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LEGEND: Settlement Size (using the same method as the Imperial census): CS= City State (any size) C= City ( !"!!!#) $= $o%n ( "!!! & !"!!!) S$= Small $o%n ( !! & "!!!) '= 'illage ( & !!) (= (ort (any size) )= )ine (any size) *ealth ( = Impro+ished" ,= 'ery -ich) $rade Constants (Selling./uying see $rading -ules in Dot-) Garrison.)ilitia (0uality rated as E1cellent (a)" 2+erage (3)" or 4oor (c))


Settlement Name 25endor6 Size S$ -uler $o%n Council 4op 7!! *ealth 8 Source $im3er" *oodcar+ings" 9ogs" $rapping >re" $im3er 2griculture" Goats (ishing" *ine" Goats 2griculture" Cattle 2griculture" Sheep 2griculture" Cattle 2griculture" *ine $im3er" $rapping 2griculture" (ishing" Cattle 2griculture" Cattle 2griculture" $im3er $rade" 2griculture" (ishing 2gricuture" >li+e >il $im3er" 2griculture" $rade" $rapping 2griculture" 9ogs $im3er" Sheep $rade Constants

Garrison )ilitia <!a.=!3



2ldium 2lynda 2rgalis 2rnalos (Di@on+ille) /raso+ (Sainte $hArBse) /ro+s5a Ca3anal (Charles3ourg) 9eldegrad CDsos Chypris La5oras )atorca (/eauport) )entreda (ChGteau&9erriot) )ortensholm )oslac (Charleroi) )unzig

S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ $ S$ $ S$ S$

4rince Gusta+e Doumer 4rince Domini?ue 'eneau1 4rince /en+enuto -u33ia 4rince 2le1ander Di@onou 4rincess Nadia du 4ont 4rince (rancoise de )olinar 4rince Stephen Clemenaceau 4rince *ilhelm +on Dornier 4rince >ttorino 4iranesi 4rince Eac?ues Detz 4rince Niccolo )antegna 4rincess Sophia du /eaucamp 4rince 2lain 9erriot Gra6 Gotthold Stein5uhler 4rince 2ndrA du )ont6ort 4rince -udol6 +on Erhard 4rince Georges Cha3rier 4rince Nicolas

:,! =,! =!! ,!! ,!! ,!! ,,! 7!! =!! F!! =!! ",!! :<! 8"!!! :!! ,<!

< < < < < < < < < 8 < 8 < 8 < <

7!.!; <=!.!; <:!.!; <!!.!; <!!.!; <!!.!; <<!.!; 8<!.!;< <:!.!; ,:!.!;8 <:!.!; F!!.!;, =7.!; 7!!.!;F =!.!; <!7.!;

,3.<!c 73.<!c <!3.:!3 8,3.,!c 8!3.,,c :!3.7!c <,3.<,c <!a.8!3 <!3.8,c 8,3.8!c <!3.:!c ,!3.<,!c Normally allied %ith the D%ar6hold o6 Caraz Izor (amous 6or the sharp 2lynda cheese;

H!3. :!3 <!3.:!c )ar5et to%n on the -i+er Durich near the east end o6 /lac5 (ire 4ass :!3.=!c 8!3.:,c

Som@e5 (Cha3ourg) Styratia

S$ S$

=!! :,!

< <

2griculture" (ishing 2griculture" Cattle"

<:!.!; 7!.!;

$hessos 'ardanos (Esterel) 'ido+dan Ienres (Saint 4ierre) I+ora5

$ S$ S$ $ S$

/eaumont 4rince (rancesco /ellini 4rince Edmond /ec?uerel Cing 'u5 +on Schna3el 4rince 4ierre& Eean -enior 4rince Gio+anni Crispi

"<!! 7!! 8,! "7!! 7!!

8 8 < 8 <

*ine 2griculture" $e1tiles" *ine 2griculture" *ine Lum3er" 2griculture" Cattle $rade" 2griculture" 9ogs 2griculture" Sheep

H<!.!;: :7!.!;< :!.!; !7!.!;, 8<!.!;<

=!3. ,!c :!3.7!c <,3.=!c <!a" 7!3.8!!c =!3. !!c

Note: $he names in parenthesis a3o+e are the names o6 the settlements gi+en respecti+ely 3y that realmJs ne% /retonnian no3ility;


Settlement Name Duchy o6 2L0KEI2-> 2l?uezaro Size -uler 4op *ealth Source $rade Constants

Garrison )ilitia


Du?ue Este3an Leon


*ine" (ishing" 2griculture

< !!. ;

:!3. ,!c

Cingdom o6 2S$2-I>S )agritta

Cing Carlos IL )ontoya 2guilar Conde Geraldo Ealisco Conde 2ntonio Esco3ar de -agaMos Condesa -a?uel 'elas?uez


ED+ea )oleno $orrosa

S$ $ S$

H,! ",!! ,,!

< 8 <

$rade" Go+ernment" /oat3uilding" )etal%or5ing" (ishing (ishing" 2griculture 2griculture" >re" Cattle (ishing" /oat3uilding" *ine



Largest city in Estalia; Centre o6 )yrmidia cult

8!!.!;< F!!.!;, <<!.!;

,3.8!c <,3.H,c ,3.<!c

Cingdom o6 N'IL2 Ner@a Los Ca3os San 4edro del Sur

$ S$ S$

Cing )iguel I Este3an NuMez Conde Emiliano Iapata Conde $omDs )edina

=":!! 7!! =<!

: 8 <

$rade" Go+ernment" (ishing 2griculture" *ine" 4ort (ishing" 2griculture

, <!.<;= :7!.!;< <:7.!;

!!3.<<!!c <!3.:!c <3.<!c

Duchy o6 /2-/>I2 /ar3oza

Du?uesa 2nita )orales


(ishing" 2griculture

<:!!. ;<


Cingdom o6 C2N$>NI2 2lmagora Chel+on Sitges Solsona

$ S$ S$ S$

Cing -odrigo 'I Sanchez /urgos Conde Eduardo 9uerta Condesa Lucia Carranza Conde /enito 9ildalgo

7"!!! H!! 7!! =!!

: < 8 <

$rade" $e1tiles" Go+ernment" (ishing 2griculture" Cattle 2griculture" (ishing 2griculture" >re" $im3er

=:!!.8;< <7!. !; :7!.!;< <:!.!; 8

<!!3.<,!!c ,3.8!c ,3.:!c <3.<,c

Duchy o6 GK2LC2I2Gualcazar

Du?ue Emilio



2griculture" Sheep"


8!3. !!c

)artOn Cingdom o6 N>'2-EN> 'izcaya 2zuara Graus


$ S$ S$

Cing (elipe III (ernando -eyes Condesa 'ictoria 4acheco Conde -icardo 2zaMa

=":!! H,! =:!

: 8 <

$rade" Go+ernment" *ine 2griculture" Sheep" >re (ishing" 2griculture

, <!.<;= :,!.!;< <,=.!;

!!3.<!!!c ,3.8,c <!3. !c Near /retonnian 3order

Cingdom o6 >/-EG>N Diamanterra Earaiz )uros 'erOn $ S$ S$ S$ 0ueen )aria III Consuelo Eimenez Conde 4edro >lmos Conde 2lonzo 'Dldez Condesa Sara )ateos H"!!! 7!! :,! H<! : 8 < < $rade" Go+ernment" 2griculture" Cattle 2griculture" *ine" 4ort 2griculture" (ishing 2griculture" *ine ,=!!.<;7 :7!.!;< 7!.!; <77.!; ,!3.<:!!c ,3.:!c ,3. ,c ,3.<!c

Duchy o6 S2N LKIS San Luis

Du?ue 2ndres Campero


(ishing" 2griculture" *ine


<,3. !!c

Cingdom o6 S2N$>P> /elmoz Ce3reros K3ri?ue

$ S$ S$

Cing (rancisco 'II Sando+al Euarez Conde 2cadio CardeMa Conde Lucio Carru3ias

:"!!! 7!! H:!

8 < <

$rade" Go+ernment" >re Cattle" 2griculture (ishing" *ine

<:!!. ;< 8<!.!;< <F=.!;

H,3. H,!c ,3.8,c ,3.8<c

Cingdom o6 $IG2--E /il3ali /orgas 4otes SahagQn

C $ S$ S$

0ueen Euana I la -o@a Carlota )artinez Conde (rancisco 'illa Conde -u3io >rtiz Condesa Krraca Iamora

:"!!! 8"!!! :,! ,,!

, 8 < <

$rade" Go+ernment" /oat3uilding" (ishing *ine" 2griculture" Cattle >re" Sheep 2griculture

:!!!.H;! 7!!.!;F 7!.!; <<!.!;

,!!a.=,!!c 8!3. !!c <3.<!c <3.<!c

Largest port in northern Estalia

Duchy o6 I2-2G>I Iaragoz


Du?ue -odrigo Cordo+a


2griculture" *ine" $im3er



I--2N2N DKCED>)S Durango Guaniar Lla?ueMo )onteMas 4a@ena -agaMos

S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$

Du?ue NuMo -asura Du?ue Inigo 2rista Du?ue Domingo >sma Du?ue LaOn Cal+o Du?ue Euan Gorze Du?uesa 2+a Silos

7,! H<! =7H =: H!< F !

< < < < < <

Sheep" >re $im3er (ur" Sheep Sheep Sheep" Goats >re" *oodcra6t

8:!.!;< <77.!; <H,.!; <,=.!; <7 .!; 8=:.!;<

8<3.,!c <73.:,c <73.:!c <,3.:,c <,3.,!c 8,3.,!c Located in the resion %here 23as5o and Irrana )ountains meet; Located nearest the 3order %ith the /retonnian Irranas;

-eas Serpicio Siernos

S$ S$ S$

Du?uesa $igridia 2rlanza Du?ue -amRn /orrello Du?ue Guillermo /erenguer

:7F 7 ! ,:<

< < <

Sheep $im3er $im3er

F=.!; 8<:.!;< < H.!;

<<3.8,c 8!3.:,c <,3.8,c

Settlement Name 4rincipality o6 LKCCINI Luccini Size -uler 4op *ealth Source $rade Constants

Garrison )ilitia



4rince Lorenzo Lupo Conte )arsilius Natta Duchessa 'eronica di 4adua 4rince Lorenzo Lupo Duca /aldassare 4eruzzi


$rade" (ishing" /oat3uilding" Go+ernment" $e1tiles *ine" 2griculture" >li+e >il $rade" $im3er" Sheep (ishing" *ine" 2griculture $rade" (ishing" 2griculture



Largest city in $ilea; Centre o6 the cut o6 )Rrr and site o6 its )ausoleum;

2ldente Capelli )intopua 4a+ezzano

$ $ $ $

<",,! ," !! ,"!!! ,"=!!

8 8 : :

,8!.!;7 8!=!. ;, :!!!.<;! ::7!.<;<

<,3. !!c <,a.,!!c H,a.H,!c =!a. H!!c

Duchy o6 )I-2GLI2N> )iragliano 2limento

CS '

Duce 'incenzo Cornuti Conte Guido No+ello

8"!!! F!

, <

$rade" /oat3uilding" (ishing" Go+ernment $rade" >re

8!!!.=;, 8=.!

<!!a.<=!!c ,3. !3 Knderground +illage near the source o6 the -i+ers Cristallo ($ilea)" SSll (Empire) Located near the %estern mouth o6 the ca+e system leading to the Empire;


Conte Guido No+ello


$rade" Goats" >re

< !!. ;


E3ino -a+ola $oscania

$ S$ $

Conte Galeazzo )antua Contessa 4atrizia )alpighi Duchesa 4atrizia )alpighi Conte Guilio K3erti

8"=!! 7,! H"!!!

: < 8

$rade" 2griculture" Cattle 2griculture" *ine $rade" *ine" >re" Goats >re" $im3er" *ine

<77!. ;: 8:!.!;< :<!!.<;

:!a.<!!c <,3.8,c ,!a.<!!!c Guards the southern end o6 the Nu+olone 4ass to /retonnia



<,<!. ;8

,!a. !!!c

Guards against S5a+en raiding parties 6rom the /lighted )arshes across the -i+er $rino;

)arches o6 )>N$E C2S$ELL> )onte Castello 4ugno

$ S$

)archese -o3erto di )eglio )archesa Lucrezia 4etrarch

<"<,! 7,!

8 <

(ishing" Cattle 2griculture" *ine

8,!.!;H 8:!.!;<

,!a. !!c 8:3.H!c

Guards the southern approaches to $ilea

4rincipality o6 42'>N2 4a+ona


4rince Emanuele >rlando


$rade" 2griculture" *ine" Sheep



2stiano Scozzese

$ $

Conte Girolamo )azzuoli Conte Leonardo di 2rgentisso

:"!!! 8",!!

8 8

2griculture" Sheep" *ine 2griculture" *ine" >li+e >il

<:!!. ;< < !!. ;

<!a.<,!c :!3.8!!c

-epu3lic o6 -E)2S -emas >lesi -i6ra66a Spomanti Stiani Kr3imo

CS $ S$ $ $ $

Doge Lorenzo dei 4azzi Duca )atteo /oiardo Conte Cesare Lom3roso Conte Eacopo )ontaperti Doge Lorenzo dei 4azzi Duca Gio+anni 4ergolesi

,"!!! =":!! H,! 8"7!! ="!!! ,"<!!

, 8 < : : ,

$rade" (ishing" /oat3uilding" Go+ernment" $e1tiles $rade" (ishing" 2griculture 2griculture" *ine 2griculture" Cattle" *ine $rade" 2griculture" *ine $rade" (ishing" 2griculture

,!!!.H;, 87:!. ;F 8!!.!;< 8!:!. ;, :7!!.<;: ,<!!.<;=

8,!a.:!!!c !!3.,!!c <,3.<,c ,!3.:,!c !!3.,!!c ,!a.=!!c

4irate Isle o6 S2-$>S2 Sartosa


4irate Cing Gio+anni /ar3arossa


4iracy" $rade" (ishing" Sla+ery

<:!!. ;<


4rincipality o6 $>/2-> $o3aro


4rince (errante Capuletis


$rade" >re" Gemstones" (ishing


!!a. <!!c

4rincipality o6 $-2N$I> $rantio Scorcio 'iadaza 'arieno

CS S$ $ $

4rince Giorgio da 'ignola Conte 2ndrea 4uccini Duca 2lessandro Sozzini Conte (ederico Campi

H",!! 7!! ,"!!! 8"H,!

: 8 8 8

$rade" 2griculture" Goats 2griculture" >li+e >il (ishing" 2griculture" Cattle $im3er" Cattle" *ine

=!!!.8;! :7!.!;< :<!!.<; <<,!. ;

,!a.H!!c <,3.=!c =!3.:!!c ,!3.8,!c

-epu3lic o6 'E-EII> 'erezzo 4ortomaggiore -a+erno $erenne

CS $ $ $

4rince Georgio Sideri 4rince Georgio Sideri Conte Girolamo Sordello Conte 2ntonio )ontecchis

7"!!! ," !! :"!!! :",!!

: 8 8 8

$rade" 2griculture" *ine *ine" (ishing" /oat3uilding 2griculture" *ine" Sheep Sheep" Goats" >re

=:!!.8;< 8!=!. ;, <:!!. ;< <H!!. ;:

H!a.7!!c =!a.:!!c ,!3.<!!c ,!3.<=!c

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