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(1) *456768 9:;:5<56:= Thank you foi joining me foi this intiouuction oi
ieinfoicement to basic uowsing.

(2) )>>?9= You will neeu a sheet of papei, pencil, anu some kinu of Penuulum. An
example woulu be a weight on a 4 oi S inch stiing oi a necklace, helu at about S inches
of chain length, etc. This may be a goou time to finu the above supplies.

You might think of the penuulum as one of the many aius to help you focus on the
amazing powei of the minu. "Bowsing" tools come in eveiy size, shape, uesciiption
anu methous you can think of. They have been useu by inuiviuuals, in eveiy cultuie,
thioughout all of histoiy. Pick the ones that aie most comfoitable foi you. They all
seem to woik fine. It's how well they help you focus that ieally counts. The penuulum
is often a goou one to stait with because it is veiy easy to make anu use.

(S) +@;A ; BC;@:= Like this one on youi
papei. Nake the hoiizontal anu veitical
lines about foui inches long.

(4) )@;76768= Tiaining the subconscious to move the penuulum is uone exactly the
same way you taught it to type, play a musical inteiment, oi even wiite youi name. You
aie tiaining it to use a uowsing tool as a ieauout uevice, so it can commutate uiiectly
with you. To uo this place the penuulum ovei the centei of the +. Nake youi fingeis
swing the penuulum to the "Reauy foi Question", telling the subconscious, this is the
"Reauy foi Question". While it is still swinging, woik the penuulum ovei to the "Yes",
telling the subconscious this is a "Yes". Aftei a few swings, woik it back to the "Reauy
foi Q". Bo the same thing foi the "No". Bo this seveial times just like you woulu if you
weie tiaining youi subconscious to type oi wiite youi name. N0TE: Keep tiack of only
the foiwaiu inuicating half swing, ignoie the swing fiom the centei of the + away fiom
the "Reauy foi Q". Pietenu you cannot see this back swing. Follow the inuicating half
swing, wheievei it goes, even if it goes to the lowei half of a ciicle chait.

(S) 0@54;@768 :> +>A95= This ielates to an attituue, minu-set, postuie oi
oiientation of the minu. When you aie getting ieauy to uowse, heie is an iuea that
seems to help. Suppose you calleu some one on the phone, anu then askeu foi }oe's
phone numbei. Notice that when you aie listening anu wiiting uown the numbei, you
aie in an unobstiucteu silence, a quite stillness, anu attentiveness. This is a veiy goou
moue to be in when you aie uowsing to ask questions, oi iequest action. Intently
focusing on the swinging penuulum, oi othei uevice, anu be in that quite stillness while
waiting foi the answei. This seems to help cleai the minu of a lot of inteifeience. Beie
is an example of the powei of the minu, anu the subconious, to senu anu uetect
infoimation. If you put a galvanic skin iesponse uevice on a peisons fingei, anu senu
them a stiong thought, it will almost always show up on the computei scieen. Youi
subconscious has a fantastic uetecting anu ieacting ability.

(6) 0>97:7D5 -:;@:= Baiu science has shown that a negative expeiience uuiing the
fiist thiee minutes of exposuie to a new subject aiea has viitually a peimanent effect.
Fiist impiessions aie lasting impiessions. To avoiu a negative stait, we can stait out
by playing a fun game with oui subconscious. This is wheie we woik togethei on
questions that you both know the answei to. This is guaianteeu to have a positive
outcome anu stait off on the iight foot. Stait off by helping the subconscious, to stait
swinging the penuulum to "ieauy foi question". While it is still swinging, ask the
question: Is my name }oe. Yes oi no. Belp it go to the coiiect answei. Then say "gieat
we got it iight". Aftei swinging theie foi a shoit while, uiiect anu help it woik it's way
back to the "ieauy foi question". Now iepeat the same pioceuuie foi the question: Am
I a boy. Yes oi no. Then foi: Bo I live in Chico, CA. You will piobably finu that, by now,
the subconious is catching on anu is staiting to make the penuulum move with less of
youi help. The system has now hau a fun positive stait anu you may now think of
questions you aie not so suie of.

(7) )C@55 ;945E:9 >F G>A9768=

/7@9:= It is helpful to think of uowsing in two ways.
1. As motheis intuition with a ieau out uevice.
2. As a means of uiiecting focuseu intent.
-5E>6G= Theie aie two basic uses foi uowsing:
1. Foi answeiing questions anu getting infoimation.
2. Foi iequesting action. (Like guiuing you to a taiget.)
)C7@G= Theie aie two things the "+>A9768 -H9:5<" neeus to have, know anu uo.
1. Instiuctions foi uoing physical anu mental pioceuuies anu piacticing them.
2. Infoimation that you liteially anu tiuly want it to know conceining youi uesiies
anu any actions you may wish it to take. Nay be uone by piogiaming.

The expiession, "+>A9768 -H9:5<" incluues youi minu, subconscious, supeiconscious,
highei self, anu most likely many othei aieas.
(8) 0@>8@;<768= This is a methou of foimally telling the "Bowsing System" exactly
what you want it to consiuei, how you want it to communicate with you, anu any othei
action you wish it to take. If you only have a vague iuea of what you want, then that is
all the "Bowsing System" has to woik with. Theie aie thiee easy steps foi you to
install semi-peimanent piogiams oi make changes to establisheu piogiams. These
thiee steps seem to woik veiy well.

-5<7105@<;656: 769:;??;:7>6= (which means: until you choose to change it). This one-time
installation has thiee veiy simple steps. This methou appaiently functions something
like a posthypnotic suggestion. Bowevei, the piogiams aie woiueu in such a way, that
you anu only you, can uelete, change oi make auuitions.
IJ '5: 05@<7997>6 fiom youi "Bowsing System" to install piogiams oi make
changes to existing establisheu piogiams. You shoulu have a "yes" foi the
install iequest.
KJ $5;G caiefully the piepaieu piogiams oi changes to establisheu piogiams. This
is while youi uowsing tool is still visually inuicating the "yes" appioval moue.
LJ )C56 BC5EMN by asking, if the piogiams aie accepteu anu uon't piesent any
conflict. If "yes" you aie uone. If "no" ask questions. )C;: 79 ;?? :C5@5 79 :>
769:;??768 >@ EC;68768 4@>8@;<9J
%5O:= If you aie teachingJ Belp the stuuents install the "Nay I, Can I, Shoulu I Piogiam.
Then suggest they latei install the othei veiy useful piogiams that may be founu in "-
B0WSINu - Piogiaming foi Peisonal Bowsing". This booklet is available foi fiee on the
web at: www.letteitoiobin.oig

(9) #EEP@;EH= Two elements foi accuiacy aie how you ask questions anu the
mannei in which you establish instiuctional piogiams. We have the tenuency to use
slang anu assume the othei peison knows what we aie talking about. Foi example if
we saiu a peison was caught ieu hanueu, we assume it means, caught stealing
something. The subconscious, being veiy liteial, may see this as simply a ieu hanu. If a
salesman askeu you to put youi name, auuiess anu sign heai. A peison that was ieally
into astionomy woulu put theii name, auuiess anu Sagittaiius. That is liteially a
coiiect answei, but wiong foi the salespeison. (uowsei)
Regaiuing the possible level of accuiacy, consiuei that Tony u. uowseu anu founu a
jewel that hau been lost fiom iing. It was thiee inches unuei giounu in a fieshly
ploweu gaiuen. Bon't unueiestimate the ability of the "Bowsing System". You uo neeu
piactice, a cleaieu minu, focuseu intent, anu caiefully woiueu questions oi uiiections.
Bowevei leaining to use uowsing is something that most people can achieve, iathei
quickly, with a pietty goou level of accuiacy.

(1u) )>>?9= If teaching, uemonstiate the 4 most common tools with a bit of histoiy.
1. Penuulum. Bemonstiate peisonal uowsing anu map uowsing.
2. L Rous. Nake a paii using coat hangeis anu a stiaw. Bemonstiate theii use.
S. Y Rou. Bemonstiate how to holu anu use.
4. Bobbei. Bemonstiate how to holu anu use.
(11) "O4;6G 3>P@ BC;@:=

(12) $5F5@56E5 05@9>6= Let me explain the neeu foi a iefeience peison. Numbeis
have little meaning if not ielateu to something.
A goou "Refeience Peison" can be a hypothetical peison, who is the aveiage of all
peisons, of aveiage health, of |youi agej, |genueij anu |peei gioupj, living within |2uu
milesj. Foi iefeience puiposes you woulu be eithei bettei than, equal to, oi less than
this fixeu, iepeatable, soliu, iefeience point. You aie using it only foi compaiison. You
want to be much bettei than this iefeience peison.
(Aieas insiue the | j can be tempoiaiy changes by just a uesiie.j

(1S) 0@;E:7E5 5D5@H %78C: foi about 1S to 2u sec. oi longei if you choose.
Because the bouy uoes most of its iebuiluing while you aie asleep. This pioceuuie may
help you ielax into a moie beneficial state.

1. With the penuulum swinging to the "ieauy foi question", ask the "Bowsing
System" foi an inuication of youi oveiall aveiage conuition, as compaieu to the
fixeu iefeience peison. The penuulum, while swinging, shoulu woik its way to
an inuicating level. Somewheie between -1u anu +1u. Next have it woik its
way back to the "ieauy foi question". Now ask it to inuicate youi woist
conuition. Again as ielateu to the fixeu iefeience. The penuulum shoulu woik
its way to a new position.

2. Fiom this position ask the "Bowsing System" to aujust youi "Eneigy Fielus" to
the highest most beneficial level, with consiueiation foi comfoit anu safety.
Watch the penuulum foi piogiess. It will woik its way along the chait until it is
finally swinging on just one spot. You can also ask foi the time neeueu to make
these mouifications. 0ften it takes only seconus, but it can take much longei if
you have not been balanceu iecently. 0se the numbeis on the chait foi this,
imagining them as eithei sec., min., his., oi uays. That's it. You aie now uone.
0nless, of couise, you wish to tiy some othei questions.

%*)"= Expeiimental Bowsing Reseaich is not intenueu to be a substitute foi meuical

(14) +5<>69:@;:5 :C5 ;Q>D5: If teachingN go thiough the nightly iitual with them,
using p.7 in the "Piogiaming foi Peisonal Bowsing" as an example. This chait is
almost iuentical to the one they just uiew. It has some auuitional instiuctions anu
questions. This piogiam is available on the net at: www.letteitoiobin.oig

(1S) You now have my intiouuction to the Wonueiful Woilu of Bowsing
Bave Fun anu Enjoy. Walt

Personal Dowsing

Experimental Dowsing Research is not intended to substitute for medical advice.
First: It only takes a momentary desire for pre-installed Programs to be activated.
Feel free to ask Qs at any time and dialog for more information. Also be aware that some
of the answers are based on information that is outside our concepts or knowledge.
Unless otherwise requested, most Program responses start with the now and include
the past [24 hrs] and they may also be relating to an agreed on reference person.
May make a request at any time to see if it can and will make correction(s), adjustments,
modifications or other action, for the indicated condition(s). If yes, ask it to proceed.
Watch your pendulum (or other indicating device) it will indicate the levels of response, as
well as progress when changing energies or conditions, as related to your requests.
You may then wish to ask how long it will take to complete your request. (sec, min, hrs, ...)

1. May I, Can I, Should I? Yes or No (If yes proceed. If no, stop and ask questions.)
2. Overall Average Condition? -10 to +10 (Compared to a reference person.)
3. Worst Condition? Anything less than +10
4. Undesirable Conditions? Anything less than +10
5. Specified Areas of particular interest? -10 to +10
6. Progress Towards Specified Goals? 0 to 100%

Form 802-1 Walt Woods 1/1/11

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