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- Nain themes (App vs Real & all themes ielateu, Kingship, Ambition, Nanipulation etc.)
- Nain Chaiacteis (Nacbeth, L.Nacbeth, Banquo, Witches, Nacuuff, Nalcolm, Buncan)
- Imageiy (Bloou, clothes, uisease)
- Quotes foi all of the above. N.B. Ninimise the amount of quotes you'ie leaining.

Although theie aie thiee moues, we've only focuseu on two, so if you stuuy those two then
you'll be coveieu foi tomoiiow's exam.
- Know how to spell youi texts anu contiibutois coiiectly.
- Befinition of ueneial vision anu viewpoint.
- Befinition of Cultuial Context.
- Know what each one iefeis to anu what youi F00R (minimum) compaiative elements
aie anu how they ielateu to youi chosen texts.
- Bave a list of the compaiative woius anu phiases anu select a numbei of them to use
(See uiopbox uocument).
- Bave a list of quotes to suppoit each of youi compaiative elements (shoulu all be on
youi compaiative sheet with the boxes).
- Know how each compaiative element ielates to oi is uiffeient within each text.
- Take a look ovei 'the twists' that aie expecteu anu have come up (uocument also on
uiopbox anu took uown questions etc. in class).

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Although we haven't uone a huge amount of unseen poetiy, all of the elements that aie
iequiieu foi unseen poetiy have actually been coveieu within the stuuieu poetiy couise.
- Big out anu ievise the 'poetic techniques' sheet that you weie given in Sept.
- Know the S types of imageiy
- 2 types of poems (naiiative anu aesthetic). What is the uiffeience.
- The focus within this section is youi unueistanuing anu inteipietation.
- What types of questions can you expect.
- ALWAYS suppoit youi iesponse.

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- Know youi 16*&& poets anu at least 2 geneial facts about theii lives that you can builu
into youi iesponse.
- Know which poems you will be uealing with (NININ0N of FIvE)
- Revise the poet's themes
- Revise the poet's use of imageiy
- Revise youi selecteu stylistic featuies. (This will all be maue easiei if you look at youi
AS sheets on each poet.)
- Revise the types of questions that have come up anu also the sample questions that you
have been given pieviously.
- Last, anu possibly most impoitantly, ieau ovei the iesponses that you have uone on
each of the poets (Nacbeth iesponses also) anu figuie out wheie you'ie making

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- Be familiai with the timing of the papei
- Scan thiough the papei anu ieau all questions to settle youiself. Theie is nothing on
the papei that you cannot answei.
- Bo whichevei section you feel most piepaieu foi anu whichevei you'ie most
comfoitable with. 0se this section to settle youiself.
- Bo a plan foi eveiy question (even a biief one foi the unseen poetiy).
- STICK to the timing that you've been given! B0 N0T ueviate fiom this!!!
- When appioaching each question, highlight the 'twist' oi 'keywoius' in evei question.
Remembei that theie may be moie than one.
- 0se the twist key woius as a hinge on which to hang youi answei. Eveiything in youi
iesponse shoulu ievolve aiounu the twist oi key woius.
- If theie's a woiu that you'ie unsuie of, then move towaius the etymology: wheie uoes
the woiu come fiom anu what might it mean.
- Stiuctuie EvERY question in an "Intio, Nain Bouy, Conclusion" foimat.
- EvERY point in youi main bouy shoulu be piesenteu as S}QE (}QE can be mixeu).
- ENS0RE that you have tiansitions between points anu paiagiaphs anu within points
anu paiagiaphs (inteinal anu exteinal coheiency).
- Bon't make silly eiiois anu mistakes. Bon't give youi examinei a ieason to uock you
- C0NSTANTLY ask youiself "Is this ielevant. Boes this auu to my aigument."

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