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Designing a Stadium Roof

As a Spectator or a Owner/Operator or a Participant discuss

How does the design of the roof affect this need/want?

Your needs What is abso ute ! essentia

for the stadium to wor" for !ou

Your wants What wou d the added bonus#s be

Design $rief for the roof%&

In groups of three containing one representative from each client group design a stadium based on the following information that will add the most value. You need to choose a roof type, a degree of enclosure, a system for good quality grass and a roof covering material. You want to maximise the different between the cost and the value added.
'ost Roof )!pe oal post structures &antilever 'oof *pace frame structure -ension *tructure Degree of *nc osure /o roof .ixed covering for spectators 'etractable 'oof &ompletely enclosed stadium S!stem for good +ua it! grass 'oll1In, 'oll1out pitch 2itch that can be raised to roof level 2ermanent in situ pitch Roof co,ering materia 3paque -ranslucent &ombination #" #% $" )" +% #%" #)" !" (" +% ," Individuality #" !" %" !% .lexibility % !" #"" %" 0uality of grass !" )% #% 0uality of grass % $% $" Ability to save energy on lighting $ % , #" &onstruction -ime #% #" $ , .lexibility !" " " (a ue Added Ability to blend into surrounds #% ! , $" Atmosphere $ )% !" %"

Ease of Maintenance $ #% #" , &omfort # #% $% )"

Ease of construction $% $) , +

%" +% #"

'hoice Roof )!pe Degree of *nc osure S!stem for grass Roof 'o,ering

)ota (a ue Added


-(a ue added 'ost.

'hoice Roof )!pe Degree of *nc osure S!stem for grass Roof 'o,ering 'hoice Roof )!pe Degree of *nc osure S!stem for grass Roof 'o,ering

)ota (a ue Added


-(a ue added 'ost.

)ota (a ue Added


-(a ue added 'ost.

Stadium Roof Design *mirates Structura Ana !sis

#. 4ocate the slots mar5ed with number # $. &ut around the blac5 line of these pieces, leaving the triangular slots till last ). &ut the triangular slits as shown in the diagram below 6/7 the smallest slots do /3- need to be cut in this way8

&ut #

&ut $

&ut )

!. 9sing the following pictures as a guide slot the pieces together

%. -he outer ring is assembled by slotting numbers )) and )! together and stapling the overlapping :oint to fix the shape.


suggested by the numbering, to set the assembly inside the outer ring, start with an end of a primary girder and wor5 round, slotting the other girders in place one after the other. You may need to go round the model twice as some may pop out while the outer ring changes shape.

Structura Ana !sis

-he tertiary girders 6-# ; -,8 carry the weight of the roof covering, light and sound fixtures and any wind, rain or snow loads. -he value of this load is (%5/ per metre of tertiary girder or (% x #") /<m. =e want to 5now the forces on the 2rimary irder in order to draw a free body diagram of it. -he scale of the model is #cm > #$.$m. *o, tertiary irder -# has a length of $.$%cm which means it has a scaled up length of $.$% multiplied by #$.$, $.$% cm x #$.$m<cm ? $+.!%m -he force, ., it will transfer to the primary girder is this length multiplied by the load per metre of (%5/<m. . ? $+.!% x (% x #") ? #+," x #") / -ertiary irders -(, -+ and -,, transfer their load to the primary girder through the *econdary girder, so their force must be summed up. 4ength 6cm8 $.$% $.,% ).$% ).% ).( ).$% ).(% ).,% *caling factor 6m<cm8 #$.$ #$.$ #$.$ #$.$ #$.$ #$.$ #$.$ #$.$ 4ength 6m8 $+.!% )!.+ )@.( !$.+ !).@ )@.( !!.% !(.@ .orce per metre 6/<m8 (% x #") (% x #") (% x #") (% x #") (% x #") (% x #") (% x #") (% x #") -otal .orce 6/8 #+," x #") $$%++)! $%+!("@ $++$(%( $,%#,+% $%+!("@ $,@#!,! )"!@@$$

-ertiary girder -# -$ -) -! -% -( -+ -,

.orce from *econdary ,%#("#(


/ow we can draw a free body diagram of the 2rimary girder. A free body diagram is a simplified representation of the girder and the forces acting on it. It shows the girder AfreeB of its environment without any of its surroundings. -he downwards forces acting on it will come from tertiary girders -# ; -% and the secondary girder 6transferring loads from -(1-,8. In order for the girder to remain at roof height and not come crashing to the ground, these downwards forces must be balanced by a reacting force, ', from the -ripods at either end of the girder. 9se your model to find the correct location for the forces and complete the free body diagram below.

.orce from -ertiary girder .orce from *econdary girder -otal .orce



&onsider the Certical equilibrium to calculate the value of the force '. -otal Certical .orce Downwards ? !#%#"($% / -otal Certical .orce 9pwards ? ' E ' ? $' Certical Equilibrium> $' ? !#%#"($% ' ? $"+%%)#$.% / *o we now 5now all the external forces acting on the girder. 7ut we are interested in the value of the internal forces. =here do you thin5 the greatest internal forces are li5ely to beF

.irst, AcutB, the girder in the middle, what forces are required to Astic5B the two halves bac5 togetherF -o answer this thin5 about what the structure would actually do if this happened for realF -he two halves would fall to the ground, rotating about the tripod supports at either end. *o a rotating force would be required to put the two halves bac5 in their original position. 'otating forces are Moments. -he free body diagram of half of the girder is now,


#%m #%m #%m #%m +.%m


-# E *econdary





=e 5now that Moment ? .orce x 2erpendicular Distance between line of action and centre of moment *o to calculate M we need to wor5 out the moments at this point, pay attention to whether the moment is cloc5wise or anti1cloc5wise.

.orce 6/8 -# E *econdary -$ -) -! -% '

2erpendicular 4ever arm 6m8

Moment at middle of girder 6/m8

&loc5wise or Anti1 &loc5wise

M is an anti1cloc5wise moment. -o find itGs value we need to equate the &loc5wise moments to the Anti1cloc5wise Moments *um of &loc5wise Moments ? *um of Anti1&loc5wise Moments ? M E Equate the two and solve for MH

M? -he girder will be made out of steel tubes, these can only carry tension or compression forces.

&ross1section d 6m8 M

Iow will his moment be transferred to the tubesF Draw onto the diagram above the forces in the tubes. =hen two equal and opposite forces, ., act at either end of a body it will cause it to rotate. =hen the forces are applied to a structure a moment will be formed that is called a couple. &ouple ? . x distance between the two forces In this case, the Moment in the middle will comprise of a tension force in the bottom tube and a compression force in the top, turning the moment into a couple. -he tension, -, and compression force, &, will be equal to each other and calculated from M ? - x d or M ? & x d *o - ? & ? 7ut how big do we need to ma5e the tubes so that they donGt brea5F *teel can withstand a pressure of )$%/<mmJ before it brea5s, &omplete the equation 2ressure ? *o the required area of the steel tubes, A is found from A ? -ension .orce<)$%

r t

If the steel tube is made with a thic5ness of !"mm, using the cross1sectional area already calculated find the required radius, r, and diameter, d.

r? d? Iow will the compression girder behave differently to the tension girder. Investigate this using two pieces of straw threaded onto two coc5tail stic5s and applying a compression force and tension force to the other. Iow might this behaviour be preventedF to one

'anti e,er Roof Design

Draw the following lines on a sheet of thic5 A% card.

$#cm +cm $cm #$cm !cm




&ut out the grey areas, and ma5e the stand by folding and cutting as directed in the following diagram.

&antilever 'oof

&ounter =eight 'oof

*-A/D * .old


=e now want to get the roof structure to balance, so we need to calculate how much of the counter weight we need to remove in order to balance the cantilever roof.

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