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Stephen Lloyd G.


March 4, 2014 Ms. Reine Alamban

In my NSTP Area Work, I have experienced a lot of things; some are good while some are not. Of all those experiences, the most significant and memorable were the experiences I had in all the sharing that we did for each module with our respective groups (students in MOGCHS), especially the first time that we had done it. The group sharing was very helpful in knowing our students, not only their names but also their nature; in knowing their insights and feelings concerning the modules and the lessons with them; and in understanding them through their family situations and life stories. I have known most of our students when we had our first group sharing. Grade 8 Section Florentino had a total number of students about 39. We divided them among ourselves, and in turn, each of us had about 9-10 students in our respective groups. It was in this first group sharing that I had known the names of my students. It was very memorable for me because without that group sharing I wont be able to get closer to my students. Little by little, as we had more group sharing, I had also slowly known the character and attitude that my students had. Most of them were shy; in fact I had a little difficulty in making them talk and share at first. But as we go on, they gradually became comfortable in sharing. The group sharing also helped me in knowing the insights of my students about our lessons, as well as in understanding them. Every time we finish discussing a lesson, we often form our respective groups and let our students share what they had learned from the lesson and their reflections, if there is any. This helped us know if our students understood the lessons well. It was also a way to know their family situations and stories. One experience I could never forget was when we had a module about what kind of family would they like to have in the future. There was one student in my group who said that she wants a family that is different from what she currently had. Ignorant of the reason why she said that, I asked her why and it turned out that

shes from a broken family. I felt at that time that I had committed a mistake, and was very sorry for her. In that way, I have understood why she had that kind of thought. The dominant insight that I had about those experiences was that I was very grateful to be able to meet my students, to be able to teach them about values formation, and to be able to hear their life stories. That is because those experiences I had is like a treasure to me. I am very fortunate to have this opportunity that is only given to a few people. Aside from those experiences, I myself had also learned a lot from the area work. It helped me to become more responsible, to be more patient, to improve my social skills and selfconfidence, and to be more thoughtful and understanding towards other people. Through teaching, I have become more responsible, coming to MOGCHS every Wednesday not empty handed, and become more patient. I have learned to lengthen my patience in dealing with our students when they are not listening and following our instructions. Furthermore, I also was able to build up my confidence in talking in front of other people, and improving my skills in mingling with others. Lastly, by looking at their situations in more than one point, I have understood them better, and become more thoughtful to them. As a whole, NSTP-Catechism has helped, not only my students in MOGCHS but also myself, by improving my own self, especially my weaknesses, through the experiences I had in my area work. It helped me to grow and become a better person and citizen of our country.

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