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Rules of the Game

Amy Tan

Dialectical Notes
Strongest wind cannot be seen. (497)

The mother uses an epigram to teach her daughter the value of self-control. Her message is a paradox.

people sat cracking roasted watermelon seeds with their golden teeth (498)

The speaker uses imagery to describe people who live in her neighborhood.

Cracking roasted watermelon seeds gurgling pigeons (498)

Amy Tan uses imagery to create a mood of warmth and activity.

One day as she struggled to weave a hard-toothed comb through my disobedient hair, I had a sly thought. (499)

Amy Tan characterizes the daughter as rebellious by describing her appearance and thoughts as disobedient and sly. The hard-toothed comb symbolizes her mothers rules and discipline. Amy Tan foreshadows the daughters future rebellion.

This American rules, she concluded at last. Every time people come out from foreign country, must know rules. You not know, judge say, Too bad, go back. (502)

The mother uses a metaphor to compare the immigrant experience to a game of chess. You have to know the rules to move forward in life.



Never say check with vanity, lest someone with an unseen sword slit your throat. (503)

Amy Tan uses hyperbole to warn against the possible consequences of becoming too cocky.



It [the wind] whispered secrets only I could hear. Check, I said, as the wind roared with laughter. (504)

The personification of the wind illustrates the intensity of her extraordinary performance at the chess game. The winds whispering also symbolizes her mothers presence pushing her forward.



I would swing my patent leather shoes back and forth like an impatient child riding on a school bus. (506)

This simile emphasizes her youth. It contrasts her immaturity with the maturity required to play chess with strategy and self-control.



I could see two yellow lights shining from our flat like two tigers eyes in the night. (508)

The lights, which symbolize the warmth of her home, are compared to a tigers eyes to illustrate the animosity (hostility) between mother and daughter.

Possible Quotes
I could see two yellow Never say check with

lights shining from our flat like two tigers eyes in the night. (508) It [the wind] whispered secrets only I could hear. Check, I said, as the wind roared with laughter. (504)

vanity, lest someone with an unseen sword slit your throat. (503) This American rules, she concluded at last. Every time people come out from foreign country, must know rules. You not know, judge say, Too bad, go back. (502)

Writers Notebook #2
Describe a time when you had a conflict with a

family member. Length- one page

Revise for literary elements and devices. Include

at least one simile, one metaphor, and one other example of figurative language. Write like Amy Tan, P. 508.

Short Story Test Review

If you want to practice analyzing a short story for Section IV,

read the following and make dialectical notes:

Volar- P.669 Internment- P.289

If you want to practice the literary terms for Sections I-III, do

the following:

1) Get out the literary terms packet. 2) Make 2 sets of cards (15 numbered cards in each set). 3) Take turns drawing a card and defining the literary term

which corresponds with that number (Ex: 1- define plot) 4) Keep the card to win the point. If you answer incorrectly, the question goes to the next person in the rotation.

Ticket Outta Class

Pretend its already Thursday. Write me a

letter describing what you did to get an A on your test.

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