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Solving Genetics Problems - Answers

Part 1: Introduction 1. Describe the genotypes given (use your notes). The first two are already done. a. DD homozygous, dominant b. Dd _heterozygous c. dd homozygous, recessive d. ss homozygous recessive e. Yy heterozygous f. WW homozygous dominant

2. n hu!ans" brown eye color (#)" is do!inant over blue eye color (b). What are the phenotypes of the following genotypes$ n other words" what color eyes will they have$ a. ## brown b. bb blue c. #b brown

Part 2: Monohybrid Cross - When we study the inheritance of a single gene it is called a !onohybrid cross. %. & hetero'ygous" s!ooth pea pod" plant is crossed with a wrin(led pea pod plant. There are two alleles for pea pod, smooth and wrinkled. Predict the offspring from this cross. a. What is the the genotype of the parents$ Ss ss

b. )et up a *unnett s+uare with possible ga!etes.

) s s )s )s

s ss ss

c. ,ill in the *unnett s+uare for the resultant offspring. d. What is the predicted genotypic ratio for the offspring $ 1: Ss 1: ss 1: wrinkled

e. What is the predicted phenotypic ratio for the offspring $ 1: smooth

f. f this cross produced -. seeds how !any would you predict to have a wrin(led pod$


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2 smooth

2 wrinkled

/. n hu!ans" acondroplasia 0dwarfis!1 (D) is do!inant over nor!al (d). & ho!o'ygous do!inant (DD) person dies before the age of one. & hetero'ygous (Dd) person is dwarfed. & ho!o'ygous recessive individual is nor!al. & hetero'ygous dwarf !an !arries a dwarf hetero'ygous wo!an22.. !ou may need to do a monocross to figure this out. a. What is the probability of having a nor!al child$ 2 " 2 " #they are % "

b. What is the probability that the ne3t child will also be nor!al$ independent of each other$ c. What is the probability of having a child that is a dwarf$

d. What is the probability of having a child that dies at one fro! this disorder$ 2 " -. n hu!ans" free earlobes (,) is do!inant over attached earlobes (f). f one parent is ho!o'ygous do!inant for free earlobes" while the other has attached earlobes can they produce any children with attached earlobes$

, f f ,f ,f

, ,f ,f

&o, none of the children can have attached earlobes because all will be heterozygous #'f$ 4. n hu!ans widow5s pea( (W) is do!inant over straight hairline (w). & hetero'ygous !an for this trait !arries a wo!an who is also hetero'ygous. a. 6ist possible genotypes of their offspring. 1:ww b. 6ist the phenotypic ratio for their children. 1: (( 2: (w

): widow*s peak

1: straight

Part 3: Working Backwards - Some times we only know about the offspring and we want to learn about the parents. If you have been paying attention, you should have started to notice a pattern. For example, when both parents are heterozygous the phenotypic ratio always comes out to !. If one parent is


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homozygous recessive and the other is heterozygous, the phenotypic ratio always comes out ! to !. "eeping this in mind see if you can solve the next two problems. 7. n pea plants" yellow seeds (Y) are do!inant and green seeds (y) are recessive. & pea plant with yellow seeds is crossed with a pea plant with green seeds. The resulting offspring have about e+ual nu!bers of yellow and green seeded plants. What are the genotypes of the parents$ !y and yy 8. n another cross" a yellow seeded plant was crossed with another yellow seeded plant and it produced offspring of which about 2-9 were green seeded plants. What are the genotypes of both parents$ !y and !y

Part 4: ihybrid Cross - #hen we study two traits on different chromosomes, at one time, we call this a dihybrid cross. $ou still follow the same process for %onohybrid crosses but now there will be four times as many possibilities because we are studying two traits. :. n pea plants" the round seed allele is do!inant over the wrin(led seed allele" and the yellow seed allele is do!inant over the green seed allele. The genes for seed te3ture and those for seed color are on different chro!oso!es. & plant hetero'ygous for seed te3ture and seed color is crossed with a plant that is wrin(led and hetero'ygous for seed color. & ' round, r ' wrinkled, $ ' yellow, y ' green a. ;onstruct a *unnett s+uare for this cross.

rY rY ry ry

<Y <rY Y <rY Y <rY y <rY y

<y <rY y <rY y <ry y <ry y

rY ry rrY rrYy Y rrY rrYy Y rrYy rryy rrYy rryy


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b. What is the e3pected phenotypic ratio for the offspring$ +: round yellow 2: round green +: wrinkled yellow 2: wrinkled green

1.. n hu!ans there is a disease called *henyl(etonuria (*=>) which is caused by a recessive allele. *eople with this allele have a defective en'y!e and cannot brea( down the a!ino acid phenylalanine. This disease can result in !ental retardation or death. 6et 0 ,1 represent the nor!al en'y!e. &lso in hu!ans in a condition called galactose intolerance or galactose!ia" which is also caused by a recessive allele. 6et 0-1 represent the nor!al allele for galactose digestion. n both diseases" nor!al do!inates over recessive. f two adults were hetero'ygous for both traits (?e@g)" what are the chances of having a child that is co!pletely nor!al$ Aas Bust *=>$ Aas Bust galactose!ia$ Aas both diseases$

?@ ?g e@ eg

?@ ??@ @ ??@ g ?e@ @ ?e@ g

?g ?? @g ??g g ?e@ g ?eg g

e@ ?e@ @ ?e@ g ee@ @ ee@ g

eg ?e@ g ?eg g ee@ g eeg g

&ormal: ./1+ or +.2 " P01: )/1+ or 12.% " -alactosemia: )/1+ or 12.% " 3oth: 1/1+ or +.2 "

Part !: Inco"#$ete o"inance or Co-do"inance In Four o(clock flowers the alleles for flower color are both e)ual therefore neither dominates over the other. #e call this condition incomplete dominance or codominance and it violates %endel(s principle of dominance. * red four o(clock flower +rr, is crossed with a white flower +ww,. Since there is no dominant trait we use two different little letters for the genotype.


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11. *redict the offspring when two pin( ,our o5cloc( flowers are crossed. a. ;o!plete a *unnett s+uare for this cross.

r r w rr rw

w rw ww
1: rr 2: rw 1: ww 1:white

b. What is the predicted genotypic ratio for the offspring$ c. What is the predicted phenotypic ratio for the offspring$

1: red 2: pink

12. n hu!ans straight hair (ss) and curly hair (cc) are coCdo!inant traits" that result in hybrids who have wavy hair (sc). ;ross a curly hair fe!ale with a wavy haired !ale. a. ;o!plete a *unnett s+uare for this cross.

c s c sc cc

c sc cc

b. What are the chances of having a curly haired child$

Part %: Mu$ti#$e A$$e$e So far we have studied traits or genes that are coded for by -ust two alleles. .ike in rabbits, there was one allele for brown hair color and one allele for white hair. /owever, some traits are coded for by more than two alleles. 0ne of these is blood type in humans. This is a violation of %endel(s 1rinciple of unit characteristics. 1%. n hu!ans" there are four types of bloodD type &" type #" type &#" and type E. The alleles & and # are coCdo!inant to each other and the E allele is recessive to both & and # alleles. )o a person with the genotype 55 or 56 will have 5 type of blood.


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a. What possible genotypes will produce # type of blood$

33 or 36

b. What is the only genotype that will produce E type of blood$ 66 c. What is the only genotype that will produce &# type of blood$ 53 1/. You are blood type E and you !arry a person with blood type &#. a. ;o!plete a *unnett s+uare for this cross.

E & #

&E &E #E #E
b. 6ist the possible blood types (phenotypes) of your offspring. 7ype 5 and 7ype 3 only

1-. n the 1:-.5s" a young wo!an sued fil! starFdirector ;harlie ;haplin for parental support of her illegiti!ate child. ;harlie ;haplin5s blood type was already on record as type &#. The !other of the child had type & and her son had type E blood. a. ;o!plete a *unnett s+uare for the possible cross of ;harlie and the !other.

& & E

# &#


&E #E & # &# &#

& &

&& &&

b. The Budge ruled in favour of the !other and ordered ;harlie ;haplin to pay child support costs of the child. Was the Budge correct in his decision based on blood typing evidence$ ?3plain why or why not.


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7he 8udge was wrong because with 9harlie 9haplin*s blood type as 53, he cannot produce a child with type 6. 14. )uppose a newborn baby was accidentally !i3ed up in the hospital. n an effort to deter!ine the parents of the baby" the blood types of the baby and two sets of parents were deter!ined. #aby 1 had type E Grs. #rown had type # Gr. #rown had type &# Grs. )!ith had type # Gr. )!ith had type #. a. Draw *unnett s+uares for each couple (you !ay need to do !ore than 1 s+uareF couple) 7he only punnett s:uare that will produce a type 6 baby is by ;r. and ;rs. Smith # # E ## #E E #E EE

b. To which parents does baby H1 belong$ Why$ /int you may want to refer to your 1unnett s)uares. 7he baby has to belong to ;r. and ;rs. Smith because ;r. 3rown cannot produce a baby with type 6 blood.

Part &: 'e(-)inked *raits 17. Ae!ophilia is a se3Clin(ed trait. & person with he!ophilia is lac(ing certain proteins that are necessary for nor!al blood clotting. Ae!ophilia is caused by a recessive allele so use 0I1 for nor!al and 0n1 for he!ophilia. )ince he!ophilia is se3Clin(ed" re!e!ber a wo!an will have two alleles (II or In or nn) but a !an will have only one allele (I or n). & wo!an who is hetero'ygous (a carrier) for he!ophilia !arries a nor!al !anJ a. What are the genotypes of the parents$ <& < n and <& !

b. Ga(e a *unnett s+uare for the above cross. KI Kn


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KI Kn Kn Y

c. What is the probability that a !ale offspring will have he!ophilia$


d. What is the probability of having a he!ophiliac fe!ale offspring$ 4 "

18. ;an a colour blind fe!ale have a son that has nor!al vision$ ;olor blindness is caused by a se3Clin(ed recessive allele. Luse 2 ' normal vision and n ' color blind &o, a colour blind female will have both alleles for colour blindness on the < chromosome. She will pass on the allele to her son regardless of the father.

1:. #aldness is a se3Clin(ed trait. What parental genotypes could produce a bald wo!an$ 3use / ' normal hair, and h ' bald <h <h

Part +: Pedigree Charts In genetics, traits can be traced over several generations similar to a family tree. This family tree is called a 1edigree chart. 1edigree charts are useful in gathering background genetic information that can be used for medical reasons. /orse race enthusiasts also rely heavily on pedigree charts to predict a horse(s success. #hen interpreting pedigree charts remember s)uare are male and circles are females. 2.. >se the below pedigree chart to answer the following three +uestions. Guscle type is not a se3 lin(ed characteristic.


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a. What is the genotype of individual H% and /$. 3oth are heterozygous #;m and ;m$ b. ;an either individual H8 or : be ho!o'ygous$ &o, to produce offspring that are homozygous recessive, both parents #2 and .$ must be heterozygous.

c. ?3plain the fa!ily relationship that H12 has with H2. 2 is the grandmother of 12. 12 is her grandson. 21. 6abel the genotype for each of the individuals below its sy!bol on the pedigree chart (noteJ eye color is not a se3Clin(ed trait).
b 33 3b b








3 3 3b

3 3 3b


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22. 6ist the possible genotypes of the following he!ophilia pedigree chart below. =emember

he!ophilia is a se> linked trait that is caused by a recessive allele, therefore you !ust denote the individuals se3 chro!oso!es (KIKn and KnY or In and nY) as well as the he!ophilia allele (n).
<n! <& <n

<& <n




<& <n



<& <n


<& <& <& <n


<& <& <& <n

2%. ?3a!ine the following pedigree chart of colourCblindness. n hu!ans" colour blindness is caused by a recessive se>?linked allele. En the diagra!" label the genotypes of the individuals 1C14.

<7 !

<t <t

<t !

<7 <t

<t !

<7 <t

<t !

<7 <t

<t !

<7 <t

<7 !

<7 <t

<t !

<7 <t

<7 !

<t <t


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2/. & blueCeyed !an (1) whose parents were brown eyed (2 M %)" !arries a brown eyed wo!an (/)" whose father was brown eyed (-) and whose !other (4) was blue eyed. They have one fe!ale child who is blue eyed (7). #lue eyes are recessive. a. Ga(e a pedigree chart based on the above infor!ation. b. 6abel the genotypes of the individuals in the chart.

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