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4, PAGES 625-628, APRIL1991


A.Tr6hu 1, P.Morel--l'Huissier 2,R.Meyer 3, Z.Hajnal 7,J. Karl 4,R. Mereu 5, J. Sexton 6, J.Shayl, W.-K. Chart 7,
D.Epili 5,T.Jefferson3, X.-R. Shih 3,S. Wendling 6,B.Milkereit 2,A.Green 2,D.Hutchinson8
Abstract:We present a detailed velocity model across the 1.1 billion year oldMidcontinent Rift System (MRS)in central

Lake Superior. Themodel wasderived primarily fromonshore-offshore large-aperture seismic and gravity data. High velocities obtained within a highly reflective half-graben that
thedominantly maficcomposition of thegraben fill andconindicating thatthecrust is thickest (55-60 km) beneath theaxis

approximately 1.1billion years ago. This riftisgenerally referred toas the Midcontinent RiftSystem (MRS). Although it
hasbeenknown sincethe mid 1960'sthat the total crustal

thickness beneath theMRSis quite variable andreaches a maximum ofgreater than 50kmbeneath central Lake Superior was imaged oncoincident seismic reflection datademonstrate (Smith etal.,1966; Ha/Is, 1982), the detailed geometry ofthe
strain itstotalthickness to be at least 30 km. Strong wideangie reflections areobserved fromthelower crust and Moho, riftremained unknown until recently. In 1986,theUnited States Geological Survey andthe Geological Survey ofCanada collected deep crustal seismic reflection data in theGreat Lakes aspart of GLIMPCE (Great Lakes International Multidisciplinary Program on Crustal
(Behrendt et al.,1988; Cannon et al., 1989) revealed anaston-

ofthe graben. Thetotal crustal thickness decreases rapidly to

about 40 km beneath the southshoreof the lake anddecreases

more gradually to thenorth. AbovetheMohois a high-velocitylower crust interpreted to result fromsyn-rift basaltic intrusion intoand/or underplating beneath theArchean lowercrust.
The lower crust is thickestbeneath the axis of the main rift

Evolution) (Figure 1).The reflection profiles inLake Superior

half-graben. A second region of thick lower crust isfound approximately 100 km northof the axisof the rift beneatl a
of rifting.The crustal modelpresented hereresembles recent

smaller halfgraben that isinterpreted toreflect anearlier stage

ishing image of highly reflective rift basins extending to recording times of 8 to 10s (24-30km).These profiles also revealed considerable structural variation along theaxis of the rift.Along lineA, a deep half-graben witha north-dipping boundary fault is observed in thecentral part of theprofile,
anda smaller half-graben is foundto the north.The central

models of some passive continental margins andis in marked

contrast to manymodels of bothactiveandextinctPhanerozoic

half-graben (CHG) was later uplifted asthe bounding normal

faults(KF andIRF; Figure3a) were reactivated as thrust

continental rift zones. It demonstrates that theMoho is a dynamic feature, since thepre-riftMohois probably withinor above thehigh-velocity lowercrust, whereas the post-rift
Mohois defined asthebaseof this layer.In the absence of major tectonic activity,however, the Moho is very stable, since thelarge,abrupt variations in crustal thickness beneath the MRShave been preserved foratleast a billion years.

faults. Thecharacter ofthe reflection Moho isalso quite variableamong thethree profiles (Behrendt et al., 1988). Thereprofiles C andF, butcannot beclearly identified beneath most
+ + + + + + + + + +a.l-m,m-+ + + + + + + + + + +

flection Moho can betraced beneath nearly the entire length of

+ + + + + + + + + + ,.*,n l[ + + + + + + + + q- 4- +++
+ + + + + + + + + r-'-' '-_r + + + + + + + + + +

++ ++ 4n ""+ + + + ++ ++ ++ ++ + + +. ,'-a-,= + ++ + + ++ + + + + + + ++ ++ 4+ ++

cuate gravityand magneticanomalythat extends northeast

Lake Su.perior lies within a pronounced 2000-kin-long ar-

+.+ + f + ++ + + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ _+.+ I' + ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++ +++ .-!i_,*O+ + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ .gM x. :,2x_+ / ,-k+ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ +++

% + + + + + + +.,'t'r + + + 4-

from central Kansas to LakeSuperior, where it bends to the southeast through Michigan(Woolard, 1943). The source of these anomalies hasbeen thesubject of study andspeculation for manyyears(Wold and Hinze, 1982; Van Schmus and Hinze, 1985) because the sourcerocks are buriedby Phanerozoic sedimentary rock everywhere except inthe region around LakeSuperior, where Keweenawan (~1.1Ga) tholeitic basalt, gabbro and elastic sedSments areexposed. Based onin-

+ + '+ A---+......::2'-.." .IR- ++++++++-. -+ + +' ,, +.+..-,"/xJilr-Ig t \


/r-iR -'

A m S\++++++ + q 13/' /i ?++++ +


n .-.. kk+ \\+ +++++++++++

,:,::=:::::-:-:-:. /. 5: + "':'-.".'".'....:'.':i:t ' 7-6 / __.& [. ...-'r ++ ++ +


formation froma wide variety of studies, including potential field modeling, seismic refraction and reflection profiling, drill holes, and fieldmapping, it is nowgenerally agreed that the
anomalies arecaused by a large volume of basaltic extrusive and intrusive rock that was deposited ina continental riftzone

2Geological Survey ofCanada, Ottawa, Ontario 3University ofWisconsin, Madison, WI 4University ofSaskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 5University ofWisconsin, Oshkosh, WI 6University ofWestern Ontario, London, Ontario 7Southern 111inois University, Carbondale, IL 8U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA
Copyright 1991 by the American Geophysical Union.
Paper number 91GL00826

1Oregon Sta te University, Corvallis, OR

Fig. 1. Location mapof GLIMPCE seismic reflection profries in LakeSuperior overlain on a simplified geolocalmap. DF - Douglas fault;DC - Duluthcomplex; IRF- Isle Royale fault; KF - Keweenaw fault;NF - Niagara fault;NP - Nipigon plate.A, B, C, F, O andH - seismic reflection profiles shot for GLIMPCE in 1986. I - SuperiorProvince; 2 - Huron Supergroup; 3 - Marquette RangeSupergroup; 4 - Penokcan calc-alkalin volcanics; 5 - Penokean plutons;6 - Baraboo quartzite; 7 -Granite-rhyolite; 8 - MRS lowersediments; 9MRS mafic vo!canics;10 - MRS mafic intrusions;! 1 - MRS

uppersediments; 12 - recording stations collecting refraction/wideanglereflection dataduringshooting of profileA. Stationsreferred to in the text are indicatedby Roman

0094-8534 / 91/ 91GL-00826 $03. 00



Tr4,hu etal.: Imaging theMidcontinent Rift


of profileA. The apparent disruption of thereflection Moho beneath thecentral andnorthern partof theprofilehas been attributedto extensive lower crustalintrusion(Behrendt et al., 1990). During shootingof the seismicreflection data, several organizations deployed seismometers onshore andon thelake bottom (Figure1) to record refracted andwide-angle reflected
arrivals from the offshore shots(GLIMPCE seismicrefraction


group, 1989).In thispaper wefocus onlineA, which wasthe onlyprofile along which ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS's) couldbe deployed, thusproviding goodcontrol ontheupper crustal structure. Examples of thedata fromanonshore and an offshore siteareshown in Figure2 (sites II andI in Figure 1) andare overlain by travel-time curves derived fromthe modelof Figure3. Excellent signal-to-noise ratios wereobtainedto the maximum offsets recorded (240 km). In particular, notethestrong wideangle reflections fromthelowercrust andMoho(labeled LC andM onFigure 2).










KF st


-'-'"'N,. -v"

A velocitymodelderivedfromfirst andsecondary P-wave arrivals observed at sites I-VI along lineA is shown in Figure 3a. The modelis alsomapped intothedistance-time domain andcompared to theseismic reflection profile(Cannon et al., 1989). The structurewithin the rift grabenand adjacent Archean crustwas obtained by traveltime inversion (Lutter, 1990) and by interactive itemfiveforwardmodeling (Shay, 1990; Jefferson,1989; Wendling, 1989) usingthe seismic
reflectionsection(Behrendtet al., 1988; Cannon et al., 1989) andexistingshallowseismic refraction results (Luetgert and Meyer, 1982;Halls andWest, 1971) asadditional constraints. The lower crustalstructure was determined by integrating the results of forwardmodeling(Shay,1990),inversion of wideanglereflectiontravel-times (Tr4,hu et al., 1989),directmigrationof wide-angle reflections (Tr4,hu et al., 1988),andgravity modeling (Figure3b). Because themaximum offsets recorded









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-6" ';'-"?'!;// '':';"' , ....... .-,...::-.2:::::'... ,t.;:i .:; ""-.--:--'.' ::'-.'..-..:' ::.x
::-_-_:-"---- ,..,,4-?""

,..:..-:.::: {.:'::..',-' ,' -.," ;;, ._4:.-:.. -

' .'..--!z?-.'-".,..-. -?.'. '.-.,.!.'..:.:: -.} ::. -, ?':--.. :.;. :. ._:..,. :,.!;'-..."-::--,.....: :;:'"::-'.-,,: ---'::v-' -:. ' ..- ::.'t-:":: '.;--.a.. -:-".:-:-.'_::. t. :.t :."'..-,-.. -..: ...." .-'- . --.-..-'."-, .--r;-..;.

densities used to calculate thegr. avitysignature of themodel (in gm/cc)are also shown.The uppermantlevelocityand : -.. '........ -. "'. --..'. -._ ..::.-_ --..-..T density wereassumed to be 8.1 km/sand3.25 grn/cc, respec'-- "-- . .

. - -5.:':..'i-"-:,;;:- '-

'.... '-':'"-'" -'--'-:'-'-N--'J' ;-.- '"

Fig. 3. (a) The upperpanel showsthe velocity structure of theMRS beneath Lake Superior derivedfrom large-aperture data. Portionsof boundaries that are well constrained by refracted andwide anglereflected arrivalsare shownaslines overlain on thevelocitymodel.Stationpositions (I-VI) and

4 '75.'-:'/" -;'-'--:'- '-'"-'"'" ['""'-'::-':/'-:-" -;:'""-:' ' ":: '--':' t:"""-' '-:'--" ':'.-
. .::: ':'' .....

,. -.:..--.-.-.-:-''. -'.. --t.'-. _ ----_: _

-' '--.... ". :: .:,

tively. Thelowerpanel shows thevelocity model mapped into thedistance-time domain. Major formationboundaries from theseismic reflection interpretation (Cannon et al., 1989)are overlainfor comparison. JS - Jacobsville sandstone; BS Bayfieldsandstone; OG - Orontogroup; LOG - lowerOG; PLV - Portage Lake volcanics; OV - Osier volcanics; LPlowerProterozoic; AG - Archean granite;IRF- Isle Royale
fault; KF- Keweenawfault; FBI- fault blocksor intrusives;

Fig.2. Examples of datarecorded alongline A at sites II (a)

and VI (b).Thesource was a 127-liter (7780 in3) tuned airgun

array. Amplitudes havebeenscaled by a factor of offset/10 for

SL- shoreline. (b) Observed Bouguer gravity anomaly (small circles) compared to the anomaly calculated for the velocity model assuming densities shown in Figure 3a.Thelevelofthe calculated anomaly is arbitrary. Thedashed linerepresents the gravity response of the upper crust(i.e., the density of the lower crustal layer andupper mantle weresetto2.8 gm/cc for thecalculation). Thesolid linerepresents thegravity response of theentire model. We assumed a lowercrustal density of 3.0 grn/cc above 42 km and3.15 gm/ccbelow42 km to suggest an assumed transition from an intrudedto an underplated region. To improve thefit we alsodecreased thedensity ina triangular block of Archean crust south of themainhalf-graben from2.8 to 2.75gm/cc (shown as2.8/2.75).Seetextforfurtherexplanation. were inadequate toobserve waves refracted through thelower crust, thelowercrustal velocity is poorly determined butmust

offsets greater than10 km,thus preserving relative amplitude variations. Calculated traveltimes for themodel of Figure 3 are alsoshown. LC - reflections from the top of the lower crust; M - reflections fromMoho; IRF - IsleRoyale fault; OOP - unmodeled arrival assumed tobeanout-of-plane reflection.

besuch that strong wide-angle reflections are generated. The shape ofthe lower crust isnot very sensitive tothe assumed

Trhu etal.:Imaging the Midcontinent Rift

velocity of 7.2 km/s.


Themost suSking feature of theshallow velocity structure is

the relatively highvelocities (.--5.0 km/s) at shallow depth

marking the IsleRoyale and Keweenaw faults. This isparticularly pronounced for theIsleRoyale fault,which produces a dramatic travel-time advance onall of therecord sections (IRF onFigure 2) andis at least partly duetooverthrusting ofmidKeweenawanvolcanics over late-Keweenawanclastic sedi-

mentary rock(Cannon et al., 1989).Intrusive rocks mayalso

contribute to thiseffectin theIsleRoyale faultzone.

themodel. Thiscalculation shows thata high-density lower crust that pinches outatthenorth andsouth ends of theprofile adequately compensates for the topography of theMohoas derived fromthelarge-aperture seismic data.Moreover, the gravity highbeneath thenorthern partof theprofilecanbe attributed to theregion of thickened lowercrust inferred from theseismic data. Alternatively, thenonhem gravity highcan bemodeled by a high-density bodyat about 15km depth that is notimaged in theseismic data(Jefferson, 1989; Wendling,

Withinthe CHG, velocity discontinuities aredefined by

wide anglereflectionsand correspond well to formation

boundaries interpreted in theseismic reflection data(Figure 3a).Thevelocities withineach formation alsoagree wellwith thelithologies suggested by stratigraphic correlations (Cannon
et al., 1989) and extensivecorrelationsof shallow seismic

We interpret thehigh-velocity, high-density lowercrustal

regionbeneath the MRS to resultfrom addition of maficmaterial to the lower crust beneathboth the main axis of the rift and

refraction result with drill holes andsurface exposures (Halls, 1969).The velocitiesin the upper3 km of the main halfgraben increase from about2.5 to 4.6 km/s,consistent with thepresence of post-rift clastic sediments. Between 3 and10 km,thevelocityincreases from about5.2 to greater than6 km/s,indicating interbedded sedimentary andvolcanic rock witha progressively greater volcanic component. Beneath 10 kmthevelocitywithinthehalf-graben is at least6.4 km/sand thegradient decreases considerably. In Figure3a, thevelocity
is shown to be 6.8 km/s at 10 km and 7.1 km/s at 17 km

approximately 150 km northof the axis.That the boundaries

depth. This may represent an upperlimit on the allowable velocity. Uncertainty about the velocity in this region (approximately +0.3 km/s) arises because of uncertainties in picking thefirst arrivaltime at offsets greater thanabout150 km andresultsin an uncertainty of about5 km in the total thickness of graben fill. The velocity uncertainty alsoimplies uncertainties aboutthe degree of metamorphism of extrusive basalts and/or intrusion of sillsin the lowerpartof theCHG (Behrendt et al., 1990). Themoststriking feature of thelowercrustal structure is the abrupt increase in crustalthickness beneath the CHG. The Mohocanbe tracednearlycontinuously from km 70 to km 245in themodelusing wide-angle reflections observed at all

of thisregionare not clearlyobserved in the near-vertical seismic reflection datasuggests extensive intrusion of "blobs" of high velocity material intothepre-rift Archean crust rather than a discrete zone of magmatic underplating atthebase of the crust. Gibson andLevander (1988), haveshown howa localized zoneof random velocityheterogeneities at depthcan appear layered in large-aperture data.A lowercrustal structure thatgrades from intruded Archeancrustto a magmatically underplated regionis likely. Detailedmodeling of the wavefieldsobserved in boththe near-vertical andlarge-aperture seismic datais needed to placeadditional constraints on the detailed structure in thisregion. Althoughwe showthe high-velocity,high-density lower crust asa single layerin theseismic andgravity models, it may result fromseveral different tectonic episodes. The spatial correspondence between the relatively smallhalf-graben found north of theIsleRoyale faultandthenorthern regionof lower crustalintrusion suggests a geneticrelationship. Basedon stratigraphic arguments, thishalf-graben is generally thought
to reflect an earlierperiodof rifting (Cannonet al., 1989), implying thatthetworegions of thickened lowercrust maynot be contemporaneous. In fact, if the effect of the main Keweenawan riftingwereremoved, the geometry andscale of
the northern structure would be similar to that observed in sev-

sites. Northof therift axis,it dipsslightly to the south and achieves itsmaximum depthat 55-60 km beneath theaxisof thehalf-graben before shallowing abruptly beneath thesouth end of theprofile. Thisresult is supported byfanprofiles collected during GLIMPCE(EpiliandMereu,1989)andimplies that theregion of verythickcrust beneath LakeSuperior is narrower thanpreviously thought (Halls,1982).
Considerablevariation in the thickness of the lower crust is

also indicated by thelarge-aperture data. Beneath theCHG, the topof thelower crust isdefined bywide-angle reflections atsites II-VI tobea north-dipping interface atabout 30-40km depth. Strong wide-angle reflections observed north of Lake
Superior indicate thatthelowercrustalsothickens beneath a smallhalf-graben found northof the CHG. Whetherthis northern lowercrustal body is anintrusion extending to Moho ora sillunderlain by Archean crust hasnotyetbeen resolved.

Thegravity anomaly along profile A is shown in Figure 3b and shows a largehighovertheCHG andanother highover

the north end of theprofile. Modeling thegravity fieldalong this profile is complicated by twofactors. First, a 2-dimensional model isclearly inadequate because the northern high is actually theflankof a large, circular highcentered approxi.mately 60kmwest of the profile. Second, thegravity anomaly isderived from an8x8kmgridof observations, which istoo
coarse toproperly define theanomaly dueto shallow features

eralpresently inactivePhanerozoic rifts (e.g.,Mooneyet al., 1983; Catchings and Mooney, 1988; Tr6hu et al., 1989) in whichMohoshallows or is approximately flat beneath therift anda sediment-f'flled rift graben or half-graben overlies a 5-15 km thickhigh-velocity regionin the lowercrust. In contrast, the main episodeof Keweenawanrifting in LakeSuperior resulted in an anomalously thickandhighdensitycrust because of extrusion, intrusion andunderplating of a volumeof magmacomparable to that foundin Phanerozoic floodbasalt provinces (Hutchinson et al., 1990).Unlike most flood basaltprovinces, however,the lavas were confined withina lineartrough. The resultant crustal structure is most similar to thatrecently foundbeneath several passive continental margins (Tr6huet al., 1989;White andMcKenzie,1989; Mutter et al., 1988), whereup to 8 km of extrusivelavas underlain by upto 15km of intrusive/underplated maficrocks havebeen inferredat thecontinent-ocean boundary. Why rifting wasaborted andanocean failedto develop cannot be determined from the seismic image of the rift, but is probably related to thelarger scale regional tectonic environment, which included activecompression alongthe GrenvilleFront(e.g., Gordon andHempton, 1986).

ofthe model such astheIsleRoyale fault zone. Several in-

sights intothecrustal structure cannone-the-less be obtained

mic data, as well as the seismic reflection data, was funded

Acknowledgements: Collection of thelarge-aperture seis-

from _modeling the gravity field. The dashed line inFigure 3b jointly by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Surveyof Canada(GSC). Fundsfor analysis of shows the anomaly due solely totheupper crustal structure Geological
and demonstrates that thegravity high over theCHGcan be completely attributed tohigh-density graben fill.Thesolid line shows the anomaly obtained when the lower crust isadded to
thedatawereprovided by grantsfrom the USGS, GSC and the U.S. National ScienceFoundation.Acknowledgment is
a/so made to the Donors to the Petroleum Research Fund of


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(Received:December13, 1990

a9cepted: February 13, 1991)

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