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General Information: Name: Alfredo Alexander Coreas Barahona Career: Mayor in English Subject: Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and Administration of the English Language (Part IV) Title of the activity: VARK inventory learning style Year: March 05th, 2014 2. Introduction

The purpose of VARK report is to identify my learning style and to understand the different learning strategies that can I applied in our studies. VARK means Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic. VARK is a questionnaire that provides users with a profile of their learning preferences. These preferences are about the ways that they want to take-in and give-out information. The importance of knowing my personal VARK is to understand how am I learn everything can be a powerful tool to understand how to relate to others, According to the VARK there are no "right" answers!. VARK will help me to know about my way to learn something in any field, What is the way that I learn? VARK questionnaire is going to answer my question. 3. The test result and the description of your learning style: Examples of results and the description of learning style: The VARK Questionnaire Results Your scores were: Visual: 3 Aural: 11 Read/Write: 4 Kinesthetic: 0

I have an Aural learning preference.

I complete agree with my results because I always learn with the aural preference I like to heard my teachers, I learn in front of a computer by myself. However there are some questions in the test that I did not understand the purpose of asked me that as an example it was a question like this "You are going to cook something as a special treat. You would:" and I chose cook something you know without the need for instructions", this question looks superficial and unnecessary; however is part of the VARK test. Aural: This perceptual mode describes a preference for information that is "heard or spoken." Learners who have this as their main preference report that they learn best from lectures, group discussion, radio, email, using mobile phones, speaking, web-chat and talking things through. Email is included here because; although it is text and could be included in the Read/write category (below), 4. Select the Study Strategies that apply to your learning preferences Study Strategies (these were selected according to my own result and analysis)
The VARK Questionnaire Results : Visual: 3; Aural: 11; Read/Write: 4; Kinaesthetic: 0 INTAKE SWOT - Study without tears OUTPUT Aural=11 discuss topics with your Put your summarized notes Practice writing answers teachers onto tapes and listen to them. to old exam questions. explain new ideas to other Ask others to 'hear' your Speak your answers people understanding of a topic. aloud or inside your head. use a tape recorder remember the interesting examples, stories, jokes... Read/ definitions Write out the words again Practice with multiple Write=4 handouts and again. choice questions. textbooks Write paragraphs, readings - library beginnings and endings Read your notes (silently) notes (often verbatim) again and again. Rewrite the ideas and principles into other words. Visual=3 pictures slides draw things use diagrams

4. Conclusion: As a conclusion to take the VARK test I am completely agree with my result because I think that I can learn in front of a computer, through emails also an aural learner soaks up information the easiest when it is presented in an auditory way. Speaking, listening and music all come naturally to the aural learner.

This information is useful to me because the results confirm me that I am a selflearner. I am going to use this information in order to learn more in an aural way because is going to be helpful and easier. Also if I have time I will pass this test to my students in order to they know in which VARK area they feel identified.

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