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\f,-qg{ gw wrn+ft-oubotTffivP ![$f{fl fummn'el / s-sT.-TFTgt

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V-!=-of india 4F Government Nlinistryof Raihvayl ,^ . rt ^.|.+,iA '-n<r_nl} (RailwaYBoard) +u*t::^ r.




t-$p Cih) , @cAi,^. D"hiffifu'e ,iffi67f,4a* *qi*:tK*

pf 6, *l ' I ffi7,

Lucknow. Lucknow. R.D.s.o., R.D.S.O., Generat, Director DirectorGeneral,

Vadorlara. Railway Staff College, DirectorGeneral, Director,All CentralizedTraining Institutes/
Chairman, All Railway Recruitment Boards.

cfr-p ""'!lf,\" tJh ":\k)ffi) "'"qk)W) ",,9;T$ffi@a/t4. '*R!]ff ', '"-{i*(/% -V. ^V""'t{h , ^*ffi U*
, i t

& MTP/Chgnnfi, 0 o fir'r rA, d,YT*;{S Works Modernization Diesel Loco C.A.O.(R), 's 0 dt|f;(6tf f*. *;"i
Sub: Expenditure Management- Economy Measuresa Expenditure. I

3l't dated in O.M.No.7(1)E.Coordl2}l2 contained instructions Ministryof Finance's mutatis are applicable instructions These are enclosed. May, 2012 on the above subject
may pleasebe ensured. mtiandis on Railways. Strict complianceof theseinstructions

DA: As above. ' (Jagmohan Gupta) rExecutive D[ector, Finance(Budget)

Copyto: All I 1. FA & CAOs,

contained in the enc 2. Additional Member Planning) - for ensuring strict compliance of the instructions under theMinistryof Railways. containedin the encl ureby all thePSUs 3. Secretary, Railway - for information and necessary action.

- for ensuring of the instructions strictcompliance an Railways

EDF(S),EDF(C), 4. AM(F), Adv. (Fin.),EDA, ED(FX)I,EDF(X)II,EDF(PPP),EDF, EDF(E). ED(PC)r, ED(PC)il

(Jagmohan Gupta) Director,Finance(Budget) Executive

t4.t tV )

d -T<

62 a ? { l t



r$v &X<
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\L' '

i No.7(:l)E.Coord/201

of i Government
of Financ i Ministry Dbpartment of Expend re
New , the 31"tM"y, ZOIZ

?"r ilr,\" p*

. nf\t>


Expenditurb ManagementEco Rationalizafion of Expend iture


Measures and



I expenditure and ng the objectives of issuing guidelines e to time,

2.1 Cutin Non-Plan elpenditu,re Forthe year201zl,zol3, everyMinistry/Department shalleffect a mandatory 10% cut ,in non-planexpenditure excludinq payment, interest riepayment of debt,Defence capital, salaries, pension andthe Finance grants commission to the states. No re-appropriation o{ fundsto augment the non-plan headsof expenditure on whibh cutshave been imposed, shall beallowed during thecurrent year. fiscal .


2 . 2 Seminars and Copferences i)

seminars, etc.w$ichare absolutely essential, should be held and even there cut on budgetary allocations 1a 10o/o for seminars/ conferqnces shallbe effected.

seminars/workshgps, 0nry such conferencei, workshops,

utmost economy beobserved,in ishall organizing conferencesl


Holding of exhibitions/seminars/conferences abroad is strongly discouraged excppt in the case of exhibitions for trade promotion i There willbe a biinon holding of meetings andconferences at fivestarhotels. l


2 . 3 Purchase of vehicles
i) Purchase of vehiflesis banneduntil furtherorders,including against condemnNd vehicles.

2.4 Foreign Travel


It would be the ility of the Secretary of each Ministry/Departme ensurethat foreigntravelis restricted vrlntstry/Department to most necessary alnr unavoidable official engagements based on functional necebs andextant instructions, incfuding on the number of visits, a ictlyfollowed.


idable,it will be ensuredthat officersof the appropriate leve dealingwith the subjectare sponsored instead of those atlhi her levels. The sizeof the delegation and theduration ofvisi! I I be keptto the absolute minimum.

\A/here travelis url I

I i


fullyfundedby spoh

Proposals for pb in study tours, workshops/ conferences/seminprr presentationof papers abroad at Government costvirrill not be entertained except thosethatare
-^-t--^_t .

ing agencies.

iv) Foreign visits shourd beso regulated as to ensure that

each Ministry rdmainswithin the allocatedbudget (after 10%cut) for thejsame. Re-appropriation proposals on thi ls
Y|,vL lqtrf;


I ./ 2.5 Creation of Posts i


account would re! beapproved.


There will be a tpta I banon creation of ptanand Non-pgb'



I 3.

Observance of liscipline in fiscal transfers to States, Public Sector UirOertat<ings and AutonomousBodiesat Central/ State/Lopal level Governments), wfiich has defaulted in furnishing utilisation certificates for jgrants-in-aidreleased by tire central \,ivitholt Government prior approval of theMinisiry of Finance. shallnottransfer fundsunder anyplan of conditionalities attachedto such

3 . 1 No amountshall jbe released to any entity(including state

3.2 Minist
schemes in rela transfers (su A S 3 . 3 The State

entsare required to furnish monthly returns - Central, of Plane Centrally Sponsored or State Plan- to Ministries/Departments alongwitha report on amounts utstEnding in theirPublic Account in respect of Central and lly Sponsored Schemes. This requirement maybe scru enforced.

3.4 Thefollowing

steps maybe adopted :

The implem before


the payee has no utilization certifications as 'duefor

rendition' urider the Rules under the scheme in suestion or thatthe Bayment has beenauthorized by Department

The sanction for payment mustclearly specify either that

of Expenditure.


For any detiation fromthe above, the caseshould be referred to the Department of Expenditure.


TheChief Cintroller of Accounts mustensure compliance withthe aboVe as partof pre-payment scrutiny.


Balanced Paceof Expenditure

i I

4 . 1 Rush of expenditpre year towardsthe end of the financial continues to be an,areaof concern. As per extantinstructions,

(33%) notmorethanon{-third of the Budget Estimates maybe year. Besides, spentin thE lastlQuarter of the financial the stipulation that dqlring the monthof Marchthe expenditure should be lifiitedtp 15%of the Budget Estimates, is reiterated. Min which are coveredby the Monthly
Expenditure Plan { strictly.
I l

P) may ensurethat the MEP is followed


4 . 2 It is also derQd desirable thatin the lastmonth. of theyear payments y be made only for the goods and services p .tred actually dnd for reimbursement of expenditure already I (in incurred. rce, np amountshouldbe released in advance
the lastmo h) witli the exception of the following : Adva ? payments undertermsof duly to contractors

d coritracts so thatGovernment wouldnotreneoe rene0e on its I oilcontractual obligations.



servantsetc. or Any ans od advancesto Government prive individuals as a measure of relief and i reha itation i as per service conditions or on grounds. ssionafe



case with Any other excePtional

approvalof the

be may cases a list such However, Advisor. Financial

yearfor inforn April of the fbllowing

bY30th sentbYthe [A to theDePartmentExpenditure

during sht ld be avoided on procurement 4.3 Rushof expenditulre the last particular, the last quarterof the fiscalyear and' in are I t all procedures month of the Yealr so as to ensure. or wasteful compliedwith apd there is no ln ctuous to specia monitorthis asPect FA'siare advised expenditure. theirreviews' during


by for in tlie budgetapproved are not provided

should madeon itemswhich Nofreshfinancial iommitments


6. O.


being the Chief of thle Ministries/Departmeints I * '; 64 of GFR| shallbe fullycharged gs perKul( Authorities Accounting comp,lia$c", the measures with the responsibility lof ensuring ?f Advisois shal! hssist th* t"-tl,"1y: fin"nii"l I rt rqr rvrs' above. c ll,vvs' outlined O Ul,llllgU

andalso *lth complianc: in securin$ Departments ]1"P" T"asures to the Ministry

and the Minister-in-Chaige report]to an overall submit takenon actions various basisregarding on a quarte{g of Finance measures/guidelinPs' these -<

J/,MJk---( SumitBose) (ExPenditure) Secretary of India to the Goyernment All Secretaries to : Copy 1 i Secretary 1. Cabinet Minister tnePrime Secretaryito 2. Frincipal Commission Plannin$ C. Secreiary, A{visors 4. AlltheFinancial

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