion( 4( 7y !sing string operation and Instr!ction pre4i8D Mo%e 7loc$< 6e%erse string< orting< Inserting< Deleting< &ength o4 the string< tring comparison( +( D/ >7I/ programmingD 6eading $ey'oard 97!44ered #ith and #itho!t echo: A Display characters< trings( II. I5% )?($-56 / 1( .2+H A Interr!pt Controller D Benerate an interr!pt !sing .2+H timer( 2( .2IH A Fey'oard Display D *rite a small program to display a string o4 characters( 3( .2++ A PPI D *rite A&P to generate sin!soidal #a%e !sing PPI( 4( .2+1 A C A6) D *rite a program in A&P to esta'lish Comm!nication 'et#een t#o processors( III. M-$)o$o5%)o,, ) 80C8 1( 6eading and *riting on a parallel port( 2( )imer in di44erent modes( 3( erial comm!nication implementation( EH!-<* 1( 2( 3( 5% ) H!-) d ?o) L("o)(%o)- +/ .-.6 YP Fits .-+1 Micro Controller $its Inter4aces>peripheral s!'systems i: .2+H PIC ii: .2IH-F7>Display iii: .2++ PPI i%: .2+1 C A6) ADC Inter4ace DAC Inter4ace )ra44ic Controller Inter4ace Ele%ator Inter4ace

4( +( 6( I(






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C 2

8. I5%)od!$%-o5 )he introd!ction o4 the English &ang!age &a' is considered essential at 3 rd year le%el( At this stage the st!dents need to prepare themsel%es 4or their careers #hich may re;!ire them to listen to< read< spea$ and #rite in English 'oth 4or their pro4essional and interpersonal comm!nication in the glo'alised conte8t( )he proposed co!rse sho!ld 'e an integrated theory and la' co!rse to ena'le st!dents to !se Tgood= English and per4orm the 4ollo#ingD Bather ideas and in4ormation< to organise ideas rele%antly and coherently( Engage in de'ates( Participate in gro!p disc!ssions( 1ace inter%ie#s( *rite pro0ect>research reports>technical reports( Ma$e oral presentations( *rite 4ormal letters( )rans4er in4ormation 4rom non-%er'al to %er'al te8ts and %ice %ersa( )o ta$e part in social and pro4essional comm!nication( 2. O"# $%-. +/ )his &a' 4oc!ses on !sing comp!ter-aided m!ltimedia instr!ction 4or lang!age de%elopment to meet the 4ollo#ing targetsD )o impro%e the st!dents= 4l!ency in English< thro!gh a #ell-de%eloped %oca'!lary and ena'le them to listen to English spo$en at normal con%ersational speed 'y ed!cated English spea$ers and respond appropriately in di44erent socio-c!lt!ral and pro4essional conte8ts( 1!rther< they #o!ld 'e re;!ired to comm!nicate their ideas rele%antly and coherently in #riting( :. S3,,("!+D )he 4ollo#ing co!rse content is prescri'ed 4or the Ad%anced Comm!nication $ills &a'D 1!nctional English - starting a con%ersation A responding appropriately and rele%antly A !sing the right 'ody lang!age A role play in di44erent sit!ations( 3oca'!lary '!ilding A synonyms and antonyms< #ord roots< one-#ord s!'stit!tes< pre4i8es and s!44i8es< st!dy o4 #ord origin< analogy< idioms and phrases( Bro!p Disc!ssion A dynamics o4 gro!p disc!ssion < inter%ention< s!mmari2ing< mod!lation o4 %oice< 'ody lang!age< rele%ance< 4l!ency and coherence( Inter%ie# $ills A concept and process< pre-inter%ie# planning< opening strategies< ans#ering strategies< inter%ie# thro!gh tele and %ideo-con4erencing( 6es!me= #riting A str!ct!re and presentation< planning< de4ining the career o'0ecti%e< pro0ecting ones strengths and s$ill-sets< s!mmary< 4ormats and styles< letter-#riting( 6eading comprehension A reading 4or 4acts< g!essing meanings 4rom conte8t< scanning< s$imming< in4erring meaning< critical reading( )echnical 6eport #riting A )ypes o4 4ormats and styles< s!'0ect matter A organi2ation< clarity< coherence and style< planning< data-collection< tools< analysis( 9. M-5-*!* R H!-) * 5%/ T2 E56,-+2 L(56!(6 L(" +2(,, 2(. %4o <()%+/ i) T2 Co*<!% ) (-d d L(56!(6 L(" 4or 6- st!dents #ith 6- systems< one master console< &A" 4acility and English lang!age so4t#are 4or sel4- st!dy 'y learners( ii) T2 Co**!5-$(%-o5 S;-,,+ L(" #ith mo%a'le chairs and a!dio-%is!al aids #ith a P(A ystem< a )( 3(< a digital stereo Aa!dio 5 %ideo system and camcorder etc( S3+% * R H!-) * 5% A H()d4() $o*<o5 5%B/ omputer network with Lan with minimum )* multimedia systems with the following specifications: iii: P A I3 Processor a: peed A 2(. B?P ': 6AM A +12 M7 Minim!m c: ?ard Dis$ A .- B7 i%: ?eadphones o4 ?igh ;!ality





C. S!66 +% d So?%4() / )he so4t#are consisting o4 the prescri'ed topics ela'orated a'o%e sho!ld 'e proc!red and !sed(


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S!66 +% d So?%4() /

C,()-%3 &)o5!5$-(%-o5 &o4 ) A part II O@?o)d Ad.(5$ d L ()5 )D+ Co*<(++< Ith Edition DELTAD+ ; 3 %o %2 N @% G 5 )(%-o5 TOE>L T +%/ Ad.(5$ d S;-,, &)($%-$ . L-56!( TOE>L CBT I5+-d )< 'y Dreamtech TOE>L E GRE9 FAP&A"< AA6C/ 5 7A66/" < C A< Crac$ing B6E 'y C&I11 : T2 ?o,,o4-56 +o?%4() ?)o* K%)(-52+!$$ ++.$o*D &) <()-56 ?o) " -56 I5% ).- 4 d, &o+-%-. T2-5;-56, I5% ).- 4-56 S;-,,+, T , <2o5 S;-,,+, T-* M(5(6 * 5% T (* B!-,d-56, D $-+-o5 *(;-56 E56,-+2 -5 M-5d< ?er'ert P!chta and Ee44 tran$s #ith Meredith &e%y< Cam'ridge

F. Boo;+ R $o** 5d d/ 1. E?? $%-. T $25-$(, Co**!5-$(%-o5< M( Ashra4 6i2%i< )ata Mc( Bra#-?ill P!'lishing Company &td(

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A Co!)+ -5 E56,-+2 $o**!5-$(%-o5 'y Madha%i Apte< Prentice-?all o4 India< 2--I( Co**!5-$(%-o5 S;-,,+ 'y &eena en< Prentice-?all o4 India< 2--+(

A$(d *-$ W)-%-56- A &)($%-$(, 6!-d ?o) +%!d 5%+ 'y tephen 7ailey< 6ontledge 1almer< &ondon 5 "e# Gor$< 2--4( E56,-+2 L(56!(6 Co**!5-$(%-o5 / A R (d ) $!* L(" M(5!(, Dr A 6ama$rishna 6ao< Dr B "atanam 5 Pro4 A an$aranarayanan< An!radha P!'lications< Chennai Bod3 L(56!(6 - Yo!) S!$$ ++ M(5%)( 'y Dr( halini 3erma< ( Chand< 2--6( DELTAD+ ; 3 %o %2 N @% G 5 )(%-o5 TOE>L T +%/ Ad.(5$ d S;-,, &)($%-$ < "e# Age International 9P: &td(< P!'lishers< "e# Delhi( 7oo$s on TOE>L'GRE'GMAT'CAT 'y 7arron=s>c!p te%en E( Pa!ley< 7i2tantra P!'lishers< 2--+( B(+-$ Co**!5-$(%-o5 S;-,,+ ?o) T $25o,o63 'y Andra E( 6!ther4ord< 2nd Edition< Pearson Ed!cation< 2--I( Co**!5-$(%-o5 S;-,,+ ?o) E56-5 )+ 'y !nita Mishra 5 C( M!rali$rishna< Pearson Ed!cation< 2--I( O"# $%-. E56,-+2 'y Edgar )horpe 5 ho#ic$ )horpe< 2nd edition< Pearson Ed!cation< 2--I(

8. 9. IELTS + )- + 4-%2 CD+ 'y Cam'ridge Cni%ersity Press( 10. T $25-$(, R <o)% W)-%-56 Tod(3 'y Daniel B( 6iordan 5 11. 12.

13. 14. C(*")-d6 &) <()(%-o5 ?o) %2 TOE>L )est 'y Eolene Bear 5 6o'ert Bear< 4th Edition( 15. T $25-$(, Co**!5-$(%-o5 'y Meena$shi 6aman 5 angeeta harma< /84ord Cni%ersity Press(





DISTRIBUTION AND WEIGHTAGE O> MARKSD Advanced Communication ,&ills 'ab Practicals: 1( )he practical e8aminations 4or the English &ang!age &a'oratory practice shall 'e cond!cted as per the Cni%ersity norms prescri'ed 4or the core engineering practical sessions( 2( 1or the English &ang!age la' sessions< there shall 'e a contin!o!s e%al!ation d!ring the year 4or 2+ sessional mar$s and +- End E8amination mar$s( /4 the 2+ mar$s< 1+ mar$s shall 'e a#arded 4or day-to-day #or$ and 1- mar$s to 'e a#arded 'y cond!cting Internal &a' )est9s:( )he End E8amination shall 'e cond!cted 'y the teacher concerned #ith the help o4 another mem'er o4 the sta44 o4 the same department o4 the same instit!tion(


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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 COM&UTER NETWORKS UNIT 1 I I5%)od!$%-o5 / / I< )CP>IP and other net#or$s models< E8amples o4 "et#or$sD "o%ell "et#or$s <Arpanet< Internet< "et#or$ )opologies *A"< &A"< MA"( UNIT - II &23+-$(, L(3 ) D )ransmission media copper< t#isted pair #ireless< s#itching and encoding asynchrono!s comm!nicationsO "arro# 'and< 'road 'and I D" and A)M( UNIT - III D(%( ,-5; ,(3 ) D Design iss!es< 4raming< error detection and correction< C6C< Elementary Protocol-stop and #ait< liding *indo#< lip< Data lin$ layer in ?D&C< Internet< A)M( UNIT - IV M d-!* A$$ ++ +!" ,(3 ) / A&/?A< MAC addresses< Carrier sense m!ltiple access( IEEE .-2(M tandard Ethernet< #ireless &A" ( 7ridges< UNIT - V N %4o); L(3 ) / 3irt!al circ!it and Datagram s!'nets-6o!ting algorithm shortest path ro!ting< 1looding< ?ierarchical ro!ting< 7road cast< M!lti cast< distance %ector ro!ting( UNIT 1 VI Dynamic ro!ting A 7roadcast ro!ting( 6otary 4or mo'ility( Congestion< Control Algorithms A Beneral Principles A o4 Congestion pre%ension policies( Internet #or$ingD )he "et#or$ layer in the internet and in the A)M "et#or$s( UNIT 1VII T)(5+<o)% L(3 )/ )ransport er%ices< Connection management< )CP and CDP protocolsO A)M AA& &ayer Protocol( UNIT 1 VIII A<<,-$(%-o5 L(3 ) A "et#or$ ec!rity< Domain name system< "MP< Electronic MailO the *orld *E7< M!lti Media( TE=T BOOKS / 1( Comp!ter "et#or$s ^ Andre# )anen'a!m<4th Edition( Pearson Ed!cation>P?I 2( Data Comm!nications and "et#or$ing A 7ehro!2 A( 1oro!2an()hird Edition )M?( RE>ERENCES / 1( An Engineering Approach to Comp!ter "et#or$s- (Fesha%< 2nd Edition< Pearson Ed!cation( 2( Cnderstanding comm!nications and "et#or$s< 3rd Edition< *(A( hay< )homson(






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION UNIT I Per4ormance characteristics o4 instr!ments< tatic characteristics< Acc!racy< 6esol!tion< Precision< E8pected %al!e< Error< ensiti%ity( Errors in Meas!rement< Dynamic Characteristics-speed o4 response< 1idelity< &ag and Dynamic error( DC 3oltimeters- M!ltirange< 6ange e8tension> olid state and di44erential %oltmeters< AC %oltmeters- m!lti range< range e8tension< sh!nt( )hermoco!ple type 61 ammeter< /hmmeters series type< sh!nt type< M!ltimeter 4or 3oltage< C!rrent and resistance meas!rements( UNIT II ignal Benerator- 4i8ed and %aria'le< A1 oscillators< tandard and A1 sine and s;!are #a%e signal generators< 1!nction Benerators< ;!are p!lse< 6andom noise< s#eep< Ar'itrary #a%e4orm( UNIT III *a%e Analy2ers< ?aromonic Distortion Analy2ers< pectr!m Analy2ers< Digital 1o!rier Analy2ers( UNIT IV /scilloscopes C6) 4eat!res< %ertical ampli4iers< hori2ontal de4lection system< s#eep< trigger p!lse< delay line< sync selector circ!its< simple C6/< triggered s#eep C6/< D!al 'eam C6/< Meas!rement o4 amplit!de and 4re;!ency( UNIT V D!al trace oscilloscope< sampling oscilloscope< storage oscilloscope< digital reado!t oscilloscope< digital storage oscilloscope< &issa0o!s method o4 4re;!ency meas!rement< standard speci4ications o4 C6/< pro'es 4or C6/- Acti%e 5 Passi%e< atten!ator type< 1re;!ency co!nter< )ime and Period meas!rement( UNIT VI AC 7ridges Meas!rement o4 ind!ctance- Ma8#ell=s 'ridge< Anderson 'ridge( Meas!rement o4 capacitance chearing 7ridge( *heat stone 'ridge( *ien 7ridge< Errors and preca!tions in !sing 'ridges( J-meter( UNIT VII )ransd!cers- acti%e 5 passi%e transd!cers D 6esistance< Capacitance< ind!ctanceO train ga!ges< &3D)< Pie2o Electric transd!cers< 6esistance )hermometers< )hermoco!ples< )hermistors< ensistors( UNIT VIII Meas!rement o4 physical parameters 4orce< press!re< %elocity< h!midity< moist!re< speed< pro8imity and displacement( Data ac;!isition systems( TE=TBOOKS / 1( Electronic instr!mentation< second edition - ?( (Falsi< )ata McBra# ?ill< 2--4( 2( Modern Electronic Instr!mentation and Meas!rement )echni;!es A A(D( ?el4ric$ and *(D( Cooper< P?I< +th Edition< 2--2( RE>ERENCES / 1( Electronic Instr!mentation 5 Meas!rements - Da%id A( 7ell< P?I< 2nd Edition< 2--3( 2( Electronic )est Instr!ments< Analog and Digital Meas!rements - 6o'ert A(*itte< Pearson Ed!cation< 2nd Ed(< 2--4( 3( Electronic Meas!rements 5 Instr!mentations 'y F( &al Fishore< Pearson Ed!cation - 2--+(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 CELLULAR AND MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS UNIT I CELLULAR MOBILE RADIO SYSTEMS / Introd!ction to Cell!lar Mo'ile ystem< Per4ormance criteria< !ni;!eness o4 mo'ile radio en%ironment< operation o4 cell!lar systems< ?e8agonal shaped cells< Analog and Digital Cell!lar systems( UNIT II ELEMENTS O> CELLULAR RADIO SYSTEM DESIGN / Beneral description o4 the pro'lem< concept o4 4re;!ency channels< Co-channel Inter4erence 6ed!ction 1actor< desired C>I 4rom a normal case in a omni directional Antenna system< Cell splitting< consideration o4 the components o4 Cell!lar system( UNIT III INTER>ERENCE / Introd!ction to Co-Channel Inter4erence< real time Co-Channel inter4erence< Co-Channel meas!rement< design o4 Antenna system< Antenna parameters and their e44ects< di%ersity recei%er< non-cochannel inter4erence-di44erent types( UNIT IV CELL COVERAGE >OR SIGNAL AND TRA>>IC / ignal re4lections in 4lat and hilly terrain< e44ect o4 h!man made str!ct!res< phase di44erence 'et#een direct and re4lected paths< constant standard de%iation< straight line path loss slope< general 4orm!la 4or mo'ile propagation o%er #ater and 4lat open area< near and long distance propagation antenna height gain< 4orm o4 a point to point model( UNIT V CELL SITE AND MOBILE ANTENNAS / !m and di44erence patterns and their synthesis< omni directional antennas< directional antennas 4or inter4erence red!ction< space di%ersity antennas< !m'rella pattern antennas< minim!m separation o4 cell site antennas< high gain antennas( UNIT VI >REGUENCY MANAGEMENT AND CHANNEL ASSIGNMENT / "!m'ering and gro!ping< set!p access and paging channels channel assignments to cell sites and mo'ile !nits< channel sharing and 'orro#ing< sectori2ation< o%erlaid cells< non 4i8ed channel assignment( UNIT VII ?ando44< dropped calls and cell splitting< types o4 hando44< hando44 in%itation< delaying hando44< 4orced hando44< mo'ile assigned hando44( Intersystem hando44< cell splitting< micro cells< %ehicle locating methods< dropped call rates and their e%al!ation( UNIT VIII DIGITAL CELLULAR NETWORKS / B M architect!re< B M channels< m!ltiple8 access scheme < )DMA< CDMA( TE=TBOOKS / 1( Mo'ile Cell!lar )elecomm!nications A *(C(G( &ee< )ata McBra# ?ill< 2rd Edn(< 2--6( 2( Principles o4 Mo'ile Comm!nications A Bordon &( t!'er< pringer International 2nd Edition< 2--I( RE>ERENCES / 8. *ireless Comm!nications - )heodore( ( 6apport< Pearson ed!cation< 2nd Edn(< 2--2( 2. *ireless and Mo'ile Comm!nications A &ee McBra# ?ills< 3rd Edition< 2--6( :. *ireless Comm!nication and "et#or$ing A Eon *( Mar$ and *eih!a Ph;!ng< P?I< 2--+( 9. *ireless Comm!nication )echnology A 6( 7la$e< )hompson Asia P%t( &td(< 2--4(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 RADAR SYSTEMS UNIT I Introd!ction "at!re o4 6adar< Ma8im!m Cnam'ig!o!s 6ange< 6adar *a%e4orms< imple 4orm o4 6adar E;!ation< 6adar 7loc$ Diagram and /peration< 6adar 1re;!encies and Applications( 6elated Pro'lems( UNIT II R(d() EH!(%-o5 / Prediction o4 6ange Per4ormance< Minim!m Detecta'le ignal< 6ecei%er "oise and "6< Integration o4 6adar P!lses< 6adar Cross ection o4 )argets 9simple targets - sphere< cone-sphere:< )ransmitter Po#er< P61 and 6ange Am'ig!ities< ystem &osses 9;!alitati%e treatment:( 6elated Pro'lems( UNIT III CW (5d >) H! 5$3 Mod!,(% d R(d() / Doppler E44ect< C* 6adar A 7loc$ Diagram< Isolation 'et#een )ransmitter and 6ecei%er< "on-2ero I1 6ecei%er< 6ecei%er 7and#idth 6e;!irements< Applications o4 C* radar( UNIT IV 1M-C* 6adar< 6ange and Doppler Meas!rement< 7loc$ Diagram and Characteristics 9Approaching> 6eceding )argets:< 1M-C* altimeter< Meas!rement Errors< M!ltiple 1re;!ency C* 6adar( UNIT V MTI (5d &!,+ Do<<, ) R(d() / Introd!ction< Principle< M)I 6adar #ith - Po#er Ampli4ier )ransmitter and Po#er /scillator )ransmitter< Delay &ine Cancellers A 1ilter Characteristics< 7lind peeds< Do!'le Cancellation< taggered P61s( 6ange Bated Doppler 1ilters( M)I 6adar Parameters< &imitations to M)I Per4ormance( "on-coherent M)I< M)I %ers!s P!lse Doppler 6adar( UNIT VI T)($;-56 R(d() / )rac$ing #ith 6adar< e;!ential &o'ing< Conical can< Monop!lse )rac$ing 6adar A Amplit!de Comparison Monop!lse 9one- and t#o- coordinates:< Phase Comparison Monop!lse( )arget 6e4lection Characteristics and Ang!lar Acc!racy( )rac$ing in 6ange< Ac;!isition and canning Patterns( Comparison o4 )rac$ers( UNIT VII D % $%-o5 o? R(d() S-65(,+ -5 No-+ / Introd!ction< Matched 1ilter 6ecei%er A 6esponse Characteristics and Deri%ation< Correlation 1!nction and Cross-correlation 6ecei%er< E44iciency o4 "on-matched 1ilters< Matched 1ilter #ith "on-#hite "oise( UNIT VIII R(d() R $ -. )+ A "oise 1ig!re and "oise )emperat!re( Displays A types( D!ple8ers A 7ranch type and 7alanced type< Circ!lators as D!ple8ers( Introd!ction to Phased Array Antennas A 7asic Concepts< 6adiation Pattern< 7eam teering and 7eam *idth changes< eries %ers!s Parallel 1eeds< Applications< Ad%antages and &imitations( TE=T BOOKS / 1( Introd!ction to 6adar ystems A Merrill I( $olni$< EC/"D EDI)I/"< McBra#-?ill< 1H.1( RE>ERENCES / 1( Introd!ction to 6adar ystems A Merrill I( $olni$< )?I6D EDI)I/"< )ata McBra#-?ill< 2--1(






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 MICRO CONTROLLERS AND A&&LICATIONS AELECTIVE 1 IB UNIT I OVERVIEW O> ARCHITECTURE AND MICROCONTROLLER RESOURCES / Architect!re o4 a microcontroller A Microcontroller reso!rces A 6eso!rces in ad%anced and ne8t generation microcontrollers A .-+1 microcontroller A Internal and E8ternal memories A Co!nters and )imers A ynchrono!s serialc!masynchrono!s serial comm!nication - Interr!pts( UNIT II 80C8 >AMILY MICROCONTROLLERS INSTRUCTION SET / 7asic assem'ly lang!age programming A Data trans4er instr!ctions A Data and 7it-manip!lation instr!ctions A Arithmetic instr!ctions A Instr!ctions 4or &ogical operations on the tes among the 6egisters< Internal 6AM< and 16s A Program 4lo# control instr!ctions A Interr!pt control 4lo#( UNIT III REAL TIME CONTROL / INTERRU&TS / Interr!pt handling str!ct!re o4 an MCC A Interr!pt &atency and Interr!pt deadline A M!ltiple so!rces o4 the interr!pts A "on-mas$a'le interr!pt so!rces A Ena'ling or disa'ling o4 the so!rces A Polling to determine the interr!pt so!rce and assignment o4 the priorities among them A Interr!pt str!ct!re in Intel .-+1( UNIT IV REAL TIME CONTROL/ TIMERS / Programma'le )imers in the MCC=s A 1ree r!nning co!nter and real time control A Interr!pt inter%al and density constraints( UNIT V SYSTEMS DESIGN / DIGITAL AND ANALOG INTER>ACING METHODS / #itch< Feypad and Fey'oard inter4acings A &ED and Array o4 &EDs A Fey'oard-c!m-Display controller 9.2IH: A Alphan!meric De%ices A Display ystems and its inter4aces A Printer inter4aces A Programma'le instr!ments inter4ace !sing IEEE 4.. 7!s A Inter4acing #ith the 1lash Memory A Inter4aces A Inter4acing to ?igh Po#er De%ices A Analog inp!t inter4acing A Analog o!tp!t inter4acing A /ptical motor sha4t encoders A Ind!strial control A Ind!strial process control system A Prototype MCC 'ased Meas!ring instr!ments A 6o'otics and Em'edded control A Digital ignal Processing and Digital 1ilters( UNIT VI REAL TIME O&ERATING SYSTEM >OR MICROCONTROLLERS / 6eal )ime operating system A 6)/ o4 Feil 96)M+1: A Cse o4 6)/ in Design A o4t#are de%elopment tools 4or Microcontrollers( UNIT VII 8F-BIT MICROCONTROLLERS / ?ard#are A Memory map in Intel .-1H6 4amily MCC system A I/ ports A Progamma'le )imers and ?igh-speed o!tp!ts and inp!t capt!res A Interr!pts A instr!ctions( UNIT VIII ARM :2 B-% MCU+ / Introd!ction to 16>32 7it processors A A6M architect!re and organi2ation A A6M > )h!m' programming model A A6M > )h!m' instr!ction set A De%elopment tools( TE=T BOOKS / 1( Microcontrollers Architect!re< Programming< Inter4acing and ystem Design A 6a0 Famal< Pearson Ed!cation< 2--+( 2( )he .-+1 Microcontroller and Em'edded ystems A Ma2idi and Ma2idi< P?I< 2---( RE>ERENCES / 1( Microcontrollers 9)heory 5 Applications: A A(3( Deshm!$< *)M?< 2--+( 2( Design #ith PIC Microcontrollers A Eohn 7( Peatman< Pearson Ed!cation< 2--+(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 TELEVISION ENGINEERING AELECTIVE 1 IB UNIT I INTRODUCTION / )3 transmitter and recei%ers< synchroni2ation( )ele%ision Pict!resD Beometric 4orm and aspect ratio< image contin!ity< interlaced scanning< pict!re resol!tion< Composite %ideo signalD ?ori2ontal and %ertical sync< scanning se;!ence( Colo!r signal generation and Encoding/ Perception o4 'rightness and colo!rs< additi%e colo!r mi8ing< %ideo signals 4or colo!rs< l!minance signal< colo!r di44erence signals< encoding o4 colo!r di44erence signals< 4ormation o4 chrominance signals< PA& encoder( UNIT II TV SIGNAL TRANSMISSION AND &RO&AGATION / Pict!re signal transmission< positi%e and negati%e mod!lation< 3 7 transmission< so!nd signal transmission< standard channel 7*< )3 transmitter< )3 signal propagation< inter4erence< )3 'roadcast channels< )3 transmission Antennas( UNIT III TV CAMERAS / Camera t!'e types< 3idicon< camera( CCD Image ensors( ilicon Diode Array 3idicon< Monochrome )3 camera< color

UNIT IV &ICTURE TUBES / Monochromatic Pict!re t!'e< Electrostatic 4oc!ssing< 7eam de4lection< pict!re t!'e characteristics and speci4ications< colo!r pict!re t!'es( )3 tandardsD American +2+ line 75* )3 system< ") C colo!r system< 62+-line monochrome system<' PA& colo!r system< )3 standards( UNIT V MONOCHROME TV RECEIVER / 61 t!ner< I1 s!'system< %ideo ampli4ier< so!nd section< sync separation and processing< de4lection circ!its< scanning circ!its( PA&-D Colo!r 6ecei%erD Electron t!ners< I1 s!'system< G-signal channel< Chroma decoder< eparation o4 C 5 3 Colo!r Phasors< synchrono!s demod!lators< !'carrier generation< raster circ!its( UNIT VI VISION I> SUBSYSTEM / ABC< noise cancellation< %ideo and intercarrier so!nd signal detection< %ision I1 s!'system o4 7lac$ and *hite recei%ers< Colo!r recei%er I1 s!'system( 6ecei%er so!nd systemD 1M detection< 1M o!nd detectors< typical applications( )3 6ecei%er )!nersD )!ner operation< 3?1 and C?1 t!ners< digital t!ning techni;!es< remote control o4 recei%er 4!nctions( UNIT VII COLOUR SIGNAL DECODING / PA& A D decoder< chroma signal ampli4iers< separation o4 C and 3 signals< Color '!rst separation< 7!rst phase discriminator< ACC ampli4ier< 6e4erence oscillator< Indent and colo!r $iller circ!its< 6/ phase shi4t and 1.-o PA&A *I)C? circ!itry< C 5 3 demod!lators< Colo!r signal mi8ing( UNIT VIII SYNC SE&ARATION, A>C AND DE>LECTION OSCILLATORS / ynchrono!s separation< $ noise in sync p!lses< separation o4 4rame and line sync p!lses( A1C< single ended A1C circ!it( De4lection /scillators< de4lection dri%e Ics( 6ecei%er Antennas( DIBI)A& )3 Digital atellite )3< Direct to ?ome atellite )3< Digital )3 6ecei%er< Digital )errestrial )3( TEST BOOKS / 1( Modern )ele%ision Practice A Principles< )echnology and er%ice A 6(6( B!lati< "e# Age International P!'lication< 2--2( 2( Monochrome and Colo!r )3 A 6(6( B!lati< "e# Age International P!'lication< 2--2( RE>ERENCES / 1( Colo!r )ele%ision )heory and Practice A (P( 7ali< )M?< 1HH4( 2( )ele%ision and 3ideo Engineering - A(M( Dha$e< 2nd Edition( 3( 7asic )ele%ision and 3ideo ystems A 7( Bro' and C(E( ?erndon< McBra# ?ill< 1HHH(






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 O&ERATING SYSTEMS AELECTIVE - IB UNIT I Comp!ter ystem and /perating ystem /%er%ie#O /%er%ie# o4 Comp!ter ystem hard#are A Instr!ction e8ec!tion A I>/ 4!nction A Interr!pts A Memory hierarchy A I(/ Comm!nication techni;!es( /perating ystem /'0ecti%es and 4!nctions A E%al!ation o4 operating ystem A E8ample ystems( UNIT II Process Description A Process Control-process states A Process and )hreads - E8amples o4 Process description and Control( UNIT III Co5$!)) 5$3 / Principles o4 Conc!rrency A M!t!al E8cl!sion A o4t#are and hard#are approaches A semaphores A Monitors A Message Passing A 6eaders *riters Pro'lem( UNIT IV Principles o4 deadloc$ A deadloc$ pre%ention< detection and a%oidance dining philosophers pro'lem A e8ample ystems( UNIT V Memory ManagementD Memory Management re;!irements A loading programmes in to main memory A %irt!al memory A hard#are and Control str!ct!res A / o4t#are A E8amples o4 Memory Management( UNIT VI Cniprocessor ched!lingD )ypes o4 ched!ling A ched!ling algorithms A I>/ management and Disc ched!ling A I>o de%ices A organi2ation A o4 I>/ 4!nction A / design iss!es A I>/ '!44ering A Dis$ I>/ A dis$ sched!ling Policies A e8amples ystem( UNIT VII 1ile Management and ec!rityD /%er%ie# o4 4ile management A 4ile organi2ation and access A 1ile Directories A 1ile sharing A record 'loc$ing A secondary torage Management A e8ample system( UNIT VIII S $!)-%3 / ec!rity threats A Protection A intr!ders A 3ir!ses A tr!sted ystem( TE=T BOOKS / 1( /perating ystems= A Internal and Design Principles< 1i4th EditionA2--+< Pearson ed!cation(>P?I 2( /perating ystem Principles- A'raham il'erchat2< Peter 7( Bal%in< Breg Bagne<Ith Edition Eohn *iley RE>ERENCES / 1( /perating ystems A design approach- Cro#ley<)M?( 2( Modern /perating ystems< Andre# )anen'a!m( 2nd Edition< P?I>PEA6 /"(






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 DIGITAL IMAGE &ROCESSING AELECTIVE 1 IIB UNIT I Digital image 4!ndamentals - Digital Image thro!gh scanner< digital camera( Concept o4 gray le%els( Bray le%el to 'inary image con%ersion( ampling and ;!anti2ation( 6elation ship 'et#een pi8els( Imaging Beometry( UNIT II Image )rans4orms 2-D 11) < Properties( *alsh trans4orm< ?adamard )rans4orm< Discrete cosine )rans4orm< ?aar trans4orm< lant trans4orm< ?otelling trans4orm( UNIT III Image enhancement Point processing( ?istogram processing( patial 4iltering( UNIT IV Enhancement in 4re;!ency domain< Image smoothing< Image sharpening(

UNIT V Colo!r image processing D Psedo colo!r image processing< 4!ll colo!r image processing(

UNIT VI Image 6estoration Degradation model< Alge'raic approach to restoration< In%erse 4iltering< &east mean s;!are 4ilters< Constrained &east ;!ares 6estoration< Interacti%e 6estoration( UNIT VII Image segmentation Detection o4 discontin!ities( Edge lin$ing and 'o!ndary detection< )hresholding< 6egion oriented segmentation( UNIT VIII Image compression 6ed!ndancies and their remo%al methods< 1idelity criteria< Image compression models< o!rce encoder and decoder< Error 4ree compression< &ossy compression( TE=T BOOK / 1( Digital Image processing A 6(C( Bon2ale2 5 6(E( *oods< Addison *esley> Pearson ed!cation< 2nd Ed!cation< 2--2( RE>ERENCES / 1( 1!ndamentals o4 Digital Image processing A A(F(Eain < P?I( 2( Digital Image processing !sing MA) &A7 A 6a4ael C( Bon2ale2< 6ichard E *oods and te%en &( Edition< PEA< 2--4( 3( Digital Image Processing A *illiam F( Pratt< Eohn *ilely< 3rd Edition< 2--4( 4( 1!ndamentals o4 Electronic Image Processing A *ee$s Er(< PIC>IEEE eries< P?I(






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS AELECTIVE 1 IIB UNIT I INTRODUCTION L2M / /rigin o4 atellite Comm!nications< ?istorical 7ac$-gro!nd< 7asic Concepts o4 atellite Comm!nications< 1re;!ency allocations 4or atellite er%ices< Applications< 1!t!re )rends o4 atellite Comm!nications( UNIT II ORBITAL MECHANICS AND LAUNCHERSL8M / /r'ital Mechanics< &oo$ Angle determination< /r'ital pert!r'ations< /r'it determination< la!nches and la!nch %ehicles< /r'ital e44ects in comm!nication systems per4ormance( UNIT III SATELLITE SUBSYSTEMSL8M / Attit!de and or'it control system< telemetry< trac$ing< Command and monitoring< po#er systems< comm!nication s!'systems< atellite antenna E;!ipment relia'ility and pace ;!ali4ication( UNIT IV SATELLITE LINK DESIGNL8M / 7asic transmission theory< system noise temperat!re and B>) ratio< Design o4 do#n lin$s< !p lin$ design< Design o4 satellite lin$s 4or speci4ied C>"< ystem design e8ample( UNIT V MULTI&LE ACCESSL8ML2M / 1re;!ency di%ision m!ltiple access 91DMA: Intermod!lation< Calc!lation o4 C>"( )ime di%ision M!ltiple Access 9)DMA: 1rame str!ct!re< E8amples( atellite #itched )DMA /n'oard processing< DAMA< Code Di%ision M!ltiple access 9CDMA:< pread spectr!m transmission and reception( UNIT VI EARTH STATION TECHNOLOGYL:M / Introd!ction< )ransmitters< 6ecei%ers< Antennas< )rac$ing systems< )errestrial inter4ace< Primary po#er test methods( UNIT VII LOW EARTH ORBIT AND GEO-STATIONARY SATELLITE SYSTEMSL8M / /r'it consideration< co%erage and 4re;!ency considerations< Delay 5 )hro!ghp!t considerations< ystem considerations< /perational "B / constellation Designs UNIT VIII SATELLITE NAVIGATION E THE GLOBAL &OSITIONING SYSTEM L8M / 6adio and atellite "a%igation< BP Position &ocation principles< BP 6ecei%ers and codes< atellite signal ac;!isition< BP "a%igation Message< BP signal le%els< BP recei%er operation< BP C>A code acc!racy< Di44erential BP ( TE=T BOOKS / 1( atellite Comm!nications A )imothy Pratt< Charles 7ostian and Eeremy Alln!tt< * E< *iley P!'lications< 2nd Edition< 2--3( 2( atellite Comm!nications Engineering A *il'!r &( Pritchard< 6o'ert A "elson and ?enri B( !yderho!d< 2nd Edition< Pearson P!'lications< 2--3( RE>ERENCES / 1( atellite Comm!nications D Design Principles A M( 6ichharia< 7 P!'lications< 2nd Edition< 2--3( 2( atellite Comm!nication - D(C Agar#al< Fhanna P!'lications< +th Ed( 3( 1!ndamentals o4 atellite Comm!nications A F("( 6a0a 6ao< P?I< 2--4 4( atellite Comm!nications A Dennis 6oddy< McBra# ?ill< 2nd Edition< 1HH6(






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE. I-S * T & C 9780 0 9 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AELECTIVE-IIB UNIT 1 I Data 'ase ystem Applications< data 'ase ystem 3 4ile ystem A 3ie# o4 Data A Data A'straction A Instances and chemas A data Models A the E6 Model A 6elational Model A /ther Models A Data'ase &ang!ages A DD& A DM& A data'ase Access 4or applications Programs A data 'ase Csers and Administrator A )ransaction Management A data 'ase ystem tr!ct!re A torage Manager A the J!ery Processor A ?istory o4 Data 'ase ystems(Data 'ase design and E6 diagrams A 7eyond E6 Design Entities< Attri'!tes and Entity sets A 6elationships and 6elationship sets A Additional 4eat!res o4 E6 Model A Concept Design #ith the E6 Model A Concept!al Design 4or &arge enterprises( UNIT 1 II 6elational ModelD Introd!ction to the 6elational Model A Integrity Constraint /%er relations A En4orcing Integrity constraints A J!erying relational data A &ogical data 'ase Design A Introd!ction to 3ie#s A Destroying >altering )a'les and 3ie#s( 6elational Alge'ra and Calc!l!sD 6elational Alge'ra A election and pro0ection set operations A renaming A Eoins A Di%ision A E8amples o4 Alge'ra o%er%ie#s A 6elational calc!l!s A )!ple relational Calc!l!s A Domain relational calc!l!s A E8pressi%e Po#er o4 Alge'ra and calc!l!s( UNIT 1 III 1orm o4 7asic J& J!ery A E8amples o4 7asic J& J!eries A Introd!ction to "ested J!eries A Correlated "ested J!eries et A Comparison /perators A Aggregati%e /perators A "C&& %al!es A Comparison !sing "!ll %al!es A &ogical connecti%ity=s A A"D< /6 and "/)6 A Impact on J& Constr!cts A /!ter Eoins A Disallo#ing "C&& %al!es A Comple8 Integrity Constraints in J& - )riggers and Acti%e Data 'ases( UNIT 1 IV chema re4inement A Pro'lems Ca!sed 'y red!ndancy A Decompositions A Pro'lem related to decomposition A reasoning a'o!t 1D A 1I6 )< EC/"D< )?I6D "ormal 4orms A 7C"1 A &ossless 0oin Decomposition A Dependency preser%ing Decomposition A chema re4inement in Data 'ase Design A M!lti %al!ed Dependencies A 4orth "ormal 1orm( UNIT 1 V /%er%ie# o4 )ransaction ManagementD ACID Properties A )ransactions and ched!les A Conc!rrent E8ec!tion o4 transaction A &oc$ 7ased Conc!rrency Control A Per4ormance &oc$ing A )ransaction !pport in J& A Introd!ction to Crash reco%ery( UNIT 1 VI Conc!rrency ControlD eriali2a'ility< and reco%era'ility A Introd!ction to &oc$ Management A &oc$ Con%ersions A Dealing #ith Dead &oc$s A peciali2ed &oc$ing )echni;!es A Conc!rrency #itho!t &oc$ing( Crash reco%eryD Introd!ction to A6IE A the &og A /ther 6eco%ery related tr!ct!res A the *rite-Ahead &og Protocol A Chec$ pointing A re3co%ering 4rom a ystem Crash A Media reco%ery A /ther approaches and Interaction #ith Conc!rrency control(





UNIT 1 VII /%er%ie# o4 torage and Inde8ingD Data on E8ternal torage A 1ile /rgani2ation and Inde8ing A Cl!ster Inde8es< Primary and econdary Inde8es A Inde8 data tr!ct!res A ?ash 7ased Inde8ing A )ree 'ase Inde8ing A Comparison o4 1ile /rgani2ations A Inde8es and Per4ormance )!ning( UNIT 1 VIII toring dataD Dis$s and 1iles D - )he Memory ?ierarchy A 6ed!ndant Arrays o4 Independent A Dis$s A Dis$ pace Management A 7!44er Manager A 1iles o4 records A Page 1ormats A record 4ormats( )ree tr!ct!red Inde8ingD Int!itions 4or tree Inde8es A Inde8ed e;!ential Access Methods 9I AM: A 7+ )reesD A Dynamic Inde8 tr!ct!re( ?ash 7ased Inde8ingD tatic ?ashing A E8tenda'le hashing A &inear ?ashing A E8end'le %s( &iner hashing( TE=T BOOKS / 1( Data 'ase Management ystems< 6agh!rama Frishnan< Eohannes Behr$e< )A)A McBra#?ill 3rd Edition( 2( Data 'ase ystem Concepts< il'erschat2< Forth< Mc(Bra# hill< I3 edition( RE>ERENCES /


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1( Introd!ction to Data'ase ystems< C(E(Date Pearson Ed!cation 2( Data 'ase ystems design< Implementation< and Management< 6o' 5 Coronel +th Edition()homson( 3( Data 'ase Management ystem< Elmasri "a%rate Pearson Ed!cation( 4( Data 'ase Management ystem Mathe# &eon< &eon 3i$as( +( Data 'ase ystems< Connoley Pearson ed!cation(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE I-S * T 0 MICROWAVE AND O&TICAL COMMUNICATIONS LAB M-5-*!* T4 ,. E@< )-* 5%+ %o " $o5d!$% d/ &()% 1 A A A53 7 E@< )-* 5%+B / 1( 6e4le8 Flystron Characteristics( 2( B!nn Diode Characteristics( 3( Atten!ation Meas!rement( 4( Directional Co!pler Characteristics( +( 3 *6 Meas!rement( 6( Impedance and 1re;!ency Meas!rement( I( *a%eg!ide parameters meas!rement( .( cattering parameters o4 Circ!lator( H( cattering parameters o4 Magic )ee( &()% 1 B A A53 C E@< )-* 5%+ B / 1-( Characteri2ation o4 &ED( 11( Characteri2ation o4 &aser Diode( 12( Intensity mod!lation o4 &aser o!tp!t thro!gh an optical 4i'er( 13( Meas!rement o4 Data rate 4or Digital /ptical lin$( 14( Meas!rement o4 "A( 1+( Meas!rement o4 losses 4or Analog /ptical lin$( EH!-<* 5% ) H!-) d ?o) L("o)(%o)- +/ 1( 2( 3( 4( +( 6( I( .( H( 1-( 11( 12( 13( 14( 1+( 16( 1I( 1.( 1H( 2-( 21( 22(

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C 2

6eg!lated Flystron Po#er !pply 3 *6 Meter Micro Ammeter - A +-- YA M!ltimeter C6/ BC"" Po#er !pply< Pin Moderator 6e4le8 Flystron Crystal Diodes Micro #a%e components 9Atten!ation: 1re;!ency Meter losted line carriage Pro'e detector #a%e g!ide shorts Pyramidal ?orn Antennas Directional Co!pler E< ?< Magic )ees Circ!lators< Isolator Matched &oads 1i'er /ptic Analog )rainer 'ased &ED 1i'er /ptic Analog )rainer 'ased laser 1i'er /ptic Digital )rainer 1i'er ca'les 9Plastic< Blass:






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE I-S * T 0 DIGITAL SIGNAL &ROCESSING LAB LIST O> E=&ERIMENTS / 1( )o st!dy the architect!re o4 D P chips A )M 32-C +M>6M Instr!ctions( 2( )o %eri4y linear con%ol!tion( 3( )o %eri4y the circ!lar con%ol!tion( 4( )o design 1I6 4ilter 9&P>?P: !sing #indo#ing techni;!e a: Csing rectang!lar #indo# ': Csing triang!lar #indo# c: Csing Faiser #indo# +( )o Implement II6 4ilter 9&P>?P: on D P Processors 6( "-point 11) algorithm( I( MA)&A7 program to generate s!m o4 sin!soidal signals( .( MA)&A7 program to 4ind 4re;!ency response o4 analog &P>?P 4ilters( H( )o comp!te po#er density spectr!m o4 a se;!ence( 1-( )o 4ind the 11) o4 gi%en 1-D signal and plot(


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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE. II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 O&TICAL COMMUNICATIONS UNIT I /%er%ie# o4 optical 4i'er comm!nication - ?istorical de%elopment< )he general system< ad%antages o4 optical 4i'er comm!nications( /ptical 4i'er #a%e g!ides- Introd!ction< 6ay theory transmission< )otal Internal 6e4lection< Acceptance angle< "!merical Apert!re< $e# rays( Cylindrical 4i'ers- Modes< 3n!m'er< Mode co!pling< tep Inde8 4i'ers< Braded Inde8 4i'ers( UNIT II ingle mode 4i'ers- C!t o44 #a%elength< Mode 1ield Diameter< E44ecti%e 6e4racti%e Inde8( K2L( 1i'er materials ^ Blass< ?alide< Acti%e glass< Chalgenide glass< Plastic optical 4i'ers( ignal distortion in optical 4i'ersAtten!ation< A'sorption< cattering and 7ending losses< Core and Cladding losses( UNIT III In4ormation capacity determination< Bro!p delay< )ypes o4 Dispersion - Material dispersion< *a%e-g!ide dispersion< Polari2ation mode dispersion< Intermodal dispersion( P!lse 'roadening( /ptical 4i'er ConnectorsConnector types< ingle mode 4i'er connectors< Connector ret!rn loss( UNIT IV 1i'er plicing- plicing techni;!es< plicing single mode 4i'ers( 1i'er alignment and 0oint loss- M!ltimode 4i'er 0oints< single mode 4i'er 0oints<( /ptical so!rces- &EDs< tr!ct!res< Materials< J!ant!m e44iciency< Po#er< Mod!lation< Po#er 'and#idth prod!ct( In0ection &aser Diodes- Modes< )hreshold conditions< E8ternal ;!ant!m e44iciency<&aser diode rate e;!ations<6esonant 4re;!encies( 6elia'ility o4 &ED5I&D( UNIT V o!rce to 4i'er po#er la!nching - /!tp!t patterns< Po#er co!pling< Po#er la!nching< E;!ili'ri!m "!merical Apert!re< &aser diode to 4i'er co!pling( UNIT VI /ptical detectors- Physical principles o4 PI" and APD< Detector response time< )emperat!re e44ect on A%alanche gain< Comparision o4 Photodetectors( /ptical recei%er operation- 1!ndamental recei%er operation< Digital signal transmission< error so!rces< 6ecei%er con4ig!ration< Digital recei%er per4ormance< Pro'a'ility o4 error< J!ant!m limit< Analog recei%ers( UNIT VII /ptical system design ^ Considerations< Component choice< M!ltiple8ing( Point-to- point lin$s< ystem considerations< &in$ po#er '!dget #ith e8amples( /%erall 4i'er dispersion in M!lti mode and ingle mode 4i'ers< 6ise time '!dget #ith e8amples( UNTI VIII )ransmission distance< &ine coding in /ptical lin$s< *DM< "ecessity < Principles< )ypes o4 *DM< Meas!rement o4 Atten!ation and Dispersion< Eye pattern( TE=T BOOKS / 1( /ptical 1i'er Comm!nications A Berd Feiser< Mc Bra#-?ill International edition< 3rd Edition< 2---( 2( /ptical 1i'er Comm!nications A Eohn M( enior< P?I< 2nd Edition< 2--2( RER>ERENCES / 1( 1i'er /ptic Comm!nications A D(F( Myn'ae% < (C( B!pta and &o#ell &( cheiner< Pearson Ed!cation< 2--+( 2( )e8t 7oo$ on /ptical 1i're Comm!nication and its Applications A (C(B!pta< P?I< 2--+( 3( 1i'er /ptic Comm!nication ystems A Bo%ind P( Agar#al < Eohn *iley< 3rd Ediition< 2--4( 4( 1i'er /ptic Comm!nications A Eoseph C( Palais< 4th Edition< Pearson Ed!cation< 2--4(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE.II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 EMBEDDED AND REAL TIME SYSTEMS AELECTIVE 1 IIIB UNIT I INTRODUCTION D Em'edded systems o%er%ie#< design challenge< processor technology< IC technology< Design )echnology< )rade-o44s( ingle p!rpose processors 6)-le%el com'inational logic< se;!ential logic 96)le%el:< c!stom single p!rpose processor design 96)-le%el:< optimi2ing c!stom single p!rpose processors( UNIT II GENERAL &UR&OSE &ROCESSORS D 7asic architect!re< operation< Pipelining< Programmer=s %ie#< de%elopment en%ironment< Application peci4ic Instr!ction- et Processors 9A IPs: A Micro Controllers and Digital ignal Processors( UNIT III STATE MACHINE AND CONCURRENT &ROCESS MODELS D Introd!ction< models 3s( lang!ages< 4inite state machines #ith data path model 91 MD:< !sing state machines< program state machine model 9P M:< conc!rrent process model< conc!rrent processes< comm!nication among processes< synchroni2ation among processes< implementation< data 4lo# model< real-time systems( UNIT IV COMMUNICATION INTER>ACE / "eed 4or comm!nication inter4aces< 6 232 > CA6)< 6 422 > 6 4.+< C 7< In4rared< IEEE 13H4 1ire#ire< Ethernet< IEEE .-2(11< 7l!e tooth( UNIT V EMBEDDED ' RTOS CONCE&TS 1 I / Architect!re o4 the Fernel< )as$s and )as$ sched!ler< Interr!pt ser%ice ro!tines< emaphores< M!te8( UNIT VI EMBEDDED'RTOS CONCE&TS 1 II / Mail'o8es < Message J!e!es< E%ent 6egisters< Pipes< ignals UNIT VII EMBEDDED ' RTOS CONCE&TS 1 III / )imers< Memory Management< Priority in%ersion pro'lem< Em'edded operating systems Em'edded &in!8< 6eal-time operating systems< 6) &in!8< ?andheld operating systems< *indo#s CE( UNIT VIII DESIGN TECHNOLOGY / Introd!ction< A!tomation< ynthesis< Parallel e%ol!tion o4 compilation and synthesis< &ogic ynthesis< 6) synthesis< 7eha%ioral ynthesis< ystems ynthesis and ?ard#are> o4t#are Co-Design< 3eri4ication< ?ard#are> o4t#are co-sim!lation< 6e!se o4 intellect!al property codes( TE=T BOOKS / 1( Em'edded ystem Design A A Cni4ied ?ard#are> o4t#are Introd!ction - 1ran$ 3ahid< )ony D( Bi%argis< Eohn *iley< 2--2( 2( Em'edded > 6eal )ime ystems A F3FF Prasad< Dreamtech Press< 2--+( RE>ERENCES / 1( Em'edded Microcomp!ter ystems A Eonathan *( 3al%ano< 7roo$s > Cole< )hompson &earning( 2( An Em'edded o4t#are Primer A Da%id E( imon< Pearson Ed(< 2--+( 3( Introd!ction to Em'edded ystems A 6a0 Famal< )M < 2--2( 4( Em'edded 6eal )ime ystems Programming A ri 6am 3 Iyer< Pan$a0 B!pta< )M?< 2--4(






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE.II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 BIO-MEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION AELECTIVE 1 IIIB UNIT I Components o4 Medical Instr!mentation ystem( 7ioampli4ier( tatic and dynamic characteristics o4 medical instr!ments( 7iosignals and characteristics( Pro'lems enco!ntered #ith meas!rements 4rom h!man 'eings( UNIT II /rganisation o4 cell( Deri%ation o4 "ernst e;!ation 4or mem'rane 6esting Potential Beneration and Propagation o4 Action Potential< Cond!ction thro!gh ner%e to ne!ro-m!sc!lar 0!nction( UNIT III 7io Electrodes A 7iopotential Electrodes-E8ternal electrodes< Internal Electrodes( 7iochemical Electrodes( UNIT IV Mechanical 4!nction< Electrical Cond!ction system o4 the heart( Cardiac cycle( 6elation 'et#een electrical and mechanical acti%ities o4 the heart( UNIT V Cardiac Instr!mentation 7lood press!re and 7lood 4lo# meas!rement( peci4ication o4 ECB machine( Eintho%en triangle< tandard 12-lead con4ig!rations< Interpretation o4 ECB #a%e4orm #ith respect to electro mechanical acti%ity o4 the heart( UNIT VI )herape!tic e;!ipment( Pacema$er< De4i'rillator< hort#a%e diathermy( ?emodialysis machine(

UNIT VII "e!ro-M!sc!lar Instr!mentation peci4ication o4 EEB and EMB machines( Electrode placement 4or EEB and EMB recording( Intrepretation o4 EEB and EMB( UNIT VIII 6espiratory Instr!mentation Mechanism o4 respiration< pirometry< Pnem!otachograph 3entilators( TE=T BOOKS / 1( 7iomedical Instr!mentation and Meas!rements A &eslie Crom#ell and 1(E( *ei'ell< E(A( P4ei44er< P?I< 2nd Ed< 1H.-( 2( Medical Instr!mentation< Application and Design A Eohn B( *e'ster< Eohn *iley< 3rd Ed(< 1HH.( RE>ERENCES / 1( Principles o4 Applied 7iomedical Instr!mentation A &(A( Beoddes and &(E( 7a$er< Eohn *iley< 1HI+( 2( ?and-'oo$ o4 7iomedical Instr!mentation A 6( ( Fhandp!r< )M?< 2nd Ed(< 2--3( 3( 7iomedical )elemetry A Mac$ay< t!art 6(< Eohn *iley< 1H6.(






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE.II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 DIGITAL DESIGN THROUGH VERILOG AELECTIVE 1 IIIB UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO VERILOG / 3erilog as ?D&< &e%els o4 Design Description< Conc!rrency< im!lation and ynthesis< 1!nctional 3eri4ication< ystem )as$s< Programming &ang!age Inter4ace 9P&I:< Mod!le< im!lation and ynthesis )ools< )est 7enches( LANGUAGE CONSTRUCTS AND CONVENTIONS / Introd!ction< Fey#ords< Identi4iers< *hite pace Characters< Comments< "!m'ers< trings< &ogic 3al!es< trengths< Data )ypes< calars and 3ectors< Parameters< Memory< /perators< ystem )as$s< E8ercises( UNIT II GATE LEVEL MODELING / Introd!ction< A"D Bate Primiti%e< Mod!le tr!ct!re< /ther Bate Primiti%es< Ill!strati%e E8amples< )ri- tate Bates< Array o4 Instances o4 Primiti%es< Additional E8amples< Design o4 1lip4lops #ith Bate Primiti%es< Delays< trengths and Contention 6esol!tion< "et )ypes< Design o4 7asic Circ!its< E8ercises( UNIT III BEHAVIORAL MODELING / Introd!ction< /perations and Assignments< 1!nctional 7i4!rcation< 6nitial Constr!ct< Always Constr!ct< E8amples< Assignments #ith Delays< 1ait constr!ct< M!ltiple Al#ays 7loc$s< Designs at 7eha%ioral &e%el< 7loc$ing and "on 'loc$ing Assignments< )he case statement< im!lation 1lo#( i8 and i8&else constr!cts< assign&deassign constr!ct< repeat constr!ct< for loop< the disable constr!ct< while loop< forever loop< parallel 'loc$s< force&release constr!ct< E%ent( UNIT IV MODELING AT DATA >LOW LEVEL / Introd!ction< Contin!o!s Assignment tr!ct!res< Delays and Contin!o!s Assignments< Assignment to 3ectors< /perators( SWITCH LEVEL MODELING. Introd!ction< 7asic )ransistor #itches< CM/ #itch< 7i-directional Bates< )ime Delays #ith #itch Primiti%es< Instantiations #ith trengths and Delays< trength Contention #ith )rireg "ets< E8ercises( UNIT V SYSTEM TASKS, >UNCTIONS, AND COM&ILER DIRECTIVES / Introd!ction< Parameters< Path Delays< Mod!le Parameters< ystem )as$s and 1!nctions< 1ile-7ased )as$s and 1!nctions< Compiler Directi%es< ?ierarchical Access< Beneral /'ser%ations< E8ercises< >UNCTIONS, TASKS, AND USER-DE>INED &RIMITIVES / Introd!ction< 1!nction< )as$s< Cser- De4ined Primiti%es 9CDP:< 1 M Design 9Moore and Mealy Machines: UNIT VI DIGITAL DESIGN WITH SM CHARTS / tate Machine Charts< Deri%ation o4 M Charts< 6eali2ation o4 M Charts< Implementation o4 the Dice Bame< Alternati%e reali2ations 4or M Charts !sing Microprogramming< &in$ed tate Machines( UNIT VII DESIGNING WITH &ROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAYS AND COM&LE= &ROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES / Milin8 3--- eries 1PBAs< Designing #ith 1PBAs< Csing a /ne-?ot tate Assignment< Altera Comple8 Programma'le &ogic De%ices 9CP&Ds:< Altera 1&EM 1-F eries CP&Ds( UNIT VIII VERILOG MODELS / tatic 6AM Memory< A simpli4ied 4.6 7!s Model< Inter4acing Memory to a Microprocessor 7!s< CA6) Design< Design o4 Microcontroller CPC( TEST BOOKS / 1( Design thro!gh 3erilog ?D& A )(6( Padmana'han and 7( 7ala )rip!ra !ndari< * E< 2--4 IEEE Press( 2( A 3erilog Primier A E( 7has$ar< 7 P< 2--3( RE>ERENCES / 1( 1!ndamentals o4 &ogic Design #ith 3erilog A tephen( 7ro#n and P%on$o 3ranesic< )M?< 2--+( 2( Digital ystems Design !sing 3?D& A Charles ? 6oth< Er( )homson P!'lications< 2--4( 3( Ad%anced Digital Design #ith 3erilog ?D& A Michael D( Ciletti< P?I< 2--+( 4( Digital systems Design !sing 3?D& A Charles ? 6oth< Er( )homson P!'lications< 2--4(






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE.II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 WIRELESS COMMUNCIATIONS AND NETWORKS AELECTIVE 1 IVB UNIT I MULTI&LE ACCESS TECHNIGUES >OR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION / Introd!ction< 1DMA< )DMA< pread pectr!m< M!ltiple access< DMA< Pac$et radio< Pac$et radio protocols< C MA protocols< 6eser%ation protocols UNIT II INTRODUCTION TO WIRELESS NETWORKING / Introd!ction< Di44erence 'et#een #ireless and 4i8ed telephone net#or$s< De%elopment o4 #ireless net#or$s< )ra44ic ro!ting in #ireless net#or$s( UNIT III WIRELESS DATA SERVICES / CDPD< A6DI < 6MD< Common channel signaling< I D"< 7I D" and A)M< I< I !ser part< signaling tra44ic in I( UNIT IV MOBILE I& AND WIRELESS ACCESS &ROTOCOL / Mo'ile IP /peration o4 mo'ile IP< Co-located address< 6egistration< )!nneling< *AP Architect!re< o%er%ie#< *M& scripts< *AP ser%ice< *AP session protocol< #ireless transaction< *ireless datagram protocol( UNIT V WIRELESS LAN TECHNOLOGY / In4rared &A"s< pread spectr!m &A"s< "arro# 'an$ micro#a%e &A"s< IEEE .-2 protocol Architect!re< IEEE.-2 architect!re and ser%ices< .-2(11 medi!m access control< .-2(11 physical layer( UNIT VI BLUE TOOTH / /%er%ie#< 6adio speci4ication< 7ase 'and speci4ication< &in$s manager speci4ication< &ogical lin$ control and adaptation protocol( Introd!ction to *&& )echnology( UNIT VII MOBILE DATA NETWORKS / Introd!ction< Data oriented CDPD "et#or$< BP6 and higher data rates< hort messaging ser%ice in B M< Mo'ile application protocol( UNIT VIII WIRELESS ATM E HI&ER LAN / Introd!ction< *ireless A)M< ?IPE6&A"< Adhoc "et#or$ing and *PA"( TE=T BOOKS / 1( *ireless Comm!nications< Principles< Practice A )heodore< ( 6appaport< P?I< 2nd Edn(< 2--2( 2( *ireless Comm!nication and "et#or$ing A *illiam tallings< P?I< 2--3( RE>ERENCES / 1( *ireless Digital Comm!nications A Familo 1eher< P?I< 1HHH( 2( Principles o4 *ireless "et#or$s A Fa%eh Pah &a%en and P( Frishna M!rthy< Pearson Ed!cation< 2--2( 3( *ireless Comm!nications A Andrea#s 1( Molisch< *iley India< 2--6( 4( Introd!ction to *ireless and Mo'ile ystems A Dharma Pra$ash Agar#al< Jing-An Peng< )homson 2nd Edition< 2--6(







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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE.II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 DS& &ROCESSORS AND ARCHITECTURES AELECTIVE 1 IVB UNIT I INTORODUCTION TO DIGITAL SIGNAL &ROCESING / Introd!ction< A Digital signal-processing system< )he sampling process< Discrete time se;!ences( Discrete 1o!rier )rans4orm 9D1): and 1ast 1o!rier )rans4orm 911):< &inear time-in%ariant systems< Digital 4ilters< Decimation and interpolation< Analysis and Design tool 4or D P ystems MA)&A7< D P !sing MA)&A7( UNIT II COM&UTATIONAL ACCURACY IN DS& IM&LEMENTATIONS / "!m'er 4ormats 4or signals and coe44icients in D P systems< Dynamic 6ange and Precision< o!rces o4 error in D P implementations< A>D Con%ersion errors< D P Comp!tational errors< D>A Con%ersion Errors< Compensating 4ilter( UNIT III ARCHITECTURES >OR &ROGRAMMABLE DS& DEVICES / 7asic Architect!ral 4eat!res< D P Comp!tational 7!ilding 7loc$s< 7!s Architect!re and Memory< Data Addressing Capa'ilities< Address Beneration Cnit< Programma'ility and Program E8ec!tion< peed Iss!es< 1eat!res 4or E8ternal inter4acing( UNIT IV E=ECUTION CONTROL AND &I&ELINING / ?ard#are looping< Interr!pts< tac$s< 6elati%e 7ranch s!pport< Pipelining and Per4ormance< Pipeline Depth< Interloc$ing< 7ranching e44ects< Interr!pt e44ects< Pipeline Programming models( UNIT V &ROGRAMMABLE DIGITAL SIGNAL &ROCESSORS / Commercial Digital signal-processing De%ices< Data Addressing modes o4 )M 32-C+4MM D Ps< Data Addressing modes o4 )M 32-C+4MM Processors< Memory space o4 )M 32-C+4MM Processors< Program Control< )M 32-C+4MM instr!ctions and Programming< /nChip Peripherals< Interr!pts o4 )M 32-C+4MM processors< Pipeline /peration o4 )M 32-C+4MM Processors( UNIT VI IM&LEMENTATIONS O> BASIC DS& ALGORITHMS / )he J-notation< 1I6 1ilters< II6 1ilters< Interpolation 1ilters< Decimation 1ilters< PID Controller< Adapti%e 1ilters< 2-D ignal Processing( UNIT VII IM&LEMENTATION O> >>T ALGORITHMS / An 11) Algorithm 4or D1) Comp!tation< A 7!tter4ly Comp!tation< /%er4lo# and scaling< 7it-6e%ersed inde8 generation< An .-Point 11) implementation on the )M 32-C+4MM< Comp!tation o4 the signal spectr!m( UNIT VIII INTER>ACING MEMORY AND I'O &ERI&HERALS TO &ROGRAMMABLE DS& DEVICES / Memory space organi2ation< E8ternal '!s inter4acing signals< Memory inter4ace< Parallel I>/ inter4ace< Programmed I>/< Interr!pts and I>/< Direct memory access 9DMA:( A M!ltichannel '!44ered serial port 9Mc7 P:< Mc7 P Programming< a C/DEC inter4ace circ!it< C/DEC programming< A C/DEC-D P inter4ace e8ample( TE=T BOOKS / 1( Digital ignal Processing A A%tar ingh and ( rini%asan< )homson P!'lications< 2--4( 2( D P Processor 1!ndamentals< Architect!res 5 1eat!res A &apsley et al( ( Chand 5 Co< 2---( RE>ERENCES / 1( Digital ignal Processors< Architect!re< Programming and Applications A 7( 3en$ata 6amani and M( 7has$ar< )M?< 2--4( 2( Digital ignal Processing A Eonatham tein< Eohn *iley< 2--+(






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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY KAKINADA IV Y () B.T $2. ECE.II-S * T & C 9780 0 9 ARTI>ICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS AELECTIVE 1 IVB UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO ARTI>ICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS / Introd!ction< Arti4icial "e!ral "et#or$s< ?istorical De%elopment o4 "e!ral "et#or$s< 7iological "e!ral "et#or$s< Comparison 7et#een 7rain and the Comp!ter< Comparison 7et#een Arti4icial and 7iological "e!ral "et#or$s< "et#or$ Architect!re< etting the *eights< Acti%ation 1!nctions< &earning Methods( UNIT II >UNDAMENTAL MODELS O> ARTI>ICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS / Introd!ction< McC!lloch A Pitts "e!ron Model< Architect!re< &earning 6!les< ?e''ian &earning 6!le< Perceptron &earning 6!le< Delta &earning 6!le 9*idro#-?o44 6!le or &eastmean ;!re 9&M : r!le< Competiti%e &earning 6!le< /!t tar &earning 6!le< 7olt2mann &earning< Memory 7ased &earning( UNIT III >EED >ORWARD NETWORKS / Introd!ction< ingle &ayer Perceptron Architect!re< Algorithm< Application Proced!re< Perception Algorithm 4or e%eral /!tp!t Classes< Perceptron Con%ergence )heorem< 7rie4 Introd!ction to M!ltilayer Perceptron net#or$s< 7ac$ Propagation "et#or$ 97P":< Benerali2ed Delta &earning 6!le< 7ac$ Propagation r!le< Architect!re< )raining Algorithm< election o4 Parameters< &earning in 7ac$ Propagation< Application Algorithm< &ocal Minima and Blo'al Minima< Merits and Demerits o4 7ac$ Propagation "et#or$< Applications< 6adial 7asis 1!nction "et#or$ 9671":< Architect!re< )raining Algorithm 4or an 671" #ith 1i8ed Centers( UNIT IV ADALINE AND MADALINE NETWORKS / Introd!ction< Adaline Architect!re< Algorithm< Applications< Madaline< Architect!re< M6I Algorithm< M6II Algorithm( UNIT V COUNTER &RO&AGATION NETWORKS / *inner )a$e A all learning< o!t star learning< Fohonen el4 organi2ing net#or$< Bross'erg layer "et#or$< 1!ll Co!nter Propagation "et#or$ 91!ll CP":< Architect!re< )raining Phases o4 1!ll CP"< )raining Algorithm< Application Proced!re< 1or#ard /nly co!nter Propagation "et#or$< Architect!re< )raining Algorithm< Applications< &earning 3ector J!anti2er 9&3J:( UNIT VI ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY NETWORKS - I / )ypes< Architect!re< Contin!o!s and Discrete ?op4ield "et#or$s< Energy Analysis< torage and 6etri%al Algorithms< Pro'lems #ith ?op4ield "et#or$s( UNIT VII ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY NETWORKS 1 II / 7olt2man Machine< 7idirectional Associati%e Memory< Adapti%e 6esonance )heory "et#or$s Introd!ction< Architect!re< Algorithm( UNIT VIII A&&LICATIONS O> NEURAL NETWORKS / Implementation o4 A>D Con%erter !sing ?op4ield "et#or$< ol%ing /ptimi2ation Pro'lems< ol%ing im!ltaneo!s &inear E;!ation< ol%ing )ra%eling alesman Pro'lems !sing ?op4ield "et#or$s< Application in Pattern 6ecognition< Image Processing( TE=TBOOKS / 1( Introd!ction to Arti4icial "e!ral ystems - E(M(P!rada< Eaico P!'lishers< 3rd Edition( 2( Introd!ction to "e!ral "et#or$s Csing MA)&A7 6(- - ("( hi%anandam< ( !mati< ( "( Deepa< )M?( RE>ERENCES / 1( Elements o4 Arti4icial "e!ral "et#or$s - Fishan Mehrotra< Chel$!ri F( Mohan< and an0ay 6an$a< Penram International( 2( Arti4icial "e!ral "et#or$ A imon ?ay$in< Pearson Ed!cation< 2nd Ed( 3( 1!ndamental o4 "e!ral "et#or$s A &a!rene 1a!sett< Pearson< 1st Ed( 4( Arti4icial "e!ral "et#or$s - 7( Gegnanarayana< P?I(







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