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September 2011


Date: 25 September

lnlln' ITIviflI I EVS


##w /dTIZN



Time allowed: 3 hours

lnstructions to Candidates
Before answering the question papLr, read and understand the instructions given below.

Answer EQUB questions only. At lcast ONE of them should be from SECTION I.
Each question carries 25 marks. Answers to all questions should be written in separate answer bookso as they will be marked by separate examiners.

Ensure that you write your index number and question numben clearly on aU answer books.


is important that you write the question numbers you answer, in the cage provided on the cover page.

Pay attention to legihility, grammar, spelling and punctuation markso in addition to the relevance, organisation and style of presentation. Answers to all questions are expecfed in essay form, unless otherwise specified in the relevant questions.


The engineets union of an engineering organisation responsible for the ptovision of services for Lhe counay
resorts to trade union action to secure beneflts for themseh'es. This causes severe inconvenience to the


a. b.

Is this acceptable rn terms of the IESL Code of Etirics?

\K4rat action should the IESL take


there is deemed to be a violation

of the IESL Code of Ethics.

tify your reasoning.

Question 2

^. b. c.

What do you understand by the tenn "ETHICS"


Why is it necessary for a professional body to have a Code of Ethics?

Each of the eight clauses of the

IIiSL Code of

Fl,thics deals wrth a specific issue wh.ich must be

observed to ensure compliancc with the Code of Ethics. Identi$ each of these and give a short descripnon of the aspects covered by each of the clauses.

sEcTtoN n
Question 3
Results from a recent inter:net survey conducted on digital cLvide in Sri

anka are presented belorv.

The Frst graph shows the percentage of respondents of different age groups which responded to the questionnaire. Two important cluestions were frosed to the respondents and the two chaits
illustrate the ftequency of the responses. Analyse the data presented by the lwo charts, and identiFT the major issues that can be raised

from this study.

Age groups of the respondents of the

internet survey
50 45 40



groups of the


r"espondents of the internet survey


Question; Have you ever felt that it is better if the parents have only a little knowledge about computers/mobile phones' and other new technologies, so that you can do whatever you want behind their back?


Question: Can your parents use inte!"net to get their work done without your help?
access to

They do not have easy internet but theY do know how to use it

They have easy access & they use internet


They have access to


internet but they do not know how to use it


They do not have acress to ternet & they do not know how to use it


Source: http://www.t-hesundavleader.lk/2011/07/17lwho-uses-icts-in-sri-lanka-and-v{hl

Question 4

The engineering profession recognises that nsk is inherent in the acuvities unclertaken by its members.
Professionai engineers and engineering technicians have a significant tolc to play in limiting or eiiminating risk, and there is a personal obligation on thern to maintain and enhance their competence

in their area of pracdce. lVhat is 'TJsk" to an engineer? Explaln your aflsv/er through your experience as a practicing

") b)

Discuss how engineers meer their professional obligations ensuling that risk is an important considetalion in

dreir en[$neering activities'

Question 5
Disposal of Municipal Solid'Waste has been a problem in Sn Lanka for a long time. One of the solutions identified to soive this prnblern is fhe genetation of electriciry using Municipal Solid

In order to promote Power generation from lv{urucipal Solid Waste, a tariff of Rs 22'02 /


is offered to those who generate and sc[ electriciry to the Unlity. Dcspite thrs being the

highest tariff offeted to any power generating source under the Non-Conventj.onal Renewable Energy category, t}lere ate no operating Gtid connected generating plants using Municipal Solid
'Waste. \X4rat do you think are lhe reasons

for fhe poot tesponse?

How do yoll propose to ovetcome drem?

What are yout suggestions to overcome the Solid Waste disposal problem in Sri Lanka?

Qucstion 6
Sri Lanka has proposed Hambantl-rota to be a candidate City to hold the Games in 20i8.

)C(I Commonwealth IT parks


Sri Lanka is successfi-ri in the bid, the government has plans to develop

Hambantho ta as a fururistic city by bunoing Skyscrapers, sophist.icated spots facilities,

and superior accommodation facilitiesi. \7hile this is sure to bring in a iot of development to the
area r.nd to the country,


also has a huge cost attached.

!{hat is }'our view


to the decision to host Commonwealth Games?

Your answer must include the pros and cons of the decision, other alternate development
options available to the country and where hosrtng of the Commonwealth Game stands

Question 7
Discuss the role of the Engineer in a construction contract, based on the conditions of a contract familiarto you.


If you are the engfneer responsible for cost
would be using fo conrrol

When managing a project, one of the difhcult tasks is cost control of the project in order to
ensure that no cost overfl-lns at its completion.

control function of

a project, discuss rvhat techniques, methods )'ou

the cost of the project, highlighting challenges likely to be faced.

Question 9
Recendy, there have been a seties of boiler explosions reported from all around the counrry owing


a vadety

of reasons. The following is a summarv ol one such incident that was reported in the

Da:ly Mirror on Septernber 19,2011(Internet Edition).

"At least three wotkers including a flema]e were killed and a few others injuted when a boiler of
factory exploded this moming. Police sources said the rnjured were rushed to the hospital" said
the arrjcle on that particular day and below we irave included some of the responses received on

this news.

A) "Send in Engineers to coaduct a safety audit. Seems the boiler needs a pressure relief valve."

B) 'This is now over to you Factorv Safety Inspectors of the Labot Depatlment to carry out
thorough inspection of all factories wrth borlers to ensure the safery regulahons enacted by
the factories ordinance.


C) "N{ost of the factories have very old boilers in operation- no rvell schedule pfvefrtive


predictive maintenance at alll T'he administration must be charged for these faiiures."

It is also noted that there

exist qtrite a numbet of local manufactuters of boilers who do not

adopt Pro fessionai Practices.

At present ihere are no Sti Lankan Standards for design and manufacture of boilers, although
thete are a number of international standards fot reference. a) Critically analyse the akrove responses.



a responsibie er1:gineer, what actions do yotr recommend

to the government in otder

to minirnise the tncidents of boiler e xplosions, whicl"r rnight result in the loss of [vesl

Question 10
The United Nations Environment Program flJNFIP) ittroduced the concept of Cleanet Production
(CP) in 1989, and defined it as 'the contmuous applicatiofl of an integtated preventive

envilonmentai strategy appJied to processes, prodlrcts and services to increase eco-efficiency and
reduce risks to humans and the cnvironment'. CP can be applied to any rndustry or service rncluding rlon corrxnercial activities. Cleaner production activities include measures such as waste and pollution pleventron at source, waste minirlisation, resource efficiency itrrprovement, and eco-efficiency. The fout elements cleaner producLion are:


1. The precauUonary approach - potential poliutefs must prove drat a substance or activiW wili do no harm;

2. The preventive approach - preventing poliution at the source rather than aftet it

has been

3. Democratic control - workers, consllmersr and communities all have access to information
and are in..'olved in decision-making; and holistic approach - addressing all material, energy and $'ater flow using life-

4. Integrated

cycle analyses.

Answer the following:

a) CP uses the principle, "Polluiioh is due to waste of valuable resources" - Justi$, this staternent using examples from your ovrn work environment.

b) Write a brief proposal

(not more than 400 words) to your CEO/Manager or your partners,

recommending and ;usu$'ing implementadon of CP in your organisarion.

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