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The structure of graphite

In going from its ground state to the graphite structure, a carbon atom's electronic configuration is believed to change as follows:

Three of the two 2 hybrid 2(

and two 2

electrons in carbon's ground state redistribute into three orbitals with two of the

) orbitals which are a mathematical mixing of the

three orbitals. The angular probabilities for these 2( ) orbitals can be represented by three coplanar lobes at 120 to each other [Fig.2.1]. The fourth electron of the original two 2 and two 2 the lobe for this orbitals. electrons fills that orbital which does not participate in the 2( ) hybrid, )

orbital being perpendicular to the plane defined by the three 2(

In the graphite structure, overlap occur between the 2( ) orbitals of neighboring atoms in the same plane. For such neighbors a side-to-side overlap also occur between their unhybridized orbitals. A side-to-side bonding known as -bonding results between these neighbors. The electrons participating in this -bonding seem able to move across these bonds from one atom to the next. This feature explains graphite's ability to conduct electricity along the sheets of carbon atom parallel to the (0001) direction. An in-plane nearest-neighbor distance is 1.421 . Normal to (0001), adjacent sheets of carbon atoms are held together by the weak Van der Waals bonds and separated by a distance 3.40 [Fig.2.2]. This gives softness to the structure [10,11]. The crystal structure is describes by hexagonal lattice with ( ) space group.

Figure 2.1: Schematic presentation of sp

(left) and sp

(right) hybridization.

Figure 2.2: Diamond lattice (top): view from the 100


direction (left), view from the 112 direction (left),

direction (right). Graphite lattice (bottom): view from the view from the 001 direction (right).

What is the Structure of Graphite? Whenever you come across carbon, as a reactant or electrode, carbon means graphite not diamond. It can be written C(gr) but is usually written as just C. Graphite consists of many flat layers of hexagons (like a wire fence). The layers are called graphene sheets. Each carbon atom is joined to three other carbon atoms. Each layer is itself a giant molecule with very strong covalent bonds. Carbon is in group 4 of the periodic table and so it has four electrons in its outer shell. Three electrons are used for bonding in the graphene sheet. The fourth electron between the layers is delocalised (it is a free electron).

Between the layers the bonds are weak. Free electrons between the layers allows graphite to conduct electricity and heat. The layers can easily slide over each other making graphite soft and slippery and an excellent lubricant (like oil). See also carbon fibres and fullerenes.

Giant covalent

The metalloids (carbon (graphite) and silicon) and the non-metal carbon (diamond) have giant covalent structures. These elements have medium electronegativities and the ability to form four covalent bonds. In general each atom can be imagined to be situated at the centre of a tetrahedron strongly bound by four other atoms. The covalent linking in these elements extends from one atom to the next through the whole lattice forming a three-dimensional giant molecule. Thus, these kinds of structures have very high melting points and boiling points. Example: Diamond

Diamond is an allotrope of carbon and has a different structure and properties to graphite. In this structure all electrons are localised within strong covalent bonds throughout the whole of the lattice. Hence, diamond is very hard, with a high melting point and boiling point. Due to electrons localised in bonds it is a poor conductor of electricity. Example: Graphite The structure of graphite is unique. The carbon atoms are arranged inflat, parallel layers. Each layer contains millions of hexagonally arranged carbon atoms. Each carbon atom is covalently bonded to three other atoms in its layer. The strong covalent bonds account for a high melting point of 37300C. Between the layers are weak van der Waal's forces, these allow slippage between the layers, this accounts for the use of graphite as a lubricant. Since only three electrons from each carbon atom is used in forming covalent bonds, the fourth electron is delocalised around the layer. This leads to graphite being a good conductor of electricity.

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