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The views expressed in this paper are the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the

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not equal

Barriers to Equality:
Implications for Development Partners

less than


greater than

approximately equal
From UNDPs APHDR 2009

Triple focus
1. Barriers to equality need to
be better and more widely understood

2. Three strategic windows

Change underlying factors; are amenable to policies and programs where development partners can ma e a difference

!. "um#up and the $% seal.

Triple focus
1. Barriers to equality
2. Three strategic windows 3. Sum-up.

Huge progress in some areas is negated by persisting inequalities and also reversals in others Asia and Pacific is at a crossroads

&on#discrimination treat all ali e' too limited, creates a veneer of equity can!t counter pre"udice, effects of past practices (ll are the same' #ather, all are equally valuable and entitled )*ermit+ freedoms to all' #ather, accept legitimacy for autonomy, aspirations as perfectly normal, the default ,istorical disadvantage needs to be countered in pro-ects. programs and policies' $pportunities, capabilities are not restricted along gender lines

The concept of equality is under# stood in many ways

Control over assets mediated through males or compromised due to marital status /isproportionate burden of unpaid wor - limits opportunities for paid wor%, s%ills, networ%ing, political participation, leisure and rest 0omen e1perience the same laws and legal systems differently from men &eglect of health and nutrition; survival2sustenance transmits across generations

Barriers' patent and latent

Barriers' patent and latent

&nsafe and restricted mobility' limits mar%et opportunities, participation in public life
The budget process, monetary or trade policies' treated as technical rather than political (eadership' political parties, businesses, orgs, typically men set terms )ata to capture inequality' selective or absent *ttitudes, mindsets' stereotyping curtails potential on gender lines

Triple focus
+. ,arriers to equality d

2. Three strategic windows

3. Sum-up.

Three strategic windows

%conomic power *olitical voice 3egal rights

Economic %ower& 'ey challen(es

Assets, earnin(s& Asia-Pacific is (rowin( b)t nowhere are women in ad*anta(e

+ardly Any Women Farm Owners in Asia-Pacific

Women Earn Less than Men

Per cent of Farmland Owned by Women Regional Comparisons Source' -*$ agricultural census +./. to +...

Ratio of Female-to-Male Estimated Earned Income in Asia-Pacific, 2 !, "# $ PPP Source' ,ased on &0)1 Human )evelopment #eport 222.

Wa(e ine,)ality e-ists at all income le*els

4ntil 2556 in 0imbledon women 7emale stars paid less than their tennis athletes were not paid the male counterparts for similar wor same as men

Bringing economic equality within reach' boost economic power

3 %qual rights to property. earnings. finance through laws. policies. media and political engagement 3 8eform labour mar ets including practical and strategic aspects 3 "upport parity in business leadership 9e.g., 0orway 2224: and gender# sensitive selection process 9e.g., recruiters to attend courses on gender equality: 3 "trengthen investments in female education and health; target the poor 3 "afe mobility within and across borders 3 (ssess change against international norms agreements

1olitical voice' %ey challenges

(sia *acific shows no gains; level close to the (rab states
Percent of Women Parliamentarians by re(ion& low (lobally
32.225 2;.55< 26.225 25.;5< 22.225 1>.25< 16.65< 1;.=5< +6.225 222. +2.225 =.15< 22+3 1;.25< 1;.=5< 2!.55< 21.55< 1=.;5< 1>.?5< 1>.@5< 2@.!5< 21.>5< 21.@5<


2.225 *mericas *rab States *sia 7urope-$S87 7urope-$S87 member member countries countries e9cluding 0ordic including 0ordic countries countries 1acific Sub-Saharan *frica :orld

Source: IPU

Bringing political equality within reach' harness dividends from voice

Boost the number and quality of female representation in leadership Auotas can counter pre-udice Build capacity. facilitate mentoring both inside and outside the formal political system Bring gender#friendly budgets. economic planning on to political agendas to transform fiscal spaces "ee out womenBs voices in crises for more complete solutions (ssess change

3egal rights' ey challenges

Whether gender equality is pushed aside or pursued with greater energy, depends on actions taken or not taken now

The regionBs history has led to legal systems rooted in a web of contradictory influences %ven formal laws do not always treat women and men equally
*bsent, unequal, contradictory Some are only technically equal ;non-discrimination<

%quitable laws do not always translate into equality in practice 4nequal access is still lin ed to gender

Bringing legal equality within reach' 7i1 laws; improve access

"upport legal reform and synchroniCe contradictory legal webs for real -ustice =o beyond mechanical non-discrimination! 8iti>enship, inheritance, adoption, matter Dmprove access to -ustice $rient police, "udiciary and increase female staff ?dentify religious and traditional leaders, 8S$s as champions of gender "ustice "upport -udicial activism for positive change 4se international norms as benchmar s to reveal gaps - assess and trac% change

Triple focus
+. ,arriers to equality 2. Three strategic windows

!. "um#up


Overarching global political framewor for !evelopment" First time in human history


FOR PO#.-2 /0
To achieve the broa!e#t con#en#$#& the MDG# ha! to compromi#e" Omitted underlying challenges; gender ine!uality only party addressed The #election of target#& in!icator# limite!" based on availability of data

Rallie! political an! financial #$pport" No other international instrument received this level of attention

Simplicit% a big #trength" Measurable and easy to communicate; almost all AP countries produced NMDGRs

Aggregate# hi! !i#paritie#" "ut countries in Asia adapted goals # targets $ Vietnam

a!!e! G'V an! A##et# Titling for women

Dn sum' Dnstitutions. (ssessments and (ttitudes

%conomic. *olitical and 3egal

Dnstitutions and assessments are the easier partsG

Benchmar against global standards and trac change Collect better data and strengthen capacity for gender analysis

7oster new attitudes; include boys and men with women and girls; media. leaders; content of education

The $ender %quality "eal of 4&/*

+el%s or(ani1ations to self-assess 2 im%ro*e wor' ,)ality, transform res)lts 2 re%ort better

.han' yo) for listenin(

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