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I-A THE TORUS An introduction to the torus and its mathematical formula, illustrating it at scales ranging from atomic to galactic. I-B THE VECTOR EQUILIBRIUM A look at the underlying structure of the torus, called the Vector Equilibrium, and its potential global impact. I-C THE CODE IN ANCIENT CULTURES A showcase of the torus, Vector Equilibrium and the Flower of Life encoded in different cultures for millennia in stories, icons, alphabets, architecture and even in our DNA. I-D SUN GODS SHARE KNOWLEDGE How was there advanced knowledge of the living geometry of the Universe thousands of years ago? An inquiry into the existence and participation of "Sun Gods" and extra-terrestrial intelligence in the evolution of our own scientific knowledge. I-E CROP CIRCLE MESSAGES An examination of the appearance, meaning and source of these mysterious and elaborate designs. I-F FREE ENERGY & ITS SUPPRESSION An investigation into a century of systematic and ongoing free energy suppression, from Nikola Tesla, to modern day inventors. I-G SUPPRESSION OF UFO & FREE ENERGY RELATED A look at why the suppression of UFO phenomena goes hand in hand with the suppression of free energy and how the introduction of free energy would support a critical de-centralization of geo-political power.

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copyright 2011 Clear Compass Media, LLC

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II-A FOOD AND THE GREEN REVOLUTION An investigation into the ownership, control and influences of the banking industry through its control of the oil industry, and in particular its control of food production through oil-dependent pesticides and fertilizers, GMO crops, and the patenting of seeds. II-B EDUCATION & THE NEA The banking elites control of education through the Rockefeller-created National Education Association (NEA) and its intent to train obedient workers and predictable consumers at the expense of human creativity and critical thinking. II-C HEALTH & THE AMA Illustrates the control of the banking elite in the field of health, with its formation, funding and control of the American Medical Association and financial control of most medical research and education. II-D SUPPRESSION OF CURES Reveals the multi-trillion dollar incentive of the banking elite and their associated corporations to suppress cures for diseases. II-E FOLLOW THE MONEY PYRAMID The organizational structure of an elite group of people and the companies they run who, collectively, control the world of finance by actually controlling the source of money. II-F MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR What actually happens when we take out a loan? David Icke explains the current economic system in simple terms. II-G FRACTIONAL RESERVE SCAM An illustrated explanation of how our Fractional Reserve Lending System was established, and how it now operates to guarantee the debt-slavery of everyone but those in charge of it. II-H CREATION OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE A look into the creation of The Federal Reserve, its ownership, and the heavy costs of exposing government secrets. II-I CONSOLIDATING WEALTH AND POWER Offers a historical account of the process by which the elite banking families consolidated their wealth during the Great Depression and the 2008 Bank Collapse, and how the scheme persists. II-J RIGGING BUSINESS CYCLES David Icke explains how the Federal Reserve rigs the so-called "business cycles," and the painful consequences in our lives.

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copyright 2011 Clear Compass Media, LLC

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III-A CHECK LIST FOR GLOBAL DOMINATION A checklist of what an elite group of bankers would need to control in order to dominate the world and what is left for them to accomplish in their scheme thus identifying the leverage points for action to obsolete their control. III-B STRUCTURE OF THE CONTROLLING ELITE An explanation of the ruling structure of the controlling banking elite, highlighting who they are and how they dominate corporations and governments. III-C THE ALL-SEEING EYE Exposing one of the primary symbols of the controlling elite: the All-Seeing Eye, and its presence on icons as symbolic as the dollar bill and the top of the new Israeli Supreme Court Building. III-D THE NEW WORLD ORDER The divide and conquer strategy leading us towards a totalitarian world dictatorship, the end goal of the banking elite. III-E STEPPING OUT OF THE HASSLE FREE ZONE A personal reflection on what happens when you step out of the fear of what other people think. III-F ORGANIZATIONAL CHART FOR GLOBAL TYRANNY The map of the world as it is being carved up into super states that transcend national boundaries and facilitate global domination. III-G COVERT WORLD EMPIRE How the collusion of banks, corporations, and governments has taken down countries around the world, and how America is next to go. III-H THE TOTALITARIAN TIPTOE Explaining the technique of using gradual steps in the plan to destroy the financial strength and sovereignty of the US in order to transfer power to a central authority. III-I PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION The template used to erode rights and consolidate control: Creating or harnessing a problem to generate a fearful public reaction and then manipulating people into turning to authorities for a solution they have already manufactured as part of their totalitarian tiptoe strategy. III-J FALSE FLAGS Historical examples of the elite using manufactured tragedy to achieve their goals.

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copyright 2011 Clear Compass Media, LLC

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III-K POLICE STATE - CONTROLLING DISSENT Most of what is already needed for a police state is already in place, from massive surveillance of citizens and the erosion of individual rights to refurbished containment camps and more. III-L EUGENICS AND DE-POPULATION Exposes the means, motive, opportunity and evidence of the plan to eliminate the majority of the world's population utilizing eugenics and sterilization via covert experimentation on populations throughout the world. III-M A CRITICAL FORK IN THE ROAD We are at a critical fork in the road in human evolution. Will we choose tyranny and possible self-destruction or health, freedom and the honouring of individual rights?


IV-A WHO ARE WE REALLY? Are we who the elite controllers would have us believe or are we actually capable of conscious, innovative, self-correcting solutions? IV-B IMAGINAL CELLS A look into the current co-existence of destructive forces in power and the 'imaginal cells' who are waking up and shaping a new and transformed future for our planet. IV-C WITHDRAWING OUR SUPPORT The structure of the controlling elite is dependent on our active participation. We can obsolete their plan; as we non-violently withdraw our support, their house of cards will fall. IV-D WEBSITE TOUR A comprehensive tour of thrivemovement.com, a website that has been designed to substantiate the content of the film, and to support a self-creating movement to radically transform our global predicament and create an authentic opportunity for all human beings to thrive. IV-E TOP 10 INDIVIDUAL ACTIONS Some tactical actions we can take as individuals that don't take much time or money to make a real difference, right now. IV-F BLOODS/CRIPS GANG TRUCE An example of real life problem solving using grounded solutions, highlighting one of the many powerful models for people to heal at a grass roots level. IV-G LIBERTY WORLD VISION Offering a vision for us to navigate by: the human potential to create a world in which everyone has a true opportunity to thrive; with open trade, voluntary

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copyright 2011 Clear Compass Media, LLC

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education and associations, honest media, justice that restores life and losses and an honest money system with equal global access to clean, free energy to support a thriving planet. IV-H THE PRINCIPLE OF NON-VIOLATION A fundamental principle that underlies the approach of the liberty perspective the one principle that everyone agrees with, at least for themselves. IV-I DEATH TOLL OF COLLECTIVEISM Outlines the philosophy of Ludwig Von Mises, who recognised that wrongly assuming the rights of the collective to be more important than the individual always leads to tyranny and is the operative underpinning of all governments and ultimately responsible for most of the death and destruction on the planet. IV-J HEALING WITH INDIGENOUS PEOPLE It doesn't work to build a healthy living system on top of an unhealthy one. As we create a world that works for everyone we need to engage in true reconciliation with indigenous people and explore unprecedented strategies for resolution. IV-K 3 STAGE TRANSITION TO LIBERTY An illustrated description of the 3 over-lapping stages of a transition strategy to true liberty, beginning with reforming current systems, limiting government to the role of protectorate and ultimately creating a completely voluntary, non-coercive environment for conscious planetary evolution. IV-L AIKIDO: THE WAY OF HARMONY A practical non-violent expression of how to redirect the energy of an attacker to peaceful resolution. IV-M THE PATH OF NON-AGGRESSION Responding with violence only continues the old, "us versus them" paradigm. It is important that as we reclaim our future, we do it taking the path of non-aggression. IV-N INNER GUIDANCE The importance of relying on our own inner wisdom as we navigate our own journey. IV-O HEALING OUR WORLD As more and more of us are daring to speak up and link up, thought leaders discuss mass global awakening, the power of the people, and the impulse of evolution. IV-P THRIVE SONG AND CREDITS The theme song and a visual recap of scenes along with credits.

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copyright 2011 Clear Compass Media, LLC

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